DANCE FLOOR TOO SLIPPERY? This marvelous newly-reformulated product helps prevent slipping . It will satisfy your requirements in making asphalt, linoleum, vinyl and wood floors safe for walking, dancing, and other physical activities. Sprinkle sparingly to the slippery area until the floor is safe or pour in an area where dancers can step in it and then enjoy sure footing.

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OUR READERS SPEAK 26 Grand Zip THE ASD LINE-UP 50 Feedback 60 Line of Fire 2 Editor's Notebook 3 By Line 4 S/D Thank Reagan SQUARE DANCE SCENE 5 Tempo 53 Date Line 7 Dancing Tips 59 A/C Lines Advanced & Challenge 10 Hem Line 65 What's Going On In 13 Dance on Top of World Square Dancing 21 Meanderings 75 International News 35 Party Line 39 People ROUNDS 42 Country Western Line 25 Cue Tips 62 New Dancer Longevity 83 Round Dance Pulse Poll 73 Encore 88 Flip Side Rounds 78 Breadline 80 New Line of Fashion 85 Circle Right FOR CALLERS 89 Contra Corners 8 Caller Line-Up 91 Veteran Caller 17 Creative Choreography 92 Classifieds 18 Discount 96 Finish Line 28 Caller Instructors 33 Easy Level 38 Square Dance Pulse Poll 57 Underlining Note Service 74 Flip Side Squares 81 PS/MS/QS

Publishers and Editors Editoral Assistants Jon & Susan Sanborn Jeanne Briscoe Phyllis Arthur Phone: (408) 443-0761 Fax: (408) 443-6402 Dorothy Walker Dan Smith Member of NASRDS Workshop Editors National Association of S& R/D Suppliers Bob Howell Walt Cole L & S Kopman American Squaredance Magazine (ISSN-091- Don Ward Jim Chomondeley 3383) is published monthly by Sanborn Enter- Feature Writers prise 661 Middlefield Rd., Salinas, CA 93906-1004. Second class postage paid at Sali- Harol & Lil Bausch Bev Warner nas, CA. Copy deadline five weeks preceding first Mary Fablk Ed Foote day of issue month. Subscription: $20 per year Stan & Cathie Burdick Bill Davis U.S., $23 per year Canada, $32 per year Foreign. Single copies: $2.50 each. POSTMASTER: Send Record Reviewers address change to American Squaredance Frank & Phyl Lehnert Magazine, 661 Middlefield Rd., Salinas, CA 93906-1004. 01993 by Sanbom Enterprises. All rights reserved.

Amencan Squaredance, August 1883 Editor's I NOTEBOOK

by Jon & Susan Sanborn

ven though the attendance at the E42nd National Square Dance Con- vention was only 18, 800, those 18,800 individuals were very enthusiastic and had a wonderful time. Susan and I were In Feedback we are bringing excerpts only able to get in one tip, however it was to you from various letters and articles one to be remembered. We danced un- we have received. der the Arch in St. Louis. In the interest of promoting square We here at ASD want to bring to your dancing, we will no longer print articles attention the "Feedback" section in this that criticize any of our national organi- issue. We have been getting numerous zations. letters and, yes, even calls about all the Our heart felt sympathies to those who negativeness in the articles we have have been effected by the flood of 1993. printed. It started out as a minor thing, but has escalated into a of undesir- able reading for our subscribers.

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2 American Squaredanoe, August 111Q3 rr his month we have several articles we want 1 to bring to your attention. In the "People" section we have a rather interesting article about BY-LINE the "Top Of The World Square Dancers." This square dancer group is located in Barrow, Alaska. The furthest most part of the United States. Theirs is an informative story. Be sure and read it. We were happy to see an article telling about the Southern California square dancers, along with Bill Kramer, who recently visited the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Their aim was to thank Mr. Reagan for naming Square Dancing the National Folk Dance for the U.S. in 1984. Have you ever thought about what happens to callers who have called for many years? If not, read Tempo, by Jeannie Briscoe. It will open your eyes. Be sure and read the Editor's Notebook. We are taking a firm stand with articles that criti- cize our organizations. Happy reading. Jon and Susan are off to Germany, lucky people! (JB)

1 Alaska 26 30 Hilton 32 59 Red Rock Ramblers 70 2 Ashton Electronics 7 31 J & B Grossman 83 60 Reeves Records 67 3 Asilomar 9 32 J & J Manufacturing 54 61 Rhythm Records 45 4 Australia '94 20 33 Jerry Sleeman 50 62 Royal Records 44 5 Badge Holder 82 34 Jifi 86 63 Scope 2 6 Bill Davis 63 35 John Saunders 70 64 Shirley's S/D Shoppe 90 7 Blackwood Travel 86 36 JPS 2 65 Silver Sounds 51 8 Brantley's 27 37 Kalox 77 66 Sophia T's 53 9 Bud Whitten 86 38 Kirkwood 41 67 Square Dance Vidios 69 10 Burdick Enterprises 86 39 Kopman's Choreo 19 68 Square Dancers Closet 38 11 Cardinal 42 40 Les Gotcher 79 69 Stitch in Time 61 12 Chaparral Records 44 41 Lou-Mac 65 70 Supreme Audio B,D 13 Charmz-Reaction 53 42 Mar-Let 58 71 The Catch All 16 14 Chicago Country 91 43 McAllen 36 72 Tic Tac Toes 56 15 Chula Vista 6 44 Meg Simkins 66 73 TNT 54 16 DJ Records 45 45 Merrbach 84 74 Tortuga 46 17 Double D 68 46 Mesa/Apache Junction 48 75 Travel Call 86 18 East Hampton Travel 35 47 Micro Plastics 54 76 Triple R 71 19 Ed Fraidenburg 53 48 Mike's Records 70 77 Vee Gee 51 20 English Mountain 49 Mikeside Management 70 78 Walt Cole 53 21 ESP/Jo Pat 12 50 National S/D Directory 11 79 Westem S/D Ranch 77 22 Fontana 52 51 New England Caller 87 80 Western Squares Intl 75 23 Four Bar B 47 52 NSDP 54 81 Yak Stack 10 24 Gold Star Video 64 53 Old Pueblo Traders 61 25 Grand Recordings 24 54 Palomino C 26 Grenn 22 55 R & R Video 15 27 Hawaiian Hoedown 78 56 Random Sound 73 28 Heritage Dance Festivals 23 57 Rawhide 43 29 Hi Hat 29 58 Red Boot Boys 95

ADVERTISERS LISTING Circle the number of each advertisers For extra convenience to readers, we are listing our advertis- from whom more information is desired ers (space ads only) and numbering each. Readers should Please mark no more than 20 still write directly to advertisers as they wish, but any who de- sire information from several advertisers may circle the num- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 bers to the left of advertiser's name on the blank and we will 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 forward their requests to the proper business. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 This form Invalid after September 15, 1993 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 NAME 61 62 83 84 65 68 67 68 89 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 77 78 79 80 ADDRESS 81


Amman Squaredance, August 1993 3 SQUARE DANCERS THANK REAGAN

(Information and quotes taken from danced, he was still responsible for sign- the Thousand Oaks News Chronicle, ing a bill in 1984 that gave the country a June 12, 1993) national folk dance for the first time. Recognizing the fact that square ecently a group of eight square dancing has combinations of terms com- Rdancers visited the Ronald Reagan ing from a myriad of international cul- Presidential Library, dancing on the ve- tures, it is only fitting that it be named as randa as a way to thank Mr. Reagan for the nation's "National Folk Dance." naming Square Dance the National Folk Terms coming to us through the French Dance in 1984. language as well as some forms from They performed a square dance ver- Greece, Israel and Ireland as well. sion of the song that became the anthem Among the group of dancers visiting for the Persian Gulf War, "God Bless the the Presidential Library were John Otte, U.S.A.". It was noted that this was Nancy president of Pi-R Square, from thousand Reagan's favorite. Oaks, Andi Padrick of Wood Ranch, Minna Hudson of Leisure Village in After finding out no square dance Camarillo, Mary Ellen Kircher of Thou- group or association had ever thanked sand Oaks and Brenda Otte, member of Mr. Reagan, the group presented Presi- the Thousand Oaks group. dent Reagan with a plaque making him This deed of gratitude to Mr. Reagan an honorary member of the American from these dancers is of great value to Callers Association. our square dance movement. Their posi- 'We were pushing to get that into law tive attitude and gracious expression of for a long time," said Bill Kramer, a mem- thanks engraved a place in the public eye ber of the ACA board of directors. that cannot be ignored. Even though he did not dance in the ASD wants to thank all of you who square or perhaps had never square participated in this quest. ✓ 4 American Squaredance, August 1993 TEmpo by Jeannie Briscoe

hat happens to callers who have handicapped people, senior citizens, Wput in their time for the activity, and children's groups who wanted to only to find out they are not on the Top square dance. This is something none of Caller's list. If you are wondering what the 'Top Callers" would ever think of I'm talking about, just read on. doing. It might diminish them in the eyes What would you do if you had held of the dancers. your job for twenty to thirty years and My thought on this kind of rebuke is then suddenly you were told you "shame on you." If for some reason the "couldn't cut the mustard?" Unfortu- dancers have complained, that's too nately, this has happened to many in the bad. If any dancer who is at a dance that work field when the company has gone offers several callers and there's one out of business or bankrupt. But in our they don't like to dance to then they can activity there is simply no excuse for this sit down. I'm sure there will be enough kind of treatment of other callers. We courteous people who will fill the have an organization that is not bound by squares. It won't even "kill 'em" to dance a union or strict rules as far as the ability one tip to that caller. of someone is concerned. What has become of our beloved ac- Take for example the situation of Joe tivity when a few can tell some of us we Whosits, who has called and worked for are no longer capable or good enough for square dancing for thirty years. He has their program? Where has the courtesy been a caller that people enjoy dancing gone from the dance floor? Where has to and he has never been without a club the dancer loyalty and support gone? for which to call. He has participated in When the callers allow the dancers to tell arranging halls for festivals, conducted them who they want on a program when demonstrations of square dancing in it involves a callers association, then various places to advertise the activity, they have relinquished the reins to those and has been a long standing member of dancers. If for some reason the dancers the local association as well as CALLER- don't like what's going on, perhaps it LAB. Wouldn't you say he was due some would be a good idea for them to take a kind of respect? few records home and practice for the Then take another caller whom we'll next dance night. They would soon find call Clyde Caller. He has put many years out that many of the dancers are so into the activity, not only calling square fickle, they and their efforts wouldn't last dancing, but cueing rounds as well as five minutes. teaching classes in each of these areas If you are a caller reading this article of the activity. He too has been a member and you think it would help your area to of a local callers association as well as be more courteous, then for goodness CALLERLAB. His calling has been en- sake remember how much time and ef- joyed over the years by many dancers, fort it takes to be a good leader as well but now he is being shoved aside be- as a good caller. Help the dancers to cause of something someone thought of appreciate all callers if for nothing more doing. Creating the "Top Callers." than just their efforts. When we decide Then there is another caller whom we are so high and mighty, then we may we'll call John Doe. He has put at least soon feel the solid ground beneath us ten years into the activity and sincerely when we are also not good enough and loves it. He has been a stalwart help for get booted out of a job! ✓

Amencan Squareaance, August 1993 5 Chula Vista=


May 20 - 21, '94 Ken Bower and Wade Driver (Plus Level) ($145 Per Person + tax) Rounds . . Millie & Bill Holmer November 5 - 7 Ken Bower, Gary Shoemake, Marshall Flippo ($165 Per Person + tax) 'Chaparral Jerry Haag & Scott Smith (Plus & Advanced) Weekend" Rounds . . . Ray & Gerry Belanger (2 Separate Halls)

November 12 - 14 Guy Adams & Craig Rowe (Plus Level) ($145 Per Person + tax) Rounds . . . . Kristine & Bruce Nelson November 19 - 21 George & Joyce Kammerer/Jeri & Jim Bobb ($125 Per Person + tax) ROUND DANCE WEEKEND PHASE III & IV November 26 - 28 Dale McRoberts / Dee Dee Doutherty (Plus Level) ($125 Per Person + tax) Rounds . . .. Tom & Rosalee Clark

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6 American Squaredance, August 1893 idea. We enjoyed the "First couple out" of the old time dance, but were thrilled to have Lit& more couples active. I remember there was a call, "Docey Do your honey in that good DANCING TIPS old Mountain style." I didn't know how to do that, so asked some of the men how. It was 417 amusing when one man said, "Oh, that's easy," then could not explain it, but he could sure do it! by Harold Bausch Part of the fun was learning new calls, and feeling the sense of accomplishment when we succeeded. Not all the calls were ictu re this if you can; We just learned kept, but we learned them, danced them, p to square dance at a club where they and often just went on to other calls. If a call took us into their squares and helped us get caused dancers to be uncomfortable or through the calls. After a few short months had to be re-taught too often, it was we are full fledged square dancers. We visit dropped. We didn't worry about that at all. other clubs, go to our first National Conven- We were doing what we called Western tion, dance in other states, all with no les- Square Dancing." It was not "Traditional" sons. anymore, it was now 'Western." No, we aren't super quick learners, the I recall with a laugh, I predicted the new time was the 1950's and the bumper stick- call, "Square thru" would not last. Boy, was ers read - "Honk if you can Tea Cup Chain." I wrong! All square dancers were considered, Square dancing was changing fast and "Square Dancers," and invited to any club we changed with it. In fact, I suppose we to dance. We hadn't heard of stand- helped it change. We didn't realize that we ardization, or of levels. were heading for trouble. The first few We were fortunate to have joined a club years that I taught square dance lessons, at about the time traditional dances were we taught eight nights of lessons and then fading out. Visiting couples were a new





Arrencan Squaredance, August 1993 7

invited them to join the clubs. I recall that dance. I believe I can take any group of my first class brought in a second group dancers and call to them all, and keep them and when we finished that class, they then all having fun. I may slip in a very quick joined together and formed a new club. teach of some unusual calls, but they are They called it "Harold 's Squares." I still am calls they can all do with a quick talk thru. the caller for that club and they will soon The greatest leveler of a group of differ- celebrate their 39th Anniversary. Some ent levels of experience, is a call none of have been with us for nearly 30 years, and them are real familiar with. If you teach all they still dance up a storm! In the last few at the same time, they are all on the same years we have picked up a lot of young level. couples who blend in just great. In fact we I recall a traveling caller at a dance that have some of the children of our early I walked in on. He was having trouble and members dancing with us now. The club I could hear it in his voice. I went up on the has over ten squares of paid up members, stage to visit with him, for we traveled the and they always have a crowd, with many circuit at the same time and often an- visiting from other clubs. nounced each others dances. This was a We have reached the stage now where caller with a lot of smarts - a dam good I go back and call some of the calls that caller - but, he said to me, "These people were fun "Way Back When!" "Rip N Snort" don't know how to dance." He had the can bring a lot of laughs. Todays Plus calls ability to make them dance, but he wouldn't are incorporated in this club, either for a make the effort. Plus tip or, most everyone can do all the We callers must have as much fun as calls of the old Plus One program. our dancers, or they will not enjoy the eve- Square dancing isn't in trouble, but we ning. Personally, I really enjoy calling for callers had best keep everyone having fun. my people. if I didn't, I'd quit. We are wrong to call for a "select" few. I Good fun, that's what it is all about. don't even really like, "Plus Tips" or "Star Relax, laugh, make a mistake, but have Tips." I would rather keep everyone up on fun! V every tip. The dance is for all who came to


These Callers Are Available To Call For Clubs and Festivals...Call

Fax: (203) 934-2653 Walt Cole (801-392-9078) 427 Campbell Ave. Box 352 944 Chatelain Rd. West Haven CT 06516 Ogden UT 84403 Have a Train Nile The basis of calling is timing with "Railroad Bill" Barr The basis of timing is music

Stan Burdick Jim Snyder PO Box 2678 RD 3, Box 101 Silver Bay, NY 12874 , Bernville, PA 19506 Call: 518-543-8824 Call: 215-488-6988 The Meandering Man Artist Buckskin Records Now Travel Full -Time

Jim "Who Cholmondeley Charlie Wheatley 12610 Lusher Road 6402 Beulah Church Rd. IPI b Florissant MO 63033 Louisville KY 40228 (314) 714-7799 or 653-1441 (502) 239-1956 The Caller Who Cares Calling Full—Time

8 American Squarettance, August 1993 AFTER 43 YEARS ... It is still the undisputed "FINEST" Square and Round Dance Institute in the world! AsilomarWINTER 1994 2 GREAT SESSIONS Weekend 5 Day Session Feb 4th - 6th Feb 6th - 11th

How would you like to escape for a Meet Your Staff few days and spend a dream vacation with others who share your MARSHALL FLIPPO 'Flip' hails from Abilene, TX and is one of enthusiasm for Square Dancing? The the most popular callers in the country. He chance is yours! Come join us at is one of the founders of CALLERLAB and is in the 'Square Dance Hall of Fame'. Asilomar, on the very tip of the beautiful Monterey Peninsula, where FRANK AND BARBARA LANE Frank has been one of the country's best Square and Round Dancing are at know lull time' caller since 1953. He also their very best! is one of the founders of CALLERLAB and The sound is perfect, the floor is a member of the 'Square Dance Hall of Fame' sheer joy to dance on and the staff of callers and teachers are simply out of BILL AND BUCK The Bucks are from Shreveport, LA and this world. The meals are delicious, whether you're a dyed-in-the-wool round designed to tempt the appetites of dancer or are just getting into rounds, they will give you great dancing pleasure. hungry dancers. You'll never find a more enjoyable BOB AND PHYLLIS HOWELL They are from Euclid, OH and Bob is one square dance experience, so come of the nations outstanding contra join us at Winter Asilomar '94....the prompters. He is also one of the workshop editors tor 'American Square Dance' livin' is easy and the fun unlimited. Magazine.

For an application with full details write: FRANK LANE'S DANCE RANCH P.O. BOX 1382 - ESTES PARK, CO - 80517

Amencan Squareclance August 1993 by Bev Warner

ancers love to choose fabrics that contain 1/ colors or symbols of areas where they dance most of the time, then they like to show them off in an entirely different area. Lucille Neeland is from Kalkaska, Michigan but dances in Mesa, Arizona in the winter, so cactus and desert colors are very symbolic of Arizona. Lucille found this all cotton cactus print from the Alexander Henry Collection at the Great American Square Dance Shop in Mesa. At first glance the skirt looks dull until the lights hit it then it sparkles. She has scattered fuchsia and green stone sequins randomly over the entire shirt. Lucille and Bill are mostly round dancing now since Bill had some surgery. They are active with Kalkaska Lights, Kalkaska, Michigan and The Good Life Resort in Mesa. They round dance with Tom and Jan Kan- napel, Ray and Ann Brown, John and Norma Gordon and Bob and Mary Ann Roarer. ✓


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P.O. Box 361, Tolland CT 06084-0361 10 Arnencan Squaredance. August 1993 SPECIAL Pre-publication Offer for AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Readers 25% Off the 1994 Edition National Square Dance Directory Published in January Each Year

• Information & contacts for over 10,000 clubs around the world. Great for traveling & planning vacations. • Advertisements for hundreds of dance related products & services. • Directories of festivals & conventions, callers & leaders. • Square dance sewing & crafts section. Regular Price: $12.00 ($8.95 plus $3.05 postage) Your Special Price: $9.00 ($5.95 plus $3.05 postage) Important Message to Dancers To be sure that your square, round, clogging or other dance club is included in the 1994 Edition of the NATIONAL DIRECTORY, you need to send in a Questionnaire form. If there are no changes in your club's listing, you may send in the club name, city and state indicating "no changes in listing". If someone else is responsible for sending in information on your club, please make sure that they do so as soon as possible. Everyone in square dancing who uses the DIRECTORY appreciates your help.

If you need a Questionnaire form or information on Advertising, Caller / Leader listings or Festival / Convention listings, please let us know. National Square Dance Directory P. 0. Box 880, Brandon, MS 39043 Phone (601) 825 - 6831


Elmer Sheffield Jr

e• NEW RELEASES: ESP-187 I DON'T NEED NO ROCKIN CHAIR by Elmer ESP-186 SWEET BABY SAID GOODBY by Elmer ESP-185 HAVE A LITTLE FAITH by Elmer Bob Newman ESP-184 SOMEBODY STOLE MY GAL by Elmer ESP-906 KANSAS CITY by Steve ESP-904 AFTER YOU'VE GONE by Steve & Lee Kopman ESP-411 RAMBLIN Called by Bill Harrison

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12 American Squeredance, August 1993 DANCING ON TOP OF THE WORLD ,r

By Nancy Alley

received the April issue of American *At ISquare Dance Magazine and read with interest the letter and article by Norb Rolfsen. We do, indeed have a square Top of The dance club in Barrow, Alaska. Squares TOP OF THE WORLD SQUARES!! I am very sorry they did not find any of the club members so they could dance while here. We would have asked Norb to call as much as he wanted. It would be a first for us to have a caller. We are a record club and still have a few members who have never danced to a live caller. I up a dance. At 3pm we had two squares try to get everyone to go to Student level at the local Lions hall, so they had their dances when they are out of Barrow. dance "On Top Of The World." We give Several have and say they feel "alright" visitors a pin-on badge that says "I and had fun. This makes me feel good DANCED ON TOP OF THE WORLD." about what they have learned. All com- My name is Nancy Alley, and I 'try' to mented on how "different" it is to dance teach the club. I learned to Square and to a caller. Round Dance in Albany, Oregon in We have had visitors from 4 states. 1982/83 with my fiance. We split up in the Once when I was dancing at Alaskaland fall of 1983 and I moved to Barrow. The Square Dance Center in Fairbanks, I an- first years here I only danced once or nounced that if anyone came to Barrow, twice a year while on vacation. I had two we would have a dance. Later, I met a brothers and a sister who danced in Mis- couple from Iowa who said, "we will be in soula, Montana. I danced when I visited Barrow tomorrow, on the day tour. Can them. My sister now lives in Seattle, so I we dance while there? The next morning can dance every night when I visit her. while waiting in the airport, I phoned my I decided that the only way I was going daughter in Barrow and asked her to find to get to dance more often was to start a out when the tour had free time and set group here. I approached the school dis- trict about it, at first they said no. Then in the fall of 1987 they called me and asked if I would teach Square Dancing for a community education program. I said I would try, and got out some old square dance magazines and started making phone calls. I talked to Bob Ruff and Jack TOP OF THE WORLD SQUARES, Barrow ,Alaska Murtha. I also pur- 13 American Sq,,ateciance, August 1993 chased other records and some books. With these I started!! The first 6 months we danced, I was the only one who had EVER square danced be- fore. Then two men came who danced with a club at Palmer, with them, we learned a lot faster. Sometimes, someone who can dance comes to town to do a project or a short job; On the beach - midnight July 4, 1990. Arctic Ocean in background we are always happy to have them join us. We are dancing at Basic tion program. We have danced on the level with some Mainstream moves. As beach at midnight on July 4th, at with any singles club we have also intro- "PEPE'S", North of the Border" a Mexi- duced one couple who have married. can restaurant and in two of the three Another lady moved away and joined a grocery stores here in town. One for a club where she met a man and married. crazy day's sale and at the other for their She said it was because I had shown her grand opening celebration, first on Friday how much fun square dancing is. evening and again on Sunday afternoon. Because of our transient population The local radio station advertises our we have always been open to new danc- dances every week. We also do a few low ers. I tried to make lesson plans at first level round dances and Coton Eyed Joe. but soon learned that we had to wait to Some people have expressed a desire to see who was there, then dance whatever learn more Country Dancing. difficulty we could. We formed the club in We have always been a mixed club, 1990, of our original 15 members, we with dancers from 2 to 82 years old. We have 8 left. We have been dancing for 5 have three generations of my family years now, most of that time with 1 or 2 dancing regularly. One summer my aunt squares, currently we have 2 to 3 danced so that was four generations. My squares. This winter we had some 6th daughter lived with me and wanted to grade girls who came . They had fun and dance but we could not find a baby-sitter brought friends the next week. They so we took my two and a half year old started saying we needed more boys so granddaughter with us. Very soon she we told them to bring some. Now we have asked if she could dance and would get as many as three squares of kids some upset if we "forgot" to let her dance at weeks. That can be a real challenge! least once in an evening. Sometimes we I almost always wear square dance even needed her to make our 8th person dresses. We encourage it, but do not to have a square. She gets bossy and require it. I sew my own dresses, my tells everyone how to dance. I now have daughters' and granddaughters', also for 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren dancing anyone else who wants my help. I pur- here. chased petty pants to give all the girls this Barrow is an Eskimo village of about winter, and I have been making skirts for 3600 people, 60% Eskimo. The others them. It adds to the excitement and their are many nationalities, including Filipino, attendance is better since they can dress Korean, Yugoslavian, Black, American up. Indian and White. The non-native popu- We dance at Barrow High School lation is not very large and is quite tran- every Friday night during the school year. sient, so there are always new people. During the summer, any time we can get Barrow is 500 air miles north of Fair- a group together and a place to dance. banks, and 350 miles north of the Arctic This summer we will be dancing at the Circle. We are only reached by air, no Teen Center as part of the City Recrea- roads lead to Barrow, but we do have streets and many cars and trucks, and a 14 American Squaredance, August 1993

city bus system. The farthest you can go hub for 7 villages, with two major airlines out of town is about 17 miles to the gas and two small commuter airlines. We wells. We have natural gas for heat and have a Public Health Service Hospital, to generate electricity. Dental and Eye care, Senior Citizens This is as far as you can go on the Center with meals & transportation, North American continent. It is well schools from Early Childhood Education known for being the place where the (ECE at age 3 years) thru college level, Grey Whales were stuck in the ice in 6 churches, 4 grocery stores and many October, 1988. Also for the many Polar small specialty shops, 6 restaurants, and Bears we had in town this past winter (30 two hotels. at one time). Thank you for doing a great job with Barrow has 67 days in winter that the the magazine. I feel that it helps me keep sun does not rise, (11/18 to 1/24), and 84 in touch with Square Dancing and other days in summer when it does not set people and ideas. I plan to retire in an- (5/10 to 8/1). The all time record cold for other year or two and move where I can Barrow was -56 on Feb 3. 1924 and dance every day, take lessons and record high temp +78 on July 14, 1927. travel. The wind blows almost all the time. Nor- We would like to issue an invitation to mally July temperatures are in the 40's, everyone. If you are planning a trip to with lots of fog. But we still do a "Polar Barrow, please phone or write and we Bear Dip" in the Arctic Ocean every La- will get a group together. Please let eve- bor Day. ryone know that we are dancing her in In Alaska we have 'Boroughs' instead Barrow. Feel free to edit and print any or of the 'Countys' in other states. The all of my letter. Northern Slope Borough is approxi- Thank You, Nancy Alley, P.O.Box mately 77,000 square miles and has a 375, Barrow, Alaska 99723. (907)852- population of just under 6000 people. 4696 Barrow is the largest village and the seat Editor's note: How's this for dedication of government, also the transportations and a positive attitude? ✓

BASIC SQUARE DANCING with Larry McBee 5 29•95 ❑ Vol. 1: 1 Ihru 23 • ea ❑ Vol. 2: 24 Ihru 49 ❑ Vol. 3: Mainstream Cloverleaf lo Recycle IMPROVE YOUR PLUS SQUARE DANCING with Lee Schmidt DANCE SKILLS ❑ Vol 1 Tea Cup Chain to Spin Chain THRU & Exchange the Gears PLUS SQUARE DANCING in D.B.D. with Don McWhirter ❑ Vol. 1: Tea Cup Chain lo Relay the Deuce), VIDEO n Vol. 2: Cross Fire to Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears C.191131111U12117/1gMa21.) A-1 SQUARE DANCING with Mike Sikorsky 3649 Whittier Blvd., , CA 90023 L Vol. 1. Acey-Deucey lo Cross Over Circulate (213) 262-5942 ❑ Vol 2 Ouarler In to Mix x$29.99 = ROUND DANCING with Bob & Edna Faudree ❑ Phase I & ll Fraulein; SI Louis Blues Sales Tax (CA only) ❑ Phase Answer Me, Desert Song ROUND DANCING with Joyce (Don) Lane & Jim Lane Shipping / Handling 3.00 ❑ Phase IV. 'Til Tomorrow; Audios, Rainbow Connection Total Enclosed CLOGGING with Marilyn Hansen ❑ Beginning Clogging ❑ Easy Intermediate NAME WESTERN DANCING with Maxine Pearl Ll Line and Partner Dances ADDRESS Li Seven Line Dances WESTERN DANCING with Peggy & Chuck Keim CITY Line aid Partner Dances CONTRA DANCING with Hal Rice STATE/ZIP N

American Squaredance, August 1993 15 SUMMER SIZZLING SALE VIBRANT FLORAL PRINT DRESS FREE MATCHING PEa—ritattzmErs AFFORDABLE SEASON SPANNING FASHIONS/ * Form Pitting ° Nylon Tricot N * Matching Shirred Lace * Classically designed I f1010. * 16 colors o Vibrant Prints •SIZES: P-S-M-L-EL •Rounded neckline •COLORS: 16 matching •Double Sleeves WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF o Full gathered skirt o Self Tie Belt Thee SENSATIONAL. •Easy care 50-50 P ETTICOA T poly cotton .411 * 80 Yard Double ' Fire Nylon valt ir!! IQ • ° Lace Edged o Elastic Adjustabletk 4,4 Waist •Adjustable Length /I- (snip top) i regular fits 21"-23" * SIZES: 6-8-10-12-14-16-18 shortie fits 19"-20" o CHOOSE: navy with turquoise/lilac * CHOOSE from 16 COLORS: black with bright/multi-colors white, black, red, navy, brown, wine, purple, reg. $60.00 royal, green, natural, yellow, peach, pink, lilac, blue, aqua VIBRANT FLORAL DRESS SALE $49.95 The SENSATIONAL a $58.50 value ORDER EARLY! THESE WON'T LAST LONG PETTICOAT & BRIEFSSPECIAL SPECIAL $49.95 J__ Then ' ,21.01E°' — BROOMSTICK SKIRTS and MATCHING BLOUSES TRY THEN! You - LL LOVE THESE TRADITIONAL SOUTHWESTERN STYLES! * Fine Calicos in gorgeous prints o Graduated tiered full circle skirts o Elasticized waists (fits sizes 10-16) •Square Dance Lengths: 21"-22"-23"-24" •Traditional Length: 34" o SOUTMESTERN PRINT - red; black; jade/raspberry o TRADITIONAL CALICO - black; navy; brown; blue/rose reg. $49.95 NEW BROOMSTICK SPECIAL $ 3 9 9 5 reg. -$59.95 TRADITIONAL SKIRT SPECIAL $ 4 9 9 5 reg. -$35.95 BROOMSTICK BLOUSE S PEC I AL. $ 3 2. 9 5 'THEATRICAL DANCING SHOES 1. 11" Heel o Leather Soles * Leather like uppers NEW BROOMSTICK 1° CUSHIONED Insole i SIZES: 4i-I0 in N-M-W !" CHOOSE: black, white, red ;THEATRICAL DANCING SHOES SALE $28.50 ORDER NOW/ MONEW ACK GL7aTLFZAINIT EH I GUARANTEE TheCatchall 1813 Nir Ahrta Falls, TX 76301 (817) 766-1612 You must be delighted with Name ~sYze color 2nd choice Price your purchase. If not, you may return it for a prompt j. return(postage excepted). % Please allow 30 days for 1111 1,044...... 9 delivery. J [(Enclosed is my check/Charge my [(Visa Plaster Items Total filllik/7,!:!! .1 Card I Exp. Date Texas add 7.25% Tax Name phone( )____?...._ lmt-Itei S Aping & Handling $4.70 Address Add for flak dditional item $1.00 City State Zip ORDER TOTAL 1 \— lutiAgii SALE ENDS 9-25-93 TheCatChall 1813 Ninth Wichita Fans, TX 76301 . *WYE MICE SAIL ORDER PARTNEW (817) 766-1612

16 American Squaradance, August 1963 Creative Choreography by Lee & Steve Kopman



12.HEADS LEAD RT. Recently DISC-COUNT Released Records CIRCLE TO A LINE Now Available PASS THE OCEAN Intomiabon supplied by Hanhursys Record Service EXTEND PO Box 50, Marlborough, NH 03455-0350 USA & Canada 1-803-445-7398 Fax 1-633-876-4001 CLOVER & RECYCLE Foreign 1-803-876-3836

CENTERS STAR THRU Listen To The Music, Tony Oxendine . RYL 218 DOUBLE PASS THRU Up To My Ears In Tears, Shone Greer . . . 0 897 Time Changes Everything, Doug Dave HD 128 LEADS U-TURN-BACK Take An Old Cold Tater & Wait, Jerry Routh CARD 16 SWING THRU Kids Of The Baby Boom, Don 13ronn SSR 181 Ho/Down (Patter), RB 328 CAST 3/4 Hound Dog, Bruce Wiliarrascn SSR 162 EXTEND Hold Whatcha Got, Richard Lane O 896 SLA Contra, Tony McUmber . SSR 163 R/UG Guess It Doesn't Matter Anymore Wayne Atorvent . .... RMR 110 Lets take a quick look at an extension of Ring Around Your Neck, Jimmy Robison GRAND 202 Rambler' Rose, Jeanne Briscoe BM 13B Clover & It's called Cross Clover & Trombones. Johnnie Wykoll BS 2416 The couple looking out does a Cross Clover- I Behave In You, Steve Sullivan ROA-4 184 I'm Getting Good, James Mate (Lore 1194 f D 724 leaf, the centers take the next call. Touchdown Hoedovxt, Otto Decrier RNM 519 Heartaches By The Number, Burin Days BR 270 I'll Get Along Somehow, Ron Mineau BM 141 13.HEADS SQUARE THRU 2 Hello, Fred Beern MAC 2400 Dynamite, Guy Adana . 0896 PASS THRU Love's Got A Hold On You, Joe Porrid JPESP 235 CROSS CLOVER & STAR THRU Last Thing On My Mind, T Roper & M . LM 191 Letson DOUBLE PASS THRU Kansas City, Steve Kopnwn ESP 905 LEADS U-TURN-BACK My Window Faces South, John Saunders . K 1324 Oklahoma HIS, Marshall Flippo . . C 716 PASS THRU You Call Everyone Darling, R/UG Letson & T Roper IN 192 Pennies From Heaven, Scott Smith C 816 Cajun Bayou Blues, Dean Crowell . CD 259 14.HEADS LEAD RT. Ride This Tram With Me, Mark Clausing MAR 701 Honky Tonk Walking, Andy Petrone . . . CD 263 CIRCLE TO A LINE Seminole Wind, Kenn Robinson . GRAND 302 RIGHT & LEFT THRU Wear My nng Around Your Neck, Joe Sate! . . DJ 105 Be My Angel, Torn Miller HH 5154 1/2 SASHAY Sugar Blues, B4I Stone . BR 271 SQUARE THRU 2 CROSS CLOVER & STAR THRU PASS THRU TRADE BY BOX THE GNAT R/UG 18 American Squaredance, August 1993


Let's take a look at a popular figure and add one call to create some interesing sequences. Heads Pass The Ocean Ping Pong Circulate Ordinarily we would call Extend from here. Instead try adding a Swing Thru first and then Extend: Heads Pass The Ocean Ping Pong Circulate Swing Thru Extend Then: 1. Girls Trade 2. Swing Thru 3. Explode The Wave Split Circulate Girls Trade 1/2 Tag Girls Trade Pass The Ocean Swing Thru Swing Thru Swing Thru 8 Circulate R/UG R/UG Scoot Back R/UG

4. Recycle 5. Cast 3/4 6. Walk & Dodge Star Thru Centers Trade Boys Cross Fold 1/2 Tag Boys Trade Touch 1/4 Girls Trade Pass The Ocean 8 Circulate UA R/UG R/UG

I hope this helps expand your horizons. Don't Forget - Steve & Lee Kopman's Callers School, August 26 - 28 in Knoxville, TN. We only have space for 3 more callers. Don't procrastinate, sign up today. Write me at 1305 Whitower Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919.

Kopman's Choreography

• 50 sequences per set (enough for 1 • Increase your calling level aoility dance • $50.00 per set • Reduce your calling preparation • Pays for Itself in less than 1 dance • Not computer generated • Immediate delivery • Easy to read • All requests confidential

Send check or money order to: MS PLS ADV S IEVE & DEBBIE KOPMAN Cl C2 1305 WHITOWER DRIVE C3A C38. KNOXVILLE, TN 37919

Amencan Squaredance, August 1993 le AUSTRALIA IN '94

35th Australian National Square Dance Conve ion

April 21 - 25, 1994

Swing your partner downunder TO

CANBERRA, The Capital of Australia

And Step out with PAUL BRISTOW Internationally renowned caller

• Mainstream Level plus Advanced Level dancing • Round Dancing and Clogging

The vacation of a lifetime! Koalas, Kangaroos and 5 days of dancing downunder with a special Trail-end Dance at Parliament House.

For further information and registration forms contact: Monarch Tours, P.O. Box 60, O'Connor ACT 2601 Australia Phone: +61 6 257 7638 Fax: +61 6 257 7639

35th Australian National Square Dance Convention



20 American Squaredence, Augise 1003 again, for a second run. If you are planning a promotional campaign for fall classes, send for your packet, with a theme poster and lots of ideas, from us ($5) at PO Box 2678, Silver Bay, NY 12874. Auburn, Indiana--It was our ninth Mid- west Caller School in the Antique Car City with eleven new callers attending, all in Don and Bev's Promenade Hall dance/shop com- plex. Staff, of course, is Don and Bev Taylor, along with me, and occasionally a guest ce- lebrity like Virg Troxwell drops in with a few good words to pass on. No international visi- tor came this year (past attendees have been from Canada, Denmark, England, and Ja- e'll take time this month for three cur- sory commentaries on three special pan), but we had two Mikes, two women W callers and a husband-wife calling team on events that really charged my batteries--the board. One caller repeated the school for the LEGACY conclave in Toronto, the National Convention in St. Louis, and our sold-out third time, explaining that he "needed the practice with our real live angels." We plucked Caller School in Auburn, Indiana. those chickens until there weren't two feath- But even before I go into that tremendous ers together to gather! ( Did anyone win the triad, a minor incident, fresh from last week's Pullet-zer prize?--CAB.) Next year we hope travels, begs to be revealed, so I'll digress. to make our tenth a big one in every way--in- You'll remember from my opening message viting all previous grads back for a day. in the June issue, our new home is in the foothills of the Adirondack mountains of up- Graduation night is always special. This year state New York. Thick wooded areas and hills the students gave us another beautiful wall predominate. Two lane roads shiver through plaque, plus a couple of not-so-beautiful rub- the timber. ber chickens. for another As I drove along in this region, heading for St. LouIs, Missouri—Time June biggie. This event lasted almost a week a dance, a doe and two fawns ambled across for Cathie and me, starting with our Continen- the road just in front of me. Hardly had I savored that moment properly when I came tal flight form Albany through Newark to the Gateway City. Contralab met on Wednesday upon a beautiful black bear, similarly bound- preceding the National Convention, at the ing across the highway in an unconcerned lovely historic St. Charles area, including a manner. What a sight! I hadn't seen a bear in contra party with live music, workshops, the wild for over 20 years. (Shucks. For lunch, the business meeting and a breezy months to come I'll be hearing you brag about open-bus tour along the old brick streets. that deer with the bear behind, Stan!--CAB.) (Bob Osgood and I both got some great stamp Toronto, Ontario--The 20th assembly of trustees (leaders) of the square dance activ- buys in one of those antique shops!) National ity, the group known as LEGACY, went Conventions are always super busy events across the border this spring to meet for four for us, even now that we don't manage a days in Canada. Cathie and I developed the program around a theme of "Hands" with spe- cial emphasis on "Hands Across the Border" and "Hands Around the World." (Isn't it inter- esting that some of the fastest-growing square dance areas are now overseas? We need to be aware of what's happening outside our own borders.) It will suffice to say we felt this get-together of close to 100 leaders gave us a lift, and LEGACY continues to carry on its work admirably in the important facets of communication, coordination and promotion, (You've already read about the Toronto tete- a-tete in this and other square dance publica- tions.) Promoting Square Dance Month in September has become a LEGACY project and we are now chairmen of that project

Amencan Squatedance, August 1883 21

magazine booth for three solid days. There As quick as the flip of a chipmunk's tail, the are old friends to meet, plenty of dancing and 42nd Convention had become history. And clinics to cover, calling assignments, displays almost as swift as a woodchuck can dive into and performances to see. Cathie and I were its hole, the 43rd in Portland, Oregon, will be panelists for "Pepping Up Your Publication;" upon us in '94. we similarly covered "A Leader, Who, Me?" Youngstown, Ohio--A couple of locations for LEGACY; I led a clinic on One-Night- "back west" (that expression still seems un- Stands and was a panelist for Callerlab on usual for us to say) were on the agenda as "Mechanics of Choreography." In addition to summer approached. First it was the Steel those assignments, we both worked with Dick Valley Squares in the Steel City. That's a & Becky Waibel briefly in the Rawhide Record favorite club. Last year they made me an booth now that I'm recording on that label, and honorary member for having called for them I did a half hour Tandem Workshop in one of annually for 25 years. It was a "casual attire the big halls. There were other calling spots, night" as well as a "magazine sub special especially in the Contra Hall; there was our deal" occasion. Harry and Betty Myers cued Burdick Enterprises cartoon display to set up rounds. Their wide variety food spread was in the showcase of Ideas, and an amateur filled with delicious dishes. (No wonder you actor's role to perform for Dr. Lee Walker in wanted to visit them for 25 years!--CAB.) another LEGACY panel. Erie, Pennsylvania--Finally, on another Every Big Show like this has its special warm night, I called at another long-tenure light moments. One emcee at a panel intro- location for the Squaws and Paws in the duced me as a "philanthropist," as he misread Quaker State. Arrangements were by Dick the word "philatelist." (A Rooseveltian hobby- and Dot Smith; lodging was through the cour- ist you are, and Andrew Carnegie benefactor tesy of Glenn and Lucile Vest in their new you're not!--CAB.) Once, when I called a tip country home. There was a choice crowd at in the Plus Hall, one set down-front waved the dance, but good fun prevailed. This fall violently to get my attention. By George, by they plan to combine beginner class efforts golly, those good people had set up a special with two other area clubs, for better growth pilot square for me to key from in the hash potential. There's a tip for other small clubs. material—caller school grads and friends who George Wesniewske cued the rounds. said they owed me a touch of success for the No more dance and travel news for the success I had given them. Bless their hearts! moment. July and August hot days are here Our trip ended Sunday after a LEGACY as I pen these lines. Excuse me while I take board meeting in a hotel down by the Arch. a cool plunge in Lake George, folks. Join me?


Latest ROUND DANCES: GR 17181 DANCING'N DREAMING (Dream Baby) P-2 two-step by Dick Taylor & Mary Wnkler

SPECIAL EVENTS Records (musts only): New GR 16001 Happy /Auld Lang Syne//Fanfare ROUND DANCES Grand March//Goodnight to old Wenn records GR 16002 America (God Save The Queen)//Anniversary Waltz Fanfare//Star Spangled Banner//Dixie GR 14225 0 T Waltz P-2 by Chuck & Barbara Jobe For He's A Jolly Good Fellow GR 16003 Background Music for talking between dances GR 14294 Two Hearts No.2 P-2 waltz by Ellen & Les Robertson

22 Amencan Squaredance August 1993 SPRINGFIELD/BRANSON Square & Round Dance Festival Springfield, Missouri Trade Center (Tile Floors) Only 35 Miles from Branson, Missouri A 1rPr "The New Home of "

Labor Day Weekend (September 3, 4 & 5, 1993) Co-sponsored by the National Square Dance Directory

Tentative Schedule: Dances Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. - Workshops Saturday Afternoon

Callers Round Dance Leaders Buddy Allison (GA) (Separate Round Dauer Hall) Pat Barbour (TX) Jirit & Bonnie Bahr Nick !lanky (I\) Ralph & Joan Caolipi Dusty Rhoads (AR) ...I:2.7;4, Country Western Instructor John Saunders (FL) Dusty Rhoads Bill Volner (MO)

Festival (floor) level with plus, round dance and country/western dance workshops

Tours available to Branson with tickets to see Country Music Stars' shows and other attractions. Limited Space & Ticket Availability "First Come - - First Served"

For additional information & registration forms contact: Heritage Dance Festivals, P.O. Box 571187, Salt Lake City, UT 84157 Call 801-263-3445

American Squarsdancs, August 1993 23 Jimmy's New Release! GR 202 Ring Around Your Neck OR 201 Going Back To Indiana

Kevin's New Release! GR 302 Seminole Wind music, arrangement & called by Kevin GR 301 I'm Back In Baby's Arms

Kevin Robinson

GawpRECORDINGS Current Releases

NOWT ROUND DANCE TO GR101 THE YOUNG GUNS I'll Leave This World Loving You with Special Guest by Dorothy Sanders DAVE WALKER phase II plus 2 August 13-15,1993 GR401 Grand 01' Square Dance Time HIDDEN VALLEY CAMPGROUND by The Young Guns Archbold, Ohio GR403 Rock and Roil Angel Thanks to Special Guest Tim Marriner for camping reservations or local GR 102 Boot Scootin' Boogie motel info call Dick and Evelyn 419-455-4190 SPECIAL THANKS to JOHNNY PRESTON for A GUARANTEED GR 403 GRAND WEEKEND TILLTHERE WAS YOU

Moving On With GRAND

Ownsr-Producer Grand Recordings 1709 Belmar Drive Louisville, Ky 40213 JOHNNY PRESTON 602-451-9016 Vicki Willard

24 American Squariedance, August 1993 WEAR MY RING AROUND YOUR NECK CHOREOGRAPHY: Jim & Adele Chico RECORD: COLUMBIA 38-74118 CUE,2 DANCE: TWO STEP LEVEL: Phase II TIPS FOOTWORK: Open facing SEQUENCE: Intro, A,A,B,A,B,A,End. SLOW SPEED TO 41-42 RPM

INTRO: 1-6 PU NOTES + 2 MEASURE WT;; APT,-, PT,-; TOG,-, TCH,-;(BFY) VINE 8;; (OP) In OP Fcg wt pu notes + 2 meas;; Apt L,-, Pt R,-; Tog R to BFLY Wall,-, Tch L to R,-; SdL, xRib, Sd L, xRif; Sd L, xRib, Sd L, xRif to OP LOD; PART A 1-4 DOUBLE HITCH TO BFLY;; BOX;; Fwd L, Cls R, Bk L,-; Bk R, Cls L, Fwd R bindg to BFLY,-; Sd L, Cls R, Fwd L,-; Sd R, Cls L, Bk R,-; 5-8 LACE ACROSS; (LOP) TWO STEP TO BFLY; (COH) LIMP; (OP) WK 2; (TO RLOD) Fwd L, Cis R, Fwd L (WxifM to LOP),-; Fwd R, Cls L, Fwd R to BFLY COH,-; Sd L to Reverse, xRib, Sd L,xRib; Blndg to OP RLOD Fwd L,-; Fwd R,-; 9-12 DOUBLE HITCH TO BFLY;; BOX;; Repeat Part A Measures 1 - 4 to BFLY Wall;;;; 13-16 LACE ACROSS; (LOP) TWO STEP TO BFLY; (WALL) LIMP; (OP) WK 2; (TO LOD) Repeat Part A Measures 5-8 to OP LOD;;;; (Last time thru Part A end in BFLY facing Wall) PART B 1-4 CIRCLE AWAY 2 TWO STEPS;; STRUT TOGETHER 4;; (NO HNDS) Circling Away frm ptr Fwd L, as R, Fwd L,-; Fwd R, Cls L, Fwd R,-; Circling twrds ptr Fwd L,-, Fwd R,-; Fwd L,-, Fwd R no Hnds jnd),-; 5-8 SOLO LEFT TURNING BOX;;;;(NO HNDS) (No Hnds jnd) Sd L, Cls R, Fwd L tm 1/4 LF R shldrs adjent,-; Sd R, Cls L, Bk R trn 1/4 LF to bk-bk,-; Sd L, Cls R, Fwd L tm 1/4 LF L shldrs adjent,-; Sd R, Cls L, Bk R trn 1/4 LF to fc-fc no Hnds jnd,-; 9-12 SKATE LEFT; SD TWO STEP LEFT; SKATE RIGHT; SD TWO STEP RIGHT; Swvl L, Drw R to L, Swvl R, Drw L to R; Sd L, cls R, Sd L,-; SwvI R, Drw L to R, Swvl L, Drw R to L; Sd R, Cls L, Sd R,-; 13-16 BK AWAY 3 & KICK; TOG 3 TO BFLY; VINE 8;; (OP LOD) Bk L, Bk R, Bk L, Kick R Fwd; Fwd R, Fwd L, Fwd R to BFLY,-;Repeat Intro Measures 5 & 6;;

ENDING 1-4 LACE ACROSS; (LOP) TWO STEP TO BFLY; (COH) LIMP; (OP) WK 2; (TO RLOD) Repeat Part A, Measures 5-8;;;; 5-8 LACE ACROSS; (LOP) TWO STEP TO BFLY; (WALL) VINE 8;; Repeat Part A, Measures 9 & 10;; Repeat Intro, Measures 5 & 6 to BFLY;; 9-10 TWO SD CLOSES; APT,-, PT,-; Sd L, Cls R, Sd L, Cls R; (Drop Ld hnds) Apt L,-, Pt R at ptr,-;

Amencan Squaredarsos, August 1993 25 Come le Oregon in '94 and Cruise lo Alaska!

Discover the great land, where na- Since its the official cruise for ture is still king. Eagles rule the skies. square dancers and their friends, you Rivers made of blue ice inch towards can expect something special: Special the sea. The sun shines throughout the events, special mementos and specially night. reduced prices! As you awaken each day, your Fish for King Salmon in Ketchikan gleaming white ship glides silently be- and inspect the legendary totem poles neath towering mountains, laced by nearby. Fly a floatplane to a remote roaring waterfalls. lodge to dine on Alaskan King Salmon, This is Alaska! or spot spouting whales in Glacier Bay National Park. And this is just for Join your fellow square dancers starters! right after the '94 convention in Port- land, Oregon for a thrilling 7-day The ship is already 7596 filled, just cruise through the fabled Inside Pas- with square dancers! Join the fun sage to places like Juneau, Ketchikan it's going to be the friendliest and Skagway. ship in all Alaska! Choice staterooms available —Don't Miss the Boat! 1 (800) 848-7120 or 1 (800) 624-7779

The official cruise of the 43rd National Square Dance Convention 26 Amencan Squarsdanos August 1963

Square D has noticed and commented on them. Also got a letter from Shefield, Eng- land. GRAND American Callers Association enjoys their ZIP perspective as did John Saunders, member ACA. He is developing a new Callers Note service and asked me to do a page for callers with some in depth "how to's." Guess you Dear Jon & Susan, know what this means The Contra book Thank you for the listing of the Permian you mentioned at the State Convention is Basin Square & Round Dance Festival in your about to get started. You will get first option "Dateline" column. We know that we had at to add it to your "Caller Aid" series. least one couple attend as a result of reading My articles have caused some "traditional- about our festival in American Square Dance. ists" to question my loyalty to "Contra Danc- This was a couple from Alaska, wintering in ing" since I do not use all traditional music or Mesa. They had danced to Marshall Flippo's figures. In their eyes I'm making it just like tapes, so they drove to Odessa to hear him square dancing and degrading it. So I guess call in person. We certainly were happy to my book title will have to be something like, have them attend, and they said they had a "Contra Dances for Square Dancers" (TM). wonderful time dancing "West Texas style." Again I want to thank you for the opportu- Many thanks. Keep up the good work. nity to share my love for Contra Dancers Regards, through the magazine and regardless of what Pat & Owen Tyler other doors open, you and American Square Odessa, TX Dancing have my loyalty and first considera- tion..thanks again! Dear Jon, The latest from Contra Corners...Oh! One The Contra articles are beginning to get a last tidbit. A Square D First District has invited response. They are getting mentioned at the me to do a Contra in the middle for their July Contra Dances in the area and even A Fund Raising dance. I feel like I'm about to We're Celebrating Old Fashion Savings!

#390 Queen Ann Neckline, #246 High Neck Lace Front #74 High Neck Ruffle Yoke $29.99 P-XL $27.99 P-XL $27.99 P-XL Wht , Blk, Ivory Wht., Blk, Ivory, Jade w/blk. lace Wht.. Blk, Ivory, Pink Brantley's Western Supply ******************************1 * Call it Mail Order Our Specialty * *'' Send For Free Shop By Mail Catalog 1-800-828-8091 " *****************************-k*

Arnencan Squaredance, August 1993 27 cross the Red Sea. Now I know how editors ted. I could go on but it won't change things. must feel when they test the water. So now I sit on the side lines, thinking of the Here's to more fun dancing. fun I used to have. I'm not asking to return to Don Ward the old way of dancing but that Square Danc- (Contra Comers)Dear Editors, ing should still be fun regardless of your ability (level.) And there should be a place for you at a Square Dance. A couple of comments while I'm renewing Thanks for listening. my subscription. Don Wersler Your march '93 issue contained an article on Charles Thomas, founder of "American Dear Jon & Susan, Squares." While he did not know me I knew Your "help" column was a help to me, as I of him as I was just entering Square Dancing wondered why my label on my magazine was in '45 in the Philadelphia area. In my collection incorrect. of square dancing stuff I have a few issues of I really like the larger print in a larger maga- American Squares. zine and I've been a subscriber since 1971. Since "those days," square dancing has We are avid square dancers - tho' we have changed so much and yet so much has been retired from teaching classes in all level of said as to "what is wrong today in the square rounds. dancing world". More is not better. I for one Hope your mailing list is back in shape - would love to retum to those nights when keep up your good work. square dancing was not a chore keeping up, Steve & Helen Kisha, no levels to worry about who would accept Chicago, IL you in their club (or square.) Overrun with classes, dressing up or you won't be admit- CALLERLAB L,%©CP-IEDLITSD CALLER COACHES ARE BEST FOR YOUR CLINIC OR SCHOOL xttpasgr‘yr Or ASSURES KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE Dick Barker 2408 Eastover Dr., Waycross, GA 31501, 912-283-4397 Don Beck 176 West Acton Rd., Stow, MA 01775-1168, 508-897-9767 Al Brundage PO Box 125, Jensen Beach, FL 34958, 407-335-4788 Daryl Clendenin 400 N. Plaza Dr., 452 Apache Jct., AZ 85220, 602-983-3013 Bill Davis 1359 Belleville, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, 408-736-5624 "Decko" Deck 36 Columbia Ave., Rehoboth, DE 19971, 703-524-1166 Ed Foote 140 McCandless Dr., Wexford, PA 15090, 412-935-2734 Betsy Gotta 2 Laurel Pl., N. Brunswick, NJ 08902, 201-249-2086 Jon Jones 1523 Bluebonnet, Arlington, TX 76013, 817-469-1179 John Kaltenthaler PO Box 679, Pocono Pines, PA 18350, 717-646-2945 Frank Lane PO Box 1382, Estes Park, CO 80517, 303-586-3696 Martin Mallard 222 Stillwater Dr., Saskatoon, SK Can., S7J 4A4. 306-374-5250 Jim Mayo PO Box 367, Hampstead, NH 03841, 603-329-5492 Wayne Morvent 4915 Beaumont Dr., Beaumont, TX 77708, 409-859-1098 Randy Page 14 Boxwood Lane, Danbury, CT 06810, 203-794-0053 Vaughn Parrish Rt 2 Parrish Rd., Berthoud, CO 80513, 303-772-5118 Bill Peters PO Box 10692, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448, 702-588-7181 Ken Ritucci 48 Althea St. W. Springfield, MA 01089, 413-734-0591 Gloria Rios Roth Clementsport, NS Can., BOS 1E0, 902-638-80E3 Al Stevens Lammstr. 6. 7552 Durmersheim, Germany, 07245.7793 Don Williamson Rt 8 Box 281 College Hills, Greenville. TN 17743, 615-638-T7P-I

28 Arrrncan Squaredanos, August 1993



Nronc Ws* Ernie Kinney- Tom ▪P .ny WEITP4 De neld HI-Hat Pioneers KEEP 'EM SQUARED UP WITH HI-HAT & %Bow BLUE RIBBON DANCE RECORDS BRAND NEW ON HI—HAT & ELK RECORDINGS HH 5157 IT'S MY PARTY by Bronc Wise HH 5156 YONDER COMES A SUCKER by Torn Perry HH 659 HILO HOEDOWN Flip Hoedowracpl-MS by Buddy Weaver HH 660 MOLLY Flip Hoedown/2cpl-plus by Ernie Kinney HH 661 PETTICOAT HOEDOWN Flip/2cpl-Adv by Bronc Wise ELK 026 THE AMERICAN TRILOGY (Sing-A-Long) by Torn Miller RECENT BEST SELLERS ON HI—HAT & ELK RECORDINGS HH 5155 YOUNG AT HEART by Ernie Kinney HH 5154 BE MY ANGEL TONIGHT by Tom Miller HH 5153 COME A LITTLE CLOSER by Marty Firstenburg ELK 024 HEARTACHES BY THE NUMBER by Ernie Kinney ELK 025 TO ALL THE GIRLS I'VE LOVED BEFORE by Bronc Wise COMING SOON ON HI—HAT AND ELK RECORDINGS HH 5158 GYPSY FEET by Ernie Kinney ELK 027 STAR SPANGLED BANNER (In two keys) by Hi-Hat Pioneers


-Iron Dean Esr1 Weld 81N SLOM IN6priln Owls Ju*y H►y

BRAND NEW ON BLUE RIBBON BR 273 THE PILLOW THAT YOU DREAM ON by Earl West BR 1009 TEMPTED (Round) by Bob & Fran Ford BR 1010 A FOOL SUCH AS I (Round) by Jimmy & Carol Griffin RECENT BEST SELLERS ON BLUE RIBBON BR 272 TEMPTED by Dave Parker 11. BR 271 SUGAR BLUES by Bill Stone ri BR 270 HEART ACHES BY THE NUMBER by Burlin Davis .1grry BIN Donehu• BR 1008 ROCK AND ROLL ANGEL(Round) By Bob Ford


Arrencan Squaredenoe, August 1983 29 cEnglish Mountain Retreat

Sevierville, Tennessee 1993 FIVE-DAY SCHEDULE

APRIL 25 - 30 MAN' 23 - 23 MAY 31 - JUNE 4 JUNE 6 - 11 JUNE 13 - 13 JUNE 27 - JULY 2 Bob Barnes (FL) Wayne McDonald CHAPPARRAL Mike Bramlett ROUNDS WEEK King Caldwell (LA) Don Hanhurst (FL) (1N) CALLER SCHOOL (TX) Tom & Jan James Martin (TX) Rds: Jack Raye Ron Lowe (CAN) Ken Bower (CA) Tun Crawford Kannapel (KY) Shelby Evers (TX) (GA) Gary Shoemake Jerry Haag (WY) (CAN) Charlie Lovelace Gary Shoemake (TN) Scott Smith (UT) Rds; Jerry & & Bev Daly (FL) (TN) Rds: John & Gary Shoemake Bea Leavelle (TX) Rds: Clyde & Valerie Pinks (79) Evelyn Kirk (TX) JULY 4- 9 JULY 11 • 16 JULY 18 - 23 JULY 25 - 30 AUGUST I - 6 AUGUST 3 - 13 Ma.-shall Flippo Larry Letson (TX) Ken Bower (CA) Frank Gatrell (OH) Jim Park (MI) Tony Oxendine (TX) Guy Adams (IL) Chuck Peel (IN) Scotty Shatter (OH) Cindy Whitaker (SC) Alan Schultz (KS) Gary Shoemake Jim Randall (CA) Gary Shoemake (MI) Jerry Story (TX) Gary Shoemake (TN) Gary Shoemake (IN) Gary Shoemake Larry Letson (TX) MO Rds: Bill & (TN) Rds: Dick & (TN) Gary Shoemake Rds: Don & Linda Martha Buck Rds: Sonny & Pat Winter (OH) Rds: Chuck & (IN) Prosser (PA) (LA) Charlotte Ezelle Sandi Weiss (MI) Rds: Jim & Jane (TX) Poorman (IL) AUGUST IS - 20 AUGUST 22 - 27 AUG. 29 - SEP. 3 SEPT. 5 - 10 SEPT. 12 - 17 SEPT. 19 - 24 Tony Oxendine (SC) Ramon Marsch (OH) Dave Walker (MI) A2 - Cl Larry Prior (FL) ROUNDS WEEK Jerry Story (TX) John Charman Gary Shoemake Darryl Lipscomb Gary Shoemake Jerry & Barbara Larry Lesson (TX) (CAN) (TN) (TX) (TN) Pierce (AL) Gary Shoemake Gary Shoemake Rds: Ted & Dave Towry (MI) Rds: Larry & Frank & Phyl (TN) (TN) Evelyn Petz (MI) Gary Shoemake Bernice Prior (FL) Lehnert (OH) Rds: Jim & Jane Rds: Russ & (TN) Poorman (IL) Wilma Collier UN) SEP. 26 - OCT. 1 OCT. 3 - 8 OCT. 10 - 15 OCT. 17 - 22 OCT. 24-29 OCT. 31 - NOV.5 Tony Oxendine (SC) Ken Bower (CA) Dick Duckham Tony Oxendine Ron Schneider (FL) CALLER SCHOOL Lem Gravelle (LA) Jerry Haag (WY) (MI) (SC) Rds, John Parker (FL) Stan Burdick (OH) Gary Shoemake Gary Shoemake Woody Ussery Jerry Story (TX) Gary Shoemake (TN) (TN) (AR) Gary Shoemake (TN) Rds: Cliff & Marilyn Rds: Chuck & Gary Shoemake (TN) Hicks (MI) Voncille Murphy (TN) Rds: Jim & Priscilla (MS) Rds: Neale & Adcock (VA) Arthurlyn Brown (CAN) • Indicates special priced pa kage. Call for prices. Luxury Accommodations • 3 Meals Daily • After Dance Snacks and Refreshments • Hot Tub • Heated Swimming Pool • Miniature • Tennis •Ping Pong • Volleyball Horseshoes • horseback Riding Available


ALL THIS FOR THE per person plaus Teo SAME PRICE AS 1992 ... ONLY $325 nndo ubleSoaciescuTply

FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: English Mountain Retreat 1096 Alpine Drive • Sevierville, TN 37862 • 615-453-0171 • 1-800-633-1281 (Reservations Only)

30 Arrencan Squaredance August 1993 cEngli,5h Mountain Retreat Sevierville, Tennessee 1993 WEEKEND (TWO-DAY) SCHEDULE

APRIL M • MAY MAY 7 • II MAY 14 • III MAY 24 - 23 MAYS-NI JUNE 4 - 4 I TF( A TBA armee Smith (MS) Cl & C3 Deer Soave (VA) CHAPARRAL REC. A.dy Bard (TN) Daryl Lammed, Cleo Barter (NC) • Kea Boma (CA) Rd Harold & (IX) Rat Lacy & Clay Skommte Emile Lech (TN) Ray Deaay (IN) Ernie Sniali (VA) (TN) Camay & %Yearn 14.7 NmE (WT) Daaciag with Martha Flippo (TX) Dame McNome Sum Sarah (ti) (TN) Rd. Ray & Be. Dowdy (WV)

JUNE11-l3 JUNE la - 20 JUNE 25 • 27 JULY 2 • 4 JULY,-II JULY 14 - la BIG & LITTLE Roy Hama (OA) heal Durham (VA) Gee Record (KY) Boll Burommer Boll Byrd., (IN) ENINS Ray Domhoo (TN) Dot kart: (VA) Mote AI:arida (OM Dec Ova (IN) Wes Dyer (KY) Raa. lolls a 0.M Judy! Ed (OH) Gay Shatareke Rd. Judy LNertnri May Lusa (TN) lawonki (VA) Rda: Joke • km (TN) Kenny Jarvis (KY) (IN) Starers (OH) Rda. Ray & Bo CW Dancing Vhth Down (WV) George Bradfield h Daisy Alford (GA)

JULY 23 • 25 JULY MI • AUG. 1 AUGUST. - II AUGUST 13 • 15 AUGUST 24 - LI AUGUST 27 -25 0000 DU BOYS Mei Ems (AL) Churl Myers (AL) ROYAL Darryl McMillan Nick Halley (IN) Sam [Al.. (OH) Boll McVey (GA) het PlaMys (OH) RECORDS • (AL) Tom Dark (KY) Mite tag ( OH) Rda Althea Tom Cboodiae Ora Burchfield Rd' Cleat a Reath Zoom-roma %Wye (OH) (SC) (PL) Bab Joke (OH) (OH) leery Slay (Tx) Ms; Bo & Rda Phyllis! Bob Lany Loma (TX) Carlene Bohanna Hathaway ((WI) Rd MA! bee (GA) Poor'''. (IL)

SST. 1 - 5 5E77.10 • II SETT. 17 - Ili SVPT. 24 - 24 OCTOBER 1 • 7 OCTOBER $ - 111 Wryne StcLAosald Sus Rumell (SC) Rick Baratta (AL) TBA Roe Meal (PA) Harry Koppenhaver TN) Sou Lowe (SC) lase P Bream Tom Rudebock (OH) Kla Law Sumo Ms: Larry Moaday (OH) (AL) Bill Claywell (KY) (TN) a Gladys OulliCr Virgil Trout( (IN) Rd. Pa Mood Eat LOITAillt (NC) Rd krry & Baton (PA) Pe= (AL) Koppenhaver (OH)

OCTOBER IS - 17 OCTOBER 22 - 24 OCTOBER 29 -1I NOVEMBER 7 . 7 Harold Kelley (13A) ESP RECORDS • George Laressles Buck Hastedt (SC) lobs Sinsdk (OA) Elan Sheffield (FL) (AL) Rd. RI & Salle Bob Ncynsri (TX) Larry Saarlehr Rds; Dewey Roles (GA) Sore Koper (TN) (OA) Lib Parnell (SC) Craig Rowe (MDT Rd lobs a Martha Rd.: Mahal (OA) Rat Steam (NC)

• Indicates special priced package. Call for prices.

Luxury Accommodations • 3 Meals Daily • After Dance Snacks and Refreshments • Hot Tub • Heated Swimming Pool • Miniature Golf • Tennis *Ping Pons • Volleyball Horseshoes • Horseback Riding Available


per person plus Tennessee Sales Tax ALL THIS FOR THE tor based on double occupancy SAME PRICE AS 1992 ... ONLY $123

FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: English Mountain Retreat 1096 Alpine Drive • Sevierville, TN 37862 • 615-453-0171 • 1-800-633-1281 (Reservations Only)

Amencon Squaredance, August 1993 31 Sound Systems QUALITY THROUGHOUT...








32 Arrencan ScJaredance, August 1993 by Bob Howell


While attending the Legacy meeting in Toronto last May Bud & Betty Garrett of 29 Palms, CA did a session on Solo Dancing. They introduced me to a waltz solo that really struck my fancy. It is called - - -

WALTZ ACROSS TEXAS Formation: Solo No partners necessary. Music: Waltz Across Texas, Ernest Tubs. MCA-53593 Routine: Meas: Begin with weight on Rt Foot 1 Cross waltz to the right. (LRL) 2 Cross waltz across to the left. (RLR) 3&4 Waltz Fwd. Waltz Fwd. (LRL) (RLR) 5&6 Waltz Back (LRL) (RLR) 7 Left Waltz Roll (360 degrees) (LRL) 8 Vine 3 (R in front-L to side-R Behind) 9 Balance L R L 10 Right Waltz Roll (360 degrees) (RLR) 11 Vine 3 (L in front-R to side-L behind) 12 Balance R L R 13 Waltz Fwd with a 1/2 Lt turn (LRL) 14 Waltz Back (RLR) 15 Waltz Fwd with a 1/2 Lt turn (LRL) 16 Waltz Back (RLR) Begin again with the cross waltz to the RT.


Whether you're a teacher, recreation professional, leader or caller, or just want to learn the latest steps, Easy Level Solo Dances: The Bob Howell Collection has just what it takes to get your toes tappin and your hips swinging. $21.95 per book. Add $3.50 shipping U.S.; $5.50 Canada & Mexico; $10.50 US dollars all other countries. ORDER FROM: Siddall & Ray Publications for Dance, 1017 Williamsburg Dr., Charleston, IL 61920

American Squaredance, August 1993 33 Stew Shacklette of Brandenburg, KY has sent along several real fine trio dances. is one that he calls - - - STAR ON THE ENDS Formation: Trio face Trio Music: Any 64 count tune Routine: 1-8 All dosado opposite 9-16 Centers RH star on the ends 17-24 Star L 25-32 Centers turn 1 & 1/2 by R in center to end facing opposite end 33-40 Star L 41-48 Star R to original lines 49-56 Fwd and back 57-64 Pass thru on to the next

Try this little break on a warm summer evening. I have been using it for several of my outdoor dances. I call it - - - SPLIT YOUR CORNERS Formation: Square Music: Hoedown Routine: Head two coupled go fwd & bk Fwd again on the same old track Split your corners, go around one. Then head for home and hustle son Meet your partner, left shoulder dosado Right elbow swing on the corner Joe Left hand round your own sweet maid A right to your corner and all promenade (Gents take a new corner home each time).

Tony McUmber of Hannibal, MO has written and recorded a smooth flowing contra which he has entitled - - - SLA CONTRA Formation: Alternate duple. 1,3,5, etc. active and crossed over. Music: SLA Contra. Silver sounds SSR 163 SLA= St. Louis Arch Contra. An original modern contra dance written by Tony & Becky McUmber in honor of the 42nd National Convention Routine: Intro (8 beats)— Left_ Land lady swingl put her on right go down in fours Dixie Twirl Come Back Cast Off Half Promenade Ladies Lead, Hey for Four

Lines Go Forward & Back _ Brand new Left-hand Lady Swing The music on this record makes a super recording for a Grand March. 34 American Squaredance. August 1883 cOr a

by Cathie Burdick hings don't always come out as Tplanned, not only for your parties but for this column. Originally, we make notes for each month and scheduled "Morning" for old jelly beans? If you want to take the time, August, as part of our nature/weather theme you might fashion bird's nests from cello- this year. However, no great ideas came for phane grass or shredded paper. morning, except for some "morning" records, Include your caller in the plans. If your so we went one step farther, What sings in club likes a change of pace, ask him to the morning? Birds. Let's try Birds as a include The Birdie (a simple circle dance) or theme... Birdie in the Cage a traditional oldie that's Almost every has put out lot's of fun for club dancers who might not Snowbird. If your caller can use this, dedi- have ever danced it before. cate it to any returned "snowbirds." Every Other music dealing with birds includes: square dance club seems to have a few Red Red Robin, Yellow Bird, Blue Bird couples who fly south every winter. Wel- Waltz and Blue Birds Singing. "Morning" come them back; give them a little recogni- music includes First Thing Every Morning, tion. Sugar Time (Sugar in the Morning), Good Probably in August, you want a minimum Morning, Early Morning Rain, Wake Me of time and energy put into decorations and Up Early In the Morning and Sunrise. refreshments. Some of your members may Concentrate on the "happiness" in Blue- have bird figurines, especially the little blue bird of Happiness. Be sure to greet all glass/crystal bluebirds of happiness. These visitors and make them feel welcome. In- would dress up the refreshment table and clude all club members in your smiles. Re- set your theme. If you have a buffet-type member, "square dancing is happiness set snack then be sure to include deviled eggs. to music." Make it come true at your August If your refreshments are minimal, how about party! V the speckled bird egg candies or just plain DO - SA - DO DOWN UNDER AUSTRALIA • NEW ZEALAND SO. HEMISPHERE SQUARE & ROUND DANCE FESTIVAL PIONEER STADIUM, NEW ZEALAND - FEB 2S - 27, 1994




Arnencan Squaredanoe, August 1993 35 This year, spend the winter in the Square Dance Capital of the World McAllen Heart of the Texas Tropics

36 American Squeredance, August 1983 Dance the winter away in McAllen, Heart of the Texas Tropics!

oin us for the winter in beautiful Home of The World's Largest Beginner's Square Dance McAllen, Texas, the Square Dance Class, McAllen is surrounded by GREAT SQUARE DANCE jCapital of the World! Daily dance PARKS in Alamo, Donna, Mission and Pharr. McAllen is the heart of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, a sub-tropical events await you featuring the nations paradise with average winter temperatures in the 70's. There favorites in Callers and Cuers. are many RV/Mobile Home Parks and accommodations of all kinds. The beaches of the Gulf of Mexico and the old world SQUARE DANCE CALLERS treasures of Mexico are just minutes away. Bob Maier Bob & Grace Borgmier McAllen proudly invites you to dance in the Texas Square Jerry & Sherry Haag Dance Jamboree, Saturday, February 5. 1994. Held at the Wiley & Ruth Hutchinson McAllen Civic Center, this day long Jamboree features calling Larry & Vicky Letson by Haag, Story, Letson, Hutchinson, Lipscomb and Baier. All Darryl & Elaine Lipscomb levels of Square Dancing are included PLUS Rounds with one. Tom & Glenda Morgan of the Valley's leaders. This popular Jamboree is followed by Jerry & Kristy Story a Country & Western After-Party with refreshments hosted Dave Towry by the McAllen Chamber of Commerce.

The coupon will bring you a Free Square Dance Program ROUND DANCE CUERS for 1993-94 and information about' McAllen. Annie & Charlie Brownrigg Kay & Bob Kurczewksi Glenda & Tom Morgan Ty & Ann Rot ruck Helen & Bill Stairwalt Tom & Thelma Wilson

CLOGGING INSTRUCTORS cA LEN r Ida & Harold Seibel McAllen Convention and Visitors Bureau Gerry & Jim Welsh I P.O. Box 790 I McAllen, Texas 78505 Tioreoe- Come to McAllen and enjoy dancing (210) 682-2871 Zjak4:77°P44- to the nation's top callers in the I Tell us more about McAllen! -,7;• nation's top winter vacation spot. NAME Were ready to show you the time of your life in McAllen - the Square I ADDRESS Dance Capital of the World! CITY/STATE/ZIP

American Square:lance August 1993 37

CALLERLAB QS PLUS PROGRAM Relay the deucey Trade the wave All eight spin the top Remake the thar Triple scoot MAINSTREAM (Anything) and roll Single circle to a wave Triple trade Single Circle to A Wave (Anything) and spread Spin chain and Cross Roll To A Wave Chase right exchange the gears Cross The Track Coordinate Spin chain the gears PLUS Crossfire Teacup chain Clover & Anything Diamond circulate 3Qtag the line ASD PULSE POLL Transfer The Column Dixie grand Track two EXPERIMENTALS Explode family ADVANCED Caution: Not recom- a. waves mended for dancers prior Checkover ASD b. and anything Not a Callerlab to Plus program activity. Follow To A Diamond Extend Shakedown progra m EXPERIMENTALS Flip the diamond (Priority order) TRADIMONAL Follow hour neighbor Allemande Gee Grand swing thru Linear cycle (waves R);ce 'ova{ CONTRA only) 6. Vi,U,;..2E !".• 7 lro • Virginia Reel Load the boat C* ROQ Peel family T 1-{trie ; Boulevards of Old New a. Peel Off VItnrate Pte. lop York b. Peel the top Ping pong circulate

THE MARILYN ADAMS SQUARE 2012 Warren Ct. DANCERS N. Augusta, SC 29841 CLOSET (803) 279-3687

Catalog Available $1.00 Ea. Style #1800 VISA CALL US TOLL FREE) 1-800-476-2008 This beautiful organdy ( petticoat at a sensational .,,,e 7;03....9.!, .4, -,__,. price!! 40 yards organdy, ---.7:ni5A, f..\-• --N.,..... two layers, ribbon-like .. /- ltil l.t," `',' ‘---. hem, snip-top yoke, $25.0° . ri Al ;-; '.s. , adjustable waist and V..) " .. ..,A. .(...:* length. Gorgeous! 1.1 1 ,.•

Please send with order-size, color, your Sizes: Short 17"-20" name, address, and telephone number. Regular 21"-23" For charge purchases, send charge card number, name printed on card and expira- tion date. For freight, please add $4.50. Colors: White, Black, Red, S.C. customers, add 5% sales tax. Pink, Powder Blue, Bone

38 American Squaredance. August 1993 People IN THE NEWS

I 11

BILL DODD MT/ 4. 4 SQUARE DANCING AT 70 lcester couple Joy and Marshall ASmith have a marriage that can't be beaten - the square dancers celebrated tepping down after 36 years as direc- 50 years of wedded harmony on Satur- Stor of the Jersey Shore Promenaders day, May 8, 1993. didn't mean Bill Dodd was hanging up his Marshall is the Caller for his club "Mar- dancing shoes. shall's Rangers." They dance on Far from it, say Dodd and his wife, Wednesday nights in the Stratford-upon- Rose. The Ocean Township couple Avon area in England. In New Jersey helped bring square dancing to the Jer- they danced with "Brookdale Country sey Shore nearly 40 years ago. Dancers" and "Chalkboard Squared" in The Dodds were honored with a buffet Lincroft and Toms River. dinner May 26 at the First Presbyterian Originally from Warwick, Joy, 70 and Church of Manasquan, where the club Marshall, 71, started courting when they dances twice a month. were 14. "He has been the glue that held the club They married after Marshall proposed together all these years," said Bob to Joy one wartime night when she came O'Donnell of Neptune City, who is vice to keep him company while he was on president of the Promenaders and of the fire watch duty at the factory where he Central New Jersey Square Dance As- worked. sociation. When the recession hit their engineer- The Dodds were still in their 20's when ing pattem making business in the early they started going to monthly barn 1970's, Marshall accepted a job in Can- dances in a Middletown Township fire ada. house back in 1950. The couple sold everything they had "It was a mixture of folk dances," he and went to live first in Canada and then said. "That was our first introduction to in America, where they made many do-si-dos." friends. Bill ticks off a list of reasons he and his Friends and family, including the cou- wife stayed involved so long: "People, ple's two children and four grandchil- friendship, and love of square dancing dren, helped them mark their golden and the enjoyment of teaching other peo- wedding anniversary with a celebratory ple to have fun." meal. (Taken from the Asbury Park Press, Submitted by Neptune City, N.J.) Peter Andreatch, Tinton Falls, NJ

American Squaredance, August 1993 39 MONTANANS KNOW HOW TO HAVE in Hof, brought 12 dancers from the white FUN Magpies Square Dance Group in the for- his was the entertainment theme at mer East Germany city of Plauen, to Tthe American Academy of the Utah. Achievement's 32nd annual "Salute to The highlight of the week was a dance Excellence" conference held at the Gla- to welcome our Germany friends. Fea- cier Park Lodge in East Glacier Park, tured caller was Ilse lippert with the as- Montana, June 24-26. sistance of Al Horn, Renny Mann and Caller, Wayne Thompson, and a Billy Ragsdale calling and Donna Horn cueing. There were 25 squares of local square of dancers from the Columbia Falls Fast'n8ers Square Dance Club dancers in attendance. were lucky enough to be part of that The big surprise of the evening was a entertainment. square dance wedding. One of our guest The dancers--Bette & Ken Schultz, couples wished to be married in America, Joyce & Don Bryant, Gerry & Don Smith, and we obliged. The best part was that their travelling companions didn't know & Sue & Steve Stapely--put on an exhi- bition with Wayne's calling and live music anything about the wedding plans! We from the Prairie Mountain String Band had a wonderful time with these new (PMS for short). friends. As we said, Auf Weidersehn, we I walked down the lobby to check on look forward to hosting them and others music/vocal balance. It sounded good some other time. submitted by and the dancers looked great. However, Lee and Lois Hatchell just then Johnny Cash walked in and I found myself following him down the hall, forgetting all about the dancing. Then the guests were invited to join in and they did. Wayne was concentrating on calling with live music and a TV cam- era in his face and didn't recognize any- one. Excitement—Television--Celebrities-- Dancing--. Yes, it was fun for us Mon- tanans! The following week-end we did this all again at the Montanafest on the Big Jack O'Leary Mountain near Whitefish. One dancer aller, Jack O'Leary, has received his was overheard saying, ''hey, this is easy CMaster's Degree in Education, with after last week at East Glacier." distinction, from American International Submitted by College in Springfield, MA. Relatives and Joan Thonpson, friends honored him, at his home, for his Ronan, Montana. accomplishment. Jack is club caller for Glastonbury Square Dance Club and Longmeadow Square Dance Club and is SISTER CITIES owner/producer of Silver Sounds Re- n 1990, a group of square dancers cords. He lives in Glastonbury, CT with Ifrom Ogden, Utah travelled to Hof, his wife, Kathy, and sons, John and West Germany, Ogden's Sister city, to Brian. attend a square dance festival. They were hosted by local families and were DIXIE SQUARES OF PROUD treated like royalty. In June, 1993, we OF LEGACY CHAIRMAN were able to pay them back for their has been a good year for Dixie hospitality by hosting them in the U.S.A. This Squares of Atlanta, GA. March 5th when Ilse & Fritz Lippert, leaders of the Border U Turn Back Square Dance Club our caller Bud Whitten was married with ao American Squaredance August 1993 a square dance wedding, a square dance followed the ceremony with friend Michael Hughes and Bud both calling. June brought us the great news that Hardy and Kathryn Nixon had been made Chairman of Legacy World-Wide. No need to say we are very proud to have them as members of our club.

WILLIAM H. MORRELL illiam H. Morrell, 82, of Pottstown, Wdied on Monday, June 21, 1993, in the Pottstown Memorial Medical Center. and the Federation of Delaware Valley He was an avid square dance caller and Square and Round Dancers. had been active in square dancing since J.I. "BUS" JONES MEMORIAL DANCE 1945. He called dances at the Down- A memorial dance honoring "Bus" ingtown Senior Center and the senior -1—‘-Jones, one ofthe organizers and the centers in Reading and Boyertown. He first president of ALLEMANDE HALL in was a member of USDA, CALLERLAB Chattanooga, Tennessee will be held at ALLEMANDE HALL August 28, 1993 at 8 p.m. during which a permanent memo- rial will be installed. The successful completion of Alle- mande Hall, a widely known two story, 7,400 square foot facility believed to be the first to be designed and built by square dancers, is due in large part to Bus' love of square dancing, square dancers and his leadership. For more information call (615)899- 9913. ✓

You'll have the time of your life I Featuring • 15 Great Square RTICKW111:1D MIME Dance Weeks A First Class Square Dance Resort on the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks • Outstanding 564(evre i)eutce `Vacetteost 'Iowa!' Staffs 7)&4449 FOR INFORMATION WRITE: Sguate 7,asteeut KIRKWOOD LODGE P.O.BOX 37, Osage Beach, MO 65065 04 weft 42 'caul

Arne, car Squareclanas. August 19;73 41 by jim & jean S8:311:1111N chomondeley ountry Western Dancing has been changing its face for the past few years. The pump Chandle style of CW dancing that was so common a few years ago has gone by the wayside. In its place a smooth dance with many turns, and flowing movements. CW dancing is moving toward the "Ballroom" style of dancing. As in Ballroom there is competition and therefore it has created interest in such areas as sponsors and TV. Sponsors and TV want to be involved in events where there is competition. They like to crown champions and then use them in promotions. CW has universal interst whereas activities that do not have competition have very little interest to the majority of the public. However, the CW activity is aware that everyone is not able to compete ncr do they want to. It takes a real commitment and hours and hours of practice. Most CW dancers do not feel left out or jealous of the ones that do compete, in fact they look up to them and watch to see how they dance so that they may pick up some pointers and emulate them. There are many who dance just for the fun of it, much as square dancers do. The CW Activity has sold CW dancing to the general public through Cable TV. The cable programs, such as "Club Dance," have been credited with a large part of the popularity of CW dancing, as has the change in CW music. The newest line dance is always the talk around the CW Dance Halls but equally discussed are the newest turns, tunnels, twirls, etc. of the CW Two Step and Waltz. The Dancing Cowboy News Newsletter lists about 50-60 contests each year. Many of the professional CW teachers do not have variable speed turn tables as square dance callers and round dance cuers have. One of the most common problems for teachers is finding music on 45 RPM records. The two best locations I have found are Now and Then Records, St. Louis, MO, (314) 351-8606 and Don's Record Shop in Bellaire, TX, (713)667-5701. We find that we like to teach using 45's so we can slow them down. Once the dance is learned then we can use CD's and Tapes for the dances. V

Jim Jefleries Dr. Jerry Routh Nike Huddieson 913-648-3831 417-326-3096 316-524.0997


CAR 16 TAKE AN OLD COLD TATER AND WAIT - Jerry Harold Heiley CAR 15 TWO GOOD REASONS - Mike 316-231-3277 CAR 14 MAMA DON'T ALLOW - Jerry CAR 13 OUTBOUND PLANE - Mike CARDINAL RECORDS 314-363-5432 CAR 12 MY NEXT BROKEN HEART - Jim PO Box 7-11 CAR 11 LONESOME ROAD BLUES - Jerry Macks Creek MO 65786 Cardinal Is a division of Four Bar B Records, Inc.

QUALITY MUSIC BY THE WESTERNAIRES For a complete list of our records, contact: CARDINAL RECORDS

42 Arrencan 9guareclance August 1993 AMA IRECORD—S)

Dick Walbel Stan Cole Jerry Hamilton Ray Taylor Larry Cole Lee McCormack 209-439-3478 209-642-2430 714-652-3442 607-563-2083 317.384-7089 501-394-5913

HOT NEW RAWHIDE RELEASES RWH-184 I BELIEVE IN LOVE by Steve Sullivan RWH-183 DON'T ROCK THE JUKE BOX by Stan Cole RWH-182 SOMEBODY STOLE MY GAL by Stan Burdick RWH-181 DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND ME by Stan C ;AL Jerry Johnson Steve Sullivan 605-343-4397 208-233-0206 SIZZLIN' SELLERS RWH-180 THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES by Larry RWH-179 I'M ALABAMA BOUND by Lee RWH-178 HEY, GOOD LOOKIN' by Dale

COMMING SOON Dale McClary RWH-185 NAUGHTY LADY OF SHADY LANE by Ray Taylor Stan Burdick 518-543-8824 407-242-8490 BUC-1248 GOODBYE MY LADY LOVE by Pat Shevokas


Jim Snyder Chuck Hansen Rick Allison Pat Shevokas Dick Neumann Dave Gipson 215-678-6503 602-342-2785 708-425-5653 815-339-2547 619-265-7268 219-482-2565


SIZZLIN' SELLERS BUC-1245 HIGH ON A MOUNTAIN OF LOVE by Otto Degner Hank Lutcher BUC-1244 THE BOYS ON 16TH AVE. by Jim Snyde 717-435-2048 BUC-1243 HEAVEN SAYS HELLO by Otto

Tick Waibel Enterprises • 675 E. Alluvial Fresno CA • 20' 209-439-3478

American Square:lance, August 1993 43

I Jerry Story 5ony O.e ncilad Larry •-r.../e1Jon t, candy .4_,ourierty

BRAND NEW RELEASES RYL 121 !!1(1 RYL 804 WING OF A DOVE oy Randy RYL 509 LET'S ALL GO DOWN TO THE RIVER by Larry RYL 312 PEACE TO THE WORLD by Jerry 6 Tony RYL 405 ASTRO/CHASE (Patter) RYL 120 TEMPTATION EYES by Jerry RYL 218 LISTEN TO THE MUSIC by Tony RYL 803 YELLOW POLKA TOP BIKINI by Randy SPECTACULAR NEW RELEASES RYL 508 WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED YONDER by Larry RYL 119 MY LOVE by Jerry RYL 216 MOUNTAIN OF LOVE by Tony C ROYAL RENDEZVOUS'\ RYL 217 SOONER OR LATER by Tony Nov 12 - 13 1993 RYL 311 MY HEART SKIPS A BEAT by Tony 8. Jerry RYL 507 HOT TO TROT by Larry Collinsville, IL RYL 801 SALLY WAS A GOOD OLD GIRL by Randy 2 halls X Plus & Adv Info: Bob Kelly ROYAL RECORDS INC. 314-938-5879 } Rt. 1 Box 33, Fairfield IA 52556 515-472-3795 i#41r4INININVI.000.1r.11.0410.0S1r4r411,Arirg0 0 0 0 IFy 0 0 titt 111., 0 00 0 0 Ken Bower Jerry Haag Gary Shoemake NEW RELEASES • C-119 SOFT PEDALING/BURN DOWN - Hoedown Or C-223 WALKING AFTER MIDNIGHT • Jerry C-327 KEEP ON WALKING - Gary C-629 I WON'T CA IIUNTIN' WITH YOU JAKE • Ken C-530 BLUE SUEDE BLUES - Ken Pg. C-715 A LOVE THAT JUST WONT DIE - Marshall 4111 C-716 OKLAHOMA HILLS - Marshall Scott Smith Marshall Flipoc C-815 LET'S DO IT RIGHT - Scott Ole 0 C-816 PENNIES FROM HEAVEN - Scott 0 1993 CHAPARRAL CONVENTIONS 010. 4100 September 3-5 - Oklahoma City, OK 1110 Chaparral 01111 1994 CHAPARRAL CONVENTIONS January 6-9 - San Diego, CA RECORDS If May 27-29 - Kansas City, MO 0. CHAPARRAL RECORDS, INC. P' 1425 Oakhill Drive, Plano TX 75075 214-423-7389 ArressArszoiressirirstirresse.rismo

44 Amencan Squareslance, August 1993 An !A Lvai I: IL A (.0 e RECORDS 1721 E. Glencove St, Mesa, AZ 85203 (602) 833-2033 r_ R C • RDS New Releases! "Won't You Wear My Ring" Wade Driver Mike Seastrom Joe Saltel • DJ105 "Why Get Up" Den & Joe - DJ104 "Going Against The Grain" Den Nordbye - DJ103 Welkin' The Floor Over Me" Joe Sattel - DJ102 "Back To The Country" Den &Joe- DJ101

Tim Marriner Bob Fisk

Latest Releases RR-224 How Sweet It Is - By Mike RR-225 Country Roads - By Wade RR-226 Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line - By Wade RR-227 Key Largo - By Wade RR-228 I've Got Friends In Low Places - By Tim RR-229 Cup Of Tea - By Bob Dan Nordbye Joe Salto! Soon to be Released P.O. Box 31227 2439 Travis Ct. RR-230 Sweet Misery - By Mike Mesa, Al 85275 McKlnleyville, CA 95521 (502) 985-8049 (707) 839-3050 High Rollers Caller School Aug. 1-5, 1993 Wade & Bob Cassette Tapes Las Vegas, NV DJ II - Den & Joe 111111 Lost In The 50's - Dan & Joe Las Vegas Extravaganza DJ IV Happy Trails - Dan & Joe Vacation Week DJ V - Dan & Joe Aug. 22-26, 1993 Reflections - Joe Wade, Mike, Tim, Bob & The Smiths By Request - Dan Fall Ball Sept. 10, 11 & 12, 1993 DJ Records Wade, Mike, Tim & Bob 3925 N. Tollhouse Rd. Petaluma, CA Fresno, CA 93726 Sweetheart Festival (209) 227-2764 Feb. 11-13, 1994 Wade, Mike & Tim Denver, CO For More Information On Specials Contact: Wade & Carla Driver (602) 833-2033

American Squaredance, August 1993 45 DESIGNED WITH SQUARE DANCERS IN MINI) TOP OF THE LINE CRUISE March 20 - 27, 1994 on Carnival Cruise Lines' Brand New Super Liner " THE SENSATION " Join

Ken Bower Randy Dougherty Wade Driver Marshall Flippo Jerry Haag Larry Letson Tim Marriner Tony Oxendine Jerry Story Scott Smith Gary Shoemake



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For More Information Call or Write: Tortuga Express Tour Co. P. 0. Box 4384 • Anaheim, CA 92803 1-800-521-2346 Ask for Jeff, Judy or Fred

4 American Squafedance August 1993 I- CUR LAC, Lk


NEW 4 BAR B RELEASES: 4B-6121 YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARLIN' by Lee Michael James 4B-6120 DON'T THINK TWICE(IT"S ALL RIGHT) Bob Huff Sikorsky by Mike 314-635-6659 714-838-3013 RECENT 4 BAR B BEST SELLERS 4B-6119 LOVE LETTERS IN THE SAND - Lee 4B-6118 BACK TO THE COUNTRY/ SWAMP THING — Hoedown i 4B-6117 JUANITA'S CANTINA • Mike 4B-6116 RUBBER BALL - Gary

Richard Lane 602-726-8093 • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • Gary Mahnken 816-394-2667

NEW RELEASES: 0-898 HOLD WHATCHA GOT - Richard 0-896 DYNAMITE - Guy 0-895 SING ME BACK HOME - Sam 4 Q-897 UP TO MY EARS IN TEARS - Shane 0-893 HELP ME MAKE IT THROUGH Sam Lowe THE NIGHT - Guy 803-269-1927 Q-894 CITY LIGHTS - Bob

Bill Volner, A.C.A RECENT QUADRILLE RELEASES: 314-471-0392 0-892 DREAM OF ME - Sam & Shane 0-891 TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES - Richard 0-884 CARMEN - Sam 0-890 ENDLESS HIGHWAY - Guy 0-889 WE BURY THE HATCHET - Guy 0-888 LORD HAVE MERCY ON A Shane Greer 918-485-8772 COUNTRY BOY - Shane 0-880 SMALL SMALL WORLD - Ken Burke

Cassette Tapes Available INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION FOR LLOYD SHAW FOUNDATION Lee Main 918-451-0048 CONTRA & EDUCATIONAL RECORDS Call or Write for our Free Catalogue, Guy Adams Box 7-11 815-654-1061 Macks Creek, MO 65786 (314)363-5432

American Sguaredance, August 1993 47 Mesa ache Junction

1 1 9 The Valley's Valley Area R.V. Resorts "Famous 15 Miles" of: GOLD CANYON (602) 982-5800 7151 E.HWY 60, Apache Jct., AZ 85219 Sun & Fun GOLDEN VISTA (602) 671-2000 Dancing 7 Days A Week 3710 S. Goldfield, Apache Jct., AZ 85219 GOOD LIFE 1-800-999-4990 Square Dancing 3403 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213 Nationally Known Callers GREENFIELD VILLAGE (602) 832-6400 Round Dancing 111 5. Greenfield Rd., Mesa, AZ 85206 LOST DUTCHMAN 1-800-468-7294 Nationally Known (tiers 400 N. Plaza Dr., Apache id., AZ 85220 Clogging MESA REGAL (602) 830-2821 4700 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85205 41 Ballrooms MONTE VISTA 1-800-435-7128 Great Sound 8865 E. Baseline Rd., Mesa, AZ 85208 Hardwood Floors - ROADHAVEN 1000 S. Idaho Rd., Apache Jct., AZ 8521 Air-Conditioned Halls ROCK SHADOWS (602) 982-0606 320 Classes, Workshops 600 S. Idaho Rd., Apache Jct., AZ 85219 SILVERIDGE 1-800-354-0054 & Dances Every Week! 8265 E. Southern, Mesa, AZ 85208 Over 30 R.V. Resorts TOWERPOINT (602) 832-4996 4860 E. Main St. Mesa, AZ 85205 VAL VISTA VILLAGE (602) 832-2550 233 N. Val Vista Dr., Mesa, AZ 85213 VALLE DEL ORO (602) 984-1146 1452 S. Ellsworth Rd. Mesa, AZ 85208 VIEW POINT (602) 373-8708 8700 E. University Dr., Mesa, AZ 85207 WEAVERS NEEDLE (602) 982 3683 250 S. Tomahawk Rd. A the Jct., AZ 85219

48 American Squaredanoe August 1993 <11 711"Diti4a44041:4" Itv451444R4:144.41Ditoeiviiffict elosH The Valley's Nationally Known Professionals Square Dance Callers Round Dance Cuers Daryl & Yvonne Clendenin Barbara & Wayne Blackford Randy & Pam Dougherty Ray & Anne Brown Wade & Carla Driver Jack & Darlene Chaffee Bob Fisk Dean & Betty Holm Mo & Diane Howard Tom & Jan Kannapel Skip & Collette Hughes Jerry & Sharon Junck Dan & Jill Nordbye Great American Mike & Jud Sikorsk Square Dance Apparel 4830 E. Main St. Mesa, Arizona 85205 Clogging Instructors (602) 830-0330 Pam & Randy Dougherty Send For A Free Catalog' Ed & Betty Middlesworth Irene & Allen Roth S Elaine Steele S For More Dance Information: Secretary/Treasurer Norma Wylie-Buehman (602) 986-5084 607 So. 83rd Way, Mesa, AZ 85208

Arnencan SquaredRnce August 7.993 49 negative articles we have printed in the past.

FEEDBACK From Bob McVey, San Antonio, TX. In 1978 I joined Callerlab and have been a strong advocate and supporter of it since. I would like to take exception with I cannot sit still while a fellow caller, articles published in the ASD. I am tired who feels that he has no peers, tears of reading on how bad square dancing is. Why can't we find out how good square down Callerlab and places the blame on our shoulders, as Mr. Gotcher did in his dancing is. In the June 1993 issue of articles, without a reply. ASD there were over 6 feature artides Today I received an advertisement that had to deal with what is wrong with from Les Gotcher trying to sell his latest square dancing. book on sight calling. He probably got my I was extremely offended by the article name and mailing list from a Callerlab by Les Gotcher (June 1993, Line of fire). roster. I am a member of Callerlab and I have been for 6 years, I realize that I don't Callers should keep "caller stuff" amongst ourselves and not air them have the vast experience that Les does, among the dancers in our only national but I surely would never refer to the Cal- square dance magazine as Mr. Gotcher lerlab's Board of Governor's as the "big and I have done. boys over at Callerlab". He may be the inventor of "Sight Calling," but he shows The next excerpt is from a letter by no respect for other callers. I feel that his Fred Barnett Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can- article was just a way to sell his book ada. without having to pay for an advertise- "Why is Square Dancing on the ment. This is the type of article you Wane?" The author (a Mr. Gotcher) ap- usually read from callers who have lost pears to have all the answers to what touch with the heartbeat of this great many other people believe to be a tem- activity. porary situation. Mr Gotcherfeels he has I personally would like to see the fea- put his finger directly on the cause of all ture section "People in the news" be in- the problems he sees with Modern creased. I would like to see more artides Square Dancing . According to Mr. from clubs across the country to see Gotcher, Callerlab is the culprit. what fun things they have done. He takes a cheap shot at one of the I feel that it is important to see how more respected members of the Square splendid this activity is. Won't you please Dance calling community, and refers to start publishing your magazine with a some members of Callerlab as being brighter outlook on square dancing. We "youngins...still wet behind the ears." will all feel better if we can see things in a cheerful setting instead of a dark and gloomy setting. Submitted by Guy Adams APT Editor's note: We would be glad to print more positive articles as well as Steman more club activities in "People" if the vast square dancing clubs would send it in. Perhaps your article will generate some Your Traveling Caller Basic Thru A-2 and CW too positive reaction. Thanks for your in- Write or Call for Rates and Dates put. (JB) 6263 Meadowview Kalamazoo, MI 49004 The following are excerpts from a few CALLERLA8 (616)385-2385 MA of the letters we received about various MEMBER ASCAP 50 American Squaredance, August 1993 Couples today are looking for a differ- From Stan Burdick. ent form of recreation than couples were We "ought to take another look at what 45 years ago. If this activity is to continue, Callerlab has done to standardize many we need to make it attractive to the peo- elements of our hobby. We're in a differ- ple who will carry it on for the next 45 ent age - a different time - comparing years. "how it used to be" in the boom days of Yes, I'm a member of Callerlab, and the activity, and pointing to Callerlab as yes, I'm proud to be able to work with a the scapegoat for changing situations is very lame group of people who believe unfair." V in trying to make a difference.

No. 950 Blouse $5.001-8.50 & H. No. 960 Circle Skirt $4.00 + P. & H

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411:, Silver Sounds _-z..40111-4---16--01-4---i Records

SSR-112 WIND BENEATH MY WINGS by Jack Jack O'Leary SSR-135 MEMORY by Jack Bruce McCue SSR-152 CANDY GIRLS (Sugar, Sugar) by Dan SSR-153 DAY-O by Hans Petterson SSR-154 SHANTY TOWN by Jack SSR-155 COLUMBUS STOCKADE BLUES by Red SSR-159 I KNOW THAT SOMEDAY by Mike SSR-160 DON'T STOP by Bruce M. SSR-161 KIDS OF THE BABY BOOM by Don SSR-162 HOUND DCG by Bruce W. SSR-163 SLA Contra by Tony Red Bates SO/SSR-501 RIDIN' HIGH by Cliff Tony McUmber

Mike Lavarone Don Brown Dan Guin Cliff Brodeur Bruce Williamson

American Squaredance, August 1993 51 FONTANA VILLAGE RESORT Come Dance for a Night or a Week.

Dancers Enjoy: 1-800-849-2258 AIR-CONDITIONED HALLS Fontana Group Sales Great Callers & Cuers * Famous Floor Heated Indoor Pool * After Parties Cook-outs * Mini-Golf * Tennis * Jacuzzi Gerald's of Due West Continental Breakfast • Theme Parties Square Dance Shop Special Events • Nightly Refreshments at most Festivals Mountain Dining * Line Dancing • Western Nights 1993: August 20-22 Birthday Bash - Phil Kozlowski, Phil Van Loheren , Rocky Bocton September 12-19 Accent on Rounds - Ed & Carolyn Raybuck, Paul & Linda Robinson, Tim & Jan Kannapel, Carl & Pat Smith September 19-26 Golden Leaves - Dee Dcc Dougherty, Tim Marrincr, Hoss & Kit Waldorf Ed & Carolyn Raybuck September 26-29 Fontana Two-Step & More - Mike & Andy Davis, Bud Whitten September 30- Mountain Memories - Bud Whitten, Bob Price, Trent Keith, Jack & October 3 Nell Jenkins October 3-10 Fall - John Barrett, Jerry Dews, Freeman Pettus, Tony DiGeorge, Terrie Medlin, Bob & Lynn VanAtta October 22-24 Autumn Leaves - Damon Coe, Tim Marriner, Richard & JoAnn Lawson October 28-31 Smoky Mountain Magic - Dave Lightly, Norm Poisson, John Steckman Dave Wilson November 4-7 Smoky Mountain Challenge Classic - Steve Kopman, Mike Jacobs, Ann Uebelacker, Lee Kopman 1994: April 14-16 Springtime in the Smokies - John Marshall, Tim Scholl, Ray Denny and Steve Kopman May 22-29 Accent on Rounds - Ed & Carolyn Raybuck June 2-5 Fontana Fantasy - Steve Kopman

FOR MORE DETAILS CALL Tex and Jean Brownlee, Management Advisors

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52 American Squaredancs, August 1993 ED FRAIDENBURG (Calling For You) * * * The numbers before the states ere the 1916 Poseyville Rd. month and day of the activity If you would like to list a festival, convention or Midland, Michigan 48640 others special dance in the next issue please Phone: 517-835-9524. contact the ASD office. * ** 0802-CANADA-40th Annual SD Jamboree, August Calling All Levels Thru A-2 2-7-Pendicton, B.C. Canada. Write C.Loiselle,Box 66, Call or Write for Rates & Dates Pendicton, B.C., Canada V2A 6.19 0806-CALIFORNIA-San Diego Contra Dance Weekend, University of San Diego, August 6, 7, 8; D. Armstrong, P. Moore, G. Nickerson; Contact Paul 248 Geld-Plated Enameled Moore, PO Box 897, Runings Springs, CA 92382 SQUARE DANCE (714)867-5366. 0807-ILLINOIS-1st Annual Tutty Baker Days JEWELRY Make A Wish Jamboree-Aug. 7, 1993-5pm- Downtown P Earrings or Prdant $395 Freeport, IL., M.& I-Koester, MC-contact (815)235- Both * only $6.95 3021 plus MOO ship. & handling (Calif res add 6% sales tax) 0807-MARYLAND-Oceean Waves Delmarva Earring also available Roundup, August 7. Wicomico Civic Center, Salisbury, with clips. MD. R.Libby, L.Kanniard, RD J&P Adcock. Contact When ordenng speaty dress (410)543-8976 color: red, blue Dr black. 0808-NEW YORK-Annual Cancer Ben. Dance Send check or money order la (Daffodil Festival)-August 8, 1993-Johnstown Moose Charmz-Reaction Lodge, Route 30-A & 67, Johnstown, NY. W.& R. P.O. Box 4208 Smith-contact R. Smith-(518)863-8217 for dinner reser- West Hills CA 91308 vations 0808-GEORGIA-Blue Ridge Mountain Dance Roundup-Copecrest Dance Resort, Dillard, GA. August 8-14-W/Lloyd Shaw Found. Professionals-contact:E. Butenhof, 201 Red Oak Drive, Hendersonville, NC. WALT COLE 28739 PERSPICACIOUS calling 0813-WISCONSIN-34th Wisconsin SQ/DA & RD SQUARE-ROUND-CONTRA Convention, August 13,14,15,1993. M ECCA, N. 4th St. Dancing is singing with your & W. Kilboum Ave. Milwaukee, WI. Callers, various- feet, and we put the song in your soles. contact B&S Timmler, Reg. Chairmen, P.O. Box 28822, Greenfield, WI. 53220-8822, (414)541-1354. Caller Schools & Clinics 0819-GEORGIA-29th Jekyll Island Jamboree-Hol- Leadership Seminars liday Inn, Jekyll Island, GA. August 19,21,1993. Contact Caller Training Tapes B&V Bennett, 2111 Hillcrest Dr., Valdosta, GA. 31602 The Basis of Calling is Timing (912)242-7321 The Basis of Timing is Music 0819-CANADA-18th Sq & Rnd Dance Cony, Au- 944 Chatelain Rd., Ogden UT 84403 gust 19,20,21,1993, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Surnmer-801392- Canada. R.Brendzy, M.Jacobs, J.Marshall,D.Moger, 9078 Winter-602- 726-8415 J.Jestin, N.Wilcox, D.Wilson. R/D S.&W Bradt,-C&M Smarrelli-Pre-registration only-Contact MASDA, P.O.Box 906, Pointee Claire, Dorval, Quebec, Canada PROMENADERS H9R 4Z6 Clop A VD Shoes 0820-GERMANY-SQ. & RD Cony. of World- Au- Blk & Wht $37.95 gust 20,21,22,1993-Karlsruhe, Germany- contact-H&M Colors $37.95 Munkelt, Werrabronner StraBe 8 a, W. 7500 Karlsruhe Gold & 811. $39.95 41-(0721-483354 NH add $350 Tel. 919-778-0476 0820-GERMANY-World Square & Round Dance SOPHIA T'S Convention, August 20-22, 1993, Karlsruhe, Germany. Square Dance & Western Wear Fashions, Inc. Various callers & cum. USA contact Marianne C. Jack- Eastern N.C.'s Largest Square Dance Shop son, PO Box 15717, Cincinnati, OH 45215, (513)385- Rt 9, Box 283 • Hwy. 70 East s Goldsboro NC 27534 4505 CLOGGER for min (black & whits) 0821-ILLINOIS-Sq & Rnd Dancing at Illinois State CLOGGER for women (white only) Fair, August 21, 1993, Twilight Ballroom, Illinois State 538.95 Fairgrounds, Springfield, Illinois. Callers W. Driver & =Brochure freallable—$2.00 (refunded on first order) Checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express

Arrencan Squarecianoe, August 1993 53

B Baler; Cuers G&J Kammerer. Contact Harry & Doris Jackson, PO Box 103, Ellis Grove. Illinois 62241 (618)- National Square Dance 859-2972 0822-SOUTH DAKOTA-Gold Rush Weekend. DIRECTORY August 22, 1993, Community Hall in Belle Fouche, SD. J.Kwaiser, G. Adams. Contact J.Kwaiser (303)667- • 10,000 clubs around the world. 3440. 0827-ALABAMA-16th Annual ASARDA State • Directories of festivals & conventions. Conv.-August 27-28,1993-Expo Hall, Mobile, AL. Ala- $8.95 (plus $3.05 postage) barnafcallers. cuers & instructors. Contact E & L Linder- well, 207 Roosevelt, Dothan, AL. 36301 (205)792-8542 $50.00—Life Subscription 0827-CALIFORNIA-CAlif. Single Squares Annual PO Box 880, Brandon MS 39043 SD Weekend-August 27-29, 1993-Riverside Raincross Square, Riverside, CA.-L.Schmidt, D.Houston- contact- Phone: 601-825-6831 M. Branham, P.O. Box 25389, Anaheim, CA. 92825 Call Toll Free: 1-8C0-542-4010 0828-TENNESSEE-Memorial I)ance for J.1.[13u.s] Jones,August 28, Allemande Hall, 2548 Gunbarrel Rd. Chattanooga, TN. Contact B.Brandfast, 109 Amhurst The Best In Ave.Chattanooga, TN. 37411 (615)698-0872 Square & Round Dance Musk 0902-MICHIGAN-Mich. S/D Leaders Assoc. La- All Rounds Cued bor Day Dance-Sept. 2, 1993-Rittmueller School, Frankenmuth, MI. Michigan Callers & Cuers. Contact C.Cullings, 10680 E. Townline Rd. Frankenmuth, MI. TNT 272 PISTOL PACKING MAMA, Rd by Fran Kropf 48734 (517)652-3122 TNT 273 fF I DIDN'T CARE by Peg Mukoy TNT 274 JUST LOVING YOU (Flip) by Ed Shortman 0903-CALIFORNIA-Square Affair, Sept. TNT 275 WALKING SHOES, Rd by Jack Raye 3,4,5,1993-Santa Maria Fairgrounds, Stowell & Thorn- TNT 278 SEA OF A HEARTBREAK Rd by Steve VVilhoit burg. Callers & cuers, various. Contact T&K Chris- TNT 277 SHES A LITTLE PAST FORTY by Ron Noble man(805)466-4845 FAX (805)466-0%1 TNT 278 COME FOLLOW ME BABE, Rd by Frank Krop 0904-CALIFORNIA-Labor Day Square Dance Ju- TNT 279 PERFECT HARMONY, Rd by Jeff Grossman bilee, Sept. 4&5, 1993-Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Chico, MODERN STYLE CONTRA PARTY CA. J.Story, T.Oxemdine, B.Baier, K.Garvey. RID K. LP1001-DICK LEGER M. • .75 pst. Plastic Record Sleeves Available Reid. Contact C.Andrews, c/o Ridge Runners', P.O. Box Ouendry Discards for 25 SO, 100 6 200 23, Paradise, CA. 95967 (916)872-0361 RFD 2 Rt. 7. M. Albans VT 05171, SO2-5244424 0905-MICHIGAN-Annual Mich. S/D Leaders As- soc Labor Day Dance-Sept. 5, 1993-Rittmueller School, WE DESIGN CLUB BADGES Frankenmuth, MI. D. Taylor - Cuers F.& P.Lenhert. I line 'Slim Jim' $150 DAVE'S LAST DANCE-HE'S RETIRING.Contact C. Name only Regular Size ;185 Cullings, 10680 East Townline Rd. Frankenmuth, MI. Nome ond Town OR Design $2 00 48734(517)562-3122 None and Town and Design $275 0909-WISCONSON-Rapid 8's. Sept. 9th, 8-10:30, Nome. Town, Design, Club Name $3.00 State Shape $3.00 & Up Lowell Center, 330 Eighth Ave. South, Wisconsin Rap- $5. Mirolorn Order ids, WI. Jerry Murray. No contact. Bodge Colors:. Block. white, blue, green. brown red. 0910-MINNESOTA-Saints & Swingers Fall Kick- yellow and walnut off Dance-Friday, Sept. 10, 1993. Sara Park, Tomahawk, Orders $10 00 or less, MN. Jerry Murray. No contact. odd $1.00 Orders over 0910-PENNYSLVANIA- Castle Paws & Taws, 10 00, odd $2 00 ELLIE Sept. 10, 1993. Votech School, New Castle, PA.The Red Thonk You MANDERS Boot Boys. Contact (412)654-2526 or (412)658-0414. MICRO PLASTICS PQ Box 847 UPTOWN, U S A 0912-OHIO-Dance Of Colors-Sept. 12, 1993. Kent Rile CO 81650 State University Ballroom-1:00pni-6:00pm-L.Cole, R. Tel: 303-625-1718 Marsch, T.Rudebock-R/D D&B Miller-E&D Risley- contact G.Oravecz, 2501 Primewood Rd., Akron, OH 44305 - (216)794-1272 CALLERS or DANCERS 0916-GEORGIA-22nd Annual GSSDA Conven- EQUIPMENT BOX COVERS tion, Sept 16,17,18,1993, Macon Coliseum, 200 Coli- 1 Amp, 1 Speaker $99.00 seum Drive, exit 4 off 1-16. Program by GSSDA. per set GRDTA, CUERS, GCLA INSTRUCTORS. Contact: M. Flack-404(979-2128 or (404) 934-2920 0917-COLORADO-Pikes Peak Jubilee VII, Colo- Caller rado Springs, Plus Level Squares- Callers W. Driver, G. Gift Shoemake, Rounds-G. & L. Krueger. Contact Leo idea Boudreaux, 505 Platinum Dr., Colorado Springs, Colo- rado 80918, (719)593-7350 J & J Manufacturing protection with a 0917-CANADA-Charlie's Angels Annual Fall RD- Golden Strip Shopping Center S ept.17,18,19, 1993.-Moncton, NB, Canada-Phase II-IV Mauldin, South Carolina 29662 professional look. - N.&A.Brown - contact C.& R.Ross-388 McLaughlin Phone (803) 288-4000 Dr. Moncton, NB Canada, El A 4R4-(506-383-7188 VISA - MC Prepayment Ck or MO (nude Con. U.S. 54 American Squaredance, August 1993 0918-NEW YORK-Secandaga Swingers 15th An- Callers, SD A. Garret & M. Flippo, RD L & II Neely. nuv. Dance. YMCA, Gloversville, Sat. 18, 1993. Cov- Contact Jim & Ida Stephenson, 8743 Pheasant Dr., ered dish supper. Contace C.& B. Morley. RD #2, Box Chandler, TX 75758-7011 308, Johnstown, NY. 120954518)835-4388 1022-INDIANA-37th Annual Hoosier SQ & RD 0919-Country Dance History & Heritage Week Festival, October 22,23,24, 1993. Executive Inn Con- with Jim Morrison & Bob Dalsemer. Music by Steve vention Center, Evansville, Indiana. D. McMillan, Hickman & Pete Campbell. Early American dances, B.Baier, RD/P&J Robertson. contact B.& S. Boughton, classic New England contras and squares, early [West- 3144 Logan Dr. Newburg, IN. 47630 or O.& D. Wil- ern] and Appalachian squares, dance history.0917- liams 2801 Williams Rd. Wadesville, IN. 47638 TEXAS-10th Annual Alamo Jamboree, Henry B. 1022-NORTH CAROLINA-Autumn Leaves-Oct. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, TX, Sep- 22,23-Fontana Village, NC. D.Cole, T.Marriner, cuers tember 17 & 18, 1993. Callers B. Wise, S. Smith, M. R&J Lawson. contact (706)291-4016 Jacobs, B. Haynes, D. Dougherty. Rounds R. & J. Rem- For further information write John C. Campbell Folk ley. Clogging C. Bums. Contact Paul & Kathy Rigsby, School, Rt. 1, Brasstown, N.C. 28902 or phone Hanne (210)696-5665 or write Alamo Jamboree, P() Box 5187, Nielsen or Bob Dalsemer at 1-800-365-5724 (1-800- San Antonio, TX 78201. FOLK-SCH) or 704-837-2775 0924-COLORADO-Fifth Annual Tn-State Tum- 1022-WEST VIRGINIA-Pipestem Sq & Rd Week- bleweed Stampede, Sq & Rnd Dance, September 24, 25 end, Pipestem, W. VA, Callers W. McDonald, C. Barker, 1993, Old Town Barn, Burlington, Colorado, Caller M. Cuer P. Loftin. Contact Phyllis Loflin, 1002 Courtalnd Poole, Cuer E. Gross. Contact Irvin & June Page, 12612 Ave., Reidsville, NC 27320 (919)342-2573 Highway 61, Anton, Colorado 80801, (303)357-4312 1231-DELAWARE-Delmarva New Year's Eve 0924-KENTUCKY-7th Annual Mid-America SD Gala, Dec. 31, 1993. Milford HS, Milford, DE. H. Ferree, Jamboree, Inc., Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center, R/D A. Benner. contact (302)335-5296 Louisville, Kentucky, September 24, 25, 1993. Callers, 0127-HAWAII-29th Aloha State SD Convention, 17 in all. For more information write Mid-America January 27, 28, 29 1994. Contact D. Martinsen, 279-D Square Dance Jamboree, Inc., PO Box 421, Fairdale, Mananai Pl., Honolulu, Hawaii 96818, (808)487-1923 Kentucky 40118, (502)368-1006 0225-NEW ZEALAND-Southern Hemisphere 100I-CANADA-A2 Dance Weekend- Square & Round Dance Festival, February 25, 26 & 27, Oct.1,2,3,I993, Drop-In-Center-619 Bay Street, Sault 1994. Pioneer Stadium, Lyttelton St., Christchurch, New Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada - T. Crawford-contact A. Zealand. For information write: The Registration Secre- Gasparetto, 476 Leighs Bay Rd., Sault Ate Marie, Ont. tary, 2nd Southern Hemisphere, Square & Round Dance P6A6K4 - (705)253-4549 Festival, 4913 Searells Rd., Elmwood, Christchurch, 1001-CANADA-A-2 Weekend, Oct. 1,2,3,1993, 8005 New Zealand or call (03)355-9843 Drop In Center, 619 Bay Street, Sault Ste, Marie, On- 1231-CALIFORNIA-Carnival of Music & Dance, tario. T. Crawford, contact Amy Gasparetto, (705)253- December 31, January 1 & 2, San Jose, California. For 4549 more information call (800)959-4028 or write Carnival 1002-DELAWARE-Levis & Lace's Octoberfest- of Music & Dance, 10 El Paso Place, Salinas, CA 93901. Oct.2, 1993. Capitol Grange Hall, Dover, DE. J.Snyder, L.Kanniard, RID A.Banner. Contact (302)697-9711 1002-VIRGINIA-Happy Tracks Fall Dance, Rotary Field Fair Ground, Stuart Virginia Oct 2, 1993. Callers V. Parrish. F. Martin. Contact Fred Martin, PO Box 386, Stuart VA 24171 1008-NEW YORK-Empire State SiR Dance Festi- val '93 October 8 & 9, Albany, NY; Empire St. Plaza Convention Center, G. Shoemake, S. Kopman, B. Har- risonContact: Dick&Joyce Reed P.O. Box 166, Ballston Lake, NY 12019. 1009 PENNSYLVANIA-Western Penn. SQ & RD Fed. Anniversary Fall Festival, Saturday, Oct. 9, 1993. West Mifflin Area High School, West Mifflin, PA. M.Hoose, J.Jones, D.Williamson, M.McCall, J.Yoest, P Johnston, RD R.& A Lock. Contact P&H Roolf, 143 Castle Drive, W. Mifflin, PA. 15122 (412)466-7092 1010-01110-10th Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Fest. SQDA-Ashtabula County Fairgrounds- Jefferson, OH Oct. 10,1993-200pm-5:00pm FREE- D. Stevenson - contact S.Jewett. 451 Footville Richmond Rd. Jefferson, OH. 44047 1015-MISSOURI-Rambling Roses' 21st SD Cele- bration October 15 & 16, Tyler, Texas. Friday's Pre-Fes- tival Dance - Robert E. Lee High School Gym, Saturday's Festival - Harvey Convention Center, East Texas Fairgrounds. Callers M. Flippo, A. Garrett, Cuers L&H Neely. Contact Gary & Claudette llogcnmiller, 4617 Chad, Tyler, Texas (903)581-4136. 1015-TEXAS-21st Rambling Roses Square & Round Dance Festival, October 15 & 16, Tyler Texas.

American SgLafegance August 1993 55

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Style: $54.6 S31.95/pr. Style: 'Shag- 8522 S29 95‘pf. Colons: Black. While. Gold. Silver. Red, Nary. Bone Colors. Black, Whrle, Gold, Silver. Red, Navy, Bone Last Uptown (Modified slender ton character) Last: Uptown (Modified slender toe character) Hook 1/2"Rutiper cushioned with non-marring 1/7fiubber cushioned with non-marring replaceable lop lin replaceable lop It

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Style: 'Julie' $511 S33.95/pr. Style: 'Jan' 5604 532.95/pr. Colors: Black, While, Gold, Silver. Red. Navy, Bone Colors: Black, While. Gold. Silver. Red, Navy. Bone Last: Nicole (Slender toe character) Lair: Classic (Modified slender toe character) HMI: 1 1/4"Maiching litl'Maiching

Features: Sizing & Widths (women's) • Soft genuine garment leather upper, including gold and silver metallics Narrow 6-10, 11 & 12; • Non-marring split leather outsoles Medium & Wide 5-10, 11 &12 • Fully lined with foam perspiration absorbing nylon Size 12 not available in • Foam cushioned long wearing flex-insole and added "ball" padding *604, *608 & *611. • Engineered arid constructed for the "Dancer" Name• Address" City, State, Zip: Daytime Phone No: Style: Size: Width: Color: Style: Size: Width: Color: Cr. Card No. Exp. [ I MC [ ] Visa Signature: Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back Send to: Tic-Tac-Toes Mfg. Co. or Call : PO Box 953 • 231 Kingsboro Ave • 1-800-648-8126 during factory Gloversville, NY 12078 hours M-F, 7:30-4:00 EST. Add $3.50/pr. shipping and handling. NY residents add sales tax, and give county. Canada add $7.00/pr. 56 Amencan Sauaredance. August 1993 THE CALLER NOTE SERVICES

As John Saunders ushers in his very first issue of JOHN'S NOTES, we welcome him to our publication. "The Note Service For The Caller Who Cares." John's comments cover the question of whether it is useful to keep using the Quarterly Selections. This opening article to the note service is most enlightening. Some of the items from which to glean lots of good wisdom are "HELPFUL HINTS, CALLER'S PARTNER, DANCING THE BASIC, MAINSTREAM, PLUS as well as ADVANCED 1 & 2 and a smattering of CHALLENGE. All good material and is certainly at your finger tips when you subscribe to this note service. Write John's Notes, 101 Cedar Dunes, New Smyrna Beach, FL. 32169

In the May issue of MECHANICS "Wayne Morvent" presents on page 2 & 3..."EASY ENTRY DESTINATION PROGRAM FOR THE NON-SQUARE DANCER." This article deals with the one year class. It is authored by Wayne McDonald. You will find many good items for a successful class. It has an outlined program for the caller/teacher. He says, "It is imperative that all dancers support all programs they are capable of dancing for the survival of the activity." Wayne Morvent also introduces a new concept, authored by himself, "DOUBLE WHEEL." (Starting formation: Two lines facing. Infacer Couples Circulate then Wheel and Deal as the outfacers Wheel & Deal and take a step forward. Ends in a starting double pass thru formation.)

In Bill Davis' THE NEW VIEW we came across a full page of interesting ideas about ZOOM. Whether to "centers Zoom" or not to Zoom. Bill says, "We sense more callers are using Centers Zoom in situations where they mean JUST THE CENTERS Zoom. This use must still be treated as challenging material." Read why in the June 1993 issue of the note service. From his Advanced corner he presents Three Quarter Thru as well as Cross Clover, with good material for your use. Bill also has printed with permission, CALLERS ANGELS AB- BREVIATIONS. If you are looking for an answer to abbreviations for writing material this will help you greatly.

In the June issue of MIKESIDE MANAGEMENT, by Stan & Cathie Brudick, Stan writes an article about "How To Change Course In Mainstream." Stan suggests a number of options for the caller to use when he is faced with a floor of dancers of "mixed" ability. Interesting for any caller to pursue. We noticed a short in-put article by Stan talking about the CALLERLAB Mainstream list as well as ACA (American Callers Assoc.) who have announced the formation of a new list called Square Dance. He brings out the fact that these lists are different

Amencen Squaredanos, August 1993 57 in several ways and gets us to wondering they can expect and how long it is going to what will happen when callers use one or the take." other when teaching classes. "Can CALLER- Rather than lead new dancers on-"Do you LAB and ACA reps come to some sort of sell them on the idea of learning Mainstream, common agreement?" Stan says he foresees then when they have completed Mainstream real problems ahead if this is not resolved. tell them that they have got to learn Plus Along with diagrams for the CALLER, MS before they can dance at club level?" OS, Stan features "Single Circle to an Ocean Warren points out that "Country dance Wave" as well as "Checkover" for the Ad- uses the approach that you can learn a dance vanced programs. on the first night and there is no further commitment. The dancers "can continue at RECRUI T-PROMOTE-MAINTAIN is the their own pace." name of an article from Warren Berquam, On page 63 he presents a good supply of MINNESOTA CALLERS NOTES. From it we conversions for the caller who needs help quote, "Look for the organizations in your resolving the squares. Good Plus material area where all the people are going to; try to using Spin Chain The Gears as well as Track follow their methods of recruiting people. "The new prospective members should be Good material for Advanced 1 & 2 is informed of what they are getting in to, what included in the notes for June 1993. ✓ 4#4044#1141


New Releases 15455 Glenoaks Recent Releases MAR 601 • Zack With My Baby Again (Vern) Blvd., 0400 MAR 530- Ackey Breaky Heart (Vern) MAR 602 - Be Looking For You (Vern) MAR 531. Mansion In the Sky (Vern & Mark) Sylmar, CA 91342 MAR 603 • Roost, Woogie (Vern) MAR 801 - I Am A Simple Man (Fred) MAR 701 - Ride This Train With Me (Mark) (818) 364-5353 L MAR 901 • Do You Relieve in Magic (J.14)

Vern Weese J.R. Sparks (818) 364-5353 Hope You (812) 949-7907 Sylmar, CA Had a Great Jeffersonville, IN Time at the I" Nationals

Fred Walker (618) 548-0125 Salem, II.

Mark Clausing (313)1460-3454 Fairfield, Ohio

58 American Squaisdance August 1983

...... ...... .1. So let's track a typical C-1 dancer. This person dances C-1 twice a week, assists at a C-1 class, and attends an Advanced dance or assists at an Advanced class. by That's 4 nights in the week for square danc- ing. Should they also be expected to con- Ed Foote tribute a 5th night for a Plus class, a 6th night for a Mainstream class, and a 7th night for a student dance? Jerry Sullivan would say yes. But there are other things in life beside square dancing. It should also be noted that Advanced and Challenge dancers have likely paid t is always disappointing to see people their dues by helping out at Mainstream writing negative comments about Ad- classes and student dances for years. Are vanced and Challenge who are uninformed they expected to keep doing this for life? about these plateaus and do not know what Are they not allowed to move on and help is going on there. While it is true that this elsewhere? lets us be aware that these individuals By the way, this is the same way life make comments based on lack of knowl- works - in sports, industry, etc. You train edge so we can take this into account on and help those at your own level and the subsequent statements they may make, next previous level, but you are not ex- nevertheless their comments may influ- pected to help train every previous level ence others who are not familiar with these thru which you have passed, including en- dance programs. try level. It is acknowledged that problems exist Jerry Sullivan also says he does "..not at Advanced and Challenge, as they exist plan to go beyond 'Plus' because we prefer at all programs, and these problems have people who can giggle at their own mis- been discussed in this column. But false takes and help others sort out theirs, and and misleading descriptions of any pro- we want to keep the competition out of it." grams are unacceptable. Since Jerry is a new dancer, it is doubtful In ASD, May 1993, Jerry Sullivan of if he has ever seen Advanced or Chal- Jacksonville, FL, who admits he is a new lenge. If he had, he would realize that peo- graduate, says: "1.11fith regard to....Chal- ple laugh about mistakes there, and that lenge and Advanced level dancers, I have help is offered to others far more often at not seen any of these at any Mainstream these programs than ever occurs at Main- or student dances I have been to, so per- stream or Plus. There is no competition at haps there is some 'cast system' involved." Advanced or Challenge and never has Obviously, Jerry does not think before been; Jerry's comment about this is mere he speaks, because there are perfectly supposition with no basis in fact. logical acceptable reasons why Challenge Finally, it is amazing the number of and Advanced dancers are not often pre- dancers who say "I would never go on to sent at Mainstream classes, student Advanced" and two years later there they dances and Mainstream dances. The pri- are; likewise the numerous A 2 dancers mary reason is that these people are al- who say they would never go on to C-1 and ready helping classes at other levels and two years later are doing C-1. Ditto for also dancing at other levels, and there are callers who said they would never call only so many days in the week. these programs and then do begin calling The basic rule for Advanced and Chal- them. lenge is that you help out at one level prior It is a universal law that if you hold a to where you are dancing. So C-2 dancers negative thought toward something, then assist at C-1 classes, C-1 dancers assist at you are bound to it and attract it to you, so Advanced classes, and Advanced dancers that hopefully you can overcome your help at Plus classes. But they will likely judgement of it. So we should all be careful assist at a class at their own level too. In what negative thoughts we hold. ✓ addition, an Advanced or Challenge dancer will tend to dance their own pro- gram twice a week.

Arnencan Squaredance, August 1993 59 LINE 0. 1,0"C"0"61 OF FIRE TAKE AIM AT ANYTHING opinion way off base. As I further read his IS THE GLASS HALF FULL OR article, I began to wonder if he was mak- ing any sense at all. I have known several HALF EMPTY? callers who have personally gone out and by Ken Ritucci started classes for themselves, thus start- ing new clubs. I am sure there are hun- read with interest the June edition of dreds of callers across the nation, or the I"Line of Fire" by Les Gotcher. For those entire world for that matter that have re- callers who have been calling for some cruited their own class. time, or those that know the history of Mr. Gotcher is correct when he does square dancing, it was refreshing to see mention that callers are rushing dancers one of the legends of our activity taking through the various levels. This is not a the time to voice his concern. secret. In fact, it is one of the major rea- I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. sons for the dancer drop-out rate we are Gotcher at the CALLERLAB Convention experiencing today. But then he dives in Las Vegas in 1991. He was introduced right back into an attack on CALLERLAB to the entire convention and received an regarding a caller being brought up on ovation. I remember him sitting at a table "ethical charges" for calling whatever signing autographs and greeting people. he/she wants to. Well, ifthat was the case, I also shook his hand. there wouldn't be a room big enough to Here was an individual that I had heard hold all the thousands of callers who call about, and I finally got to meet him. It was whatever they like each and every day of a special moment for me. I guess that is the year. CALLERLAB's Ethics Commit- why it was more disturbing for me to read tee does entertain letters on unethical his article from the June magazine. He behavior by one of its members, but does starts out by attacking CALLERLAB for all not have the time nor the interest to han- the problems we have concerning the de- dle such trivial matters as to what an creasing attendance of square dancing. individual caller actually calls at a dance. He further accuses the members of =tether Mr. Gotcher was talking about CALLERLAB of being "money hungry" CALLERLAB or any other organization, I and "publicity hungry." I have been ac- thought it was in poor taste that he men- tively involved with CALLERLAB for the tioned a certain individual for something past ten years, currently serving on its that might have happened years ago. This Board of Governors. I have not seen any individual happens to be a friend of mine, one individual getting personally rich and since we have only heard Mr. within the organization. Gotcher's side of the story, who is to say Mr. Gotcher talks about levels, stating what happened twenty years ago is the that they are no good and have done great truth? harm within our activity. I believe many Through my research within the activ- would agree with that comment. This is ity, and from my experience, I have come not a new argument. But to blame CAL- to realize that Les Gotcher was truly ac- LERLAB or any other organization for all tive in the early days regarding "Sight of the problems today is not being fair or Calling." He was able to take ideas and realistic for that matter. There are many calls and expound on them. He was truly who believe that creating the levels was a "Hash Caller." However, I believe that the best thing for the activity. "Sight Calling" was not invented by any His comment that "Everyone knows one individual, rather it was an idea that that no caller has ever gone out and was passed around and improved with rounded up a class of beginners" is in my so Arnencan Squatedance, August 1993 many other callers who we will never calls that he still favors. Calls that are no know. Only years later did more modem longer prevalent in today's activity. day leaders actually put names to the Perhaps it would be great if there truly various sight calling methods we use to- was "One Book" that we could all read to day. learn any activity, hobby or profession. Finally, Mr. Gotchertalks about his new But, life is not that easy. Despite the bitter book that he has written. By reading his under-tone of his article, I still have the book, "No caller will ever have to attend a respect for the man that was very influen- Callers School or class again." I found this tial in the early days of the activity. I, for to be a very bold statement. I never real- one, want to look the other way and re- ized that learning to call can be so easy. member him for what he did, not for what Where was this book when I wanted to he said in haste during his remaining start calling? Well, I have purchased the years. Our activity will survive. So ask book. I found it to be informational at times yourself, is the glass half full or half and at other times it is intertwined with empty? I/ Les's personal likes/dislikes about certain

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American Squwedance, August 1980 61 NEW DANCER LONGEVITY

1992 - LEGACY SURVEY 16.1 percent had no drop outs during the early months of class (December report). Walt & Louise Cole, Chairman, Survey DATA BASE Committee December: The average starting class size was 18; average drop out by Decem- INTRODUCTION ber was 5; or 27 percent. 1.5 percent of the his is the first nationwide attempt to get classes had zero drop-outs. Ta handle on the new dancer longevity The Canadian clubs had less than half during their first year of class/dance. One the drop-out rate than the U.S. clubs and objective was not necessarily to learn any- twice the percent of clubs who had zero thing new, but to get answers directly from drop-outs. Is this food for thought in how the new dancers from a broad base. we in the U.S. conduct our entry into square The survey conducted was a 10 percent dancing? sample of the club contacts listed in the January: The Average class size by National Square Dance Directory. There January was 12; average drop out between are 6,079 U.S. and 660 Canadian club December and January was 1; or 8 per- contacts listed in the National Square cent. During this interim 69 percent of the Dance Directory; a total of 6,739. We sam- classes had no drop outs. By January the pled 612 U.S. and 74 Canadian contacts; drip-out rates more or less equalize be- a total of 686. In the 1990 S/D Census there tween the U.S. and Canada. were 6,209 U.S. contacts; 490 Canadian April: The average class size by April contacts; a total of 6,699 -- down in the was 12; average drop out between January U.S., up in Canada. These club contacts and April was 1; or 8 percent. During this were asked to give names and addresses interim 71 percent of the classes had no of new dancers who dropped out of class drop outs. in December, January and April — 3 differ- An interesting point in the above data, ent samplings. backing up what most of us suspected, is The follow-up requests in January and that after December the drop-out rate de- April were nailed to only those December creases dramatically - from 28% to 8% contacts that submitted names, addresses indicating if the new dancer "survives" the and/or zero drop-outs at that time. The first three months there is a good chance rationale was if these contacts reported the he/she will continue in square dance. club folded, no class was being conducted, There were three clubs that reported NO no names submitted or no information DROP OUTS over the three sampling given, then there was little reason for a times! We have tracked each club contact's follow up. response and possibly we should ask A form was then sent to all drop-outs, these clubs what they are doing right! named by the respective club contacts, PART B: DROP-OUT RESPONSES asking three questions: 1. Why did you enroll in a square dance class? 2. Why did REASONS TO START SQUARE DANCING you not continue in this class? and 3. Com- In each sampling time the primary rea- ments. Each club contact and each drop- son for starting to square dance was for out received an addressed, stamped fun, followed by exercise and to meet peo- envelope for their reply. All drop-out data ple. Advertising and getting the word out are individuals, not couples. remains a critical problem. Word-of-mouth A couple of interesting comparisons with and friends are still the primary advertising the 1990 Census: In 1990, 34% of the clubs mode. From this we can assume our prod- did not offer classes; in 1992, 30%. In 1990, uct is being sought for the age-old reasons: 4% of the clubs had folded; in 1992, 5% -- fun, fitness and fellowship. It was also ob- an apparent consistent rate for both cate- vious that many new dancers are new to gories. their respective areas and joined the class Thus, we might assume that we failed to to meet people. gain 35 percent of our potential growth each year. The positive indication is that 62 American Squareztance, August 1883 REASONS FOR QUITTING SQUARE this was balanced by 5% who thought the DANCING teaching was inadequate. Other comments of note and of less than December Drop-Outs; 10% were: did not like the dress, club was In each sampling time the top two rea- uncomfortable, unfriendly, too compli- sons for quitting square dance were illness cated, but by and large needing a partner and change of schedule — these we have lead this list of comments. no control over. The third most frequent reason was "too much to learn in too short SUMMARY of time" and "too much commitment" — this We will try to amalgamate the thoughts, we do have control over. impressions and comments given by the Of those dropping out the -too much reviewers of the data. Too much to learn! commitment" reason rose from 12% in De- Too much commitment required! Again, the cember; to 22% in January; to 50% in April. cry comes forth from our "customers" that The "daily grind" took its toll increasingly we do need a slower entry pace into square through time. dance and a more casual approach to learning square dance.... perhaps a teach- COMMENTS BY RESPONDERS ing program that lets new dancers get their feet wet without a heavy commitment of A bright spot was almost 40% of the drop time. Let the dancers pace their progress outs said they would consider rejoining a and once they decide that square dance is class in the future. And, 25% commented their recreation, then let them govern when, on the friendliness of the "regulars" and where and how often they will dance. The other class members. Six percent were commitment should be on the part of the even complimentary of the teaching, but club and the instructor to do just this. ✓

BILL DAVIS SQUARE DANCE SERVICE THE EXTEMPORANEOUS CALLER — Second Printing The most comprehensive book on sight and extemporaneous calling ever written. 140 information packed pages cover Theory of Resolution, Formation Awareness, Arrangements, Get Outs, Programming, 2-Couple calling & lots more. By Bill Davis. $16.95 Plus $1 Post, US & Can. Add $5 for overseas. THE ALL NEW 1992 BIG FIVE DICTIONARY and Square Dance MANUAL This edition has new larger type and Is the most comprehensive definitions book yet. It contains official definitions of all calls In the 5 CALLERLAB programs MS through C2 including the most recent 1991 updates. It has lots of Get-Outs. It is filled with diagrams and examples plus In-depth commentary on: usage, teaching, flow, formation names, learning hints, and common misunderstandings. By Bill Davis & John Sybalsky - $9.95 plus $1 post In US & Can. NEW - 8.5 x 11 Comb bound DELUXE EDITION - $13.95 DANCERS'/CALLERS' NOTE SERVICE Covers all new calls, ideas, and definitions. Commentary on square dancing. B1 monthly. Per Cal. Yr.- Dancers: $6.95/Callers: $13.95

ORDER FROM: Bill Davis, 1359 Belleville, Sunnyvale, CA. 94087.

Amencan Squaredance, August 1993 63 LEARN BY VIDEO


SQUARE DANCE TAPES 1. BASIC 1 TRAINING TAPE - (1-23) 2. BASIC 2 TRAINING TAPE - (24-49) 3. MAINSTREAM TRAINING TAPE 4. PLUS TRAINING TAPE 5. SINGING CALL TAPE - From Basic to Plus ADVANCED SQUARE DANCE TAPES 6. A-1 PART A 7. A-1 PART B 8. A-1 DANCE TIPS 9. A-2 PART 1 10. A-2 PART 2 ROUND DANCE TAPES 11. WALTZ BASICS - R/D 12. TWO-STEP BASICS - R/D No. 1 13. TWO-STEP BASICS - R/D No. 2 14. EASY LEVEL ROUND (12 Two Step, 6 Waltz Routines) 15. PHASE III Waltz/Fox-trot 16. PHASE III ala Cha/Rhumba 17. PHASE III Tango/Jive/2 Step ALL 18. PHASE IV Waltz 19. Phase IV Foxtrot TAPES 20. Phase IV Cha Cha/Rhumba 21. Phase IV Jive/West Coast Swing $3 EA. 22. Phase IV Paso Doblc/Quickstep 9.9 5 PLUS SHIPPING AND HANDLING 23. BASIC QUITAR 24. INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED GUITAR ROUNDS CUED WITH HARMONY 25. CUEING WITH HARMONY (11 Two-Seep, 6 Wait: Routines) HOW TO ORDER Send a check or money order GOLD STAR VIDEO (no cash please) payable to PRODUCTIONS GOLD STAR VIDEO PRODUC- P.O. BOX 417802 TIONS, $3.50 for shipping, SACRAMENTO, CA 95841 handling and insurance for each CALL TOLL FREE tape). AMERICAN CURRENCY 1-800-87-HINGE (Shipping and Handling $10 each tape out- IN CA CALL 916/331-2550 side U.S.A - $5 each tape for Canada) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Add 7 3/4% sales tax if you live in VHS ONLY California •

64 Amencan Squatedanoe, August 1993 that's Going 06 In guare D faic'% square dance music more than any other pro- gram. NURSING HOME PROGRAMS One way I include the residents in the By Haves Hersch ler actual dancing is wheel chair dancing. Four residents in wheel chairs arc pushed around I have been presenting programs at nursing by four staff members to constitute a square. homes for almost twenty yea's. The most Pushing wheel chairs is strenuous exercise conventional program has been taking along and only simple figures are used. With par- a square of square dancers and doing exhibi- ticipants acting as partners I use circle left tion dancing. I use joyful types of singing (wheel chairs pushed clockwise), promenade calls that have music familiar to the residents. (wheel chairs pushed counter clockwise), I start this each year when my class has Number 1 couple only promenade inside, progressed far enough to dance reasonably heads forward and back, heads pass thru and well. I find the experience of dancing to an U turn back, grand square (all pushers and audience gives the class members a marked their partners do the men's part), and weave increase in dancing confidence. Activity di- the ring (#1 and #2 couples face each other rectors have told me numerous times that the as well as #3 and #4). This program allows residents enjoy the square dancing and the most physically and mentally handi- capped residents to take part. Their expres- 1.021-1-11Zte 3430 PACIFIC AVE S.E. SUITE A6332 OLYMPIA, WA 98501 206-456-1643 BRAND NEW RELEASES LM 193 REGULAR JOE by Wes Dyer & Kenny Jarvis DYER & JARVUS LM 192 YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARLING by Mac Letson & Tom Roper BILL LM 191 THE LAST THING ON MY MIND by Tom Roper & Mac Letson BUMGARNER



LOU-MAC RECORDS would Oka to welcome ou newest member to the staff DAN PREEDY OF SPOKANE WASHINGTON


American Squaredance, August 1893 65 sions show they really enjoy this type of square dancing. A third program is Sitdown Dancing. This program reaches wheel chair residents who are physically and mentally able to follow simple instructions and ambulatory residents who can "dance" sitting in chairs. I have the residents form a circle with available staff members interspersed to help the dancers visually while I am cueing. As a rule music tempo must be reduced considerably.

(Editor's note-Callers interested in obtain- ing "Choreography" for this type of dancing may write to Hayes Herschler, 224 Cecilia Court, St. Augustine, FL. 32086.)


The exhibition group which call them- Charlotte & Bud Hill, Ruth & John Walker, selves the "California Heritage Dancers" per- Pat & Dave Walter and Rosalie & Bill Wy- formed four times at the California State gant. All are from the north San Diego county Convention in April. The dancers traveling to area. While at the Convention they performed Fresno for the weekend in order to perform a sampling of the many different historic were: Tutu Anderson, Linda & Jerry Dotson, dances in their repertoire including a Plains

119 Allen St. MEG SIMKINS Hampden, Mass. 01036 413-566 - 3349

v • Everything for 1044ruel;';, Square Dancers 44-

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Handling $4 00 ea

NEW NEW Luxurious nylon organdy is used for this full, but light weight, petticoat. All bot- toms are hemmed for comfort and long wear. Replaceable elastic at waistline. Extremely full #6000—Sixty yards-3 layers-20 yds. each $33.00 Extremely full #5000— Fifty yards-3 layers-25 yds. each $31.00 Extremely full #4000—Forty yards-2 layers-20 yds. each $28 00

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66 American Squaredance, August 1993 Pioneer Farmers' dance, a Colonial "Long- The group was organized six and a half ways," and a Cowboy Western Square years ago by their director, Ruth Walker. Dance. In addition, they participated in the Since that time they have performed for TV, Grand March wearing costumes from five hundreds of festivals and club events, six different historic periods: Colonial, Civil State Conventions and will be performing for War era, Southwestern "California," West- their third National Convention this June in ern Cowboy Pioneer and the Henry Ford St.Louis. 1920's era. For information on bookings, call Ruth These dancers are dedicated to preserving Walker (714)676-3343 the old time historic dances which have con- tributed to the creation of the American folk SUPREME AUDIO/HANHUFtST'S dance called Square Dancing. We live at a TAPE SERVICE CALLER time in a country where change is rapid. Yet EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP amid all the change there are some things FUND AWARDS which remain unchanged. Dancing has al- ways been a favorite form of socializing for The Supreme Audio/Hanhurst's Tape people everywhere. As favorite dances were Service Scholarship Fund for caller educa- handed down from one generation to the tion was established by Bill and Peggy Hey- next, each adding their own variations, cer- man to enable both new and experienced tain common threads remained constant. The callers to further their professional caller California Heritage Dancers' purpose is to education by attending a Caller's College preserve these distinctive dances of our past providing a full Callerlab curriculum. and to show the variety of these common It is with particular pleasure that Supreme threads which have been woven into the fab- Audio announces that the recipients of partial ric of our beloved modern square dancing scholarships for 1993 are: Bobby Croteau, activity, creating the truly unique American Ashburnham, MA, Robert Fiddes, Lower folk dance. Onslow, Nova Scotia, Canada, Brad Alle-



SQUARE • ROUND DANCE •CLOGGING RECORDS We also have records that are hard to find and have been listed as not available.


P.O. BOX 17668 1835 SO. BUCKNER DALLAS TEXAS 75217-0668 214 / 398-7508

American Squaredance, August 1993 67 grezza, Evergreen, CO, Chuck Rice, St. Pe- Handicapable Dancers was accepted by the tersburg, FL. USDA as an integral part of the national They will all be attending Caller's Col- organization. leges taught by highly-qualified caller The USDA Handicapable Committee coaches during the summer of 1993. works to assure that handicapped dancers New and experienced callers may apply have an opportunity to enjoy square dancing. for this scholarship next year by requesting The committee coordinates the dissemina- an application in May, 1994. tion of information concerning other groups which serve the disabled. Through the creation of the USDA Handi- USDA HANDICAPABLE capable Dancers Committee, the USDA is COMMITTEE very proud to have taken the initial step in The idea of a HANDICAPABLE COM- recognizing that a place exists for handicapa- MITTEE was formed in 1983 at the National ble dancers within the square dance move- Square Dance convention in Louisville, KY. ment. A handicapable square dance club from Pen- For additional handicapable dancer infor- sacola, Florida had just finished their exhibi- mation contact the Cochairmen of the USDA tion and Frank & Nancy Cherry, Caller for COMMITTEE FOR HANDICAPABLE the Pensacola Special Steppers, and Mac & DANCERS. Chieko MacKenzie, club President, had the Mac & Chieko MacKenzie, P.O. Box 280, opportunity to observe a wheelchair club per- Gulf Breeze, FL 32562, (904)923-6367. form the intricate movements of square danc- Frank & Nancy Cherry, 257 Man-O-War Cir- ing. cle, Cantonment, FL 32533, (904)478-0754 Recognizing the fact that there is a place within the square dance movement for the handicapped and disabled, the Committee for

Svaerite Dawce Peaterotd, Following brands in stock for immediate shipment: AUTHENTIC, C & C ORIGINAL, KWIK SEW, RUFFLE COLLECTION & FANN BURRUS

sm.r.vadeited el: i, & ( 1411f Jacket back has Club Name, Square Dance Figures, City & State Club Towels can have either Club Name or Square Dance Figure. Enclose $1.00 for catalog.

Name. Address: City, State, Zip Toth& cD Thoduchon, Dv. 4110 Willow Ridge Road #SD Douglasville, Georgia 30135 (404) 949 -3648 C-411,9

68 American Squaredance, August 1980 USDA EDUCATION PROGRAM vals, Club Specials, regular dance nights, LEADERSHIP EDUCATION classes, after parties, etc. To make these square dance events happen requires the ap- quare dancing has become a very impor- propriate knowledge, skill and attitude. How Stant form of recreation to many people in does an individual obtain these three attrib- all walks of life. It has to compete with a great utes? Universities and colleges provide the number of other forms of entertainment necessary education for people entering the available to the average person today. The business world, but how about the square success of any club, area, state or national dance world? association can be directly attributed to the USDA has compiled and developed many competence of its management or leadership. information sheets related to square dance Moreover, it is not just the expertise of the leadership; club operations; club manage- leaders of the higher organizations, but the ment; duties and responsibilities of leaders, expertise of all levels from committees of a callers, delegates, members; code of ethics; club to the top leaders of the national and good listening; checklist for club functions & international association. All of us are either responsibilities; why have organizations; at- in a leadership position now or will soon be tributes of leaders; good leadership; ten com- approached for a position of leadership at mandments of human relations; club some level within the square dance activity. announcements; club newsletters; meeting Therefore, everyone should know something agenda; caller contracts; ideal club atmos- about leadership. Likewise, things do not just phere; fun ideas; seminar subjects; recruiting happen in the wonderful world of square new dancers; the class plan; typical class dancing, they are brought about and made to plan; answers to questions people often ask; happen! Examples: National Square Dance why join a club; why do we lose dancers; plan Convention, State Conventions, Area Festi- to keep dancers; contributions to a no-fun club; and others. These items have been suc-



Callerlab PROGRAM VIDEOS approved' Eiroedcast ousels BASIC Featunng BETSY GOTTA video tapes. Filmed SECOND HALF Caller 27 years Member in television studio, unostwnients 26-50) Board 01 Governors. leoluting method 95 Callerlab shots. $A0 MAINSTREAM PLUS (Calledab sequence 51-671 ,27 movements) Outsde 1, S add 510 Speoly "Payable or U.S. Dollar, ' $3995 Check or MO onty $4995 • .98, MOO Tti Eisen inc Add S3 50 postage and handling N J res add 6% sales tax 111- MEM ON MI MO ON EN SE MN MI MIMM MMI M= Please specify BASIC MAINSTREAM D PLUS 0 VHS C, BETA Mail check or money order to:

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Amencan Squaredanoe August 1993 69 cessfully utilized in many USDA "Leader- MIKESIDE MANAGEMENT ship." "Recruiting and Keeping Dancers," by Stun & Cathie Burdick "the Organization" and "Square Dance Fun" seminars. The USDA Education Committee is pres- ently working to develop educational Infor- mation Sheets and Pamphlets for use by the dance community. For more information MON ft--iL Y NOTE SERVICE about the USDA Education Program or sin- FOR CALLERS gle copies of the existing information sheets, COMMENTARY CHOREO AND SKILL TIPS please contact the USDA Education Chair- WRITE. 5 & C BURDICK PO BOX 2678 man and specify the subject of the articles you SILVER BAY, NY 12874 desire. Joe & DeAnn Hutchinson, CHAIRMAN, ATTENTION..ATTENTION..ATTENTION USDA EDUCATION COMMITTEE, Rt. 2, New Monthly Note Service For The Box 469, Salina, OK 74365 (918)479-6117 Callers Who Care Follow the Leaders "JOHN'S NOTES" LEGACY ELECTS by John & Linda Saunders HARDY & KATHRYN NIXON Choreo Basic - C-1, Singing Call Review, Contra's, Lines, Partners Review and Much, Hardy and Kathyryn Nixon have been Much More .. 30 YEARS of calling experience square dancing since 1956 and round dancing to share. Don't delay since 1971. They have served in many ca- Write for FREE SAMPLE 101 pacities in both their square dance club and Cedar Dunes, New Smyma Beach, FL 32169 round dance club, including serving as presi- Telephone: 904-428-1496 dents twice for each club. They are presently serving as Vice President of their square THE RED ROCK RAMBLERS, LYONS, CO. dance club. From 1977 to 1990, they served 35th Summer Season of Saturday Square Dances Welcome - Rounds 7:45pm: Squares 8:15-11pm on the Board of Directors of the Georgia State Mainstream: Every 3rd & last Tip-Plus $3.7517.00 Square Dancers Association and were elected SATURDAYS: Always a Great Dance in 'Cool' Lyons, CO presidents of this organization for 1981- Aug 7 Dave Kenney, AZ 1982. While serving on the Georgia State 14 Dan Seely, CO Jul 31 -- Sep 5 Board of Directors, they participated as pan- 21 Art Tangen, NM Lyons Elem. (4th & Snckney 28 Dee Dee Dougherty, MN elists on Mini-Legacy seminars throughout the State of Georgia, and also have partici- Sep 4 John Kwaiser Camping & Into: Bob Kendall, CO 303-823-6692 pated in educational programs at state and Great Callers & Cuers Good SUN 5 John Kwaiser (PLUS) Sound: Good Floor national conventions. 2-5pm Sunday Their hobbies include camping and boat- 35th Whing Ding Lots ol Fun a Falowship ing and, of course, square and round dancing. Weekend Squats Dancing In Lyons, CO Hardy enjoys fishing and hunting and wood- working. Kathryn loves to sew and makes most of her square dance clothes. She also Mike's Records enjoys crafts and helps Hardy design and paint some of his woodoworking projects. 9356 Natick Avenue Hardy and Kathryn became trustees in 0 Q North Hills, California 91343 LEGACY, International in 1985 and were 0 (818)894-5621 elected to the LEGACY Board of Directors in 1989. They were Program Chairman of Square Dance - Round Dance - Clogging LEGACY's Biennial meeting in 1991 and Orders shipped daily Unbeatable Prices were elected Vice Chairmen of LEGACY for We Carry All Labels Unbeatable Selection 1992-1993. At the May, 1993, LEGACY Bi- Monthly Tape Service Unbeatable Service ennial Meeting, they were elected Chairman of LEGACY for 1993-1995. The Country's Most Competiue Prices! 70 American Squaredance, August 1993 THE HERITAGE AWARD Stan was one of the three founders of n May, 1993 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada LEGACY, which is composed of people Iat the regular biennial meeting of LEG- from all aspects of the square dancing world ACY International, Stan and Cathie Burdick - including, but not limited to - dancers, call- received the extremely prestigious Heritage ers, cuers, teachers, editors, publishers, Award. In its twenty year history, LEGACY manufacturers and merchants of attire, as has granted this award on only one other well as music and sound equipment. occasion. LEGACY is committed to the solving of To receive the Heritage Award Stan and problems within our activity and to the con- Cathie Burdick were found to have given tinued communication between all different unselfishly for the betterment, promotion and aspects of the square dance world and was preservation of the square dance movement also established to teach the rudiments of as required for the nomination for this award. leadership through seminars to potential and They are well known as the former editors actual club, association, council and federa- and publishers of American Square Dance tion officers in a continuing desire to help magazine. They have been deeply involved promote, progress and organize square danc- in many ways and in many square dance ing. organizations over the years - CALLER- The Burdicks were Executive Secretary of LAB, ROUNDALAB, LEGACY - calling, LEGACY for a time and are immediate past publishing and square dance marketing. Stan Chairman of the organization. They served as has been on CALLERLAB Board of Gover- Program Chairman for this most recent bien- nors for several years and they are presently nial meeting. publishing and editing a caller note service Stan and Cathie were recipients of the entitled MIKESIDE MANAGEMENT. "Silver Spur" award from SIO in 1979 and CALLERLAB's highest award, the "Mile-

Tril • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Most Complete Square Dance Catalog Service NOXIORNSSMaSPRtifr' • COOL COMFORT! A Refreshing new Black and White skirt and blouse lust in time for 'Cool Summer Comfort!' Sryle 13-105 White Eyelet Blouse of 65/35 washable poly/cotton. Eyelet yoke. sleeves and ruffle with eyelet edging around yoke. Button • -Cool front. Cool and comfortable! White only. Sizes -M L• XL 534.00 • comfort- Style B-411 Always • great style! Dropped waist triple ruffle skirt with elasticized waistband Each ruffle edged with delicate lace trim. Very full and completely washable. Color: Black with white trim Sizes' S-M•L-XL 558.00 SAVE 55.00-Order As A Set-2-pc. Set-557.00

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Send 14.00 for a copy of our complete Square Dance Appian:Ca:dog including • Spring & Fall SupplasneoL Will be refunded with your first order. P. 0. Box 2340 Fairfax, Virginia 22031-0340 (703) 323-9572 (800) 627-0412 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

American Squaredance, August 1993 71 stone" award in 1992. The Trustees of LEG- foods and plenty of willing workers to make ACY are proud to honor them with their the event run smoothly. highest award. 144 dancers came from miles around. Some folks came from as far as .100 miles The CARNIVAL OF MUSIC AND away to share in the great time and dancing. DANCE is holding their first musical ex- The best part of all is that this generous travaganza in San Jose, California, Amer- group raised a total of $750.00 for the Habitat ica's eleventh largest city, this coming New for Humanity group. When it comes to a Year's weekend at the Red Lion Hotel, Holi- worthy cause, our square dancers have very day Inn, and two ballrooms in the Civic Cen- big hearts!! ter Auditorium Complex. Submitted by Ward & Judy Kortz, There will be thirty bands playing in ten Dockside Square Dance Club of Holland, MI locations featuring Country Western, Big Band, Dixieland, Zydeco Klesmer and Blue Grass music. Barbershop Quartets, Sweet OREGON 'N' MORE IN '94! Adelines, Fiddlers Association, Children TOUR SCENIC OREGON Music Ensembles, , Exhibition Ballroom Dancers, Line Dancers, Cloggers, he Special Events Committee is offering Keen Country Dancers and others will enter- Ta variety of reasonably priced tours for tain during band breaks. visitors to the 43rd National Convention. Benefits go to collecting, repairing and From Portland to the Oregon Coast, from the recycling unused music instruments to handi- Oregon wine country to Crater Lake National capped youth, musically inclined kids, sup- Park, you will be able to see some of the most port youth bands and set up music beautiful parts of our state in half-day, full- workshops. day, and 4-day bus tours. For more information write to Carnival of A highlight of any stay in Portland is a city Music and Dance, 10 El Paso Place, Salinas, tour. Offered every morning and afternoon CA 93901 or phone (800)959-4028. Dona- from Wednesday, June 22 through Saturday, tions of unused musical instruments may be June 25, this 3-hour guided tour will take you sent to the same address. all around the city. Your first stop will be Washington Park and the International Rose Gardens. The roses will be at their peak of HABITAT FOR HUMANITY bloom in late June, and you will have ample he Western Michigan Area square danc- time to stroll through the gardens, enjoying Ters met at the Grand Haven, Michigan the flowers and the view of the city and Mt. YMCA on Saturday, June 19, 1993, to raise Hood. You will then visit the historic Pittock funds for the Tri-Cities Area HABITAT FOR Mansion, with its turn-of-the-century decor HUMANITY cause. Jim & Elaine Griswold and a view of the city. You will travel through headed up the business end of the dance and the downtown business and shopping dis- arranged for the 102 donated raffle prizes. trict, past Waterfront Park, the Willamette The following callers and cuers donated their River and many other sites as you return to services at the mike: Cures: Lois Passage the Convention Center. The cost of the tour (Fremont, MI), and Beth Luna (Muskegon, is $18.00 and includes your admissions into MI). Callers: Gordy Baldus (Coopersville, Washington Park and Pittock Mansion. Stop MI), Charlie Benkert (Nunica, MI), Jay by the Oregon registration booth at St. Louis Bruischat (Holland, MI), Mary Christensen to find out about other tours being offered, (Marcellus, MI), Jack Cook (Wayland, MI), and get ready to sight-see all around beautiful Ann DeBow (Mecosta, MI), Emcees Ron & Oregon! i/ Lin DeWaard (Holland, MI), Roger Nichols (Wyoming, MI), Dick Passage (Fremont, MI), Johnnie Quinn (Ludington, MI) and C.J.(Jr.) Searles (Sheridan, MI). Habitat volunteers and ladies from the Grand Haven, Michigan Methodist Church circles provided a smorgasbord of finger 72 American Square:lance, August 1993 lE Ira 40 CO Jr Ile by Mary Fabik FROM PAST ISSUES Of This Challenge program, starting with the Trail- 25 YEARS AGO JULY 1968 End dance Wednesday night with wall to wall Advanced dancers and well over 100 SQUARE DANCE magazine was not squares in attendance. published June through September, 1968. Jerry Junck, from Carroll, NE., who has been calling since 1965 is featured in TEN YEARS AGO "Steal A Peek." A member of Callerlab AUGUST 1983 since 1976, Jerry calls for four clubs regu- larly and teaches three classes a year. His We have heard almost all our leadership basic philosophy is that "Square Dancing say that we should be putting more empha- is Fun." "You'll Be Back" was the singing sis on smoother dancing. This is impossi- call topping the list of favorites in Jerry's ble unless we have smoother calling, record case. reports Dick Leger. Neither is possible without the proper PULSE POLL: 1. Spin Chain & Ex- use of music! We need to commit ourselves change The Gears. 2. to bring music to the forefront again and to Relay The Gears. 3. Shadow To A Dia- start teaching our callers of tomorrow how mond. 4. Patch. 5. Ripple. to call to the music. Music is the key for this to happen, just NEW IDEA: Trap A Diamond/a Line/a as it has been the key to all dancing. Wave/the Set. By Phil Kozlowski. Russ and Nancy Nichols, authors of Challenge Chatter report the 32nd National FINISH LINE: "You can make more Square Dance Convention in Louisville, friends in two months becoming interested KY, wound up with 30,902 dancers. Russ in other people than you can in two years and Hilda Harris and their committee did a by trying to get other people interested in superb job in handling the Advanced and you"...Dale Carnegie V


RANDOM SOUND, INC. Oscar & Shirley Johnson 7317 Harriet Ave., S , Minneapolis MN 55423 612-869-9501 Bus. - 612-869.6168 Res.

American Squaredance, August 1993 73 YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARLIN' 4-BAR-B 6121 Caller: Lee Main FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, do sa do, swing thru, girls fold, peel the top, right & left thru, square thru 3/4, swing corner, prom. CAJUN BAYOU BLUES CIRCLE D 269 Caller: Dean Crowell BLUE SUEDE BLUES FIGURE: Heads promenade 1/2, square thru 4, CHAPARRAL 630 right & left thru, veer left ferris wheel, square thru Caller: Ken Bower 3/4, swing & peom. FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, square thru HONKY TONK WALKING 4, right & left thru, veer left, ferris wheel, left square CIRCLE D 260 thru 3/4, swing corner, promenade. Caller: Andy Petrere BE MY ANGEL-HI HAT 6154 FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, right hand star full Caller: Tom Miller turn, heads star left to corner, touch 1/4, scootback, FIGURE: Heads promenade 1/2, square thru 4, boys run, pass thru, chase right, corner swing, right & left thru, veer left, ferns wheel, square thru prom. 3/4, swing and promenade. SEMINOLE WIND WON'T YOU WEAR MY RING GRAND 302 DJ RECORDS 105 Caller: Kevin Robinson Caller: Joe Saltel FIGURE: Heads square 4, dosado corner, swing FIGURE: Heads promenade 1/2, sides nght & left thru, boys run, bend the line, right & left thru, thru, square thru 4, dosado, 8 chain four, swing flutterwueel, slide thru, corner swing, prom. corner & promenade. RING AROUND YOUR NECK SUGAR BLUES-BLUE RIBBON 271 GRAND 202 Caller: Bill Stone Caller: Jimmy Robison FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, corner do sa do, FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, dosado, swing thru, touch 1/4, walk & dodge, partner trade, right & left spin the top, right & left thru, square thru 3/4, swing thru, pass the ocean, recycle, pass to the center, corner, prom. pass thru, touch 1/4, scoot back, scoot back, swing WINGS OF A DOVE corner & promenade. ROYAL 804 I'LL GET ALONG SOMEHOW Caller: Randy Dougherty BIG MAC 141 FIGURE: Four ladies chain across, heads prome- Caller: Ron Mineau nade 1 /2, lead right, circle to a line, star thru, 8 chain FIGURE: Heads square thru four, right & left thru, three, swing corner, prom. touch 1/4, split circulate, boys run, right & left thru, LET'S ALL GO DOWN TO THE RIVER dixie style to a wave, trade the wave, swing corner, ROYAL 609 prom. Caller: Larry Letson RAMBLIN' ROSE FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, do sa do, swing BIG MAC 139 thru, spin the top, right & left thru, roll away 1 /2 Caller: Jeanne Briscoe sashay, star thru Calif. twirl, swing corner, prom. FIGURE: Head ladies chain right, turn 'em, send PEACE TO THE WORLD-ROYAL 312 'em back dixie style to a wave, girls circulate, swing corner, left allemande, weave the ring, do sa do, Callers: Jerry Story/Tony Oxendine FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, do sa do, swing prom. thru, boys run, tag the line, cloverleaf, girls square LOVE'S GOT A HOLD ON YOU thru 3/4, swing the corner, prom. JO PAT 236 OKLAHOMA HILLS Caller: Joe Porritt CHAPARRAL 716 FIGURE: Heads promenade 1/2, square thru 4, Caller: Marshall Flippo right & left thru, veer left, ferris wheel, touch 1/4, box FIGURE: Heads promenade 1/2, square thru 4, circulate twice, swing corner, prom. right & left thru, veer left, circulate, 1/2 tag, scoot KANSAS CITY back, swing corner, prom. ESP 906 PENNIES FROM HEAVEN Caller: Steve Kopman CHAPARRAL 816 FIGURE: Heads square thru 4, do sa do, swing Caller: Scott Smith thru, spin the top, right & left thru, square thru 3/4, FIGURE: Heads promenade 1/2, 2 & 4 right & left corner swing, prom. thru, square thru 3/4, separate around one make a ASTRO/CHASE line, star thru, zoom, centers square thru 3/4, swing ROYAL 406 corner, prom. Hoedown 74 Amencan Squaredance, August 1983 and Lancers were the weekend fare. Contra Callers were Leif Hetland and Clark Elliott. Rounds were cued by Ail- lene Elliott. Special features were a Western BBQ and an after party on Sat- urday night M.C.'d by Anna Lee Hetland. The weekend provided Contra enthusi- asts within the western square dance INTERNATIONAL NEWS activity the opportunity to get together for I a weekend of Contras and Rounds. The WESTERN CONTRA weekend was declared a success by par- ticipants and leaders alike and plans are May 21,22,23, 1993. Fifty one enthusi- under way for the "Second annual astic contra dancers and leaders gath- WESTERN CONTRA DANCE WEEK- ered in Idyllwild, California for the "First END." Submitted by Leif Hetland, Cherry Annual WESTERN CONTRA DANCE Valley, CA. WEEKEND." Activities began on Friday afternoon and ended on Sunday after- NATIONAL noon. Dancing, housing and meals all ADVANCED & CHALLENGE took place on the campus of the mile high SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts (I.S.O.M.A.T.A.) in the beautiful San Jac- The 27th National Advanced and Chal- into mountains two hours driving time lenge Square Dance Convention was from Los Angeles and San Diego. West- held in Louisville, KY this past June. 1500 ern Contra and Round Dancing with ses- dancers from 40 states, 3 Canadian sions on Traditional Contras, Quadrilles, Provinces, England, Germany, Japan

LENGTH AND WAIST ADJUSTABLE PETTICOAT MESQUITE SHIRTS SO YARD DOUBLE LAYER 65% poly PS% mune Coknrs: %lute. Red, Rork/ Blue, It Blue, Dusty To make it...oiler Jaw MON the brow, Rome, Black, Broom, bimy, Lilec, Yellow, PrIk. POSICt, over on Or elastic To mail ., sAorter Paseo& Blue, Grey, per renew 'simnel elmtk and bhp info Sam 15-17 1/2 527.95 moth., oeve welt or two inches below . &or 18-19 133.94 1542 NYLON ORGANDY S42.S5 SDK pely/J*14 masa 11512 SOFT CHIFFON $311.116 Cobra: Whke/Whke, CrtarnCream. I0644114.Blue 1500 CRYSTAL par ar• awe MATCHING PETTIPANTS 1110.00 Sam 15.17112 521.95 p Hopmcwoci Persia A Primpere ookn, Mum Red, Bleck, Navy, LL Yale* I i Saar 18-19 534.105 Pen, LL Bthe, Nantral, Woe, Awe. Lan, Purple, RoyaL Kdly, D. RANGER PANTS 111211.95 mob • I ill IL• •• ILMIN ma • WI Row„ Mn, Pocock Blue, Rasbeny, Jule, Peach Berson Wawa, Snap Pocket • linialnainiummiltaillit• Sae: 1582 .PSML 115928500 - P S M L IMPS Poly: Colors Burgundy, Whim VICKI Low an trauma' vamp, 2 to Kelly Green Ten Meek, Ran Lt OrtY, Der9 Ch‘7, covered leacher heel, top grain leather Royal, Navy, Duey Rom Powder Blue, Brown . uppers, fully lined self acb, tuck*, chrome Son 28, 29, 33, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 3* 37. 38 40, 42, split leather mu:roles, nee thank, full heel 44, 46, 48 countess, round toe. Colors/Skew 65% Poly/33% Corks= Coiner Whet, Grey, BM* Black. M 5-11,N 6-9,W 6-10 Nmy, Brown. Blue, Wheel VICKI $43.50 Red. M 6.91/2, N 7-9, W 6 1/2 -9 CHEYENNE Full leacher upper A brims Square M 6-10, W 7.10 dance & crud deem for men Sorel thank, Kluge. M 5-11, N 6-10 1/2W 5 1/2.10 cushion mole, crepe °nook A heel. Eureonely HI-STEPPER -r strap flet AS glove comfortable. Colon Black, What, Brown. Bone, ° Z111 Saes M 7.13, W 7.13 lecher uppers. elk Dub cosh gull cushon CHEYENNE MSS insoles dm soll make waking or danong • MR. STOMPER & MS. STOMPER plewsure. Tye shoe • absolutely new an Ormc ha Style Oxfod, unlined glove leather commotion A comfort. Sixes N M W 5-11 upper, wood nee .N oompmeon Colors Bkick. Mute, Red $39.95. whole. Gnat shoe for ckisrss tap, round IS-STEPPER Sther/Gokt $43 95 thrseing or Whom. MAJESTIC The uksmais n comfort. M. demi 51 2-14 (6.1 1 inch tialf nue) A Tnelabonal sty*, I' heel, glove leather upper. W 7-13 (1•11 with half sem} Colon: Black * fully trical kneel chrome leather Whs.. outwit. Colors White A Black M 4-12, Lahr Mem 5.10N (AA), 4-10M (13) STOMPERS MN N 5-12 W 5.10, Red.514.10, W 5.10, 4.10W (D) Half sum mailable Color White MAJESTIC $42.16 White only: S 6-10 CURRENT CATALCO - $1.00 TO ORDER: Stake style, mike, um and price, send with your tome, oddest Western Squares, Intl. cry, ware, up and telephone number. Rare odd 05.00 for Wowing end 6820 OrMida • SL Lam, MO 63116 V tunas's Amain comomen Orme add 5.T2511 min tn. Pas* nipann (314) 353-7230 lil plus add 56.00 per Ram Cam* Hawaii A Atka resident. odd 53.00 per icon. Allow 3-4 Weeks. for Delivery •••••;;iart CHARGE PURCHASE& Send card number, maw poised on ad and 408 expratson due of rand VISA and MASTERCARD accepted

American Squaredance August 1993 75 and Sweden attended the three-day Marina Civic Center in Manna, California. event. Half of the dancers were present We are happy and proud to report that for the Wednesday night Trail-End over $1,700 dollars were raised at this Dance and Thursday morning Non-Staff event which was sponsored by the Tri- Caller Dance. Club clubs; Sage Stompers, Doe Sa Dancing was held in the Common- Does and Dudes & Taw Twirlers. With wealth Convention Center in downtown our help, the Manna Fire Fighters are Louisville with five halls of continuous now in possession of the "Jaws of Life" dancing: A-2, C-1, C-2, C-3A, C-3B and rescue tool. Our Club callers, Vic Kaaria, also a part-time C-4 hall. Lou Auria and Herold Fleeman, who do- Staff Callers were Ed Foote, Dave nated their time and talents kept dancers Hodson, Ross Howell, Mike Jacobs, Lee on the floor continuously with all levels of Kopman, Steve Kopman, Ron Libby, Ben square dancing. Rounds and line dances Rubright, Anne Uebelacker and Dave were cued by Claudine Auria. Wlson. Associate Callers participating Thank you Callers and thank you during the Convention were Saundra dancers from near and far who donated. Bryant, Vic Ceder, Dave Lightly, Norm Thank you Vicky Lewis and Astrid Lang Poisson and Tim Scholl. Callers are se- for getting the most pledges and ladies lected by vote of the dancers at the pre- who donated baked goods for the silent ceding year's Convention. Nine cake auction. additional callers participated in a special Amongst distinguished guests from Non-Staff Caller dance. the City of Marina were Mayor Edith John and Glayds Clark, formerly of Johnston, Councilwoman Linda Homing, Dayton, Ohio and how living in Sarasota, members of the police and fire depart- Florida were recognized for being the ments Brad Hinckly and Karl Kline. Tri- only couple to have attended all 27 Con- Club committee members Billy & Astrid ventions. Lang, Dave & Penny Prier, Elmo Griffith Herb & Monica Seitz, chairmen of the and Glenn Low were in charge of the dancers' Advisory Board, stated in the event. Submitted by Astrid Lang Convention program book that the NACC is unique in many ways: 1. Most of the The Prairie Shuffler Square and top names in Advanced and Challenge Round Dance Club, Tri-Cities, Wash- are present as Staff Callers; 2. It is the ington, hosted thirteen German student only Convention which allows dancers to and their coordinator/chaperone April 22, vote on Staff Callers for the following 1993. The students were introduced to year; 3. It is the only convention which American Square, Round and Line Danc- uses an advisory board of dancers to ing. help make decisions of importance to its The German and American students success; 4. It is the only convention are members of the German American which allows for the programming of call- Partnership Program and travel to the ers not on staff, thereby recognizing up- others' country to learn about life in that coming and on-going talent. The 28th Convention will be held in the air-conditioned Pavilion Convention Center in Virginia Beach, VA. June 16- 18, 1994, with a Trail-End Dance June 15. For information write; Ed & Marilyn Foote, 140 McCandless Dr., Wexford, PA 15090

JAWS OF LIFE "SQUARE-DANCE-A- THON" to benefit the Marina Volunteer Fire Department Rescue Tool Fund was held on Sunday, June 13, 1993 at the

76 Amencan Squat-edam*, August 1993 country. The square, round and line coordinator and Kay Dubois, seated on dance night is one of the highlights of the floor at the right, was the American their trip of the U.S. program coordinator. Submitted by Floyd Mr. Helmut Mutschler, pictured at the W. Gates V left (with the beard), was the German

KALOX-Veeca-Longhorn 41; NEW ON KALOX: K-1325 What It Means To Be Blue, Flip/Inst. by John Saunders Harmony-John Saunders & Elmer Sheffield Jon Ken Croft/ Jones RECENT RELEASES ON KALOX: Elena de Zordo K-1322 Can't Stop Now, Flip/lnst by Jon Jones K-1323 MoJo/Dandy, Hoedown, Harmony by Ray Savell LONGHORN: POPULAR RELEASES STILL AVAILABLE RECENT RELEASES LH-193 Freedom LH-138 Two Timin' Blues VAI LH-144 Bailin' The Jack LH-194 Fire Ball Mail LH-1022 GoodnIghtlittle Girl NEW ROUNDS ON BELCO: John B-414-A Bon Bon 5-Count Two-step by Ken Croft & Elena de Zordo Richard & JoAnne Lawson Saunders 1. Music only; 2. Cues by Jac Von der Heide B-414-B So Long Deane Two-Step by Brian & Sharon Bassett 1. Music only; 2. Cues by Brian Bassett

RECENT RELEASES ON BELCO: B-398 Manhattan/honolulu Hana-hou NEW ON CROW: C-002 Oklahoma Hills, Flip/Inst. by Bill Crowson C-001 Calendar Girl, Flip/Inst. by Bill Crowson Bill Bill & Virginia Crowson Tracy 2832 Live Oak Dr. Mesquite TX 75150

WESTERN SQUARES DANCE RANCH BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA Club Dances & Workshops Every Week Night Specials Featuring Top national Callers Wood Floor — Alr Conditioned — Apparel Shop

RESIDENT CALLER: ANDY PETRERE CO—OWNER & PRODUCER CIRCLE D RECORDS For Information, Write or Call: Andy & Aigle Petrere 6451 Oak Cluster Dr. • Greenwell Springs LA 70739 • Phone (504) 261-6143

American Squaredance, August 1093 77 SPICY HOT BLACK-EYED PEAS 3 Slices Bacon 1 17 oz. can black-eyed peas 1 16oz. can whole tomatoes, undrained & chopped 1 cup chopped onion 1 large green pepper, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1/2 teaspoon curry powder 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper Chopped, fresh parsley

Cook bacon slices in a large skillet until crisp. Remove bacon; crumble and set aside. Stir next 11 ingredients into bacon drippings in skillet; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour mixture into serving dish; sprinkle bacon and parsley over top. Yield: 6 servings. YUMYUMYUMYUMYUMYUMYUMYUMYUMYUM

eNktki tide°


drizirsaLE tge sciriating _mo • yr.z.vz in :_r- avrrcix 11 DAYS / 10 NITES 3 ISLA/s1D. TOUR AND MANY EXTRAS! 1111 CALLERS: NAAMAN3106itEHOUSE ROCKISLAND> IL MEL LITER LEXINGTON, KY ROUND DANCE CUER _JIM I14cNAMEE HILO, HAWAI I For more information contact: Bill Yoeman (808) 968-6091HilOIHavraii Naaman MooreHouse (309)4:798-524l I Mel Liter (606) 26676598MY. SATO Travel "Sandy": 1.-800-780286

78 American Squaredance, August 1993 ",1) aitobty min °it, Me lays"


Les Gotcher The King of Hash Releases his Autobiography!

My long awaited (I had to live a long a time before I could write it) autobiography, "Dancing Among the Stars " is soon to go to press. This autobiography is a history of the 20th Century, as well as a history of Western Style Dancing as we know it today. I have lived in all ten decades of the twentieth century, having been born in the first , and now here we are in the tenth! The autobiography starts with my earliest memories of sitting on my father's shoulders and watching the first airplane ever to fly across the country; how I became interested in square dance calling as a child; my early years as a cowboy and rodeo bronc rider; how I finally came to be a full time square dance caller and the troubles that followed my attempts to enact changes in Square Dancing. I wanted to move it out of the barn, with a jug around every corner and see it get the recognition it deserved. So I made it as public as I could, bringing it to night clubs and hotels, rodeos and public events. I taught paraplegics to dance in their wheel chairs and eventually I began choreographing period dances for movies. I worked with such stars as Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, Barbara Stanwyck, Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones, Van Johnson, Van Heflin, Eleanor Powell, Red Skelton and Ray Milland. I even worked with Nancy Davis, who is Nancy Reagan today. This naturally caused some conflict, as changes in anything often do. The amount of conflict I ran into however, was astounding. An entire organization, the Southern California Caller's Association, was apparently organized as a means of stopping me from bringing about the changes I eventually wrought in the Western Style Dancc movement. I'm fmally coming out with the entire story of my battle with Lloyd & Ray Shaw. How it was their personal persecution of me, that challenged me to "outdo 'em all," and led me to develop sight calling. This meaty book (over 300 pages) tells Les Gotcher's whole story for the first time!

To order your preproduction, autographed copy of: "Dancing A mang the Stars," mail the following to: Les Gotcher, 1333 Wailuku Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Send me autographed copies of Dancing Among the Stars, for only $29.95 per copy plus $3.00 shipping and handling. (Hawaii residents add 4% sales tax.) Make check or Money Order to: Les Gotcher. NOTE: This is a special preproduction offer for a limited, autographed first edition. This offer will not be repeated. Allow up to 3 months for delivery.

Arrencan Sgustedanos August 1993 79 A NEW LINE OF FASHIONS Mail Orders Available from these shops

ALABAMA HAWAII BEtANTLEY'S WESTERN SUPPLY & FUN FASHIONS FROM FLORENCE DANCE APPAREL RR 3 Boo 125 Pahoa HI 96778 RP2 Hwy 35 Section AL 35771 on the Bp Island, 808-966.7376 1-800-828-8091 EntoehIng for the SA? OanCei inc 'FREE' Marl Order Catalog liawagan-made Rem II Bed A Breakfast ty reservations only Mte CALIFORNIA DORIS'S Crystal Magic Petticoats KANSAS NEW YORK 8331 Pinecrest Drms Bit SA) a WESTERN WEAR Redwood Valley CA 95470 637 E 47th SI. S . Wichita KS SAY RANCH WEST. SID STORE 1-803-468-6423 2 bk. W of 1-35 Tmk. Exl 42 109-111 S Main St (315-668-2644) Free Swatches. Flyers 316-522-6670. Closed SunMon Central Square NY 13036 Al New First Use Apparel Complete Western & SA) Store CAROL'S COUNTRY CORNER Catalog ST Credited on tst Order 21932 Shoentorn St SHEPLEFIS WESTERN WEAR CATALOG Canoga Park, CA 91304 Worlds largest selection of Boot. Jeans, Into NORTH CAROLINA 818-347-1207 Sults. Drosses and Aesssones Call 1-800-242-6640 CIRCLE W SA FASHIONS for your FREE catalog Give operator Code 703, or Don & Jack* Means SHERRY'S DANCE STORE err Seeplers, Dept 703 PO Boa 7702, Moeda 193 Wonery Rd (Phone 919-327-3337) 2468 Almaden Road KS 67277 Snarls Ferry NC 28460 San Jose CA 95125 Mall Semces-MasterCard-VISA (408) 267-2333 LOUISIANA Complete Line of SO Apparel JANET'S SA SHOPPS OHIO 1956 Cherokee Or TERRI'S WESTERN FASHIONS SQUARE 0 FASHIONS Lake Charles LA 70511 (Formerly IA & H Western Fashion) 5821 Auburn Blvd Ste 5 (318)855-4470 13002 Loran Ave Sacramento, CA 95841-120 7 Member NA-SRDS. Visa & MC Cleaveland OH 44111 916-344-0346 216-671-5165 or 600-553-9761 MAINE COLORADO WHEEL AND DEAL SHOP INC. OAKLAHOMA S/0 RECORD ROUNDUP RI 115 Yarmouth Rd LOWELL'S PLACE en Main 957 Sherdan Blvd Gray ME 04039 119 West Win Denver, CO 80 214 207-657-3412 Moore OK 73160-5105 Phone 303-238-4810 Catalog $2 Refund with 1st Order Apparel 405-799-5602 Just outside OK City & with the trip Phone Orders Welcome MARYLAND FLORIDA ANDES SA) A WESTERN APPAREL PENNSYLVANIA OXBOW 8/0 SHOP 2109 Liberty Rd (30 1-79 5-08 08) FABIAN'S WESTERN WEAR 8650 491h St N Eldersburg MO 21784 Square Dance Apparel Pinellas Park FL 34 666 Catalogue Available — S2 18th & Jefferson Sts 813-54 1-5 700 Credited on First Order Lewisburg PA 17837 Phone 1-717-523-6280 Everything the dancer needs MICHIGAN JENNIFER SHOES RUTHAD (313-841-0586) TEXAS 917 Brooahlls Dr 8869 Avis THE CATCHALL Cantonment, FL 32533 Detroit MI 48209 1813 Ninth 904-9684415 Prettier, perks WA-oats & Wichita Falls TX 76301 Clogging A Ballroom Shoes pantalettes Square & Round Dance Regalia Immediate Mail Order Service ILLINOIS NEW MEXICO SQUARE DANCE ATTIRE JEANETTE'S ORIGINALS CIRCLES 4 SQUARES INC. 7215 W Irving Park Road 4017 Central Ave NE 9047 Garland Rd Chicago IL 60634 Albuquerque NM 87108 Dallas TX 75218 505-255-8961 214-328-8684 INDIANA SAD Apparel & Monogramming BEV'S SQUARE DANCE & WEST MINNESOTA VIRGINIA 112 Depot Si SKYLINE Sit) SHOP Auburn IN 46 706 9 Skyline Dr. 507-345-1900 TRIPLE R 'a CATALOG SERVICE 219-925-8818 or 925-0639 Mankato MN 56001 PO Box 2340 24-bour Phone Service Member ol PLASRDS Fairies, VA 22031 We welcome marl ordersi 1.800-627-0412

80 American Squaredance, August 1993 TIMING'S THE THING: (RT. HAND LADY PROGRESSION)



FOR THE MODULAR CALLER: THE BASIC PROGRAM Static Square: Heads right & left thru, Runs: pass thru, separate around one & into the Zero Line: touch 1/4, boys run, centers middle, pass thru, (zero box = square square thru 3/4, outsides partner trade, thru). do sa do, star thru, cross trail thru, LA. Zero Box: Swing thru, ends circulate, Static Square: Heads pass thru, sepa- single hinge, scoot back, walk & dodge, rate around one to a line, pass thru, U partner trade, (zero line). turn back, touch 1/4, boys run, centers Static Square: Head men and corner girl, pass thru, right & left thru, zero box. pass thru, separate around one to a line Trades: (zero line = lead to the right and circle to Zero Line: Touch 1/4, single file circulate, a line). centers only trade, all circulate (1), girls Static Square: Four ladies chain 3/4, trade, all circulate (2), boys trade, all head men and corner girl, pass thru, circulate (1), boys run, zoom, square thru separate around two to a line, right & left 3/4, LA. thru, slide thru, (zero box = square thru). Zero Box (Wave): Boys trade, swing thru, Zero Line: Centers box the gnat, centers girls trade, boys run, wheel & deal, dive square thru, ends star thru, all star thru, thru, square thru 3/4, LA. right & left thru, (zero line). Zero Box: swing thru, boys run, boys Zero Box: Star thru, centers box the gnat, trade, bend the line, right & left thru, pass centers square thru, ends star thru, all the ocean, girls run, girls trade, wheel & right & left thru, (zero box). deal, pass thru, U turn back, LA.

American Squaredance August 1993 81 THE MAINSTREAM PROGRAM: A Get Out: Lefties: Zero Line: Pass thru, partner trade, re- Zero Box: Swing thru, boys run, tag the verse the flutterwheel, touch 1/4, in your line-left, couples circulate, boys run right, own foursome-walk & dodge, LA. recycle, veer left, ferris wheel, zoom, A Bit Different: square thru 3/4, LA. Zero Line: Pass thru, wheel & deal, dou- Zero Square: Heads star thru, pass thru, ble pass thru, boys run, single file circu- swing thru, boys run, tag the line-left, late, boys box circulate, all single file couples circulate, boys trade, boys run circulate, centers single hinge & fan the right, fan the top, recycle, slide thru, LA. top & recycle, outside boys run right, Zero Line: Pass the ocean, scoot back, double pass thru, lead pair U turn back, boys run, couples circulate, tag the line- touch 1/4, split circulate, girls trade, recy- left, boys trade, boys run right, girls trade, cle, pass thru, trade by, LA. spin chain thru, girls circulate, spin the Zero Line: Pass thru, tag the line-in, top, recycle, LA. touch 1/4, single file circulate, center four Strictly Novelty-Think About It! box circulate, all single hinge, boys run, center four wheel & deal & sweep 1/4, Zero Square: Heads pass thru & sepa- outside couple bend to face in, all double rate go around one to a line, lines go pass thru, lead pair partner trade, swing forward & back, girls only bend the line, thru, turn thru, LA. ✓ couples circulate, boys only bend the line, ferris wheel, boys zoom, girls square thru 3/4, star thru, couples circu- late, boys trade, boys run right (wave), all eight circulate, girls trade, recycle, LA. Your pin—on Zero Square: Heads pass thru & sepa- badges need— rate & go around one to a line, pass thru, tag the line-right, couples circulate, boys only bend the line, ferris wheel (all facing )0,r) in, in square) circle eight, boys square thru, touch 1 /4, boys circulate, girls ADGE HOLDS trade-twice, recycle, LA. —to protect clothing 1/4 Tag Formations: from pin holes Zero Square: Heads pass the ocean, and tears girls trade, recycle, double pass thru, peel off, pass thru, wheel & deal, boys At your Square Dance Shop only swing thru, then turn thru, split the and Badge Maker girls & separate & go around one to a line DEALERS: Call or write for brochure of four, pass thru, 1/2 tag the line, walk & dodge, partner trade, cross trail thru, LA. BADGE HOLDEAS, IIIC. Zero Square: Heads star thru, zoom, centers swing thru, same four single PO Box 540845 hinge, box circulate, walk & dodge, clo- Grand Prairie, Tx 75054-0845 verleaf, center four swing thru, spin the (214) 660-3064 top, single hinge, same four walk & dodge, pass to the center, centers square thru 3/4, LA.

82 American Squaredance, August 1993

Round Dance PULSE POLL

PHASE I & II ROUNDALAB Golden Classic List -1992 1. Sweetheart Tree MOST POPULAR DANCES 2. Except For Monday voted and enjoyed by 240 National A Contriental Good Marla Elena V 3. Pink Shoelaces Carousel Clubs Night III Marla Rumba III Marilyn, Marilyn IV 4. Honey (Adv. and High-Int. Levels) A Taste of the Wind 11 Adbs IV Medcall Rose II PHASE III Alce Blue Gown 111+1 Moon Over Naples III 1. The One You Love 1. Castles & Kings (Slater) Al Night 11 My Love III 2. Happy Samba 2. Jean (Lambert/Morales) Answer Me III Neapollan Waltz II 111+1 New York, New York 3. You Always Hurt 3. Picardy Foxtrot (Slater) Apres L'EntrIente ABoutuaumninuiLReavers V 11+1 The One You Love 4. If I Could Write A Book (Childers) III Pero Esto V+1 4. Milllonair Cha 5. Are You Still Mine (Blackman/Goss) Birth of the Blues 11+1 Patricia 111+1 6. Penny For Your Thoughts (Slater) BuffY II Pearly Shells 11+1 PHASE IV Butterfly ill Plano Roll Waltz 11 7. Charade (Kemmerer) Could I Have This Pop Goes The Movies IV 1. Are You Lonesome 8. Strange Music (Esqueda) Dance II Rainbow Fodrot V Tonight 9. In The Still of The Nite (Slater) Crazy Eyes 111+2 RhAere de Lune V+1 IV Roses for Elzabeth III 2. Tuxedo Junction 10. South Of The Border (Bahr) Dance Dancing Shadows II Send Her Roses IV+2 3. Boot Scootin Boogie 11. Waltz at Sunset (Childers) Desert Song 111+2 Shlek of Araby 111+1 4. Sugarshack 12. A Lovely Evening (Childers) Dream Awhile III Spaghetti Rag III N Street Fair II PHASE V & VI 13. Just a Tango (Childers) Elaine Feelin' II Sugartoot Stomp V 1. A Lovely Evening 14. How He Did Foxtrot (Goss) Folsom Prison Blues 111+1 Take One Step 11+1 2. Charade 15. Someone Must Feel Like a Fool (Collier) Frenchy Brown II Tango Mandta 111 Good Old Girls 11+1 That Happy Feeling 3. Acky Breaky Jve 16 Fiesta Tango (Palmquist) Hawalan Wedding The Singing Plano 4. And I Love You So Song V+2 Waltz 5. Maria Elena Roundalab ROO: Hold Me III TNrd Man Theme III CLASSIC Phase II-0h Yeah Hot Ups 11+1 Three A.M. 111+1 Phase III-Venus Ill Houston 1 Till Tomorrow IV 1. Begin The Beguine Hush II Tips of My Fingers 11 2. Woodchoppers Ball Phase IV-VVhispering Cha Cha I Want A Oulckstep W+1 Very Smooth 11+1 3. Primrose Lane Phase V-Hollo Dolly In The Arms of Love 111+1 Walt Right Back 11+1 Phase VI-Fiesta Tango Jacalyn'e WaNz II Wall Trenton* V Kcal* 11+1 Wyoming Lullaby V+1 Lazy Sugarfoot N+1 Usbon Antique 111+2 Lovely Lady V+1

The Complete Book of . 160 pages . 67 photos . 18 positions /3aiic Round lancing . 25 directions . 21 actions by . 100 two-step figures Jeff and Barb Grossman . 60 waltz figures

1 - 4 books, $18.50; 5 or more, $17.00 Shipping: $1.50 for first book $0.50 per additional book. Send to: P.O. Box 951, Tualatin OR 97062

American Squaredance. August 1993 83 MERROACH RECORD SERVICE For All Of Your Square And Round Dance Records Square Dance, Round Dance And Line Dance Manuals Square Dance Records • Round Dance Records • Cloggling Records • Line Dance Records • Samson Wireless Systems • Williams Sound Wireless • Williams Sound Personal PA For The Hearing Impaired • Call Today For A Free Sample Of Our Monthly Square Dance Tape Service. Stay On Top Of The Latest Releases. Receive A Monthly/No Return/You Keep The Tape/ "New Releases" Cassett Tape Service / $32.00 Per Year in U.S. / $42.00 U.S. Funds To Other Countries. Need Blank Cassettes? • Yes We Have Them! • Boxes, Poly And Hard Plastic • Labels • Cas- settes Are Ampex 617. • Lengths are: C-12, C-22, C-32, C-46, C-62, and C-91

BLUE STAR (New Midi Keyboard Sounds) (Rounds: New & Updated) BS-2416 TROMBONES (76) (MIS) by Johnnie Wykoff BS-2415 ONE ROCK AND ROLL TO MANY (M/S) by John Aden BS-2414 LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL (MS) by Johnnie Wykoff BS-2413 HONEY (Ph II + 2) by Kirks BS-2412 CECILIA (Ph II + 2) by Kirks BS-2411 HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Song & Dance) . by Jerry Helt BS-2410 FREIGHT TRAIN (Plus/Track Two) by Ben Goldberg BS-2409 ROSE ROOM (pH iii + 2/Foxtrot) by Carvers BS-2408 HAPPY PAIR (Ph II +s/Fishtail) . . . by Carvers BS-2407 HER FLASHING EYES (MS) . by Johnnie Wykoff

BOGAN (Country Western & Bluegrass — Live Pickers)

BOG-1393 BE NOBODY'S BABY BUT MINE (MS) . . by Johnnie Wykoff BOG-1392 MY HOME IN SAN ANTONE (MS) . by Aden & Wykoff BOG-1391 IF IT WEREN'T FOR COUNTRY MUSIC (MS) . . by John Aden BOG-1390 SELFISH (MS) . by Johnnie Wykoff BOG-1389 MOSTLY GUITAR / BLUE MOON SPECIAL . . . Two Hoedowns BOG-1388 MADOLIN BARB / BANJO LEWS Two Hoedowns BOG-1387 SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT (MS) . . by John Aden BOG-1386 DRINKIN' CHAMPAGNE (MS) by Johnnie Wykoff BOG-1385 BANJO ON LINE / MOUNTAINS OF HARMONICA Two Hoedowns DANCE RANCH (The Old Merrbach Masters Updated) DR-724 GETTIN' OVER YOU (M/S) . . . by James Martin DR-723 YOUR MEMORY (M/S) . . . David Tausworthe DR-722 IF YOU KNEW SUSIE (MS) . by Ben Goldberg DR-721 JINGLE BELL ROCK (MS) . by Johnnie Wykoff DR-720 KING OF WESTERN SWING (MS) . by John Aden DR-719 MORE THAN I CAN SAY (MS) . . . by Johnnie Wykoff DR-718 HOOKED ON COWBOY CLOTHES (MS) . by King Caldwell DR-717 SMOKEY MOUNTAIN BOY by Frances Zeller DR-716 EVERY STREET'S A BOULEVARD (MS) by Johnnie Wykoff DR-715 IN DREAMY CHINATOWN (MS) . . by Chuck Myers CALL, FAX OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PRICES

Johnnie Wykoff DBA MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE PO BOX 7309, Houston, TX 77248-7309 * 323 West 14th, St., Houston TX 77008 Tel # 713-862-7077 * Fax: 713-802-2922 VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED 84 American Squaredance, August 1993 by Bill & Bobbie Davis

dancing, and if it is a given that they will BREADTH OR never dance anywhere else, the content of the program the caller uses is not DEPTH important. A program consisting of 16 calls from each of the five Callerlab pro- hich is better? Which is more vir- grams would be just as good as any other tuous? Is it better to be able to group of calls. If they were only used from dance all the Mainstream calls from all two of the six possible arrangements, the allowed arrangements and forma- that would also be fine. tions or to be able to dance the high Callerlab's recommendations are frequency Plus and Mainstream calls structured to maximize the mobility of from only the so-called standard set-ups. U.S. dancers. That is as it should be. The The answer is, of course, very subjective. best that Callertab can do is try to see It depends upon where you expect to what a mobile dancer needs to know and dance. then recommend teaching and training Callerlab has made certain recom- programs to best give dancers the requi- mendations vis-a-vis programs. At one site mobility. time Callerlab recommended that the MS From a practical standpoint the dancer program be taught in 41 weeks (or ses- who can dance what is commonly re- sions). Because of the length of the nomi- ferred to as Popular Plus is probably the nal teaching season it was very difficult most mobile dancer in the world. That is, for many to follow that recommendation. he can dance more places. He can dance Callerlab now recommends that MS be at all state conventions and weekend taught in 60 hours. This is clearly a shal- festivals. He can dance in any state of the lower program than a 41 week (100 hr) union. He might have a low success program. But it tells you something about probability at dances in Europe. the depth. Are those who opt to teach the There are two points of interest here. MS program for 120 to 200 hours deviat- First, the Callerlab recommendation of ing from Caller-lab's recommendation 60 hours for Mainstream tells you about less than those who opt to use a second the depth of the program. Second, what 60 hour session to teach Plus calls? Is you should do with the next 60 hours is a one camp better than the other? We think furction of the kind of mobility you want. not. If you want dancers to be able to dance The answer is tied to the concept of in large metropolitan areas of the U.S. mobility. That is, only by invoking a mo- and at festivals, then popular Plus should bility argument can you judge the relative be the next destination. If you want danc- appropriateness of either camp. In an ers to be able to dance at open dances environment in which no one moves in Europe, then the next 60 hours would about, the content of a program is imma- best be spent in gaining an in depth MS terial. If a teacher-caller fora group of ten capability. Clearly, neither course is bet- squares can keep them coming and Arnencan Squaredance, August 1683 85 ter than the other. One is simply more appropriate than the other depending on Callers & Cuers the environment. Personal Data Program If time were not a factor, and if mobility were not the primary driver, we would O IBM/PC/XT/Color/BW have a different world. Some other meas- Income / Expense ure of virtue would be needed in order to Bud Whitten judge the relative merits of a particular program. 2996 Bobolink Dr. Those who now teach MS in 60 hours Rex, GA 30273 are following Callerlab's recommenda- 404-961-2936 tion (consensus opinion) on what and 35oiskInclude2sAt how to teach. They owe no apologies for $35.00 their dancers. Those who stray from Cal- lerlab's recommendation by using more than 60 hours to teach MS have simply Come With Us elected to put a higher priority on local environment. V to HAWAII 2 WEEK TOUR 3 ISLAND VISITS END OF JANUARY 1994 ASK FOR DETAILS STAN & CATHIE BURDICK 518-543-8824

O 00000 000 CALLERS — DANCERS 11] DECALS Are YOU Considering Sponsoring A Square Dance Group Travel Program? 0 RIBBONS 0 If So, WE CAN HELP We Specialize in Preparing Square Dance Group Travel Programs SCOTTIES 0 ❑ CONTACT US for Information About How We Can Custom Design ❑ A Group Travel Program for YOU.

O BUMPER STICKERS 0 BLACKWOOD TRAVEL RR1 Box 3, Suite 101 ❑ Efti Lowpoint, IL 61545 CUSTOM ENGRAVING 309-443-5061 ❑ 0 ATTENTION: LICENSE PLATE FRAMES Ell PART—TIME or FULL—TIME 0 0 TRAVELING CALLERS GET YOUR NAME/ADDRESS ON OUR "TRAVELCALL" O 0 LISTING For Wider Exposure In Usa DE22 also, Club/festival Booking Agents: O 0 Ask For Our 3—page Listing For Available P 0 BOX 947 -- 1245 S. STRATHMORL As.E Callers To Call Your Club/event send O LINDSAY, CA 93247 209-562-3177 H JIM 8 CEC FISCHER Stamped return Envelope Stan Burdick PO O E10 00171000 Box 2678, Silver Bay NY 12874

86 American Squaredance, August 1993 PRODUCTS of The AMERICAN SQUARE DANCE SOCIETY Now Marketed By: These three colorful handbooks are a must for every dancer. NEW ENGLAND CALLER, Inc. BASIC and MAINSTREAM P.O. Box 8069, Lowell MA 01853 IQ,u1g 111:311 508-452-3222


1. Basic/Mainstream Hand- book-450illustrations.$1.25each. $95.00 per hundred. SHIPPING COSTS BELOW

The Caller/Teacher manual-This special The Ca Ilertext640 pages. 100 authors, guideboolacoversthehow-to-teech with important tips on how to be a caller. elements of calling. The Mainstream basics Virtually every phase of caller are covered with guidelines every caller knowledge is covered in this marvelous needs to know. $29.00 each + $4.00 S&H volume. $49.95 + $7.00 S&H

Both volumes bound in quality, heavy-duty, 3-ring binders. WE ALSO OFFER: Single Quantity Sbippping Needle Notes Vol 1 $5.00 l-2bonl.o Needle Notes Vol II $5.00 $1.25 Square Dancers on Slate (gift item) $19.95 54.01 2. Plus Movements Handbook -32pagesfully illustrated-75g each. $60.00 per hundred. Login Line/Solo Dance, Vol 111 $13.95 0.2.05 SHIPPING COSTS BELOW Glossary of Line Dance Terms $9.50 $1.50 LineDance Video $19.95 $3.05 Basic Round Dancing 160pgs 518.50 $2.00 SWAIM BANCIIID.4 Row To Your Partner 1200 pgsi $12.95 $1.55 ,NOOCTIMATION Diplomas-S/1) “Aler,e0OK Diplomas-1bn 25 ru $17.00 per 100 See beton Archangel Certif. Om Combo) Appreciation Awards Caleudars-5year $I.95 51.75

IMPORTANT -Add these SHIPPING COSTS (4th Class) Basiciftlaiustrearn IlaudhooLs, Book 51.00 19-39 $3.70 Diplomas, Awards 2-5 Books $135 40-60 $4.65 & Certificates 6-11 Books $1.85 61-100 06.25 12-18 Books $2.35 1-9 $1.35 10-17 $1.85 3. IndoclrinaliOn Handbook - Plus & iodoetrination Handbooks 18-33 52.80 1 Book 5.75 13-37 52.50 34-100 53.50 Background, history, traditions-a MUM Books $1.15 38-64 53.25 bore/very dancer. 75C each, $60.00 per 2 3-12 Books $1.40 65-100 5430 Calendars hundred. DEALER PRICES ON REQUEST 151.75: 2-a-sa.0e ForDealeisOnly-OukkService-1-800-666-ORDER SHIPPING CO..-..TS- • SHIPPINGCOSTSFOR USA ONLY-USCURRENCYONLY American Squaredance, August 1993 87 REET PETITE-COL 3046 Choreography by Holger Pauly Jackie Wlson vocal a 4 part P-2+2 (figure 8 & kick ball change) two step. Mt. gt. de CPOURA LET'S TWIST AGAIN-COL 3857 by Frank & Phyl Lehnert Choreography by Mike Seurer

[ Chubby Checker vocal with a four part P-2 two step. LOVE ME-GRENN 17178 THE TWIST '86-COL 3857 Choreographery by Ted & Luella Floden Choreography by Jim & Carol Elder Good music & a good P-2+2 (Susie Q & hover) two Chubby Checker vocal with an easy two step rou- step cued by Ted. tine plus a twist sequence DIXIE MELODY-GRENN 16013 ALIBIS-ATLANTIC 7-87372 Choreography by Donna & Lynn Roumagoux Choreography by Larry & Pam Wacker Good music with an interesting 5 ct two step P-2+2 Good music (Tracy Lawrence) with a comfortable (kick ball change & rock the boat). P-2+1 (cross wrap) waltz. JIVE TO DIXIE-GRENN 16013 HITCHHIKE-MCA S7-64544 Choreography by Donna & Lynn Roumagoux Choreography by Mary & J.D. Norris Same record as above with a P-5 +1+1 jive routine Good Reba McIntire vocal (Take It Back) & a good GOLDEN EARRINGS-GRENN 14236 P-3+2 (alemana, chase Peek a boo) cha cha. Choreography by Donna & Lynn Roumagoux WANT YOU BAD-EPIC 34-74786 Pretty music with a 64 measure P-2 waltz routine. Choreography by David & Sherri Brown GREEN GREEN GRASS OF HOME-GRENN Collin Raye vocal with a flowing 3 part P-3 two step 14121 with a whaletail & Suzie Q. Choreography by Joe & Grace Micketti HEROS & FRIENDS-WB 7-19469 Pretty music 50rpm with a comfortable P-2+2 Choreography by Joe & Jennie Frisella (whaletail & strolling vine) two step. Good Randy Travis vocal with a comfortable P-2+1 DREAM OF YOU-GRENN 14121 (whisk) waltz. Choreography by Joe & Grace Micketti LOOK HEART, NO HANDS-WB 7-19709 Good music 41rpm with a flowing 3 part P-2+1 Choreography by Jennie Frisella (fishtail) two step Randy Travis vocal with an easy going basic two FAR AWAY PLACES-CEM 37037 step P-2 Choreography by Betty & Clancy Mueller SOMEDAY-SILVER SOUNDS 803 Good music & a good P-3+1 (weave) waltz. Choreography by Carole & Joe Landry YOU LOOK SO GOOD IN LOVE-BELCO 413 A comfortable basic two step P-2+1 (fishtail) cued Choreography by Bill & Virginia Tracy by Carole. Nice music & a good interesting P-2+1 waltz cued I COULD FIND A CLEAN WHITE SHIRT-EPIC by Bill. 34-73832 TAKE TIME OUT-BELCO 413 (B-333) Choreography by Gary Daniels/Charlene Saly- Choreography by Art & Evelyn Johnson cis Good music with an easy P-2 two step cued by C.O. VValyon & Willie vocal with a P-3+1 (chase peek a Guest. boo) rumba & cha cha. JOSEPHINE FOXTROT-WINDSOR 473 TAKE MY BREATH AWAY-COL 13-68719 Choreography by Croft/De Zordo Choreography by Joachim Kersten Bradl (from Good music and a good interesting P-3 fox-trot Germany) A little different music (Love Theme from Top Gun) PEEPIN-GRENN 14215 with a P-3+2 (alemana & underarm turn) rumba. Choreography by Barbara & Jim Connelly Good music with a little different P-2+1 (chase) two EAST OF THE SUN-GRENN 17179 step. Choreography by Dick Taylor/Mary Winkler Good music & a good P-4+1 (hinge) combination TANGO WITHOUT WORDS-REXL SPEC PRESS fox-trot & jive cued by Mary. Choreography by Lamberty/Swain Good music (flip of You Stepped Out Of A Dream) WEST OF THE MOON-GRENN 17179 P-5+2 tango Choreography by Eddie & Audrey Palmquist Same music as above & a previous hit dance HEARTACHE-LIBERTY 66972 (Grenn 14299) Intermediate fox-trot & jive. Choreography by Larry & Pam Wacker vocal with a P-2 waltz routine.

88 Ameocan Squareclance, August 1993 by Don Ward CONTRA CORNERS American Callers Assoc. Contralab o the sounds of a dozen or more Al Green, from Sheffield England, fiddles, banjos, a piano and the call- writes that he and others are exploring ing of Steve Zakon and Erik Hoff- Contra Dancing via the Community Tan, several hundred Contra Dancers Dance Program. It seems that records gathered as part of the 13th Annual Sol- and dance instructions are scarce so if stice Folk Music and Dance Festival, you have Contra material you can donate held at the picturesque Soka University send them to: Al Green, 100 Charlotte in the Malibu Mountains of Southern Rd., Sheffield S1 4TL England. Accord- California. ing to Al Square Dancing is experiencing Sponsored by the California Tradi- some of the same "problems" in England tional Music Society this annual event is that we are experiencing here. New so popular that a 40' by 90' portable dancers are looking for F.U.N. and hardwood dance floor is installed making American Square Dance Magazine for great dancing on what would other- through Bob Howells Easy Level and wise have been concrete. Dancing be- Contra Corners is becoming a resource gan at 10:30 Saturday morning with 80 world wide. (Thanks to Jon Sanborn's couples of early birds, and by days end vision and dedication). over 100 couples were dancing on every While on the subject of weekends and inch of the floor. "problems" Shirley and I attended a "sold One of the mid morning portions was out" performance by "Yani," the number devoted to Contra Dancing with children one new age artist today at the outdoor drawing 52 "kids" from 8 to 50 years old Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, Califor- enjoying the fun of contra dancing for the nia. This amazing composer and key- first time. Which only proves Contra board artist along with a full symphony Dancing for the whole family can attract orchestra wove the rhythms of jazz, ca- new participants. As a side note about lypso and classical into an evening that this "family" weekend, with several thou- brought the capacity audience to their sand in attendance, was the absence of feet for standing ovations. The audience security guards, rowdy or disruptive diversity was interesting to observe. groups or individuals. The California Tra- They came in shorts, tanktops, casual ditional Music Society is to be comple- wear and evening wear, from their 20's mented on this outstanding event and to senior citizens, all united by this artist the attendees who were responsible for and his music. Yani concluded the eve- their own and their children's actions. ning with a harmonious composition em- Thanks for a most enjoyable weekend. bodying all of the evenings musical Leif Hetland, Contra Caller, from feelings, however before this closing se- Cherry Valley California along with Clark lection he challenged his fans with the Elliott and their wives were hosts to 51 premise that "how much more meaning- enthusiastic dancers the weekend of ful all our lives would be if we concen- May 21-23rd at the First Annual Western trated on our commonness rather than Contra Dance Weekend held in the San our differences." How appropriate when Jacinto Mountains of Southern Califor- I again observed the diversity ofthe audi- nia. The weekend featured Western and ence. Traditional Contra's, Quadrilles, "Lanc- Isn't it about time we started concen- ers" and some favorite round dances. tration on all the things in Square, Round The event was declared such a success and Contra Dancing thatwe have in com- by all that plans are already under way mon instead of all our individual "prob- for the "Second Annual Western Contra lems." What is it about hand holds, dress, Dance weekend." teaching sequence, etc., etc., that is so

ArnerIcan Squaredance. August 1993 89 important to let it become disruptive to our great "common" activity? I'm for a more commonness and less divi- sion This month's feature Contra is called, "Al's Safeway Produce." It is a duple, actives x-over.

Actives with couple below star left (once) 8 cts Corner allemande left (you have by hand in the star) 8 cts Ladies center turn by right (once around) 8 ds Partner swing - 8 cts Circle left / couple across (once) 8 cts Swing your corner (next below, not in your star) end facing across - 8 cts Long lines forward & back - 8 cts Couple across right hand star (once around) next below repeat, star left The music I like best is "Dance Around having fun dancing with some new "kids" Molly" Sunny Hills 149 but "Arkansas at your summer dances. They could be Traveler" on Lamon # 10120 works well the foundation for revitalizing your group. when slowed down. Till next month, try

HERE IT IS! OUR NEWEST CATALOG 'T' 1PEAtIVE SQUARE IANCIA from Shirley's PI...... 00.811•61(1.1•4 P • PPP:: P••• •

*4. fa I••-• bielaides SYR 111111 ••.••••••• "1"' PATTERNS from Authentic, C & C F. Burrus, Kwik-Sew, Sue's, Kentucky Ruffles and of course our own #1' selling patterns. ALL SIZES IN MCI!

of- APPAREL SPECIALS skirt and blouse specials, petticoat and FI-714771- 7.. • • 2;g pettipant specials, jewelry specials 5r. . SEW/NC SPIT/A[3'2 pages of sale patterns, we overbought or • .11.• 12 -. some discountinued; sorry no sale sizes 12-14-16. Trim specials- Mail OrriAr Cat T git° laces and eyelets by the yard- Please send $1.00, Semethinf on Sole for everyone ($3.00 foreign) re- funded on 1st $10. order. Shirley's Square Dance Shoppe Route 9-D Box 423, Dept. B Club Officers: Houghsonvllle NY 12537 To introduce our catalog to your beginner class Tele. 914-297-8504 members, we will send 12 FREE copies at your club's request, if you include $2.00 to help *Shirley's patterns available defray postage costs. A at most s/d shops, too

90 American Squaredantx, August 1983 NOTES FROM A VETERAN CALLER by tfac Aft:Culiar

In our world of square dancing there are with great rhythm, timing and a feel for the many great local callers who never re- music. She exhibited a lot of exhuberance ceive the credit and appluase they de- while performing. When she did pat her foot serve, but you will notice that most national it was a real pat. Her enthusiasm was ever callers traveling throughout the world never present. fail to acknowledge these hard working Peggy not only taught us to dance and local teacher/callers who in many cases showed us the proper square dance attire give their time, and talent and spend their to wear but she also emphasized courtesy. own money to teach a class or appear at To quote her, "If a stinker drifts into our churches, schools, and other public func- group they won't stay long because stink- tions to call a tip or two. ers can't stand to be around nice, happy One such caller was Peggy Rentz and square dancers." She got me started call- her ever present partner/husband Jimmy. ing and gave me my first singing call In 1954 I was urged (told) to join a square "Tweedle Dee" which I updated on "Big dance class which was taught by Peggy (all MAC Records" recently. ten lessons). I found that both Peggy and Peggy and Jim are gone now, they will Jimmy had great personalities and seemed be missed and remembered by the many to love people, and square dancing, as well dancers they taught in the California Cen- as teach unpredictables like me. tral Coast. If there is square dancing in Peggy was a California Central Coast heaven, they will have them swinging. V Pioneer Square Dance Caller/Teacher*********

Bob crow Jack Pladdys Curt Braid RR 82 Box 503D PO Bat 128733 RR et Boa 31B D•Funiak Springs FL 32433 Cincinnati OH 45212 Reason IL 82512 (904)834-3548 (513)3517303 1217)732-3404

Jack Berg Owner/Produce (815)777-1797

HOT RELEASES CC 28 MAMA GOODTBAES by B. Poyror CC 23 CELEBRATION by J. Fladdys CC 24 TFIE SHEK OF R & B by C. Brest CC 32 YOU CAN'T RUN FROM LOVE by B. Carter CC 30 THUNDER ROAD by B. Wilcox Larry Inglaer Bred parlor Bob Wilcox Tom 0111endar CC 11 HELLO MY BABY by J. Berg 400e Saguaro Prk PO Box 3101 71D Genova PO Boa 178 CJC 509 BEAUTIFUL NOISE Glanclairk AZ 85310 Decatur IL 82524 Oast Nodes IL 80118 Marlon OH 43301-0178 CJC 510 SAINT by L Ingbar (802) 581-C992 (217)4221029 (708)4284015 (81413894915


Arrencan Squaredancn August 1093 91 CLASSIFIEDS

H & R BADGE & STAMP CO (814-471-3735) RECORD DEALERS Engraved Badges & Rubber Stamps From our Design or Yours Harold & Roberta Mercer 2585 Mock Rd., Columbus OH 43219 NAIL ORDER—MASTER RECORD SERVICE P.O. Box 82716 KA—MO ENGRAVERS Pboentr4 AZ 65071-2716 (602-993-9932) PO Box 30337 Square, Round, ballroom, pap labels Alburquerque NM 87190 Specializing ki mall & phone orders 30 Club & Fun Badges Free Cataogue — PR 1-800-352-KAMO MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE PO Box 7039 Computerized Engraving by LOWELL'S PLACE Houston TX 77248-7309 119 West Main. Phone 713-862-7077 Moore OK 73160-5105(405-794-5774) Mail Order 1-800-669-6774 PERRY'S PLACE Many Times Free Set-up 12505 Starkey Rd Suite J Largo FL 34843 813-535-0254 / 800-882-3262 Al Labe* amplifiers, needles, *lc. NOlTS I:0R CALLERS

PALOMINO SID SERVICE 1050 Toulon Dr. THE NEW VIEW Marion OH 43302 (1-800-328-3800 Bil Davis SUPREME AUDIOMANHURSTS TAPE SERV10E 1359 Beleville The Professional Source for Square and Round Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Dance Records & Equipment CHOREO BREAKDOWN PO Box 50, Marlborough, NH 03455-0050 Don Beck (508-897-9767) USA & Canada: 1-800-445-7398 Fax: 1-603-876-4001 176 West Acton Road Foreign: 1-803-876-3636 Slow MA 01775 PROMENADE SHOP Send for FREE sample. 11909 N.E. Halsey, Portland OR 97220 MINNESOTA CALLERS NOTES 503-252-7823 Warren Berquarn New Record Release Tap* Service for 3775 County Road 92 140., Maple Plain MN 55359 Just 522.50 Yr. & You keep tie tapes. Notes sent First Class Mall EDDIE'S AND BOBBIE'S RECORDS Mainstream through A-2 Box 17688 — 1835 S. Buckner MKESIDE MANAGEMENT Dallas TX 75217-0668 (214-398-7506) Stan & Cathie Burdick SQUARE DANCE RECORD ROUNDUP PO Box 2678 957 Sheridan Blvd. Sliver Bay NY 12874 (518) 543-8824 Denver CO 802214 Write for free sample Phone 303-238-4810 CANADIAN CONNECTION Phone Orders Welcome Joe Uebelacker 1494 CleanAew Dr., Peterborough, Ontario K9K 2M MIKE'S RECORDS 9358 Natick Ave. Canada (705-742-6368) Basic thru Pius; C1 Ihru C3; Al & A2 sup. Sepuluiveda, CA 91343 (818)894-5621 Owners: Mike & Mlle Skoraky MAINSTREAM FLOW OVERSEAS For IN 'Complete' Ckib Caller HOWARD MARKS, 1 Ivy Road 1735 Deer Run, San Antonio, TX 78232 Rusty Fennell-512-490-1010 El 7, England (Ph.081-539-7987) Serving the movement since 1954 Write or Cal for complmantary Copy Mal Order A Speciaty. Member NASRDS JOHN'S NOTES John & Unda Saunders BADGES 101 Cedar Dunes Dr., New Smyrna Beach FL 32169 909-428-1496 Bask — C-1, with added Attractions Monttly Service. Send for Free Sample

CENTURY CLUB Mont Badge of Distinction. Join Today TAPE SERVICES PO Box 57 Wesflield MA 01086 Cost 52.59 plus 505 postage & handling SUBSCRIPTION TAPE SERVICE AVAILABLE. Write for sample tape. Palomino S/D Service, 1050 Toulon Dr., Marion OH 43302 Phone 1-800-328-3800

92 Amencar Squaredance, August 1993

MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE COUNTRY WESTERN DANCING. Book I, Una, Partner & Cou- PO Box 7309, Houston TX 77248-7309 ple dancas. Book II, Continuos on I; Book III, Pholographod Phone 713-862-7077 Turns% Book IV, Teacher's Manual; Book V. Line Dances Galore. Book VI, Partner Dances, Shufles & Schottisches; Book VII, More Photographed Turns, Book VIII Cha Cha, Book IX West Coast Swing, Book X El Garbage, Technique & Styling, Book XI Hot Line Dances. Order by number. $20 *mil Includes pstg. & han- FREEI SAMPLE TAPE dling, add $2.00 each outskie USA. Kelly Gillette, PO Box 43425, HANHURSTS TAPE & RECORD SERVICE Las Vegas NV 89116. MONTHLY TAPE Contains NI New S/D Musk MY FAVORITE LINE DANCES by Thelma Lewis codaling 30 The Continuing Choke of 1,650 Calera old favorites and 20 new dances - $7.95 + postage. Also a cas- Serving Callers Since 1971 - A Perfect GM for Your Caller sette tape with music for 10 of the dances 54.94. 1724 Ocean P.O. Box 50, Marborough, NH 03456-0060 Plies, Berlin, MO 21811. Cal: 410-641-6579 USA & Canada: 1-800-445-7398 Fax: 1-603-876-4001 Foreign: 1-603-876-3836 EASY LEVEL SOLO DANCES: The Bob Howell Collodion. Here you1I find *whetting to get your toes tappin and hips swing- ALLEMANDE SHOP RECORD TAPE SERVICE ing-the music, concise dredlona for ail level, plus interesting PO Box 8248, Chattanooga TN 37411 history of each dance. Cost: $21.95 per book. SM $3.50 U.S. • 1-800-346-41387 1-615-499-5554 $5.50 Canada. Order from Siddal & Ray Publications tor Dance, 1017 WIllarnsburg Dr., Charleston, IL 61920 AUDIO TEACH a DANCE TAPES BY ED FOOTE. MS & Plus PLUS. ADVANCED I CHALLENGE DIAGRAM BOOKS FROM taught al-poetlion to dancers who already know be cals from ED FOOTE. 5 books available: Plus, Al & A2 (both in 1 book), standard position. A-1 and A-2 taught with walicthru & practice C1, C2. C-3A. Each book clagrams all calls for the Indicated pro- of al cals. Teach topes emphasize understancIng of call, are gram from a variety of positions, also includes holpful hints for aridity acclaimed as best on the market. Ord tapes, dance tapes dandng the obis. Books are 8 1/2 x 11 with spiral binding, laser & two-couple tape also available. Write to literature to: Ed Foote, twining provides deer sharp images. The most complete clacrarn 140 McCandless Pl., Wexford PA 15090. books for Plus, Advanced & Challenge available today Cost: 514.10/book Includes shpg. ($15.10 for C3A). (Canada add $.65). Order from Ed Foote, 140 McCandless Pl., Wexford PA 15090.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNE DANCES 1714, Slope That Came and Stayed by 011ie Mae Ray. Inducted in this book are arm- lions for over 95 solo end line dances. Cost $21.96. SA-I $3.50 US - $5.50 Canada. Order from Skid& & Ray Publications, 1017 WIlamsburd Dr., Charleston, IL 61920.

ABC'S OF ROUND DANCING-A comprehensive 117,414 word glossary-reference manual for teacher, beginners, experienoed BOOKS dancers. Over 2200 baircom & WO terms, articles, deec & defini- tions. Order now $13.50 ppd. Fred Maury, 8810 La Grima de Oro Rd NE, Albuquerque NM 87111. 505-298-5050

BURLESON'S SQUARE DANCE ENCYCLOPEDIA. Over 4800 THE CALL'S THE THING-A tow to booklet featuring CALL different calls and movements; $25.00. 1992 Edition. New Type, CARDS and RACK to display at classes and dances as a helpful New Binder. Order ken Jon Sanborn, 661 Micidelleki Rd, Sal- quick reference for begimers and veteran dancers. Also PIE nas CA 93901-1004. Phone 401-443-0761. SQUARES and DIAGRAMMING DECALS, 'COMPUTER SLIPS to loaning squares by numbers, LINE DANCE INSTRUCTION STEP-CLOSE-STEP ROUND DANCE BASICS. 1989 Edition, TAPES - AND MORE! $5+51 p&h Satisfaction Guarantied. Round Dance Basics Book, $8.00 ppd. Nov Includes 10-week Russel L Hoekstra, 67 Forest Glen Road., Rm 321, Long- dancer-proven course, dance positions, complete approved termi- meadow, Massachusetts 01106. nology, mixers, teaching WM, plus introduction Into los-trot, tango, the the and balfroom. Coordnate wit the Gram record MAINSTREAM SID CALLER'S NOTEBOOK - 450 SID roubles tisaching series. Order book and/or records from Frank Lotman, organized and indexed In modules by basics used. Quality bind- 2844, S. 109th St., Toledo 1x143611. ing & sized to Mina record me. $10.95 + $150 shipping. Calvin Campbell, 343 Turf Ln., Carder Rock, CO 50104 (303) 790-7921. POCKET DICTIONARIES OF SQUARE DANCE CALLS - 2 terrific books with descriptions and practice examples for dam> SINGING CALL FIGURES by Dick Han, Mainstream-Plus-Ad- are and callers! Book 1 (Red), Mainstream; Book 2 (Green), Plus vanced also A-1 & A-2 Teaching Man uaL For Inbffnation can- program and Al & A2. Please specify which book you are order- tact Martha Han, 513 S. Bluff St., Monticello, IN 47960. Phone: kg. To order mind $4.00 (including domestic postage) to 219-583-5902 Supreme Audo, Inc, P.O. Box 50, Marborough, NH 03455-0050 or contact your local square dance shop)

A HANDBOOK OF NOVELTY AND COUNTRY-WESTERN CLUB LEADERSHIP MATERIAL DANCES by Die Mae Ray. Included In Fits book Is over 30 coun- try-western sob dances. Also, 8 of be top couples dances. Cost $19.95 per book. SM 3.50 US - $5.50 Canada Order from: Sickial LEGACY'S CLUB LEADERSHIP JOURNAL-The only square & Ray Publicallons, 1017 WIlernsburg Dr., Charleston, IL 61920. dance publcatbn written exclusively for dub Waders, has an- swers and Ideas that world Request your cornplmentery copy by SIGHT CALLING SIMPLIFIED - An Gay and simple system for writing CLUB LEADERSHIP JOURNAL PO Box 788, Plow W1 new sight callers. Based on the minim that anyone can sight 54467-0766 or calling 715-341-6803. You'l be glacil call Price $7.00 Order from Whitey Aamoll. 312 LIMB Ct., Waseca MN 56093

RID BOOKS by K. Anderson: (1) Fancy Footwork The Art ci Round Dancing, (2) Fancy FIcares (FF):Two-Step (I-III), (3) FF: Easy Level Waltz (I-Ill), (4) FF: Phase III Modems (FT, AS, Arg Tgo), (5) FF: Phase III Latins (CC, Rmb, Mmb, .1v). Comprehen- s No references for beg/adv dancers, step-by-step direclons/da- grams for ftsyvartationa $15.96 read) + yin ($2.50) first blc 50s ea add I) Dance Action, Dept. AS, PO Box 7162. Mesa AZ 85206.

American Squaredance, August 1993 93

DANCE SHOES RECORD DISTRIBUTOR' 20% OFF SALE, ON ALL IN STOCK MANDY, DANCER, MAJESTIC, SCOOP - 50% OFF ALL BILLIE & BARBIE (Sale limited to shoes n stock; not all sizes or colors available. List available on request). WORLDTONE MUSIC, 230 7th Ave., AST EC RECORD DISTRIBUTORS New York, NY 10011. (212)-091-1934. Continuing Dealer Management Program PO Box 50, Marborough, NH 03455-0050 SEQUINS, JEWELS, AUSTRIAN CRYSTALS/RHINESTONES, USA & Canada: 1.800-445-7398 Fax: 1-803-878-4001 PEARLS, BUTTONS. Catalog $1.00. Stardust Gallery, 10 Lawrence Foreign: 1-803-876-3836 Ave, Smithtown, NY 11787. 516-979-4101, FAX 516-979-1506. Vise/MasterCard accepted. MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE, PO Bat 7309 Houston TX 77248-7309,713-882-7077 VIDEOS SUNDANCE RECORD DISTRIBUTORS 10331 Undey Ave 0145 Northridge, CA 91326 818-363-4454 Wholesale Only CHOREOGRAPHY VIDEO, SKINT CALLING VIDEO by Ed Foote, well-bow celer instrucbr. Each Color Video about 90 PALOMINO RECORD DISTRIBUTORS min. long. Presentations organized and complete. $39.95-one 1050 Toulon Dr. tape. 859.95-both tapes Order from Dale Garlock 2107 Shunk Marion, OH 43302 Ave., Aliens OH 44601 Fax or Call 1-800-328-3800 Intl' Fax or Cal 1-614-388-5919 VIDEO ALL POSITION TEACH TAPES BY ED FOOTE. Cala are taught al position for dancers who already know the calls S/I) PRODUCTS from standard position. Numerous waktrus of he more difficult calls at each Callerteb program, along with brief samples al danc- ing. and hints for successful dancing. Understanding of cals is emphasized. 4 video tapes avalable: Mainstream, Pius, A-1, AR, SQUARE DANCE SEALS-Five color, eye-catching SEALS on al correspondence, checks, etc., are an invkation to square danc- each tape about 90 minutes long. VHS format Cost: 839.95-1 tape; 859.95-2 tapes. Order from Dal* Garlock, 2107 Shunk ing. Order from 3070 Summer Ave., 156, Memphis TN 38112- 2450. 3 sheet (50 each), $1.50 p&h; 10 sheets, S3 + 75t p&h; 20 Ave., Altana, OH 44801. sheets, 85.0041.30 ppd; 100 sheets, 817.5042.50 Oh (Sam- RAR 'Favorites by Request' by the Easterdays& Bladddords Vol ples on request SASE appredated) 01 Apree LEntrante; Hawaiian Wedding Song; Pare Eato; Rahbow SQUARE DANCE/ROUND DANCE THEME COUNTED CROSS- Foxtrot; Sugarbot Stomp; Till- Vol. 112 Autumn Leaves El Coco, STITCH PATTERNS. 3 square books, 1 round book, 5 patterns Dance, In the Dark; Fashinatbn; Lonely is the Name; Memory- each. 15.00 (m.41.50 pstg. per order. State patterns avalade upon S39.95 ea. or 2 for $69.95 order from Blackford 8178 Galaxle Dr., request at $1.50 ea.+501 pstg. per order. Dealers welcome. Ralph Jacksonvliks FL 32244 or Easlerday 13023 Gordon Cir., Hager- & Mary Mn Kornegay, 138 Mohican Trait, WIrrington NC 28409. stown, MD 21742

SUPREME AUDIO, Inc. -The Professional Source For Dance Audcr Largest selection of proleselonal calhg and cueing equipment, records and publications available from one sourcel

SUPREME SOUND COLUMNS, DIRECTOR, DIRECTOR JR. YAK STACKS R.ESORTS/CMIPGROUNDS P.O. Box 50, Marlborough, NH 03455-0050 USA & Canada: 1-800445-7398 Fax: 1403-876-4001 Foreign: 1-803-878-3636 NOBODY TREATS DANCERS BETTER THAN COPECREST HILTON AUDIO PRODUCTS, NC. Vacation In the mountains with a week of dancing at Copecreet. amplifiers • speakers • miaoptimes Our caller staff Is outstanding, with al levels of squares We offer wireless microphones • speaker stands superb food, modem alr-condltloned rooms, swimming pod and 1033 E Shary Circle, Concord CA 94518 a staff that pampers youl Write Copecreal SID Resort, PO Box Telephone: 510-682-8390 129 Dliard GA 30537, or call 404-746--2134

VARIABLE SPEED CASSETTE PLAYERS DANCE CENTER OF THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY, year-round Marantz 201 $260. Shipping addl. Other Marantz models in/al- 32 sessions of workshops and party dances per week. Bull for ai:ie. Akio variable speed dual cassette players, compact disc dancers, owned and operated by dancers. LAKEWOOD R.V. players, phonoe. Free catalog. WORLDTONE MUSIC, 230 7th PARK, 4525 Graham Rd. Haringen, TX 78552.210.423-1170. Ave., NY, NY 10011. 212-691-1934 New residents only/ Bring ad for free mite and dance.

BLANK AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES RIO GRAND VALLEY, Beautfiul Mobile 6 RVPark with Mandy Agfa 649. Fifty 10' tapes 708 ea. 10010' tapes 551 ea. Ftty 15' neighborly people. Great pool& dub house areas. 24hr securky tapes 758 ea. 10015' tapes 600 ea. Other lengths and quantities with controlled aces*, square dancing & lessons planned. Green- available. Shipping addri. Free catalog. WORLDTONE MUSIC, Park , Bus 83 to 374 Loop to Bentsen Palm Dr. S., Mission 230 7th Ave., NY, NY 10011. TX 78572 (512) 581-1932. 212491.1934 WESTERN MONTANA, Square and Round Dance Vacation, THE 40 GORE SKIRT June I - Sept 12. 11 miles south of Missoula. Dandng every eve- 9' CIRCLE WEDGE - ONE TOOL - MANY DESIGNS!! ring. National Callers on weekends No pacages. Campgrounds One 9° plexIglass circle wedge, 4 sheets circular graph paper and among the pines on Lob Creek. Square & Round Dance Canter, 40 GORE SKIRT INSTRUCTIONS BY HELEN. 524.90 plus 9955 Highway 12, Lob, MT 59847, 406-273-0141. $3.50 sHppIng HMS ETC.,Helen Stakwalt 602 N. Victoria Rd. MH 135 Donna, TX 78537 (210)464-9207 TENNESSEE HEART OF THE SMOKIES SQUARE' UP Riverside Motor Lodge, Gatilnburg, TN Feb 25-26 1994. Callers: Andy Bond, Mark Foster, Joe Gains, Terry McGill (SD Direcia, also Ines & two step) Contact: Carolyn McGill Box 239, Norris TN 37828. Phone: 615-494-6168.

94 American Squaredance, August 1993 RV MEMBERSHIP MAGAZLNES Home Campground, Parker, Arizona Colorado River Adventures Inc. Possible Camp Coast to Coast Membership Included ROUND DANCER MACiAZINE, the choice of the best informed $2,200 or best offer - James Briscoe 408-443-4371 Dancers, Leaders, Tetachent 6 Guars h the RD activity—since 1957. FREE Introducbry package. Wile: RDM Intro Pkg. RD 1- Box 843, Petersburg, PA 18889-9304. Coil 814-667-2530. (US Sub S20yr.) FOR SALE ATTENTION SINGLES: We have many beautiful people locking for you. Write for free Information. Sweetheart Computer Dating YAK STACK W/PROTECTNE COVER Service, 341 Eastern N.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 or call 1-616- $300 451-4678 nationvAde. Contact Gene Reneau PO Box 12, Falriand, IN 46126-0012 (317) 835-4098

COMPLETE CA LL AVG SET Everything you need to gel into calhg. Hilton Sound EquIwnsnt, Records, Books, Magazines contact Bob Chewer's, 11 K Street Birch HII Estates Bangor, Main 04401 Phone: 1-207-942-8578


Cleo Barker Chuck Marlow Sarrrny Myrick Lowe' Young

Mike Hoose, Mac McCall, Don W. aChuck Meyer Norm Wilcox Don Coy Jolly Salchmr. Johnny Jones

0111% RED BOOT Ralph Kornegay Sam Dunn RECORDS RB 3037 Romeo Don D it& RB 3036 You Belong To Me Mike H. RB 3034 Makeup and Faded Blue Jeans Lowell For Information Write or Call- RB 3004 50's Medley R.B. Boys Don Williamson, Red Boot Prod. RBS 1341 Top Of The World Don C. RBS 1342 Put Some Drive Sam D. Box 52 Crest Drive RBS 1343 Country Boy W. Short Greeneville, TN. 37743 RBS 1344 That's The Way Love Goes Sammy M Phone 615-638-7784 RBS 1346 Texas Woman Ralph K. RBS 1347 One In Every Size Cleo RBS 1331 Something Good C. Meyer RBS 1311 Sentimental Journey C. Marlow RBS 1339 Robinson Crusoe Jolly

Two New Patter Records: RB 326 HO & Down RB 327 Uncle Bob-Aunt Annie


ACCOMPLISHING BETTER CALLING $4.00 HOEDOWN HERITAGE (History) $3.00 ADVANCED DIAGRAMED GUIDE $10.00 LEADERSHIP-SHAPE (Tips galore) $7.00 ADVANCED WORKSHOP NOTEBOOK $9.00 MAINSTREAM S/DANCING (Diagrams) $1.00 ALLEMANDE LEFT (Mentally Handicapped)$5.00 MINI BOOK (Definitions of S/D) $7.00 APPALACHIAN S/D FOR CLOGGERS $10.00 MODERN CONTRA DANCING $3.00 BURLESON S/D ENCYCLOPEDIA $25.00 MODERN MODULE MODE (Figures) $3.00 CALLER CLINIC (Variety of subjects) $6.00 MUSIC AND TIMING $10.00 CALLER'S GUIDEBOOK (300 page text) $14.00 PARTY LINE (After-party ideas) $6.00 CHOREOGRAPHY GIMMICKS $6.00 PLUS PROGRAM (Diagrams) $1.00 CLIP ART I (Sketches, paste-up) $3.00 PLUS WORKSHOP NOTEBOOK $9.00 CLIP ART II (All different) $4.00 PROCEDURES MANUAL FOR CLUBS $25.00 CLIP ART III (All different) $5.00 SET-UP AND GET-OUT (Modules) $6.00 CLOGGING (Basic book) $4.00 SHOW AND SELL S/D (Better Promotion) $8.00 DBD 8 TOUGH PLUS $5.00 SOLO DANCES (Single, line routines) $7.00 DIAGRAMED GUIDE TO BETTER S/D $7.00 SOUNDING THE HALL (Equipment) $3.00 EASY LEVEL (0/N/S Material) $6.00 S/D STYLING (Smoother dancing) $4.00 EASY SING-A-LONG (Adaptations) $3.00 TEACHING CLOGGING $7.00 FIRST STEPS TO CONTRA (Basic) $3.00 TEACHING TOTS TO DANCE (Family) $3.00 FUNNY WORLD OF S/D (Cartoons) $4.00 WHEEL AND DEALING (Nursing Homes) $5.00 GOOD CLUB MANAGEMENT $4.00 WINDMILL SYSTEM (Image style) $5.00 GUIDEBOOK FOR SQUARE DANCERS $2.00 WORTH OF A SALESMAN (Showmanshi410.00

DIPLOhlAS: SQUARE, ROUND, CLOGGING 5.20 each; 100-515.00 rCERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION S.20 each; 100415.00 CA residents add 7 1/2% tax POSTAGE & HANDLING S1-54.99 $2.00 pstg $5-s9.99 $2.75 pstg 510-19.99 $3.25 pstg Due to the proliferation of copying devices, it is im- $20-$40 55.00 pstg possible to issue refunds on book orders, unless 541-560 $7.00 pstg the book is defective . $61-3100 59.50 pstg

ORDER FROM AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE MAGAZINE 661 MIDDLEFIELD ROAD SALINAS, CA 93906-1004 Phone: 408443-0761; Fax: 408-443-6402 (During Pacific Business Hours -8:30am to 4:30pm)

INISH LIN A man not old, but mellow, like good wine Stephen Phillips Ulysses, act III, sc. i


Cartoon by C.L.Wslair "Elmer's our special bummer 4-man stand-in when we're short-setted. He swings four women simultaneously."


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