editorial 2020: The Year of the Nurse and Midwife Debbie Fraser, MN, CNEON(C), RNC-NIC, Editor-in-Chief Debbie Fraser, MN, URSES AND MIDWIVES MAKE UP MORE for nursing and midwifery in a document CNEON(C), RNC-NIC, than 50 percent of the health care entitled “Global strategic directions for Editor-in-Chief, Athabasca N workforce in many countries, and play a crit- strengthening nursing and midwifery 2016– University, 1 University 3 Drive, Athabasca, AB, ical role in delivering primary care for indi- 2020.” The themes center on the following: Canada, T9S 3A3. E-mail: viduals and communities. They also play • Mobilizing governments to invest in build-
[email protected]. an important role in health promotion and ing evidence-based nursing and midwifery disease prevention, especially in developing Debbie Fraser, MN, workforce development countries. Despite the importance of nurses CNEON(C), RNC-NIC, • Optimizing nursing leadership, govern- and midwives in achieving global health, the is an associate profes sor and ance, and policy development World Health Organization (WHO) esti- the director of the Nurse • Supporting the development of a moti- mates that, by 2030, an additional nine mil- Practitioner program in the vated, educated, and competent workforce Faculty of Health Disciplines lion nurses and midwives will be needed.1 • Strengthening the capacity of nurses at Athabasca University. She In order to address this burgeoning short- and midwives through education, pro- holds an appointment in the age, and, in honor of the 200th anniversary of fessional development, and collaborative Department of Pediatrics, the birth of Florence Nightingale, the WHO partnerships Faculty of Medicine, and the has designated 2020 as the “Year of the Faculty of Nursing at the Nurse and Midwife.” This declaration is an In the United States, the American University of Manitoba.