ABOUT SAVKAR AGRO Savkar Agro established in 2018 in Kandalgaon village which is located in South Tehsil of in , . It is situated 25km away towards West from district headquarter Solapur. 460 km from State capital Mumbai and well connected by air, express ways (roads) and Trains. Started in the year 2018, now an ISO 9001 - 2015 certified company, has acquired a name in Indian market for its Quality, Price and Services within a short span of time. Innovative approach and our honest intention to transform the life of farmers has helped us to get this name.

Savkar Agro Products are one of the best quality natural food products. Savkar Agro is one of the renowned brand names in the market of Spices & Tamarind dedicated to serve millions of households all over India. We retain the natural aroma and flavor of Spices & Tamarind during the manufacturing process using the latest machineries and maintaining the traditional style and taste.

Savkar Agro Products has the Stamp of Hygiene, Quality and Freshness to the core. Our products are also sold in the Indian market by some of our corporate customers in their own brands. In order to reach and cover Pan India presence have office in Mumbai & two processing centres at Solapur.

Reg. Office: Savkar Agro Flat No: 104, Gokul Corner CHS Ltd., Plot No: 5A/1, Sector 5, Kamothe, Tal: Panvel, District: Raigarh, Maharshtra, India. Pin - 410209 Mobile: +91 9594005161 Email: [email protected]

Processed & Packaged at

Unit 1: Swanne Wadi, A/p Kandalgaon, Tal South Solapur, Dist. Solapur, Maharashtra, India - 413221

Unit 2: A/- Bashweshwar Nagar, P/- Degaon, , District: Solapur, Maharshtra, India. Pin - 413002

______Reg. Office: Flat No: 104, Gokul Corner CHS Ltd., Plot No-5A/1, Sector-5, Kamothe, Panvel, District-Raigad, Maharashtra, India 410209. web: www.savkaragro.com Email ID: [email protected], [email protected] Contact: +91 9594005161