Prepared in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation

Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage From Transportation Activities

Open-File Report 2015-1016

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Cover. (Front and back) Photographs showing roadcut staining caused by acid-rock drainage in Hickman County, Tennessee. Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage From Transportation Activities

By Michael W. Bradley and Scott C. Worland

Prepared in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation

Open-File Report 2015–1016

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior SALLY JEWELL, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Suzette M. Kimball, Acting Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2015

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Suggested citation: Bradley, M.W., and Worland, S.C., 2015, Bibliography for acid-rock drainage and selected acid-mine drainage issues related to acid-rock drainage from transportation activities: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015–1016, 17 p.,

ISSN 2331-1258 (online) iii


Abstract...... 1 Introduction ...... 1 Purpose and Scope...... 3 Methods and Sources...... 3 Selected Annotated Citations...... 3 Bibliographic Citations...... 5 Acid-Rock Drainage...... 5 Remediation...... 5 Geochemical...... 6 Microbial...... 8 Ecological Impact...... 9 Secondary Mineralization...... 10 Other...... 11 ...... 11 Remediation...... 11 Geochemical...... 12 Microbial...... 13 Ecological Impact...... 14 Secondary Mineralization...... 15 Other...... 15 Geology...... 15 References...... 16


1. Location of pyrite-bearing formations in Tennessee with the potential for acid-rock drainage...... 2

Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage da Sn elected Acid- Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage From Transportation Activities

By Michael W. Bradley and Scott C. Worland

When exposed to and water, pyrite (FeS ) may Abstract 2 decompose to form (eq. 1). When released into Acid-rock drainage occurs through the interaction of the environment, sulfuric acid can cause ecological problems and damage to transportation infrastructures. Pyrite-bearing rainfall on pyrite-bearing formations. When pyrite (FeS ) is 2 formations exposed in a road cut may contribute to acidic exposed to oxygen and water in mine workings or roadcuts, runoff having a pH less than 4 and containing elevated the mineral decomposes and may react to form sulfuric concentrations of and other metals. acid, which often results in environmental problems and potential damage to the transportation infrastructure. The 12FeS +45O +34H O→ accelerated oxidation of pyrite and other sulfidic minerals 2 2 2 (1) generates low pH water with potentially high concentrations 4[H3OFe(SO4)22Fe(OH)3]+16H2SO4 of trace metals. Much attention has been given to contamina- tion arising from acid mine drainage, but studies related to The resulting acid drainage and dissolved metals can be acid-rock drainage from road construction are relatively transported to surface water or, under dry conditions, may limited. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with form deposits of sulfur salts and entrained metals on the the Tennessee Department of Transportation, is conducting surface of roadcuts. These secondary sulfate minerals (SSMs) an investigation to evaluate the occurrence and processes are readily dissolved during subsequent precipitation, possibly controlling acid-rock drainage and contaminant transport from further loading runoff with mobilized metals and acidic water. roadcuts in Tennessee. The basic components of acid-rock In Tennessee, ARD has been observed along roadcuts drainage resulting from transportation activities are described associated with the Chattanooga Shale and may also be and a bibliography, organized by relevant categories (remedia- associated with the Sevier Shale, the Fentress Formation and tion, geochemical, microbial, biological impact, and secondary Pennsylvanian coal deposits, and sulfide-bearing Precambrian mineralization) is presented. igneous and metamorphic rocks, especially the Anakeesta Formation (fig. 1). The Chattanooga Shale crops out along the Highland Rim escarpment in Middle Tennessee and along strike belts in East Tennessee. The Fentress Formation and Introduction equivalent formations and Pennsylvanian coal deposits crop out along the escarpments of the Cumberland Plateau. The Acid-rock drainage (ARD) occurs through the interaction Precambrian igneous and metamorphic formations crop out of rainfall and groundwater on pyrite-bearing formations, which along the Blue Ridge Mountains in East Tennessee. often results in environmental problems and potential damage Runoff contaminated with ARD from roadcuts can be to the transportation infrastructure. There is a need to better treated similar to acid-mine drainage (AMD), that treat- understand the chemical, geologic, hydrologic, and bacterial ment can be costly and must be maintained. Over the past factors that prevent and control acid production in runoff from 20 years, scientists and engineers have experimentally altered roadcuts during and after highway construction. Pyrite (FeS2) environmental conditions to stimulate microbial remediation and similar minerals containing sulfur and trace metals are pres- in contaminated aquifers (Bradley 2003; U.S. Environmental ent in a number of rock formations throughout Middle and East Protection Agency, 2004). Chemical supplements, such as Tennessee and can be particularly important in the black shale peroxide-compounds that increase oxygen levels to stimulate of the Highland Rim and Valley and Ridge provinces, shale and aerobic fuel biodegradation (King and others, 2005), or lactate coal formations along the Cumberland Plateau, and shale and and molasses that stimulate iron- or sulfur-reducing bacteria other metamorphic rocks in the Blue Ridge (fig. 1). to enhance reductive dechlorination, have been injected 2 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage 100 MILES ³ 100 KILOMETERS

General extent of the Pennsylvanian coal-bearing formations Precambrian formations, undifferentiated Sevier Shale Blue Ridge Blue EXPLANATION 0 25 50 0 25 50 Knoxville Shale along the

Chattanooga Shale General outcrop pattern of the Chattanoog a Highland Rim escarpment Fentress Formation Physiographic province Valley and Ridge and Valley Plateau Highland Rim Cumberland Chattanooga Valley Sequatchie ennessee with the potential for acid-rock drainage. Nashville Central Basin Tennessee Highland Rim Location of pyrite-bearing formations in T

Location of study area in Tennessee Geology modified from Hardeman 1966. 1974 Physiography from Miller, Figure 1. 2 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage Selected Annotated Citations 3

into aquifers to stimulate contaminant remediation (Byl for additional information and references on specific geologic and Williams, 2000; Byl and others, 2002; Byl and Painter, formations. The acid drainage literature was further evaluated 2009). These strategies, used to manipulate biogeochemical for the application to background information, remediation processes in the subsurface, have been very successful in the activities, geochemical processes, microbial activity, ecologi- bioremediation of organic and metal contaminants. However, cal impact, secondary mineralization and other ARD or AMD minimal research has been conducted in the application of this associated topics. microbial engineering strategy to control ARD at roadcuts in areas prone to pyrite oxidation and acid formation. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Tennessee Department of Transportation, conducted an investigation Selected Annotated Citations to identify the geochemical, bacterial, and hydraulic factors The literature review identified seven research papers controlling acid production from pyrite-bearing rock and to related to ARD, transportation, SSM, or remediation that were evaluate methods to control acid production and contaminant found to be particularly helpful. The selected references are transport from roadcuts in Tennessee. The primary objectives listed below with annotations summarizing the reports and of the investigation are to (1) evaluate engineering and stating the relevance of the material to ARD processes. hydrologic controls to reduce formation of acid and metal transport, (2) define mechanisms and sources for transport Hammarstrom, J.M., Brady, Keith, and Cravotta, C.A., of water and oxygen into pyrite-bearing formations and 2005, Acid-rock drainage at Skytop, Centre County, the formation of acid runoff, and (3) identify chemical or Pennsylvania, 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File environmental conditions that reduce the biological production Report 2005–1148, p. 50, accessed July 11, 2014, at of acid from pyrite, with an emphasis on beneficial microbial communities that reduce pyrite oxidation. One component of Relevance: Hammarstrom and others (2005) is one of the the investigation was a detailed literature search and review few reports that deal exclusively with ARD caused by road for ARD covering peer reviewed journals, academic theses construction. The report provides a case study with excellent and dissertations, and government reports on ARD. examples of the phenomena and processes present at an ARD impaired road construction site. Summary: Hammarstrom and others (2005) investigated Purpose and Scope the ARD arising from road construction activity on Interstate 99 in Skytop Pennsylvania. The area contained exposed pyrite The purpose of this report is to present the results of and associated zinc-lead sulfide minerals beneath a 10-meter the literature search and selected reviews conducted for the (m) gossan along a 40- to 60-m deep roadcut through a 270-m investigation and to provide a bibliography for ARD issues long section of the Ordovician Bald Eagle Formation. The and processes, ARD and transportation systems, and relevant pyritic sandstone from the roadcut was crushed and used references for AMD. The bibliography includes 210 references locally as road base. Acidic (pH < 3), metal laden seeps and for books, journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, runoff from the roadcut had to be remediated, causing a delay and master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. Most references in road construction. Storm events followed by dry periods are presented in simple citation form; seven of the most promoted oxidative weathering and dissolution of primary relevant are annotated in brief summaries. sulfides, which resulted in intermittent deposition of secondary sulfur salts (copiapite, melanterite, and halotrichite). The salts rapidly decreased the pH of deionized water to below Methods and Sources 2.5 during laboratory tests. The salts sequestered metals and acidity between rainfall events, and contribute pulses of The references included in this bibliography contamination during subsequent rain events. were compiled from a series of computer searches Hammarstrom, J.M., Seal, R.R., II, Meier, A.L., and Kornfeld, from various databases and search engines. Available J.M., 2005, Secondary sulfate minerals associated with on-line search engines included the USGS Publications acid drainage in the eastern US: Recycling of metals Warehouse (, Google Scholar and acidity in surficial environments: Chemical Geology, (, ACORN and WorldCat v. 215, no. 1, p. 407–431. through the Heard Library, Vanderbilt University Relevance: Hammarstrom and others (2005) presents a (, and the USGS National straightforward introduction to secondary sulfur mineral salts Geologic Map Database ( Databases that are often present at ARD impaired road construction sites. such as GeoRef and others also were searched through the Summary: Hammarstrom and others (2005) presented the USGS Library ( The references were results of laboratory experiments conducted with secondary indexed by major topic, ARD, AMD, or geologic formation. sulfate minerals (sulfur salts) commonly associated with ARD. The USGS National Geologic Map Database—Geologic The secondary minerals are produced when metal-sulfide Lexicon ( was searched 4 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage minerals experience chemical and mechanical weathering. nickel, 2.8 mg/L copper, and 9.1 mg/L arsenic. The small The salts form following rain events and subsequent drying. tributary streams having anomalous acidity and metal contents Dissolution experiments revealed a decrease in pH from contributed only a small fraction of contaminant loadings to 6.0 to <3.7 units and an increase in dissolved aluminum the major water sources in the area, and the authors proposed (>30 milligrams per liter [mg/L]), iron (>47 mg/L), sulfate considering metal loadings on a watershed scale rather than (>1,000 mg/L), and base metals (2 to >1,000 mg/L). Locations on a stream-by-stream basis. Dilution, neutralization, sorption, with winter-long snowpack, such as Vermont, exhibited co-precipitation, and microbial mediation were identified the highest metal loading during spring runoff. In warmer as the major mechanisms attenuating aqueous transport of locations, such as Virginia, metal loads peaked during the potentially deleterious metals. summer months. Keith, D.C., Runnells, D.D., Esposito, K.J., Chermak, J.A., Huckabee, J.W., Goodyear, C.P., and Jones, R.D., 1975, Acid Levy, D.B., Hannula, S.R., Watts, M., and Hall, L., 2001, rock in the Great Smokies: Unanticipated impact on aquatic Geochemical models of the impact of acidic ground- biota of road construction in regions of sulfide mineraliza- water and evaporative sulfate salts on Boulder Creek at tion: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v. 104, Iron Mountain, : Applied Geochemistry, v. 16, no. 4, p. 677–684. nos. 7–8, p. 947–961. Relevance: Huckabee and others (1975) address the Relevance: Keith and others (2001) modeled the potential negative impact of road construction ARD on aquatic ecology. of ARD to degrade streams during storm events. Although the Although other papers explore similar phenomena, this study was in a location of extensive ARD contamination, the paper is unique in describing that the ARD and subsequent effect of rain events (temporal variability) and the transport ecological impact is the direct result of pyritic material from processes (spatial variability) involved are important to any the Annakeesta Formation as a result of road construction. study of ARD. Summary: A highway construction project in the Great Summary: Keith and others (2001) modeled the Smoky Mountains National Park resulted in a fish kill on a hydrogeochemical “rinse-out” of metals and acidity during stream in the park. The stream drained an area of roadbed fill the first major storm of the wet season at Boulder Creek and that contained iron sulfide minerals. The pH below the fill Iron Mountain, California. The heavy loading of metals and was significantly lower than the pH upstream. Brook trout acidity arises from the dissolution of accumulated evaporative were eliminated from the stream for about 8 kilometers (km) sulfate salts (SSM). For Boulder Creek, 20 percent of the downstream from the fill and this stream reach remained dry-season baseflow was composed of acidic metal-bearing devoid of fish for over 10 years. Huckabee and others (1975) conducted survival experiments with brook trout and sala- water. Modeling results suggested that even a relatively manders. Trout were placed in mesh baskets below and above modest amount of sulfur salts can maintain the pH of surface the fill. After 2 days, all of the fish below the fill had died, streams near 3.0 during rainstorms. On a weight basis, it was and all of the fish above the fill survived. The results were determined that Fe-sulfate salts are capable of producing more similar for survival tests conducted with salamanders. The acidity than other sulfate salts. study suggested that brook trout could not tolerate the stream Orndorff, Z.W., and Daniels W.L., 2004, Evaluation of acid- conditions with a depressed pH. Iron and sulfide precipitates producing sulfidic materials in Virginia highway corridors: coated the stream bed for 2 km downstream of the fill. The Environmental Geology, v. 46, p. 209–216. researchers conducted similar tests with fish and salamander Relevance: Orndorff and Daniels (2004) provide a practi- on small streams that flowed over a natural exposure of the cal approach to an initial evaluation of ARD related to road pyrite-bearing Anakeesta Formation. The results showed the construction. The sulfide hazard map is intended to provide negative effect of natural ARD on aquatic ecology. information about pyrite-bearing formations and the potential Kwong, Y.T.J., Whitley, G., and Roach, P., 2009, Natural acid need to adopt best management practices during construction rock drainage associated with black shale in the Yukon along transportation corridors. Territory, Canada: Applied Geochemistry, v. 24, no. 2, Summary: Orndorff and Daniels (2004) constructed a p. 221–231. statewide sulfide hazard rating map for Virginia. Geologic Relevance: Kwong and others (2009) provides a back- formations associated with roadcuts producing ARD were ground for understanding natural ARD. The authors explore characterized by calcium carbonate equivalence (from the potential acid production from pyritic materials naturally potential peroxide activity tests) and total sulfur. The authors present in watersheds. considered occurrences from different geologic settings, Summary: Kwong and others (2009) investigated the including those in the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Valley and sediment and water geochemistry associated with natural Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, and Blue Ridge physiographic ARD originating from black shale formations in the Yukon provinces. Formations with high acid producing potential Territory, Canada. Tributary streams contained water having did not always exhibit the most severe ARD, because the a pH of 3.0, and concentrations of 150 mg/L zinc, 39 mg/L production of ARD at a given site was not only dependent on the acid-producing potential, but also on the proximity and 4 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage Bibliographic Citations 5

volume of surface water, drainage design, and the presence of Acid-Rock Drainage ARD-neutralizing material. Nordstrom, D.K., and Southam, Gordon, 1997, Geomicro- Remediation biology of sulfide mineral oxidation,in Banfield, J.F., and Nealson, K.H., eds., Geomicrobiology: Interactions between Barnes, H.L., and Gold, D.P., 2008, Pilot tests of microbes and minerals: Washington D.C., Reviews in Min- slurries for in-situ remediation of pyrite weathering eralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, p. 361–390. products: Environmental and Engineering Geo- science, v. 14, no. 1, p. 31–41. [Also available at Relevance: The book chapter by Nordstrom and] Southam (1997) is an excellent resource for exploring the biogeochemistry involved with ARD. The chapter provides a Cruz Viggi, C., Pagnanelli, F., Cibati, A., Uccelletti, technical foundation of the oxidation reactions, reaction rates, D., Palleschi, C., and Toro, L., 2010, Biotreatment and the catalyzing influence of microbiology on the chemical and bioassessment of heavy metal removal by sul- breakdown of sulfide minerals. phate reducing bacteria in fixed bed reactors: Water Summary: Nordstrom and Southam (1997) provide Research, v. 44, no. 1, p. 151–158. [Also available at background for the biogeochemistry involved in pyrite] oxidation. Microbes are often the only form of life found in waters impaired by ARD. Lithotrophs derive their metabolic Doshi, S.M., 2006, Bioremediation of acid mine drain- age using sulfate-reducing bacteria: U.S. Environmental energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds, such Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency as iron and sulfur. The most common lithotroph involved Response and Office of Superfund Remediation and Tech- in the oxidation of pyritic materials is the bacterial genus, nology Innovation, 65 p. [Also available at Thiobacillus. The presence of the lithotroph T. ferroxidans is download/studentpapers/S_Doshi-SRB.pdf] described by Nordstrom and Southam (1997) as increasing the oxidation rate of iron by five orders of magnitude and Hard, B.C., Higgins, J.P., and Mattes, A., 2003, Bioremedia- having a significant effect on the weathering of pyrite. When tion of acid rock drainage using sulphate-reducing bacteria: the surface of pyrite interacts with acidic solutions, the iron is Sudbury 2003 Mining and the Environment Conference leached from the surface leaving a sulfur-rich surface. Bacteria proceedings: May 25th-28th 2003, Sudbury, Ontario, attach themselves onto this sulfide surface and solubilize the Canada, p. 25–28. [Also available at http://pdf.library.lau- surface through enzymatic oxidation (direct mechanism).] Microbes also catalyze the oxidation of aqueous ferrous iron to ferric iron. Sulfide is then oxidized by the ferric iron Kuyucak, N., 2002, Role of microorganisms in mining: generation of acid rock drainage and its mitigation and (indirect mechanism). treatment: European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, v. 2, no. 3, p. 179–196. Bibliographic Citations Li, L.Y., Chen, M., Grace, J.R., Tazaki, K., Shiraki, K., Asada, R., and Watanabe, H., 2006, Remediation of acid rock drainage by regenerable natural clinoptilolite: Water, Air, The literature review focused on ARD and transportation and Soil Pollution, v. 180, no. 1-4, p. 11–27. [Also available issues and included references on ARD remediation, geo- at] chemical processes, and biochemical processes. The original literature review was expanded to include the formation and McDonald, D.M., Webb, J.A., and Taylor, J., 2006, Chemical dissolution of secondary sulfate minerals (SSMs) associated stability of acid rock drainage treatment sludge and impli- with ARD because of the presence of SSM at roadcuts in Ten- cations for sludge management: Environmental Science & nessee and the potential for ARD contaminant transport from Technology, v. 40, no. 6, p. 1984–1990. [Also available at the SSM. Additional references on AMD that were applicable] to the microbial conditions, biogeochemical processes and applicable remediation methods were also included as part of Morgan, E.L., Porak, W.F., and Arway, J.A., 1983, Controlling the literature review. acidic-toxic metal leachates from southern Appalachian construction slopes: Mitigating stream damage: The bibliography is divided by primary subject in the Transportation Research Record, no. 948, p. 10–16. reference, either ARD or AMD, and subdivided by selected topic: remediation, geochemical, microbial, ecological impact, Morin, K.A., Hutt, N.M., Coulter, T.S., and Tekano, W.M., and secondary mineralization. References that did not fit the 2001, Case study of non-mining prediction and control selected topics were grouped as “Other.” The AMD references of ARD: The Vancouver Island Highway project: Sixth are not comprehensive, but include references that are most International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, relevant to the understanding on the ARD processes and reme- Cairns, Australia - 12–18, July 2003, Mine site Drainage diation. Selected references on the geology of pyrite-bearing Assessment Group Fact Sheet, p. 18. formations in Tennessee are also included in the bibliography. 6 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage

Mukhopadhyay, B., Bastias, L., and Mukhopadhyay, Thomas, R.C., and Romanek, C.S., 2002, Passive treatment A., 2007, Limestone drain design parameters for of low-pH, ferric iron-dominated acid rock drainage in a acid rock drainage mitigation: Mine Water and the vertical flow wetland I: Acidity neutralization and alkalinity Environment, v. 26, no. 1, p. 29–45. [Also available at generation, in Proceedings of the 2002 National Meeting] of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, Ky., p. 9–13. Nordwick, S., Zaluski, M., Park, B., and Bless, D., 2006, Advances in development of bioreactors applicable to the Waddell, R.K, Jr., Parizek, R.R., and Buss, D.R., 1980, treatment of ARD, in Barnshiel, R.I., ed., Proceedings of Research Project 73–9 Final report-executive summary the 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage the application of limestone and lime dust in the abate- (ICARD), March 26-30, 2006, St. Louis, Mo., p. 1410–1420. ment of acidic drainage in Centre County, Pennsylvania: Transportation Research Board, 2 p. [Also available at Posey, H.H., 2001, Developments in ARD remediation] technologies at western mines, U.S., in 2001 Symposium of the West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Webb, J.S., McGinness, S., and Lappin-Scott, H.M., 1998, Proceedings, West Virginia University, 9 p. [Also available Metal removal by sulphate-reducing bacteria from at] natural and constructed wetlands: Journal of Applied Micro- biology, v. 84, no. 2, p. 240–248. Ray, D., Clark, M., and Pitman, T., 2009, Treatment of an iron- rich ARD using waste carbonate rock: bench-scale reactor Welch, S.A., and Vandevivere, P., 1994, Effect of test results: Mine Water and the Environment, v. 28, no. 4, microbial and other naturally occurring polymers p. 253–263. on mineral dissolution: Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 12, no. 4, p. 227–238. [Also available at Rose, A.W., and Barnes, H.L., 2008, Alkaline addition prob-] lems at the Skytop/Interstate-99 site, central Pennsylvania, in National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Ziemkiewicz, P.F., Skousen, J.G., and Simmons, J., Reclamation, American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2003, Long-term performance of passive acid mine June 14–19, 2008, Richmond, Va., p. 23. drainage treatment systems: Mine Water and the Environment, v. 22, no. 3, p. 118–129. [Also available at Sand, W., Jozsa, P.-G., Kovacs, Z.-M., Săsăran, N., and] Schippers, A., 2007, Long-term evaluation of acid rock drainage mitigation measures in large lysimeters: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 92, nos. 2-3, p. 205–211. [Also Geochemical available at] Shokes, T.E., and Möller, G., 1999, Removal of dissolved Balci, N., Shanks, W.C., III, Mayer, B., and Mandernack, heavy metals from acid rock drainage using iron metal: K.W., 2007, Oxygen and sulfur isotope systematics of Environmental Science & Technology, v. 33, no. 2, sulfate produced by bacterial and abiotic oxidation of p. 282–287. pyrite: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 71, no. 15, p. 3796–3811. Smith, M.W., Varner, J.P., Mital, J.P., Jr., and Sokoloski, D., 2006, Remediation of acid rock drainage from high- Bird, D.A., 2003, Characterization of anthropogenic and way construction in the Marcellus Shale, Mifflin County, natural sources of acid rock drainage at the Cinnamon Pennsylvania, in Proceedings of Northeastern Section, 41st Gulch abandoned mine land inventory site, Summit County, Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts Colorado: Environmental Geology, v. 44, no. 8, p. 919–932. with Programs, Geological Society of America, p. 33. Bladh, K.W., 1982, The formation of goethite, , and Smoke, J.D., 2007, Preliminary design of a treatment system alunite during the weathering of sulfide-bearing felsic rocks: to remediate acid rock drainage into Jonathan Run: School Economic Journal, v. 77, p. 176–184. of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Master’s Thesis, Botoman, G., and Faure, G., 1976, Sulfur isotope composi- 99 p. [Also available at] tion of some sulfide and sulfate minerals in Ohio: The Ohio Smoke, J.D., Neufeld, R.D., Monnell, J., and Gray, T., 2008, Journal of Science, v. 76, no. 2, p. 66–71. [Also available at Remediation of acid rock discharges, in Proceedings] of the Water Environment Federation, v. 2008, no. 11, Bowell, R.J., Rees, S.B., and Parshley, J.V., 2000, p. 4790–4802. Geochemical predictions of metal leaching and acid genera- tion: Geologic controls and baseline assessment: Geologic Society of Nevada, Geology and Ore Deposits 2000: The Great Basin and Beyond Proceedings Volume II, p. 99–823. 6 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage Bibliographic Citations 7

Ghomshei, M.M., and Allen, D.M., 2000, Potential application Keith, D.C., Runnells, D.D., Esposito, K.J., Chermak, J.A., of oxygen-18 and deuterium in mining effluent and acid Levy, D.B., Hannula, S.R., Watts, M., and Hall, L., 2001, rock drainage studies: Environmental Geology, v. 39, no. 7, Geochemical models of the impact of acidic groundwater p. 767–773. and evaporative sulfate salts on Boulder Creek at Iron Mountain, California: Applied Geochemistry, v. 16, Graham, G.E., and Kelley, K.D., 2009, The Drenchwater nos. 7–8, p. 947–961. deposit, Alaska: An example of a natural low pH environment resulting from weathering of an undisturbed Koyanagi, V.M., and Panteleyev, A., 1993, Natural acid rock shale-hosted Zn–Pb–Ag deposit: Applied Geochemistry, drainage in the Red Dog/Hushamu/Pemberton Hills area, v. 24, no. 2, p. 232–245. northern Vancouver Island: British Columbia Geological Survey Branch, Geological Fieldwork, Paper 1994-I, Grande, J.A., Beltran, R., Sainz, A., Santos, J.C., Torre, p. 119–125. M.L., and Borrego, J., 2004, Acid mine drainage and acid rock drainage processes in the environment of Herrerias Kwong, Y.T.J., Whitley, G., and Roach, P., 2009, Natural acid rock drainage associated with black shale in the Yukon Mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Huelva-Spain) and impact on Territory, Canada: Applied Geochemistry, v. 24, no. 2, the Andevalo Dam: Environmental Geology, v. 47, no. 2, p. 221–231. p. 185–196. McCarthy, M.D.B., Newton, R.J., and Bottrell, S.H., 1998, Gu, A., Gray, F., Eastoe, C.J., Norman, L.M., Duarte, O., and Oxygen isotopic compositions of sulphate from coals: Long, A., 2008, Tracing ground water input to base flow implications for primary sulphate sources and secondary using sulfate (S, O) isotopes: Ground Water, v. 46, no. 3, weathering processes: Fuel, v. 77, no. 7, p. 677–682. p. 502–509. Morin, K.A., and Hutt, N.M., 1998, Kinetic tests and risk Hammarstrom, J.M., Brady, K., and Cravotta, C.A., 2004, assessment for ARD, 5th Annual BC Metal Leaching and Acid-rock drainage at Skytop, Centre County, Pennsylvania, ARD Workshop, December 9-10, 1998, Vancouver, Canada, 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 10 p. 2005–1148, 45 p. Morin, K.A., Hutt, N.M., Coulter, T.S., and Tekano, W.M., Hammarstrom, J.M., Seal, R.R., Meier, A.L., and Jackson, 2001, Case study of non-mining prediction and control of J.C., 2003, Weathering of sulfidic shale and copper mine ARD: The Vancouver Island Highway Project, in Sixth waste: secondary minerals and metal cycling in Great International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Cairns, Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, and North Australia, July 12-18, 2003, Minesite Drainage Assessment Carolina, USA: Environmental Geology, v. 45, no. 1, Group, Fact Sheet, Vancouver, British Columbia, p. 18. p. 35–57. Moses, C.O., Nordstrom, D.K., Herman, J.S., and Mills, A.L., Hammarstrom, J.M., Seal, R.R., II, Meier, A.L., and Kornfeld, 1987, Aqueous pyrite oxidation by dissolved oxygen and by J.M., 2005, Secondary sulfate minerals associated with acid ferric iron: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, no. 6, drainage in the eastern US: Recycling of metals and acidity p. 1561–1571. in surficial environments: Chemical Geology, v. 215, no. 1, Nordstrom, D.K., Wright, W.G., Mast, M.A., Bove, D.J., and p. 407–431. Rye, R.O., 2007, Aqueous-sulfate stable isotopes—a study Harries, J.R., and Ritchie, A.I.M., 1985, Pore gas composi- of mining-affected and undisturbed acidic drainage: U.S. tion in waste rock dumps undergoing pyritic oxidation: Soil Geological Survey Professional Paper, v. 1651, p. 387–416. Science, v. 140, no. 2, p. 143–152. Orndorff, Z.W., and Daniels, W.L., 2004, Evaluation of acid- Holmes, P.R., and Crundwell, F.K., 2000, The kinetics of the producing sulfidic materials in Virginia highway corridors: oxidation of pyrite by ferric ions and dissolved oxygen: an Environmental Geology, v. 46, p. 209–216. electrochemical study: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Rimstidt, J.D., and Vaughan, D.J., 2003, Pyrite oxidation: v. 64, no. 2, p. 263–274. a state-of-the-art assessment of the reaction mechanism: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 67, no. 5, Ji, S., Cheong, Y., and Yim, G., 2006, An investigation of the p. 873–880. acid rock drainage generation from the road cut slope in the middle part of South Korea, in American Geophysi- Sicree, A.A., 2006, Regional Mineralogy of sulfide deposits cal Union, 2006 Spring Meeting Abstracts, Baltimore, north and south of the I-99 roadcut at Skytop, Centre Md., p. 7. [Also available at County, Pennsylvania, in Geological Society of America abs/2006AGUSM.H43C..07J] Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 2, p. 33. 8 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage

Tuttle, M.L.W., and Breit, G.N., 2009, Weathering of the New Fowler, T., Holmes, P., and Crundwell, F., 2001, On the Albany Shale, Kentucky, USA: I. Weathering zones defined kinetics and mechanism of the dissolution of pyrite in by mineralogy and major-element composition: Applied the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: Hydrometal- Geochemistry, v. 24, no. 8, p. 1549–1564. lurgy, v. 59, nos. 2–3, p. 257–270. [Also available at Tuttle, M.L.W., Breit, G.N., and Goldhaber, M.B., 2009,] Weathering of the New Albany Shale, Kentucky: II. Redistribution of minor and trace elements: Applied Gadd, G.M., 2010, Metals, minerals and microbes: Geo- Geochemistry, v. 24, no. 8, p. 1565–1578. microbiology and bioremediation: Microbiology, v. 156, no. 3, p. 609–643. [Also available at VanEverdingen, R.O., Shakur, M.A., and Michel, F.A., 1985,] Oxygen-and sulfur-isotope geochemistry of acidic ground- water discharge in British Columbia, Yukon, and District of Haack, E.A., and Warren, L.A., 2003, Biofilm hydrous man- Mackenzie, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, ganese oxyhydroxides and metal dynamics in acid rock v. 22, no. 11, p. 1689–1695. drainage: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 37, no. Vear, A., and Curtis, C., 1981, A quantitative evaluation of 18, p. 4138–4147. pyrite weathering: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 6, no. 2, p. 191–198. Hallberg, K.B., 2010, New perspectives in acid mine drain- age microbiology: Hydrometallurgy, v. 104, nos. 3-4, Zentilli, M., and Fox, D., 1997, Geology and mineralogy of p. 448–453. the Meguma Group and their importance to environmental problems in Nova Scotia: Journal of Atlantic Geology, Hallberg, K.B., and Johnson, D.B., 2005, Microbiology of a Special Issue, v. 33, no. 2, p. 81–85. [Also available at wetland ecosystem constructed to remediate mine drain-] age from a heavy metal mine: Science of the Total Envi- ronment, v. 338, nos. 1-2, p. 53–66. [Also available at Microbial] Hard, B.C., Higgins, J.P., and Mattes, A., 2003, Bioremedia- Bacelar-Nicolau, P., and Johnson, D.B., 1999, Leaching of tion of acid rock drainage using sulphate-reducing bacteria: pyrite by acidophilic heterotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria Sudbury 2003 Mining and the Environment Conference in pure and mixed cultures: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. 65, no. 2, p. 585–590. Proceedings: May 25th-28th 2003, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, p. 25–28. [Also available at http://pdf.library.lau- Ben-David, E.A., Holden, P.J., Stone, D.J.M., Harch, B.D.,] and Foster, L.J., 2004, The use of phospholipid fatty acid analysis to measure impact of acid rock drainage Ivarson, K.C., 1973, Microbiological formation of basic ferric on microbial communities in sediments: Microbial sulfates: Canadian Journal of Soil Science, v. 53, no. 3, Ecology, v. 48, no. 3, p. 300–315. [Also available at p. 315–323. [Also available at] cjss73-046] Bilgin, A.A., Silverstein, J., and Jenkins, J.D., 2004, Iron res- Kuyucak, N., 2002, Role of microorganisms in mining: gener- piration by Acidiphilium cryptum at pH 5: FEMS Microbi- ology Ecology, v. 49, no. 1, p. 137–143. [Also available at ation of acid rock drainage and its mitigation and treatment:] European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, v. 2, no. 3, p. 179–196. Edwards, K.J., Bo, H., Hamers, R.J., and Banfield, J.F., 2001, A new look at microbial leaching patterns on McKnight, D.M., and Duren, S.M., 2004, Biogeochemi- sulfide minerals: Federation of European Microbio- cal processes controlling midday ferrous iron maxima in logical Societies, v. 34, p. 197–206. [Also available at stream waters affected by acid rock drainage: Applied] Geochemistry, v. 19, no. 7, p. 1075–1084. [Also available at Edwards, K.J., Gihring, T.M., and Banfield, J.F., 1999, Sea-] sonal variations in microbial populations and environmental conditions in an extreme acid mine drainage environment: Natarajan, K.A., 2008, Microbial aspects of acid Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. 65, no. 8, mine drainage and its bioremediation: Transactions p. 3627–3632. of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, v. 18, no. 6, p. 1352–1360. [Also available at] 8 Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage Bibliographic Citations 9

Nimick, D.A., Gammons, C.H., and Parker, S.R., 2011, Huckabee, J.W., Goodyear, C.P., and Jones, R.D., 1975, Diel biogeochemical processes and their effect on the Acid rock in the Great Smokies: unanticipated impact on aqueous chemistry of streams: A review: Chemical aquatic biota of road construction in regions of sulfide Geology, v. 283, nos. 1-2, p. 3–17. [Also available at mineralization: Transactions of the American Fisheries] Society, v. 104, no. 4, p. 677–684. [Also available at Schippers, A., and Sand, W., 1999, Bacterial leaching of<677: metal sulfides proceeds by two indirect mechanisms via ARITGS>2.0.CO;2] thiosulfate or via polysulfides and sulfur: Applied and Envi- ronmental Microbiology, v. 65, no. 1, p. 319–321. Kock, D., and Schippers, A., 2008, Quantitative microbial Shokes, T.E., and Möller, G., 1999, Removal of dissolved community analysis of three different sulfidic mine tailing heavy metals from acid rock drainage using iron metal: dumps generating acid mine drainage: Applied and Envi- Environmental Science & Technology, v. 33, no. 2, ronmental Microbiology, v. 74, no. 16, p. 5211–5219. [Also p. 282–287. [Also available at available at]] Lear, G., Niyogi, D., Harding, J., Dong, Y., and Lewis, G., Webb, J.S., McGinness, S., and Lappin-Scott, H.M., 1998, 2009, Biofilm bacterial community structure in streams Metal removal by sulphate-reducing bacteria from natural and constructed wetlands: Journal of Applied Microbiology, affected by acid mine drainage: Applied and Environmental v. 84, no. 2, p. 240–248. [Also available at Microbiology, v. 75, no. 11, p. 3455–3460. [Also available] at]

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Milton, Charles, Conant, L.C., and Swanson, V. E., 1955, Sub- Byl, T.D., and Williams, S.D., 2000, Biodegradation of Chattanooga residuum in Tennessee and Kentucky: Geo- chorinated ethenes at a karst site in Middle Tennessee: U.S. logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 66, no. 7, p. 805–810 Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99–4285, 58 p. [Also available at Nandi, A., Liutkus, C.M., and Whitelaw, M.J., 2009, Geo-] technical characterization of Sevier and Rome Shale, East Tennessee, in 43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium & Hardeman, W.D., 1966a, Geologic Map of Tennessee, East 4th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium Proceedings, Sheet: Tennessee Division of Geology, 1:250,000. Asheville, North Carolina, USA, June 28–July 1 2009: Mechanics Association, v. 2, p. 552–559. Hardeman, W.D., 1966b, Geologic Map of Tennessee, East Central Sheet: Tennessee Division of Geology, 1:250,000. Neuman, R.B., 1955, Middle Ordovician rocks of the Tellico- Sevier Belt Eastern Tennessee: U.S. Geological Survey Hardeman, W.D., 1966c, Geologic Map of Tennessee, West Professional Paper 274-F, 45 p. [Also available at http:// Central Sheet: Tennessee Division of Geology, 1:250,000.] King, L.K., Painter, R.D., and Byl, T.D., 2005. Adaptation Swanson, V.E., and Kehn, T.M., 1955, Results of 1952–1953 Of The residence time distribution (RTD)-biodegradation sampling of Chattanooga Shale in Tennessee and adjacent model to quantify peroxide-enhanced fuel biodegradation in states: U.S. Geological Survey Trace Elements Investigation a single karst well: in U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Report 366, 98 p. Group Proceedings, Rapid City, South Dakota. Sept. 12–15, 2005. USGS Scientific Investigation Report 2005-5160, Tuttle, M.L.W., Breit, G.N., and Goldhaber, M.B., 2009, Kuniansky, ed., p. 174–179. [Also available at Weathering of the New Albany Shale, Kentucky: II. Redis-] tribution of minor and trace elements: Applied Geochem- istry, v. 24, no. 8, p. 1565–1578. [Also available at http:// U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2004, How to evaluate] alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites—A guide for corrective action plan reviewers: White, W.B., and White, E.L., 2003, Gypsum wedging and EPA 510-R-04-002, 545 p. [Also available at http://www. cavern breakdown: Studies in the Mammoth Cave System, Kentucky: Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 65, no. 1,] p. 43–52. [Also available at PDF/V65/v65n1-White.pdf]


Bradley, P., 2003. History and ecology of chloroethene biodeg- radation: A review: Bioremediation Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 81–109. Byl, T.D., Heilman, G.E., Williams, S.D., Metge, D.W., and Harvey, R.W., 2002, Microbial strategies for degradation of organic contaminants in karst, in U.S. Geological Survey Artificial Recharge Workshop Proceedings, April 2-4, 2002, Sacramento, California, G.R. Aiken and E.L. Kuniansky, ed., U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02–4011, p. 61–62. [Also available at] Byl, T.D., and Painter, R. 2009. Microbial adaptations to karst aquifers with contaminants, in Proceedings from the Nine- teenth Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Montgom- ery Bell State Park Burns, TN, April 15-17, 2009, p. 2C9- 2C12. [Also available at Proceedings2009.pdf.] For further information about this publication contact:

Director U.S. Geological Survey Lower Mississippi - Gulf Water Science Center 640 Grassmere Park, Suite 100 Nashville, Tennessee 37211

Prepared by the Raleigh Publishing Service Center Bradley and Worland—Bibliography for Acid-Rock Drainage and Selected Acid-Mine Drainage Issues Related to Acid-Rock Drainage—Open-File Report 2015–1016 ISSN 2331-1258 (online)