Selfconsistent description of vector-mesons in matter 1 Felix Riek 2 and J¨orn Knoll 3 Gesellschaft f¨ur Schwerionenforschung Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt Abstract We study the influence of the virtual pion cloud in nuclear matter at finite den- sities and temperatures on the structure of the ρ- and ω-mesons. The in-matter spectral function of the pion is obtained within a selfconsistent scheme of coupled Dyson equations where the coupling to the nucleon and the ∆(1232)-isobar reso- nance is taken into account. The selfenergies are determined using a two-particle irreducible (2PI) truncation scheme (Φ-derivable approximation) supplemented by Migdal’s short range correlations for the particle-hole excitations. The so obtained spectral function of the pion is then used to calculate the in-medium changes of the vector-meson spectral functions. With increasing density and temperature a strong interplay of both vector-meson modes is observed. The four-transversality of the polarisation tensors of the vector-mesons is achieved by a projector technique. The resulting spectral functions of both vector-mesons and, through vector domi- nance, the implications of our results on the dilepton spectra are studied in their dependence on density and temperature. Key words: rho–meson, omega–meson, medium modifications, dilepton production, self-consistent approximation schemes. PACS: 14.40.-n 1 Supported in part by the Helmholz Association under Grant No. VH-VI-041 2 e-mail:
[email protected] 3 e-mail:
[email protected] Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint Feb. 2004 1 Introduction It is an interesting question how the behaviour of hadrons changes in a dense hadronic medium.