Pikler Institute, Budapest, Hungary PIKLER/LÓCZY FUND USA . WELL-BEING FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD , Pikler/Lóczy Fund USA The Working Group for Rights 2437 S. Sheridan, Tulsa, OK 74129 FAx 918.665.0965, www.pikler.org 918.810.0877 of Children Without Families
[email protected] FALL 2009 The Working Group for Rights of that all children should have the benefit Children Without Families was launched of being raised by their birth parents. Yet, at the 2009 World Forum on Early Care that is not always viable due to death of a and Education in Belfast, Ireland held parent or parents, abandonment, illness, June 16-19, 2009. The Working Group abuse, natural disasters and war. It is represents 10 countries who work in paramount that each country be ready to institutions. Representatives attending provide children the best care if their fate is the conference came from El Salvador, to lose their family and they are placed in a Ecuador, Singapore, Nicaragua, France, group care setting through no fault of their Hungary, Belize, Mexico, Indonesia and own. We want institutions to be successful the USA. in caring for these children by providing The group was formed with the belief them with support and ongoing trainings. One of the goals is materializing, as Delfena Mitchell, Director of Liberty Children’s Home Above: The Working Group for Rights of Children Without and the World Forum National Representative in Belize, has set up a meeting with the Families at the World Forum in Belfast, Ireland – June, 2009. Background: Northern Ireland Giant’s Causeway.