Winter 2016 Newsletter of the Urban Bushland Council WA Inc PO Box 326, West Perth WA 6872 Email:
[email protected] A crossroads for Carnaby’s cockatoo, a flagship species on the brink Few images more poignantly as clearing continues on the syndrome specific to Carna- symbolise the plight of Perth’s Swan Coastal Plain which forc- by’s cockatoos has been dis- endangered bushland than that of es them to spend more time covered on the Swan Coastal a small flock of Carnaby’s cocka- traveling and expending pre- Plain, leaving affected birds toos wheeling through the sky, cious energy searching for ade- unable to walk or indeed to calling to one another as they quate food sources. survive if not for the chance thread their way between single Despite the grim statistics about rescue of a passer-by, and in- stands of trees, and over roads the Carnaby’s predicted future if tensive treatment by specialist and sprawling houses, seeking out current practices continue un- veterinarians. Vehicle strike is the remaining patches of vegeta- checked, the WA government also a major threat to black tion in which to feed and roost. has shown little commitment to cockatoos alongside an explo- The Carnaby’s cockatoo, with its turning things around for one of sion in the number of cars, graceful, loping flight and unfor- the State’s most recognised en- with at least a hundred Carna- gettable lilting call, miraculously demic birds. The Perth-Peel by’s cockatoos rescued from survived one of the most rapid region’s ‘Green Growth Plan’, the streets of Perth and its sur- land clearing events of the 20th which, if implemented in its rounds every year.