
4 Climate

A Citizens Ansnszmbly ie 2020? Programmz Spzakzrns, Prznszetzrns aed Paezl partiipaetns

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Broeiz nspoensor Digital iampaigens for nsoiial Iedzpzedzet, loially rue. Diaea Adamns, Artnst ihaegz Ensiapz from thz Evzryday. Programmz Spzakzrns, Prznszetzrns aed Paezl partiipaetns Jamzns Cook Hotzl, Wzlliegtoe - 11th Nov 2019

Wzliomz aed Szteg thz Sizez

Profznsnsor Jamzns Rzewiik

Head of School, Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington. His main feld is large-scale climate dynamics and his current interests include Southern Hemisphere climate variability (such as the El Niño/La Niña cycle and the mid-lattude westerly winds/Southern Annular Mode) and the impacts of climate variability and change on New Zealand and the Antarctc.

Antarctc sea ice variability and trends were the focus of a Marsden grant that ran through to early 2018. He was a lead author for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, in Working Group I (physical science), and for the 4th Assessment Report published in 2007. He is also involved currently in the producton of the 6th report.

He is a member of the World Climate Research Programme Joint Scientfc Commitee, and the chair of the Royal Society of New Zealand Climate Expert Panel.

Jzaezttz Fitinsimoens spent 13 years as a member of parliament and was the former co-leader of the New Zealand Green Party. Before that, she lectured in energy, transport and sustainability issues in the Planning Department at University.

She has had a long-standing interest in sustainable energy policy, especially energy efficiency, ever since her involvement in the nuclear power debate in the 1970s. She is spending her retirement campaigning for sensible climate policy and against increased mining of fossil fuels in New Zealand.

Jeanette and her husband have a small certified organic farm near Thames, and she is a patron of the Soil & Health Association. Her specialties as a Centre advisory board member are in energy, transport, climate change and small farming.

Paezl 1 - Our Homz, Our Crinsins - What’ns to bz doez?

Paezl - Dr Mikz Joy

Mike Joy is a New Zealand freshwater ecologist, author and science communicator. He is currently employed at the Insttute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington.

Page 2 of 6 Paezl - Mzl Vautzr

Melanie Vauter is a Masters’ student studying the relatonship between cultural values and the environment. As part of Extncton Rebellion, she recently locked herself to a car for nine hours in the middle of Stout Street; and found as an unintended consequence her views and opinions have become valuable enough to be broadcast on mainstream media and in climate panels.

Paezl - Sophiz Haedford

At just 18 years of age, Sophie has been elected as the Paekākāriki-Raumat ward councillor. The inspiring Sophie Handford is one of the leaders of School Strike 4 Climate NZ, the organisers of the intergeneratonal climate strike held natonwide on September 27 2019 and atended by an estmated 170,000 Kiwis.

Paezl - Tzaeau Tuioeo

Project coordinator Maori medium publishing at CORE educaton. Teanau Tuiono has worked with the UN focusing on Indigenous Peoples issues. Previously he worked with NGOs that supported the aspiratons of Indigenous Peoples in the global context around diferent UN processes. Teanau has worked with two Ministries of Educaton (New Zealand and the Solomon Islands), both tmes supportng curriculum and resource development in Indigenous languages. Natonally, Teanau has also worked projects that support Māori and Pasifka educatonal achievement.

Paezl 2 - Politial Rznspoenszns: whzrz arz wz hzadzd? – Dzadloik, or Coenszensuns?

As above Chair – Profznsnsor Jamzns Rzewiik Ans abovz Paezl – Dr Dueiae Wzbb MP, Labour

Duncan Webb was elected to Parliament in 2017, is no. 28 on the List and is the MP for Christchurch Central. He brings broad experience to Parliament. He was a partner in a major law frm and prior to that a professor of law. His credentals as a social actvist are unquestonable – since 2010 he worked to help ordinary people in Christchurch get their homes, lives, jobs, and businesses back on track afer the earthquakes. He was an advocate for an inquiry into the failings of EQC.

Duncan has also worked on other social justce projects, such as the Public Interest Project — which seeks to get innocent people out of jail and establish a Criminal Cases Review Commission — and the Howard League, which promotes prisoners’ rights. Furthermore, Duncan acted for the Flockton Basin residents in the EQC food litgaton and assisted the Problem Gambling Foundaton when they sued Sky City.

As the new Member of Parliament for Christchurch Central Duncan will contnue to work with his consttuents on the many issues which contnue to face them. He is commited to being a a strong voice for Christchurch in Wellington.

Paezl – TBC MP, NZ Firnst

Page 3 of 6 Paezl - Chloz Swarbriik MP, Grzzens

Back in May of this year, Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick frst made the move to collaborate cross-Parliament to declare a Climate Emergency. Background negotatons bubbled to the surface as the Natonal Party pre-emptvely put out a press release saying they’d never back it, forcing partsan debate and causing Swarbrick to put the moton anyway for sake of transparency and accountability, where the Oppositon blocked it.

She has contnued to work with School Strikers and actvely back the silent protest of humble Wellington man, Ollie Langridge, throughout his 100-day vigil demanding Parliamentary acton.

Most recently, her positon on the Environment Select Commitee led to her reported ‘Green Party member’ positon on the Zero Carbon Bill, calling for an end to bullshit politcking and scientfc, robust acton through meaningfully empowering the Independent Climate Change Commission.* (*See p5 Environment Select Commitee Report)

Chlöe is a list MP based in Auckland Central and entered Parliament in 2017. Ranked no. 7 on the List. Chlöe is the Green Party spokesperson on issues that she can really get her teeth into: Educaton (including Tertary), Internal Afairs, Sensible Drug Law Reform, Local Government, Arts Culture & Heritage, Small Business, Broadcastng and Youth.

Paezl - Siott Simpnsoe MP Natoeal

Scot was elected Member of Parliament for Coromandel in November 2011. He is No. 12 on Natonal’s list.

Prior to entering Parliament , he was CEO of the natonwide children's charity Make-A- Wish New Zealand. He has a strong business and commercial background having previously held roles as New Zealand General Manger of Protector Safety, HPM and Caroma Industries.

Scot is a 4th generaton "Coromandelite" and lives in Thames. His great grandparents arrived in Kuaotunu just north of Whitanga in the mid-1800s. Members of his extended family stll farm in the area and he has owned a home there for over 20 years.

Scot has a law degree from the , is a Justce of the Peace and a member of the Insttute of Directors.

He has always been actve in his local community. For 5 years he chaired the General Distributon Commitee of the Lotery Grants Board, assistng in allocatng funding to worthy community groups and initatves from all around New Zealand.

Kzyeotz nspzakzr: Diarmuid Torezy (by vidzo liek from Irzlaed) “How a Citizens Ansnszmbly iae traensform publii dzbatz oe a ioetrovzrnsial quznstoen

Page 4 of 6 Kzyeotz nspzakzr - Diarmuid Torezy Diarrnuid Torney is an Associate Professor in the School of Law and Government at DCU. he holds an MPhil and DPhil (PhD) in Internatonal Relatons from the University of Oxford, as well as BA and MA degrees from University College Dublin. His research focuses on comparatve and global politcs of climate change, environment, and energy, partcularly in Ireland, the European Union, China, and India. He is Principal Investgator on two research projects funded by the Irish Environmental Protecton Agency: Irish Climate Policy Evaluaton and Citzens' Climate. He is the author of European Climate Leadership in Queston: Policies toward China and India (MIT Press, 2015) and co-editor of European Union External Environmental Policy: Rules, Regulaton and Governance Beyond Borders (Palgrave, 2018). His research has also appeared in leading internatonal peer reviewed academic journals, including Energy Policy, Environmental Politcs, Global Environmental Politcs, and Journal of Common Market Studies. He was involved in the establishment of DCU’s new MSc in Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society. He teaches courses on the politcs of climate change and environment, public policy, and internatonal relatons theories at undergraduate and Master’s level. In 2017 he served as a member of the Expert Advisory Group to the Citzens’ Assembly for its consideraton of the topic “How the state can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change”. He is a Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance Project.

His previous positons include include postdoctoral fellowships at Chatham House, the Finnish Insttute of Internatonal Afairs, and the Freie Universität Berlin, and stagiaire at third secretary level in the Irish Department of Foreign Afairs. He has also held visitng fellowships at the Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels), the Internatonal Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (Geneva), the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy (Beijing), and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (Delhi). Chair aed rznspoensz to Diarmuid Torezy - Max Ranshbrookz Max Rashbrooke is an author, journalist and academic. He is the author of Government for the Public Good: The Surprising Science of Large-Scale Collectve Acton, published by Bridget Williams Books (BWB) in September 2018. He is also the author of Wealth and New Zealand and edited the best-selling Inequality: A New Zealand Crisis, republished in updated form in late 2018, also by BWB. He is a senior associate of the Insttute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, and as a journalist has writen for outlets in Britain and New Zealand including the Guardian, the Natonal Business Review and Metro. He has twice been the recipient of the Bruce Jesson Senior Journalism Award and was a 2015 Winston Churchill Fellow. Prznszetatoe - Dzlibzratvz Dzmoiraiy

Prznszetzr - Johe Pzeeiegtoe (PEP)

Public Engagement Projects (PEP) helps organisatons engage the public in complex strategy and policy issues. As a co-founding partner of PEP, John’s expertse was developed while running award-winning natonal public dialogue and deliberaton processes for Toi te Taiao: the Bioethics Council.

John is a social scientst with expertse in sustainability transitons, innovaton processes, environmental values, and contemporary policy theories and practces.

In additon to being a public engagement advocate, John is also a member of the

Page 5 of 6 Sustainability Transitons Research Network (STRN). STRN is an internatonal network of with over 1,000 scholars, academics and policy makers who work in felds such as energy, mobility, agriculture, housing, water and the built environment. Research is organised around seven themes: (a) synthesizing perspectves and approaches to transitons; (b) governance, power, and politcs; (b) implementaton strategies; (d) frms and industry; (e) modelling of transitons

Thz loial govzremzet pzrnspzitvz - vidzo prznszetatoe

Prznszetzr - David Cull, formzr Duezdie Mayor aed LGNZ Chair

Dave was appointed President of LGNZ in July 2017. He was Vice President of LGNZ from December 2016 - July 2017 and was the Mayor of Dunedin City Council from 2010 to 2019. Since 2007, Dave has been heavily involved in the Dunedin community having sat on various steering groups and commitees covering economic development, technology and the environment.

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