8.00 am Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 10.00 am Sung Communion, and Sunday Club in term time for children; followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room

On the First Sunday in the month services are as follows:

8.00am Said Holy Communion 10.00am Family Service (non-Eucharistic except at major festivals); no Sunday Club, all ages in church; followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room 6.30pm Evensong

Please check centre pages and Christ Church News for this month’s services and for seasonal variations. If you require transport to get to and from any of the services this month, or indeed at any time of the year, please contact a Churchwarden (details inside back cover). You can also find full details on our website What’s On page.

950 HOUSEHOLDS do what you are doing now, every month. They read this magazine!

If you run a business tell Shamley Green about it. Advertise in the area's most cost-effective magazine. Contact Karen for more information See details below

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE PARISH MAGAZINE Editor: Christine King Tel: 537608 Email: [email protected] Advertisements: Karen Anderton Tel: 894014 Email: [email protected] Distribution: Ginny Wicks Tel: 894873 Email: [email protected]



I like your pigeon

Bird-spotting The other day I was in our church school and happened to be wearing a brooch, a dove carved out of mother-of-pearl from Bethlehem. One of the children came up to me and said enthusiastically, “I like your pigeon!” There followed an interesting discussion about what the dove represents for Christians. Many will be familiar with it as a symbol of peace or with the story of Noah’s ark where the dove brings back a leaf showing that the floods have subsided. However, the dove we see in churches or in Christian art is a symbol for something, or rather someone, far greater and more significant: the Holy Spirit, i.e. the Spirit of God. It comes from the account of Jesus’ baptism in the Gospels (the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible) where people see the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus ‘like a dove’. As with all talk about God, it has to consist of analogy or metaphor because no one word, description or image would be adequate or accurate. So God’s Spirit is not actually a dove but the dove has become a symbol of her. Celtic spirituality, however, depicts her as the wild goose so why not a pigeon?

Another Helper We have a lot of pigeons in our garden. They spend a large amount of time foraging for food, be it new leaves on trees or seeds fallen from the bird-feeders. Being herbivores, however, they are not predatory, so other birds neither avoid them nor seek to drive them away. They can both fly and happily walk about on the ground so find their way into every part of the garden. There are some similarities here with the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit is also very concerned about nourishment and flourishing but ours rather than God’s. Jesus said the Spirit would guide us into all the truth, something we certainly need in today’s climate of fake news and the widespread loss of trust in authority. He also said the Spirit would be another Advocate or Helper, meaning another like him. As Jesus was always on the side of the marginalised, confused and distressed and never refused help to those who called out to him, this means the Spirit is very much our friend in whatever need we find ourselves. Jesus added that the Spirit would teach us everything and remind us of his own words. Those who feel cut adrift in a complex world, directionless and isolated, struggling to find meaning and purpose for their life, will welcome this kind of help too, while those who are vulnerable to predatory grooming and exploitation can call on God’s more powerful Spirit for protection and safe-keeping. And there is no part of our life the Spirit cannot go, nothing which can separate us from God’s care; as the Bible says: ‘How precious, O God, is your constant love! We find protection under the shadow of your wings.’ (Psalm 36:7)

Fruitful living The first Christians experienced the Spirit as God’s own life at work within them, equipping them with all sorts of gifts for their common life and helping them to develop what they called ‘the fruit of the Spirit’: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. That was the kind of people they became as they lived the life of the Spirit, nourished and guided by God’s love and wisdom.

Get in touch with your inner pigeon Guildford Cathedral is dedicated to the Holy Spirit and when I was in there the other day, I looked up at the east window, with the Spirit as a dove in the centre. I thought of all that the Spirit does for me and in me, and all that I see of her in other people of faith, active for good in the world, peacemakers and healers. And I found myself saying to God: “I really like your pigeon!” As we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (this year on 9th June) may you know the power of that pigeon within yourself, transforming your life and relationships, guiding you and watching over you. May you too find protection under the shadow of God’s wings and nourishment for your soul.

If you would like to discuss anything in this letter, or just to have a chat over a cup of coffee, do get in touch; I'd love to hear from you, Sally. The Revd. Sally Davies. (01483) 892030.

COPY DATE FOR THE JULY ISSUE: SUNDAY 9th JUNE to the Editor, please, by midnight. Email willingly accepted, to: [email protected]


2 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019


Lunch and more Tuesday 17th July 12 noon Holy Communion followed by lunch.

Donations to the church You can make on-off contributions direct to our new Shamley Green PCC Donations Account: Acc. No. 30638712 Sort Code 60-06-19. If you would like to know how you can support our parish church through regular giving by standing order, through a legacy or how to increase the value of your donation by Gift Aid, please contact our Treasurer Tony Robinson (01483 229141); [email protected]) or our Planned Giving Officer David Healey (01483 893607; [email protected])

. Easter at Christ Church

Reminder: Holy Land Pilgrimage 17-26th September

Contact John Bundock 01403 752425, [email protected] or see the brochures at the back of the church.

Bells, Chimes and a bit of History You may have noticed recently scaffolding surrounding the spire of the church or if attending services only 3 of the 6 bells being rung; they are rung from the ground inside the church via a system of wires passing up the West end, along the rafters then up to the bells. There are 6 quite large bells, for the size of the bell chamber, struck with hammers using a complicated system of levers – they were installed back in 1953 – see photograph. Because there is no internal access for maintenance, there has to be an external scaffold, ladders (by a Steeplejack) or from a large ‘cherry picker’ and understandably during 65 years very little maintenance has been possible; when we were down to just 3 bells something had to be done so a scissor lift inspected the high level wires internally then a crane platform up and over the roof to look inside the bell chamber. The scene with the side louvre removed was one of dismay and horror; years of Magpies nesting and young birds unable to fly the nest piled up round the bells jamming the mechanism which itself was seen to be broken and in need of a complete refurbishment – add to this repairs and rebuilding of louvres and tower cladding the work from scaffold, builders and specialists finishing in February depleted church reserves by £15,000, such maintenance costs being a further example to justify the ongoing stewardship campaign. Did you know that tubular chimes were used in church towers as bells – normally one thinks of tubular chimes as the sort of thing attached to the front door bell, maybe hanging outside to make ‘pretty’ noises when the wind blows or in the percussion section of an orchestra chiming out in the 1812 Tchaikovsky overture. We were contacted recently by a church in West Ewell asking about our tubular chimes and enquiries confirmed that Christ Church once had a full set of 6 chimes, in the spire, for about 50 years one of only 6 in Surrey; sadly only the church in Ewell remains as a working set of Chimes – see photograph. Apparently our Chimes were installed in 1902 in memory of H.Scott Boys whose family lived at Orchard Gap; they were rung until the 2nd World war when they needed repair. The families of the Gossages of Woodlands Madgehole Lane and the Lampsons of Willingshurst jointly replaced them in 1952 with the present set of bells in memorium. Colin Jobson

4 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

Shamley Green Gardening Club

Despite the extreme swings of weather patterns, due possibly to climate change, that we have seen over the past few years, it is remarkable how similar the weather often is on dates a year apart! The Gardening Club embarked on the first visit of this year in early May and although not wet it was a little chilly. The venue for our first visit was Spurfold in the pretty Surrey Hills village of Peaslake (two members enjoyed a lovely walk there from Shamley Green!) Four acres in total, 2½ acres is laid out with very skilfully positioned shrub and herbaceous beds, all surrounded by immaculate lawns, maintained by the owner without the use of chemical weedkillers – an amazing achievement. There was a strong feeling that shoes should be removed before walking on them! A delightful sunken gravel bed, planted with box topiary, tulips, myosotis, a very fragrant wisteria, colourful azaleas and rhododendrons, and a very attractive terraced area complete with formal pond kept members occupied until drinks and canapes appeared, provided by the very hospitable owners. An area of ancient woodland behind the house was also worth a stroll around before congratulating our hosts on their beautiful garden – maintained to perfection despite the efforts of Barney – the exuberant retriever- and a resident badger! Linda Penny


Shamley Green History Society

In April our speaker was Henry Macrory, who entertained us with the extraordinary story of Whitaker Wright, whose road from rags to riches, to financial ruin and finally suicide, included massive financial scams which ruined many investors as well as, eventually, himself. His many escapes from justice took him across the North of England, Canada, the States and back to London, and reached its climax with the amazing folly that he built in Park, sweeping aside hills that got in the way of the view, employing 600 workmen to dig out 4 lakes, under one of which he built an underwater aquarium-cum-smoking room and occasional ballroom, to the apparent amusement of passing carp. The law finally caught up with him and with a last dramatic flourish he took cyanide outside the courtroom where he had just received a prison sentence. Our next event is on Wednesday 5th June, we meet at 2.30 by the cherry tree opposite the village shop, when Chairman Michael Harding is going to lead us on one of his very popular meanders, this time around the village green, when we are sure to learn much about the history of the village. Non- members are welcome to this event, which is free. Glynis Drummond has very kindly invited us back to the Malthouse for tea and cake after the walk, but if you would like to come back after the walk, please be quite sure to contact me either by e-mail ([email protected] ) or phone 01483 892902, by Saturday 1st June, as we need to know what numbers to expect. Valerie Esplen.

Shamley Green Badminton Club

Shamley Green Badminton Club welcome new members to our friendly group. We meet at Shamley Green School Hall on Wednesday evenings between 8pm - 10pm. If you would like more information we will be at the Shamley Green Village Fete running the tombola stall. Pam Chandler

6 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

News from Wonersh & Shamley Green School

We’re very excited that we’ve appointed a Deputy Headteacher for our school! Mr Mark Wiselka – who’s taught at WSG for the last four years in both Year 5 and Year 6 – was appointed in the spring. Mr Wiselka is an excellent teacher and has done an outstanding job over the last two years of raising the profile of sport at our school as well as developing our PSHEC (Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship) curriculum. He is excited about this opportunity, and we’re looking forward to all that he will bring to the role.

A huge thank you to all the parents, children and staff who worked so hard at our Woodland Working Party on a cold and windy Saturday in late April. It was a great team effort and a lot of fun, and our woods are now looking wonderful for the summer term.

The warmer weather brings the opportunity for an even greater range of off-site trips. In recent weeks Year 2 have visited Nower Wood – an educational nature reserve – where they took part in a mini-beast safari and pond-dipping, while Year 6 have practised map, compass and orientation skills on a trip to Box Hill. The Year 5 residential trip to Ironbridge was a real highlight, with the children overcoming challenges together and practising kindness, friendship and respect – and several members of the public commented on their friendliness and excellent behaviour. Years 4 and 6 are eagerly looking forward to their upcoming residential trips later this month.

Cultivating a love of books and reading is a high priority at our school. To this end, in early May twelve lucky Year 5 and 6 students attended the Awesome Book Awards at Cranleigh School, where they enjoyed a spectacular awards ceremony and heard from some of the best authors in the country. Our key stage 2 children also enjoyed a visit from Stewart Foster, author of a number of books including Bubble Boy, who talked about his books and ran a writing workshop for Years 5 and 6.

The children have also benefited from some exciting new sport and dance opportunities. At the end of the spring term we had the privilege of hosting athlete Ezekiel Ewulo, who has represented the UK and Nigeria in athletics, winning over 300 medals. He spoke to the whole school about healthy eating and exercise, and did a fitness circuit with each class. Our older children also enjoyed an amazing visit from Andy Instone of street dance organisation Urban Strides. Andy spoke to all of key stage 2 in an inspiring assembly and then ran street dance workshops with the children, who then had the chance to show off their skills in a performance.

We will be holding our annual sports day, summer fair and barbecue from 1 – 6pm on Friday 28 June – we’d love to see you there.

8 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

Can you spare a few hours on a Wednesday, once a month?

The Villages Wednesday Club (formerly the Four Villages Day Centre) needs volunteers: we run from 9am to 3pm every Wednesday at Blunden Court in Bramley, giving local elderly people a friendly day with morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea, activities, exercises, etc. If you would like to help, we are looking for people to do either a morning or an afternoon session. You would be chatting to our members, serving refreshments and lunch, selling raffle tickets, generally giving a hand with whatever is needed! We’re a friendly bunch of people and volunteering with the Villages Wednesday Club isn’t just work, it’s also a nice sociable time. We ask our volunteers to commit to one Wednesday a month, and there is a rota system enabling you to swop your shift with someone else if need be. For further information please contact the Manager Jenny Warner on 01483 894795, or email [email protected]. Further information on our website

The Arbuthnot Hall is a thriving community facility in the centre of the village and is available for hire with main hall, stage, fully equipped kitchen bar / committee room and disabled access.



SEASONAL - CRICKET CLUB Other functions include: Newcomers Supper SHADES pantomime Children’s activity afternoon – (Lordshill Playground) 200 Club Lunch Village Fete NSPCC Punch and Pate Luncheon Shamley Green History Society Conservative Jumble Sale ALSO private parties and other fund raising events.

Should you wish to book your own function or to enquire about any of the above events, please call Ali Bull 01483 892254. Thank you.


1st Mr. R. A. Robinson Gomshall

2nd Mrs. T. Alner Hullbrook Lane

3rd Mr. D. Healey Highcroft

4th Mrs. E. Thompson Wonersh

10 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

12 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

SHAMLEY GREEN VILLAGE CARE It’s an organisation set up to provide transport (for example to hospitals, GP surgeries, chiropodists, shops) to any resident of Shamley Green Parish who is unable to drive themselves or use public transport easily.

It calls on a small band of volunteers who give their services free. A donation is suggested to cover the mileage and parking costs. VILLAGE CARE WANTS YOU----- to get in touch if you have difficulties getting to the services you need. Penny Hodgson 898779 or Glynis Drummond 890475 Time for Tea

EVERY 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH 2pm — 4pm COMMUNITY ROOM GARDEN CLOSE SHAMLEY GREEN Everyone welcome, come and enjoy good company, fun activities, homemade cakes and tea.

14 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019



Volunteer Helpers welcome from 9am

(email: [email protected] )

JUNE2019 – thedral

al al


- 15 - 17, 17, 25


5; John 16.12 John 5;


21; John 14.8 John 21; -

Wedding Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Common of (Book Said Communion Service Family Evensong Choral ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Prayer Vigil Guildford Cathedral Guildford Vigil Prayer Come’ Kingdom ‘Thy Home Group Home ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Contemporary Worship Guildford Ca Guildford Worship Contemporary Come’ Kingdom ‘Thy Village Fête Fête Village Sung Communion and Sunday Club Sunday and Communion Sung Cathedr Guildford Festival Prayer Come’ Kingdom ‘Thy Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Common of (Book Said Communion Finance Committee Finance Romans 5.1 Romans Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Prayer) Common of (Book Said Communion Club Sunday and Communion Sung Acts 2.1 Acts

CHRIST CHURCH DIARY OF EVENTS EVENTS OF DIARY CHURCH CHRIST 11.00pm - Easter 7 Easter 1.00pm 8.00 am 8.00 10.00am 6.30pm PENTECOST Readings: Magazine copy due by midnight due by copy Magazine 8 10.00am 6.00pm 1.00pm 10.00am 4.00pm 8.00 am 8.00 7.30pm TRINITY SUNDAY TRINITY Readings: 8.00am


Sunday Sunday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Saturday

Tuesday Sunday

1 2




11 16

16 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

this month) this



39 - 11, 16 11, -



end; Luke 8.26 Luke end; - 14; Luke 10.1 14; Luke


‘Time for Tea’, Community Room, Garden Close Garden Room, Community Tea’, for ‘Time Worship and Outreach Committee Outreach and Worship Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Common of (Book Said Communion Club Sunday and Communion Sung Home Group Home Galatians 3.23 Galatians Wedding Wedding Galatians 5.1, 13 5.1, Galatians Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Common of (Book Said Communion Club Sunday and Communion Sung Isaiah 66.10 Isaiah Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Common of (Book Said Communion Service Family No Club (NB Sunday and Communion Sung Choral Evensong Choral

after Trinity after Trinity after after Trinity after st rd nd 2.00pm 7.30pm 8.00 am 8.00 10.00am 10.00am Readings: Readings: 1.30pm 1.00pm 1 Readings: 8.00am 10.00am 3 Readings: 2 8.00 am 8.00 10.00am 6.30pm

Monday Tuesday Monday Friday Friday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday


17 18 21 22 23 24



18 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

Trim, tone and dance your way to stay FABS! A fitness class designed specifically for the over-60s is to be launched in Wonersh Memorial Hall, as part of a campaign to help people to stay young by improving strength, balance and overall health as we age. Anna Pritchard is on a mission to keep the over 60s moving by encouraging them to go along to an exercise class with a difference, designed by Move it or Lose It founder Julie Robinson as seen on BBC's “How to Stay Young”. This class is known as FABS, which stands for Flexibility, Aerobics, Balance and Strength. The FABS programme combines exercises that have been scientifically proven by the Centre for Healthy Ageing Research at the University of Birmingham to turn back the clock. Anna explains how her Move It Or Lose It class can help older people feel fabulous about life: ‘The exercises we do in the classes are easy to follow and fun and can be tailored to all levels of fitness and mobility. The whole class can be done seated or standing, with or without the use of a chair for balance. This isn’t about people dressing in lycra ready to hit the gym, FABS is for people who want to live longer, happier, healthier lives. We ensure there's a warm welcome for everyone who attends.” Join us for a free taster session on June 11th at 10.30am at the Wonersh Memorial Hall. The classes will cost £5 per week but will include post workout refreshments. For further information please contact Anna Pritchard on 07768 922641

20 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

Shamley Green Cricket Fixtures

02 Jun WONERSH CC HOME 2.00PM 09 Jun HOOK & SOUTHBORO CC HOME 2.00PM 12 Jun T20: Wonersh CC AWAY 6:00PM 16 Jun BRAMLEY CC HOME 2.00PM 20 Jun T20: Shalford CC AWAY 6:00PM 22 Jun Village Idiots HOME 2:30PM 23 Jun TOWER TRANSIT HOME 2.00PM 27 Jul T20: Bramley CC AWAY 6:00PM 30 Jun PRESIDENTS MATCH HOME 2.00PM 07 Jul COLDHARBOUR CC AWAY 1:30PM 11 Jul T20: Sanford CC AWAY 6:00PM 14 Jul WEYBRIDGE VANDALS HOME 2.00PM 21 Jul LEATHERHEAD CC HOME 2.00PM 28 Jul PUNTER SOUTHALL HOME 2.00PM 04 Aug TBC TBC 2.00PM 11 Aug SHALFORD CC HOME 2.00PM 18 Aug HAMBLEDON CC AWAY 2.00PM 25 Aug MERROW CC AWAY 2.00PM 01 Sep BANK OF ENGLAND XI AWAY 1.30PM



Apologies to Mrs. Betty Lein, the poem credited to her father should have read ‘Ovenden’ , not ‘Overton’ as printed in the May magazine. Editor.

Our recent visit to I-India in Jaipur

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all of you who gave us cash and clothing to take to i-India, the charity that provides love, care, shelter and education for children living on the streets of Jaipur or who have been rescued from bonded labour. We visited the charity whilst we were on holiday in April and the cash and clothes were extremely welcome. They plan to install fresh water dispensers in the children’s hostels with the money that you gave us. The clothes accounted for over 50% of the weight we took but thankfully only one of the airlines charged us excess baggage!

I-India runs a small number of hostels in Jaipur, for boys and girls, many of whom have been exploited. They rely totally on donations. The photo shows a group of boys who were released from bonded labour in the previous 3 or 4 weeks– most of whom will not have had any previous schooling. Thank you again for your generosity and support – I know that it was much appreciated. Lyn Barber

22 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

SURREY ARTISTS OPEN STUDIOS 1-16 June 2019 CRANLEY COTTAGE, STONARDS BROW June 1/2/6/7/8 and 9. 11am to 5pm

As part of SAOS Summer Event, CRANLEY COTTAGE, STONARDS BROW will be open on June 1/2/6/7/8 and 9 where artwork will be on display by Alison Harding, Zuju Shareef, Sue Ransley & Cora Martin. We also have, Silver Jewellery from Clare Lewendon, ceramics from JoJo Rowley, with Kym Dieterich ‘Be-joo’ jewellery (silver and semi-precious stones) and cards to buy - plenty for everyone to view. We are open from 11am - 5pm on the days stated above.

Cranley Cottage is part of a Cranleigh Trail to other nearby Open Studios. Brochures will be available in the Village shop ----- so look out for the Orange Balloons indicating ours and other Open Studio on your travels.

Surrey Artists Open Studios is an annual visual arts opportunity for the public to visit studios, meet artists & makers, view demonstrations, buy artwork, and take part in creative workshops. Studio locations are throughout Surrey and around its borders. There is a wide variety of work including print-making, jewellery, ceramics, textiles, painting, wood-turning, sculpture, illustration, glass work and much more.If you have never taken the opportunity to enjoy time visiting the various sites, go to for further information. Alison Harding 893457

Artwork by Penny Green, SOAS contributor.

See also advert on page 7

Please telephone any of us if you Your councillors: have a local issue you would like to discuss. Rod Weale 898006 Or contact the Parish Clerk Lisa Mike Band 892880 Davison on 892601 or by email at [email protected] or visit the Chris Crouch 892231 office in the Wonersh Sports Pavilion Rob Ellis 892439 on Tuesday mornings 1000-1200 – please call the clerk for an appointment on 01483 892601. Or come to the Parish Council meeting on the second Thursday of each month (except August and December) to raise your concerns.

24 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019


The Jubilee Room and Church Hall Shamley Green A lovely rural setting within easy reach of Guildford For all your meeting and party requirements,

• • Fully Equipped Kitchens Crockery, cutlery and suitable furniture available • Toilet Facilities • Jubilee Room has disabled access • Seating for 40-60 people and facilities (check individual venue for details) • Children’s parties in Church Hall only • Car parking • Church also available for Quiet Days

To hire please contact Clare Stevens Tel: 01483 893211

U3A Wonersh & District

(including Blackheath, Bramley, Chilworth, Shalford & Shamley Green)


DATE TOPIC Monday 3 Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Tuesday 4 Tai Chi Improvers & Intermediate – Lawnsmead , Wednesday 5 Table Tennis – Bramley Sports Pavilion Thursday 6 Latin Advanced – Mah Jong – Bramley Library Room Friday 7 French – Selwyn Room, Wonersh Parish Church (note venue) Monday 10 Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Book Club – Selwyn Room, Wonersh Parish Ch. Tuesday 11 Tai Chi Improvers & Intermediate – Lawnsmead Wednesday 12 Pub Lunch – Red Lion, Shamley Green Music Making − Godalming Thursday 13 Latin Intermediate – Godalming Monday 17 Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Gardening – venue to be announced Tuesday 18 Tai Chi Improvers & Intermediate – Lawnsmead Walk – meet at Sandy Lane, St Catherines, G’ford Bridge – Turner Room, Lawnsmead, Wonersh Wednesday 19 Table Tennis – Bramley Sports Pavillion Thursday 20 Latin Advanced – Godalming Friday 21 French − Turner Room, Lawnsmead, Wonersh Woodcarving – Bramley Village Hall Monday 24 Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Tuesday 25 Tai Chi Improvers & Intermediate – Lawnsmead Wednesday 26 Knebworth House, Herts − coach trip Thursday 27 Latin Intermediate – Godalming Friday 28 Art – Bramley Village Hall

Future events: 3 July, Explore London, Regents Park & Canal – meet at Waterloo Station. 17 July, Summer BBQ – Wonersh Cricket Pavilion. 25 July, Broughton Castle, Oxon – coach trip. 21 August, Chichester Theatre, Oklahoma! − matinee + coach. 11 September, Royal Palace Pavilion, Brighton – coach trip. 25 September, Explore London, Covent Garden & The Strand – coach + guide.

Newcomers are welcome at any meeting. For further details, please phone Cilla Morris 01483 892348,

or visit . .

26 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019


All aspects undertaken including complete draindown, cleaning and repairs to ponds of any size.

To arrange a free estimate phone David Smithers 01483 374620 (eves) 07732 541057 (mob)

. .

J. Morris LOGS THAT BURN. KINDLING THAT LIGHTS. Hardwood logs for open fires and log burners. COMPOSTS MULCHES GARDEN SUPPLIES Load sizes from 1 to 6 metres

Collecon & delivery 7 days a week. Established for over 50 years. Please contact: M: 07587 343 572 / 07831 811186 T: 01483 423193 E: [email protected] Compton Nursery, The Street, Compton, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1EJ

28 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019

Rowleys Centre for the Community Victoria Road, Cranleigh

A friendly and welcoming atmosphere and a great place to meet up with friends, enjoy a meal or one of our acvies. You can also sign up to go on one of our popular day trips or breaks.

. There is no age limit at Rowley’s, we welcome everyone of all ages. Our regular visitors are from all around the Cranleigh district including Shamley Green but if you live a lile further afield and would like to come along, there are no restricons. Phone us on 01483 277155 or Email: [email protected]

Loxwood Landscapes Paul Gregson BSc Hons * Hard Landscaping * Soft Landscaping * Garden Design * Any project considered for friendly advice and a free and prompt quotation please call Paul on ℡ 01403 753204 / 07949 312402 or e-mail [email protected]

30 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019


Notes for Contributors All articles should be emailed to the editor at [email protected] by the 9th of the previous month. if this is not possible please contact the editor, Christine King on 537608 , for individual negotiation.

Articles should be submitted as follows:

- In Arial font (easy to read) - Size 10pt for text and 14pt for heading - Justified both sides for text - Centred and bold title (mixed case) - Any tables should be discussed with the editor, as these do not always transfer to Publisher - Original MS Office documents preferred to ‘.pdf’s, which may distort when resized - Photographs in .jpeg format and should not exceed 2 megapixels You or the organisation you represent must hold the copyright to the image, i.e. you or they own it: unless told otherwise we will assume that you/they do so.

Please include photos where possible to grab readers’ attention! Adverts Please contact Karen Anderton (details inside front page). Please email us ‘camera-ready’ adverts in .pdf, .jpeg or.doc format after agreeing fees with Karen.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The main issue remains lack of reporting minor crimes, please help support our village and ensure you report issues and not ignore them. This can be done in confidence to Surrey Police on: 101 (the national non-emergency number) or

As always in an EMERGENCY dial 999 IIIf you want to give information about a crime or criminal activity without giving your name you can call the independent charity: Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

32 Shamley Green Parish Magazine June 2019 WHO’S WHO IN SHAMLEY GREEN VICAR Rev Sally Davies The Vicarage, Church Hill, Shamley Green, GU5 0UD (opposite church) [email protected] 892030 CHURCHWARDENS Brian Grove 892299 Jonathan Jenner 898954


Penny Hodgson Josie Pitchforth pennyhodgson @ 898779 josiepitchforth @ 271595 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Clare Stevens 893211 Tony Robinson 229141 [email protected] [email protected] Safeguarding Rep Gisela Redman ORGANIST/DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Daphne Hamilton 893033


Clare Stevens 893211 Annabelle Ball 898596 WHOLLY YOUTH

Jonathan Jenner 898954 CHURCH FLOWERS GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME Daphne Nunneley 892905 Alison Harding 893457 PARISH WEBSITE PARISH MAGAZINE contacts and informaon— See inside Front Cover VILLAGE CARE

Penny Hodgson 898779 Glynis Drummond 890475


Waverley Borough Michael Harding 892651 LORDSHILL PLAYGROUND MEALS ON WHEELS Sam Godwin 891847 Rowleys 277155 NSPCC SHADES Deborah Blake 892392 Clare Stevens 893211


Cilla Morris 892348 [email protected]


Clerk:Lisa Davison 892601 Councillor: Michael 892880