Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Application Number Date of Appln Committee Date Ward 106266/FO/2014/C2 16th Jul 2014 11th Sep 2014 City Centre Ward

Proposal Temporary change of use (for a period of six months) from a car park to a car park and entertainment venue (dual use) for dance events, live music acts and DJ performances (Sui Generis). Location Undercroft Car Park, Store Street, , M1 2WA, Applicant , The Warehouse Project Ltd, C/o Agent Agent Mr Harry Spawton, Gerald Eve LLP, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 1HW,



Retrospective temporary consent was granted for a 2 year period in July 2010, for change of use of these premises to a car park and entertainment venue for dance events, live music acts and DJ performances (Sui Generis). Since the previous consent was granted, some of the structural arches at the rear of the car park have been removed and this could affect the acoustic performance of the structure within which the proposed uses would operate.

Description of site

The application relates to an area of approximately 4,915 square metres of floorspace located beneath Piccadilly Railway Approach which is accessed from Store Street. The space is currently used for car parking during the day.

This area has changed significantly over the last 10 -15 years, largely as a result of the City Council's regeneration initiatives. Piccadilly Triangle has been transformed to create a commercially led mixed use scheme. A number of residential schemes have been developed around Store Street, Piccadilly Gate has been refurbished and a new Premier Inn has been built on Dale Street. A new 330 bed Motel One hotel development is currently on site at the junction of London Road and Whitworth Street and construction is due to commence shortly on a 303 bed Holiday Inn on the site of the Former Employment Exchange on Aytoun Street. The area is now a strong commercial destination and characterised by a mix of uses including offices, hotels, residential and leisure facilities including bars and clubs.

The nearest noise sensitive properties to the site are at the Premier Inn (junction of Dale Street and Ducie Street), The Place Apartment Hotel (Ducie Street),14-16 Whitworth Street, Home 2 City Centre Warehouse Apartments(Sparkle Street); properties at the Junction of Jutland Street and Store Street , 5 Piccadilly Place and Monroes on London Road. The nearest of the above is approximately 95m away from the venue.

Store Street is a key pedestrian link between the City Centre and Sports City.

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Description of Proposals

Consent is sought for a temporary change of use from a car park to a mixed car park / entertainment venue comprising dance events, live music acts and DJ performances (Sui Generis) Use for a 6 month period. All related activities including toilets, storage and security barriers would be contained within the undercroft with no related facilities proposed on adjacent streets. The car park use would operate during the daytime and the entertainment / dance venue would operate during the evening. The Venue would be operated by The Warehouse Project Ltd (WHP).

The proposed night-time use would operate between 21:00 to 05:30; however there is a requirement to 'set up' the venue and this would occur between 19:00 and 21:00.

WHP's proposed operating times are therefore as follows:

 Friday and Saturdays from 19:00 to 05:30 between 27 September 2014 to 11th March 2015;  26th 27th, 28th,29th,30th December 2014 and New Year's Day 2015 from 19:00 to 05:30;  New Year's Eve from 19:00 to 06:30.

The hours for which consent is sought to operate are covered by the Premises Licence and customers would not enter the venue until 21.00.

An Acoustic Report which includes a Recommended Noise Management Plan and Addendum and a Dispersal Procedure and Operations Policy has been submitted with the application.

The key objectives of these are as follows:

 To ensure that any noise generated from the premises is inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive properties through the implementation of a Noise Management Plan that includes monitoring of noise levels at noise sensitive properties every 45 minutes (and if noise levels are found to be audible taking of action to reduce to the appropriate levels) and the circulation of information about a telephone complaints line that would be operational for the duration of events to local residents prior to an event with any complaints to be investigated at the time that they occur and where necessary immediate action taken to reduce noise levels to those agreed;  All the recommendations contained in the acoustic reports prepared by Vanguardia Consulting dated August 2014 and its addendum would be implemented, including applying acoustic barrier mats to any gaps in the main car park entrance and exit doors.  To promote a low tempo mood in customers as they leave the premises;  To prevent customers congregating outside the premises;  To promote the use of a guided route away from the venue that avoids nearby residential property;  To minimise disturbance caused by taxi's arriving to collect customers;  To exclude from the premises any customer identified as having acted

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without consideration for local neighbours;  To leave the external area of the premises clean and tidy after each event.  The Operations Policy Document set out how the prevention of crime and disorder, smokers and the prevention of public nuisance would be managed and includes measures such as:  The provision of a dedicated delineated outside the premises for use by smokers to be supervised by staff at all times where no drinks are to be permitted to be taken into the smoking area by customers.  Implementation of all recommendations contained in the Crime Impact Statement submitted with the application to be implemented.  CCTV to be installed at the premises as in agreement with Police.  A total of four Greater Manchester Police officers to be engaged on duty at the site during operating nights.  Staff to be vigilant and to identify and report suspected drug use or abuse to management and to know the signs to look for and a drugs sniffer dog shall be engage on site  Removal of persons found using drugs from the premises (or where possible restrained until the Police can take such person into custody).  Ongoing training of staff to recognise drunkenness and refuse service to customers who have consumed excessive alcohol.  Refusal of entry of anyone who appears to be drunk / intoxicated.  No person would be permitted entry to the premises after 0100.  Fire exits would have acoustic fire doors fitted to them. The doors would remain closed except for access or egress in the event of an emergency and would be manned by a member of staff at all times the premises is open to the public.

Access to and egress from the venue would be via the three existing entrances to the car park on Store Street.

Servicing of the property would take place from close to the Store Street entrance. During the days prior to events taking place there would be 3 deliveries to the site to deliver stock and two vehicles, which arrive at approximately 18:00 on the day of the event, to deliver sound equipment.

No external alterations are proposed to the site other than the erection of the acoustic barrier mats on the day of an event.

A premises licence permitting entertainment at the venue was originally granted in February 2007. Amendments to this have been granted on 4 occasions since that date and current hours of opening for the entertainment venue / dance (Sui Generis) Use authorised by the Licence cover those for which planning permission is now sought.

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In support of the application the applicants have stated the following:

 Since its launch in 2006, The Warehouse Project has received a number of awards for not only the quality of the events but also the way in which it operates such events. For example:  Best Bar None - Awarded by Greater Manchester Police (2009)  Award for Partnership and Problem Solving - Awarded by Center for  Problem Orientated Policing (2013)  Best Club Series - DJ Mag Best of British Awards 2013  Club of the Year - Awarded by Mixmag (2011)

The proposal would employ circa 120 part-time employees (25 full-time equivalent) alongside 25 full-time staff members.


Publicity - The application was advertised as a public interest development and occupiers of adjacent and nearby properties were notified about the scheme. 57 letters of objection have been received.

The grounds of objection and associated queries can be summarised as relating to Processing of the Application, Use and Impacts on Regeneration, Impact on Amenity, Crime and Disorder and Highways and Traffic as follows:


(i) Extent of Publicity

No consultation information had been distributed to residents of Piccadilly Village and there is a lack of evidence that Network Rail, the station masters at Piccadilly and the local transport police have been consulted;

(ii) Decision level and Validity of any Decision

There is no information next to the 'Expected Decision Level' of the application and that this implies that there appears to be an intention to determine the proposal under powers delegated to officers under the Constitution of the City Council (June 2014) and that if this is the case, the proposal is incapable of determination at that decision level on the basis that there have been third party objectors and the proposals are clearly not in accordance with approved Council Planning policies' and that as a consequence the application must be determined before the Planning and Highways Committee.

An issue is raised about whether sufficient information has been provided for this application to be deemed as different to the application that was made and withdrawn - Ref. No: 100144/FO/2012/C2 | Received: Tue 07 Aug 2012 | Validated: Wed 29 Aug 2012 | Status: Application Withdrawn (again another reason to question the validity of the temporary status).

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(iii) Application Publicity

Queries are raised regarding advertisement of the proposals and appropriate engagement with the public both in advance of submission and during the course of determining the application including the following:

 The processing of the application has not accorded with the Councils adopted Statement of Community Involvement (2007) ("SCI") table 11.1 which states that that Major applications will be subject to advertisement to include the following methods:  Site notice advertising application  Neighbour notification letter  Advertisement in the MEN  Online comments made on Council's website  That site notices have not been displayed adjacent to the application site.  That the application has been supplemented by the apparent submission of a substantial volume of new (unspecified) information submitted following the Consultation event held on 2151 July 2014 and that the information whilst formally part of the application, and uploaded to the Councils Online Portal as part of the application, has not been advertised separately, nor have the public been provided with information with regard to their ability to comment upon the additional information.  That misadvice and errors in relation to the LPA's consultation process provide for a substantial and identifiable prejudice to both the public at large and the interests of neighbours and surrounding landowners and that the failure to re-advertise the application following the submission of further information supplementary to the main application should have been necessary in compliance with the SCI and the principles of fairness and Natural Law.

(iv) Availability of Application Information

That substantially more information related to the proposal has been submitted than has been made available such as the responses of all statutory and non statutory consultees which are noted as 'Comment Not Available for Publication' on the Councils Public Access website and that the reason for this is unclear. As a consequence no independent information is available from the Council with regard to any of the assessment of considerations of the issues that are raised by such a major application and that plainly, the responses on issues such as Environmental Health, Transportation, Accessibility and Ecology are highly material to members of the public and neighbouring landowners/occupiers in for members of the public to be able to properly engage and play a meaningful and informed part in the decision making process forming either in terms of their own representation in relation to the application or in terms of understanding the likely and predicted effects of the proposal of the surrounding area.

(v) Environmental Impact Assessment

That the proposal constitutes EIA development for the purposes of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact etc,) Regulations 1999 and that under

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Schedule II of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact etc,) Regulations 2011 the City Council should have requested and Environmental Statement in support of the application and should then have adopted a Screening Opinion with regard the proposal. Whilst a copy of any correspondence with regard the procedure adopted has been sought in relation to Environmental Impact Assessment and Screening, this has not been provided nor is any copy available on the Public Access system.

(vi) Pre-application Consultation

 An issue is raised about the acceptability of a public meeting as acceptable consultation given its lack of attendance.

 That the applicants have not complied with the requirements of Councils Statement of Community Involvement (June 2007) and that the public have not been provided with an opportunity to effect the detailed design and outcome of the scheme being applied for and that there is no realistic prospect of the proposals being amended or otherwise adjusted in response to their views or opinions.

 That the applicants consultation with neighbours and local businesses was undertaken whilst the statutory consultation period of the Council was underway confusing the process and prejudicing the ability of the public to effectively comment upon the proposals and as such the public may have been under the impression that they could some how affect the proposal if they engaged with the applicants consultation exercise, or that the process undertaken by the applicant was in someway linked to the Councils own statutory consultation on the application. The emphasis and tense of the Statement of Community Involvement is noted as being clear that both the statutory requirements and spirit of pre-application consultation are only met where this consultation is undertaken prior to the submission of the proposal, in order that the opinions of the public and surrounding landowners can be taken in to account before the application is submitted.

 That the submission is contrary to the following extract from the Statement of Community Involvement which shows how the process is expected to be undertaken. 11.12 When the developer submits the planning application following the consultation, they should accompany it with a record of the consultation that took place, which can be done using a form provided by the council (Appendix F). All responses from the community and other stakeholders to the developer's consultation must be forwarded to the Council when the planning application is submitted so it can be seen how the developer incorporated people's comments into their final proposal and for the Council to consider. Council officers would not attend developer's consultation events except in exceptional circumstances to give information about the planning process rather than give any views on the proposal.

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Given the above the only approach available to the Council in ensuring that the determination of the application is robust and beyond legal challenge, is to ensure that such consultation has taken place.

(vii) Additional information requirements.

 That the application is not supported by an assessment of potential impact on Wildlife or a Transport Statement.

 The adequacy of the submitted transport information is questioned particularly in relation to the historic need to close Store Street in order to operate the venue, in relation to measures that are being taken to provide adequate parking and to prevent local build-up of traffic and abandoned vehicles.

(viii) Level of supporting information submitted.

 Insufficient information has been provided for the purpose of validation.

 The level of information submitted in support of the application is not sufficient to allow the Council to make a reasonable and lawful decision in relation to the planning matters raised by this application.

(ix) Granting of a Temporary Consent

 Given previous temporary consents granted for this use at the application site, the granting of a temporary consent would be contrary to the circular produced by central government - Enforcement of Planning Law - Standard Note: SN/SC/1579 (last updated 26 August 2014 ) and section 72 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Use / Impact on Regeneration

 The proposed use would be out of character with the area;  The proposed use would add nothing to the neighbourhood;  The proposed use would attract the wrong type of people to the City;  A super club of this nature would not be good for businesses or residents in the area;  The developers have tried to slip this under the radar as a cultural centre;  That the principle of the use, temporary or otherwise is contrary to City Council policy.  The reference in the submission to the to the use being 'acceptable in principle 'on the basis that a previous retrospective application for a similar use was granted approval by the City Council wholly misrepresents the environment under which the previous application was submitted and approved. The previous application was retrospective and sought to regularise a use which had been undertaken unlawfully without the benefit of planning permission and that this was only submitted after receipt of complaints to the City Council with regard noise, litter and the potential for crime resulting from the illegal use of the building.

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 The assumption of the applicants that as the previous permission was granted consent it is still acceptable fails to recognise that the policy environment has moved on substantially since the grant of this previous application, in particular the increased emphasis on pre-application engagement , and the 'localism' agenda that has been key to ensuring that the planning system is accountable and that local communities properly engage with the process.  The intervening application for this use for a 12 month period was withdrawn by the applicant. Whilst the information is unavailable, it is speculated that the Council considered that the grant of a further temporary planning permission for the site would be unacceptable as either the surroundings or policy situation now rendered the proposed use unacceptable.

Impact on Amenity

 The proposals would result in noise nuisance for neighbours including loud music and vibrations;  The adequacy of the submitted acoustic assessment and mitigation measures to prevent an unacceptable level of noise outbreak from the premises is questioned.  The revised acoustic report is irrelevant and does not stand up to scrutiny.  The proposed mitigation relies on a reactive approach rather than one aimed at identifying and solving amenity issues such as this before it occurs, rather than allowing the impact to harm residents and only then seeking to regulate or control the source of the issue.  The criteria against which sound volumes would be checked is unknown and that no one will monitor the fact that this monitoring is actually occurring and that on this basis the proposal is both contrary to adopted planning policy and has the potential to harm the amenities of nearby residents and other land uses.  The submitted drawings and plans showing the openings on Store Street do not contain doors or other means of preventing noise break out from the premises.  There would be particular issues with bass noise as this was a problem during the previous period of use;  The documents submitted with the application suggest that noise levels will be slightly higher than those measured in 2007 which suggests that noise break out levels will be higher;  The proposals would result in sleepless nights for neighbours from noise from events and people arriving and leaving the premises;  This is a generally peaceful part of the City Centre and as such an inappropriate location for this use;  There would be increased noise from taxis picking people up in the area;  The use would create problems with litter before during and after events;  It is wrong to bring noise and crime into this densely populated area;  The proposals would result in a loss of privacy;  The proposals are out of keeping with the calm and peaceful nature of this surburban residential area;

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 The proposals are out of keeping with the 'laid back' nature of the Northern Quarter;  Noise from the large numbers of people leaving would disturb local hotel guests thereby adversely impacting on those businesses;  There is no proper assessment of the adequacy of the ventilation system or information in relation to the specification or capacity of the currently installed equipment in order that an Environmental Health Officer of the City Council could properly assess the ability of the equipment to ventilate and cool the customers of a large capacity , ensure that equipment is cooled and that generator and cooking fumes are safely dealt with.

Crime and Disorder

 There would be issues with illegal drug use at the premises and an increase in anti social behaviour, petty crime and vandalism as a result of the proposed use;  Local residents would have to walk through an area where there would be drug dealers hanging around which would be intimidating;  The proposed use of the premises would result in and increase in violence and anti -social behaviour (including damage to property) in the area;  Adjacent grassed areas will be used as toilets and not cleaned up afterwards;  The use would result in residents and people working in and passing through the area feeling unsafe on the streets when events are being held;  The events would draw police away from other nearby busy areas such as the Gay Village, Piccadilly and the Northern Quarter where they are also needed;  As a local business they cannot comprehend how bringing a drug and alcohol fuelled mob en masse in the City Centre can be justified;  There is potential for abuse of people using the area to receive verbal homophobic abuse from users of the venue;  These events have a history of death and drug related crime associated with them which make then inappropriate; The evidence that the operations do not increase localised crime is questioned due to GMPs web site giving clear evidence of a rise in crime during the operation hours of the "club" by a factor of 50% over a three year period of operation and by virtue of the availability of the data for non-operational years and the decline in crime lends itself to the conclusion that the operation of a "club" at Store Street has a detrimental effect.

Highways and Traffic

 The proposals would cause traffic issues due to unauthorised road closures;  The proposals would prevent emergency vehicles being able to pass through the undercroft for access;

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 The proposals would lead to illegal parking on adjacent streets which would prevent residents and workers from being able to access parking spaces;  The proposals would lead to over crowding at Piccadilly Station;  The proposals would create traffic chaos on the roads around the venue;


 As a Doctor on call at various times of the day the disturbance to sleep that would be caused by the use would put peoples lives at risk;  The proposal would affect the value of nearby properties and lead to a mass exodus of residents;  The applicants are assuming consent will be granted by already selling tickets for events on line and that this is in bad taste as residents have not even had an opportunity to comment on the proposals;  Selling tickets for an event that does not have planning permission is an attempt to pressure the Council into approving permission upon submission of an application;  The emergency exits intended to service the proposed use are not within the control of the applicant and that this is a fundamental requirement for the consideration of the application having implications for the safe use of the premises for members of the public. Given this the correctness of the ownership certificates submitted with the application is questioned and as a consequence the validity of the planning application which would invalidate any decision made and make it capable of challenge in the courts.  There is a lack of information regarding fire alarms and evacuation facilities.  The presence or otherwise of breeding bird populations appears to have been overlooked by the applicant and is unaddressed within the submission.  There has been no assessment of the harm that the loss of the proposed use from its current location in , Trafford will have on that local area.  The licence granted in respect of the WHP's previous operation at Store Street is null and void having lapsed with the dissolution of Ugly Duckling, it should have never been transferred and it is in the name of something which is not a legal entity and does not relate to Store Street and these points have a significant material bearing on the applicants case by nature of the applications reliance on compliance with terms of the purported licence in addressing a wide number of concerns.  The previous application was made by a now defunct company but the individuals involved remain the same and therefore the current application is factually incorrect. The latest premises licence is not as shown on the planning portal.  The applicant has recently withdrawn an application made by its partnering organisation at the Mayfield Depot Site and a six-month consent would be commercially insufficient and the Head of Planning needs to take this into consideration.

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 A question is asked in relation to the similarities between the proposals and those proposed at Mayfield, about what assurance planning officers have sought to ensure that this application is not a commercial abuse of the planning process.

One letter of support has been received.

Head of Environmental Health - Has no objections to the application but has recommended conditions relating to the acoustic insulation of the premises and the management and monitoring of sound levels during events be attached to any permission granted.

Greater Manchester Police (Architectural Liaison Officers) - Have no objections subject to the recommendations within the Crime Impact Statement being implemented.

Greater Manchester Police (City Safe Team -Bootle Street) - Whilst not formally responding to consultation have provided the applicants with a letter (included within the submission) which states that they have no concerns about the premises being used as a licensed venue in the evenings as long as the premises is operated in accordance with the premises licence conditions.

Head of Highways Services- Have no objections subject to a condition being attached relating to the management and marshalling of vehicular pick up and drop off arrangements


Relevant National Policy

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to apply.

The central theme to the NPPF is to achieve sustainable development. The Government states that there are three dimensions to sustainable development: an economic role, a social role and an environmental role (paragraphs 6 & 7). Paragraphs 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the NPPF outlines a "presumption in favour of sustainable development". This means approving development, without delay, where it accords with the development plan. Paragraph 12 states that:

"Proposed development that accords with an up-to-date Local Plan should be approved and proposed development that conflicts should be refused unless other material considerations indicate otherwise."

The proposed development is considered to be consistent with sections 2 and 11 of the NPPF for the reasons outlined below.

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Relevant Local Policies

Core Strategy Development Plan Document 2012 -2027 ("the Core Strategy") was adopted by the City Council on 11th July 2012 and is the key document in Manchester's Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy replaces significant elements of the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) as the document that sets out the long term strategic planning policies for Manchester's future development.

Saved UDP Policies

Whilst the Core Strategy has now been adopted some of the UDP policies remain saved as there are no replacement policies contained in the Core Strategy. The relevant policies are detailed below:

NPPF Section 2 (Ensuring the vitality of town Centres), Core Strategy Policy CC7 (Mixed Use Development), - The proposed use would meet requirements to provide sites for leisure and tourism related uses within the City Centre. The application site is located within part of the City Centre which includes activity associated with the evening / night-time economy, some of which pre-date recent residential development, and these are part of the vibrant mixed use economy that is a characteristic of the City Centre. As such, the principle of the proposed use is consistent with the nature of activity in the City Centre and the mix of uses within this part of the City Centre and could be considered to be an appropriate addition to the existing mix. This is discussed in more detail below.

Core Strategy Policy CC1 (Primary Economic Development Focus (City Centre and Fringe)), Policy CC4 Visitors, Culture and Leisure - The proposal is consistent with policies which seek to provide a range of economic development uses including leisure, entertainment, cultural and tourism facilities within the City Centre

NPPF Section 4 (Promoting Sustainable Transport) Core Strategy Policies T1 (Sustainable Transport) and Policy T2 Accessible Areas of Opportunity and Need - The proposed use is in a location which is highly accessible by all forms of public transport.

NPPF Section 11 (Conserving and enhancing the natural environment), EN15 ( Biodiversity and Geological Conservation) - Information submitted with the application has considered the risk of impact on wildlife and biodiversity and has demonstrated that the proposal would not have any significant adverse impacts in this respect

Core Strategy Policies SP 1 (Spatial Principles) - The proposal would provide a leisure and cultural use close to an area where people live alongside high quality City Centre living. The implications of the use on the health and safety and well being of residents has been properly taken into consideration.

Core Strategy Policy DM 1 (Development Management) - Outlines a range of general issues that all development should have regard to. Of these the following issues are or relevance to this proposal:

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 effects on amenity, including privacy, light, noise, vibration, air quality and road safety and traffic generation;  impact on safety, crime prevention and health;  refuse storage and collection, vehicular access and car parking;

These are discussed below.

Saved UDP Policy DC26 (Development and Noise) - Seeks to reduce the impact of noise on people living and working in, or visiting the City. It requires the impact that development proposals that are likely to generate noise will have on amenity to be taken into consideration, and states that the Council will control noise levels by requiring where necessary, high levels of noise insulation in new development as well as noise barriers where this is appropriate. The applicant has demonstrated that with appropriate conditions, the use is capable of operating in a manner that would not cause disamenity to local residents as a result of noise break out. This is discussed in more detail below along with measures proposed to stop noise from users leaving the premises disturbing local residents.

Manchester City Centre Strategic Plan- The Strategic Plan (published in 2009) - Presents a vision for the City Centre and sets out the strategic action required to work towards achieving this over the period from 2009 - 2012. The Plan considers the contribution to be made towards achieving the overall vision by each of the district components of the City Centre and recognises the key role of Manchester City Centre in providing a positive image and framework for inward investment and explains that its continued strong economic performance within a high quality urban environment will be fundamental to the prosperity of both Manchester and its city region.

The site falls within Piccadilly Gateway which has attracted significant investment in development, infrastructure and public realm. Given Piccadilly's huge footfall, as a major gateway to the city and also a regional transport hub, the area is critical not only to the city's functionality but also in forging perceptions about Manchester and the city-region.

The proposed development would complement existing uses in the area and by raising the its profile of would make a contribution towards the objectives contained within the Strategic Plan

Environmental Impact Assessment "The proposal does not fall within Schedules 1 or 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 (as amended 2011) and there is therefore no requirement to prepare a Screening Opinion. However given the capacity of the venue and potential noise levels associated with the use, officers have given careful consideration as to whether the development is likely to have a significant impact on the environment and have concluded that the development would not have any significant environmental impacts in terms of traffic generation, noise, vibration, air quality, visual intrusion or impacts on any protected species. "

Principle of the Proposed Use -The site is located within the city centre where this type of use would normally be acceptable in principle. However, people do live

280 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014 nearby and there is a need to carefully consider the potential impact that the use might have in a physical and functional sense and in terms of amenity and, the perception of the quality of the local environment to potential investors. The information submitted in support of the application demonstrates that all facilities and equipment associated with the use would be physically contained within the undercroft and nothing would be located on the adjacent highways. In view of this it is felt that the proposed use would not have an adverse impact on the environment within the areas adjacent to the undercroft.

It is noted that the Greater Manchester Police (Partnership Office Licensing Section) consider that when the Warehouse Project previously operated from the application site the premises were well run. The venue was the winner of the 2009 Manchester's Best Bar None Award; a scheme organised by Greater Manchester Police's City Safe unit which aims to reward safe licensed venues that provide good management, a safe and enjoyable environment for customers, discourage binge-drinking and prevent alcohol-related crime.

The use of the premises as a car park / entertainment / dance venue would add to the music and entertainment offer that Manchester provides. The proposal would bring visitors to the City with associated trickle-down economic benefits such as increased expenditure in the local economy and tourism sector.

The proposal is therefore consistent with policies for, appropriate uses in this part of the city centre, mixed uses, and regeneration and consistent with section 2 of the NPPF and Core Strategy policies CC1, CC4 and CC7.

Residential Amenity / Hours of Operation - There is an aspiration to create a diverse mix of uses within the City Centre however a mixed-use environment can involve the location of uses such as restaurants, bars and clubs in close proximity to residential accommodation. Whilst the principle of the proposed use is considered to be acceptable the impact that it may have on nearby residents needs to be considered carefully.

There are a number of residential developments and some hotel and aparthotel uses within the area around and to the rear of Piccadilly Station. However no residential uses are directly adjacent to the entrances or on the most direct routes that patrons would use to access and egress the venue.

There are two potential impacts on residential amenity that need to be considered, firstly the impact that any noise breakout from the premises might have on the occupiers of the residential accommodation and secondly the impact that people arriving at and leaving the venue might have on this.

The Head of Environmental Health requires that any noise generated from the venue would be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive source and in this respect is satisfied that if the Noise Management Measures as detailed in the submitted Acoustic Report and addendum are adhered to, and that monitoring of noise levels during events takes place at regular agreed intervals, the noise from the Venue should be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive source. A requirement for the venue to adhere to these measures being a condition of any consent granted.

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The noise made by people arriving at and leaving the premises is very difficult to control through planning legislation. This issue of noise generation needs to be assessed in the context of the mixed use nature of the City Centre which generally can absorb a greater level of activity during both the daytime and evening than locations outside of the centre.

It is anticipated that the majority of people leaving the venue would exit along London Road in the direction of the major transport nodes at and Piccadilly Station to access night buses and taxis.

The applicants would implement a dispersal policy to minimise disturbance and noise caused by people leaving the venue. This would include management measures designed to encourage people to leave the venue over a staggered period of time and to leave either by taxi or to disperse along London Road away from the residential accommodation within Piccadilly Basin and on Whitworth Street.

Further such measures would include the following:

 Operation of a guided route for people leaving the premises to direct them away from residential properties.  Each evenings headlining act to be so arranged as to play no later than the penultimate set. (This will allow customers to slowly disperse no later than during the last act).  One hour before the end of regulated entertainment, alcohol sales to be ended.  Half an hour before the end of regulated entertainment the volume of any musical entertainment to be reduced and the style of music to be changed to a more "low tempo" style.  Clear legible notices to be placed near the exits requesting customers to respect neighbours and to leave the premises and the area quickly and quietly.  Door staff to remind customers to leave the premises quietly and to encourage them to move towards London Road.  Where a person is refused service of alcohol in the belief that he/she is drunk, staff to offer to arrange for a taxi to collect the customer to be taken .  Event website to give clear directions to customers how to reach and leave the venue to the nearest public transport and away from residential dwellings  Door staff to remind customers to leave the premises quietly and to encourage them to move towards London Road.  Door staff to be vigilant and to prevent customers congregating outside the premises.  Door staff to request any customers waiting outside the premises to move away from the area quickly and quietly.  Officers from GMP engaged to assist in accordance with the provisions of the premises licence.

282 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

 Clear notices to be displayed giving details of local taxi companies and the premises to promote only those taxi companies which use a "ring back" scheme.  Any taxi driver identified as being responsible for disturbance will be reported in the first instance to the taxi company operator. Any further disturbance will be reported to the City Council.

The operation of the Dispersal Policy should be a condition of any permission granted

The events would operate on Fridays and Saturdays between 27 September 2014 and 11th March 2015, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st and New Year's Day. Therefore the proposed days of operation are with the exception of the 7 extra days between Christmas and New Years Day (inclusive) limited to weekends. In light of all of the above, it is considered that the proposed hours of operation are acceptable for the proposed dates on which the use would be operational. Therefore, subject to compliance appropriate conditions, the proposal is consistent with Core Strategy policies SP1 and DM1 and saved UDP Policy DC26.

Transport Issues / Relationship to Transport Infrastructure - The site is located close to Piccadilly Station and Metrolink as well as being close to bus routes on London Road and the taxi ranks to the north of the site.

On the days when The Warehouse Project is at the site there will be around 1,800 patrons who mostly arrive between 10pm and 11pm. The applicants have stated that these are likely to arrive mostly on foot from the London Road direction and then along Store Street. it is anticipated that the majority of patrons would arrive on foot although some would be dropped off on Store Street by taxi or private car. It is understood that these arrangements did not cause any safety issues when the venue hosted similar events between 2007 to 2012. The applicants commissioned Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to provide stewarding and monitoring of the drop off/pick up arrangements which ensure that it operates safely and efficiently. This includes stewarding patrons to the taxi ranks on London Road, A team of 15 marshals would also be employed at the site would ensure that patrons walk along the footways along Store Street and London Road to ensure that pedestrians have a safe route to and from the site at all times. A further 10 marshals ensure that pedestrians are kept off the carriageways. As such, access and egress for patrons to the site either on foot or being dropped off by a vehicle would be well managed and there would be no need for nearby traffic restrictions to be temporarily amended.

The entrance queue begins at the venue doors on Store Street and patrons would queue against the wall of the site towards London Road. The applicants would use a temporary queuing barrier which ensures ample space for pedestrians/wheelchairs to use the remainder of the Store Street footway which is around 3 metres wide. The applicants have a website with a range of information including a specific page dedicated to travelling to the site. Every purchaser of a ticket receives directions to and from the site as well as the venue's rules and regulations.

There are a number of publicly available car parks close to the site.

283 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Given the above it is considered that the operation of the venue would not have any adverse impact on the safety or operation of the local public transport and highway network other than that which may be associated with any large event that takes place within the City Centre including football matches and concerts at various larger capacity venues within the City.

It is also noted that the location of the venue is such that it would be accessible by a variety of sustainable transport modes.

In view of the above the proposals would be consistent with section 4 of the NPPF and Core Strategy Policies SP1, DM1, T1 and T2 .

Disabled Access - Level access is provided from street level into the building.

In view of the above the proposals would be consistent with section 4 of the NPPF and Core Strategy Policy DM1.

Crime and Disorder - As noted above The Warehouse Project has received a number of awards for not only the quality of the events but also the way in which it operates such events and no objections to the proposals have been raised by either Greater Manchester Police via either the Partnership Licensing Unit or Design for Security. It is also noted that the presence of significant amounts of people and police may improve safety and informal supervision of this part of the City Centre when events are taking place.

A condition requiring that the scheme complies with the recommendations on Physical Security and Management and Maintenance contained in the Crime Impact Assessment submitted with the application should be attached to any consent granted. Provided that this is achieved the development would be consistent with policy on crime and disorder.

Biodiversity / Impact on Wildlife - An Ecology Report submitted in support of the application concludes that there are no signs of roosting bats within the application premises and that the interior of the car park has negligible bat roosting potential and no further surveys are considered necessary. The chances of bat roosting on the exterior facade is considered to be low and there are no proposals to alter the external structure of the building.

Wild birds are protected from being killed, injured or captured and their nests and eggs are protected from being damaged, destroyed or taken under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). However, the likelihood of breeding bird populations is minimal due to the location and lack of vegetation. The bird breeding season is typically between March and the end of August and as such does not correlate with the proposed use of the venue for the operations proposed commencing in late September.

In view of the above the proposals are considered to be consistent with policy EN15 of the Core Strategy.

284 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Response to Objectors Comments

Most of the material issues raised by objectors have been considered above however the following is also noted.

The application is for a temporary permission and therefore this is the maximum duration that the permission can be granted for. It follows that the guidance on the imposition of conditions limiting permissions to temporary consents has to be considered in the light of the application. It is guidance and can be departed from where there is a sensible reason for doing so. The report does address why a temporary consent is considered appropriate by giving full details of the matters referred to in the reasoned justification for Condition 1.

It is for the Local Planning Authority to make judgements about the adequacy and level of information required to determine a planning application and make a reasonable and lawful decision in this respect. The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that in the case of this application an adequate level of information to evaluate the merits of the application and make a decision has been provided.

The applicants have provided details of their operational policies which seek to control litter and anti-social behaviour by people leaving the premises and this will be a condition of any consent granted. There is also an undertaking within the Dispersal Policy which would be a condition of any permission granted, that at the close of each event, staff will clean the highway up to a distance of 150 yards either side of the entrance.

There is concern that the proposed mitigation would rely on a reactive approach rather than one that would identify amenity issues before they occur. There are also concerns about the criteria against which sound volumes would be checked and that no one will monitor that this monitoring is actually occurring. The Head of Environmental Health has agreed that the acoustic insulation measures are appropriate and should make noise inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive source. Conditions would clearly set out the measures required and the implementation of these measures should ensure that noise levels should be inaudible at those locations. However, whilst internal noise levels can be set, the level of any noise breakout can be affected by the use of different sound systems. Given this it is considered that a properly managed approach to noise mitigation should involve monitoring of the event at regular periods and if noise levels are exceeded at the nearest noise sensitive locations, or if residents use the complaints hotline to report problems, then the internal noise limits can be adjusted accordingly within a short period on the night rather than waiting for complaints following an event and for the issues to be investigated at the next event.

The expected decision level would not have been known at the time that the application was made and since the decision to present the application to the Planning and Highways Committee has been made the target Committee Date has been available to view on public access.

285 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

In light of the number of objections received, it is appropriate for the application to be determined by the Planning and Highways Committee.

The publicity in relation to this application has been appropriate. This is not a major development as defined by the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 2010,but classed as 'minor other'. Nevertheless the following publicity has taken place:

 Neighbours 688 letters issued on 17th June 2014;  Advertisement in Manchester Evening News as Public Interest Development on 22nd July 2014;  Information on application available to view on public access;  Two site notices were displayed adjacent to the site on 18th August 2014.  A 14 day re-notification of the 688 neighbours on the basis of additional supporting information having been submitted.

The Town & Country Planning -General Development Procedure Order (GDPO) 2010 section 13 para (6) states that where the notice is, without any fault or intention of the local planning authority, removed, obscured or defaced before the period of 21 days referred to in paragraph (3)(a), (4)(a)(i) or (5)(a) has elapsed, the authority shall be treated as having complied with the requirements of the relevant paragraph if they have taken reasonable steps for protection of the notice and, if need be, its replacement. A further 2 site notices were posted on 8th August 2014 at which time it was observed by a planning officer that at least one of the original notices was still in place.

In terms of the lack of information distributed to residents of Piccadilly Village all occupiers of the nearest identified noise sensitive locations (subsequently agreed with Environmental Health) were notified about the application along with 4 site notices and an advert in the local press. The application is not a major development and the Head of Planning is satisfied that the statutory obligations as outlined in paragraph 5 of the GDPO have been met in respect of consultation on this application.

Whilst there are concerns about compliance with the requirements of Councils Statement of Community Involvement CSCI (June 2007) the proposed development is not a major development of the type of outlined in sections 11.7 and 11.8. of the CSCI. The provisions of s61W of the Town &Country Planning Act (T&CPA) 1990 (pre-application consultation) only apply to applications for wind farms. There is no legal requirement for pre application consultation for this development. Nevertheless the applicants chose to undertake a full public engagement programme which was underway at the time of submission of the temporary change of use application. This included writing to more than 1,000 addresses close to the site in order to inform them of the application and enable them to contact The Warehouse Project Ltd with any questions and comments. In addition, a public engagement event including an exhibition of the plans was held on 21 July, at the Abode Hotel, Local Members within the City Centre and Ancoats and Clayton Wards as well as the Executive Members for Environment and Culture were provided with information about the

286 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014 application and inviting them to attend the public engagement event. Whilst this event did take place after the submission of the application it is considered that given the level of the above engagement along with the City Council's own processes, the local community has been afforded the opportunity to engage in the decision making process and raise any concerns that they have about the operation of the venue. It is not considered that the overlap of the processes has compromised the processing of the application. The responses that the applicant received are recorded in the submitted Addendum to Statement of Community Involvement along with a response to the issues and topics of interest raised during this process and the applicant has taken the response into account.

With respect to the comments about the submission of additional information the following is noted:

 a replacement Crime Impact Assessment was received on 14 June 2014 as the wrong statement had been submitted by the applicants which was subsequently substituted for the incorrect version on public access.

 an addendum to the Community Consultation Statement was submitted on 27July 2014 following a Community Consultation Event to which local residents and businesses were invited.

Following judgements by planning officers when a wider assessment of the potential impact of the proposals had been made during the processing of the application, an Ecology Survey and information on Transport and the impact of the proposals on adjacent highways was requested and received on 15 August 2014.

 a supplementary Acoustic Assessment was received on 4 August 2014 which was subsequently posted on public access. It was considered that this report did not contain adequate information to allow an assessment of the potential impact on the amenity of adjacent building occupiers or adequately set out how any such impact would be mitigated to ensure that there would not be an unacceptable level of noise breakout from the premises when the in use in the evenings. A further report was requested and submitted on 15 August 2014 and an addendum to this was also submitted on 1st September 2014.

Where an application has been amended is at the local planning authority's discretion to decide whether further publicity and consultation is necessary. In deciding whether this is necessary the following considerations may be relevant:

 were objections or reservations raised in the original consultation stage substantial and, in the view of the local planning authority, enough to justify further publicity?  are the proposed changes significant?  did earlier views cover the issues raised by the proposed changes?  are the issues raised by the proposed changes likely to be of concern to parties not previously notified?

287 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Where the local planning authority has decided that re-consultation or re-notification is necessary, it is open to them to set the timeframe for responses, balancing the need for consultees to be given time to consider the issue that is being re-consulted upon and respond against the need for efficient decision making. In the case of this application, following the submission of further information requested from the applicants, a further 14 day neighbour re-notification has taken place. It was considered that there was no requirement or need to re-advertise the application as the re-notification in addition to the previous level of publicity and notification was adequate in the case of this application.

It is considered that the LPA has complied with the statutory requirements and the requirements of the Councils adopted Statement of Community Involvement (2007) have also been met and the interests of neighbours, surrounding landowners and the public at large have not been prejudiced by the processing of this application. All submitted information has been available on public access since the application was validated. Whilst additional information has since been submitted, all of the neighbours who were originally notified have been re-notified about the submission of additional information and given a further 14 days to comment on the submission.

A summary of the comment from Statutory Consultees is contained within this report and is available for the public to view when the report is published 5 days before Committee. This is considered to be adequate for the purposes of public consultation in the consideration of this application.

The Local Planning Authority's view is that the proposed development does not fall within Schedule's 1 or 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact etc,) Regulations 1999 and that under Schedule II of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact etc,) Regulations 2011 as this is a change of use only within an existing building and no physical works to the building are proposed it is not considered to be an Urban Development Project. Further, the size of the site does not exceed 0.5 ha. However given the capacity of the venue and potential noise levels associated with the use careful consideration has been given to the issue of traffic generation, noise, vibration, air quality, visual intrusion or impacts on any protected species and it is considered that the development will not have a significant effect on the environment.

The recommendation on this application is made on its merits. The rational for the decision as set out in this report has been based on consideration of the relevant national (NPPF) and local (Core Strategy) guidance and all other material considerations.

Plans showing the layout of the doors and proposed acoustic insulation measures are available on public access and implementation of the measures shown are capable of being a condition of any consent granted.

Advertising an event which does not have planning permission is a matter for the applicants and is undertaken at their own risk. Members are asked to note that any such advertising is not a material consideration for the purposes of determining the application.

288 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

The intervening application was made by another party and the reasons that this was withdrawn are not pertinent to the consideration of this application.

It is not for Environmental Health to assess or comment on the provision and the applicant should be adhering to Building Regulations and CIBSE guidance (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) for ventilation. With regard to cooking fumes, no cooking is proposed at the venue.

In terms of economic impact on Trafford this is not something that the Committee has control over.

The issues about health and safety requirements, fire exits, fire alarms and evacuation facilities, these are not material planning considerations or grounds for an objection to a planning application and are considered under Health and Safety and Building Regulation legislation. However the applicants have confirmed that they have control of all fire escapes to be used in association with events and that the certificates submitted in respect of the application are correct.

It is noted that the proposed venue is outside of the area known as the Northern Quarter.

In terms of comments about impact on the value of properties within the area as a result of approving this application the impact on property values is not a planning issue.

With respect to comments about the validity of the licence whilst again this is not a planning issue the comments about the reliance of any consent granted on operational requirements as set out in the licence is noted and any consent granted would be on the basis of specific conditions relating to documents and supporting info submitted with the planning application not as referenced in the licence.

The existence or not of the premises licence as one of the supporting documents submitted with the application is not of relevance to the determination of this application and any such document is only available because it was submitted by the applicant not because it was necessary to validate or evaluate the merits of the application.

Whether the previous application was made by the same or a different applicant or company, issues about the commercial concerns of an applicant and the reasons that another application by different applicants was withdrawn are not material planning considerations.

There was no planning requirement for the applicant to hold a public consultation event and the number of people that chose to attend such events is not a material planning consideration in respect of this application.

Network Rail (who would raise any operational concerns in relation to the station and British Transport Police) have been consulted and have not objected to the application.

289 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

The Head of Highways Services has considered the information submitted and as necessary sought clarification on a number of matters including those necessary to determine the adequacy of local parking provision, if any nearby parking restrictions would need to be amended or if any road closures would be necessary and based on that information has determined that this would not be the case.

A Crime Impact Assessment (CIA) has been submitted with the application and based on the recommendations contained in this Greater Manchester Police (Design for Security and Partnership Licencing Unit) have not objected to the proposals and on this basis it is considered (subject to the recommendations of the CIA being implemented as part of the operation) to be acceptable in terms of potential impacts on crime and disorder levels in the area.

It is for planning officers to make judgements about whether the level of information is sufficient to allow an application to be validated. The level of information required was discussed with the applicants pre-application and on submission judged to be sufficient to allow the application to be validated although additional supporting information has been requested to allow a full assessment of all of the issues raised by the application by planning officers.

Human Rights Act 1998 considerations – This application needs to be considered against the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998. Under Article 6, the applicants (and those third parties, including local residents, who have made representations) have the right to a fair hearing and to this end the Committee must give full consideration to their comments.

Protocol 1 Article 1, and Article 8 where appropriate, confer(s) a right of respect for a person’s home, other land and business assets. In taking account of all material considerations, including Council policy as set out in the Core Strategy and saved polices of the Unitary Development Plan, the Head of Planning, Building Control & Licensing has concluded that some rights conferred by these articles on the applicant(s)/objector(s)/resident(s) and other occupiers and owners of nearby land that might be affected may be interfered with but that that interference is in accordance with the law and justified by being in the public interest and on the basis of the planning merits of the development proposal. She believes that any restriction on these rights posed by the approval of the application is proportionate to the wider benefits of approval and that such a decision falls within the margin of discretion afforded to the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts.

Recommendation Temporary 6 month approval

Article 31 Declaration

Officers have worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner to seek solutions to problems arising in relation to dealing with the planning application. No such problems have arisen on this application.

Conditions to be attached to the decision

290 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

1) The permission hereby granted is for a limited period only, expiring on 11th March 2015; and the use comprising the development for which permission is hereby granted are required to be respectively removed and discontinued.


The area is undergoing significant changes as a result of regeneration being promoted by the City Council and it will be necessary to reconsider the suitability and acceptability of the use following this temporary period the consequences of which have not been considered beyond the 11th March 2015 pursuant to Core Strategy Policies SP1, CC1, CC4 and DM1 and saved UDP Policy DC26.

2) The premises shall not operate as an entertainment venue / dance (Sui Generis) Use outside the following hours:

 Fridays and Saturday nights from 19.00 to 05.30 12 September to 11 March 2015.

 26, 27,28,29,30 December to and New Years Day 19.00 to 05.30.

 New Years Eve 19.00 to 06.30

Reason - To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of nearby accommodation, pursuant to Core Strategy Policies DM1 and SP1 and saved UDP policies DC26.1 and 26.5.

3) The recommendations contained in the Crime Impact Statement Version A: 14th July 2014 shall be implemented in full and retained in place at all times that the use hereby permitted is in operation.

Reason - To reduce the risk of crime pursuant to policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy and to reflect the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework

4) The operation of the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings and documents unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as Local Planning Authority:

(a) Site Plan 332(PI)001;

(b) Dispersal Policy contained in Appendix D of Gerald Eve's Planning Statement dated July 2014;

(c) Operation Policy Appendix E of Gerald Eve's Planning Statement dated July 2014 as amended by e-mail containing revised version received on 28th August 2014

(d) Waste Management Strategy contained in Appendix G of Gerald Eve's Planning Statement dated July 2014; and

291 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

(e) Traffic Management measures as set out in James Gibb's (Gerald Eve) e-mail in relation to Head of Highways Services comments dated 07-08-14 as amended by James Gibb's (Gerald Eve) e-mail's dated 27-08-14 (15.14), 28-08-14 (16.46), 29-08- 14 (11.05)and (14.37)


To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans pursuant to Core Strategy policies CC7, T2 , SP1, DM1 and saved UDP policies DC26.

5) The consent hereby granted is on the basis that noise from music at the event shall be inaudible inside all nearby noise sensitive premises and that the development hereby approved shall operate in accordance with the following measures:

Full implementation of the Noise Management Plan provided by Vanguardia in their Acoustic Report Rev 02 August 2014 stamped as received on 18th August 2014 as amended by Acoustic Report Addendum dated August 2014 and stamped as received on 01-09-14 the specified measures shall be implemented in full and retained in operation at all times when the use hereby permitted is in operation


To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans pursuant to Core Strategy policies SP1, DM1 and saved UDP policies DC26.

6) The consent hereby granted does not grant or imply the granting of consent for the placing of any items associated with the operation of the approved use including, fencing, portable toilets, storage containers, security barriers within the adjacent highway.


For the avoidance of doubt, in the interests of amenity and to protect the quality of the environment in this part of the City Centre and pursuant to Core Strategy policies SP1 and DM1.

Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

The documents referred to in the course of this report are either contained in the file(s) relating to application ref: 106266/FO/2014/C2 held by planning or are City Council planning policies, the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester, national planning guidance documents, or relevant decisions on other applications or appeals, copies of which are held by the Planning Division.

292 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

The following residents, businesses and other third parties in the area were consulted/notified on the application:

Highway Services Environmental Health City Centre Renegeration Greater Manchester Police Partnership Office Licensing Section Network Rail Flat 34, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 35, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 36, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 37, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 38, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 39, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 40, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 41, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 42, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 43, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 44, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 45, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 46, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 47, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 48, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 49, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 50, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 51, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 52, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 53, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 54, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 55, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 56, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 57, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 58, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 59, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 60, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 61, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 62, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 63, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 64, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 65, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 66, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 67, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 68, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 69, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 70, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 71, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 72, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 73, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 74, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW

293 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 75, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 76, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 77, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 78, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 79, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 80, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 81, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 82, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 83, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW 5 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JB 2 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH Flat 101, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 102, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 103, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 104, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 105, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 106, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 107, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 108, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 109, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 110, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 111, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 112, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 113, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 114, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 115, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 116, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 117, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 906, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 907, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 908, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 909, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 910, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 911, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 912, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 913, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 914, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 915, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 916, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1001, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1002, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1003, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1004, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1005, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1006, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1007, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1008, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1009, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1010, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1011, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP

294 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 1012, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1013, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1014, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 1015, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP 9 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 11 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JB Flat 1, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 2, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 3, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 4, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 5, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 6, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 7, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 8, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 9, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 10, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 11, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 12, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 13, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 14, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 15, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 16, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 17, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 18, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 19, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 20, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 21, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 22, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 23, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 24, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat 25, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP Flat A, Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE Flat At, 97 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2DB Flat At, 38 London Road, Manchester, M1 2PF Flat At, 12 Gore Street, Manchester, M1 3AQ City Inn, 1 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3DG 2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BG 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BN 4 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BN Fourth Floor, Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Third Floor, Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Flat 201, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR First Floor, Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Ground Floor, Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Lower Ground Floor, Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Golftorium, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Premier Inn, 72 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HR 1 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 4 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 5 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH

295 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

6 - 7 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 8 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 10 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 11 - 12 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 13 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 14 - 15 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 16 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH 8A Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH Suite 15A, , Manchester, M1 2HY Suite 15B, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Ground Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD First Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Second Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Third Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Fourth Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Fifth Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Sixth Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Seventh Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Car Park, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Eighth Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Ninth Floor, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Second Floor Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG 3 Gateway House, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2GH Unit 5, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 6, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 13, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 24, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 52 Satellite Lounge, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 51 Satellite Lounge, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 12, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Marks And Spencer Simply Food, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Bread Box Kiosk, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 2, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 7, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 1, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 4, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 11A, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 11B, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 9, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 10, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 16, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 3, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Coffee Kiosk, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Offices, Tower Block, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BP Unit 15, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN

296 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Unit 22, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 25, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Royal Bank Of Scotland Satellite Lounge, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Barclays Platform 10, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Lloyds Concourse, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Abbey National Concourse, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN National Westminster Concourse, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Lloyds Fairfield Street Entrance, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Booth Platform 10, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Booth Fairfield Street Entrance, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Kiosk Fairfield Street Entrance, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 11, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 17, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 21, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 20, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 23, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 8, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 14, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Unit 13A, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Yo Sushi, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Second Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Third Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Seventh Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Lower Ground Floor, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Coffee Kiosk Fairfield Street Entrance, Piccadilly Station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, M1 2BN Pita Pit, 3C Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BN 12 Fairfield Street, Manchester, M1 3GF 18 Sparkle Street, Manchester, M1 2NA 34 London Road, Manchester, M1 2PF 97 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2DB Carvers Warehouse, 77 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG 12 Gore Street, Manchester, M1 3AQ Flat 1, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 2, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 3, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 4, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 5, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 6, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 7, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 8, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW

297 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 9, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 10, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 11, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 12, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 13, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 14, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 15, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 16, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 17, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 18, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 19, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 20, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 21, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 22, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 23, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 24, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 25, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 26, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 27, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 28, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW Flat 29, Opal House, 11A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3GW 82 London Road, Manchester, M1 2PN Unit B, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Unit C, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Unit D, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Unit E, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Malmaison, Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 3AQ 28 Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Flat 1, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 2, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 3, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 4, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 5, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 6, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 7, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 8, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 9, 1 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 1, 2 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 2, 2 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 3, 2 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 4, 2 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 1, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 2, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 3, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 4, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 5, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 6, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 7, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 8, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 9, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE

298 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

1 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 2 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 3 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 4 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 5 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 6 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 7 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 8 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 9 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 10 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 11 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 12 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 14 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 15 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 16 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 17 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 18 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 19 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 20 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 21 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 22 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 23 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 24 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 25 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 26 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 27 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 28 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 29 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 30 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 31 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 32 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 33 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE Flat 9, 4 Wharf Close, MANCHESTER, M1 2WE 34 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 35 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 36 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 37 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 38 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 39 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 40 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 41 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 42 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 43 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 44 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 45 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 46 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 47 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 48 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 49 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 50 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE

299 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

51 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 52 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 53 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 54 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 55 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 56 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 57 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 58 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 59 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 60 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 61 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 62 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 63 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 64 Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 14 - 16 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 1, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 2, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 3, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 4, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 5, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 6, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 7, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 8, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 9, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 10, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 11, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 12, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 13, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 14, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 15, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 16, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 17, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 18, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 19, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 20, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 21, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 22, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 23, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 24, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 25, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 26, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 27, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 28, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 29, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 30, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 31, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 32, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 33, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 34, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 35, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE

300 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 36, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 37, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 38, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 39, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 40, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 41, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 42, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 43, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 44, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 45, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 46, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 47, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 48, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 49, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 50, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 51, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 52, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 53, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 54, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 55, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 56, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 57, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Flat 1, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 2, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 3, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 4, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 5, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 6, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 7, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 8, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 9, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 10, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 11, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 12, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 13, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 14, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 15, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 16, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 17, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 18, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 19, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Flat 20, Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS 4 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW Piccadilly Lofts, 70 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2PE 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Junction House, 16 Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2DS Star And Garter, 18 - 20 Fairfield Street, Manchester, M1 3GF Fourteenth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Brunswick Chambers, 4 Paton Street, Manchester, M1 2BA

301 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

First Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Fourth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY The Manchester Abode Ltd, 107 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2DB Sixteenth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY 38 London Road, Manchester, M1 2PF Ninth Floor, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP 43 Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WA Flat 202, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 203, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 204, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 205, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 206, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 207, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 208, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 209, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 9, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Apartment 10, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 11, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 12, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 13, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 14, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 15, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 16, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 17, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 18, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 19, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 20, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 21, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 22, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 23, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 24, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 25, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Flat 1, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 2, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 3, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 4, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 5, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 6, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 7, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 8, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 9, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 10, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 11, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 12, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 14, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 15, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 16, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 17, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 18, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 19, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS

302 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 20, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 21, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 22, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 23, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 24, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 25, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Flat 26, 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS Ninth Floor And Tenth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Fire Station Junction Fairfield Street, London Road, Manchester, M1 2PQ Fire Brigade Buildings, 50 London Road, Manchester, M1 2PH Thirteenth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY First Floor And Second Floor, 4 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW Greater Manchester Police, Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3QW Eleventh Floor Offices, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Ground Floor, 75 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG First Floor, 75 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Ground Floor, 6 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW First Floor And Second Floor, 6 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW First Floor To Third Floor, 6 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW Twelfth Floor Suite 12a, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Seventeenth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Ground Floor Room G47, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Ground Floor Room G41, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Seventh Floor And Eighth Floor, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Ground Floor Canteen, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Ground Floor Rooms G47c-G47e And G48-G48a, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Ground Floor Rooms G51a G51 And G52, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Ground Floor Room G45, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP Flat 210, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 211, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 212, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 213, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 214, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 215, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 216, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 217, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 301, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 302, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 303, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 304, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 305, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 306, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 307, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 308, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 309, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 310, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 311, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 312, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR

303 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 313, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 314, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 315, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 316, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 317, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 401, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 402, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 403, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 404, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 405, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 406, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 407, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 408, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 409, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 410, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 411, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 412, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 413, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 414, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 415, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 416, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 417, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 501, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 502, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 503, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 504, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 505, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 506, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 507, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 508, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 509, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 510, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 511, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 512, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 513, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 514, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 515, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 516, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 517, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR Flat 601, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 602, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 603, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 604, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 605, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 606, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 607, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 608, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Ground Floor, Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP 4A Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW Arch 10, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB

304 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Arch 6, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB Arch 2, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB 1 Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB Arch 12, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB Store 5, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB The Place Apartment Hotel, Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2TP Basement, Units 8 And 9, Dale Street, Manchester, M1 1JA Unit 2, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WB Retail Unit, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Twelfth Floor Suite 12b, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Fifth Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Unit A, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Sixth Floor Suite 6a, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY Sixth Floor Suite 6b, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY 7 Chatham Street, Manchester, M1 3AY 75 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ 12 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 3AN Rail House, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2RP 14 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 3BS 6 Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 6QW 81A Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2HG 41 Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WA Apartment 1, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 2, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 3, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 4, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 5, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 6, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 7, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 8, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Apartment 9, Bridge House, 26 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DQ Flat 1, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 2, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 3, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 4, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 5, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 6, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 7, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 8, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 9, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 10, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 11, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 12, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 13, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 14, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 15, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 16, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 17, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 18, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW

305 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 19, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 20, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 21, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 22, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 23, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 24, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 25, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 26, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 27, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 28, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 29, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 30, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 31, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 32, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 33, 81 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 2BW Flat 609, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 610, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 611, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 612, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 613, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 614, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 615, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 616, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 617, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 701, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 702, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 703, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 704, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 705, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 706, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 707, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 708, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 709, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 710, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 711, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 712, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 713, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 714, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 715, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 716, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 717, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 801, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 802, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 803, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 804, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 805, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 806, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 807, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 808, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 809, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP

306 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

Flat 810, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 811, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 812, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 813, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 814, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 815, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 816, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 817, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 901, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 902, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 903, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 904, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 905, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP

Representations were received from the following third parties: Flat 915, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Flat 20, Navigation House, 20 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2DP 49-51 Dale St, M1 2HF 5 William Jessop Court, Piccadilly Village, M1 2NE Ashton House, 196 Corporation St, M4 4DU Birchcliffe Rd, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8BH Apt 54, Lancaster House, 71 Whitworth St, M1 6LQ 58 Dale Street 1908 City Heights Apartments, M3 5AS 13 Thurloe St, Rusholme 5 Piccadilly Place, M1 3BP Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Wharf Apartments Jutland St 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Crown And Anchor, 41 Hilton Street, M1 2EE The Lock, 20 Tariff Street, M1 1FJ Flat 7, 11 Mauldeth Road, M20 4BB Flat 9, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 9, 4 Wharf Close, MANCHESTER, M1 2WE Flat 4, Jutland House, Jutland Street, Manchester, M1 2BE Fourways House, 57 Hilton St, M1 2EJ 38A Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AJ 50A Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AJ 10D Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AQ 6B Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AJ 7B Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AJ 40A Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AJ 58A Albion Mill, Pollard St, M4 7AJ Brimmycroft Farm, Denshaw 126 Cedar Court, Prestwich, M25 1YF Flat 9, 4 Wharf Close, Manchester, M1 2WE Flat 604, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Glen Iris, Caddington Common, Markyate, Herts, AL3 8QF

307 Manchester City Council Item 11 Planning and Highways Committee 11 September 2014

204 Asia House, Princess St, M1 6BD 10 Parrswood Rd 17 Chelford Rd, Eccleston, WA10 5LP Appt 1227, 6 Leftbank, Spinningfields, M3 3AF Flat 14 Willow Bank, Fallowfield, M14 6XP 15 Marston Close, Whitefield, M45 8JR 30 Oldfield Rd, Prestwich, M25 2GG 30A Simister Lane, Prestwich, M25 2RS 28 Mabfield Rd, M14 6LP Calle Isla De Formosa 22, 30868 Isla Plana, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain 26-28 Hilton St, M1 2EH Weston Hall, Weston Building , M1 3BB 9 Causewood Close, OL4 2XA 15 Shelley Grove, Droylsden, M43 7YF 97 Dean Rd, Irlam, M44 5AJ 7 Daveylands Garden Flat, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 2AG Flat 2, 5A Wilbraham Rd, Fallowfield, M14 6JS 16 Osbourne Drive, Pendlebury, M27 4HT Flat 701, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BP Cunnane Town Planning

Relevant Contact Officer : Angela Leckie Telephone number : 0161 234 4651 Email : [email protected]