13 VISUAL Chapter ASSESSMENT SUMMARY TERMS & NAMES CRITICAL THINKING Briefly explain the significance 1. USING YOUR NOTES of each of the following. Types of people who Why they Key events that allowed the U.S. traveled there went there to take ownership of the territory 1. mountain man New Utah

2. Oregon 3. Stephen Austin California 4. Tejano in 1810 5. Antonio López de Santa Anna Using your completed chart, 6. manifest destiny answer the questions below. 7. Bear Flag Revolt a. In what ways were the reasons people went west similar? 8. Mexican Cession b. Which of the five regions listed 9. forty-niner on your chart entered the United 10. California Trails West States peacefully? c. Which event added the most Mountain men and traders REVIEW QUESTIONS territory to the United States? opened trails in the Far West. Pioneers then went west to gain Trails West (pages 377–383) 2. ANALYZING LEADERSHIP land, wealth, or religious freedom. 1. What were three reasons why Think about the leaders discussed people moved west? in this chapter. What characteristics The Texas 2. What were the three main did they have that made them trails that led to the West? good leaders? Americans moved into the Mexican 3. How did the Mormons make 3. THEME: EXPANSION territory of Texas. Conflicts led the land in Utah productive? those Americans to revolt, and How did the idea of manifest des- Texas gained independence. The Texas Revolution tiny help bring about the expan- (pages 384–389) sion of the United States? The War with Mexico 4. Why were Texans unhappy 4. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS with Mexican rule? President Polk wanted to expand How did the War with Mexico and 5. Why were the battles the nation. He negotiated to the contribute of the Alamo and San to the cultural diversity of the gain Oregon. The United States Jacinto important to the United States? fought Mexico to gain much of Texas Revolution? the Southwest. 5. APPLYING CITIZENSHIP SKILLS The War with Mexico (pages 390–395) What were the different view- points that people held about the The California Gold Rush 6. What areas did the United War with Mexico? The discovery of gold lured States gain as a result of Americans’ belief in manifest thousands of people to California. Interact with History California’s economy and destiny? population grew, resulting 7. How is the Bear Flag Revolt Based on this chapter, what do you in statehood. related to the War with Mexico? think you would have gained or 8. What lands did the United lost by going west? States acquire as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The California Gold Rush (pages 396–401) United States 9. Who were four groups of people in 1853 who became forty-niners? 10. What were three ways California changed because of the gold rush? 402 CHAPTER 13 HISTORY SKILLS ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. INTERPRETING MAPS: Movement 1. INTERDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITY: Science Study the map. Answer the questions. Creating a Diagram Do research to learn how gold is deposited into veins in the earth and how erosion later exposes the gold. Draw diagrams showing the Settlement of Texas processes of gold vein formation and erosion. Share your diagram with the class. ° Amarillo 35 N 2. COOPERATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITY Creating a News Magazine Show With the support of President Polk, Congress declared war on Mexico in 1846. Though many Americans supported the decision, El Paso some groups felt that war with Mexico was unneces- sary and unjust. Working with a small group, create a TEXAS Austin news magazine show that explores the different view- 30°N points surrounding the Mexican War. Research these San opinions. Then write and perform the news magazine

W ° Antonio 5 for the class. One student should be the moderator,

0 1 while the other students in the group should choose Before 1800 Gulf of one of the following groups to represent. Between 1800 and 1850 Mexico a. President Polk and his supporters

Between 1850 and 1870 W W

° °

0 b. Northerners, including Abraham Lincoln and


Between 1870 and 1890 95 1 25°N Frederick Douglass After 1890 c. Southerners

Basic Map Elements 3. TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITY a. What is the subject of the map? Making a Class Presentation Life in the mining camps was not like life “back east.” Information about b. What years are covered by the map? the camps comes from primary sources, like diaries and c. What do the colors indicate? newspaper articles. Using the Internet and library, find sources about life in the mining camps. Interpreting the Map For more about gold mining . . . d. Which area of Texas was settled first? INTERNET ACTIVITY e. In what general direction was Texas settled? CLASSZONE.COM 2. INTERPRETING PRIMARY SOURCES Your sources might include: This photograph was taken of a man who planned •images of mines, miners, or miners’ shacks to go to California to find gold. Study the photo •images of items that the general store sold to miners carefully. Answer the questions. • tales of the gold fields a. What does the • information about the diversity of cultures in the photo reveal camps about the man’s expecta- 4. HISTORY PORTFOLIO tions of Review the concept of manifest destiny. Then danger? write a brief report listing the political, eco- b. What does the nomic, and social roots of the concept. Be sure to use photo suggest standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and about how punctuation in your report. Add your report to your successful he portfolio. hopes to be?

Additional Test Practice, TEST PRACTICE pp. S1–S33 CLASSZONE.COM

Manifest Destiny 403