WILLIAMS FAMILY HISTORY WILLIAMS FAMILY of QUINCY, ILLINOIS Page 217 1233 N. Sixth Street, 49, 51, 63, 85, 92 2020 Maine Street
WILLIAMS FAMILY HISTORY INDEX 1233 N. Sixth Street, 49, 51, 63, Blessing Hospital, 90, 169 85, 92 Bloomington, Illinois, 24, 50 2020 Maine Street, 87, 99, 101 Bobbitt, Archibald, 3, 13 84th Illinois Infantry, 128, 135 Bobbitt, Claiborne, 3 Abilene, Kansas, 183 Bobbitt, John, 3 Abolitionist, 19, 23 boodlers, 186, 187 Adams County, Illinois, 7, 9, 11, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 11 37-38, 157, 175, 178 Boyd, Marguerite Loevy, 88, 113 African colonization, 14 Brigham Young, 14, 183 Albemarle County, Virginia, 81 Browning, Orville Hickman, 14, Alfrey, Anne, see Williams, Anne 23, 24, 42, 49, 50, 150, 176-177 Alfrey Brunswick County, Virginia, 1, 2, Allen, C. E., 170 7, 9 Anti-Nebraska, 20, 24 Buchanan, James, 26 Asbury, Henry, 14 Bucklin, Carol, see Loevy, Carol Aunt Money, 88, 109 Bucklin Ayres, Elizabeth, see Williams, Bulletin (Warsaw, Illinois), 176 Elizabeth Ayres Burns’s Battery, 180 Bagby, Lucy, 162-164, 165 Busch, August, 200, 203 Baker, Sadie, see Williams, Sadie Bussey, Cyrus, 165 Baker Butler, Benjamin, 149 Baldwin, Eben G., 162, 163-164 Cahaba, Alabama, 212 Barber County, Kansas, 186 Cameron, Illinois, 25 Barry, Bessie, 163 Carthage, Illinois, 7, 12, 42, 77, Belcher, Constance, see Loevy, 78, 80 Constance Belcher Castle Thunder, 146 Belle Isle Prison, 141-142, 147 Cathedral of St. John, 169 Bert, Harry L., 208 Charlottesville, Virginia, 81 Bert, John L., 208 Chicago, Illinois, 39 Bert, Nancy Williams, 208 Chickamauga, Battle of, 128, 136, Bert, Mrs. John L., 208 170 Bethany college, 208 Chief Black Hawk, 7, 13 Black Hawk War, 7, 13 Chief Keokuk, 7 Blake, Dorothy, 209 Christian College, 41, 82, 127 WILLIAMS FAMILY OF QUINCY, ILLINOIS Page 217 WILLIAMS FAMILY HISTORY Cincinnati, Ohio, 35 Dickenson, Hilvey George Walton, City Point, Virginia, 136, 147, 149 81 Clark, Edwin A., 161 Dickenson, Leighton, 81 Clay, Henry, 211 Dickey, May Williams, 205, 208- Cleveland, Grover, 197 209 Colorado Springs, Colorado, 205 Dickey, W.
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