1 , Creation, And Existence

A Guide To The Grand Adventure

by Jed Shlackman

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 2


Introduction & Acknowledgments 3

Part I 5

Chapter 1 - Conceptualizing Creation 5 Chapter 2 - Hidden History & Secret Knowledge 8 Chapter 3 - Perspectives Of Spirit 12 Chapter 4 - The Power Of Beliefs 17 Chapter 5 - The Paradox Of Perspective 22 Chapter 6 - It's All Good vs. It's All God 25 Chapter 7 - Synchronicity & Virtual Reality 28 Chapter 8 - Exploring Polarities 31 Chapter 9 - The Process Of Creation 38 Chapter 10 - Faith vs. Fear 44 Chapter 11 - Creation & Self-Realization 47 Chapter 12 - No Separation Among Selves 50 Chapter 13 - Attraction & Intention, It's Electric 52 Chapter 14 - Vibration, Resonance, & Entrainment 57 Chapter 15 - Examples Of Vibrational Attraction 62 Chapter 16 - What You Resist Persists & The Art Of Acceptance; Creating A Stance Of Neutrality 65 Chapter 17 - Why Humans Applying These Principles Don't Become Immortal Supermen 68

Part II 72

Appendix A. Glossary 140

Appendix B. Formula For Setting Intentions & Attracting What You Intend 145

Appendix C. Suggested Reading & References 147

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 3

Introduction and Acknowledgments

It is with much appreciation that I present this book to those with the curiosity and commitment to reading what I have chosen to express. I don't claim that my ideas are original or that this book is the ultimate truth about anything. The personal experiences I share are my best attempt to accurately describe what I have experienced and perceived, and in some instances I have changed the names of individuals in order to protect their privacy and confidentiality. Like everyone else, I am a "work in progress." I hope that this book can assist others with their own inner work and whatever else it may be applied to in life. Creating this book has been an interesting part of my journey. It is designed to share metaphysical concepts in a clear manner and to provide some examples of how metaphysical principles can be observed in life. It is simultaneously philosophical and practical, abstract and concrete, and contains both personal and impersonal subject matter. Read this book with an open heart and mind, prepared to examine what you read in light of your own experiences and learning process.

This set of books has been inspired or influenced to a significant extent by the channeled material of the Handbook for the New Paradigm trilogy published by George Green and the materials published by Val Valerian in the Matrix V books containing information and commentary from Val's associate "The Author." These are writings that stand out among the many books I've encountered that have challenged me to think outside the box. Some other writings that have been useful in my metaphysical explorations include books by well-known authors and writings of online publishers, including individuals such as , Gary Zukav, , , Deepak

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Chopra, (Seth), Barbara Marciniak, Don Miguel Ruiz, Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, David Wilcock (The of ?), Gary Schwartz, Gerard O'Donnell, , Lynne McTaggart, Erwin Laszlo, Amit Goswami, Jean Claude Koven, Jerry and (Abraham), Ron and Denny Reynolds, and countless others who I won't make an effort to list here.

I would also like to thank Piersun, who's work as a medium for intuitive assistance helped lead me to this effort. I offer my gratitude to Isa, whose encouragement has come from her heart. I thank David & Jorge for connecting me with the tradition. I thank Magda, whose encouragement and desire for my progress and "success" are appreciated. With this I share my thought that everyone is a success all the time at being themselves and connecting with the external circumstances suited to fostering their spiritual development. I wish to thank Damaris, a gifted intuitive/healer for helping me connect with and reaffirm the wisdom of my own inner guidance and awareness as I prepared to publish this book and helping host a course with April, whose intuitive skills are a wonderful expression of the Creator and the potential that lies within all of us. I offer appreciation to Rafael & Debbie for sharing freely about their experiences and the hidden history they are aware of. Everyone on this planet has a unique and valuable “story!”

I would like to thank my family of origin for their parts in this theater of life, and I acknowledge those clients, colleagues, friends, and family members who are mentioned in the book. I wish to express my appreciation for these persons and all others who have synchronistically interacted with me on my spiritual path. I also express my gratitude for all aspects of Higher Awareness that have contributed to the project. We are all little sparks of the Infinite, generated to play our roles in the eternal drama of existence.

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Each is a focused point of self-awareness within the entirety of creation. This is not an insignificant status. There is no such thing as being "just a human being"! - Handbook II - 27

Conceptualizing Creation

Those reading this book may be doing so for a variety of reasons. Your purpose in reading this book and your perspective and point of awareness as you come upon the book will shape what you "get" from your reading experience. This book is intended to share concepts, ideas, and experiences that may in some way assist the reader in the process of self-discovery and spiritual development. Of course, whatever you experience from your reading adventure will be appropriate to you. Even if you read the first 2 pages and decide that this book is pure drivel or bovine excrement, it's just the experience suited to you and your life at that moment.

Before beginning to outline the creative principles focused upon in this book, I will outline some basic ideas about the nature of reality and existence that form the basis of the philosophy underlying my writings at this time.

First, I postulate that the Source and Sum of all existence is what people may refer to as a Creator, God, or Supreme Being. This idea of an Infinite, all-encompassing Creative Essence has often been distorted through various belief systems that associate the idea of "God" with some limiting notion of a being that acts like a human parent. I intend to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 6 help readers expand their concept of a spiritual source and creative process to transcend such limiting religious notions. Since the Creator is the Source of All, then everything in existence is generated from the Creator's essence. Creator and Creation are actually the same thing - we just tend to define them from a dualistic perspective, trying to separate consciousness from it's process of self-exploration. There is nothing that isn't part of the Creator or the Creative process. At the most intrinsic level, God is spirit-consciousness, in a state of balanced pure potential at its core. This Source is inherently creative and imaginative and therefore generates vibratory fields of projected awareness within itself to realize all potentialities and experience them.

As humans, we have become attached to numerous ideas and belief-systems that guide our lives and our society, often erroneously thinking they come from a judge or ruler called "God" in the English language. Humans maintain ideas about "good" and "evil" that have nothing to do with understanding the Creative Source. These concepts, as well as the notion of "sin," have been used to provide control and structure for society. For many, evil is anything that is destructive to life and which causes pain and suffering. Yet, that's from a human-centered viewpoint. So most humans don't consider killing plants and animals evil, and don't even relate these types of beliefs to the normal patterns of nature where life forms consume one another within ecosystems that must maintain balance and stability. There is ultimately no good or evil, no right or wrong...we just adopt values and beliefs for our limited identities which include those subjective, dualistic notions. Those values and beliefs are useful to facilitate the types of experiences we have sought out in human form but they do not reflect the true nature of reality or existence. As creative beings we have constantly evolving beliefs and preferences... we use the feedback of our external world to help us recognize the

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 7 implications of these beliefs, preferences, and resulting intentions. If we manage to have an experience of expansive, transcendent states of consciousness then we can better relate to the realization that there is ultimately just Infinite Consciousness exploring and experiencing all the possibilities of existence that Consciousness can imagine.

If we begin to examine many of our beliefs we will start to recognize how illogical and inconsistent many of them really are. In Western culture there are many people who claim to be literal or "fundamentalist" believers in Biblical Christianity. Yet a true literal reading of the Bible contains so many contradictions that a person would become pretty psychologically disturbed trying to live according to the contradictory statements in that collection of writings. Since the Bible is such a significant influence on Western Civilization it became a catalyst for my own exploration of religions and , and I expect that many readers of this book will have some familiarity with the Bible even though they will not have an awareness of the many sources of the texts and stories compiled into Biblical canon or of the coded and metaphorical information embedded within Biblical narratives. Having been raised in a family environment that maintained agnostic and atheistic leanings I was exposed to religious ideas mainly through the surrounding culture of school, media, and peers. This led me to later explore Christianity while it also gave me a foundation for being in a position of non-conformity and divergence of philosophy with the surrounding society.

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That which assaults the comfort zone of the belief system can often times contain the elements for moving to the next level of evolvement and deserves consideration. - Handbook II - 27

Hidden History & Secret Knowledge

Beginning in the middle 1990s I became motivated to explore the origins of the Christian religion, particularly with readings about the Essenes, a mystical sect who many authors claimed to have been connected to an historical "Jesus" person upon whom the Christian religion is centered. The Essenes in Biblical times included a community at Qumran, along the Dead Sea in Israel. In the 1940s a library of scrolls that had been assembled by the ancient Essenes was unearthed, leading to new scholarship and controversy about the roots of Christianity. The information available about the Essenes indicated that there were multiple settlements of this sect with varying lifestyles. Some were highly monastic while others were more integrated into the surrounding culture. The Essenes seemed to have overlaps with , , Egyptian Mystery Schools, and other teachings and cultures of their era. They believed in reincarnation and practiced holistic healing, with being a practice promoted by the Essenes and required for initiation into their inner circle. I discovered there were modern day Essene communities in the USA and Africa, with the modern leader of the Essene movement being an American who had taken on a Gandhi-like lifestyle and adopted the name Abba Nazariah as he set up Essene communities in California and Oregon. There was a part of me that resonated with the Essenes, though this was just a stepping stone along my path of expanding awareness.

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Learning about the Essenes led me to explore many "" teachings, belief systems, and Eastern religious philosophies, as the Essenes were holders of ancient wisdom teachings and offered a window into the complex cultural, historical, and spiritual context within which Christianity had arisen and evolved. Information about the Essenes and related phenomena came from accounts shared by people engaged in past-life regression, channeling, and archaeological and historical research.

It became apparent to me that the Christian religion was not what it appeared to be, that the origins of the Bible included ancient Egyptian and Sumerian texts and traditions as well as Gnostic texts, pagan symbolism, and occult codes, with nothing at all unique or original about Christianity except perhaps the degree of influence it has had in it's dogmatic, politicized form as developed by the Roman Catholic Church and protestant offshoots. Over study of several years it became apparent to me that religious worship seemed connected to reverence for ancient extraterrestrial visitors and teachers as well as symbolic honoring of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon, planets, and constellations. Ancient shamanic understanding of natural forces and metaphysical principles seemed to be hidden within outer facades of symbolism combined with moral teachings, political or cultural propaganda, and idolization of royalty. Even in modern times we idolize "stars" from entertainment and politics and patronize companies whose logos incorporate names and symbolism from ancient mythologies. This theme has been analyzed at length by writers such as Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, and , all of whom associate this with the idea that behind the scenes powers guide civilization for self-serving agendas.

My research and explorations have shown me that potent information has been encoded in popular myths and symbols

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 10 for centuries and millennia, so that those initiated into the occult traditions could understand the hidden knowledge while the unaware masses would look at the medium holding the information without even knowing that such information was present. In recent years the idea that secret societies can pass along information in such a manner has been publicized to some extent by Dan Brown in The Da Vinci Code novel, which borrows from scholarship into occult history. The Da Vinci Code, though, focuses on suggesting an alternate version of history which recognizes a single Christ character and the relevance of royal bloodlines, rather than strongly promoting any deep spiritual or metaphysical awareness. The gnostic teachings of pursuing self- knowledge are only hinted at by the popularization of the Da Vinci Code.

Many people who have encountered the ideas in The Da Vinci Code have begun to question organized religion and conventional Christianity. This is like a doorway, or perhaps a rabbit hole, using an Alice in Wonderland metaphor, through which people may go much further in expanding their awareness. If there are books, artwork, and stories that are spread throughout a culture then it would be difficult to eliminate these. Therefore, those mediums can be used in preserving any encoded knowledge. The metaphysical ideas offered in this book you are now reading have been taught in various forms over the course of history, but usually only to people in a select caste of society. After all, those with knowledge of creative principles can more consciously influence their external experience, especially if most others around them don't know how to consciously work with creative principles. Of course, just knowing of the principles doesn't mean someone is spiritually mature enough to apply them in a balanced manner. You may consider that as a disclaimer of sorts presented for those who focus their intentions to shift their life experience and subsequently

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 11 become unhappy with the experienced results. Sir Francis Bacon, the English occultist who was involved in the publication of the King James Edition of The Bible and of the Shakespeare plays, is known for the quote "Knowledge is Power." In order for any persons to gain a monopoly or advantage over others in regard to power they would want to elevate their own knowledge while suppressing knowledge among others. Keep that in mind when considering how you've come to believe things that are incorporated into your own worldview.

I personally discourage people from becoming involved in secret societies and religious organizations, since the knowledge they have secreted is publicly available if you seek it out and is also embedded within Creation itself and our own deepest awareness. Joining those organizations usually involves giving away some of your power and freedom to them. Many secret societies have an outer veneer of promoting spiritual knowledge and humanitarian efforts, while their hidden purpose is to build loyalty among initiates who can later be brought in to higher degrees where dark agendas are pursued. If you study major tyrannical regimes and historical genocides you will often see that certain secret societies fostered these acts of oppression and aggression based upon their attitude of the ends justify the means. When you join a group that enforces loyalty and secrecy oaths you then become trapped in the system and separated from your original life and individual goals and values. You can't be sure what the inner workings of the group are when you join so why take an unnecessary risk? For spiritual support it is better to build an informal spiritual community that values the freedom of its participants.

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At the center of your experience is the awareness that you are, that you exist. This awareness is separate and apart from your body and your brain. - Handbook II - 10

Perspectives Of Spirit

Meanwhile, returning to my own experience of exploration which brought me to the ideas in this book, I explored numerous metaphysical writings and channeled sources, even attending regular group sessions with a medium in Hollywood, Florida, which I continued with for about 2 years, including the sessions he channeled over a private Internet multimedia chatroom. A variety of entities spoke through the medium, some claiming to be beings such as Merlin, St. Germain, Miriam, mother of Yeshua (Jesus), eastern yogis, Sun Bear and a Native American chief, Usui, the originator of the Reiki healing system that I had previously learned, Milton Erickson, a renowned hypnotherapist, and even some "angelic" beings, nature spirits, and ETs. There were a variety of topics discussed by these personas and various teachings of exercises and techniques to aid in spiritual development and enhancing psychic abilities. Yet, there were things about the group and the channeling phenomenon that I became dissatisfied with, one being that I was convinced that spirits were often just playing the part of a character familiar to the audience, and were not necessarily as enlightened as the group members believed. They could read one's and give useful advice or healing assistance at times but were not faultless sources of guidance.

I felt that I needed to trust in myself more and not live by the whims of these spirits, who seemed to have difficulty

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 13 maintaining reliability with temporal schedules and sometimes shared supposed facts related to 3rd density reality on Earth that just didn't match with what could be documented or what actually transpired. Sometimes purported ET entities spoke through the medium and the other spirits that came through expressed disagreement with some philosophies of the ETs. The channeling raised as many questions as it answered. Over time, I have concluded that there is a wide variety of awareness and intentions present among spirit plane entities just as there is among spirits immersed in physical bodies for an incarnation. Just because a medium is benevolent doesn't mean that they can't channel misleading spirits - just as benevolent human personalities are often used to mislead others by clever human con-artists. So, this has been my experience, and is one of many experiences and influences that have contributed in leading me to this writing project. I don't accept channeled input as gospel, though I do find that there are some very illuminating ideas presented from spirit plane beings whose view of reality is not restricted by physical sensory filters.

Experience is by nature subjective. Furthermore, there is at a certain level no separation between the experiencer and the reality being experienced. In scientific research it has been recognized that an observer or experimenter potentially influences the experiment being conducted. This influence may have nothing to do with any action of the researcher, but rather is likely to be an effect of the thoughts and intentions maintained by the persons involved. This phenomenon appears only in a limited way because we only observe things at the surface of reality. From a deeper level of awareness it can be recognized that consciousness underlies all observed reality and is always creating and shaping reality through the process that you will see outlined in this book. The observer and that which is observed are

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 14 roles generated within the Source for experience to occur.

There is a level of being that is beyond the observer, a level of unified consciousness where there is nothing to produce separation and no observer or reality to be experienced. At that level there is only One Self which hasn't realized Itself as Self because it hasn't experienced any other or any experience of reality external to self. It is in that state a "No- One" for it hasn't explored its existence yet. It must traverse and experience the infinity within itself to transform its state of awareness from No-One to Know-One.

But...those experiential layers of reality do exist, so the experiences they generate allow that Source Self to become fully realized in its Self-hood. The void of potentiality projects its awareness into all those image-inary potentials to realize itself as the All, the One and None (One from None). For it carries the endless cycle from the Self with no experience of creation to the Self with awareness of all creation. So Zero explores Infinity to Know itself as One. Meditate upon that apparent paradox for awhile! Meanwhile, our technology mirrors this as computers use a binary code of 0's and 1's to process information. Everything lies within the Matrix of the Source exploring all aspects of Creation and Existence, ranging from the void of nothingness (zero) to all possibilities within itself (infinity) to all integrated into the Source (one). The late physicist David Bohm referred to an "implicate order" where all potentials exist in a unified field and nothing is separate from anything else since all arise from the implicate order. Modern chaos theory proposes that everything is interconnected, and one small change in a system can have a ripple effect throughout perceived reality, leading to unforeseen consequences. Physics is merely recovering or reviving ideas held for millennia by mystics and shamans about the nature of reality.

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If you logically consider the nature of vibrational reality you will recognize that there is no meaningful reality without an observer giving patterns of vibration a meaning within the information processing system of the observer. Think of all the different frequencies used by modern technologies.... cell phone, microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, wireless networks, radio and television broadcast frequencies, radar, etc. How many of those signals would have any meaning to you without a technological device to receive and translate them into something for you to observe with your sensory inputs? The vast majority of vibrational frequencies are meaningless to your human forms of ... they exist but they don't fit into the reality that's generated through human filtering mechanisms. Therefore, there is always just ONE field of an infinite expanse of vibratory patterns, and the meaning (and thus the "reality" of) those patterns is always RELATIVE to the perspective and filtering and interpretation processes of any point of awareness within the ONE field observing the other frequencies within its range of awareness. This is the reason why many mystics proclaim that reality is an illusion. Since the reality in any individual's mind is just based upon the meaning that individual gives to a limited range of vibrational information within the ONE totality, no one ever perceives the nature of the Creation independent of their own relative viewpoint.

The study of typically involves learning to understand the meaningful and coherent system by which vibrational energies are created and transformed and by which consciousness assigns meaning to these vibrations. The way in which meaning is assigned to vibrational energy patterns is not random, so even though there are variations in perspective there are also commonalities that allow different points of awareness to "play together" and communicate with one another. Readers of this book look at

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 16 the words and see the same letters and generally interpret the words the same way since they've learned the English language. Thus, they have a common way of filtering this data, just as people who read French or Russian or Japanese can filter books written in the languages they have learned. On a species-wide level, nearly all people see color in pretty much the same way and sense foods being sweet, sour, salty, and bitter in common ways. If our interpretation of vibrational input was completely random we couldn't have a context in which to communicate and learn.

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Unfortunately, the new cannot super-impose itself over the top of the present firmly held belief systems. - Handbook II - 43

The Power Of Beliefs

Our own beliefs and ability to transcend our ordinary human mode of perception influence to what extent we can actually create seemingly miraculous phenomena in the physical world. If we believe in the illusion of materialism and separation then we generate patterns of consciousness and energy (intentions and attraction) that affirm those beliefs in our external experience. The entity referring to itself as "Seth," channeled by Jane Roberts and quoted in her popular books, reported that beliefs are primary in generating imagination and feelings, which direct the energies which bring to form the reality that an individual or group experiences. Thus, if you desire for your experience to change, you would be encouraged to examine and transform your beliefs. Those who say "I'll believe it when I see it" are least likely to ever see it! At minimum, it is advisable to keep one's mind open to possibilities. If you have little experience or information from which to base a belief then why believe anything? Beliefs are inherently limiting and are best held tentatively until you get to a state approximating knowing. Whatever you may believe about anything comes from a limited perspective.

Our beliefs create limiting parameters for our intentions. One major limiting belief is the belief in "good" and "bad." Once you believe anything is good or bad then you will form intentions to pursue the "good" and avoid the "bad," thereby giving these external phenomena power over you.

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Remember, what you resist persists! Suppose, for the purpose of exploring this process, that you identify with a belief that "smoking is bad" or a belief that "adultery is sin." These are common beliefs that don't really seem troublesome upon the surface of things. Yet we attach to all kinds of beliefs that hinder our spiritual potential and limit our ability to co-create our life, and I encourage you to look at all your beliefs, even ones that seem appropriate and benign.

Ask yourself, "how is smoking bad, why do I have that belief?" You will probably bring to mind that humans have discovered that their bodies often display some form of deterioration in response to exposure to cigarette smoke. You may also consider that smokers usually experience a pleasing sensation when they smoke and an unpleasant sensation if they fail to satisfy the craving for that sensation (they don't really crave the smoking but they crave the sensation that is associated with the smoking - think of behavioral conditioning where Pavlov got his hungry dogs to salivate to a bell associated with food; unless you've had a pleasant experience or sensation when you smoked you'll never crave cigarettes). This is considered to be a dependency or addiction, which we tend to perceive as "bad" even though anyone who has an addiction or dependency ultimately evolves from the experience.

So the existing program for human body function doesn't appear to be adapted to handle cigarette smoke and smokers tend to have a dependency on cigarettes to maintain a desirable mental or emotional state. Can you consider this in a neutral manner? Let go of any value judgment and just recognize what exists. Notice that many people form smoking habits associated with various psychological patterns, with some recognizing the physical hazard and psychological dependency and choosing to change their pattern and quit smoking. If there were no

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 19 cigarettes or smoking could these people have that experience of overcoming a limiting habit? So was the smoking good? bad? both? or neither? How about all of the above, depending upon the aspect or level of Self from which the judgment or observation is made. What you see depends upon your point of view - and since you exist and have a point of view then your perspective is useful and valid in helping your awareness evolve through the feedback of experience. There can be no gaining of knowledge without ignorance. Yet, people label ignorance as bad and knowledge as good since they are judging from their limited viewpoint rather than from the recognition of the wholeness of Creation. Good and bad represent judgments, while an expanded perspective is needed to consider that limited perspectives offer polarized judgments that represent no ultimate truth.

Similarly, in the example of "adultery is sin," sin can be recognized as existing only in the beliefs of a being who has identified with certain values. Adultery is an experience that all involved may learn from as they grow to have more balanced intentions. So, if the experience labeled "adultery" has occurred, then any judgment-based beliefs about this generate limiting intentions. If you feel you are a victim of adultery then you may harbor an intention to punish the perceived perpetrator. You may also generate self-esteem issues from this if you have beliefs about the perpetrator's actions being in any way a reflection of your own worth or desirability. If you are the one who has engaged in the behavior defined as adultery then you may have feelings of guilt and intentions for self-punishment if you have the belief that "adultery is sin." If you are the adulterer and believe that whatever you do should be for your own pleasure regardless of how it may affect others then your intentions would be limited to considering only your illusory self rather than considering the desires of yourself and others.

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Imbalanced intentions generate imbalanced circumstances. Not that imbalance is "bad!"

Think about beliefs people have about relationships. Some people believe that it's "normal" or ideal to have a lifelong marriage. Others believe that marriage is restrictive and encumbering. Ultimately, we can set intentions to have whatever types of relationships we feel suit us! None are wrong or right, bad or good, other than in our own limiting belief-systems. So for those who choose to work on maintaining a lifelong partnership that is the experience they are choosing by intent - an intent that is shaped by whatever beliefs and values those involved have identified with. The relationship will likely work well if these people have and maintain compatible intentions. Of course, we see in society that many people start out in a marital relationship with a declared intention that dissipates or gets canceled out by other intentions. Life is always in transformation, so it can't be expected that everyone will have the same patterns of relationships. There is no right or wrong about this - just varying patterns as individual and collective intentions evolve.

With any lifestyle people prefer there may be others who disapprove of that lifestyle. The reasons for such disapproval result from the persons presenting their judgment having differing beliefs and values from the ones underlying the lifestyles they judge. While we can consider the implications of patterns of living we can't realistically expect to impose our own values and ideals on others. We may know that some activities are disruptive to physical, emotional, or societal well-being, but there are other persons who need to have those experiences to help them learn about life and clarify their own intentions. We can certainly assert our own rights to exercise our values and beliefs, but we are unwise if we fail to recognize that uniformity stifles

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 21 creativity and transformative growth. Creation needs all the diverse expressions of consciousness to be manifest. As above, so below, as within so without, is the perennial principle re-iterated in the Bible and other texts. Whatever we see in the external, perceived world, is a reflection of a pattern of consciousness in the internal, unseen realm of being. We can choose to resist what exists or we can choose to observe and learn from that which we perceive reflected in our environment. Resistance fosters separation and restriction of the flow of energy while accepting the opportunity to expand our perspective and learn more about Self allows one to be more open to this flow of energy and to become more integrated and empowered.

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It is difficult to comprehend that each life experience contributes to the composite that differentiates itself so that it can then gather those scattered experiences back into itself in a meaningful way. It can only be interpreted through intelligent beings observing their experiences and drawing conclusions, which is another way of saying experiencing knowledge acquired into the wisdom of understanding. - Handbook III - 25

The Paradox Of Perspective

Any particular reality can be experienced and observed from countless different perspectives. Each of those perspectives represent points of awareness with their own experiential context. Each perspective and experience is useful and meaningful and all co-exist synchronistically within the One Source to generate the fulfillment of existence. These different perspectives are all appropriate within themselves to facilitate the experiences needed by consciousness. Some are more primitive and imbalanced than others, yet that is a valid and purposeful part of the expression of Infinite Self imagining its own . Is the human perspective more expansive than the perspective of a cockroach or a patch of mold? The roach and the mold would not be engaged in the philosophical dialogue necessary to ponder such a question, so I will take a brave guess and conclude that humans are more self aware (and more aware of Self with the capital "S") than the spiritual expressions operating through simpler biological vehicles. Yet, there is nothing "wrong" with the level of awareness of insects and fungi. That fungi might really seem like a "fun guy" if you were a natural decomposer living in the same environment.

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One individual's pleasure may be another's pain and suffering. At this physical level of reality, experience is largely guided by polarized programs operating in one's consciousness. This includes genetic and biological programs, such as those that generate fear when safety or security are threatened, hunger when the body needs nourishment, passion and arousal when the mating instinct is activated, and more. Soul memory and social and cultural beliefs are also filters for experience. Beliefs about life roles, justice, freedom, religion, gender, relationships, and other aspects of human existence are operating within our minds to shape our experience. By partaking of all these experiences and experiencing the results of these patterns of consciousness we evolve toward a greater understanding of creation and a greater ability to generate balance and harmony with our environment and within our selves. "Self" can not be fully understood and appreciated without an experience of "other" in relationships with self.

One thing we can recognize as we interact with others is that each individual has a unique personal memory record of that individual's experiences. That recorded history of experiences informs the perspective of that individual, from which it is logically concluded that no two individuals can share exactly the same perspective in life. Despite this obvious fact, we often mistakenly assume a shared context of experience or shared perspective when we interact with people. Likewise, people often experience unease with persons who have a starkly different perspective than themselves. It could be something like assuming others share one's political or religious beliefs or even something like assuming someone has been exposed to the same music, TV shows, films, foods, stores, or other aspects of one's cultural environment. This is a tendency that exists for convenience, just as we place things in our environment into

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 24 categories for convenience and develop prejudices as a type of convenience for our mind to make quick judgments when responding to the environments we encounter. It is possible to enhance our awareness of self and others by deliberately halting our assumptions and seeking to learn about the actual perspectives of those we interact with. To do so requires identifying more with our higher selves than with our animal instincts and human personas. Spirit is curious and desires to learn, while the animal organism and ego often seek to preserve themselves from real or imagined fears.

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God is not a focus of personality, individual thought processes, or a benevolent creator separate from you. God is the combination of the focus of all Its parts coalesced into the composite of all. - Handbook III - 2

It's All Good vs. It's All God

The imbalances perceived in the human realm of existence are inevitable projections of polarized consciousness experiencing external reflections of these patterns of consciousness in order to grow, learn, and evolve toward greater balance, integration, and wholeness. Therefore, as we become more aware we can become more appreciative and accepting of all that exists, recognizing that all the distortion and dysfunction in the world facilitates a learning process in which spirits can more fully understand and appreciate balance and harmony. In human lingo people sometimes say "It's all good." It would be most accurate to change that phrase to "It's all God," with an understanding of God as the sum and essence of all that exists. The word good has been used by humans to refer to that which they find positive or desirable, a concept which has been distorted to be associated with the concept of that which the Creator approves of. People want to be on "god's side" so they label what they value as "good" to indicate it is what they believe god would like. It is also believed by many that God has an enemy, some "dark force" that wishes to subvert the Creator. So people associate God with the light polarity and refer to a personification of the dark polarity as "the devil" or "satan." Yet, both polarities are part of the One Source...actually they are vibratory illusions generated within the One in order that experience may occur. Light represents our openness to the flow of source energy and

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 26 darkness represents resistance to that energy coming from the Oneness. Freedom is the underlying principle that allows any focus of consciousness to choose how it uses and responds to energy. Freedom allows for experience, learning, and evolution. Since people have created the conceptual polarities of good and bad, "bad" is a part of God's Creation as well, since God is all there is. It's just our subjective viewpoint that something is bad. If it exists then it has a value and purpose. That value could be an opportunity to help one recognize the implications of thoughts or actions, to help develop more balanced intentions, or a variety of possible learning opportunities.

Observation of human experience can quickly illustrate how "dark" and "light" need one another to provide a medium for experience and greater understanding of and appreciation of Self. When seemingly "tragic" events occur (usually involving "death," which seems cruel and unfair to those attached to the illusory physical identity) people are often motivated to change their focus in life. This often leads to altruistic ventures or efforts to create some change or progress in society. During wars many people get to aid wounded persons and care for those affected by loss and separation. Meanwhile, people who desire a more harmonious world get to voice their desire for peace. In Florida, where I currently reside, a man whose child was kidnapped and murdered went on to become an advocate for enlisting cooperation between media, law enforcement, and citizens, in capturing persons suspected of carrying out serious crimes. The TV show America's Most Wanted arose from John Walsh's experience of losing his son Adam. Similarly, people who have been affected by drunk drivers, environmental pollution, and sexual violence are examples of those who have become publicly involved in educating the public to help others avoid encountering the trauma and injuries that they and their loved ones have gone through.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 27

One metaphor for this is that without darkness there is nowhere for light to shine. The darkness exists so long as the related experiences are needed by those expressions of consciousness that have intended to participate in exploring such potentials of existence. All involved in these types of issues and circumstances have at some higher level chosen to co-create the drama...otherwise, the drama could not exist! So all is One and you can appreciate even those who seem vile and totally contrary to your values, for they have conspired with you as sparks of the Infinite to create that which you are experiencing.

All existence is ultimately synchronistic, and this is related to the principles that will be outlined about how the process of Creation occurs. Think of creation as a feedback system and information processing system. Any change in input and information within the system will generate a shift in the system. In a system where separation is actually an illusion and all is One, then the process of movement and change within the system has to be synchronistic. If time is ultimately an illusion (as many physicists have recognized and consciousness research corroborates), then linear cause - effect associations must also be illusory. This is difficult for science that only examines the surface of reality to accept. Time and space exist on the surface of vibrational existence and are observed from within the level of illusion where they appear to exist. From within that context it can't be directly demonstrated that time and space are just illusions generated to provide a medium for certain types of experience. If your radio is only designed to tune in to FM frequencies then you have no way of knowing or demonstrating that AM stations exist. Science is often trapped in a similar dilemma, in that it operates within a reality that is an illusory creation of deeper layers of reality that are psycho-energetic (consciousness and energy) and can't be measured by material devices.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 28


The concept of time is in reality a no thing. It is an invention of the mind or ego recorder so that the events of experience can be perceived, analyzed and recorded. - Handbook II - 40

Synchronicity & Virtual Reality

Synchronicity is a concept that is difficult for many to comprehend. In Western society it became popularized by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a student of metaphysical topics whose ideas became widely explored in the midst of the "" era and rise of the "new age" movement. Even a platinum selling rock music album promoted this term, as the album Synchronicity by The Police brought Sting and his 2 band mates international success. The idea of synchronicity posits that there are truly no coincidences. Nothing is actually random and everything is meaningful. In an article about synchronicity posted on his web site (www.trufax.org), Val Valerian shares the following quote about synchronicity (source unknown):

Synchronicity is the conscious perception in a physiological time track of the simultaneous manifestation of the multi- dimensional universe. It is the conscious recognition that all events, objects, relationships, points of view, and interactions are ONE thing viewed from different perspectives

Virtual Reality of Existence

Imagine playing a computer game where something pleasant and rewarding happens with everything you do, no

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 29 matter what. That game would get pretty dull and tiresome quickly because it would have no challenge and no learning system involved. Meanwhile, a game with all kinds of hazards and challenges is engrossing and helps the game player refine skills needed to achieve progress in the game. We, as aspects of Source, are in a game at a certain level of existence. A higher intention generated the game and patterns of spirit were drawn to participate due to their intentions for experience and growth and desire to understand and experience the essence of and union with the Ultimate Source. Just as in the virtual world of a computer game, an entity controlling a character or characters in the game exists beyond the game and can't be truly harmed or destroyed by anything that happens in the game. Similarly, the game and all the potential experiences existing within its matrix or field of probabilities can be played over and over until there is nothing left to master. Additionally, the entire game and all experiences involved are "stored" in universal memory. In this context, memory does not refer merely to recollections of an apparent past, but rather includes all patterns of experienced reality.

There is a paradoxical quality to this matter, as the Creative process is interactive, non-local, and non-linear. While immersed in the game everything seems linear and sequential. Yet, the Source awareness is aware of the full spectrum of experiences in the past, present, and future of the temporal game player. For the player immersed in the game, the future doesn't exist and varies according to choices made within the game. Yet, from a higher perspective the future already exists because it is merely part of the intrinsic matrix of potentials that becomes real- ized when interacted with. It is imaginary from the perspective of the awareness that is detached from experience while it is made real by the awareness immersed in experience. In altered states of consciousness an

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 30 individual may interact with information and energies from either the past or the future because at the deeper level of reality all awareness is simultaneous and non-separated. When someone gets a precognitive psychic impression, they are tuning in to vibrational information concerning experiential potential that is in close vibrational proximity to the point from which the individual is present in this reality. The thoughts, choices, and energies generated by the individual and others will shape whether or not the prophetic details will actually be experienced within the linear reality of the individual. Without an experiential layer of reality all that could exist would be imagination. It is the realm of experience that actualizes reality, as I can best explain this concept with the English language. By using one's consciousness to bridge these levels of creation it is possible to facilitate tremendous transformative effects, including dramatic healings and life shifts.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 31


Underlying all of creation, including the universal laws, is pure potentiality. As a focused self-aware component of the whole, the potentiality of that whole belongs to each and every component. - Handbook II - 27

Exploring Polarities

Everything in existence needs to be experienced, so there is no "evil" which needs to be rooted out and obliterated. However, there are energetic polarities involved in the process of creation and existence. These may be meaningfully referred to as "dark" and "light," both being outgrowths of the balanced energy at the Creative Source. Light is energy that radiates out and Dark is what absorbs or draws energy from others without giving back to preserve an equilibrium. Visualize a light and shadow. The light radiates, while the shadow appears when something exists that absorbs or blocks the light. We only see form in the physical world when light is reflected or interfered with in some way. If there is utter darkness we can't see and if there is blinding, unrestricted light we can't see either.

Balance is able to both give and receive light (energy) in a manner that promotes harmony and equilibrium both within the self and between the self and the external environment. It's important to learn to have a balanced flow of giving and receiving in our lives. Some people excessively take from others without giving back to those around them, while other people give excessively and fail to open themselves to receiving. We are all valued expressions of the creator and we benefit from learning to value and respect both ourselves and those we interact with. When we love and value ourselves we receive energy and abundance from Creation

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 32 to share with others.

If the core of Creative Source became only "Light" rather than Balance, then there would be no contrast in which experience could occur. When an aspect of creation moves toward the extreme of the light polarity it can be drawn into chaos and entropy by the insatiable greed of the dark polarity (and even that imagery can't really communicate what such a situation would be like). If the creative source were unable to generate polarities in the first place (which would be inconsistent with the concept of balance as containing all polarities within itself), then it would exist in a state of undifferentiated unity without ever having an opportunity to realize Self through experience. The Taoist yin-yang symbol depicts the separation of polarities within a circle, with the circle equivalent to the Source or Whole of creation. The polarities are never completely devoid of their opposite, and the movement of consciousness through creation involves the exploration of both polarities to fully realize balance. While there is no ultimate good and evil or right and wrong, there certainly are implications for every thought and action generated by one's consciousness. [

With this understanding, it is possible to practice discernment without passing judgment on self or others concerning what one thinks appropriate. For example, you can discern that someone engaging in substance abuse is living in an unhealthy and hazardous manner. With this discernment you may choose to not support the person's behavior and to protect yourself from being adversely affected by that person, yet you don't despise or resent that

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 33 individual's lifestyle as you recognize that the person may need to go through this until ready to grow and overcome the habit. Nothing is ultimately "bad," even murder, suicide, rape, torture, drug addiction, theft, treason, genocide, etc. These just are extremes of experience that offer lessons for everyone involved. Your essential self can't be destroyed and can handle anything - it was your own higher intention to participate in the experiences you have as a human. Your experiences allow you to refine your beliefs about self and your intentions for what you would like to create in your life and your experiential path. It's a spiral of experience that we all go through, going through various levels just as a developing child goes through levels of education that build upon one another. Every moment of your life and experience have contributed to your present state of awareness. Without the experiences you don't have the awareness. The very fact that you have learned from experiences in your life is evidence that you needed to have those experiences.

Many people who identify with being spiritually motivated and desiring to be "light workers" and sources of positivity in the world fail to learn things that involve understanding the workings of the dark polarity. There's the old saying "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" which exemplifies that vulnerability toward distortion of the light side. If you choose to ignore and suppress your awareness of what exists, then you are limiting your awareness and learning opportunities as well as giving power to the shadow. People may wish to only think of peace and love and light without having made an effort to understand darkness, but then they may end up fooled by the dark and inadvertently supporting someone or something with a dark vibration. Knowledge and information offer power. If you choose to be ignorant of the dark because it makes you uncomfortable and you want to escape into the light, you will at some point be made to face

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 34 the dark so that you will understand it. It would be more balanced to be able to look at the wholeness of life and be non-perturbed by the dark so that you can maintain love, peace, and light in any situation.

If people spend all their time meditating and praying and thinking positive thoughts while they're going out and buying products designed to poison them and voting for politicians who con them into giving away their income and freedoms, then these people have chosen ignorance - which is exactly what the dark side wants them to do. That's one of the reasons the dark side has manipulated religions to so effectively control and exploit people. Organized religions commonly feed into people's desire for light and love while covertly guiding people to be giving away their power. They may also use fear to control people, and a combination of the carrot and stick approach is often highly effective for that purpose. Fear the Lord..,. God loves you! Now isn't that a way to play with people's minds? We can each learn to be balanced, responsible creators, or we can allow ourselves to be manipulated, or even tempted to become manipulators ourselves. Only the balanced path gives full access to the expansive, loving energy of creation. The dark path requires you to take from others and enter competition with other pirates and energy vampires since you've cut off your openness to Source, while the polarized light path fools you into thinking that you can send love or ignore the activities of the dark and everything will become light and peace in the external world. Remember, for the purpose of your own individual spiritual development, the world is a meaningful illusion to help you learn, grow, and evolve - not something that really needs to be changed, even though as you grow and raise your consciousness that does help support others with their growth and contribution to the outer world's transformation.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 35

As consciousness radiates out from its source, it becomes increasingly attracted to polarization. The experience and re-integration of polarities could be described as a process of self-realization. The polarization drama generates many distortions and delusions of consciousness, which inevitably lead spirits to find ways of healing their misperceptions. Love, gratitude, appreciation, allowance, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, catharsis, and release are all examples of words that describe processes of consciousness that facilitate healing and reintegration of Self. Love is typically seen as vital to healing, as love is the "glue" of creation which connects and bonds all the many aspects of self to one another through the deep awareness of a common Source of unified awareness and consciousness. As we experience life as humans we often become attached to the illusion of the human persona. This fosters many feelings that create resistance to love, such as anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, and shame. These feelings help maintain the sense of self generated by the filters of the human incarnation. Healing these emotions can be facilitated by using love and other healing energies along with increasing identification with one's spiritual self and using this awareness to help release restrictive patterns in the many layers of consciousness along the continuum from the physical to the spiritual.

On a higher spiritual level, we have chosen to have experiences on Earth to explore various polarity energies and their implications. We can gain much from these experiences - and can assist our growth by learning to evaluate our experiences and lessons rather than judging them from a moralistic or punitive perspective. Judging oneself as "bad," "evil," or "sinful" merely polarizes one's consciousness around the experience, making it more difficult to change one's pattern toward balance and evolve beyond the lesson. Since our spiritual self is living many

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 36 lives and having all kinds of experiences - from very humble, altruistic personas to very vicious, greedy ones, we can learn to accept that we have done or experienced all kinds of things that we may find reprehensible from our current state of awareness - but also recognize that our current state of awareness is a product of all our experiences and lessons, a necessary evolutionary process in which everything is useful and nothing is bad or sinful. Bad and sinful merely are judgments applied within belief systems that we outgrow - after all, does the Infinite limit its awareness and range of experience by disowning any aspect of potential experiential existence? This is a point I reiterate and repeat because this repetition is useful in changing long-held beliefs. We have been exposed repeatedly to misleading ideas, so to help transform our beliefs we usually benefit from repeated exposure to ideas connecting us to a higher level of awareness.

Thus, as you proceed to read the concepts and ideas presented in this book you are encouraged to recognize that everything in creation is just as it needs to be... and as you increase self-awareness and begin to create and influence your experienced reality more consciously you will be doing just what is suited to your "role" in creation at the moment. Your thoughts and actions in the "now" contribute to a ripple effect or "butterfly effect" since at a deeper level of reality there is no separation. So enjoy yourself as a creative being - you can't go wrong! There is no "right" or "wrong" from the perspective of undifferentiated awareness, just varying patterns and paths of experience arising from the vibrations that have generated realms of experience as they explore all the potentials of self. Peace, love, joy, wisdom, freedom, and so many other qualities that we associate with the Source are only fully realized when our experience of them is challenged or limited. For example, Love, the feeling of connection and bonding, is fully understood and appreciated

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 37 when fear, anger, and separation have been experienced and overcome.

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The Universal Laws when properly invoked can bring about wondrous changes in situations that otherwise would remain stuck within their current motion and momentum. This remarkable process results in complete re-arrangement of energetic forces that are in motion. - Handbook III - 31

The Process Of Creation

I first came across a discussion of these principles in their integrated form during the year 1999 when I was reading portions of the materials later published as the Handbook for the New Paradigm trilogy. While reading the book that you presently have your attention focused upon, you will see a quote from the Handbook trilogy at the beginning of each chapter in italics. These concepts that I refer to as "the process of creation" immediately seemed both logically and intuitively significant to understanding life and the reality we experience while immersed in human form. Subsequently, I have encountered discussions of the same basic principles in other resources, including the book Ask And It Is Given, and it's sequels by Jerry & Esther Hicks. The Hicks share channeled teachings from a source that uses the name Abraham. Esther appears in the original version of the DVD film The Secret , which was released in 2006 while I was writing this book. That film is a stylishly crafted documentary about the 1st creative principle I discuss below, and it features many leading authors, ministers, philosophers, businesspersons, scientists, and metaphysicians. Esther Hicks chose to withdraw from the project based in part upon the context of how the Law of Attraction was being presented by others associated with the film and is not in the re-edited version that has been available as the film has become a major popular and media phenomenon. I have

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 39 found these resources valuable, although I do disagree with some statements in these teachings. I will also point out here that the Abraham teachings have thus far appeared to neglect the principle of Balance, which is a challenge for us to master as we proceed with understanding and mastering the principles of Attraction, Intention, and Allowance, which I outline below. I continue to observe my internal and external realities to explore how the processes are occurring and find myself with a deepening appreciation for the process of creation.

Vibrational Principle Of Attraction

Manifested reality is governed by the dynamics of four basic principles which function in an integrated manner to facilitate and maintain experiential reality. The idea that these are 4 distinct principles is actually somewhat paradoxical. There really is only One - 1 Creator and 1 Creative Process. When we observe and analyze this process from the level of reality we are experiencing as humans it can be separated into 4 principles for the purpose of communicating about the process. In our human experience we typically fail to recognize the all-encompassing existence of these principles because we only perceive things "on the surface" of vibrational reality. It's necessary that we experience this surface perspective, for the existence of a surface or leading edge layer of reality is the natural extension of those layers which appear to be "deeper" from the perspective of those residing their awareness on the surface! Our ability to consciously influence our experienced reality is shaped by the extent to which we recognize the presence of the vibratory principles and the extent to which we consciously choose to manage our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors based upon this awareness. Our range of influence at the human/physical level of reality is also limited by higher, more powerful levels of Consciousness/Self as the principles are

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 40 applied from those levels. The power of your conscious aspect of self is significantly overshadowed by those aspects of self referred to as subconscious or superconscious; however, these aspects of self are in regular communication with one another and your conscious mind can have its greatest impact by its intentions being received and absorbed by other aspects of self. The principles are always in effect and are guiding creation whether or not we are conscious of them.

The four principles are attraction, intention, allowance, and balance.

Balance is the state associated with the Creative Source and with the unification or integration of all vibratory expressions and extensions from that Source. Creation as a whole can never be out of balance and all expressions of consciousness are rooted in the balanced Source, which ultimately draws all units of consciousness into a re- discovery of balance.

Attraction is the principle which states that like attracts like - like vibrations are attracted to one another and what you send out is what comes to you. When our thoughts are out of balance we project vibrations that will attract to us just the types of imbalanced experiences that are occupying our thoughts. Since creation appears synchronistic rather than linear when viewed from a higher vibrational perspective, one could state that attraction is a mutual process in which all vibrations are constantly being drawn toward like vibrations. To say that you are attracting things into your life is a misnomer based on the distortion of perspective of the individualized self. However, I'm not presently aware of a more accurate and convenient phrase used to refer to instances of the principle of attraction at work, so you may even see the misnomer mentioned above in the course of

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 41 this book. When you do, recall this paragraph to help refine your understanding of what is meant. You are projecting vibration as are all other expressions of consciousness and creation. As you shift your vibrations you merely establish resonance with different vibrations that co-exist with yours. It's not that your vibration creates the world around you to match your intentions (though that does occur to a significant extent in dreams and non-physical realms), but rather a process of attraction among vibratory patterns and selves, all of which already exist within the spectrum of creation. As we project our vibrations we tune into external vibrational realities that provide us with the experiences that match our vibrational state. By choosing to exist within a physical environment we have inherently confined our range of experience for our physical incarnation, so it's useful to recognize that this attraction process is initiated from beyond our human personality's perspective.

Intention is the principle of how we form the thought patterns that create patterns of attraction which draw experiences into our lives. The stronger, clearer, and more persistent the intention, the faster and more certainly it will be attracted into your experience of reality. We have many intentions programmed or patterned into our consciousness, being expressed in our vibratory field of attraction. These include our conscious desires as well as subconscious intentions and instinctive intentions transmitted through genetics. To successfully use intentions to create a shift in your life you would be aided by "de-programming" yourself of conflicting intentions. What thought patterns from childhood and "past" lives are still influencing you? Does your intention contradict the programming of your body? Is your intention consistent with the desires of your Higher spiritual Self for your incarnation? The more in accord your intentions are the more likely you will rapidly and successfully manifest them. Having a simple formula to follow for formulating and

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 42 projecting your intentions is helpful, though you must recognize that intention is part of a 100% flawless system of creation - meaning that someone's conscious intentions won't be satisfied 100% of the time. Does this sound like a contradiction? This is offered to rouse your close attention to the matter. The composite of the continuum of intentions being energetically broadcast into Creation will always attract what is suited to those collective intentions. If there is an intention at a high level of creative consciousness for planet Earth to exist while one human entity intends otherwise, which intention will manifest? If you intend for an ant in your home to be killed while the ant intends to remain alive, which intent is most likely to be satisfied? I presume readers have drawn logical conclusions in response to these questions. So, it can be seen how intentions exist within many layers of overall intention and are best formulated within an understanding of the intentions superceding one's own level of creative expression. Those applying the creative principles within this understanding receive excellent results, while those who expect to move mountains that have no intention of budging may be quickly disappointed.

Allowance is the principle of letting go and allowing the creative forces to flow rather than succumbing to a desire to force or control things toward your intentions. If you don't let go and "allow" then you generate a vibration of doubt and resistance which can interfere with your conscious intentions. If you can't allow creation to unfold then how can creation allow your intentions to manifest? Remember that like attracts like! There could be no Creation without allowance, for Creation is an intention of the Creator, who allows the process to unfold and for the individuated aspects of consciousness experiencing this Creation to have free will. Were the Creative Source to intend for Creation to occur while not trusting that Creation would happen without

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 43 exerting control, then the unfolding of Creative vibration and expression would be stifled and subverted.

When we attempt to be controlling over others we are generating the vibration of a need to control, which will attract other controllers and dependents into our experience. Earth civilization is flooded with examples of control dynamics that repress creative potential and spiritual progress. Intimate partners excessively controlling one another, nations controlling one another, parents controlling children and preventing them from opportunities to learn independent skills and responsibility... the examples are multitudinous.

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Through the coordinated and integrated action of the first three Laws of the Universe, the 4th Law of Harmony and Balance will manifest into reality. - Handbook III - 2

Faith vs. Fear

Remember, the 4 principles are always working even when they are being applied from patterns of imbalance, so if one displays an intention to control rather than allow, that individual will continue to attract related experiences until learning to practice allowance on the path toward balance. If you have a vibration of trust and faith you attract that which supports your trust and faith, while a vibration of doubt will attract that which seemingly supports and confirms doubts. In life, some faith is indeed misplaced, and some doubts are certainly well-advised. However, lacking faith and trust in the process of Creation itself is logically self-defeating, since you are an expression of the Creator! The need for control is self-feeding and addictive. The more you have a vibration of needing to control in pursuit of your desires the more you will start to notice things that could conceivably interfere with your desires and the more energy you will focus on attempting to control these things, thereby drawing your energy away from your original intention. Now your intention to control is attracting all the things which foster the controlling urge, subverting the attraction of that which was desired initially. If the initial intention were held in focus and then allowed to be generated in external reality by the principle of attraction then the problems resonating with the control need vibration would not be invited. Thus, we see here how utterly vital it is to release fears and doubts in order to be open to effectively applying the creative principles in positive ways. Otherwise, the principles will

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 45 naturally attract experiences that feed our fears and doubts.

Fear is a very powerful creative force/vibration. Fear being alone and you attract abandonment. Fear airplanes and attract invitations to travel. Fear illness and attract infections. Fear speaking out and you will be called upon to express yourself. Often, people live their lives around the goals of protecting themselves from fears. Someone who fears being alone will go to great lengths to keep someone from abandoning them, even though these efforts could actually push a person to leave. People who fear air travel could arrange their lives to minimize travel or access alternate forms of transport. People who fear illnesses could minimize contact with other people and obsessively sanitize their homes, even though these measures can suppress development of normal immunity. Those who fear speaking out could stay quiet and subservient, often living in silent misery as a result. This shows the power of fear and its role in limiting our creative potential.

As I was writing this book, the power of fear was starkly brought to my awareness by a story told to me by a woman who interviewed me. This woman was a Jewish woman native to the British Isles who had spent a number of years teaching in Israel. She reported that a friend of hers had been very fearful of terrorist bombings while living in Israel and seemed to have a paranoia about this subject. Her friend had more recently moved to England because she couldn't stand being in Israel and constantly fearing that she would be a victim of terror. Then, in July of 2005 there was a set of terror bombings in the London, England subway system. Her friend was reported as one of those missing and lost in these bombings. While this story may seem tragic to many, perhaps this occurrence may allow the spirit to learn from an afterlife perspective that we can't run from our fears. We will continue to attract ourselves toward

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 46 experiences that will bring up our fears until we shift our consciousness and release the fear. Fears are generally based upon a distorted or imbalanced pattern of consciousness. Fear is generated by a part of Self that has forgotten its own essence. We have fears of the unknown even though the Self from which we arise knows All. We fear death even though our consciousness is eternal. We fear loss and abandonment even though we are always connected to God and must always let go of what we are attached to in order to move on to new experiences. This is not "good" or "bad," of course. Fear is an energy that is vital to the existence of this layer of reality; it helps make things the way they are and challenges each of us to transcend the limitations we have created for ourselves.

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In order to shed the victim consciousness the individual must be willing to turn their view of life from looking outside for the cause of situations and circumstances to looking inside for the causes that invoke what the Law of Attraction has brought into experience. - Handbook III - 34

Creation & Self-Realization

To review the first principle, like vibrations/like energies attract one another. In social contexts, this is expressed in the manner in which persons with similar interests congregate together. If you don't "resonate" with people then you will "gravitate" toward moving your presence elsewhere. Sometimes people notice that apparent "opposites" are involved in their lives. This is because one's vibrational pattern is often expressed through a dynamic with a complementary opposite. This includes victim-perpetrator, distancer-pursuer, teacher-student, and other relationships in which one's pattern exists in the context of a relationship with another pattern. Polarities are by definition not representative of balance. Polarities interact with one another and provide for experiences that help the polarized patterns transform toward balance. Thus, it is not that opposites attract, but that one's vibration attracts experiences associated with that vibration, and the experiences often require a seeming opposite to generate the attracted experience. The opposite which you see externally cannot offer you balance or completion. It can help you recognize your own pattern of imbalance and polarization, just as those around you who are very much like yourself provide reflections of aspects of yourself that you may learn from. Remember, self aware entities are merely different roles being played by

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 48 in the process of self-exploration and self-realization. As these selves interact with one another in experiential reality they are able to learn and grow toward the balanced state of the Original Self. The key for our understanding is that this is all a necessary and purposeful process of growth, not a moralistic game of good vs. bad. Nothing in your life or existence is "bad," from a larger perspective, as anything that may be unpleasant or regrettable from a human perspective is just an experience to provide feedback and foster growth for the Spirit/Consciousness that is immersed in the experience. This does not deny the qualities or consequences of actions and events in life. It's important to learn to discern what is balanced and harmonious in life and what is not, but the imbalanced experiences are vital to the learning process and not something to maintain a polarized judgment or attachment to.

The source and sum of all creation is balance. There are infinite frequencies of vibration generated from the "home" point of balance, as the source and sum of all existence is balance. Visualize an oscilloscope that depicts a frequency/wavelength and intensity/amplitude of vibration. There is a hypothetical center line where the scope rests when vibration stops. This line is the same for all frequencies and is mathematically the "zero point." Thus, physicists say creation arises from a "zero-point field" or vacuum. Consciousness, the Source of Existence, seeks to differentiate/separate itself and unify itself, generating the Creative process where the One Self polarizes its Awareness to create seemingly separate selves that can interact with each other and experience the process of bringing polarities into balance - the reciprocal of the process of generating polarities from balance. So the process of creation flows in both directions as the wave-vibrations pulse to and from the point of balance.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 49

The non-dualistic Source Consciousness innately seeks to Create, to Experience all the polarities and vibrational patterns that are contained in its Infinite Potential. If you had all this potential, would you just sit at a point of stillness and no-thing-ness for eternity without experiencing all the existential possibilities you contain?

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 50


The key to the application is in knowing that the intent must be in harmony with the flow of expansive creative energies that move and carry the manifestation of galaxies, solar systems, planets and individuals through to experience creation in the observation mode. It is necessary to understand that all that is considered reality first begins in the imagination, the mind of the conceiver. - Handbook III - 30

No Separation Among Selves

Being aware of the unified level of consciousness is certainly valuable and helpful in releasing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that have become over-energized due to attachments to the separate-self perspective of the human ego process. However, it was the intention from higher levels of Self for your spirit-consciousness to have this human experience and use it in the process of growing into greater levels of balance as the microcosms of creation blossom into the integrated awareness of the macrocosmos. Since all Creation arose from the One Source, there are no truly separate selves, only selves that exist in vibratory states that facilitate the illusory separation within awareness. Therefore, all that exists is part of Creation within the Imagination of Source. This is paradoxical to the mind in its processing within the human being, since the human being is functioning within a realm where 5 senses are employed to create an illusion of form and external reality. Since all vibrations are ultimately extensions from the Source, the Source is always aware of the experiences and in-formation being generated throughout all vibratory levels of Creation. In that sense, there is only Consciousness itself having all experiences. Yet, the Creation and Experiences cannot

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 51 exist without the paradoxical separate selves generated within the One Self. Therefore, we can consider that we are simultaneously the limited micro-cosmic self and also experiencing Creation from higher levels of Self all the way to the Macro-cosmic Source, the level where all is One. All these levels exist and can be appreciated to the extent that one is aware of them. Knowing yourself as part of Infinity is liberating. Knowing yourself as a limited extension of that Infinity which was generated with the intention of exploring certain potentials of existence is also liberating. Part of that intention was your freedom to interact with the patterns of consciousness and energy sharing your realm of existence and to "play" with your own intentions as you evolve in your creative interests while engaged in these experiences.

We can choose to let go of resistance to existence and surrender to the recognition of ourselves as empowered by the Source of All. You can free yourself from the programmed notion of needing to see things as "right" and "wrong" or "good" and "bad." You are a part of Consciousness itself exploring the dynamics of vibrational attractions and intentions and the movement of Consciousness and energy in and out of relative states of balance. Whatever you are experiencing in your life is consistent with the flow of intentions that support your existence. If things are challenging or disturbing then you may choose to become open to exploring the higher intention that has brought you to this point in the continuum of existence. Your human desires may often conflict with what you are experiencing, which can be a catalyst for you to recall your deeper levels of consciousness and the spiritual intent that was attracted to this human experience. Since the Infinite Being values all selves and all experiences, you may learn to align your thoughts more with the awareness of the Infinite and the lessons of your experiences that will assist you in the path toward balance.

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If you are unable to remain focused on your desire of a certain experience, then often times you deny yourself that desired experience. - Handbook I - Intro VII

Attraction & Intention, It's Electric

The programmed intentions of a biological being are for survival, including the intentions to obtain safety, food, water, and to reproduce. Consciousness itself is infinite and eternal and is not limited by those intentions. When you identify with consciousness as the Infinite you can view experiences from a neutral point of balance. When you identify with relative forms of self within the Matrix of creation you can create polarized perceptions and ideas about experiences. If you value human life then wars and capital punishment will seem "bad." If you value the taste of a food then consuming it will seem "good" while the life form that is consumed may consider this "bad." If you value structure and control then you would see a totalitarian society as "good," while those valuing individuality and personal freedoms would see the same society as "bad."

When playing a virtual reality game, simulation, or role play game, it is easier to observe how the events that transpire in the game are part of a learning process and not good or bad. When you first play you usually go through a mix of fun and frustration as the game is exciting but your seeming "success" is limited by your inexperience and lack of skill. As you gain more experience you master the nuances of the game and can achieve the objectives of the game. Once you have really mastered such a game you are likely to seek a new game or new challenge. Life and existence are like the metaphor of virtual reality and role plays, where

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 53 individuated aspects of Consciousness play at gaining mastery at different levels of the creative process. Having all these experiences facilitates growing mastery of balance in one's creative expression of Self.

Consider an actor or actress who plays a part in a staged drama. In order to be convincing in the role that person will attempt to immerse himself/herself in the identity of the character being played. The actor is then able to generate the feelings and reactions of the character and to experience what it would be like to be the character. The audience gets drawn into the drama and often experience strong emotions as they sympathize with the characters. The more you identify with a character as "real" the more you can experience the drama of that character's experience. As a human being, the character your spiritual self has chosen to play on Earth, you almost totally forget that you are immersed in a character; a character which is only a partial, temporary reflection of your greater self, your "real" identity. To your higher self, your human persona is like a holographic movie, something to enjoy the adventure of but not something to take overly seriously or to fear the outcome of. The more we outgrow excessive identification with our human persona the more it becomes balanced by our higher perspective.

Our sense of identity guides how we perceive and respond to our environment and experiences. Some readers may be familiar with books and movies featuring individuals with multiple personality or dissociative identity disorders. In those cases, a person has been overwhelmed by certain experiences, and in order to preserve the original personality the mind generates or lets in alternate personalities to take over, depending on the situation. If you are having negative feelings about things in your life, you may benefit from taking time to remember your greater self and it's more detached

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 54 perspective on your life. It shares in your thrills and disappointments but it isn't limited by the sense of identity that you have constrained yourself to. Your greater self is witnessing not only your lifetime but is also processing and learning from many other incarnations.

Observing magnets can also illustrate the principle of like vibrations attracting one another. Magnets are associated with electromagnetic fields and display a "north" and "south" pole. This shows how the field contains both positive and negative electrical current potential if polarized. For something to be attracted to a magnet it must be vibrating in a similar range and have adequate proximity and field strength. Static electricity can also be used to "attract" items, as attraction is an electrical phenomenon. Those that have witnessed so-called flying saucers have often witnessed anti-gravity based motion. This is possible when these craft shift or manipulate their electromagnetic fields to change their interaction with the vibrational field range of the Earth, disabling the electromagnetic attraction phenomena that creates the effect observed as gravity.

When two magnets interact with each other they are actually seeking a balance and they attract to each other when they are positioned with like orientations. If magnet A is oriented with its poles as + / - and magnet B is oriented + / - they will attract together if placed end to end. When this happens, the - pole of magnet A will appear next to the + pole of magnet B, leading to the erroneous notion that opposites attract. The magnets' opposite poles are adjacent because this is how they must be when they have the same orientation and become attracted to form an extended magnet. With electrical current, we can observe how battery terminals must connect positive with positive and negative with negative to facilitate flow of the electrical current. Electricity is something basic to modern civilization, but not

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 55 fully understood. Electrical principles are fundamental to understanding the nature and origin of the Universe, and even the Big Bang theory has been skillfully refuted by scientists using an Electrical Universe/Plasma Physics model.

Keep in mind that the Big Bang theory was and is based upon assumptions that ignored consciousness and metaphysical ideas in examining how observed reality comes into existence. The universe could more accurately be said to arise from a big dream (imagination) or big intention than a "bang." Energy can be infused or withdrawn from the perceived universe at any "time" or moment since the universe is being projected by consciousness which condenses energy into vibratory patterns that appear in physical reality. The spiral, vortex-flow of energy is what creates galaxies and stars, and a single initial burst of energy into the physical density range doesn't correspond with the pattern of energy and matter distribution that can be perceived. Another problem with Big Bang theory is the use of time as a measure for the hypothetical creation of perceived reality. If time doesn't exist beyond the illusion of physical reality then there can't have been a "time" for the creation of the universe. Some detailed examination of Big Bang cosmology can be found at the websites and book included in the bibliography.

For a greater understanding of the spiritual foundation of physical reality readers are encouraged to read books and articles that address the "ether" as a vital aspect of physics and cosmology. One of the most impressive overviews of this topic is a trilogy of online books by David Wilcock, a prominent psychic and new physics researcher who is believed by many to be a "reincarnation" of the famed "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce. Cayce was famous for doing trance readings where he would commonly provide

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 56 information that he had no conscious knowledge of to help people heal physical ailments and gain insight about issues in their lives. Those interested in Edgar Cayce and his teachings and readings have developed the organization called the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Returning to our magnets, there is no such thing as a "positive" magnet or "negative" magnet. Each magnet contains both and how the magnets interact depends upon the geometric angle of polarization of the magnetic field. Occult physics approaches presumably recognize that higher dimensional forces can interact with magnetic fields that are perceived ordinarily in 3 dimensions. If you take a bar magnet and cut it in half it will produce 2 smaller magnets that connect together end to end (attracting back together in the place where they were cut). So, the magnets are alike, having been made by splitting a larger magnet, and attract together as they seek to balance themselves back into the greater magnet from which they were spawned. Electromagnetism is poorly understood by conventional science, as there are magnetic power generation and propulsion technologies that are suppressed and are not understood by those not adequately informed about the subject. In Homestead, Florida, near where I grew up, is a place called "Coral Castle" built by a small frail man using advanced knowledge of electro-magnetics to move coral rock blocks weighing many tons. Conventionally trained engineers can't explain how he accomplished his work. Similarly, many engineers only offer unsupported speculation about how ancient peoples built structures such as the pyramids at Giza in Egypt.

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Purposeful focused intention is an all-powerful tool. - Handbook III - 41

Vibration, Resonance, & Entrainment

Another example of like attracts like is in the process of entrainment. In a room full of clocks with pendulums, over time the movement of the pendulums will synchronize. With tuning forks, striking a tuning fork will generate vibration in a nearby tuning fork or instrument tuned to the same frequency. Anything tuned to a different frequency would not respond, just as chemical receptor sites on cells in the human body only respond to chemicals that have a resonance with the receptor. Entrainment and resonance can be seen throughout nature from cells and tissues to entire species. If this principle wasn't present then nature would become chaotic and incoherent. Disturbances in vibrational frequency are recognized as fundamental to health disturbances. When the like attracts like principle is applied to the body, areas of "unlike" frequency will foster breakdown at the physical level if they persist.

In the recent book The True Power of Water, by Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, it is reported that researchers have found ways to use sound vibrations of opposing waveforms to cancel each other and produce an effect of silence. This is an interesting example of how vibrational phenomena work. Notice how no sound at all can be silence just as balancing "opposite" sounds also manifests silence. Silence here symbolizes the void or zero-point of creation, the balance (like a circle or zero) from which all vibrations arise and return. The awareness of no vibration is a state of balance, while the awareness of the sum of all vibrations is

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ALSO a state of balance. Something to meditate upon is how the Creator is aware of both states - no vibration and all vibration - and how this allows for the full expression and self-realization of the Infinite Consciousness.

Since consciousness itself is generating vibration, then we can think of psycho-energetic processes in the context of vibrations. On the astral plane, where out-of-body explorers journey and where spirits of the deceased continue their existence, individuals' thought patterns direct where they go and what they perceive in that reality. Those with similar belief systems have been found to congregate in "belief system realities." The nature of belief system realities is explored and discussed in the writings of Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute, as well as the books of Bruce Moen and The Author of the Matrix 5 volumes, both prior students of Monroe at the Monroe Institute. Those who haven't yet recognized that they have physically died will have their being focused on the physical plane and will sometimes appear as "Earth-bound" spirits as they attempt to interact with the physical vibratory realm where their bodies had existed prior to death.

There are many intuitives and mediums who have contact with non-physical beings, generating a very diverse and sometimes contradictory collection of reports about "the other side" and the nature and purpose of life and existence. While those in the astral realms may have a wider range of perception or access to information than those focused in the physical 5-sense realm, they do not have undistorted access to Infinite Wisdom and awareness. They are limited by their vibrational state of consciousness and what they have learned from their incarnational experiences and after- death explorations. One's pattern of consciousness is a field of vibration that transforms as the consciousness interacts with it's surroundings and evolves as it processes these

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 59 experiences. The Infinite Source contains a mathematically infinite spectrum of vibrations and thus does not consider any pattern of consciousness to be good or bad, for all are aspects of Self that are generated to provided interaction and experience within Self. Some vibrations are very far removed from balance and therefore do not resonate with vibrations that are close to balance.

Consider again how a tuning fork when struck will activate vibration in a nearby tuning fork of the same frequency. Similarly, an opera singer may trigger vibration in a glass when hitting a certain note, causing the glass to shatter from vibrational excitation. The 20th Century inventor Royal Rife discovered that by using frequencies that resonated with microorganisms or cancer cells he could produce a "mortal oscillatory rate" that triggers these cells to vibrate and shatter, thereby successfully healing these illnesses. Vibrational medicine often uses vibratory stimuli to help a person's vibrational system governing the body to return to an optimal vibratory range. Healers who project strong fields with their hands or their mind can generate a resonance effect that brings the recipients' vibrational fields into a healthy state. However, the healing effects may not last if the consciousness of the recipient does not shift the patterns that generated the vibrational disturbance to begin with. Furthermore, if a conscious spirit is choosing to end its incarnation then no healing efforts will succeed.

Vibrational frequencies have harmonic relationships to one another. Emotional vibrations can be harmonically connected to vibrations of specific body organs, colors, sounds, and geometric patterns. This is the principle of as above, so below, where one layer of reality reflects another, since all are integrated into the Source of All. One's body reflects one's subtle energy system, which reflects one's consciousness and thought patterns. Chakras and

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 60 meridians that are assessed and treated in holistic healing modalities are a layer of the vibrational feedback system that lies between the physical and non-physical ranges of vibratory expression. These respond both to physical stimuli, such as acupressure and massage, and to thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings, whether conscious or subconscious, usually have a more deep and lasting influence on vibrational energy flow than physical stimuli. Patterns of consciousness can influence physical symptoms over multiple lifetimes, as those who practice or research hypnotic regression and other mind-body healing modalities have often discovered.

The balancing of vibrational polarities is also evident in biological processes. In Bruce Lipton's book The Biology of Belief, he reports "the final shape, or conformation (the technical term used by biologists), of a protein molecule reflects a balanced state among its electro-magnetic charges. However, if the protein's positive and negative charges are altered, the protein backbone will dynamically twist and adjust itself to accommodate the new distribution of charges." In biology and nature, systems always seek a point of balance or homeostasis, and any change to the vibrational input to the system will foster a change in the overall pattern of vibrational energies as they adjust to maintain and preserve homeostasis. In a human body, the awareness of the body and its cells monitors circulatory function, respiratory function, endocrine function, immune function, temperature, oxygen supply, pH levels, and many other aspects of body function, keeping these in normal ranges in response to environmental stimuli encountered by the body, including stimuli such as food and fluid intake, exercise, exposure to EM fields, weather changes, emotional stress, and more.

Every thought exists as a pattern of vibration, with these

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 61 vibrational patterns attracting "like" vibrational patterns to bring the potentials generated by consciousness into the world of form to be experienced. As this occurs, the experiences provide feedback which influences the creative consciousness to adjust and transform, thereby promoting an endless cycle of evolution and transformation of consciousness. This system is dynamic, yet always is in a sum state of balance that allows for all patterns of imbalance to exist within the balanced whole.

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Unless a lesson is learned, it is likely to be repeated until it is “discerned.” - Handbook III - 34

Examples Of Vibrational Attraction

Vibrational Attractions Observed In Animal Behavior

Animal behavior is far more predictable than human behavior. Animals function more with a group consciousness or species consciousness pattern than humans, and the vibrational patterns of animals are pretty consistent. Animals follow migratory patterns and "instinctive" patterns of hunting, mating, and caring for their young. Humans show much diversity in these respects due to the individualization of consciousness and differentiation of cultures and sub-cultures. Animals, however, are responding to vibratory information with limited potential for reprogramming this information to generate different vibrational patterns.

Animal behaviors can often be easily manipulated through behavior modification techniques since animals have less internal control over how they respond to external influences. Since there is little vibrational difference between animals within a species, animals readily display a "herd mentality." Animals are quite limited in terms of being able to deliberately choose their intentions, as their paths of experience serve a different purpose than the human path for spiritual experience. When animals are domesticated by humans they tend to become more individuated in their pattern of consciousness as they entrain to their human companions. Humans exist in a world with animals and plants, so learning to live in harmony with nature and other

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 63 beings is part of our Earth experience. Humans can influence animals by managing their own vibrational patterns, as animals are typically quite sensitive to vibrational energies in their surroundings. Animals can sense the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of humans, which is why many dogs make excellent companions and guard their human owners.

Examples of vibrational attraction in mass consciousness.

In history, we can observe how groups of people are drawn into interactions and relationships with one another. America, for instance, is a country developed to a great extent by persons seeking religious and economic freedom from the conditions in lands where these people emigrated from. Subsequently, America itself has become active in subverting the religious and economic freedoms of other nations and peoples, as the vibration of escaping religious or economic persecution necessitates learning from both sides of the experience. Americans have given power to the same types of interests that have oppressed people in other areas of the world - aristocratic families, private banking interests, monopolistic corporations, and religious hierarchies. People who feel disempowered are often attracted to finding vicarious power in powerful people and institutions that are eager to exploit this role. Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm examined the patterns supporting the rise of fascism in Europe in his 1941 book Escape From Freedom, concluding that Americans could themselves be drawn into the same type of mass psychology. The vibration of power imbalance attracts the power-mongers to play the role of power wielders for those who feel disempowered. Also drawn into the dynamic are those who have a victim role vibration. For example, since World War II, many Jews have been preoccupied with the Holocaust and fears of anti-semitism,

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 64 making this a large part of their psychological identity. Many of these persons remain blind to atrocities and crimes carried out by Jews against other people since they are only willing to see Jews as perpetual victims rather than adopting a more balanced perspective that empathizes with suffering and injustice associated with anyone. All these vibratory patterns are attracted together to play roles for consciousness to fully explore and balance itself. The closer one's vibration comes toward a point of balance, the less that individual will experience attractions with stark polarizations. With a physical body on Earth, there is always some degree of interaction with the vibratory patterns of Earth experience. Yet, as one's vibration shifts, the persons whom that individual are most connected to will inevitably shift.

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There is a great difference in the application and concepts of wanting, believing and knowing. Wanting only creates more wanting, believing only says that one thinks the process will work, while “knowing” accomplishes the intention. - Handbook III - 30

What You Resist Persists & The Art Of Acceptance; Creating A Stance Of Neutrality

When you have a polarized feeling about something you generate an attraction toward it, whether the attraction is positive or negative. Only from a stance of neutrality do you release the attraction. When you have a positive feeling about someone or something you generally like the experience of the attraction. For example, a fan of a sports team or entertainer will enjoy coming in contact with other fans. However, when something bothers or annoys you then its presence in your experience will feel unwelcome - even though your negative feeling or reaction is attracting the presence of that which is upsetting! Bringing yourself into a place of acceptance (or more precisely "non-resistance") can free you from the pattern.

In modern society the desire to fight things perceived as unpleasant is often promoted. There are "wars" on cancer, AIDS, drugs, terrorism, poverty, germs, and more. A careful analysis of history and evidence consistently shows how the things being fought actually increase since the vibration of fighting them actually attracts them. The "War to End All Wars" of World War 1 actually set up conditions that attracted an even more deadly war within a few decades. Treatments used to respond to cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses typically create more illness as they are based

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 66 upon a pattern of resisting and attacking rather than understanding the purpose in the existence of the conditions and working holistically to create health.

It is well documented that the way people respond to illness is greatly influenced by their attitude about the experience. Those with a negative, resistant attitude actually generate a vibration that resonates with the vibration of their illness. Those who are inclined to not feel like a victim and who choose to grow and learn from the experience are most likely to recover since they are generating a vibration that no longer resonates with the illness. A mature response to some of the aforementioned circumstances would be to acknowledge the existence of these phenomena and to focus our intentions and vibration on that which we desire to have in our lives and communities. We would focus on health rather than disease, on enhancing freedom and cooperation rather than war and insecurity, sharing abundance rather than on poverty, building social and emotional balance rather than repressing drugs, and on that which we desire in the world rather than that which we counter-productively abhor. This also applies to things about oneself or one's life that are experienced as negative. By learning to value and accept yourself and your life as-is you can release the energy of resistance that holds you back from creating new vibrations based on clear intentions for change. Be at peace with what already is and then you can freely set your intentions for what you would like to attract and experience next.

Since we attract what we have directed our attention, intention, and vibrational energies toward, we often attract things we don't consciously want since our attentions are often guided by external influences and our intentions are ambiguous or unclear. Taking a personal inventory of the

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 67 ways our thoughts and beliefs have been shaped is useful. Examining the various intentions that have been unconsciously guiding us may also assist. As we clear out limiting and conflicting thought patterns we become more empowered to focus our intentions and attention and become more deliberate in what we attract - what some modern writers call "conscious" creators or co-creators. Remember, the process of creating something new involves clarifying your intention, energizing it (with feeling, affirmation, and sustained attention), and allowing it; allowing the principles of creation to manifest in their flawless manner. This is often considered a surrender or letting go, but it does not mean you surrender your own creative powers. You merely surrender in allowing creation to respond to your own creative intent and field of attraction within the context of all other fields of attraction and intention that collectively inform the matrix of external reality.

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CHAPTER 17 It is to be remembered that all manifestation that is attempted that is contrary to the creative flow that maintains the whole must of necessity be held tightly in focus within carefully delineated guidelines. All elements must be contained within the preset guidelines and error factors must be reviewed and corrections carefully made for any deviations. A monumental difference is experienced between the release of a free-flow of energy set into motion within universal harmonious guidelines and the focus required to direct those that deviate from that flow. - Handbook III - 43 Why Humans Applying These Principles Don't Become Immortal Supermen Many people become easily disappointed when trying to apply metaphysical principles because these principles are presented in a way that makes them sound too fantastic or magical. People may wonder "why did all those people who died in the World Trade Center attract that experience?" or "What was the deal with all those people who died in the Nazi concentration camps and what about the children starving in Africa?" They may wonder "if these principles are valid then why aren't there people who have become immune to death and aging or who have solved global problems like war, famine, epidemics, and environmental destruction?" These are reasonable questions that are often evaded by self-help gurus and metaphysical teachers. Addressing these issues necessitates considering where humanity exists within the scheme of Creation and what higher energies and intentions have manifested our physical reality. If there is a level of consciousness that may be considered Infinite or "God," then it would be absurd to think that the intentions of a spirit having a human experience

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 69 could override the intentions of "God" or intermediate levels of consciousness. Suppose a person focused strongly on an intention for all creation to implode into nothingness. It would never happen, as it is contradictory to the essence of Source and Creation from which that person has been generated. As spirits experiencing existence as humans we are in a "virtual reality" experience in which we can learn to apply the principles outlined in this text within a certain range allowed by higher levels of self from which we arise. The principles are flawless in their operation, but we don't have much awareness of higher levels of intention guiding manifestation. Who consciously recalls the process of how they chose their current incarnation and the life circumstances it offers? Yet, there was an intention for this life and the circumstances and experiences it offers. Attempting to intentionally manifest something inconsistent with the overall scope of experience sought by the original intention from the higher level of Self would be a doomed effort. If you are intended to live on Earth and experience civilization here then you would be ill-advised to intend to be picked up by extraterrestrials and brought to live on another planet. This is a pretty exaggerated example, but I'm sure readers can think of things they may wish for that would interfere with the learning experiences they have encountered in life. Thus, as a prelude to going through all the various manifestation exercises taught in books, movies, and workshops, I suggest beginning with an intention to be more aware of your own path and purpose and to be guided by your higher self to better align your conscious desires with your Higher Self's agenda for your life. Just as it's best to have your thoughts, words, and deeds in harmony if you hope to achieve your desires, it's also ideal to have your

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Higher Self, Middle Self, and Lower Self in congruence. These refer to your Spiritual Source/Oversoul [Higher Self], Conscious Mind [Middle Self], and Subconscious Mind [Lower Self]. From my perspective, one of the key flaws in popular Law of Attraction teachings is the tendency to teach that one's conscious mind alone is what should decide what to attract and to expect the universe to conform to one's conscious motives. That teaching is well-suited to a culture that focuses on egoism and materialistic desires, but it is inaccurate, and while it may help stimulate interest in spirituality and metaphysics among those who previously lacked that interest it will also become a block for some who are seeking greater spiritual depth in their personal path. Whatever teachings exist serve a purpose and are part of the path of those who encounter them. I welcome people of all perspectives to read my materials, but I do not intend to "water down" or "sugar coat" what I say to feed people's egos or foster mass appeal for my writings. Keep in mind that beliefs and intentions held at a subconscious level can subvert your efforts to consciously create things in your life. You can think of your conscious mind, subconscious mind, and higher self/superconscious as 3 interrelated fields of vibrational energy that repattern themselves as they interact with one another. The Higher Self is the highest vibrational level of this trinity and its power supersedes the power of the conscious and subconscious. Your Higher Self is like a mini-god overseeing your experiential path since you are an extension of your Higher Self. Your individual creative power comes from the Supreme Source/God through your Higher Self. As you evolve toward balance and greater connection to and alignment with your higher self, you will need to clear old subconscious patterns that interfere with the conscious desire to evolve and be more whole. Thus, some holistic healing methods may be needed to help release or

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 71 transform old subconscious patterns. Hypnotherapy, body work, energy healing methods, energy psychology techniques, and various shamanic methods may be useful in fostering shifts that conscious self-help and manifestation exercises seem to take forever to accomplish. Some popular teachings tend to oversimplify how we can manifest what we desire and present their ideas and practices without sufficient context. If you are not progressing as you desire then keep in mind that the picture of how life unfolds has more layers than you or your favorite gurus may usually conceive of. Appreciate this glorious adventure of existence and know that whatever state you find yourself in is just as it needs to be for the moment, and you are in an eternal process of transforming and expanding your awareness and perspective.

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Part II

In this section I will provide a series of examples and observations from my own life to help illustrate how the creative principles manifest in the reality of human life on Earth.

Remember, all is Consciousness exploring its own creative potential. Each human being is a focus of consciousness, existing within the manifested reality generated by the attracting vibrations of many layers of intention. Therefore, we shall see how these simple principles generate an experiential existence filled with complexity. How exciting and adventurous we spirits are!

To explore the intentions guiding the flow of my life, I have recognized multiple layers of influence that shape my patterns of intention. One layer is biological/genetic programming. This includes programming for physical nourishment, sexual attraction, fresh air and sunshine, and other stimuli that meet the programmed desires and needs of the body. The less mature an incarnation is, the more primary and dominant are the influences of biologically based intentions.

A second layer of intention is that which reflects social and cultural influences. Social models, group norms, cultural traditions, family expectations, social rewards and punishments... these all influence one's intentions and associated desires and interests. This area of influence reflects the way an individual sees his/her role in the world and society. As we mature we tend to gain increased confidence in deviating from external social expectations when those expectations suppress our own individuality and creative interests. Something additional which may be

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 73 considered here is that the beliefs and patterns of thought and behavior which we develop over our lifetime will influence the pattern of programming which is communicated to future biological generations through DNA inheritance. This is an example of how intertwined these layers of programming can appear upon closer examination, with nature, nurture, and individualized self interacting in a process of evolving consciousness.

Another layer of intention is what I would consider pre- patterned spiritual intentions. These can be thought of as vibrational patterns chosen to be expressed and explored through one's incarnation. A Higher Self level of consciousness is the source of these intentions. These vibrational patterns can often be recognized and adjusted for or tuned into based upon efforts to gain insight using , hypnotic regression, and psychic or intuitive information. In my case, my astrological sun sign is Libra and I have very strong mental focus and capabilities that are significant in my life. The fact that I have done extensive reading and research and am writing this book, is itself a reflection of this layer of intention. When I was a youth I had strong affinity for baseball and was even interested in some artistic endeavors - but as my life unfolded other levels of intention guided my path since the purpose of this incarnation involved a focus on other areas as I matured and evolved. If the conscious human personality were the determining factor in how our lives unfold, then things would be much different!

Patterns present in this spiritual layer are often called , although karma really just means a pattern and the "effects" generated by those patterns via the principle of attraction. You can instantly shift a pattern and the effects will shift... the consequence of the shift can be occurring through past, present, and future since you are shifting which realities you

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 74 are resonating with.

Karma is often used to refer to the nature of cause and effect and the manner in which patterns can be carried from one lifetime into another. It's not a universal debt and reward system and it's not even a linear process. It's just a matter of how patterns get created and balanced as our spirits seek growth. We can actually release patterns at any time and overcome limitations we have imposed on ourselves that were based on limiting beliefs we have absorbed about karma.

The idea of cause and effect is more pertinent to our actions within a linear time frame. For example, if you steal from your boss, you are likely to lose your job and develop a negative reputation. This only affects another incarnation if you choose to play out a related pattern in another incarnation. There's no punishment awaiting you in another life, though if you have a belief that you will be punished by karma then your belief can attract the experience of an apparent karmic payback in another incarnation if your energy pattern in that other incarnation carries that belief with it. It's not cosmic justice, it's merely a consequence of your beliefs and thought patterns attracting an experience to reflect back to you what you hold in your consciousness. The Law of Attraction is a feedback system, not a justice system. The Source Consciousness of Creation wishes to have its extensions grow in awareness and balance. The Creative Source does not wish to harm any aspect of its creation and the feedback inherent in the system of creation is meant only to ensure this process of unfolds.

As consciousness explores and interacts with itself it takes on roles and qualities that have relationships with and among one another. Examples of this include the system of

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 75 elements in and chemistry. Remember, as above so below, as within so without. The interactions of chemical elements is the physical reality reflection of how non- physical energies must interact in the process of creation. Astrology and other systems that examine vibrational patterns in consciousness describe what are called archetypes. Archetypes are fundamental aspects of the creative consciousness when it generates imbalanced portions of Itself to interact with one another. Archetypal patterns typically have both positive and negative potentials depending upon how one is able to balance them within oneself.

In the enneagram model of personality classification (visit www.enneagraminstitute.com) I register as a predominant investigative type. Examining one's personality style is a useful way of building awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, since your personality is a pattern of how you most commonly perceive and interact with your environment. As you mature you may minimize the weaknesses in your personality as you become more self-aware and balanced. These personality patterns are considered to be core vibrational patterns for one's incarnation that guide what lessons and experiences a person will tend to encounter. With experience and effort you can become more balanced in how you live and how you integrate your dominant traits with other vibrational patterns within yourself and with those around you.

I have become impressed by the enneagram model, and one example of this is what it describes about my personality type in relationships. I have generally found myself most drawn to appreciate the company of persons who would seem to be an opposite type - helpers. This description from the Enneagram Institute seems to explain why:

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 76

Enneagram Type Two (the Helper) with Enneagram Type Five (the Investigator) What Each Type Brings to the Relationship Enneagram Twos and Fives are double opposites, as it were - a people person versus a loner, a feeling type with a thinking type. Twos and Fives come from different points of view on what is important in life and in a relationship. And yet, because they are so different, there can also be an intense attraction to the mystery of the other. Twos and Fives are a more common pairing than might be expected: Twos can see Fives as challenges - distant, mentally preoccupied, not giving many outward signals, and difficult to charm easily because they are so private. It is hard to know what pleases Fives which makes Twos only try harder. Twos bring to the relationship a willingness to take the initiative and to pursue the Five - to be the first one to call or to ask for a date, no matter which gender they are. When healthy, Twos bring warmth, physical comfort and ease (something Fives typically lack), a desire to improve the Five's living conditions, style of dress and eating habits - and many other marks of thoughtfulness-as signs of affection and genuine interest. Fives are usually not unaware of these, though they may not outwardly react to the expressions of affection of Twos, Fives are secretly pleased that anyone cares and is being attentive to them. For their part, Fives are usually very loyal: they find relationships complex and difficult, so they tend to value one that begins to work, and they tend to put energy into it. Fives bring stability and quiet, dispassionate good judgment and objectivity, particularly in crises. When Fives focus, they are good listeners and give undivided attention. They are not as attached to outcomes, and so can often make decisions more wisely and be good advisors to more emotionally

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 77 volatile Twos. Fives are often more calm than Twos, and this gives them both types a feeling of steadiness and of hope. In short, Fives stabilize Twos' emotionality, while Twos warm up Fives' coolness. Twos enjoy seeing that their attention and affections have had positive, visible effects on the Five. Fives secretly like being doted over and finally finding the nurturing they have unconsciously been seeking (but may have almost given up on).

Interestingly, this personality analysis brings up the fact that there is a certain "helper" quality within myself that is overshadowed by other traits, and which feels energized when I am around those with a dominant "helper" personality style. Since we are all fragments of the Creator, the Whole, we all contain the potentials of all archetypes within ourselves even if we don't have our energies distributed toward most of the archetypes. This “helper” style happens to be one which is in accord with feminine nurturing, so it's generally women who foster my resonance in this regard - which I suppose is also in accord with my having a heterosexual predisposition in this incarnation.

This all synchronizes to foster my interacting with people who will help me grow and balance myself more in some way - in this case developing certain qualities in myself that have been suppressed by my early environment and my intellectual strengths. Although I feel relatively comfortable around other intellectually talented persons, if they lack development in the same areas I lack development in then the "chemistry" or actually "alchemy" to foster my own development and transformation is missing. The words chemistry and alchemy come from the same roots in ancient Egypt, where these were not seen as separate areas of knowledge since they reflect one another as mentioned earlier.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 78

Alchemy is both a science and art, addressing the different qualities or "elements" of consciousness and energy as they interact and transform one another in the endless flow of spirit seeking to realize its innate balance. In most alchemical systems there are 5 elements which need to be mastered and balanced. Spirit or ether is the essence from which the 4 elements visible in the material plane arise. Fire, Air, Earth, and Water are the elements we see in the external world and which are reflected in aspects of consciousness. The art of includes applying methods of balancing those elements in one's environment in order to help promote balance within one's life and one's psyche.

Everything we observe externally provides an opportunity to further develop and understand ourselves - though sometimes we becomes attached to and dependent upon the external reflection of what we need to refine and nurture within ourselves. This is similar to the paradigm of addictions, whereby people are highly dependent upon some external substance or some activity to give themselves a desired feeling, since they haven't learned to access the feeling from within or accessed the flow of energy from their own spiritual source. Similarly, people may recognize a phenomena referred to as energy vampires - people who seek to manipulate others to gather the energy that they feeling missing within themselves. Self-development and self-mastery are vital tools to overcoming these unhealthy, imbalanced patterns.

One commonly discussed topic related to the roles we experience in our human lives is that of sexual orientation. I will offer some comments here to foster a more balanced understanding of the topic. While we are androgynous as spirits, there are a variety of influences that shape how

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 79 humans express along the continuum of sexual orientation and sexual preference. From a spiritual experience perspective, there is no normal or abnormal concerning sexuality or anything else. Normal is merely a word typically used to describe what is most common and therefore approved of by the majority. Abnormal refers to that which is deviating from normal patterns and is seen as something that needs to be rectified by those in the normal group who aren't comfortable allowing non-conformists to exist in their perceived reality. Relative to a particular form of programming, such as social or genetic programming, people may conclude that non-heterosexual behaviors are abnormal. Relative to those limited norms, certain behaviors or inclinations would fall outside of the norms. Higher awareness holds no norms - it values all experience. Meanwhile, there are cultures where those non-heterosexual behaviors would be considered normal, as all cultures and experiences fit into the spectrum of experiences for Spirit to express itself and realize its potentials.

Sex is a complex topic, as it overlaps with spiritual, psychological, social, energetic, and biological reproductive issues. Since this isn't the focus of this book, readers who are interested can further contemplate and investigate issues about sex on their own (and with others, of course!)

Gender reflects two complementary aspects of the creative process, the active masculine energy and the receptive feminine vessel which allows this energy to manifest and express itself. As spirit we are all composed of both aspects, though gendered bodies suppress one aspect or the other in our incarnational selves. People have traditionally focused on either genetics or social influences as the determiner of sexual orientation. In truth, both these factors as well as spiritually based vibrational patterns influence the development of a person's sexual orientation

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 80 and preference. Sexuality is just one of many examples where we can observe how multiple levels of programming and intention shape our manifest experience.

Ancient cultures symbolized the gender polarities with "father" sky or sun and "mother" Earth. The sun sends energy and the Earth receives it. This does not mean that the Earth being is feminine, for it is a living planet with expressions of both masculine and feminine energy and many nature spirits guiding the development of the environment and ecosystems on the planet. Earth merely represents the realm of matter and the Sun/Sky/Heaven represent the realm of spirit, leading to the symbolism of masculine spirit-energy and feminine matter-manifestation. The outer reflection and experience in the physical realm is in a sense the completion of Creative Source. It could be said that Spirit isn't fully balanced without having experiential feedback about itself. As individuals we also need to bridge all levels of our being while we have our adventures in 3D... Spirit, Mind, Emotions (Soul), & Body. Mystical traditions have consistently stressed the importance of integrating polarities within oneself and of bringing balance between "Heaven" and "Earth." The references to "as above, so below" and "as within, so without" in perennial wisdom teachings reflect an understanding of this process of using the mirror of life and the universe to build self-knowledge and create a balance within oneself to align with the balance which exists at the innermost or "highest" Source. The more polarized the environment the more of a challenge this happens to be! Yet, the greater the stress or challenge, the greater the ultimate evolutionary step to be realized. This is a reminder of how a circumstance can appear positive or negative depending on your perspective, making it paradoxical unless you can see and understand all perspectives - which you can't if your perspective is filtered through a limited point of awareness, such as a human

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 81 persona.

By experiencing polarized gender and other limitations in ourselves and others we challenge ourselves to reclaim balance and wholeness. Since all is interconnected, as we each evolve and balance ourselves we are contributing to the collective field of vibratory energy in a manner that supports others' movement toward balance. Movement away from balance attracts complementary moves away from balance in others. This concept is presented here in abstract, but can be seen more tangibly in human social interactions, where a healthy, responsible person fosters similar traits in others, while dysfunction fosters corresponding dysfunctions in others. This reminds us to heed Gandhi's famous quite telling people to "be the change" they wish to see in the world. As we transform ourselves, those around us synchronistically transform due to the results of the 4 creative principles as they preserve the sum balance of creation.

Another insight from the personality analysis is how my upbringing in this life fostered the personality style. My parents raised my siblings and I in a certain sense as a project to validate their ideas (especially my father's dogmatic ideas) and there was thus a subconscious message I absorbed that I needed to act and achieve in certain ways to earn their approval and acceptance. This is a common pattern in human experience, since children naturally seek parental approval. So, I was inclined to adhere to their strict lifestyle and diet beliefs and to excel in academics, which were highly valued as a means by which my parents could measure the success of their child rearing project. Social success was not strongly valued, and obviously inadvertently subverted by my parents raising their kids to be much different in many ways than their peers. Of course, that's one angle from which to view the situation -

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 82 another angle is that the social culture itself contributes to the issue by expecting conformity to its norms and to at least a certain extent rejecting those who don't fit the norms. We ultimately need to experience both conformity and non- conformity for our spiritual growth and maturity, so both types of circumstances can be appreciated for their value even though one may seem more pleasant or preferable than the other from a limited perspective.

Unconditional acceptance and nurturing weren't provided consistently at home (and from what most other humans I've encountered report they aren't too abundant in many other homes either). This was particularly the case as I got older and began to resent circumstances in my family. So the personality styles analysis printed earlier is quite apropos considering how I tend to be reserved and intellectual, yet have an inner desire for emotional connection and nurturance that can be energized by certain people I come in contact with.

Meanwhile, I would tend to easily shy away from pursuing emotional connections because of the history of experience and subconscious fear and expectation that these will be withheld from me, as well as a sense that people won't appreciate or relate to me since my experiences in life and perspective on things are typically much different than theirs. This actually represents a great opportunity, since it's not that challenging to socialize, assert, and express oneself when you fit in, but it is a challenge to do so when you don't conform to the norm, and thus quite rewarding and spiritually liberating when you learn to just let loose and display and express yourself regardless. Expressing one's individuality, especially when it's rejected or shunned by others, is a sign of spiritual maturity. Life gives us challenges at the appropriate times to see how strong our spirit has become. This will become more clear as I describe my life history and

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 83 upbringing further in proceeding sections of this book. In this examination it is useful to refrain from making value judgments about actions and experiences of individuals involved. We need to go through all the imbalanced patterns of experience to fully learn, appreciate, and realize what balance is. Balance and harmony can't be fully appreciated without going through a full spectrum of polarities and imbalances. Personality patterns can be observed and experienced to help recognize all the potentials inherent in relationships between "self" and "other."

So experiences that we may perceive as abusive or neglectful are experiences we have chosen from some level of intention to help us grow and evolve, so we can fully appreciate all aspects of Self. We evolve to appreciate love more fully when we have experienced isolation, disconnection, and separation within the realm of experiential reality. This may be thought of as a cycle of awareness in which Infinite Consciousness in its state of unity projects itself into waves of fragmented awareness that have to evolve through a myriad of experiences into a recollection of the Unified Source Essence.

In some spiritual teachings it is said that we must choose regularly between love and fear. In that context, Love represents an awareness of the Unified Source while fear represents an identification with separation. Consciousness has to experience both love and fear and neither choice is right or wrong. Love is a healing, reconnecting energy while fear is a restrictive, divisive energy. If you've never experienced restriction and separation then there is no opportunity to experience healing and reconnection. Another popular metaphysical idea is that "only love is real...everything else is illusion." At the level of unity it presumably appears that Love is all there is (while in human form we rarely have an experience of this level of

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 84 awareness). Nevertheless, the lower vibratory realms do exist and yield experiences that are quite divergent from love. It is paradoxical, since these lower density realms exist within the Unified Source that has awareness of its Oneness and the glue of love that connects all to the One Self. So that which is other than love can be recognized as a necessary and "real" illusion. We can understand and accept this for what it is and then work on choosing to identify with the love that connects us all to the One Source from which we are projected.

With this in mind we can recognize how unpleasant experiences in our lives come from a higher intention. We can often recognize this when we reflect on our life history. When the experiences occur we may think "there's no way I would intend for me or anyone else to experience such misery." Yet, the misery is actually one's own resistance to the experience as the emotions generated by the experience are held, rather than released upon learning from the experience. As you resist an experience, holding the restrictive emotions in your energy field, you continue to draw yourself to similar experiences (via the principle of attraction) until you learn what is needed and release those energies. On the conscious level we have the opportunity to become more open to experiences and lessons that our Higher Self has selected for our human life experience. This allows the conscious awareness to align its intentions with the Higher Intentions which have placed this limited self in its perceived reality. As Ron and Denny Reynolds write in the New Perspective "your Higher Self will keep things on your agenda until you get it." Accepting that idea we can learn to appreciate that even the most challenging occurrences in our life are for our highest "good" and meant to foster our spiritual growth. You may wish to affirm this by stating "I intend to become aware of the higher intentions that guide my life and release any resistance I have held toward

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 85 confronting lessons and transcending my old limitations."

A significant part of the spiritual intentions I've referred to in discussing layers of intention is the expression and balancing of vibrational patterns that have been developed in other incarnations. These could involve past traumas and conflicts as well as any lifestyle or belief system that needs to be transformed toward balance. In my subconscious accessing of these types of influences I have picked up influences regarding myself that include the following:

A lifetime as a Native American who was a hunter and whose death involved being killed by a bear. Connected to this, I believe, is the fact that I was raised as a strict vegetarian in my present incarnation.

An experience where I was tortured and had a mechanical device inserted down my throat to rip out my vocal cords (this came up in a dream state and left a physical sensation as it awoke me). More recently, a holistic practitioner doing craniosacral work on me had an intuitive flash of me being impaled in my throat area.

A lifetime from about 1000 A.D. in England where I was a teenage female natural healer and herb collector, who was kidnapped by church authorities and beheaded. I was mentoring someone in that life whose spirit I recognized as a colleague and friend in this life.

A lifetime where I was a deformed creature that reminded me of the "Swamp Thing" by its appearance and locale. This being was abandoned and left to live in isolation in the woods/swamp. A critical incident occurred where this individual happened to see a young human woman nearby and forced himself upon her in a moment of animalistic urge, immediately regretting the action and generating a thought

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 86 pattern around the concept of "this sexual urge makes me more miserable, I'd be better off if I didn't have to deal with it." Interestingly, this thought pattern was reinforced by thought patterns generated by comments of my mother when I was a child as well as thoughts generated by my own experiences as a young adult. A couple years prior to the beginning of this book project, while I was in the presence of a psychic trance channel, a spirit entity made a comment to me through the channel about this thought pattern, and the issue was clarified further through another psychic medium prior to my writing this book.

A lifetime where I had a flash of being a child in Southeast Asia, lost in the woods (reminding me of an episode in my present life as a 3 year old where I got lost in a grove).

A brief flash of awareness of a lifetime as a young woman in the U.S. Civil War era.

A lifetime as a rancher in Texas.

Additionally, a couple of intuitives have reported seeing flashes of me as a monk in Asia, which could in part account for my present feeling of ease with , hypnosis, and energy healing.

Another intuitive who I've become acquainted with while finishing up this book picked up that I'd had a life where I was a comedian and one as a businessman who ended up bankrupt after losing a bet that had exploited his ego and desire for money as a symbol of power.

Another psychic reported receiving information that I had life times in the civilization known as "" in metaphysical texts. Lemuria, also known as "Mu," the mother civilization, was based in the Pacific Ocean area and overlapped with

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 87 modern East Asia, Australia, and Western North America. That civilization is believed to have predated and overlapped with the legendary Atlantean civilization, both having been destroyed by series of cataclysmic events that reached a peak over 12,000 years ago. Lemuria has been described as a matriarchal oriented civilization while has been described as a more patriarchal and hierarchical oriented culture. Atlantis is believed to have been highly influenced by extraterrestrial technologies (much like modern day shadow government structures) and became reckless with seeking power and dominion upon the Earth rather than maintaining spiritual focus and seeking harmony with other cultures and the natural world. This psychic was guided to attune me to a reputed Lemurian crystal called an "Andara" crystal in the Native American lore concerning the history of these crystals. She had obtained this crystal from a shop at Mt. Shasta in California based on directions from spirit guides. She indicated that this crystal would connect me with the heart-based energies and wisdom from my Lemurian lifetimes. As I held the crystal over my chakras and in my hands it pulsed its energy in resonance with my own energy vortices, letting a non-specific wave of emotion wash through me.

Meanwhile, the psychic described my connection to Native American tribes, such as the Lakota, Cherokee, and Nez- Pierce, informing me of my connection to Native oral record keeping and shamanic healing arts as well as experience as an Indian warrior. This was interesting and reminded me of a past hypnotic regression I had done where I saw myself as a hunter with an Indian tribe in the Southeastern region of North America. It also seemed to correspond with my inclination to keep things in my memory (I've been led to think of my memory as what people call "photographic" and I was in the National Spelling Bee as an 8th grader in 1986) and collect things, like stamps, baseball cards, music CDs,

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 88 books, and digital media files. In some way it seems like there's been a subconscious idea within me that things need to be recorded, collected, or archived in some way or they will be lost - just as the native peoples have considered that their history and knowledge need to be maintained rigorously or be lost.

Her reference to soul retrievals and shapeshifting also intrigued me, as I have been impressed with the practice of reclaiming soul "fragments" and feel that some of my healing work facilitates that process in subtle ways. I also recall out- of-body projections as a child where I felt like a bird soaring in the sky and looking down upon the land - so the idea of shapeshifting into an eagle as the psychic described sounded realistic in at least that sense - as to physical shapeshifting...well, that's an interesting topic that comes up in various metaphysical writings, folk legends, sci-fi entertainment, and modern conspiracy theories. Whatever we can imagine exists in some reality! So why not consider that physical shapeshifting is a phenomenon in the reality we are immersed in? I invite interested readers to ponder that and explore the topic further.

So, these various lives generate vibrational patterns of consciousness that can be active influences upon one's intentions and field of attraction in the present life. As previously discussed, many people may refer to this as karma, or a pattern of cause and effect. However, it is merely patterns of consciousness that are maintained and haven't been transformed. Killing someone in another life doesn't really "cause" you to experience someone trying to murder you in the present, although your own belief in that concept or your failure to resolve the pattern associated with that experience could lead you to attract such an experience in the present time. Your consciousness attracts and draws you to the experience rather than the events having a cause-

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 89 effect relationship. Cause and effect is how things happen within a linear time dimension. Events from one lifetime/incarnation to another can't have a cause-effect connection unless there is a direct linear connection, such as starting an ethnic conflict in one life and being a victim of that conflict during an incarnation in a later generation. In that example, the events are historically connected but the fact that someone has experienced the alternate roles in that history is a spiritual choice based on the intentions of that spirit, not based on a universal "justice system." There is no "justice" as humans would define it, in Creation. This is because values of right and wrong are merely thought patterns of individual beings, not rules of the Infinite. Instead, Creation includes all potentials of experience to provide for spiritual development toward balance and harmony. What is "right" from one vibrational perspective might not be the experience needed by another vibrational perspective. Balance comes from the sum and integration of experiences and perspectives, so all the polarities and all the "right" and "wrong" activities are needed for Consciousness to fully realize itself into Balance. You may notice me repeating definitions and descriptions of "Balance" because that's where this whole adventure passes to and from - where consciousness moves "to and from." This can't be adequately described in language since we think of "to" and "from" as references within a physical continuum of 3 dimensions. The Taoist tradition has presented the idea of balance extensively, as it posits an unseen, undifferentiated Source of all that is manifest. The well known yin-yang symbol depicts the flow of polarities in their cycle of consciousness patterns interacting and transforming. [

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 90

In relation to my present life, I will now describe some significant characteristics of myself and external circumstances which can be recognized as associated with the vibrational patterns and intentions that have a spiritual basis.

I was born to parents who were extreme vegetarian natural health proponents. They raised their 3 children on a raw food vegetarian diet for many years that excluded any dietary supplements, processed foods, or even any sea- grown foods. It was understood by the children that this was what was most important to my parents for raising their family (In actuality, it would seem that my father was obsessed and inflexible about this and had a dominant position in the family that repressed dissent from my mother or anyone else on most subjects). As I recollect it, they never even outlined any possible penalty or punishment for failing to go along with this regimen - it was just expected that the children would accept these ideas and not want to disappoint the parents. As an example of how fanatical and irrational my father was, one time when I was of elementary school age my father slapped me when I took an apple to eat while I was ill with a flu-type condition and expected to be on a fast. That was a very unusual occurrence and was about the furthest extent of overt force used to direct compliance, as I very rarely received any physical discipline and generally presented a cooperative demeanor with my parents. I was dishonest and sneaky about some things but didn't dare to disobey the food dogma as a young child.

Psychologically, covert force and psychological manipulation can be more powerful and insidious than overt force. People conditioned to restrict and suppress themselves are typically more disempowered than those who are conscious of being subjected to overt tyranny. In the words of the German

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 91 writer J.W. von Goethe, "none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." This type of psychological conditioning is actually a norm in most civilizations. Youths are expected to adopt and accept the values and practices of their elders. They are easily led to identify with the limiting beliefs and ideas of their family and social environment, not realizing that the natural desires for belonging and acceptance have guided them to choose to identify with values and customs that might not suit them if they were free to design their lives and identity apart from those influences.

Thus, the path of personal growth often includes a process of de-programming oneself of such conditioning to help reconnect with one's spiritual essence and consciously re- create one's self-concept and identity. Shamanic practices for spiritual growth and empowerment have been known to include symbolic death and re-birth rituals as well as reviewing and "recapitulating" one's life to help become free of one's accumulated restrictive patterns. Retrieval of soul fragments is another shamanic healing practice based on the idea that our experiences foster the fragmentation of our spiritual identity and energies, which must be reclaimed and reintegrated to help us become more psychologically integrated and spiritually empowered. Our human identities are quite restrictive, and civilization is designed to mold and perpetuate those identities. It takes experience and deliberate effort to identify with the freedom of the spirit more than the role and restrictions of the human persona.

Of course, the whole adventure is valuable and just as it needs to be, so the restrictions of civilization and life on Earth are catalysts for spirits. Growth and development in anything occurs in stages, so there's no point in resenting elementary level grades just because you are in high school or graduate school - you wouldn't be where you are if you

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 92 hadn't already had the opportunity to learn the preceding lessons. I find it liberating to appreciate the totality of life and existence - this really opens me to the flow of life energy and spiritual power. Moving toward greater appreciation and acceptance (allowance) doesn't often happen overnight. Even when this appears to happen in a dramatic, rapid manner, I suspect it is frequently due to growth in other incarnations from which one is now merging energies.

A dramatic experience can be a catalyst for a change in perspective and attitude. Near-death experiencers often have this type of shift, as well as people who experience mystical visions and those who survive traumas that led them to re-examine what they value.

One thing to keep in mind is that each level of experience and perspective is valuable and important. A significant challenge of human life is that we often feel inclined to impose one level of being or perspective upon those functioning at another level or perspective. One example is utopian ideals - any attempt to impose a utopia leads to some form of tyranny unless all involved are ready for and consent to that way of life. Political and religious movements often have this self-righteous attitude, believing that their way of doing things or their beliefs are right or better and should be imposed on society. This can even be a major challenge when one has much spiritual wisdom. After all, isn't it tempting to want everyone else to share in this wisdom? Yet, each path is unique and each person at their own state of spiritual development. If you're filled with spiritual wisdom then it's probably due to much experience and effort and it wouldn't be so wise to try to impose it upon those who haven't gone through the effort and experiences that foster wisdom.

Meanwhile, to highlight a certain point about consciousness

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 93 and perception, we tend to develop a taste for things that we are imprinted with at early ages (in addition to whatever we may have a genetically transmitted predisposition to prefer). If you're used to being fed vegetables as a child when you're hungry you may develop an affinity for these - but if you're fed candy and ice cream when you're hungry you'll develop an affinity for those (and, incidentally, substances that are more processed and less nourishing are often more easily embedded in addictive patterns since they provide a rapid pleasant sensation while fostering nutritional imbalance rather than biochemical balance and nourishment). As American culture proceeds from one generation to the next it is evident how the craving for processed "junk" foods has escalated along with the number of persons considered obese and the percentage of finances devoted to paying for health care. The programming for this pattern, like programming for other imbalanced patterns in society, generally begins at an early age.

So, in my case, I didn't have a desire for foods that were standard in the surrounding culture while raw plant-based foods were most appealing to me - most people I interact with still don't "get" why I don't have any attachment to foods that dieters have to struggle to resist. It's all about subconscious imprinting and associations since no substance has any objective taste - the taster has a certain subjective response to the substance being tasted and that reaction is based upon a composite of multiple layers of programming (and can be reprogrammed at any time).

Young children are very “open” to programming being embedded in their subconscious because they spend much more of their time in low frequency brainwave states than do a majority of adults. When the brainwave patterns of alpha and theta are most active the subconscious is more accessible than when beta waves are dominant.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 94

Brainwaves are measured in cycles per second (hertz) and beta waves are fast compared to alpha, theta, and delta, with delta being slow waves that are associated with sleep states. When children are guided to conform to the external social norms and pressures of achievement in modern civilization they tend to be more active in the beta state – though they will often lapse into dreamier states when overstressed, as the mind-body system seeks to regain equilibrium and replenish itself. Now you can see one factor contributing to all the diagnoses of attention deficit disorder, but I digress as that topic can fill a whole separate book.

My parents didn't have college degrees and my father had taken just a few social sciences college courses in Miami in which he got mainly A's, having previously been a mediocre student as a youth in New York despite testing with a gifted IQ. My mother had always been a good student, while she came from a family, culture, and historic background where she was encouraged to pursue performing arts rather than college or intellectual endeavors. She received training to be an operatic singer and pianist before developing health problems that led her to natural healing and vegetarianism, connecting her with my father and subsequently the role of wife, mother, homemaker, and assistant in the agricultural businesses my father operated. My father had been discharged from the army around the World War II period due to health problems, along with his twin brother. He had then gotten involved in natural health and adopted a strict regimen based on ideas of people who were involved in the American Natural Hygiene Society. My dad had become a big advocate of fasting to deal with any type of health problem, even though it would appear that fasting may have fostered the physical demise of his twin brother, who fasted at a natural hygiene physician's center and died of a lung ailment when only in his 30s. The physician documented it as lung cancer but my mother later reported that she

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 95 suspected it was TB, a condition which also contributed to my father's death at 66 in 1991. In a holistic, systems- oriented conceptualization, microbes are not the cause, per se, of disease, but are active as part of a process that involves the mind, energy-system, and biological terrain of the host organism.

My father was a Cancer sign in astrological analysis, which is a type (remember, astrological signs are actually archetypes) that has a common potential weakness of excessively finding faults in others while failing to recognize and acknowledge flaws in themselves. For those wishing to see very public examples of unbalanced Cancer sign associated behavior, I suggest observing the activities of George W. Bush and the nation he has presided over as chief of the executive branch of government. Both Bush and America have early July birth-dates. Both are viewed by many observers as arrogant, and even a brief research of history will show the reluctance of Bush and other American leaders to admit mistakes or acknowledge flaws. Meanwhile, America has long been active in trying to direct affairs in other countries and criticizing those who don't support the agendas of America's leadership.

Even a situation that appears incredibly abusive can appear "normal" to those who have no other frame of reference. This is one reason why a cult wishing to program members to think and act in certain ways would want to begin shaping the minds of the members as early as possible - even from birth or conception! Without considering any negative connotation, this is the purpose of any culture - to establish a stable society in which people share common beliefs and behavior patterns. Of course, our spiritual essence seeks to explore, create, and find novel ways to conceive of and experience life, so the more a culture desires to preserve and contain itself the more repressive it will become to any

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 96 efforts or phenomena that could promote non-conformity. We have become accustomed to using the words culture and cult to reflect different levels of the continuum in this regard.

So, I had my own unique family environment which was radically different in many ways from my peers as a youth. No two people have the same environment of course, even 2 children in the same family have things at least a bit different from one another. Children naturally seek to belong and fit in, yet in my family there were conflicting norms in terms of where the children could fit in. If we followed the family norm we couldn't fit in too well to outside social and cultural norms. If we tried to fit in more to outside norms then we could expect to feel rejection or disapproval from within the family. So I had myself in the pre-intended situation of not really feeling I fit in or conformed fully, anywhere. As humans we get to learn a balance between adapting to surroundings and expressing our individuality.

Growing up in a middle class neighborhood around Homestead, Florida in the 1970s and 1980s, I lived in a family where there was no religion or spiritual practice promoted - and those were generally presented in a negative light by my parents. There was usually no actual celebration of holidays other than unceremoniously offered gifts at Christmas time and birthdays. One year my mother did try to have a birthday party for me, but there were only a few kids there, and what typical American kid would want to come to a "party" where the menu is raw foods? So I didn't eat most of the foods other kids did, didn't watch the TV shows & movies that most other kids did (watching mainly news, educational TV shows and old movies on TV), didn't celebrate holidays in my family how most peers did, and didn't get exposed much to music that most other kids listened to until I was in middle school. I also didn't go to

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Disney World or restaurants or other places that peers would talk about. So I grew up in America within an alien culture! And for those who think I've been raised by extraterrestrials...I don't mean that...but I can't deny that those ETs are on Earth meddling with things!

So to some extent it's hard to socialize and connect with people when you have a drastically different background...we humans typically feel comfortable with people who we feel some commonality with and shared cultural context...and when we interact with people who have a very different background we often feel uncomfortable or uneasy. We like to relate to one another but that is challenging when we walk much different paths prior to our crossing of paths. Observing the ethnic divisions that have plagued humanity reminds us of this challenge. This doesn't have to be so...but it is particularly the case when we are young and immature, either chronologically or spiritually. As we evolve we can come to appreciate interacting with those who are radically different from ourselves - we become less self-conscious and less apprehensive and recognize that we are all different roles, all valid and vital, being played by the One Self. We can be completely accepting and appreciating of both self and others. This is a challenge, but one that is quite rewarding. Having a childhood where I was to a significant extent raised apart from the dominant culture while also surrounded by that culture seems to have been useful in helping me come to naturally view things in a more detached and objective manner than I may have otherwise tended to see things. Things often can be seen in a more accurate context when observed from a distance.

In my experience, I have found that in social contexts people often tend to just assume commonality of context and experience...people routinely relate things about themselves and their experiences to me as if I have a shared context

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 98 from which to relate to them... whereas I can usually understand where they are coming from but often don't have any similar experience in this lifetime to associate or relate to what others communicate. In many settings people reflexively demean those who aren't part of the norm. It would seem like a "majority rules" thought pattern run amok. I recently interacted with a group of women who had set up a group to support each other in holistic parenting, whose values and interests tended to include natural childbirth, breastfeeding, natural health care, and avoiding allopathic medical vaccinations for their children. The women had tended to have experiences where they were in some way ostracized by friends, family, and even health care practitioners for their desire to raise their children in natural, harmonious ways that promote optimal health. These women were being treated in some instances as outcasts because they actually educated themselves and were pursuing parenting in a more informed manner than most others...and less-informed people were failing to honor or respect their choices. Children and teenagers commonly display the desire to impulsively conform to a group as they seek a sense of belonging, which should give us a hint that reliance on group norms is not a particularly mature stage of personal development.

Those who are truly wise know better than to wish to impose their ideas and attitudes upon others. When we fear the potential that we are ignorant we may react by attempting to bring others into conformity with our own ignorance so it can't be exposed, or else we isolate ourselves from others, also avoiding challenges to our lack of awareness. We grow through our interactions with and observations of others - so if we try to make others like ourselves we are likely resisting growth, and if we pre-judge or excessively isolate ourselves from others we are also resisting growth.

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Isolation isn't necessarily a barrier to progress. Often, temporarily shutting oneself off from the external social and sensory environment is a useful method in spiritual development - until taken to excessive levels where it becomes an obstacle to further growth. Spiritually focused fasts, vision quests, and meditative periods help one connect with inner awareness and deeper aspects of consciousness... but any awareness accessed in this manner ultimately needs to be actualized through external life experiences.

I recognize that all of us display imbalanced self-centered communications or reactions at times because we are in the habit of going through life identifying with our limited concept of self. Interacting in more balanced ways with others requires some detachment from one's limited human identity in order to be more open to understanding and allowing for alternate perspectives from other limited selves. Of course, that detachment is difficult when one has a psychological dependency upon conforming to a group for acceptance and security. In my life, beyond my early family environment, it has seemed that I never began to conform strongly enough to develop a substantial dependency on that sort of approval and acceptance. Instead, I have tended to turn in an opposite direction and limit social mingling, putting less pressure on myself to find a balance between sharing myself with others and entraining to their patterns of being. This core challenge is finding acceptance and appreciation for both self and others - regardless of whether or not they accept or appreciate you. This continuum is a very pronounced part of our human experience. We are constantly evolving our boundaries of self since there is ultimately just one Super-Self, of which we are each just traversing a limited range or expression.

In my life experiences I have found it interesting that I tend to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 100 get along with most people easily on a surface level, yet don't feel that I "fit" or am anchored and bonded solidly anywhere. This seems to correspond with the Libra tendency to be diplomatic and flexible, yet not inclined to become anchored and hold one's ground. So it seems to be a pattern that seeks to maintain a balance in any given situation, being sensitive and attuned to the environment while not keeping a rigid view of self or self-interest. I find that my Libra tendencies keep me "up-in-the-air" in more ways than one. The more I build awareness of this type of pattern the more I can crystallize my intentions to overcome the weaknesses associated with this pattern and apply the strengths in beneficial ways, such as in healing work.

Meanwhile, while the aspects of my family's social patterns that I've described contributed to some social detachment, I also had a sense of superiority and strong self-confidence in some ways due to my recognized "giftedness." Also, I consider that having a life in this setting, where I was not attached substantially to the social norms I was surrounded by, yet after a while forced to turn against the primary creator of the family's norms, was a vital experience to prepare me for exploring ideas about civilization, life, reality, and existence which conflict with what most of humanity is led or programmed to believe in one area or another. I've gotten the opportunity to observe and evaluate ideas and customs from an increasingly neutral position, seeing how all patterns of thought and experience contribute to the whole, with each having limitations so long as they fail to see the wholeness and interconnectedness of all existence.

To further examine family influences that I, from a higher, beyond conscious spiritual intention, placed myself in the midst of, I will relate more about my parents. My father was talented in a variety of areas. He did many kinds of handiwork, including carpentry, plumbing, welding, and auto

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 101 maintenance. His garage was full of all kinds of tools and equipment. He did tree grafting and set up irrigation systems. He did fertilizing with a spreader from his farm tractor. He was a saxophone player before he had children and his dental health diminished. While he was good with learning and performing practical skills, his weaknesses were in the area of emotional development, where he was generally insensitive to those close to him and to humanity in general in some ways. He desired to control things and convince others to go along with him, regardless of how they might feel. Interestingly, he was color-blind, which makes a good metaphor for someone who has a hard time seeing things the way others see them (and a hard time seeing things as they really are, but of course that's something that we all are faced with).

My parents' social life was pretty limited and I generally envied other peers because it seemed their parents were younger and did a lot more things with them. Later, my father leased his grove as he became weak and unable to care for it. He then did a small amount of work to maintain his small tropical fruit plant nursery and otherwise spent much time in bed watching television and pursuing his delusion that his poor health would be restored by cleansing fasts. The body can't function adequately or even cleanse itself unless properly nourished and energized. But my father held onto his ideas since his identity and much of his life hinged on them. His spirit is undoubtedly in a more aware state "somewhere" as I write this book. He played the role that synchronistically provided me with the experiences needed to foster my own spiritual development. I couldn't be sharing these writings if I didn't have the experiences in my life that have brought me to my current state of awareness in the present moment. My early life challenges forced development of skills and knowledge in place of social experience, and these skills could not have been developed

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 102 so much if I was involved more during certain parts of my life in social activities and relationships.

So these are different types of experiences that offer varying opportunities for clarifying our intentions. Spending one's entire adult life in a particular circumstance could help clarify for a spirit what it does and doesn't desire for experiences in other lives. While some persons may view a life of someone they observe in a negative way, that is really a limited and relative perspective. The life did have value and purpose within a larger framework of experiential growth. A variety of factors can foster and maintain a situation. Creation unfolds just as it is designed to and we have an eternity to shift our being toward greater levels of awareness. Foremost, I appreciate that whatever comes about in our lives is useful and appropriate, contributing to the collective experience of Creation.

Everything about us, including our voice, drawings, and physiology can reflect information about our psychological profile and our vibrational pattern of consciousness. There is even a system to use analysis of voice samples to identify disturbances in one's health and physiological functioning. In a more esoteric, metaphysical domain, a psychic can "tune in" to a person using a hair or tissue specimen from the person, clothing or objects used by the person, as well as the person's photo, voice, or name. So everything really is interconnected into a unified whole at some level - and you can access information about a larger unit of wholeness from any of its constituent parts or subset of the whole. With the technique of radionics a practitioner can apply a treatment to any item connected to a person (hair, blood, urine, photo, etc.) and the treatment vibrationally resonates with the actual person. The same underlying principle is used with a different type of intent by voodoo practitioners and adepts of "witchcraft" and "!"

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Returning to discussion of my family issues, I have to say that it's easier for me to see the issues of my relatives than my own issues. Examining one's own issues often requires using input from your subconscious mind such as physical symptoms, dreams, and hypnotic guidance or . Of course, just about everyone has some challenge they shy away from. Many people feel uncomfortable learning to use new technological devices even though their children or grandchildren rapidly become adept with these items. There is a common human tendency to fear disappointing ourselves as well as to fear disappointing others. We become attached to our superficial human identity and become self-conscious, forgetting the spiritual truth that all is one and we don't need to compare ourselves to anyone else in a judgmental manner. We are afraid for people to know all the things about ourselves that we feel uncomfortable about. Yet, to become free of these fears we need to confront them and find a way of dissolving or transcending them. Sometimes this means taking action to immerse oneself in what is feared to challenge the negative expectation that has been generating the fear. Sometimes we need to reprocess the experience that fostered a fear to begin with in order to change subconscious programming. Other times we need to just open up and let others know about our self-doubts and insecurities so that we aren't choked by their weight any longer. Once in the open we can view our fears and insecurities more neutrally and release them.

This process of examination is better fostered by recognizing the difference between judgment and discernment. Discernment involves learning to see things as they are and applying that insight as one makes decisions and forms intentions. Judgment carries the connotation of right vs. wrong and seeking to eliminate what is thought of as wrong

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 104 or bad. When one examines oneself with a judgmental attitude then that individual is choosing to devalue self in his/her mind. Yet, the purpose of self-exploration is the desire to grow and expand. If you devalue yourself how can your truly grow and expand? Discernment is a neutral process which facilitates insight. If you catch yourself in a judgmental attitude you can continue to evaluate things, but you may wish to do so in a mode of discernment. Remember, stay balanced so you can evaluate rather than devaluate!

As an example of how we can overcome insecurities, I will describe a significant experience I had in graduate school that released a pattern generated by insecurity. In the graduate counselor education program students participated in process groups, where the students participated in group therapy facilitated by more advanced level graduate students. The purpose was to help us experience and observe the process of group therapy and to deal with any issues we as a group of counseling students wished to address. One exercise done in the group was for each person to share a "secret" about himself or herself with the group. I shared about having had a finger-sucking habit. As a child I had sucked my middle and index finger and continued to do so at times when I was in elementary school, while maintaining the habit more frequently at home. When I was in about 1st or 2nd grade I began to do this more rarely at school or in public, and as I got older I pretty much never sucked my fingers in public but did have the habit periodically at home or in private. So at the time when I was about 21 or 22 and in graduate school I still occasionally sucked my fingers in private. After sharing this with the group I never had an urge to suck my fingers again, with almost a dozen years passing from that time to my start of writing this book. So, this habit was associated with insecurity (babies use pacifiers, right?) and I was insecure

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 105 about others seeing my habit. The habit was broken when I broke through the insecurity by exposing it, shifting my consciousness to recognize that my peers had no desire to judge my habits (and if they had wished to judge me then I would have had to learn to not give a damn if others wish to judge me).

My parents sought to keep me away from conventional (and even alternative) medical personnel as much as possible as I grew up, with my father being the dominant one in the family who would generally force his opinion on my mother and consequently his 3 children. This meant he didn't want me in organized extra-curricular sports due to the chances of injury leading to hospitalization. When I got scrapes and cuts and wasp or bee stings they would always be allowed to heal on their own and I was never taken to a doctor. Likewise, when I got colds and flus I was expected to reduce food intake or fast to help expedite self-recovery from the illness. Personally, I suspect that full fasts during flus actually perpetuated some illnesses, as some nourishment with fluids gives the body replenishment of energy and nutrients it uses up when dealing with stress and infection. My father generally would want us to fast until fever subsided to within about a point of normal, so fasts (these were water fasts, not juice fasts) would sometimes be 2 or 3 days - which is somewhat hazardous, from a more informed and rational point of view. Yet, I can also observe that the conventional modern idea of routinely using drugs to stop fever is also quite dangerous, as fever halts viral replication and is a key component of human immune response, meaning that modern medicine often fuels epidemics and death rather than preventing or halting the spread of illness ...so there is much lack of awareness to go around! In the current phase of my life, I'm very conscious of the energy flow of my body and it's hydration and nourishment needs, and I normally recover within a day from any

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 106 infectious condition I encounter. Self-treatments with "reiki" life force energy have typically had a dramatic effect for me, and I find I have no inclination now to skip more than maybe 1 meal if I'm feeling sick and would prefer to fast briefly as a cleansing aid or tool for enhancing intuitive talents rather than as a treatment for acute illness. When I was a child my parents didn't have much exposure to or hold credence in ideas about life force and metaphysical healing, so I didn't learn about and become involved in that until I was in my 20s.

My parents also were agnostic, perhaps somewhat atheistic in their expressed beliefs. My father was a believer in "nature," in a somewhat Darwinian, conceptualization. As an example, he believed that homosexuality was due to biological degeneration, while he was highly critical of religion and beliefs about God and spirits. He seemed to believe that consciousness is a result of biological processes that evolve in nature and that when we die we cease to exist as our body breaks down and is recycled by nature. So finding a way to maintain health and longevity was an obsession with my father. Of course, ironically, his fear of dying young led him to restrictive ideas that created what he feared - dying a bit earlier than an average modern life expectancy. That's actually a possible example of how our thoughts create and how fears attract that which is feared. Meanwhile, in recent years my mother and sister have been tuned in to spiritual and metaphysical ideas and practices following my endeavors in this regard, each with their own level of development on their spiritual journey.

I can remember when I was about 3 or 4 years old and alone outdoors with my thoughts I once thought to myself "It doesn't seem right that I would exist and then die, erasing my awareness or consciousness of self from existence." I

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 107 didn't accept the idea of non-existence, which materialism promotes in relation to the existence of consciousness, but had no way of exploring these ideas at that time, and wasn't really ready to in a substantial manner until adulthood.

As I entered middle school and then adolescence (beginning around age 10 or 11), I began to develop hypothyroidism which led me to develop an increasingly severe goiter that I had for about 4 or 5 years, halting my bone growth and beginning to pressure my throat and swallowing as well as beginning to cause problems with major organs in my body. My father had been refusing to get any medical treatment for me or input about this which could counter his beliefs in pure raw vegetarian diet and fasting to heal all illnesses. In this case iodine deficiency/lack of absorption was the physical level source of the problem which I had learned about myself through an encyclopedia even though my dad was in denial. No one's views were adequately respected in the family by my dad except his own, and everyone in the family came to display thyroid deficiency after I did (being "first" in my family in this regard wasn't an enviable position, although it fits a pattern of me becoming aware of things before others or being ahead of others in some way during my life, such as finishing assignments first or hearing about occult information before most others). After I became very hostile toward my dad (and subsequent to his having brought me reluctantly to a couple natural physicians who were misguided and mislabeled/mistreated my case) he eventually got me to a holistically oriented medical doctor who got me on natural thyroid extract and kelp to get my endocrine system working again over a period of time.

In reflection, this whole episode resonated with all I perceive as my pre-incarnational intentional patterns. As a child I was sheltered from a lot of popular media, such as children's cartoons, and was discouraged from any interest in junk food

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 108 or drugs. I was encouraged to get physical exercise and intellectual exercise, riding my bicycle frequently and working in the family's fruit grove in addition to playing baseball at home and engaging in mentally challenging games and puzzles. I was doing 1500 piece jigsaw puzzles as a kindergartener. I was inclined to focus on intellectual pursuits because there wasn't that much else to do and also my parents saw academic achievement as a validation for the diet and lifestyle they were raising their kids with. In actuality, a well-balanced natural diet is very conducive to optimal mental performance, but certainly not the only influence on this. I was getting mostly straight A's and was in the National Spelling Bee while I had the thyroid illness, although my younger brother seemed to have his mental functioning regress toward average when he had thyroid impairment.

I was forced to confront speaking out and throat chakra issues. I was forced to begin looking at the role of diet and dietary idiosyncrasies in my life experience. I was deformed in appearance and "spared" from getting involved in any romantic relationships. I was generally emotionally isolated to a significant extent because I wasn't in a position to share with people about what I was going through - getting outsiders involved would create the potential of tearing the family apart, getting my parents jailed, etc. I had to lie at times to deflect people's comments or curiosities about my goiter. Also, I came to have strong confidence in my own abilities and my own judgment about things, since those in authority in my family clearly weren't competent in that regard. As a young child I had shadowed my father as he did a variety of handy-work and do-it-yourself tasks, viewing a model of self-reliance and industriousness that gave me confidence in my own competency and ability to learn throughout life.

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I went on to pursue intellectual pursuits focusing on psychological theories and therapies as well as holistic healthcare concepts. While in college I volunteered as a court-appointed special advocate for children involved in the social service system and after receiving a master's degree in counseling I got a job providing therapy with children and adolescents, many of whom had been abused or neglected and been in foster care or under a family services case plan. It should be clear that my working with this population wasn't a coincidence, but was a synchronistic consequence of the flow of intentions drawing me to explore my own experience of dysfunctional treatment in my youth by observing the experiences of other children and adolescents. By seeing things in the external world we are catalyzed to see related issues within ourselves. Remember, life is a feedback system! Thus, I was gaining insight into psychological development and expanding my perspective on my own life by interacting with various children who had their own diverse experiences of not being valued or cared for adequately. It wasn't a conscious intention as I followed that career path at the time, but that's not surprising, since the most powerful and influential intentions in our lives are often subconscious or superconscious.

I also maintained ongoing interests in music, which was a venue for self-expression from when I was a teenager. Music really resonated with emotions - emotions I couldn't share with anyone at the time. Even in the present it's not that easy or natural for me to share my experiences with people, as I find it's hard for many people to understand or relate to my unusual upbringing and experiences. I began to play guitar and keyboard in high school and sang in the varsity chorus as a high school senior. I began collecting CDs at that time and now have thousands, which I'm dispersing as I maintain my music collection in a more compressed form (MP3).

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My musical interest led me to the Internet in its formative stages. I sought out musical guitar tablature and lyrics on the gopher protocol text files online and began to download MIDI electronic music scores/sequences from America Online before the World Wide Web came about. In the mid-1990s I was in the University of Miami library PC lab discovering the infancy of the World Wide Web, where HTML graphical pages could be viewed via Mosaic, an early browser that was one of a few that paved the way for Netscape and Internet Explorer. This led me to create my own web page in 1996 to help catalog sites with MIDI music sequences. Subsequently, the Internet Web became a key to my exploration of spirituality, holistic health, and occult and suppressed information topics. The Internet has become a vast resource for information and communication which is only available at the current point in civilization.

In college I volunteered at the college radio station and had a roommate in graduate school who happened to be a doctoral student in music.

It was around the time I was in graduate school that I really began to open up to my spiritual development in a conscious way. My roommate, Keith, was a vegetarian - he happened to be the first person to respond to my ad for a roommate and it was an instant fit. He was into like I was and had spiritual interests that would later capture my own interest, such as materials by Edgar Cayce & J. Krishnamurti. Keith, who already had a divorce under his belt, got married to his Chinese girlfriend and moved into an apartment with her at around the time that I graduated and moved to my mother's home as I looked for full-time work in the counseling field. Furthermore, in graduate school I had a friend who had decided in the midst of the graduate counseling program that she would go to an Episcopal

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 111 seminary after completing her degree. This further pushed me to explore and challenge existing ideas I had related to "God" and spirituality.

As I transitioned from completing my graduate level training to entering the mental health profession as a therapist, I also began to pursue my exploration of religion, spirituality, and subjects (hooray for the X-Files!). I read numerous books and explored a variety of subjects that seem to lead into or connect with one another. I had become interested in the roots of Christianity and especially enjoyed learning about the Essenes, a mystical movement associated with Judaism, Gnosticism, and also with ancient mystery schools, holistic healing, and the historical context for the New Testament Jesus character. In studying about this I was led to learn about theories concerning reincarnation, metaphysics, spiritual energies, spirit contact, and many other mystical and occult subjects. I was very much inspired by the ideas of spiritual healing and Jesus having been someone who practiced healing methods that were common among people trained in the mystical traditions. I read about "Reiki," a modern approach to tapping into healing energies that could allow any motivated person such as myself to be a powerful healing facilitator and could really imagine myself doing this. I was greatly inspired by this idea. Then, synchronistically, within a couple years the counseling agency I worked for placed me at a site to provide counseling to students at a school where one of the school's counselors, Jorge, happened to be a Reiki Master. Without knowing about my reiki interest, Jorge invited me to attend a reiki healing circle that he and his roommate held at their home. I was really excited to experience reiki and learn more, and Jorge and his roommate David quickly sensed my enthusiasm and commitment to reiki, so they assisted me in learning to practice reiki and provided reiki attunements, a method

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 112 within the reiki tradition of opening up the reiki student's energy system and healing potential.

Meanwhile, as I was working at the counseling agency, I became compelled to strike up a friendship with a woman named Gwen, who I soon discovered was already interested in and familiar with '"" and "new age" spiritual ideas and self help philosophies. She even has a mother who has been involved extensively in working with these types of ideas. So my interests had led to synchronistic occurrences in accord with my field of attraction, even though I wasn't consciously directing the process. These patterns are fostered from subconscious levels, and I find that trying to force things consciously can get in the way of manifesting intentions, since the very fact that a need to force things exists indicates a pattern of doubt is being projected. Consequently, these episodes are examples in my own life of how my conciousness and intentions brought me into experiences that resonated with the intentions I had formed... and this happened naturally when I allowed the process to unfold.

Another interesting thing about my intentional field is that I have had an undersized physical body. When I've tried to eat a lot of heavy foods and gain weight it just stresses my body and increases the likelihood of catching illness. The basic structure of my body isn't going to change in this lifetime, though my vibrational resonances can. It seems like I've been subconsciously not that "at home" being present in this civilization and social environment. After all, I've been resonating with different ideas and lifestyles than most in my surroundings, and I've been very much focused on the mental and spiritual planes. I easily tune in to non-physical energy, while I find myself on a different wavelength than most people with material concerns which has made me non-threatening to most people; yet leaves me as someone

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 113 that people generally don't bring in to their social circle.

So that's something that I am challenged to balance out in this life - to be more present and able to connect more with people in the physical plane. This can be viewed as increasing my physical presence, which includes social interactions and business and professional activities, so I can bridge these levels of being (spiritual-physical) and become more fully integrated. To a certain extent, the more one develops the spiritual aspect of one's being, the less connected such individuals will be with the society around them, since most people will be unprepared to relate to that person at the level which has been reached. There are a small number of people who can be connected with on a high level, but it seems likely that one must be open to interacting with the full spectrum of society and being true to self in those circumstances in order to allow for the more advanced connections to manifest. You have to allow others to be who they are if you intend to be allowed to fully express who you are!

An interesting aspect of the principles of attraction and intention is how persons and things in our environment represent aspects of ourselves that we get to see indirectly through the outer world "mirror." For example, my sister represented the "achiever" aspect of myself that sought academic and professional accomplishments; she was always a straight A student and immersed in academic pursuits, which compelled me toward achievement in that regard even though I was generally less obsessive about it. My father reflected stubbornness and self-certainty traits in myself, which I have to balance with openness, spontaneity, and interest in seeking new ideas and activities in my life. My mother reflects some nurturing efforts and desires for responsibility, honesty, and charity, as well as tendencies toward fear and overprotection of self. My brother reflects

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 114 insecurities and fears, especially lack of comfort in social arenas and lack of initiative to communicate. Fear creates a self-perpetuating cycle until it's overcome. We each have to accept and appreciate who we are and our life history if we wish to attract the experience of having others appreciate and accept us. We each have our unique contribution to the web of existence and we all grow by sharing with each other and seeing aspects of Self reflected in others.

Getting back to the topic of different layers of intention, there are intentions that we develop in our present life based upon our personal interests and upon influences provided by family, culture, and society. We may develop intentions toward types of jobs, getting a house or car, starting a hobby, building income, getting married, raising a family, and other pursuits. These experiences can also be associated with biological drives or spiritual intentions. In fact, any intention could fit into a spiritual intention for experience. A person usually has little influence over basic programmed biological drives and intentions other than to lessen their influences by focusing on more conscious intentions. A person also has limited influence over pre-designed spiritual intentions other than to become aware of these. Once aware, a person can become more connected to the flow of these higher intentions and receptive to learning from related experiences and finding greater balance in order to move on to new patterns of experience.

It is at the conscious level of our mind that we usually focus on shaping our intentions. The consciously generated intentions get recorded at the subconscious level of mind. Here, they may be supported or subverted by other subconscious intentions, including intentions from earlier in life, intentions received from the superconscious (higher self), and intentions from the biological programming and genetics. These intentions generate vibratory fields that

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 115 operate according to the principle of like attracts like, connecting the individual with experiences matching the predominant patterns of intention. Here are some useful hypothetical examples of how this might work:

You have a biological program to mate with the opposite physical gender which is supported by your religion or culture and by your own conscious intention as well as what your higher spiritual self desires to experience from your incarnation. With all these intentions in accord you are certain to have this experience of mating and marriage.

You have a biological program for attraction to the same gender, which is opposed by your family and religion and is supported by your higher spiritual self's intention for this life. You experience conscious confusion and distress about whether to pursue a homosexual lifestyle or live a closeted life. In this scenario, the individual will likely attract circumstances that will compel the person to release attachments to the influences of family and religion and increase self-acceptance related to sexual orientation.

You were born in an impoverished area and your family has been poor. They accept and value their circumstance and even display resentment toward wealthy people, encouraging their children to work hard and live simple, humble lives. You consciously value comfort and outward abundance but seem to be stuck toward achieving this. In this case, the individual likely has subconscious patterns of intention from childhood that valued parental acceptance and parental values, including the resentment of wealth and attachment to poverty. This person can use deprogramming of counter-intentions and deliberate application of creative intention to attract a new pattern of experience.

Hopefully this can help illustrate how our experiences are

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 116 shaped by intentions and how we can consciously focus our intentions to reshape our experiences, within parameters of creative processes outlined in this book. By understanding how this works we can build greater confidence in our selves and greater trust in Creation and the higher purposes which guide our existence. Misunderstanding creative processes can foster frustration, disappointment, and disbelief. If a million people focus on the intention for themselves to become President of the United States in 4 years then at least 999,999 people will face disappointment and likely disbelief in the vibrational principle of intention. However, if those same people focus on intentions that are suited to their own lives and experiences, such as having better relationships, having a more fulfilling job, or overcoming unhealthy habits, there will be many pleased people with newfound faith in Creation, provided they apply these vibrational principles in a thorough, deliberate manner, including the application of allowance as a key to opening to the flow of vibrational attraction.

Many people who rave about attracting what they desire and principles of manifestation will mention that they always seem to get good parking spots, draw in income without hard work, find a fulfilling job, or attain some other desirable circumstance in life. In these cases, the likelihood that such intentions would conflict with Higher intentions is limited. There is an abundance of illusory monetary wealth in the world, so people who have incarnated in our civilization can realistically expect to be able to attract money unless there is a greater spiritual purpose in that incarnation to have material poverty. Parking spaces are always becoming available and those in the flow are sure to get good ones if that's their intention and they trust it will occur - except for the one time when you have to park far away and on your extended walk you just happen to bump into someone who will play a vital part in your life path. There are plenty of jobs

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 117 in most professions; unless you're just meant to end up doing something else based upon a higher intention it should be expected that you will connect with a job that corresponds with your intended vibration. What is difficult for most people to accept is that whatever position you are in at a given moment is just fine - we have a tendency to judge our progress and grade things in a linear manner. This is hard to break free of since so much of civilization is based on competition and comparative judgments. Everything flows to and from the same source, so it ultimately doesn't matter where your wave in the ocean of existence happens to crest. All the waves contribute to the ocean and none can stay frozen where they are - everything is in motion and transformation.

So applying focused intention to these issues should help build confidence in the process and one's own creative potential. Start with something small, like the parking places. As you experience positive results in attracting these things you will become more empowered to apply the principles to bigger issues in your life. Just be careful to not become overly grandiose and seek to manifest an intention that overrides your Higher Self's purposes for your life or which carries an imbalanced agenda that could harm or interfere with others and bring you undesirable repercussions due to neglect of the consideration of allowance related to others.

For example, seeking to attract global peace for everybody could interfere with many spiritual intentions that involve experiencing conflict. One could seek to attract more peace in one's own life and to be supportive of peace unfolding in society in whatever manner the mass consciousness may allow, but intending for the whole world to have the experience you desire is a distorted idea that is restrictive to Creation and would attract someone else to impose their will

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 118 on you due to your own disregard for allowance.

Another distorted use of intention is when someone attempts to place a spell or curse on someone, which are ritualistic approaches to focusing intention. If you intend to "make" someone "fall in love" with you then you are not allowing that person freedom and really don't have a mature idea about the concept of love. You could create an intention to attract an experience of a relationship which satisfies your present ideals, but if you attempt to be restrictive and controlling in how you create your field of attraction then don't be surprised if you sabotage your intent or attract someone who tries to control you! Similarly, intending for unpleasant things to happen to someone who you feel wronged by could attract an experience of unpleasantness toward you. It is suggested that you seek to learn and gain maturity from experiences where you have been mistreated, rather than creating an energetic attachment to the person or situation by desiring revenge.

Another nuance of consciously working with intentions is the potential for seemingly unrelated intentions to interfere with one another. This could be a career-focused intention interfering with a relationship intention or even an intention for wealth interfering with an intention. For example, suppose you have an intention toward becoming widely known and sought out for your professional skills, which attracts proposals for you to travel a lot to expand your career. Meanwhile, you have set an intention to remain committed to your partner and to raising children. It becomes clear that your spouse and children will be neglected if you pursue the level of career achievement you envisioned. You will inevitably have to revise your intentions in some way due to the experience you have now attracted. In the example of an intention for wealth, you may attract wealth building opportunities that involve a business practice

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 119 or arrangement that you consider unethical or in some way harmful or unfair to people. Many wealth opportunities are indeed connected to these types of conditions. This may lead you to re-examine intentions you have set and consider whether you will pursue wealth at the expense of other considerations, attempt to attract opportunities to gain wealth that are consistent with other values, or instead focus intentions on things you would like to manifest in your life regardless of whether or not it brings you material wealth.

Your external world doesn't reflect genie-like creative processes. It challenges you to become increasingly aware of what you are creating and to become more responsible and balanced in your consciousness. The challenges help you grow, and you are at some level of self the one who has chosen them. There is no right or wrong way of being or creating. Everything in creation is part of One Being and One Creative Process unfolding. We can generate a wide variety of intentions, and as we attract ourselves to experience external circumstances reflecting our intentions, we get feedback giving us an opportunity to mature and refine our intentions and our creative desires and values.

Examples of "Past Life" vibrations influencing present experience will follow.

Case 1

Ruth is a lady in her 30s who is married and has a young child but wishes to have no more children. Her husband has expressed interest in more children while he has lost sexual interest in Alice and they have not had relations for a long time. Alice also has genital herpes. In a regression, Alice recalls another lifetime where she was a woman married to a man whose spirit is her husband in the present life. In that life she saw an empty crib and recalled she was unable to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 120 have a child, leaving her husband upset as she experienced guilt in disappointing him by being unable to conceive. Her husband in the other life left her and she ended that life feeling bored and committing suicide. This scenario corresponds with author 's listing of psychological/spiritual sources of physical symptoms, which connects genital herpes with issues about sexuality and guilt associated with sexuality. Ongoing research into mind-body pathways associated with illness has yielded much illuminating information that will be addressed later.

Case 2

Helen is a middle-aged woman experiencing physical pains. She has a history of depression and feels sometimes overwhelmed with responsibilities, including a history of being disturbed by spirits who come to her due to her mediumistic abilities. In regressions, she experiences herself in the following situations: She is in a room where she feels trapped with the wall being pushed in toward her by beings who are afraid of her power. Another regression has her in another life as a man captaining a wooden sailing ship with cargo in the Caribbean. This occurs during a storm that overwhelms and wrecks the ship, killing many of the crew and leaving the past life persona stranded with a handful of survivors, one of whom spits on this person's corpse after he dies. This past life self feels responsible for the loss and misery that have occurred. Helen also experiences regressions where she is a Native American shaman and where she is a seer for an African tribe. As the seer she feels like she is put on a pedestal by the people in the tribe and wishes to empower the people (rather than them being dependent upon her for her metaphysical talents) and become closer to them rather than feeling that there is a sense of distance accompanying the respect they have for her.

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Case 3

Carlos is a middle aged man who has experienced emotional barriers with a co-worker who he has had romantic interests in but who has not been open to that type of connection with him. In a regression, he recalls a past life as a man who was married to a woman whose spirit is currently his present life co-worker. He recalls her being deeply upset with him for cheating on her in that life. He was proud and stubborn and unwilling to apologize, so his wife divorced him and left with their children. He remarried but was never in love after the first wife left. At the end of that life he felt guilty and regretful for being so selfish earlier and letting his wife go away. In a post-life state he communicated with this woman's spirit, expressing his love for her and commitment to being loyal. Subsequently, this man has developed a closer and more open friendship with this woman in the present.

These are a few examples from my experience. There are hundreds of other cases described in books as well as millions more that have been recorded or experienced by those participating in guidance into recall of other lifetimes. Patterns carried into the present from other lives definitely influence one's subconscious intentions and fields of attraction. If you are getting stuck in creating a shift in your life you may wish to ask your subconscious to guide you to any experience that may be contributing to the present situation. You may have formed intentions in another time and place that are guiding what you presently attract in your experience. Becoming aware of the source of these patterns of consciousness and intention allows you to release them and bring resolution to them using your present awareness.

Consciousness uses physical reality to interact with and

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 122 communicate with itself in a dynamic feedback system. Findings in holistic medicine combined with research in quantum physics and fractal and holographic models of in- formation processing have provided truly awe inspiring and expansive ideas about how consciousness uses the human body to reflect its vibratory patterns. This is consistent with the creative principles discussed in this book, as the physical level of reality reflects the spiritual in order to provide feedback for consciousness to balance itself. One example is in the field of "New Medicine," also referred to as German New Medicine and Meta-Medicine or Biodecoding by some applying its findings, where researchers have documented how unresolved trauma or psychological conflict fosters changes that can be mapped in the human brain. The location of the physiological brain disturbance correlates with the type of psychological issue or trauma involved. The emotional pattern and the brain pattern correlate quite predictably with specific health problems, which are seen as a purposeful attempt by the organism to address the unresolved conflict through biology or behavior. The brain is recognized as the center of the nervous system, which carries information throughout the body. Thus, any disturbance of balance in the brain could alter the pattern of information being communicated to the body, leading to specific disturbances in body function. Since the brain facilitates the interaction between consciousness and the physical realm, the status of the brain changes according to the emotions and thought patterns of the individual, which are subsequently reflected in the physiology of the body. This happens on a subconscious level. There are methods of increasing congruence between conscious and subconscious thought patterns and intentions that can be used to help resolve traumas, leading to a return to balance throughout the system of body, brain, subconscious and conscious. Comprehensive holistic healing approaches can work to help the system generate balance at all levels.

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In Oriental and indigenous medicine systems there are mappings of the energetic network of the information processing system of our being. These systems describe energy vortexes/transformers which are typically called chakras, a word from the Sanskrit language. They also map energy circuits, including the major meridians addressed in the system of Chinese medicine. Since these energy networks reflect the flow and distribution of information within these feedback systems that we call human beings, disturbances in one's beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are typically reflected in the flow of energy through chakras and meridians. This leads to specific patterns of symptoms which can be analyzed to gain insight into the individual's personality and psychological issues. An example would be a person who feels emotionally wounded and has congested the flow of energy at the heart chakra. This may lead to heart and circulatory system illnesses as well as chronic emotional imbalance. The energy meridian circuit through the affected organ may be disrupted as well (energy in a meridian can flow weakly or become "over- charged" somewhere within the circuit, depending upon how and where the disruption occurs - the healthy state is like a river with a steady current; it carries you along but doesn't become so rapid that you can't safely handle it).

Another example of the body reflecting the consciousness is the research concerning HADO vibrational healing as described by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto's work has been discussed by metaphysical healers and holistic physicians quite frequently since he published photos of microscopic water crystals as they respond to various environmental stimuli. This was brought to an even larger audience by the appearance of Emoto's water crystal display in the popular independent film starring Marlee Matlin called What The Bleep Do We Know? In the HADO healing system, it is

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 124 found that specific organs, illnesses, and emotions have a vibrational resonance with one another. An example would be Alzheimer's Disease having a vibration resonant with loneliness. The HADO system applies vibrational patterns carried by water to the recipient to cancel out unhealthy patterns in order to restore balance. HADO practitioners have reported many wonderful success stories with patients who were considered untreatable or hopeless by conventional medical physicians.

Louise Hay has written extensively about physical representations of psycho-spiritual issues. As I was writing this book a woman I'm acquainted with presented a nice example of the Louise Hay correspondences, as she was experiencing anxiety about a job transfer due to feeling very attached to the colleagues at her old location and reluctant to let go. At the time this was going on she manifested bladder problems, which according to Louise Hay's Heal Your Body A to Z represent the psychological issue she was experiencing. I myself have had experiences of physical symptoms providing feedback about psychospiritual issues, such as throat and thyroid issues in my life connected to having difficulty expressing myself sufficiently, and right foot disturbances when feeling anxious about going forward in my life.

Remember: As within, so without - looking at the external reality to gain insight and self-awareness.

You may examine the principles of vibratory creation in reverse at times. This means seeing what exists in the reality you experience and exploring how your own patterns of intentions and your field of attraction has brought these experiences into your life. This helps you discover your own imbalances - lessons you need to master and patterns of consciousness you may hold which are counter to creating a

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 125 balanced, harmonious life. Creation can be appreciated as a feedback system in which consciousness creates an external reality through the vibrational principles, allowing consciousness to understand the effects of its own thoughts. This allows for consciousness to transform itself toward balance as it gains awareness through the experienced feedback. This is a slow and challenging process at the physical density level. However, the greater the challenge, the greater the mastery gained. Since we all come from a higher intention to incarnate on Earth, we can recognize that there are experiential lessons we have placed ourselves here to master. All the imbalances and difficulties on Earth are actually useful teaching aids for our spirits. The nature of life and civilization on Earth reflects the imbalances and distortions in the patterns of consciousness of the beings present on Earth. Like attracts like, so Earth's circumstances have attracted those entities that are intending to have experiences consistent with the Earth environment. As the of those beings who are present shifts, either the Earth environment will change or those entities will leave to focus their energy and intentions in a more resonant vibrational realm.

We usually maintain an excessive external focus in our lives, wishing to change external circumstances that are unpleasant or undesirable. However, such circumstances will tend to persist or repeat themselves unless we change our own consciousness. These external circumstances are feedback for the purpose of inner transformation. What do outside circumstances and your reaction to them teach you about yourself? Are you too judgmental? Do you lack appreciation or gratitude in your life? Do you focus on caring for yourself at the expense of others or vice versa? Do you have imbalanced beliefs that are being illustrated by the external reality they have attracted you to experience? Allow yourself to become aware of these things and come to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 126 appreciate the lessons and opportunities for growth. Release any self-judgments about what you have created or experienced in your life, for whatever you have experienced is exactly what you needed as feedback to foster your spiritual development. In fact, you may admire your own courage and determination in giving yourself such challenges! The material state of your human existence is only temporary. It is far more important for you to gain in consciousness and spiritual awareness, which your spiritual self will carry beyond the human incarnation into its eternal existence.

As your inner world shifts, you will naturally come to vibrate and act differently, attracting different external circumstances. The inner reflects the outer as the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. As above, so below, as within, so without is how this has been expressed in ancient wisdom teachings. In astrology, the vibrational patterns represented by celestial objects are viewed as resonating with vibrational patterns of consciousness that guide human life and activities. Circumstances in the physical world are thought of as reflecting the patterns of energy and consciousness in non-physical levels of reality. Just as dreams are thought to contain symbolic expressions of issues related to the conscious experience in the waking world, our waking world experiences can be understood as symbolic of issues in our subconscious and superconscious levels of awareness. In holistic medicine, the surface of the foot is considered to contain a "map" of points that have a resonance and connection with organs and areas of the whole body. Likewise, each part of the body is considered to have a resonance with psycho-spiritual issues, allowing the mind and body to be treated as a non-dual whole, where feedback of disturbance is seen as a guide to pursuing and fostering a restoration of essential balance.

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Looking at external reality we can also recognize the larger intentions that guide the manifestation of our perceived reality. We can see how people's lives end abruptly through a variety of circumstances and understand that these physical deaths were usually not consciously desired but were on some level chosen by the spirits which brought life to those humans. We can recognize how people may choose to incarnate in impoverished areas of the world to experience that culture and environment and see the value in that experience rather than going on a mission to get everyone in the world to manifest wealth. If that person's spirit has chosen a simple, materially deprived existence, the wealth manifestation courses would not work for that person anyway, regardless of claims offered by the gurus of attracting wealth and success. This isn't to say that there aren't valid ideas in the prosperity courses; it's just that some people have patterns of consciousness that are not going to respond to or practice the ideas adequately even if they try to on a conscious level.

Success is judged subjectively. If your spirit chose a life of poverty then being born in a small Haitian village might be seen as a success by spirit evaluating its ability to manifest its intentions. In fact, the principles of creation are flawless, so whatever happens is always in some sense a success. Human culture merely defines success according to intentions that are valued by the society in its addiction to polarization. No one would care about or bother to make judgments about wealth unless there are people who lack it. No one would judge intimate relationships as failed or successful unless they saw a polarity with some circumstances valued as positive and others negative. Observing your life and the world around you, you may begin to explore the intentions that are contributing to the manifested reality. You may or may not decide to transform some of your own conscious and subconscious intentions.

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You may find more peace and fulfillment as you become more aware of higher intentions that direct your life experience. While you may have picked up this book hoping to learn to "get" anything you desire, you may instead put down this book after you have read every page and feel more open to appreciating all that exists and embracing the inner growth process that your external reality facilitates.

One Thing Leads To Another

I've discussed how our path in life appears synchronistic when observed from a suitable perspective. I'd like to share some more about this dynamic in my own life. In the fall of 2001 I took a hypnosis practitioner certification class. Among the students was an older woman named Jackie along with her husband who is a dentist. In one of the class exercises that was related to neurolinguistic programming we were asked to think of a person we have admiration or respect for related to certain qualities. I happened to think of an author named David Icke, who is rather controversial and unconcerned about what the general public or society's establishment think or say about him. The same day, I happened to spend the lunch break in conversation with Jackie and her husband and Jackie asked me my thoughts about world affairs and if I'm familiar with the writing of David Icke!

Jackie, a pretty intense Scorpio was immediately drawn to me and expressed that she thinks I'm a very knowledgeable and aware person. After we had finished the hypnosis training she invited me to join a group that attends channeling sessions with a psychic medium named Mataare who she has known many years. Mataare channels spirits that provide various lessons and metaphysical training to attendees. I was attending this group for about 2 years. Mataare's channelings were done with groups on site at his

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 129 home as well as over the Internet via private multimedia chatrooms on the PalTalk network. I referred to this experience and my observations and reservations about channeling near the beginning of this book.

While in that group I crossed paths with a woman in the group named Magda, who as a mental health counselor was in the same profession as I at the time. I pretty immediately sensed there was some connection we'd have beyond the class and Magda eventually discussed with me collaborating on a business to provide counseling services and workshops. I eventually discontinued involvement in the channeling groups after I began working on the business with Magda. Our business was slow and failed to yield profit despite the work Magda, myself, and a 3rd partner put into it. I ended up leaving the corporation within a year.

In the midst of working on that venture, Magda and Esmeralda, our other business partner, were exploring other counseling jobs with agencies in the area as we were all still working at other positions. Magda recommended to me that I apply to an agency called American Therapeutic Corporation, where I could work as a per diem (per hour, independent contractor) therapist doing part time work running therapy groups. At the time I was reluctant to apply for another position for a community mental health agency, as I had become tired of working for the agency where I had already been working several years. I also have an unconventional set of ideas and approaches to mental health and decided that I would submit a resume with all the holistic and alternative approaches and training I had and if they wanted to hire me as the person that I presented openly on my application then it would be "meant to be." So sure enough I was called in to interview and was soon hired, with a bit of delay before I actually started work there.

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Within a week of working there I sensed an unusual sense of affinity and connection with the assistant site director - I think the book in her office Wherever You Go, There You Are (by Jon Kabat-Zinn) was a nice clue that there is a meaning and purpose for whatever spot on our path we find ourselves. So becoming friends with her was certainly something significant on my path and one of the series of occurrences that led to the creation of this book - and who knows what reading this book may lead to in your life! As the Fixx song says, "One Thing Leads To Another," and of course that's how our lives are - a path of experiences that all fit together to help us grow and mature as spiritual beings.

Anything you may regret from your past was exactly what you needed at that time to lead you along the path toward the point of awareness where you are now as you read this. We generally don't see how things fit together since we are stuck perceiving our life from within a linear time-frame rather than the timeless perspective of higher aspects of Self. Our Higher Selves script and direct the drama and extend projections of themselves into the drama to play the parts and experience the drama - as the experiencer we can't know or write the script, while as the scriptwriter, one can't appreciate the drama fully. So Consciousness can resolve this dilemma by maintaining aspects of itself beyond space-time while projecting other aspects within space-time to complete the experience.

Meanwhile, another significant development that occurred concerning my professional training and growth in awareness was fostered by a client I had who presented with an autoimmune thyroid condition. I had experience with thyroid issues and knew of the basic chakra-related healing approaches and naturopathic interventions for these types of challenges. I investigated further on the Internet and discovered a woman's lengthy biographical account of her

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 131 journey in recovering from a more severe progression of the type of issues that my client had developed. She reported that what brought her the most complete healing from the condition was something called Neuromodulation Technique. Upon reading about this technique I learned it was also reported to be highly effective at clearing away allergies and a variety of other ailments.

At the time, my mother was having increasing difficulties with food sensitivities and I had considered getting her to see someone who practiced N.A.E.T., an Ayurvedic-based type of focused on clearing allergies. Neuromodulation Technique (NMT) appeared to be developing a reputation as much more effective for this purpose, and I decided that even if I didn't get to use it with my clients it could at least be worth the training cost to help my mother. The training for NMT was like a quantum leap in understanding health and the process of transforming consciousness to transform our bodies and our lives. Reading required or recommended to accompany the course included The Field, by Lynne McTaggart and Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, by David Hawkins, M.D., as well as books of Rupert Sheldrake, an Oxford trained biologist who has posited that fields of information he dubbed "morphic fields" are processed to form physical entities. In NMT it becomes apparent that the physical world is just the outermost layer of a network of consciousness where we are all non-locally connected. Information transmission and focused intention are essential to the healing process, yet most health care models fail to even recognize these most fundamental levels of what is transpiring. So NMT provided an expanded awareness of the power we each have to shape reality using our own consciousness. Of course, if we don't believe we can do this then we are most likely to manifest a reality in which it appears that we lack this power. That's one reason why

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 132 mainstream modern science and medicine don't often recognize the implications of mind-body healing and psi phenomena - the pre-existing beliefs generate experiences and results that appear to confirm those limiting beliefs, helping stubborn skeptics find data to cling to in order to ignore data or anecdotal reports that conflict with their own biases and beliefs.

When people discuss "science" they typically are referring to a collection of existing dogma or beliefs that have been generated to explain observed phenomena. This is not much different than religion, except most scientists acknowledge in theory at least, that existing ideas may be refuted and replaced based on new data and evidence. Religions usually hold strict dogmas that claim to already possess irrefutable truth, supposedly revealed by some special communication between "God," messengers of "God," and some human intermediary between the god- being(s) and the masses. The is actually a process of generating and testing hypotheses which never can be final in its determinations. So "science" can only seek to observe and understand the external world in some approximate manner - a world which is inseparable from the mind that is interpreting the observations. Science can observe the external reflections of consciousness but cannot directly measure or examine consciousness itself. The only way to explore consciousness directly is through experience. Yet, experience is subjective and can't be suitably examined by empirical methods.

Another synchronicity which occurred as I wrote this book was becoming involved with a group which held a series of book discussion gatherings on the book Ask And It Is Given, by Jerry and Esther Hicks. This book is material channeled from a group of spirit guides using the name Abraham. The focus of the book is on working with spiritual laws to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 133 deliberately create one's life and experience greater joy in life. The materials begin with teaching about the law of attraction, which I have labeled a principle in my writings, and follow with discussion of how to create with deliberate intent. The subsequent area of discussion is the art of allowing... so you may recognize that this material presents the same principles I had already been studying, yet within a somewhat different context, thereby expanding my insight into the process of consciously shaping one's creative experience.

A popular video available on DVD was also released while I created this book. The Secret, a documentary featuring many prominent writers, success coaches, metaphysicians, and even a couple theoretical physicists, offers an appealing presentation about the law of attraction to inspire viewers to empower themselves to change their lives for the better.

Mind over matter...the battle that can't be lost

Using ordinary 5 sense perception it is difficult for most people to consider that everything is an external manifestation of information being generated and processed by consciousness. People don't see mind changing matter so they don't accept that it can transform matter and is actually the source of matter to begin with. There are some instances where physical effects are starkly visible due to shifts in consciousness. This often occurs under hypnosis or other trance states. People can walk on burning coals with bare feet while in a trance state and the feet will not display burns. The placebo effect and its "devious" adversary the nocebo effect demonstrate how beliefs influence the body's response to illnesses and treatments. If you believe you are receiving something beneficial then your subconscious mind often actually creates the effect itself. Conversely, if you believe you have a deadly illness and recovery is hopeless

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 134 then your subconscious mind may create that "reality" on its own. Remember, consciousness uses the physical body to express and reflect itself. Some pattern of consciousness is operating to create your body and maintain the functioning of every cell. You may not have conscious access to this system, but deeper levels of consciousness are always generating and guiding the manifestation of physical reality. Matter can't beat mind since matter can't exist without mind - consciousness is the essence. When you think you're in a battle for mind over matter you are really in a battle where your conscious mind and intentions contradict the patterns and intentions held by other layers of consciousness.

You create your own reality vs. you choose your own adventure...

There are many teachers and authors who teach concepts associated with the idea of "you create your own reality." Yet the reality that we have our human existence in exposes some flaws in that concept. First, the concept presumes that separate individuals exist and are creating reality independent of one another. To totally create your reality there can't be any other conscious being involved in your experiential reality. In the density level of Earth, there are clearly many individuals contributing their creative thoughts and intentions to the manifestation of reality. There are also higher levels of creative intention and energies underlying this reality that most humans only hypothesize about. Only the Source or Totality of Creation could be said to fully create its own reality, and even that process involves generating sub-selves with the free will to foster ongoing creation. We are each responsible for forming our own perceptions and interpretations of external reality, but we only co-create to varying extents, the external vibrational stimuli that engage our conscious awareness.

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As a youth I read a series of books called "Choose your own adventure." These books included points in the plot where you would choose from 2, 3 or 4 different options in how to proceed, and the story would turn out differently depending upon which choice you made. There would be different adventures and endings depending upon which choices you made along the way. All the possibilities existed within the book - and most readers would be curious enough to try out all the options in the book. Spiritual existence is a bit like this, where infinite potentials exist and we synchronistically interact with other projections of Self to create all these adventures we call life. The adventures already "exist" within Source/God, yet limited aspects of self (spirits like us) must be generated to go through the "book of existence" and choose all the adventures, in order for God to fully realize and experience Self.

Once no longer immersed in the physical realm, spirits are able to more closely approximate the idea of creating their own reality. Just as dreams are one's own creation, non- physical realms can also generate a field of experience to match one's thoughts and imagination. Here, these reality fields can often co-exist without having to be shared. In the physical realm the individual only fully creates its own perceptions, as the reality being perceived is a shared construct. Keep this in mind when you hear claims about how learning some metaphysical manifestation method will give you magical powers to create whatever you want in life. The method may well help you clarify your intentions and significantly influence what you bring into your experience, but it won't turn you into a new age genie. There exists an intention for each of us to experience human life - something that would be contradicted by having magical abilities to generate and manifest our individual images of a utopian life for ourselves or the world as a whole. Appreciate that each of us is a limited extension of higher levels of self. We are

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 136 small expressions of the unlimited creative potential of higher aspects of Self. This appreciation can help us remain open to the experiences and lessons that reflect our purpose for having our consciousness present on Earth.

As I write this book, my intention is to support others in their spiritual exploration and of course to have the book published and distributed and to provide me some tangible compensation for my effort in the endeavor. I also intend to develop an expanded holistic healing practice and make connections with people who resonate with the ideas and concepts I discuss. There are many possibilities presented by this creative expression of mine - and I'm sure that whatever arises will be exactly in accord with the overall intentions of Self focused through my-self. So, as you read this book you are adding to the limitless story of life and existence which you are sharing with this author and with the Original Author whose journal is filled by each of us through all of our adventures in Creation.

Amidst writing this book, additional synchronistic experiences related to my intentions occurred. On December 10th and 11th of 2005 I participated in a Mystical Fair at Coral Castle, offering Reiki energy healings. One woman who came for a healing asked me about my thoughts on people having flashes in their mind of past lives. She later scheduled an appointment with me at which I used hypnosis to guide her toward inner assistance related to issues she described to me. During the session she had some dramatic experiences and her voice changed somewhat, with seemingly channeled input coming through. As I communicated with the subject under hypnosis, the voice that responded reported that some comments it made such as "The time is now" and "you will be very successful" were for me, and it stated "there should be more people like you in the world." I soon got an that I needed to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 137 adjust my work schedule to make more time for this project and then I happened to receive an email from a book author who wished to send review copies of his book. I replied to the author and on December 21st I received the book he co- wrote with his wife, called The New Perspective. This book happened to be similar in key ways to my own book project, and Ron & Denny Reynolds, who live in Alamo California, seemed to have synchronistically connected with me due to our similar intent. Additionally, the day I received their book I received a message from another metaphysical author in California who offered a review copy of his book and to talk with me if I needed input about having my own project published. I wasn't surprised when I noticed that this author's name is Jean-Claude, as the psychic Piersun had indicated in her reading for me that someone with the name Claude could be useful in helping me out with my writing project. I also recalled that about 1 year earlier I had been in contact with a couple different men in California related to sound and music, as one had sent me a healing music CD which I reviewed and another had purchased a brainwave entrainment sound recording from me. This was all possible due to the Internet and my web publishing efforts. Examining the pattern even further, I had been in the process of selling off my CD collection in the months leading toward that time, making room in my home and symbolically making room for new projects and interests in my life. So my California contacts shifted from sound and music to writing and publishing - exactly one year apart. This also shows why it is important to sustain an intention - your intention may manifest in a year or more from when you create it, so if you don't hold the intention long enough the energetic fields involved may not bring you into that manifested experience in this reality.

The next step in my journey has seemed to relate to , which is intriguing to me. Throughout the world

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 138 there are traditions of mystical healers who journey with their consciousness into "inner worlds," other layers of reality in which they can access useful information or assist people in reclaiming soul pieces, aspects of one's energy which may feel lost or missing due to one's reactions to past experiences. Shamans have been healers and wisdom keepers throughout the existence of human societies. It is believed by many researchers that shamanic knowledge and practices are encoded or embedded within major religions, kept hidden from all but those chosen to be empowered with this wisdom. Since this knowledge lies deep within our souls, I don't advocate keeping it obscured within secret societies, secret rituals, and secret codes. Those who do gain knowledge and talents of any kind are encouraged to use them in a balanced, responsible way; but keeping power and information greatly restricted seems to lead inevitably to those with dark intentions building monopolies on power and knowledge.

While holding this intention of building skills in shamanic and psychic healing methods I have attracted into my experience other people with similar interests as well as teachers who have offered lessons and guidance in developing those skills. One of those teachers was Ramon, a powerful clairvoyant who taught methods of raising kundalini energy and later how to access the Lily, a visualization/meditation for the flowering of one's consciousness above the crown chakra, which provides a constant connection with higher levels of one's being. Ramon died in his physical vehicle shortly before this book was published, and shortly thereafter I began to connect with more clairvoyants.

One method I learned is called DNA Theta Healing, which is described in the book Go Up and Work With God, by Vianna Stibal, the creator of this method. I had heard a few people I know praise this training and then someone I had gotten to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 139 know after she attended a presentation I gave arranged to host an instructor of the DNA Theta Healing method and I decided to take the course... and it turns out that the instructor, April, had also seen part of a prior presentation that I gave.

I have come to recognize the correspondence between traditional shamanic practices and concepts and more modern metaphysical teachings and holistic healing methods. They are really just different ways of describing and addressing the same issues, using descriptions and techniques suited to the social and cultural backgrounds where these are practiced. As readers of this book come from a variety of social and cultural backgrounds, I encourage you to appreciate traditions and descriptions that may not correspond well with your particular filter of viewing our world. Let go of those filters as much as you can so you can better understand how others perceive things and additionally transcend any limitations you have placed upon yourself through your own existing pre-conceptions and pre- judices.

Namaste! Enjoy your journeys and honor the Infinite Spirit flowing through yourself and all Creation. Feel free to contact Jed with your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences associated with this book.

Jed's website is www.phinsights.com

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Appendix A


Alchemy = the process of transformation of elements, both in the realms of consciousness (spirit) and physicality (matter). Alchemy was studied with other arts and sciences over the course of history, and the word alchemy can be traced to the ancient Egyptian civilization, a civilization which had advanced sciences and technologies that were later lost or hidden.

Allowance = is the principle of letting go and allowing the creative forces to flow rather than succumbing to a desire to force or control things toward your intentions. If you don't let go and "allow" then you generate a vibration of doubt and resistance which can interfere with your conscious intentions.

Archetype = a basic pattern or role that exists within creation. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung coined this term as he identified themes that existed across human cultures and which he posited were brought forth from a collective unconscious.

Astrology = the practice of analyzing the relationships between archetypal vibrational patterns of celestial bodies and their influence or relationship to patterns in personality structure and in human affairs and institutions. Different cultures have developed different astrology systems and there are a variety of applications for astrology.

Attention = At-Tension = where you choose or allow your consciousness to be focused, where your energy is drawn to. The less mastery and awareness you have the more

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 141 easily your consciousness and energy can be manipulated and focused by external influences. Where attention goes, energy flows. An example of this is when an energy healer focuses attention and awareness on the hands. This, combined with intention to balance energies of a recipient, fosters energy flow through the hands to help facilitate the healing outcome.

Attraction (Principle Of) = Like vibrations are drawn together, your external environment and experience are reflections of your inner state and your vibrational pattern of consciousness.

Aura = the non physical layers of energy that envelope or underlie the physical body. Persons who are sensitive to energy can often see or feel the auric fields.

Balance = the state of harmony and equilibrium at the center of Creation. Creation always maintains itself as a whole in Balance.

Chakra = a wheel or vortex of light that manages the flow of energy between the auric fields and physical body. There are 7 major chakras focused open locations in the center channel of the body.

Enneagram = a spiritually based system of personality analysis which decribes 9 basic personality types and how they interact with one another.

Essenes = a mystical sect of Judaism that was active in Biblical times and has been associated with the character of Jesus. The Essenes were known as healers and their library of scrolls from the Dead Sea area were uncovered in 1947, stirring controversy and intrigue concerning the development of Christianity.

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Gnosticism = gnosticism was a philosophy that predated Christianity and which focused on inner knowing and finding connection with God within oneself. It was a major early influence on Christianity and it tended to reject the physical world and encourage strong focus on spirituality. The early gnostic branch of Christianity did not see Christ as the literal savior character that became later Christian doctrine. When the Council of Nicea established Roman Catholic dogma in the 4th Century a lengthy era of suppressing gnostic ideas ensued.

Higher Self = the level of your spiritual identity which oversees all your physical incarnations and evolves through the wisdom and experiences gained through its projections into physical and non-physical realities.

Intention = In-Tension = the thoughts and patterns of consciousness as they draw toward the self those energies that are in a vibrational pattern of "likeness" to the vibrations of the intender. Intention, therefore, is the process by which attraction is directed. If you are experiencing external circumstances that don't match what you believe you intend to experience then you would be wise to consider that there are patterns or levels of intention within your matrix of vibratory consciousness that you have been unaware of and which contradict what you believe your intent is. Some of these intentions, such as the intention to participate in Earth incarnations, are at a level of Self much more powerful than the limited field of intention wielded by an incarnate being. Opening oneself up to the flow of creation and higher intention may assist one in finding more harmony and balance, more receptivity to the lessons that the spirit is present to master. Meanwhile, recognizing and neutralizing "lower" levels of intention, such as social programming and primal biological drives, can help one become more able to

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 143 consciously guide intentions that are consistent with personal growth and spiritual development. It would be wise to release the need to label intentions as "good" or "bad," as all intentions are part of the process of creation and thus part of the Creator. Merely discern which intentions are in harmony with the concept of balance and the development of and interests of the Whole. Some intentions are very limiting while others are expansive for one's awareness and creative potential.

Karma = this has been referred to as the law of cause and effect, though it can be better understood as the appearance of patterns generated by the principles of attraction, intention, allowance, and balance. Once you change your patterns of consciousness (beliefs and intentions) then your patterns of experience (field of attraction) will shift. Thus, karma can be quickly transformed and we don't have to feel limited by patterns we created in other lifetimes.

Naturopathy = a health care tradition that relies on using resources from nature to facilitate healing. This includes, diet, nutrition, herbs, sunlight, water, fasting, exercise, massage, and other natural healing aids.

Past-Life Regression = a method of using hypnosis to guide a person to access memories or images from other lifetimes. Since there is no linear time from the Higher Self perspective one may also access images of potential futures.

Polarity = the division of consciousness and energy into duality. Electricity with positive and negative current markers (check your batteries!) is an example of polarization. Without polarization there would be no movement or flow. Polarities are fundamental to physical reality. Male and Female, Dark and Light, Love and Fear,

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 144

Attachment and Separation, etc., are examples of polarity.

Reiki = a method of spiritual healing/energy healing that involves the healer facilitating the flow of universal life force energy, usually with the hands being placed either on the recipient or in the recipient's .

Secret Society = an organization which has members go through an initiation process during which members make an oath of allegiance to the group. Many of these groups are holders of occult knowledge that has been withheld from the general public as well as from lower level initiates within the secret society. Well-known secret societies include the Freemasonic brotherhoods, the Illuminati, Skull & Bones Order, the Order of The Golden Dawn, and the Rosicrucians.

Synchronicity = the concept that all experiences are interconnected, meaningful, and non-random.

Taoism = an Asian spiritual tradition/philosophy that examines the manner in which polarities and elemental aspects of energy are manifested and transformed. The indescribable source from which creation arises is called the Tao.

Vibration = the movement of energy. All energy in creation is in some form of motion since the process of creation never stops. The only constant in creation is the reality of change. Every aspect of creation has it's own vibrational frequency pattern. Vibrational energies that can be detected via physical instruments are measured in wavelength and amplitude, showing their frequency and intensity.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 145

Appendix B


0. Take time to relax and meditate, whatever may help slow your thoughts and mental processes. Go to your deepest inner awareness, your higher self which is beyond your conscious mind and ego, and allow it to guide you through your intuition, dreams, and signs and reflections in your external reality to help you become aware of your highest purpose and highest intentions.

1. Clearly identify what your deepest intentions are. Be specific when appropriate. It must be a positive focus rather than merely intending to change or escape from what you already have or are experiencing. You will need to explore or identify the intentions and beliefs you may have which are in conflict with the intention you now wish to manifest. Release any counter-intentions and interfering beliefs and hold in your mind a clear vision of what you intend. Recognize those things which you don't want and release any negative feelings toward them - just maintain your positive focus on what you intend to attract. You may want to use some mind-body techniques to help imprint the belief changes on the subconscious level.

2. Raise and expand your vibration with emotion. State in a positive form what you intend to attract with confidence that you are attracting and allowing your vision to unfold. Feel the emotion of experiencing what you desire and use this feeling of emotion to energize your intention. Practice holding this emotional focus so that you can use it to hold your intention regardless of what you may be experiencing at a given moment. This combines "keeping your eyes on the

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 146 prize" and "setting your heart on your goal." Your heart is the most powerful electromagnetic energy field generating region of the body and is closely connected to intuition. Focusing on the heart and appreciating what you already have received helps you become more intuitive and responsive to vibrations that draw you toward that which you have intended. If you have difficulty generating positive feelings about what you desire to manifest then perhaps you need to return to steps 0 and 1 to clarify your intentions. Remember to keep your focus of attraction on a positive desire rather than on escaping or halting something negative.

3. Let go and Allow. Release the need to control the outcome. Allow and be open to possibility, having no doubt that the principles of creation work and that you will attract whatever the relevant fields of intention are coalescing into manifested reality. Creation always unfolds in a manner to support the growth in consciousness of all beings. Time and space are illusions, so what you intend already exists; it's just the limitations of vibration in this realm that present a separation from what you are attracting.

4. Continue to observe your life and refine your intentions, realizing that creation is guiding you forward and helping you become more balanced as you process the feedback you receive from your environment and experiences.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 147

Appendix C

Suggested Reading & References

The full Handbook for the New Paradigm Trilogy is at: http://www.trufax.org/handbooks/paradigmvol1.html It can also be purchased in print from Global Insights (www.nohoax.com) or major book sellers. http//www.trufax.org - Leading Edge Research Group & The Matrix Books

Quantum Consciousness, by Stephen Wolinsky

Seth Speaks & other books by Jane Roberts

The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

The True Power of Water, by Masaru Emoto

How To Know God, by

Heal Your Body A to Z & You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay

The Secret of Light, by

The Big Bang Never Happened, by Eric Lerner

Science and the Akashic Field, by Ervin Laszlo

The Living Energy Universe, by G. Schwartz & L. Russek

The Energy Healing Experiments, by Gary Schwartz

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 148

The Field, by Lynne McTaggart

Virtual Medicine, by Keith Scott-Mumby

The Paradigm Conspiracy, by Denise Breton & Christopher Largent

Conversations With God & other books, by Neale Donald Walsch

Go Up and Work With God, by Vianna Stibal

Journeys Out Of Body, Far Journeys, The Ultimate Journey, by Robert Monroe

Exploring The Afterlife series, by Bruce Moen

Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion, by David Icke

Tales From The Time Loop, by David Icke

Ask And It Is Given, by Jerry & Esther Hicks

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, Living the Art of Allowing, by Jerry & Esther Hicks

Conscious Healing: The Regenetics Method, by Sol Luckman

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, by Wynn Free & David Wilcock

Going Deeper, by Jean-Claude Koven

The New Perspective, by Ron Reynolds & Denny Reynolds

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 149

Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants Of Human Behavior, by David Hawkins

Wherever You Go, There You Are, by Jon Kabat-Zinn http://www.phinsights.com http://www.abraham-hicks.com – Teachings Of Abraham http://www.hayhouse.com – Hay House http://www.sheldrake.org – Dr. Rupert Sheldrake http://www.noetic.org – Institute Of Noetic Sciences http://www.metamedicine.info - International Metamedicine Association http://www.newmedicine.ca - Dr. Hamer's New Medicine http://www.biodecoding.com - Institute Of Biodecoding http://www.nmt.md - Neuromodulation Technique http://www.holoscience.com (Electric Universe) http://www.thunderbolts.info (Electric Universe) http://www.cosmologystatement.org http://www.divinecosmos.com http://www.drgaryschwartz.com

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence 150 http://www.thetahealing.com http://www.thesecret.tv

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