DLSU Student Handbook, the Student Media Group’S Bylaws, and Supervised by Their Respective Outgoing Editorial Board Members
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Name: Name: Address: Address: Telephone: I.D. Number Email Address: Email Address: Course: Course: Foreword The regulations that appear on this Student Handbook apply to all undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in the different colleges of the University who, upon admission agree to abide by these same regulations and conduct themselves so as to maintain discipline, uphold the good order of the school, preserve the fair name of the University, and actualize its Mission and Vision Statement. Aside from the norms contained on this Student Handbook, bulletin board and website postings, special manuals for specific purposes, and published announcements are the ordinary channels by which the University administration informs the student body of official business. The students should consult these channels regularly. The administrative authority of the University is vested on the President of the institution. The continued attendance of any student at De La Salle University subjects him or her to this authority, conforming to the spirit of the on-going policies set by the academic community. All rights reserved. Parts of this material maybe reproduced provided: (1) the material is not altered; (2) use is non commercial; (3) De La Salle University is acknowledged as source; and (4) De La Salle University is notified through (email) or (office), DLSU, 240 Taft Avenue, Manila 1004 Philippines. Revised copy reprinted President and Chancellor Br. Narciso Erguiza, Jr. FSC Welcome to De La Salle University! You are now embarking on a journey down the path of excellence and service, the same path taken by many who have gone on to become sterling examples in their respective fields serving society. As you begin your college life, I hope that you will become aware, appreciate, and embrace the Lasallian values of faith in action, zeal for service, and communion in mission. These values lie at the core of our Founder St. John Baptist de La Salle’s mission of making education a powerful tool to deepen our relationship with God and with our neighbors. You will find these values essentially helpful in your search for a meaningful, fulfilling, and fun-filled education, and even in your life after graduation. Over the past century, DLSU has earned the reputation of developing individuals who are known for their capacity to initiate path-breaking ideas, lead businesses and industries, develop communities, and inspire others to carry on the same passion for positive change. The University will continue to hold that tradition through the achievements and leadership of Lasallians like you. Our institution underscores the holistic development of students. In the face of the complexities and challenges of a technologically-driven, global society, the University prepares you in the various aspects of academic life. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom. Be ready then, to learn from the diversity of people and ideas around you. Our faculty members who come from over 100 international and local universities will immerse you in innovative and pioneering research undertakings. Your peers will engage you in various creative, athletic, and other non-academic endeavors. Members of communities outside the campus will open your eyes to the realities and challenges in our society. Through our international academic linkages and various industry partnerships, you will be exposed to the latest developments in your respective fields. This handbook aims to serve as your guide as you enter the hallowed halls of De La Salle University. This contains your rights as well as your responsibilities as a member of the Lasallian community. This also provides a list of our student groups and organizations. I encourage you to explore the opportunities offered to you by De La Salle University. May you realize and harness your potentials to the fullest extent, and make our Lasallian mission of teaching minds, touching hearts, and transforming lives, come alive in you. Animo La Salle! Table of Contents Introduction De La Salle Philippines - 4 DLSU: A Leading Learner-Centered Research University - 6 La Sallian Values And Prayer - 8 Lessons From The Founder - 10 100 Years Of De La Salle University - 12 Ready For Another Century - 16 Tips To Enjoying Campus Life - 18 General Provisions Section 1: General Directives - 21 Section 2: Student Classification - 25 Section 3: Communication - 44 Section 4: Social Norms - 44 Section 5: Student Discipline Formation - 48 Section 6: Student Grievance - 72 Section 7: Student Media - 80 Undergraduate Section 1: Fees, Scholarships and Payments - 89 Section 2: Attendance - 95 Section 3: Examinations - 97 Section 4: Credit, Grading and Retention - 98 Section 5: Trimestral Honors - 105 Section 6: Graduation - 106 Section 7: Discontinuance of Studies - 107 Section 8: Student Activities - 109 Graduate Section 1: Fees, Scholarships and Payments - 117 Section 2: Enrollment - 119 Section 3: Comprehensive Examinations - 123 Section 4: Credit, Grading and Retention - 124 Section 5: Thesis and Dissertation - 131 Section 6: Graduation - 135 Section 7: Discontinuance of Studies - 136 Section 8: Student Activities - 137 2 Appendices Appendix A: Guiding Principles of the Philippine Lasallian Family - 153 Appendix B: Lasallian Schools in the Philippines - 164 Appendix C: South Manila Inter-Institutional Consortium (SMI-IC) - 165 Appendix D: Student Formation and Services - 167 Appendix E: Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes - 177 Appendix F: DLSU Office Directory - 179 Appendix G: Campus Map - 190 DLSU-STC Campus Map - 192 Appendix H: Student Organizations - 194 Appendix I: Student’s Charter - 210 Appendix J: Rep ublic Act No.8049 (An act of Regulating Hazing and Other forms of Initiation Rites in Fraternities, Sororities, and other Organizations and Providing penalties therefor) - 221 Appendix K: Rep ublic Act No. 7877 (An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the Employment, Education or Training Environment, and for Other Purposes) - 225 Appendix L: Poli cies and Guidelines for the Prevention and Investigation of Sexual Harassment Cases - 229 Appendix M: Q&A on Random Drug Testing for Secondary and Tertiary Students - 238 Appendix N: Rep ublic Act 7079 (An act Providing for the Development and Promotion of Campus Journalism and for Other Purposes) - 243 Appendix O: De La Salle University Policies on Intellectual Property - 246 Appendix P: DLSU Policy and Guidelines on the Use of Trademarks - 257 Appendix Q: Memorandum on Dropping of Modular Accountancy Courses - 261 Appendix Z: Student Handbook Implementing Guidelines - 263 Lasallian Cheers/Songs - 271 3 DE LA SALLE PHILIPPINES PREAMBLE Deeply moved, as St. John Baptist de La Salle was, by the plight of the poor and youth-at-risk, we, the members of the Lasallian schools in the Philippines, commit ourselves to the Lasallian Mission of providing a human and Christian education to the young, especially in schools, with the service of the poor as priority, in order to evangelize and catechize, to promote peace and justice, accomplishing these together as a shared mission. We draw strength from the many Lasallians committed to incarnating our charism in our country today to serve the needs of Filipino youth, especially those at risk. • 4 DECLARATION Inflamed by the Holy Spirit, God’s own Fire, we declare our commitment to the following: • We shall work together as a national network of Lasallian schools in the Philippines for the efficient and effective implementation of the Lasallian Mission, following the directives of the De La Salle Brothers and the Philippine Lasallian Family as set by the General Chapter, the District Chapter, and the Philippine Lasallian DE LA SALLE Family Convocation. • We shall ensure the integrity of the Lasallin Mission by setting the directions and standards applicable to the Philippine Lasallian schools and by monitoring PHILIPPINES their implementation. • We shall promote the Lasallian Mission by fostering synergy, collaboration, and sharing among the Lasallian schools. • We shall uphold the Lasallian values of faith, zeal for service, and communion in mission. PRAYER In all these, we, together and by association, dedicate our life and work to God, who alone guarantees the fulfillment of our Lasallian dream.• 5 DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY A LEADING LEARNER- CENTERED RESEARCH UNIVERSITY PREAMBLE De La Salle University in Manila the Philippines is an internationally recognized Catholic university established by the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1911. Inspired by the charism of St John Baptist de La Salle, the University community, together and by association, provides quality human and Christian education by teaching minds, touching hearts and transforming lives. • VISION-MISSION A leading learner-centered research university, bridging faith and scholarship in the service of society, especially the poor 6 CORE VALUES FAITH (RELIGIO) DLSU is committed to nurturing a community of distinguished and morally upright scholars that harmonizes faith and life with contemporary knowledge in order to generate and propagate new knowledge for human development and social transformation. • SERVICE (MORES) DLSU is committed to being a resource for Church and Nation and being socially responsible in building a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation. • COMMUNION (CULTURA) DLSU is committed to building a community of leaders, competent professionals, scholars, researchers and entrepreneurs, who will participate actively in improving the quality of life in Philippine society within the perspective of Christian ideals and values. • 7 LASALLIAN VALUES AND LASALLIAN PRAYERS “LET US REMEMER WE ARE IN THE MOST HOLY PRESENCE OF GOD” Remembeing God’s presence is how we tune in to God. It is how we discover His will for us in the present moment. “I WILL CONTINUE O MY GOD TO DO ALL MY ACTIONS FOR THE LOVE OF YOU” Everything I do becomes a gift to God if it springs out from a desire to love Him. God, in turn, takes my gifts and uses them to bring blessings to the lives of others. 8 COMMUNION IN MISSION “LIVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS, FOREVER” If we allowed Jesus to live in our hearts, we would we can be Jesus for one another.