CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 2 February 28, 2011 Education, Fleetwood Was Promoted to Rican-American Graduate of the U.S
2720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 2 February 28, 2011 education, Fleetwood was promoted to rican-American graduate of the U.S. yard. Each spring, when warmer weath- sergeant upon enlisting, and sergeant Naval Academy. er came, the rolling hills of farmland major just a few days later. As part of Christian Fleetwood embodied every- and hollows provided Earle with the the 4th Regiment United States Col- thing Americans revere. His actions in perfect setting to develop a love for ored Infantry, he would see action in the 4th Regiment from Baltimore, MD, America’s pastime. the Virginia and North Carolina cam- earned him the military’s highest But, as he grew older, he decided his paigns in the 10th, 18th and 25th Army honor. He was selfless, brave, a fierce calling in life was to teach. In 1917, Corps, and would distinguish himself fighter for the abolition of slavery, and Earle left his hometown of Pebworth to valorously at Chaffin’s Farm, on the chose to dedicate his free life to service attend Eastern Kentucky State Normal outskirts of Richmond, VA, on Sep- of his country and his community. School, now Eastern Kentucky Univer- tember 29, 1864. f sity, and received his teaching certifi- At the age of 24, SGM Christian cate in 1919. To help pay for his edu- Fleetwood stood a mere 5 feet, 4.5 TRIBUTE TO TAHIS CASTRO cation, Earle returned to eastern Ken- inches tall. Nonetheless, while march- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today tucky to teach in one-room schools in ing on Confederate fortifications he to honor Tahis Castro, who is retiring Kentucky towns like Ida May and Levi.
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