Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 16 August 2018
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Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 16 August 2018 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the North West team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Refuse 9 2018/01592/PA 58 Chester Street Aston Birmingham B6 4LW Change of use of application premises which is used for storage, hand finishing of magazines and direct mail to a mixed used Sui Generis use which includes use for church purposes, furniture restoration and associated sales show room (including for second hand furniture) open to the public and trade (also allowing internet sales) and warehousing; landscaping, gardening and tree services to the public (including tool storage, maintenance and administration) with associated training provided in such services, cafe and restaurant (open to the public) as well as providing associated restaurant and food catering training; creche, conference and training facilities, multi use arts training and performance suite, play area, beauty and nail salon (including provision of training in such practices), gymnasium, ancillary office space and classrooms together with extensions and other external changes to building modifications to site Approve - Conditions 10 2018/04539/PA 84 Hamstead Hill Handsworth Wood Birmingham B20 1DA Erection of two storey side and single and two storey rear extension with porch to front Page 1 of 3 Corporate Director, Economy Approve - Conditions 11 2018/01292/PA 1 Barry Jackson Tower Estone Walk Birmingham B6 5DP Change of use from flats (C3) to a supported living centre to provide interim accommodation to homeless households (Sui Generis) together with internal and external alterations and installation of external plant and equipment and also change of use of land on opposite side of Upper Dean Street (next to medical centre) to a car park. Approve - Conditions 12 2018/01819/PA 11 -15 Sherifoot Lane Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B75 5DR Demolition of 15 Sherifoot Lane and the erection of three detached dwellings, new access road, boundary treatment and landscaping Approve - Conditions 13 2017/10840/PA Whynot Service Station Reddicap Heath Road Sutton Coldfield B75 7ET Relocation of existing car valeting jet wash operation. Approve - Conditions 14 2018/03750/PA Vacant Plot Aston Brook Street East Birmingham B6 4AP Change of use from vacant plot to transient accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers (Sui Generis), erection of single storey utility building and installation of new palisade fencing and gated access. Page 2 of 3 Corporate Director, Economy Approve - Conditions 15 2018/00635/PA Monument Road/Cawdor Crescent Land at Edgbaston Birmingham B16 8XH Application for variation of condition 22 for the provision of financial contributions towards Chamberlain Gardens and the Ivy Bush neighbourhood centre to allow additional funds to be spent on Chamberlain Gardens and public realm/landscape improvements within the Ladywood Ward attached to planning approval 2012/07863/PA. Page 3 of 3 Corporate Director, Economy Committee Date: 16/08/2018 Application Number: 2018/01592/PA Accepted: 14/05/2018 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 13/08/2018 Ward: Nechells 58 Chester Street, Aston, Birmingham, B6 4LW Change of use of application premises which is used for storage, hand finishing of magazines and direct mail to a mixed used Sui Generis use which includes use for church purposes, furniture restoration and associated sales show room (including for second hand furniture) open to the public and trade (also allowing internet sales) and warehousing; landscaping, gardening and tree services to the public (including tool storage, maintenance and administration) with associated training provided in such services, cafe and restaurant (open to the public) as well as providing associated restaurant and food catering training; creche, conference and training facilities, multi use arts training and performance suite, play area, beauty and nail salon (including provision of training in such practices), gymnasium, ancillary office space and classrooms together with extensions and other external changes to building modifications to site Applicant: Betel UK Windmill House, Weatheroak Hill, Alvechurch, B48 7EA Agent: Leap Design Group Wheatley Business Park, Unit 11, Wheatley, OX33 1XW Recommendation Refuse 1. Proposal 1.1. The applicant proposes the establish a UK headquarters for Betel UK which is a network of charitable, Christian recovery communities dedicated to restoring homeless and substance dependent people to productive, independent lifestyles. Since its inception in 1996, the charity’s varied social enterprises have provided on the job employment and life skills training for more than 12,000 recovering UK men and women completely free of charge. 1.2. The applicant proposes the change of use of the application premises which is used for storage, hand finishing of magazines and direct mail (without any hours of use restrictions) to a mixed used Sui Generis use which includes use for church purposes, furniture restoration and associated sales show room (including for second hand furniture) open to the public and trade (also allowing internet sales) and warehousing; landscaping, gardening and tree services to the public (including tool storage, maintenance and administration) with associated training provided in such services, cafe and restaurant (open to the public) as well as providing Page 1 of 16 associated restaurant and food catering training; creche, conference and training facilities, multi use arts training and performance suite, play area, beauty and nail salon (including provision of training in such practices), gymnasium, ancillary office space and classrooms together with extensions and other external changes to building modifications to site 1.3. The submitted drawings show that the proposed lower ground floor would provide an auditorium to accommodate upto 400 people; multipurpose arts training and performance suite, library, lounge reception, W.C’s, café, soft play cafe, beauty salon, green rooms, backstage rooms, furniture showroom, landscaping room and furniture workshop. 1.4. The proposed upper ground floor would accommodate a restaurant; kitchen, W.C’s, staff room and store/gym. 1.5. The proposed first floor layout would accommodate meeting rooms and plant room. 1.6. The proposed second floor layout would accommodate offices and W.C’s. 1.7. The external works to the building would involve the installation of new glazing and doors to the exterior facade as well as the application of timber cladding and render. 1.8. The development would be provided with 42 car parking spaces and 2 bays for vans to park within the exterior curtilage of the site. An outdoor amenity area immediately adjacent the building would also be provided within the exterior curtilage of the site. 1.9. The applicant states the site area measures 4,122 sq.m whilst the total floorspace of the development would measure 3,415 sq.m. 1.10. The proposed hours of use would be 09:00 hours to 18:00 hours Mondays to Fridays for the uses on site, other than the church use. On Sundays it is proposed to only operate the church use on the site which would occur between 09:00 and 10:00 hours. 1.11. The applicant has provided a Design and Access Statement; Planning Statement, Statement of Community Involvement and a Technical Note dealing with Trip Generation. 1.12. Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site benefits from consent to be only used for storage, hand finishing of magazines and direct mail without any hours of use restrictions under application 1995/00419/PA. The site is located in the Windsor Industrial Area which is identified as a Core Employment Area by the Birmingham BDP and Aston Area Action Plan (AAP). Along the northern boundary of the site are residential dwellings which form part of Aston Brook Green. To the south across Hubert Street and to the east across Chester Street are commercial premises which are either warehouse or industrial in operational terms. To the south east of the site across Chester Street is a nursery with a hotel further beyond. 2.2. Site location map 3. Planning History Page 2 of 16 3.1. 16.04.2008- 2008/00372/PA- Erection of single storey extension to warehouse premises – refused on the grounds of nearness, height and loss of light and the proposal represents an over intense use of the site which would not be capable of being accommodated satisfactorily on site without detriment to the safety and freeflow of traffic on adjoining highways. 3.2. 02.11.1995- 1995/00419/PA- Use of premises for storage, hand finishing of magazines and direct mail without any hours of use restrictions- approved subject to conditions (this included a S106 requiring acoustic insulation to be provided to some of the residential dwellings nearest to the site to the north on Aston Brook Green). The consent also restricted it use to such purposes in the development description. 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Surrounding occupiers, local MP and neighbourhood forum consulted as well as site and press notices displayed - 30 letters of support received (many of which are from people and or organisations located outside the City). The comments of support can be summarised as follows:- * member lives are transformed. * members learn life skills. * success of similar operations elsewhere in the country * will breath new life into the area and provide a community asset * transforms lives of men and women who were lost and broken * the traffic and parking in the area will not be negatively impacted by the development * will benefit Aston community at large * the organisation personnel are not rowdy, they are self controlled, caring friendly and approachable * the design and appearance of the building will be improved * will help engage with some of the most vulnerable and hard to reach people in our communities. * this project will be really beneficial to the local area and create amazing opportunities for the community, including jobs. 4.2. 1 letter of support received from Councillor Yvonne Mosquito who states the scheme has been adapted to provide what the community needs.