Cornell Alumni News Volume 61, Number 5 November 1, 1948 Price 25 Cents \

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Cornell Alumni News Volume 61, Number 5 November 1, 1948 Price 25 Cents \ Cornell Alumni News Volume 61, Number 5 November 1, 1948 Price 25 Cents \ "Radio Telescope" To Tune in on "Music of the Spheres" (seepage 129) ilia m $&&^Z:-Jfr: Gift for Father and Son When that young fellow comes home You'll find the 'right' shaver for your for the Holidays, proud as a peacock, son in Remington's complete line—all you'll probably have to prove you're equipped with the famous Blue Streak not as old fashioned as he thinks! twin shaving hςads, each with 40 One sure way of reminding him that double-edged Diamond-Honed cutting you're wise in his modern ways, is to blades. Ask your dealer to let you try give him a Remington Electric Shaver the new Contour 6—you'll be convinced for Christmas. He'll be delighted with that here is the shaver you yourself its smooth, gentle shaving action and wanted all these years. No increase in with the time he saves getting a neat, prices: $17.50 to $23.50. close shave free of cuts. It's a shaver Remington Rand Inc., Electric Shaver Divi- he'll carry back to school and show to sion, Bridgeport, Conn.—Shaver Branches in his friends with pride. 106 Cities —See telephone directory. % 1^ . ^S - 60 « faϋ *§ rί « Z "^ 1 ^3 ^~. £ CΩ '§ l! i ^ - Λ\ ^ x^^-ί-T^^x r HH * r** ςj^ *** δ /3fw iiιβ§\ ^ "tf} W ^ M ^ C /§W^N&m fe Cΰ ^ ^ 1 |.4 S i foΓί^^^^t^HiTla mμU μ3J S^2 ^K 2S>ί ^^f^^ ! ^ S ! , i-y Q x ^ ^g -^ ^5 1 ' ^ ^ j #-, ^ w ^^^ r " "5 - "β it V* \ ^nl r ^ ^.^^^ ! ^ **»4 ^ ^ ' ^ ί S i ^^ f ^ * » c *2^ ^k ^^ >Λ. .'^§ CΛWo ^^ ^ 0 ^11": z^ FΓr. S ^& 5^2 On ^ ^ L:T > -| I PQ^ fa ?> CO *»* ^«V^5 ^^ | ™___™ϋ Volume 51, Number 5 November 1, 1948 Price, 25 Cents CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Entered as second-class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Issued twice a month while the University is in session; monthly in January, February, July, and September; not published in August. Subscription price $4 a year. that you cannot follow, in your own University Celebrates way . the pursuit of the newer and better that, after all, is the essence of Its Eightieth Anniversary the 'Cornell idea'." Cushman Relates Pioneering IGHTY YEARS to the day and gress they have taken so great a part." E hour after ceremonies in Library Recalling that "Cornell came into Professor Robert E. Cushman, Gov- Hall in downtown Ithaca which of- being on the floor of the New York ernment, opened his address on "Cor- ficially opened Cornell University, State Senate," Breitel described the nell University: A Pioneer American October 7, 1868, a University convo- meeting there of Senators Cornell and Institution of Higher Learning," by cation brought some 300 members of White and the "Cornell idea" that re- voicing doubt that many Cornell stu- the Faculty and other officials, stu- sulted. He traced the University's dents or alumni know much about the dents, and visiting alumni to the beau- growth, stressing the State's part in opening of Cornell, "or have any real tiful moot court room of Myron Tay- that growth, from the time of early appreciation of its significance." This lor Hall to observe Cornell's eightieth hostility and suspicion that the new is regrettable, he said, but, neither anniversary. It marked the opening educational enterprise engendered. "unique or discreditable."EzraCornell of a three-day celebration which also With this background, he said, "the and Andrew D. White, he remarked, included dedication of the $2,000,000 relation between the State and the "merely share the common lot of Laboratory of Nuclear Studies and University is neither a casual . .nor a pioneers, men who do first, usually meetings of the Greater Cornell Com- temporary one.". He compared the against terrific odds, and sometimes a mittee to launch a compaign for $12, recently-conceived "State University bit crudely, the things which those 500,000 to meet the most urgent needs system idea of 1948" to the "Cornell who come after them build upon, im- for University development. idea o.f 1868" and assured Cornellians prove, and finally come to regard as that their University will not suffer commonplace." He described Cornell Recalls Opening from the establishment of the State University today as "a real monu- The anniversary exercises opened University system. ment to its Founders" and reminded at 10:13, October 7, with an invoca- In closing, he urged Cornell Univer- his audience that Cornell began as a tion by Dr. John R. Mott '88, honor- sity to "never think of yourselves as "pathbreaking enterprise in the field ary chairman of the World Council of so private that you a*e' separate from of higher education . not just Churches and World Alliance, YMCA, the State government. Never think another university." and winner of the 1946 Nobel Peace of yourselves as so tied to government Necessary to understand the real Prize. President Edmund E. Day read passages from the Autobiography of the first President, Andrew D. White, describing the doubtful and incom- plete state of the University at its de- dication, and recalled that the open- ing eighty years ago was relatively re- cent. "In some ways it is almost incred- ible," the President said, "that from those so weak beginnings, at so recent a date, there should come so great a University as has risen on this Cam- pus." He spoke of the bond that.has always existed between Cornell and the State of New York, described the University as being, from the beginnig to the present day, half a private and half a public institution. The Pre- sident introduced Charles D. Breitel, counsel to Governor Thomas E. Dewey and the Governer's personal representative at the anniversary cele- bration. Speaking on "Cornell University and Higher Education in the State of New York," Breitel extended the feli- citations of Governor Dewey and SPEAKERS AT EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY CONVOCATION those of the State and, by inference, Pictured in the Myron Taylor Hall moot court room are Robert E. Cushman, Goldwin the people of New York to "the Uni- Smith Professor of Government; Charles D. Breitel, counsel to Governor Thomas E. versity in whose founding and pro- Dewey; President Edmund E. Day; and Dr. John R. Mott '88. Photo Science—Goldberg meaning of the Cornell of 1868 is leadership toward a new and broader These and other ways in which Cor- knowledge of the amazing personali- conception of college education was nell University broke new educational ties of its Founders, Professor Gush- first reviled and scorned, but later fol- paths, the speaker said, were no "mere man told his listeners. Andrew D. lowed by other American universities. educational stunts," but parts of a de- White, a man of "vivid charm, clear Among the innovations insisted up- sign that came from "the conviction vision, and driving energy . who at on by the Founders were freedom from that American college . education thirty-six took over the job of organi- control by any religious creed, a tenet needed a new charter of freedom." Just zing the new University . [which had which earned for the new University how real and welcome that freedom been] with difficulty extracted from a the epithet, "Godless"; equality of was Professor Cushman described in reluctant State Legislature/' was not studies, which destroyed the educa- his own first impressions of Cornell. the "benign, venerable man" remem- tional monopoly long enjoyed by the Coming here in 1923, after eight years bered by alumni. Ezra Cornell he classics; courses in American history, in two large Mid-western State uni- characterized as far more dynamic an idea that had not yet occurred to versities that had "a great many deans, than the "solemn, bewhiskered" pat- any other university; and co-educa- a great many rules, a great many of riarch whose bronze effigy now watches tion. The last item was not specifically the trimmings of educational bureau- over the Quadrangle. He was a "tough- provided for in the Charter because cracies,"he discovered that the College minded idealist; bankrupt at forty- Cornell and White "thought it best of Arts and Sciences "was getting seven, a millionaire at fifty-seven, he not to disturb the New York Legisla- along, apparently quite happily, with- hid behind a somewhat dour person- ture" by mentioning that highly-con- out any dean." He was especially im- ality the essential instincts of a gam- troversial subject, but the two men did pressed by the large amount of free- bler ... he placed a value upon edu- make sure that nothing prohibiting dom and responsiblity that each pro- cation that only the man who has not the admission of women got into the fessor had with respect to his own had much of it sometimes does ... he document and in 1869 "when a young courses "and I was to learn as time had profound confidence in White, liked lady won one of the State Scholarships went on how firmly convinced every- the new plan, and was willing to take she was promptly admitted." Cush- body around the place was that Fa- a flier." Professor Cushman pointed man cited also President White's pro- culty members should be allowed to out that "the opening of Cornell Uni- gram of non-resident lecturers which mind their own business, and how very versity was a revolutionary event" augmented the Faculty, each for a substantial and important was the and that the apparent similarity be- term or more, with such great names business which they were supposed to tween the University today and a host as Louis Agassiz, George W.
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