FSA1091 Basics of Heating with Firewood
DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE RESEARCH & EXTENSION Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Arkansas System FSA1091 Basics of Heating with Firewood Sammy Sadaka Introduction Many options of secure, wood combustion Ph.D., P.E. stoves, freplaces, furnaces and boilers Associate Professor Wood heating was the predominant are available in the market. EPA certifed freplaces, furnaces and wood stoves with Extension Engineer means for heating in homes and businesses for several decades until the advent of no visible smoke and 90 percent less iron radiators, forced air furnaces and pollution are among alternatives. Addi- John W. Magugu, Ph.D. improved stoves. More recently, a census tionally, wood fuel users should adhere Professional Assistant by Energy Information Administration, to sustainable wood management and EIA, has placed fuelwood users in the environmental sustainability frameworks. USA at 2.5 million as of 2012. Burning wood has been more common Despite the widespread use of cen- among rural families compared to families tral heating systems, many Arkansans within urban jurisdictions. Burning wood still have freplaces in their homes, with has been further incentivized by more many others actively using wood heating extended utility (power) outages caused systems. A considerable number of by wind, ice and snowstorms. Furthermore, Arkansans tend to depend on wood fuel liquefed petroleum gas, their alternative as a primary source of heating due to fuel, has seen price increases over recent high-energy costs, the existence of high- years. effciency heating apparatuses and Numerous consumers continue to have extended power outages in rural areas. questions related to the use of frewood. An Apart from the usual open freplaces, important question is what type of wood more effcient wood stoves, freplace can be burned for frewood? How to store inserts and furnaces have emerged.
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