中国 5 天 4 晚 海南岛之旅(海口·琼海·三亚) 5D4N HAINAN ISLAND (Haikou·Qionghai·Sanya)

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中国 5 天 4 晚 海南岛之旅(海口·琼海·三亚) 5D4N HAINAN ISLAND (Haikou·Qionghai·Sanya) 中国 5 天 4 晚 海南岛之旅(海口·琼海·三亚) 5D4N HAINAN ISLAND (Haikou·QiongHai·Sanya) TOUR CODE : 5HAK 第一天 吉隆坡 海口 - 琼海 (机上用餐/午/晚餐) ➢ 【博鳌亚洲论坛成立会址】2002 年 4 月 12 日,在这里召开博鳌亚洲论坛首届年会,景区坐落在美丽的东屿岛上,是 诠释博鳌文化的所在地。 ➢ 【博鳌玉带滩(含游船)】是一条自然形成的地形狭长的沙滩半岛,位于海南岛博鳌,外侧南海烟波浩淼一望无际,内 侧万泉河、沙美内海湖光山色,内外相映,构成了一幅奇异的景观。 酒店:琼海四季春天酒店或同级(4 星) 第二天 琼海 – 三亚 (早/午/晚餐) ➢ 【椰田古寨】了解海南少数民族生活习俗、习性等特征。 ➢ 【亚龙湾国际玫瑰谷(含电瓶车)】 是以“玫瑰之约,浪漫三亚”为主题,以玫瑰文化,黎族文化,创意文化为底 蕴以玫瑰产业为核心,以“浪漫,欢乐’为主题,依托周边山水资源,展现一个集乡村田园风情,花海休闲娱乐与 一体的休闲旅游目的地。 酒店 :三亚果喜大酒店或同级 (4 星) 第三天 三亚 (早/午/晚餐) ➢ 【南山文化旅游区 (含电瓶车)+ 海上观音】是一个极富灵感与灵气的风水宝地, 依山傍海,达 108 米的世界级、 世纪级南海海上观音就建在南山的海上面。您可以在这里沐浴佛光,拜佛祈福,享用南山素斋,神游长寿谷,眺望 海上观音之神韵。 ➢ 【三亚凤凰岭公园】位于三亚市区中心,为国家 AAA 级旅游风景区,可以全览三亚四大海湾(三亚湾、大小东海、 榆林湾、亚龙湾)及 360°鸟瞰三亚整座城市全貌的最佳位置。 酒店 :三亚果喜大酒店或同级 (4 星) 第四天 三亚-海口(早/午/晚餐) ➢ 【兴隆热带药用植物园】是目前保存热带药用植物种质资源最多的园区。 ➢ 【冯小刚电影公社+南洋街】感受冯小刚《温故 1942》、《唐山大地震》的震撼场景,品味《非诚勿扰》里的恋爱氛 围等,南洋街长 300 余米,集合了 70 幢中外建筑风格相交融的南洋风情建筑,展示十九世纪末二十世纪初南洋文化 在我国南方地区的繁荣景象。 ➢ 【望海国际广场】 ➢ 【DC 商业城】 ➢ 【明珠广场】 ➢ 【海口文化公园】 酒店:海口新奥斯罗克酒店或同级 (4 星) 第五天 海口吉隆坡 (早餐/机上用餐) 您可以自由活动逛海口步行街。之后,送往海口美兰机场返回吉隆坡,结束愉快的海南岛旅程 * 行程次序,以当地旅社安排为准 * 行 程 特 色 风味餐: 海南四大名菜~(海南文昌鸡、加积鸭、东山羊、和乐蟹)+海南鸡饭 剁椒鱼头风味、龙虾鲍鱼风味、椰子鸡风味 购物站: 宝树堂,海味馆,竹炭生活馆 酒店住宿: 4 星酒店(酒店级别以中国当地为准) 1. 三亚世界小姐选美会址-美丽之冠拉斯维加斯秀@ RMB280/人 自费项目:- 2. 好莱坞梦幻车技表演@ RMB230/人 3. 宋城千古情 @ RMB300/人 中国 5 天 4 晚 海南岛之旅(海口·琼海·三亚) 5D4N HAINAN ISLAND (Haikou·QiongHai·Sanya) DAY 1 KUALA LUMPUR HAIKOU –QIONGHAI (MOB/LUNCH/DINNER) ➢ 【BFA Permanent Venue】As the Permanent Venue of Boao Forum Asia, the political leaders, industrial and commercial giants. Experts and scholars from all Asian Countries, gather around to the research of the development of Asian economy every year. ➢ 【Jade Belt Beach (Include Boat Ride)】Where the three rivers of Wanquan , Jiuqu and Longgun flow into the South China Sea, a narrow long golden jade belt beach separate the river and the sea , forming the natural landscape ,listed in the Guiness record of the world . It’s a perfect combinational of natural. Hotel :Spring Four Season Hotel or similar (4star) DAY 2 QIONGHAI –SANYA (BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER) ➢ 【Yetian Ancient Village】Where the descendants of warrior Chiyou, ancestor of people in south China,used to inhabit. ➢ 【Yalong Bay Rose valley (Included Buggy Car)】is home to an enormous number of flowers with exquisite that steals the heart of many. It have many species of roses and a wide range of flower species and tropical trees. Some of the main tropical plants that can be spotted here are sunflowers , bougainvillea , orchids, heliconia and fairy lilies . In the valley, visitors can sit in front of the modern and cozy bower and watch the sunset together. Waterfalls, teahouses, winding paths, streams and bridges are available for guest’s enjoyment as well. Hotel :SanyaGuo Xi Hotel or similar class (4star) DAY3 SANYA (BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER) ➢ 【Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone + South China Sea Guanyin (IncludeBuggy Car)】 Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone features three theme parks: Buddhism Culture Park, Blessing and Longevity Park and Hainan custom culture Park. The key feature of the zone is the three sided statue of Guan Yin Buddha, Buddhist Temples, spectacular landscapes and sea views. ➢ 【Phoenix Park】 located at the highest point in Sanya at about 400 meters, has the best view of Sanya in the city. The hilltop park has stunning panoramic views of Sanya and the surrounding countryside, from Sanya Bay to Yalong Bay. Hotel :SanyaGuo Xi Hotel or similar class (4star) DAY 4 SANYA –HAIKOU (BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER) ➢ 【Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden】is a comprehensive tropical garden integrating scientific research, popularization of science, production, resource production and sightseeing ➢ 【FengXiaoGang Movie Town】 is an artificial town, movie studios, guest apartments, and administration buildings. The town, located beside Mission Hills Haikou golf resort, was created as a movie and television filming location and tourist attraction. ➢ 【Wanghai International Square】 ➢ 【Pearl Square】 ➢ 【Hainan DC Commercial City】 ➢ 【Haikou Cultural Park】 Hotel : Haikou Oscar Hotel or similar Class (4star) DAY 5 HAIKOU KUALA LUMPUR (BREAKFAST/MOB) After breakfast, free and easy at Haikou Shopping street and transfer to airport for departurewith a sweet memories. * Sequences of Itinerary are subject to local arrangement * HIGHLIGHTS Hainan 4 Famous Dishes~(Wenchang Chicken, Jiaji Duck, Dongshan Lamb, Hele Crab) + LOCAL SPECIALITIES Hainan Chicken Rice, Chili Fish Head Flavor,Lobster & Abalone Meal, Coconut Chicken Flavor SHOPPING Baoshutang, Bamboo Charcoal Product,Dried Seafood Shop HOTEL 4 Star Hotel(All hotel rating are based on local terms) 1. Sanya Miss World- Beauty Crown Las Vegas Show @ RMB280/pax OPTIONAL TOUR 2. Breath Taking Car Acrobatic Performance @ RMB230/pax 3. Song City Eternal Love Show @ RMB300/pax .
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