Maine Woods: of Deer, Partridge and Woodcoek Near the Now As to the Fishing, a Word Or Two
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VOIv. XXIV. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. N O . 2 8 . SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES! SPORTSMEN’S- SUPPLIES. SPORTSMENS SUPPLIES r ■ V . M . C . AMMUNITION ia sold by all dealers because it is a staple— STEVENS Shooters have learned to rely upon it. Order it by Name IS YOUR FIREARM R E L IA B L E ? R e p e a t i n g Do you know that we have made the and insist that your dealer gives you nothing Reliable kind for thirty-eigfht years? repeat. They don’t jam, catch, or fail to extract. In a else. U. M. C. cartridges and shot shells are word, they are the only reliable repeaters. Winchester Before you buy look up our line of “'time tried;’ 35 years of progress. rifles are made in all desirable calibers, weights, and styles; and are plain, partially or elaborately ornamented, I RIFLES, - PISTOLS, - SHOTGUNS. Catalogues. suiting every purpose, every pocketbook, and every taste. Nearly all dealers In Sporting Goods carry our ARMS. ^Manchester* Ammunition Send for our catalog, it is full of interest. r H E , UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE C O . is made for all kinds of shooting in all kinds of guns. 313 B roadway, Brieg'eport, Conn 4-25 Market St., CDrC Send Name and Address on a Postal J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, % L I11- 1-' for our 104-Page Illustrated Catalogue. New York, N. Y. San Francisco, Cal. No. 155 Broadway, - Chicopee Falls, Mass. J WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. | v*'y.i->Sr ►4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 HOTELS AND CAMPS II O TE L S A N D C A M P S ► 4444444444444444444444444 and thought it worth taking out and Saving. The heads show more clearly T H E RANGELEY LAKES, : GAME AND FISH ODDITIES. ! when the wood is wet. These figures New York City. I Via the PORTLAND & RUM FORD FALLS RY. ► 4444444444444444444444444 are the curious arrangement ot knots at ASHLAND HOUSE, || j i Through PARLOR CAR service during the Tourist season. this point. Mr. Witham has gone to Corner 4 th Ave. and a4th St. We invite bur readers to send contri- W e mail, free o f charge, a book showing half-tone cuts of hotels Boston "to the sportsmen’s show, taking AMERICAN anti EUROPEAN PLANS butions for this column. ffie curiosities with him. Rooms, per day, §1.00 and upwards and camps at all Rangeley Lake Points. PORTLAND & RUMFORD FALLS RAILWAY, 'k R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Maine. A Fisli Story. Ra n g e l e y L a k e s . According to an exchange Edward Camp Bemis and Birches. Write for free cir Partridge Under Snowshoes. cular. Ca p t . F . C. B a k k e k , i^-op’r, Bemis. Pulk of St. Stephen lias a gold fish E. W. Davenport and A. B. Mclqfeife which possesses greater knowledge than V ia R a n g e l e y o r B e m i s . SH0T SEVEN DEVILS. “ One day the hunter had gone away of West Peru, while rabbit hunting a is generally accredited to its species. Mountain View' House. by himself, and when night overtook few days ago had the unusual./experi When Mr. Pulk wishes to change the Found Them Piled Up Iua Heap him he concluded to camp where he was ence to catch a partridge ijrfder their A BEAVER TALE. water in the glass globe where the little till morning. He found a good place snowslioes. The bird was buried in the IVhr.t of “Black Edward ?” Just one word's ou the Hillside. near the hanks of a small stream. He fellow is confined all he has to do is to n io v g h , snow. After admiring the partridge a H * 1 cart’s as tender as his tales arc “ tuff.” The Kennebec Journal tells the fol built a lire, cooked his supper and sat place another vessel containing water in OU see it's this way. A visit to the Range- few minutes they let her go. Y ley Lake region without a litt'e run tip to lowing story as coming from Aroostook down to smoke his pipe. It was then proximity to the globe when out it pops Beaver pond is as ran k a tailure as half a county, and whicli is vouched for by no into the vessel and remains there until pair of scissors, or the hole of a doughnut quite dark. There was no moon and with the dough gone Yes. "‘(ruing up to less veracious gentleman than J. Stanley the few stars iu the heavens made little housecleaning is done, when it will im CAMERA AND RIFLE. Ed’s” is like smoking opium lying, or “ warts”—it grows upon you; and the man Estes, the well-known stenographer, for impression upon the gloom that envel mediately jump back again into the who once sets his happy foot on the shores of many years associated with Hon. W . P globe. This sounds like a fish story, old “Beaver” is as certain to return as—as— oped him. It was a lonely place, but he Expects to Do Most of Shooting well as a punched ‘"quarter.” Wliitehouse, one of Maine’s ablest su was used to the woods, and for a long but is vouched for by rel'able persons What do you do when you get there? Most preme court justices: who have seen the trick done. Here is situated a liotei ot rare attractive people fish, others tramp those glorious old time was in a peaceful and almost happy With a Camera. ness in beautiful location for summer board 'rails and just soak their hearts and minds “ A story is current in Aroostook,” frame of mind. ers and at the same time in close proximity in the delights of mountain, lake and forest; A ckermanville , Pa ., Feb. 25, 1902. to the best places for fishing on Rangeley for at Ed’s remember, we’re in the sure- said Mr. Estes, “ that will bear repeti “ All of a sudden he had a feeling of Moose Head In Birch Wood. lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty enough backwoods. tion. They tell a tale up there of a To the Editor of the Maine Woods: of deer, partridge and woodcoek near the Now as to the fishing, a word or two. “ We little know what the Maine hotel. The cuisine here is such as to hold Guides talk, not withstanding, I have never hunter who went into the woods after IMPENDING DANGER woods contain until they are opened On all my trips into Maine I have car patrons year after year, the rooms are what yet found 5 and 10-pound trout plenty enough people from the cities like, large, well lighted to be monotonous—never have, but the rea big game. It was in the days when come over him. On the other side of up,” said Mr. L. C. Witham of Madrid, ried a camera besides my rifle, and on sonable man with a fair Idea of the proper and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, panthers, or future trips expect to do most of my fish and game at appropriate times in the dissemination of “ feathers”— t he chance the stream from where he was sitting as he showed the M a i n e W o o d s repre year and the table is always suppli, d with also to be a true snowm an, could ask noth INDIAN DEVILS, the bank rose to a great height. About sentative two cuts taken irom a birch shooting and hunting with the camera. excellent fresh milk and cream. Per- water ing better. runs to the house from a spring above. This XVitliin easv reach of E d ’s doors He (even were quite plenty in northern Maine. i half way up the mass of rock was a stick. The stick was about three and I hope there may be a good number of is a particularly good place for safe and nature “ lies” up there—I wonder why?), 5 or others who will do likewise, as I, for pleasant boating and the drives and walks t> lakes in which the fly fishing is simply ; stump of a tree with a forked crotch, as one half inches in diameter. On the are unsurpassed. Croquet and lawn tennis “great,” and I say this after having fished | he discovered the next day. When the face of each piece was a very good fig one, have taken more delight and pleas grounds adjoin the house. Write for a free every in that region many times HOTELS AND CAMPS circular to Take “Ell Tond.” for instance, around the i scent of trouble came to him, lie looked ure of a moose head, the ears, antlers ure in studying the habits and natures “bend among the pads,” or “Little Island” L . E. B o w l e y , Mountain View House, of the game found in your woods than Mountain View. Rangeley Lakes, Me. with a gentle ripple about sundown. Such up at the towering mass of rock before and bell all being clearly defined. incessant “ rise •” and sueli a run of fish marks him. He saw a sight that nearly fioze Mr. Witham noticed this as lie was in destroying them. E u s t i s , m e . that charming lit tie pond as the acme of liy a m e s A.