E3S Web of Conferences 48, 06004 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184806004 IWGM 2018

How the environmental planning of the Universidade Federal de Lavras impacts

José Roberto Soares Scolforo1, Édila Vilela de Resende Von Pinho1, Antonio Chalfun-Junior2, Adriano Higino Freire1, Leandro Coelho Naves3, Marcio Machado Ladeira1,* 1 Office of Rector Universidade Federal de Lavras, Campus da UFLA, Lavras, MG, , 37.200.000 2 International Office of Universidade Federal de Lavras, Campus da UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil, 37.200.000 3 Department of the Environment, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Campus da UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil, 37.200.000

Abstract. UFLA was founded in 1908 as an Agriculture and since that time there was a large concern with environmental issues. During last decade, UFLA has started a huge expansion in different areas of knowledge, becoming a more comprehensive university rather than being focused only in Agriculture Sciences. Due to that, UFLA has faced a need to build many buildings, avenues, improve water and energy supply and deal with different residues produced by their population on campus (including at the laboratories). For this reason, in 2009, UFLA started the idea to implement an Environmental and Structural Planning (ESP), to solve current structural problems and prevent future ones, creating, by that, conditions for keeping expanding and still placing UFLA as an environmentally sustainable University. Moreover, once the Planning was implemented and, even during its implementation, UFLA started to be an excellent example and laboratory for their . In other words, we could start teaching how to expand keeping been sustainable. For instance, almost 70% of UFLA undergraduate and graduate programs have direct or indirect relation with environment and sustainability, and part of them use facilities and activities created with the ESP implementation. As recognition for the described actions, in 2017, UFLA was ranked in 35th position in UI Green Metric overall world ranking and 1st in Education. In conclusion, the ESP is a great opportunity to improve education and research quality of UFLA.

1 Introduction As a recognition of the Environmental Planning implementation, in 2017, UFLA was ranked in 35th Universidade Federal de Lavras, The Federal University position in UI Green Metric overall world ranking, 2nd in of Lavras (UFLA) was founded in 1908 as the Latin America, and 1st in Education [1]. Therefore, this Agricultural School of Lavras. It was renamed as the paper has the objective to describe how UFLA Higher College of Agriculture of Lavras (ESAL) in 1938, when Education is linked to environmental and sustainability it started to offer the undergraduate program Agronomy. issues. Then, in 1975 two new undergraduate programs were created and until 1994, when the College of Agriculture became the Federal University of Lavras, it had only 6 2 UFLA history and its action on undergraduate Programs, ~2,450 students and ~640 agricultural science employees (faculty, technicians, and administrative staff). In that time, four undergraduate Programs were in Until 2002 UFLA had 7 undergraduate Programs, being Agricultural subject and UFLA had other 10 graduate 5 in Agricultural subject (Fig. 1). During the last 15 Programs in this area, which demonstrated the years with the University expansion, new Programs have University expertise in Agriculture Science. Nowadays, been created and it started having careers in different UFLA has 35 undergraduate Programs and also 35 areas of the knowledge, as Life Sciences, Engineering, graduate Programs. Therefore, the University has Medicine, Law, Human Science etc. However, UFLA experienced a huge expansion in the last 2 decades, and remains as an important University in Agricultural and the physical and personnel increase experienced by Environmental Sciences, having 23 out of the 35 UFLA by its history has required the adoption of new graduate Programs in both areas (Table 1), which helps attitudes regarding environmental issues on campus. to explain why UFLA got the first position in Education Therefore, it was necessary to build new buildings, in UI Green Metric Ranking. It is important to highlight avenues, improve water and energy supply and deal with that modern agriculture and livestock production is different residues produced by their daily population and completely linked with preservation of the environment also by the use of laboratories. Currently, our academic and sustainability. Some examples are: studies and community gathers ~13,500 students and ~1,300 practices adopted in order to mitigate greenhouse gases employees. emission, improve soil management, decrease

* Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). E3S Web of Conferences 48, 06004 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184806004 IWGM 2018

agricultural defensive use, improve productivity and reduce carbon footprint etc.

Table 1. List of graduate programs at UFLA linked to environmental and sustainability.

Programs Agriculture Engineering Agriculture Microbiology Agro chemistry Agronomy Animal Science Applied Botanic Applied Ecology Biomaterial Engineering

Entomology Fig. 1. Total number of undergraduate programs and the ones Environmental Technologies and Innovations in Agricultural and/or Environmental sciences at UFLA since Feed Science 1974. Forestry Table 2. UFLA numbers in education used by UI GreenMetric Genetics and Plant Breeding ranking.

Phytopathology Education item evaluated by UI Green Metric ranking Plant Physiology Percentage of courses related with enviromental 68.4 and sustainability Soil Science Percentage of funds for researches in enviromental 72.3 Sustainable Development and sustainability Number of academic publications in enviromental 2958 Vegetal Biotechnology and sustainability Number of events related to enviromental and Veterinary Science 409 sustainability Water Resources in Agricultural Systems Number of students organizations related to 151 Wood Science and Technology enviromental and sustainability

For instance, in 2017, UFLA professors have produced 2,958 academic publications linked to 3 The environmental planning of UFLA environmental and sustainability and 72.3% of the and its impact on higher education research funds were used in this area (Table 2). In In 2008, UFLA elaborated an Strategic Environmental addition to that, 68.4% of undergraduate and graduate Planning, in order to create conditions for its well courses offered were related to environmental and organized expansion. The actions that were part of this sustainability. In addition to traditional careers in plan emerged to solve current problems and to prevent Agriculture, new careers created at UFLA have also future ones, with the goal of turning UFLA into a contributed to undergraduate and graduate programs, benchmark for a Green Campus. In other words, to such as: Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, become UFLA one of the most sustainable and Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Applied environmentally friendly university in Brazil, and also Ecology, Environmental Technologies and Innovations, creating the bases for its community to be among the Sustainable Development, Water Resources in best ones in the World. Agricultural Systems. Therefore, during the implementation of the Environmental Planning, UFLA became a laboratory for many students, having direct impact in the academic training. In addition to that, after the total implementation, UFLA reduced costs of water supply, sewage treatment, and with reuse of chemical and organic waste. Total saving was around more than US$ 2.2 million every year and that money goes direct to academic actions.


2 E3S Web of Conferences 48, 06004 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184806004 IWGM 2018

Table 3. Example of actions developed during the dry waste generated at UFLA implementation of the environmental planning at UFLA and Construction of 8 kilometers of their impacts on higher education. Every bike lanes on campus Undergraduate

Actions programs directly benefited In addition to the examples presented above, UFLA’s awareness about the environment is also a major concern UFLA improved its green areas, in its undergraduate and graduate programs. which included an initial proposal Forest Engineering, Undergraduate courses have in their curricula many for planting >90,000 native tree Agronomy, Biology, courses dealing with environmental issues. Such actions species that are essential for Animal Science, protecting water springs and are especially relevant taking into account results from Environmental and riparian areas and for providing studies applied to students in primary and higher Sanitary Engineering shadow, shelter, and a pleasant education reporting clear evidences that those having place to stay deeper awareness (more complex view) on environment and tend to develop more meaningful pro-environmental Increase the use of clean energy actions [2]. and its efficient, such as: a) building a new protected electrical network; b) replacing lampposts light bulbs for more-efficient metal Civil Engineering, 4 Summary/ concluding remarks halide ones and exchanging mixed Physics The history of UFLA keeps it as one of the most bulbs with fluorescent lamps; c) important University in Agricultural Science in Latin building solar water heating systems in all university-housing America and due to the way modern Agriculture deals buildings etc… with environmental and sustainability issues, it results in a large number of courses offered and manuscripts Environmental and published. Furthermore, UFLA Environmental Planning Construction of the Chemical Sanitary Engineering, has direct and indirect impact in higher education giving Waste Management Laboratory Chemistry, Chemical to its students a better academic training. Finally, it will Engineering contribute to the awareness of society in pursuit of an Veterinary Medicine, environmentally sustainable economic development in Animal Science, Feed Brazil and in the world. Implementation of a Tissue Engineering, Chemistry, Digester and a Solid Waste Chemical Engineering, Treatment Experimental Field Biology, Environmental References and Sanitary Engineering, Agronomy 1. UI Green Metric, Overall world ranking. Retrieved Chemistry, Chemical from: http://greenmetric.ui.ac.id/overall-ranking- Construction of a Sewage Engineering, Biology, 2017/ (2017) Treatment Plant Environmental and 2. Freitas, M. R., Macedo, R. L. G., Freitas, M. P. Sanitary Engineering Environmental perception as a tool to predict pro- Chemistry, Chemical environmental actions. Revista Brasileira de Engineering, Biology, Improve Water Treatment Plant Educação Ambiental (RevBEA), 11(1), pp. 355-360 Environmental and (2016) Sanitary Engineering Recycling initiatives providing a socially and environmentally Every student friendly final destination for most