DONATE TO THE DAILY The Campaign ONLINE for the Future of or for more giving options and info visit MAIL The Daily Send your check made out to The Daily Northwestern to: The Daily Northwestern, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208 Northwestern For questions about donations: Call Stacia Campbell at (847) 491-4896 or email
[email protected] OUR GOALS • You will receive a tax receipt for your donation • Checks made to NU should indicate “for The Daily Northwestern” on Provide a technological overhaul that will help the memo line transform The Daily’s digital extensions and provide • Pledges or bequests made to The Daily through NU’s planned giving program student journalists with access to the types of hard- also will count for this Campaign ware and software they may be expected to wield in • 100% of all contributions will go to the The Daily professional newsrooms. • There are multiple “naming” opportunities which SPC would be glad to discuss with any donor Fund scholarships that will allow students with Media Contact: Jeremy Mullman
[email protected] (312) 377-4135 limited means to dedicate their time to The Daily. Establish reserves that will allow The Daily to Can I direct my Northwestern gift to The Daily? remain focused on what it has always done best: training and inspiring journalists. Absolutely. The NU Development Offi ce has graciously agreed to count gifts to The Daily toward the “We Will” campaign and to Over the next fi ve years, we hope to raise $1 million Medill.