Cunninghame House, Irvine.

5 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Council to be held in the Reference Room, Library, St Winnings Lane, Kilwinning on THURSDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2013 at 2.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business.

Yours faithfully

Elma Murray

Chief Executive

1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda.

2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of (i) the ordinary meeting of the Committee held on 13 June; and (ii) the special meeting held on 28 June 2013 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government () Act 1973 (copy enclosed).

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3. Community Planning

3.1 Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 13 June 2013 Submit report by the Chief Executive on the minutes of the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board held on 13 June 2013

3.2 Police Scotland Submit report by Police Scotland on activity within the Kilwinning area

3.3 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submit report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Kilwinning area

(copies enclosed).

4. Kilwinning Early Years Centre: Education Scotland Report Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on the Education Scotland Report in respect of the Kilwinning Early Years Centre (copy enclosed).

5. Whitehirst Park: Wetland Area Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the wetland area to the front of Whitehirst Park, Kilwinning (copy enclosed).

6. Corsehill Community Association (Love Memorial Hall) Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on the history of the Association and detailing the current support given to the Corsehill Community Association by the Community Development Team within Education and Skills (copy enclosed).

7. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Application for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications for financial assistance received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund (copy enclosed).

8. Street Naming: Residential development adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the naming of two streets within a new housing development adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning (copy enclosed).

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 9. Date and Venue of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Kilwinning Area Committee will be held on 31 October 2013 in Kilwinning Library.

10. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Kilwinning Area Committee

Sederunt: John Ferguson Chair: (Chair) Joe Cullinane Donald Reid Robert Steel



Meeting Ended:

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 5 6 Agenda Item 2(i) Kilwinning Area Committee 13 June 2013

KILWINNING, 13 June 2013 - At a Meeting of the Kilwinning Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m.

Present John Ferguson, Donald Reid and Robert Steel.

In Attendance C. Forsyth, Team Manager, Transportation, Development Planning Service and J. Smith, Senior Manager Development Planning (Development and Environment); J. McHarg, Community Engagement Manager (Community Development Team) and B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); P. Barrett, Admin Officer (Finance and Corporate Support); and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's). Also In Attendance H. Dunk, A. Allan and R. Simson (James Watt College); Inspector J. Conway (Police Scotland); Station Commander M. Gallacher (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service); D. Wood and J. McKenzie (Scottish Water and A Faulds (George Leslie). Chair Councillor Ferguson in the Chair. Apologies for Absence Joe Cullinane.

1. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors.

2. Minutes

The accuracy of the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 2 May 2013 was agreed and the Minutes signed in accordance with paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

3. Presentation: James Watt College

The Committee received a presentation from the Heather Dunk, Principal and Alison Allan of James Watt College.

Page 1 7 The presentation included information:-

 the reform of the college sector and the transition to the new Ayrshire College;  funding provision for the Ayrshire Region;  effective partnership working; and  the challenges faced by the college in terms of culture, harmonisation, raising aspirations and supporting relevant pathways for students.

Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:-

 the management of courses provided at each Ayrshire College campus;  the establishment of a new Ayrshire College Board;  opportunities for local students;  the prospectus for the forthcoming student year; and  priorities in relation to engineering, food and drink, tourism and support for small businesses regarding IT and social media and health and social care.


4. Police Scotland

Inspector Conway circulated an activity report detailing statistical information on crimes reported and detected in the Committee's area during the period April 2012 to March 2013. The report provided comparative information from 2011/12 and highlighted a number of crimes that had taken place in the Committee's area, and a range of forthcoming events that will involve local officers. Information was also provided on the multi-agency initiatives undertaken in the area.

Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:-

 the reduction in thefts across the Committee area;  stop start locations in relation to forthcoming parades; and  the continuing issue in connection with quad bikes in the Woodmill and Dirrans areas and .


5. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Station Commander Gallacher provided information on activity within the Committee's area and gave a detailed report on the multi agency approach taken in relation to secondary fires in the Dubbs Road, Longford Avenue and Nethermains areas of Kilwinning. Community Planning Partners and members of the Multi Agency Problem Solving Group met to discuss the issue and agreed actions in an effort to reduce incidents in the area. Information was also provided on the use of the community rooms at Kilwinning Fire Station

Page 2 8 Members asked questions and were provided with information in relation to:-

 a future open day at the Kilwinning Fire Station for members of the public; and  the use of the community facilities in evenings.


6. Whitehirst Park: Wetland Area

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) giving an update regarding the wetland area to the front of Whitehirst Park Kilwinning.

On 28 February 2013, the Committee received a report on this matter and agreed that the Team Manager (Transportation) enter into dialogue with Transport Scotland and their new managing agent Scotland TranServ to request that they alter the drainage on the A738 to stop water discharging from the carriageway into the area of grassland at this location.

The Committee was advised that at a meeting on 14 May 2013, Transport Scotland / Scotland TranServ confirmed that the drainage system on the A738 had been investigated and that proposals were being prepared with the aim of altering an element of this drainage system to prevent water from discharging directly into the area of Council land. No timescale for the work has been provided and the Team Manager (Transportation) confirmed that he will continue to pursue this matter and advise Members as further information is provided.

There was discussion on the fence which has been erected by Streetscene around the wetland area. The Team Manager (Transportation) undertook to relay the comments to the Streetscene Manager.

The Committee agreed that the Team Manager (Transportation) provide an update report to the next meeting on 12 September 2013.

7. Strategic Road Maintenance Programme 2013/14

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the proposed Roads and Streetlighting Maintenance Programme for 2013/14.

At its meeting on 26 March 2013, the Cabinet agreed that the 2013/14 Roads and Streetlighting programme of work be presented to Area Committees for comment. The programme has been produced using the associated Lifecycle Plans, developed in accordance with the strategy contained within the Roads Asset Management Plan (RAMP) for managing the core assets. As part of the Asset Management process, condition assessments are carried out on the public road network on an annual basis as part of the inspection procedure. All locations are assessed using the risk assessment process shown at Appendix 1.

Page 3 9 The report provided further information on:-

 categories of road condition;  information gathered from a variety of sources that informs the Prioritisation Matrix;  the variety of road treatment options and their associated costs;  the use of an options appraisal matrix to assist with the identification of the most appropriate treatment, as shown at Appendix 2 to the report;  streetlighting column replacement prioritisation and the number of prioritisation categories; and  the Roads and Streetlighting Maintenance programme for 2013/14 set out at Appendix 3 to the report.

Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:-

 the upgrade of the B714 to Dalry Road;  jet patching of roads in small rural locations;  streetlighting columns and issues associated with disconnection from the main power grid; and  the improvement in the Council's road condition indicator levels.


8. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund.

The Committee agreed to make the following awards:-

Local Youth Action Fund Organisation Award

Ayrshire Communities Education and Sport (ACES) £ 800 Kilwinning Boys Group £1,000

9. Grants to Elderly Groups

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on the level of funding available for grant disbursement to elderly groups within the Committee's area in 2013/14.

Page 4 10 The Community Engagement Manager provided details of the allocation of elderly grant funding across the Committee's area as follows:-

Kilwinning Burgh £3,621 Kilwinning Landward £2,149


10. Woodgreen Mortification Trust

10.1 Budget

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Finance and Infrastructure) on the revenue account in respect of the Woodgreen Mortification Trust for the year to 31 March 2013 and proposing a budget for 2013/14, including the level of grant available for disbursement in the year

In 2012/13 the revenue account achieved a surplus of £2,085 as a result of no grant payments being made within that financial year. The balance on the Trust Fund at 31 March 2013 is £125,785. The recommended level of expenditure for 2013/14 is £2,090.

The Committee agreed to (a) note the financial position for the Woodgreen Mortification Trust to 31 March 2013; and (b) approve an expenditure budget of £2,090 for 2013/14.

10.2 Applications for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on applications for financial assistance received in respect of the Trust.

There was discussion on the North Ayrshire Council (Kilwinning) Charitable Trust and on the wording of the Trust Deed in respect of the Woodgreen Mortification Trust.

The Committee agreed (a) not to award a grant to Kilwinning Community Sports Club but to refer the Club instead to the Business Development Section within Economic Development to ascertain if there is any information they can provide to the Club on alternative funding sources; and (b) not to award a grant to Ms McC.

11. North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP): Board Minutes of Meeting held on 14 March 2013

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) held on 14 March 2013.


Page 5 11 12. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Kilwinning Area Committee will be held on 12 September 2013 in Kilwinning Library.

13. Urgent Items

The Chair agreed that the undernoted items be considered as a matter of urgency to allow Members to receive up-to-date information.

13.1 Scottish Water: Works Programme for Committee Area

Scottish Water representatives advised on a major project being undertaken in the local area to improve their services and the quality of the drinking water to members of the public. Information was provided of the road traffic management plans which will be established for the duration of the project to minimise disruption in the area.

Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:-

 Land Engineering lifting and re-laying the slabs in the pedestrianised Kilwinning Main Street area;  access arrangements for delivery vehicles to the Main Street area;  arrangements for the provision of bottled water where required;  signage is strategic positions to inform commuters and enable them to alter their travel routes; and  consultation with North Ayrshire Council Roads, Transport Scotland, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, bus companies and taxis;  letters to be issued to Kilwinning residents who will be directly affected by the works;  the continuation of communication regarding the works, especially in relation to local bus provision;  continuous access to Kilwinning Railway Station; and  the routes for the forthcoming parades in the local area.


The meeting ended at 4.50 p.m.

Page 6 12 Agenda Item 2(ii) Kilwinning Area Committee 28 June 2013

IRVINE, 28 June 2013 - At a Special Meeting of the Kilwinning Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 10.00 a.m.

Present John Ferguson, Donald Reid and Robert Steel.

In Attendance B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's Service).

Chair Councillor Ferguson in the Chair.

1. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors.

2. Community Development Grants Scheme: Application for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on an application for financial assistance received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme.

The Committee agreed to (a) make an award of £988 to Corsehill Community Association; and (b) advise the Group that any future application for funding should be accompanied by all the necessary documentation.

The Meeting ended at 10.10 a.m.


Agenda Item 3.1 12 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

Subject: North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 13 June 2013

Purpose: To submit the Minutes of the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board held on 13 June 2013.

Recommendation: That the Area Committee notes the Minutes contained in Appendix 1.

1. Introduction

1.1 It was previously agreed that the Minutes of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board be submitted to the Area Committee for information. The key matters arising from the Minutes have been highlighted for the attention of the Committee and are detailed in paragraph 2.1.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Minutes of the meeting of the CPP Board held on 13 June 2013 are appended. Particular matters for the Area Committee's attention include the following:

Agenda Item 4: CPP Audit and Improvement Plan Sandra Bale, Policy & Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council, submitted a report on the Accounts Commission’s report on the audit of the North Ayrshire CPP, and the Improvement Plan which had been drafted based on the recommendations contained within the audit report. The Accounts Commission Chairman, Mr Baillie, led a discussion to seek the views of Partners on the conduct and findings of the audit, as well as their own views on Community Planning in North Ayrshire. The CPP Board agreed to approve the Audit Improvement Plan, subject to any additional actions being incorporated once the outcomes of the Joint Inspection of Children’s Services and the SOA Quality Assurance process are known.

15 Agenda Item 5a: Draft SOA Action Plan and Indicators Morna Rae, Acting Policy & Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council, reported on the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) Action Plan 2013-14 and associated indicators. The CPP Board agreed that the Action Plan be implemented in 2013/14 and its performance monitored and reported to future meetings.

Agenda Item 5b: NHS Board Contribution to Community Planning John Burns, Chief Executive, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, submitted a report which set out the contribution to Community Planning which NHS Ayrshire and Arran will make in 2013/14 as part of its Local Delivery Plan. Some gaps in the NHS report in relation to the outcomes and indicators in the SOA have been identified. The CPP Board agreed to provide feedback to NHS Ayrshire & Arran on their report.

Agenda Item 6: Area of Family Resilience Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council, provided a report which highlighted further key findings selected from the first draft of the Area of Family Resilience Report. A Neighbourhood Planning Development Day has been scheduled for September 2013 to focus on agreeing the most urgent priorities for specific neighbourhoods and address how Partners will coordinate Neighbourhood Planning delivery through each organisation's own service planning and budgeting cycles.

Agenda Item 7: Early Intervention & Prevention Strategy Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, North Ayrshire Council, submitted a report seeking approval of the North Ayrshire Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy. The North Ayrshire CPP, together with the Child and Public Protection Chief Officers Group, have developed a range of proposals over the last two years to increase early intervention and prevention activity in the early years (age 0-8). These have been brought together in a draft Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy 2013/17 which links closely to the draft SOA 2013/17 and its overarching theme on this priority. The CPP Board agreed to approve the Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy 2013/17.

Agenda Item 8: Early Years Change Fund Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, North Ayrshire Council, submitted a report seeking agreement to a response on the local operation of the Early Years Change Fund. The Guidance issued by the Early Years Taskforce asks that Community Planning Partners jointly draw together a report by 30 June 2013 on how they will progress these areas. The Board agreed to approve the terms of the response set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

16 Agenda Item 9: Impact of Census 2011 Data on Population Estimates and Projections 2013-16 Steve Morley, Research Analyst, North Ayrshire Council, reported on the first results from the 2011 Census and the implications for North Ayrshire population estimates and projections. North Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet has agreed to take pro-active steps to increase the population. A Population & Migration Working Group has been established for this purpose. The CPP Board agreed to note the contents of the report and endorse the decision of the North Ayrshire Cabinet to take pro-active steps to increase the population of North Ayrshire.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Area Committee notes the CPP Board Minutes and, in particular, those matters highlighted at 2.1 above.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 There are no financial implications arising from this report.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

17 5. Consultations

5.1 No consultations were required.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Minutes are submitted for information with the matters arising.

ELMA MURRAY Chief Executive

Reference : MR For further information please contact Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer on 01294 324177. Background Papers None

18 North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership

CPP Board

Minutes of Meeting held on 13 June 2013

Irvine Bay Urban Regeneration Company Patrick Wiggins, Chief Executive.

Jobcentre Plus Robert McKay, Integrated Operations Manager

NHS Ayrshire and Arran John Burns, Chief Executive and Martin Cheyne, Chairman

North Ayrshire Council Willie Gibson (Chair) Anthea Dickson Alex Gallagher Ruth Maguire Robert Steel Elma Murray, Chief Executive

Scottish Enterprise Jim Reid, Stakeholders and Networks Director

Scottish Government Stephen Gallagher, Location Director

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Jim Scott, Area Manager

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Alan Comrie, Senior Transport Planner.

Strathclyde Police Chief Inspector Tim Ross and Superintendent Neil Kerr

Third Sector Interface Jim Nichols, Manager, Arran CVS

In Attendance

Carol Kirk, Corporate Director (Education and Skills); Iona Colvin, Corporate Director (Social Services and Health); Karen Yeomans, Head of Development Planning (Development and Environment); Andrew Fraser, Head of Democratic and Administration Services, Sandra Bale, Policy and Performance Officer, Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer, Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, Steve Morley, Research Analyst, Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager and Martyn McKeown, Committee Services Manager (Chief Executive’s Service).

1 19 Also in Attendance

John Baillie (Chair), Jim King, Colin Peebles and Graham Sharp (Accounts Commission); Peter Worsdale and Mark McPherson (Audit Scotland); and David Cowan, Scottish Government.

1. Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed (a) new Board Members Stephen Gallagher, Jim Scott and Tim Ross, to their first meeting; (b) the representatives from the Accounts Commission and Audit Scotland in attendance; and (c) the contingent of Finnish Mayors and Civil Servants who were observing the meeting.

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf John Thomson, Police Scotland, John Muir, Ayrshire College, Etta Wright, Jobcentre Plus, and Marlene Crawford, Skills Development Scotland.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the Meeting of the CPP Board held on 14 March, 2013 were approved.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes Submitted action note arising from the previous meeting.


4. CPP Audit and Improvement Plan Submitted report by Sandra Bale, Policy & Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council on the Accounts Commission’s report on the audit of the North Ayrshire CPP, and the Improvement Plan which had been drafted based on the recommendations contained within the audit report.

North Ayrshire CPP was one of three CPPs which participated in a pilot audit of community planning by Audit Scotland over the period August to October 2012.

The final Audit Report was presented to the Accounts Commission on 14 February 2013 and submitted to the CPP Board on 14 March 2013 for consideration. The Board noted that the Accounts Commission would publish its findings on the Audit Report on 20 March 2013 and that an Improvement Plan would be submitted to the CPP Board in June in order to take into account the Accounts Commission’s findings and also the findings of the Joint Inspection of Children’s Services in North Ayrshire (which are due to be published now in August).

The Accounts Commission published its findings on 20 March 2013 and advised that these findings should be considered alongside the Commission’s general conclusions on community planning in Scotland. Copies of these reports were appended to the report together with the proposed Improvement Plan.

The Accounts Commission Chairman, Mr Baillie, led a discussion to seek the views of Partners on the conduct and findings of the audit, as well as their own views on Community Planning in North Ayrshire. Areas covered included Strategic Direction; Police and Fire Reform; Governance; Health and Social Care Integration;

2 20 Performance Management; Use of Resources; Community Engagement; Economic Development; Neighbourhood Planning; and barriers to Community Planning.

The Accounts Commission have concluded that community planning in North Ayrshire, whilst not yet yielding significant results in changing wider outcomes, is moving in a positive direction and they look forward to seeing this maintained and developed.

The CPP Board then considered each proposed action in the Draft Improvement Plan and commented as follows:-

 The targets for health provided by NHS Ayrshire & Arran should be revisited over the first year to make them more ambitious  A full report by North Ayrshire Council / NHS Ayrshire & Arran on the proposals for the Integration of Health & Social Care should be submitted to the next CPP Board meeting  Partners were requested to seek the commitment of their identified representatives on the CPP Resource Planning Group to attend the meetings of this group as a priority  An interim report from the CPP Resource Planning Group should be submitted to the CPP Board meeting.

It was noted that a number of the actions in the draft Improvement Plan related to the SOA, which was currently undergoing a Quality Assurance process before being signed off.

The CPP Board agreed to approve the Audit Improvement Plan, subject to any additional actions being incorporated once the outcomes of the Joint Inspection of Children’s Services and the SOA Quality Assurance process are known.

5. (a) Draft SOA Action Plan and Indicators Submitted report by Morna Rae, Acting Policy & Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council on the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) Action Plan 2013-14 and associated Indicators.

The CPP Board has previously received reports on the draft SOA 2013-17. This has now been submitted to the Scottish Government for feedback and sign-off. A draft Action Plan and indicator list was discussed at the March 2013 CPP Board meeting. It was agreed that leads against actions would be identified, the resources to deliver the actions would be outlined and that targets would be set for the indicators.

An updated Action Plan and indicator list was attached at Appendix 1. The leads were identified in conjunction with the strategic groups. Partners discussed the Action Plan.

The CPP Board agreed that the Action Plan be implemented in 2013/14 and its performance monitored and reported to future meetings.

(b) NHS Board Contribution to Community Planning Submitted report by John Burns, Chief Executive, NHS Ayrshire & Arran which set out the contribution to Community Planning which NHS Ayrshire and Arran will make in 2013/14 as part of its Local Delivery Plan.

3 21

NHS Ayrshire and Arran is a partner in the three Ayrshire Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) and recognises the need to focus on delivering on outcomes and reducing the inequality of outcomes. NHS Ayrshire and Arran is best able to achieve this by focusing on prevention, early intervention and improvements through partnership working.

CPP Board members commented on the need for more ambition and challenge in relation to the proposed contributions to community planning in North Ayrshire. Some gaps in the NHS report in relation to the outcomes and indicators in the SOA have been identified.

The CPP Board agreed to provide feedback to NHS Ayrshire & Arran on their report.

6. Area of Family Resilience

Submitted report by Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council which highlighted further key findings selected from the first draft of the AFR Report for discussion.

The CPP Board received a presentation in support of the report. The presentation highlighted key findings in relation to:

Population; Employment; Health; Education; Social Care; and Community Safety.

The Chair raised a question regarding the educational attainment results in Whitehirst Park, Kilwinning.

A Neighbourhood Planning Development Day has been scheduled for September 2013 to focus on agreeing the most urgent priorities for specific neighbourhoods and address how Partners will coordinate Neighbourhood Planning delivery through each organisation's own service planning and budgeting cycles. Key partners will meet in advance to plan the purpose, content and outcomes for the Development Day.

The CPP Board (a) noted the further key findings selected from the first draft of the AFR Report; (b) agreed to intimate to Damien Griffith any further groups linked to the North Ayrshire CPP that would benefit from a tailored presentation of key findings from the draft; (c) agreed that information be provided to the Chair in response to his question above; (d) noted that a final draft of the report will be circulated to the Partnership for further comment before being submitted to the CPP Board in September and (e) noted that a Neighbourhood Planning Development Day has been arranged for key partners in September 2013 to discuss the priorities emerging from AFR Report and agree an outline implementation framework.

7. Early Intervention & Prevention Strategy Submitted report by Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, North Ayrshire Council seeking approval of the North Ayrshire Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy.

4 22

The North Ayrshire CPP, together with the Child and Public Protection Chief Officers Group, have developed a range of proposals over the last two years to increase early intervention and prevention activity in the early years (age 0-8). These have been brought together in a draft Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy 2013/17 which links closely to the draft SOA 2013/17 and its overarching theme on this priority. Plans for older children and young people will be addressed in a separate strategy at a later stage.

The Early Intervention and Prevention Programme Board approved a draft Strategy as a basis for consultation in April 2013. Overall throughout the consultation exercise, the draft Strategy was well received and welcomed as a good overview. The current version of the Strategy which includes the changes made as a result of consultation was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.

The CPP Board agreed to (a) approve the Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy 2013/17; and (b) note that the Strategy will be considered by the Council’s Cabinet on 25 June.

8. Early Years Change Fund Submitted report by Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, North Ayrshire Council seeking agreement to a response on the local operation of the Early Years Change Fund.

The Guidance issued by the Early Years Taskforce asks that Community Planning Partners jointly draw together a report by 30 June 2013 on how they will progress these areas. A draft report was attached at Appendix 1 to the report. This addresses the questions asked by the Early Years Taskforce about the operation of the Early Years Change Fund in North Ayrshire. The proposed response will be further revised to take account of further Guidance received.

It was noted that engagement should take place with the CHP Forum on the Early Years Change Fund and the Early Intervention & Prevention Strategy.

The CPP Board agreed (a) to approve the terms of the response set out in Appendix 1 to the report; (b) to incorporate figures on NHS funding into the final response once these have been established; and (c) that further information be provided to the CHP Forum on the Early Years Change Fund and Early Intervention & Prevention Strategy.

9. Impact of Census 2011 Data on Population Estimates and Projections 2013-16 Submitted report by Steve Morley, Research Analyst, North Ayrshire Council on the first results from the 2011 Census and the implications for North Ayrshire population estimates and projections.

The initial results indicate that North Ayrshire’s population has increased slightly since 2001, rather than decreasing as previously shown in the NRS population estimates. However, future projections, based on recent trends, are still likely to show a declining overall population for North Ayrshire as well as an increase in the 65-74 and 75+ age groups while the number of children and working age people falls. This has potentially serious implications regarding the population “dependency ratio” with

5 23 an increasingly elderly population, and to lesser degree children, being supported by fewer working age people.

North Ayrshire Council’s Cabinet has agreed to take pro-active steps to increase the population. A Population & Migration Working Group has been established for this purpose.

The CPP Board agreed to (a) note the contents of the report; (b) endorse the decision of the North Ayrshire Cabinet to take pro-active steps to increase the population of North Ayrshire; and (c) receive (i) further reports when more detailed Census data is available; (ii) details of Neighbourhood Planning Area projections when available; and (iii) updates of the work of the Population & Migration Working Group.

10. 2012/13 Single Outcome Agreement (SOA): Q4 Report Submitted report by Morna Rae, Acting Policy & Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council, which provided a summary of quarter 4 progress against the 2012/13 SOA.


11. Chairs Reports Submit reports from the Chairs of the following Strategic Partnerships:- a) Safer North Ayrshire Partnership b) Community Engagement Reference Group c) Economic Development and Regeneration Board

In relation to the CERG, it was noted that Michelle Sutherland would join as the Health representative.


12. Date of Next Meeting Thursday 12 September 2013 at 10.30 am.


Irvine and Kilwinning September 2013

Submitted for the attention of the Area Committee is the Police Scotland report for September 2013.

The report includes information relating to the Multi Member Ward Area’s for Irvine West (Ward 1), Irvine East (Ward 2) and Kilwinning (Ward 3) for the 2 month period between 1 June 2013 to 31 July 2013.

The Local Community Policing Plan priorities for 2013/2014 form the main focus of our proactivity and support for public reassurance continues. The priorities as formulated from the public consultation exercise for 2013/14 are;

Irvine West – Ward 1

1. Drug Dealing and Drug Use 2. Drunk or Disorderly behaviour (including vandalism and graffiti) 3. Assault and Violent crime 4. Housebreakings and Other Theft

Irvine West – Ward 2

1. Drunk or Disorderly behaviour (including vandalism and graffiti) 2. Drug Dealing and Drug Use 3. Assault and Violent crime 4. Speeding Motorists

Kilwinning – Ward 3

1. Drug Dealing and Drug Use 2. Drunk or Disorderly behaviour (including vandalism and graffiti) 3. Housebreakings and Other Theft 4. Assault and Violent crime



A breakdown of the crime/offence statistics and incidents for the Multi Member Ward Area for Irvine West (Ward 1) are detailed below.

Multi Member Ward Area – Irvine West Crimes – Ward 1 01/06/13- 31/07/13 01/06/12 – 31/07/12 Reports Detected Reports All Crimes 496 297 436 Assault 36 25 44 Robbery 0 0 2 Housebreaking 15 3 18 Damage to Property 83 8 48 Consumption of Alcohol 25 25 20 Drugs misuse 15 15 12

A breakdown of the crime/offence statistics and incidents for the Multi Member Ward Area for Irvine East (Ward 2) are detailed below.

Multi Member Ward Area – Irvine East Crimes – Ward 2 01/06/13- 31/07/13 01/06/12 – 31/07/12 Reports Detected Reports All Crimes 158 84 252 Assault 29 20 42 Robbery 1 1 0 Housebreaking 10 3 13 Damage to Property 21 1 53 Consumption of Alcohol 12 12 14 Drugs misuse 4 4 3

A breakdown of the crime/offence statistics and incidents for the Multi Member Ward Area for Kilwinning (Ward 3) are detailed below.

Multi Member Ward Area – Kilwinning Crimes – Ward 3 01/04/13- 31/07/13 01/04/12 – 31/07/12 Reports Detected Reports All Crimes 167 81 201 Assault 23 20 41 Robbery 0 0 1 Housebreaking 10 1 16 Damage to Property 20 5 27 Consumption of Alcohol 3 3 20 Drug Supply and Production 3 3 2



Crimes of Note

Irvine West

1.6.13 Serious Assault. Low Green Irvine, serious assault, 26 year old male struck on head with bottle- 1 male arrested

6.7.13 Serious Assault, Fleming Terrace, 39 year old female punched and kicked to head and body by 35 year old male and 45 year old male within a dwelling house.

18.7.13 Serious Assault, Beaton Terrace, 39 year old male punched and kicked to head and body . Enquiries Continue.

25.7.13 Serious Assault, Victoria House 31 year old male stabbed in face, 1 male arrested.

27.7.13 Rape, Townhead, Female raped in street , 1 male arrested

Irvine East

17.7.13 Indecent Assault. Newmoor, 30 year old female indecently assaulted within industrial estate.

29.7.13 Indecent Exposure male aged about 20 exposed himself to 13 year old females within area.

Kilwinning Serious Assault. Howgate, 47 year old male punched and kicked to head and body, Enquiry continues.

5.7.13 Indecent Exposure Pennyburn playing Fields, Male aged about 30 exposed himself to a number of children. Enquiry continues

Group 2 Crimes

Irvine East; Historical report female having been raped by partner 2012 male reported

Irvine East, Historical report of female having been raped by friend 2012 male reported

Irvine East, Female sexually assaulted by acquaintance, Male arrested

Irvine East Indecent exposure

Irvine West Female raped by acquaintance, Male arrested

Irvine West attempted indecent assault by male on male youth (internet)



Irvine East and Kilwinning, 3 male youths targeted by a 19 year old male and asked to perform sex acts.

Kilwinning. Indecent exposure as above.

Additional Information

Irvine West


Irvine East


Orange walks

On 30th June The Bishop Burnett memorial LOL had requested a return parade through Kilwinning at 1600 hrs - 1 Sgt and 4 Constables from Police Scotland attended. However at 1630 hrs the walkers had not arrived and the parade was cancelled by the on duty Inspector. The organiser was informed and officers returned to their duties. Although the bands and vast majority of walkers accepted this decision at 1715 hrs about 20 members of the lodge walked the proposed route without permission.

On 20th July The Apprentice Boys of Derry walked through the town and several members of the ‘Sons of the Somme’ flute band were observed wearing ‘UVF’ armbands (the UVF being a prescribed organisation in terms of the Terrorism Act 2010). One male was arrested at locus - several others made off.

Directed Patrol Plans

As in previous updates to the Irvine Area Committee, officers from the Community Policing Team continue to be actively involved in public reassurance. Recent action plans have proactively addressed areas of concern, particularly violence, vandalism, drug dealing, anti social behaviour and acquisitive crime in line with the priorities outlined.

During recent months the Directed Patrol Plans have focused on;

 Bogus Workmen – Irvine East  Dog Fouling – Irvine West and Kilwinning  Violence, Disorder and Antisocial Behaviour – Irvine East and Irvine West  Drug related offences – Kilwinning  Speeding – Irvine East



Force Website

The Police Scotland web site contains details for keeping people safe and information on reporting mechanisms and directions to access Police Scotland social media. It can be accessed via the following link.

Irvine West Information on the Irvine West area and can be accessed via the link below. West

Irvine East Information on the Irvine East area and can be accessed via the link below. East


Information on the Kilwinning area and can be accessed via the link below.

Inspector Joe Conway Community Policing Inspector for Irvine West/ Irvine East & Kilwinning


29 30 Tactical Assessment

Dates: 01/07/2013 - 01/09/2013 Councils: North Ayrshire Wards: Kilwinning Ward

Incident Analysis

Ward Council Ward as % of Council

Population 17029 135817 12.5% Dwellings 7825 65550 11.9% Incidents 43 436 9.9% Casualties 2 19 10.5% Fire 1 11 9.1% RTC 0 3 % Other 1 5 20% Fatalities 0 3 % Fire 0 0 % RTC 0 0 % Other 0 3 %

Dwelling Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Dwelling Fire Locations

Street Incident Count BLACKLANDS AVE, ., KILWINNING 1 BROOMFIELD ST, ., KILWINNING 1 HUNTER PL, ., KILWINNING 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 3

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 1 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 31 Tactical Assessment

Dwelling Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Dwelling Fire Locations

Street Incident Count NETHERMAINS RD, ., KILWINNING 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Non Domestic Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Non Domestic Fire Locations

Non Domestic Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Non Domestic Fire Locations

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 2 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 32 Tactical Assessment

Vehicle Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Vehicle Fire Locations

Vehicle Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Vehicle Fire Locations

Rubbish Fires Top 10 Rubbish Fire Locations


Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 3 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 33 Tactical Assessment

Heath and Grass Fires Top 10 Heath and Grass Fire Locations

Street Incident Count DALRY RD, ., KILWINNING 1 IRVINE RD, ., KILWINNING 1 VIADUCT CIR, ., KILWINNING 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 3

Derelict Buildings: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Derelict Buildings Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Derelict Buildings: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Derelict Buildings Locations

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 4 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 34 Tactical Assessment

False Alarms: Malicious Top 10 Malicious False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count GLENAPP PL, ., KILWINNING 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

False Alarms: Good Intent Top 10 Good Intent False Alarm Locations


False Alarms: Equipment Fault Top 10 Equipment Fault False Alarm Locations


Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 5 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 35 Tactical Assessment

Road Traffic Collisions Top 10 Road Traffic Collision Locations

Street Incident Count MILLSIDE GDNS, ., KILWINNING 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Water Related Incidents Top 10 Water Related Incident Locations

Other Special Services* Top 10 Other Special Services* Locations

Street Incident Count AVE, ., KILWINNING 1 MAIN ST, ., KILWINNING 1 ST WINNINGS LANE, ., KILWINNING 1 SUNDRUM PL, ., KILWINNING 1 WOOD ST, ., KILWINNING 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 5

* - Excluding road traffic collisions and water related incidents

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 6 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 36 Tactical Assessment

Report Description

Given a date range, council and ward, this report provides demographic, incident, casualty and fatality information in tabular format. It also charts and lists the top ten street locations for a chosen list of incident types.

Tactical Assessment | Version: Draft | Page 7 of 7 | Executed: 02/09/2013 12:34:09 37 38 NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL

Agenda Item 4 12 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

Subject: Kilwinning Early Years Centre: Education Scotland Report

Purpose: To inform the Committee of the Education Scotland Report on Kilwinning Early Years Centre.

Recommendation: That the Committee notes (a) that in terms of follow through, Education Scotland will make no further evaluative visits in connection with this inspection; (b) that Education Scotland identified aspects of innovative practice and would like to explore this further and share with others; and (c) the steps taken to address the key point for action.

1. Introduction

1.1 Kilwinning Early Years Centre was inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectors from Education Scotland in May 2013 as part of a national sample of pre-school education.

1.2 The inspection covered key aspects of the work of the Centre and HM Inspectors evaluated the quality of the learning and teaching and the support to families in Kilwinning Early Years Centre.

1.3 HM Inspectors also evaluated children’s achievements, the effectiveness of the Centre, the environment for care and learning and the processes in place for self-evaluation. They talked to parents and children and also looked at some recent initiatives including outdoor learning, transition and partnership with parents.

1.4 Members of the inspection team met with groups of parents, visiting services and also with the headteacher from Pennyburn Primary School.

2. Current Position

2.1 The report by HM Inspectors was published by Education Scotland on 18 June 2013 (Appendix 1).

39 2.2 HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths:

 Happy, confident children who are motivated to learn.  Provision for children under three.  Commitment of staff to develop and share their own skills to lead improvements for families.  Clear vision of senior management team and their success in motivating and empowering staff to undertake leadership responsibilities.  Building capacity and resilience with parents and the wider community.

2.3 Within the body of the report the paragraph below illustrates the positive work being carried out by the Centre to support capacity building with parents. This good work links closely to the aims of the single outcome agreement in North Ayrshire Council and has been identified by Education Scotland as innovative practice.

“The health and wellbeing of children and their families is paramount to the staff who are fully committed to ensuring a bespoke range of support is available and tailored to the needs of each family. Increasingly this extends to the wider community. All staff embrace their role in providing a range of outstanding support, done in a respectful and empowering manner. ”

2.4 The following area for improvement has been agreed between Education Scotland, the Centre and the education authority:  Continue to develop further approaches to assessment that support children in reviewing their own learning.

2.5 In consultation with the Senior Manager Early Education and Childcare and staff, the head of centre has put plans in place to incorporate the recommendation of the Education Scotland report in the Centre’s Improvement Plan. The centre, and the authority, will build on the strengths identified in the inspection report and work together to address the recommendation by taking the following action:

 The Centre will continue with plans to increase the involvement of children and parents in all aspects of the child’s learning and development; and

 The Centre will explore innovative ways of involving children in their learning on a daily basis and encourage them to reflect on what they have learned.

40 3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee notes (a) that in terms of follow-through, HMIE will make no further visits given the high level of confidence in the centre to continue its improvement journey; (b) that due to the innovative practice identified during the inspection they would like to explore this further and share with others; and (c) the steps taken to address the key point for action.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 The Centre's action points will be delivered through existing budgets.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 None have been identified.

Legal Implications

4.3 None have been identified.

Equality Implications

4.4 None have been identified.

Environmental Implications

4.5 None have been identified.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 The report contributes to the proportion of early year centres receiving positive inspection reports.

5. Consultations

5.1 Following publication of the report the Senior Manager Early Education and Childcare discussed the proposals with the Head of Centre who in turn will discuss the proposals with staff, parents and other centre users.

41 6. Conclusion

6.1 This is an excellent report from HMI which highlights the high quality of learning experiences provided for children and their families. HM Inspectors were impressed with the clear vision of the management team and their ability to motivate staff. The good work in capacity building with parents and the wider community will be shared with other centres and schools. The Head of Centre and Depute were commended for establishing an inclusive approach to self-evaluation and a culture of continuous improvement.

CAROL KIRK Corporate Director (Education and Skills)

Reference : MD/FR For further information please contact Mary Docherty, Head of Service (Education 3-18), on 01294 324416. Background Papers None


Agenda Item 5 12 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

Subject: Whitehirst Park: Wetland Area

Purpose: To update the Committee on the issue of the wetland area to the front of Whitehirst Park, Kilwinning.

Recommendation: That the Committee (a) notes the progress that has been made with Transport Scotland and Scotland TranServ in relation to altering drainage on the A738 which is affecting this area; and (b) agrees to invite a representative from Transport Scotland/Scotland TranServ to attend a future Committee meeting to provide a presentation to Members on this issue.

1. Introduction

1.1 The wetland area at the entrance to Whitehirst Park has been the subject of written and verbal reports to the Committee since 2008.

1.2 The most recent report on this subject was considered by the Committee on 13 June 2013, with a recommended outcome that the Team Manager (Transportation) provide an update report to the next Kilwinning Area Committee meeting on 12 September 2013.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Team Manager (Transportation) wrote again to the Transport Scotland Route Manager on the 14 June requesting an update on the investigation/design work by Transport Scotland and their Operating Company, Scotland TranServ, into the issue of road surface water from the A738 discharging directly into this area of public open space.

2.2 Transport Scotland responded on the 17 June, confirming that they still have to check the existing gully connection(s) on Road with dye before they can produce a solution to the problem. Transport Scotland do not have a date as to when this work will be carried out but they will continue to press Scotland TranServ regarding this issue.

47 2.3 The Team Manager (Transportation) raised the issue of the height of the boundary fence that has recently been erected around the wetland area by Environmental & Related Services, and they have confirmed that it is intended to prevent very young children from accidentally running into this area rather than preventing older children, who are intent on entering the area, from doing so. The height and type of fencing that would be required to prevent access by older children would be out of keeping with the surroundings and expensive to construct and maintain.

2.4 While Transport Scotland / Scotland TranServ intend to investigate/alter the A738 road drainage system with the aim of stopping surface water from discharging directly into the area of Council land, to date no timescale has been provided as to when this work will be carried out. It is expected that the outfall from a road gulley (or gullies) will be altered to transport the surface water to an existing piped surface water or combined sewerage system within Stevenston Road.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee (a) notes the progress that has been made with Transport Scotland and Scotland TranServ in relation to altering drainage on the A738 which is affecting this area; and (b) invites a representative from Transport Scotland/Scotland TranServ to attend a future Committee Meeting to provide a presentation to Members on this issue.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 There are no financial implications for the Council. All works would be funded by Transport Scotland.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications.

48 Environmental Implications

4.5 Removal of the surface water discharge from the A738 will help to reduce the scale of the accumulation of water at this location.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 The works that Transport Scotland intend to carry out will contribute towards the delivery of a number of key priorities.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with Transport Scotland and Scotland TranServ.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Following dialogue with Transport Scotland, progress has been made whereby Transport Scotland / Scotland TranServ intend to investigate the A738 road drainage system with the aim of preventing road surface water from discharging directly into the area of Council land.

6.2 However, no timescale has yet been provided as to when this work will be carried out and it is recommended that the Committee invites a representative from Transport Scotland/Scotland TranServ to attend a future Committee Meeting to provide a presentation to Members on this issue.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : CH/CF For further information please contact Crawford Forsyth, Team Manager (Transportation) on 01294 225219 Background Papers None


Agenda Item 6 12 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

Subject: Corsehill Community Association (Love Memorial Hall)

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the history of the Association and detail the current support given to the Corsehill Community Association by the Community Development Team within Education and Skills.

Recommendation: That the Committee (a) consider the content of the report; (b) determine what further action may be required; and (c) agree to receive a progress report in three months.

1. Introduction

1.1 Corsehill Community Association own and manage the Love Memorial Hall, a community facility which provides accommodation and support to a wide range of community organisations and groups including, children, young people, adult organisations and clubs for the elderly. The group have requested support from their Local Councillors to keep the facility open and would like to enter into a service level agreement similar to that enjoyed by other Community Associations within SIMD areas. Local Members asked for a report to be submitted urgently, detailing the current position of the Community Association and what action might be taken in support.

2. Current Position

2.1 Community Associations were first established in the 1940's to provide for the educational, leisure and social welfare needs of geographic communities. They were organisations which brought together community groups and individual community members with the common aim of advancing the charitable aims of education, leisure and social welfare.

51 2.2 Ayr County Council Education Department, through it's Sub-Committee on Community Development, developed a wide range provision, which included some purpose built community centres, some refurbished property, e.g. former schools and miners institutes, and some additional informal education and recreational wings attached to new schools. The successor authorities of Strathclyde Region and North Ayrshire Council have continued to develop the work of the Community Associations across North Ayrshire with professional support given to individual Community Associations and the North Ayrshire Federation of Community Associations.

2.3 Whatever the accommodation available and by whom it was provided, the principal aim of a voluntary Community Association was:

The advancement of education, the advancement of citizenship or community development, the provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities were primarily intended.

2.4 Within North Ayrshire specifically, the aims and objectives of a Community Association supported by the former County Council were:

To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood without distinction of sex or political, religious or other opinions by associating the local authorities voluntary organisations and inhabitants in a common effort to advance education, and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare, for recreation and for leisure time occupation.

2.5 Corsehill Community Association was historically different from most other Community Associations in that they owned, funded, built and managed their centre without regular assistance from successor local authorities and generally only sought help with capital works or in making grant applications.

2.6 Within the Burgh of Kilwinning, thanks to a generous donation from a former resident living in America, the residents of the Corsehill community were given the money to build a local community centre, which was held in perpetuity in the ownership and management of the Trustees and the Community Management Group (Community Association) of the Corsehill Community Centre.

52 2.7 The people of the Blacklands community of Kilwinning also had their own Adult Institute (Iron Works), but this had been subsumed within the local authorities control with all running costs and maintenance met by the Council. In the case of the 'Love' Memorial Hall, however, the strong, independent and resilient community maintained ownership and responsibility for their hall.

2.8 In 1996 with the closure of the Youth Services Hut at Claremont Crescent, it was agreed by the then Community and Recreational Services Committee in order to support the Committee of the independently run Love Hall, to transfer ten contracted cleaning hours per week to assist the Committee in the management and maintenance of the community centre as the hall was within a designated area of priority (treatment) or need. These hours were subsequently lost when the contract cleaning was withdrawn from educational establishments where there were Caretaker cleaners employed.

2.9 Corsehill Community Association still serves an area which is within the worst 15% of all deprived areas in Scotland and receives professional staff support from the Community Development Team whenever requested.

3. Proposals

3.1 Officers have met with the Chair and Committee of the Corsehill Community Association to assist them in the preparation of grant applications to North Ayrshire Council and also to Awards for All. Some of these applications are in the process of determination and may assist the Association to maintain their current service. We would propose to continue to assist the group in the identification of funding to meet revenue and capital expenditure.

3.2 The longer term outlook however is not good for the Association as their costs are rising and the ability to raise income is depressed by the economic situation of the community. High levels of unemployment, long term ill health, lone parent families, child poverty and poor qualifications, stymie the efforts of the Community Association to raise income from letting and threaten the viability of the hall financially.

3.3 Officers within Community Development would propose that, in addition to offering support with grant applications, a full audit of the Community Associations capacity to manage, finance and maintain the hall be undertaken with recommendations being made to the Committee in the form of an Action Plan.

53 3.4 We would ask the Area Committee to consider whether there are any other actions which they feel might be appropriate, to seek to assist the Community Association which serves an area of Kilwinning, which is vulnerable and significantly deprived being within the worse 15% of all deprived communities within the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.

3.5 There is currently no money available for an additional Service Level Agreement, as following the Councils budget decision earlier this year, the current Service Level Agreements were all reduced by 10% each year for the next three years.

3.6 The Committee is asked to (a) consider the content of the report; (b) determine what further action may be required; and (c) agree to receive a progress report in three months.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 The Community Association have little money left in reserve and will require to take substantive action within a few months to wind down their activities if new finance is not found.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 The Association employ staff on a casual basis and will require to take the necessary steps to terminate that employment if new money cannot be sourced.

Legal Implications

4.3 The Association will require to meet their obligations within current employment law and the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

54 Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 If the Love Memorial Hall were closed the community would have no access to accommodation for education, leisure and social welfare provision. As an S.I.M.D. area, the authority would have a responsibility to ensure that the following key strategic areas of work were maintained:

 helping people to improve and sustain their health, especially in disadvantaged communities;  ensuring better, local and faster access to health;  our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed;  our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens;  we have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk;  we live longer, healthier lives; and  we have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with the Corsehill Community Association Chair and Committee.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Corsehill Community Association is an independent unincorporated charitable organisation. The building is owned and held in Trust by the local community and the Local Authority have no responsibility for the property. However, without a commitment of time from Officers to work with the Community Association to build their group and individual capacity and resilience, the long term future of the Love Memorial Hall may not be secure.

55 6.2 A corporate neighbourhood approach will be required to seek a sustainable solution in the longer term for this valuable community resource and assistance from the Council and its Community Planning Partners could pave the way for the continuation of this much needed and used resource.

CAROL KIRK Corporate Director (Education and Skills)

Reference : AS/EMcK For further information please contact Audrey Sutton, Head of Service, Community and Culture on 01294 324414. Background Papers None


Agenda Item 7 12 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

Subject: Community Development Grant Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Application for Financial Assistance

Purpose: To advise the Committee of applications received in respect of the Community Development Grant Scheme Award and Local Youth Action Fund.

Recommendation: That the Committee consider and determine the applications as outlined in Appendix 2.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Community Development Grant Scheme for the Kilwinning area has a balance of £2,594 from phase one of the 50% split. A further balance of £6,382 (phase 2) has been released giving a balance for disbursement of £8,976.

1.2 The Local Youth Action Fund has a balance of £4,346 available for disbursement.

2. Current Position

2.1 Applications have been received within a number of categories of the Community Development Grant Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund. Details of these applications are summarised in the attached Appendix 2.

3. Proposals

3.1 It is proposed that the Committee consider and determine the applications as outlined in Appendix 2 of the report.

57 4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be met from the available balances.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 The following single outcome agreements are being addressed:

1e Community capacity has improved. 6a Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6b Health inequalities have reduced. 6d More vulnerable people are supported within their own communities. 6e People are more active more often. 9a Fear of crime and antisocial behaviour has reduced.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place between the applicant bodies and appropriate Officers of the Council.

58 6. Conclusion

6.1 Awards from the Community Development Grant Scheme award assist community-based projects, including cultural, social welfare, recreational or sporting based initiatives.

6.2 Awards from the Local Youth Action Fund are made to groups supporting young people aged 12-25 years of age.

CAROL KIRK Corporate Director (Education and Skills)

Reference : JMcH/BA For further information please contact James McHarg, Community Engagement Manager, Community Development on 01294 324440 Background Papers None

59 60 Community Development Grant Scheme Award 2013/2014


Amount Allocated 2012/13: £15,350 Amount Allocated 2013/14: £12,764

Group/Organisation Ref No. Purpose of Grant Client Group Area Amount Balance 50% CDGS Split £12,764.00 £6,382 Kidszone 1 Music tuition & workshops Children/Arts £1,000 £11,764.00 £5,382 Promoting Kilwinning 2 Segdoune Carnival costs Events/Community £1,800 £9,964.00 £3,582 Corsehill C.A. 3 Corsehill Crowning costs Events/Community £988 £8,976.00 £2,594 Release of Phase 2 of 50% split £6,382 £8,976.00 £8,976.00

61 62 Local Youth Action Fund


Amount Allocated 2012/13: £7,860 Amount Allocated 2013/14: £7,146

Group/Organisation Ref No. Purpose of Grant Area Amount Balance LYAF £7,146.00 Youth Under Construction 4 Ydance sessions Town £1,000 £6,146.00 Ayrshire Comm Educ & Sport 1 Street soccer event Woodwynd £800 £5,346.00 Kilwinning Boys Club 3 Outdoor residential Corsehill £1,000 £4,346.00

63 64 Appendix 2

Community Development Grants Scheme 2013/2014 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Kilwinning Area Committee Meeting - 12 September 2013 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Multiple Sclerosis To cover costs of a £625 £500 The Kilwinning MS Society - Kilwinning social outing: branch provides support Branch on an Ayrshire wide  Disabled transport, basis with 80% coming Meeting place: Menzies hotel costs, meals from North Ayrshire and Hotel, Irvine and entertainment - only 20% from outwith. £625 Numbers attending: 30+ They offer a social Total cost of project: programme to members. Balance in bank: £3,775 £1,170.23 (general The recommended running costs) Not all items are listed expenditure will go in the application. toward the disabled Past awards: transport costs - £500. 2011/12 - £500 towards running costs.

Local Youth Action Fund 2013/2014 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Kilwinning Area Committee Meeting - 12 September 2013 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Corsehill Community To develop a young people £2,000 £2,000 The recommended amount Association friendly activity programme: will enable the Association to purchase the necessary Meeting place: Love  Archery supplies - items to develop a young Memorial Hall, Kilwinning £300 people friendly activity  Badminton net, stands, programme. Numbers attending: 150 equipment - £300  Games - £150  Archery supplies - Balance in bank: £441.74  Arts & Crafts - £300 £300 (general running costs)  Music tuition - £500  Badminton net, stands,  Hall lets - £1,080 equipment - £300 Past awards:  Games - £150 2010/11 CDGS - £4,000 for Total cost of project:  Arts & Crafts - £300 renovation costs. £2,630  Music tuition - £500 2011/12 CDGS - £900  Some costs towards towards a special event. hall lets - £450 2012/13 CDGS - £1,000 towards a special event.

65 66 Appendix 3

Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: John Macdonald 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Multiple Sclerosis Society (Kilwinning Branch)

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 19 July 2013

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes - nationally

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

67 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

1e - Community capacity has improved. 6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6b - Health inequalities have reduced. 6e - People are more active more often.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The expenditure would allow potential new members to participate in a social event ten times a year with the provision of a meal and entertainment.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

There is no innovation and the only development would be a potential increase in membership.

14. Overall assessment?

The group have been offered assistance to help with their constitution. Further assistance has been offered to source external funding opportunities.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £625 16. Group Contribution: £3,150

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: No

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £500

Give reasons

The Kilwinning Multiple Sclerosis branch provides support on an Ayrshire wide basis but only 20% attend from outside North Ayrshire. Most are from the Kilwinning and Irvine areas with more residing in Kilwinning.

The expenditure is for disabled transport costs and to assist with their social programme.

Signature: John Macdonald Date: 21 August 2013

68 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Garry Tait 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Corsehill Community Association

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 13 August 2013 (telephone)

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

There is no requirement for this type of group to be registered with the Care Commission.

69 10. Does the expenditure meet the NA Community Safety Forum Aims and Priorities? - Yes

If YES, which NA Community Safety Forum Aims and Priorities are being addressed?

6a - Health and well-being throughout life have improved. 6d - More vulnerable people are supported within their own communities. 6e - People are more active more often. 9a - Fear of crime and antisocial behaviour has reduced.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

 Increase the number of services and facilities available that provide constructive and relevant activities.  Increase in the number of young people accessing facilities.  Young people have a sustained interest and involvement in the activities provided.  An increase in the satisfaction of young people.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

Corsehill Community Association carried out consultation with local young people.

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

Consultation carried out with local young people to assess need for provision.

14. Are Partnership links in place? Yes

Partnership has been formed with North Ayrshire Council's Community Development - Youth Services and Community Worker - Deirdre Oakley.

15. Overall Assessment

The area requires a new and innovative youth work provision to engage with local young people. This type of programme should encourage this to happen.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

16. Amount Requested: £2,000 17. Group Contribution: £330

70 SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Yes

19. Defer Application?

20. Amount recommended: £2,000

Give reasons

The recommended amount will enable the project to go ahead, however condition of award that we receive an up to date bank statement and relevant quotes as the costings submitted do not equate to the items required by the grant.

Signature: Garry Tait Date: 21 August 2013


Agenda Item 8 12 September 2013

Kilwinning Area Committee

Subject: Street Naming: Residential development adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning

Purpose: To seek the agreement of the Committee to name two streets within a new housing development adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning.

Recommendation: That the Committee select and approve two new street names for the above development from the list of suggestions provided by various stakeholders.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Council has a responsibility to provide street names for new developments under Section 97 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. In determining suitable names, it is important to ensure that they do not give rise to confusion, particularly for the postal and emergency services.

2. Current Position

2.1 A new residential development, comprising 46 new properties, is currently under construction as part of the Council's affordable housebuilding programme. The site is adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning. The layout of the development means that there is a requirement for two new street names. A location and site plan are attached at Appendix 1 for information.

2.2 Suggestions for the new street names have been received from Housing Services, Corsehill Primary School and ward Members, and have been checked for suitability. The list has been distributed to Councillors ahead of Committee and is attached at Appendix 2 for reference.

73 3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee select and approve two new street names for the above development from the list of suggestions provided by various stakeholders.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 None.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 None.

Legal Implications

4.3 The Council has a statutory duty to provide street names and house numbers to new developments.

Equality Implications

4.4 None.

Environmental Implications

4.5 None.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 None.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 None.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with the developer, Corsehill Primary School and ward Members on potential names, as detailed within this report.

74 6. Conclusion

6.1 Individual suggestions have been put forward from each of the above stakeholders. Committee are invited to select two street names from the list at Appendix 2.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : BMcL/FG For further information please contact Brian McLemon, Planning Technician, Development Plans Team, on 01294 324767. Background Papers None

75 76 North Ayrshire Council Street Naming and Numbering

Dismantled Railway New Residential Development Site AdjacentTrack Redstone Avenue Kilwinning

Ponds 29.3m Mossculloch


"This map is reproduced from the OS map by North Ayrshire Council with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery77 Office, © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: 100023393." 78

Appendix 2

North Ayrshire Council Street Naming and Numbering Consultation New residential development adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning

Corsehill Primary School Suggestions

Gala Place - A Gala is held in Kilwinning every year. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Nature Lane - There is a nature walk close by. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Morrison Lane – Morrison is the surname of an ex-pupil of Corsehill Primary who died in a mining disaster. It would be preferable to avoid using ‘Court’ or ‘Avenue’ to avoid confusion/conflict with other similarly named streets. Crosshill Road - Monks raised a cross here, and the area was allegedly originally to be called Crosshill but it was changed to Corsehill. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Love Lane - The Love Hall is situated within the local community. There is a Love Street in another part of Kilwinning, which could give rise to confusion, especially in an emergency. There is a further use of ‘Love’ in Dalry. It would therefore be preferable to avoid using ‘Lane’ or ‘Place’. Fir Tree Place – School logo for Corsehill Primary School has a fir tree, and park adjacent to where houses are being built. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion.

The following suggestions from pupils were also provided, all of which are names connected with local mining: Benslie- is a small village/hamlet located to the East of Kilwinning that uses Kilwinning as a post town. This means that the address of every property in Benslie has the identifier Kilwinning in the title. Many of the houses contain the name Benslie and there is one street known as Benslie Row. Therefore, use of the name ‘Benslie’ could give rise to confusion, especially in an emergency. Redston- The new site is adjacent to Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning. The preferred spelling would include the ‘e’ on the end. Dura- No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Doura- There are a number of examples of Doura in use in North Ayrshire, including one in Kilwinning. It would be preferable to avoid using ‘Avenue’, ‘Court’, ‘Place’ or ‘Drive’ and also avoid using ‘West’ in the title to avoid any duplication/confusion. Ladyha- There is a Ladyha Court in Irvine. It would be preferable to avoid using ‘Court’, and also West’ in the title, to avoid any duplication/confusion. Bartonholm- There is Bartonholm Terrace in another area of Kilwinning that could give rise to confusion, especially in an emergency. There is also Bartonholm Gardens, Irvine currently under development. Longford Avenue- is already in use in Kilwinning. Anything other variant (such as Gardens or Drive) could give rise to confusion due to proximity issues. Cairnmount Place- There is a Cairnmount Road in Irvine between Hill Interchange and Sourlie Roundabout. It would therefore be preferable to avoid ‘Place’ in the title.

Corsehill Primary Parent Council suggestions

Fir Tree Park - School logo for Corsehill Primary School has a fir tree, and park adjacent to where houses are being built. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. McKee Avenue – Dedicated to retired head teacher of Corsehill Primary. McKee would be unique to North Ayrshire.


NAC Housing Suggestions

Miners Wynd/Way/Rows - No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Colliers Wynd/Way – No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Kerf Wynd/Way – Meaning the undercut of a coal face. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Lithology Wynd/Way - The character of a rock described in terms of its structure, colour, mineral composition, grain size, and arrangement of its component parts. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion.

The wood adjacent has ties back to witches, resulting in the following suggestions: Witches Burn/Wynd - No issues/conflicts with this suggestion. Withershins Wynd/Way - A lowlands Scottish term to walk to the left or counter clockwise within a compass round, associated with witchcraft. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion.

Suggestions from Councillor Reid

Redstone Wynd - The development is adjacent to Redstone Avenue and would make its location easy to identify and would reinforce the Redstone community of the area. The name Wynd was suggested due to the design of the road.

Suggestions from Councillor Steel

Craig – Well known local doctor. It would be preferable to avoid ‘Park’, ‘View’, ‘Avenue’, ‘Street’ or ‘Place’ to avoid confusion/conflict with other similarly named streets. Dunlop - Emigrant who set up a post office in Saskatchewen Province in Canada and called the new settlement Kilwinning. It would be preferable to avoid ‘Road’, ‘Crescent’ and ‘Drive’, to avoid confusion/conflict with other similarly named streets. Crawford - Longstanding Kilwinning family with monument in churchyard. It would be preferable to avoid ‘Street’, to avoid confusion/conflict with other similarly named streets. Jamieson - First minister of the Secession Church in Kilwinning. It would be preferable to avoid ‘Way’, to avoid confusion/conflict with other similarly named streets. Stevens - Minister who was lampooned by Burns in "The Calf". It would be preferable to avoid ‘Place’, to avoid confusion/conflict with other similarly named streets. Gamble Young boy from Eglinton who became Napoleons III's Master of Horse. No issues/conflicts with this suggestion.