Sawdust for Growing Containerized Forest Tree
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6 / Tree Planters’ Notes SAWDUST FOR GROWING Old sawdust and peatlite produced seedlings of CONTAINERIZED FOREST TREE equal quality, new sawdust reduced growth sub- 1 stantially. Seedlings in greenhouses with organic SEEDLINGS floors were taller than those over gravel floors. Jose M. Montano, James T. Fisher, and Donald J. Cotter Research Specialist, Assistant Professor of Forest Ecology, and Professor of Horticulture, New Mexico State University. Disposal of lumber mill waste prod- Although by nature low in mineral Seedling growth can be increased by nutrients (3), bark and sawdust ucts has become a problem in recent raising the CO2 concentration in greatly exceed soil in ability to hold years the greenhouse above ambient levels and release applied nutrients to grow- because new laws restrict burning. Dis (13); and many nurseries use com- ing plants (3,10). The CEC of bark posal of vast quantities of waste ma is generally less than peat when fresh mercial CO2 generators for this terials in New Mexico is a serious prob (10), but may exceed peat after purpose. Possibly a greenhouse floor lem, especially to small mills (7). Wood composting (5). of decomposing wood residue could be residues (i.e., sawdust and bark) have Micro-organisms involved in decom- used for CO2 enrichment. This been successfully used in containers position of wood residues are more ef- would conserve energy and utilize a for growing ornamentals (6, 8). Uti ficient than higher plants in nitrogen waste product. lization of wood residues in growing absorption and assimilation (1). In New Mexico, sawmill waste comes containerized tree seedlings would re Large amounts of nitrogen must, there- primarily from ponderosa pine (Pinus duce the disposal problem. Nursery pro fore, be added to wood residues used ponderosa Laws), Douglas-fir (Pseu- duction costs might also be reduced, as media to grow plants. This problem dotsuga menziesii (Mirb). Franco), since peat moss is becoming less avail can be solved, however, by and white fir (Abies concolor (Gord. able and more expensive. composting and Glend. Lindl.)) (7). The pur- Several studies have compared growth residues before using them for potting pose of this study was to determine the and survival of seedlings produced in (14). Wood residues contain all the feasibility of using sawdust from these various organic media. Mixtures of peat minor elements essential to plant combined species for a container medium and vermiculite (peatlite) have consis - growth (5). and CO2 generator. tently produced high-quality seedlings Sawdust and bark are heavier than with good survival potential (10, 11). peat, and may hold slightly more Materials and Methods Unfortunately, peat is expensive and is available water (10). Shrinkage or White fir seed were sown in Spencer- sometimes difficult to obtain. However, compaction of organic media in con- Lemaire book planters (30 in3 ) in sawdust is readily available to many tainers may cause problems of aeration the spring of 1975. Five organic sub- nurseries and could be used if it were (12). Most sawdust shrinkage can strates were used: 1) Old sawdust; 2) shown to be a suitable growth medium. be eliminated by composting. Peat new sawdust; 3) old sawdust and soil, Growing seedlings in containers pre- shrinkage is controlled less easily, 3:1 v/v; 4) old sawdust and forest duff, sents watering, fertilizing, and han- since this occurs after it has been 3:1 v/v; 5) peat and vermiculite, 1:1 dling problems not common to field fluffed during removal from the bale. v/v. All seeds were covered with 1-cm production. The following character- Peat often contains weed seed, layer of perlite. The study involved istics, therefore, should be considered pathogens, nematodes, and excess three greenhouse compartments, each in selection of a container mixture: soluble salts (12). Wood residues may with one of the following floor cover- Air capacity and drainage, water- contain root rot fungi and growth in- ings: 1) New sawdust, 2) new bark, and holding capacity, cation-exchange hibitors (2, 16). However, composted 3) 1/2-inch (1.3 cm) washed gravel. capacity (CEC), weight, shrinkage, and wood residues have shown little or no Mixed sawdust was obtained from a freedom from pests and toxic substances. inhibitory effect (13). Phytotoxins sawmill near Mora, N. Mex. New sawdust Availability, cost, and variability resulting from both plant excretions was about 1 month old and light yellow. of the growing media should also be and residual decomposition are rapidly Old sawdust had been piled at the mill considered. metabolized by micro-organisms into site for about 15 years. Sawdust used non-toxic forms (15). for growing the seedlings was sieved 1 Journal article 612, Agricultural Experiment through a 1 /4-inch (0.63 cm) mesh screen Station, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003. Spring 1977 / 7 to obtain particles which ranged in Table 1.—Height of 11-month-old white fir seedling grown with three size from 1 mm to 5 mm. New bark for different greenhouse floor coverings and growth substrates (mean values the floor was 1 month old and particles of 30 seedlings per treatment) ranged up to 7 cm in length. Bark and Height sawdust floors were spread to a uniform thickness of 7 cm. Substrates Sawdust floor1 Bark floor1 Gravel floor1 Forest duff, amorphous and dark - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - brown to black, was collected from a 3 old sawdust:1 soil 18.25 c 17.58 c 13.87 b A1 horizon of a white fir stand at 3 old sawdust:1 duff 14.18 b 15.53 b 14.14 b 7,600 feet. The soil was a clay loam 1 peat:1 vermiculite 19.11 c 17.59 c 14.60 b (pH 6.5) containing 2.5 percent organic Old sawdust 19.19 c 20.77 c 14.69 b matter. The peat moss (pH 5.5) and New sawdust 3.61 a 3.46 a 3.88 a vermiculite were used at fine grind. Greenhouse means2 14.87 b 14.99 b 12.22 a Trees were watered daily and fer- 1 Substrate means followed by the same letter within a column are not signifi- tilized twice a week with a complete cantly different at the .01 level of probability. nutrient solution. During the fast- 2 Greenhouse means followed by the same letter are not significantly different growth phase (i.e., May to December) at the .05 level of probability. trees were fertilized with high N (225 ppm), low P (30 ppm), and low K (20 Table 2.—Root collar diameter of 11-month-old white fir seedlings grown ppm). During the hardening-off phase with three different greenhouse floor coverings and growth substrates (mean (December to March), trees received low N (42 ppm), high P (80 ppm), and value of 30 seedlings per treatment) high K (120 ppm). Nitrogen sources Root Collar Diameter were potassium nitrate, calcium ni- Substrates Sawdust floor1 Bark floor1 Gravel floor1 trate, and ammonium nitrate. Phosphorus was applied as phosphoric acid and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iron as Fe-EDTA (Sequestrene 138). 3 old sawdust:1 soil 3.8 b 3.7 b 4.0 b Electrical conductivity of container 3 old sawdust:1 duff 3.9 b 4.0 b 4.0 b 1 peat:1 vermiculite 4.5 b 4.4 b 4.5 b media was measured with a whitestone Old sawdust 4.2 b 4.4 b 4.2 b bridge and maintained at 2.0 milli- New sawdust 1.3 a 1.3 a 1.6 a ohms and adjusted to pH 6 with phos - Greenhouse means (N.S.) 3.5 3.6 3.8 phoric acid. During the fast-growth phase 1 Substrate means followed by the same letter within a column are not temperatures ranged from 15° to 18° C significantly different at the .01 level of probability. (day) and 18° to 21° C (night). Hardening-off temperatures ranged from plot with 3 replications. Main plots 10 trees from each treatment in each 16° to 21° C (day) and 0° to were the greenhouse compartments and replication were randomly selected and 7° C (night). Humidity range was 30 sub-plots were container media. Sig- measured for height, stem caliper, and to 40 percent. Seedlings received 16 nificant treatment means were separated dry weight of shoots and roots. Seed- hours of supplementary incandescent by Duncan's multiple range test (4). lings were washed to remove potting light from July to December. Each sub-plot was comprised of 32 media and oven-dried at 55° C for The experimental design was a split- seedlings. After 11 months of growth, 24 hours before weighing. 8 / Tree Planters’ Notes Results and Discussion Table 3.—Shoot dry weight of 11-monthold white fir seedlings grown Old sawdust and peatlite substrates with three different greenhouse floor coverings and substrates (mean produced trees of equal quality (tables value of 30 seedlings per treatment) 1, 2, and 5). Although dry weight of Shoot Dry Weight roots tended to be greater in peat- 1 1 1 lite, differences were not significant Substrates Sawdust floor Bark floor Gravel floor (table 4). Amending old sawdust with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - soil or forest duff was of no benefit. 3 old sawdust:1 soil 10.88 b 11.38 b 10.48 b In fact, trees growing in old sawdust 3 old sawdust:1 duff 10.51 b 10.33 b 10.83 b plus duff tended to be smaller (table 1 peat:1 fermiculite 11.32 b 11.29 b 10.69 b Old sawdust 13.67 b 11.26 b 10.83 b 1). New sawdust greatly inhibited New sawdust 4.89 a 3.51 a 3.90 a growth (tables 3 and 4).