BPHA FINANCE PLC (incorporated in and Wales with limited liability under the Companies Act 2006, registered number 8926923)

£150,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (to be consolidated and form a single series with the £200,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044)

Issue Price: 120.755 per cent. (plus 6 days' accrued interest in respect of the period from and including 11 October 2018 to but excluding the New Bond Issue Date (as defined below) at a rate of 4.816 per cent. per annum)

The £150,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (the New Bonds) are issued by bpha Finance plc (the Issuer). The New Bonds have the same terms and conditions as, and will be consolidated and form a single series and rank pari passu with, the £200,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (the Existing Bonds and, together with the New Bonds, the Bonds) issued by the Issuer on 11 April 2014.

Application has been made to the Financial Conduct Authority in its capacity as competent authority (the UK Listing Authority) for the New Bonds to be admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority (the Official List) and to the London Stock Exchange plc (the London Stock Exchange) for the New Bonds to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's regulated market. The London Stock Exchange's regulated market is a regulated market for the purposes of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, MiFID II).

An investment in the New Bonds involves certain risks. For a discussion of these risks see "Risk Factors".

Subject as set out below, the net proceeds from the issue of the New Bonds (other than a sum equivalent to 6 days' accrued interest (the Retained Accrued Interest) which will be retained by the Issuer), or in the case of £75,000,000 in principal amount of the New Bonds (the New Retained Bonds) which will be immediately purchased by the Issuer on the New Bond Issue Date the net proceeds of the sale of the New Bonds to a third party (after deduction of expenses payable by the Issuer), will be advanced by the Issuer to bpha Limited (the Borrower) pursuant to a bond loan agreement between the Borrower and the Issuer dated 11 April 2014 (the Original Loan Agreement) as supplemented by a supplemental bond loan agreement to be dated the New Bond Issue Date (the Supplemental Loan Agreement and, together with the Original Loan Agreement, the Loan Agreement) to be applied in accordance with the Borrower's charitable objects.

The New Funded Commitment (as defined in the Supplemental Loan Agreement) may be drawn in one or more drawings, each in a principal amount up to an amount which corresponds to (a) the sum of (i) the Minimum Value of the Existing Properties (as defined below) and (ii) the Minimum Value of any additional Properties (as defined below) which have been charged in favour of the Security Trustee (as defined below), and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer, (the Additional Properties), less (b) the principal amount of all previous drawings in respect of the Funded Commitment (as defined below). For so long as insufficient security has been granted by the Borrower in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer to permit the drawing of the New Funded Commitment in full or the Borrower has not otherwise drawn any part of the New Funded Commitment, the amount of the New Funded Commitment that remains undrawn (other than the Retained Accrued Interest (as defined below)) shall be retained in a charged account (the Initial Cash Security Account) of the Issuer in accordance with the terms of the Account Agreement (and may be invested in Permitted Investments (as defined below)) (the Retained Proceeds). For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that the Borrower has not drawn any part of the New Funded Commitment on the New Bond Issue Date, the Retained Proceeds at that date shall be the entire amount of the New Funded Commitment. Any Retained Proceeds (including any net sale proceeds from a sale by the Issuer of New Retained Bonds (less any Retained Bond Premium Amount (as defined below) once received by the Issuer) and any net issue proceeds from a further issue of Bonds pursuant to Condition 19 (Further Issues)) shall be advanced to the Borrower at a later date pursuant to the Loan Agreement, to the extent that Properties of a corresponding value have been charged in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer and, if applicable, subject to the sale by the Issuer of Retained Bonds and/or the issue by the Issuer of further Bonds.

Interest on the New Bonds is payable semi-annually in arrear in equal instalments on 11 April and 11 October (each an Interest Payment Date) in each year at the rate of 4.816 per cent. per annum, commencing on 11 April 2019, as described in Condition 7 (Interest). Payments of principal of, and interest on, the New Bonds will be made without withholding or deduction on account of taxes unless required by law. In the event that any such withholding or deduction is so required, the Issuer may opt to gross up payments due to the Bondholders in respect thereof as described in Condition 10 (Taxation).

The Bonds may be redeemed at any time upon the prepayment by the Borrower of the loan (the Loan) in whole or in part in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement at the higher of par and an amount calculated by reference to the sum of (i) the yield on the relevant outstanding United Kingdom government benchmark gilt having the nearest maturity to that of the Bonds and (ii) 0.50 per cent., together with accrued

1 interest. The Bonds will also be redeemed in full at their principal amount, plus accrued interest, in the event of a mandatory prepayment of the Loan following the Loan becoming repayable as a result of a Borrower Default (as defined in the Original Loan Agreement) or in the event of any withholding or deduction on account of United Kingdom taxes being required and the Issuer not opting to pay (or having so opted to pay has notified the Bond Trustee (as defined below) of its intention to cease to pay) additional amounts in respect of such withholding or deduction. In addition, Bondholders shall have the option to require the Issuer to procure that a member of the Borrower Group (as defined below) purchases its Bonds at their principal amount, plus an amount equal to accrued interest, subject to and in accordance with Condition 9.5 (Bondholder Put Option) following the Borrower ceasing to be a Registered Provider of Social Housing for 180 consecutive days.

Unless previously redeemed, or purchased and cancelled, the Bonds will be redeemed at their principal amount on 11 April 2044 (the Maturity Date).

The Borrower has been assigned a credit rating of "A+" by S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (S&P), and it is expected that the New Bonds will also be rated "A+" by S&P. These ratings may not reflect the potential impact of all risks related to the structure, market and other factors that may affect the value of the New Bonds. A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision, suspension or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating organisation. S&P is established in the European Union and registered under Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009 (as amended) (the CRA Regulation). As such S&P is included in the list of credit rating agencies published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on its website (at https://www.esma.europa.eu/supervision/credit-rating- agencies/risk) in accordance with the CRA Regulation.

The New Bonds will be issued in denominations of £100,000 and integral multiples of £1,000 in excess thereof.

The New Bonds will initially be represented by a temporary global bond (the Temporary Global Bond), without interest coupons, which will be deposited on or about 17 October 2018 (the New Bond Issue Date) with a common safekeeper for Euroclear Bank SA/NV (Euroclear) and Clearstream Banking, S.A. (Clearstream, Luxembourg). Interests in the Temporary Global Bond will be exchangeable for interests in a permanent global bond (the Permanent Global Bond and, together with the Temporary Global Bond and the permanent global bond representing the Existing Bonds, the Global Bonds), without interest coupons, on or after 26 November 2018 (the Exchange Date), upon certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership. Interests in the Permanent Global Bond will be exchangeable for definitive Bonds only in certain limited circumstances. See "Form of the New Bonds and Summary of Provisions relating to the New Bonds while in Global Form". Joint Bookrunners BARCLAYS BANK LLOYDS BANK CORPORATE MARKETS

The date of this Prospectus is 15 October 2018

2 This Prospectus comprises a prospectus for the purposes of Article 5.3 of the Prospectus Directive. When used in this Prospectus, Prospectus Directive means Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended or superseded). The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Prospectus. To the best of the knowledge of the Issuer (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The Borrower accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Prospectus relating to it and the security created and to be created by it including, without limitation: (a) the information under the heading "Factors which may affect the Borrower's ability to fulfil its obligations under the Loan Agreement" in the section headed "Risk Factors"; (b) the information relating to the security created and to be created by it pursuant to the Legal Mortgages (as defined below) under the heading "Underlying Security" in the section headed "Overview", under the heading "Considerations relating to the Issuer Security and the Underlying Security" in the section headed "Risk Factors" and in the section headed "Description of the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed"; (c) the information in the section headed "Description of the Borrower"; (d) its financial statements referred to in the section headed "Documents Incorporated by Reference"; and (e) the information relating to it contained under the headings "Material or Significant Change" and "Litigation" in the section headed "General Information", and, to the best of its knowledge (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), such information is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The figures and information referred to: (i) under the heading "Factors which may affect the Borrower's ability to fulfil its obligations under the Loan Agreement – Housing Market Downturn Risk" in the section headed "Risk Factors" were obtained from the Halifax House Price Index; and (ii) under the heading "Principal Activities" in the section headed "Description of the Borrower" were obtained from the Office of National Statistics and Nomis – Official Labour Market Statistics. The Issuer and the Borrower each confirms that such figures and information have been accurately reproduced and that, as far as the Issuer and the Borrower are aware and are able to ascertain from information published by the Halifax House Price Index, the Office of National Statistics and Nomis – Official Labour Market Statistics, respectively, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced figures or information inaccurate or misleading. Jones Lang LaSalle Limited (the Valuer) accepts responsibility for the information contained in the section entitled "Valuation Report" and, to the best of its knowledge (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), such information is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The figures referred to in the Valuation Report in the sections entitled "Methodology", "General Needs Commentary" and "Market Commentary" were obtained from RightmovePlus, the Valuation Office, the Office of National Statistics, the Land Registry, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (formerly the Department for Communities and Local Government) (MHCLG) and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The Issuer confirms that such figures have been accurately reproduced and that, as far as the Issuer is aware and is able to ascertain from information published by RightmovePlus, the Valuation Office, the Office of National Statistics, the Land Registry, HMRC, MHCLG and RICS, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced figures inaccurate or misleading.

3 This Prospectus is to be read in conjunction with all documents which are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference (see "Documents Incorporated by Reference" below). This Prospectus should be read and construed on the basis that such documents are incorporated in, and form part of, this Prospectus. None of Barclays Bank PLC, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc (the Joint Bookrunners) or Prudential Trustee Company Limited (the Bond Trustee) has independently verified (a) the information contained herein or (b) any matter which is the subject of any statement, representation, warranty or covenant of the Issuer or the Borrower contained in the Bonds or any of the Transaction Documents (as defined below). Accordingly, no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made and no responsibility or liability is accepted by the Joint Bookrunners or the Bond Trustee as to (i) the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in, or incorporated by reference in, this Prospectus or any other information provided by the Issuer or the Borrower in connection with the offering of the New Bonds or (ii) the execution, legality, effectiveness, adequacy, genuineness, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of the Bonds or any Transaction Document. Neither the Joint Bookrunners nor the Bond Trustee accepts any liability in relation to the information contained in, or incorporated by reference in, this Prospectus or any other information provided by the Issuer in connection with the issue of the New Bonds. No person is or has been authorised by the Issuer, the Borrower, the Joint Bookrunners or the Bond Trustee to give any information or to make any representation not contained in or not consistent with this Prospectus or any other information supplied in connection with the offering of the New Bonds and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Issuer, the Borrower, the Joint Bookrunners or the Bond Trustee. To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither the Joint Bookrunners nor the Bond Trustee accepts any responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus or for any other statement made or purported to be made by it or on its behalf in connection with the Issuer, the Borrower or the issue and offering of the New Bonds. Each of the Joint Bookrunners and the Bond Trustee accordingly disclaims all and any liability whether arising in tort or contract or otherwise (save as referred to above) which it might otherwise have in respect of this Prospectus or any such statement. Neither this Prospectus nor any other information supplied in connection with the offering of the New Bonds (a) is intended to provide the basis of any credit or other evaluation or (b) should be considered as a recommendation by the Issuer, the Borrower, the Joint Bookrunners or the Bond Trustee that any recipient of this Prospectus or any other information supplied in connection with the offering of the New Bonds should purchase any New Bonds. Each investor contemplating purchasing any New Bonds should make its own independent investigation of the financial condition and affairs, and its own appraisal of the creditworthiness, of the Issuer and the Borrower. Neither this Prospectus nor any other information supplied in connection with the offering of the New Bonds constitutes an offer or invitation by or on behalf of the Issuer, the Borrower, the Joint Bookrunners or the Bond Trustee to any person to subscribe for or to purchase the New Bonds. Neither the delivery of this Prospectus nor the offering, sale or delivery of the New Bonds shall in any circumstances imply that the information contained herein concerning the Issuer or the Borrower is correct at any time subsequent to the date hereof or that any other information supplied in connection with the offering of the New Bonds is correct as of any time subsequent to the date indicated in the document containing the same. The Joint Bookrunners and the Bond Trustee expressly do not undertake to review the financial condition or affairs of the Issuer or the Borrower during the life of the New Bonds or to advise any investor in the New Bonds of any information coming to their attention. The Bonds have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act) and are subject to U.S. tax law requirements. Subject to certain exceptions, the New Bonds may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons. For a further description of certain restrictions on the

4 offering and sale of the New Bonds and on distribution of this document, see "Subscription and Sale" below. This Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any New Bonds in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make the offer or solicitation in such jurisdiction. The distribution of this Prospectus and the offer or sale of New Bonds may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. The Issuer, the Borrower, the Joint Bookrunners and the Bond Trustee do not represent that this Prospectus may be lawfully distributed, or that the New Bonds may be lawfully offered or sold, in compliance with any applicable registration or other requirements in any such jurisdiction, or pursuant to an exemption available thereunder, or assume any responsibility for facilitating any such distribution or offering. In particular, no action has been taken by the Issuer, the Borrower, the Joint Bookrunners or the Bond Trustee which is intended to permit a public offering of any New Bonds or the distribution of this Prospectus in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. Accordingly, no New Bonds may be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, and neither this Prospectus nor any advertisement or other offering material may be distributed or published in any jurisdiction, except under circumstances that will result in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. Persons into whose possession this Prospectus or any New Bonds may come must inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions on the distribution of this Prospectus and the offering and sale of New Bonds. In particular, there are restrictions on the distribution of this Prospectus and the offer or sale of New Bonds in the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area (EEA) (see "Subscription and Sale"). PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL AND OTHER INFORMATION Presentation of Financial Information Unless otherwise indicated, the financial information in this Prospectus has been derived from the Issuer Financial Statements and the Borrower Financial Statements (each as defined below). The Issuer's and the Borrower's financial year ends on 31 March, and references in this Prospectus to any specific year are to the 12 month period ended on 31 March of such year. The Issuer Financial Statements have been prepared and audited in accordance with FRS 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and (United Kingdom) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The Borrower Financial Statements have been prepared and audited in accordance with FRS 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the Statement of Recommended Practice, "Accounting by registered social housing providers" 2014 and the Borrower Accounting Direction for Private Registered Providers of Social Housing 2015. Certain Defined Terms and Conventions Capitalised terms which are used but not otherwise defined in any particular section of this Prospectus will have the meanings attributed to them in the section headed "Conditions of the New Bonds" or any other section of this Prospectus. In addition, all references in this Prospectus to Sterling and £ refer to pounds sterling and all references to a billion refer to a thousand million. Certain figures and percentages included in this Prospectus have been subject to rounding adjustments. SUITABILITY OF INVESTMENT The New Bonds may not be a suitable investment for all investors. Each potential investor in the New Bonds must determine the suitability of that investment in light of its own circumstances. In particular, each potential investor may wish to consider, either on its own or with the help of its financial and other professional advisers, whether it: (a) has sufficient knowledge and experience to make a meaningful evaluation of the New Bonds, the merits and risks of investing in the New Bonds and the information contained in this Prospectus; (b) has access to, and knowledge of, appropriate analytical tools to evaluate, in the context of its particular financial situation, an investment in the New Bonds and the impact the New Bonds will have on its overall investment portfolio;

5 (c) has sufficient financial resources and liquidity to bear all the risks of an investment in the New Bonds; including where the currency for principal and interest payments is different from the potential investor's currency; (d) understands thoroughly the terms of the New Bonds and is familiar with the behaviour of financial markets; and (e) is able to evaluate possible scenarios for economic, interest rate and other factors that may affect its investment and its ability to bear the applicable risks. Legal investment considerations may restrict certain investments. The investment activities of certain investors are subject to investment laws and regulations, or review and regulation by certain authorities. Each potential investor should consult its legal advisers to determine whether and to what extent (i) the New Bonds are legal investments for it, (ii) the New Bonds can be used as collateral for various types of borrowing and (iii) other restrictions apply to its purchase or pledge of any New Bonds. Financial institutions should consult their legal advisers or the appropriate regulators to determine the appropriate treatment of the Bonds under any applicable risk-based capital or similar rules. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUE OF THE NEW BONDS, BARCLAYS BANK PLC AS STABILISING MANAGER (THE STABILISING MANAGER) (OR PERSONS ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE STABILISING MANAGER) MAY OVER-ALLOT NEW BONDS OR EFFECT TRANSACTIONS WITH A VIEW TO SUPPORTING THE MARKET PRICE OF THE BONDS AT A LEVEL HIGHER THAN THAT WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE PREVAIL. HOWEVER, STABILISATION MAY NOT NECESSARILY OCCUR. ANY STABILISATION ACTION MAY BEGIN ON OR AFTER THE DATE ON WHICH ADEQUATE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF THE TERMS OF THE OFFER OF THE BONDS IS MADE AND, IF BEGUN, MAY CEASE AT ANY TIME, BUT IT MUST END NO LATER THAN THE EARLIER OF 30 DAYS AFTER THE ISSUE DATE OF THE NEW BONDS AND 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE ALLOTMENT OF THE NEW BONDS. ANY STABILISATION ACTION OR OVERALLOTMENT MUST BE CONDUCTED BY THE STABILISING MANAGER (OR PERSONS ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE STABILISING MANAGER) IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS AND RULES. PROHIBITION OF SALES TO EEA RETAIL INVESTORS – The Bonds are not intended to be offered, sold or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the EEA. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or both) of: (a) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (b) a customer within the meaning of Directive 2002/92/EC (as amended or superseded, the Insurance Mediation Directive), where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II. Consequently no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014 (as amended, the PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling the Bonds or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the Bonds or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation. MIFID II PRODUCT GOVERNANCE / PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS AND ECPs ONLY TARGET MARKET – Solely for the purposes of each manufacturer's product approval process, the target market assessment in respect of the Bonds has led to the conclusion that: (a) the target market of the Bonds is eligible counterparties and professional clients only, each as defined in MiFID II; and (b) all channels for the distribution of the Bonds to eligible counterparties and professional clients are appropriate. Any person subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Bonds (a distributor) should take into consideration the manufacturers' target market assessment; however, a distributor subject to MiFID II is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Bonds (by either adopting or refining the manufacturers' target market assessment) and determining appropriate distribution channels.


Overview...... 8 Structure Diagram of Transaction ...... 22 Risk Factors...... 23 Conditions of the New Bonds ...... 40 Form of the New Bonds and Summary of provisions relating to the New Bonds while in Global Form ...... 61 Use of Proceeds...... 64 Description of the Loan Agreement ...... 65 Description of the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed ...... 77 Description of the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement...... 81 Description of the Issuer ...... 86 Description of the Borrower...... 87 Documents Incorporated by Reference ...... 94 Valuation Report ...... 95 Taxation ...... 184 Subscription and Sale...... 186 General Information ...... 188


The following overview does not purport to be complete and is taken from, and is qualified in its entirety by, the remainder of this Prospectus.

This overview must be read as an introduction to this Prospectus and any decision to invest in the New Bonds should be based on a consideration of this Prospectus as a whole.

Words and expressions defined in "Conditions of the New Bonds","Form of the New Bonds and Summary of Provisions relating to the New Bonds while in Global Form" and "Description of the Loan Agreement" shall have the same meanings in this overview.

Issuer: bpha Finance plc

Description of the New Bonds: £150,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (the New Bonds), to be issued by the Issuer on 17 October 2018 (the New Bond Issue Date) (to be consolidated and form a single series with the £200,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044).

£75,000,000 in principal amount of the New Bonds will be immediately purchased by or on behalf of the Issuer on the New Bond Issue Date (the New Retained Bonds).

Use of Proceeds: The net proceeds of the issue of the New Bonds (other than the Retained Accrued Interest (as defined below) which will be retained by the Issuer in the Transaction Account) (or, in the case of the New Retained Bonds, the net proceeds of the sale of the New Bonds to a third party (after deduction of expenses payable by the Issuer)) will be on-lent by the Issuer to the Borrower.

Subject as described in "Initial Cash Security Account" below, the Issuer will lend such proceeds to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement to be applied in accordance with the charitable objects of the Borrower.

The Issuer may from time to time invest the funds held in the Initial Cash Security Account and the Ongoing Cash Security Account in Permitted Investments (each as defined below) until such time as such funds are on-lent, or returned, to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement.

Issue Price: 120.755 per cent. (plus 6 days' accrued interest in respect of the period from and including 11 October 2018 to but excluding the New Bond Issue Date at a rate of 4.816 per cent. per annum (such accrued interest, the Retained Accrued Interest)).

Form of Bonds: The New Bonds will be issued in bearer form as described in "Form of the New Bonds and Summary of Provisions relating to the New Bonds while in Global Form".

Interest: The New Bonds will bear interest at a fixed rate of 4.816 per cent. per annum payable semi-annually in arrear in equal instalments on 11 April and 11 October of each year, from (and including) the New Bond Issue Date to (but excluding) 11 April 2044 (the Maturity Date), subject to adjustment in

8 accordance with Condition 8.5 (Payment Day) (each, an Interest Payment Date).

Final Redemption: Unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled in accordance with Condition 9 (Redemption and Purchase), the Bonds will be redeemed at their principal amount on the Maturity Date.

Early Redemption: Subject as described in "Mandatory Early Redemption" below, the Bonds may be redeemed in whole or in part at any time upon the optional prepayment by the Borrower of the loan (the Loan) or any part thereof in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement at the higher of par and an amount calculated by reference to the sum of:

(a) the yield on the relevant outstanding UK Government benchmark conventional gilt having the nearest maturity to that of the Bonds; and

(b) 0.50 per cent., together with accrued interest.

Early Redemption for Tax Reasons: The Issuer shall redeem the Bonds in whole, but not in part, at their principal amount, together with any interest accrued, if, as a result of any actual or proposed change in tax law, the Issuer determines that it would be required to make a withholding or deduction on account of tax in respect of payments to be made by it in respect of the Bonds and the Issuer does not opt to pay additional amounts pursuant to Condition 10.2 (No obligation to pay additional amounts) or, having so opted, notifies the Bond Trustee of its intention to cease paying such additional amounts.

Mandatory Early Redemption: If the Loan becomes repayable as a result of a Borrower Default the Bonds shall be redeemed in full at their principal amount, plus accrued interest.

A Borrower Default includes non-payment, breach of other obligations, cross-acceleration in an amount equal to or in excess of £10,000,000 or its equivalent in other currencies, winding-up, cessation of business, insolvency, unlawfulness and breach of the asset cover ratio, as set out in Clause 13 (Borrower Default) of the Loan Agreement and described further in "Description of the Loan Agreement".

Bondholder Put Option: The Issuer shall notify the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices) promptly upon the Borrower ceasing to be a Registered Provider of Social Housing for a period of 180 consecutive days. Any Bondholder shall have the option (the Bondholder Put Option), within 30 days of such notice, to give an irrevocable notice to the Issuer requiring the Issuer to procure that a member of the Borrower Group purchases, on the Put Option Date, all of the Bondholder's remaining Bonds.

On the Put Option Date, the Issuer shall procure that a member of the Borrower Group purchases all Bonds of each Bondholder which has exercised the Bondholder Put Option,

9 at their principal amount plus an amount equal to accrued interest to (but excluding) the Put Option Date.

Purchase: The New Retained Bonds will be immediately purchased by the Issuer on the New Bond Issue Date.

The Issuer, the Borrower and any other member of the Borrower Group may also purchase Bonds at any time in the open market or otherwise at any price.

Any Bonds so purchased by the Borrower or any other member of the Borrower Group may be surrendered to the Issuer for cancellation in consideration for an amount equal to the principal amount of the Bonds being surrendered being deemed to be prepaid under the Loan Agreement or, to the extent that the Loan is not then outstanding, an amount of the Undrawn Commitment (as defined below) equal to the Outstanding Balance of the Bonds surrendered being deemed to be cancelled.

Retained Bonds: As at the date of this Prospectus, all Original Retained Bonds have been sold by the Issuer and the sale proceeds thereof have been on-lent to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement.

Pursuant to the terms of the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, the Retained Bond Custodian will hold the New Retained Bonds on the Issuer's behalf (see "Description of the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement" below), and the Issuer has instructed the Retained Bond Custodian to waive its rights to receive payments (of interest, principal or otherwise) on the New Retained Bonds for so long as the New Retained Bonds are held on the Issuer's behalf. Such waiver may not be revoked without the consent of the Bond Trustee.

Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Borrower has covenanted with the Issuer that it will, immediately prior to a sale of any New Retained Bonds by the Issuer, deliver to the Issuer and the Bond Trustee a Retained Bond Compliance Certificate in writing signed by two authorised signatories of the Borrower addressed to the Issuer and the Bond Trustee confirming that, immediately following the sale of such New Retained Bonds, the Borrower will be in compliance with the Asset Cover Test (see further in "Description of the Loan Agreement").

The New Retained Bonds may only be held on the Issuer's behalf until (but not including) the date falling five years after the New Bond Issue Date, and the Issuer must therefore sell the New Retained Bonds within that five-year period, or else any New Retained Bonds that have not been so sold will be cancelled in accordance with Condition 9.10 (Cancellation of purchased or redeemed Bonds).

Events of Default: Following an Event of Default, the Bond Trustee may, and if so requested by the holders of at least one-fourth in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding or if so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution shall (subject, in either case, to it being secured and/or indemnified and/or pre-funded to its

10 satisfaction and, upon certain events, the Bond Trustee having certified to the Issuer that such event is, in its opinion, materially prejudicial to the interests of the Bondholders), give notice to the Issuer and the Bonds shall become immediately due and repayable.

The Events of Default include, inter alia, non-payment of any principal and interest due in respect of the Bonds, failure of the Issuer to perform or observe any of its other obligations under the Conditions and the Bond Trust Deed, insolvency, unlawfulness and acceleration, or non-payment, in respect of other indebtedness in an aggregate amount equal to or in excess of £10,000,000 (or its equivalent).

Upon the Bonds becoming repayable prior to the Maturity Date (other than as a result of a prepayment or termination of the Loan Agreement), the Borrower is required to prepay the Loan in full together with accrued interest and commitment fee to and including the date of redemption. The Borrower is also required to pay to the Issuer, within three Business Days of demand, the Issuer's reasonable costs, expenses and liabilities throughout the life of the Bonds.

Issuer Security: The Issuer's obligations in respect of the Bonds are secured pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed in favour of the Bond Trustee for the benefit of itself and the Bondholders and the other Secured Parties by the following (the Issuer Security):

(a) an assignment by way of security of the Issuer's rights, title and interest arising under the Loan Agreement, the Security Trust Deed, the Legal Mortgages, the Agency Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Account Agreement, in each case to the extent they relate to the Bonds;

(b) a charge by way of first fixed charge over all moneys and/or securities from time to time standing to the credit of the Transaction Account, the Ongoing Cash Security Account, the Initial Cash Security Account and the Custody Account and all debts represented thereby; and

(c) a charge by way of first fixed charge over all sums held from time to time by the Paying Agents for the payment of principal or interest in respect of the Bonds.

Initial Cash Security Account: For so long as insufficient security has been granted by the Borrower in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer to permit the drawing of the New Funded Commitment in full or the Borrower has not otherwise drawn any part of the New Funded Commitment, the amount of the New Funded Commitment that remains undrawn (other than the Retained Accrued Interest) shall be retained in a charged account (the Initial Cash Security Account) of the Issuer (and may be invested in Permitted Investments) in accordance with the terms of the Account Agreement and the Custody Agreement (the Retained Proceeds).

11 For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that the Borrower has not drawn any part of the New Funded Commitment on the New Bond Issue Date, the Retained Proceeds at that date shall be the entire amount of the New Funded Commitment. Any Retained Proceeds (including any net sale proceeds from a sale by the Issuer of New Retained Bonds (less any Retained Bond Premium Amount once received by the Issuer) and any net issue proceeds from a further issue of Bonds pursuant to Condition 19 (Further Issues)) shall be advanced to the Borrower at a later date pursuant to the Loan Agreement to the extent that Properties of a corresponding value have been charged in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer and, if applicable, subject to the sale by the Issuer of New Retained Bonds and/or the issue by the Issuer of further Bonds.

Funds standing to the credit of the Initial Cash Security Account may: (a) be held on deposit, in which case they shall accrue interest at a rate notified from time to time by the Account Bank to the Issuer pursuant to the Account Agreement or (b) be invested in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement. See "Permitted Investments" below.

Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Borrower shall pay to the Issuer a commitment fee in respect of the Undrawn Commitment on each Loan Payment Date in an amount equal to:

(a) the aggregate of the interest payable by the Issuer under the Bonds on the following Interest Payment Date, less

(b) (i) the interest received from the Borrower under the Loan Agreement on such Loan Payment Date;

(ii) the interest otherwise received by the Issuer in respect of the Retained Proceeds during that period (including, but not limited to, any income received in respect of any Permitted Investments in which any Retained Proceeds are, for the time being, invested); and

(iii) in respect of the Interest Payment Date immediately following the New Bond Issue Date, an amount equal to the product of (x) the Retained Accrued Interest and any interest received by the Issuer in respect of the Retained Accrued Interest from the Account Bank pursuant to an Account Agreement and (y) the Retained Percentage.

See "Description of the Loan Agreement" below.

Ongoing Cash Security Account: Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Borrower is required to procure that, inter alia, the specified asset cover ratio is maintained (see "Description of the Loan Agreement" below).

12 In the event that the value of any Charged Property is insufficient to maintain the asset cover ratio, the Borrower may deposit moneys into the Ongoing Cash Security Account. Such moneys will be charged in favour of the Bond Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Bond Trust Deed.

Funds standing to the credit of the Ongoing Cash Security Account may: (a) be held on deposit, in which case they shall accrue interest at a rate notified from time to time by the Account Bank to the Issuer pursuant to the Account Agreement or (b) be invested in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement. See "Permitted Investments" below.

Moneys standing to the credit of the Ongoing Cash Security Account may be withdrawn (a) to be applied in the acquisition of Property to be charged in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer or (b) to the extent that the asset cover ratio would not be breached immediately after such withdrawal.

Permitted Investments: Permitted Investments shall consist of:

(a) deposits with any United Kingdom bank or building society subject to such bank or building society having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "A" from S&P, "A" from Fitch Ratings Ltd (Fitch) and "A2" from Moody's Investors Service Limited (Moody's);

(b) deposits with any non-United Kingdom bank subject to such bank having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AA" from S&P and "Aa2" from Moody's;

(c) full recourse debt instruments with a maturity no later than the earlier of (i) the date falling 5 years after the date of purchase and (ii) 11 April 2044 that are issued by EU credit institutions having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AAA" from S&P and "Aaa" from Moody's that are fully secured or "covered" by a pool of on-balance sheet collateral;

(d) securities with a maturity no later than the earlier of (i) the date falling 5 years after the date of purchase and (ii) 11 April 2044 that are issued by supranational agencies having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AAA" from S&P and "Aaa" from Moody's;

(e) money market funds having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AAAm" from S&P, "Aaa-mf" from Moody's or "AAAmmf" from Fitch; and

(f) direct obligations of the United Kingdom or of any agency or instrumentality of the United Kingdom

13 which are guaranteed by the United Kingdom with a maturity no later than 11 April 2044,

provided that (i) in all cases, such investment shall be an investment which is denominated in Sterling and (ii) in the case of (a) to (e), no more than £20,000,000 shall be deposited with any one institution or invested in any one security.

In the event that any Permitted Investments are sold to fund a drawing by the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement and such sale results in a loss realised by the Issuer, such drawing to be made by the Issuer to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement shall be advanced in an amount equal to the Actual Advance Amount (as defined in the Loan Agreement) (which may be a discount to the principal amount requested).

In the event that any Permitted Investments are sold to fund an advance to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement and such sale results in a gain realised by the Issuer (such gain, the Permitted Investment Profit), the Issuer shall advance moneys to the Borrower at the principal amount requested and shall make a gift aid payment to the Borrower or a charitable member of the Borrower Group which is connected with the Borrower for the purposes of section 939G of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 (a Charitable Group Member) in an amount equal to the Permitted Investment Profit.

Immediately prior to the end of each accounting period, to the extent that the Issuer would otherwise be required to recognise a profit for tax purposes in respect of its Permitted Investments and/or Retained Bonds as a result of the movement in the fair value recognised in its accounts of such Permitted Investments and/or Retained Bonds for that accounting period, the Issuer shall sell Permitted Investments in an aggregate amount equal to the Accounting Profit (as defined in the Loan Agreement) and shall, in the same accounting period, make a gift aid payment to the Borrower or any Charitable Group Member in an amount equal to the Accounting Profit.

See "Description of the Loan Agreement – Facility".

Account Agreement, Custody The Issuer has appointed The Bank of New York Mellon, Agreement and Retained Bond London Branch as its Account Bank pursuant to the Account Custody Agreement: Agreement, its Custodian pursuant to the Custody Agreement and its Retained Bond Custodian in respect of the Retained Bonds pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement.

Pursuant to the Account Agreement, the Account Bank maintains three accounts for the Issuer in respect of the Bonds: the Transaction Account, the Initial Cash Security Account and the Ongoing Cash Security Account. Pursuant to the Account Agreement and the Bond Trust Deed, the Issuer has entered into certain covenants in respect of the moneys which may be credited to and debited from each Account.

Pursuant to the Custody Agreement, the Custodian maintains the Custody Account (consisting of the Ongoing Cash Security Custody Sub-Account, the Initial Cash Security Custody Sub-

14 Account, the Ongoing Cash Security Cash Sub-Account and the Initial Cash Security Cash Sub-Account). The Issuer has authorised the Custodian to make payments and delivery out of the Custody Account only for the purpose of any acquisition or sale of Permitted Investments or as set out therein as directed by the Issuer.

Pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, the Retained Bond Custodian maintains the Retained Bond Custody Account (consisting of the Retained Bond Custody Sub-Account and the Retained Bond Cash Sub-Account). The Retained Bond Custodian has agreed not to effect a transfer of any Retained Bonds except with the prior written consent of the Bond Trustee, and the Issuer has authorised the Retained Bond Custodian to make other payments and delivery out of the Retained Bond Custody Account only as set out therein.

See "Description of the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement" below.

Underlying Security: Pursuant to the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed, the Borrower has created first legal mortgages over all of the Borrower's right, title and interest from time to time in the Charged Property (as defined in the Loan Agreement) in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of itself and the Issuer (the Underlying Security), provided that, until a Borrower Default has occurred and is outstanding, the Borrower shall be entitled to exercise all its rights under or in connection therewith.

The Issuer has secured its rights, title and interest in respect of the Underlying Security in favour of the Bond Trustee pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed.

See "Description of the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed" below.

Addition, substitution and release of The Security Trust Deed provides that the Security Trustee, Charged Properties: the Borrower and the Issuer shall agree the allocation of properties which shall comprise the Issuer's Designated Security in respect of the Loan Agreement. All properties which are not Designated Security shall form the Undesignated Security.

Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Borrower has agreed that it shall not enter into any further Legal Mortgage in respect of any Property for the benefit of the Issuer (or allocate any Property as part of the Issuer's Designated Security), unless, in respect of such security, it provides to the Issuer and the Security Trustee a completed Additional Property Certificate confirming that, inter alia, the proposed Additional Properties are residential properties of a type and nature that are usually owned by Registered Providers of Social Housing, Full Valuation Reports in respect of each Additional Property, a Certificate of Title in respect of each tranche of Additional

15 Properties charged and the other Additional Property conditions precedent set out in the Loan Agreement.

At the request and expense of the Borrower, the Security Trustee shall (subject to receiving instructions to do so and an amended Designated Properties Schedule from, inter alios, the Borrower and the Issuer in accordance with the Security Trust Deed) release from the relevant Security Documents (and/or reallocate, if applicable) such of the Properties forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security and substitute for such Properties other Properties as may be selected by the Borrower, provided that the Borrower satisfies the conditions precedent specified in the Loan Agreement in relation to the Substitute Properties. Such conditions precedent include, inter alia, a completed Substitute Property Certificate certifying, inter alia, that each Substitute Property is a residential property of a type and nature that is usually owned by Registered Providers of Social Housing, that, immediately following such release (and/or reallocation, if applicable), the Asset Cover Test will not be breached as a result of the substitution of the relevant Properties and that no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, a Valuation in respect of each Substitute Property and a Certificate of Title in respect of the Substitute Properties.

At the request and expense of the Borrower, the Security Trustee shall release (subject to receiving instructions to do so and an amended Designated Properties Schedule from, inter alios, the Borrower and the Issuer in accordance with the Security Trust Deed) from the relevant Security Documents (and/or reallocate, if applicable) such Properties forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security as may be selected by the Borrower, provided that the Borrower delivers to the Issuer and the Security Trustee a completed Property Release Certificate, certifying that, immediately following such release (and/or reallocation, if applicable), the Asset Cover Test will not be breached as a result of the release (and/or reallocation, if applicable) of such part of the security and that no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.

Notwithstanding the above, where any disposal is a Statutory Disposal the Borrower shall have the right to withdraw such Property from the Issuer's Designated Security. In such circumstances the Borrower is obliged to deliver, as soon as reasonably practicable after it has received notice of such Statutory Disposal, a completed Statutory Disposal Certificate to the Issuer and the Security Trustee certifying that the relevant withdrawal relates to a Statutory Disposal and, if the Statutory Disposal would result in a breach of the Asset Cover Test, confirming that it shall procure that additional Properties are charged pursuant to the Security Trust Deed and/or agree with the Security Trustee an adjustment to the Issuer's Designated Security and/or moneys are deposited into the Ongoing Cash Security Account, in accordance with the Loan

16 Agreement, such that any breach of the Asset Cover Test will be cured.

Enforcement of the Underlying Following a Borrower Default, the Issuer may declare the Security and the Issuer Security: Underlying Security immediately enforceable and/or declare the Loan immediately due and repayable. Pursuant to the Security Trust Deed, the Security Trustee shall only be required to take action to enforce or protect the security in respect of the Loan Agreement if so instructed in writing by the Issuer (and then only if it has been indemnified and/or secured to its satisfaction).

The Issuer has assigned its rights under, inter alia, the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed, and, pursuant to Condition 6.3, has covenanted not to take any action or direct the Security Trustee to take any action pursuant thereto except with the prior consent of the Bond Trustee. The Bond Trustee may, but is not obliged to, seek the consent of the Bondholders in accordance with the Bond Trust Deed prior to giving any such consent.

In enforcing the Issuer Security (including the Issuer's rights, title and interests in the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed insofar as they relate to the Bonds) the Bond Trustee may act in its discretion. It is, however, required to take action, pursuant to Condition 12.2, where so directed by the requisite majority of the Bondholders provided, however, that it is secured and/or indemnified and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction.

See "Description of the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed" below.

Priorities of Payments: Prior to the enforcement of the Issuer Security, the Issuer shall apply the moneys standing to the credit of the Transaction Account on each Interest Payment Date and such other dates on which a payment is due in respect of the Bonds in the following order of priority (the Pre-enforcement Priority of Payment):

(a) first, in payment of any taxes due and owing by the Issuer to any taxing authority (insofar as they relate to the Bonds);

(b) second, in payment of any unpaid fees, costs, charges, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Bond Trustee and any Appointee (including remuneration payable to it and any Appointee) in carrying out its functions under the Bond Trust Deed;

(c) third, in payment of any unpaid fees, expenses and liabilities of the Issuer owing to the Paying Agents under the Agency Agreement, the Account Bank under the Account Agreement, the Custodian under the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custodian under the Retained Bond Custody Agreement on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

17 (d) fourth, in payment of any other unpaid fees, expenses and liabilities of the Issuer (in so far as they relate to the Bonds) on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(e) fifth, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any interest due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(f) sixth, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any principal due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(g) seventh, in payment to the Borrower of any amount due and payable under the terms of the Loan Agreement; and

(h) eighth, in payment of any Permitted Investment Profit, Accounting Profit or Retained Bond Premium Amount, as the case may be, to any Charitable Group Member.

Following the enforcement of the Issuer Security, all moneys standing to the credit of the Transaction Account, the Ongoing Cash Security Account and the Initial Cash Security Account and the net proceeds of enforcement of the Issuer Security shall be applied in the following order of priority (the Post- enforcement Priority of Payment):

(a) first, in payment or satisfaction of the fees, costs, charges, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Bond Trustee or any Appointee in preparing and executing the trusts under the Bond Trust Deed (including the costs of realising any Issuer Security and the Bond Trustee's and such Appointee's remuneration);

(b) second, in payment of all amounts owing to the Paying Agents under the Agency Agreement, the Account Bank under the Account Agreement, the Custodian under the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custodian under the Retained Bond Custody Agreement on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(c) third, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any interest due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(d) fourth, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any principal due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(e) fifth, in payment of any other unpaid fees and expenses of the Issuer (in each case insofar as they relate to the Bonds) on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(f) sixth, in payment to the Borrower of any amount due and payable under the terms of the Loan Agreement; and

18 (g) seventh, in payment of any Permitted Investment Profit, Accounting Profit or Retained Bond Premium Amount, as the case may be, to any Charitable Group Member.

Status of the New Bonds: The New Bonds and Coupons will constitute direct, secured, unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer and will rank pari passu among themselves and with the Existing Bonds.

Covenants: Pursuant to Condition 6 (Covenants), the Issuer has covenanted not to engage in any activity or do anything other than carry out the business of a company which has as its purpose raising finance and on-lending such finance for the benefit of the Borrower or another charitable Registered Provider of Social Housing that is a member of the Borrower Group or perform any act incidental to or necessary in connection with the aforesaid, without the consent of the Bond Trustee.

The Issuer has also covenanted to deliver to the Bond Trustee and, upon request by a Bondholder to the Issuer, to make available to such Bondholder at the Issuer's registered office during normal business hours, a copy of the Compliance Certificates (and, subject to the consent of the relevant Approved Valuer(s), the Valuations(s) delivered for the purpose of preparing such Compliance Certificates) and Security Adjustment Certificates promptly upon receipt of the same from the Borrower pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement and a copy of the audited financial statements of the Borrower promptly upon publication of the same. In addition to the rights of Bondholders to convene a meeting pursuant to Condition 17 (Meetings of Bondholders, Modification and Waiver), at the request of the requisite majority of the Bondholders, the Issuer shall hold a meeting of the Bondholders to discuss the financial position of the Issuer and the Borrower Group, provided that the Issuer shall not be required to hold any such meeting more than once in any calendar year.

In addition, the Issuer has covenanted that, for so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding, it shall not consent to any waiver, amendment or modification of, or take any action or direct the Security Trustee to take any action pursuant to, the Loan Agreement, the Legal Mortgages or the Security Trust Deed except with the prior consent of the Bond Trustee. The Bond Trustee may seek the consent of the Bondholders in accordance with the Bond Trust Deed prior to giving any such consent.

Taxation: All payments in respect of the Bonds will be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of any taxes unless such withholding or deduction is required by law. In the event that any such withholding or deduction is required, the Issuer may at its option, but will not be obliged to, pay to Bondholders such additional amounts as may be necessary in order that the net amounts received by the Bondholders after such withholding or deduction will equal the amounts of principal and interest which would have been received in

19 respect of the Bonds in the absence of such withholding or deduction. In the event that the Issuer does not opt to pay, or opts to pay and thereafter notifies the Bond Trustee and the Bondholders of its intention to cease paying, such additional amounts the Bonds shall be redeemed at their principal amount, together with any accrued interest, in accordance with Condition 9.3 (Early Redemption for Tax Reasons).

Meetings of Bondholders: The Conditions of the New Bonds and the Bond Trust Deed contain provisions for calling meetings of Bondholders to consider matters affecting their interests generally. These provisions permit defined majorities to bind all Bondholders including Bondholders who did not attend and vote at the relevant meeting and Bondholders who voted in a manner contrary to the majority.

Risk Factors: There are certain factors that may affect the Issuer's ability to fulfil its obligations under the Bonds. These are set out under "Risk Factors" below and include factors which may affect the Issuer's and/or the Borrower's ability to fulfil their obligations under the Bonds, the Loan Agreement and/or the Legal Mortgages, respectively, factors which are material for the purpose of assessing the market risks associated with the Bonds, risks relating to the security for the Bonds and risks relating to the market generally.

See "Risk Factors" below.

Rating: The Borrower is rated "A+" by S&P and it is expected that the New Bonds will be rated "A+" by S&P. S&P is established in the European Union and registered under the CRA Regulation. As such S&P is included in the list of credit rating agencies published by ESMA on its website in accordance with the CRA Regulation.

Listing and admission to trading: Application has been made to the UK Listing Authority for the New Bonds to be admitted to the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange for the New Bonds to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's regulated market.

Joint Bookrunners: Barclays Bank PLC Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc

Principal Paying Agent: The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch

Account Bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch

Custodian: The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch

Retained Bond Custodian: The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch

Bond Trustee: Prudential Trustee Company Limited

Security Trustee: Prudential Trustee Company Limited

Borrower: bpha Limited

20 Selling Restrictions: There are restrictions on the offer, sale and transfer of the New Bonds in the United States, the United Kingdom and the EEA, see "Subscription and Sale".

Governing Law: The New Bonds and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law.



The Issuer believes that the following factors (which include factors which may affect the ability of the Borrower to fulfil its obligations under the Loan Agreement) may affect its ability to fulfil its obligations under the Bonds. Most of these factors are contingencies which may or may not occur and the Issuer is not in a position to express a view on the likelihood of any such contingency occurring.

In addition, factors which are material for the purpose of assessing the market risks associated with the New Bonds issued are also described below.

The Issuer believes that the factors described below represent the principal risks inherent in investing in the New Bonds, but the inability of the Issuer to pay interest, principal or other amounts on or in connection with the Bonds may occur for other reasons which may not be considered significant risks by the Issuer based on information currently available to it or which it may not currently be able to anticipate. This section is not intended to be exhaustive and prospective investors should also read the detailed information set out elsewhere in this Prospectus and reach their own views prior to making any investment decision. If any of the following risks actually materialise, the Issuer's and/or the Borrower's business, financial condition and prospects could be materially and adversely affected. No assurance can be given that prospective Bondholders will receive full and/or timely payment of interest and principal or ultimate recovery in relation to the Bonds.

Factors which may affect the Issuer's ability to fulfil its obligations under the Bonds

Special Purpose Vehicle Issuer: The Issuer is a special purpose finance entity with no business operations other than the incurrence of financial indebtedness, including the issuance of the Bonds and on-lending of the proceeds thereof to the Borrower. As at the date of this Prospectus, the Issuer's only source of income is moneys received from the Borrower under the Loan Agreement and, as such, the Issuer is entirely dependent upon receipt of funds received from the Borrower in order to fulfil its obligations under the Bonds, including the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds.

Credit Risk: The Issuer, and therefore payments by the Issuer to the Bondholders in respect of the Bonds, will be subject to the credit risk of the Borrower. The Issuer will be subject to the risk of delays in the receipt, or risk of defaults in the making, of payments due from the Borrower in respect of the Loan Agreement. Delays in the receipt of payments due from the Borrower under the Loan Agreement could adversely affect the ability of the Issuer to fulfil its payment obligations under the Bonds.

Effect of Losses on Loan on Interest Payments and Repayments on the Bonds: There can be no assurance that the levels or timeliness of payments of collections received in respect of the Loan will be adequate to ensure fulfilment of the Issuer's obligations in respect of the Bonds on each Interest Payment Date or on the Maturity Date. In addition, a default under the Loan Agreement could ultimately result in the enforcement of the Underlying Security. The proceeds of any such enforcement may be insufficient to cover the full amount due from the Borrower resulting in a shortfall in funds available to the Issuer to repay the Bonds.

Factors which may affect the Borrower's ability to fulfil its obligations under the Loan Agreement

Welfare Reform: A proportion of the rent received by the Borrower is derived from housing benefit payable by local authorities. If there is a reduction or termination by the UK Government of housing benefit, then this may, accordingly, have an adverse impact on the payment of rent, as the tenants would have to pay a higher proportion of the rent themselves. Payments of housing benefit by local authorities may be delayed as a result of, among other things, the need to establish a new claimant's entitlement thereto. The receipt of rental payments by the Borrower, as landlord, may be delayed by the failure of the claimant to regularly pay rent which is due in addition to the housing benefit and/or, in circumstances where the housing benefit is not paid direct to the landlord, a failure to pass on the housing benefit payments to the landlord.

The Welfare Reform Act 2012 introduced a cap on the total amount of benefits to which working age people can be entitled. Sections of the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016 (the WRW Act) make

23 provisions on social housing rents and social security and tax credits. The benefit cap, which was initially set at £26,000 per year across the country (or £18,200 per year for single people), was reduced in November 2016 for households in Greater London to £23,000 (or £15,410 per year for single people) or for households outside Greater London to £20,000 (or £13,400 for single people). For residents affected this means less income available to cover rent, and consequently the Borrower is at greater risk of arrears and bad debts.

The Welfare Reform Act 2012 introduced a new occupation size criteria for working age tenants occupying social housing and in receipt of housing benefit. The new arrangements allow each of certain defined categories of people (such defined categories being (a) a couple, (b) an adult (over 16), (c) two children of the same sex, (d) two children under the age of 10, (e) any other child and (f) a non-resident overnight carer) to be entitled to one bedroom. Where a household has one extra bedroom, their housing benefit will be reduced by 14 per cent. Where there are two or more extra rooms the reduction will be 25 per cent.

Universal Credit, introduced under the Welfare Reform Act 2012, replaces six existing means-tested benefits and tax credits for working-age families, namely income support, income-based jobseeker's allowance, income-related employment and support allowance, housing benefit, child tax credit and working tax credit with a single monthly payment, transferred directly into a household bank account of choice. It is currently in an extended "roll out" phase across the UK which is expected to last until March 2023 and is already live in the areas in which the Borrower operates with full digital roll out to be in place by December 2018.

The implementation of Universal Credit is likely to increase transaction costs and the receipt of rental payments by the Borrower may be delayed by in-built mechanisms in the payment of Universal Credit and/or the failure of the tenant to apply for Universal Credit and/or regularly pay rent which is due in addition to the housing benefit and/or, in circumstances where the housing benefit is not paid directly, a failure to pass on the housing benefit payments. In such circumstances, non-payment, partial payment or any delay in payment of rent could increase the Borrower's rental income arrears and bad debts, and could affect the Borrower's ability to meet their payment obligations under the Loan Agreement on a timely basis, which may correspondingly affect the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds. To address concerns that delays in payments of Universal Credit were having an adverse effect on many first time claimants, the Autumn Budget 2017 announced that: (a) the seven-day "waiting period" for such claimants would be abolished from February 2018; (b) a full month's advance payment would be available within five days of applying from January 2018 that would then be repaid, interest- free, over a twelve month period from future payments of Universal Credit; and (c) claimants who previously received housing benefit will, from April 2018, continue to receiving housing benefit for another two weeks after their application for Universal Credit.

There are three types of alternative payment arrangements available for claimants: (i) direct payment of the housing cost element to landlords (known as "managed payments"); (ii) splitting of payments between members of a couple; and (iii) more frequent payment of benefit where a claimant is in arrears with their rent for an amount equal to, or more than, two months of their rent or where a claimant has continually underpaid their rent over a period of time, and they have accrued arrears of an amount equal to or more than one month's rent. If the Department of Work and Pensions (the DWP) does not set up a managed payment, the Borrower can request a managed payment and inform the DWP of other reasons why a managed payment might be needed. Landlords can request deductions from a claimant's Universal Credit to repay existing rent arrears. Deductions will be a minimum of 10 per cent. and a maximum of 20 per cent. of a claimant's Universal Credit standard allowance.

Welfare reform represents a change in the operating environment for the Borrower and potentially introduces several risks to its net income which may impact on its ability to fulfil its obligations under the Loan Agreement which, in turn, may have an adverse effect on the ability of the Issuer to fulfil its obligations under the Bonds. These include potential increases in the amount of arrears and bad debts, increased rent collection times and an additional length of time to fill void properties where the under- occupation reform may impact.

24 The Borrower has the following mechanisms in place to mitigate these risks:

 there is a robust arrears recovery process in place with rent arrears, as at 31 March 2018, equating to 2.2 per cent. of annual rent roll;

 the Borrower employs a financial inclusion team, which includes dedicated employment support and money & debt advice officers, who provide appropriate financial guidance to tenants;

 the Borrower has identified and approached under-occupiers to help find solutions such as mutual exchanges and transfers, adopting a flexible approach to arrears to allow people to downsize;

 checks are made on all new tenants of affordable housing to ensure they meet affordability criteria; and

 the Borrower has made prudent assumptions as to the long-term impact of welfare reform in its financial plan, including stress testing extreme levels of foregone rent to ensure financial robustness.

Rental Growth Risk: The relevant rent standard guidance for Registered Providers of Social Housing, first published on 31 March 2015 (as updated on 18 March 2016 and 3 May 2016), is contained within the Rent Standard and Rent Standard Guidance sections of the regulatory framework for social housing in England (as set out in a publication entitled, "The regulatory framework for social housing in England from April 2012", the Regulatory Framework) issued by the Homes and Communities Agency (the HCA) acting through its regulation committee (as the predecessor to the Regulator of Social Housing, the Regulator).

The Borrower adjusts its rents for social housing (as defined in Part 2 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008) annually from 1 April each year and has, in accordance with the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016, applied the first three 1 per cent. rent reductions effective from 1 April 2016, 1 April 2017 and 1 April 2018, respectively, and will apply the final reduction on 1 April 2019 (the exception being that the first 1 per cent. rent reduction that applies to supported housing was effective from 1 April 2017).

As at 31 March 2018, the Borrower had 14,823 social housing properties (general needs, affordable rents and supported housing tenures) other than low cost home ownership accommodation (as defined in section 70 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008). The changes to the rent policy introduced by the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016 are expected to impact on a proportion of such properties of the Borrower.

For five years effective from 1 April 2020, social housing rents may be increased by up to the level of increase of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which refers back to the figure published in the October (for the year to September) of the preceding year plus 1 per cent. thus giving the Borrower certainty over future income streams, subject to any future UK Government rent policy changes. The Borrower will apply future rent increases, or decreases in accordance with the UK Government rent regimes (if any) in place at the time.

Should the ability to increase rent levels reduce, or become subject to further uncertainty, this could impact on the Borrower's cashflows and its ability to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, the Issuer's ability to meet its payments obligations under the Bonds.

Risks related to the Grenfell Tower tragedy: The Borrower is committed to considering all possible methods of mitigating fire risk. Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy the Borrower has undertaken a thorough review of all housing stock regarding fire safety. As at the date of this Prospectus, the Borrower has 16 high rise properties in and and only 2 of these, which are situated in Cambridge, have a limited amount of combustible cladding. The Borrower is working closely with Cambridge Fire and Rescue Service which has undertaken a building inspection and has concluded that

25 this small amount of cladding does not pose an unacceptable risk for the building or the people who live within it. The Borrower also has two dedicated Fire Officers and conducts regular Fire Risk Assessments in each of its high rise blocks.

If the Borrower was faced with material unforeseen renovation, maintenance or modernisation costs in relation to fire risks, this could impact upon the Borrower's cash flow and the Borrower's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement on a timely basis, which may correspondingly affect the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

Risks related to UK Government policy (Right to Buy): The introduction of the right to buy to assured tenants of Registered Providers of Social Housing was a manifesto commitment by the Conservative party for the 2015 general election. An announcement from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 24 September 2015 confirmed a proposal made by the National Housing Federation (NHF) to introduce the right to buy voluntarily. The voluntary arrangement is based on four key principles: (a) tenants would have the right to purchase a home at right to buy discounts (maximum discount of £77,900 (£103,900 in London)) subject to UK Government funding for the scheme; (b) Registered Providers of Social Housing will have the final decision about whether to sell an individual property; (c) Registered Providers of Social Housing will receive the full market value of the properties sold, with the value of the discount funded by the UK Government; and (d) nationally, for every home sold under the agreement a new affordable property would be built.

The Prime Minister confirmed on 7 October 2015 that the NHF's proposal had been accepted by the UK Government. This means that, rather than including the right to buy extension in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 as a statutory obligation, there is an agreement by the social housing sector to deliver the extension voluntarily. The Housing and Planning Act 2016 establishes a statutory framework to facilitate the implementation of the voluntary right to buy scheme and makes provision for grants to be paid to Registered Providers of Social Housing to cover the cost of selling housing assets at a discount. The Housing and Planning Act 2016 states that such grant may be made on any terms and conditions the Secretary of State considers appropriate.

The Autumn Budget 2017 confirmed a large-scale regional pilot of the voluntary Right to Buy (vRTB) for housing association tenants would proceed in the Midlands. The NHF worked with the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government on the final details and timescales of the pilot which was launched in August 2018 and will run for two years. The scheme is expected to enable those who have been a public sector tenant of one of the Registered Providers of Social Housing participating in the pilot for an agreed period of time (to be defined) the opportunity to buy their home at a discount that will be compensated by the UK Government. It is expected that the UK Government will invest £200 million in the scheme between 2018 and 2020 to fund the replacement of the homes purchased. The Borrower is not participating in this pilot scheme. Until the UK Government sets a date for full national roll-out and legislation is in place to extend the right to buy to assured tenants of Registered Providers of Social Housing, it is difficult to determine with any certainty exactly how these proposals impact the Borrower. Relevant factors will include local housing markets, the demographic profile of households, the size and type of housing stock and the cost consequences for discounts and replacement. The change could generate significant cash receipts and operating surpluses. However, the policy could have an adverse impact on the Borrower's rental cash flows (and operating margin) which could affect the ability of the Borrower to meet its payment obligations on a timely basis under the Loan Agreement and, therefore, the ability of the Issuer to meet its payment obligations on a timely basis under the Bonds.

Housing Grant Risk: The Borrower can receive grant funding from a variety of sources, including the HCA (trading as Homes England) (Homes England) and others such as Combined Authorities like and , where funding for housing and infrastructure is devolved from central government. Due to the nature of grant funding, there is a risk that the amount of funding available and the terms of grants will vary. Following approval of a grant there is a risk that Homes England may revise the terms of a grant and reduce entitlement, suspend or cancel any instalment of such a grant. In certain circumstances, set out in the "Capital Funding Guide and the Recovery of Capital Grants and Recycled Capital Grant Fund General Determination" of Homes England including, but not limited to, failure to comply with conditions associated with the grant or a disposal of the

26 property funded by a grant, the grant may be required to be repaid or reused. Any such reduction in, withdrawal of, repayment or re-use of grant funding could adversely impact the future development plans of the Borrower, which may in turn adversely impact its ability to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement on a timely basis, which may correspondingly affect the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds. However, as at the date of this Prospectus, the Borrower only has minimal exposure to housing grant risk and thus removal of the grant would not pose a significant threat to its liquidity or ability to build.

Since 2005, bids for social housing grants to supply new affordable housing have been accepted from unregistered bodies (being bodies which are not registered with the Regulator) in addition to Registered Providers of Social Housing. This includes private developers and arm's length management organisations established by local authorities. One of the aims of the measure was to increase competition. In September 2008, as part of a package of measures announced to stimulate the housing market and deliver new social housing, the previous UK Government announced that local authorities who directly manage houses will also be invited to bid for grants.

In 2010 the UK Government announced a new funding framework – the 2011-2015 Affordable Homes Programme (the 2011-2015 Framework). The 2011-2015 Framework largely replaced the previous social housing grant programme, although outstanding grants agreed under the previous arrangements will be paid to Registered Providers of Social Housing. The 2011-2015 Framework is designed to offer more flexibility to Registered Providers of Social Housing, enabling them to use existing assets to support new development programmes, and to offer a wider range of housing options to people accessing social housing.

Under the 2011-2015 Framework, the level of UK Government grant has been reduced significantly. To compensate for this, Registered Providers of Social Housing are able to charge Affordable Rents which are capped at 80 per cent. of market rents and, as such, are generally higher than existing target social housing rents. This additional rental income can be used to service additional funding requirements as a result of the reduced grant levels. The consequence of this for Registered Providers of Social Housing is an increase in debt and gearing levels, the scale of which varies depending on the areas of operation.

The 2015-2018 Affordable Homes Programme (the 2015-2018 Framework) was launched in January 2014. The primary change brought about under the 2015-2018 Framework is that all of the available funding will not be allocated from the outset. Instead, a substantial portion of the available grant funding was allocated at the outset, with the remainder being made available via on-going market engagement. This will allow bidders the opportunity to bid for the remaining funding for development opportunities as these arise during the programme, where those can deliver within the programme timescales. However, in December 2014 the Chancellor announced that the grant programme would be extended to 2020 with additional grant being made available. Bidding under the 2015-2018 Framework closed on 25 November 2015.

In April 2016, Homes England announced that it was making available £4.7 billion of capital grant between 2016 and 2021 under the Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016-2021 (the 2016-2021 Framework). That marked a decisive shift towards support for home ownership. However, the Autumn Statement 2016 announced that an additional £1.4 billion would be made available to build 40,000 affordable homes and that the 2016-2021 Framework will support a variety of tenures which now includes affordable rent, shared ownership and rent to buy. This, together with the publication of the Housing White Paper "Fixing our broken housing market" published in February 2017, has marked a shift of emphasis in UK Government investment priorities back towards rented housing.

Shared Ownership Tenures: The Borrower also generates revenue from shared ownership sales. Generally, shared ownership programmes are exposed to market risk in relation to housing for sale, including both demand and pricing risks.

27 Shared ownership income is generated on the initial sale of the property (known as the "first tranche") which is sold to the "shared owner"; on subsequent sales of further "tranches" or portions of the property to the shared owner (known as "staircasings"); and in the form of rent on the part of the property which the shared owner does not own until the property is fully owned by the shared owner.

There is a risk that if a tenant of a shared ownership property borrows moneys through a mortgage from a commercial lender (having obtained consent from the Borrower) then that lender's mortgage may take priority ahead of any security arrangements that are in place. However, if that commercial lender were to enforce its security following a tenant defaulting on its mortgage, such lender could staircase (i.e. purchase a portion of the property) up to 100 per cent. in order to be able to sell the whole leasehold interest in which case the Borrower as landlord would receive such staircasing payments from the commercial lender. If the price for the full 100 per cent. receivable on sale is not sufficient to meet the principal outstanding (plus 12 months interest and other statutorily permitted costs) then the shortfall will remain as a debt due to the landlord from the defaulting leaseholder. Under current Homes England rules, any shortfall not recovered is borne first by the provider of any grant in respect of the property, and thus the Borrower is only affected to the extent that the shortfall cannot be covered by grant moneys. This only applies where shared ownership units are grant-funded. If a commercial lender did enforce its security by staircasing up to 100 per cent. and there was such a shortfall, the Borrower would no longer receive rent for its retained share of the property which could have an impact upon its rental income.

Other Income Risk: The Borrower's main sources of income, other than those described elsewhere in this Prospectus, are as follows:

 Other social housing activities including supporting people contract income, management fees and other items, which together account for 3.5 per cent. of total housing activities as at 31 March 2018. Contract lengths vary and such income is at risk should contracts not be renewed.

 Other non-social housing activities comprised primarily of property rentals from student accommodation (where a university is the lessee), nurses accommodation (where two NHS Trusts are the lessees) and nursing homes, which together account for 4.6 per cent. of total housing activities as at 31 March 2018. Lease contract lengths vary, but are generally between 5 and 25 years in duration, and such income is at risk should leases not be renewed or if the properties could not be re-let.

 The Borrower has 50 per cent. interests in both The Oxfordshire Care Partnership (OCP) and The Gloucestershire Care Partnership (GCP) joint ventures, which are joint ventures with The Orders of St John Care Trust and which provide elderly persons' residential care homes in the Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire areas respectively. The Borrower only acts as the landlord to OCP and GCP, receiving rental income, and does not provide care services. OCP and GCP are not able to distribute any profits by way of dividend to the Borrower. Since the Borrower has no right to the net profit of OCP or GCP and as any loss making from operations is sustained by the care home operator, with no recourse to the Borrower, this is considered as a nil interest.

These risks to the Borrower's income could impact upon the Borrower's cash flow and its ability to satisfy any covenants which it is required to maintain pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement and any other existing financing arrangements, which could, in turn, impact the Issuer's obligations in respect of the Bonds.

Housing Market Downturn Risk: The majority of the properties of the Borrower are social rented properties (general needs, sheltered housing and supported housing), all of which have a limited exposure to housing market downturn risk. Rental income from these properties provides the major source of the Borrower's income.

The Borrower has limited exposure to housing market downturn risk through its shared ownership sales and redemptions and staircasings of shared ownership properties as explained in the section headed "Shared Ownership Tenures" above.

28 The latest figures from the Halifax House Price Index show that there has been little change in the generally weaker buyer demand for the UK housing market with a typical UK property decreasing in value by 1.4 per cent. during July 2018. The 3 month on 3 month rate of change, which is considered to be a better measure of the underlying trend, indicated an increase in value of 1.3 per cent. in the 3 months to July 2018. On an annual basis, house price inflation increased by 4.5 per cent, for the year to July 2018. The figures seem to indicate that the property market remains uncertain.

The Borrower has a process in place to track monthly sales exposure, which is reported to the Development Committee (see "Description of the Borrower" below). The Borrower's development activity is spread across its core operating area along the Oxford to Cambridge corridor, and it has no exposure in London. The Borrower's stress testing shows that it will continue to comply with its covenants and have sufficient liquidity to meet its commitments even in the event of a 30 per cent. decrease in property values.

Market Related Risk: While the Borrower is primarily a provider of affordable housing, it is subject to commercial pressures and therefore undertakes diversified activities within the Borrower Group (as defined below) where income is subject to such commercial pressure.

Bushmead Homes Limited (Bushmead), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Borrower, develops properties for outright sale. The Borrower is therefore exposed to a limited extent to market risk in relation to housing for sale, including both demand and pricing risks. Market risks which may impact upon both the rental market and the development of residential properties include the risk of changes to UK Government regulation, including, but not limited to, regulation relating to planning, taxation, landlords and tenants and welfare benefits.

The Borrower also holds a 25 per cent. interest in Gog Magog Partnership LLP (via Bushmead) whose principal activity is the development of residential accommodation for private sale and of affordable residential accommodation for sale to registered providers.

Among other things, these market risks may impact upon the expenses incurred by the Borrower associated with existing residential properties, rental income produced by these properties, the value of its existing investments, its ability to develop land that it has acquired and its ability to acquire additional sites. This could, in turn, impact upon the Borrower's cash flow and its ability to satisfy any covenants which it is required to maintain pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement, any existing financing arrangements or the Bonds.

Operational Risks: Operational risks may result from major systems' failure or breaches in systems security (although the Borrower has prepared business continuity plans in order to mitigate against this, it is dependent upon its technology in order to deliver business processes) and the consequences of theft, fraud, health and safety and environmental issues, natural disaster and acts of terrorism. These events could result in financial loss to the Borrower and hence the Issuer. To mitigate this risk, the Borrower has a comprehensive programme of insurance in place, including property stock, public liability and employer's liability insurance.

Notwithstanding anything in this risk factor, this risk factor should not be taken as implying that the Issuer will be unable to comply with its obligations as an entity with securities admitted to the Official List.

Regulatory Risk: The regulation of Registered Providers of Social Housing has undergone significant and recent change. Bondholders are exposed to the creditworthiness of the Borrower through the Loan Agreement with the Issuer, and any change in the Regulatory Framework could lead to the Borrower facing increased costs to comply with the Regulatory Framework. The Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 as amended by the Localism Act 2011 (the Localism Act) makes provision for the regulation of social housing in England.

The Regulator, as the regulator of Registered Providers of Social Housing pursuant to the Localism Act, exercises its functions acting through a separate committee established to undertake this regulatory role. The Regulator continues to provide economic regulation for Registered Providers of Social Housing in

29 order to ensure they are financially viable and well governed and to support the confidence of private lenders to provide funds at competitive rates.

The Regulator regulates Registered Providers of Social Housing in England in accordance with the Regulatory Framework which sets out the standards which apply to Registered Providers of Social Housing from 1 April 2012. The standards are "Tenant Involvement and Empowerment","Home standard","Neighbourhood and Community","Value for Money","Governance and Financial Viability" and the "Rent standard". Registered Providers of Social Housing are expected to comply with the standards, although the Regulator's approach is that providers should have freedom to enable them to innovate in the best interests of their tenants.

The enforcement by the Regulator of the standards other than those relating to governance and financial viability, rent and value for money is restricted to cases in which there is, or there is a risk of, serious detriment to tenants. The Regulatory Framework includes guidance as to how the Regulator will assess whether serious detriment may arise.

In April 2015 the HCA (as the predecessor to the Regulator) published updates to the Regulatory Framework. These provide for changes in the way the Regulator regulates, including a requirement that Registered Providers of Social Housing keep asset and liability registers which are aimed to ensure that social housing assets are not put at risk, to protect the public value in those assets and to ensure that Registered Providers of Social Housing, including the Borrower, can continue to attract the necessary finance to build new homes. The Borrower has adhered to the requirements of the Regulatory Framework.

On 30 October 2015, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced that private Registered Providers of Social Housing (such definition including the Borrower) should be re-classified as public non-financial corporations, effectively categorising them as part of the public sector in the national accounts of the ONS. The UK Government quickly made a commitment to deregulation of the sector to reverse the classification. Subsequently, the UK Government introduced deregulatory measures through the Housing and Planning Act 2016 with the intention that the private sector status of Registered Providers of Social Housing be restored.

Accordingly, the HCA (as the predecessor to the Regulator) published new directions under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 that became effective from 6 April 2017 and replaced the previous "before the event" consent regime with an "after the event" notifications requirement. In connection with the introduction of the notifications requirement, the HCA (as the predecessor to the Regulator) provided detailed guidance on when and how to notify the Regulator about: (a) the removal of the constitutional consents regime (meaning that Regulator consent will no longer be required for Registered Providers of Social Housing to undertake certain changes such as mergers, change of status, restructuring, winding- up or dissolution); and (b) disposals of social housing dwellings (meaning that Registered Providers of Social Housing will no longer need consent from the Regulator for sales, charging for security and changes of ownership of social housing stock). These changes were designed to persuade the ONS to reverse its reclassification judgement and take Registered Providers of Social Housing back out of the "public sector" classification. The explicit purpose of the new directions notifications are: (i) to validate adherence to all relevant laws and compliance with the governing documents of Registered Providers of Social Housing; (ii) to ensure accountability to tenants and enshrine proper consultation with tenants when considering a disposal that would mean a change in the tenant's landlord or changes that affect tenant's statutory or contractual rights; and (iii) to promote the achievement of value for money in the delivery of social housing.

On 16 November 2017 the ONS published a notification letter confirming that English Registered Providers of Social Housing (such definition including the Borrower) have been reclassified as private non-financial corporations. The effective date for this reclassification was 16 November 2017, the date The Regulation of Social Housing (Influence of Local Authorities) (England) Regulations 2017 came into force.

30 The Regulator's intention is to strengthen its expectations of Registered Providers of Social Housing in relation to risk management and planning for adverse events. The changes are designed to underpin the financial viability of Registered Providers of Social Housing, including the Borrower, but it is possible that compliance with on-going regulatory requirements may result in increased costs. The Regulator has also commenced to charge fees to Registered Providers of Social Housing for regulation with effect from October 2017, following the granting of power to charge fees under the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and a consultation with Registered Providers of Social Housing which commenced in late 2016.

Any breach of new or existing regulations could lead to the exercise of the Regulator's statutory powers. The Regulator publishes guidance on how it regulates. It adopts a proportionate approach with an emphasis on self-regulation and co-regulation. In practice, use of statutory powers is rare. Serious non- compliance with the economic standard is more likely to lead to a downgrade of the Regulator's published regulatory judgement and agreement with the Regulator of the corrective action to be taken. Any such intervention by the Regulator in respect of the Borrower may adversely impact its ability to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement on a timely basis, which may correspondingly affect the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

The Borrower has addressed the latest standards applying to Registered Providers of Social Housing through its Assurance framework. This document is updated on a quarterly basis and states how the Borrower demonstrates compliance with each section of the standard.

Capital Resources and Treasury Risk: To mitigate liquidity risk and augment its capital resources, the Borrower currently relies on financing through secured term and revolving credit facilities. However, the Borrower could find itself unable to access sources of financing if the bank or building society lines become unavailable to the Borrower (for example, if banks or building societies are unable to provide new facilities, or extend existing facilities, or are unable to meet commitments to provide funds under existing committed lines) or if a reduction in the Borrower's credit rating makes the cost of accessing the public and private debt markets prohibitive.

To further mitigate against liquidity risk, the Borrower has strict liquidity targets, including liquidity and security headroom, both operating with a target and minimum level defined with reference to projected development expenditure, as well as a minimum level of unencumbered security to be maintained. The Borrower also has policies in place in relation to maximum debt maturity within certain periods to reduce refinancing risk.

In keeping with these policies, as at 31 March 2018, the Borrower had £215 million of liquidity headroom (comprising undrawn facilities and cash) and intends to raise new funding in the financial year ended 31 March 2019 to replace maturing facilities and provide additional funding for the development of new homes in line with the Borrower's strategy. The Borrower's development criteria also mean that all new development schemes are security "enhancing".

Risks related to Interest Rates

The Borrower is subject to adverse interest rate movements that could lead to an increase in the cost of borrowing. The Borrower's interest rate risk arises from the risk of fluctuations in interest charges on floating rate borrowings. The Borrower is also subject to interest rate risk in respect of its variable rate borrowing although the Borrower's hedging strategy seeks to reduce interest rate risk volatility and uncertainty by allowing for a balance of fixed, floating and other hedged debt. As at 31 March 2018, approximately 89 per cent. of the Borrower's borrowings were hedged through embedded hedges or standalone derivatives. Accessing the capital markets through the issue of the Bonds will reduce the reliance of the Borrower on funding from banks and building societies and thereby mitigate interest rate and liquidity risk.

31 Pensions Risk: The Borrower participates in the following pension schemes:

 Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) administered by , the Pension Fund (BPF); and

 Defined Contribution Scheme administered by Royal London (DC Scheme).


LGPS is a public sector pension scheme independently administered locally through various regional pension funds. The Borrower participates in the LGPS as administered by Bedford Borough Council. The LGPS is a defined benefit scheme which is currently based on final pensionable salary and is only open to staff who transferred to the Borrower from local authorities. Employer participation in the LGPS is subject to the rules of the LGPS which are set out in legislation.

As a result of the legislation governing the LGPS, there is a potential debt due from the Borrower when it leaves the LGPS, for example, if it ceases to employ active members of the LGPS. The debt due from the Borrower would be calculated by comparing the liabilities of the Borrower with its assets as at the date the Borrower leaves the LGPS. If the Borrower is unable to meet its debt on leaving the LGPS, the LGPS would not be able to claim that debt from the Issuer.

As at 31 March 2018 the Borrower had 102 active members, 221 deferred and 182 pensioner members participating in BPF. The BPF has been closed to new members since March 2010.

The contributions paid to BPF by the Borrower in the accounting period ended 31 March 2018 were £1,970,000 in respect of employer contributions. The current employer contribution rate payable by the Borrower is 21.1 per cent. plus a lump sum payable towards deficit recovery. The lump sum in the year ended 31 March 2018 was £1,127,000. The lump sum for each year is agreed and fixed at the beginning of each three year period. For the three year period from 1 April 2017 the lump sum payable in the first year is £1,127,000 which is increased by 2.4 per cent. in each of the two subsequent years.

The deficit of the Borrower in the BPF assessed on an FRS 102 basis fell from £27,596,000 to £27,223,000 in the financial year ended 31 March 2018.

The BPF is also under a statutory obligation to carry out triennial valuations applying such assumptions to the scheme and the Borrower as considered appropriate by the actuary to the BPF. The purpose of the recent triennial valuation was to calculate the Borrower's funding position and its employer contributions to the fund from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2019. The draft triennial results in relation to the Borrower show that as at 31 March 2018 the value of the BPF fund to the Borrower was £713 million.

On the date that the admission agreement ceases to have effect, which will ordinarily be the date that the last active member leaves, a valuation will be undertaken by the actuary to BPF. Following this valuation, a rates and adjustment certificate will be issued showing the liabilities and obligations of the Borrower to the BPF. This liability will then become payable.

The Borrower's exit debt will be valued based on the assumptions used by BPF's actuary and the funding basis applied. Typically on termination the actuarial basis of calculating the exit debt will be different to an FRS 102 valuation and as such the deficit can be materially greater than the FRS 102 calculation figures. Further, the assumptions used by actuaries can change over time which means the assumptions used in the triennial valuation can be different from those used to calculate the exit debt. In October 2012 the LGPS Regulations were modified. These provide scheme actuaries with the power (but not the obligation) to undertake more frequent valuations to monitor the funding position and amend contribution rates where required. As such it is possible that the Borrower could experience an increase in its employer contributions. The advantage is that this, in turn, should reduce the termination debt payable.

32 DC Scheme

Since 1 April 2010 the Borrower has participated in the DC Scheme. This is open to new entrants and is the Borrower's pension scheme for the purposes of auto-enrolment. The contributions paid by the Borrower in the accounting period ended 31 March 2018 were £534,100 in respect of employer contributions.


There may be certain circumstances in which the sponsoring employers of the pension arrangements listed above are required to make good the funding deficit in short order. Certain forms of re-structuring of the Borrower may result in circumstances in which a funding deficit has to be met. For example, a transfer of engagements or a transfer under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) could lead to a crystallisation of a net pension liability. However, the Borrower always carefully considers the pension implications of restructuring proposals and wherever possible ensures that such restructurings are organised to avoid material pension liabilities crystallising.

Legal and Compliance Risk: The Borrower knows the significance to its operations of, and is focused on, adhering to all legal and compliance legislation and is aware of the need for all of its units to comply with health and safety legislation to ensure the safety of all occupying tenants. Accordingly, the Borrower is continually reviewing and updating its policies and procedures to ensure that the condition and safety of each unit is compliant with prevailing legal and regulatory requirements. The Borrower also carries out health and safety checks of its properties on an on-going basis, including, but not limited to, gas safety checks and fire risk assessments.

The Borrower is not currently aware of any material failure to adhere to applicable health and safety or environmental laws, litigation or breach of regulatory laws, or failure to comply with corporate, employee or taxation laws. If any of this were to occur in the future, this could have an adverse impact on the Borrower's operations.

Litigation claims made against the Borrower have not had a material impact on the revenue or business of the Borrower, although there can be no assurance that the Borrower will not, in the future, be subject to a claim which may have a material impact upon its revenue or business.

Furthermore, the Borrower has the benefit of insurance for, among others, employer's liability, public liability and directors' and officers' liability at levels which the management of the Borrower considers to be prudent for the type of business in which the Borrower is engaged and commensurate with Registered Providers of Social Housing of a similar size.

Permitted Reorganisations: The Loan Agreement permits the Borrower to undertake Permitted Reorganisations (including amalgamations and transfers of engagements). In the event of such a reorganisation, the resulting entity's credit risk may change, which may expose the Issuer to increased credit risk under the Loan Agreement which could affect the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

Mergers and acquisitions can involve a number of risks, such as the underlying business performing less well than expected after a merger or an acquisition, the possibility of the integration diverting management's attention, the possible loss of key personnel within the merged or acquired business and other risks inherent in the systems of the merged or acquired business and associated with unanticipated events or liabilities. In addition, the Borrower may incur significant merger or acquisition, administrative and other costs in connection with any such transactions, including costs related to the integration of merged or acquired business. These costs may include unanticipated costs or expenses, legal, regulatory and contractual costs, and expenses associated with eliminating duplicate facilities. All of the factors above could have a material adverse effect on the Borrower's business, results of operations, financial condition or prospects of such merger or acquisition. In turn, this could have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Borrower to repay the Issuer under the Loan Agreement and, ultimately, the ability of the Issuer to meet its payment obligations on a timely basis under the Bonds.

33 IT Security and Data Quality Risks: The Borrower is heavily dependent on maintaining electronic data in a secure and accessible way. Loss of key data – for example on rent collection or contracts in place – could lead to significant operational challenges and costs. Poor quality data could lead to operational failings, impaired decision making and could put residents at risk. Ultimately, this could have a negative impact on the Borrower's revenues and its ability to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

Data security and risk of attack could also potentially hinder the Borrower's ability to collect rent if a malicious attack led to a loss of access to systems. This could have a negative impact on the Borrower's revenues and its ability to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, the Issuer's ability to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

Business continuity failure risk: The Borrower is a complex organisation which relies on several key functions to keep it operational. Each business area has in place detailed business continuity plans to ensure they can continue to deliver key priorities in time of business disruption. A business continuity exercise is carried out to ensure that the plans in place are fit for purpose. When incidents occur, they are fully documented, and learning points agreed and monitored to completion. The Borrower has an over-arching business continuity plan, crisis communication plan and IT disaster recovery plan.

Change in UK Government Policy: These risk factors include a number of UK Government initiatives, including welfare benefit reform, housing grant and right to buy. By virtue of their investment in, and management of, social housing assets the Borrower's business (and business model) is highly sensitive to UK Government policy in relation to housing.

Risks relating to withdrawal of the UK from the European Union: On 23 June 2016 the UK held a referendum to decide on the UK's membership of the European Union. The UK vote was to leave the European Union and the UK Government invoked article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty relating to withdrawal on 29 March 2017. Under article 50, the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union cease to apply in the relevant state from the date of entry into force of a withdrawal agreement, or, failing that, two years after the notification of intention to withdraw, although this period may be extended in certain circumstances. There are a number of uncertainties in connection with the future of the UK and its relationship with the European Union. The negotiation of the UK's exit terms is likely to take a number of years. Until the terms and timing of the UK's exit from the European Union are clearer, it is not possible to determine the impact that the referendum, the UK's departure from the European Union and/or any related matters may have on the business of the Borrower. As such, no assurance can be given that such matters would not adversely affect the ability of the Borrower to satisfy its obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, the ability of the Issuer to satisfy its obligations under the Bonds and/or the market value and/or the liquidity of the Bonds in the secondary market.

Factors which are material for the purpose of assessing the market risks associated with the Bonds

Liability under the Bonds: The Bonds are obligations of the Issuer only and do not establish any liability or other obligation of any other person mentioned in this Prospectus. The New Bonds will constitute direct, general, secured obligations of the Issuer and will rank equally among themselves and the Existing Bonds.

Interest rate risks: The Bonds bear interest at a fixed rate and therefore involve the risk that subsequent changes in market interest rates may adversely affect the value of the Bonds.

Redemption prior to maturity: In the event that the Bonds become repayable prior to maturity either following the Loan becoming repayable as a result of a Borrower Default (which includes, inter alia, failure by the Borrower to make payments of interest under the Loan Agreement) or an Event of Default (as defined in Condition 12 (Events of Default and Enforcement)) or due to taxation (pursuant to Condition 9.3 (Early Redemption for Tax Reasons)), the Bonds will be redeemed in full at their principal amount, plus accrued interest. In such circumstances it may not be possible for an investor to reinvest the redemption proceeds at an effective rate of interest as high as the interest rate on the Bonds.

34 Furthermore, the optional redemption feature of the Bonds is likely to limit their market value as the market value generally will not rise substantially above the price at which they can be redeemed.

Modification, waivers and substitution: The Conditions of the Bonds and the Bond Trust Deed contain provisions for calling meetings of Bondholders to consider matters affecting their interests generally. These provisions permit defined majorities to bind all Bondholders, including Bondholders who did not attend and vote at the relevant meeting and Bondholders who voted in a manner contrary to the majority.

The Conditions of the Bonds and the Bond Trust Deed also provide that the Bond Trustee may, without the consent of Bondholders (a) agree to any modification (except as stated in the Bond Trust Deed) of, or to the waiver or authorisation of any breach or proposed breach of, any of the provisions of Bonds or any Transaction Document or (b) determine without the consent of the Bondholders that any Potential Event of Default or Event of Default shall not be treated as such or (c) agree to the substitution of another company, registered society or other entity as principal debtor under the Bonds in place of the Issuer, in the circumstances described in the Conditions, provided, in each case, that the Bond Trustee is of the opinion that to do so would not be materially prejudicial to the interest of Bondholders.

Denominations involve integral multiples: definitive Bonds: The Bonds have denominations consisting of a minimum of £100,000 plus one or more higher integral multiples of £1,000. It is possible that the Bonds may be traded in amounts that are not integral multiples of £100,000. In such a case a holder who, as a result of trading such amounts, holds an amount which is less than £100,000 in his account with the relevant clearing system at the relevant time may not receive a definitive Bond in respect of such holding (should definitive Bonds be printed) and would need to purchase a principal amount of Bonds such that its holding amounts to £100,000.

If definitive Bonds are issued, holders should be aware that definitive Bonds which have a denomination that is not an integral multiple of £100,000 may be illiquid and difficult to trade.

Change in Law: The structure of the issue of the Bonds is based on English law, regulatory and administrative practice in effect as at the date of this Prospectus, and has due regard to the expected tax treatment of all relevant entities under United Kingdom tax law and the published practice of HM Revenue & Customs in force or applied in the United Kingdom as at the date of this Prospectus. No assurance can be given as to the impact of any possible change to English law, regulatory or administrative practice in the United Kingdom, or to United Kingdom tax law, or the interpretation or administration thereof, or to the published practice of HM Revenue & Customs as applied in the United Kingdom after the date of this Prospectus.

Potential Conflicts of Interest: Each of the Transaction Parties (other than the Issuer) and their affiliates in the course of each of their respective businesses may provide services to other Transaction Parties and to third parties and in the course of the provision of such services it is possible that conflicts of interest may arise between such Transaction Parties and their affiliates or between such Transaction Parties and their affiliates and such third parties. Each of the Transaction Parties (other than the Issuer) and their affiliates may provide such services and enter into arrangements with any person without regard to or constraint as a result of any such conflicts of interest arising as a result of it being a Transaction Party.

Taxation: Under the Conditions of the Bonds (see Condition 10 (Taxation) below), the Issuer may, but will not be obliged to, gross up payments in respect of the Bonds if any deduction or withholding on account of tax is imposed. In the event that any deduction or withholding on account of tax is imposed and the Issuer does not opt to gross up payments in respect of the Bonds (or, if having previously opted to gross up notifies the Bond Trustee and the Bondholders of its intention to cease grossing up payments in respect of the Bonds), the Bonds will be redeemed in accordance with Condition 9.3 (Early Redemption for Tax Reasons). In such circumstances an investor may not be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds in a comparable security at an effective interest rate as high as that of the Bonds. In addition, any amounts in respect of accrued interest which fall due on any such redemption of the Bonds (and, where the redemption follows the next following Interest Payment Date, such Interest Payment Date) shall be paid subject to the required withholding or deduction and the Issuer shall not be

35 obliged to pay any additional amounts in respect thereof. The Bondholders will therefore bear the risk of any such withholding or deduction in respect of the period from the previous Interest Payment Date to the date of redemption.

The Loan Agreement requires that if any withholding or deduction is required by law to be made by the Borrower thereunder, the amount of the payment due from the Borrower shall be increased to an amount which (after making the tax deduction) leaves an amount equal to the payment which would have been due if no tax deduction had been required.

For a description of the current United Kingdom law and practice relating to withholding tax treatment of the Bonds, see below in "Taxation".

Exchange rate risks and exchange controls: The Issuer pays and will pay principal and interest on the Bonds in Sterling. This presents certain risks relating to currency conversions if an investor's financial activities are denominated principally in a currency or currency unit (the Investor's Currency) other than Sterling. These include the risk that exchange rates may significantly change (including changes due to devaluation of Sterling or revaluation of the Investor's Currency) and the risk that authorities with jurisdiction over the Investor's Currency may impose or modify exchange controls. An appreciation in the value of the Investor's Currency relative to Sterling would decrease (a) the Investor's Currency- equivalent yield on the Bonds, (b) the Investor's Currency-equivalent value of the principal payable on the Bonds and (c) the Investor's Currency-equivalent market value of the Bonds. The UK Government and monetary authorities may impose (as some have done in the past) exchange controls that could adversely affect an applicable exchange rate. As a result, investors may receive less interest or principal than expected, or no interest or principal.

Legal investment considerations may restrict certain investments: The investment activities of certain investors are subject to legal investment laws and regulations, or review or regulation by certain authorities. Each potential investor should consult its legal advisers to determine whether and to what extent (a) the Bonds are legal investments for it, (b) the Bonds can be used as collateral for various types of borrowing and (c) other restrictions apply to its purchase or pledge of the Bonds. Financial institutions should consult their legal advisers or the appropriate regulators to determine the appropriate treatment of the Bonds under any applicable risk-based capital or similar rules.

Risks Relating to the Security of the Bonds

Considerations relating to the Issuer Security and the Underlying Security: The New Bonds will be secured by the Issuer Security granted in favour of the Bond Trustee for the benefit of itself, the Bondholders and the other Secured Parties. Such Issuer Security will include security over the Loan Agreement, the Security Trust Deed and the Legal Mortgages. The Underlying Security created pursuant to the Security Trust Deed and the Legal Mortgages includes first legal mortgages, first fixed charges and assignments over the property and rights set out in the relevant Legal Mortgage given by the Borrower in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of itself and, inter alios, the Issuer.

The validity of any security given by the Borrower in connection with additions and substitutions of Charged Properties may depend on the solvency of the Borrower at the time of the grant.

Environmental Considerations: Under relevant UK environmental legislation, liability for environmental matters can be imposed on the "owner" or any "person in control" of land. The term "owner" is not specifically defined and could include anyone with a proprietary interest in a property, which could include a representative of a trustee as a mortgagee in possession (in respect of which see the risk factor entitled "Mortgagee in Possession Liability" below). Environmental laws may impose liability on the owner for clean-up costs if a property is or becomes contaminated. The Borrower may therefore be liable for the entire amount of the clean-up and redemption costs for a contaminated site regardless of whether the contamination was caused by it or not. These costs may be significant and may affect the ability of the Borrower to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, the ability of the Issuer to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

36 In addition, the presence of hazardous or toxic substances, or the failure to adequately remedy adverse environmental conditions at a Charged Property, may adversely affect the market value of the Charged Property, as well as the Borrower's ability to sell, lease or refinance the Charged Property.

Any environmental liability imposed on the Borrower could also affect the ability of the Borrower to meet its payment obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, the ability of the Issuer to meet its payment obligations under the Bonds.

Sufficiency of Insurance: Although each Charged Property is required to be insured at appropriate levels and against customary risks, there can be no assurance that any loss incurred will be of a type covered by such insurance, nor can there be any assurance that the loss will not exceed the limits of such insurance. Any reduction in income or any loss or damage caused to a Charged Property not adequately covered by insurance could result in a shortfall in funds available to meet the Borrower's payment obligations under the Loan Agreement and, in turn, a shortfall in funds available to meet the Issuer's payment obligations under the Bonds.

Investment of Retained Proceeds in Permitted Investments: For so long as any part of the net proceeds of the issue of the New Bonds remains undrawn pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Issuer may invest such amounts in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement. The Issuer may also invest the Charged Cash in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement.

Although Permitted Investments are limited to highly rated securities which satisfy certain specified criteria (which, other than with respect to any investment in money market funds, deposits or direct obligations of the United Kingdom or of any agency or instrumentality of the United Kingdom which are guaranteed by the United Kingdom (which must have a maturity date of no later than 11 April 2044), includes a requirement that the investments have a maturity date which is no later than the earlier of (i) the date falling 5 years after the date of purchase and (ii) 11 April 2044), the Issuer may be required to liquidate such Permitted Investments (a) prior to the enforcement of the Issuer Security, (in the case of the Permitted Investments purchased with Retained Proceeds) to fund advances to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement or to fund redemptions of the Bonds in accordance with the Conditions or (b) following the enforcement of the Issuer Security, to make payments in accordance with the Post- enforcement Priority of Payment, in either case at a time when the disposal proceeds of such Permitted Investments is less than the price paid by the Issuer upon the acquisition thereof.

Prior to the enforcement of the Issuer Security, any losses realised by the Issuer in respect of a sale of Permitted Investments purchased with Retained Proceeds is passed on to the Borrower pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement as a result of (i) the Issuer's obligation to fund a principal amount of an advance being such that it may be satisfied by funding such advance at a discount in proportion to any such losses and (ii) the Borrower's obligation to make further payments to the Issuer in respect of any prepayment of the loan in full to enable the Issuer to fund any shortfall on a redemption of the Bonds. However, following the enforcement of the Issuer Security, any losses in respect of the Permitted Investments will reduce the amounts available to the Issuer to satisfy its payment obligations in respect of the Bonds. For the purpose of calculating the Borrower's compliance with the Asset Cover Test, the value of such Permitted Investments will be the purchase price thereof and the Borrower shall not be required to monitor the market value of such Permitted Investments. Consequently, the value attributed to the Permitted Investments for this purpose may be more than the realisable value from time to time.

In the event that the enforcement of the Issuer Security takes place prior to Properties being charged with an aggregate Minimum Value equal to the principal amount of the Bonds, and/or at a time when the Permitted Investments have been acquired with the disposal proceeds or otherwise charged by the Borrower as security, the value of the proceeds of enforcement of the Underlying Security, together with such amounts, may be insufficient to enable the Issuer to pay its obligations under the Bonds in full. There is no limit as to the proportion of the Asset Cover Test which may be satisfied by Permitted Investments in the form of Retained Proceeds and/or Charged Cash (although, in respect of Retained Proceeds, these will be deemed to be zero after the Final Charging Date).

37 The Issuer's ability to meet its obligations under the Bonds after enforcement under the Loan: Following default by the Borrower, the Security Trustee may enforce the Underlying Security and appoint a Receiver pursuant to its powers under the Security Trust Deed.

The Issuer's ability to continue to pay principal and interest on the Bonds following default by the Borrower under the Loan is dependent upon the ability of the Issuer to receive from the Security Trustee pursuant to the collection of rental income or a disposal of the Underlying Security, sufficient funds to make such payment.

Fixed charges may take effect under English law as floating charges: Pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed, the Issuer has purported to grant fixed charges over, amongst other things, all rights and benefits under the Transaction Account, the Ongoing Cash Security Account and the Initial Cash Security Account. English law relating to the characterisation of fixed charges is unsettled. The fixed charges purported to be granted by the Issuer (other than assignment of security) may take effect under English law only as floating charges if, for example, it is determined that the Bond Trustee does not exert sufficient control over the charged assets for the security to be said to "fix" over those assets. If the charges take effect as floating charges instead of fixed charges, then the claims of the Bond Trustee will be subject to claims which are given priority over a floating charge by law, including, amongst other things, prior charges, certain subsequent charges, the expenses of any winding up or administration and the claims of preferential creditors.

Claims of Creditors of the Issuer other than Secured Parties: Under English law, any creditor (who has not entered into non-petition clauses) would (save where an administrator has been appointed) be able to commence insolvency or winding up proceedings against the Issuer in respect of any unpaid debt with a value in excess of £750.

Mortgagee in Possession Liability: There is a risk that the Security Trustee may be deemed to be a mortgagee in possession if it physically enters into possession of a Charged Property or performs an act of control or influence which may amount to possession, such as submitting a demand direct to tenants requiring them to pay rents to the Security Trustee. The consequence of being a mortgagee in possession would be that the Security Trustee may be obliged to account to the Borrower for the income obtained from the Charged Property, be liable for any damage to the Charged Property, have a limited liability to repair the Charged Property and, in certain circumstances, be obliged to make improvements or incur financial liabilities in respect of the Charged Property. A mortgagee in possession may also be liable to a tenant for any mis-management of the relevant property and may incur liabilities to third parties in nuisance and negligence and, under certain statutes (including environmental legislation), the liabilities of a property owner. Pursuant to the Security Trust Deed the Issuer and the Borrower, respectively, are required to indemnify the Security Trustee against all liabilities and expenses suffered or incurred by it and pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Borrower is required to indemnify the Issuer and the Security Trustee on demand against any loss or liability incurred in connection with the Loan Agreement. The obligation to indemnify the Security Trustee may mean that there is a shortfall in funds available to pay all amounts due and owing under the Bonds and/or the Loan Agreement.

Moratorium and housing administration: In order to protect the interests of tenants and to preserve the housing stock of a Registered Provider of Social Housing within the social housing sector and within the regulatory regime, a 28 day moratorium on the disposal of land (including the enforcement of any security) by a non-profit Registered Provider of Social Housing will apply upon notice being given to the Regulator of certain steps being taken in relation to that provider such as presenting a winding up petition, the appointment of an administrator or the intention to enforce security over its property. The Regulator may then seek to agree proposals about the future ownership and management of the provider's land with its secured creditors. The moratorium procedure may adversely affect the Issuer's ability to enforce its security over the Charged Properties, as it must notify the Regulator of its intention to enforce its security and cannot enforce its security during the resulting moratorium without the consent of the Regulator.

The Borrower is a registered society within the meaning of the Cooperative and Community Benefit Society Act 2014, and is therefore not subject to administration under the Insolvency Act 1986.

38 However, the Housing and Planning Act 2016, the Insolvency of Registered Providers of Social Housing Regulations 2018 and the Housing Administration (England and Wales) Rules 2018 introduced a special administration regime called housing administration which was brought into force on 5 July 2018 and is available in addition to the moratorium regime. This provides for a court to appoint a qualified insolvency practitioner known as a "housing administrator" to manage the affairs, business and property of a Registered Provider of Social Housing, following an application from the Secretary of State or (with the permission of the Secretary of State) the Regulator.

An interim moratorium will run from the date of issue of an application for a housing administration order until the application is either dismissed or a housing administration order takes effect and, upon the making of a housing administration order, a Registered Provider of Social Housing shall become subject to a moratorium, for so long as such Registered Provider of Social Housing is subject to a housing administration order, that prevents secured creditors from enforcing their security without the consent of the housing administrator or the permission of a court.

Each housing administration order will last for 12 months (subject to certain exceptions), but may be extended. In certain circumstances a court may make an order enabling a housing administrator to dispose of property belonging to a Registered Provider of Social Housing which is subject to a fixed charge, albeit only on terms that the fixed charge holder receives the proceeds up to the value of the security and those proceeds are topped up to "market value" if the property is sold for less than this.

The new regime could adversely affect the ability of the Issuer or the Security Trustee on behalf of the Issuer to enforce security granted by the Borrower for so long as any housing administration order is in place in respect of the Borrower or could result in a housing administrator disposing of Charged Property belonging to the Borrower at a time when proceeds are not sufficient to discharge the Borrower's obligations under the Loan Agreement. In turn, this could result in a delay in the Issuer being able to meet its obligations under the Bonds following a default by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement or, ultimately, could mean that the Issuer is unable to meet its obligations to Bondholders in full.

Risks Relating to the Market Generally

Potential Limited Liquidity: The New Bonds may not have an established market when issued. There can be no assurance of a secondary market for the New Bonds or the continued liquidity of such market if one develops. The development or continued liquidity of any secondary market for the New Bonds will be affected by a number of factors such as the state of credit markets in general and the Borrower's creditworthiness, as well as other factors such as the time remaining to the maturity of the Bonds.

Credit ratings may not reflect all risks: The Borrower is currently rated "A+" by S&P and the New Bonds are expected to be rated "A+" by S&P. These ratings may not reflect the potential impact of all risks related to the structure, market and other factors that may affect the value of the Bonds. A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be revised, suspended or withdrawn by the assigning rating agency at any time. S&P is established in the European Union and is registered under the CRA Regulation. As such, S&P is included in the list of credit rating agencies published by the ESMA on its website in accordance with the CRA Regulation.


The following are the Conditions of the New Bonds which will be endorsed on each Bond in definitive form (if issued).

The £150,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (the New Bonds and, together with the Existing Bonds (as defined below), the Bonds, which expression shall in these Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, include any further bonds issued pursuant to Condition 19 (Further Issues) and forming a single series with the Bonds) of bpha Finance plc (the Issuer) are constituted by a Supplemental Bond Trust Deed dated 17 October 2018 (as modified and/or amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time, the Supplemental Bond Trust Deed) and made between the Issuer and Prudential Trustee Company Limited (the Bond Trustee, which expression shall include any successor as Bond Trustee) as trustee for the holders of the Bonds (the Bondholders) and the holders of the interest coupons appertaining to the Bonds (the Couponholders and the Coupons respectively, which expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include the talons for further interest coupons (the Talons) and the holders of the Talons) and as security trustee for the Secured Parties. The Supplemental Bond Trust Deed is supplemental to the Bond Trust Deed dated 11 April 2014 (the Original Bond Trust Deed and, together with the Supplemental Bond Trust Deed, the Bond Trust Deed) made between the same parties and constituting the £200,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (the Existing Bonds) issued by the Issuer on 11 April 2014. The New Bonds are consolidated and form a single series, and rank pari passu, with the Existing Bonds.

The Bonds have the benefit of an Agency Agreement dated 11 April 2014, as supplemented by the Supplemental Agency Agreement dated 17 October 2018 (together, as amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time, the Agency Agreement) and made between the Issuer, the Bond Trustee, The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch as principal paying agent (the Principal Paying Agent, which expression shall include any successor agent) and the other paying agents named therein (together with the Principal Paying Agent, the Paying Agents, which expression shall include any additional or successor paying agents).

Copies of the Bond Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed are available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office for the time being of the Bond Trustee being at the date of the issue of the Bonds at Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH and at the specified office of each of the Paying Agents. The Bondholders and the Couponholders are deemed to have notice of, and are entitled to the benefit of, all the provisions of the Bond Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement. The statements in these Conditions include summaries of, and are subject to, the detailed provisions of and definitions in the Bond Trust Deed, which includes the form of the Bonds, and/or the Agency Agreement.


Words and expressions defined in the Bond Trust Deed or the Agency Agreement shall have the same meanings where used in the Conditions unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise stated.

In these Conditions:

Account Agreement means the Account Agreement dated 11 April 2014 and made between the Issuer, the Bond Trustee and the Account Bank, as amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time;

Account Bank means The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch as account bank pursuant to the Account Agreement or any successor account bank appointed thereunder;

Accounting Profit means, in respect of each accounting period of the Issuer, the aggregate amount which the Issuer would be required to recognise for corporation tax purposes as profit in respect of its Permitted Investments and/or Retained Bonds as a result of (i) the movement in

40 the fair value recognised in its accounts of such Permitted Investments and/or Retained Bonds for that accounting period and plus (ii) any further profit arising from the sale of Permitted Investments (ignoring, for this purpose, any Gift Aid Payment to be made pursuant to Loan Agreement);

Appointee means any attorney, manager, agent, delegate, nominee, custodian, receiver or other person appointed by the Bond Trustee under, or pursuant to, these Conditions or the Bond Trust Deed;

Approved Valuer has the meaning given to it in the Loan Agreement;

Asset Cover Test has the meaning given to it in the Loan Agreement;

Bondholder Put Option has the meaning given to it in Condition 9.5 (Bondholder Put Option);

Bondholder Specific Withholding means any withholding or deduction of Taxes which is required in respect of any payment in respect of any Bond or Coupon:

(a) presented for payment by or on behalf of a holder who is liable to the Taxes in respect of the Bond or Coupon by reason of his having some connection with the Relevant Jurisdiction other than the mere holding of the Bond or Coupon; or

(b) where such withholding or deduction is imposed on a payment to an individual and is required to be made pursuant to European Council Directive 2003/48/EC or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, such Directive; or

(c) presented for payment by or on behalf of a holder who would have been able to avoid such withholding or deduction by presenting the relevant Bond or Coupon to another Paying Agent in a Member State of the European Union; or

(d) presented for payment more than 30 days after the Relevant Date except to the extent that a holder would have been entitled to additional amounts on presenting the same for payment on the last day of the period of 30 days assuming, whether or not such is in fact the case, that day to have been a Payment Day (as defined in Condition 8.5 (Payment Day));

Borrower means bpha Limited (formerly known as Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association Limited);

Borrower Default has the meaning given to it in the Loan Agreement;

Borrower Group means the Borrower and any present or future, direct or indirect, Subsidiaries of the Borrower (which includes, for the avoidance of doubt, any entity with which any Borrower may merge or be consolidated with at any time including as a result of a Permitted Reorganisation);

Business Day means, for the purposes of Condition 9 (Redemption and Purchase), a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) on which commercial banks are open for general business in London;

Cancelled Retained Proceeds means, in respect of any Bonds purchased by the Borrower or any other member of the Borrower Group which have been surrendered to the Issuer for cancellation (other than, for the avoidance of doubt, any cancellation of Retained Bonds by the Issuer), a portion of the Retained Proceeds corresponding to the percentage of the Undrawn Commitment which has been cancelled, in accordance with the Loan Agreement, pursuant to the surrender for cancellation of such Bonds;

41 Charged Cash means, at any time, the aggregate of all amounts (whether representing proceeds of disposal or other moneys) standing to the credit of the Ongoing Cash Security Account and, to the extent invested in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement, such Permitted Investments and any income received by the Issuer in respect of such Permitted Investments, provided however that, for the purpose of determining the compliance of the Borrower with the Asset Cover Test, the value to be attributed to such Permitted Investments shall be the purchase price thereof;

Charitable Group Member means the Borrower and any charitable member of the Borrower Group which is connected with the Borrower for the purposes of section 939G of the Corporation Tax Act 2010;

Commitment has the meaning given to it in the Loan Agreement;

Compliance Certificate means a certificate, signed by two authorised signatories of the Borrower, substantially in the form contained in the Loan Agreement setting out, inter alia, calculations in respect of the Asset Cover Test;

Custodian means The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch as custodian pursuant to the Custody Agreement or any successor custodian appointed thereunder;

Custody Account means the account of the Issuer set up with the Custodian in respect of the Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement;

Custody Agreement means the Custody Agreement dated 11 April 2014 and made between the Issuer, the Bond Trustee and the Custodian, as amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time;

Event of Default has the meaning given to it in Condition 12.1 (Events of Default);

Existing Legal Mortgages means the legal mortgages dated 21 June 2010, 3 November 2010, 9 November 2010, 21 December 2010, 5 January 2011, 25 March 2011, 12 May 2011, 20 October 2011, 1 December 2011, 20 December 2011, 22 December 2011, 29 February 2012, 4 July 2012, 18 September 2012, 18 January 2013, 28 March 2013, 14 June 2013, 29 August 2013, 30 September 2013, 16 December 2013, 11 April 2014, 15 December 2014, 28 January 2015, 11 August 2016 and 12 October 2016, each made between the Borrower and the Security Trustee pursuant to which the Borrower provides security in respect of its obligations under the Loan Agreement;

Finance Documents means:

(a) the Loan Agreement;

(b) each Security Document; and

(c) any other document designated as such by the Issuer and the Borrower;

Fitch means Fitch Ratings Ltd or any successor thereto;

Gift Aid Payment means a qualifying charitable donation for the purposes of Part 6 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010;

Initial Cash Security Account means the account of the Issuer set up with the Account Bank in respect of the Retained Proceeds in accordance with the Account Agreement;

Interest Payment Date has the meaning given to it in Condition 7.1 (Interest Rate and Interest Payment Dates);

42 Issuer Charged Property has the meaning given to it in Condition 4 (Security);

Issuer Security has the meaning given to it in Condition 4 (Security);

Legal Mortgages means (a) the Existing Legal Mortgages, (b) the Legal Mortgage dated 17 October 2018 and made between the Borrower and the Security Trustee pursuant to which the Borrower provides security in respect of its obligations under the Loan Agreement and (c) any additional legal mortgage entered into between the Borrower and the Security Trustee pursuant to which the Borrower provides security in respect of its obligations under the Loan Agreement;

Loan means the loan made by the Issuer to the Borrower pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement;

Loan Agreement means the Bond Loan Agreement dated 11 April 2014, as supplemented by the Supplemental Bond Loan Agreement dated the New Bond Issue Date, and made between the Issuer, the Borrower and the Security Trustee;

Loan Payment Day means a day on which principal or interest in respect of the Loan is due and payable by the Borrower to the Issuer in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement;

Maturity Date means 11 April 2044;

Moody's means Moody's Investors Service Limited or any successor thereto;

New Bond Issue Date means the issue date of the New Bonds, being 17 October 2018;

New Retained Bonds means the £75,000,000 in principal amount of the New Bonds purchased by the Issuer on the New Bond Issue Date;

Ongoing Cash Security Account means the account of the Issuer set up with the Account Bank in respect of the Charged Cash in accordance with the Account Agreement;

Original Issue Date means the issue date of the Existing Bonds, being 11 April 2014;

Original Retained Bonds means the £60,000,000 in principal amount of the Existing Bonds purchased by the Issuer on the Original Issue Date;

Permitted Investments means one or more of the following obligations or securities (including, without limitation, any investments for which the Custodian or an affiliate provides services):

(a) deposits with any United Kingdom bank or building society subject to such bank or building society having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "A" from S&P, "A" from Fitch and "A2" from Moody's;

(b) deposits with any non-United Kingdom bank subject to such bank having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AA" from S&P and "Aa2" from Moody's;

(c) full recourse debt instruments with a maturity no later than the earlier of (i) the date falling 5 years after the date of purchase and (ii) 11 April 2044 that are issued by EU credit institutions having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AAA" from S&P and "Aaa" from Moody's that are fully secured or "covered" by a pool of on-balance sheet collateral;

(d) securities with a maturity no later than the earlier of (i) the date falling 5 years after the date of purchase and (ii) 11 April 2044 that are issued by supranational agencies having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AAA" from S&P and "Aaa" from Moody's;

43 (e) money market funds having long term senior unsecured debt credit ratings of not less than "AAAm" from S&P, "Aaa-mf" from Moody's or "AAAmmf" from Fitch; and

(f) direct obligations of the United Kingdom or of any agency or instrumentality of the United Kingdom which are guaranteed by the United Kingdom with a maturity no later than 11 April 2044, provided that (i) in all cases, such investment shall be an investment which is denominated in Sterling and (ii) in the case of (a) to (e), no more than £20,000,000 shall be deposited with any one institution or invested in any one security;

Permitted Investment Profit means, in respect of any sale of Permitted Investments, the amount of any net profits or gains arising from such sale which are within the charge to corporation tax (if any);

Permitted Reorganisation means any amalgamation, merger, consolidation or transfer of engagements (whether entering into or acceptance thereof) of the whole of the Borrower's property (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any statutory procedure as provided for under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014) made between the Borrower (Party A) and any other entity (Party B) provided that (i) any new amalgamated entity to be created as a result thereof will be a Registered Provider of Social Housing; (ii) following any such amalgamation, merger, consolidation or transfer of engagements in respect of which the property of Party A (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any liabilities) shall become vested in Party B or a new amalgamated entity, Party B or such new amalgamated entity will thereafter be responsible for all the liabilities of Party A pursuant to the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014; and (iii) a certificate executed by two authorised signatories of Party A or Party B confirming the above is provided to the Bond Trustee;

Potential Event of Default means any act, event or circumstance which with the expiry of a grace period, the giving of notice, determination of materiality or other determination would constitute an Event of Default;

Put Option Date has the meaning given to it in Condition 9.5 (Bondholder Put Option);

Registered Provider of Social Housing means a person listed in the register of providers of social housing established under Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (as amended from time to time) or a person having a status which, in the opinion of the Issuer and the Bond Trustee, is substantially equivalent under any replacement or successor legislation thereto;

Relevant Date means, in respect of any payment, the date on which the payment first becomes due but, if the full amount of the money payable has not been received by the Principal Paying Agent or the Bond Trustee on or before the due date, it means the date on which, the full amount of the money having been so received, notice to that effect has been duly given to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices);

Relevant Jurisdiction means the United Kingdom or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to tax or any other jurisdiction or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to tax to which the Issuer becomes subject in respect of payments made by it of principal and interest on the Bonds or Coupons;

Retained Accrued Interest means, in respect of the New Bonds, an amount equal to 6 days' accrued interest in respect of the period from, and including, 11 October 2018 to but, excluding, the New Bond Issue Date;

Retained Bond Custodian means The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch as custodian pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement or any successor custodian appointed thereunder;

44 Retained Bond Custody Agreement means the custody agreement relating to the Retained Bonds dated 11 April 2014 and made between the Issuer, the Bond Trustee and the Retained Bond Custodian, as amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time;

Retained Bond Premium Amount means, in respect of any sale by the Issuer of Retained Bonds, the amount of any net profits or gains arising from such sale which are within the charge to corporation tax (if any);

Retained Bonds means the Original Retained Bonds and the New Retained Bonds;

Retained Proceeds means, at any time, (a) an amount of the net issue proceeds of the Bonds (other than the Retained Bonds and the Retained Accrued Interest in respect of the Bonds (other than the Retained Bonds)) which have not been advanced to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement at such time (if any) plus (b) an amount of the net sale proceeds of the Retained Bonds (less any Retained Bond Premium Amount) which are not advanced to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement immediately following receipt thereof by the Issuer and have not subsequently been advanced to the Borrower (if any);

Secured Parties means the Bond Trustee (for itself and on behalf of the Bondholders and Couponholders), the Principal Paying Agent, the other Paying Agents, the Account Bank, the Custodian and the Retained Bond Custodian;

Security Adjustment Certificate means a certificate, signed by two authorised signatories of the Borrower, substantially in the form contained in the Loan Agreement setting out, inter alia, a summary of the additions, withdrawals and substitutions of properties which have taken place during the preceding financial year;

Security Documents means (a) the Legal Mortgages, (b) the Security Trust Deed and (c) any other document creating, evidencing or granting any guarantee or security in support of the obligations of the Borrower under the Finance Documents;

Security Trust Deed means the Security Trust Deed dated 19 March 2009 between, inter alios, the Borrower and the Security Trustee (as may be amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time);

Security Trustee means Prudential Trustee Company Limited as security trustee under the Security Trust Deed for, inter alios, the Issuer;

Subsidiary has the meaning given to that term in section 271 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 or section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006, as applicable;

S&P means Standard & Poor's Ratings Services or any successor thereto;

Taxes has the meaning given to it in Condition 10.1 (Payments without withholding);

Transaction Account means the account of the Issuer set up with the Account Bank in respect of the Bonds in accordance with the Account Agreement;

Transaction Documents means the Loan Agreement, the Bond Trust Deed, the Security Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement, the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement;

Transaction Parties means any person who is party to a Transaction Document;

UK Government Gilt means Sterling denominated gilts or stock issued by or on behalf of Her Majesty's Treasury;

45 Undrawn Commitment means, at any time, the Commitment which has not been advanced to the Borrower or previously cancelled pursuant to the Loan Agreement; and

Valuation has the meaning given to it in the Loan Agreement.


The Bonds are in bearer form, serially numbered, in the denomination of £100,000 and integral multiples of £1,000 in excess thereof up to and including £199,000, with Coupons and Talons attached on issue. No Bonds will be issued with a denomination above £199,000.

Title to the Bonds and Coupons will pass by delivery. The Issuer, any Paying Agent and the Bond Trustee will (except as otherwise required by law) deem and treat the bearer of any Bond or Coupon as the absolute owner thereof (whether or not overdue and notwithstanding any notice of ownership or writing thereon or notice of any previous loss or theft thereof) for all purposes.


The Bonds and Coupons are direct obligations of the Issuer, secured in the manner set out in Condition 4 (Security), and rank pari passu without preference or priority amongst themselves.


The Issuer's obligations in respect of the Bonds are secured (subject as provided in these Conditions and the Bond Trust Deed) pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed in favour of the Bond Trustee for the benefit of itself and the Bondholders and the other Secured Parties as follows:

(a) by an assignment by way of security of the Issuer's rights, title and interest arising under the Loan Agreement, the Security Trust Deed, the Legal Mortgages, the Agency Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Account Agreement, in each case to the extent they relate to the Bonds;

(b) by a charge by way of first fixed charge over all moneys and/or securities from time to time standing to the credit of the Transaction Account, the Ongoing Cash Security Account, the Initial Cash Security Account and the Custody Account and all debts represented thereby; and

(c) by a charge by way of first fixed charge over all sums held from time to time by the Paying Agents for the payment of principal or interest in respect of the Bonds.

The property charged and assigned pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed listed in (a) to (c) above, together with any other property or assets held by and/or assigned to the Bond Trustee and/or any deed or document supplemental thereto, is referred to herein as the Issuer Charged Property and the security created thereby, the Issuer Security.


5.1 Pre-enforcement

Prior to the enforcement of the Issuer Security, the Issuer shall apply the moneys standing to the credit of the Transaction Account on each Interest Payment Date and such other dates on which a payment is due in respect of the Bonds in the following order of priority (the Pre-enforcement Priority of Payment):

(a) first, in payment of any taxes due and owing by the Issuer to any taxing authority (insofar as they relate to the Bonds);

46 (b) second, in payment of any unpaid fees, costs, charges, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Bond Trustee and any Appointee (including remuneration payable to it and any Appointee) in carrying out its functions under the Bond Trust Deed;

(c) third, in payment of any unpaid fees, expenses and liabilities of the Issuer owing to the Paying Agents under the Agency Agreement, the Account Bank under the Account Agreement, the Custodian under the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custodian under the Retained Bond Custody Agreement on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(d) fourth, in payment of any other unpaid fees, expenses and liabilities of the Issuer (in so far as they relate to the Bonds) on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(e) fifth, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any interest due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(f) sixth, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any principal due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(g) seventh, in payment to the Borrower of any amounts due and payable under the terms of the Loan Agreement; and

(h) eighth, in payment of any Permitted Investment Profit, Accounting Profit or Retained Bond Premium Amount, as the case may be, to any Charitable Group Member.

5.2 Post-enforcement

Following the enforcement of the Issuer Security, all moneys standing to the credit of the Transaction Account, the Ongoing Cash Security Account and the Initial Cash Security Account and the net proceeds of enforcement of the Issuer Security shall be applied in the following order of priority (the Post-enforcement Priority of Payment):

(a) first, in payment or satisfaction of the fees, costs, charges, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Bond Trustee or any Appointee in preparing and executing the trusts under the Bond Trust Deed (including the costs of realising any Issuer Security and the Bond Trustee's and such Appointee's remuneration);

(b) second, in payment of all amounts owing to the Paying Agents under the Agency Agreement, the Account Bank under the Account Agreement, the Custodian under the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custodian under the Retained Bond Custody Agreement on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(c) third, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any interest due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(d) fourth, in payment, on a pro rata and pari passu basis, to the Bondholders of any principal due and payable in respect of the Bonds;

(e) fifth, in payment of any other unpaid fees and expenses of the Issuer (in each case insofar as they relate to the Bonds) on a pro rata and pari passu basis;

(f) sixth, in payment, to the Borrower of any amounts due and payable under the terms of the Loan Agreement; and

(g) seventh, in payment of any Permitted Investment Profit, Accounting Profit or Retained Bond Premium Amount, as the case may be, to any Charitable Group Member.


6.1 General Covenants

In addition to the covenants of the Issuer set out in the Bond Trust Deed, for so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding, the Issuer covenants that it will not, without the consent in writing of the Bond Trustee, engage in any activity or do anything other than:

(a) carry out the business of a company which has as its purpose raising finance and on- lending such finance for the benefit of the Borrower or another charitable Registered Provider of Social Housing that is a member of the Borrower Group (including, without limitation, as envisaged by the Transaction Documents); and

(b) perform any act incidental to or necessary in connection with (a) above.

The Issuer also covenants, for so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding, not to create or permit to subsist, over any of the security constituted by or created pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed, any mortgage or charge or any other security interest ranking in priority to, or pari passu with, the security created by or pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed.

6.2 Information Covenants

For so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding, the Issuer shall:

(a) send to the Bond Trustee and, upon request by any Bondholder to the Issuer, make available to such Bondholder at the Issuer's registered office during normal business hours, a copy of the Compliance Certificates (and, subject to the consent of the relevant Approved Valuer(s), the Valuation(s) delivered for the purpose of preparing such Compliance Certificates) and the Security Adjustment Certificates promptly upon receipt of the same from the Borrower pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement;

(b) send to the Bond Trustee and, upon request by any Bondholder to the Issuer, make available to such Bondholder at the Issuer's registered office during normal business hours, a copy of the audited financial statements of the Borrower promptly upon publication of the same by the Borrower; and

(c) at the request of Bondholders holding not less than 50 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being outstanding, convene a meeting of the Bondholders to discuss the financial position of the Issuer and the Borrower Group, provided, however, that the Issuer shall not be required to convene any such meeting pursuant to this Condition 6.2(c) more than once in any calendar year. Upon the request of Bondholders to convene any such meeting, as aforesaid, the Issuer shall notify all Bondholders of the date (which such date shall be no more than 21 days following such request), time and place of the meeting in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices). The Issuer shall act in good faith in addressing any questions regarding the financial position of itself or any other member of the Borrower Group raised at any such meeting, provided, however, that the Issuer shall not be obliged to disclose any information which it, in its absolute discretion, considers to be of a confidential nature. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Condition 6.2(c) are in addition to the meetings provisions set out in Condition 17 (Meetings of Bondholders, Modification and Waiver).

6.3 Loan Agreement, Legal Mortgages and Security Trust Deed Consents Covenant

For so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding, the Issuer covenants that it shall not consent to any waiver, amendment or modification of, or take any action or direct the Security Trustee to take any action pursuant to, the Loan Agreement, the Legal Mortgages or the Security Trust Deed except with the prior written consent of the Bond Trustee. The Bond Trustee may seek the

48 consent of the Bondholders in accordance with the Bond Trust Deed prior to giving any such consent.


7.1 Interest Rate and Interest Payment Dates

The New Bonds bear interest from (and including) 11 October 2018 at the rate of 4.816 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually in arrear in equal instalments on 11 April and 11 October in each year (each, an Interest Payment Date), commencing on 11 April 2019.

7.2 Interest Accrual

Each Bond will cease to bear interest from (and including) its due date for redemption unless, upon due presentation, payment of the principal in respect of the Bond is improperly withheld or refused or unless default is otherwise made in respect of payment, in which event interest shall continue to accrue as provided in the Bond Trust Deed.

7.3 Calculation of Broken Interest

When interest is required to be calculated in respect of a period of less than a full half year, it shall be calculated on the basis of (a) the actual number of days in the period from (and including) the date from which interest begins to accrue (the Accrual Date) to (but excluding) the date on which it falls due divided by (b) the actual number of days from and including the Accrual Date to (but excluding) the next following Interest Payment Date multiplied by 2, and multiplying this by the rate of interest specified in Condition 7.1 above and the relevant principal amount of the Bonds.


8.1 Payments in respect of Bonds and Coupons

Payments of principal and interest in respect of each Bond will be made against presentation and surrender (or, in the case of part payment only, endorsement) of the Bond, except that payments of interest on an Interest Payment Date will be made against presentation and surrender (or in the case of part payment only, endorsement) of the relevant Coupon, in each case at the specified office outside the United States of any of the Paying Agents.

8.2 Method of Payment

Payments will be made by credit or transfer to an account in Sterling maintained by the payee with, or, at the option of the payee, by a cheque in Sterling drawn on, a bank in London.

8.3 Missing Unmatured Coupons

Each Bond should be presented for payment together with all relative unmatured Coupons (which expression shall, for the avoidance of doubt, include Coupons falling to be issued on exchange of matured Talons), failing which the full amount of any relative missing unmatured Coupon (or, in the case of payment not being made in full, that proportion of the full amount of the missing unmatured Coupon which the amount so paid bears to the total amount due) will be deducted from the amount due for payment. Each amount so deducted will be paid in the manner mentioned above against presentation and surrender (or, in the case of part payment only, endorsement) of the relative missing Coupon at any time before the expiry of 10 years after the Relevant Date in respect of the relevant Bond (whether or not the Coupon would otherwise have become void pursuant to Condition 11 (Prescription)) or, if later, five years after the date on which the Coupon would have become due, but not thereafter.

49 8.4 Payments subject to Applicable Laws

Payments in respect of principal and interest on the Bonds are subject in all cases to any fiscal or other laws and regulations applicable thereto in the place of payment.

8.5 Payment Day

If the date for payment of any amount in respect of any Bond or Coupon is not a Payment Day, the holder thereof shall not be entitled to payment until the next following Payment Day in the relevant place and shall not be entitled to further interest or other payment in respect of such delay.

For these purposes, Payment Day means any day which (subject to Condition 11 (Prescription)):

(a) is, or falls after, the relevant due date;

(b) is, or falls at least one Business Day after, the corresponding Loan Payment Day;

(c) is a Business Day in the place of the specified office of the Paying Agent at which the Bond or Coupon is presented for payment; and

(d) in the case of payment by a credit or transfer to a Sterling account in London as referred to above, is a Business Day in London.

In this Condition, Business Day means, in relation to any place, a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle payments and are open for general business (including dealing in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in that place.

8.6 Initial Paying Agents

The names of the initial Paying Agents and their initial specified offices are set out at the end of these Conditions. The Issuer reserves the right, subject to the prior written approval of the Bond Trustee, at any time to vary or terminate the appointment of any Paying Agent and to appoint additional or other Paying Agents provided that:

(a) there will at all times be a Principal Paying Agent;

(b) there will at all times be at least one Paying Agent (which may be the Principal Paying Agent) having its specified office in a European city which, so long as the Bonds are admitted to official listing on the London Stock Exchange, shall be London or such other place as the Financial Conduct Authority and/or the Prudential Regulation Authority may approve; and

(c) the Issuer undertakes to maintain a Paying Agent in a Member State of the European Union that is not obliged to withhold or deduct tax pursuant to European Council Directive 2003/48/EC or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, such Directive.

Notice of any termination or appointment and of any changes in specified offices will be given to the Bondholders promptly by the Issuer in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices).

In acting under the Agency Agreement, the Paying Agents act solely as agents of the Issuer and, in certain circumstances specified therein, of the Bond Trustee and do not assume any obligation to, or relationship of agency or trust with, any Bondholders or Couponholders. The Agency Agreement contains provisions permitting any entity into which any Paying Agent is merged or

50 converted or with which it is consolidated or to which it transfers all or substantially all of its assets to become the successor paying agent.

8.7 Interpretation of principal and interest

Any reference in these Conditions to principal in respect of the Bonds shall be deemed to include, as applicable:

(a) any additional amounts which may be payable with respect to principal under Condition 10 (Taxation); and

(b) any specific redemption price referred to in Condition 9 (Redemption and Purchase) which may be payable by the Issuer under or in respect of the Bonds.

Any reference in these Conditions to interest in respect of the Bonds shall be deemed to include, as applicable, any additional amounts which may be payable with respect to interest under Condition 10 (Taxation).


9.1 Redemption at Maturity

Unless previously redeemed, or purchased and cancelled as specified in these Conditions, the Bonds will be redeemed by the Issuer at their principal amount on the Maturity Date.

9.2 Early Redemption

If, in accordance with the Loan Agreement, the Borrower elects to prepay the Loan in whole or in part prior to the repayment date specified in the Loan Agreement, then the Issuer shall redeem the Bonds in whole or, in respect of a prepayment in part, in an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal amount of the Loan to be repaid on the date which is two Business Days after that on which payment is made by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement (the Loan Prepayment Date).

Redemption of the Bonds pursuant to this Condition 9.2 shall be made at the higher of the following:

(a) par; and

(b) the amount (as calculated by a financial adviser nominated by the Issuer and approved by the Bond Trustee (the Nominated Financial Adviser) and reported in writing to the Issuer and the Bond Trustee) which is equal to the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed multiplied by the price (expressed as a percentage and calculated by the Nominated Financial Adviser) (rounded to three decimal places (0.0005 being rounded upwards)) at which the Gross Redemption Yield on the Bonds (if the Bonds were to remain outstanding until their original maturity) on the Determination Date would be equal to the sum of (i) the Gross Redemption Yield at 3:00 pm (London time) on the Determination Date of the Benchmark Gilt and (ii) 0.50 per cent.,

together with any interest accrued up to (but excluding) the Loan Prepayment Date. For the purposes of this Condition:

Benchmark Gilt means the 4½% Treasury Gilt 2042 or such other conventional (i.e. not index- linked) UK Government Gilt as the Issuer (with the advice of the Nominated Financial Adviser) may determine (failing such determination, as determined by the Bond Trustee with such advice) to be the most appropriate benchmark conventional UK Government Gilt;

51 Determination Date means three Business Days prior to the Loan Prepayment Date; and

Gross Redemption Yield means a yield calculated by the Nominated Financial Adviser on the basis set out by the United Kingdom Debt Management Office in the paper "Formulae for Calculating Gilt Prices from Yields" page 5, Section One: Price/Yield Formulae (Conventional Gilts; Double-dated and Undated Gilts with Assumed (or Actual) Redemption on a Quasi- Coupon Date) (published on 8 June 1998 and updated on 15 January 2002 and 16 March 2005) (as amended or supplemented from time to time).

9.3 Early Redemption for Tax Reasons

If, as a result of any actual or proposed change in tax law, the Issuer determines (in its reasonable commercial judgement), and certifies to the Bond Trustee, that it would, on the next following Interest Payment Date, be required to make a withholding or deduction in respect of payments to be made on such Interest Payment Date (other than in respect of a Bondholder Specific Withholding) and the Issuer does not opt to pay additional amounts pursuant to Condition 10.2 (No obligation to pay additional amounts) or, having so opted, notifies the Bond Trustee and the Bondholders, in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices), of its intention to cease paying such additional amounts, the Issuer shall redeem the Bonds in whole, but not in part, at their principal amount, plus accrued interest to (but excluding) the date of redemption, as soon as reasonably practicable prior to the next following Interest Payment Date or, if it is not reasonably practicable for the Issuer to redeem the Bonds prior to the next following Interest Payment Date, within three Business Days thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, any amounts in respect of accrued interest which fall due on any such redemption of the Bonds (and, where the redemption follows the next following Interest Payment Date, such Interest Payment Date) shall be paid subject to the required withholding or deduction and the Issuer shall not be obliged to pay any additional amounts in respect thereof.

9.4 Mandatory Early Redemption

If the Loan becomes repayable as a result of a Borrower Default then the Issuer shall redeem the Bonds in full at their principal amount, plus accrued interest to (but excluding) the date on which the Loan is repaid (the Loan Repayment Date), on the date which is two Business Days after the Loan Repayment Date.

9.5 Bondholder Put Option

On the Put Option Date, the Issuer shall procure that a member of the Borrower Group purchases all Bonds of each Bondholder which has exercised the Bondholder Put Option at their principal amount plus an amount equal to accrued interest to (but excluding) the Put Option Date.

The Issuer shall notify the Bond Trustee and the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices) promptly upon the Borrower ceasing to be a Registered Provider of Social Housing for a period of 180 consecutive days. Any Bondholder shall have the option (the Bondholder Put Option), within 30 days of such notice, to give an irrevocable notice to the Issuer requiring the Issuer to procure that a member of the Borrower Group purchases on the day falling 45 days after the date on which the Issuer gave its notice specified above (the Put Option Date) all of the Bondholder's remaining Bonds.

9.6 Notice of Early Redemption

Notice of any early redemption in accordance with Condition 9.2 (Early Redemption), Condition 9.3 (Early Redemption for Tax Reasons) or Condition 9.4 (Mandatory Early Redemption) above shall be given by the Issuer to the Bond Trustee, the Paying Agents and the Bondholders, in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices), as promptly as practicable.

52 In the case of a partial redemption of Bonds, Bonds to be redeemed will be selected in such place as the Bond Trustee may approve and in such manner and at such time as the Bond Trustee may deem appropriate and fair. Notice of any such selection will be given by the Issuer to the Bondholders as promptly as practicable. Each notice will specify the date fixed for redemption, the early redemption amount and the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed, the serial numbers of the Bonds called for redemption, the serial numbers of Bonds previously called for redemption and not presented for payment and the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds which will be outstanding after the partial redemption.

9.7 Calculations

Each calculation, by or on behalf of the Issuer, for the purposes of this Condition 9 shall, in the absence of manifest error, be final and binding on all persons. If the Issuer does not at any time for any reason calculate amounts referred to in this Condition 9, such amounts may be calculated by the Bond Trustee, or an agent appointed (at the expense of the Issuer) by the Bond Trustee for this purpose, (without any liability accruing to the Bond Trustee as a result) based on information supplied to it by the Issuer and each such calculation shall be deemed to have been made by the Issuer.

9.8 Purchase of Bonds by the Borrower or members of the Borrower Group

The Borrower and any other member of the Borrower Group may at any time purchase Bonds in the open market or otherwise at any price. Following any such purchase or following any purchase of any Bonds in accordance with Condition 9.5 (Bondholder Put Option) pursuant to the exercise of the Bondholder Put Option by one or more Bondholders, the Borrower or such member of the Borrower Group, as the case may be, may (but is not obliged to) surrender the Bonds to the Issuer for cancellation. An amount equal to the principal amount of the Bonds being surrendered shall be deemed to be prepaid under the Loan Agreement (but, for the avoidance of doubt, without triggering a redemption under Condition 9.2 (Early Redemption)) or, to the extent that the Loan is not then outstanding, an amount of the Undrawn Commitment equal to the Outstanding Balance of the Bonds surrendered shall be deemed to be cancelled for the purposes of the Loan Agreement and an amount of Retained Proceeds equal to the Cancelled Retained Proceeds shall be paid by the Issuer to the Borrower or such member of the Borrower Group, as the case may be.

9.9 Purchase of Bonds by the Issuer

The Issuer:

(a) purchased the Original Retained Bonds on the Original Issue Date;

(b) shall purchase the New Retained Bonds on the New Bond Issue Date; and

(c) may at any time purchase Bonds in the open market or otherwise at any price.

9.10 Cancellation of purchased or redeemed Bonds

All Bonds redeemed by the Issuer pursuant to Condition 9.2 (Early Redemption), Condition 9.3 (Early Redemption for Tax Reasons) or Condition 9.4 (Mandatory Early Redemption) or surrendered to the Issuer for cancellation pursuant to Condition 9.8 (Purchase of Bonds by the Borrower or members of the Borrower Group) shall be cancelled and may not be re-issued or resold.

53 The Issuer:

(a) may cancel any Retained Bonds held by it or on its behalf following a request by the Borrower, pursuant to the Loan Agreement, to cancel a corresponding amount of the Undrawn Commitment;

(b) shall cancel all Retained Bonds held by or on behalf of the Issuer:

(i) immediately prior to such Retained Bonds being redeemed on the Maturity Date;

(ii) forthwith upon notice that the Bonds are to be redeemed (and, in any event, prior to such redemption) in accordance with Condition 9.3 (Early Redemption for Tax Reasons), Condition 12 (Events of Default and Enforcement) or Condition 9.4 (Mandatory Early Redemption); and

(iii) (x) in the case of the Original Retained Bonds, on the date falling five years after the Original Issue Date and (y) in the case of the New Retained Bonds, on the date falling five years after the New Bond Issue Date; and

(c) may cancel any Bonds (other than Retained Bonds) held by it or on its behalf at any time at its discretion.


10.1 Payments without withholding

All payments of principal and interest in respect of the Bonds and Coupons by or on behalf of the Issuer shall be made without withholding or deduction for, or on account of, any present or future taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature (Taxes) imposed or levied by or on behalf of the Relevant Jurisdiction, unless such withholding or deduction is required by law in which case the relevant payment will be made subject to such withholding or deduction.

10.2 No obligation to pay additional amounts

Neither the Issuer (subject as follows), the Bond Trustee nor any Paying Agent shall be obliged to pay any additional amounts to the Bondholders or Couponholders as a result of any withholding or deduction made in accordance with Condition 10.1 (Payments without withholding).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Issuer would, on the next Interest Payment Date, be required to make a withholding or deduction in respect of tax (other than in respect of a Bondholder Specific Withholding), the Issuer may, provided that it has given notice to the Bond Trustee and the Bondholders, in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices), of its intention to do so prior to such Interest Payment Date, pay to Bondholders such additional amounts as may be necessary in order that the net amounts received by the Bondholders after such withholding or deduction will equal the amounts of principal and interest which would have been received in respect of the Bonds in the absence of such withholding or deduction. If at any time the Issuer intends to cease paying such additional amounts it may do so by giving notice to the Bondholders and the Bond Trustee of its intention to do so with effect from the next Interest Payment Date.


The Bonds and Coupons will become void unless presented for payment within a period of 10 years (in the case of principal) and five years (in the case of interest) after the Relevant Date therefor.

There shall not be included in any Coupon sheet issued on exchange of a Talon any Coupon the claim for payment in respect of which would be void pursuant to this Condition or Condition 8 (Payments) or any Talon which would be void pursuant to Condition 8 (Payments).


12.1 Events of Default

The Bond Trustee at its discretion may, and if so requested in writing by the holders of at least one-fourth in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding or if so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution shall, (subject in each case to being secured and/or indemnified and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction) (but in the case of the happening of any of the events described in paragraphs 12.1(b), (c) and (i) below, only if the Bond Trustee shall have certified in writing to the Issuer that such event is, in its opinion, materially prejudicial to the interests of the Bondholders), give notice in writing to the Issuer that the Bonds are, and the Bonds shall thereupon immediately become, due and repayable at their principal amount together with accrued interest as provided in the Bond Trust Deed if any of the following events (each an Event of Default) shall occur:

(a) if default is made in the payment of any principal or interest due in respect of the Bonds or any of them and the default continues for a period of seven days in the case of principal and fourteen days in the case of interest; or

(b) if the Issuer fails to perform or observe any of its other obligations under, or in respect of, the Conditions or the Bond Trust Deed or if any representation given by the Issuer to the Bond Trustee in the Bond Trust Deed is found to be untrue, incorrect or misleading as at the time it was given and (except in any case where, in the opinion of the Bond Trustee, the failure or inaccuracy is incapable of remedy when no such continuation or notice as is hereinafter mentioned will be required) the failure or inaccuracy continues for the period of 30 days next following the service by the Bond Trustee on the Issuer of notice requiring the same to be remedied; or

(c) (A) any other present or future indebtedness of the Issuer for or in respect of moneys borrowed or raised becomes due and payable prior to its stated maturity by reason of any actual or potential default, event of default or the like (howsoever described), or (B) any such indebtedness is not paid when due or, as the case may be, within any originally applicable grace period, or (C) the Issuer fails to pay when due any amount payable by it under any present or future guarantee for, or indemnity in respect of, any moneys borrowed or raised provided that the aggregate amount of the relevant indebtedness, guarantees and indemnities in respect of which one or more of the events mentioned above in this paragraph (c) have occurred equals or exceeds £10,000,000 or its equivalent in other currencies (as reasonably determined by the Bond Trustee); or

(d) if any order is made by any competent court or resolution passed for the winding up or dissolution of the Issuer save for the purposes of reorganisation on terms previously approved in writing by the Bond Trustee or by an Extraordinary Resolution; or

(e) if the Issuer ceases or threatens to cease to carry on the whole or, in the opinion of the Bond Trustee, substantially all of its business, save for the purposes of a reorganisation on terms previously approved in writing by the Bond Trustee or by an Extraordinary Resolution; or

55 (f) if the Issuer stops or threatens to stop payment of, or is unable to, or admits inability to, pay, its debts (or any class of its debts) as they fall due, or is deemed unable to pay its debts pursuant to or for the purposes of any applicable law, or is adjudicated or found bankrupt or insolvent; or

(g) if (A) proceedings are initiated against the Issuer under any applicable liquidation, insolvency, composition, reorganisation or other similar laws, or an application is made (or documents filed with a court) for the appointment of an administrative or other receiver, liquidator, manager, administrator or other similar official, or an administrative or other receiver, liquidator, manager, administrator or other similar official is appointed, in relation to the Issuer or, as the case may be, in relation to all or substantially all of the Issuer's undertaking or assets, or an encumbrancer takes possession of all or substantially all of the Issuer's undertaking or assets, or a distress, execution, attachment, sequestration or other process is levied, enforced upon, sued out or put in force against all or substantially all of the Issuer's undertaking or assets and (B) in any such case (other than the appointment of an administrator) is not discharged within 14 days; or

(h) if the Issuer initiates or consents to judicial proceedings relating to itself under any applicable liquidation, insolvency, composition, reorganisation or other similar laws (including the obtaining of a moratorium) or makes a conveyance or assignment for the benefit of, or enters into any composition or other arrangement with, its creditors generally (or any class of its creditors) or any meeting is convened to consider a proposal for an arrangement or composition with its creditors generally (or any class of its creditors); or

(i) if it is or will become unlawful for the Issuer to perform or comply with any of its obligations under or in respect of the Bonds, the Bond Trust Deed or the Loan Agreement.

12.2 Enforcement

The Bond Trustee may at any time, at its discretion and without notice, take such proceedings and/or other steps or action (including lodging an appeal in any proceedings) against or in relation to the Issuer as it may think fit to enforce the provisions of the Bond Trust Deed, the Bonds, the Coupons and/or any of the other Transaction Documents or otherwise, but it shall not be bound to take any such proceedings or other steps or action unless (i) it shall have been so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution or so requested in writing by the holders of at least one-fourth in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding and (ii) it shall have been secured and/or indemnified and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction.

The Bond Trustee may refrain from taking any action in any jurisdiction if the taking of such action in that jurisdiction would, in its opinion based upon legal advice in the relevant jurisdiction, be contrary to any law of that jurisdiction. Furthermore, the Bond Trustee may also refrain from taking such action if it would otherwise render it liable to any person in that jurisdiction or if, in its opinion based upon such legal advice, it would not have the power to do the relevant thing in that jurisdiction by virtue of any applicable law in that jurisdiction or if it is determined by any court or other competent authority in that jurisdiction that it does not have such power.

No Bondholder, Couponholder or any Secured Party (other than the Bond Trustee) shall be entitled (i) to take any steps or action against the Issuer to enforce the performance of any of the provisions of the Bond Trust Deed, the Bonds, the Coupons or any of the other Transaction Documents or (ii) to take any other action (including lodging an appeal in any proceedings) in respect of or concerning the Issuer, in each case unless the Bond Trustee, having become bound so to take any such steps, actions or proceedings, fails so to do within a reasonable period and the failure shall be continuing.


Should any Bond, Coupon or Talon be lost, stolen, mutilated, defaced or destroyed, it may be replaced at the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent (subject to all applicable laws and the requirements of the UK Listing Authority or the London Stock Exchange) upon payment by the claimant of such costs and expenses as may be incurred in connection therewith and on such terms as to evidence and indemnity as the Issuer may reasonably require. Mutilated or defaced Bonds, Coupons or Talons must be surrendered before replacements will be issued.


On and after the Interest Payment Date on which the final Coupon comprised in any Coupon sheet matures, the Talon (if any) forming part of such Coupon sheet may be surrendered at the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent or any other Paying Agent in exchange for a further Coupon sheet including (if such further Coupon sheet does not include Coupons to (and including) the final date for the payment of interest due in respect of the Bond to which it appertains) a further Talon, subject to the provisions of Condition 11 (Prescription).


All notices regarding the Bonds will be deemed to be validly given if published in a leading English language daily newspaper of general circulation in London. It is expected that any such publication in a newspaper will be made in the Financial Times in London. The Issuer shall also ensure that notices are duly published in a manner which complies with the rules and regulations of any stock exchange or other relevant authority on which the Bonds are for the time being listed or by which they have been admitted to trading. Any such notice will be deemed to have been given on the date of the first publication or, where required to be published in more than one newspaper, on the date of the first publication in all required newspapers. If, in the opinion of the Bond Trustee, publication as provided above is not practicable, a notice shall be validly given if published in another leading daily English language newspaper with general circulation in Europe.

Notices to be given by any Bondholder shall be in writing and given by lodging the same, together with the relative Bond or Bonds, with the Principal Paying Agent.

Couponholders shall be deemed for all purposes to have notice of the contents of any notice given to the holders of the Bonds in accordance with this Condition 15 (Notices).


The Bond Trust Deed contains provisions permitting the Bond Trustee, subject to any required amendment of the Bond Trust Deed, without the consent of the Bondholders or the Couponholders or any Secured Party, to agree with the Issuer to the substitution in place of the Issuer (or of any previous substitute under this Condition) as the principal debtor under the Bonds, the Coupons and the Bond Trust Deed of another company, registered society or other entity subject to:

(a) the Bond Trustee being satisfied that the interests of the Bondholders will not be materially prejudiced by the substitution; and

(b) certain other conditions set out in the Bond Trust Deed being complied with.

Any such substitution shall be notified to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices) as soon as practicable thereafter.


17.1 Meetings of Bondholders

The Bond Trust Deed contains provisions for convening meetings of the Bondholders to consider any matter affecting their interests, including the sanctioning by Extraordinary Resolution of a modification of the Bonds, the Coupons or any of the provisions of the Bond Trust Deed (as more particularly described in the Bond Trust Deed). Such a meeting may be convened by the Issuer or the Bond Trustee and shall be convened by the Issuer if required in writing by Bondholders holding not less than ten per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being remaining outstanding (other than in respect of a meeting requested by Bondholders to discuss the financial position of the Issuer and the Borrower Group, which shall be requested in accordance with, and shall be subject to, Condition 6.2(c) (Information Covenants)). The quorum at any such meeting for passing an Extraordinary Resolution is one or more persons holding or representing in aggregate more than 50 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being outstanding, or at any adjourned meeting one or more persons being or representing Bondholders whatever the principal amount of the Bonds so held or represented, except that at any meeting the business of which includes any matter defined in the Bond Trust Deed as a Basic Terms Modification, including, inter alia, modifying any date for payment of principal or interest thereon, reducing or cancelling the amount of principal or the rate of interest payable in respect of the Bonds or altering the currency of payment of the Bonds or the Coupons, the quorum shall be one or more persons holding or representing in aggregate not less than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being outstanding, or at any such adjourned meeting one or more persons holding or representing in aggregate not less than 25 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being outstanding. The Bond Trust Deed provides that (i) a resolution passed at a meeting duly convened and held in accordance with the Bond Trust Deed by a majority consisting of not less than 75 per cent. of the votes cast on such resolution, (ii) a resolution in writing signed by or on behalf of the holders of not less than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being outstanding or (iii) consent given by way of electronic consents through the relevant clearing system(s) (in a form satisfactory to the Bond Trustee) by or on behalf of the holders of not less than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time being outstanding, shall, in each case, be effective as an Extraordinary Resolution of the Bondholders. An Extraordinary Resolution passed by the Bondholders shall be binding on all the Bondholders, whether or not (in the case of Extraordinary Resolutions passed at any meeting) they are present at any meeting and whether or not they voted on the resolution, and on all Couponholders.

17.2 Modification, Waiver, Authorisation and Determination

The Bond Trustee may agree, without the consent of the Bondholders, the Couponholders or any Secured Party, to any modification (except as stated in the Bond Trust Deed) of, or to the waiver or authorisation of any breach or proposed breach of, any of the provisions of the Bonds, the Bond Trust Deed, any Legal Mortgage or any other Transaction Document, or determine, without any such consent as aforesaid, that any Potential Event of Default or Event of Default shall not be treated as such, where, in any such case, it is not, in the opinion of the Bond Trustee, materially prejudicial to the interests of the Bondholders so to do or may agree, without any such consent as aforesaid, to any modification which, in the opinion of the Bond Trustee, is of a formal, minor or technical nature or to correct a manifest error or an error which is, in the opinion of the Bond Trustee, proven. Any such modification, waiver, authorisation or determination shall be binding on the Bondholders, the Couponholders and the Secured Parties and shall be notified to the Bondholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices) as soon as practicable thereafter.

17.3 Bond Trustee to have regard to interests of Bondholders as a class

In connection with the exercise by it of any of its trusts, powers, authorities and discretions (including, without limitation, any modification, waiver, authorisation, determination or

58 substitution), the Bond Trustee shall have regard to the general interests of the Bondholders (excluding the Issuer, for so long as it holds any Bonds) as a class (but shall not have regard to any interests arising from circumstances particular to individual Bondholders or Couponholders whatever their number) and, in particular but without limitation, shall not have regard to the consequences of any such exercise for individual Bondholders or Couponholders (whatever their number) resulting from their being for any purpose domiciled or resident in, or otherwise connected with, or subject to the jurisdiction of, any particular territory or any political sub- division thereof and the Bond Trustee shall not be entitled to require, nor shall any Bondholder or Couponholder be entitled to claim, from the Issuer, the Bond Trustee or any other person any indemnification or payment in respect of any tax consequences of any such exercise upon individual Bondholders or Couponholders.


The Bond Trust Deed contains provisions for the indemnification of the Bond Trustee and for its relief from responsibility and liability towards the Issuer, the Bondholders and the Couponholders, including (i) provisions relieving it from taking action unless secured and/or indemnified and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction and (ii) provisions limiting or excluding its liability in certain circumstances. The Bond Trustee is exempted from any liability in respect of any loss, diminution in value or theft of all or any part of the Issuer Charged Property, from any obligation to insure all or any part of the Issuer Charged Property (including, in either such case, any documents evidencing, constituting or representing the same or transferring any rights, benefits and/or obligations thereunder), or to procure the same to be insured.

The Bond Trust Deed also contains provisions pursuant to which the Bond Trustee is entitled, inter alia, (a) to enter into or be interested in any contract or financial or other transaction or other arrangement with the Issuer and/or any other Transaction Party or any person or body corporate associated with the Issuer and/or any Transaction Party and (b) to accept or hold the trusteeship of any other trust deed constituting or securing any other securities issued by, or relating to, the Issuer and/or any Transaction Party or any such person or body corporate so associated or any other office of profit under the Issuer and/or any Transaction Party or any such person or body corporate so associated.

The Bond Trustee shall not be bound to take any step or action in connection with the Bond Trust Deed or the Bonds or obligations arising pursuant thereto or pursuant to the other Transaction Documents, where it is not satisfied that it is indemnified and/or secured and/or pre- funded against all its liabilities and costs incurred in connection with such step or action and may demand, prior to taking any such step or action, that there be paid to it in advance such sums as it considers (without prejudice to any further demand) shall be sufficient so as to indemnify it.

The Bond Trustee shall have no responsibility for the validity, sufficiency or enforceability of the Issuer Security. The Bond Trustee shall not be responsible for monitoring the compliance by any of the other Transaction Parties with their obligations under the Transaction Documents, neither shall the Bond Trustee be responsible for monitoring the compliance by the Borrower or any of the other parties to the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed of their obligations under the Legal Mortgages, the Security Trust Deed or any other document.


The Issuer shall be at liberty from time to time without the consent of the Bondholders or the Couponholders to create and issue further bonds having terms and conditions (and backed by the same assets) the same as the Bonds or the same in all respects save for the amount and date of the first payment of interest thereon and so that the same shall be consolidated and form a single series with the outstanding Bonds. Any further bonds so created and issued shall be constituted by a trust deed supplemental to the Bond Trust Deed.


No person shall have any right to enforce any term or condition of this Bond under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, but this does not affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is available apart from that Act.


The Bond Trust Deed, the Loan Agreement, the Agency Agreement, the Account Agreement, the Bonds and the Coupons, and any non-contractual obligations or matters arising from or in connection with them, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law.


The Issuer has, in the Bond Trust Deed, irrevocably agreed for the benefit of the Bond Trustee, the Bondholders and the Couponholders that the courts of England are to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes that may arise out of or in connection with the Bond Trust Deed, the Bonds or the Coupons (including a dispute relating to non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the Bond Trust Deed, the Bonds or the Coupons) and accordingly has submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

The Issuer has, in the Bond Trust Deed, waived any objection to the courts of England on the grounds that they are an inconvenient or inappropriate forum. The Bond Trustee, the Bondholders and the Couponholders may take any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with the Bond Trust Deed, the Bonds or the Coupons respectively (including any suit, action or proceedings relating to any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the Bond Trust Deed, the Bonds or the Coupons) (together referred to as Proceedings) against the Issuer in any other court of competent jurisdiction and concurrent Proceedings in any number of jurisdictions.


Form of the Bonds

Form, Exchange and Payments

The New Bonds will be in bearer new global note (NGN) form and will be initially issued in the form of a temporary global bond (a Temporary Global Bond) which will be delivered on or prior to the New Bond Issue Date to a common safekeeper for Euroclear Bank SA/NV (Euroclear) and/or Clearstream Banking S.A. (Clearstream, Luxembourg).

The New Bonds are intended to be held in a manner which will allow Eurosystem eligibility. This means that the New Bonds are intended to be deposited with Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as common safekeeper and does not necessarily mean that the New Bonds will be recognised as eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and intra-day credit operations by the Eurosystem either upon issue or at any or all times during their life. Bondholders should note that the European Central Bank has applied a temporary extension of Eurosystem eligibility to Sterling denominated securities. However, should this extension cease at any time during the life of the New Bonds, the New Bonds will not be in a form which can be recognised as eligible collateral.

Whilst the New Bonds are represented by the Temporary Global Bond, payments of principal, premium, interest (if any) and any other amount payable in respect of the New Bonds due prior to the Exchange Date (as defined below) will be made only to the extent that certification (in a form to be provided) to the effect that the beneficial owners of interests in the Temporary Global Bond are not U.S. persons or persons who have purchased for resale to any U.S. person, as required by U.S. Treasury regulations, has been received by Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg and Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as applicable, has given a like certification (based on the certifications it has received) to the Principal Paying Agent.

On and after the date (the Exchange Date) which is 40 days after the Temporary Global Bond is issued, interests in the Temporary Global Bond will be exchangeable (free of charge) upon a request as described therein for interests recorded in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, in a permanent global bond (the Permanent Global Bond and, together with the Temporary Global Bond and the permanent global bond representing the Existing Bonds, the Global Bonds), against certification of beneficial ownership as described above unless such certification has already been given. The holder of the Temporary Global Bond will not be entitled to collect any payment of interest, principal or other amount due on or after the Exchange Date unless, upon due certification, exchange of the Temporary Global Bond for an interest in the Permanent Global Bond is improperly withheld or refused.

Payments of principal, interest (if any) or any other amounts on the Permanent Global Bond will be made through Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg without any requirement for certification.

On each occasion of a payment in respect of a Global Bond the Principal Paying Agent shall instruct Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg to make appropriate entries in their records to reflect such payment.

The Permanent Global Bond will be exchangeable (free of charge), in whole but not in part, for definitive Bonds with interest coupons and talons attached only upon the occurrence of an Exchange Event. For these purposes, Exchange Event means that (a) an Event of Default (as defined in Condition 12.1 (Events of Default)) has occurred and is continuing, or (b) the Issuer has been notified that both Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg have been closed for business for a continuous period of 14 days (other than by reason of holiday, statutory or otherwise) or have announced an intention permanently to cease business or have in fact done so and no successor clearing system satisfactory to the Bond Trustee is available or (c) the Issuer has or will become subject to adverse tax consequences which would not be suffered were the Bonds represented by the relevant Global Bond in definitive form. The Issuer will promptly give notice to Bondholders in accordance with Condition 15 (Notices) if an Exchange Event

61 occurs. In the event of the occurrence of an Exchange Event, Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (acting on the instructions of any holder of an interest in such Permanent Global Bond) or the Bond Trustee may give notice to the Principal Paying Agent requesting exchange and, in the event of the occurrence of an Exchange Event as described in (c) above, the Issuer may also give notice to the Principal Paying Agent requesting exchange. Any such exchange shall occur not later than 45 days after the date of receipt of the first relevant notice by the Principal Paying Agent.

Legend concerning United States persons

The following legend will appear on all Bonds (apart from the Temporary Global Bond) and interest coupons relating to the Bonds:


The sections referred to provide that United States holders, with certain exceptions, will not be entitled to deduct any loss on the Bonds or interest coupons and will not be entitled to capital gains treatment of any gain on any sale, disposition, redemption or payment of principal in respect of the Bonds or interest coupons.

Summary of Provisions relating to the Bonds while in Global Form


For so long as all of the Bonds are represented by one or more of the Global Bonds and such Global Bond(s) is/are held on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, notices to Bondholders (which includes, for this purpose, any Compliance Certificate, Security Adjustment Certificate or annual reports required to be made available pursuant to a request by any of the Bondholders pursuant to Condition 6.2 (Information Covenants)) may be given by delivery of the relevant notice to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (as the case may be) for communication to the relative Accountholders (as defined below) rather than by publication as required by Condition 15 (Notices). Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given to the holders of the Bonds on the day after the day on which such notice was delivered to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (as the case may be) as aforesaid.

For so long as all of the Bonds are represented by one or more of the Global Bonds and such Global Bond(s) is/are held on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, notices to be given by any Bondholder may be given to the Principal Paying Agent through Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg and otherwise in such manner as the Principal Paying Agent and Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, may approve for this purpose.


For so long as any of the Bonds is represented by a Global Bond held on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, each person (other than Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg) who is for the time being shown in the records of Euroclear or of Clearstream, Luxembourg as the holder of a particular principal amount of such Bonds (the Accountholder) (in which regard any certificate or other document issued by Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as to the principal amount of such Bonds standing to the account of any person shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes save in the case of manifest error) shall be treated as the holder of such principal amount of such Bonds for all purposes other than with respect to the payment of principal or interest on such principal amount of such Bonds, for which purpose the bearer of the relevant Global Bond shall be treated as the holder of such principal amount of such Bonds in accordance with and subject to the terms of the relevant Global Bond and the expressions Bondholder and holder of Bonds and related expressions shall be construed accordingly. In determining whether a particular person is entitled to a particular principal amount of Bonds as aforesaid, the Bond Trustee may rely on such evidence and/or information and/or certification as it shall, in its

62 absolute discretion, think fit and, if it does so rely, such evidence and/or information and/or certification shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and binding on all concerned.

Bonds which are represented by a Global Bond will be transferable only in accordance with the rules and procedures for the time being of Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be.


Claims against the Issuer in respect of principal and interest on the Bonds represented by a Global Bond will be prescribed after 10 years (in the case of principal) and five years (in the case of interest) from the Relevant Date.


Cancellation of any Bond represented by a Global Bond and required by the Conditions of the Bonds to be cancelled following its redemption or purchase will be effected by entry in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be.

Bondholder Put Option

For so long as all of the Bonds are represented by one or more of the Global Bonds and such Global Bond(s) is/are held on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, the option of the Bondholders provided for in Condition 9.5 (Bondholder Put Option) may be exercised by an Accountholder giving notice to the Principal Paying Agent in accordance with the standard procedures of Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg (which may include notice being given on his instructions by Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg or any common safekeeper for them to the Principal Paying Agent by electronic means) of the exercise of such option and at the same time presenting or procuring the presentation of the relevant Global Bond to the Principal Paying Agent for notation accordingly within the time limits set forth in that Condition.

Partial Redemption

For so long as all of the Bonds are represented by one or both of the Global Bonds and such Global Bond(s) is/are held on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, no drawing of Bonds will be required under Condition 9.6 (Notice of Early Redemption) in the event that the Bonds are to be redeemed in part pursuant to Condition 9.2 (Early Redemption). In such event, the standard procedures of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg shall operate to determine which interests in the Global Bond(s) are to be subject to such redemption.

Single Series

The New Bonds shall be consolidated and form a single series with the Existing Bonds on and from the date on which, and to the extent that, interests in the Temporary Global Bond are exchanged for interests in the Permanent Global Bond, as described above. Such exchange shall not occur earlier than 40 days after the Temporary Global Bond is issued.


Subject as set out below, the net proceeds from the issue of the New Bonds (other than the Retained Accrued Interest which will be retained by the Issuer in the Transaction Account) or, in the case of the New Retained Bonds, the net proceeds of the sale of the New Bonds to a third party (after deduction of expenses payable by the Issuer) will be advanced by the Issuer to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement to be applied in the achievement of the Borrower's charitable objects (including, without limitation, on-lending to its subsidiaries and the repayment of any existing indebtedness of the Borrower and any other amounts due and payable thereunder).

For so long as insufficient security has been granted by the Borrower in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer to permit the drawing of the New Funded Commitment in full, or the Borrower has not otherwise drawn any part of the New Funded Commitment, the amount of the New Funded Commitment that remains undrawn (other than the Retained Accrued Interest) (the Retained Proceeds) shall be retained in a charged account of the Issuer in accordance with the terms of the Account Agreement and the Custody Agreement (and may be invested in Permitted Investments). Any Retained Proceeds (including any net sale proceeds from a sale by the Issuer of New Retained Bonds (less any Retained Bond Premium Amount once received by the Issuer)) may be advanced to the Borrower at a later date pursuant to the Loan Agreement to the extent that Properties of a corresponding value have been charged in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated as Designated Security for the benefit of the Issuer. In addition, in the event that any losses are made in respect of any Retained Proceeds which have been invested in Permitted Investments, each drawing to be made by the Issuer to the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement shall be advanced at a discount in an amount equal to the Actual Advance Amount (as defined in the Loan Agreement).


The following description of the Loan Agreement consists of a summary of certain provisions of the Loan Agreement and is subject to the detailed provisions thereof. The Loan Agreement is not, however, incorporated by reference into, and therefore does not form part of, this Prospectus.

Definitions used in this section but not otherwise defined in this Prospectus have the meanings given to them in the Loan Agreement.


Subject to the provisions of the bond loan agreement dated 11 April 2014 (the Original Loan Agreement) as supplemented by a supplemental bond loan agreement to be dated the New Bond Issue Date (the Supplemental Loan Agreement and, together with the Original Loan Agreement, the Loan Agreement), each between the Issuer, the Borrower and the Security Trustee, the Issuer shall commit to make a further loan to the Borrower in the principal amount of £150,000,000 (the New Commitment and, together with the Original Commitment (as defined in the Original Loan Agreement) and any further commitments, the Commitment). The New Funded Commitment is the amount of the New Commitment less the aggregate principal amount of the New Retained Bonds held by or on behalf of the Issuer. The New Loan is the principal amount of the New Commitment that has been advanced to the Borrower or the outstanding balance thereof.

The New Commitment may be drawn in one or more drawings and the maximum principal amount of each drawing shall be an amount which corresponds to the Minimum Value of the Existing Properties and any Additional Properties which have, on or before the date of such drawing, been charged in favour of the Security Trustee, for the benefit of the Issuer, less such amount of the Commitment which has previously been drawn.

The initial drawing of the New Commitment shall be advanced at a premium in an amount equal to the principal amount of such drawing multiplied by the Issue Price of the New Bonds (and, for the avoidance of doubt, the difference between the principal amount of such drawing and the actual advance amount thereof shall be ignored in determining the amount of the New Loan and, inter alia, the calculation of interest, principal and premium payments payable in respect thereon).

The New Commitment may not be drawn until the Security Trustee is satisfied that the value of the Issuer's Designated Security (based solely on the relevant confirmation from the Borrower of the Minimum Value of the Properties forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security (which itself shall be evidenced by the relevant Full Valuation Report or Desk Top Valuation, as the case may be, (each a Valuation)), which the Security Trustee is entitled to rely upon without further enquiry or investigation in respect thereof) is such that the Asset Cover Test is satisfied immediately following such drawing and, in respect of any part of the New Commitment which is to be funded by the Issuer by a sale of New Retained Bonds and/or an issue of further Bonds, the receipt by the Issuer of such net sale proceeds or issue proceeds thereof.

The New Commitment shall be advanced in an amount equal to the Actual Advance Amount. The Borrower has acknowledged that the Issuer may invest all or any part of the Retained Proceeds in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement and that, as a result of (i) any losses made by the Issuer in respect of such Permitted Investments and/or (ii) any issue or sale of Bonds by the Issuer made at a discount to the principal amount of such Bonds, the amount of Retained Proceeds held by the Issuer, at the time of any drawdown request, may be less than would otherwise have been due to be advanced. In such circumstances, each drawing of the New Commitment to be funded from the Retained Proceeds shall be advanced in an amount equal to the Actual Advance Amount (which may be a discount to the principal amount requested).

For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) the Borrower shall not be required to monitor the market value of any Permitted Investments;

65 (b) any difference between the principal amount of a drawing and the relevant Actual Advance Amount shall be ignored in determining the amount of the Loan and, inter alia, the calculation of interest, principal and premium payments payable in respect thereon; and

(c) any income received by the Issuer in respect of Permitted Investments shall not be credited to the Initial Cash Security Account but shall instead be credited to the Transaction Account in accordance with the Account Agreement.

The Issuer and the Borrower have agreed that:

(a) where the Issuer is required to sell any Permitted Investments to fund a drawing under the Loan Agreement and such sale results in a Permitted Investment Profit, the Issuer shall make a Gift Aid Payment to a Charitable Group Member in an amount equal to the Permitted Investment Profit and, for the avoidance of doubt, such drawing shall be advanced at the Actual Advance Amount; and

(b) immediately prior to the end of each accounting period, to the extent that the Issuer would otherwise be required to recognise a profit for tax purposes in respect of its Permitted Investments and/or Retained Bonds as a result of the movement in the fair value recognised in its accounts of such Permitted Investments and/or Retained Bonds for that accounting period, the Issuer shall sell Permitted Investments in an aggregate amount equal to the Accounting Profit and shall, in the same accounting period or, where the Lender makes a valid claim under section 199 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010, within nine months of the end of that accounting period, make a Gift Aid Payment to a Charitable Group Member in an amount equal to the Accounting Profit.

For these purposes:

Actual Advance Amount means:

(a) in respect of each drawing of the New Commitment (other than a drawing which is to be funded by the sale of New Retained Bonds), the lesser of (i) the principal amount of such drawing multiplied by 120.755 per cent. and (ii) the principal amount of such drawing multiplied by the result of dividing (x) the amount of New Bond Retained Proceeds held by the Issuer at the time of the drawdown request (for the avoidance of doubt, after taking into account any losses suffered by the Issuer as a result of investing in Permitted Investments but, for this purpose, excluding any Permitted Investment Profit) by (y) the Undrawn Commitment which is to be funded from such New Bond Retained Proceeds; and

(b) in respect of each drawing of the New Commitment which is to be funded by the sale of New Retained Bonds, the lesser of (i) the principal amount of such drawing multiplied by the sale price of such New Retained Bonds (or the proportion thereof being sold to fund such drawing) and (ii) the principal amount of such drawing multiplied by the result of dividing (x) the amount of New Retained Bond Retained Proceeds held by the Issuer at the time of the drawdown request (for the avoidance of doubt, after taking into account any losses suffered by the Issuer as a result of investing in Permitted Investments but, for this purpose, excluding any Permitted Investment Profit) by (y) the Undrawn Commitment which is to be funded from such New Retained Bond Retained Proceeds;

New Bond Retained Proceeds means the net issue proceeds of the New Bonds (other than the New Retained Bonds) which are retained by the Issuer in the Initial Cash Security Account or, to the extent invested in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement, the net sale proceeds of such Permitted Investments; and

New Retained Bond Retained Proceeds means, in respect of any New Retained Bonds, the net sale proceeds of such New Retained Bonds which are retained by the Issuer in the Initial Cash Security Account or, to the extent invested in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement, the net sale proceeds of such Permitted Investments.

66 The Borrower has agreed that, where the Issuer is required to sell any Retained Bonds in order to fund a drawdown request, the Issuer's obligations to fund such drawdown will be subject to the ability of the Issuer to sell such Retained Bonds to a third party.

For so long as any Retained Bonds are held by or on behalf of the Issuer, the Borrower may request that an amount of the Commitment be cancelled (provided that such amount does not exceed the principal amount of Retained Bonds held by or on behalf of the Issuer at that time). As soon as practicable following any such request, the Issuer shall cancel Retained Bonds in a corresponding amount. Such cancellation of the Commitment shall take effect upon the cancellation of such Retained Bonds.

Subject to the conditions precedent set out in Clause 4.2 (Conditions to the Making of Further Commitments) of the Original Loan Agreement, the Issuer may make further commitments to the Borrower, each in an amount to be agreed between the Issuer, the Borrower and the Security Trustee, following the issuance of further bonds pursuant to Condition 19 (Further Issues).


The proceeds of the New Loan may only be used by the Borrower in accordance with the Borrower's charitable objects, as permitted by its Rules including, for the avoidance of doubt, the repayment of any existing indebtedness of the Borrower and any other amounts due and payable thereunder.


Rate of Interest

The New Loan carries interest from (and including) 11 October 2018 at the rate of 4.816 per cent. per annum, payable in arrear by half yearly instalments on each Loan Payment Date (being four Business Days prior to each Interest Payment Date).

Interest Periods

Notwithstanding the fact that interest is payable on each Loan Payment Date, interest accrues daily on the Loan from (and including) an Interest Payment Date (or, in the case of the first interest period of the New Loan, 11 October 2018) to (but excluding) the immediately following Interest Payment Date (each, a Loan Interest Period).

The amount of interest payable by the Borrower in respect of the Interest Payment Date immediately following the New Bond Issue Date will be reduced by an amount equal to the product of:

(a) the Retained Accrued Interest and any interest received by the Issuer in respect of the Retained Accrued Interest from the Account Bank pursuant to the Account Agreement, multiplied by

(b) the Advanced Percentage (being the principal amount of the New Commitment which has been drawn by the Borrower pursuant to Clause 3 of the Supplemental Bond Loan Agreement expressed as a percentage of the New Commitment).

Commitment Fee

The Borrower shall pay to the Issuer a commitment fee in respect of the Undrawn Commitment on each Loan Payment Date in an amount equal to:

(a) the aggregate of the interest payable by the Issuer under the Bonds on the following Interest Payment Date, less

(b) the aggregate of:

(i) the interest received from the Borrower under the Loan Agreement on such Loan Payment Date;

67 (ii) any interest otherwise received by the Issuer in respect of the Retained Proceeds in the relevant Loan Interest Period (including, but not limited to, any income received by the Issuer in respect of any Permitted Investments in which any Retained Proceeds are, for the time being, invested); and

(iii) in respect of the Interest Payment Date immediately following the New Bond Issue Date, an amount equal to the product of:

(x) the Retained Accrued Interest and any interest received by the Issuer in respect of the Retained Accrued Interest from the Account Bank pursuant to the Account Agreement; and

(y) the Retained Percentage (being the principal amount of the New Commitment which has not been drawn by the Borrower pursuant to Clause 3 of the Supplemental Loan Agreement expressed as a percentage of the New Commitment). The commitment fee shall accrue on a daily basis.

Repayment, Purchase and Prepayment


The Borrower must repay the Loan in full four Business Days prior to the Interest Payment Date in April 2044 (the Loan Maturity Date).

Bond Purchase

The Borrower or any other member of the Borrower Group may at any time purchase Bonds on the London Stock Exchange, by tender (available to all Bondholders alike) or by private treaty at any price.

The Borrower has covenanted to the Issuer that, upon the exercise by one or more Bondholders of the Bondholder Put Option, the Borrower shall, or shall procure that another member of the Borrower Group shall, purchase all of the Bonds of such Bondholders on the relevant Put Option Date at the principal amount thereof plus an amount equal to accrued interest to (but excluding) the Put Option Date.

Following any such purchase, the Borrower or the relevant member of the Borrower Group may (but is not obliged to) surrender the Bonds to the Issuer to be cancelled. An amount of the outstanding balance of the Loan equal to the principal amount of the Bonds surrendered shall be deemed to be prepaid (or, to the extent that no Loan is then outstanding, then an amount of the relevant Undrawn Commitment equal to the outstanding balance of the Bonds surrendered shall be deemed to be cancelled for the purposes of the Loan Agreement and a corresponding portion of the Retained Proceeds shall be paid by the Issuer to the Borrower or the relevant member of the Borrower Group).

The Borrower has acknowledged that the terms of the Bond Trust Deed provide that any Bonds which are for the time being held by or on behalf of, inter alios, the Borrower or any member of the Borrower Group as beneficial owner shall be deemed not to remain outstanding for the purpose of, inter alia, the right to attend and vote at any meeting of the Bondholders.

Optional Prepayment

Pursuant to Clause 5.3 (Optional Prepayment) of the Original Loan Agreement, the Borrower may, at any time (a) on or after the Final Retained Bond Disposal Date and (b) before the Loan Maturity Date, by giving not less than 45 nor more than 60 days' notice in writing to the Issuer and the Security Trustee, prepay the whole or (as the case may be) any part of the outstanding balance of the Loan, together with any interest accrued up to and including the date of prepayment and the relevant Prepayment Premium (being, for so long as any Bonds are outstanding, an amount equal to the excess of the amount notified to the Borrower by the Issuer as being the price determined under the Bond Trust Deed for the redemption of a corresponding principal amount of the Bonds over par and otherwise zero).

68 Mandatory Prepayment – Redemption of Bonds

If the Bonds become redeemable prior to the Maturity Date, other than as a result of a prepayment or termination of the Loan Agreement, the Borrower shall prepay, at least one Business Day prior to the relevant date of redemption of the Bonds, the outstanding balance of the Loan, together with accrued interest and accrued commitment fee thereon up to and including the date of redemption.

Redemption of Bonds – Further Payment in Respect of Retained Proceeds Par Amount

In the event that the Borrower elects to, or is otherwise required to, prepay the whole of the outstanding balance of the Loan and the Issuer is required to notify the Borrower of the price determined under the Conditions for the redemption of a corresponding principal amount of the Bonds, then the Issuer shall be entitled to also take account of the redemption of such principal amount of the Bonds that shall correspond to the Retained Proceeds Par Amount (being an amount equal to the Retained Proceeds including, where any Retained Proceeds are invested in Permitted Investments, the purchase price of the relevant Permitted Investments and ignoring, for these purposes, any increase or decrease in such Retained Proceeds as a result of gains or losses in respect of such Permitted Investments and/or any discount on a sale of Retained Bonds by the Issuer), and the price notified to the Borrower shall be increased accordingly.

Warranties and Covenants

The Borrower will make various warranties and covenants pursuant to Clause 8 (Warranties and Covenants by the Borrower) of the Original Loan Agreement. These warranties and covenants include, inter alia, the following:

Information Covenants

The Borrower must supply to the Issuer and the Security Trustee not later than 180 days after the end of each relevant financial year (i) a copy of the consolidated audited financial statements of the Borrower for such financial year; (ii) a certificate setting out, among other things, calculations in respect of the asset cover ratio substantially in the form set out in the Original Loan Agreement (the Compliance Certificate) signed by two Authorised Signatories of the Borrower; and (iii) a certificate setting out, among other things, a summary of the additions, withdrawals and substitutions of Charged Properties which have taken place during the preceding financial year substantially in the form set out in the Loan Agreement (the Security Adjustment Certificate) signed by two Authorised Signatories of the Borrower.

The Borrower must, following receipt of a notice from the Issuer stating that it intends to sell any Retained Bonds, supply to the Issuer and the Bond Trustee not later than three Business Days prior to the date of such sale, a certificate setting out, among other things, calculations in respect of the asset cover ratio substantially in the form set out in Schedule 3 to the Original Loan Agreement (the Retained Bond Compliance Certificate) signed by two Authorised Signatories of the Borrower confirming whether, immediately following such sale, the Borrower will be in compliance with the Asset Cover Test.

Negative Pledge

The Borrower shall not create or allow to exist any Security Interest on any assets which are Security Assets, except as set out in Clause 8.2(c)(ii) (General Covenants) of the Original Loan Agreement, which includes the Security Interests created pursuant to, inter alia, the Security Trust Deed and the Legal Mortgages and any Security Interests created with the prior written consent of the Issuer or by operation of law.

69 Charged Properties

The Borrower shall obtain any authorisation or licence required in order to enable the Security Trustee pursuant to the powers of enforcement conferred on it by the Security Documents to sell vacant Charged Properties and maintain insurances on and in relation to its Charged Properties.


The Borrower shall, unless the Security Trustee otherwise agrees in writing, comply in all material respects with any covenants or restrictive covenants relating to a Charged Property which are binding on it.

Asset Cover Ratio

Pursuant to Clause 9 (Asset Cover Ratio) of the Original Loan Agreement, the Borrower shall procure that at all times the sum of:

(a) the Minimum Value of the Properties forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security;

(b) the Retained Proceeds Par Amount; and

(c) the Charged Cash, will not be less than the Funded Commitment (the Asset Cover Test), provided however, that from and including the Final Charging Date, the Retained Proceeds Par Amount shall be deemed to be zero for the purpose of determining the Borrower's compliance with the Asset Cover Test.


For these purposes:

Designated Security means the assets, rights and property mortgaged or charged or assigned or the subject of any security created pursuant to any Security Document, the proceeds of which are allocated in the reduction of all moneys, liabilities and obligations owing by the Borrower to the Issuer under the Loan Agreement;

Final Charging Date means:

(a) in respect of the Retained Proceeds from the Original Retained Bonds, the date falling six months after the Original Issue Date; and

(b) in respect of the Retained Proceeds from the New Retained Bonds, the date falling six months after the New Bond Issue Date;

Funded Commitment means the amount of the Commitment less the aggregate principal amount of Retained Bonds held by or on behalf of the Issuer;

Minimum Value means:

+ 100 105 115 where:

A = the Value of the residential EUV-SH Charged Properties determined on the basis of EUV-SH; and

70 B = the Value of the residential MV-ST Charged Properties determined on the basis of MV- ST.

The Properties forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security shall each be treated as EUV-SH Charged Properties for the purpose of determining the Minimum Value unless and until a Value, determined on the basis of MV-ST, is given by an Approved Valuer in respect of any such Property and the Approved Valuer has confirmed that it has reviewed a Certificate of Title in respect of such Property certifying that it may be disposed of by the Borrower on an unfettered basis (meaning subject only to any existing tenancies disclosed in the Certificate of Title but not subject to any security interest, option or other encumbrance or to any restriction preventing or restricting its sale to, or use by, any person for residential use);

Property means all estates or interests of the Borrower in any freehold, heritable or leasehold property wheresoever situate now or in future belonging to it and all buildings, fixtures, fittings (other than tenants fixtures and fittings) and fixed plant and machinery from time to time thereon (and Properties shall be construed accordingly);

Retained Proceeds Par Amount means an amount equal to the Retained Proceeds at the time of calculation and, for this purpose, (a) where any Retained Proceeds are at that time invested in Permitted Investments, the amount of such Retained Proceeds shall be taken as the purchase price of the relevant Permitted Investments ignoring any gains or losses in respect of those Permitted Investments since the date of purchase and (b) where the source of any Retained Proceeds is the net sale proceeds of any Retained Bonds which were sold at a discount, the amount of such Retained Proceeds shall be taken as the principal amount of such Retained Bonds; and

Value means, at any time and in relation to the Charged Properties, the value of those properties as shown in the then latest Full Valuation Report or Desk Top Valuation Report on the basis of EUV-SH or, as the case may be, MV-ST (provided that if any Charged Property or part thereof is sold pursuant to a Right to Buy, the Value of the relevant Charged Property shall, for the purposes of this definition and with effect from the date of the relevant sale or release, be zero (if the entire relevant Charged Property has been sold) or (if only part of the relevant Charged Property has been sold) shall be the proportion of the value of the Charged Property which has not been sold pursuant to the relevant Right to Buy).

Substitution and Release of Charged Properties and Statutory Disposals


At the request and expense of the Borrower, the Security Trustee shall (subject to receiving instructions to do so and an amended Designated Properties Schedule from the Borrower and the Issuer in accordance with the Security Trust Deed) release from the relevant Security Documents (and/or reallocate, if applicable) such of the Properties (the Released Properties) forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security and substitute for the Released Properties other Properties (each, a Substitute Property) as may be selected by the Borrower, provided that the Borrower satisfies the conditions precedent specified in the Loan Agreement in relation to the Substitute Properties. Such conditions precedent include, inter alia, (a) a completed Substitute Property Certificate certifying, inter alia, that the relevant Substitute Property is a residential property of a type and nature that is usually owned by Registered Providers of Social Housing, that, immediately following such release (and/or reallocation, if applicable), the Asset Cover Test will not be breached as a result of the substitution of the relevant Charged Properties and that no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, (b) a Valuation in respect of each Substitute Property and (c) a Certificate of Title in respect of the Substitute Properties.

Cash Security

The Borrower may deposit the proceeds of disposal of Charged Properties which are released from charge under the Security Trust Deed into the Ongoing Cash Security Account of the Issuer for the purpose of maintaining the Asset Cover Test. The Charged Cash may be withdrawn from the Ongoing Cash Security Account (a) to be applied by the Borrower (provided, for the avoidance of doubt, that the

71 Borrower continues, at such time, to be a Registered Provider of Social Housing) in the acquisition of a Substitute Property or (b) to the extent that such withdrawal would not cause a breach of the Asset Cover Test.

Notwithstanding the above, the Borrower may, at any time, deposit, or arrange for the deposit of, any other money into the Ongoing Cash Security Account for the purposes of satisfying the Asset Cover Test.

The Borrower has acknowledged that the money standing to the credit of the Ongoing Cash Security Account shall be charged in favour of the Bond Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Bond Trust Deed.

The Borrower has also acknowledged that the Issuer may invest all or any part of the Charged Cash in Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement and that, as a result of any gains or losses made by the Issuer in respect of such Permitted Investments and any income received thereon (which shall, for the avoidance of doubt, be credited to the Ongoing Cash Security Account), the amount of such Charged Cash may be greater or less than the amount deposited in the Ongoing Cash Security Account by the Borrower. The Borrower has acknowledged that it shall not have any recourse to the Issuer in respect of any losses realised by the Issuer in respect of the Charged Cash as a result of investment in any Permitted Investments.

Following the redemption in full of the Bonds, the Issuer shall return any amount standing to the credit of the Ongoing Cash Security Account to the Borrower, to the extent that such balance has not otherwise been applied in accordance with the terms of the Bond Trust Deed.

Release and reallocation

At the request and expense of the Borrower, the Security Trustee shall release (subject to receiving instructions to do so and an amended Designated Properties Schedule from the Borrower and the Issuer in accordance with the Security Trust Deed) from the relevant Security Documents (and/or reallocate, if applicable) such Properties forming part of the Issuer's Designated Security as may be selected by the Borrower, provided that the Borrower delivers to the Issuer and the Security Trustee a completed Property Release Certificate, certifying that, immediately following such release (and/or reallocation, if applicable), the Asset Cover Test will not be breached as a result of the release (and/or reallocation, if applicable) of such part of the Issuer's Designated Security and that no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.

Statutory Disposals

The Borrower shall have the right to withdraw Property from the Issuer's Designated Security pursuant to any Statutory Disposal and the Borrower shall deliver to the Issuer and the Security Trustee, as soon as reasonably practicable after it has received notice of such Statutory Disposal, a completed Statutory Disposal Certificate, certifying that the relevant withdrawal relates to a Statutory Disposal and confirming the effect on the Asset Cover Test of such withdrawal and the arrangements for resolving the breach of the Asset Cover Test (if any).

Additional Properties

Pursuant to Clause 3.2 (Conditions Precedent) of the Security Trust Deed (see "Additional Security" below), on or prior to creating a Legal Mortgage in respect of any Property for the benefit of the Issuer, the Borrower must, in respect of such security, provide the conditions precedent documents specified in the Security Trust Deed. In addition, pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Borrower has agreed that it shall not enter into any further Legal Mortgage in respect of any Property for the benefit of the Issuer (or allocate any Property as part of the Issuer's Designated Security), unless, in respect of such security, it provides to the Issuer and the Security Trustee (a) a completed Additional Property Certificate confirming that, inter alia, the proposed Additional Properties are residential properties of a type and nature that are usually owned by Registered Providers of Social Housing, (b) Full Valuation Reports in respect of each Additional Property, (c) a Certificate of Title in respect of each tranche of Additional

72 Properties charged and (d) the other Additional Property conditions precedent set out in the Loan Agreement.


Full Valuations and Desk Top Valuations

In accordance with Clause 11.1 (Full Valuations and Desk Top Valuations) of the Original Loan Agreement, the Borrower shall deliver, or procure the delivery, to the Issuer and the Security Trustee of:

(a) a Full Valuation Report prepared by an Approved Valuer which values all Charged Properties on a full valuation basis at least once in every period of five calendar years. The first such Full Valuation Report must be delivered in the period between 31 March 2019 and the date falling 120 days thereafter (or, at the option of the Borrower, within the same period in any prior calendar year) and unless the Issuer and the Borrower agree otherwise, thereafter within 120 days of each consecutive fifth anniversary of the date on which the Full Valuation Report was previously provided; and

(b) a Desk Top Valuation Report prepared by an Approved Valuer which values all the Charged Properties on a "desk-top" basis in the period between 31 March and the date falling 120 days thereafter in each year other than a year in respect of which such Charged Properties have been valued on a full valuation basis through the delivery of a Full Valuation Report. The next such Desk Top Valuation Report must be delivered within 120 days of 31 March 2020.

Pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed, the Bond Trustee may at any time (upon the request of any Bondholder) require the Issuer to procure that the Borrower deliver, or procure the delivery, to the Issuer and the Bond Trustee of a Full Valuation Report or a Desk Top Valuation, as so requested, prepared by an Approved Valuer. On any request by the Issuer, the Borrower shall procure delivery of such Full Valuation Report or Desk Top Valuation, as the case may be, to the Issuer, the Bond Trustee and the relevant Bondholder within 120 days thereof, subject to such indemnity or pre-funding as to the costs of preparing the same as the Borrower shall require from the relevant Bondholder.

For these purposes Approved Valuer means Jones Lang LaSalle Limited, Savills Advisory Services Limited or such other reputable firm of surveyors which is a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors as may be selected by the Borrower and approved by the Security Trustee from time to time.

Loan Events of Default and Enforcement Borrower Default

Each of the following (which is set out in more detail in Clause 13 (Borrower Default) of the Original Loan Agreement) is a Borrower Default:

(a) Non-payment: The Borrower does not pay on the due date any amount payable by it under the Finance Documents in the manner required under the Finance Documents, unless the non- payment continues for a period of not more than seven days in the case of principal and not more than fourteen days in the case of interest.

(b) Breach of other obligations: The Borrower fails to perform or observe any of its obligations under the Finance Documents (other than as referred to in (a) above, and (j) below) and (except in any case where, in the opinion of the Security Trustee, the failure is incapable of remedy when no such continuation or notice as is hereinafter mentioned will be required) the failure continues for the period of 30 days next following the service by the Security Trustee on the Borrower of notice requiring the same to be remedied.

(c) Other non-payment: (A) Any other present or future indebtedness of the Borrower for or in respect of moneys borrowed or raised becomes due and payable prior to its stated maturity by reason of any actual default, event of default or the like (howsoever described), or (B) any such indebtedness is not paid when due or, as the case may be, within any originally applicable grace

73 period, or (C) the Borrower fails to pay when due any amount payable by it under any present or future guarantee for, or indemnity in respect of, any moneys borrowed or raised provided that the aggregate amount of the relevant indebtedness, guarantees and indemnities in respect of which one or more of the events mentioned in (A), (B) or (C) above in this paragraph (c) have occurred equals or exceeds £10,000,000 or its equivalent in other currencies (as reasonably determined by the Security Trustee) (and provided further, for the avoidance of doubt, that the amounts mentioned in (A), (B) or (C) above in this paragraph (c) shall exclude the amount of any Public Sector Subsidy except for any Public Sector Subsidy which is or becomes due and payable to the relevant grant making body or organisation).

(d) Enforcement Event: An Enforcement Event occurs under a Finance Document.

(e) Winding-up: Any order is made by any competent court or resolution passed for the winding up or dissolution of the Borrower save for the purposes of a Permitted Reorganisation or a reorganisation on terms previously approved in writing by the Security Trustee.

(f) Cessation of Business: The Borrower ceases or threatens to cease to carry on the whole or, as determined by the Security Trustee, substantially the whole of its business, save for the purposes of a Permitted Reorganisation or a reorganisation on terms previously approved in writing by the Security Trustee.

(g) Failure or inability to pay debts: The Borrower stops or threatens to stop payment of, or is unable to, or admits inability to, pay, its debts (or any class of its debts) as they fall due, or is deemed unable to pay its debts pursuant to or for the purposes of any applicable law, or is adjudicated or found bankrupt or insolvent.

(h) Insolvency: Any of the insolvency related events occurs or proceedings are taken as referred to in Clause 13.9 (Insolvency) or Clause 13.10 (Insolvency Proceedings), respectively, of the Original Loan Agreement (which exclude any Permitted Reorganisation or reorganisation on terms previously approved in writing by the Security Trustee).

(i) Unlawfulness: It is or becomes unlawful for the Borrower to perform any of its obligations under the Finance Documents.

(j) Breach of Asset Cover Test: The Borrower fails to perform its obligations under Clause 9 (Asset Cover Ratio) of the Original Loan Agreement and (except in any case where, in the opinion of the Security Trustee, the failure is incapable of remedy when no such continuation or notice as is hereinafter mentioned will be required) the failure continues for the period of 60 days next following the service by the Security Trustee on the Borrower of notice requiring the same to be remedied.

Obligation to Notify the Issuer and the Security Trustee

The Borrower shall notify the Issuer and the Security Trustee of any Borrower Default (and the steps, if any, being taken to remedy it) or potential Borrower Default promptly upon becoming aware of the same. The Issuer shall also notify the Security Trustee of any Borrower Default or potential Borrower Default promptly upon becoming aware of the same (unless the Issuer is aware that a notification has already been provided by the Borrower) including, but not limited to, the non-payment by the Borrower of any amounts owing to the Issuer under the Loan Agreement on the due date for payment thereof.

Borrower Default Notice

Following the occurrence of a Borrower Default (but in the case of the happening of any of the events described in paragraphs (b) (Breach of other obligations), (c) (Other non-payment) and (i) (Unlawfulness) above, only if the Security Trustee shall have certified in writing to the Borrower that such event is, in its opinion, materially prejudicial to the interests of the Issuer), the Issuer may declare by notice to the Borrower either:

74 (a) that the security for the Loan has become, whereupon the security for the Loan shall become, immediately enforceable (and the Issuer shall notify the Security Trustee of the same in accordance with the Security Trust Deed); and/or

(b) (irrespective of whether a notice to the effect set out in (a) shall have already been given) that the Loan has become due and repayable, whereupon that Loan shall become immediately due and repayable at the outstanding balance thereof together with accrued interest, premium (if any) and any other amounts and the security therefor shall become immediately enforceable.


If the security constituted under any Security Documents for the benefit of the Issuer becomes enforceable as a result of the service of a notice pursuant to Clause 13.14 (Borrower Default Notice) of the Original Loan Agreement, then the Security Trustee or any Receiver (where appropriate) shall hold the moneys arising from any sale, calling in, collection or conversion under, or otherwise arising from the exercise of, the powers of conversion contained in the Security Documents after the security has become enforceable upon trust to apply the same:

(a) first, in payment or retention of all costs, charges, expenses and liabilities incurred in or about the exercise of such powers or otherwise in accordance with the Security Documents and payments made by the Security Trustee, any Appointee or any Receiver in accordance with the Security Documents and of all remuneration payable to the Security Trustee, any Appointee or any Receiver in accordance with the Security Documents with interest thereon as provided in the Security Documents;

(b) second, in or towards payment to the Issuer of all interest then due and remaining unpaid on the Loan and all commitment fees then due and remaining unpaid;

(c) third, in or towards payment to the Issuer of all principal and premium (if any) then due and remaining unpaid in respect of the Loan; and

(d) fourth, in or towards payment to the Issuer of all other amounts then due and remaining unpaid under the Loan Agreement.


The Borrower must make all payments to be made by it to the Issuer under, inter alia, the Loan Agreement, the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed, without any deduction or withholding for or on account of tax, unless a deduction or withholding is required by law.

If a deduction or withholding from any such payment is required by law to be made by the Borrower, the amount of the payment due from Borrower shall be increased to an amount which (after making such deduction or withholding) leaves an amount equal to the payment which would have been due if no deduction or withholding had been required. If, as a result of any actual or proposed change in tax law, the Issuer determines (in its reasonable commercial judgement) that it would on the next following Interest Payment Date be required to make a withholding or deduction in respect of payments to be made by the Issuer to the Bondholders pursuant to the Conditions (other than in respect of a Bondholder Specific Withholding), the Issuer shall notify the Borrower of the same. The Borrower may (but, for the avoidance of doubt, shall not be obliged to), in its sole discretion, pay to the Issuer such additional amounts as will enable the Issuer (after such withholding or deduction) to pay to the Bondholders the amounts of principal and interest which they would have received in respect of the Bonds in the absence of such withholding or deduction. The Borrower shall continue to pay such additional amounts to the Issuer unless and until the Borrower delivers to the Issuer a notice stating that it shall cease to make such additional payments with effect from the next following Interest Payment Date.

75 Governing Law

The Loan Agreement, and any non-contractual obligations or matters arising from or connected with it, are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, English law.


The Issuer's obligations in respect of the Bonds are secured pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed in favour of the Bond Trustee for the benefit of itself and the Bondholders and the other Secured Parties by the Issuer Security, which includes an assignment by way of security of the Issuer's rights, title and interest arising under the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed.

The following description of the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed consists of a summary of certain provisions of the Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed and is qualified by reference to the detailed provisions thereof. The Legal Mortgages and the Security Trust Deed are not, however, incorporated by reference into, and therefore do not form part of, this Prospectus.

Definitions used in this section but not otherwise defined in this Prospectus have the meanings given to them in the Legal Mortgages and/or the Security Trust Deed.


The Borrower has, in relation to the Existing Properties, entered into Legal Mortgages dated 21 June 2010, 3 November 2010, 9 November 2010, 21 December 2010, 5 January 2011, 25 March 2011, 12 May 2011, 20 October 2011, 1 December 2011, 20 December 2011, 22 December 2011, 29 February 2012, 4 July 2012, 18 September 2012, 18 January 2013, 28 March 2013, 14 June 2013, 29 August 2013, 30 September 2013, 16 December 2013, 11 April 2014, 15 December 2014, 28 January 2015, 11 August 2016 and 12 October 2016 and 17 October 2018 and shall, in relation to any additional properties to be charged as underlying security for the Bonds, enter into further Legal Mortgages pursuant to the Security Trust Deed or the Loan Agreement, as applicable.

Fixed Legal Mortgage

Pursuant to the Legal Mortgages, the Borrower, as security for the payment of all Secured Obligations, has charged, or will charge, with full title guarantee by way of first fixed legal mortgage in favour of the Security Trustee as trustee for, inter alios, itself and the Issuer the Charged Property set out therein together with all buildings and Fixtures, erections and structures thereon or in the course of construction thereon, the proceeds of sale of all or any part thereof and (so far as the same are capable of being mortgaged) the benefit of any covenants for title given or entered by any predecessor in title of the Borrower and any moneys paid or payable in respect of such covenants.

Fixed Charge

Pursuant to the Legal Mortgages, the Borrower, as security for the payment of all Secured Obligations has charged, or will charge, with full title guarantee by way of first fixed charge in favour of the Security Trustee as trustee for, inter alios, itself and the Issuer:

(a) all plant and machinery now or in the future owned by the Borrower and its interest in any plant and machinery in its possession which form part of or are operated by the Borrower on the Charged Property;

(b) all benefits in respect of the Insurances and all claims and returns of premiums in respect thereof;

(c) the benefit of all present and future licenses, consents and authorisations (statutory or otherwise) held in connection with the Charged Property and the use of the Charged Property and the right to recover and receive all compensation which may at any time become payable to it in respect thereof; and

(d) if and in so far as the legal mortgage set forth in the Legal Mortgages or the assignments set out in the section entitled "Assignments" below shall for any reason be ineffective as legal mortgages or assignments, the assets referred to therein.

77 Assignment

Pursuant to the Legal Mortgages, the Borrower, as security for payment of the Secured Obligations has covenanted that, on the request of the Security Trustee, it shall, following the occurrence of an Enforcement Event which has occurred and is continuing unremedied or unwaived and is not remedied within any applicable grace period, assign to the Security Trustee for the benefit of itself and, inter alios, the Issuer (to the full extent assignable or capable of assignment without first infringing on any contracted provision restricting the same) all of its rights, title and interest in and to:

(a) the personal agreements and covenants by the tenants, lessees, licensees or other parties under the Letting Documents and by all guarantors and all security held by the Borrower from time to time, whether present or future, in respect of the obligations of the tenants, lessees, licensees or other parties under the Letting Documents (including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all moneys due and owing to the Borrower or which may become due and owing to the Borrower at any time in the future in connection therewith);

(b) all agreements now or from time to time entered into or to be entered into to enable the charging of the Charged Property and for the sale, letting or other disposal or realisation of the whole or any part of the Charged Property (including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all moneys due and owing to the Borrower or which may become due and owing to the Borrower at any time in the future in connection therewith);

(c) all agreements, contracts, deeds, licence, undertakings, guarantees, covenants, warranties, representations and other documents (including all documents entered into now or in the future so as to enable the Borrower to perfect its rights under the Legal Mortgages or any such agreement, contract, deed, licence, undertaking, guarantee, covenant, warranty, representation or other document) entered into by or given to the Borrower in respect of the Charged Property including all claims, remedies, awards or judgments paid or payable to the Borrower (including, without limitation, all liquidated and ascertained damages payable to the Borrower under the above) in each case relating to the Charged Property;

(d) all licences held now or in the future in connection with relevant Charged Property and also the right to recover and receive all compensation which may at any time become payable to the Borrower in relation to the relevant Charged Property;

(e) all rights and claims to which the Borrower is or may become entitled in relation to any development, construction project, redevelopment, refurbishment, repair or improvement of or on the relevant Charged Property;

(f) all guarantees, warranties, bonds and representations given or made by, and any rights or remedies against, all or any of the designers, builders, contractors, surveyors, valuers, professional advisers, sub-contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and installers of any Fixtures in respect of the relevant Charged Property; and

(g) all rental income and disposal proceeds unless already assigned pursuant to (a), (b) or (c) above in each case relating to the Charged Property and the right to make demand for and receive the same.

The Borrower shall, however, until a Borrower Default has occurred and is outstanding under any loan agreement which is secured pursuant to the Security Trust Deed (including the Loan Agreement), be entitled to exercise all its rights under or in connection with such agreements and covenants.

Representations, Warranties and Undertakings

Pursuant to the Legal Mortgages, the Borrower has made various representations in respect of the Charged Property including as to ownership, planning permission, covenants and security interests. In addition, the Borrower undertakes to, inter alia, repair, insure, pay or procure the payment of taxes in respect of and comply with all leases in respect of, the Charged Property.

78 Enforcement of Security

The Legal Mortgages provide that, upon and after an Enforcement Event has occurred and is continuing (and has not been remedied within any applicable grace period), the security created by the relevant Legal Mortgage will be immediately exercisable and the Security Trustee may enforce all or any part of such security (at the times, in the manner and on the terms it thinks fit) and take possession of and hold or dispose of all or any part of such security subject to the terms of, inter alia, the Loan Agreement.

Each Legal Mortgage further entitles the Security Trustee and, inter alios, the Issuer to be indemnified out of the Charged Properties in respect of, inter alia, all liabilities and expenses properly incurred by them in the execution or purported execution of any of the powers, authorities or discretions vested in them pursuant to such Legal Mortgage.

Governing Law

The Legal Mortgages are, or will be, governed by and construed in accordance with English law.


The benefit of the security created by the Borrower pursuant to the Legal Mortgages shall be held by the Security Trustee on trust for the benefit of itself and, inter alios, the Issuer on the terms of the Security Trust Deed.

The Security

Designation of Security

The Security Trust Deed provides that the Security Trustee, the Borrower and the Issuer shall agree the allocation of properties which shall comprise the Issuer's Designated Security in respect of the Loan Agreement. All properties which are not Designated Security shall form the Undesignated Security.

Additional Security

Pursuant to Clause 3.2 (Conditions Precedent), on or prior to the Borrower creating a further Legal Mortgage for the benefit of the Issuer, the Borrower must deliver to the Security Trustee the documentation relating thereto as set out therein. Such documents must be in the form and substance satisfactory to the Security Trustee and the Issuer.

Release and Reallocation of Security

Pursuant to the terms of the Security Trust Deed, the Borrower and the Issuer may agree to amend the Issuer's Designated Security by either removing Designated Security or by designating any Undesignated Security as the Issuer's Designated Security by, inter alia, delivering an amended Designated Properties Schedule signed by the Borrower and the Issuer to the Security Trustee. Any such release or reallocation will be subject to the requirements set out in the Loan Agreement (see "Description of the Loan Agreement" above).

At any time prior to the Security Trustee taking any steps to enforce any Undesignated Security, upon receiving instructions from the Borrower, the Security Trustee shall release the benefit of any security interest, rights or obligations held by it over all or part (as instructed) of the relevant Undesignated Security provided that the Borrower shall have paid to the Security Trustee, or provided for to the satisfaction of the Security Trustee, all Trustee Costs which relate to that Undesignated Security.

Application of Proceeds

Upon the enforcement of the security constituted by the Security Documents, and after satisfying claims which at law rank in priority to sums owing under or in respect of any of the Relevant Documents, all

79 Proceeds from the Issuer's Designated Security and related Security Assets and all money derived therefrom shall be applied in the following order:

(a) first, in or towards payment of all Relevant Trustee Costs;

(b) secondly, in or towards satisfaction of all liabilities and obligations payable, owing, due of incurred by the Borrower to the Issuer (other than Relevant Trustee Costs) in accordance with the Loan Agreement;

(c) thirdly, in or towards satisfaction of the Relevant Liabilities owed to each other Beneficiary arising in connection with their Relevant Documents;

(d) fourthly, to the extent not recovered under (a), in or towards payment of all Trustee Costs; and

(e) fifthly, the balance, if any, to the Borrower.

Enforcement of Security

Pursuant to Clause 8 (Activities of the Security Trustee) of the Security Trust Deed, the Security Trustee shall only be required to take action to enforce the security in respect of the Loan Agreement if so instructed by the Issuer (subject to it being indemnified and/or secured to its satisfaction).

In respect of instructions given by the Issuer, the Issuer has assigned its rights under, inter alia, the Security Trust Deed and the Legal Mortgages to the Bond Trustee and, pursuant to Condition 6.3, has covenanted not to take any action or direct the Security Trustee to take any action pursuant thereto except with the prior consent of the Bond Trustee. The Bond Trustee may, but is not obliged to, seek the consent of the Bondholders in accordance with the Bond Trust Deed prior to giving any such consent.

In enforcing the Issuer Security (including the Issuer's rights, title and interests in the Security Trust Deed and the Legal Mortgages insofar as they relate to the Bonds) the Bond Trustee may act in its discretion. It is, however, required to take action, pursuant to Condition 12.2, where so directed by the requisite majority of the Bondholders provided, however, that it is secured and/or indemnified and/or pre-funded to its satisfaction.

Governing Law

The Security Trust Deed is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law.


The Issuer has appointed The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch a banking corporation organised under the laws of the State of New York and operating through its branch in London at One Canada Square, London E14 5AL, United Kingdom, as its Account Bank pursuant to the Account Agreement, its Custodian pursuant to the Custody Agreement and its Retained Bond Custodian pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement in relation to the issue of the Bonds.

The Bank of New York Mellon (formerly The Bank of New York), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, is incorporated, with limited liability by Charter, under the Laws of the State of New York by special act of the New York State Legislature, Chapter 616 of the Laws of 1871, with its head office situated at 240 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10286, USA and having a branch registered in England and Wales with FC Number 005522 and BR Number 000818 with its principal office in the United Kingdom situated at One Canada Square, London, E14 5AL.

The Bank of New York Mellon's corporate trust business services all major debt categories, including corporate and municipal debt, mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities, collateralised debt obligations, derivative securities and international debt offerings. The Bank of New York Mellon's corporate trust and agency services are delivered through The Bank of New York Mellon and the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A.

The Bank of New York Mellon is a global investments company which helps its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, The Bank of New York Mellon delivers informed investment management and investment services in 35 countries and more than 100 markets. As of 31 March 2018, The Bank of New York Mellon had $33.5 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration, and $1.9 trillion in assets under management. The Bank of New York Mellon can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, hold, manage, service, distribute or restructure investments. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK). Additional information is available on www.bnymellon.com.

The following description of the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement consists of a summary of certain provisions of the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement and is qualified by reference to the detailed provisions thereof. The Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement are not, however, incorporated by reference into, and therefore do not form part of, this Prospectus.

Definitions used in this section but not otherwise defined in this Prospectus have the meanings given to them in the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement and the Retained Bond Custody Agreement.



The Account Bank maintains three accounts for the Issuer in respect of the Bonds: the Transaction Account, the Initial Cash Security Account and the Ongoing Cash Security Account.

Initial Deposits

Pursuant to the Account Agreement, the Issuer shall on the New Bond Issue Date:

(a) credit the Initial Cash Security Account with the Retained Proceeds (if any) to the extent that such amount is not invested directly in Permitted Investments which are deposited in the Initial Cash Security Custody Sub-Account;

81 (b) credit the Transaction Account with the Retained Accrued Interest in respect of the New Bonds (other than the New Retained Bonds); and

(c) credit the Transaction Account with the net issue proceeds of the New Bonds (less the amounts referred to above) to the extent that such amount is not paid directly to or to the order of the Borrower pursuant to, and in accordance with, the Loan Agreement.

The Issuer shall, upon receipt, credit to the Ongoing Cash Security Account all amounts received from the Borrower pursuant to Clause 10.3 (Cash Security) of the Original Loan Agreement.

Retained Bond Deposits

Pursuant to the Account Agreement, the Issuer shall, upon the sale of any Retained Bonds:

(a) credit the Initial Cash Security Account with the net sale proceeds of such Retained Bonds (if any) (less any Retained Bond Premium Amount), to the extent that such amount is not paid directly to the Borrower pursuant to, and in accordance with, the Loan Agreement; and

(b) credit the Transaction Account with the Retained Bond Premium Amount (if any), pending application in accordance with the Conditions.

Future Deposits and Withdrawals

The Issuer has covenanted, pursuant to the Bond Trust Deed that:

(a) prior to the enforcement of the Issuer Security, payments from the Initial Cash Security Account shall only be made to fund:

(i) the Commitment pursuant to, and in accordance with the terms of, the Loan Agreement;

(ii) payment to the Borrower or a member of the Borrower Group in respect of any Bonds surrendered for cancellation in accordance with the Loan Agreement;

(iii) the purchase of Permitted Investments pursuant to the Custody Agreement; or

(iv) redemptions of the Bonds in accordance with the Conditions;

(b) prior to the enforcement of the Issuer Security, payments from the Ongoing Cash Security Account shall only be made to the Borrower pursuant to, and in accordance with the terms of, the Loan Agreement or to purchase Permitted Investments in accordance with the Custody Agreement; and

(c) no payments from the Transaction Account will be made other than in accordance with the Conditions and the Issuer has undertaken to procure that amounts are paid into and out of the Transaction Account only in accordance with the Conditions, the Account Agreement and the Agency Agreement.

The Account Bank is under no obligation to monitor compliance with the above covenants.


Any moneys standing to the credit of the Transaction Account, the Initial Cash Security Account and/or the Ongoing Cash Security Account will earn interest at the rate(s) notified from time to time by the Account Bank to the Issuer.

Pursuant to the Account Agreement, interest accrued on the Transaction Account and the Initial Cash Security Account shall be credited to the Transaction Account and interest accrued on the Ongoing Cash Security Account shall be credited to the Ongoing Cash Security Account.

82 Change of Account Bank

The appointment of the Account Bank may, with the prior written approval of the Bond Trustee, be terminated upon 45 days' written notice or forthwith at any time the Account Bank is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent. The appointment of the Account Bank shall also be terminated in the event that the short- term senior, unsecured and unguaranteed indebtedness rating of the Account Bank as assigned by S&P falls below "A-1" or is withdrawn, and there are amounts standing to the credit of the Initial Cash Security Account and/or the Ongoing Cash Security Account (subject to the Issuer using all reasonable endeavours to secure the appointment of a replacement Account Bank within 30 days of notice to the Bond Trustee and S&P of such termination).

The Account Bank may resign its appointment upon giving at least 30 days' written notice (subject to the appointment of a replacement Account Bank).

Pursuant to the Account Agreement, the appointment of any replacement Account Bank shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Bond Trustee, be on substantially the same terms as the Account Agreement and be subject to the condition that such replacement Account Bank must have a short-term senior, unsecured and unguaranteed indebtedness rating from S&P of no less than "A-1".


Custody Account

Pursuant to the Custody Agreement, the Custodian maintains, in the name of the Issuer, the Ongoing Cash Security Custody Sub-Account and the Initial Cash Security Custody Sub-Account (the Custody Sub-Accounts) and the Ongoing Cash Security Cash Sub-Account and the Initial Cash Security Cash Sub-Account (the Cash Sub-Accounts and, together with the Custody Sub-Accounts, the Custody Account).

Payments and Delivery

The Issuer has authorised the Custodian to make payments and delivery out of the Custody Account only for the purpose of any acquisition or sale of Permitted Investments or as provided below.

Pursuant to the Custody Agreement, unless otherwise instructed pursuant to Instructions to make a payment out of the proceeds of any Distributions in respect of Permitted Investments purchased by or on behalf of the Issuer in the settlement of an acquisition of other Permitted Investments on or prior to the date of receipt of such Permitted Investments (subject as provided below), the Issuer has agreed to give Instructions to the Custodian, forthwith upon receipt by the Custodian of any Distributions, to transfer:

(a) all Distributions credited to the Ongoing Cash Security Cash Sub-Account to the Ongoing Cash Security Account;

(b) all Distributions (including any amount representing Permitted Investment Profit (if any)) credited to the Initial Cash Security Cash Sub-Account (other than Distributions which represent redemption and/or sale proceeds less any Permitted Investment Profit (if any)) to the Transaction Account; and

(c) all Distributions credited to the Initial Cash Security Cash Sub-Account (other than those to be credited to the Transaction Account pursuant to (b) above) to the Initial Cash Security Account, subject, in each case, to any deductions in respect of any taxes or levies required by any revenue or governmental authority.

The Issuer has agreed that it shall not instruct the Custodian pursuant to Instructions to make a payment out of the proceeds of any Distributions standing to the credit of the Initial Cash Security Cash Sub- Account other than Distributions which represent redemption and/or sale proceeds (but excluding any

83 amount representing Permitted Investment Profit (if any)) and that such amounts shall forthwith upon receipt be transferred to the Transaction Account in accordance with (b) above.


Any moneys standing to the credit of the Ongoing Cash Security Cash Sub-Account and the Initial Cash Security Cash Sub-Account will earn interest at the standard rate(s) set by the Custodian in its deposit terms and conditions, as may be issued by it from time to time.

Change of Custodian

The appointment of the Custodian may, with the prior written approval of the Bond Trustee, be terminated upon 45 days' written notice (subject to the appointment of a replacement Custodian) or forthwith at any time the Custodian is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent. The appointment of the Custodian shall also be terminated in the event that the short-term senior, unsecured and unguaranteed indebtedness rating of the Custodian as assigned by S&P falls below "A-1" or is withdrawn, and there are Permitted Investments standing to the credit of the Custody Account (subject to the appointment of a replacement Custodian).

The Custodian may resign its appointment upon giving at least 30 days' written notice to the Issuer and the Bond Trustee (subject to the appointment of a replacement Custodian).

Pursuant to the Custody Agreement, the appointment of any replacement Custodian shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Bond Trustee, be on substantially the same terms as the Custody Agreement and be subject to the condition that such replacement Custodian must have a short-term senior, unsecured and unguaranteed indebtedness rating from S&P of no less than "A-1".


Retained Bond Custody Account

Pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, the Retained Bond Custodian maintains, in the name of the Issuer, the Retained Bond Custody Sub-Account and the Retained Bond Cash Sub-Account (together with the Retained Bond Custody Sub-Account, the Retained Bond Custody Account).

Payments and Delivery

The Issuer has authorised the Retained Bond Custodian to make payments and delivery out of the Retained Bond Custody Account only as provided below.

Pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, the Retained Bond Custodian shall not effect a transfer of any Retained Bonds except with the prior written consent of the Bond Trustee in the form of a Retained Bond Consent Letter which has been countersigned on behalf of the Bond Trustee.

Pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, unless otherwise instructed pursuant to Instructions to make a payment out of any Sale Proceeds (other than any Retained Bond Premium Amount) to the Borrower in satisfaction of the Issuer's obligation to make an advance pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Issuer shall give Instructions to the Retained Bond Custodian, forthwith upon receipt by the Retained Bond Custodian of any Sale Proceeds to transfer:

(a) all Sale Proceeds (other than any Retained Bond Premium Amount) to the Initial Cash Security Account; and

(b) all Retained Bond Premium Amounts to the Transaction Account, in each case, subject to any withholding as required by applicable tax laws.

84 Payment Waiver

Notwithstanding any other provision of the Retained Bond Custody Agreement to the contrary and subject to the following paragraph, the Issuer has, pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, unconditionally and irrevocably:

(a) waived its rights to receive payments of interest, principal or otherwise in respect of the Retained Bonds and, for the avoidance of doubt, such waiver by the Issuer of such rights will continue to be effective following the occurrence of an Event of Default or Potential Event of Default;

(b) authorised the Retained Bond Custodian to disclose the waiver referred to in (a) above in respect of the Retained Bonds (and the Retained Bonds position with the Retained Bond Custodian) to the Principal Paying Agent and any applicable international clearing system for the Retained Bonds to ensure that the waiver of the right to receive payments of interest, principal or otherwise in respect of the Retained Bonds is effected; and

(c) directed the Retained Bond Custodian, in respect of each Retained Bond held by the Retained Bond Custodian on behalf of the Issuer in the Retained Bond Custody Sub-Account in definitive certificated form, (i) on each Interest Payment Date, to surrender the interest coupon for such Retained Bond corresponding to such Interest Payment Date to the Principal Paying Agent for cancellation and (ii) to surrender the definitive certificate representing such Retained Bond to the Principal Paying Agent for cancellation on any date on which the Retained Bonds are to be redeemed in full.

The Retained Bond Custodian and the Issuer have each acknowledged and agreed that the waiver, authorisation and direction provided by the Issuer as described above are irrevocable except with the prior written consent of the Bond Trustee in the form of a Retained Bond Consent Letter which has been countersigned on behalf of the Bond Trustee.


Any moneys standing to the credit of the Retained Bond Cash Sub-Account will earn interest at the standard rate(s) set by the Retained Bond Custodian in its deposit terms and conditions, as may be issued by it from time to time.

Termination of Retained Bond Custody Agreement

Either of the Issuer or the Retained Bond Custodian may terminate the Retained Bond Custody Agreement by giving to at least 60 days' written notice to the other party.

Either of the Issuer or the Retained Bond Custodian may further terminate the Retained Bond Custody Agreement immediately upon notice to the other party upon the dissolution of that other party, or upon the commencement of any action or proceedings seeking liquidation (or equivalent) of that other party.

Pursuant to the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, the Issuer has covenanted for the benefit of the Bond Trustee that, in the event that the Retained Bond Custody Agreement is terminated, it shall appoint a successor custodian to hold the Retained Bonds on substantially the same terms as the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, in particular, but without limitation to, the payment waiver and transfer restrictions applicable to the Retained Bonds, as described above.


Incorporation and Status bpha Finance plc (the Issuer) is a public limited company incorporated in England and Wales on 6 March 2014 with registered number 8926923 under the Companies Act 2006.

The registered address of the Issuer is Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7BJ. The telephone number of its registered address is 01234 791105. The Issuer has no subsidiaries.

Principal Activities

The Issuer is a special purpose vehicle established for the purpose of issuing asset backed securities, namely the Bonds, and incurring other indebtedness (including other secured indebtedness but subject to the covenant set out in Condition 6.1 (General Covenants)) and, in either case, lending the proceeds thereof to the Borrower to be applied in the achievement of the Borrower's objects.


The directors of the Issuer and their principal activities outside the Issuer are as follows:

Name Principal activities outside the Issuer

Kevin Bolt Chief Executive of the Borrower

Paul Gray Chief Financial Officer of the Borrower

Gosia Motler Head of Corporate Finance & Strategy of the Borrower

The business address of each of the above directors is Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7BJ.

The secretary of the Issuer is Philippa Spratley whose business address is Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7BJ.

Subject as follows, there are no potential conflicts of interest between any duties to the Issuer of the directors of the Issuer and their private interests and/or other duties. Kevin Bolt and Paul Gray are both directors of the Issuer and board members of the Borrower. Gosia Motler is a director of the Issuer and Head of Corporate Finance & Strategy of the Borrower. A conflict of interests could therefore arise if any of Kevin Bolt, Paul Gray or Gosia Motler is required to approve any transactions between the Issuer and the Borrower, such as those relating to the Loan Agreement. However, the Issuer's Articles of Association provide that, so long as directors disclose any such conflict, they may nevertheless vote on behalf of the Issuer in respect of such transactions.

Share Capital and Major Shareholders

The entire issued share capital of the Issuer comprises 50,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, all of which are paid up to 25 pence.

The Borrower holds all of the shares of the Issuer.

The Borrower exercises control over the Issuer through its full ownership of the Issuer.

Recent Developments

There have been no recent events particular to the Issuer that are, to a material extent, relevant to the evaluation of the Issuer's solvency.


Incorporation and Status bpha Limited (the Borrower) was incorporated on 25 August 1989 as Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association Limited and changed its name to bpha Limited on 12 November 2013. It is a registered society within the meaning of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 with registered number 26751R. The Borrower is also registered with the Regulator under the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008, as amended by the Localism Act 2011, with registered number LH3887 and is affiliated to the National Housing Federation.

The registered office of the Borrower is Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7BJ. The telephone number of its registered address is 01234 791105.

Background and History

The Borrower was formed in 1989 to take over the entire housing stock of Bedford Borough Council (then North Bedfordshire Borough Council) and initially provided rented housing for those tenants that had transferred. Of the stock that was transferred in 1990, the Borrower continues to own approximately 5,525 housing units which represent about one third of its housing stock. The other two thirds have been acquired or developed in the 28 years since.

Borrower Group

In addition to the Issuer, the Borrower has one wholly owned operating subsidiary, being Bushmead Homes Limited (Bushmead), which develops properties for outright sale and which is a for-profit trading company registered in England and Wales under the Companies Act 2006 with registration number 8313364. As at 31 March 2018, Bushmead had issued share capital of £6,000,000.

The Borrower also has 50 per cent. interests in both The Oxfordshire Care Partnership (OCP) and The Gloucestershire Care Partnership (GCP), which are joint ventures with The Orders of St John Care Trust and which provide elderly persons' residential care homes in the Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire areas respectively. Both OCP and GCP are charitable companies limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under the Companies Act 2006. OCP was incorporated on 1 February 2001 and GCP was incorporated on 17 February 2003 under the Companies Act 1985. The Borrower only acts as the landlord to OCP and GCP, receiving rental income, and does not provide care services. OCP and GCP are not able to distribute any profits by way of dividend to the Borrower. Since the Borrower has no right to the net profit of OCP or GCP and any loss making from operations is sustained by the care home operator, with no recourse to the Borrower, this is considered as a nil interest.

The Borrower also holds a 25 per cent. interest in Gog Magog Partnership LLP (via Bushmead) whose principal activity is the development of residential accommodation for private sale and of affordable residential accommodation for sale to registered providers.

Principal Activities

The Borrower's principal activity is the provision and management of affordable rented and shared ownership accommodation for people in housing need in counties along the Oxford to Cambridge corridor.

According to the Office for National Statistics and Nomis – Official Labour Market Statistics, in each of Bedford, Cambridge and Oxford:

 there are long waiting lists for affordable housing (totalling over 5,500 in aggregate);

 the (a) median house price, (b) median house price as a proportion of earnings and (c) market rent as a percentage of pay are each higher than the UK average;

87  the average weekly rent is higher than the weekly rent offered by the Borrower; and

 unemployment is lower than the UK average, signalling that there is high demand for affordable housing offered by the Borrower.

As at the end of July 2018, the Borrower is developing homes on 43 sites across the 6 counties in which it operates, being Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Herfordshire, and Oxfordshire. The Borrower's strategy is to deliver in the region of 3,000 new homes in total by 2022, of which at least 2,500 will be affordable homes.


The Borrower is led and governed by its Board (as defined below), supported by an Audit and Risk Committee, a Finance and Treasury Committee, a Remuneration and Nominations Committee, a Development Committee and resident scrutiny activities.

The Board:

 provides leadership of the Borrower;

 sets the Borrower's strategic aims, ensures that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Borrower to meet its objectives, and reviews management performance;

 sets the Borrower's values and standards and ensures that its legal and regulatory obligations are understood and met; and

 fulfils the functions as outlined in the Borrower's rules.

The board members of the Borrower (the Board) and their principal activities outside the Borrower are as follows:

Name Principal activities outside the Borrower

Non-Executive Board Members

Paul Leinster (Chair) Professor of Environmental Assessment at University. Non-executive board member of Floor Re, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and Delphic HSE. Trustee of Bromham Baptist Church. Member of the government's Natural Capital Committee and chair of the Bedfordshire Local Nature Partnership.

Jill Ainscough Board member of the British Medical Journal. (Chair of Remunerations and Independent member of the audit committee of the Football Nominations Committee) Association.

Martin Hurst Director of Three Rivers Furniture. (Chair of Finance and Treasury Director of Oakleigh Solutions Limited. Committee) Director of Radian Group Limited.

Ian Ailles Director General of the House of Commons. (Chair of Audit and Risk Asset Committee, Church Commissioners (Attendee). Committee) Trustee of MHA.

88 Shan Hunt Labour councillor for ward of Bedford Borough Council. Local Government Pension Fund Trustee.

Paul High Onward Homes Limited, consultancy work. (Chair of Development Committee)

Executive Board Members

Kevin Bolt Director of the Issuer (Chief Executive)

Paul Gray Director of the Issuer (Chief Financial Officer)

Julie Wittich None (Director of Assets)

Jeff Astle None (Director of Development and Sales)

The business address of each of the above board members is Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7BJ.

The Secretary of the Borrower is Philippa Spratley whose business address is at Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7BJ.

Subject as follows, there are no conflicts of interest between any duties to the Borrower of the board members of the Borrower and their private interests and/or other duties. However, Shan Hunt is Labour councillor for the Kempston ward of Bedford Borough Council. In the event of any potential conflict of interest, Shan Hunt would declare such a potential conflict of interest and abstain from voting on behalf of the Borrower where necessary. Paul Gray and Kevin Bolt are both directors of the Issuer and also board members of the Borrower. A conflict of interests could therefore arise if either one, or both, of Paul Gray and Kevin Bolt are required to approve any transactions between the Issuer and the Borrower, such as those relating to the Loan Agreement. The Borrower's Rules contain a general restriction that prevents any director from voting on behalf of the Borrower in respect of such transactions. However, the Rules also contain an exception to this general restriction in circumstances where a conflict has arisen because that director is also a director of another entity within the Borrower Group, such as the Issuer. Therefore, Paul Gray and Kevin Bolt are nevertheless entitled to vote on behalf of the Borrower in respect of any transaction between the Borrower and the Issuer.

Share Capital and Major Shareholders

The Borrower has 6 shares in issue of £1 each which carry no rights to dividends or other income. Shares in issue are not capable of being repaid or transferred. The 6 members are committed to a maximum liability of £1 each in the event of the Borrower being wound up.

Recent Developments

There have been no recent events particular to the Borrower that are, to a material extent, relevant to the evaluation of the Borrower's solvency.

Corporate Governance

The Borrower complies with the National Housing Federation Code of Governance 2015.

89 The Borrower is currently rated "V1" for viability and "G1" for governance by the Regulator. The "V1" and "G1" ratings mean that the Borrower meets the requirements on viability and governance, respectively, set out in the Governance and Financial Viability standard and, in the case of the "V1" rating, has the capacity to mitigate its exposures effectively.

The Board recognises its responsibility for all aspects of the business and has in place a comprehensive and effective governance framework. The Board has reserved to itself, through its terms of reference, essential functions and significant matters which cannot be delegated.

In order to deliver effective governance and to manage risk, the Board has established four committees, the Audit and Risk Committee, the Finance and Treasury Committee, the Remuneration and Nominations Committee and the Development Committee, all of which are governed by written terms of reference approved by the Board.

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee comprises non-executive Board members together with independent members who are supported by specialist internal auditors from one of the leading international firms of accountants and auditors. The primary responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee, as set out in its terms of reference, are:

 risk management and internal control – to review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Borrower Group's internal controls and the Borrower Group's risk management procedures;

 financial controls and reporting – to advise the Board on the adequacy of the Borrower Group's financial controls, and to review the annual audited financial statements before submission to the Board;

 internal audit – to ensure that the Borrower Group has appropriate internal audit arrangements and to monitor and review the effectiveness of the internal audit function in the context of the Borrower Group's overall risk management system; to determine the annual internal audit plan and monitor quality and progress against agreed targets; to receive and consider internal audit reports and inform the Board thereof;

 external audit – to advise the Board on the appointment of external auditors, to consider the independence of the external auditor, to review and monitor the effectiveness of the external audit work and to consider the external auditor's Audit Findings Report;

 governance – to review compliance with key statutory duties and obligations, including the Regulator regulatory framework and Value for Money self-assessment; and

 whistleblowing, anti-bribery and fraud – to monitor the operation and adequacy of the Borrower's bribery policy, fraud prevention framework and arrangements for whistleblowing.

Finance and Treasury Committee

The Finance and Treasury Committee comprises non-executive Board members, independent members, together with the Chief Financial Officer and the Head of Corporate Finance & Strategy. The Chair is a non-executive director of the Board with relevant finance and treasury experience. The primary responsibilities of the Finance and Treasury Committee, as set out in its terms of reference, are:

 assistance to the Board – to assist the Board in overseeing those financial and treasury matters which it has to formally endorse, recognise or make a decision upon;

 policy – to support the Executive Leadership Team and Corporate Finance Team in drafting policy, evaluating financial and treasury options and bringing forward recommendations for approval;

90  major financial transactions – to review, scrutinise and provide guidance to the Board when major financial transactions are brought forward by the Executive Officers for approval; and

 routine duties – to consider scrutinise and constructively challenge the Borrower Group's annual budget, business plan, management accounts, quarterly treasury reports and annual treasury plan and treasury management policy, before being submitted to the Board for approval.

Remuneration and Nominations Committee

The Remuneration and Nominations Committee comprises three non-executive Board members. The primary responsibilities of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee, as set out in its terms of reference, are to:

 determine and recommend to the Board the remuneration and terms and conditions of employment of the Chief Executive Officer;

 set and evaluate all elements of the remuneration package for the Executive Leadership Team;

 advise the Board in its role in ensuring that the Board and its Committees contain members of the highest calibre with appropriate skills, competencies and experience necessary to govern the organisation;

 review HR risk issues that impact on both current corporate performance and future strategy; and

 review key HR policies.

Development Committee

The Development Committee comprises three non-executive members of the Board and two executive members, namely the Chief Executive Officer and the Director of Development and Sales. The primary responsibilities of the Development Committee, as set out in its terms of reference, are to:

 scrutinise proposed development schemes which will require Board approval ahead of submission to Board and to make recommendations accordingly;

 provide the Board with the assurance that the Borrower's development strategy is being delivered in a safe, effective and timely manner;

 ensure development risks are being effectively managed and mitigated in accordance with the Board's Risk Appetite Statement;

 review the future development pipeline, to ensure it is appropriate to the Borrower's longer term aspirations and that this is fully aligned to the Borrower's treasury policies and plans; and

 provide assurance that developments undertaken by the Borrower Group are consistent with the overall objectives of the organisation.

Corporate Rating

The Borrower has been assigned a credit rating of "A+" by S&P. S&P is established in the European Union and is registered under the CRA Regulation. As such S&P is included in the list of credit rating agencies published by the ESMA on its website in accordance with the CRA Regulation.

91 Alternative Performance Measures

The Borrower believes that certain financial measures that are not recognised by UK GAAP, including FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (the Financial Reporting Standards), but are derived from the information provided in the Borrower's financial statements, provide additional useful information regarding its ongoing operating and financial performance, as well as its ability to meet its obligations under the Loan Agreement.

These measures are not recognised measures under the Financial Reporting Standards, do not have standardised meanings prescribed by the Financial Reporting Standards and should not be considered in isolation or construed to be alternatives to measures pursuant to the Financial Reporting Standards including revenues, surplus (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) for the period determined in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards. The Borrower's method of calculating these measures may differ from the method used by other entities. Accordingly, certain of the financial performance measures presented in this Prospectus may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other entities or in other jurisdictions. Consequently, these measures should not be considered substitutes for the information contained in the financial statements referred to in "Documents Incorporated by Reference" below and should be read in conjunction therewith.

In particular, the Borrower uses the financial measures (as defined below) set out in the table below to evaluate its business performance. All references to the "financial statements" in the table below are to the Borrower Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2018, which include the report of the board, strategic report, independent auditor's report and annual accounts, for the relevant financial years.

Metric Definition Reconciliation Additional Information

EBITDA MRI Operating Surplus less "Operating surplus" is taken Revenue grants from local from the Group Statement of authorities and other agencies Comprehensive Income in the plus Depreciation on housing financial statements. properties plus Interest receivable and similar income "Revenue grants from local less Improvements authorities and other agencies" is taken from note 3 (Turnover, operating costs and operating surplus) of the financial statements.

"Depreciation on housing properties" is taken from note 12 (Tangible fixed assets) of the financial statements.

"Interest receivable and similar income" is taken from the Group Statement of Comprehensive Income in the financial statements.

"Improvements" is taken from note 12 (Tangible fixed assets) of the financial statements.

EBITDA MRI % EBITDA MRI, expressed as a See above as regards EBITDA percentage of Interest Payable MRI.

"Interest Payable" means Interest payable and similar charges plus Interest capitalised.

"Interest payable and similar charges" is taken from the

92 Group Statement of Comprehensive Income in the financial statements.

"Interest capitalised" is taken from note 12 (Tangible fixed assets) of the financial statements.

Operating margin Operating surplus divided by "Operating surplus" and (overall) Turnover "Turnover" are both taken from the Group Statement of Comprehensive Income in the financial statements.

Operating margin Operating surplus from social "Operating Surplus from social (social housing lettings housing lettings divided by housing lettings" and "Turnover only) Turnover from social housing from social housing lettings" are lettings. both taken from note 3 (Turnover, operating costs and operating surplus) of the financial statements.

Reinvestment Additions plus Improvements "Additions", "Improvements", This shows the proportion plus Interest capitalised, "Interest capitalised" and "Net of the value of the divided by Net book value book value" are taken from note Borrower's property plus Fixed asset investments 12 (Tangible fixed assets) of the which is invested in financial statements. maintaining existing and acquiring new properties. "Fixed asset investments" is taken from the Group Statement of Financial Position in the financial statements.

Social housing cost per Management plus Service "Management", "Service charge The shows the average unit charge cost plus Routine cost", "Routine maintenance", cost of managing and maintenance plus Planned "Planned maintenance" and maintaining social maintenance plus "Other social housing activities housing properties. Improvements plus Other Operating costs" are taken from social housing activities note 3 (Turnover, operating Operating costs, divided by costs and operating surplus) of Total social housing units the financial statements. owned and in management. "Improvements" is taken from note 12 (Tangible fixed assets) of the financial statements.

"Total social housing units owned and in management" means Owned -General plus Owned – Affordable plus Near Market Rents plus Rent to Homebuy plus Shared Ownership plus Key Worker - Shared Ownership plus Owned – Housing for Older People plus Leaseholders, each as taken from note 4 (Number of units owned and in management) of the financial statements.


This Prospectus should be read and construed in conjunction with:

(a) the Issuer's audited annual financial statements, which include the report of the board, strategic report, independent auditor's report and annual accounts, for the financial years ended 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2018 (the Issuer Financial Statements);

(b) the Borrower's audited consolidated annual financial statements, which include the report of the board, operating and financial review, independent auditor's report and annual accounts, for the financial years ended 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2018 (the Borrower Financial Statements and, together with the Issuer Financial Statements, the Financial Statements), which have previously been published and have been filed with the Financial Conduct Authority and shall be incorporated in, and form part of, this Prospectus, save that any statement contained in the Financial Statements shall be modified or superseded for the purposes of this Prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein modifies or superseded such earlier statement (whether expressly, by implication or otherwise). Any statement so modified or superseded shall not, expect as so modified or superseded, constitute part of this Prospectus.

Copies of the Financial Statements can be obtained from the registered office of the Issuer, from the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent for the time being in London and on the Issuer's website (at https://investors.bpha.org.uk/our-financial-strength/#annual-reports).

Any documents themselves incorporated by reference in the Financial Statements shall not form part of this Prospectus.


The holders of the New Bonds share their security with the holders of the Existing Bonds and will share in the security for the Existing Bonds.

The following valuation report (the Valuation Report) relates to the properties which are, or will on the Issue Date be, charged in favour of the Security Trustee and allocated for the benefit of the Issuer (the Existing Properties) to secure the Bonds, together with the Retained Proceeds (if any).

The Valuation Report was prepared by Jones Lang LaSalle Limited, Registered Chartered Surveyors, of 30 Warwick Street, London W1B 5NH (the Valuer). The Valuation Report is included in this Prospectus, in the form and context in which it is included, with the consent of the Valuer and the Valuer has authorised the contents of this section.

The Valuer does not have a material interest in the Issuer, the Borrower or the Borrower Group.

Summary of valuations

A summary of the values of the Existing Properties set out in the Valuation Report is set out below:

EUV-SH or, where appropriate, MV-ST* Total

Units EUV-SH is Units MV-ST is appropriate appropriate

No. £ No. £ £

619 £57,000,000 1,831 £279,380,000 £336,380,000

* In addition, a further 57 units have been attributed a nil value.


Valuation Advisory

Valuation of 2,507 Affordable Housing units owned by bpha Limited

15 October 2018

30 Warwick Street, London W1B tel +44 (0) 20 7493 4933


Prudential Trustee Company Limited Your ref as Bond Trustee and Security Trustee Our ref RXP\MB Direct line 020 7087 5978 bpha Finance plc [email protected] as Issuer bpha Limited as Borrower

Barclays Bank PLC Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc as Joint Bookrunners

15 October 2018

Dear Sirs

Valuation of 2,507 Affordable Housing units owned bpha Limited relating to the issue of £150,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 (the New Bonds) by bpha Finance plc (the Issuer) to be consolidated and form a single series with the £200,000,000 4.816 per cent. Secured Bonds due 2044 issued by the Issuer on 11 April 2014 (the Existing Bonds and, together with the New Bonds, the Bonds)

We are pleased to attach our Report in connection with the above.

This Report is issued for the benefit and use of the Addressees, for inclusion in the prospectus for the issue of the New Bonds (the “Prospectus” and the “Bond Issue”) and for determination of compliance with the asset cover test in respect of the Bonds (the “Covenant Testing”) and may only be used in connection with the Prospectus, the Bond Issue and the Covenant Testing. We hereby give our consent to the publication of this Report within the Prospectus and accept responsibility for the information contained in this Report.

To the best of our knowledge (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information given in this Report is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.

Before this Report or any part of it is reproduced or referred to in any document, circular or statement (other than the Prospectus in respect of the New Bonds), our written approval as to the form and context of such publication must be obtained.

Jones Lang LaSalle Limited Registered in England and Wales Number 1188567 Registered Office - 30 Warwick Street, London, W1B 5NH

30 Warwick Street, London W1B tel +44 (0) 20 7493 4933


If you have any questions about this Report, or require further information, please contact Marc Burns.

Yours faithfully Yours faithfully

Marc Burns Richard Petty FRICS Director Director For and on behalf of For and on behalf of Jones Lang LaSalle Limited Jones Lang LaSalle Limited

T 020 7087 5978 (Direct) T 020 7087 5971 (Direct) M 07792 309 183 (Mobile) M 07767 413 631 (Mobile) [email protected] [email protected]

Jones Lang LaSalle Limited Registered in England and Wales Number 1188567 Registered Office - 30 Warwick Street, London, W1B 5NH bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

Executive Summary

This summary should be read in conjunction with the main body of our Report. Section numbers are supplied where relevant.


The date of this Report is 15 October 2018.

Jones Lang LaSalle Limited has been instructed to value a portfolio of 2,507 properties for loan security purposes (the “Portfolio”). The Portfolio is broken down as follows (section 3):

 1,358 general needs units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 4);

 1 general needs unit for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and has been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 4);

 7 Affordable Rent units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and has been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 4);

 233 Affordable Rent units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 5);

 10 intermediate rent units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and these have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 6);

 228 intermediate rent units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 6);

 141 housing for older people units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and these have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 7);

 9 supported restricted units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and these have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 8);

 12 supported units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 8);

 451 shared ownership units which have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 9); and

 57 units which have been sold on long leases and included at nil value.

We have inspected the exterior of all units in the Portfolio, and have seen a representative sample of 5% of the Portfolio internally (section 3).

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018


The valuation date is 15 October 2018.

Our valuation of all 619 properties being valued on the basis of EUV-SH, in aggregate (section 10), is:

£57,000,000 (fifty seven million pounds)

Our valuation of all 1,831 properties being valued on the basis of MV-T, in aggregate, (section 10) is:

£279,380,000 (two hundred and seventy nine million, three hundred and eighty thousand pounds)

The following tables summarise our valuations:

Freehold properties

Category Unit Count EUV-SH MV-T General needs restricted 1 £80,000 - General needs unrestricted 1,333 £104,870,000 £201,170,000 Affordable Rent Restricted 7 £620,000 - Affordable Rent unrestricted 215 £21,130,000 £35,070,000 Intermediate rent restricted 9 £1,320,000 -

Intermediate rent unrestricted 227 £27,880,000 £32,810,000 Supported restricted 9 £510,000 - Supported unrestricted 6 £370,000 £790,000 Shared Ownership 394 £34,360,000 - Total 2,201 £191,140,000 £269,840,000

Leasehold properties

Category Unit Count EUV-SH MV-T General needs unrestricted 25 £2,000,000 £4,270,000 Affordable Rent unrestricted 18 £2,040,000 £3,740,000 Intermediate rent restricted 1 £130,000 - Intermediate rent unrestricted 1 £110,000 £130,000 Housing for older people restricted 141 £14,760,000 - Supported unrestricted 6 £510,000 £1,400,000 Shared Ownership 57 £5,220,000 - Total 249 £24,770,000 £9,540,000

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018


The valued stock (excluding the nil value units) is summarised as follows:

Property Type Unit Count Room 11 Studio flat 1 1 bed flat 213 2 bed flat 330 3 bed flat 7 4 bed flat 1 1 bed house 11 2 bed house 729 3 bed house 981 4 bed house 132 5 bed house 13 7 bed house 2 2 bed bungalow 13 3 bed bungalow 6 Total 2,450

We have been informed by bpha Limited that the gross annual rent receivable for the Portfolio is £13,835,475. We have relied on this information as being accurate, and have not verified the rent roll otherwise.

A summary of the range of our assumptions for our cashflows is provided in the tables below and overleaf.

General Needs Assumptions

Assumption EUV-SH MV-T Discount rate (income) 5.5% 7.5% Discount rate (sales) N/A 9.25% Sales rate (houses) N/A 4.5% Sales rate (flats) N/A 4.5% Management costs £625 10% of Gross Income Management cost growth inflator 0.5% N/A Total repairs costs (Year 1) £1,335 £2,150 Repair cost growth inflator 1.0% 1.0%

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

Assumption EUV-SH MV-T Rental income growth - houses (Year 1) 1.0% 27.8% Rental income growth - flats (Year 1) 1.0% 32.5% Bad debts and voids (Year 1) 2.0% 8.0%

Affordable Rent Assumptions

Assumption EUV-SH MV-T Discount rate (income) 5.75% 7.5%

Discount rate (sales) N/A 9.25% Sales rate (houses) N/A 4.5% Sales rate (flats) N/A 8.0% Management costs £625 10% of Gross Income Management cost growth inflator 0.5% N/A Total repairs costs (Year 1) £1,285 £2,150 Repair cost growth inflator 1.0% 1.0% Rental income growth - houses (Year 1) 1.0% 16.8% Rental income growth - flats (Year 1) 1.0% 33.4%

Bad debts and voids (Year 1) 2.0% 8.0%

Intermediate Rent Assumptions

Assumption EUV-SH MV-T Discount rate (income) 5.75% 7.5% Discount rate (sales) N/A 9.25% Sales rate (houses) N/A 4.5% Sales rate (flats) N/A 10.0%

Management costs £625 10% of Gross Income Management cost growth inflator 0.5% N/A Total repairs costs (Year 1) £1,300 £2,150 Repair cost growth inflator 1.0% 1.0% Rental income growth - houses (Year 1) 1.0% 17.3% Rental income growth - flats (Year 1) 1.0% 22.1% Bad debts and voids (Year 1) 2.25% 8.0%

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

Housing for Older People Assumptions

Assumption EUV-SH Discount rate (income) 5.5% Management costs £600 - £625 Management cost growth inflator 0.5% Total repairs costs (Year 1) £1,350 - £1,550 Repair cost growth inflator 1.0% Rental income growth - flats (Year 1) 1.0% Bad debts and voids (Year 1) 2.0% - 2.5%

Supported Assumptions

Assumption EUV-SH MV-T Discount rate (income) 5.75% 7.5% Discount rate (sales) N/A 9.25% Sales rate (houses) N/A 25.0% Sales rate (flats) N/A 25.0% Management costs £625 - £650 10% of Gross Income

Management cost growth inflator 0.5% N/A Total repairs costs (Year 1) £1,270 - £1,300 £2,150 Repair cost growth inflator 1.0% 1.0% Rental income growth - houses (Year 1) 1.0% 19.0% Rental income growth - flats (Year 1) 1.0% 34.7% Bad debts and voids (Year 1) 2.25% 8.0%

Shared Ownership Assumptions

Assumption EUV-SH Discount rate (income) 5.0% Discount rate (sales) 8.0% Management Costs 3% of Gross Income Sales rate (yrs 0-2) 15 tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 3-14) 19 tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 15-39) 11 tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 40-50) 7 tranche sales p.a.

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

Assumption EUV-SH Rental growth (all years) 0.5%

This summary should be read in conjunction with the remainder of the Report and must not be relied upon in isolation.

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018


1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Background ...... 1 1.2 Compliance ...... 1 1.3 Instructions...... 1 1.4 Status of Valuer ...... 2 1.5 Portfolio ...... 2 1.6 Changes to Social Housing Rental Growth from March 2016 ...... 3 2 Methodology ...... 5 2.1 Valuation Model ...... 5 2.2 Information Provided ...... 5 2.3 Inspections ...... 5 2.4 Market Research ...... 6 3 General Commentary ...... 7 3.2 Locations ...... 7 3.3 Property Types ...... 7 3.4 Condition ...... 8 3.5 Caveats and Disclaimers ...... 9 4 General Needs Commentary ...... 10 4.1 Introduction ...... 10 4.2 Tenancies ...... 10 4.3 Rental Income ...... 10 4.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth...... 11 4.5 MV-T – Rental Growth ...... 11 4.6 Outgoings ...... 12 4.7 Bad Debts and Voids ...... 12 4.8 Management Costs ...... 13 4.9 Repairs and Maintenance ...... 13 4.10 Sales Rates...... 14 4.11 Discount Rate ...... 14 4.12 House Price Growth ...... 15 5 Affordable Rent Commentary ...... 16 5.1 Introduction ...... 16 5.2 Tenancies ...... 16 5.3 Rental Income ...... 16 5.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth...... 17 5.5 MV-T – Rental Growth ...... 17 5.6 Bad Debts and Voids ...... 17 5.7 Management Costs ...... 17 5.8 Repairs and Maintenance ...... 17 5.9 Sales Rates...... 18 5.10 Discount Rate ...... 18 5.11 House Price Growth ...... 18 6 Intermediate Rent Commentary ...... 19 6.1 Introduction ...... 19

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

6.2 Tenancies ...... 19 6.3 Rental Income ...... 19 6.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth...... 20 6.5 MV-T – Rental Growth ...... 20 6.6 Bad Debts and Voids ...... 20 6.7 Management Costs ...... 20 6.8 Repairs and Maintenance ...... 21 6.9 Sales Rates...... 21 6.10 Discount Rate ...... 21 6.11 House Price Growth ...... 22 7 Housing For Older People Commentary ...... 23 7.1 Introduction ...... 23 7.2 Tenancies ...... 23 7.3 Rental Income ...... 23 7.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth...... 24 7.5 Bad Debts and Voids ...... 24 7.6 Management Costs ...... 24 7.7 Repairs and Maintenance ...... 24 7.8 Discount Rate ...... 24 8 Supported Commentary ...... 25 8.1 Introduction ...... 25 8.2 Tenancies ...... 25 8.3 Rental Income ...... 25 8.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth...... 25 8.5 MV-T – Rental Growth ...... 26 8.6 Bad Debts and Voids ...... 26 8.7 Management Costs ...... 26 8.8 Repairs and Maintenance ...... 26 8.9 Relet and Sales Rates ...... 27 8.10 Discount Rate ...... 27 8.11 House Price Growth ...... 27 9 Shared Ownership Commentary ...... 28 9.1 Introduction ...... 28 9.2 Rental Levels ...... 28 9.3 Rental Growth ...... 28 9.4 Outgoings ...... 28 9.5 Voids and Bad Debts ...... 28 9.6 Repairs and Maintenance ...... 28 9.7 Discount Rate ...... 29 9.8 Rate of Sales ...... 29 10 Valuation ...... 30 10.1 Background ...... 30 10.2 Valuation ...... 30 10.3 Freehold Properties ...... 30 10.4 Leasehold Properties ...... 31 10.5 Summary Table ...... 31 10.6 Suitability as Security ...... 32

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

11 Bases of Valuation ...... 33 11.2 Existing Use Value for Social Housing ...... 33 11.3 Market Value ...... 33 11.4 Expenses ...... 34 11.5 Tax ...... 34 11.6 VAT ...... 34 12 Sources and Verification of Information ...... 35 12.1 General ...... 35 12.2 Tenure ...... 35 12.3 Title ...... 35 12.4 Nomination Agreements ...... 35 12.5 Measurements/Floor Areas ...... 35 12.6 Structural Surveys ...... 36 12.7 Deleterious Materials ...... 36 12.8 Site Conditions ...... 36 12.9 Environmental Contamination ...... 36 12.10 Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) ...... 36 12.11 Market Rental Values ...... 37 12.12 Insurance ...... 37 12.13 Planning ...... 37 12.14 Outstanding Debts ...... 37 12.15 Services ...... 37 12.16 Plans and Maps ...... 37 12.17 Compliance with Building Regulations and Statutory Requirements ...... 37

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018


Appendix 1 ...... List of Addresses Appendix 2 ...... Location Plan Appendix 3 ...... Photographs Appendix 4 ...... Market Commentary

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 Jones Lang LaSalle Limited (“JLL”) has been instructed to prepare a valuation of 2,507 properties (the “Portfolio”) owned by bpha Limited (“bpha”).

1.2 Compliance

1.2.1 This Report has been prepared by Marc Burns, a Director of JLL under the supervision of Richard Petty FRICS (Valuer number: #0089005), Head of Affordable Housing and a Director of JLL.

1.2.2 Our valuations have been prepared in accordance with the current RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017 published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the RICS Valuation - Professional Standards UK, January 2014 (revised April 2015) (commonly known as the “Red Book”).

1.2.3 In accordance with PS 2.3 of the Red Book, we confirm that we have sufficient knowledge and skills to undertake this valuation competently.

1.2.4 The effective date of valuation is 15 October 2018.

1.2.5 For the avoidance of doubt, we confirm that it would not be appropriate or possible to compare this valuation with any values appearing in bpha’s accounts. This Report has been prepared in accordance with the Red Book. The valuations are prepared on this basis so that we can determine the value recoverable if the charges over the properties were enforced at the date of this Report. We understand that values given in bpha’s accounts are prepared on an historic cost basis which considers how much the properties have cost and will continue to cost bpha. This is an entirely different basis of valuation from that used for loan security purposes.

1.2.6 This valuation qualifies as a Regulated Purpose Valuation ("RPV") as defined by the Red Book. A RPV is a valuation which is intended for the information of third parties in addition to the Addressees. It is a requirement of UKVS 4.3 of the Red Book in relation to disclosures that we declare our prior involvement with bpha, or the properties being valued, to ensure that there is no conflict of interest.

1.2.7 We confirm that the total fee income earned from bpha is substantially less than 5% of the fee income earned by JLL in our last financial year (ending 31 December 2017) and that we do not anticipate this situation changing in the foreseeable future.

1.3 Instructions

1.3.1 Our Report is prepared in accordance with bpha’s formal instructions.

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1.3.2 We have been instructed to prepare our valuations on the following bases:

 Existing Use Value for Social Housing (“EUV-SH”); and

 Market Value subject to existing Tenancies (“MV-T”).

1.3.3 Please note that the properties that have been valued on the basis of MV-T have also been valued on the basis of EUV-SH, for information purposes only.

1.4 Status of Valuer

1.4.1 In preparing this Report, we confirm that JLL is acting as an external valuer as defined in the Red Book. We can also confirm that we consider ourselves to be independent for the purposes of this instruction.

1.4.2 In accordance with RICS guidance, and our own rotation policy, we recommend that a rotation of overall responsibility within JLL is considered no later than the end of 2023.

1.5 Portfolio

1.5.1 The Portfolio comprises the following properties as described in section 3, schedules of which form Appendix 1:

 1,358 general needs units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 4);

 1 general needs unit for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and has been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 4);

 7 Affordable Rent units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and has been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 5);

 233 Affordable Rent units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 5);

 10 intermediate rent units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and these have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 6);

 228 intermediate rent units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 6);

 141 housing for older people units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and these have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 7);

 9 supported restricted units for which it has been confirmed that affordable housing restrictions exist and these have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 8);

 12 supported units for which it has been confirmed that there are no title restrictions and these have been valued on the basis of MV-T (section 8); and

 451 shared ownership units which have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH (section 9).

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1.5.2 In addition there are 57 units in the Portfolio which have been sold on long leases or fully staircased. We consider bpha’s interest in those properties to be de minimis for the purpose of this exercise (or should be treated as being such) and so they are included at nil value. Please note that these units are not included in any unit counts or other statistics in this Report (with the exception of the front cover of the Report), but are listed in Appendix 1.

1.5.3 Consequently, the valuation and summaries included hereafter refer to the 2,450 units being valued.

1.6 Changes to Social Housing Rental Growth from March 2016

1.6.1 Pursuant to the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016 (the “Act”), all Registered Providers (“RPs”) are required to reduce their rents charged on social housing by 1% each year, for four years from 2016 up to and including 1 April 2019.

1.6.2 Social housing, as defined in the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008, includes all forms of housing let at below market rents, however Shared Ownership and Low Cost Home Ownership is expressly excluded from the Act, together with other property in the ownership of RPs which is listed as exceptions in The Social Housing Rents (Exceptions and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2016 (the “Regulations”). These include, but are not limited to:

 intermediate rent accommodation (defined in the Regulations to include inter alia properties let on sub-market rents, let on Assured Shorthold Tenancies which have not previously been let at social rents and are not let at Affordable Rent);

 specialised supported housing (defined in the Regulations to include inter alia supported housing of bespoke design in which a high level of support is offered to tenants);

 temporary social housing (meaning low cost rental accommodation made available to a person who is homeless, within the meaning of the Housing Act 1996);

 student accommodation;

 accommodation where the rent registered under the Rent Act 1977 is lower than the social rent rate;

 care homes; and

 accommodation where the rent payable by the tenant was temporarily reduced or waived for any period during the previous relevant year.

1.6.3 Supported Housing was exempt from the first year of cuts but rents will be reduced by 1% for the remaining years up to and including 2019.

1.6.4 It was announced by the government on 4 October 2017 that, once the period of cuts has ended, in April 2020, RPs will be allowed to increase their rents by CPI plus 1%, in line with the rent regime previously introduced in April 2015. However, as will be evident from the recent shifts, there can be no absolute certainty over government policy on the rent regime and there is therefore a degree of risk that we may see further changes by April 2020.

1.6.5 This heightened risk is reflected in the discount rate applied to this valuation. However, this component of risk is not new – there has always been an element of legislative or regulatory risk in social housing valuations, where

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gross and net rental incomes are assessed over a long period; and this risk has always been reflected in the discount rates applied to valuations.

1.6.6 However, the Act includes provisions for either a mortgagee in possession, or a receiver, and its successor in title (which could be either an RP or a non-regulated purchaser) to be exempt from the need to make future cuts after the date of acquisition. These exceptions are contained in Section 24 of the Act.

1.6.7 In our opinion, neither a mortgagee in possession (or receiver), nor any purchaser acquiring stock from the same, would choose to implement rent cuts over the period 2016-2019; and would actively use a legal right to avoid reducing the gross rental income from a housing portfolio. We have therefore prepared our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH on the express assumption that no further reductions in rent would be made after the hypothetical sale at the valuation date. This is consistent with our reading of the Act and with the interpretation of the Act by the Regulator of Social Housing (the "Regulator") which would, in effect, be powerless to prevent even an RP from choosing not to reduce rents over this period.

1.6.8 Our Report now follows and is divided into five main parts:

 Methodology;

 Commentaries;

 Valuation;

 Bases of Valuation; and

 Sources and Verification of Information.

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2 Methodology

2.1 Valuation Model

2.1.1 We have undertaken our valuation of the housing stock using fully explicit discounted cashflow models, over a 50-year period, with the net income in the final year capitalised into perpetuity.

2.1.2 Against the income receivable for each portfolio, we have made allowances for voids and bad debts; the costs of management and administration; major repairs; cyclical maintenance; day-to-day repairs; and for future staircasing (where applicable). We have assumed an appropriate level of future growth in these costs (expenditure inflation).

2.1.3 We have then discounted the resulting net income stream at an appropriate rate which reflects our judgement of the overall level of risk associated with the long term income. A more detailed explanation of the discount rate is included in section 4.

2.2 Information Provided

2.2.1 The principal source of background data for the Portfolio has been the rent roll for each property provided by bpha. This detailed the number and type of units, the rent payable by tenants and (where applicable) the equity retained by bpha.

2.2.2 This information was supplemented with our market research and other data we have gathered from similar instructions undertaken recently and involving comparable stock. From these sources we have collated information on the following:

 rents;

 bad debts, voids and arrears;

 cost of maintenance and repairs; and

 management and administration expenses.

2.3 Inspections

2.3.1 We derived our inspections strategy by giving full regard to:

 the geographical spread of the stock;

 the concentration (and thereby its exposure to risk); and

 the property types.

2.3.2 We have satisfied ourselves as to the quality of location and the general condition and level of fixtures and fittings provided to the properties, and we have derived our valuation assumptions accordingly.

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2.3.3 In accordance with our instructions, we have inspected all schemes externally and a representative sample of 5% of the stock was inspected internally. Our inspections were undertaken between 18 June 2018 and 29 June 2018.

2.3.4 A representative selection of photographs is provided as Appendix 3.

2.4 Market Research

2.4.1 In arriving at our valuation, we have undertaken a comprehensive programme of research to supplement our knowledge and understanding of the properties. This has included:

 researching local vacant possession values through conversations with local estate agents together with internet research and using RightmovePlus, a bespoke tool for comparable evidence;

 examining local benchmark affordable rents and comparing these with bpha’s rents; and

 analysing data provided by bpha.

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3 General Commentary

3.1.1 Schedules summarising the following data for each property within the Portfolio form Appendix 1 of this Report:

 address;

 unit type;

 equity retained; and

 gross weekly rent.

3.2 Locations

3.2.1 We have been provided with a summary of the housing stock as at today’s date, upon which we have based our valuations. The properties within the Portfolio are located across the South , the and East of England, as summarised in the table below. A location plan is provided at Appendix 2.

Counties Unit Count Bedfordshire 1,223 Buckinghamshire 2 Cambridgeshire 983 Hertfordshire 2 Northamptonshire 113 Oxfordshire 125 Suffolk 2 Total 2,450

3.3 Property Types

3.3.1 The Portfolio has been valued as rented properties as set out in this Report.

3.3.2 All of the properties provide self-contained accommodation (i.e. having independent kitchens, bathrooms, living- rooms and bedrooms), and are physically suitable for open market letting and sales, notwithstanding any use class restrictions.

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3.3.3 The following table summarises the different property types within the Portfolio:

Property Type Unit Count Room 11 Studio flat 1 1 bed flat 213 2 bed flat 330 3 bed flat 7 4 bed flat 1 1 bed house 11

2 bed house 729 3 bed house 981 4 bed house 132 5 bed house 13 7 bed house 2 2 bed bungalow 13 3 bed bungalow 6 Total 2,450

3.4 Condition

3.4.1 We have not carried out a condition survey, this being outside the scope of our instructions.

3.4.2 The properties in the Portfolio are a mixture of ages as shown in the table below:

Age Unit Count Pre-1919 85

1920-1949 17 1950-1979 594 1980s 63 1990s 115 2000s 476 Post 2010 1,100 Total 2,450

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3.4.3 Based on our inspections, we are satisfied that the properties we inspected internally, are being maintained to an acceptable social housing standard, in line with the Regulator's regulatory requirements and commensurate with the likely demands of the target tenant group.

3.4.4 Overall we have assumed that each property has a useful economic life of at least 50 years provided that the properties continue to be properly maintained in the future.

3.5 Caveats and Disclaimers

3.5.1 In carrying out our valuations we have made assumptions relating to the following factors which are either beyond the remit of our instructions, or for which we have not received information:

 ground conditions;

 environmental considerations;

 planning;

 tenure;

 titles; and

 nomination agreements.

3.5.2 These factors are discussed in section 12.

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4 General Needs Commentary

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 There are 1,358 general needs properties in the Portfolio that we have valued on the basis of EUV-SH and MV- T. We can confirm that these units are not subject to restrictions on the title which would prevent a successor in title from letting or selling the properties on the open market.

4.1.2 There is 1 general needs property in the Portfolio that is subject to a restriction on the title that prohibits the use of the property for any purpose other than affordable housing for any successors of bpha or any successors of a mortgagee in possession, or where there are non-financial obligations outstanding. In light of this, we have restricted the value of this unit to EUV-SH.

4.1.3 The 1,359 general needs properties are summarised as follows:

Houses or Bedrooms Flats Total %age Bungalows 1 5 45 50 3.7% 2 399 111 510 37.5% 3 679 2 681 50.1% 4 103 1 104 7.7% 5 12 - 12 0.9% 7 2 - 2 0.1% Total 1,200 159 1,359 100.0% %age 88.3% 11.7% 100.0%

4.2 Tenancies

4.2.1 All of the properties are let on assured tenancies. We have assumed that these are ‘standard’ assured tenancies although we have not seen example tenancy agreements.

4.3 Rental Income

4.3.1 The total gross rent receivable from the 1,359 general needs properties in the Portfolio amounts to £7,618,958 per annum (based on a 52-week year).

4.3.2 We are unable to verify the accuracy of the rent roll provided to us by bpha.

4.3.3 According to the Valuation Office, the Local Reference Rent (LRR) is the 30th centile point between what in the local Rent Officer’s opinion are the highest and lowest non-exceptional rents in a given Broad Rental Market Area.

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This analysis looks at local properties and differentiates by bedroom number but not by property type (i.e. houses and flats). These statistics are used as a reference for housing benefit and are a good indication of rent levels which are affordable in a given area.

4.3.4 The following table sets out a comparison of bpha’s average rents with the average LRRs in the Portfolio and also our opinion of Market Rents in the same areas (rents are shown on the basis of 52 weeks).

Bedrooms bpha’s Properties Average LRRs Market Rent 1 £85.96 £178.58 £192.00 2 £100.64 £191.12 £213.30 3 £111.00 £219.07 £226.58 4 £128.26 £264.17 £297.64 5 £140.24 £312.10 £355.83 Average £107.89 £211.39 £227.12

4.3.5 The prevailing passing rents are approximately 49.0% lower than the LRRs for the properties.

4.3.6 In addition, we have looked at the passing rents as a proportion of local net weekly earnings as reported by the Office of National Statistics in its Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. The table below sets out the average passing rent as a percentage of the average net weekly earnings for each locality. This, in our opinion, demonstrates that the rents being charged by bpha are affordable.

Net Weekly Average Net Rent Average Weekly Government Office Region Average as a % of Average Passing Rent Earnings Earnings East Midlands £106.00 £397.57 26.7% East of England £107.89 £437.62 24.7% South East £123.04 £456.86 26.9%

4.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth

4.4.1 In accordance with section 1.6.7 we have assumed that a purchaser of the stock with the benefit of protection from the rent cuts set out in the Act would increase rents by CPI plus 1.0% into perpetuity and have modelled rental growth in our EUV-SH valuation models accordingly.

4.5 MV-T – Rental Growth

4.5.1 Passing rents are currently below market levels, resulting in good prospects for future rental growth when considering the market value of the Portfolio.

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4.5.2 We have assumed that it will take approximately 3 years for assured rents to increase to market levels and thereafter for rents to rise at 1.0% (real) per annum. The average increase we have modelled is 27.8% per year for houses and 32.5% per year for flats.

4.6 Outgoings

4.6.1 In forming our opinion of the net rental income the Portfolio will generate we have considered the following outgoings:

 bad debts and voids;

 management costs; and

 repair and maintenance costs.

4.6.2 We emphasise that, under the definitions of the bases of valuation we have been instructed to adopt, we are not valuing bpha’s stewardship of the stock – rather we are assessing what a hypothetical purchaser in the market would pay for the stock, based on the market’s judgement of the capabilities of the Portfolio.

4.6.3 The assumptions we have made in our appraisal reflect our opinion of the view the market would adopt on the future performance of the Portfolio. In forming our opinion, we have had regard to other recent valuations we have undertaken of comparable stock.

4.7 Bad Debts and Voids

4.7.1 We have incorporated into our valuation the potential for future voids and bad debts. The rate applied is similar to allowances used by other RPs providing a management and maintenance service in the areas where the properties are situated.

4.7.2 Any loss of income for void properties is reflected in a deduction made from the gross rental income. Similarly we have also made an allowance for bad debts.

4.7.3 In our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted an average rate for bad debts and voids of 2.0% of gross income for the Portfolio.

4.7.4 In our MV-T valuation, we have adopted a rate of 8.0% of gross income for the first 3 years of our MV-T cashflow, 5.0% in years 4 and 5 and 4.0% in all years thereafter.

4.7.5 This is because we are assuming greater increases in rents than a social landlord would impose. In our opinion, these rent increases would inevitably be reflected in a higher level of voids and bad debts than would otherwise be the case. The associated risk has been factored into our MV-T discount rate.

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4.8 Management Costs

4.8.1 We have adopted rates for management and administration, based on our experience of other RPs operating in similar areas to bpha. Our rates are shown below and are subject to an annual inflator of 0.5% over inflation for the duration of the cashflow reflecting long-term earnings, growth predictions and potential management savings.

4.8.2 We have adopted an average rate of £625 per unit for management and administration in our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH.

4.8.3 We have assumed that a mortgagee in possession would expect to spend 10% of rental income on management and administration in our valuation on the basis of MV-T.

4.9 Repairs and Maintenance

4.9.1 Although the majority of the properties are generally in a reasonable or good condition, renewal, day-to-day and cyclical maintenance will be required to keep the stock in its present condition.

4.9.2 The following table sets out the various assumptions we have made in our cashflows. Both of our appraisals assume that these costs will inflate at 1.0% (real) per annum.

Category of Expenditure EUV-SH MV-T Major repairs and renewals – Year 1 £685 £1,500 Cyclical repairs – Year 1 £300 £300 Day-to-day repairs £350 £350 Total £1,335 £2,150

4.9.3 We have adopted higher costs for major repairs in the first 2 years of our MV-T model as some of the properties will require refurbishment and redecoration in order to attract buyers or to be let on the open market. After this initial period, our costs settle to a lower level as shown below:

Years Major Repairs Costs Year 1 £1,500 Year 2 £1,500 Years 3-5 £680 Years 6-10 £710 Years 11-15 £735 Years 16-20 £770 Years 21-25 £810

Years 26-30 £850

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4.10 Sales Rates

4.10.1 Following announcements made in the Budget delivered on 8 July 2015 we anticipate that the tenants of some of the properties within the Portfolio may in future have either the Right to Buy (RTB) or the Right to Acquire (RTA). The National Housing Federation (NHF) put an offer to Government in September 2015 in which it proposed the implementation of an extended RTB on a voluntary basis (VRTB). This offer was described as a compromise with a view to securing the independence of housing associations and the best deal on compensation (for discounts) and flexibilities (the ability to refuse the RTB in relation to certain properties). In the Autumn Statement 2016 it was announced that the Government would fund a large-scale regional pilot of the RTB for housing association tenants. It is expected that over 3,000 tenants will be able to buy their own home with RTB discounts under this extended pilot scheme. The pilot scheme, which is expected to run for one year, is aimed at testing two aspects of the voluntary agreement that the original pilots did not cover, namely:

 one-for-one replacement; and

 portability of discounts.

4.10.2 However, the Government is yet to announce the specific terms and locations of this pilot and, more broadly, the wider terms of the overall extension of RTB and therefore any consideration of the impact of RTB or RTA on valuations would be speculative. We consider it imprudent to reflect additional value from capital receipts and we have therefore assumed that neither RTB nor RTA will be available to exercise at the effective date of valuation.

4.10.3 In our MV-T cashflows we have assumed that some of the units which become void are sold on the open market and have included sales rates of 4.5% per annum for houses and 4.5% per annum for flats.

4.11 Discount Rate

4.11.1 Our cashflow valuations are based on constant prices and therefore explicitly exclude inflation. The chosen discount rate reflects our judgement of the economic conditions at the time of the valuation and the level of risk involved in each cashflow, taking all factors and assumptions into account. To determine the risk involved we have looked at:

 the sustainability of the existing rental income;

 the likely rate of future rental growth;

 the condition of the Portfolio;

 the level of outgoings required to maintain the maximum income stream;

 the likely performance of the Portfolio in relation to its profile and location;

 the real cost of borrowing; and

 the long-term cost of borrowing.

4.11.2 For our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted a discount rate of 5.5% on net rental income.

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4.11.3 In our MV-T model we have adopted a higher rate on rental income to reflect additional risk resulting from the significant rental growth that we have assumed during the first 3 years. In addition, we have adopted a higher rate on income from sales to reflect the additional premium on the yield which an investor would expect from a sales income stream.

4.11.4 We have adopted discount rates of 7.5% (rental income) and 9.25% (sales) for our MV-T cashflow.

4.12 House Price Growth

4.12.1 We have assumed house prices will grow in real terms at 0% in the first 3 years of our cashflow models and in the long term at a rate of 1.0% per annum.

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5 Affordable Rent Commentary

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 There are 233 Affordable Rent properties in the Portfolio that we have valued on the basis of EUV-SH and MV-T. We can confirm that these units are not subject to restrictions on the title which would prevent a successor in title from letting or selling the properties on the open market.

5.1.2 There are 7 Affordable Rent properties in the Portfolio that are either subject to restrictions on the title that prohibit the use of the properties for any purpose other than affordable housing for any successors of bpha or any successors of a mortgagee in possession, or where there are non-financial obligations outstanding. In light of this, we have restricted the value of these units to EUV-SH.

5.1.3 The 240 Affordable Rent units are summarised as follows:

Houses or Bedrooms Flats Total %age Bungalows 1 2 17 19 7.9% 2 82 58 140 58.3% 3 64 4 68 28.4% 4 13 - 13 5.4% Total 161 79 240 100.0% %age 67.1% 32.9% 100.0%

5.2 Tenancies

5.2.1 All of the properties are let on assured tenancies. We have assumed that these are ‘standard’ assured tenancies although we have not seen example tenancy agreements.

5.3 Rental Income

5.3.1 The total gross rent receivable from the 240 Affordable Rent properties in the Portfolio amounts to £1,620,719 per annum (based on a 52-week year).

5.3.2 We are unable to verify the accuracy of the rent roll provided to us by bpha.

5.3.3 The following table sets out a comparison of bpha’s average rents with the average LRRs in the Portfolio and also our opinion of Market Rents in the same areas (rents are shown on the basis of 52 weeks).

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved 16 bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

Bedrooms bpha’s Properties Average LRRs Market Rent 1 £101.91 £187.35 £192.11 2 £124.57 £210.54 £237.02 3 £139.19 £223.66 £237.50 4 £178.94 £254.96 £285.38 Average £129.87 £214.83 £236.57

5.3.4 The prevailing passing rents are approximately 39.5% lower than the LRRs for the properties.

5.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth

5.4.1 In accordance with section 1.6.7 we have assumed that a purchaser of the stock with the benefit of protection from the rent cuts set out in the Act would increase rents by CPI plus 1.0% into perpetuity and have modelled rental growth in our EUV-SH valuation models accordingly.

5.5 MV-T – Rental Growth

5.5.1 We have assumed that it will take approximately 3 years for assured rents to increase to market levels and thereafter for rents to rise at 1.0% (real) per annum. The average increase we have modelled is 16.8% per year for houses and 33.4% per year for flats.

5.6 Bad Debts and Voids

5.6.1 In our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted an average rate for bad debts and voids of 2.0% of gross income for the Portfolio.

5.6.2 In our MV-T valuation, we have adopted a rate of 8.0% of gross income for the first 3 years of our MV-T cashflow, 5.0% in years 4 and 5 and 4.0% in all years thereafter.

5.7 Management Costs

5.7.1 We have adopted an average rate of £625 per unit for management and administration in our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH.

5.7.2 We have assumed that a mortgagee in possession would expect to spend 10% of rental income on management and administration in our valuation on the basis of MV-T.

5.8 Repairs and Maintenance

5.8.1 Although the majority of the properties are generally in a reasonable or good condition, renewal, day-to-day and cyclical maintenance will be required to keep the stock in its present condition.

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5.8.2 The following table sets out the various assumptions we have made in our cashflows. Both of our appraisals assume that these costs will inflate at 1.0% (real) per annum.

Category of Expenditure EUV-SH MV-T Major repairs and renewals – Year 1 £635 £1,500 Cyclical repairs – Year 1 £300 £300 Day-to-day repairs £350 £350 Total Average Costs £1,285 £2,150

5.8.3 We have adopted higher costs for major repairs in the first 2 years of our MV-T model as some of the properties will require refurbishment and redecoration in order to attract buyers or to be let on the open market. After this initial period, our costs settle to a lower level as shown below:

Years Major Repairs Costs Year 1 £1,500 Year 2 £1,500 Years 3-5 £635 Years 6-10 £661

Years 11-15 £711 Years 16-20 £761 Years 21-25 £817 Years 26-30 £875

5.9 Sales Rates

5.9.1 In our MV-T cashflows we have assumed that some of the units which become void are sold on the open market and have included sales rates of 4.5% per annum for houses and 8.0% per annum for flats.

5.10 Discount Rate

5.10.1 For our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted a discount rate of 5.75% on net rental income.

5.10.2 We have adopted discount rates of 7.5% (rental income) and 9.25% (sales) for our MV-T cashflow.

5.11 House Price Growth

5.11.1 We have assumed house prices will grow in real terms at 0% in the first 3 years of our cashflow models and in the long term at a rate of 1.0% per annum.

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6 Intermediate Rent Commentary

6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 There are 228 intermediate rent properties in the Portfolio that we have valued on the basis of EUV-SH and MV- T. We can confirm that these units are not subject to restrictions on the title which would prevent a successor in title from letting or selling the properties on the open market.

6.1.2 There are 10 intermediate rent properties in the Portfolio that are either subject to restrictions on the title that prohibit the use of the properties for any purpose other than affordable housing for any successors of bpha or any successors of a mortgagee in possession, or where there are non-financial obligations outstanding. In light of this, we have restricted the value of these units to EUV-SH.

6.1.3 The 238 intermediate rent units are summarised as follows:

Bedrooms Houses Flats Total %age 1 2 9 11 4.6% 2 56 35 91 38.2% 3 127 - 127 53.4% 4 9 - 9 3.8%

Total 194 44 238 100.0% %age 81.5% 18.5% 100.0%

6.2 Tenancies

6.2.1 All of the properties are let on assured tenancies. We have assumed that these are ‘standard’ assured tenancies although we have not seen example tenancy agreements.

6.3 Rental Income

6.3.1 The total gross rent receivable from the 238 intermediate rent properties in the Portfolio amounts to £1,896,831 per annum (based on a 52-week year).

6.3.2 We are unable to verify the accuracy of the rent roll provided to us by bpha.

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6.3.3 The following table sets out a comparison of bpha’s average rents with the average LRRs in the Portfolio and also our opinion of Market Rents in the same areas (rents are shown on the basis of 52 weeks).

Bedrooms bpha’s Properties Average LRRs Market Rent 1 £108.45 £155.77 £154.00 2 £139.09 £188.65 £199.51 3 £164.80 £210.58 £226.03 4 £188.68 £231.46 £253.33 Average £153.27 £200.45 £213.79

6.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth

6.4.1 In accordance with section 1.6.2., intermediate rent properties are exempt from the rent cuts set out in the Act and we have modelled rental growth of CPI plus 1.0% into perpetuity in our EUV-SH valuation models.

6.5 MV-T – Rental Growth

6.5.1 We have assumed that it will take approximately 2 years for assured rents to increase to market levels and thereafter for rents to rise at 1.0% (real) per annum. The average increase we have modelled is 17.3% per year for houses and 22.1% per year for flats.

6.6 Bad Debts and Voids

6.6.1 In our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted an average rate for bad debts and voids of 2.25% of gross income for the Portfolio.

6.6.2 In our MV-T valuation, we have adopted a rate of 8.0% of gross income for the first 3 years of our MV-T cashflow, 5.0% in years 4 and 5 and 4.0% in all years thereafter.

6.7 Management Costs

6.7.1 We have adopted an average rate of £625 per unit for management and administration in our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH.

6.7.2 We have assumed that a mortgagee in possession would expect to spend 10% of rental income on management and administration in our valuation on the basis of MV-T.

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6.8 Repairs and Maintenance

6.8.1 Although the majority of the properties are generally in a reasonable or good condition, renewal, day-to-day and cyclical maintenance will be required to keep the stock in its present condition.

6.8.2 The following table sets out the various assumptions we have made in our cashflows. Both of our appraisals assume that these costs will inflate at 1.0% (real) per annum.

Category of Expenditure EUV-SH MV-T Major repairs and renewals – Year 1 £650 £1,500

Cyclical repairs – Year 1 £300 £300 Day-to-day repairs £350 £350 Total Average Costs £1,300 £2,150

6.8.3 We have adopted higher costs for major repairs in the first 2 years of our MV-T model as some of the properties will require refurbishment and redecoration in order to attract buyers or to be let on the open market. After this initial period, our costs settle to a lower level as shown below:

Years Major Repairs Costs Year 1 £1,500 Year 2 £1,500 Year 3 £650 Year 4 £650 Year 5 £650 Years 6-10 £675 Years 11-15 £700 Years 16-20 £750 Years 21-25 £825 Years 26-30 £900

6.9 Sales Rates

6.9.1 In our MV-T cashflows we have assumed that some of the units which become void are sold on the open market and have included sales rates of 4.5% per annum for houses and 10.0% per annum for flats.

6.10 Discount Rate

6.10.1 For our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted a discount rate of 5.75% on net rental income.

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6.10.2 We have adopted discount rates of 7.5% (rental income) and 9.25% (sales) for our MV-T cashflow.

6.11 House Price Growth

6.11.1 We have assumed house prices will grow in real terms at 0% in the first 3 years of our cashflow models and in the long term at a rate of 1.0% per annum.

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7 Housing For Older People Commentary

7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 There are 141 housing for older people properties in the Portfolio that we have valued of on the basis of EUV-SH.

7.1.2 The properties are located within three purposes-built schemes which are summarised as follows.

Scheme Description Units Jill Jenkins Court, Bedfordshire Extra care scheme built in 2010, with on-site care staff 60 one and two bedroom (24 hours / 7 days), non-resident management staff and self-contained flats Careline alarm service Mayott House, Oxfordshire Extra care scheme built in 2015, with on-site care staff 36 one and two bedroom (24 hours / 7 days), non-resident management staff and self-contained flats Careline alarm service Warburton House, Cambridgeshire Retirement scheme with non-resident management staff 45 one and two bedroom and Careline alarm service self-contained flats

7.2 Tenancies

7.2.1 All of the properties are let on assured tenancies. We have assumed that these are ‘standard’ assured tenancies although we have not seen example tenancy agreements.

7.3 Rental Income

7.3.1 The total gross rent receivable from the 141 housing for older persons properties in the Portfolio amounts to £934,333 per annum (based on a 52-week year).

7.3.2 We are unable to verify the accuracy of the rent roll provided to us by bpha.

7.3.3 The following table sets out a comparison of bpha’s average rents with the average LRRs in the Portfolio in the same areas (rents are shown on the basis of 52 weeks).

Bedrooms bpha’s Properties Average LRRs 1 £123.87 £178.24 2 £140.09 £214.09

Average £127.43 £186.12

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7.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth

7.4.1 In accordance with section 1.6.7 we have assumed that a purchaser of the stock with the benefit of protection from the rent cuts set out in the Act would increase rents by CPI plus 1.0% into perpetuity and have modelled rental growth in our EUV-SH valuation models accordingly.

7.5 Bad Debts and Voids

7.5.1 In our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted an average rate for bad debts and voids of between 2.0% and 2.5% of gross income for the Portfolio.

7.6 Management Costs

7.6.1 We have adopted a rate of between £600 and £650 per unit for management and administration in our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH.

7.7 Repairs and Maintenance

7.7.1 Although the majority of the properties are generally in a reasonable or good condition, renewal, day-to-day and cyclical maintenance will be required to keep the stock in its present condition.

7.7.2 The following table sets out the various assumptions we have made in our cashflow. Our appraisal assumes that these costs will inflate at 1.0% (real) per annum.

Category of Expenditure EUV-SH Major repairs and renewals – Year 1 £700 - £800 Cyclical repairs – Year 1 £300 - £350 Day-to-day repairs £350 - £400 Total £1,350 - £1,550

7.8 Discount Rate

7.8.1 For our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted a discount rate of 5.5% on net rental income.

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8 Supported Commentary

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 There are 12 supported properties in the Portfolio that we have valued on the basis of EUV-SH and MV-T. We can confirm that these units are not subject to restrictions on the title which would prevent a successor in title from letting or selling the properties on the open market.

8.1.2 There are 9 supported properties in the Portfolio that are either subject to restrictions on the title that prohibit the use of the properties for any purpose other than affordable housing for any successors of bpha or any successors of a mortgagee in possession, or where there are non-financial obligations outstanding. In light of this, we have restricted the value of these units to EUV-SH.

8.2 Tenancies

8.2.1 All of the properties are let on assured tenancies. We have assumed that these are ‘standard’ assured tenancies although we have not seen example tenancy agreements.

8.3 Rental Income

8.3.1 The total gross rent receivable from the 21 supported properties in the Portfolio amounts to £107,411 per annum (based on a 52-week year).

8.3.2 We are unable to verify the accuracy of the rent roll provided to us by bpha.

8.3.3 The following table sets out a comparison of bpha’s average rents with the average LRRs in the Portfolio and also our opinion of Market Rents in the same areas (rents are shown on the basis of 52 weeks).

Bedrooms bpha’s Properties Average LRRs Market Rent 1 £96.53 £169.09 £230.91

2 £134.96 £241.73 £350.00 Average £98.36 £172.55 £240.83

8.3.4 The prevailing passing rents are approximately 43.0% lower than the LRRs for the properties.

8.4 EUV-SH – Rental Growth

8.4.1 In accordance with section 1.6.7 we have assumed that a purchaser of the stock with the benefit of protection from the rent cuts set out in the Act would increase rents by CPI plus 1.0% into perpetuity and have modelled rental growth in our EUV-SH valuation models accordingly.

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8.5 MV-T – Rental Growth

8.5.1 We have assumed that it will take approximately 3 years for assured rents to increase to market levels and thereafter for rents to rise at 1.0% (real) per annum. The average increase we have modelled is 19.0% per year for houses and 34.7% per year for flats.

8.6 Bad Debts and Voids

8.6.1 In our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted an average rate for bad debts and voids of 2.25% of gross income for the Portfolio.

8.6.2 In our MV-T valuation, we have adopted a rate of 8.0% of gross income for the first 3 years of our MV-T cashflow, 5.0% in years 4 and 5 and 4.0% in all years thereafter.

8.7 Management Costs

8.7.1 We have adopted an average rate of between £625 and £650 per unit for management and administration in our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH.

8.7.2 We have assumed that a mortgagee in possession would expect to spend 10% of rental income on management and administration in our valuation on the basis of MV-T.

8.8 Repairs and Maintenance

8.8.1 Although the majority of the properties are generally in a reasonable or good condition, renewal, day-to-day and cyclical maintenance will be required to keep the stock in its present condition.

8.8.2 The following table sets out the various assumptions we have made in our cashflows. Both of our appraisals assume that these costs will inflate at 1.0% (real) per annum.

Category of Expenditure EUV-SH MV-T Major repairs and renewals – Year 1 £620 - £650 £1,500 Cyclical repairs – Year 1 £300 £300 Day-to-day repairs £350 £350 Total £1,270 - £1,300 £2,150

8.8.3 We have adopted higher costs for major repairs in the first 2 years of our MV-T model as some of the properties will require refurbishment and redecoration in order to attract buyers or to be let on the open market. After this initial period, our costs settle to a lower level as shown below:

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Years Major Repairs Costs Year 1 £1,500 Year 2 £1,500 Years 3-5 £620 Years 6-10 £645 Years 11-15 £670 Years 16-20 £720 Years 21-25 £770 Years 26-30 £820

8.9 Relet and Sales Rates

8.9.1 In our MV-T cashflows we have assumed that some of the units which become void are sold on the open market and have included sales rates of 25.0% per annum for houses and 25.0% per annum for flats.

8.10 Discount Rate

8.10.1 For our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted a discount rate of 5.75% on net rental income.

8.10.2 We have adopted discount rates of 7.5% (rental income) and 9.25% (sales) for our MV-T cashflow.

8.11 House Price Growth

8.11.1 We have assumed house prices will grow in real terms at 0% in the first 3 years of our cashflow models and in the long term at a rate of 1.0% per annum.

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9 Shared Ownership Commentary

9.1 Introduction

9.1.1 There are 451 shared ownership properties within the Portfolio and bpha currently owns 58.2% of the equity in the properties.

9.2 Rental Levels

9.2.1 According to the information provided by bpha, the average gross weekly rental level is £70.66 against the average retained equity. All rents are expressed on the basis of 52 rent weeks per year.

9.3 Rental Growth

9.3.1 The RSH's restriction on future rental growth through section 2.4.5 of the Capital Funding Guide allows a maximum of 0.5% real growth per annum only. The imposition of this formula effectively constrains the net present value of the cashflow to the basis of EUV-SH.

9.3.2 It should also be noted that although, in general, rents in the sector will be linked to CPI, the rents for shared ownership properties will grow as set out in the signed leases for each property. We have not had sight of these leases and assume that they have the standard rent review provisions (upwards only, indexed linked at RPI plus 0.5%) set out in the model shared ownership lease, published by the National Housing Federation.

9.3.3 We have grown rents at a rate of RPI plus 0.5% in line with this guidance and the terms of the existing leases.

9.4 Outgoings

9.4.1 In forming an opinion of the net rental income the portfolio will generate, we have allowed 3% of gross rental income for management.

9.5 Voids and Bad Debts

9.5.1 We understand that all of the properties are now let and so we would not expect any voids going forward. We have allowed for the incidence of bad debts in the discount rate.

9.6 Repairs and Maintenance

9.6.1 We have assumed any repair obligations will lie with the leaseholders. We would expect that repair/renewal, day- to-day and cyclical maintenance would be required to keep the stock in its present condition. However, we have assumed that, where appropriate, service charge income fully covers expenditure.

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9.7 Discount Rate

9.7.1 For our EUV-SH valuation we have adopted a discount rate of 5.0% on the rental income and 8.0% on sales.

9.8 Rate of Sales

9.8.1 We have adopted what we would expect to be a long-term sustainable rate of sales of further tranches over the 50 years of our cashflow model. We have assumed that equity is sold in 25% tranches.

9.8.2 The rates we have adopted in our cashflows are as follows:

Years Tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 0-2) 15 tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 3-14) 19 tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 15-39) 11 tranche sales p.a. Sales rate (yrs 40-50) 7 tranche sales p.a.

9.8.3 It is difficult to judge when tenants will purchase additional tranches so the income from sales proceeds has been discounted at a higher rate, in line with section 9.7, to reflect the additional risk of realising the value. However, it should be noted that in our valuation, the majority of the value (circa 65.4%) is attributed to the rental income.

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10 Valuation

10.1 Background

10.1.1 We have prepared our valuations on the following bases:

 Existing Use Value for Social Housing (“EUV-SH”); and

 Market Value subject to existing Tenancies (“MV-T”).

10.1.2 Apportionments of the valuations have been calculated and are included in the schedules at Appendix 1. These are not valuations of the individual properties, and should not be relied upon or treated as such.

10.1.3 The valuations below represent our opinion of the Portfolio as a whole. It is important to note that a prospective purchaser would seek a discount to reflect the quantity of the properties concerned. Conversely, there is also potential for additional value being added to the Portfolio if it were to be broken up and sold piecemeal. We stress that, in forming our opinion of the value of the Portfolio as a whole, we have neither applied a discount for quantum nor added a premium to reflect break-up potential.

10.1.4 The definitions of the bases of valuation are set out in full in section 11 of this Report.

10.2 Valuation

10.2.1 Our valuation of all 619 properties being valued on the basis of EUV-SH, in aggregate as at the effective date of valuation, is:

£57,000,000 (fifty seven million pounds)

10.2.2 Our valuation of all 1,831 properties being valued on the basis of MV-T, in aggregate as at the effective date of valuation, is:

£279,380,000 (two hundred and seventy nine million, three hundred and eighty thousand pounds)

10.3 Freehold Properties

10.3.1 Our valuation of the 420 freehold properties that have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH, in aggregate as at the effective date of valuation, is:

£36,890,000 (thirty six million, eight hundred and ninety thousand pounds)

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10.3.2 Our valuation of the 1,781 freehold properties that have been valued on the basis of MV-T, in aggregate as at the effective date of valuation, is:

£269,840,000 (two hundred and sixty nine million, eight hundred and forty thousand pounds)

10.4 Leasehold Properties

10.4.1 Our valuation of the 199 leasehold properties that have been valued on the basis of EUV-SH, in aggregate as at the effective date of valuation, is:

£20,110,000 (twenty million, one hundred and ten thousand pounds)

10.4.2 Our valuation of the 50 leasehold properties that have been valued on the basis of MV-T, in aggregate as at the effective date of valuation, is:

£9,540,000 (nine million, five hundred and forty thousand pounds)

10.5 Summary Table

10.5.1 The following table summarises the valuations shown above by individual category:

Basis of Category Unit Count EUV-SH MV-T Valuation Affordable Rent unrestricted 7 EUV-SH £620,000 Affordable Rent unrestricted 233 MV-T £23,170,000 £38,810,000 General needs restricted 1 EUV-SH £80,000 - General needs unrestricted 1,358 MV-T £106,870,000 £205,440,000 Intermediate rent restricted 10 EUV-SH £1,450,000 - Intermediate Rent Unrestricted 228 MV-T £27,990,000 £32,940,000 Housing for older people restricted 141 EUV-SH £14,760,000 - Supported restricted 9 EUV-SH £510,000 - Supported unrestricted 12 MV-T £880,000 £2,190,000 Shared Ownership 451 EUV-SH £39,580,000 - Total 2,450 £215,910,000 £279,380,000

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10.6 Suitability as Security

10.6.1 Our instructions require us to comment on whether the properties we have valued provide suitable security for the Bond Issue.

10.6.2 It is difficult for any valuer, without being asked to consider a specific credit or risk assessment policy, to make an absolute, unqualified statement that those assets will provide suitable security because our instructions do not explain what criteria is being applied in making this assessment.

10.6.3 However we confirm that, in our opinion, should the Security Trustee become a mortgagee in possession of the Portfolio, then it would be possible to achieve a sale to another RP that would be at a price at least equivalent to our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH or, in principle, to a private purchaser at a price equivalent to our valuation on the basis of MV-T as set out in our Report. However, the valuation assumes implicitly that a purchaser could obtain debt finance on commercially viable terms to facilitate a purchase of the Portfolio. Furthermore, we have identified the following attributes of the Portfolio which should assist the Security Trustee in its assessment:

 given the divergence between property prices and local average earnings, demand for these properties should be sustainable in the medium to long term;

 the level of rental income for all areas is broadly in line with other RPs in the respective areas;

 the level of rental income is, in aggregate, below the LRRs for each region;

 the EUV-SH and MV-T values per unit and percentage relationships to the Market Value subject to Vacant Possession, are at levels appropriate to the current climate, having regard to the Portfolio’s location and composition; and

 we have made conservative assumptions with regard to the respective rent and sales contributions to the valuations of the shared ownership units and they are not overly dependent on proceeds from sales.

10.6.4 With the above factors in mind, and with specific regard to the continuing need for well-maintained social housing accommodation, we believe it reasonable to conclude an acceptable demand for a portfolio of this nature from commensurate social housing landlords and private institutional investment firms.

10.6.5 Subject to the information presented within this Report, and at the values formally reported, we are satisfied to recommend to the Security Trustee that this Portfolio is suitable for security purposes.

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11 Bases of Valuation

11.1.1 Our valuations have been prepared in accordance with the RICS Red Book.

11.2 Existing Use Value for Social Housing

11.2.1 The basis of Existing Use Value for Social Housing is defined in UKVS 1.12 of the Red Book as follows:

“Existing use value for social housing (EUV-SH) is an opinion of the best price at which the sale of an interest in a property would have been completed unconditionally for a cash consideration on the valuation date, assuming:

 a willing seller;

 that prior to the valuation date there had been a reasonable period (having regard to the nature of the property and the state of the market) for the proper marketing of the interest for the agreement of the price and terms and for the completion of the sale;

 that the state of the market, level of values and other circumstances were on any earlier assumed date of exchange of contracts, the same as on the date of valuation;

 that no account is taken of any additional bid by a prospective purchaser with a special interest;

 that both parties to the transaction had acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion;

 that the property will continue to be let by a body pursuant to delivery of a service for the existing use;

 that at the valuation date, any regulatory body, in applying its criteria for approval, would not unreasonably fetter the vendor’s ability to dispose of the property to organisations intending to manage their housing stock in accordance with that regulatory body’s requirements;

 that properties temporarily vacant pending re-letting should be valued, if there is a letting demand, on the basis that the prospective purchaser intends to re-let them, rather than with vacant possession; and

 that any subsequent sale would be subject to all the same assumptions above.”

11.3 Market Value

11.3.1 The basis of Market Value is defined in VPS 4.4 of the Red Book as follows:

“The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.”

11.3.2 Market Value subject to Tenancies is in accordance with the above definition, with the addition of the point below:

“That the properties would be subject to any secure or assured tenancies that may prevail, together with any other conditions or restrictions to which property may be subject.”

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11.4 Expenses

11.4.1 No allowance is made in our valuations for any expenses of realisation.

11.5 Tax

11.5.1 No allowance is made in our valuations for any liability for payment of Corporation Tax, or for any liability for Capital Gains Tax, whether existing or which may arise in the future.

11.6 VAT

11.6.1 Our valuations are exclusive of VAT on disposal.

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12 Sources and Verification of Information

12.1 General

12.1.1 We have relied upon the property descriptions provided to us by bpha and have verified their accuracy where we have inspected properties internally.

12.1.2 We have also relied upon the tenancy types and current rental income for each unit as provided. We have not audited the rent roll, nor have we been able to verify the accuracy of the data. However, we consider that the general rent levels in the Portfolio to be reasonable in the context of affordable housing and we have relied on the information provided as being current and accurate.

12.2 Tenure

12.2.1 Unless otherwise stated in this Report, bpha holds a freehold interest or long leasehold interest with not less than 80 years unexpired in respect of its properties. We confirm that there will be no material difference in the MV-T and EUV-SH cashflow valuations between these two holding interests.

12.3 Title

12.3.1 We have reviewed the certificate of title prepared by Devonshires Solicitors LLP (the “Certificates”) and can confirm that our valuations fully reflect the disclosures contained therein.

12.3.2 In respect of each property that we have valued on the basis of MV-T we confirm that we have reviewed the Certificates and confirm that each such property can be disposed of on an unfettered basis (subject only to existing tenancies disclosed in the Certificates but not subject to any security interest, option of other encumbrance or to any restriction preventing or restricting its sale to or use by any person for residential use).

12.3.3 In respect of each property that we have restricted to a valuation on the basis of EUV-SH, we confirm that, in our opinion, it would be possible to achieve a sale of the residential properties to another RP at a price that is equivalent to our valuation on the basis of EUV-SH.

12.4 Nomination Agreements

12.4.1 Our valuations are prepared on the basis that there are no nomination agreements. If any nomination rights are found to be in existence, they are assumed not to be binding on a mortgagee in possession unless otherwise stated in this Report

12.5 Measurements/Floor Areas

12.5.1 We have not measured the properties, this being outside the scope of a valuation of a portfolio of this nature, unless otherwise stated in this Report.

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12.6 Structural Surveys

12.6.1 Unless expressly instructed, we do not carry out a structural survey, nor do we test the services and we, therefore, do not give any assurance that any property is free from defect. We seek to reflect in our valuations any readily apparent defects or items of disrepair, which we note during our inspection, or costs of repair which are brought to our attention. Otherwise, we assume that each building is structurally sound and that there are no structural, latent or other material defects.

12.6.2 In our opinion the economic life of each property should exceed 50 years providing the properties are properly maintained.

12.7 Deleterious Materials

12.7.1 We do not normally carry out or commission investigations on site to ascertain whether any building was constructed or altered using deleterious materials or techniques (including, by way of example high alumina cement concrete, woodwool as permanent shuttering, calcium chloride or asbestos). Unless we are otherwise informed, our valuations are on the basis that no such materials or techniques have been used.

12.8 Site Conditions

12.8.1 We do not normally carry out or commission investigations on site in order to determine the suitability of ground conditions and services for the purposes for which they are, or are intended to be, put; nor do we undertake archaeological, ecological or environmental surveys. Unless we are otherwise informed, our valuations are on the basis that these aspects are satisfactory and that, where development is contemplated, no extraordinary expenses, delays or restrictions will be incurred during the construction period due to these matters.

12.9 Environmental Contamination

12.9.1 Unless expressly instructed, we do not carry out or commission site surveys or environmental assessments, or investigate historical records, to establish whether any land or premises are, or have been, contaminated. Therefore, unless advised to the contrary, our valuations are carried out on the basis that properties are not affected by environmental contamination. However, should our site inspection and further reasonable enquiries during the preparation of the valuation lead us to believe that the land is likely to be contaminated we will discuss our concerns with you.

12.10 Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

12.10.1 We have not been provided with copies of any Energy Performance Certificates by bpha. The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 make it unlawful for landlords in the private rented sector to let properties that have an EPC rating of F or G, from 1 April 2018. The Regulations do not apply to the majority of properties owned by RPs. Based on our inspections and our wider knowledge of energy ratings within the social housing sector, we do not consider this issue to present a material valuation risk.

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved 36 bpha Finance plc 15 October 2018

12.11 Market Rental Values

12.11.1 Our assessment of rental values is formed purely for the purposes of assisting in the formation of an opinion of MV-T and is generally on the basis of Market Rent, as defined in the “the Red Book”. Such figures should not be used for any other purpose other than in the context of this valuation.

12.12 Insurance

12.12.1 Unless expressly advised to the contrary we assume that appropriate cover is and will continue to be available on commercially acceptable terms.

12.13 Planning

12.13.1 We have prepared our valuations on the basis that each property exists in accordance with a valid planning permission.

12.14 Outstanding Debts

12.14.1 In the case of property where construction works are in hand, or have recently been completed, we do not normally make allowance for any liability already incurred, but not yet discharged, in respect of completed works, or obligations in favour of contractors, subcontractors or any members of the professional or design team.

12.15 Services

12.15.1 We do not normally carry out or commission investigations into the capacity or condition of services. Therefore we assume that the services, and any associated controls or software, are in working order and free from defect. We also assume that the services are of sufficient capacity to meet current and future needs.

12.16 Plans and Maps

12.16.1 All plans and maps included in our Report are strictly for identification purposes only, and, whilst believed to be correct, are not guaranteed and must not form part of any contract. All are published under licence and may include mapping data from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright. All rights are reserved.

12.17 Compliance with Building Regulations and Statutory Requirements

12.17.1 We have assumed that the properties conform to the Fire Precaution Regulations and any other statutory requirements.

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. All Rights Reserved 37 Appendices

Appendix 1 List of Addresses

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. All Rights Reserved Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10001870 6 Brereton Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 1HU House 3 BD39534 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,085 £154,797 10001432 31 Battison Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 1QU House 2 BD140031 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,775 £126,617 10003610 9 Fontwell Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 3UR House 3 BD133594 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10006557 131 Old Ford End Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NG House 3 BD15259 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,877 £150,741 10004177 77 Honey Hill Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NZ House 3 BD150140 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,268 £150,741 10001219 18 Ballinghall Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AB House 3 BD20680 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10005404 62 Leighfield Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AG House 3 BD140413 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10005187 12 Kershope Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AQ House 4 BD109616 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,097 £168,289 10005196 27 Kershope Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AQ House 3 BD97295 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006415 179 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DL House 2 BD120932 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10008433 1 Turnpike Way Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0EX House 3 BD93296 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003571 28 Fieldside Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0HD House 2 BD119408 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,946 £125,617 10002605 175 Church Lane Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PF House 3 BD140869 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003606 19 Flowerdale Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PP House 3 BD96982 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10010176 110 Highbury Grove Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6DX House 3 BD77358 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,260 £154,330 10005835 84 Mallard Hill Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7QT House 3 BD107615 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10008640 25 The Wharfe Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XP House 3 BD137860 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10006255 18 Mount Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 8HX House 3 BD175077 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,507 £165,097 10005168 26 Kenilworth Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 8LL House 3 BD34279 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10008380 4 Tintagel Walk Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8ND House 2 BD121884 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,111 £143,562 10007579 41 Roundmead Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9JB House 3 BD140875 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10006818 4 Purbeck Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9LT House 3 BD5844 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10002932 5 Cricket Lane Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9NP House 3 BD12608 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10000820 11 Addington Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9SP House 3 BD129560 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10001305 30 Barford Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0DS House 3 BD145407 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,581 £146,198 10003526 123 Fenlake Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0EU House 2 BD126858 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,837 £129,505 10001278 93 Bamford Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0NH House 3 BD94802 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,779 £148,485 10005111 14 Kathie Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0QJ House 3 BD107932 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,386 £157,280 10003016 36 Dents Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0QP House 3 BD114143 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,793 £148,513 10003019 40 Dents Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0QP House 2 BD138432 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10008644 52 Winchester Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0RZ House 3 BD103299 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,681 £154,026 10008646 109 Winchester Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0SA House 3 BD91913 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,365 £153,422 10003119 22 Duchess Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0SH House 3 BD101330 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,930 £156,410 10011368 8 Lincoln Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0UX House 2 BD85260 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,659 £132,984 10017926 17 Church Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7BL House 3 BD34525 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,269 £155,148 10018064 55 Ditmas Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7DR House 4 BD104064 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,252 £162,751 10018723 8 Whitelodge Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7ED House 3 BD29133 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10017775 77 Balliol Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7ET House 2 BD94492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,615 £132,900 10018245 18 Hastings Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7EZ House 4 BD115269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,723 £161,741 10018825 112 Williamson Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7HL House 4 BD125671 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,723 £161,741 10018390 15 The Links Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7LB House 3 BD12275 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10018377 42 Lovat Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7LX House 3 BD16966 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10017679 26 Abbott Crescent Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7QH House 2 BD144507 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10017900 34 Cater Street Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8DR House 3 BD74120 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10018433 26 Northdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NG House 2 BD82930 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,825 £127,413 10018649 137 Spring Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 8NR House 3 BD85233 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018655 37 Thornton Street Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8PD House 3 BD105202 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10018394 48 Littledale Street Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8PH House 3 BD101163 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10007906 51 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9EG House 2 BD138911 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10007910 59 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9EG House 2 BD135847 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10001933 5 Bunyan Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9JB House 3 BD33655 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10006433 22 Newton Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9NA House 3 BD159555 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,865 £143,562 10016257 91 Alexander Close Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9LT House 3 BD106957 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,147 £147,278 10016258 48 Churchill Close Stewartby Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9LU House 3 BD148923 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,162 £145,398 10016446 28 The Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 2DT House 2 BD92074 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,760 £138,904 10010374 19 Road Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 2LB House 3 BD94310 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,047 £158,542 10010375 20 Little Staughton Road Colmworth Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 2LB House 3 BD139037 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,819 £158,108 10008940 3 Pyms Close Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3HY House 3 BD29084 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,598 £150,741 10011085 63A Wood Lane Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK45 3AP House 3 BD53070 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,025 £157,919 10012538 8 Coulson Court Dallow Road Bedfordshire LU1 1XQ Flat 2 BD115651 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £63,208 £107,672 10012558 1 Hamer Court Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU2 7DZ Flat 2 BD144898 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £64,508 £122,028 10012506 161 Brook Street Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU3 1DZ Flat 2 BD164786 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £50,566 £86,137 10012665 47 Tythe Road Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU4 9JH Flat 2 BD93253 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £64,508 £118,439 10015805 81 Hampden Way Eynesbury Cambridgeshire PE19 2JH House 3 CB155954 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,399 £140,124 10015984 23 Marlborough Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3DD House 3 CB94745 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,056 £162,171 10015982 21 Kent Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3DH House 3 CB84810 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,480 £157,919 10015991 8 Reynolds Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3EJ House 2 CB96007 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,491 £136,689 10015828 8 Derwent Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3HR House 3 CB102312 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,480 £157,919 10015829 12 Derwent Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3HR House 3 CB96774 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,480 £157,919 10015993 58 Tamar Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 3JE House 2 CB149992 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,815 £129,463 10015958 5 Grebe Close St Ives Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE27 6HW House 2 CB17993 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,183 £147,348 10008720 16 Woburn Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 1EG House 7 BD38334 Absolute Freehold MV-T £110,693 £258,906 10001428 6 Battison Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 1QU House 2 BD152666 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,968 £125,617 10002874 23 Coventry Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4EQ House 3 BD106227 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,364 £150,741 10008608 37 Westbourne Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4LB House 3 BD166203 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,576 £150,741 10004250 84 Iddesleigh Road Queens Park Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4LL House 3 BD81604 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,363 £150,741 10004080 7 Hickling Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NA House 3 BD14494 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,525 £150,741 10004082 20 Hickling Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NA House 3 BD14584 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,304 £150,741 10007970 2 St. Pauls Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NT House 3 BD25846 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,032 £150,741 10007972 23 St. Pauls Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NT House 3 BD29609 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,576 £150,741 10007974 37 St. Pauls Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NT House 2 BD74769 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,968 £129,206 10007114 6 Rendlesham Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AE House 3 BD128050 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006385 25 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0BS House 2 BD141498 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10007043 21 Radnor Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DB House 3 BD86127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001926 20 Bruthwaite Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NH House 3 BD123871 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001604 9 Birse Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NL House 3 BD109333 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006078 26 Milburn Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NZ House 3 BD119100 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006388 37 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PT House 3 BD97741 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006411 160 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PX House 2 BD153281 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10010172 36 Fetlock Close Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6BG House 2 BD189460 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,033 £129,206 10010173 56 Fetlock Close Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6BG House 2 BD77547 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £129,206 10010124 5 Bents Close Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6DY House 3 BD112066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,834 £154,330 10010162 34 Cody Road Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6EA House 3 BD77284 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,834 £154,330 10005091 17 Ivel Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7EJ House 2 BD60535 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,407 £138,230 10007489 68 Rooksmead Brickhill Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7QY House 3 BD37327 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10007491 72 Rooksmead Brickhill Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7QY House 3 BD75512 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10007991 86 Salisbury Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7RQ House 3 BD31344 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,834 £158,136 10006673 10 Petteril Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XJ House 3 BD170296 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10008638 19 The Wharfe Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XP House 3 BD146090 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10008278 7 Swale Path Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XS House 3 BD141843 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10008134 5 Skerne Passage Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XX House 3 BD117779 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10002853 29 Cornland Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 8HZ House 2 BD96412 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £138,469 10001794 34 The Boundary Goldington Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HA House 3 BD130695 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10005488 5 Linkway Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9HF House 3 BD88370 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10005984 48 Meadway Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HJ House 3 BD136089 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10007586 57 Roundmead Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HY House 3 BD160115 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10006956 164 Queens Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9JG House 2 BD119905 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £138,469 10001190 56 Aylesbury Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9QD House 3 BD39119 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10003527 125 Fenlake Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0EU House 2 BD126382 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,872 £124,216 10001417 29 Barton Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0NA House 3 BD169080 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,940 £150,701 10003996 109 Harrowden Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0RT House 3 BD22674 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,356 £159,132 10004011 167 Harrowden Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0RU House 3 BD56355 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,664 £159,721 10017759 4 Balliol Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7EP House 3 BD148202 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10018357 30 Huntingdon Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7EX Flat 3 BD146223 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10018385 7 Lincoln Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7HB House 3 BD132560 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018373 22 Laurel Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7NS House 3 BD27144 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10017806 55 Beech Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7PA House 3 BD26095 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,393 £126,706 10018381 11 Lilac Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7PF House 3 BD20322 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018360 17 Juniper Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7SX House 2 BD63818 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018113 106 Foster Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8BU House 2 BD44755 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018488 30 Rosedale Way Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8JE House 3 BD16968 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018110 6 Farrer Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 8JH House 3 BD107975 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10017868 9 Buttermere Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 8JU House 3 BD43088 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10017869 13 Buttermere Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 8JU House 3 BD42171 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018087 19 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 3 BD53831 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,085 £163,856 10018088 25 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 3 BD49789 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,727 £148,386 10018090 5 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 3 BD52733 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018094 62 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LZ House 2 BD81969 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,453 £134,499 10018438 62 Northdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NG House 2 BD80751 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018288 52 Henderson Way Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NP House 3 BD22578 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018654 17 Thornton Street Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8PD House 3 BD182142 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018629 7 Stanton Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8QY House 3 BD167455 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018358 3 Jardine Court Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8SS House 2 BD93938 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £69,277 £132,254 10000914 13 Althorpe Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9HF House 3 BD37229 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,039 £139,437 10018491 49 Sandhurst Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9HX House 3 BD31956 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,203 £134,022 10001932 3 Bunyan Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9JB House 2 BD74539 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,713 £127,359 10005123 4 Kelvin Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9SA House 3 BD113226 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,865 £143,562 10001621 19 Blundell Place Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9XB House 3 BD152500 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,588 £143,562 10015409 21 Townsend Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1HY House 3 BD189144 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10012793 32 Huntsmans Way Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 1SA House 3 BD64743 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10008935 3 Dothans Close Great Barford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3JS House 3 BD98190 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 10008931 79 Chapelfield Great Barford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3JT House 3 BD74630 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10017130 21 Hampton Close Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK45 3DA House 3 BD38538 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,640 £157,919 10017166 8 Phipps Close Wilshamstead Bedford Bedfordshire MK45 3EH House 3 BD51363 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,523 £157,919 10008416 1 Tudor Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 2DY House 3 BD153902 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,342 £157,196 10005946 5 Martham Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4ND House 3 BD15054 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,069 £150,741 10018393 55 Littledale Street Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8PJ House 2 BD45277 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,453 £134,499 10015408 13 Townsend Road Sharnbrook Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1HY House 3 BD75160 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10008609 71 Westbourne Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4LD House 3 BD30830 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,437 £150,741 10008415 18 Trinity Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NR House 3 BD32010 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,576 £150,741 10004179 89 Honey Hill Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NZ House 2 BD85002 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,968 £129,206 10008660 19 Windmill Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0HB House 3 BD113883 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,086 £133,708 10003577 36 Fieldside Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0HD House 3 BD150319 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,091 £131,124 10003579 41 Fieldside Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0HD House 3 BD118387 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003295 64 Elliott Crescent Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0HJ House 2 BD151084 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,204 £125,617 10010111 9 Bents Close Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6DZ House 3 BD112474 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,056 £159,707 10005460 55 Leven Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XF House 3 BD124496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10018717 1 Whitebeam Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7RN House 2 BD113163 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,453 £134,499 10018574 71 St. John's Avenue Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8ET Flat 4 BD148252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10018435 39 Northdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NG House 2 BD81202 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018436 43 Northdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NG House 2 BD75905 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10006629 8 Pearcey Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9LY House 3 BD153328 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,865 £143,562 10006640 25 Pearcey Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9LZ House 3 BD113224 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,865 £143,562 10002813 8 Corby Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9UU House 3 BD85216 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,588 £143,562 10017399 28 Studley Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9DL House 3 BD65745 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10011078 7 Hall Way Cotton End Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK45 3AF House 3 BD56435 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,025 £157,919 10012046 51 Highfield Road Wellingborough Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN9 5UD House 2 NN133325 Absolute Freehold MV-T £56,887 £96,905 10010889 8 Northfields Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5AL House 3 BD126124 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,642 £159,679 10010891 47 Northfields Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5AL House 3 BD177278 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010892 94 Northfields Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5AL House 3 BD148685 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010876 300 High Street North Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 1LF House 3 BD182162 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,305 £169,128 10010899 59 Spoondell Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 3JE House 3 BD140641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10005733 36 Maitland Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 1QX House 3 BD167299 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,144 £154,909 10005194 25 Kershope Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AQ House 3 BD86692 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10000839 32 Alamein Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0DF House 3 BD158889 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,047 £139,451 10001280 115 Bamford Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0NH House 3 BD118899 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,779 £148,485 10018389 12 The Links Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7JS House 3 BD10713 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,882 £146,773 10018716 41 Whitebeam Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7RW House 3 BD63085 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018336 9 Hulme Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8HN House 2 BD141848 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018161 42 Gulliver Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8RB House 3 BD76267 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10007913 76 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9EQ House 2 BD133598 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £129,206 10000915 22 Althorpe Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9HF House 3 BD68689 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10001085 12 Aspley Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9JU House 4 BD33593 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,306 £153,310 10001613 6 Blundell Place Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9XB House 3 BD157349 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,588 £143,562 10014135 7 Morden Road Papworth Everard Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB23 3UN House 2 CB95900 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,280 £139,973 10011042 157 Coolidge Gardens Cottenham Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire CB24 8RH House 3 CB77649 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,797 £160,522 10009844 43 Otter Close Bar Hill Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 8EA House 3 CB203066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,138 £170,849 10016999 61 Long Lane Willingham Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire CB4 5LD House 3 CB129479 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,842 £156,242 10015250 57 Glebe Road Sandy Bedfordshire Bedfordshire SG19 1LN Flat 2 BD134875 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £61,101 £104,083 10015239 20 Dapifer Drive Sandy Bedfordshire Bedfordshire SG19 1QJ House 3 BD98225 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015257 4 Sandon Close Sandy Bedfordshire Bedfordshire SG19 1QT House 3 BD103635 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,243 £145,553 10015256 27 Newton Way Sandy Bedfordshire Bedfordshire SG19 1QX House 3 BD122869 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10000945 11 Arden Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AX House 3 BD95453 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10000924 3 Applecross Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0BT House 3 BD37200 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001608 23 Birse Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NL House 3 BD102321 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003371 35 Ettrick Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NN House 3 BD110776 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10002195 1 Carrick Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PU House 3 BD96486 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001890 104 Brickhill Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7QN House 3 BD157633 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10001891 108 Brickhill Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7QN House 3 BD183251 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,398 £152,908 10001892 110 Brickhill Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7QN House 3 BD36227 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10002472 25 Chillingham Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 8HT House 3 BD18620 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10018364 3 Kendall Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7DZ House 3 BD91618 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018216 21 Harter Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7EY House 3 BD111569 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10018253 40 Hastings Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HT House 3 BD105697 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,500 £146,044 10018262 68 Hastings Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HT House 3 BD208165 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018495 76 Spruce Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7LS House 3 BD17609 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018376 36 Lovat Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7LX House 3 BD16543 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,826 £148,698 10018697 3 Walnut Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7PP House 3 BD24325 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,368 £152,860 10018699 19 Walnut Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7PP House 3 BD24699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018718 15 Whitebeam Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7RN House 3 BD60594 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10015144 54 Rookery Road Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3AD House 3 BD142651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £150,741 10008944 29 Pyms Close Great Barford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3HY House 3 BD35297 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 10008977 45 Willoughby Close Great Barford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3LD House 3 BD53086 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 10002940 4 Cutcliffe Place Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4DF House 4 BD189924 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,300 £172,388 10008517 23 Wansbeck Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7AX House 4 BD16808 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,447 £172,668 10018163 2 Galloway Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7DX House 4 BD83197 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,723 £161,741 10018410 4 Mardale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8JF House 3 BD17952 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018571 68 St. John's Avenue Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8JP House 2 BD165982 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,155 £139,973 10007915 87 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9EG House 3 BD136180 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,848 £139,072 10006681 108 Pilgrims Way Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9TY House 4 BD152727 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,232 £177,985 10005701 33 Luke Place Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9XJ House 3 BD151854 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,588 £143,562 10003939 10 Hamsterley Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0BZ House 3 BD91623 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10007046 34 Radnor Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DB House 3 BD41559 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003851 10 Greskine Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NW House 3 BD129012 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006065 2 Milburn Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NY House 3 BD109385 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10005988 61 Meadway Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HH House 2 BD112696 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,865 £133,377 10003126 79 Duchess Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0SE House 3 BD82803 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,664 £159,721 10018164 3 Galloway Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7DX House 3 BD94844 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018497 86 Spruce Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7LS House 3 BD17197 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018097 73 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 2 BD81885 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,424 £132,535 10018439 68 Northdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NG House 2 BD80993 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,424 £132,535 10005951 2 Maryville Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9PX House 3 BD40445 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £143,562 10017521 58 Tithe Barn Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9EZ House 3 BD90905 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10017461 57 St. Mary's Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9HA House 2 BD139357 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10008532 37 Warwick Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 2EE House 5 BD53293 Absolute Freehold MV-T £118,479 £226,185 10008414 13 Totnes Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 3AX House 3 BD20166 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10002066 5 Caister Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DF House 4 BD173385 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,190 £170,270 10002471 3 Chillingham Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 8HT House 3 BD18265 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10018396 42 Magnolia Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7RY House 3 BD67367 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10017849 8 Bunyan Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 8HP House 3 BD179385 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10017282 7 Foster Way Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9ER House 3 BD41214 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10003614 4 Foster Hill Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 2EN House 3 BD94066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10006379 22 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0BS House 2 BD81230 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10018082 5 Dudley Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7QQ House 3 BD116345 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,036 £147,404 10017482 19 St. Mary's Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9HB House 2 BD117028 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10015330 102 High Street Sharnbrook Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1JG House 3 BD98712 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10017533 17 Church Lane Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN10 9LW House 3 BD24934 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,083 £160,520 10002554 4 Church Lane Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AN House 3 BD79900 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001090 12 Atholl Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0BG House 3 BD99473 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10002414 3 Cherwell Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7AR House 3 BD18343 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10003622 160 Foster Hill Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7TB House 4 BD201771 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,268 £178,055 10001800 57 The Boundary Goldington Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HB House 3 BD72844 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10018026 32A Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HF House 3 BD201768 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018027 32B Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HF House 3 BD201772 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018021 21 Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HG House 2 BD159195 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,825 £127,413 10009244 36 Cornwallis Close Bromham Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 8LG House 3 BD124334 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,122 £154,867 10009723 42 The Valley Comberton Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire CB23 7DF House 3 CB45331 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,336 £174,366 10009730 131 Coolidge Gardens Cottenham Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire CB24 8RH House 3 CB106241 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,336 £174,366 10009726 54 Coolidge Gardens Cottenham Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire CB24 8RJ House 3 CB137994 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,481 £180,370 10009727 56 Coolidge Gardens Cottenham Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire CB24 8RJ House 3 CB63209 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,336 £174,366 10012562 20 Hunts Close Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU1 5JL House 3 BD28777 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,960 £154,559 10012545 190 Devon Road Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU2 0RL House 3 BD150902 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,549 £153,773 10012498 203 Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU3 2HT House 3 BD73254 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,769 £154,194 10012610 53 Macaulay Road Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU4 0LN House 3 BD31020 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,703 £154,068 10012660 15 Thatch Close Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU4 0SU House 3 BD136679 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012556 29 Gelding Close Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU4 0TZ House 3 BD39853 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10003296 66 Elliott Crescent Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0HJ House 2 BD131990 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,865 £125,617 10016427 5 The Close Thurleigh Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 2DT House 3 BD106343 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,460 £155,512 10000940 1 Arden Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AX House 2 BD95408 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,498 £125,617 10000951 24 Arden Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AX House 2 BD209346 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,330 £125,617 10014309 51 Axiom Avenue Peterborough Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire PE3 7EH House 3 CB246488 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,208 £107,672 10013931 102 Balmoral Road Northampton Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN2 6JZ House 3 NN139845 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,339 £136,384 10001255 2 Bamford Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0NE House 3 BD87704 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,940 £150,701 10001259 18 Bamford Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0NE House 2 BD150088 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,498 £130,767 10001271 66 Bamford Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0NF House 3 BD131199 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,590 £142,396 10016777 22 Barncroft Turvey Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8DN House 2 BD198883 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,354 £143,855 10016778 24 Barncroft Turvey Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8DN House 2 BD198883 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,339 £143,827 10016779 26 Barncroft Turvey Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8DN House 2 BD198883 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,529 £146,100 10016780 28 Barncroft Turvey Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8DN House 2 BD198883 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,751 £142,705 10016781 30 Barncroft Turvey Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8DN House 2 BD198883 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,316 £145,693 10022666 1 Billing Way Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9FW House 3 BD309310 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £136,300 10001606 15 Birse Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NL House 3 BD137388 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,780 £129,206 10013914 46 Booth Meadow Court Thorplands Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN3 8AZ House 3 NN92185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,895 £112,793 10010871 16 Bowles Way Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 3LX House 4 BD92529 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,614 £178,714 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10010154 57 Bridle Drive Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6BE House 3 BD55001 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,825 £140,938 10001923 8 Bruthwaite Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NH House 3 BD115756 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10017892 5 Carnell Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7HP House 3 BD105535 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,376 £143,897 10017893 8 Carnell Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7HP House 4 BD104819 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,723 £161,741 10015475 1 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015476 2 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015477 3 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015478 4 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015479 5 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015480 6 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015481 7 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015482 8 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10015483 9 Caroline Norton House Caroline Norton House Howitts Lane Cambridgeshire PE19 2JG Flat 1 CB232900 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,667 10002201 17 Carrick Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PU House 3 BD133972 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10011357 12 Central Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TS House 2 BD155598 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,032 £142,486 10014372 122 Central Avenue Peterborough Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire PE1 4LL House 2 CB88206 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,978 £114,850 10008932 81 Chapelfield Great Barford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK44 3JT House 3 BD89449 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,780 £144,669 10002601 157 Church Lane Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0PR House 3 BD106900 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,802 £129,206 10014376 69 Clipston Walk Peterborough Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire PE3 7EE House 2 CB176072 Absolute Freehold MV-T £52,673 £89,727 10002651 27 Clyde Crescent Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7ER House 2 BD125337 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,539 £143,316 10002679 31 Cobden Square Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 2JE House 3 BD121626 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10009226 20 Cornwallis Close Bromham Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 8LG House 4 BD111716 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,190 £170,270 10002879 19 Cox's Close Queens Park Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4JZ House 3 BD97431 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,171 £150,741 10002880 8 Cox's Close Queens Park Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4JZ House 3 BD97450 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,181 £150,741 10022733 43 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £148,683 10022734 45 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £148,683 10022735 47 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £148,683 10022720 17 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £148,683 10022721 19 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £148,683 10022722 21 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £148,683 10022724 25 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £143,120 10022723 23 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £143,120 10022726 29 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,400 10022725 27 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £82,100 10022727 31 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £102,700 10022730 37 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £100,500 10022729 35 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,900 10022732 41 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £108,700 10022731 39 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £118,500 10011202 16 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,319 £170,788 10011203 18 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011204 20 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011205 22 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011206 24 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,336 £151,458 10011207 26 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,835 £135,228 10011208 28 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011209 30 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011222 32 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 4 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,529 £169,007 10011221 34 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 4 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,529 £169,007 10011210 36 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011211 38 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011212 40 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011213 42 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011214 44 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011215 46 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011216 48 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,835 £135,228 10011217 50 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,127 £144,280 10011218 52 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,241 £164,112 10011219 54 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10011220 56 De Havilland Avenue Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TQ House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10018025 29 Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HG House 2 BD150827 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,804 £138,988 10018046 72 Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HG House 2 BD95300 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,712 £129,266 10018047 74 Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HG House 2 BD96880 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,453 £134,499 10022864 79 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HL House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £62,600 10022865 81 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HL House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,500 10022866 83 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HL House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £68,900 10022867 85 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HL House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £61,200 10022868 87 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HL House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,100 10018077 8 Drayton Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7HD House 3 BD99443 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10003125 77 Duchess Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0SE House 3 BD88366 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,848 £139,072 10018084 7 Duncombe Street Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8ED House 4 BD221368 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,097 £168,289 10011230 11 Eastcote Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TP House 2 BD130941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,498 £130,767 10018092 57 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 2 BD77533 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,825 £127,413 10018093 61 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 2 BD82685 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,359 £130,501 10018095 63 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 2 BD77170 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018098 87 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8LY House 2 BD82519 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,636 £136,757 10022656 74 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD304740 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £83,000 10022658 70 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD304743 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £60,400 10022659 68 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD304745 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,100 10022660 92 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD309314 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £121,700 10022661 90 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD309315 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £89,300 10022662 108 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD309255 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £94,200 10022664 98 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 3 BD309311 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £118,900 10022663 100 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 2 BD309272 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £102,900 10022665 102 Folkes Road Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9BX House 3 BD309272 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £99,100 10006556 129 Ford End Road Queens Park Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4LA House 3 BD127477 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,413 £142,060 10010174 7 George Street Clapham Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 6BX House 2 BD83369 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,086 £133,708 10020755 6 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £70,300 10020756 8 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £31,000 10020757 10 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £46,300 10020758 12 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 3 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £93,500 10020759 14 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 3 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £96,500 10020760 16 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £51,900 10020761 18 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,800 10020762 20 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD292742 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £83,600 10023015 3 Goff Place Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD309365 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,200 10023016 5 Goff Place Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD309362 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £102,900 10023017 7 Goff Place Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD309363 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,200 10023018 9 Goff Place Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD309364 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10023165 11 Goff Place Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD311238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10023166 13 Goff Place Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD311239 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £97,500 10023359 36 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD311233 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,200 10023358 34 Goff Place Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9AQ House 2 BD311235 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,200 10022976 7 Granta Terrace Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FJ House 3 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £175,900 10022977 8 Granta Terrace Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FJ House 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £185,800 10018212 17 Harter Road Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7EY House 3 BD99017 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,971 £145,034 10018252 36 Hastings Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HT House 3 BD122418 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018255 46 Hastings Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HT House 3 BD94306 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,376 £143,897 10018287 8 Henderson Way Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8NP House 3 BD32709 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,368 £152,860 10004043 16 Herbrand Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0SD House 3 BD177774 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,834 £158,136 10004081 19 Hickling Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NA House 3 BD28143 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,107 £150,741 10004085 33 Hickling Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NA House 3 BD28226 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,107 £150,741 10022362 27 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GH House 3 ON322247 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £130,900 10022363 25 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GH House 3 ON322247 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £140,200 10022361 29 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GH House 3 ON322247 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,200 10022364 57 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GH House 2 ON326721 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,400 10022365 59 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GH House 2 ON326722 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £54,300 10022366 61 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GH House 2 ON326723 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £99,500 10022379 12 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GJ Flat 2 ON330641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,380 £141,136 10022380 2 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GJ Flat 1 ON330641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,691 £126,280 10022381 4 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GJ Flat 1 ON330641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,691 £126,280 10022382 6 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GJ Flat 1 ON330641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,691 £126,280 10022383 8 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GJ Flat 1 ON330641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,907 £126,280 10022384 10 Hobby Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GJ Flat 1 ON330641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,907 £126,280 10013917 9 Johns Road Bugbrooke Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN7 3QL House 3 NN171939 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,481 £157,462 10018362 23 Juniper Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7SX House 2 BD63517 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,232 £135,986 10005182 14 Kershope Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AQ House 4 BD115215 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,817 £176,418 10015018 1 Kings Close Riseley Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1EP House 2 BD112544 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,667 £129,994 10005379 16 Leighfield Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0AG House 2 BD156963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10012047 19 Lodge Way Irthlingborough Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5YJ House 3 NN228967 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,644 £132,795 10005623 24 Lovell Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0LR House 2 BD99194 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,607 £134,793 10021856 35 Lunniss Way Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9FL House 2 BD304139 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,700 10021863 31 Lunniss Way Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9FL House 3 BD304141 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,700 10021864 29 Lunniss Way Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9FL House 3 BD304142 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £97,800 10016581 13 Marlow Road Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6AR House 3 NN225015 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,293 £157,919 10005948 7 Martham Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4ND House 3 BD16334 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,266 £150,741 10005949 11 Martham Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4ND House 3 BD15109 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,368 £152,860 10005989 62 Meadway Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HH House 3 BD112642 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10005966 16 Meadway Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HU House 3 BD110890 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10006383 171 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DL House 2 BD179156 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,933 £125,617 10006384 197 Needwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DL House 3 BD156774 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,994 £129,206 10006485 17 Norse Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0NU House 3 BD100381 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,994 £129,206 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10013919 41 Oaklands Bugbrooke Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN7 3QU House 3 NN31559 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,137 £152,987 10006554 111 Old Ford End Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NF House 3 BD14783 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,994 £143,168 10006555 123 Old Ford End Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4NF House 3 BD14822 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,230 £139,801 10022941 1 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £78,000 10022942 2 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £61,700 10022943 3 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £74,100 10022944 4 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £91,400 10022945 5 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £40,900 10022946 6 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £26,100 10022947 7 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £83,800 10022948 8 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £57,800 10022949 9 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £68,800 10022950 10 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £73,400 10022951 11 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £82,000 10022952 12 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £52,700 10022953 13 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £69,900 10022954 14 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £74,100 10022955 15 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £83,400 10022956 16 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £81,500 10022957 17 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £44,300 10022958 18 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £77,500 10022959 19 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £54,300 10022960 20 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £76,700 10022961 21 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £78,300 10022962 22 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 2 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £43,700 10022963 23 Pilgrims House Horne Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1AT Flat 1 BD307470 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £45,200 10006843 73 Queen Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 2HN House 3 BD136168 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,436 £140,194 10007001 245 Queens Drive Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9HN House 3 BD134347 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,750 £146,521 10007075 10 Raglan Green Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 8NB House 3 BD157596 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,122 £154,867 10022975 9 River View Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FW House 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,500 10022974 7 River View Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FW House 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £131,300 10022973 5 River View Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FW House 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £90,600 10022972 3 River View Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FW House 1 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £90,434 10022970 1 River View Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FW House 3 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £73,300 10022971 2 River View Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FW Flat 1 CB414074 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £146,300 10009214 82A Rooksmead Brickhill Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7QY House 4 BD196218 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,447 £172,668 10018487 20 Rosedale Way Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8JE House 3 BD16386 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10007563 35 Roundmead Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9JB House 3 BD160136 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,994 £143,168 10007570 22 Roundmead Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9JB House 3 BD100361 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10022654 4 Simms Close Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9FX House 2 BD304147 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £74,100 10022655 6 Simms Close Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9FX House 2 BD304148 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,500 10022761 83 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GL House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022762 85 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GL House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022763 87 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GL House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022367 32 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GN Flat 2 ON322959 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,247 £141,136 10022368 22 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GN Flat 2 ON322959 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,381 £141,136 10022369 26 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GN Flat 2 ON322959 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,924 £141,136 10022370 24 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GN Flat 2 ON322959 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,924 £141,136 10022371 30 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GN Flat 2 ON322959 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,381 £141,136 10022372 28 Songthrush Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GN Flat 2 ON322959 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,381 £141,136 10011383 1 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £54,500 10011384 2 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,100 10011385 3 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £49,300 10011386 4 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £50,300 10011387 5 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £49,300 10011388 6 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £50,300 10011389 8 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,100 10011390 10 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £47,800 10011391 11 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £54,900 10011392 13 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £51,900 10011393 15 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,100 10011394 16 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 3 BD190931 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,729 £170,849 10011395 12 Sopwith Way Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SW House 2 BD211554 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,000 £145,708 10018567 63 St. John's Avenue Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8ET House 2 BD89552 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,719 £129,280 10017454 35 St. Mary's Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9HA House 2 BD189976 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10022847 28 Station Square St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GX House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £88,900 10022848 27 Station Square St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GX House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £124,500 10022853 23 Station Square St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GX House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £46,800 10022852 24 Station Square St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GX House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,000 10022851 25 Station Square St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GX House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,000 10022850 26 Station Square St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GX House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,100 10011399 40 Stirling Road Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TY House 2 BD83605 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,498 £130,767 10013873 5 Stockwell Way Milton Malsor Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN7 3AL House 3 NN143925 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,286 £147,545 10022739 18 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 3 ON332145 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,200 10022738 17 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 3 ON332145 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,100 10022744 23 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON326558 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,500 10022743 22 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON326558 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £93,100 10022742 21 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON326558 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022741 20 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 4 ON332145 Absolute Freehold MV-T £154,890 £252,560 10022740 19 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 4 ON332145 Absolute Freehold MV-T £154,890 £252,560 10022745 25 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON332146 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £69,000 10022746 26 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON332146 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £120,800 10022755 55 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022756 56 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022757 57 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022758 58 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022759 59 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022760 60 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON330424 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10022751 51 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 3 ON332562 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,791 £193,134 10022752 52 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 3 ON332562 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,791 £193,134 10022753 53 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 3 ON332562 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,791 £193,134 10022754 54 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 3 ON332562 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,791 £193,134 10022750 50 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON332562 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £111,900 10022749 49 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON332562 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,000 10022747 35 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON332563 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,500 10022748 36 Swift Drive Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GQ House 2 ON332563 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,300 10001804 72 The Boundary Goldington Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HE House 3 BD152037 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,259 £147,770 10018391 37 The Links Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7LD House 3 BD12910 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10022863 21 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £124,500 10022862 19 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £109,600 10022861 17 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £117,500 10022860 15 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £124,500 10022859 11 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,600 10022858 9 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £88,900 10022855 4 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 3 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,600 10022856 6 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,200 10022857 8 The Pastures St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6HP House 2 CB350229 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £89,400 10008639 21 The Wharfe Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7XP House 3 BD93632 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,376 £143,897 10008377 9 Tintagel Walk Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8ND House 4 BD158068 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,765 £168,289 10011556 9 Titchfield Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 4 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,483 £194,180 10011557 11 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,542 £138,410 10011558 13 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,742 £148,414 10011559 15 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10011560 17 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10011561 18 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,992 £146,984 10011562 19 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10011563 20 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 4 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,529 £194,180 10011564 21 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10011565 22 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10011566 23 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10011567 24 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011568 25 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011569 26 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011570 27 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 4 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,491 £194,180 10011571 28 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10011572 29 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10011573 30 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 3 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10011574 31 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10011575 32 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011576 34 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 2 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011577 36 Titchfield Drive Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9FB House 4 BD203417 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,483 £194,180 10017519 25 Tithe Barn Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9EZ House 2 BD154678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10012345 71 Union Street Kettering Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN16 9DA House 3 NN263129 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,300 10012346 73 Union Street Kettering Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN16 9DA House 3 NN263126 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,300 10012347 75 Union Street Kettering Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN16 9DA House 3 NN263128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,300 10012348 77 Union Street Kettering Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN16 9DA House 3 NN263124 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,300 10011648 9 Vicarage Hill Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK45 1HZ House 2 BD6660 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,814 £148,565 10023022 4 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023021 3 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023020 2 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023023 5 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023025 7 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10023064 45 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023063 44 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023065 46 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023066 47 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023034 16 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023035 17 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023033 15 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023038 20 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023068 49 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023067 48 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023030 12 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023032 14 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023036 18 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023039 21 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023075 56 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023073 54 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023071 52 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023048 30 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023046 28 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023043 25 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023045 27 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023049 31 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023050 32 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023052 34 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023051 33 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023076 57 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023083 64 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023084 65 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023082 63 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023080 61 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023061 43 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023060 42 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023058 40 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023057 39 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023059 41 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023085 66 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023093 74 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023091 72 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023089 70 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 1 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £120,908 10023090 71 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,453 10023087 68 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £148,100 10022980 12 Welchs Crescent Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FZ Flat 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,475 10022979 10 Welchs Crescent Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FZ Flat 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,718 10022982 16 Welchs Crescent Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FZ Flat 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,726 10022981 14 Welchs Crescent Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FZ Flat 2 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,718 10022984 20 Welchs Crescent Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FZ Flat 1 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,986 10022983 18 Welchs Crescent Stapleford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 5FZ Flat 1 CB414075 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,858 10013897 21 Wellspring Blisworth Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN7 3EH House 3 NN225486 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10023249 8 Winded Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9PS House 2 BD314870 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,200 10023248 7 Winded Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9PS House 2 BD314871 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £122,600 10023246 5 Winded Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9PS House 2 BD313214 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,000 10023245 4 Winded Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9PS House 2 BD313216 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,300 10023244 3 Winded Wootton Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9PS House 2 BD313217 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,000 10008743 7 Woodstock Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4JY House 3 BD97437 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,994 £143,168 10008744 9 Woodstock Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4JY House 3 BD97438 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,376 £143,897 10008746 23 Woodstock Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4JY House 3 BD224746 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,131 £149,158 10017685 34 Abbott Crescent Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7QH House 3 BD107678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10016516 99 Bickerstaffes Road Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6EQ House 3 NN13429 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10012395 352 Bideford Green Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 2TX House 4 BD40089 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,700 £184,606 10011945 29 Birches Close South Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 9LU House 3 BD80504 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,516 £163,256 10011980 13 Blackthorn Road Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5JP House 3 BD152433 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,718 £154,096 10011354 14 Blenheim Road Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0UY House 3 BD131375 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,509 10010427 4 Bowles Way Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 3LX House 3 BD101604 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010429 20 Bowles Way Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 3LX House 3 BD74378 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010704 15 Breach Close Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN6 9HT House 3 NN188751 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,554 £140,419 10013883 9 Breach Close Brixworth Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN6 9HT House 3 NN155887 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,324 £143,799 10010430 53 Brewers Hill Road Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 1AD House 2 BD149705 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,436 £128,130 10016517 23 Brick Kiln Close Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6TG House 3 NN146542 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10016482 48 Bush Close Toddington Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 6EF House 3 BD99387 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,896 £150,617 10010851 104 Byfield Road Woodford Halse Northamptonshire NN11 3QS House 3 NN96493 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,324 £143,799 10008762 10 Carters Close Bedfordshire Bedfordshire SG15 6UH House 2 BD121071 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10012399 32 Cedars Way Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 2PD House 3 BD154296 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10002375 22 Chapel Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0DR House 3 BD62056 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,834 £150,741 10010478 45 Churchill Road Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 3LU House 5 BD84065 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,161 £191,213 10011101 31 Crane Way Cranfield Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0HH House 3 BD91520 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10012544 39 Denham Close Luton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU3 3TS House 3 BD80459 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,848 £139,072 10018048 76 Dennis Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7HG House 2 BD133954 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10003063 13 Downside Putnoe Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9JA House 3 BD111837 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £150,741 10018079 12 Dudley Close Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7QQ House 3 BD105607 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10003130 108 Dudley Street Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 3SX House 3 BD43055 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10012412 35 Finch Crescent Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 2PE House 3 BD145772 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10011999 8 Gillan Way Houghton Regis Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5RD House 3 BD78437 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10011109 239 Glebe Road Deanshanger Northamptonshire Bedfordshire MK19 6ND House 3 NN18989 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,731 £159,847 10015327 6 Grange Gardens Sharnbrook Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1JA House 2 BD54698 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10003941 11 Harpenden Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 9RG House 3 BD163968 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £150,741 10016531 50 Highfields Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6EA House 3 NN29375 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10011469 9 Hillesden Avenue Elstow Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9YX House 3 BD175184 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £151,697 10012003 29 Hinton Walk Houghton Regis Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5RB House 3 BD78256 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10009215 23 Honeyholme Brixworth Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN6 9BQ House 2 NN40778 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,555 £136,603 10016533 43 Jenkinson Road Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6AN House 3 NN188752 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10018361 22 Juniper Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7SX House 3 BD63686 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10012423 171 Knaves Hill Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 2SL House 3 BD41623 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10021424 48 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021425 46 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021426 44 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021427 42 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021428 40 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 3 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,853 £186,397 10021431 38 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,200 10021432 36 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £105,100 10021433 34 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £90,100 10021434 32 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FY House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £52,500 10005538 131 London Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 0QA House 3 BD91467 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,386 £154,509 10011102 6 Lordsmead Cranfield Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0HP House 3 BD13553 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,819 £158,108 10017313 44 Lorraine Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9DH House 3 BD88025 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10005717 2 Lune Walk Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7BG House 3 BD31889 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10012004 15 Manor Park Houghton Regis Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5BU House 3 BD97155 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,718 £154,096 10012697 21 Manor Road Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0NT House 3 BD127917 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,467 £157,434 10012698 56 Manor Road Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0NW House 3 BD102940 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10018412 16 Marlborough Park Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8AN House 2 BD82007 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10016582 48 Marlow Road Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6AS House 3 NN188753 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10016585 33 Marlow Road Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6AR House 2 NN107631 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10017354 128 Mepham Road Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9EW House 3 BD40825 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10017369 24 Neale Way Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9EP House 3 BD42487 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10017370 26 Neale Way Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9EP House 3 BD41410 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10010864 12 Nelson Avenue Woodford Halse Daventry Northamptonshire NN11 3QW House 4 NN135302 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,256 £163,111 10006535 42 Old Ford End Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK40 4PF House 3 BD172861 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,080 £149,060 10012438 58 Orion Way Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 3XJ House 2 BD141453 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,344 £149,565 10006558 1 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 10006559 2 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 3 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £145,791 10006560 3 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006561 4 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 3 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £145,791 10006562 5 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006563 6 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 10006564 7 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006565 8 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006566 9 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 3 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £145,791 10006567 10 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006568 11 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 3 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £145,791 10006569 12 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 10006570 13 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 3 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £145,791 10006571 14 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,292 £130,375 10006572 15 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 3 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £145,791 10006573 16 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006574 18 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 4 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,306 £176,704 10006575 20 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 4 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,529 £176,704 10006576 22 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 10006577 24 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006578 26 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006579 28 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,292 £130,375 10006580 32 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 4 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,711 £176,704 10006581 34 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006582 36 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10006583 38 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 10006584 40 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,551 £127,050 10006585 42 Ossory Way Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9QB House 2 BD175201 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £130,010 10016486 20 Park Avenue Tottenhoe Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1QF House 3 BD98543 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,725 £154,110 10012011 23 Plaiters Way Houghton Regis Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 6JZ House 3 BD110897 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012447 170 Richmond Road Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU7 4RE House 3 BD106125 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10012457 31 Rowley Furrows Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 2SH House 3 BD29911 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,865 £154,376 10007992 10 Sandhurst Place Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 9HT House 3 BD176218 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10011647 19 Severn Close Flitwick Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK45 1SJ House 2 BD86134 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10021415 27 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 4 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £145,237 £237,777 10021416 25 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 4 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £162,561 £249,589 10021417 23 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021418 21 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021419 19 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £109,924 £179,392 10021420 17 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021421 15 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 2 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,500 £167,810 10021422 13 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 3 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,853 £186,397 10021423 11 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 3 ON313678 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,853 £186,397 10021429 9 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 3 ON313678 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,100 10021430 7 Skylark Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4GF House 3 ON313678 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,200 10012700 3 Snagge Court Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0LF House 3 BD176192 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10011108 18 Springfield Way Cranfield Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0JN House 3 BD49565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10012020 132 St. Michael's Avenue Houghton Regis Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5DH House 3 BD57213 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10013885 25 Stannard Way Brixworth Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN6 9BT House 3 NN188755 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,324 £143,799 10012702 47 Station Road Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0PS House 3 BD68791 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10015371 6 Stileman Way Sharnbrook Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1HX House 3 BD121392 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,056 £162,171 10011398 38 Stirling Road Shortstown Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0TY House 2 BD83468 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £137,487 10011836 7 Stonehurst Close Hartwell Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN7 2JD House 3 NN100618 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,055 £158,557 10011837 10 Stonehurst Close Hartwell Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN7 2JD House 3 NN196963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,055 £158,557 10016631 10 Swinneyford Road Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6HD House 3 NN54249 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10016632 19 Sycamore Close Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6BW House 3 NN24945 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10016837 13 Tandys Close Turvey Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 8EU House 3 BD114145 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,819 £158,108 10018388 5 The Links Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK42 7JS House 3 BD10594 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,442 £144,024 10012453 6 The Paddocks Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 0RW House 3 BD118702 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10011645 3A The Ridgeway Flitwick Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK45 1DH House 3 BD129793 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,399 £161,124 10008183 29 The Spinney Goldington Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0ET House 2 BD99757 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,041 £133,713 10017500 40 Thorpe Way Wootton Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK43 9ES House 3 BD43286 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10015406 3 Townsend Road Sharnbrook Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1HY House 3 BD51317 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,056 £162,171 10010905 6 Turnpike Close Dunstable Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU6 3NG House 3 BD12374 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10008434 3 Turnpike Way Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0EX House 2 BD99474 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,607 £134,793 10008437 9 Turnpike Way Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 0EX House 2 BD86313 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,865 £133,377 10018698 10 Walnut Walk Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7PJ House 3 BD22879 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10008562 8 Wedgewood Road Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7NW House 3 BD87555 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,819 £158,108 10012032 91 Westminster Gardens Houghton Regis Bedfordshire Bedfordshire LU5 5RU House 3 BD105131 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,592 £152,237 10008751 8 Wye Close Bedford Bedfordshire Bedfordshire MK41 7ES House 2 BD68525 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,407 £138,230 10016655 21 York Close Towcester Northamptonshire Northamptonshire NN12 6JE House 3 NN46467 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £163,111 10020797 1 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £147,700 10020798 2 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £125,300 10020799 3 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 3 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £192,000 10020800 4 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £91,100 10020801 5 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £149,300 10020802 6 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £151,900 10020803 7 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £68,500 10020804 8 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,700 10020806 10 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £163,600 10020813 17 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £128,000 10020816 20 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £164,600 10020817 21 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £136,200 10020818 22 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £168,700 10020820 24 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £110,100 10020821 25 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £102,100 10020823 27 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £163,400 10020825 29 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £72,100 10020826 32 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £141,300 10020827 33 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £86,000 10020828 1 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020829 2 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020830 3 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 3 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £156,097 £298,553 10020831 4 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020832 5 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020833 6 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020834 7 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £82,038 £223,091 10020835 8 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £96,118 £271,412 10020836 9 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020837 10 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020838 11 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020839 12 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020840 13 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £82,786 £225,124 10020841 14 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020842 15 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020843 16 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020844 17 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020845 18 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020846 19 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £83,526 £227,139 10020847 20 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020848 21 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020849 22 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020850 23 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020851 24 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020852 25 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £82,451 £224,214 10020853 26 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020854 27 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020855 28 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 2 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £94,089 £220,070 10020856 29 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £78,227 £165,700 10020857 30 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £85,015 £231,186 10020858 31 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £78,227 £165,700 10020859 34 Huxley House 8 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FL Flat 1 CB371076 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £78,227 £165,700 10020913 52 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £42,200 10020914 53 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020915 60 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020916 54 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 3 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020917 55 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020918 61 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020919 62 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020925 56 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 3 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020926 57 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020927 63 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020934 58 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 3 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,620 £230,700 10020935 59 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FA Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020920 67 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020921 68 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020922 73 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020923 74 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 1 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,982 £168,275 10020924 75 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020928 64 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020929 69 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020930 70 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020931 76 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020932 77 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 1 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,982 £168,275 10020933 78 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020936 65 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020937 66 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020938 71 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020939 72 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020940 79 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10020941 80 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 1 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,982 £168,275 10020942 81 Pym Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3FB Flat 2 CB380451 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,430 £203,559 10010089 26 Keates Road Cherry Hinton Cambridge CB1 9ES House 3 CB118485 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,527 £195,730 10016717 2 Spring Drive Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,390 £212,303 10016718 4 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,390 £212,303 10016719 6 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £97,589 £212,303 10016720 8 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,773 £212,303 10016721 10 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £97,589 £212,303 10016722 12 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,390 £212,303 10016723 14 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,390 £212,303 10016724 16 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,390 £212,303 10016725 18 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,390 £212,303 10016727 22 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 3 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £77,700 10016728 24 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 3 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,413 £245,961 10016729 26 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 3 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,413 £245,961 10016730 28 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 3 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,370 £245,961 10016731 30 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 3 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,370 £245,961 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10016732 32 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD House 3 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,413 £245,961 10016733 34 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,215 £155,344 10016734 36 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,696 £155,344 10016735 38 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,166 £194,180 10016736 40 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,853 £155,344 10016737 42 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,020 £194,180 10016738 44 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,916 £194,180 10016739 46 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,790 £155,344 10016740 48 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,020 £194,180 10016741 90 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,144 £162,847 10016742 92 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,486 £194,180 10016743 94 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,244 £194,180 10016744 96 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,443 £194,180 10016745 98 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,989 £155,344 10016746 100 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,678 £194,180 10016747 102 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,112 £194,180 10016748 104 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,112 £194,180 10016749 106 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 1 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,291 £155,344 10016750 108 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,112 £194,180 10016751 110 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,200 10016752 112 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £101,600 10016753 114 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,000 10016754 116 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,300 10016755 118 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,700 10016757 122 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £114,300 10016758 124 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £47,500 10016759 126 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £114,300 10016760 128 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,000 10020872 97 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 4 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020873 99 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 4 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020874 101 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 4 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020875 103 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10020876 105 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10020877 107 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10020878 109 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10021127 79 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 2 CB402065 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £124,300 10021129 83 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 2 CB402065 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £152,600 10021130 85 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 2 CB402065 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,400 10021131 87 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 2 CB402065 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £106,600 10021132 89 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AE House 2 CB402065 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £142,800 10016656 18 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,842 £212,303 10016657 20 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,901 £212,303 10016658 22 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,842 £212,303 10016659 24 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,967 £212,303 10016660 26 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,415 £212,303 10016662 30 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £144,100 10016663 32 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,901 £212,303 10016664 34 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,363 £222,558 10016665 36 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 3 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10016666 38 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,901 £212,303 10020670 40 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,965 £212,303 10020671 42 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,965 £212,303 10020672 44 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020673 46 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020674 48 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020675 50 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,149 £212,303 10020676 52 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,341 £212,303 10020677 54 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,149 £212,303 10020678 56 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020679 58 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020680 60 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020685 76 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020686 78 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020687 80 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020688 82 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020691 62 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020692 64 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020693 66 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 4 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,762 £284,797 10020694 68 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £127,800 10020697 74 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £151,100 10020681 7 Banner Road Trumpington Meadows Cambridge CB2 9AG House 3 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,561 £245,961 10020682 5 Banner Road Trumpington Meadows Cambridge CB2 9AG House 3 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,561 £245,961 10020683 3 Banner Road Trumpington Meadows Cambridge CB2 9AG House 3 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,561 £245,961 10020684 1 Banner Road Trumpington Meadows Cambridge CB2 9AG House 3 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,561 £245,961 10016667 6 Rialto Close Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AH House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,503 £212,303 10016668 8 Rialto Close Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AH House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,503 £212,303 10016761 2 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £145,100 10016762 4 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £168,400 10016763 6 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,598 £212,303 10016764 8 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,768 £212,303 10016765 10 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,768 £212,303 10016766 12 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,598 £212,303 10016767 14 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,429 £212,303 10016768 16 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,429 £212,303 10016769 18 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,429 £212,303 10016770 20 Old Mills Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AJ House 2 CB373663 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,429 £212,303 10020887 17 Huntsman Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BJ House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,815 £212,303 10020888 19 Huntsman Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BJ House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10020889 21 Huntsman Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BJ House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10020890 23 Huntsman Road Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BJ House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,158 £245,961 10020896 5 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,600 10020897 4 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,000 10020898 3 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £149,500 10020899 2 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,053 £245,961 10020900 1 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,053 £245,961 10020901 15 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,472 £194,180 10020902 14 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,472 £194,180 10020903 18 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,819 £194,180 10020904 19 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 1 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,187 £155,344 10020905 16 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,479 £194,180 10020906 17 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,479 £194,180 10020907 22 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,479 £194,180 10020908 23 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 1 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,657 £155,344 10020909 20 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,479 £194,180 10020910 21 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,479 £194,180 10020911 25 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 1 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,180 £155,344 10020912 24 Kestrel Rise Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BP Flat 1 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,657 £155,344 10020689 2 Piper Road Trumpington Meadows Cambridge CB2 9BQ House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,965 £212,303 10020690 4 Piper Road Trumpington Meadows Cambridge CB2 9BQ House 2 CB375832 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,965 £212,303 10020879 1 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,972 £212,303 10020880 3 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,972 £212,303 10020881 5 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £150,300 10020882 7 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,600 10020883 9 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,972 £212,303 10020884 11 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,972 £212,303 10020885 13 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £164,600 10020886 15 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,600 10020891 33 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £123,300 10020892 35 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £132,300 10020893 37 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 2 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £97,266 £212,303 10020894 39 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,053 £245,961 10020895 41 Osprey Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9BS House 3 CB388185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,053 £245,961 10020698 22 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £89,800 10020699 24 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £68,000 10020700 26 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £90,700 10020701 28 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 3 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £101,400 10020703 32 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £86,875 £142,230 10020704 34 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £87,382 £143,059 10020705 36 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £101,151 £165,601 10020706 42 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER Flat 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £75,030 £122,837 10020707 40 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER Flat 2 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £75,030 £122,837 10020708 38 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 4 CB369063 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £128,248 £209,964 10012451 116 Chalklands Linton Cambridge CB21 4JH House 3 CB238594 Absolute Freehold MV-T £149,781 £182,018 10003898 18 Haddows Close Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DJ House 3 CB366827 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £81,078 £154,783 10003899 19 Haddows Close Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DJ House 3 CB366827 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £73,443 £144,987 10003900 18A Haddows Close Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DJ House 2 CB366827 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £82,599 £157,687 10003901 18B Haddows Close Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DJ House 2 CB366827 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £69,600 10003902 18C Haddows Close Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3DJ House 2 CB366827 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £70,800 10012473 70 Magdalene Close Longstanton Cambridgeshire CB24 3EQ House 3 CB239120 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,800 £160,481 10009736 39 Wilkin Walk Cottenham Cambridgeshire CB24 8TS House 2 CB21234 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,582 £167,944 10009619 17 Fitzgerald Place Fitzgerald Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1WA Flat 1 CB343595 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £134,019 10009637 69 Fitzgerald Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1WA Flat 1 CB342370 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £122,600 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10009638 71 Fitzgerald Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1WA Flat 2 CB342378 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £142,000 10009639 81 Fitzgerald Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1WA Flat 2 CB342372 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £138,600 10009640 83 Fitzgerald Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1WA Flat 1 CB342376 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £63,000 10009516 20 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,851 £233,016 10009530 42 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,500 10009531 44 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,900 10009532 46 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £131,700 10009533 48 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £131,700 10009534 50 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £134,800 10009535 52 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,781 £147,577 10009536 54 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,590 £147,577 10009537 56 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,590 £147,577 10009538 58 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,590 £147,577 10009539 60 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,590 £147,577 10009540 62 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BS Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,590 £147,577 10009545 21 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 4 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £122,000 10009546 23 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £116,500 10009547 25 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £120,400 10009548 27 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £96,800 10009549 29 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,400 10009550 31 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £71,700 10009552 47 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 4 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £134,900 10009553 49 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,600 10009554 51 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £106,100 10009564 81 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,400 10009566 83 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £188,044 £222,221 10009568 85 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £188,044 £222,221 10009570 87 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £131,700 10009572 89 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £71,800 10009610 79 Chieftain Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EF House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £188,044 £222,221 10009699 26 Stanley Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EX House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,500 10009700 28 Stanley Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EX House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £44,800 10009701 30 Stanley Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EX House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,500 10009702 32 Stanley Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EX House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,500 10009704 35 Stanley Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2EX House 4 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,800 10009873 3 Vales Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2GU House 3 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £123,000 10009875 5 Vales Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2GU Flat 2 CB355673 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £87,500 10009508 1 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,851 £233,016 10009509 3 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,789 £147,577 10009510 9 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,851 £233,016 10009511 11 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,286 £194,180 10009512 13 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,286 £194,180 10009513 15 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,851 £233,016 10009514 17 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ Flat 2 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,560 £147,577 10009515 19 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,500 10009517 21 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £134,200 10009519 23 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,000 10009521 25 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,624 £233,016 10009523 27 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,624 £233,016 10009525 29 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 4 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,123 £233,016 10009543 5 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £188,044 £222,221 10009544 7 Central Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2XQ House 3 CB350496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £188,616 £222,897 10009949 19 Meadow Court Littleport Ely CB6 1JW House 3 CB6515 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,277 £143,562 10011596 32 Meadow Court Littleport Ely CB6 1JW House 4 CB231321 Absolute Freehold MV-T £151,999 £174,812 10009732 83 Brewhouse Lane Soham Ely CB7 5JD House 3 CB148078 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,598 £154,330 10014856 20 Firs Lane Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 2QH House 3 HD175444 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,287 £187,636 10010093 28 Cussons Close Rosedale Cheshunt EN7 6JF House 3 HD223032 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,695 £197,961 10011941 43 Bevelwood Gardens Bevelwood Gardens High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3EZ Flat 1 BM103070 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10011948 33 The Pastures Downley High Wycombe HP13 5RN House 3 BM185246 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,695 £197,961 10021267 7 St Johns Close Mildenhall Bury St Edmunds IP28 7NT House 3 SK196432 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,913 £98,807 10021007 3 Hornbeam Avenue Red Lodge Bury St Edmunds IP28 8YH House 3 SK317822 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £137,783 10010548 99 Crosslands Luton LU1 4EP House 4 BD82369 Absolute Freehold MV-T £196,160 £232,422 10010479 1 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010480 2 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010481 3 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010482 4 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010483 5 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,268 10010484 6 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010485 7 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010486 8 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010487 9 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010488 10 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010489 11 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010490 12 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010491 13 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010492 14 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010493 15 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010494 16 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010495 17 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010496 18 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010497 19 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £80,139 10010498 20 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010499 21 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010500 22 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010501 23 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010502 24 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010503 25 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010504 26 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010505 27 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010506 28 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010507 29 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010508 30 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010509 31 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010510 32 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010511 33 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010512 34 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010513 35 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010514 36 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010515 37 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010516 38 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010517 39 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010518 40 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010519 41 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010520 42 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010521 43 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010522 44 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010523 45 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010524 46 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010525 47 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010526 48 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010527 49 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010528 50 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010529 51 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010530 52 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010531 53 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010532 54 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010533 55 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010534 56 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010535 57 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010536 58 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10010537 59 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 2 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £95,454 10010538 60 Jill Jenkins Court Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Flat 1 BD263454 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £87,272 10012707 64 Durham Road Luton Bedfordshire LU2 0RD House 3 BD134130 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012503 17 Bracklesham Gardens Luton Bedfordshire LU2 8QJ House 3 BD64998 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012663 68 The Ridings Road Luton LU3 1BY House 3 BD167789 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012481 26 Althorp Road Luton Bedfordshire LU3 1JY House 2 BD151675 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,437 £136,379 10012548 24 Dorrington Close Luton Bedfordshire LU3 1XR House 2 BD132282 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,437 £136,379 10016843 7 Church Road Sundon Luton LU3 3PB House 2 BD122834 Absolute Freehold MV-T £132,032 £156,029 10012662 95 Thrales Close Marsh Farm Luton LU3 3RR House 3 BD107062 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10021388 27 Pottery Close Luton Bedfordshire LU3 3SX House 3 BD143517 Absolute Freehold MV-T £143,344 £169,396 10012612 40 Oregan Way Barton Hill Luton LU3 4AP House 2 BD113345 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,437 £136,379 10012675 26 Whitwell Close Luton Bedfordshire LU3 4BS House 3 BD147513 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012483 2 Anmer Gardens Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0HB House 3 BD202878 Absolute Freehold MV-T £128,256 £151,566 10012644 84 Shelley Road Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0JA House 3 BD161094 Absolute Freehold MV-T £143,344 £169,396 10012661 34 Thatch Close Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0SU House 3 BD145282 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012557 56 Gelding Close Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0TZ House 3 BD78300 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10021133 64 Kestrel Way Bedfordshire LU4 0UD House 2 BD92447 Absolute Freehold MV-T £124,488 £147,114 10010867 9 Buzzard Road Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0UF House 2 BD92999 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,437 £136,379 10012639 53 Radnor Road Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0UG House 3 BD129423 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,953 £185,706 10012537 61 Coltsfoot Green Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0XW House 2 BD131563 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,437 £136,379 10012641 1 Rodeheath Luton Bedfordshire LU4 9XA House 3 BD130479 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10012539 86 Coverdale Lea Meadows Luton LU4 9XG House 2 BD154908 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,437 £136,379 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10010883 21 Jardine Way Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4AU House 3 BD87498 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010884 35 Jardine Way Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4AU House 3 BD125818 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010908 187 Southwood Road Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4EL House 3 BD143628 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010890 122 Northfields Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 5AN House 3 BD131064 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10011986 158 Cemetery Road Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5DE House 2 BD99982 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10011989 185 Cemetery Road Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5DE House 3 BD100617 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,989 £150,602 10011985 22 Camp Drive Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5HE House 3 BD112153 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012025 104 Tithe Farm Road Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5JB House 3 BD68462 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10011981 14 Blackthorn Road Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5JP House 3 BD162309 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012024 12 Sycamore Road Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5NQ House 2 BD213386 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,156 £145,964 10012002 116 Hillborough Crescent Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5NY House 3 BD105072 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10011994 49 Eddiwick Avenue Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5PG House 3 BD113117 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10011956 17 Abbey Walk Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5PP House 3 BD109119 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,019 £171,935 10012000 59 Grangeway Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5PR House 2 BD75174 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10012009 31 Parkway Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5PT House 3 BD84573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,833 £140,952 10011995 98 Elm Park Close Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5PW House 4 BD88242 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,913 £164,013 10012005 18 Kirton Way Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5PZ House 3 BD84604 Absolute Freehold MV-T £130,520 £154,242 10012026 128 Trident Drive Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5QQ House 3 BD102549 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012027 150 Trident Drive Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5QQ House 3 BD143275 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012006 69 Longbrooke Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5QY House 2 BD125903 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10012001 12 Hammersmith Gardens Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5RG House 3 BD102125 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,795 £142,789 10011983 106 Bromley Gardens Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5RJ House 3 BD89737 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10011991 118 Chelsea Gardens Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5RN House 3 BD90431 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10011992 123 Chelsea Gardens Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5RN House 3 BD118195 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012031 52 Westminster Gardens Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5RU House 3 BD144363 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,491 £149,845 10011996 93 Fensome Drive Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 5SF House 3 BD111277 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10010896 84 Plaiters Way Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 6JE House 3 BD152922 Absolute Freehold MV-T £150,896 £178,321 10012013 79 Plaiters Way Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 6JE House 3 BD132214 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,815 £150,462 10012012 63 Plaiters Way Houghton Regis Bedfordshire LU5 6JZ House 2 BD127758 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,452 £136,407 10011700 10 Browns Crescent Harlington Bedfordshire LU5 6PQ House 3 BD90219 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10010904 56 Salters Way Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1BT House 3 BD23265 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10010873 22 Cheyne Close Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1BX House 3 BD22717 Absolute Freehold MV-T £150,896 £178,321 10010910 45 Victoria Street Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 3AZ House 2 BD108352 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,407 £138,230 10021005 63 Birchside Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 3EH House 3 BD17976 Absolute Freehold MV-T £143,344 £169,396 10010428 17 Bowles Way Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 3LX House 3 BD54630 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,239 £156,999 10012376 41 The Chilterns Bedfordshire LU6 3RJ House 3 BD126054 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,896 £150,617 10012403 1A Doggett Street Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 1BN House 3 BD113335 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10012450 20 Wyngates Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 2LE House 3 BD106598 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10012461 102 Wyngates Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 2LE House 3 BD116000 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,305 £169,128 10012445 2 Park View Court New Road Leighton Buzzard LU7 2LU House 3 BD175618 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10012446 5 Park View Court New Road Leighton Buzzard LU7 2LU House 2 BD175582 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,344 £149,565 10012444 18 Hawthorne Close Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 2SA House 4 BD151881 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,614 £181,234 10012424 199 Knaves Hill Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 2SL House 3 BD45147 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,811 £161,909 10012434 42 North Court Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3DJ House 3 BD17689 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,690 £169,316 10012437 23 North Court Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3DJ House 3 BD16310 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,048 £159,593 10012436 8 Nelson Road Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3EE House 3 BD97489 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,048 £159,593 10012394 9 Brookside Walk Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3LA House 3 BD75082 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,207 £162,667 10012414 56 Greenlands Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3UJ House 3 BD82520 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,048 £159,593 10012404 194 Drivers Court Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3YB Flat 2 BD234439 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £105,624 £124,821 10012397 20 Cutlers Way Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 3YR House 2 BD120508 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,344 £143,562 10013083 48 Orne Gardens Bolbeck Park MK15 8PG House 3 BM96464 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,265 £187,594 10013876 1 Pennycress Way Mulberry Park Newport Pagnell MK16 8TX House 3 BM149203 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,089 £187,257 10017230 10 Weathercock Close Woburn Sands Bedfordshire MK17 8ST House 3 BD142007 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £155,344 10013082 119 Glebe Road Deanshanger Northamptonshire MK19 6LY House 3 NN69958 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,328 £155,260 10012867 5 Blaydon Close Bletchley Milton Keynes MK3 5LS House 3 BM144505 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,821 £175,292 10013159 2 Redhuish Close Furzton Milton Keynes MK4 1HJ House 3 BM140289 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,282 £179,991 10008726 20 Woburn Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1EG House 7 BD51143 Absolute Freehold MV-T £110,693 £258,906 10008727 26 Woburn Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1EG House 5 BD140519 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,698 £220,070 10002869 23 Costin Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1RD House 2 BD57503 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,968 £125,617 10006833 31 Queen Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2HT House 3 BD131047 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10000826 2B Adelaide Square Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2RW House 4 BD157782 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,914 £194,180 10008125 14 Sidney Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2SU House 2 BD100506 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,208 £125,617 10002470 15 Chesterton Mews Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2TB House 2 BD102775 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,017 £125,617 10007981 10 Salcombe Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 3BA House 3 BD16757 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10004193 132 Howbury Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 3QS House 3 BD147170 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,695 £155,961 10002226 168 Castle Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 3SW House 3 BD34277 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,834 £158,136 10004236 163 Hurst Grove Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4DW House 2 BD140178 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,190 £128,270 10003227 7 Dunville Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4DY House 2 BD85173 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,190 £128,270 10002875 56 Coventry Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4EH House 2 BD131114 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,071 £129,206 10002877 93 Coventry Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4EJ House 3 BD88408 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,080 £149,060 10004042 14 Henley Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4FT House 3 BD249752 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,944 £138,198 10002173 22 Carlisle Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4HU House 3 BD127263 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,080 £149,060 10007077 23 Raleigh Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4JS House 3 BD65515 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,687 £150,741 10005945 117 Marlborough Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4LE House 3 BD65273 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,166 £150,741 10004078 2 Hickling Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4NA House 3 BD16710 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,702 £150,741 10004079 3 Hickling Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4NA House 3 BD14627 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,297 £150,741 10007078 7 Ranworth Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4NB House 3 BD14502 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,297 £150,741 10006586 1 Ouseland Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4NX House 2 BD188323 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,491 £129,206 10001221 32 Ballinghall Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0AB House 3 BD31775 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10005389 15 Leighfield Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0AG House 2 BD112984 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,356 £125,617 10005203 37 Kershope Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0AQ House 3 BD133071 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,086 £133,708 10002586 90 Church Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0AS House 3 BD17909 Absolute Freehold MV-T £118,956 £136,810 10000952 25 Arden Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0AX House 2 BD104806 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10000953 27 Arden Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0AX House 2 BD111920 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10007510 15 Rossendale Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BE House 3 BD24570 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10007511 17 Rossendale Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BE House 3 BD39582 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001087 2 Atholl Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BG House 4 BD97339 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,399 £168,289 10002987 9 Delamere Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BL House 2 BD133881 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10008114 4 Sherwood Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BP House 2 BD100564 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,163 £129,994 10003317 12 Epping Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BU House 2 BD101429 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,356 £125,617 10007341 13 Rockingham Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BX House 2 BD98583 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,238 £129,994 10003940 18 Hamsterley Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0BZ House 3 BD142420 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10007041 16 Radnor Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0DB House 3 BD22963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10006752 1 Powis Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0DQ House 3 BD48047 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003281 32 Elliott Crescent Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0HJ House 3 BD118999 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003294 63 Elliott Crescent Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0HJ House 3 BD120462 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10003275 22 Elliott Crescent Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0HL House 3 BD91124 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10008270 8 Strathconon Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NF House 2 BD142022 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10001921 5 Bruthwaite Green Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NH House 3 BD84982 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001922 6 Bruthwaite Green Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NH House 3 BD99835 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001928 29 Bruthwaite Green Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NH House 4 BD88848 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,209 £190,254 10001929 31 Bruthwaite Green Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NH House 4 BD104011 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,097 £168,289 10003370 32 Ettrick Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NN House 2 BD174073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,473 £125,617 10003604 13 Flowerdale Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0NX House 3 BD110853 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10002607 187 Church Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0PF House 3 BD110453 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10002603 167 Church Lane Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0PR House 3 BD150806 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10004185 54 Honeysuckle Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0TF House 2 BD170257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,667 £129,994 10004186 56 Honeysuckle Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0TF House 2 BD170258 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £125,617 10004187 58 Honeysuckle Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0TF House 2 BD170260 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,018 £125,617 10006488 37 Norse Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0TH House 2 BD174821 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10008279 16 Jasmine Close Norse Road Bedford MK41 0TJ House 2 BD175093 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10008280 26 Jasmine Close Norse Road Bedford MK41 0TJ House 3 BD175093 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10008281 28 Jasmine Close Norse Road Bedford MK41 0TJ House 2 BD175093 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,952 £125,617 10008282 30 Jasmine Close Norse Road Bedford MK41 0TJ House 2 BD175093 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,792 £120,811 10008283 23 Jasmine Close Norse Road Bedford MK41 0TJ House 2 BD175093 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10008284 21 Jasmine Close Norse Road Bedford MK41 0TJ House 2 BD175093 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £125,617 10010153 41 Bridle Drive Clapham Bedford MK41 6BB House 3 BD53709 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,019 £154,330 10010315 5 Tinsley Close Clapham Bedford MK41 6HJ House 2 BD106635 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10001110 31 Avon Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7AG House 2 BD104054 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,407 £138,230 10006007 26 Mersey Way Brickhill Bedford MK41 7AZ House 3 BD19333 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,232 £156,985 10001066 134 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £129,206 10001067 136 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,576 £182,460 10001068 138 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 3 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,576 £161,460 10001069 140 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,071 £133,769 10001070 150 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,695 £176,961 10001071 152 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,695 £176,961 10001072 154 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,598 £161,502 10001073 156 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,598 £161,502 10001074 158 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 2 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,656 £142,523 10001075 160 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,598 £161,502 10001076 162 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 5 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,274 £183,793 10001077 164 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,857 £177,270 10001078 166 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 2 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,656 £142,523 10001079 168 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 2 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,994 £141,260 10001080 170 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,695 £176,961 10001081 172 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,695 £176,961 10001082 174 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,695 £176,961 10001083 176 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,598 £161,502 10001084 178 Ashmead Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FD House 4 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,695 £176,961 10005365 16 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 5 BD268588 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £135,900 10005366 18 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 5 BD268588 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,565 £212,984 10005367 20 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 3 BD268588 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £116,600 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10005369 22 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 4 BD268588 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £140,700 10005370 24 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 2 BD268588 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,400 10005371 28 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 3 BD268588 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,161 £168,306 10005373 33 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 5 BD268588 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,505 £195,688 10005374 35 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 2 BD268588 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,815 £148,555 10005375 37 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 5 BD268588 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,505 £195,688 10005376 39 Laxton Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FH House 3 BD268588 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,161 £168,306 10008271 3 Sturmer Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FJ Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,836 £104,982 10008272 7 Sturmer Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FJ Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,156 £118,359 10008273 9 Sturmer Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FJ Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,500 10008274 1 Sturmer Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FJ House 5 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,127 £202,604 10008275 5 Sturmer Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FJ House 3 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,576 £161,460 10010983 31 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,500 10010984 33 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,156 £118,359 10010988 45 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10010990 47 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,081 £163,176 10010992 49 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,081 £163,176 10010994 51 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,081 £163,176 10010996 53 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,081 £163,176 10010998 55 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10010999 57 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £104,200 10011000 59 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10011001 61 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FP House 3 BD271257 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £87,500 10005922 2 Margil Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FQ Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,262 £129,206 10005923 4 Margil Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FQ Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,453 £129,206 10005924 6 Margil Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FQ Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10005925 8 Margil Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FQ Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10005926 10 Margil Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FQ Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,453 £129,206 10005927 12 Margil Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FQ Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,836 £104,982 10003942 3 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,300 10003943 4 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,300 10003944 5 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £43,900 10003946 7 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,137 £95,883 10003947 8 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 1 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £68,200 10003948 9 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,500 10010985 40 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,385 £161,073 10010986 42 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,138 £173,766 10010987 44 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £114,569 £187,569 10010989 46 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,500 10010991 48 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,362 £131,602 10010993 50 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,362 £131,602 10010995 52 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,362 £131,602 10010997 54 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10011002 76 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,819 £181,015 10011003 78 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10011004 80 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10011005 82 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,926 £132,268 10011006 84 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10011007 86 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,926 £132,268 10011008 88 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,125 £166,328 10011009 90 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,125 £166,328 10011010 92 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,819 £181,015 10011011 94 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10011012 96 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 2 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10011013 98 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 4 BD270426 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £154,900 10011014 100 Crispin Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FS House 3 BD270426 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £110,300 10007802 2 Saltcote Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FT House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,000 £166,089 10007803 4 Saltcote Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FT House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10007804 6 Saltcote Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FT House 2 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10006733 2 Pomeroy Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FW House 4 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £172,278 £203,589 10006734 4 Pomeroy Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FW House 4 BD270426 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,275 £200,977 10005954 1 Meadfoot Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7GH House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,000 £166,089 10005955 3 Meadfoot Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7GH House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,000 £166,089 10005956 5 Meadfoot Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7GH House 3 BD270820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,258 £164,673 10007431 3 Romney Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7LU House 3 BD37599 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,513 £151,795 10000829 10 Aire Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7XU House 4 BD110753 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,698 £169,330 10008277 14 Sudeley Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8HS House 3 BD18711 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,507 £165,097 10001389 25 Barley Way Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8HY House 3 BD107283 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10005169 31 Kenilworth Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8LL House 3 BD37799 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10002411 6 Chepstow Gardens Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 8PQ House 3 BD119261 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,474 £157,448 10008499 10 Vicars Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HG House 3 BD108914 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10008501 14 Vicars Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HG House 3 BD132819 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10007306 5 The Risings Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HL House 3 BD117249 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,263 £151,318 10007309 14 The Risings Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HL House 4 BD130922 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,186 £165,700 10006993 232 Queens Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9HP House 2 BD76340 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,532 £138,469 10003734 334 Goldington Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9NS House 2 BD65693 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,407 £138,230 10005284 40 Kimble Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9SX House 3 BD151901 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10005287 13 Kimble Drive Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9SX House 3 BD10210 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,475 £155,541 10000838 31 Alamein Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0DE House 3 BD104860 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,848 £139,072 10003462 77 Faldo Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0EH House 2 BD103581 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10000881 54 Alburgh Close Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0HE House 2 BD101180 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10004032 41 Hazelwood Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0HN House 2 BD191994 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10002260 2 Cedar Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0HR House 2 BD391 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10005624 26 Lovell Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0LR House 2 BD113484 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10001279 113 Bamford Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0NH House 3 BD68813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,779 £148,485 10008642 8 Winchester Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0RZ House 3 BD138506 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,930 £156,410 10008645 107 Winchester Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SA House 3 BD39872 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,387 £155,372 10004048 18 Herbrand Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0SD House 3 BD173259 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,930 £156,410 10011396 11 Stirling Road Shortstown Bedford MK42 0TX House 2 BD109301 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,659 £132,984 10011311 35 South Drive Shortstown Bedford MK42 0UD House 3 BD170256 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,398 £152,908 10021149 43 Whitley Road Shortstown Bedford MK42 0XA House 3 BD153113 Absolute Freehold MV-T £128,256 £151,566 10007699 155 Brooklands Avenue Bedford MK42 6AE House 4 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,272 £195,270 10007700 157 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AE House 3 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,553 £163,326 10007701 159 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AE House 3 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,655 £165,430 10007702 161 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AE House 3 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,553 £163,326 10007703 163 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AE House 4 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £123,320 £201,897 10005759 1 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,507 £173,134 10005760 3 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,800 10005761 4 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,379 £155,358 10005762 5 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £118,800 £140,391 10005763 6 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,379 £155,358 10005764 7 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,000 10005765 8 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,379 £155,358 10005766 9 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £44,200 10005767 10 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,379 £155,358 10005768 11 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £118,800 £140,391 10005769 12 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,379 £155,358 10005770 13 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,600 10005771 14 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 3 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,379 £155,358 10005772 15 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £118,048 £139,502 10005773 16 Mallard Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6AF House 2 BD268066 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,231 £137,894 10007657 1 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,000 10007658 3 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,000 10007659 4 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 3 BD268069 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £106,200 10007660 5 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 3 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,507 £173,134 10007661 6 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 3 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,507 £173,134 10007662 7 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 3 BD268069 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £140,600 10007663 8 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 3 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,238 £172,816 10007664 9 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £73,500 10007665 10 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £87,200 10007666 11 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,354 £143,855 10007667 12 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,649 £140,601 10007668 13 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,590 £140,489 10007669 14 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,289 £139,914 10007670 15 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,649 £140,601 10007671 16 Bluebird Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AJ House 2 BD268069 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,649 £140,601 10007683 22 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AN House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,055 £170,237 10007685 24 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AN House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,055 £170,237 10007687 26 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AN House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,055 £170,237 10007723 3 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 2 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,231 £137,894 10007724 5 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 2 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,538 £144,206 10007725 7 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 4 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,714 £163,635 10007726 9 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 3 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,666 £153,997 10007727 11 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 2 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,649 £140,601 10007728 12 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 3 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,507 £173,134 10007729 13 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 2 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,649 £140,601 10007730 14 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 2 BD268061 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10007731 15 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 3 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,767 £161,825 10007732 16 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 2 BD268061 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £93,300 10007733 17 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 5 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,274 £202,884 10007734 18 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 3 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,507 £173,134 10007735 19 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 3 BD268061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,666 £153,997 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10007736 22 Linnet Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6AS House 3 BD268061 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,200 10005734 157 Bedford Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AT House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,319 £172,912 10005735 157A Bedford Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AT House 2 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,159 £140,816 10005736 157B Bedford Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AT House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £109,700 10007692 9 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,400 10007693 11 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £60,700 10007694 13 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold MV-T £123,548 £146,003 10007695 15 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 3 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £110,300 10007696 17 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 3 BD264574 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,180 £172,748 10007697 19 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,900 10007698 21 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6AX House 3 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £105,500 10007715 1 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10007716 3 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold MV-T £123,565 £146,022 10007717 5 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,600 10007718 7 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold MV-T £123,565 £146,022 10007719 9 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,800 10007720 11 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £112,500 10007721 13 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,800 10007722 15 Kingfisher Road Wixams Bedford MK42 6AY House 2 BD264574 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10007782 7 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £150,283 £177,597 10007783 9 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,200 10007784 25 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 2 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,347 £141,934 10007785 11 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 2 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £127,651 £150,852 10007786 13 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 2 BD266690 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,600 10007787 15 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 4 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,232 £177,985 10007788 17 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,988 £160,338 10007789 19 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,988 £160,338 10007790 21 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,988 £160,338 10007791 23 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,988 £160,338 10007792 27 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 2 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,906 £141,092 10007793 29 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 2 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,538 £144,206 10007794 31 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 2 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,538 £144,206 10007795 33 Woodpecker Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6AZ House 3 BD266690 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,201 £158,837 10007690 48 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BA House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,767 £161,825 10007750 50 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BA House 4 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,232 £177,985 10005751 2 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 2 BD271813 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,300 10005752 4 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,944 £158,346 10005753 6 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,391 £185,640 10005754 8 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,339 £164,827 10005755 10 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 3 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,055 £170,237 10005756 12 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 2 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,895 £138,141 10005757 14 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 2 BD271813 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £90,400 10005758 16 Ladybird Way Wixams Bedford MK42 6BB House 2 BD271813 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,895 £138,141 10007737 1 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,201 £158,837 10007738 2 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 2 BD268492 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,800 10007739 3 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 2 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007740 4 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £145,878 £172,391 10007741 5 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,767 £161,825 10007742 6 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £145,878 £172,391 10007743 7 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 4 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,232 £177,985 10007744 8 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 2 BD268492 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10007745 9 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 2 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007746 10 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £145,878 £172,391 10007747 11 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 2 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007748 13 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 3 BD268492 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,988 £160,338 10007749 15 Nightingale Court Wixams Bedford MK42 6BD House 2 BD268492 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £97,900 10007691 4 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007704 1 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007705 2 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,300 10007706 3 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007707 5 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007708 6 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,900 10007709 7 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007710 8 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007711 9 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £88,000 10007712 10 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007713 11 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,981 £126,424 10007714 12 169 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6BE Flat 2 BD264572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,084 £127,728 10007751 1 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 4 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,232 £177,985 10007752 2 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,155 £143,477 10007753 3 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007754 4 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG Flat 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,064 £131,848 10007755 5 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007756 6 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG Flat 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,659 £132,795 10007757 7 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,155 £143,477 10007758 8 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG Flat 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £131,497 10007759 9 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 3 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,201 £158,837 10007760 10 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG Flat 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,659 £132,795 10007761 11 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 3 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,201 £158,837 10007762 12 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 3 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,201 £158,837 10007763 14 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007764 16 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,155 £143,477 10007765 18 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 2 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10007766 20 Magpie Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6BG House 5 BD266683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,101 £193,009 10007767 1 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £127,651 £150,852 10007768 3 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 3 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £146,507 £173,134 10007769 5 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 3 BD264573 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £102,700 10007770 7 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £127,651 £150,852 10007771 9 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 3 BD264573 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,200 10007772 19 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £127,104 £150,204 10007773 11 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 3 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £149,736 £176,950 10007774 13 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 3 BD264573 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £111,700 10007775 15 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10007776 17 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,300 10007777 21 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 3 BD264573 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £110,300 10007778 23 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,707 £144,529 10007779 25 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,934 £144,964 10007780 27 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,934 £144,964 10007781 29 School Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6BH House 2 BD264573 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,934 £144,964 10007672 1 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA Flat 2 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,475 £132,633 10007673 3 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,930 £171,270 10007674 5 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,930 £171,270 10007675 7 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,930 £171,270 10007676 9 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,930 £171,270 10007677 11 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,930 £171,270 10007678 13 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,400 10007679 15 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £148,706 £175,733 10007680 17 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £148,706 £175,733 10007681 19 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £148,706 £175,733 10007682 21 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £148,706 £175,733 10007684 23 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £156,250 £184,648 10007686 25 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £156,250 £184,648 10007688 27 Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold MV-T £156,250 £184,648 10007689 3A Green Lane Wixams Bedford MK42 6DA House 3 BD272974 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £93,800 10005737 1 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,377 £151,236 10005738 2 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 3 BD272978 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £100,000 10005739 3 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,583 £140,475 10005741 5 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 3 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,781 £161,853 10005742 6 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 3 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,319 £159,062 10005743 7 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 4 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,804 £180,987 10005744 8 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 3 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,944 £158,346 10005745 9 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,500 10005746 10 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,583 £140,475 10005747 11 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,934 £144,964 10005748 12 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,713 £146,450 10005749 13 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £141,204 10005750 15 Goldfinch Gardens Wixams Bedford MK42 6DH House 2 BD272978 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,551 £146,611 10007647 1 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 2 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,538 £132,795 10007648 2 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 3 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,247 £143,562 10007649 3 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 2 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,601 £117,223 10007650 4 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 2 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,870 £116,027 10007651 5 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 2 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,071 £132,795 10007652 6 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 1 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10007653 7 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 2 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,659 £132,795 10007654 8 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 1 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10007655 9 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 1 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10007656 10 165 Brooklands Avenue Wixams Bedford MK42 6DJ Flat 1 BD272963 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10018063 48 Ditmas Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7DP House 3 BD87340 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018722 4 Whitelodge Close Kempston Bedford MK42 7ED House 3 BD29178 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018213 Room 1 Harter Road 18 Harter Road Kempston Bedford MK42 7EY Room 1 BD117398 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,455 £142,565 10018214 Room 2 Harter Road 18 Harter Road Kempston Bedford MK42 7EY Room 1 BD117398 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,455 £142,565 10018099 9 The Elms Kempston Bedford MK42 7JN House 3 BD22147 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,911 £148,737 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10017718 3 The Alders Kempston Bedford MK42 7JR House 3 BD13312 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018374 19 Lovat Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7LU House 3 BD12512 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,439 £163,421 10018378 60 Lovat Walk Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7LX House 3 BD17214 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018372 20 Laurel Walk Kempston Bedford MK42 7NS House 3 BD28309 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018081 3 Dudley Close Kempston Bedford MK42 7QQ House 3 BD105258 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018720 29 Whitebeam Close Kempston Bedford MK42 7RN House 3 BD61902 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018640 41 The Silver Birches Kempston Bedford MK42 7TP House 3 BD118480 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018413 30 Marne Street Kempston Bedford MK42 8AG House 3 BD43524 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018411 132 Margetts Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 8DU House 2 BD131820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,965 £139,973 10018651 33 Thirlmere Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8HG House 3 BD32602 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018486 12 Rosedale Way Kempston Bedford MK42 8JE House 3 BD16479 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018408 2 Mardale Close Kempston Bedford MK42 8JF House 3 BD15510 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,368 £152,860 10018089 49 Eastdale Close Kempston Bedford MK42 8LY House 2 BD82583 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,359 £130,501 10018434 37 Northdale Close Kempston Bedford MK42 8NG House 2 BD76355 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10018712 13 Westdale Walk Kempston Bedford MK42 8NX House 3 BD17611 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018713 31 Westdale Walk Kempston Bedford MK42 8NX House 3 BD18508 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,573 £148,283 10018292 91 Hillgrounds Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8QP House 2 BD81732 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10017717 26 Adamson Walk Kempston Bedford MK42 8QU House 3 BD78432 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,735 £148,400 10018290 117 Hillgrounds Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8RD House 3 BD76147 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018430 27 Mortimer Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8RE House 1 BD85526 Absolute Freehold MV-T £62,171 £107,672 10018291 185 Hillgrounds Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8RL House 3 BD85767 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,287 £145,637 10018489 44 Ryswick Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8SN House 2 BD116224 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,932 £129,687 10018490 83 Ryswick Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8SW House 2 BD116983 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,248 £131,380 10018835 1 The Windemere St.Johns Street Kempston MK42 8TL House 2 BD122665 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,431 £132,549 10007900 22 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9BS House 3 BD41509 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10007911 61 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9EG House 2 BD135606 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,702 £133,708 10007914 81 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9EG House 2 BD136338 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,536 £127,022 10007905 48 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9EQ House 3 BD134855 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,642 £138,679 10007907 52 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9EQ House 3 BD135480 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10007909 56 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9EQ House 3 BD135764 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10007912 72 St. Leonard's Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9EQ House 2 BD132137 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,101 £129,206 10008937 14A High Street Great Barford Bedfordshire MK44 3LB House 3 BD29775 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,837 10004188 21 Houghton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9HQ House 3 BD24657 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,368 £143,562 10007282 20 Ridgemont Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9HR House 3 BD194146 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10001913 6 Bridge Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9LJ House 3 BD26423 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,865 £143,562 10003590 15 Firbank Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9LL House 3 BD194075 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,865 £143,562 10006646 34 Pearcey Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9LZ House 3 BD137909 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,907 £139,008 10001572 10 Beechdale Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9NH House 3 BD124316 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,699 £143,562 10000919 130 Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9PP House 3 BD118673 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10002619 7 Churchville Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9PT House 3 BD69116 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,444 £138,300 10006256 2 Mowbray Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 9UH House 3 BD96255 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,588 £143,562 10011468 5 Hillesden Avenue Elstow Bedford MK42 9YX House 3 BD174644 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £143,562 10011470 10 Hillesden Avenue Elstow Bedford MK42 9YX House 3 BD174644 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,762 £148,565 10011471 12 Hillesden Avenue Elstow Bedford MK42 9YX House 3 BD174644 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £143,562 10011472 14 Hillesden Avenue Elstow Bedford MK42 9YX House 3 BD174644 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £143,562 10011555 5 St. Helena's Garden Elstow Bedford MK42 9YY House 2 BD174644 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £129,206 10011474 6 Little Townsend Close Elstow Bedford MK42 9YZ House 3 BD174644 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,461 £143,562 10011103 1 Astwood Road Cranfield Bedfordshire MK43 0AU House 3 BD130195 Absolute Freehold MV-T £143,344 £169,396 10011107 61 Partridge Piece Cranfield Bedfordshire MK43 0BL House 3 BD167683 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,469 £170,803 10011104 186 High Street Cranfield Bedfordshire MK43 0EN House 3 BD175581 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10011106 52 Millards Close Cranfield Bedfordshire MK43 0HJ House 3 BD125580 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10012688 20 Barkers Piece Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire MK43 0LZ House 4 BD181988 Absolute Freehold MV-T £165,984 £201,619 10012699 100 Manor Road Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire MK43 0PD House 3 BD145020 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10012685 34 Holme Close Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire MK43 0PT House 3 BD46903 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10012705 20 St. Mary's Close Marston Moretaine Bedfordshire MK43 0QZ House 2 BD174642 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10009216 22 Ridgeway Road Bedfordshire MK43 0YA House 3 BD171786 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10011778 5 Peach's Close Harrold Bedford MK43 7DX House 4 BD87696 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,765 £167,548 10017283 11 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF Flat 2 BD275770 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,000 10017284 13 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF Flat 1 BD275770 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £73,500 10017285 17 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF House 4 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,614 £178,714 10017391 7 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF Flat 2 BD275770 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,000 10017392 9 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF Flat 2 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £95,383 £112,718 10017393 15 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF Flat 1 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,743 £85,964 10017394 19 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF House 3 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £110,685 £181,210 10017395 21 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF House 3 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,553 £163,326 10017396 23 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF House 3 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,942 £164,069 10017397 25 Sherwood Close Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9AF House 2 BD275770 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10017499 12 Thorpe Way Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9ES House 3 BD34030 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,707 £163,621 10017287 29 Grovebury Court Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9HZ House 3 BD175094 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10017288 27 Grovebury Court Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9HZ House 2 BD175094 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10017289 25 Grovebury Court Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9HZ House 2 BD175094 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,141 £143,449 10017290 23 Grovebury Court Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9HZ House 3 BD175094 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,201 £160,745 10017291 17 Grovebury Court Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9HZ House 2 BD175094 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,081 £143,562 10015058 10 Wells Road Riseley Bedford MK44 1DY House 3 BD63185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,386 £157,280 10014981 17 Church Lane Riseley Bedford MK44 1EL House 3 BD126641 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,049 £154,727 10014987 38 Gold Street Riseley Bedford MK44 1EQ House 3 BD155998 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,960 £141,763 10015370 4 Stileman Way Sharnbrook Bedford MK44 1HX House 3 BD116999 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10015407 5 Townsend Road Sharnbrook Bedford MK44 1HY House 3 BD95219 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10014893 2 Sunderland Close Bedfordshire MK44 2HD House 2 BD175601 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10014894 3 Sunderland Close Ravensden Bedfordshire MK44 2HD House 2 BD175599 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,842 £135,242 10014895 4 Sunderland Close Ravensden Bedfordshire MK44 2HD House 2 BD175597 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10014897 5 Sunderland Close Ravensden Bedfordshire MK44 2HD House 2 BD175596 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,033 £135,607 10010371 15 Little Staughton Road Colmworth Bedfordshire MK44 2LB House 3 BD115637 Absolute Freehold MV-T £94,814 £155,227 10008928 4 Chapelfield Great Barford Bedfordshire MK44 3JP House 3 BD85334 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 10008929 6 Chapelfield Great Barford Bedfordshire MK44 3JP House 3 BD90833 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 10008933 85 Chapelfield Great Barford Bedfordshire MK44 3JT House 3 BD50626 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,077 £150,741 10009111 46 Barford Road Bedfordshire MK44 3ND House 3 BD104579 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £150,741 10011632 52 Millwright Way Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1BQ House 3 BD169912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,753 £193,809 10011650 15 Vicarage Hill Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1HZ House 2 BD6769 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10011628 12 Gravel Pit Road Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1JX House 3 BD174458 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,399 £161,124 10009144 11 Wren Close Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1NA House 2 BD63825 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10011634 23 Kendal Drive Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1NW House 3 BD96342 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,399 £161,124 10011646 21 Rosebay Close Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1PR House 3 BD54195 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,399 £161,124 10011644 8 Pheasant Walk Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1RQ House 3 BD71935 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,399 £161,124 10011635 26 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XE House 2 BD174648 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,244 £141,737 10011638 18 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XE House 2 BD174652 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,758 £143,562 10011639 69 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XE House 2 BD174956 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10011641 39 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XE House 2 BD174647 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10011642 65 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XE House 3 BD174958 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,906 £163,999 10011643 73 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XE House 2 BD174957 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10011636 24 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XF House 2 BD174654 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10011637 20 The Paddocks Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1XF House 2 BD174653 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,758 £143,562 10012704 49 Wingfield Avenue Bedfordshire MK45 2DU House 2 BD132038 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,804 £138,988 10012477 25 Becketts Close Maulden Bedfordshire MK45 2JL House 2 BD106628 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10008782 31 Willow Way Ampthill Bedfordshire MK45 2SL House 3 BD136065 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,469 £170,803 10017062 10 Cotton End Road Wilshamstead Bedford MK45 3BX House 2 BD73934 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,081 £143,562 10017064 16 Cotton End Road Wilshamstead Bedford MK45 3BX House 3 BD76088 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,538 £157,919 10017126 5 Hampton Close Wilstead Bedfordshire MK45 3DA House 3 BD35845 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,405 £157,919 10017163 7 Morgans Close Wilshamstead Bedford MK45 3EB House 3 BD60438 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,339 £157,919 10017140 3 Howard Close Wilstead Bedfordshire MK45 3JW House 3 BD174645 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,318 £157,919 10017141 1 Howard Close Wilstead Bedfordshire MK45 3JW House 3 BD174646 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,626 £157,919 10011950 15 Almers Close Bedfordshire MK45 3LG House 2 BD176196 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,849 £135,256 10008979 15 Fisher Close Barton Le Clay Bedfordshire MK45 4NF House 2 BD203914 Absolute Freehold MV-T £124,488 £147,114 10008981 14 Grange Road Barton Le Clay Bedfordshire MK45 4RE House 3 BD194280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £150,896 £178,321 10011626 15 Gardeners Close Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 5BU House 3 BD121337 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,926 £169,765 10016971 4 Bell Close Bedfordshire MK45 5JB House 3 BD174260 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10013197 28 Shepperds Green Shenley Church End Milton Keynes MK5 6DA House 3 BM136149 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,992 £188,983 10013085 63 Padstow Avenue Fishermead Milton Keynes MK6 2ER House 3 BM121932 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,919 £165,097 10013084 30 Padstow Avenue Fishermead Milton Keynes MK6 2ES House 3 BM122681 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,324 £165,097 10013081 3 Harebell Close Walnut Tree Milton Keynes MK7 7BA House 3 BM127049 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,695 £197,961 10015231 12 Park Road Rushden Northamptonshire NN10 0RW House 2 NN131820 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10016612 8 Sheppards Crescent Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 6AY House 4 NN278452 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,012 £194,748 10016528 69 Docklewell Close Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 6JF House 2 NN167185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £109,400 £129,283 10014170 12 Sands Close Pattishall Towcester NN12 8LU House 2 NN115634 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,624 £121,609 10009201 70 Winston Crescent Brackley Northamptonshire NN13 7DZ House 3 NN61270 Absolute Freehold MV-T £128,256 £151,566 10012261 1 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,018 £156,579 10012262 2 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,676 £148,288 10012263 3 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,851 £150,533 10012264 4 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,676 £148,288 10012265 5 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,711 £154,082 10012266 6 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,843 £122,028 10012267 7 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,835 £122,028 10012268 8 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,049 £122,028 10012269 9 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,835 £122,028 10012270 10 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,049 £122,028 10012271 11 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,851 £150,533 10012272 12 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,889 £148,695 10012273 13 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,079 £150,967 10012274 14 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,676 £148,288 10012275 15 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,851 £150,533 10012276 16 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,676 £148,288 10012277 17 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,851 £150,533 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10012278 18 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,049 £122,028 10012279 19 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 4 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,867 £167,745 10012280 20 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,234 £122,028 10012281 21 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,182 £151,164 10012282 23 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,851 £150,533 10012283 25 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 3 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,851 £150,533 10012284 27 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,027 £122,028 10012285 29 Roman Settle Mawsley Village Kettering NN14 1UF House 2 NN277540 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,835 £122,028 10015063 6 Chichester Close Rothwell Northamptonshire NN14 6SU House 4 NN69416 Absolute Freehold MV-T £128,256 £151,566 10012167 96 Deeble Road Kettering Northamptonshire NN15 5HW House 3 NN39396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £112,347 £129,209 10012209 29 Weekley Glebe Road Kettering NN16 9NP House 3 NN216014 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,434 £117,808 10017589 166 Stephenson Way Corby Northampton NN17 1DF House 3 NN241404 Absolute Freehold MV-T £62,782 £72,205 10010684 15 Lerwick Way Corby Northampton NN17 2DZ House 2 NN160311 Absolute Freehold MV-T £56,174 £64,605 10021162 76 Lindisfarne Road Corby NN17 2EN House 3 NN229881 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,000 £87,406 10010547 29 Ashley Avenue Corby Northampton NN17 2SS House 3 NN231266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,000 £87,406 10017590 4 Yardley Close Corby Northampton NN17 2YE House 4 NN174158 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,056 £159,602 10017591 34 Westbury Walk Corby Northampton NN18 0AE House 3 NN116837 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,304 £91,206 10017596 26 Thoresby Court Corby Northampton NN18 0EL House 3 NN137412 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,304 £91,206 10021373 13 Holyrood Walk Corby NN18 9JD House 3 NN57718 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,304 £91,206 10010702 38 Sutherland Road Corby Northampton NN18 9LU House 3 NN238351 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,304 £91,206 10013938 15 St Davids Road Kingsthorpe Northampton NN2 7QJ House 3 NN13410 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,636 £122,028 10012136 74 Norton Road Northampton Northamptonshire NN2 7TN House 3 NN64208 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,636 £122,028 10012037 2 Evelyn Way Irchester Northamptonshire NN29 7AP House 3 NN86583 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,572 £111,424 10012038 71 Road Irchester Northamptonshire NN29 7BD House 3 NN233705 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,168 £133,736 10012069 1 Ferndale Road Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 2NR House 4 NN167197 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,212 £185,348 10013901 82 Danefield Road Abington Northamptonshire NN3 2SR House 3 NN129920 Absolute Freehold MV-T £62,708 £114,850 10017598 23 Horsemoor Square Ecton Brook Northampton NN3 5AE House 3 NN120766 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,315 £111,261 10013910 15 Ham Meadow Drive Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 5AG House 3 NN263462 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,434 £117,808 10012470 6 Donellan Green Southfields Northampton NN3 5DJ House 3 NN203791 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,991 £115,138 10013900 6 Deacons Court Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 5JX House 3 NN87034 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,315 £111,261 10013915 5 Waingrove Blackthorn Northampton NN3 8EP House 3 NN199126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10013903 28 Keyham Court Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 8TT House 3 NN85483 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10011601 23 Dryleys Court Goldings Northampton NN3 8XY House 3 NN279411 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,410 £118,852 10013927 41 Knights Court Little Billing Northampton NN3 9AT House 3 NN56614 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,254 £129,206 10012463 1 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10012464 2 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10012465 3 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10012466 4 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,850 £129,206 10012467 5 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £62,500 10012468 6 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £94,500 10012469 7 Station End Great Billing Northampton NN3 9EJ House 3 NN243948 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £94,500 10013928 27 Longford Avenue Little Billing Northampton NN3 9HL House 2 NN135835 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10013888 4 Brickwell Court Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 9TS House 2 HN15605 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,521 £106,408 10011413 112 Woodpecker Way East Hunsbury Northampton NN4 0QP House 2 NN152464 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,204 £125,617 10011411 18 Oakgrove Place East Hunsbury Northampton NN4 0SB House 3 NN103388 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,491 £150,741 10013912 33 East Rising East Hunsbury Northampton NN4 0TP House 3 NN109860 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,055 £150,741 10014037 36 Water Lane Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 6HE House 3 HN16144 Absolute Freehold MV-T £132,173 £152,011 10013953 52 Tewkesbury Close Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 8NA House 3 NN194220 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,800 £160,481 10013909 13 Redruth Close Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 8PL House 2 NN130842 Absolute Freehold MV-T £118,956 £136,810 10010801 82 Friars Avenue Delapre Northampton NN4 8PX House 3 NN107879 Absolute Freehold MV-T £128,256 £151,566 10009260 62 Ringway Briar Hill Northampton NN4 8SH House 3 NN63429 Absolute Freehold MV-T £124,488 £148,414 10013941 24 Rosebury Avenue Northampton Northamptonshire NN5 5BU House 2 NN152248 Absolute Freehold MV-T £109,400 £129,283 10013898 76 Beaune Close St Giles Park Northampton NN5 6EJ House 2 NN134827 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,529 £136,384 10011153 17 Aquitaine Close Duston Northampton NN5 6EP House 3 NN87811 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,426 £147,811 10011152 35 Eastfield Road Duston Northampton NN5 6TG House 2 NN81958 Absolute Freehold MV-T £109,400 £129,283 10014036 16 Welland Way Kingsheath Northampton NN5 7ND House 3 NN94572 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,651 £133,009 10013920 26 Godwin Walk Ryehill Northampton NN5 7RW House 2 NN66693 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,624 £124,821 10016968 232 Senwick Drive Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 1SE House 2 NN133057 Absolute Freehold MV-T £50,566 £86,137 10012041 36 Drayton Road Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5TB House 3 NN119699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,944 £138,198 10012042 49 Drayton Place Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5TD House 3 NN133532 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,956 £132,795 10021482 1 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021483 2 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021484 3 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021485 4 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021486 5 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021487 6 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021488 7 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021489 8 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021490 9 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021491 10 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021492 11 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 2 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £25,000 10021493 12 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 2 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £25,000 10021494 13 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021495 14 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021496 15 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021497 16 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021498 17 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021499 18 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021500 19 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021501 20 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021502 21 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021503 22 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021504 23 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021505 24 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021506 25 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021507 26 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021508 27 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021509 28 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 2 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £25,000 10021510 29 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 2 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £25,000 10021511 30 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021512 31 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021513 32 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021514 33 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021515 34 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021516 35 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021517 36 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021518 37 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021519 38 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021520 39 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021521 40 Mayott House Ock Street Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5DH Flat 1 ON311389 Absolute Leasehold EUV-SH £103,281 10021211 76 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 3 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,402 £190,571 10021212 74 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 3 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,402 £190,571 10021213 72 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 3 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,402 £190,571 10021214 70 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,796 £170,849 10021215 68 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,087 £170,849 10021216 66 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 3 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,402 £190,571 10021217 64 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £111,277 £170,849 10021218 62 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,796 £170,849 10021219 60 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,796 £170,849 10021220 6 Dunnock Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,718 £164,893 10021221 4 Dunnock Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,718 £164,893 10021229 23 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,718 £164,893 10021230 25 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,718 £164,893 10021231 27 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY House 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold MV-T £100,718 £164,893 10021223 11 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,000 10021224 13 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,000 10021225 15 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £53,600 10021226 17 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £69,700 10021227 19 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,000 10021228 21 Linnet Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £48,200 10021222 2 Dunnock Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4FY Flat 2 ON316496 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,100 10014480 6 Martinsbridge Parnwell Peterborough PE1 4YB House 4 CB108358 Absolute Freehold MV-T £135,048 £159,593 10014530 84 Norman Road Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 5LD House 3 CB39639 Absolute Freehold MV-T £109,400 £129,283 10009719 19 Willey Terrace Chatteris Cambridgeshire PE16 6UD House 3 CB278248 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,856 £120,368 10021175 141 Howitts Gardens Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NR House 3 CB233894 Absolute Freehold MV-T £124,488 £147,114 10015531 3 Cromwell Court Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NZ House 2 CB150912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,721 £125,465 10015532 4 Cromwell Court Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NZ House 2 CB150912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,713 £125,451 10015533 5 Cromwell Court Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NZ House 2 CB150912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,897 £125,802 10015534 6 Cromwell Court Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NZ House 2 CB150912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,029 £127,962 10015535 7 Cromwell Court Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NZ House 2 CB150912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,721 £125,465 10015536 8 Cromwell Court Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2NZ House 2 CB150912 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,927 £123,950 10016006 37 Rye Close Eynesbury St Neots PE19 2RG House 2 CB98319 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,897 £125,802 10015778 19 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 3 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015779 21 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,300 10015780 23 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 3 CB326126 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,200 10015782 27 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,020 £140,652 10015784 47 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £137,835 £162,886 10015785 49 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,600 10015786 51 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,300 10015787 53 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,500 10015788 55 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,500 10015789 57 Hogsden Leys St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AD House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,200 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10015597 119 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015598 121 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015599 123 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015600 125 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 4 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015601 127 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 4 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015602 129 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 4 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015603 131 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH House 4 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015604 133 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,949 £132,527 10015605 135 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015606 137 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015607 139 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,805 £117,944 10015608 141 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,300 10015609 143 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,567 £128,298 10015610 145 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £40,400 10015611 147 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £46,100 10015612 149 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,567 £128,298 10015613 151 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £99,805 £117,944 10015614 153 Cambridge Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6AH Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,300 10016017 9 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AH House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016022 15 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6AH House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10016056 1 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016057 2 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016058 3 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016059 4 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016060 5 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,000 10016061 6 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,300 10016062 7 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016063 8 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016065 10 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF Flat 1 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,642 £114,008 10016066 11 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF Flat 1 CB326127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £42,800 10016067 12 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF Flat 1 CB326127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £57,800 10016068 14 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF Flat 1 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £96,642 £114,008 10016069 15 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016070 16 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,721 £146,465 10016071 17 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016072 18 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016073 19 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,726 £141,985 10016074 20 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016075 21 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 3 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10016076 22 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016077 23 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016078 24 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,726 £141,985 10016079 25 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016080 26 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 4 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,051 £170,878 10016081 27 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016082 28 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,941 £132,992 10016083 29 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016084 30 Paddock Close St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BF House 2 CB326127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10016208 6 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016209 8 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016210 10 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,025 £137,501 10016211 12 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016212 19 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016213 21 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016214 23 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,895 £107,672 10016215 25 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016216 27 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 3 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10016217 29 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,834 £137,136 10016218 31 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016219 33 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016220 35 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016221 37 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016222 39 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,661 £111,424 10016223 41 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016224 43 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,661 £111,424 10016225 45 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG Flat 1 CB326126 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,008 £111,340 10016227 49 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £69,400 10016228 51 Wood Ridge Crescent St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BG House 2 CB326126 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,300 10015542 1 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,300 10015543 2 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £71,300 10015545 5 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £115,200 10015546 7 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,400 10015547 8 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,438 £134,471 10015548 9 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £98,300 10015549 10 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10015550 11 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,300 10015551 12 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015552 14 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,721 £146,465 10015553 15 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,355 £141,048 10015554 17 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £76,721 £146,465 10015555 19 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015556 21 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015557 23 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015558 25 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH Flat 1 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,572 £111,424 10015559 27 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH Flat 1 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,835 £107,672 10015560 29 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015561 31 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10015562 33 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,438 £134,471 10015563 35 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015564 37 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015565 39 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10015566 41 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10015567 43 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 4 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,051 £170,878 10015568 45 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015569 47 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 2 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £70,240 £134,092 10015570 49 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10015571 51 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,445 £155,484 10015572 53 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,057 £150,925 10015573 55 Bargroves Avenue St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BH House 3 CB326128 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,481 £157,462 10016087 3 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016089 5 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016090 6 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,330 £126,629 10016091 7 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016092 8 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,590 £133,577 10016093 9 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016094 10 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016095 11 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,733 £132,173 10016096 12 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,330 £126,629 10016097 14 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £65,316 £124,693 10016098 15 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016099 16 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016100 17 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,590 £133,577 10016101 18 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,590 £133,577 10016102 19 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10016103 20 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,867 £126,289 10016105 22 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,300 10016106 23 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,867 £126,289 10016107 24 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £91,779 £108,459 10016108 25 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £77,200 10016109 26 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,300 10016110 27 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 0 CB321565 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £38,300 10016111 28 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,200 10016112 29 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016113 30 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,572 £111,424 10016114 31 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,364 £125,793 10016115 32 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,364 £125,793 10016116 33 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,364 £125,793 10016117 34 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 1 CB321565 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,364 £125,793 10016009 1 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,910 £128,704 10016011 3 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,342 £163,485 10016013 5 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £77,000 10016015 7 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £103,200 10016019 11 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10016024 17 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,900 10016026 19 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £89,900 10016028 21 Loves Way St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6DA House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,099 £141,927 10015673 1 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,099 £141,927 10015674 2 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,486 £141,202 10015675 3 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015676 4 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £119,100 10015677 5 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015678 6 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £87,500 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10015679 7 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB Flat 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015680 8 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,500 10015681 9 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £120,099 £141,927 10015682 10 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,486 £141,202 10015683 11 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,900 10015685 14 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,500 10015686 15 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,700 10015687 16 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,900 10015689 18 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £77,000 10015691 20 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £65,000 10015692 21 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015693 22 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,342 £163,485 10015694 24 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015695 26 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DB House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015751 1 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,666 £155,905 10015752 2 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,342 £163,485 10015753 3 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,025 £137,501 10015754 4 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,342 £163,485 10015755 5 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,486 £141,202 10015756 6 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 3 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £113,800 10015757 7 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 2 CB350708 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £93,100 10015758 8 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 5 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,750 £191,591 10015759 9 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015760 10 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015761 11 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,330 £126,629 10015762 15 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,943 £133,708 10015763 17 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,147 £126,278 10015764 19 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015765 21 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015766 23 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015767 25 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015768 27 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015769 29 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015770 31 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015771 33 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015772 35 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015773 37 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015774 39 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,729 £123,571 10015775 41 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,147 £126,278 10015776 43 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015777 45 Lucas Crescent Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DD Flat 2 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,091 £131,124 10015688 17 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,262 £155,134 10015690 19 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015696 28 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015697 30 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015698 32 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,000 10015699 34 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015700 36 Gorham Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6DP House 3 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015701 1 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 4 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015702 15 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 3 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,797 £158,066 10015703 3 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 4 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015704 5 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 4 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015706 7 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 4 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015708 9 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 3 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015710 11 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 3 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015714 17 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GL House 3 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10016171 6 School Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GL Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,895 £107,672 10016172 8 School Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GL Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10015705 6 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015707 8 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015709 10 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015711 12 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015712 14 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015713 16 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015715 18 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015716 20 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015717 22 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015718 24 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £107,144 £175,413 10015719 26 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £71,800 10015720 28 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £61,500 10015721 30 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015722 32 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,940 £133,708 10015723 34 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,154 £126,293 10015725 36 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 4 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015727 38 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 4 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015729 40 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 4 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015731 42 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,673 £155,919 10015733 44 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,310 £144,987 10015735 46 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015737 48 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £80,700 10015739 50 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £70,200 10015740 52 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £64,400 10015741 54 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,404 £124,560 10015650 1 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,812 £128,588 10015651 2 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ Flat 1 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,572 £111,424 10015652 3 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £107,400 10015653 4 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ Flat 1 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10015654 5 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £125,200 10015655 6 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ Flat 1 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10015656 7 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,465 £163,630 10015657 8 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ Flat 1 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,674 £107,672 10015658 9 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,600 10015659 10 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015660 11 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,601 £141,338 10015661 12 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB350244 Absolute Freehold MV-T £81,291 £155,190 10015662 14 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £64,200 10015663 15 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,601 £141,338 10015664 16 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,465 £163,630 10015666 18 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £133,600 10015667 19 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £88,925 £145,586 10015668 20 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,963 £164,219 10015669 21 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10015670 23 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10015671 25 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,819 £137,108 10015672 27 Embry Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GQ Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,500 10015586 1 Alvey Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GR House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £73,500 10015587 2 Alvey Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GR House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,102 £140,748 10015588 3 Alvey Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GR House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £105,300 10015589 4 Alvey Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GR House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £89,900 10015590 5 Alvey Road Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GR House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £138,113 £163,215 10015743 1 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 3 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £137,958 £163,031 10015744 3 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £89,900 10015745 5 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,000 10015746 7 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,601 £141,338 10015747 9 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £77,000 10015748 11 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,900 10015749 15 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £92,900 10015750 17 Hull Way Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GS House 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £84,000 10015615 2 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 4 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015616 4 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 4 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £129,970 £212,783 10015617 6 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 4 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,447 £170,878 10015618 8 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 4 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,018 £221,485 10015619 10 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 5 CB350269 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,129 £191,591 10015620 58 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 3 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,524 £144,987 10015621 60 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 3 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,635 £159,665 10015622 62 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 3 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,570 £157,631 10015623 64 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 4 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,362 £170,878 10015624 66 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW House 3 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,362 £162,961 10015625 68 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10015626 70 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW Flat 1 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,895 £107,672 10015627 72 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,873 £129,206 10015628 74 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW Flat 1 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,390 £103,834 10015629 76 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10015630 78 Dramsell Rise St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GW Flat 1 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016169 2 School Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £23,900 10016170 4 School Drive Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £58,700 10016173 1 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 2 CB350280 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,800 10016174 2 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 2 CB350280 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £62,300 10016175 3 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 2 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,706 £121,373 10016176 4 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 2 CB350280 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £28,600 10016177 5 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 2 CB350280 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £59,800 10016178 6 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 2 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,706 £121,373 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10016179 7 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX House 3 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £136,887 £161,766 10016180 8 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX House 3 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £136,887 £161,766 10016181 9 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,895 £107,672 10016182 10 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,902 £107,672 10016183 11 Station Square Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GX Flat 1 CB350280 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,035 £107,672 10015591 17 Ash Tree Lane Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GY Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10015592 19 Ash Tree Lane Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GY Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10015593 21 Ash Tree Lane Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GY Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10015594 23 Ash Tree Lane Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GY Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,873 £129,206 10015595 25 Ash Tree Lane Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GY Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10015596 27 Ash Tree Lane Loves Farm St Neots PE19 6GY Flat 2 CB350252 Absolute Freehold MV-T £68,880 £129,206 10014406 418 Oundle Road Orton Longueville Peterborough PE2 7DB House 3 CB22982 Absolute Freehold MV-T £124,488 £147,114 10014268 14 Lucina Drive Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FP House 3 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,063 £136,384 10014270 16 Lucina Drive Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FP House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £39,600 10014570 3 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,000 10014571 5 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 3 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,500 10014572 7 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £60,000 10014573 9 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £69,600 10014574 11 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £68,200 10014575 15 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £62,700 10014576 17 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £52,800 10014577 19 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £77,900 10014578 21 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,600 10014579 23 Tempestes Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FR House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £60,000 10014262 1 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014263 3 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014264 5 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,300 10014265 7 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,700 10014266 9 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £74,700 10014267 11 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £61,700 10014269 15 Auster Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FS House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,800 10014580 7 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014581 9 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £62,495 £114,850 10014582 11 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014583 15 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014584 17 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014585 19 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 4 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,056 £165,097 10014586 21 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014587 23 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014588 25 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014589 27 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014590 29 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014591 31 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014592 33 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014593 35 Aurora Way Stanground Peterborough PE2 8FT House 2 CB366266 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014228 32 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA House 2 CB359028 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,500 10014229 34 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA House 2 CB359028 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,011 £121,609 10014231 49 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £67,500 10014297 41 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £28,000 10014299 43 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £14,000 10014301 45 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA Flat 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,574 £84,582 10014305 51 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GA House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,684 £121,609 10014271 1 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,304 £91,206 10014272 2 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £48,459 £82,548 10014273 3 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £43,500 10014274 4 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,953 £100,494 10014275 5 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £30,300 10014276 6 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10014277 7 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,304 £91,206 10014278 8 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £48,459 £82,548 10014279 10 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10014280 12 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10014281 14 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £48,459 £82,548 10014282 16 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10014283 18 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10014284 19 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 3 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £75,582 £136,384 10014285 20 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £50,566 £86,137 10014286 21 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 3 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,063 £136,384 10014287 22 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £50,566 £86,137 10014288 23 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014289 24 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £50,566 £86,137 10014290 25 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014291 26 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £57,944 £89,139 10014292 36 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014293 37 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 1 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £14,000 10014294 38 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014295 39 Apollo Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL Flat 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £53,700 10014296 40 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 4 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £90,101 £165,097 10014298 42 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 3 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,564 £144,410 10014300 44 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 3 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,564 £144,410 10014302 46 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £54,400 10014303 48 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 2 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,011 £121,609 10014304 50 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 3 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,564 £144,410 10014306 52 Neptune Close Stanground Peterborough PE2 8GL House 3 CB356396 Absolute Freehold MV-T £125,564 £144,410 10014569 33 St Georges Avenue Stanground Peterborough PE2 8QG House 3 CB67098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,960 £141,763 10014607 2 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,676 £157,919 10014608 4 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014609 6 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014610 8 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,676 £157,919 10014611 10 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,676 £157,919 10014612 12 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014613 14 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014614 16 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,676 £157,919 10014615 18 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014616 20 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014617 22 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014618 24 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014619 26 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014620 28 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014621 30 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014622 32 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,467 £129,994 10014623 34 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014624 36 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014625 38 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014626 40 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,422 £114,850 10014627 42 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,410 £118,852 10014628 44 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,900 10014629 46 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,651 £133,009 10014630 48 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014631 50 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £73,743 £125,617 10014632 52 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,587 £167,212 10014633 54 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,651 £133,009 10014634 56 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014635 58 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014636 60 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014637 62 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014638 64 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014639 66 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014640 68 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,651 £133,009 10014641 70 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £144,587 £167,212 10014642 72 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,651 £133,009 10014643 74 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £89,000 10014644 76 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £53,600 10014645 78 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014646 80 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 2 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £105,739 £121,609 10014647 82 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,500 10014648 84 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,651 £133,009 10014649 86 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 4 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,500 10014650 88 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £68,100 10014651 90 Saxonbury Way Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 9FB House 3 CB351941 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,900 10015955 36 Garner Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AA House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £68,700 10015956 38 Garner Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AA House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £46,800 10015820 3 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £86,200 10015821 5 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £95,100 10015823 9 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,700 10015824 17 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £85,200 10015825 19 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £32,700 10015960 11 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 1 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £56,300 £107,481 10015961 15 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 1 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,865 £112,377 10015962 21 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 1 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £56,300 £107,481 10015963 23 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 1 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,865 £112,377 10015964 24 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 4 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,199 £170,878 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10015965 25 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,233 £132,170 10015966 26 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,852 £150,166 10015967 27 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,233 £132,170 10015968 28 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,852 £150,166 10015969 29 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,852 £150,166 10015970 30 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,852 £150,166 10015971 31 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 3 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,852 £150,166 10015972 32 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,233 £132,170 10015973 33 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,233 £132,170 10015974 34 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,233 £132,170 10015975 35 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,233 £132,170 10015976 36 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD House 4 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £126,347 £206,852 10015977 37 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,214 £122,589 10015978 39 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,214 £122,589 10015979 41 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,214 £122,589 10015980 43 Clark Drive St Ives Huntingdon PE27 6AD Flat 2 CB323003 Absolute Freehold MV-T £69,284 £132,268 10015421 6 Bank Avenue Somersham Huntingdon PE28 3DH House 3 CB288372 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,858 £167,135 10011681 44 Windsor Road Godmanchester Huntingdon PE29 2DD House 3 CB189986 Absolute Freehold MV-T £78,727 £150,294 10014596 37 Deerleap South Bretton Peterborough PE3 9YA House 3 CB64022 Absolute Freehold MV-T £58,994 £100,494 10014370 7 Ainsdale Drive Werrington Peterborough PE4 6RH House 3 CB24628 Absolute Freehold MV-T £113,168 £133,009 10014703 56 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,619 £114,850 10014704 22 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £53,800 10014705 23 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £53,800 10014706 24 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £52,100 10014707 25 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £58,900 10014708 26 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £62,500 10014709 27 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,900 10014710 28 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £60,800 10014711 29 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £64,500 10014712 31 Fletcher Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AL House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,626 £114,850 10014698 44 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AN House 3 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10014699 46 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AN House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014700 48 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AN House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,626 £114,850 10014701 50 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AN House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,626 £114,850 10014702 54 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AN House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,626 £114,850 10014713 52 Cooper Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AN House 2 CB358725 Absolute Freehold MV-T £63,626 £114,850 10014714 1 Woodward Drive Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AX House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,600 10014715 5 Woodward Drive Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AX House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £52,400 10014675 1 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,642 £138,679 10014676 2 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,400 10014677 3 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014678 4 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,900 10014679 5 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014680 6 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,400 10014681 7 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014682 9 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014683 10 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,500 10014684 11 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014685 12 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,000 10014686 14 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,900 10014687 15 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014688 16 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £72,900 10014689 17 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014690 18 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,400 10014691 19 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,600 10014693 23 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £75,400 10014694 25 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 4 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,718 £154,096 10014695 27 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,300 10014696 29 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,600 10014697 31 Brickenden Road Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AY House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £82,100 10014658 2 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 4 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,703 £154,068 10014659 4 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014660 6 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014661 8 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014662 10 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014663 12 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,410 £118,852 10014664 14 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,758 £114,850 10014665 16 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014666 18 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £77,410 £118,852 10014667 20 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014668 22 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 2 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £64,582 £114,850 10014669 24 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,451 £138,314 10014670 26 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,000 10014671 28 Brooker Avenue Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7AZ House 3 CB341098 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £81,500 10014343 4 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,944 £138,198 10014344 6 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014345 8 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014346 10 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £61,800 10014347 20 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £105,600 10014348 22 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £74,700 10014349 24 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £47,500 10014350 26 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014351 27 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10014352 29 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,016 £141,302 10014353 31 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,544 £122,028 10014354 33 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £66,558 £122,028 10014355 35 Scott Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AD House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £87,300 £142,925 10014356 20 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £68,300 10014357 21 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014358 22 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £74,900 10014359 23 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £24,700 10014360 24 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,243 £119,644 10014361 25 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014362 26 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014363 27 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,243 £119,644 10014364 28 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £46,000 10014365 29 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £56,800 10014366 30 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014367 31 Livingstone Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AE Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,913 £98,807 10014322 1 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £79,100 10014323 3 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £76,700 10014324 5 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,259 £123,208 10014325 7 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £116,331 £137,474 10014326 9 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,913 £98,807 10014327 11 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,481 £136,470 10014328 15 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £63,300 10014329 17 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £78,500 10014330 23 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £115,481 £136,470 10014331 25 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £85,913 £98,807 10014332 29 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10014333 31 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10014334 33 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,248 £126,280 10014335 35 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,330 £122,028 10014336 37 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,330 £122,028 10014337 39 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £67,330 £122,028 10014338 41 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £54,780 £93,316 10014339 43 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF Flat 2 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £62,896 £96,567 10014340 19 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £93,182 £152,554 10014341 21 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £74,031 £141,330 10014342 27 Mallory Drive Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3AF House 3 CB336699 Absolute Freehold MV-T £72,745 £138,875 10008763 27 Hillary Rise Arlesey Bedfordshire SG15 6TL House 3 BD156868 Absolute Freehold MV-T £106,138 £173,766 10008791 3 Primary Way Arlesey Bedfordshire SG15 6YE House 2 BD134614 Absolute Freehold MV-T £124,488 £147,114 10009050 14 Fairlands Bedfordshire SG18 0BX House 3 BD102800 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,451 £159,314 10009048 59 Havelock Road Green Park Biggleswade SG18 0DB House 2 BD175015 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10009049 10 Reynolds Close Green Park Havelock Road SG18 0DB House 2 BD175015 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10009053 30 Anne Street Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 0DD House 3 BD123829 Absolute Freehold MV-T £83,106 £158,655 10009076 57 Winston Crescent Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 0HB House 3 BD86892 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,709 £157,897 10009067 22 Northfields Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 0HD House 3 BD110601 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,724 £157,925 10009045 2 Reynolds Close Green Park Havelock Road SG18 0QL House 2 BD175015 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,643 £136,771 10009046 4 Reynolds Close Green Park Havelock Road SG18 0QL House 2 BD175015 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,661 £161,525 10009047 1 Reynolds Close Green Park Havelock Road SG18 0QL House 2 BD175015 Absolute Freehold MV-T £71,658 £136,799 10009043 4 Avocet Close Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 8HQ House 1 BD116998 Absolute Leasehold MV-T £62,260 £118,858 10015313 88 Winchester Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1DP House 3 BD142447 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015254 54 Midland Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1EF House 3 BD132506 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015255 75 Laburnum Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1HY House 3 BD79763 Absolute Freehold MV-T £82,430 £157,364 10008986 5 Eastside Beeston Bedfordshire SG19 1PH House 3 BD174829 Absolute Freehold MV-T £84,385 £161,096 10015240 22 Dapifer Drive Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1QJ House 3 BD128191 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015241 56 Dapifer Drive Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1QL House 3 BD132212 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015309 91 Winchester Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1RQ House 3 BD102122 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015311 218 Winchester Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1RQ House 3 BD85517 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10015312 85 Winchester Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1RQ House 3 BD147689 Absolute Freehold MV-T £80,747 £154,152 10014876 31 Sandy Road Bedfordshire SG19 2QA House 3 BD135258 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 Valuer: JLL Date of Valuation: 15-Oct-18 Valuation: BPHA Bond Tap

House Property Basis of UPRN Number Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 County Postcode Type No. Beds Title Number: Freehold / Leasehold Valuation EUV-SH MV-T 10014858 37 Downside Gardens Potton Bedfordshire SG19 2RE House 3 BD126061 Absolute Freehold MV-T £79,292 £151,374 10021008 20 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 3 CB385390 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,476 £169,409 10021009 22 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385390 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,122 £140,997 10021010 24 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385390 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,122 £140,997 10021011 26 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 3 CB385390 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,307 £168,275 10021012 32 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 3 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £101,307 £168,275 10021013 34 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,122 £140,997 10021014 36 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,256 £141,217 10021015 38 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £104,923 £171,776 10021019 13 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 4 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £141,576 £231,785 10021018 15 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,256 £141,217 10021017 17 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,256 £141,217 10021016 19 Swannell Way Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3DF House 2 CB385393 Absolute Freehold MV-T £86,256 £141,217 10011652 12 Plane Tree Close Gamlingay Cambridgeshire SG19 3NE House 3 CB223185 Absolute Freehold MV-T £142,868 £173,617 10016238 35 Parishes Mead Stevenage Hertfordshire SG2 9QD House 2 HD192247 Absolute Freehold MV-T £92,705 £157,919 10016337 143 Vaughan Road Hitchin SG5 4EW House 3 BD150818 Absolute Freehold MV-T £89,021 £169,947 10015457 30 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £98,184 £160,744 10015458 32 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,133 £168,847 10015459 34 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £87,600 10015460 36 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £91,100 10015461 38 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,836 £178,184 10015462 40 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £108,836 £178,184 10015463 42 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £103,133 £168,847 10015464 44 Ashwell Road Steeple Morden Royston SG8 0NZ House 2 CB368651 Absolute Freehold MV-T £97,267 £159,242 10020709 56 Meldreth Road Shepreth Royston SG8 6PS House 2 CB376127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £73,500 10020710 54 Meldreth Road Shepreth Royston SG8 6PS House 2 CB376127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £110,900 10020711 52 Meldreth Road Shepreth Royston SG8 6PS House 2 CB376127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £73,500 10020712 1 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 2 CB376127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £110,200 10020713 9 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 3 CB376127 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £126,000 10020714 8 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 3 BD158759 Absolute Freehold EUV-SH £90,700 10020715 7 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 3 CB376127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,352 £198,675 10020716 6 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 3 CB376127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,151 £198,345 10020717 5 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 3 CB376127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £121,151 £198,345 10020718 4 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 3 CB376127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £119,369 £195,428 10020719 3 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 2 CB376127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,269 £167,432 10020720 2 Collins Close Shepreth Royston SG8 6PW House 2 CB376127 Absolute Freehold MV-T £102,269 £167,432 10022728 33 Cranesbill Close Orchard Park Cambridge CB4 2YQ Flat 2 CB412988 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10020809 13 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020807 11 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10015742 56 Great High Ground St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6GP Flat 2 CB351073 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10020805 9 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020811 15 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020824 28 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020819 23 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020808 12 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020815 19 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020814 18 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020812 16 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020702 30 Mays Avenue Balsham Cambridgeshire CB21 4ER House 3 CB369063 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10020822 26 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10020810 14 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 2 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10003945 6 Hanwell Place Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7FR Flat 2 BD267238 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10016104 21 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 0 CB321565 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10022275 2A Adelaide Square Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2RN Flat 1 BD157782 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10021679 30 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10021758 31 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10021759 32 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10021760 33 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10021761 34 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10021762 35 Gilbert House 6 Mill Park Cambridge CB1 2FJ Flat 1 CB371075 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023019 1 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023024 6 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023026 8 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023028 10 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023029 11 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023027 9 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023031 13 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023037 19 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023041 23 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023042 24 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023040 22 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023069 50 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023070 51 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023074 55 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023072 53 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023047 29 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023044 26 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023054 36 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023055 37 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023053 35 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023077 58 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023078 59 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023079 60 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023081 62 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023056 38 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023086 67 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023088 69 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10023092 73 Warburton House Vawser Way Cambridge CB2 0AS Flat 2 CB423418 Absolute Leasehold Nil Value 10016756 120 Spring Drive Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AD Flat 2 CB368643 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 72 Consort Avenue Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9AF CB375832 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10016085 1 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10016086 2 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold Nil Value 10016088 4 Pattison Court St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 6BJ Flat 2 CB321565 Absolute Freehold Nil Value £215,910,000 £279,380,000 Appendices

Appendix 2 Location Plan

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Appendix 3 Photographs

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COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. All Rights Reserved Appendices

Appendix 4 Market Commentary

COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. All Rights Reserved UK housing market overview The UK housing market continues to adjust to varying levels of political and legislative change. Interest rates increasing from 0.5% to 0.75% for the first time since the financial crash, inflation continuing to outpace wage growth, and uncertainty surrounding Brexit all factor into a slowing UK economy. Despite this, house prices continue to rise on an annual basis and unemployment remains low. The outlook for UK economic growth remains steady and robust.

Annual housing transaction volumes were slightly lower in the year to June 2018 compared with a year earlier, but have increased slightly in the three months to June 2018 compared with the previous quarter, according to the HMRC.

National house prices continue to rise and house price growth in the UK for the year to June 2018 was 3.0%, down from 4.1% three months earlier and from 4.1% a year earlier. However, average prices increased by 2.0% in Q2 2018, the highest average quarterly house price increase since Q3 2017.

According to the June 2018 RICS survey, demand and sales remain subdued at the national level. Properties on the market in the three months to June 2018 are in line with the previous quarter. Looking ahead, near term sales expectations indicate a broadly flat picture for transactions across the UK.

Annual house price growth was positive across all regions except Greater London and the North East for the year ending June 2018. House price growth in London was -0.7% pa, well below the UK average of 3.0% pa. House price growth was the highest in the West Midlands at 5.8% pa, followed by Scotland at 4.8% pa. House price growth was stronger in the North regions than in the South in the year to June 2018.

Construction starts in England in the year to Q1 2018 fell slightly compared with the previous year, while completions increased over the same period. The number of annual starts now stands at 156,950 and the number of completions at 160,510. These are some of the highest levels recorded since 2008, although still well below the delivery target of circa 300,000 new homes pa. UK housing market analysis Using a selection of data from Government sources, including Land Registry, HMRC and DCLG, as well as survey data collected by the RICS (the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), this section provides a detailed analysis of the UK housing market.

House price growth

In the three months to June 2018, house prices increased by 2.0%, up from a fall of 0.6% in the preceding three months. Annual price growth remained positive at 3.0% in the year to June 2018, slightly down from 4.1% in the preceding three months.

UK house price growth







0 % change per quarter year / quarter per change %

-2 Jul 15 Jul 16 Jul 17 Jul Oct 15 Oct 16 Apr 16 Oct 17 Apr 17 Oct 18 Apr Jun 15 Jun 16 Jan 16 Jun 17 Jan 17 Jun 18 Jan 18 Jun Feb 16 Feb 16 Mar 17 Feb 17 Mar 18 Feb 18 Mar Aug 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Nov 15 Dec 16 Aug 16 Sep 16 Nov 16 Dec 17 Aug 17 Sep 17 Nov 17 Dec May 16 May 17 May 18 May

Source: JLL, Land Registry Quarterly Annual

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

Housing supply and demand

The following section analyses data from the RICS Housing Market Survey, a useful tool when analysing demand and supply in the UK housing market. The data is sourced from a survey of chartered surveyors across the UK and it includes a range of questions from their future perceptions of the market to how the market has moved in the preceding three months.

Several results are presented through a balance of surveyor views. Results below zero indicate that demand/supply is falling while positive values reveal a rise in demand/supply. Each value describes the rate at which demand/supply is growing or falling and it is useful in analysing the momentum of the market. The findings of the survey are presented below. The RICS survey reveals that, on a seasonally adjusted basis, the price balance was +2% in June 2018. Over the past thirteen months the balance has hovered close to zero, indicating prices have been relatively flat.

RICS house prices balance Greater than 0 means prices increased in last 3 months, less than 0 means prices fell, SA

70 60 50 40 30 20

% balance % 10 0 -10 -20 -30 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, RICS

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

The chart below reveals the difference in the proportion of surveyors who believe that the number of new buyer enquiries, in the last three months, has risen against those who believe that they have fallen. As such, any figures below zero indicate that more surveyors feel that demand has fallen rather than risen in the last three months. The balance reveals not only the changes in demand in the market but also how quickly levels of demand have moved.

The RICS survey reveals that, on a seasonally adjusted basis, housing demand has been falling in the three months to June 2018, though at a slower rate than the previous three months.

RICS new buyer enquiry balance Greater than 0 means demand increased in last 3 months, less than 0 means demand fell, SA




20 % balance % 0


-40 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, RICS

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Per the RICS survey, the average number of properties on the market has remained steady following a sharp fall between March 2015 and December 2015. In June 2018, the average number of properties on the market per office remained at 43 when compared with 42 the previous quarter and 43 in June 2017.

RICS number of properties on the market Average number of properties on market per estate agency office, SA

70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30

Number of properties per office per properties of Number 25 20 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, RICS

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. The average number of sales per month per estate agency office remained relatively static during the three months to June 2018, but has been slowly decreasing since August 2017.

As of the end of June 2018, estate agency offices were selling approximately 15 homes on average each during the preceding three-month period, slightly down from 17 homes a year earlier.

RICS number of sales Average number of sales in last 3 month period per estate agency office, SA





10 Number of sales per office per sales of Number 5

0 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, RICS

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

Further data from the RICS survey reveals that the sales to stock ratio has slightly decreased in June 2018. The sales to stock ratio in June 2018 was 34, compared to 35 in March 2018 and 39 in June 2017. This implies a small weakening in the market between March and June.

RICS sales to stock ratio




20 Sales to stock ratio ratio stockto Sales 10

0 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, RICS

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Housing transactions

HMRC data reveals that annual transactions decreased in Q2 2018 compared with the previous three months. Transactions have been generally falling since the spike in transactions in March 2016 before the introduction of the new stamp duty tax.

In the year to June 2018, there were 1.19 million transactions in the UK, compared to 1.20 million transactions a year earlier. Annual transactions remain above the 10-year average of 1.04 million.

UK housing transactions




10 year average

1.0 Transactions (m per year) per (m Transactions

0.8 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, HMRC

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

The mortgage market

Data from the Bank of England shows that lending has been falling slightly across the country on an annual basis. Monthly, approvals have been mainly declining since January 2018.

Number of mortgages approved for house purchase

100 1,000

80 800

60 600

40 400

20 200 Monthly approvals (000s, SA) (000s, approvals Monthly Annual approvals (000s,SA) approvals Annual 0 0 Jan 14 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 13 Jun Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May

Source: JLL, Bank of England Monthly Annual

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Housing development

The number of annual housing starts in England dipped slightly in the year to Q1 2018. There were approximately 156,950 starts in the year to Q1, just below the 162,180 in Q4 2017, and below the 163,000 in Q1 2017.

Annual completions across England increased by 8.5% in the year to June 2018. There were 160,510 completions, compared with 147,920 a year earlier.

Over the past ten years, housing construction in England has consistently been well below the delivery target of 240,000-300,000 homes per annum.

England housing starts and completions

350 Housing need = 300,000 units pa 300





50 Number of units (000s) per year per (000s) units of Number 0 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep

Source: JLL, DCLG Starts Completions

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Regional house price growth

Data from Land Registry reveals that house prices have increased in all regions in the year to June 2018 with the exception London and the North East.

The usual North-South price growth divide has dissipated in recent years. The West Midlands, Scotland and Wales saw the highest house price growth, while London was the slowest of all the UK regions.

Regional house price growth in the West Midlands and Scotland increased by 5.8% and 4.8% respectively, in the year to June 2018. London saw -0.7% growth in the same period.

Regional house price growth – year to June 2018





4 % change per year per change % 2


-2 West Scotland Wales East East York & North South Eng & South North London Mids Mids Humbs West West Wales East East

Source: JLL, Land Registry

© 2018 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

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COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP, INC. 2018. This publication is the sole property of Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. and must not be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc.


United Kingdom Taxation

The following applies only to persons who are the beneficial owners of Bonds and is a summary of the Issuer's understanding of current United Kingdom law and HM Revenue & Customs' published practice relating to certain aspects of United Kingdom taxation as at the date of this Prospectus. References to "interest" refer to interest as that term is understood for United Kingdom tax purposes. Some aspects do not apply to certain classes of person (such as dealers and persons connected with the Issuer) to whom special rules may apply. The United Kingdom tax treatment of prospective Bondholders depends on their individual circumstances and may be subject to change at any time in the future, possibly with retrospective effect. Prospective Bondholders may be subject to tax in a jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom.

This is not intended to constitute a complete analysis of all tax consequences relating to the ownership of the Bonds and it is not intended to be, nor should it be considered to be, legal or tax advice. Prospective Bondholders should seek their own professional advice concerning the tax consequences of their particular situations.

Interest on the Bonds

Payment of interest on the Bonds

Payments of interest by the Issuer on the Bonds may be made without deduction of or withholding on account of United Kingdom income tax provided that the Bonds continue to be listed on a "recognised stock exchange" within the meaning of section 1005 of the Income Tax Act 2007 (the Act). The London Stock Exchange is a recognised stock exchange for these purposes. Securities will be treated as listed on the London Stock Exchange if they are included in the Official List (within the meaning of and in accordance with the provisions of Part 6 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)) and admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. Provided, therefore, that the Bonds remain so listed, interest on the Bonds will be payable without withholding or deduction on account of United Kingdom tax.

In other cases, an amount must generally be withheld from payments of interest on the Bonds that has a United Kingdom source on account of United Kingdom income tax at the basic rate (currently 20 per cent.), subject to any other available exemptions and reliefs. However, where an applicable double tax treaty provides for a lower rate of withholding tax (or for no tax to be withheld) in relation to a Bondholder, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) can issue a notice to the Issuer to pay interest to the Bondholder without deduction of tax (or for interest to be paid with tax deducted at the rate provided for in the relevant double tax treaty).

Further United Kingdom Income Tax Issues

Interest on the Bonds that constitutes United Kingdom source income for tax purposes may, as such, be subject to income tax by direct assessment even where paid without withholding.

However, interest with a United Kingdom source received without deduction or withholding on account of United Kingdom tax will not be chargeable to United Kingdom tax in the hands of a Bondholder (other than certain trustees) who is not resident for tax purposes in the United Kingdom unless that Bondholder carries on a trade, profession or vocation in the United Kingdom through a United Kingdom branch or agency in connection with which the interest is received or to which the Bonds are attributable (and where that Bondholder is a company, unless that Bondholder carries on a trade in the United Kingdom through a permanent establishment in connection with which the interest is received or to which the Bonds are attributable). There are exemptions for interest received by certain categories of agent (such as some brokers and investment managers). The provisions of an applicable double taxation treaty may also be relevant for such Bondholders.

184 United Kingdom Corporation Tax Payers

In general, Bondholders which are within the charge to United Kingdom corporation tax will be charged to tax as income on all returns, profits or gains on, and fluctuations in value of, the Bonds (whether attributable to currency fluctuations or otherwise) broadly in accordance with their statutory accounting treatment.

Other United Kingdom Tax Payers

Taxation of Chargeable Gains

The Bonds will constitute "qualifying corporate bonds" within the meaning of section 117 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992. Accordingly, a disposal by a Bondholder of a Bond will not give rise to a chargeable gain or an allowable loss for the purposes of the UK taxation of chargeable gains.

Accrued Income Scheme

On a disposal of Bonds by a Bondholder, any interest which has accrued since the last interest payment date may be chargeable to tax as income under the rules of the accrued income scheme as set out in Part 12 of the Act if that Bondholder is resident in the United Kingdom or carries on a trade in the United Kingdom through a branch or agency to which the Bonds are attributable.

Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax

No United Kingdom stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax is payable on the issue of the Bonds or on a transfer by delivery of the Bonds.

The Proposed Financial Transactions Tax (FTT)

On 14 February 2013, the European Commission published a proposal (the Commission's Proposal) for a Directive for a common FTT in Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia and Slovakia (the participating Member States). However, Estonia has since stated that it will not participate.

The Commission's Proposal has very broad scope and could, if introduced, apply to certain dealings in the Bonds (including secondary market transactions) in certain circumstances. Primary market transactions referred to in Article 5(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1287/2006 are expected to be exempt.

Under the Commission's Proposal, the FTT could apply in certain circumstances to persons both within and outside of the participating Member States. Generally, it would apply to certain dealings in the Bonds where at least one party is a financial institution, and at least one party is established in a participating Member State. A financial institution may be, or be deemed to be, "established" in a participating Member State in a broad range of circumstances, including (a) by transacting with a person established in a participating Member State or (b) where the financial instrument which is subject to the dealings is issued in a participating Member State.

However, the Commission's Proposal remains subject to negotiation between the participating Member States. It may therefore be altered prior to any implementation, the timing of which remains unclear. Additional Member States of the European Union may decide to participate.

Prospective holders of the Bonds are advised to seek their own professional advice in relation to the FTT.


Subscription Agreement

The Joint Bookrunners have, pursuant to a Subscription Agreement (the Subscription Agreement) dated 15 October 2018, jointly and severally agreed with the Issuer to subscribe or procure subscribers for the New Bonds (other than the New Retained Bonds) at the issue price of 120.755 per cent. of the principal amount of the New Bonds (other than the New Retained Bonds), less a combined management and underwriting commission. The Issuer will also reimburse the Joint Bookrunners in respect of certain of their expenses, and has agreed to indemnify the Joint Bookrunners against certain liabilities, incurred in connection with the issue of the New Bonds. The Subscription Agreement may be terminated in certain circumstances prior to payment to the Issuer.

United States

The New Bonds have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons except in certain transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

The New Bonds are subject to U.S. tax law requirements and may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or its possessions or to a United States person, except in certain transactions permitted by U.S. tax regulations. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and regulations thereunder.

Each of the Joint Bookrunners has represented and agreed that, except as permitted by the Subscription Agreement, it will not offer, sell or deliver the New Bonds (a) as part of their distribution at any time or (b) otherwise until 40 days after the later of the commencement of the offering and the New Bond Issue Date within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons.

In addition, until 40 days after the commencement of the offering of the New Bonds, an offer or sale of New Bonds within the United States by any dealer that is not participating in the offering may violate the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

Terms used above have the meanings given to them by Regulation S and the Securities Act.

United Kingdom

Each of the Joint Bookrunners has represented, warranted and agreed that:

(a) it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause to be communicated an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of Section 21 of the FSMA) received by it in connection with the issue or sale of any Bonds in circumstances in which Section 21(1) of the FSMA does not apply to the Issuer or the Borrower; and

(b) it has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the FSMA with respect to anything done by it in relation to the New Bonds in, from or otherwise involving the United Kingdom.

Prohibition of Sales to EEA Retail Investors

Each of the Joint Bookrunners has represented and agreed that it has not offered, sold or otherwise made available and will not offer, sell or otherwise make available any New Bonds to any retail investor in the EEA. For the purposes of this provision the expression retail investor means a person who is one (or both) of the following:

(a) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or

186 (b) a customer within the meaning of the Insurance Mediation Directive, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II.


Each of the Joint Bookrunners has agreed that it will, to the best of its knowledge and belief, comply with all applicable securities laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in which it purchases, offers, sells or delivers New Bonds or possesses or distributes this Prospectus and will obtain any consent, approval or permission which is, to the best of its knowledge and belief, required by it for the purchase, offer, sale or delivery by it of New Bonds under the laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction to which it is subject or in which it makes such purchases, offers, sales or deliveries and none of the Issuer, the Borrower and the Bond Trustee shall have any responsibility therefor.

None of the Issuer, the Borrower, the Bond Trustee and the Joint Bookrunners represents that New Bonds may at any time lawfully be sold in compliance with any applicable registration or other requirements in any jurisdiction, or pursuant to any exemption available thereunder, or assumes any responsibility for facilitating such sale.



The issue of the New Bonds has been approved by a resolution of the board of directors of the Issuer dated 21 September 2018.

Listing of Bonds

It is expected that the official listing of the New Bonds will be granted on or about 17 October 2018 subject only to the issue of the Temporary Global Bond. Application has been made to the UK Listing Authority for the New Bonds to be admitted to the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange for the New Bonds to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's regulated market.

The Issuer estimates that the total expenses related to the admission to trading will be £7,250. The Borrower shall pay to the Issuer, inter alia, an amount equal to such expenses in accordance with Clause 18 (Expenses) of the Original Loan Agreement.

Documents Available

For the period of 12 months following the date of this Prospectus, copies of the following documents will, when published, be available for inspection from the registered office of the Issuer and from the specified office of the Paying Agent for the time being in London:

(a) the constitutional documents of the Issuer and the Borrower;

(b) the Issuer Financial Statements (the Issuer currently prepares audited accounts on an annual basis);

(c) the Borrower Financial Statements (the Borrower currently prepares audited accounts on an annual basis);

(d) the Bond Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement, the Account Agreement, the Custody Agreement, the Retained Bond Custody Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the Security Trust Deed and the Legal Mortgages;

(e) the Valuation Report;

(f) a copy of this Prospectus; and

(g) any future offering circulars, prospectuses and information memoranda and any other documents incorporated therein by reference.

Clearing Systems

The New Bonds have been accepted for clearance through Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg.

The address of Euroclear is Euroclear Bank SA/NV, 1 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, B-1210 Brussels and the address of Clearstream, Luxembourg is Clearstream Banking, 42 Avenue JF Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg.

Identification Codes

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the Issuer is 213800T2EIKFAUKDRH27.

The temporary ISIN for the New Bonds (which will apply for so long as the New Bonds are represented by the Temporary Global Bond) is XS1894591657. Upon exchange of the interests in the Temporary

188 Global Bond for interests in the Permanent Global Bond, the ISIN for the New Bonds will be XS1052218358.

The temporary Common Code for the New Bonds (which will apply for so long as the New Bonds are represented by the Temporary Global Bond) is 189459165. Upon exchange of the interests in the Temporary Global Bond for interests in the Permanent Global Bond, the Common Code for the New Bonds will be 105221835.

The CFI for the New Bonds is DBFXFB (Euroclear)/DBFNFB (Clearstream, Luxembourg).

The FISN for the New Bonds is BPHA FINANCE PL/4.816 BD 20440411.

Characteristics of underlying assets

The Loan Agreement has characteristics that demonstrate the capacity to produce funds to service any payments due and payable on the New Bonds.

Material or Significant Change

There has been no material adverse change in the financial position or prospects of the Issuer since 31 March 2018.

There has been no significant change in the financial or trading position of the Borrower and its subsidiaries since 31 March 2018 and there has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the Borrower and its subsidiaries since 31 March 2018.


There are no governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened of which the Issuer is aware) in the 12 months preceding the date of this Prospectus which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on the Issuer's financial position or profitability.

There are no governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened of which the Issuer or the Borrower are aware) in the 12 months preceding the date of this Prospectus which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on the Borrower and its subsidiaries' financial position or profitability.


The auditors of the Issuer are KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, who have audited the Issuer's accounts, without qualification, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom for each of the two financial years ended on 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2018. The auditors of the Issuer have no material interest in the Issuer.

The auditors of the Borrower are KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, who have audited the Borrower's accounts, without qualification, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom for each of the two financial years ended on 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2018. The auditors of the Borrower have no material interest in the Borrower.

Post-issuance information

The Issuer does not intend to provide any post-issuance information in relation to the New Bonds, the Issuer Security or the Underlying Security, other than as required pursuant to Condition 6.2 (Information Covenants).

189 Joint Bookrunners transacting with the Issuer or the Borrower

The Joint Bookrunners and each of their respective affiliates have engaged, and may in the future engage in investment banking and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform services for, the Issuer and/or the Borrower and/or their respective affiliates in the ordinary course of business. The Joint Bookrunners and their affiliates may have positions, deal or make markets in the Bonds, related derivatives and reference obligations, including (but not limited to) entering into hedging strategies on behalf of the Issuer and/or the Borrower and/or their respective affiliates, investor clients, or as principal in order to manage their exposure, their general market risk, or other trading activities.

In addition, in the ordinary course of their business activities, the Joint Bookrunners and their affiliates may make or hold a broad array of investments and actively trade debt and equity securities (or related derivative securities) and financial instruments (including bank loans) for their own account and for the accounts of their customers. Such investments and securities activities may involve securities and/or instruments of the Issuer, the Borrower or their respective affiliates. Certain of the Joint Bookrunners or their affiliates that have a lending relationship with the Issuer or the Borrower routinely hedge their credit exposure to the Issuer or the Borrower consistent with their customary risk management policies. Typically, such Joint Bookrunners and their affiliates would hedge such exposure by entering into transactions which consist of either the purchase of credit default swaps or the creation of short positions in securities, including potentially the Bonds. Any such positions could adversely affect future trading prices of the Bonds. The Joint Bookrunners and their affiliates may also make investment recommendations and/or publish or express independent research views in respect of such securities or financial instruments and may hold, or recommend to clients that they acquire, long and/or short positions in such securities and instruments.


Indication of the yield on the New Bonds: 3.569 per cent. (semi annual). The yield is calculated at the New Bond Issue Date on the basis of the Issue Price of the New Bonds. It is not an indication of future yield.

190 ISSUER bpha Finance plc Bedford Heights Manton Lane Bedford MK41 7BJ

BOND TRUSTEE AND SECURITY TRUSTEE Prudential Trustee Company Limited Laurence Pountney Hill London EC4R 0HH



Barclays Bank PLC Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc 5 The North Colonnade 10 Gresham Street Canary Wharf London EC2V 7AE London E14 4BB

LEGAL ADVISERS To the Issuer and the Borrower as to English law To the Joint Bookrunners, the Bond Trustee and Addleshaw Goddard LLP the Security Trustee as to English law Milton Gate Allen & Overy LLP 60 Chiswell Street One Bishops Square London EC1Y 4AG London E1 6AD

AUDITORS To the Issuer and the Borrower KPMG LLP 15 Canada Square Canary Wharf London E14 5GL