National Catholic Scout Fellowship ‘...actively supporting Catholics in Scouting

Wishing you a holy Christmas

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page Winter 2013—Number 212

Officer Details… Page 3 Resources… Page 3 Bishop Richard’s Thoughts… Page 4 A string Rosary… Page 5 Manager’s Thoughts… Pages 6 & 7 ICCS message… Page 8 Annual Reunion Report… Page 9 & 10 NCSF Application form… Pages 11 & 12 Uniform Badges... Page 13 Diary Dates... Page 13 Headquarters message… Pages 14 Regional Mass… Pages 14 Fr Fitzgerald RIP… Pages 16 to 18 Prayers… Page 19 Diocesan Chaplains… Page 20 From the National Chaplain… Page 21 Christmas Teasers… Pages 10,19,20 & 22 Idiot’s guide to Gift Aid… Page 22 CISG Contacts… Page 23 Closing Prayers...Page 24

Exec Meetings -

Next Executive Meetings

22nd March — English Martyrs Rowley Regis

CIGS Meeting

13th April — English Martyrs Rowley Regis

The views and opinions expressed in articles in this publication are solely those of the authors and not the Scout Association. They are intended for the consideration of the readership and in particular the members of the NCSF.

Page 2 Winter 2013 Issue Chairman Secretary Margaret M H McDowall Patsy Warren 4 Copperhouse Road, 12 Cleves Crescent Strood Cheslyn Hay Rochester Staffordshire ME2 2TQ WS6 7LR 01634 307335 01922-413489 [email protected]

Treasurer National RC Chaplain Patrick Warren Fr. John Seddon 12 Cleves Crescent 165 Liverpool Road Cheslyn Hay Crosby Staffordshire Liverpool WS6 7LR L23 0QN 01922-413489 0151 949 1782

[email protected] [email protected]

Articles for inclusion in The Link may be sent to the Editor at the email address given below. The name and scouting appointment of the contributor should be given. [email protected]

A selection of resource material is available from the NCSF Badge Secretary to ease the work of Catholics in Scouting. They can be obtained from the following address.

These are available from: Ann Ingleby Ki-Ro Items Want to see what you are 14 Rangers Walk going to get? Etching Hill 38mm badges 75p Rugeley 50mm badges £1 A catalogue of all the items Staffs Woggles £1.50 available is viewable online WS15 2NA NCSF Pin Badge £1 and downloadable from the website. This should make it Tel: 01889 585345 easier for you to order items. ICCS Centenary badges price £1.50

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 3 From Bishop Richard...

A very Joyous and Peaceful Christmas to you all.

Very recently, issued a document entitled Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel.

This is a wonderful theme for this time of year, when we prepare to celebrate, with great joy, the Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem.

Perhaps the last few weeks have been filled with preparations for our family celebrations – buying and wrapping presents, writing cards, putting up decorations and getting the Christmas Tree ready. Perhaps we have been stirring Christmas puddings and cooking too. Some of us may have made the cards and presents that we shall send. All these things bring a sense of joy and anticipation. They can also cost quite a lot of money – not always so easy in these difficult times for many.

In the midst of all these things it is important that we do not lose sight of the reason for all our preparations – the Birthday of the Saviour. This is the real reason for our joy, just as it was the reason for the song of the angels and the joy of the shepherds on that first Christmas night.

We could take a lesson from the shepherds. The first thing they did was to share their joy at seeing the infant Jesus with everyone they met. They had found the joy of the Gospel!

May this Christmas be a time when each of us will discover afresh the joy of the Gospel message – the birth of the Saviour who is our salvation and hope.

Page 4 Winter 2013 Issue With the assurance of my prayers for you and all in your family on this Great Feast of the Lord’s birth.

String Rosary ...

Beavers in their programme have the opportunity to learn a couple of knots. I start our Beavers (most of whom are not Catholic for we are not a Catholic Group) with the thumb knot. Each child is given a piece of string on which s/he is invited to tie ten thumb knots.

I talk about praying and show them how they can use this bit of string to remember to pray. On each knot we can think of ten things for which we want to thank God, or ten things for which we want to say sorry, or ten people or situations for which we ask God's blessing, even for ten things which worry us.

At this point it may be worth producing a rosary to explain that strings of beads are used as a prayer-aid in several religions. On each bead we pause and reflect on an event in the life of Jesus. We can do the same on our piece of string. If we want to time the pause we can say a Hail Mary while we are thinking.

The piece of prayer-string can be kept in the pocket and used anytime in a quiet moment (on the bus to school, waiting for somebody etc) and when only God will know what we are doing. Actually, this works quite well as an introduction to praying for almost any age group. And if the string gets lost - we can do the same exercises using our ten fingers.

Fr Robert Miller, PP Tisbury, Wilts

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 5 The Manager’s thoughts...

Since I last wrote to you, we have had our AGM, which is now called The Annual Review. This was a most illuminating weekend with a series of talks given to us by Bishop about the Year of Faith. This was most interesting and educational weekend. The fellowship was good and we had a chance to get to know each other better. The food was good, the accommodation was good and as I have said the company was excellent. We appointed a new vice chairman/assistant manager, Mr Jim Gildea, and hopefully his input into the running of the NCSF will be invaluable.

I have just returned from a Catholic Scouting Conference in Portugal, Fatima in fact. The theme of the weekend was ‘Walk in the Light’ and we had a very in- depth speaker on the Gospel of St John who mentions light in his writings. This was followed by a Scouter telling us how we could introduce this theme into out scouting programmes.

The weather was very much like Britain, quite a lot of rain, although on the Sunday the temperature in Lisbon reached 70c. We had a very tight programme which did not give us any free time to explore Fatima more. We met the Bishop of Fatima who joined us for the meal on the Friday evening; they entertained us to a very Portuguese meal in a refurbished castle belonging to the council. At this weekend we elected a new Regional Secretary for the Mediterranean Branch of the ICCS – The International Conference of Catholic Scouting. You can read what he has to say in the Link.

Page 6 Winter 2013 Issue Christmas is almost upon us as I write these few words it will soon be time for me to go to Dover to collect the Peace Light as it arrives from the Continent and transport it back to Chatham for distribution. This is a lovely ceremony where we go from darkness into light and then receive the light from the peace light. I know that many of you up and down the country are part of this ceremony. In our church we keep the light burning until Candlemas Day – 2nd February.

At our last executive meeting we looked at how we could move the NCSF forward and our thinking in order to do this we would need to have some input from the younger members of Scouting to that effect we are going to invite some young people to our next executive meeting on 22 March 2014 at our usual meeting place in Rowley Regis, Birmingham. Our meeting are always on a Saturday and usually commence at 10.30. We have decided to pay the travel costs and provide lunch for any young person who would like to attend. We are looking at Explorer, Network or Young Leader. If you would like to be part of this discussion then please contact me and we can make the necessary arrangements. We want to move the NCSF on and we feel we can only do it with the help of our young people. So do give this some thought over the next few weeks and feel free to get in touch with me if you want more information.

What do I hope for the NCSF in the coming year – I hope for a more active Adult Support Unit, going out to the groups and helping them both ; to produce more resources to help groups achieve their aims and to help the membership of the NCSF grow. However this can only be achieved with the help of yourselves by letting others know of our existence and encouraging them to join us and be part of an exciting new future for the NCSF.

Lastly let me take this opportunity to wish all those who support us a very holy and happy Christmas and a very prosperous new year. May all your wishes and dreams come true for you in 2014 and may the NCSF continue to flourish.

Margaret M H McDowall NCSF Manager

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 7 Message from the ICCS...

December 5, 2013

Dear Scout Sisters and Brothers, Dear Leaders of the National Catholic Scout Fellowship,

At moments where violence seems invasive; where virtues collide against the walls of negligence; where some communities seek to build lost identities... the Scout Movement invites us to shine and overcome the barriers of fear; to look further with a wider vision; to understand our Mission engulfed with Principles and Love.

Each year we welcome our Scout Adventure with great joy. We are engaged in the active life, guided by our Law and Promise. The Scout Adventure teaches us to sow happiness in the hearts of those we meet. It shows us how to be active and always ‘Prepared’ for work. It teaches us how to give and serve joyfully without limit, to find in the eyes of others a forgotten smile.

Born in the Image of the Christ, humble and modest, let us live this special time of the year in preparation of his Coming. I invite you to listen to his Words that guide our way. Let us open our hearts, look up and hear his Call to “Walk in the Light” 1.

On behalf of the ICCS-EM Committee and Member Associations, I wish you, Dear Sisters and Brothers a joyful Christmas and a very successful New Year 2014 full of blessings.

Yours sincerely,

Antoine Maksoud Regional Secretary

Page 8 Winter 2013 Issue Annual Reunion Report...

Mid-October a small but select group of NCSF members descended on the Holiday Inn at Birmingham for the residential Annual Review weekend. Friday evening everyone gathered to socialise and catch-up with colleagues since last together. The evening closed with Evening Prayers.

The next morning, following a hearty breakfast and mass, we attended the first of Bishop Richard Moth’s presentations, to give us an understanding behind the Year of Faith and, as it draws to an end, what can we carry forward into our scouting roles.

After lunch the second presentation focused on the difficulties we can face when taking the message out into our Scout meetings. Here Jeremiah shows us the way; God knows us all by name and can call us to the work of the Church. We need to think about the gifts we have been given, what we have been called to do, how we live out the calling he has given us. This can be awesome and frightening. We need to recognise our weaknesses – when our point of weakness is reached, we turn to God and deliver what he wants.

Bishop Moth shared details of a recent conference, 1 in 4 people will have mental health problems within their lifetime, this will affect the scouts we are working with; we must not lose sight of people’s dignity. One of the keys to the new evangelisation is to remember the dignity of people and also to ask and God will show us the way. We then discussed methods of engaging with the leaders of Catholic Scout groups.

The third and final presentation focused on the reading of Mary and Martha – Mary listening at Jesus’ feet while Martha worked. Martha can be seen in the Scout uniform – carrying out service. We are called to serve Christ when we put on our scout uniform, our service is motivated by faith – doing small things really well fits in with Scouting ethos. Like Mary, we need to sit at the feet of Christ and listen to him or we will lose motivation. There are qualities in both Mary and Martha, we need a balance – carry out our duties but finding time to listen to God. Finally,

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 9 we are grateful the Scout Association have kept the original Promise. There is a need for the new Promise – but recognise the Martha and Mary, that we need both.

After dinner, Patrick held another of his quiz evenings – the three teams, headed by one of the clergy, were in strong competition. The teams’ knowledge, or lack of it, led to a close finish, with a point between each team. It was a fun evening, interspersed with Patrick’s jokes and witty observations.

Sunday morning Margaret McDowall welcomed everyone, including several day visitors, to the Annual Review. Reports were presented on the previous year, Officers Elected for the coming year and Votes of Thanks given. Mass followed during which Bishop Moth blessed the marriage of Patrick and Patsy Warren on the occasion of their wedding anniversary.

After lunch, everyone bid farewell, at the end of another enjoyable weekend.

Patsy Warren

Christmas Teaser 1..

Now that we no longer have Jad’s Quiz to fill all those boring moments over the holidays when television is showing repeats and the batteries have run down on the Christmas presents but the shop are still closed I thought that I’d offer you something more challenging.

Why not gather family and friends round and try answering some of these.

How many Kings visit the infant Jesus?

Who were his visitor and which gifts did they bring?

And for the bonus point. Where did they come from?

Page 10 Winter 2013 Is- Group/Individual Membership Application Form

Print Name: ……………………………………………………………


Post Code:

Tel No: ………………………..Email address: …………………………….

Scout Group: …………………………………………………………………

District: …………………………...County: ………………………………..

Appointment: …………………….Membership No: ………………………

CRB No: …………………………..Date of issue: ………………………….

Signed: ……………………………………………Dated: ………………….

Annual Fees = Group: £25. Individual: £10. Cheques made payable to: NCSF. Renewal date: October.

Please consider setting up a Bank Standing order to save time and administration. Contact Treasurer for details.

NATIONAL CATHOLIC SCOUT FELLOWSHIP (NCSF) ‘Actively supporting Catholics in Scouting’

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 11 Gift Aid Declaration

If you pay income tax then please consider Gift Aiding your membership fee/donation for the benefit of Catholic Scouting. For every pound paid we can reclaim the tax you have already paid on that sum.

Gift Aid can also be accepted retrospectively for a maximum of 4 years. So if you have not previously gift aided your membership/donation fee, you can do so now. Enter the current or retrospective date in the box below.

I wish my membership fee to be considered as a donation to the National Catholic Scout Fellowship (NCSF) for Gift Aid purposes.

I wish all future donations to be Gift Aided until I notify you otherwise.

I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and that I paid tax to a value sufficient to cover the tax the NCSF will reclaim

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………

Print Name: ……………………………………………………………….


Post Code:

Dated: …………………………… Return To: Patsy Warren 12 Cleves Crescent Cheslyn Hay Staffordshire WS6 7LR 01922-413489

Page 12 Winter 2013 Is- Uniform Badges...

Can we ask “Where do you buy your badges from?” If you buy them from our badge secretary then you are helping the NCSF to produce their resources and fund other Initiatives.

Those who buy their badges from other sources are depriving the NCSF of their source of income and also those who produce the badges do not have the permission of the NCSF to do this.

The NCSF have the moral ownership of the badges. Yes anyone can use the Ki-Ro symbol, but the design of the Ki-Ro badge is the design that was drawn up in 1925 when the former CSAC (Catholic Scout Advisory Council) was first formed.

So can we ask that when your next order of badges is due you remember the NCSF who have the moral ownership of this badge. We also sell Ki-Ro woggles in the same colours as the badges.

Diary Date...

Started your diary for next year yet?

If so, have you made room for these?

NCSF Meetings at Rowley Regis on March 22nd, at St Augustine ’s Manchester June 22nd and Rowley Regis 13th December 2014 .

Annual Review is on the 11th October at Rowley Regis.

And don't forget the regional masses on March 2nd at Southwark Cathedral and St Augustine’s Manchester on June 22nd.

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 13 From Headquarters...

In the two years I have been supporting many of the National Scout Active Support Units I’m pleased to report that the NCSF have been in the forefront of updating me on what they are doing and inviting me to their activities. I was pleased to be able to attend the Founder’s Day Mass in Southwark; the CIGS weekend at Green Pastures in Poole with the Methodist and Anglican Fellowships; and the NCSF Annual Meeting in Birmingham.

In addition I was delighted to be asked to present an Honorary Scouter Certificate to Jim McDowall after the Mass at the Gilwell Reunion. This is a small token of appreciation for the many years Jim has given in supporting the work of NCSF.

I’m sure the change to the Promise which will come into affect on 1 st January will have been troubling some of you. I, together with representatives of all the faith based National Units meet with Wayne Bulpitt (UK Chief Commissioner), Debs Bainbridge (UK Commissioner for Adult Support) and Laura Plant (Programme and Development Advisor for Diversity and Inclusion) in BP House to explore exactly what the changes are and how they will be implemented.

The main point to stress is that this is not really a “change”, just a secular alternative for those unable to make one of the faith based options we’ve had for many years. Also, The Scout Association has taken into account the views of the various religions and the leaders of all the main faiths are supportive of the way an alternative is being introduced. All those attending the meeting were encouraged that

Page 14 Winter 2013 Is- “faith” is not being marginalised and relieved that a single secular promise for all to use is not being introduced.

Please accept my sincere thanks for all the work you do both in local Scouting and with NCSF. Please also pass on my thanks to your family for allowing you the time to devote to Scouting.

I wish you all a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Yours in Scouting

Andrew Cooke Manager (Scout Active Support)

Regional NCSF Mass... Region NCSF Mass

March 2nd 2013

Southwark Cathedral

Celebrants Bishop Moth and Fr John

Light refreshment and a chance to sociialise after in the cathedral rooms available after Mass.

If you need any special facilities or wish to assist on the day please contact Margaret (details on page 3)

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 15 Fr Kevin Patrick Fitzgerald RIP...

Died 29th September 2013

Fr Kevin Patrick Fitzgerald was born on 14th September 1944 at Dibden Perlieu, Hampshire. He was the youngest of three children with two elder sisters. When he was just 10 months old the family moved to Folkestone. He was educated at Stella Maris Primary School and then Hillside County Secondary School, Folkestone.

Kevin left school in 1961 and then joined the Civil Service and worked for them, firstly in Tonbridge, and then he was transferred in 1963 to Folkestone before being promoted and transferred to the office in Ashford in 1965. He left the Civil Service in 1966 and joined the East Kent Road Car Company, firstly in their offices in Folkestone and then later on at their head office in Canterbury. Kevin went to Australia for one year, from September 1968 until September 1969. He returned in 1969 and resumed his job with the East Kent Road Car Company.

From the age of 8, Kevin had been a member of the local Catholic Cub Pack and he worked his way up through the Cubs, Scouts, and the Senior Scouts to the position of Assistant Scout Leader. He represented the county of Kent at the World Scout Jamboree in Idaho, USA in 1967. He continued his involvement with the scouting organisation until 1972. He was involved with the training of learner motorcyclists for almost 8 years and also was involved with the local Hospital Radio Service for three years.

Page 16 Winter 2013 Is-

Kevin was always involved in the life of his local parish and in 1978 he applied to the Archdiocese of Southwark and was accepted as a student for the priesthood. He joined the community at St. John’s Seminary Wonersh in September 1978 and was ordained as a Priest on 25th May 1984 in the Chapel of St. John’s Seminary, Wonersh by Bishop Charles Henderson.

His first appointment was to St. Joseph’s, Roehampton in July 1984. In March 1986, Archbishop asked Kevin to move from Roehampton to the parish of the Sacred Heart, Sittingbourne, Kent. Kevin at the same time was also appointed as the Diocesan Representative on the South London Industrial Mission (SLIM). In February 1989 Kevin took on the role as a Defender of the Bond for the Southwark Metropolitan Tribunal.

In April 1991, Archbishop Michael asked Kevin to move to a new appointment as the Diocesan Travelling Missioner for Kent and Kevin left Sittingbourne to live in Ashford. For the next three years Kevin’s ministry was to the Catholic community in the more rural areas of Kent and his task was to wind down the Travelling Mission and to integrate those associated with it into the care of their local parishes.

Archbishop Michael appointed Kevin as Parish Priest of Our Lady’s, Gillingham in July 1993 and he served as Parish Priest in Gillingham until 2005. During this period he was elected Dean of the Chatham Deanery in October 1995 and served as Dean until 2001. He continued his role with the Scouts in Kent and was the Catholic County Scout Chaplain.

In the autumn of 2005 Kevin volunteered to do some supply work in New Zealand and went to the Archdiocese of Wellington.

He returned in January 2006 and was appointed as Parish Priest of St Mildred’s Minister by Archbishop Kevin McDonald. In May 2007 Archbishop Kevin appointed him as Parochial Administrator of St. Francis de Sales, Hartley until the appointment of the new parish

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 17 priest. Kevin looked after the parish until the end of July 2007. He then moved to Sacred Heart, Sittingbourne where he became resident priest and also available for supply work.

However in January 2011, Archbishop asked Kevin to become Parochial Administrator of Sittingbourne until the appointment of a new parish priest. In October 2011 Archbishop Peter appointed Kevin to the Parish of St. Dunstan, Hersden to succeed the late Father Wilfrid D’Silva.

The Archbishop visited the parish that same year to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and in a letter to Kevin following his visit he wrote, “Thank you for arranging it so well and for all you are doing in the parish. You seem to be getting a very good grasp of things and I hope that you will bring new life to the parish following Wilfrid’s death. Thank you for accepting the appointment.”

Kevin was a very devoted priest. He worked hard and served the diocese for over 29 years as a priest. He was a Man of Kent, who spent much of his priestly ministry in Kent.

His last public appearance was at The Friars Aylesford, Kent, on Saturday, 28th September when he gathered with priests and people of the diocese to join in a Mass of Thanksgiving for the ministry of Bishop .

The next day Bishop John Hine went to the parish of Hersden to bless a new window in the Church of St Dunstan. Father Kevin was not feeling too well and asked the Bishop if he could remain in the house instead of coming in for the celebration of Mass. Sadly Father Kevin died while the Mass was being celebrated.

Kevin was 69 years old and in the 30th year of his priesthood.

Fr Kevin Patrick Fitzgerald RIP

Page 18 Winter 2013 Is- Christmas Teaser 2..

How many plants can you think that are associated with Christmas?

And why?


The past members of the NCSF, who when they were younger were the driving force behind the success of the CSAC (Catholic Scout Advisory Council), require our prayers as they battle against ill-health

They were the Scouters responsible for the success of the Ki-Ro scheme from which the Scout Association took some of our ideas when the Faith Badges were introduced.

It would be unfair to mention them by name but for them to know that we are praying for them will be a great comfort.

We pray that the Lord will give them the courage to cope with their illnesses and that those who have care of them will be given patience and compassion.

Please also remember those of our number who are amongst the many in the world that may be alone at this holy time of year.

We pray that as Jesus came into the world to bring peace that this message may still be shared with those who find themselves at war.

Christmas Teaser 3..

How many days of Christmas are there?

When does it begin and when does it end ? Explain why in both cases.

According to the songs who gave to what , to whom and when?

Any how many of what were given and received?

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 19 Diocesan Chaplains...

I case you didn't know we have for the past three years had a Diocesan Chaplain in the Southwark Diocese. His name is Fr Jesmond Pawley and he lives in Waterloo. Fr Jesmond is a member of the Convential order of Franciscans.

Fr Jesmond would like to visit as many groups in the Southwark Diocese as possible, we do have some contact details, but are not sure where you all meet.

If you would like Fr Jesmond to visit you then please feel free to contact him either by phone – 07770752957 or by e-mail ; [email protected] Do contact him and invite him to one of your meetings

Fr Jesmond has a great many years of scouting experience mainly in Malta where he was a GSL and has been part of the executive of the NCSF for some time where his input on scouting matters is valued..

Living as he does in the Waterloo area of London he is easily situated to visited scout groups in both London and other areas of Kent. Christmas Teaser 4..

Not everybody celebrates Christmas or exchanges presents on the 25th December.

Who doesn't and why not?

Hint, there are a few.

Oh and by the way. No cheating please! No internet, no Wikipedia and most certainly no phoning a friend.

And also please no fighting. Page 20 Winter 2013 Is- From the National Chaplain...

Since the AGM at the end of October, I have:-

• Led and planned a Remembrance Service for scouts at a local Camp site;

• Spent 4 days writing the Book of Reflections for Patrol Leaders and Explorer Scouts on Holy Island;

• Hosted a County young people’s Award Day for Beavers through to Scout Network members at our Church;

• Presented certificates to Beaver scouts and cubs;

• Presented Fundamentals session on new leaders course;

• Celebrated Mass for scouts at camp in Wales;

• Have now completed book of meditations and the first draft is with Bishop Moth for a foreword to be written and with an artist for some drawings to be done.

Suggestion for a gathering for 2015, 90 years after our being founded after a pilgrimage to Rome. What about going to Rome again? Can I wish you , your family and your friends a happy and holy Christmas.

Father John Seddon National Chaplain

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 21 Christmas Teaser 5...

And finally

How many ways do you know of how to wish someone current seasonal greeting?

You must know what the language is and what it actually means not just a close approximations!

No prizes but you are welcome to send you answers to me at the usual address—see page 3 if you’ve forgotten it.

Any humorous or controversial answers are appreciated.

So put away trivial pursuits and try a real challenge!

How Gift Aid Works—The Official Version...

The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax. Gift Aid donations are regarded as having basic rate tax deducted by the donor. Charities or CASCs take your donation - which is money you've already paid tax on - and reclaim the basic rate tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on its 'gross' equivalent - i.e. the amount before basic rate tax was deducted.

Basic rate tax is 20 per cent, so this means that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it’s worth £12.50 to the charity. For donations between 6 April 2009 and 5 April 2011 the charity or CASC will also get a separate government supplement of three pence on every pound you give. But hurry as it can only be back dated a maximum of 4 years

Much more information can be found on the HMRC website at the following address. aid.htm

Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that you pay sufficient tax to cover the amount of tax reclaimed in gift aid by the NCSF.

Page 22 Winter 2013 Is- CIGS Contacts...


Mrs June Davies Currently please use Colin Raistrick 31 Loseley Road The Chairman of CIGS for contact Farncombe Goldaming METHODIST Surrey GU73RE Mr Colin Raistrick 12 Park Crescent Tel: 01483 428876 Shiremoor [email protected] Newcastle upon Tyne NE27 OLH ROMAN CATHOLIC GUIDES Tel: 0191 253 4755 Ms Geraldine Dorman [email protected] 147 Stanwell Road Penarth SALVATION ARMY Wales CF64 3LL Rob Moye Territorial HQ Tel. 0292 0707402 101 Newington Causeway [email protected] London SE1 6BH URC Tel: 0207 367 4927 Rev David Marshall Jones [email protected] Flint Cottage School Lane London Road South Merstham Redhill RH1 3AZ

Tel: 01737 644556 [email protected] Please don’t be afraid of using the support of our colleagues in the other Christian denominations particularly if you need support in helping members of other denominations within your Group.

The Link. National Catholic Scout Fellowship Page 23 NCSF PRAYER

Loving God, Help us to be true to our Promise and Law. Keep us faithful to the teaching of the Church and the example of Our Lady and the Saints. Guide us in your ways of love, And strengthen us through your Spirit, to live lives of Service. We ask this through Jesus, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Prayer to obtain the Beatification of the Centenary Prayer Book Venerable Fr. Jacques Sevin. S.J for Catholics in Scouting founder of Catholic Scouting and of the “Holy Cross of Jerusalem.” ‘One World, One Promise’ O God, You placed within the heart of your servant Jacques Sevin Complied by the burning desire to “spend himself to the end” Rev John Seddon MA for your love and love of youth. National Scout Chaplain And so you revealed your desire to see within the heart England & Wales of the a growing tide of young people united across the world by the scout promise and law. You inspired in him also the founding of the institute of Available from Fr. John Seddon “The Holy Cross of Jerusalem” (see page 3 for contact details) for the expansion of your kingdom and the salvation of the young to lead them to you… And if it pleases you £1.95 each P & P depending on Deign to glorify here on earth Your number ordered. servant Jacques by granting through his intercession the graces we implore. Copies of the Prayer Card are Amen! still available from Mrs Margaret

Please report any favours obtained to: McDowall and of course Fr John “La Sainte Croix de Jerusalem” (see page 3 for contact details) La Prieure- Allee Saint Martin F.60820 BORAN SUR OISE They can be collected at NCSF Meetings and activities.

Page 24 Winter 2013 Is-