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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03983-4 - The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume II: Historical, Social and Political Thought General Editors Nicholas Boyle and Liz Disley Edited by John Walker Index More information Index absolute spirit, 177 Butler on, 320–1 Adorno, Theodor feminist criticism, 281–2, 305–6 Minima Moralia, 213 on freedom, 295 on autonomy of reason, 210–11, 212–13, on gender, 296, 316–17 215–20, 229 as master–slave relationship, 304–5, nature’s relation to reason, 226–7 316–17 reason as ontology, 222–3 male desire for disembodiment, 320–1 Zwang, 216–19 women as defined by biological sex, on autonomy of will, 223–9 305 on developmental reason, 225–6 on recognition, 302–3, 315–17 on Hegel’s views on nature, 212 master–slave dialectic, 314 on instrumental reason, 193–4 on self-consciousness, 316 on Kant’s ethics, 201–2 on Stendhal, 316–17 on late capitalism and autonomy of reason, Second Sex, The, 316–17 213–14 being, 138, 145 on reification, 214–15 Berger, Johann Erich von, 102 alienation, 94–5, 98–9 academic career, 111 Marx on, 91–2, 94–5 Allgemeine Grundz¨uge zur Wissenschaft, nature as sphere, 322 127–9 recognition and, 318–19 early thought, 111–17 ambiguity, 314, 318 Hegel’s influence on, 125–9 anti-Semitism, 154 Herder’s influence on, 116 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 2 in Jena, 117 association, 84 in Kiel, 111–12 astronomy, 124 in Zurich,¨ 119–20 Aufforderung, 285–6 influence on Trendelenburg, 110–11, Auschwitz, 47 128–9 autism spectrum disorders, 325 ‘Letters on Nature’, 121–2 autonomy,
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