603 PARISH COUNCIL Draft minutes of a meeting held on 6 th April 2016 in Uley Village Hall at 7pm. Present: Councillors Jonathan Dembrey (JD) (Chairman), Janet Wood (JW) (Vice- Chairman), Belinda Holley (BH), Charles Goldingham (CG), Mike Griffiths (MG), Melanie Paraskeva (MP). In attendance: Ashy McKay (AM) (Clerk). 1. Apologies. Councillor Jim Dewey (RJD). Guy Blanch (GB). 2. Public Representation. 4. Mrs and Mrs Walsh, Juliet Browne, Thoss Shearer. 3. Declarations of Interest. None. 4. Item 8 Planning. The Chairman agreed to bring this item forward as Mr and Mrs Walsh were present and wanted to address the council about a forthcoming application they wish to make. The applicants wish to build a 2 storey house in their garden at The Cobbams, The Street. They have already sought advice from SDC Planning indicating that access to the road is adequate and the proposals are within policy guidelines, and the new dwelling will not be visible from the road. They intend to use natural Cotswold stone, with dormer windows and low eves and space for 3 parked cars including a garage. The applicants were advised to consult the emerging Uley and Community Design Statement. It was agreed to discuss the applicants appeal against the decision of the SDC Planning Development Committee to refuse S.15/1587/FUL. Bencombe Barns. The Planning Inspectorate have notified the Council of the appeal and invited further comments or to withdraw previous comments. It was agreed to circulate a letter to Councillors outlining the Council’s support for the Development Control Committee decision and commenting on any new points raised in the appeal submission. AM will then submit an agreed draft to the Planning Inspectorate. (i) Decisions. (ii) S.16/0507/TCA 18, The Street, pollard lime tree. No Comments. (iii) S.16/0522/HHOLD 1, Raglan Way. A previous application for 2 story rear extension was permitted, this is an application for some variations; slight extension of the line of the garage at the front, a small en-suite bathroom at the rear, removal of windows and alteration of the line of one of the corners of the conservatory. No comments; (iii) S.16/0443/TCA 10, The Green. Remove 2m from crown of conifer. No comments; (iv) S.16/0431/HHOLD Long Barrows, Elcombe. Conversion of internal garage to living space and alterations to roof. No comment; (v) S.16/0594/FUL Land adjacent to Lampern Cottage. Following the rejection of a previous application to build a new dwelling in the garden of Lampern Cottage, the applicants have submitted a new application for a redesigned building. AM reported that she had been contacted by the applicant saying that they intended to withdraw the application and resubmit with a landscaping statement. It was agreed to discuss and comment on the existing application. TS was present to comment. This replaces a previously refused application for a dwelling in the garden of Lampern Cottage. TS reiterated objections made to the previous application that the new one fails to meet: that it is outside the settlement boundary (HC1; CP15) not an exception site and in a conservation area, the approach down Lampern Hill is a key view identified in the Community Design Statement. The building takes up a large part of the site with a very long frontage and will have a major impact on approaches. It was agreed to


object on these grounds; (vi) new receipt. S.16/1500/HHOLD 4, Bencombe Cottages minor amendments to approved scheme. No comments. 5. Item 4. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 nd March 2016. AM reported that under item 13 the figure of £1,035 is included after quarterly net salary and expenses. Agreed. 6. Item 5. Matters Arising. Item 7. JW to contact cleaner; Item 7 Playground Inspection has been ordered; Village Hall Notice Boards have now been installed. The Clerk was thanked. AM reported that we still have the original two boards. It was proposed that they could be donated to the Playing Fields Pavilion and the Allotments. It was agreed that AM contact BT to ask them to clear out and clean the two telephone boxes. The fence at the BT exchange has been fixed. 7. Item 6. District and County Councillor Reports. Councillor Steve Lydon reported that the £5,000 available to fund youth schemes could be used to fund playground equipment. SL asked for proposals to his £30,000 Highways grant fund, he suggested that some of it could be used for weeding and gully clearing as the contract work carried out by GCC has been inadequate. 8. Item 7. Footpaths, Playground and Bins. DS was present and reported 3 fallen trees on the bye way at Elcombe and one further one about to fall. DS has reported them to the Lloyd Baker Estate. The bridleway at Angeston and Cat’s Castle has been very rutted by heavy vehicles and the bye way from Hydegate to The Bury is very bad, however it will improve in the summer when it dries up. 9. Highway Matters, Transport and Flooding. (i) Meeting with Andrew Middlecote. AM reported that she and JW had attended a meeting with the Highways Manager in Court Gardens. He was asked to follow up on: single white line at the neck of Goldingham Close; broken bollard on the corner of South St., and The Street; 20 is plenty signs; Marsh Farm potholes, assessment of further works; Shadwell Lane, assessment for further works; pothole outside Hop Cottage in Whitecourt; raised ironworks in Court Gardens; outside 8, The Street pothole needs filling; Bus Stop on the left coming into the village from Dursley needs clearing and levelling; white lines at the end of South St. and Lower Lampern View need replacing. Andrew had said that a new scheme is to be launched this year where at non peak times, road gangs will have the discretion to fill in more potholes that those marked as priorities. Also a Lengths man scheme will be introduced where each Councillor will get 3 weeks of a 2-man gang and truck to carry out small repairs. SL has 7 parishes that will share this resource. Court Gardens will not be part of the maintenance programme in 2016/17 but Andrew will try to get it into the 2017/18 programme; (ii) It was agreed that AM report to Highways a raised drain cover on Crawley Hill opposite the road sign causing a trip hazard, there is another one further up the hill that also needs repair. 10. Community Design Statement. MG reported that only a handful of comments had come in response to the consultation on the CDS and that these will be incorporated into the draft. 11. Floral Tributes and ashes scattered on The Bury. There have been reports of sizable and quite obtrusive commemorative tributes left on The Bury. It was agreed that as this was not a significant issue no action would be taken. 12. Finance Report. (i) AM presented the report for April. It was agreed that salary payments be changed from quarterly in arrears to monthly in arrears. Cheques to authorise: C. Kee £56 for installation of notice boards; A. McKay £610 monthly 605 salary, annual travel expenses and stationary; GAPTC £254 annual subscription; D A Hill £4,932 Bus Shelter roof repairs; Elementary Signs £430 second part of Village Notice Board invoice. MP reported that she had bought some padlocks for the allotment shed door and wanted to claim from any remaining grant. Agreed. 13. Reports from Parish Council Representatives. Millennium Green Committee. A letter had been received drawing attention to the replacement of the Holm Oak planted on The Green to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, with a native Oak. Members confirmed that this had been done without consulting with the Parish Council and it was agreed that AM write a letter to the Millennium Green Committee expressing regret that this had happened. 14. Dates for Annual Parish and Annual Council Meetings. AM proposed holding the Annual Council meeting and the May Parish Council meeting in the week beginning 15 th May rather than the first week. This is so that newly elected Councillors can make their declarations of acceptance of office within the statutory deadline after the date of the election on 5 th May. It was agreed to book the VH on either the 17th or 19 th whenever it is available. The Annual Council Meeting will start at 6.15 pm and the Parish Council meeting at 7 pm. The Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on 1st June at 7.30 – 9 pm, proceeded by the ordinary meeting at 6 – 7.30 pm. 15. Correspondence. SDC E-news April. Rural Services network. Josh Griffiths – Community Speed Watch Cotswold Visitor Giving Scheme. Cotswold Project. Neil Carmichael MP – Natural . Council. – Stroud 2016/17 Stroud Youth Group Grant Funding. Chartered Parishes Meeting minutes. 16. Parish Website and Village News. MG volunteered to lead on finding, setting up and running a replacement website when SDC withdraw their community website in December. AM to send information gathered so far. 17. Urgent Business. It was agreed to ask D A Hill to provide a quote for de-rusting and painting the guttering on the top bus shelter. The Chairman thanked Councillor Charles Goldingham who is standing down at the forthcoming election, for all his years’ service on the Parish Council, and the great contribution that has been made by him and his family to the life of Uley. Charles was invited to attend the Annual Council meeting. The meeting was closed at 9.45 pm.