Group 1 Lesson plan: 20th September 2015 SSE

Ganesh Chaturthi

3 Om’s

Ganesha Chaturthi is the Hindu festival celebrated in honour of the god , who has an elephant-head. The festival, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is observed in the month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period). The date usually falls between August and September. The festival usually lasts for 10 days, ending on Anant (fourteenth day of the waxing moon period).

The modern festival involves installing clay images of Ganesha in public pandals (temporary shrines), which are worshipped for ten days. These are immersed at the end of the festival in a body of water such as a lake, along with the idol. Some also install the clay images of Ganesha in their homes.

Vinayaka (Ganesha) drives away all sorrows, difficulties, and miseries. He is the enemy of all obstacles. He will not allow any obstacles to come in the way. He is the destroyer of obstacles. He confers happiness and peace (on his devotees). He is the master of all these powers (intellect (buddhi) and fulfillment (siddhi, self-realization). What is this siddhi? When there is purity of mind, you achieve peace (which is siddhi). Vinayaka is thus the Lord of the intellect and self-realization. Hence, every human being should acquire control over the mind ... .

Divine Discourse: Swami, , 7 September 1997

If you want to lead a life of happiness, free from troubles and difficulties, you have to pray to Ganapathi, the remover of all obstacles. There is no need to go to any temple. Vighneswara dwells in each one of you as your intelligence (buddhi) and wisdom (vijnaana). When you make proper use of your inherent intelligence and wisdom, you will be successful in life.

Life application:

We discussed how all of us should imbibe the qualities of Ganesha as described in the picture above.


The children were shown how to draw a picture of Ganesha and bring it back for the next class. The pictures are attached below in case the kids need some more help. Let the artist in them come out.

OM and 3 shantis! Have a blessed week.