Ada Stenclik - Voluntarism Award 4-6 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards 3 Cable Gardens 9-10 James Kudelka - Order of Canada 3 INSIDE Candid Camera 20 Scholarship Winner 6 Clara Reaches 106 2 St. Andrews 160 13 THIS Cruise Gardens 11-12 Tia Stars in UK 12 Dear Editor 16-19 Vittoria Mill Cairn 7-8 ISSUE District Business 14-16 WI Calendar Girls, Open House 8,14 Farewell to Ruth 2 Youth Accomplishments 10 NO. 18 – WINTER 2005/2006 • PUBLISHED AT VITTORIA, ONTARIO (519) 426-0234 The Vittoria Booster The Vittoria Booster Newsletter is published twice a year by The Vittoria & District Foundation for its Members and Supporters. website: e-mail:
[email protected] AA nn bbeeffoorree aa ppeerrssoonn’’ ss nnaammee iinnddiiccaatteess tthhaatt hhee oorr sshhee iiss aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff TThhee VViittttoorriiaa && DDiissttrriicctt FFoouunnddaattiioonn.. Milestone Birthdays Celebrated nFFrraannkk FFeetthh 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn MMaayy 2222 HHaarroolldd JJaarrvviiss 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 77 In Memoriam nAAddaa CCaasssseellttoonn 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 1155 nJJiimm CCrruuiissee 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 2266 BBeerrtthhaa VVaannggrroonniinnggeenn 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 2233 DDaannnnyy GGhheessqquuiieerree ææ 6644 oonn MMaarrcchh 11 nNNoorraahh MMoooorree 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 22 JJoosseepphh ((JJooeeyy}} LLooppeess ææ 33 oonn MMaayy 44 HHeelleenn MMeellvviillllee 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 66 BBaarrbbaarraa JJooaann ((AAttcchhiissoonn)) SSttaannlleeyy ææ 6644 oonn MMaayy 66 nLLoowweellll