Current Ref. SS1 Land to the West and East of A1034, Nominated No. 19 Regulation 25 Ref. None


Nominator: W Clifford Watts Ltd

Contact: Mr Terry Horton

OS Grid Ref: SE 915 314

Type of Extraction / Silica Sand Potential Extraction Material:

Site Area: 61 ha West parcel = 39.65 ha. East Parcel = 21.35 ha. Quantity / Output Rate: 1.6m tonnes / 80,000 tonnes per annum.

Indicative Working Proposals Progressive working proposed, with largest amount of ground worked at any one time approx 2.3 ha. Material to be processed on site by approved plant. Further tree planting proposed to provide visual screening. Nomination supported by specification of mitigation measures for proposed extraction. Current Status: None

Proposed Status: Proposed Area of Search for re-opening of the dormant quarry and extension on opposite side of the A1034 put forward via the Consultation Process.

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Extent of Area of Search




0 50 100 200 300 400 m


PROJECT East Riding of Council & Hull City Council Joint Minerals DPD TITLE SS1 Silica Sand Nomination Land to the West and East of A1034, South Cave SCALE DATE DRAWN 1:10,000 at A4 04/06/14 KA © Crown Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Council 100023383 P:\GBEXD\Property Design\DE2 5040000s\5049925 East Riding of Yorkshire - A Hoey\Candidate Mineral Sites Fact Sheets (all sites)\Geospatial\WIP\SS1.mxd

DESK-TOP ASSESSMENT Is the Site referred to in another Plan or Contains Geological SSSIs. Policy The nominated site is in an Area of High Landscape Value.

Is the Site currently safeguarded in any The nominated site is in a Minerals Consultation Area in the Plan or Policy Local Plan and the Local Plan (straddles the boundary between the two Local Authorities).

Any planning applications previously Western parcel includes dormant quarry with extant within the area. permission for a batching plant on the northern boundary. (11/03318/STPLF approved sept 2011.)

Surrounding land use Surrounded by farmland with farmsteads to the north and east.

Nearest residential property in metres Station House is within the nominated site. A dwelling and farmstead are on the eastern side of the A1034 and excluded from the Nomination Site. There are 433 dwellings within 2km of the nominated site, 48 of which are within 1km.

Access to Site A1034. The batching plant in the north of the Nomination Site benefits from an existing industrial standard access point. The dormant quarry benefits from an un-metalled access onto Road.

Highway improvements required Improvements may be required subject to the level of activity should proposals come forward.

Nearest watercourse / floodplain The nearest watercourse is Ferry Beck located in the southern part of the Nomination Site and Beck immediately adjacent to the northern boundary.

Environment Agency Flood Risk Zone The site is located in a Flood Zone 1.

Public Right of Way No public footpaths run through or are immediately adjacent to the Nomination Site. The southern border of the Nomination Site is formed by Swinescaif Road, and the two parcels are split by the A1034. Public footpaths pass to the north (325m) and south (166m) of the Nomination Site.

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Character Area: Bordering Character Area 11A: West Facing Open Farmland; and Character Area 11B: Intermediate Sloping Farmland.

Quality: This is a diverse attractive landscape on the south-west edge of the . Detractors do exist, particularly in the southern part of this character area. The A63 Dual Carriageway is a detractor and development along its corridor has resulted in the loss of key landscape features and fragmentation of landscape pattern. Landscape quality of the Landscape Character Area 11A West Facing Open Farmland, is assessed to be high. For the remainder of this landscape character type it is assessed to be good due to the presence of detractors and the influence of the urban edge of Elloughton in an otherwise high quality landscape.

Capacity: This landscape type is elevated with views over it from the higher chalk slopes of the Yorkshire Wolds to the east and views up to it from the lower Humberhead levels to the west. It is a transitional landscape between the Wolds and the Humberhead Levels and has historic importance. Development along the southern slopes has already impacted on the rural character of the area. The capacity of the landscape to accept new development that would not result in the further amalgamation of settlements is low. The southern part of this character type is also an important approach to the city of Hull and further urbanisation along this corridor would impact on the setting of the city. The northern Jurassic Hills Farmland around Sancton, , Hotham and so far retains its rural character. Views of features such as churches e.g. North Ferriby Parish Church and parkland are important to the strength of character and local distinctiveness.

Sensitivity: This rising landscape type has high sensitivity to development that would be viewed against the skyline as this would detract from the characteristic landform. The landscape has a greater capacity to accept small scale development that respects current landscape pattern, vernacular and views and that implements appropriate mitigation measures. These would include woodland and tree planting.

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Landscape and Land Use Features found within 2 km Agricultural GRADE 2 0.00 Land GRADE 3 0.00 Classification GRADE 4 0.26 Contains Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Land

Land The Humberhead Levels 1.76 Management Initiatives Area of High Yes Landscape Value (AHLV) Environmentally No Sensitive Areas Living Ellerker Wolds Slopes 0.00 Landscape Environmental Stewardship Scheme Start Date Status Agreement Ref Agreements Entry Level Stewardship 01/02/2006 Live AG00168717 Entry Level Stewardship 01/05/2006 Live AG00130453 Entry Level Stewardship 01/03/2006 Live AG00073912 Organic Entry Level Stewardship 01/12/2008 Live AG00286840 Entry Level Stewardship 01/01/2006 Live AG00162479 Entry Level Stewardship 01/12/2006 Live AG00243034 Entry Level Stewardship 01/09/2005 Live AG00080141 Entry Level Stewardship 01/07/2008 Live AG00279272 Entry Level Stewardship 01/01/2006 Live AG00175731 Entry Level Stewardship 01/08/2005 Live AG00073178 Entry Level Stewardship 01/09/2005 Live AG00035226 Entry Level Stewardship 01/11/2006 Live AG00222102 Entry Level Stewardship 01/01/2006 Live AG00081326 Entry Level Stewardship 01/05/2006 Live AG00194431 Entry Level Stewardship 01/12/2005 Live AG00087549

Countryside 14CSS012 025 0.10 Stewardship 14CSS012356 1.01 Schemes

Ground Water The Nomination Site is not within a Ground Water Protection Zone. Protection Zone The closest catchment is approximately 3km to the east.

Coastal Marine Features found within 2 km Marine No. Nomination Site is not within 2km of the coast.

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Ecological Features found within 8 km RAMSAR The Humberhead Levels 1.76 Site Estuary 4.69

SSSI Drewton Lane Pits 0.00 Geological SSSI Everthorpe Quarry 0.00 Geological SSSI Drewton Lane Pits 0.46 Wyedale 2.32 Dale 2.52 Brantingham Dale 2.82 Hotham Meadow 2.95 Newbald Becksies 4.21 Humber Estuary 4.69 Common 5.10 South Cliffe Common 5.71 Melton Bottom Chalk Pit 5.82 Melton Bottom Chalk Pit 6.51

SAC Humberhead Estuary 4.69

SPA The Humberhead Levels 1.76

Humber Estuary 4.69 National No Nature Reserve Local Nature No Reserve Local Nature There is a Borough Ecology Management Area within 8km of the site (6.88km). Conservation Designations There are 4 East Yorkshire LWS within the Nomination Site, or within 1km. There are 39 East Yorkshire LWS between 1km and 8km of the Nomination Site.

Ancient Little Wood 5.41 Woodland Little Wood 5.62 Nut Wood 6.63

7.25 Regionally St Austins Stone 1.84 Important Brantingham Dale Plantation 2.29 Geological North Cave Wetlands 2.47 Sites (RIGS) Wardills Plantation, Brantingham 2.57 Disused Pit, Hotham 2.86 Hotham 3.03 Disused Quarry, North Newbald 3.62 Disused Pit, Newbald Wold 4.99 6.00

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Important Site Ref Name Description Distance Bird Areas 90022 Humber Flats The Humber Estuary and Coastline, including Spurn Point, an Approx Marshes and elongated shingle spit capped by sand dunes and extensive 5km to Coast intertidal habitats, especially mudflats. The site also includes the south saline lagoons and reedbeds phragmites.

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Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Features found within 8 km World Heritage Sites No

Scheduled There are 20 Scheduled Monuments within 8km of the Nomination Site. Monuments Of these, the closest include: Romano-British Villa At Cockle Pits, near Brantingham (26522) c.2.50 km S Brough Petuaria Roman Settlement (ER98) 4.70 km S

Registered Parks and Houghton Hall approximately 7.70 km north west Gardens Registered Battlefield No

Listed Buildings There are no Listed Buildings within the proposed Nomination Site.

There are 20 Listed Buildings within 1km of the Nomination Site, of which: 19 are Grade II the closest = South Cave Cemetery 0.07 km; and 1 is Grade II* Market Place Farmhouse 0.85 km

A further 22 Listed Buildings are within 2km of the Site. Two of these are Grade II*, and one is Grade I – Church of All Saints (1.46km).

There are 126 Listed Buildings between 2km and 8 km from The Nomination Site.

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