1) Shabbos Parshas Haazinu, Shabbos Shuvah, 3rd Day of Tishrei...... 1 1. The progression from to Shabbos, the contrast between the service of the festivals, happiness, and that of Shabbos, holiness. 2. The potential to be “close to the heavens,” the realization of this level through study. 3. The mention of the Rebbeim’s names and blessings for the new year. ​ ​ 2) Tzom Gedaliah, 4th Day of Tishrei...... 12 1. as the source for all Rabbinic fasts, the significance of the postponement of the Fast of Gedaliah. 2. The importance of each individual Jew as reflected in the Haftorah. ​ ,of the Machne Israel Development Fund 'שי Address by the Lubavitcher , Menachem M. Schneerson, to the Members (3 ​ Wednesday, Tishrei 7...... 15 4) The Blessing to the Shluchim, 7th of Tishrei...... 18 1. The task of Shlichus, transforming the world into a dwelling for G-d, blessings for the new year. ​ ​ 5) Yom Kippur...... 21 1. The Blessing delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita, Erev Yom Kippur. ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. The Blessing to the Students of the Yeshivah, Erev Yom Kippur. ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. After Havdalah on Motzaei Yom Kippur. ​ ​ ​ ​ 6) The Blessing Delivered at the Distribution of Esrogim Erev Sukkos...... 28 1. The Blessing delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita at the distribution of Esrogim. ​ ​ ​ 7) First Night of Sukkos...... 30 1. The celebration of Simchas Beis HaShoeivah on the nights of the holidays and Shabbos. ​ ​ 2. The blessing to the guests. 8) Second Night of Sukkos...... 34 1. “Begin with Blessing,” the influence of eiruv tavshilin. ​ 2. The lesson derived from the Haftorah recited this morning, its relevance to the present situation, an explanation of the Yalkut ​ ​ ​ Shimoni, Mashiach’s coming, a news story of primary importance. ​ 3. The connection between tonight’s Ushpiz, the Patriarch Yitzchok, and the coming of Mashiach. ​ ​ 9) Third Night of Sukkos...... 38 1. The manifestation of G-d’s beneficence in the present time, increasing our celebration of Simchas Beis HaShoeivah. ​ 10) Fourth Night of Sukkos...... 42 1. The potential for our celebration of Simchas Beis HaShoeivah to compensate for the celebration of Simchas Beis ​ ​ ​ HaShoeivah in the Beis HaMikdash. ​ ​ 2. The significance of the fourth night of Sukkos, the preeminence of Jewish women, their increase in tznius (modesty). ​ ​ 11) Fifth Night of Sukkos...... 46 1. The connection between Sukkos and the study of Torah, the need to involve others in the celebration of Simchas Beis ​ HaShoeivah. 12) , Fifth Day of Sukkos...... 50 1. The connection each member of the Jewish people shares with the Torah. 2. The lesson from the second in Parshas Zos HaBerachah, the importance of teaching Torah to others. ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The distribution of money to be given to tzedakah. ​ 13) Sixth Night of Sukkos...... 54 1. The relevance of six as a multiple of two and three, the progression from the festivals directly into Shabbos. 14) Hosha’ana Rabbah...... 57 1. The uniqueness of Hosha’ana Rabbah, a day of “great salvation.” 15) Night of Simchas Torah...... 60 1. The increase of happiness appropriate for Simchas Torah. 2. An explanation of the verses of Atah Horaisa. ​ 16) Shabbos Parshas Bereishis, 24th Day of Tishrei...... 65 1. The message of Shabbos Bereishis, the revelation of G-dliness within this material world. ​ ​ 2. An explanation of the opening passage of ’s commentary on the Torah. ​ ​ 3. An explanation of Rashi’s commentary, Bereishis 6:5-6. ​ ​ ​ ​ 4. An explanation of Rashi’s commentary on the opening verse of Parshas . ​ ​ ​ 5. The refutation of the claim that the are “thieves” for taking possession of Eretz Yisrael. ​ 17) Yechidus, 27th of Tishrei...... 74 1. The three-fold nature of the present year; the service of “Go out from the ark,” conquering the world for holiness. 2. The Communal Yechidus for Bar and Bas youth. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The Communal Yechidus for Brides and Grooms. ​ ​ 4. The Communal Yechidus for Yeshivah students. ​ ​ ​ ​ 18) Shabbos Parshas Noach, Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan...... 79 1. The new dimension of existence that began after the flood, the ability to elevate and refine the world within its own context of existence. 2. The transition from the month of Tishrei. 19) The Challenge Confronting Jewish Women: Social Involvement Enhanced by Modesty 85 Excerpts from addresses by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on 4th & 7th Night of Sukkos & Shabbos Parshas Noach, 5751. 20) Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha, 8th Day of MarCheshvan, Siyum of 7th Cycle of Learning Rambam 89 1. The conclusion of the study of the ; the significance of the fact that we are concluding the seventh cycle of ​ ​ study and beginning the eighth. 2. The contrast between the service of emotion and intellect as alluded to in Parshas Lech Lecha. ​ 3. The importance of spreading Yiddishkeit and Chassidus to others; an analysis of Avraham’s hospitality to the ; did it ​ ​ ​ ​ constitute fulfillment of the mitzvah of hachnassas orchim? ​ ​ ​ 21) Shabbos Parshas , 15th Day of MarCheshvan...... 95 1. The Rebbe Rashab’s tearfelt desire that G-d reveal Himself to him; The unique contribution of the Rebbe Rashab, the study of Chassidus in a systematic format that allows for intellectual comprehension. ​ ​ 2. The yearning for the revelation of G-dliness as a continuous service, the importance of educating children to possess this desire. 3. The unique significance of this year, the 130th anniversary of the Rebbe Rashab’s birth. 22) Shabbos Parshas , 22nd Day of MarCheshvan...... 102 1. An interpretation of the opening verse of this week’s Torah portion, explaining how the years of Sarah’s life could be “all equally good” despite the different phases of service and changes she experienced. 2. The 100 blessings recited every day, the consciousness of G-d in every aspect of our material affairs. 3. Jewish education, training children to continue their family tradition. 4. The distribution of Chassidic texts in connection with the Rebbe Rashab’s birthday; the situation in the world today as a ​ ​ portend of Mashiach’s imminent coming. 23) Shabbos Parshas Toldos, 29th Day of MarCheshvan...... 110 1. The International Conference of Shluchim; our mission to elevate and refine the world, even its lowest levels. ​ ​ 2. The connection between the International Conference of Shluchim and the month of Kislev, a month associated with the ​ ​ spreading of Chassidus outward. ​ ​ 3. The process of transformation brought about through shlichus; positive changes in Russia, the settling of the “Children of ​ ​ Chernobyl” in Kfar . 4. Practical directives in connection with the International Conference of Shluchim. ​ 24) Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei, 7th Day of Kislev...... 120 1. The two camps of angels seen by Yaakov as a twofold directive for service: activity in the realm of holiness and activity involving worldly affairs; Sending emissaries to Eisav, extending the above service to include the refinement of the lowest aspects of existence. 2. The parallel and the contrast between Kislev, the third month of the winter, and Sivan, the third month of the summer, the month in which the Torah was given. 3. A call for an increase in Torah study, a reinforcement of the resolutions undertaken at the International Conference of Shluchim. ​ 25) Shabbos Parshas , 14th Day of Kislev...... 128 1. Yaakov’s responsibility to refine Eisav; Two levels of teshuvah, teshuvah for sin and teshuvah that represents the soul’s inner ​ ​ ​ ​ desire to cling to G-d; The advantage achieved through refining the lowest elements of existence. 2. The connection between Yud-Tes Kislev and the refinement of the gentiles; The various stages of redemption which took ​ ​ place within Russia. 26) Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21st Day of Kislev...... 138 1. The connection shared by Shabbos, Parshas Vayeishev, and Yud-Tes Kislev; The parallels between the Alter Rebbe and ​ ​ ​ ​ Yaakov, our Patriarch. 2. Yaakov’s desire to “live in prosperity,” its fulfillment through the descent into exile; The service of Yosef, increasing holiness, its enhancement through the service of Peretz, breaking through limitations. ​ ​ 3. The significance of this year’s celebration of Yud-Tes Kislev, the 192 anniversary of the Alter Rebbe’s redemption. ​ ​ 4. The acceptance of resolutions in connection with Yud-Tes Kislev, the division of the among the Chassidim. ​ ​ ​ ​ 27) Kollel Tiferes Zkeinim Levi Yitzchok & Chochmas Nashim, 25th of Kislev...... 147 1. The message of Chanukah and Shabbos candles; bringing the light of holiness into the material aspects of one’s life. 28) Yechidus, Third Night of Chanukah...... 150 1. The lessons of the Chanukah candles. 2. The Yechidus for Bar and Bas Mitzvah youth. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The Yechidus for Grooms and Brides. ​ ​ 29) Shabbos Parshas Mikeitz, Shabbos Chanukah, 28th Day of Kislev...... 155 1. The continuous influence of the Chanukah candles; the unlimited dimension of the performances of mitzvos. ​ 2. A lesson from Parshas Mikeitz, proceeding beyond the limitations of the world. ​ ​ 3. The lesson from the fourth day of Chanukah, taking control of the world and preparing it for the revelation of G-d’s sovereignty. 30) Lighting Up The World...... 164 Excerpts from the Address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, to Tzivos Hashem and to the Chanukah Lighting Ceremonies Throughout the World while Linked through Satellite Communication, Second Day of Rosh Chodesh Teves, 5751. 31) Shabbos Parshas , 5th Day of Teves...... 167 1. Three interpretations of Vayigash eilav Yehudah and the connection between them. The lesson for today: even in exile, the ​ ​ Jew is still baal habayis over the world, and the nations themselves offer assistance. ​ ​ 2. The prosperity in the time of exile is a type of preparation for the redemption, which also involves transforming the lowest dimensions of the creation. The superiority of the realm of action in the Messianic Age. The two extremes of exile and two connotations in the word af (“af asisiv”). The assistance of the nations in our generation as ​ ​ a “taste” of redemption. 3. Practical lesson: prepare for building the Third Beis HaMikdash by building new houses (and adding to existing houses) for ​ ​ Torah, prayer and gemilus chassadim. Bayis Molei Seforim and the fifth of Teves. ​ ​ 1) I Will Show You Wonders...... 1 The Message of the Year 5751...... 4 Every Jew Has a Silver Lining...... 8 The Safest Place in the World...... 14 Purim Miracles Today...... 18 The Ultimate Wonders are Yet to Come...... 22 Divine Miracles are Not Past History...... 26 2) The Tenth of Teves and Shabbos Parshas Vayechi, 12th Day of Teves...... 31 1. “Yaakov, our ancestor, did not die. Just as his descendants are alive, he is alive;” True life stemming from a connection with Torah; The existence of such a connection within every Jew, even when his outward appearance does not reflect it; The encouragement this message gives the Jewish people after they conclude the Book of Bereishis. ​ ​ 2. The tragedy of the error in criticizing people who do not observe the Torah at present; How such an approach is contrary to the truth and reflects a lack of respect both for G-d and for the Jewish people. 3. Our Sages’ directive, “Do not utter words which empower the Satan”. 4. The legacy of self- left us by the martyrs of the Holocaust; Heaven forbid that we say that their death came as a punishment for sins; rather, it is an unfathomable Divine decree. 5. The positive dimension in the commemoration of the Tenth of Teves, the day which “the King of Babylon laid siege to ”; the observance of the Fast as reflected in the themes of (a) the preciousness of every Jew and (b) the imminence of the Future Redemption. 3) Shabbos Parshas Shmos, 19th Day of Teves...... 55 1. The difference between the Book of Bereishis which describes the service of the Patriarchs and the Book of Shmos which ​ ​ ​ ​ describes the service of their descendants, the Jewish people as a whole; Our existence in exile is against our fundamental nature, each moment of exile being a new descent into exile, as it were. 2. Emphasizing the virtues of our fellow Jews; The impropriety of criticizing them harshly and threatening them with Divine retribution. 4) Shabbos Parshas Vaeira, 26th Day of Teves...... 66 1. The 24th of Teves, the yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe; The contrast between the revelation to the Patriarchs and the revelation ​ ​ that followed the giving of the Torah; The association between Yaakov our Patriarch, the Alter Rebbe, and the Torah. 2. Every Jew as an heir of the Patriarchs. 3. The settlement of Russian Jews in Eretz Yisrael. ​ 4. Practical directives in connection with the 24th of Teves, increasing our study of the Alter Rebbe’s teachings. 5) Shabbos Parshas , 4th Day of Shvat...... 77 1. Moshe’s coming to Pharaoh as a confrontation with the forces contrary to holiness in their very source; the necessity for these forces to be nullified for the redemption to be complete. 2. The application of the above concepts in our individual service; Egypt and Babylon as referring to those forces which causes difficulty and confusion to the Jews. 3. Preparations for ; the current events as signs of Mashiach’s coming; assurances of safety for the Jewish people. ​ ​ ​ ​ 6) Shabbos Parshas Beshallach, 11th Day of Shvat...... 88 1. The miraculous nature of this week’s ; the splitting of the Red Sea, the manna, and the war with as ​ ​ three phases in the revelation of G-d’s sovereignty, the significance of Yisro’s rejection of idol worship. 2. The connection of the above to Yud Shvat, the Previous Rebbe’s yahrzeit. ​ ​ ​ 3. The connection with Tu BeShvat, the Rosh HaShanah of the Trees. ​ ​ 7) Yechidus, the Evening of Tu BeShvat...... 96 1. Remembering and reliving the Previous Rebbe’s directives, spreading the awareness of these directives throughout the world. 2. A Bar Mitzvah reflecting in microcosm the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. ​ ​ 3. A wedding as a reflection of the marriage bond established between G-d and the Jews when the Torah was given. 8) Shabbos Parshas Yisro, 18th Day of Shvat...... 102 1. The essential oneness that pervades the totality of the Torah and its mitzvos; the positive dimension existing within the ​ ​ negative commandments; our Torah study as an expression of “G-d’s word”. 2. A connection between the above concepts and the parshiyos, Yisro and ; the importance of establishing communal ​ ​ ​ ​ sessions for Torah study. 9) Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, 25th Day of Shvat...... 112 1. The lesson from parshas Shekalim: tzedakah. Tzedakah is constant, both the tzedakah of man and that of G-d. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. Two dimensions of tzedakah: a) to fill a lack, and b) to receive a high revelation from Above. The highest revelation is ​ ​ revealed only where there is lack. The two dimensions in: a) Shekalim (terumas hamizbe’ach and terumas ​ ​ ​ ho’adonim), b) The Mishkan (the and the Aron), c) The tablets (Torah) itself (two levels of the ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ tablets; Nigleh and Pnimiyus HaTorah). ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. Practical lesson: increasing in tzedakah, both physical and spiritual. Learning Pnimiyus HaTorah. Acceptance of the king and ​ ​ ​ ​ unity (hiskashrus) between the king and the people. ​ ​ 10) To the Gathering of Shluchos, 26th Day of Shevat...... 118 1. The month of Adar; a month of happiness and health; each individual’s opportunity to contribute to the world at large. 11) Shabbos Parshas , 2nd Day of Adar...... 121 1. An explanation of our Sages’ statement, “When the month of Adar enters, we increase our joy,” the uniqueness of the Jews’ affirmation of their acceptance of the Torah in connection with Purim. 2. The construction of the Sanctuary described in Parshas Terumah as representing the establishment of a dwelling for G-d ​ ​ within the context of this world. 3. Practical directives for our conduct, increases in Torah study and tzedakah, the Purim campaign. ​ ​ 12) Shabbos Parshas , 9th Day of Adar...... 129 1. “And you shall command the Jewish people,” the connection shared with the essence of Moshe’s soul; the significance of the opening verses of this Torah portion in our personal service. 2. An explanation why the incense altar is not mentioned together with the other vessels of the Sanctuary in Parshas Terumah. ​ 3. The Ninth of Adar, the day of the Previous Rebbe’s arrival in America, 51 years ago. 13) Taanis Esther, 13th Day of Adar...... 137 1. An increase in ahavas Yisrael as a preparation for the ingathering of the exiles, the spreading of Chassidus as both a ​ ​ ​ ​ preparation for and an expression of Mashiach’s coming. ​ ​ 14) Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa, 16th Day of Adar...... 140 1. Ki Sisa as reflecting a process of elevation for the Jewish people; a resolution of the place of the sin of the Golden Calf in this ​ ​ process. 2. The connection of the above concepts with the holiday of Purim. 3. Providing others with their Pesach needs. 4. Words of praise for the American Government and blessings for success in their mission in the Gulf. 15) Yechidus, 20th of Adar...... 149 1. The uniqueness of the Priestly Blessings; the lesson from Parshas -, each person’s functioning both as a ​ ​ member of a community and as an individual. 2. The Yechidus to the Bar and Bas Mitzvah Youths. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The Yechidus to the Grooms and Brides. ​ ​ 16) Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, 23rd Day of Adar...... 154 1. The connection of the present Shabbos to the future redemption. 2. The contrast between Adar and Nisan; miracles within nature and those that transcend nature. 3. The power of a Chassidic . ​ 17) The letter sent by the Rebbe, 25th of Adar...... 161 ,of the Machne Israel Development Fund 'שי Address by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, to the Members (18 ​ ​ Tuesday, Adar 26...... 166 19) The Address to the Shluchim, the 26th of Adar...... 170 1. The mission of each Shliach in the days before Pesach; blessings for success. ​ ​ 20) Shabbos Parshas , Rosh Chodesh Nissan...... 172 1. The lesson to be derived from taking out three Torah scrolls, a chazakah in regard to the fulfillment of mitzvos, the ​ ​ ​ ​ association of Nissan with the transcendence of the natural order. 2. Studying in preparation for the holiday, providing others with their Pesach needs. 3. The Nasi associated with Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Nachshon ben Aminadav. ​ ​ 1) The letter sent by the Rebbe, the eve of the 5th day of Nissan...... 1 2) Shabbos Parshas , 8th Day of Nissan...... 8 1. Moshe as the catalyst of the redemption; An explanation of Psalm 90, “A prayer of Moshe”; Permanence established by the indwelling of the G-dliness above nature within nature. 2. The significance of the number 90 which is called Tzaddik and Tzadi in Hebrew. ​ ​ ​ ​ declaring as a (צדי =) Moshe’s influence within the Jewish people and within the world at large. Declaration 104 .3 “Day of Education”; Communal Sederim both nights of Pesach. ​ ​ 3) Yud Aleph Nissan...... 18 1. The message of Psalm 90, the enhancement of this message by the present year, a year when “I will show you Wonders”. 4) The letter sent by the Rebbe, 11th of Nissan...... 21 5) The 13th of Nissan...... 29 1. The yahrzeit of the Tzemach Tzedek on the 13th of Nissan, 13 as numerically equivalent to echad, “one,” the revelation of ​ ​ ​ ​ G-d’s oneness in the world, the birthday of the Rambam on the 14th of Nissan. ​ ​ 6) After Selling the Chametz, Eve of the 14th of Nissan...... 35 1. The influence of a chazakah and its relation to the Seder. ​ ​ ​ 7) Erev Pesach, 14th of Nissan...... 37 1. The uniqueness of Erev Pesach this year. ​ ​ 2. The connection to the service of Baalei Teshuvah reflected in the passage in the Haggadah describing the Paschal sacrifices. ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The celebration of Pesach on Shabbos, the fusion of the service of Tzaddikim and Baalei Teshuvah. ​ ​ ​ 4. The acknowledgement of the blessings given for Yud-Alef Nissan. ​ ​ 8) Tzivos Hashem, 18th of Nissan...... 41 1. Pesach, “the Season of our Freedom,” the connection between freedom and Jewish children. 2. The 18th of Nissan, Chai Nissan, the birthday of the Rebbe Shlita’s father, Rav Levi Yitzchok, the significance of his name. ​ ​ ​ ​ 9) To the Chassidim who Returned from the Tahaluchah on the night of Acharon Shel Pesach 46 1. The ultimate kindness, the revelation of G-d’s Sovereignty. 10) Acharon Shel Pesach...... 48 1. The Counting of the Omer, drawing down the revelations which transcend the natural order within the context of the human ​ ​ personality and the world at large. 2. The connection between Acharon shel Pesach and the ultimate Redemption. 11) Yechidus, 25th of Nissan...... 55 1. Expressing our appreciation for the miracles and wonders we are witnessing, in particular, the wonder of G-d “smiting Egypt with their firstborn,” i.e., the gentile powers humiliation of Saddam Hussein, helping Russian Jews settle in Eretz Yisrael. ​ 12) Helping To Bring Mashiach...... 61 1. An adaptation of an address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Eve of the 28th of Nissan, 5751. 13) Shabbos Parshas , 29th Day of Nissan...... 70 1. The uniqueness of the present year when Parshas Shemini is read eight times; the fusion of finiteness and infinity reflected in ​ ​ the Sanctuary. 2. Moshe as the intermediary to bring about a revelation of infinite G-dliness within the context of our limited world; an explanation of the opening teaching of Pirkei Avos, “Moshe received the Torah from Sinai”. ​ ​ 3. The completion of the second week of the Counting of the Omer. ​ 4. The lesson from the Haftorah read on the day preceding Rosh Chodesh. ​ ​ ​ 5. Each person’s individual responsibility to work to bring Mashiach by increasing his study of the Torah and fulfillment of ​ ​ its mitzvos behiddur. ​ 14) The Eve of the Second of Iyar...... 80 1. The Rebbe Maharash’s birthday, the approach of Lechat’chilah aribber, our unity as a preparation for the ultimate ​ ​ ingathering of the exiles in the Era of Redemption. 15) Shabbos Parshas -, 6th Day of Iyar...... 84 1. The connection between Mashiach’s coming and Parshas Tazria-Metzora; the description of Mashiach as a leper. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. The first teaching of the second Chapter of Pirkei Avos, What must be done to bring Mashiach. ​ ​ ​ 3. The uniqueness of the month of Iyar. 4. The significance of the present day within the context of Sefiras HaOmer. ​ 16) Bringing Mashiach Now...... 92 An adaptation of addresses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on the eve of the 28th of Nissan, on Shabbos Parshas Shemini, and on Shabbos Parshas Tazria-Metzora, 5751. 17) Shabbos Parshas Acharei-, 13th Day of Iyar...... 97 1. The connection between exile (Golah) and Redemption (Geulah), our service in revealing G-dliness in the exile as the ​ ​ ​ ​ catalyst for the coming of the Redemption. 2. An explanation of the first teaching of the third chapter of Pirkei Avos. ​ 3. The significance of Counting the Omer. ​ 4. A lesson from Parshas Acharei, the service of the High Priest and its relevance for us. ​ ​ 5. The significance of the yahrzeit of the Rebbe Shlita’s brother, Rav Yisrael Aryeh Leib. ​ ​ ​ ​ 6. Involvement in the material dimensions of existence according to the guidelines of the Torah will hasten the coming of the Redemption. 7. Positive activities in the realm of tzedakah and education performed by gentile nations. ​ ​ 18) 15th Day of Iyar, After Minchah...... 108 1. Iyar, a month of revelation, Pesach Sheni, the Jews’ demand, “Why should we be denied?”, demanding the end of the exile. 19) Lag BaOmer...... 112 1. Lag BaOmer, Rabbi ’s day of celebration; the powerful effects it produces. 2. The connection between Lag BaOmer and the Rebbe Maharash, the symmetrical relation between Tiferes ​ Sheb’Tiferes and Hod Sheb’Hod. ​ ​ 20) Shabbos Parshas , 20th Day of Iyar...... 115 1. Changing galus to geulah: 1) Bringing G-d’s presence (indicated by the letter Alef) into the exile, and 2) Geulah is composed ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ of the exile itself. These two dimensions as seen in the first redemption from Egypt. 2. The three levels of Alef (which brings redemption): 1) G-dliness within the world, 2) G-dliness higher than, but still ​ ​ comparable with the world, and 3) Peleh, which completely transcends the world. ​ ​ 3. These three levels within Mashiach and within every Jew. Mashiach stems not only from Dovid, but from Shlomo — ​ ​ ​ ​ wisdom and monarchy. Pirkei Avos, Ch. 4, 1: “Who is wise...strong...wealthy...honored...?” ​ ​ ​ ​ 4. The connection between Lag BaOmer and the level of peleh: the revelation of Pnimiyus HaTorah in his, and subsequent ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ generations. The unity of the three levels seen in Ps. 89 and 90. Seeing the face of a tzaddik. The ability of ​ ​ each Jew to become a tzaddik. ​ ​ 21) Shabbos Parshas -Bechukosai, 27th Day of Iyar...... 124 1. The giving of Torah in the desert: Torah which completely transcends the universe. The “ten utterances” and “one utterance” (Pirkei Avos, 5:1): two dimensions of G-dly creation and of Torah. Elevation from below to ​ ​ ​ ​ Above and drawing down from Above to below, and the combination of both. 2. Preparation for the Torah through ahavas Yisrael. Two extremes of nullification (bittul) and the importance of each ​ ​ ​ ​ individual existence. Practical directives: 1) To increase in gathering Jews together on Shabbos. 2) To publicize regarding bringing every Jewish child to the reading of the Ten Commandments. 22) Nshei uBnos Chabad Convention, 28th of Iyar...... 129 1. The unique potential possessed by Jewish women to educate their children. 23) Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar and Motzaei Shavuos...... 133 1. The connection between Shabbos and the giving of the Torah: Rest and tranquility; spreading these qualities throughout the world. 2. The lesson from Parshas Bamidbar, transforming the desert. ​ ​ 3. Increasing our study of Torah, developing new Torah concepts. 24) After the Return of the Participants in the Tahaluchah, 2nd Night of Shavuos. 142 1. Our desire for the Redemption to come imminently. 25) Yechidus, Eve of the Tenth of Sivan...... 144 1. The personal experience of the giving of the Torah. 2. The Yechidus for Bar and Bas Mitzvah youth. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The Yechidus for grooms and brides. ​ ​ 26) Shabbos Parshas , 13th of Sivan...... 149 1. The renewal of our connection to the Torah each year on the holiday of Shavuos; the ultimate renewal of the Torah in the Era of the Redemption; the renewal this will bring about in the world at large. 2. The connection between the Era of the Redemption and Parshas Naso. ​ ​ 3. The connection between the Era of the Redemption and the first chapter of Pirkei Avos. ​ ​ 4. The connection between Mashiach’s coming and Shabbos. ​ ​ 5. The uniqueness of the present year, the imminence of Mashiach’s coming. ​ ​ 27) 15th of Sivan...... 160 1. The significance of the third day of the week of Parshas Behaaloscha. ​ 28) Shabbos Parshas Behaaloscha, 19th Day of Sivan...... 161 1. An explanation of our Sages’ statement that the Torah can be divided into seven books; the kindling of the Menorah, lighting ​ ​ the lamps so that “the flame rises up on its own accord,” i.e., having one’s service impart a lasting dimension of holiness to the world. 2. An explanation of the positive intent of the mission of the spies described in Parshas Shelach. ​ ​ 3. Lighting the flame of the Jews in exile in preparation for the ultimate Redemption. 4. The Statements of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita in Connection with the Melaveh Malkah of 5. The following remarks were made by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita during the farbrengen of Shabbos Parshas ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Behaaloscha. The Rebbe made these statements within the discussion of a subject of greater scope. Because ​ of their relevance, we have published them under an independent heading. Nevertheless, they do not represent a complete treatment of the issues discussed and must be considered within the context of the Rebbe Shlita’s previous statements on these issues. ​ ​ 29) Shabbos Parshas Shelach, 26th Day of Sivan...... 172 1. A comparison of the mission of the spies sent by Moshe and those sent by Yehoshua. 2. The connection between the narrative of the spies and the conclusion of the month of Sivan, the extension of the Torah into the world at large, two approaches to the service of refinement: particular division and oneness. 3. An explanation of why Pinchas was chosen by Yehoshua as a spy, his activity serving as a foretaste for the Levites being granted a portion of Eretz Yisrael in the Era of the Redemption. ​ ​ 4. Tzitzis, a mitzvah which reflects oneness; activities to spread oneness among our people. ​ ​ ​ ​ 5. A lesson from the Haftorah of contemporary relevance, not to return a single inch of Eretz Yisrael. ​ ​ ​ 30) The 28th of Sivan, 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Rebbe Shlita to America, After the Minchah Prayers, After the Prayers...... 185 After Minchah 1. The “strength” of the month of Sivan, the connection between 770 and “the Sanctuary of the L-rd established by Your hands.” After Maariv 2. The union between G-d and the Jewish people to be realized in the Era of the Redemption. 1) The Address to the Graduating Class of Beis Rivkah and the Counselors of the Summer Camps, 2nd Day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 1 1. Revealing how every entity in the world was created “solely for His glory.” 2. The lesson from the Torah reading associated with the present day, the fifth day of Parshas , using every moment to ​ ​ the maximum in the service of G-d. 2) Shabbos Parshas Korach, 3rd Day of Tammuz...... 5 1. The Third of Tammuz, the release of the Previous Rebbe from prison, the interrelationship between miracles and nature, the transformation of Russia’s approach to Jewish practice as an outgrowth of the redemption of Yud-Beis Tammuz. ​ ​ 2. The transition from Sivan to Tammuz, gomail dallim, “showing generosity to the poor.” ​ ​ 3. Intensifying our service of spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus outward, making this service the totality of our being. ​ ​ 3) Shabbos Parshas Chukas, 10th Day of Tammuz...... 14 1. The contrast between seven (the holiness vested in the creation by G-d) and ten (the holiness achieved through man’s efforts); the uniqueness of the present day which is the tenth day of the month and the seventh day of the week. 2. The blessing this Shabbos brings to the following Shabbos; the transformation of the seventeenth of Tammuz into a day of Shabbos pleasure. 3. A connection with Parshas Chukas; the general nature of the services of ratzo and shov. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 4. The connection of the above with Yud-Beis Tammuz, the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidus outward leading to the ​ ​ ​ ​ ultimate redemption. 5. Applying these concepts in our lives, service within the limits of the world and service which draws down G-dliness which transcends those limits; holding to commemorate Yud-Beis Tammuz ​ ​ ​ 4) Harmony Between Body And Soul...... 24 A new directive from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita which every person can apply in his daily life. ​ ​ 5) Yechidus, 14th of Tammuz...... 26 1. The communal Yechidus. ​ 2. The Yechidus of Bar and Bas Mitzvah youth. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. The Yechidus of grooms and brides. ​ ​ 6) The letter sent by the Rebbe, in Honor of the Opening of the Gan Yisrael Children’s Summer Camps 31 7) Shabbos Parshas , 17th Day of Tammuz...... 33 1. The postponement of the fast because the Seventeenth of Tammuz falls on Shabbos; a foretaste of “the era which is all Shabbos and rest for eternity. 2. The connection between the ultimate redemption and the parshiyos Balak and Pinchas. ​ ​ ​ ​ 3. Living with the concept of Mashiach, studying about the Redemption; learning the laws of the structure of the Beis ​ ​ ​ HaMikdash in the Three Weeks. ​ 4. An explanation of the first teaching of the sixth chapter of Pirkei Avos. ​ ​ 8) 18th Day of Tammuz...... 43 1. Tammuz — its relation to the ultimate Redemption; This week’s parshah Pinchas — Eliyahu who possibly has already ​ ​ come. 9) Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, 24th Day of Tammuz...... 46 1. The Tzemach Tzedek’s directive, “Make this place Eretz Yisrael; an explanation why G-d worked a miracle, causing the lots ​ ​ to speak during the division of the land among the tribes; the need to invest oneself totally in all of one’s activities, even those which are seemingly merely of a preparatory nature. 2. Each person’s obligation to fulfill the directive, “Make this place Eretz Yisrael” and to communicate this directive to others. ​ ​ 3. The positive intent of the name Menachem Av, holding siyumim during the Nine Days. ​ ​ ​ ​ 10) On the Threshold of the Redemption...... 54 Adapted from Addresses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Shabbos Parshas Balak and Shabbos ​ ​ ​ Parshas Pinchas, 5751. ​ 11) Make This Place Eretz Yisrael...... 58 An Adaptation of an Address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, 5751. 12) Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, After Minchah...... 63 1. Aharon’s yahrzeit, the significance of the Priestly Blessing. ​ ​ 13) Shabbos Parshas Mattos-Maasei, 2nd Day of Menachem Av...... 64 1. The conclusion of the Book Of Bamidbar, its connection to the Three Weeks. ​ ​ 2. The influence of Friday, Rosh Chodesh Av, the yahrzeit of Aharon the Priest; his all-encompassing love for the Jewish ​ ​ people. 3. An explanation of one of the teachings of this week’s chapter of Pirkei Avos, “Rabbi Shimon says, ‘Be meticulous in reading ​ ​ the Shema and in prayer.’ ” ​ ​ 4. Making siyumim in the Nine Days. ​ ​ 14) Living With The Redemption: A New Perspective On The Love Of Our Fellowman 72 An Adaptation of an Address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Shabbos Parshas ​ Mattos-Maasei, 5751. ​ 15) The Eve of the 5th of Menachem Av, After Maariv...... 76 1. The AriZal’s yahrzeit. ​ 16) Shabbos Parshas , 9th Day of Menachem Av...... 77 1. The appropriateness of the present time for Mashiach’s coming. ​ ​ 2. The connection between the observance between Tishah BeAv this year and Yom Kippur, the revelation of the positive aspects of the month of Av on the Fifteenth of Av. 3. The positive dimensions of the Three Weeks, their connection to the Era of the Redemption. 4. Making siyumim until the Fifteenth of Av, celebrating the Fifteenth of Av with a Chassidic farbrengen. ​ ​ ​ ​ 17) Eve of the 11th of Menachem Av...... 83 1. Tishah BeAv, the Birthday of Mashiach. ​ ​ 18) Night Following the 11th of Menachem Av...... 86 1. Preparing to enter Eretz Yisrael. ​ ​ 19) The Birthday of Mashiach...... 89 An Adaptation of Addresses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on the Eve of the 11th and 12th of Menachem Av, 5751. 20) Tzivos Hashem, 13th Day of Menachem Av...... 93 1. Serving as a living example of Yiddishkeit. ​ 2. Children as the guarantors of the Torah. 3. The conclusion of the Ten Commandments, caring for another Jew’s property. 21) Shabbos Parshas Vaeschanan, 16th Day of Menachem Av...... 96 1. Nachamu, Nachamu, a twofold comfort for the destruction of the two Batei HaMikdash through the Third Beis HaMikdash in ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ the Era of the Redemption. 2. The Fifteenth of Av, its connection to the Future Redemption, the custom of increasing Torah study from this day onward. 3. The convention of Shluchim being held in Russia as a reflection of the wondrous nature of the present year; the importance of ​ ​ studying Pnimiyus HaTorah and studying about the Redemption as a foretaste of and catalyst for the ​ ​ Redemption. 4. A connection between the third chapter of Pirkei Avos and the Future Redemption. ​ ​ 22) 20th of Menachem Av...... 105 1. The connection between the service of the Levites (which is mentioned in the Torah reading associated with the present day) and the service of the Rebbe Shlita’s father. ​ ​ 23) Shabbos Parshas , 23rd Day of Menachem Av...... 109 1. Taking stock of one’s service of the entire previous year; service on one’s own initiative as the purpose of man’s creation and as characteristic of the month of Elul, the contrast between such service and revelation from Above. 2. Ikvesa deMeshichah, the time directly before Mashiach’s coming, the identification of this period with our present time. ​ ​ ​ ​ 24) “Of Great Light”, the Study of Chassidus in Braille as a Stepping Stone Towards the Redemption 117 An Adaptation of an Address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Shabbos Parshas Eikev, 5751. ​ ​ 25) Shabbos Parshas Re’eh, 1st Day of Rosh Chodesh Elul,...... 122 1. Service on one’s own initiative, the fundamental dimension of the service of Elul; the contrast between the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul which is identified with revelation from Above and the second day of Elul which is identified with service on one’s own initiative. 2. The five services for which the name Elul serves as an acronym, the connection between Elul and Parshas Re’eh, ​ ​ internalizing the influence which transcends our limits. 3. Taking stock of this year when “I will show you wonders,” the wonders that are now taking place in Russia. 26) Shabbos Parshas Shoftim, 7th Day of Elul...... 130 1. A comparison of the Torah’s command “appoint judges and officers...” with Yeshayahu’s prophecy “And I will return your judges as in former times, and your advisers as at the beginning.” 2. The contrast between a judge and a ; prophecy in the present generation as a foretaste of the Redemption; the obligation to heed the instructions of the judges and of the present day. 27) Eve of the 11th of Elul...... 142 1. Our connection to the Previous Rebbe, the influence of each of his two names, Yosef and Yitzchak. 2. The connection to this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Ki Seitzei and more particularly, to the portion of that reading ​ ​ connected with the present day. 28) Eve of the 13th of Elul...... 148 1. The anniversary of the Previous Rebbe’s wedding. 2. “Going out to war,” drawing G-d’s infinity into our limited world. 29) Shabbos Parshas Ki Seitzei, 14th Day of Elul...... 152 1. The interrelation between the parshiyos Ki Seitzei and Ki Savo, the need for our service in this world to be permeated by ​ ​ ​ ​ peace of mind and tranquility resulting from our awareness of the reward to be received for this service. 2. Directives for our conduct, studying about the Redemption, spreading happiness and joy, making our homes a microcosm of Tomchei Temimim, and providing people with their holiday needs. ​ ​ 30) The Fulfillment of Our Human Potential...... 160 An Adaptation of an Address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Shabbos Parshas Ki Seitzei, 5751. ​ ​ 31) Night Following 15th of Elul...... 164 1. Concluding the year when ‘I will show you wonders,’ preparing for the year when “wonders [will be] understood,” the founding of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim and the role played by its students. ​ ​ 32) Gan Yisrael & Camps, the 17th of Elul...... 168 1. Acknowledging G-d as King of the world, receiving His blessings in the new year to come. 2. Spreading good in the world at large and thereby increasing G-d’s blessings. 3. The distribution of money for tzedakah. ​ ​ 33) Night Following 18th of Elul...... 173 1. Chai Elul — infusing life-energy into Elul, focusing on clear directives for increase in our Torah conduct. ​ ​ 34) Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo, 21st Day of Elul...... 175 1. The significance of the mitzvah of Bikkurim, the Jewish people as the bikkurim of the world, its purpose and primary focus. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. The love relationship of the month of Elul, taking stock of one’s service in that month. 35) Eve of the 3rd Night of Selichos...... 184 1. The significance of the third day of Selichos, the lesson from Parshas , standing with the strength of a king. ​ ​ ​ ​ 36) Address to N’shei uBnos Chabad, 24th of Elul...... 189 1. Bringing blessing to the world, appreciating how the universe conducts itself in self-nullification to G-d. 2. Blessings for the coming new year. 37) The Eve of the 26th of Elul...... 194 1. Opening with blessing, the continuous renewal of creation. 2. The contrast between exile and the Era of the Redemption. 3. Bringing Bikkurim in the Beis HaMikdash. ​ ​ ​ ​ 38) The Eve of the 27th of Elul...... 198 1. The uniqueness of the present time, an explanation of the verse “For this mitzvah... is not in the heavens...” ​ ​