International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2021, pp. 1356-1362 Article ID: IJM_12_01_119 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.12.1.2021.119

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Andi Yasni Try Yuliana, Muhammad Saad and Gustiana A. Kambo Faculty of Social and Political Science, Hasanuddin University,

ABSTRACT This study aims to explain and analyze how the process of winning the wife of Buton Regent in the election of legislative candidates in Buton Regency in 2014. The research was conducted in Buton Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, research that describes the subject and object of research based on empirical facts. The data sources used are the success team, party cadres, documents and archives. Data were collected through the interview method. The data analysis uses the theory of power, the concept of political party recruitment and the theory of political strategy. The results showed that the recruitment of political parties provides a clear picture of the process of winning the wife of the Regent of Buton at the Buton Regency DPRD by following the stages of registration, selection, screening and up to the determination of legislative member candidates. Iis Elianti's victory at the Buton Regency DPRD was inseparable from the influence of Umar Samiun's political power as the Regent of Buton. Iis Elianti used her husband's power to get votes in the electoral districts where he was nominated as a member of the legislature. People in their chosen area know the figure of Iis Elianti as the wife of Umar Samiun who is the Regent of Buton. Key words: Recruitment Mechanism, Political Parties, Strategy, Power Cite this Article: Andi Yasni Try Yuliana, Muhammad Saad and Gustiana A. Kambo, The Winning of Buton Regent’s Wife in Buton Regency DPRD for the 2014-2019, International Journal of Management, 12(1), 2021, pp. 1356-1362.

1. INTRODUCTION The institutionalization of parties is an organizing process and procedures to achieve certain stability and values. Therefore, political institutionalization is a process in which citizens' interests, conflicts, demands, and support for the political system are channeled through institutions that have the authority to distribute (Alfian, 2008). In relation to this, it can be seen that the success of PAN (Partai Amanat Nasional) 1) in Southeast was influenced in part by officials from the National Mandate Party. Power or power expresses the capacity of an individual to intentionally have an impact on others. Influence is the ability to get people to comply with the will of the influencer. Politics bases itself on power, and this power is not evenly distributed within the organization 1356 [email protected] The Winning of Buton Regent’s Wife in Buton Regency DPRD for the 2014-2019

(Hoogerwerf, 1985). There are many PAN cadres in using their power to build their political power. Several officials in the Southeast Sulawesi region use their power/ position to facilitate their families to occupy positions in Government Offices, DPR RI 2) Provincial DPRD 3) and Regency / City DPRD 4). The third case occurred in Buton Regency where Samsu Umar Abdul Samiun as the Regent of Buton for two periods, 2012-2017, and 2017-2022 was able to pass his wife Iis Elianti as a member of the Buton Regency DPRD 2014-2019, even now became Deputy Regent of Buton Regency for the period 2018-2022. But during the second term, the elected Regent Samsu Umar Abdul Samiun was arrested by the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) after his second inauguration as Regent of Buton. Before becoming a member of the DPRD and when he was Deputy Regent of Buton Regency, Iis Elianti was a housewife. After Umar Samiun sat as Regent of Buton in 2012, Iis Elianti automatically became the head of the Buton District PKK (a community organization that empowers women to participate in Indonesia's development). Samsu Umar Samiun encouraged his wife Iis Elianti to advance as a member of the Buton Regency DPRD. Iis Elianti was born in Karawang on June 20, 1968 and last graduated from high school / equivalent. Umar Samiun, used his power as Regent of Buton to win over his wife as a member of the Buton Regency DPRD, a legislative candidate from the PAN party. where Samsu Umar Samiun is a cadre from the PAN party and the party that supported him as the Regent of Buton Regency. Buton Regent Samsu Umar Samiun instructed his staff directly to win his wife as a legislative candidate for the Buton Regency DPRD. by pressuring the Civil Servants in his ranks to win over his wife. In many cases, when someone in his ranks does not follow his wishes, it is not long before they are dismissed from their position and replaced by someone else. With the influence of her husband's position, Iis Elianti, the wife of Umar Samiun, became a member of the Buton Regency DPRD in the 2014-2019 election year. After two years as a member of the Buton Regency DPRD, Iis Elianti was appointed as Treasurer of PAN in 2016. 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Concept of Power Power (power) and politics are two complementary concepts. These two concepts can never be separated from one another, that's how the concepts of power and politics complement each other (Huntington, 1983; Hegel, 2003). There will be no political process when it does not involve power. On the other hand, there will be no power if there is no political involvement in it (Hotman, 1986; Harris, 2004) . So it is not an exaggeration if some people say that when we talk about politics, we are actually talking about power, and vice versa. According to Miriam Budiarjo (2008) power is the ability of a person or group of people to influence the behavior of a person or group of other people so that their behavior is in accordance with the wishes / goals of a person / group of people who have that power. Power according to Miriam Budiardjo is the ability of a person or group of human beings to influence the behavior of a person or other group in such a way that the behavior is in accordance with the wishes and goals of the person or State. Political power is the ability to influence public policy (government) both in the formation and consequences according to the goals of the holder of power itself (Peter, 2004). Political power is a part of social power whose focus is aimed at state control of social behavior, community obedience, and influencing state activities in the administrative, legislative and judicial fields (Haryanto, 1982) 1357 [email protected] Andi Yasni Try Yuliana, Muhammad Saad and Gustiana A. Kambo

2.2. The Concept of Political Party Cadre Recruitment Political parties can be defined as means of citizens to participate in or participate in the process of state management. Nowadays political parties are well known by the Indonesian people. As a political institution, parties are not something that exists by themselves. As a citizen, political activities are not focused on the formal aspects but also on the informal ones. Through political parties, the activities of every citizen will be recognized by the government more than the political activities carried out by each citizen which are more individual in nature. Through political parties, all politicians are given the same opportunity to express themselves based on the rules of the game that are mutually agreed upon through political parties (Kertakusuma, 2006); Hidayat, 2009). As a means of political recruitment for political parties, the function is to find and invite talented people to actively participate in political activities as party members (Suaib el ak., 2016). If we look at the function of political parties as a means of political recruitment, political parties are currently unable to carry out the aspirations of society in delivering development figures with integrity in accordance with the hopes and goals of forming parties for the benefit of society, to bridge the people on the one hand and the government on the other. Recruitment of members is carried out in a persuasive manner which begins with the socialization of the party to the community to show the existence of the party. Meanwhile, the implementation of the recruitment of candidates for legislative members is carried out through the selection stage, the screening stage, and the determination stage. This political recruitment function is very important for the continuity of the political system because without an elite capable of carrying out its role, the survival of the political system will be threatened. Through this process there will continue to be a role for people to continue it. The role of political parties as a means of recruitment in order to increase the political participation of the community, namely how political parties have a significant share in preparing cadres in political leadership, selecting prepared cadres, and struggling for the placement of qualified, dedicated cadres. , and has high credibility and has the support of the community in strategic political positions. Sukarna said that if political nominations were not selective then this would be detrimental feedback for the sustainability of political parties. Political recruitment is the election or selection of a person or group to carry out a number of roles in the political system and also in government. This function is getting bigger in position where the political party is a single political party such as in a totalitarian political system, or this political party is the majority party in the people's representative body so that it has the authority to form a government in a democratic political system.

2.3. Political Strategy Theory Political strategy is a strategy used to realize political ideals. The notion of strategy is knowledge about the use of battle to win the war (Peter, 2009). In this modern century, the use of the term strategy is no longer limited to the concept or art of a commander in warfare, but has been widely used in almost all fields of science. In a general sense, strategy is a way to win or achieve goals (Subakti, 2006). Political strategy is a strategy used to realize political ideals. For example, the imposition of new regulations, the establishment of a new structure in government administration or a deregulation, privatization or decentralization program is implemented. Without a long-term change strategy or major projects simply don't materialize. Good politicians who try to realize ambitious plans without a strategy, are often the ones who have to be responsible for creating the social conditions that cause millions of people to suffer. In political strategy it is very important to know the communication strategy. Communication strategy is very important so that it brings benefits to someone or, which has been ignored by opponents. The desired image 1358 [email protected] The Winning of Buton Regent’s Wife in Buton Regency DPRD for the 2014-2019

(target image) includes: in the implementation process, the weaknesses of the government and the executive unit are primarily in the field of public relations, the target image sets the foundation for public relations work, and all public relations actions only aim to spread this image and instill in the minds of the target group -target. The desired image relates to the choice of theme, style, mode of confrontation and human resource offerings. The main strategic step, apart from measuring yourself with a SWOT analysis, is the objective collection of information (Subakti, 2011). This is especially necessary to identify competitors and can be obtained from information from competitors, espionage, survey analysis, media analysis, explanations from competing alliances. In addition, it is also necessary to clearly know the rules of the game contained in the applicable legislation. SWOT analysis is a theory of organizational strategy formulation that is a single business unit. SWOT itself stands for strength (S), weakness (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T). This analysis systematically can help in identifying external factors (Opportunities and Threats) and factors within the organization (Strength and Weakness). The SWOT analysis enables the organization to formulate and implement the main strategy as an advanced stage of implementation and organizational goals (Subakti, 2011). In a SWOT analysis, information is collected and analyzed. The results of the analysis can cause changes to the mission, policy objectives or ongoing strategies. In preparing a good plan, it is necessary to know the power and funds that are owned when starting the business, knowing all the weaknesses that exist. The collected data regarding these internal factors is a potential in carrying out the planned business. On the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention to the external factors faced, namely the opportunities or opportunities that exist or are considered to arise and the threats or obstacles that are expected to arise and affect the business being carried out. It was found that the SWOT analysis is the development of relationships or interactions between internal elements, namely the strengths and weaknesses of external elements, namely opportunities and threats. 3. RESEARCH METHODS The research was conducted in Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The author uses a qualitative approach to determine the political phenomenon in winning the wife of the Regent of Buton in the Buton Regency DPRD for the 2014-2019 period. The data collection techniques used in this study are:

3.1. Interview Techniques Interviewing is a method used by researchers to obtain information and opinions verbally from informants, with face to face interviews between the interviewer and the informant (Hasyim, Nursidah, Hasjim, 2019). With the aim of obtaining data that can explain and or answer a research problem. Meanwhile, what is meant by unstructured interviewing technique is an interview which is conducted based on a guideline or a note containing points or points of thought regarding the matter to be asked during the interview. So in this study, researchers conducted interviews with various related parties. Conducting interviews, besides having to bring instruments as a guide for interviews, data collectors can also use tools such as voice recorders, cameras, or others that can be used to assist the interview process.

3.2. Documentation Study Document study is a complement to the use of observation and interview methods in qualitative research (Sugiyono, 2010, Hasyim et al., 2029). In fact, the credibility of the results of this qualitative research will be even higher if it involves / uses the study of this document in its qualitative research methods. In most qualitative research traditions, the phrase personal 1359 [email protected] Andi Yasni Try Yuliana, Muhammad Saad and Gustiana A. Kambo document is used widely to refer to first-person narratives produced by an individual describing actions, experiences, and and his own beliefs "

3.3. Literature Study Literature study is data that comes from reading literature, data related to research topics, online data searching with the aim of completing data (Hasyim, et al., 2019; Maknun et al., 2020)). Qualitative analysis techniques used the model of Miles and Huberman (1994) which includes three stages. First, data reduction, namely summarizing, selecting the main things, and focusing on the important things from the data that has been obtained and looking for patterns. Second, the presentation of data (data display), which is displaying reduced data that is organized and easy to understand. Third, conclusions (conclution drawing), namely the accumulation of preliminary conclusions accompanied by valid evidence, so that the conclusions generated in this study can answer the research problem, namely to describe and analyze the winnings of the Buton Regent's wife in the Buton Regency DPRD for the 2014- 2019 period. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. The Process of Winning the Regent's Wife at the Buton Regency DPRD The National Mandate Party has its own rules and mechanisms in each stage of proposing candidates for legislative candidates that it will carry in the 2014-2019 Buton Regency legislative elections. This includes carrying out the political recruitment process, namely by going through a series of selection processes to determine who would be a candidate for the National Mandate Party. This of course also has something to do with PAN's efforts as a party to maintain its existence and stability in running the party machine. The recruitment and selection process for legislative candidate candidates that will be carried out in the legislative elections in Buton Regency in 2014 is indeed earlier than other parties. This was done with the hope that PAN could target many potential people, while no one from other parties was targeting. With the recruitment and selection process being carried out earlier, of course, to carry out various activities can also be prepared earlier than others. Another consideration is that the National Mandate Party is an influential party in Buton Regency. There are several kinds of political strategies carried out by the National Mandate Party to get seats and also be able to win the 2014 legislative elections in Buton Regency, including the recruitment strategy for prospective candidates, socialization of candidates, political communication and moving the machines of the National Mandate Party and, no less important, namely closeness. PAN with the people of Buton Regency.

4.2. Buton Regent's Personality in Influencing Iis Elianti's Legislative Winning Iis Elianti's nomination process did not experience many obstacles, many people already know her, because of her good figure and known as the wife of the Regent of Buton, Samsu Umar Samiun. Iis Elianti's candidacy in the Buton Regency DPRD was helped by several successful teams who had been the winning team when her husband Samsu Umar Samiun ran for Regent of Buton Regency in 2013. Iis Elianti's candidacy is in the Buton Regency DPRD and is in electoral districts, namely, Pasarwajo District, Wolowa District, Seontapina District and Wabula District. Where the electoral district of Iis Elianti is the mass base of Umar Samiun and who is a local son. Umar Samiun, who is a local son, rebuilt Buton Regency with his work programs. Infrastructure development, especially roads and tourism in Buton Regency. providing assistance to the community, both fishermen and farmers. Umar Samiun made many changes, 1360 [email protected] The Winning of Buton Regent’s Wife in Buton Regency DPRD for the 2014-2019 especially in the field of tourism, by holding the Takawa Festival every year and has been carried out until now. 5. CONCLUSION There are several conclusions from the results of this study, namely the winning strategy for the wife of the Regent of Buton in the Buton Regency DPRD for the period 2014-2019 as follows: Recruitment of candidates for legislative members drawn from the national mandate party is seen from the figures of the legislative candidates. Where a figure is very important to attract sympathy and influence society. Figures have a very big influence in gaining votes. Many things can be seen from a person who will be elected as a candidate, for example, that person has a social, economic and religious position. Iis Elianti's winning process was influenced by the power of her husband, the Buton Regent. Where his candidacy was assisted by several success teams during the 2013 regent election. The strategy used was to approach the community directly even though Iis Elianti was already known in the area. The success team organizes all the needs of the candidate candidate, strength mapping, candidate planning and candidate marketing. The success team is divided into several important work parts, namely popularity surveys and campaign planning, creating candidate imaging and monitoring the post-conflict local election process. From the results of the successful team's work, especially in planning the image and position of the candidate to suit the wishes of voters. The success team also followed up by planning campaign strategies, conducting outreach and consolidating in the regions to seek support. Based on the identification of the problem and its causative factors as stated above, the suggestions that can be given are: (1) In the recruitment of political members, the recruitment process must be carried out properly so that the recruited candidates actually carry out their duties properly and actually carry out their mandate and (2) in relation to the position of female candidates, the National Mandate Party sometimes experiences a shortage of female candidates, so that usually parties carry out closed recruitment by placing women candidates in positions of unbalanced legislative candidates, or only in compliance with laws. more serious about empowering female candidates. KEYNOTES 1) PAN is a political party in Indonesia. The basis of this party is Religious Morality Based on Religion that Brings Blessings to the Universe 2) The DPR (People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia) is one of the top state institutions in the Indonesian constitutional system which is a people's representative institution. DPR consists of members of political parties participating in general elections who are elected through general elections 3) Provincial DPR, Provincial Regional People's Representative Council is a regional people's representative institution that has a position as an element in administering the provincial government. 4) Regency / city Regional People's Representative Council is a regional people's representative institution that is domiciled as an element in administering regency / city regional government REFERENCES [1] Alfian, M. Alfan. Menjadi Pemimpin Politik. Jakarta: PT Gramedia pustaka Utama. 2008. [2] Hoogerwerf, A. Politikologi. Erlangga, Jakarta. 1985. [3] Budiardjo, Miriam. Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Politik. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008. 1361 [email protected] Andi Yasni Try Yuliana, Muhammad Saad and Gustiana A. Kambo

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