This document was peer reviewed through the NWI. Theory and Research: Chapter 3.3 A Narrative Review of Wraparound Outcome Studies

Jesse Suter, Faculty University of Vermont Eric Bruns, Co-Director, National Wraparound Initiative, and Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine

he wraparound process has been described as having a T promising body of evidence (Burns, Goldman, Faw, & Burchard, 1999; National Advisory Mental Health Council, 2001; New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, 2003), to the point it has been included in two Surgeon General re- ports (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999, 2000), recommended for use in federal grant programs (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2005), and presented as a mechanism for improving the delivery of evi- dence-based practices for children and adolescents with se- rious emotional and behavioral disorders ([SEBD] Friedman & Drews, 2005; Tolan & Dodge, 2005; Weisz, Sandler, Durlak, & Anton, 2006). Not everyone, however, is convinced. Bick- man and colleagues (Bickman, Smith, Lambert, & Andrade, 2003) have stated that “the existing literature does not pro- vide strong support for the effectiveness of wraparound” (p. 138). Farmer, Dorsey, and Mustillo (2004) recently char- acterized the wraparound evidence base as being “on the weak side of ‘promising’” (p. 869). There are several significant concerns about the state of the wraparound evidence base. As presented in Figure 1, though the number of publications about wraparound has grown steadily over time, the number of outcome studies remains relatively small. Many outcome studies that have been published used less rigorous designs and included rel- atively small samples. Finally, the wraparound model has developed in a “grassroots” fashion and has been driven largely by local priorities. This means that there has his-

The Resource Guide to Wraparound Section 3: Theory and Research

torically been a wide range of populations of chil- erts, 2006, p.90). This does not make them less dren and families for which wraparound has been important for a review (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001), implemented and studied, as well as wide varia- just more difficult to find. Therefore, the authors tion in adherence to the core principles of wrap- acknowledge that the present review may not around (Bruns et al., 2004). With many target capture all empirical studies on wraparound. With populations, no real consensus on what exactly this recognition, this review is conceptualized as constitutes “wraparound,” and no single research a resource as well as a working document that group invested in documenting wraparound out- will most likely need to be revised and amended comes, the outcomes research base has been slow as more studies on wraparound are conducted and to emerge, and results are less consistent than identified. for more strictly defined models. In addition, re- views of outcomes studies of children’s services Method have tended to mischaracterize some evaluation studies as pertaining to the wraparound process. For example, one widely cited review (Aos, Lieb, Selection Criteria Mayfield, Miller, & Pennucci, 2004) cited evalua- Studies chosen for this review evaluated inter- tion studies of “systems of care” (e.g., Bickman, ventions following the wraparound process at the Sumerfeldt & Noser, 1997) as speaking to the child and family level. Because the goal was to evidence base on the wraparound process, even provide a comprehensive resource to the field, se- though the two models are quite distinct in prac- lection criteria were chosen that were much more tice (Stroul, 2002). inclusive than most reviews. More specifically, the Taken together, these concerns have made it following selection criteria were chosen. difficult to draw clear conclusions about- wrap Intervention. The team-based planning pro- around’s evidence base. Therefore, it is important cess used in the study must have been identified to take stock of the full range of existing outcome as wraparound or sufficiently described by the au- studies on wraparound. To date, three wraparound thors as sharing the primary components of wrap- narrative reviews have been published (Burchard, around (see related descriptions elsewhere in Bruns, & Burchard, 2002; Burns et al., 1999; Farm- this Resource Guide). Interventions that included er et al., 2004). However, they did not capture all community-based planning for children with emo- available outcome studies, and additional studies tional and behavioral disorders (e.g., case man- have been published since those reviews. Given agement), but did not explicitly incorporate other that published research on wraparound seems to wraparound principles were excluded. Similarly, be growing at an increasing rate, it is important systems of care evaluation studies that followed to conduct regular reviews of the literature to similar principles as wraparound but were evalu- characterize the status of wraparound’s evidence ated primarily at the system rather than the indi- base. vidual family level were also excluded. The primary goal of the present narrative re- Participants. The target population of the view was to identify and summarize the full scope study was children or adolescents (5 to 22 years) of wraparound outcome studies, to serve as a re- with SEBD and significant functional impairment. source for researchers and practitioners. While Evidence of significant functional impairment traditional reviews of outcome studies may use included those at-risk of (or returning from) an inclusion criteria to analyze only studies with the out-of-home placement (e.g., psychiatric hospi- most rigorous designs, the current review was in- tal, residential treatment center, juvenile justice tended to be more inclusive of the full breadth facility, ), as this is a common target of outcome studies on wraparound. Because much population for wraparound. of the outcome literature on wraparound is com- Design. Study design selection criteria were es- posed of program evaluations, the studies are pecially liberal to allow a full breadth of outcome often not published in traditional outlets (e.g., studies on wraparound. As such, experimental peer-reviewed journals). Such studies are often (e.g., randomized controlled trials), quasi-experi- referred to as “gray literature” (Petticrew & Rob- mental (e.g., non-randomized group compari-

 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

sons), and non-experimental designs (e.g., single Family Studies, Journal of Emotional and Behav- group pretest-posttest) were permitted. Qualita- ioral Disorders, and the annual research confer- tive and quantitative single subject designs were ence proceedings of A System of Care for Chil- also permitted. dren’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Outcomes. Study outcomes must have includ- Base hosted by the University of South Florida, ed measures of child functioning in their homes, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, schools, or communities. This could include emo- Research and Training Center for Children’s Men- tional or behavioral functioning, academic or job tal Health. These three sources were chosen for performance, violence or delinquency, changes in a manual search because traditionally they have living situation, or substance use. been the primary outlets for research on wrap- Timeframe and Language. The study must around. have been made available between January 1, 1986 and February 29, 2008. This timeframe was Findings

Study Characteristics The literature search yielded 36 studies (20 more than the latest review, Farmer et al., 2004), presented in 56 separate reports. When multiple reports were available for the same study, all ci- tations were included in this review. Additional reports for the same studies seemed to reflect either updates (earlier reports represented pre- liminary findings; Vernberg, Jacobs, Nyre, Puddy, & Roberts, 2004; Vernberg et al., in press), moves from unpublished to published sources (e.g., con- ference proceedings to journal article; Anderson, Kooreman, Mohr, Wright, & Russell, 2002; Ander- son, Wright, Kooreman, Mohr, & Russell, 2003), chosen because the wraparound process, as it is or presentation of findings in evaluation reports currently conceptualized, was reported to have and publications (Evans, Armstrong, Kuppinger, begun in 1986 (VanDenBerg, 1999). To be acces- 1996; Evans, Armstrong, Kuppinger, Huz, & John- sible to the researchers, the study had to be in son, 1998). Of these 56 separate reports, the most English. common outlet (45%) were peer-reviewed journals (n = 25), followed by conference proceedings (n = Literature Search 19), book chapters (n = 4), doctoral dissertations Eligible studies for this review were identified (n = 3), federal reports (n = 2), paper presenta- through electronic and manually based searches tions (n = 2), a manuscript submitted for publica- of the literature. First, 16 studies identified in tion, and a published monograph. previous reviews were included. Second, elec- Focusing on the 36 unique studies, over 60% tronic databases (Web of Science, PsycINFO and (n = 22) resulted in at least one publication in ERIC) were used to search for the keywords: wrap- a peer-reviewed journal. The remaining studies around, wrap-around, individualized services, were presented in conference proceedings (n = 9) and individualized service plans. Third, a manual dissertations (n = 3), 1 published monograph, and search was conducted of the Journal of Child and 1 paper presentation. Research designs included: 23 pretest-posttest single group designs; 6 quasi-

1. Studies identified from previous reviews are noted in Tables 2 – 5.

 Section 3: Theory and Research

Figure 1. Number of Wraparound Publications by Year Including All Publications with “Wraparound” in Title or Abstract





Number of Publications 10


90 - 93 94 - 96 97 - 99 00 - 02 03 - 05 06 - 08

Publication Year

Outcome Studies

Publications with “Wraparound” in Title or Abstract

n = 174) retrieved from PsycINFO (1/1986 through 2/2008) and primary outcome studies meeting criteria for inclusion in this review (n = 36).

experimental (non-equivalent comparison group cluding the 36 primary outcome studies and the designs); 4 randomized clinical trials; and 3 single 19 additional study reports). The most common case design studies (2 qualitative and 1 multiple- publication year was 1996 (n = 9; the year the baseline). The lead agencies running the wrap- Journal of Child and Family Studies published a around initiatives across the 36 studies included special issue on wraparound) followed by 2003 (n mental health (n = 20), education (n = 6), child = 7) and 2006 (n = 7). welfare (n = 4), juvenile justice (n = 4), and in- teragency initiatives (n = 2). Figure 1 presents a Participant Characteristics timeline of wraparound outcome publications (in- Initial sample sizes for the 36 studies ranged

 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

from 6 to 1031 (M = 183.31, SD = 251.34). Howev- studies, quasi-experimental group comparison er the largest study (Kamradt, Gilbertson, & Lynn, studies, and randomized clinical trials. Each table 2005) was an extreme outlier, being a large-scale presents the following information: study citation evaluation of a statewide program. Attrition rates and source (e.g., journal article, book chapter, also varied widely, ranging from a low of 0 to a etc.), a brief program description, characteris- high of 92%. The majority of participant attrition tics of the participants, primary measures and was due to incomplete data rather than partici- study findings, and notable details of study analy- pants dropping out of treatment (though typically ses. Each row represents a unique study. In cases information on attrition was not reported). For ex- where multiple reports exist for the same study, ample, one program stated that 324 participants they were included in the same row, and findings received wraparound, yet data were available from the most complete set of outcomes were pre- for only 27 (Robbins & Collins, 2003). As shown sented (in a few cases this involved pooling infor- in Table 1, not all studies shared data on partici- mation across multiple reports). For studies that pant demographics, and there was great variabil- compared wraparound to a comparison or control ity among the data that was presented. Partici- group, effect sizes were calculated whenever suf- pants received wraparound on average from 3 to ficient information was available (e.g., means, 36 months. Mean participant ages ranged from 9 standard deviations). By Cohen’s convention (Co- to 17 years. Approximately three-quarters of the hen, 1992), effect sizes have been classified as studies presented information on participant gen- small (d = 0.20), medium (d = 0.50), and large (d der (study samples ranged from 0 to 50% female), = 0.80). Grouped by study design, the following and less than two-thirds presented information sections briefly summarize the findings of these on the race or ethnicity of participants (studies 36 empirical studies highlighting their strengths ranged from 0 to 73% participants identified as ra- and limitations. cial or ethnic minorities). Single Case Design Studies Narrative Review Three single case design studies were identi- The outcome studies are summarized in Tables fied. Two qualitative case studies described two 2-5, which present, respectively, single case de- of the earliest formal applications of the wrap- sign studies, pretest-posttest single group design around process (Burchard, Burchard, Sewell, &

Table 1. Participant Demographics Reported by Wraparound Outcome Studies

Demographic Variable n M SD Min Max

Sample size 36 183.31 251.34 6 1031

Mean number of months re- 32 13.61 6.61 3 36 ceiving wraparound

Mean age 26 13.05 2.40 8.8 17.3

Percentage of study partici- 28 28.58 13.86 0 50 pants identified as female

Percentage of study partici- 23 34.73 23.94 0 73 pants identified as racial or ethnic minority

 Section 3: Theory and Research

Table 2. Single Case Design Studies on the Wraparound Process

Design & Citation(s) / Program Primary Measures / Participants Analytic Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Burchard et al., Alaska Youth N=10 SEBD youth Structured interviews Qualitative retro- 1993)* Initiative (AYI) with history of and record reviews: 9 out spective analysis Published Lead Agency: residential of 10 youth stabilized in monograph Mental treatment community settings; 5 no Participants Health Age: 9-21, M=17.1 longer requiring services, selected because 4 receiving less intensive rated “successful” Setting: Sex: 50% female services, and 1 not stabi- and “instructive” urban & rural Race/Ethnicity: lized in community cases by AYI staff regions in Alaska 60% Caucasian, from initial sample Duration: M ≈ 22 30% Native of 84 months (9-36) Alaskan,10% Latino

(Cumblad, 1996)* Kaleidoscope N=8 SEBD youth Interviews and record Qualitative retro- Cited in Program referred due to review: At assessment spective analysis (Burchard et al., Lead Agency: high-risk no youth were displaying 2002) Private child behaviors problems behaviors that Doctoral welfare agency Age: unknown led to referral, no evi- dissertation dence of abuse/neglect, Setting: urban Sex: unknown four youths reunited with setting in Race/Ethnicity: families, two not reunited Chicago, IL unknown but ongoing contact Duration: M = 36 (remaining two youths’ months parents were deceased)

(Myaard et al., Wraparound N = 6 SEBD youth DAIC: was used to provide Multiple 2000)* Initiative (with attrition: N daily longitudinal ratings baseline study Journal article Lead Agency: = 4) of compliance (improved), Juvenile Age: 14-16, M = peer interactions (im- Parent provided (Myaard, 1998) Justice 14.7 proved), physical aggres- daily rating of sion (improved), alcohol/ behaviors and was Conference Setting: rural Sex: 100% male drug use (eliminated), and not blind to start proceedings Race/Ethnicity: verbal abuse (improved) of treatment Duration: M = 100% Caucasian CAFAS: substantial reduc- 8.6 months (7- tions in CAFAS scores 10)

Note: SEBD = serious emotional and behavioral disorders; DAIC = Daily Adjustment Indicator Checklist; CAFAS = Child and Adolescent Functioning Scales * Report included in a previous review

 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

VanDenBerg, 1993; Cumblad, 1996). These two ple size and lacked a control group. These con- studies have frequently been cited in the liter- cerns need to be addressed because they repre- ature as providing compelling evidence for the sent a misunderstanding of the multiple-baseline positive changes wraparound can achieve for chil- approach. The purpose of the small sample size dren with SEBD (Burns, 2002; Burns et al., 1999). in the multiple-baseline approach is to collect a The first study, conducted as a doctoral disserta- wealth of data before and after an intervention tion, provided a retrospective qualitative analysis begins (in this case daily ratings for one year). of eight youth with SEBD receiving care through If the pattern of data changes abruptly with the Chicago’s Kaleidoscope Program (Cumblad, 1996). start of treatment, one can be much more confi- This program targeted children in the child wel- dent about making a causal inference than if only fare system with histories of abuse and neglect. two data points (pretest and posttest) had been After receiving services through Kaleidoscope for collected. While no specific rules exist regarding an average of three years, there was no longer how many baselines a study should have, Kazdin any evidence of maltreatment and none of the has suggested “two baselines are a minimum, but participants were removed from their families. another one or two can measurably strengthen the Further, the participants no longer presented the demonstration” (Kazdin, 2002, p. 219). Bickman behaviors that led to their initial referrals. and colleagues (2003) also implied that causal Burchard and his colleagues authored a thor- inferences could not be made because the study ough description and evaluation of the Alaska did not have a control group. On the contrary, the Youth Initiative ([AYI] Burchard et al., 1993). AYI experimental nature of multiple-baseline designs was modeled after the Kaleidoscope Program, makes them well suited for addressing threats to and the authors’ description of the model of care internal validity. A more inherent limitation of closely paralleled that program. This evaluation this design is with external validity (i.e., gener- was also conducted retrospectively using qualita- alizability of findings); however, this problem per- tive data from interviews and record reviews of vades many of the between-group designs in the ten children with SEBD. Overall, nine of the youth literature as well (Kazdin, 2002). were successfully maintained in community set- These case studies provided a wealth of quali- tings following the intervention (five no longer tative information regarding both outcomes and required services and four needed less intensive implementations of wraparound. As descriptions supports). of the Kaleidoscope Program and AYI, they have Myaard and his colleagues (Myaard, Craw- been used as rationale and as guides for creat- ford, Jackson, & Alessi, 2000) conducted a mul- ing new wraparound interventions around the tiple-baseline study of four adjudicated children U.S. However, it is important to note that these participating in a wraparound program in rural case studies do not provide definitive evidence Michigan. This design demonstrates the effect of connecting wraparound and positive outcomes. an intervention by showing that outcome change No comparison groups were used, participants occurs with (and only with) the introduction of were not selected at random (in fact the partici- wraparound at different points in time. The au- pants from AYI were selected because they were thors used the Daily Adjustment Indicator Check- deemed successful cases), and findings were col- list (Bruns, Woodworth, Froelich, & Burchard, lected retrospectively. As such, selection bias is 1994) to track five daily behavioral ratings (com- a strong threat to validity. Therefore, the studies pliance, peer interactions, physical aggression, should be interpreted as offering evidence for po- alcohol and drug use, and extreme verbal abuse) tential or best case outcomes. for each of the youth. Participants began receiv- ing wraparound after 12, 15, 19, and 22 weeks. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies For all four participants, on all five behaviors, The majority of the outcome studies reviewed dramatic improvements occurred immediately (n = 23) used a pretest-posttest, no control group following the introduction of wraparound. design (Anderson et al., 2003; Bartley, 1999; Broth- Bickman and his colleagues (2003) criticized ers, McLaughlin, & Daniel, 2006; Bruns, Burchard, this study on the grounds that it had a small sam-

 Section 3: Theory and Research

Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description / Findings Details

(Anderson et Dawn Project N = 384 SEBD youth CAFAS: significant im- al., 2003) System of Care (with attrition: N = provement in Journal Lead Agency: 156) clinical functioning (to- article Mental Health Age: M = 13 tal scores) Setting: Marion Sex: 35% female Decrease in percentage (Anderson et County Indiana of youth in restrictive al., 2002)* Race/Ethnicity: living placements Duration: 12 70% African Conference months American or biracial Completing proceedings project was related to a significant drop in recidivism rates

(Bartley, 1999) Children’s Health N = 25 SEBD youth (5 SCICA: 60% of partici- No tests of Doctoral and Mental Health prematurely pants improved statistical dissertation Preservation discharged) CBCL: 59% of partici- significance Services No attrition pants improved Lead Agency: Age: 6-13, M = 9.8 TRF: 40% of participants Mental Health Sex: 20% female improved Setting: Race/Ethnicity: not Philipsburg, PA; reported supports in home & school Duration: 16 months

(Brothers et Project T.E.A.M. N = 99 SEBD youth No significant changes Purpose of al., 2006) (Tools, Empower- involved with court were found for num- study was to Conference ment, Advocacy, & system ber or type of parent compare proceedings Mastery) Age: 7-17, M = 14.7 reported community effects for connections (i.e., rela- Caucasian and Lead Agency: Sex: 37.4% female Juvenile Justice tionships). minority youth. Race/Ethnicity: CAFAS: Significant Setting: Urban; 62.6% Caucasian, King County, WA improvements in CAFAS 18.2% African Ameri- total score from intake Duration: 12 can, 11.1% Multi-racial, to 12 months months 10.1% American Indian, 2% Asian, 1% Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander, (6.1% Hispanic)

 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Bruns et al., Vermont’s N = 27 SEBD youth CBCL: significant 1995)* statewide wrap- Age: 8-18, M = 13.6 improvement on total, around initiative internalizing, and Journal Sex: 30% female article Lead Agency: externalizing scales Mental Health Race/Ethnicity: not DAIC: significant reported Setting: urban & improvement on total nega- rural areas tive behaviors Duration: 12 ROLES: no significant change months Costs: no significant change

(Bruns et al., Nebraska Family N = 36 families with Means and standard Purpose of 2005) Central System youth with SEBD deviations reported in article study was Journal of Care Sample was split showed outcomes moved in to examine article Lead Agency: into two overlapping negative direction for: relationship be- Mental Health groups to compare -BERS Total Score tween fidelity and outcomes, Setting: Rural fidelity and outcome -ROLES data. Only one group so no analyses Duration: 6 is included in present -FSQ Satisfaction with ser- were months review (n = 32). vices conducted on outcomes alone Age: 6-17, M = 12 -FSQ Satisfaction with prog- ress Sex: 19% female One small positive effect was Race/Ethnicity: found with CAFAS Total Score 100% Caucasian

(Clarke et al., Project N = 28 SEBD youth CBCL (home): significant Outcomes ex- 1992)* wraparound pro- receiving services improvement on total, inter- amined sepa- viding individu- in home and school nalizing, and externalizing rately for home Journal alized services [with attrition: school scales and school- article to youth (n=12) home (n=19)] TRF (school): no based wrap- Lead Agency: Age: 5-18, M = 11 significant improvement around groups Mental Health Sex: 100% male on total, internalizing, and externalizing Setting: rural Race/Ethnicity: New England; in 53% Native American SCRS: significant home & school 47% Caucasian improvement at home but Duration: 12-24 not school months Connors Hyperkinesis Index: significant improve- ment at home but not school Child Well-Being Scale: significant improvement

 Section 3: Theory and Research

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Copp et al., Georgia N = 15 youth with CAFAS (total) and CBCL 2007) SAMHSA Site SEBD with pretest- (total): No statistically sig- Journal Lead Agency: posttest data (out of a nificant improvements were article Mental Health larger group of 45) found over 6 months Setting: Rural Age: 8-14, M = 10.5 Duration: not Sex: 46.7% female reported (data Race/Ethnicity: collected every 6 53.3% Caucasian, months) 46.7% African American

(Eber et al., Wraparound in N = 44 [2 groups: WIN ROLES: positive change No tests of 1996a)* Schools (WAIS) & (n = 25) WAIS (n = 19)] (statistical significance not statistical Journal wraparound Inter- Age: not reported reported) significance agency Network article Sex: 11% female CBCL, TRF, CAFAS data pro- (WIN) vided only for baseline Lead Agency: Race/Ethnicity: Education 86% Caucasian, 7% African American, 7% Setting: Other school-based Duration: 9 months

(Eber et al., Emotional and N = 81 (at baseline) CBCL: significant improve- 1996b)* Behavioral [with attrition: CBCL ment for females on inter- Conference Disability (n=25), FACES (n=46) nalizing scale; no significant proceedings Partnership CAFAS, TRF, ROLES improvements for males and Initiative (not females on externalizing and Lead Agency: reported)] males on internalizing Education Age: 7-19, TRF: no significant changes Setting: state- M = 14.64 CAFAS: significant improve- wide in Sex: 18% female ments in performance and Duration: M = 12 Race/Ethnicity: not mood scales only; not signifi- months reported cant: behavior, thinking, and drugs FACES: significant improve- ment for both adaptability and cohesiveness ROLES: positive change (statistical significance not reported)

10 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Eber & Hyde, Illinois Positive N = 22 students Study used internal assessment 2006) Behavior with EBD instruments to compare findings Conference Interventions Age: not reported at intake to 3 months: and Supports proceedings Sex: not reported -Reported need for behavioral Lead Agency: supports in classroom decreased Education Race/Ethnicity: not reported -No change reported in classroom Setting: public behaviors schools in Illinois -Significant improvements in Duration: academic performance outcomes mea- -Reported improvements in emo- sured at 3 months tional and behavioral functioning at home (not at school) -No reported improvements in functioning for medical/safety, social, or spiritual functioning -Significant reduction in 3 out of 10 high-risk behaviors -Parents were significantly more satisfied with program after 3 months

(Hyde et al., Family Preserva- N = 70 SEBD youth Costs: lower than out-of-state No tests of 1995) tion Initiative of Age: 9-21, M = residential placement ($269/day statistical Conference Baltimore City 15.97 vs. $216/day) significance proceedings Lead Agency: Sex: 36% female ROLES: shift from 20% to 88% of Child Welfare youth with living situation no Race/Ethnicity: Setting: urban more restrictive than 67% African Ameri- Critical behaviors (suspension, Duration: M = can, 33% Caucasian 9.73 months hospitalization, suicide attempts, arrests) assessed post only

11 Section 3: Theory and Research

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Illback, Nel- Kentucky IMPACT N = 954 SEBD youth CBCL: significant improvement son, & Sanders, Program With attrition: on total, internalizing, external- 1998) Lead Agency: CBCL (N=431) izing, and social competence Book chapter Mental Health ROLES (N=953) scales Setting: rural and Age: 0-21 ROLES: significant decrease in (Illback et al., participants in hospital place- urban Sex: 29.1% female 1993)* Duration: 16.43 ments, but also significant in- Journal article months Race/Ethnicity: not crease in residential placements reported

(Kamradt et Wraparound N = 25 SEBD youth Living situation: At the end of the No tests of al., 1998; Sey- Milwaukee Pilot placed in residen- two-years, the majority of youth statistical bold & Gilbert- Project update tial services had transition to less restrictive significance son, 1998) Lead Agency: Age: M = 14.36 living situations: home (n=10), Conference Mental Health foster home (n=11), residential Sex: 36% female (n=2), corrections (n=2) proceedings Setting: initially Race/Ethnicity: School performance: 21 partici- residential treat- 52% Caucasian, 44% (Kamradt, ment center then pants were rated as improved 1996)* African American, community, urban 2% Hispanic Costs: wraparound service plan Paper Duration: M = less than 1/3 cost of residential presentation 20.18 months placement Cited in (Bur- chard et al., 2002)

(Kamradt et Wraparound N = 1031 SEBD CBCL: Significant reductions in Demograph- al., 2005) Milwaukee youth receiving mean T-scores from intake (73) to ics not Book chapter Lead Agency: wraparound 6 months (64) to 12 months (55) reported, Mental Health With attrition: YSR: Significant reductions in but available from previ- (Kamradt, Setting: Milwau- CBCL (n=383); YSR mean T-scores from intake (56) to 2000; Kamradt (n=278); CAFAS 6 months (50) to 12 months (45) ous report kee County, WI, (Kamradt & Meyers, urban (n=543) CAFAS: Significant reductions in 1999) & Meyers, Duration: at least Age: M = 14.2 total scores from intake (74) to 6 1999) Journal 12 months Sex: 20% female months (60) to 12 months (54) articles Race/Ethnicity: 65% African Ameri- can, 27% Cauca- sian, 7% Hispanic, 1% Native American

12 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Kutash et al., School, Family, N = 23 ED students CBCL: no significant improve- Initially 2002) and Community With attrition: N ments on total, internalizing, and study had Journal article Partnership = 15 externalizing a matched comparison Lead Agency: Age: M = 11.7 CAFAS: no significant improve- Education ments group but Sex: 13% female dropped due Setting: school- WRAT-III: no significant improve- to high and Race/Ethnicity: based ments reading & math differential 78% Caucasian Duration: 2 years Discipline referrals: significant attrition decrease Fidelity % of day in special education: no measure change Absences: no change Fidelity: significantly related to reading scores but no other outcomes

(Levison-John- Monroe County N = 84; 2 cohort CAFAS: Functioning from intake No tests of son & Gravino, Youth and Family groups: n = 29 & n to “most recent CAFAS scores” statistical 2006) Partnership = 55 was measured. 69% of group 1 significance Conference Lead Agency: Age: not reported (and 71% of group 2) showed im- provements in CAFAS Total Scores proceedings Interagency Sex: not reported Setting: Monroe Race/Ethnicity: not County, NY reported Duration: not reported

(Lyman & de Family Advocacy, N = 79 SEBD youth CAFAS: Reductions in mean total No tests of Toledo, 2002) Stabilization, and Age: 4-19 scores from intake (98) to dis- statistical Support Team charge (80) significance Conference Sex: not reported proceedings (FASST) GAF: Increase in mean scores Lead Agency: Race/Ethnicity: not from intake (49) to discharge (56) Mental Health reported Setting: inten- sive home-based program in Massachusetts Duration: M = 4.5 months

13 Section 3: Theory and Research

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Robbins & Bridges Project N = 324 SEBD CBCL: decrease in mean total No tests of Collins, 2003) school-based students problems from baseline (71) to statistical Conference wraparound With attrition: N 12 months (62) significance proceedings Lead Agency: = 27 CAFAS: improved mean total Large Education Age: M = 12.4 scores from baseline (104) to 12 attrition due months (79) to incom- Setting: schools Sex: 28% female in rural Kentucky School indicators: higher grades, plete data Race/Ethnicity: fewer suspensions/detentions for post- Duration: 12 97% Caucasian treatment months

(Taub et al., Coordinated Fam- Reports present Repeated measures analyses re- Fidelity 2006; Taub & ily Focused Care data from two vealed significant improvements measure Pearrow, 2007) Initiative overlapping for the following scales: Conference Lead Agency: samples Sample 1: proceedings Interagency Sample 1: N = 159 CAFAS Total Score: intake (142.9) Setting: 5 sites in youth with SEBD at to 9 months (101.7) Massachusetts risk of residential placement Child symptoms (YOQ): intake Duration: en- (101.6) to 6 months (92.9) Sample 2: N = 377; rolled for at least BERS: intake (98.7) to 6 months 6 months 6 months (n=343) & 12 months (n=163) (104.5) Age: not reported Sample 2: Sex: not reported CAFAS School Scale: intake (26.7) to 12 months (22.3) Race/Ethnicity: not reported BERS: improvements in all domains (except School) at 6 months School disciplinary data: No im- provements at 6 months

(Toffalo, 2000) Nonprofit service N = 33 SEBD youth CBCL: significant improvement on Journal article agency providing With attrition: N total scale score wraparound = 28 Fidelity metric: not significantly Lead Agency: Age: 4-7, M = 8.78 related to outcomes; how- Mental Health ever metric was not specific to Sex: 39% female Setting: rural wraparound (mean # treatment Pennsylvania Race/Ethnicity: hours provided/mean # of hours 100% Caucasian prescribed) Duration: at least 6 months

14 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

CONTINUED: Table 3. Single Group Pretest-Posttest Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Vernberg et Intensive Mental N = 58 SED CAFAS: average statistical (and Fidelity al., 2004; in Health Program elementary school clinical) significant improvements measure (see press; 2006 a school-based students from intake to discharge on total (Randall, et Journal program with N = 50 with scores. 42 of 50 enrolled students al., in press) articles home and service attrition showed clinically significant im- coordination provement Age: 5-13, M = 9.6 Lead Agency: CAFAS: statistical improvements Education Sex: 27% female on CAFAS subscales: school per- Setting: Race/Ethnicity: formance, home performance, Lawrence, Kansas 70% Caucasian, 16% behavior, moods, self-harm, African American, thinking; no improvements on Duration: M = 12 8% Native Ameri- community performance, mate- months can, 4% Biracial rial needs, and family / social support BASC: Average ratings moved from “clinically significant” to “at risk” for total behavioral functioning

(Yoe et al., Vermont’s Wrap- N = 40 SEBD youth ROLES: significant decrease in 1996)* around Care Age: 7-20, M = 16 mean level of restrictiveness and Initiative increase in community place- Journal article Sex: 48% female Lead Agency: ments Mental Health Race/Ethnicity: not QAIC: significant decreases in to- reported Setting: urban & tal, externalizing, internalizing, rural settings and abuse related problems, but not public externalizing prob- Duration: at least lems. 12 months

Note. SEBD = serious emotional and behavioral disorders

Outcome measures abbreviations: BASC = Behavior Assessment System for Children; BERS = Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale; CAFAS = Child and Adolescent Functioning Scales; CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist; DAIC = Daily Adjustment Indicator Checklist; FACES = Family Adaptability and Cohesiveness Evaluation Scales; FSQ = Family Satisfaction Questionnaire; GAF = Global Assessment of Functioning; QAIC = Quarterly Adjustment Indicator Checklist; ROLES = Restrictiveness of Living Environment Scale ; SCICA = Semi-structured Clinical Interview for Children and Adolescents; SCRS = Self-Control Rating Scale; SSRS = Self- Control Rating Scale; TRF = Teacher Report Form; WRAT-III = Wide Range Achievement Test; YOQ = Youth Outcomes Questionnaire; YSR = Youth Self Report.

*Report included in a previous review

15 Section 3: Theory and Research

Table 4. Quasi-Experimental Group Comparison Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Bickman et Department of N = 612 SEBD youth Service utilization for case Analyses only al., 2003)* Defense managed With attrition: N = management, in-home treat- available Journal article care delivery of 111 ment, and nontraditional services in federal wraparound 2 Groups: wrap- higher for Wrap & lower disconti- report (Bickman et Lead Agency: around (n=71) nuity of care al., 2002) Mental Health Treatment as Usual Pre-post data (CBCL, YSR, VFI) (n=40) Insufficient Federal report Setting: generally reported significant improve- data to cal- rural across 16 Age: 4-16, M = 12.2 ments over time, but amount of culate effect states Sex: 42% female improvement equal across groups sizes Duration: 6 Race/Ethnicity: 7-wave longitudinal measures months 72% Caucasian (Ohio Scales) reported no signifi- cant improvements over time, and no differences between groups Costs were significantly higher (42%) for Wrap group

(Bruns et al., Wraparound in N = 67 SEBD youth Wraparound group showed Used multi- 2006) Nevada in custody of child greater improvements than com- level model- Journal article Lead agency: welfare parison over time for: ing to ana- Child Welfare 2 Groups: wrap- -CBCL Total Score (d = 0.71) lyze changes (Rast et al., between Setting: urban & around (n = 33) -CAFAS Total Score (d = 0.25) 2007) and traditional groups over rural time Unpublished case management -ROLES Score (d = 0.62) manuscript Duration: 18 + mental health -School GPA (d = 0.28) months services (n = 34) Fidelity mea- (Peterson et -School disciplinary (d = 0.57) sure Age: M = 11.9 years al., 2003; Rast No differences between groups Sex: 49% female et al., 2003) were found for Race/Ethnicity: Conference -School attendance proceedings 43% Caucasian -Juvenile Justice involvement

16 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

CONTINUED: Table 4. Quasi-Experimental Group Comparison Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Hyde et al., Family Preserva- N = 107 SEBD youth Community adjustment rat- No tests of 1996)* tion Initiative of 4 Groups: 2 received ing in “good” range: Higher statistical Journal article Baltimore City, wraparound either fol- for wraparound groups WR significance Inc. lowing (WR, n=25) or had higher % in good range Lead Agency: instead of residential than PW (d=0.76) and NW Mental Health treatment (WD, n=24); (d=1.53) and WD higher than PW (d=0.72) and WD Setting: urban 2 received traditional services and measured (d=1.49) Duration: 6 – 36 before receiving wrap- % of youth with more than months around (PW, n=39) or 10 days community involve- did not receive wrap- ment: WR higher than PW around (NW, n=19) (d=0.53) and NW (d=1.94); With attrition: N = 69 WD higher than PW WR (n=21) WD (n=24) (d=0.28) and NW (d=1.69) PW (n=14) NW (n=10) Age: M = 17.28 Sex: 25% female Race/Ethnicity: 63% African American

(Pullmann et Connections N = 204 juvenile offend- Analyses demonstrated Cox regres- al., 2006) Program in Clark ers with SEBD lower recidivism for wrap- sion time- Journal article County, WA 2 groups: youth in Con- around group for: to-event Lead agency: nections Program (n = -Any type of offense (d = analyses Juvenile Justice 106) and a historical 0.25) Setting: not re- comparison group (n = -Felony offense (d = 0.26) 98) ported -Whether they served in Duration: M = Age: M = 15.2 years detention (d = 0.85) 11.2 months Sex: 31% female For those who did serve in (range: 1 to 24.5 Race/Ethnicity: 88% detention, months) White -Number of days served in detention (d = 0.66) -Number of times served in detention (d = 0.76)

17 Section 3: Theory and Research

CONTINUED: Table 4. Quasi-Experimental Group Comparison Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Resendez, Riverside County N = 485 SEBD youth CAFAS: significant improve- Insufficient 2002) Department of 2 groups: receiving ment in total scores from data avail- Conference Mental Health flexible funds (n=284) intake to discharge for flexible able to proceedings provided “flex- and a group receiving funds (71 to 51) and non-flex- calculate ible wraparound services but not flex- ible funds (73 to 50); there effect sizes funding” ible funds (n=201) were no between group differ- Lead Agency: With attrition: flex ences Mental Health funds (n=60), attrition Setting: not for comparison not reported reported Duration: not Age: M = 13 years reported intake Sex: majority male to discharge Race/Ethnicity: ma- jority White

(Stambaugh et Nebraska Family N = 320 SEBD youth CBCL: significant improve- Linear mixed al., 2007) Central System of 3 Groups: wraparound ment in total scores from models Journal article Care (n=213), MST (n=54), intake to 18 months for all Lead Agency: both (n=53) groups. Significant Group x No control (Reay et al., Mental Health Time interaction effect with group 2003; Stam- With attrition: 6 the trajectory of the MST baugh et al., Setting: Rural months (n=285), 12 group showing significantly Insufficient 2008) Duration: Months months (n=230), 18 greater improvement than data avail- months (n=202) wraparound group. able to Conference in treatment dif- calculate proceedings fered for wrap- Age: M = 12 years (4 CAFAS: significant improve- around (M=15), to 17.5 years) ment in total scores from effect sizes MST (M=5.5), Sex: 27% female intake to 18 months for all and wrap + MST groups; however, there were Fidelity Race/Ethnicity: 90% (M=10.2) groups no significant between group measure White, 4% American differences Indian, 6% Other (11% Hispanic)

Note. SEBD = serious emotional and behavioral disorders. Outcome measures abbreviations: CAFAS = Child and Adolescent Functioning Scales; CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist; ROLES = Restrictiveness of Living Environment Scale; TRF = Teacher Report Form; VFI = Vanderbilt Functional Impairment Scale; YSR = Youth Self Report. *Report included in a previous review

18 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

Table 5. Experimental Randomized Controlled Trial Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Carney et al., Juvenile N = 307 youth referred Wraparound group missed less 2003) Delinquency to court or adjudi- school (d=0.48), suspended less Journal article Task Force cated and/or entered (d=0.48), less likely to run from Implementa- children’s services for home (d=0.46), less assaultive tion Commit- delinquent behaviors (d=0.47), and less likely to be tee (JDIC) With attrition: N=141 stopped by police (d=0.51), but demonstration 2 groups: wraparound conventional services more likely project (n=73) and conven- to have a job (d=-0.39). Lead Agency: tional services (n=68) Wraparound group somewhat less Juvenile Jus- Age: M = 14.8 likely to be arrested (d=0.23) tice somewhat more likely to be incar- Sex: 38% female Setting: Urban cerated (d=-0.18) Race/Ethnicity: Duration: 18 50% Caucasian months 48% African American 1% Biracial

(Clark et al., Fostering N = 132 SEBD youth in Permanency status: FIAP group 1998)* Individualized foster care significantly more likely to live in Book chapter Assistance Pro- 2 groups: FIAP (n=54) permanency-type setting following gram (FIAP) and standard practice program (Clark et al., Lead Agency: (SP) foster care (n=78) Significantly fewer days on run- 1997) Child Welfare With attrition: SP away and fewer days incarcerated Conference Setting: foster (n=77) for FIAP proceedings care in Florida Age: 7-15 No group differences on rate of placement changes, days absent, (Clark et al., Duration: not Sex: 40% female & days suspended 1996) reported Race/Ethnicity: 62% DISC conduct disorder: FIAP males Journal article Caucasian, 33% African showed significantly less, but FIAP American, 5% Hispanic females significantly more & biracial Delinquency score: FIAP males demonstrated significantly less YSR (n=43) & CBCL (n=41) Internalizing & Total scores: no re- peated measures differences; yet significantly smaller % boys (not girls) in clinical range for FIAP Externalizing: repeated measures showed significant improvement over time for boys not girls, plus significantly smaller % of FIAP group in clinical range

19 Section 3: Theory and Research

CONTINUED: Table 5. Experimental Randomized Controlled Trial Studies on Wraparound Process

Citation(s) Program Primary Measures / Analytic Participants & Source(s) Description Findings Details

(Evans et al., Family Centered N = 42 SEBD youth CAFAS (n=31): significant im- Insuffi- 1998)* Intensive Case 2 Groups: FCICM provement for FCICM overtime on cient data Book chapter Management (n=27) and FBT behavior and moods subscales but available (FCICM)– similar (n=15) not role performance and cogni- to calcu- (Evans et al., to wraparound Differential attri- tion late effect 1998) and Family Based tion among CBCL (n=28): no significant im- sizes Treatment (FBT) Evaluation measures provements for FCICM vs. FBT report Lead Agency: Age: 5-13, M = 9 overtime on total, internalizing, Mental Health and externalizing scales (Evans et al., Sex: 10% female Setting: rural FACES (n=35): no significant differ- 1996) New York home- Race/Ethnicity: ences between groups Journal article 83% Caucasian, 5% based and foster Piers-Harris (n=23): no significant care African American, 5% Native Ameri- differences between groups Duration: 12 can, 5% Biracial, 2% TRF: dropped due to missing data months Hispanic

(Rast et al., Wraparound as N = 108 youth with Permanency: Significantly more Insuffi- 2008) implemented high level of behav- days in permanency placement cient data Paper Presen- by child welfare ioral health needs. and a higher percent of youth in available tation caseworkers or 3 Groups: Wrap- permanency placement at 12 and to calcu- by wraparound around imple- 18 months for both CW Wrap and late effect facilitators hired mented by case- MH wrap than TAU sizes and supported by workers (CW Wrap; Residential: Fewer placement an allied mental n=36), Wraparound changes for CW Wrap than either Fidelity health agency. implemented by MH MH Wrap or TAU; Lower restric- measure Lead agency: (MH Wrap; n=36), tiveness for both wrap groups than Child Welfare treatment as usual TAU Setting: Urban (n=36). Behaviors: Greater reduction in and suburban Age: 3-17 problem behaviors as reported by Oklahoma Sex: Not reported the Ohio Scales for CW Wrap than MH Wrap or TAU Duration: 18 Race: Not reported months Functioning: Greater reduction in CAFAS scores for CW Wrap than MH Wrap or TAU Caregiver Strain: Greater reduc- tion for CW Wrap than MH Wrap or TAU

Note. SEBD = serious emotional and behavioral disorders. Outcome measures abbreviations: CAFAS = Child and Adolescent Functioning Scales; CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist; DISC = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; FACES = Family Adaptability and Cohesiveness Evaluation Scales; TRF = Teacher Report Form; YSR = Youth Self Report. *Report included in a previous review

20 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

& Yoe, 1995; Bruns, Suter, Force, & Burchard, third (n = 7) did not conduct any tests of statis- 2005; Clarke, Schaefer, Burchard, & Welkowitz, tical significance and reported primarily positive 1992; Copp, Bordnick, Traylor, & Thyer, 2007; Eber effects. Of the studies that did conduct statistical & Hyde, 2006; Eber, Osuch, & Redditt, 1996a; analyses, significant positive effects were found Eber, Osuch, & Rolf, 1996b; Hyde, Woodworth, for youth living situation (e.g., youth were able to Jordan, & Burchard, 1995; Illback, Neill, Call, & return to their communities following wraparound) Andis, 1993; Kamradt, Kostan, & Pina, 1998; Kam- and reported number of negative behaviors. Oth- radt & Meyers, 1999; Kutash, Duchnowski, Sumi, er findings were more difficult to interpret due to Rudo, & Harris, 2002; Levison-Johnson & Gravino, the range of measures used. Examining two of the 2006; Lyman & de Toledo, 2002; Robbins & Collins, most commonly used measures revealed mixed 2003; Seybold, 2002; Taub & Pearrow, 2007; Tof- results. The ten studies that used the Child Behav- falo, 2000; Vernberg et al., 2004; Yoe, Santarcan- ior Checklist ([CBCL] Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001) gelo, Atkins, & Burchard, 1996). As such, they con- were evenly split between showing significant im- ducted within subjects comparisons across time, provements (n = 5) and no improvement or mixed typically measuring outcomes at intake and 6 to findings n( = 5). Nine studies used the Child and 12 months later (M = 11.63 months, SD = 5.39). Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale ([CAFAS] The advantage of this design over the qualitative Hodges, Wong, & Latessa, 1998) with only slightly case study design is that it includes larger (and more than half finding statistically significant im- ideally more representative) samples and often provements in functioning (n = 5). Burchard and employs standardized measures of outcomes. colleagues (2002) noted that there was some evi- However, due to lack of comparison groups, these dence for greater improvements at home than at studies cannot confirm that any observed changes school (Clarke et al., 1992; Eber et al., 1996b; occurred as a result of wraparound. Consequently, Kutash et al., 2002; Yoe et al., 1996), however the they provide evidence that wraparound may be null findings in the schools could be attributed to associated with positive outcomes but do not of- the relatively low power of these studies. fer the same level of confidence as provided by comparison studies. Quasi-Experimental Studies Rather than discuss each of these 22 studies Five quasi-experimental studies that compared individually, key characteristics about the stud- outcomes for youth enrolled in a wraparound ini- ies and findings were summarized. Just over half tiative compared to usual care were identified. of these studies (n = 13) were published in peer- These studies (Bickman et al., 2003; Bruns, Rast, reviewed journals. Although all studies indicated Peterson, Walker, & Bosworth, 2006; Hyde et al., that the participants received wraparound, the 1996; Pullmann et al., 2006; Resendez, 2002) ad- interventions were fairly heterogeneous with re- opted pretest-posttest, comparison group designs gard to setting, participants, and the types of out- without random assignment. This design exerts comes measured. It should be noted that three of a greater level of control over the independent the studies used different samples to evaluate the variable (i.e., provision of wraparound) than ei- same wraparound initiative (Wraparound Milwau- ther of the previously discussed designs, allowing kee, Kamradt et al., 1998; 2005; Seybold, 2002). the researcher to be more confident that changes Many of the interventions provided services in the in outcome may be attributed to the intervention. home and community, though several others also This does not mean that this type of design allows (or exclusively) took place in schools (e.g., Eber et one to unequivocally make causal inferences. Yet al., 2006). Most of the youth participants were re- quasi-experimental design represents a major ported to have SEBD, yet referral problems ranged leap forward in methodology compared to single from imminent risk of hospitalization to impaired group design, thus each of these studies was re- functioning at school. Some interventions served viewed individually. primarily child or adolescent groups, while others The earliest of these quasi-experimental stud- simply targeted anyone 21 years or younger. ies was conducted in urban Baltimore with chil- Examining outcome analyses from the pretest- dren returned or diverted from residential out-of- posttest no comparison studies, approximately one

21 Section 3: Theory and Research

state placements (Hyde et al., 1996). The authors compared to 8% of children who received tradi- examined outcomes for four groups: (a) youth tional mental health services. Unfortunately, high who received wraparound after returning from rates of attrition in the non-wraparound groups residential placement (Wrap+Return or WR), (b) further compound the problem that the groups youth who received wraparound as an alterna- were not equivalent at baseline. As the authors tive to residential placement (Wrap+Diversion or stated, “this is not a comparison study” (Hyde et WD), (c) youth who received traditional services al., 1996, p. 70), so perhaps the biggest contri- during the year prior to the wraparound program butions are the identification of these groups for initiating (Prior to Wrap or PW), and (d) children future comparison studies and the creation of a who received traditional services instead of wrap- measurement tool that directly assessed the key indicators important to providers and families. Bickman and his colleagues have conducted experimental evaluations of systems of care at Fort Bragg, NC (Bickman et al., 1995) and Stark County, OH (Bickman et al., 1997). More recently, they completed a quasi-experimental study on a demonstration project of wraparound through the Department of Defense (Bickman et al., 2003). A managed care company oversaw the demonstra- tion, organizing the delivery of services hierarchi- cally with professionals at the family level (case managers), program level (care managers), and system level (clinical management committee). The demonstration group (n = 71) received both traditional (e.g., psychotherapy, psychiatric hos- pitalization) and nontraditional services (e.g., around (No Wrap or NW). The authors stressed respite, recreation services, therapeutic foster that the four groups were not equivalent (e.g., homes). A comparison group (n = 40, treatment as PW group was older, WD had not experienced usual) was formed from families referred to the residential placement), and thus they cautioned demonstration project but who refused to partici- against making direct comparisons. A community pate or were ineligible because the demonstra- adjustment scale was developed for this study to tion group had different exclusionary criteria. provide a single rating of several relevant indi- Outcomes for the two groups were assessed from cators (restrictiveness of the youth’s living situ- baseline to six months later. ation, school attendance, job/job training atten- The authors’ findings included (a) largely no dance, and serious problem behaviors). Children baseline differences between the two groups, (b) received ratings of “good” if they were living in higher utilization of “wraparound services” (e.g., regular community placements, attending school case management, in-home supports, and nontra- and/or working for the majority of the week, and ditional services) for the demonstration group, (c) had fewer than three days of serious behavior higher costs for the demonstration group (primar- problems during the course of a month. ily due to this group remaining in treatment lon- After approximately two years of wraparound, ger), and (d) no consistent differences between 47% of the wraparound groups (WR and WD) re- the groups on the outcome measures. Limita- ceived a rating of good community adjustment,

2. Exclusionary criteria for the demonstration that were not exclusionary criteria for TAU included: requiring long-term , history of treatment resistant drug use, persistent antisocial behavior not resulting from a treatable men- tal disorder, developmental or cognitive disorder that negatively impacts treatment, conviction/adjudication for sexual perpetration, and being amenable to treatment.

22 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

tions of this study include the short time span (6 group. Among youth in the wraparound program, months) and whether the demonstration project 72% served detention “at some point in the 790 truly followed the wraparound process. The au- day post identification window” (p. 388), while thors stated that the services were community- all youth in the comparison group served deten- based, included informal services, and included tion. Of youth in the wraparound program who did availability of flexible funding. However, they serve detention, they did so significantly less of- were not aware if any of the remaining seven ele- ten than their peers. Wraparound youth also took ments had been followed. Strengths include the three times longer to recidivate than those in similarities between the groups at baseline, use the comparison group. According to the authors, of standardized measures, adequate power, and a previous study by Pullmann and colleagues sophisticated data analyses. showed “significant improvement on standardized Another quasi-experimental study (Resendez, measures of behavioral and emotional problems, 2002) compared groups of youth who did (n = increases in behavioral and emotional strengths, 284) or did not (n = 201) receive “flexible wrap- and improved functioning at home at school, and around funding” (p. 243) while receiving mental in the community” (p. 388) among youth in the health services from the same agency. Flexible wraparound program. funds were primarily directed toward financial The final wraparound vs. control condition aid as well as recreational and social supports. quasi-experimental study was a matched com- The average amount of flexible funds allotted was parison pilot study conducted to demonstrate $155.81. Participants’ functioning and impairment the effectiveness of the Wraparound in Nevada was measured at baseline and six months later. (WIN) program for youth in custody of the child Like the previously reviewed study, significant welfare system due to abuse or neglect. Thirty- improvements were found for both groups over three youth with SEBD receiving wraparound were time, but no between-group differences were de- compared to a sample of 34 youth receiving tra- tected. Limitations include high attrition for the ditional mental health services. The comparison flexible funds group, relatively short time span (6 group was matched on location, age, severity of months), and weak manipulation of the indepen- emotional and behavioral symptoms, and resi- dent variable. With the only difference between dential placement. Findings from this pilot study groups being an award ranging from $5 to $200, a were presented in a policy paper on wraparound significant difference on functioning scores seems (Bruns et al., 2006), two conference proceedings unlikely. The main strength of this study was the (Peterson, Rast, Gruner, Abi-Karam, & Earnest, assessment of the impact of a single wraparound 2003; Rast, Peterson, Earnest, & Mears, 2003), element: Flexible Resources and Funding. As re- and a manuscript currently under review that was searchers begin to question the importance of shared by the authors (Rast, Bruns, Brown, Peter- the hypothesized components of wraparound, dis- son, & Mears, 2007). After 18 months, approxi- mantling studies (that investigate the impact of mately 82% of youth in WIN moved to less restric- specific components or principles) similar to this tive environments, compared to 38% of comparison one will be important. However, it is questionable group youth, yielding a large estimated effect (d whether this study truly meets criteria for inclu- = 0.93). In addition, family members were identi- sion in this review of wraparound, given our inclu- fied to provide care for 11 of the 33 youth in the sion criteria. wraparound group (33.3%) compared to only six Pullmann and colleagues (2006) conducted a in the comparison group (17.6%). Mean scores on two-year longitudinal matched comparison study the CAFAS for youth in wraparound decreased sig- of youth involved in the juvenile justice system nificantly across all waves of data collection (6, and receiving mental health services. Overall, 110 12, 18 months) in comparison to the traditional youth enrolled in wraparound were compared to services group. More positive outcomes were also 98 receiving conventional mental health services. found for the wraparound cohort on school at- Youths in the comparison group were three times tendance, school disciplinary actions, and grade more likely to commit a felony offense during the point averages. No significant differences were follow up period than youths in the wraparound found in favor of the comparison group.

23 Section 3: Theory and Research

In addition to the positive impact found for ently non-equivalent at baseline by definition. wraparound, the study also reported fidelity data Nonetheless, the paper points to an important from the Wraparound Fidelity Index (WFI; Bruns direction in wraparound outcomes studies, and et al., 2005). Scores from the WFI were quite high provides interesting information about the types compared to other programs nationally (Bruns of outcomes that might be achieved for youth re- et al., 2006; Bruns, Leverentz-Brady, & Suter, in ceiving care through these two models in a single press). These results provide information for the system of care, as well as potential methods for field about the level of adherence that maybe organizing a system of care to meet the needs of necessary to achieve outcomes such as those ob- a diverse group of youth and families. served for the wraparound-enrolled youths in this study. Experimental Studies In addition to the five studies described above Four randomized trials (Carney & Buttell, that compared outcomes for youth enrolled in 2003; Clark, Lee, Prange, & McDonald, 1996; Ev- wraparound to treatment as usual conditions, a ans, Armstrong, Kuppinger, Huz, & McNulty, 1998; unique quasi-experimental study was conducted Rast, Vetter, & Poplin, 2008) constitute the wrap- (Stambaugh et al., 2007) that compared n = 213 around evidence base employing experimental children receiving wraparound to n = 54 youths designs. Experimental studies provide the stron- receiving Multisystemic Therapy (MST; Henggeler, gest protections against threats to internal va- Schoenwald, Rowland, & Cunningham, 2002) in a lidity, thus allowing researchers to draw more single system of care in rural Nebraska. (A third confident connections between interventions and group received a combination of MST and wrap- outcomes. However, one cannot assume that the around.) Although MST and wraparound have been findings will necessarily generalize to other set- conceptually compared (Burns, Schoenwald, Bur- tings or environments (referred to as external va- chard, Faw, & Santos, 2000), this study provided a lidity). This is a particularly noteworthy point for unique opportunity to contrast the two approaches the randomized studies reviewed here because empirically. MST has a more established evidence they represent specific groups of children receiv- base than wraparound and meets criteria as an ing wraparound in several different contexts, empirically supported treatment for children with including a foster care-based program (Clark et conduct problems (Brestan & Eyberg, 1998). Re- al., 1996; 1997; 1998), an intensive case manage- sults showed that both groups showed significant ment approach (Evans et al., 1996; Evans, Arm- improvements in functioning as assessed by the strong, Kuppinger, Huz, & Johnson, 1998; Evans, CAFAS and behavior as assessed by the CBCL, and Armstrong, Kuppinger, Huz, & McNulty, 1998), a similar downward trajectories in scores for each program for adjudicated or court-referred youths of these measures. Rates of improvement in be- (Carney & Buttell, 2003), and a program for youth havior problems were significantly better for the involved with the child welfare system (Rast et MST group; however, rates of improvement in al., 2008). These programs were deemed consis- child functioning over time were the same for the tent enough with the wraparound process to be two groups. included in the evidence base (Burchard et al., Though the authors speculate that the results 2002); however the findings may not generalize to indicate greater benefit of using specific models wraparound programs in other settings. such as MST as opposed to more general care coor- Clark and his colleagues (Clark et al., 1996; dination models such as wraparound, it is difficult Clark et al., 1998) conducted the most frequently to conclude that the results demonstrate the su- cited empirical outcome study on wraparound. periority of MST to wraparound, given that youth Participants included children in foster care ran- in the MST group were selected based on meet- domly assigned to either the Fostering Individual- ing criteria for MST while wraparound was used to ized Assistance Program ([FIAP] n = 54) or standard support a much larger number of youth and fami- practice foster care (n = 78). The program pro- lies with a much more diverse set of needs. Thus, vided individualized services for children in foster though statistical controls were used in between- care with the primary goals being to achieve an ef- group comparisons, the two groups were inher-

24 Chapter 3.3: Suter & Bruns

fective permanency plan and improve behavioral were found for behavioral and mood functioning. outcomes. Findings from this study demonstrated No differences were found with regard to other significantly fewer placement changes for chil- types of functioning (role performance or cogni- dren in the FIAP program, fewer days on runaway, tion), behavior problems (internalizing and ex- fewer days incarcerated (for subset of incarcerat- ternalizing), family cohesiveness, or self-esteem. ed youths), and older Probably the most serious limitation of this study children were signifi- is the small sample size, plus further loss of data cantly more likely to on many of the outcome measures. As a result, be in a permanency the study had very low power to detect differ- plan at follow-up. ences between the groups. No group differences A third randomized clinical trial (Carney & But- Though there were found on rate tell, 2003) evaluated the effectiveness of a wrap- may not yet be of placement chang- around program designed to reduce recidivism of sufficient evidence es, days absent, or adjudicated or court referred youths. Participants days suspended. Sig- included 141 youths (out of 500 invited to partici- in peer-reviewed nificantly fewer boys pate) randomly assigned to a team-based wrap- journals to state in the treatment around program (n = 73) or conventional services that wraparound program met crite- (n = 68) after being referred to juvenile court. The ria for conduct dis- two groups were followed for 18 months. Youths consistently order compared to receiving wraparound were absent from school less results in better the children in stan- often, suspended from school less often, ran away outcomes.... the dard practice foster from home less frequently, and were less assaul- care, but signifi- tive than those in the conventional services group. evidence base is cantly more girls in However, youths receiving conventional services encouraging and the treatment group were more likely to obtain a job, and no differ- certainly growing. were diagnosed with ences were found for subsequent arrests or incar- conduct disorder. No ceration. Thus, though the “weight of evidence” group differences from this study indicates better interim outcomes were found for in- for the wraparound condition, the study’s pro- ternalizing disor- posed ultimate outcomes—subsequent arrests and ders, but boys in the incarceration—were not found to be significantly treatment program impacted by assignment to wraparound. showed significantly greater improvement on ex- The most recent randomized trial is currently ternalizing problems than the comparison group. being completed in the context of the Oklahoma Taken together, the findings provided moderate child welfare system (Rast et al., 2008). Though evidence for better outcomes for the wraparound this study is not yet complete, interim findings program, though the differences appear limited have been reported at the annual research con- to boys and externalizing problems. ference of A System of Care for Children’s Men- The second randomized clinical trial (Evans tal Health: Expanding the Research Base hosted et al., 1996; Evans, Armstrong, Kuppinger, Huz, & by the University of South Florida Research and Johnson, 1998; Evans, Armstrong, Kuppinger, Huz, Training Center for Children’s Mental Health (one & McNulty, 1998) assigned children referred for of the sources for this review). Participants were out-of-home placements to either family centered 108 children in the child welfare system who were intensive case management (n = 27) or treatment nominated for the study because they were high foster care (family based treatment, n = 15). The users of behavioral health services. These children case management program largely followed the were randomly assigned to three groups (each n elements of the wraparound process by providing = 36): (1) wraparound facilitation conducted by individualized, team-based, and comprehensive the child welfare caseworker; (2) wraparound services and supports. Significant group differ- conducted by a facilitator employed by a local ences in favor of the case management program mental health center; or (3) services as usual. Re-

25 Section 3: Theory and Research

sults found that the group of children and youths ate comparison groups. This includes comparing receiving wraparound experienced fewer school wraparound to traditional control groups (e.g., and residential placement disruptions, more days treatment as usual) as well as conceptually rel- overall in a permanency setting, and improved evant alternatives. For example, although wrap- behavioral and functional outcomes, when com- around developed as a less restrictive substitute pared to the services as usual group. There was for residential placements, no studies that direct- also a trend toward better outcomes for children ly compared these two interventions were found. in the group for which the wraparound process Without question, increasing the number of stud- was facilitated by the child welfare caseworker, ies that included randomized selection of partici- as opposed to the group for which wraparound was pants would be a major benefit to the field. implemented by the local mental health center.

Discussion This review was intended to present results from the full range of outcome studies on wrap- around as a way to both (1) evaluate the weight of the evidence as well as (2) explore the methodol- ogies used. Overall, the findings from this review are encouraging with respect to the potential for wraparound to have a positive impact on youth and families. Though the majority of the studies that have been published and that were reviewed here have serious methodological limitations, there is a growing body of more rigorous research on wrap- around that is now emerging. This includes exper- imental and quasi-experimental studies recently Second, many of the studies provided incom- completed or nearly completed (e.g., Pullmann et plete data on participant demographics and out- al., 2006; Rast et al., 2008), as well as additional comes. As noted in one previous narrative review randomized studies that are now underway, such (Burchard et al., 2002), few of the reviewed stud- as an NIMH sponsored study of wraparound com- ies specified how participants were selected for pared to intensive case management for youth in inclusion. Most likely, the researchers chose youth the child welfare system in Clark County, Nevada based on staff nominations or simply by using all (Walker & Bruns, 2006). Though there may not yet available data. More care needs to be taken in fu- be sufficient evidence in peer-reviewed journals ture studies to specify how samples were selected to state that wraparound consistently results in in order to determine if they are truly represen- better outcomes than alternative treatments for tative of their programs or children with SEBD in specific populations, the evidence base is encour- general. Similarly, several studies presented de- aging and certainly growing. tailed findings only when the effects were statisti- At the same time, if advocates of wraparound cally significant. In order to better synthesize the hope to provide convincing evidence that wrap- evidence base, it is crucial for authors to include around is an effective process for meeting the basic information (e.g., means, standard devia- needs of children with SEBD, a number of meth- tions, effect sizes) for all analyses. odological limitations must be addressed. First, Third, outcomes were measured on average more studies on wraparound are needed that uti- from 3 to 36 months after baseline, often as post- lize rigorous methodological design and appropri-

3. Although Hyde and her colleagues (1996) examined outcomes for youth assigned to both wraparound and residential treatment, comparisons were explicitly not conducted.

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tests with children still engaged in services. A goal and outcomes. Finally, with greater recognition of of wraparound is to create long-standing changes the broad range of wraparound outcomes studies, in the youth in family. Thus, more longitudinal fol- perhaps more local evaluators will be encouraged low-ups are necessary to see if changes last be- to publish their results, and/or design their evalu- yond the end of treatment. ations to feature greater rigor, integrate fidelity And fourth, one cannot conclude that all re- assessment, and otherwise help the field move viewed studies offered equivalent versions of forward. wraparound. The programs varied on a number of While the goal was to be exhaustive, we rec- factors including setting, target population, stated ognize that this review may not include all rel- goals, and outcomes measured. Only seven (19%) evant wraparound outcomes studies. As a result, of the studies reported systematic assessment of we are continuing to search for additional gray the degree to which wraparound was delivered as literature not identified by the inclusion criteria intended (Bruns et al., 2006; Bruns et al., 2005; used for this review (e.g., unpublished local eval- Kutash et al., 2002; Rast et al., 2008; Stambaugh uation reports). Such findings will likely expand et al., 2007; Taub & Pearrow, 2007; Vernberg et our understanding of outcomes typically found for al., 2004). Without evaluating the fidelity of an systems as well as children and families and may intervention, it is difficult to determine if the facilitate a future exercise of benchmarking com- program offers wraparound or merely “wannabe monly measured outcomes such as behavior, func- wraparound” (Walker & Bruns, 2003). Fortunate- tioning, and residential placement. ly, it appears that recent studies of wraparound In addition, as results emerge from the con- have more consistently reported results of fidel- trolled studies of wraparound currently underway, ity assessment using tools that are widely avail- a more systematic appraisal of the quality of the able. The accumulation of evaluation results that wraparound evidence base is needed, which will include reports of fidelity assessments will facili- make reviews such as this one more complete tate interpretation of the results as well as help as well as “evidence based” unto itself. At that synthesize findings across studies. point, we can also identify the specific gaps in the literature (e.g., specific target populations, Conclusions specific types of outcomes), beyond simply noting that “more needs to be done.” Finally, we need As summarized above, this review of wrap- to translate the results of quasi-experimental and around outcomes studies yielded a large number experimental studies into a meta-analysis that of publications describing a wide array of target can generate average effect sizes for different populations and study designs, most of which types of outcomes, as determined by between were far from rigorous. Regardless, because of group comparisons of wraparound and control the diverse ways in which wraparound is applied groups. Given that we have now identified 8-10 for children and families, it is important to keep a unique studies that provide some type of ability “catalog” of the breadth of the overall evidence to generate estimates of the size of effects of im- base on this model, especially in the absence of plementing wraparound, this can be an immedi- a well-developed set of randomized controlled ate next step that further informs the field about studies. By presenting this summary in this way, wraparound’s potential for positive impact on the we hoped to provide a format that can be updat- lives of children and families. ed over time, and create a resource for program developers, administrators, practitioners, and re- searchers who wish to seek out published studies References on a specific target population or context in which Achenbach, T. M., & Rescorla, L. A. (2001). Manu- wraparound has been implemented. This review al for ASEBA school-age forms & profiles. Bur- can also serve as a tool for answering more specific lington, VT: University of Vermont, Research research questions, such as typical trajectories in Center for Children, Youth, & Families. behavioral or functional improvement over time, *Anderson, J. A., Kooreman, H. E., Mohr, W. K., or the relationship between wraparound fidelity Wright, E. R., & Russell, L. A. (2002). The

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spectives to define the wraparound process. students of John’s: Eric Bruns and Kristen Lever- Psychiatric Services, 57, 1579-1585. ntz-Brady. Weisz, J. R., Sandler, I. N., Durlak, J. A., & Anton, B. S. (2006). A proposal to unite two different Eric Bruns is a clinical psychologist and Associate worlds of children’s mental health. American Professor at the University of Washington School Psychologist, 61, 644-645. of Medicine in Seattle. He spends much of his professional life conducting research on innova- *Yoe, J. T., Santarcangelo, S., Atkins, M., & Bur- tive community-based models for helping youth chard, J. D. (1996). Wraparound care in Ver- and families with complex needs, including fam- mont: Program development, implementa- ily treatment drug courts, treatment foster care, tion, and evaluation of a statewide system parent support programs, and the wraparound of individualized services. Journal of Child & process. He is a lead developer of the Wraparound Family Studies, 5, 23-37.Table 1 Participant Fidelity Assessment System and, with Janet Walk- demographics reported by wraparound out- er, co-directs the National Wraparound Initiative. come studies

Authors Jesse Suter is a faculty member at the Univer- Suggested Citation: sity of Vermont with interests in the research, development, and evaluation of community- and Suter, J., & Bruns, E. J. (2008). A narrative school-based programs for preventing and re- review of wraparound outcome studies. sponding to emotional and behavioral challenges. In E. J. Bruns & J. S. Walker (Eds.), The re- He was introduced to wraparound by working with source guide to wraparound. Portland, OR: John Burchard on the Wraparound Fidelity Index, National Wraparound Initiative, Research and he continues to work on the Wraparound Eval- and Training Center for Family Support uation and Research Team with two other former and Children’s Mental Health.