126431 Arena
Application Number Date of Appln Committee Date Ward 126431/FO/2020 31st Mar 2020 24th Sep 2020 Ancoats & Beswick Ward Proposal Erection of a multi-use arena (Use Class D2) with a partially illuminated external facade together with ancillary retail/commercial uses (Classes A1, A3 and A4), with highways, access, servicing, landscaping, public realm and other associated works Location Site South Of Sportcity Way, East Of Joe Mercer Way, West Of Alan Turing Way And North Of The Ashton Canal At The Etihad Campus, Manchester Applicant OVG Manchester Limited, C/o Agent Agent Miss Eve Grant, Deloitte LLP, 2 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF Description This 4.46 hectare site is used as a 500 space overspill car park for events at the Etihad stadium. The site is secured with a mesh fence on all sides and contains a number of self-seeded trees and shrubs. Its topography is relatively flat with a gentle slope from south to north before the site drops steeply down to the Ashton Canal. The site is bounded by Joe Mercer Way (an elevated pedestrian walkway connecting to the Etihad Stadium) which separates the site from the Manchester Tennis and Football Centre located further west, Alan Turing Way, a four lane road with segregated cycle lanes is to the east with the Ashton Canal and the Etihad Metrolink stop to the south. View of the site from Joe Mercer Way The site forms part of the Etihad Campus which includes the Etihad Stadium, Manchester Regional Arena, City Football Academy and the National Squash Centre. The Etihad Campus has been a focus for regeneration since it was first used to host the Manchester Commonwealth Games in 2002.
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