The Village Magazine of the Chiddingstones


Churches Associate Priest Bill MacDougall 01892 870442 Churchwardens (St Mary’s Bob Golds 01892 870429 Chiddingstone Village) Chris Bell 01732 866222 Verger (St Mary’s) Christine Roberts 01892 870437 Churchwardens (St Luke’s Paul Allen 01732 463382 Chiddingstone Causeway) Vacancy Pastoral Assistant Carol Benton 01892 870483 Pastoral Help (Causeway) Helen Barnes 01732 838855 Pastoral Help (Hoath) Jane-Ann Golds 01892 870429 Bell Ringers Stella Wooldridge 01892 870323 Choir Paul Allen 01732 463382 Parochial Parish Administrator Louise Sanders Church Council [email protected]

Local Chiddingstone Sports Assoc Martin Keeler 01732 700516 Organisations Chiddingstone Football Club Martin Keeler 01732 700516 Chiddingstone Cricket Club Mark Streatfeild 01892 870851 Stonewall Park Cricket Club Andy Batchelder 07903 830142 Causeway Stoolball Club Rosa Gower 01892 870644 Stonewall Park Stoolball Club Pauline Hodge 01892 524783 Chiddingstones Tennis Club Richard Sinclair 07771 912108 Chiddingstone Real Football Katie Ashworth 07730 331800 Chiddingstone W.I. Alison Savage 01732 700536 Brenda Bishop 01892 870810 Chiddingstone Causeway W.I Carol Benton 01892 870483 Chiddingstone Over 60’s Elizabeth Fleming 01892 870224 Alice Peterkin 01892 870503 Tuesday Group (pre-school) Sam Day 01892 871570 Edenbridge Voluntary Transport Service 01732 865353 Chiddingstone Castle 01892 870347 CHAPS Kenton Ward 07881 957800 Bough Beech Res. Assoc. Trust Steen Carndorf 01732 700585

Youth Youth Club Chris Pounds 07725 563636 Organisations Ide Hill Scout Group Lorna Baker 01732 750178

School Head teacher Rachel Streatfeild 01892 870339 Nursery School Leader Jill McCoy 01892 871315

Village Hall Chiddingstone Jane Ann Golds 01892 870429 Bookings Chiddingstone Causeway Elaine Ewer 07597 271974 St. Luke’s Parish Room Diane Heasman 01892 870794

Sevenoaks District Council Councillors James Osborne-Jackson 01732 227000 Sue Coleman 01892 870435

Parish Councils Chiddingstone - Chairman Richard Streatfeild 07973 842139 - Clerk Louise Kleinschmidt 01892 740753 Leigh - Chairman Colin Stratton-Brown 01732 832714 - Clerk Louise Kleinschmidt 01892 740753

Magazine Editor and ‘’For Sale ads’’ Jenny Chettle 01342 850827 [email protected] Commercial advertising Stuart Notholt [email protected] Advertising copy Robert Hunt [email protected] LEE WITCHELL AGRICULTURAL, PLANT & FORESTRY SERVICES Accident Repairs Mechanical, Servicing, Annual Checks Plant & Machinery & MOT’s Buy – Sell – Hire – Trade Insurance Work For a free estimate or quotation Lake Construction, Restoration Earth Works & Landscaping Please call Nick on 01892 870673

Steel Framed Buildings Farm Construction Work

New Tyehurst Farm Chiddingstone Hoath Kent TN8 7DA

Office: 01342 851 138 Mobile: 07831 544721 E-mail: [email protected]


KEITH BRADFORD Heating and Plumbing ∙Heating Installations ∙Bathroom Specialist ∙Boilers ∙Showers & Wet Rooms ∙Radiators ∙All Aspects of Plumbing ∙Heating Controls ∙NO JOB TOO SMALL 01732 865 517 07786 328 223 [email protected]

A6 COOPER’S ROOFING Specialising in all roofing problems New roofs, Flat roofs, Repairs, Guttering, Lead work, facias & Soffits For free no obligation quotes please ring John Cooper on 07968-004462

A7 SR INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES LTD Independent Financial Advisers Chiddingstone Hoath


MA MPHIL DipFA AwPETR MLIBF Investment and Pensions Specialist

01892 871494 [email protected]

SR Investment Associates Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Electricity in safe hands Mob: 07836 256146 Tel: 01892 740631 [email protected]. uk DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL - Installation, Re-wires & board changes - Fault finding, Maintenance and Repairs - Inspection and testing, EICR reports - Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) - Solar Panel Installations – PV Systems - Prompt, Reliable and Competitive Rates

A8 A9 MARCH/APRIL 2020 Forthcoming Events Monday 23rd March – Sunday 29th March The ‘Children Lost and Found Exhibition at Jessops Farm Gallery will be closed until a later date Saturday 4th April Penshurst Farmer’s Market is going ahead! see page 16 Blackham Village Market suspended until further notice see page 17 ‘Messiah’ by the Merry Opera Company now cancelled Cowden Film Club at the Memorial Hall now cancelled see page 21 Chiddingstone Sports Association Annual Quiz postponed see page 8 Tuesday 7th to Sunday 19th April ‘Spring Show’ in the Mister Gallery, Edenbridge now postponed Thursday 9th April Seder Supper in St Mary’s is now cancelled see page 4 Good Friday 10th April The Chiddingstone Real Football Match is now cancelled Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April “Happy Campers” at Blackham Village Hall is postponed Tuesday 21st April Parish Council Meeting see page 8 Wednesday 22nd April MAGAZINE COPY BY 12 NOON PLEASE! see page 4 Tuesday 28th April Annual Parish Council Meeting see page 7 Thursday 30th April Chiddingstone Village Hall Annual General Meeting see page 16

A VIRTUAL SERVICE ‘We experimented with a ‘virtual’ service for Mothering Sunday on 22nd March. You can watch this service and any future ones on our YouTube channel:

1 FROM THE RECTORY We are living in unprecedented times, both nationally and internationally. We have not been forced to respond to government directives about restricted movement, access to social and leisure activities on such a scale since WWII. The coronavirus has robbed us of much of the control that we had over our choices and freedoms in many areas of life. In such a short time, our lives have changed, our plans are being frustrated, and fears have been fuelled. It’s a difficult time. During this month of April, we will be celebrating Easter. 2000 years ago, that first Easter must have felt confusing for the disciples and followers of Jesus. In the course of only a week, the crowds in Jerusalem had gone from praising and welcoming Jesus, tearing down palms from trees and throwing down their cloaks to create a carpet for the donkey that Jesus was riding on, to pleading with the governor of the Roman occupation to crucify him. Jesus’s followers were living through unprecedented times. They watched their leader and friend die in anguish, watched as he was buried in a cave, experienced an earthquake, and then, to their surprise, encountered him following his resurrection. As a result, their lives were changed. The message of Easter is hope – the hope that God can transform the least promising of circumstances into something that will be a blessing to many. With the coronavirus, we have been told to maintain our social distance from others and protect those who are vulnerable in the community. Yet the paradox is that we also want to care for those who are isolated or needing support. I continue to be impressed by the level of care and compassion shown to one another in the Chiddingstones and surrounding villages. Volunteers have offered to be available to do shopping and deliver it, and to collect prescriptions among other acts of service for others in the community. This is the good news – people working together to care for each other. If you need someone to talk to, or want to be remembered in prayer, please contact me on 01892 870442 or email: [email protected] and do read Sue Coleman’s article later on in the magazine. The message of Easter remains the same today, hope - that God can bring something good out of frustration, suffering and discouragement. May God bless you and those whom you love this Easter. The Archbishops have instructed us that all public worship is suspended until further notice and our churches are now closed. God bless, Bill

2 A LETTER FROM OUR PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Dear All, In light of the government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended. This means that all Sunday Services are cancelled until further notice and our churches are now closed. Facebook and the website We will endeavour to keep sharing with you online. If you have a Facebook account, please come and ‘like’ our page on Facebook for the latest news: Chiddingstone-654997188658429/. In addition, I will add any news and updates to the website (which now has a new look!): (The old address should also take you to the same page but if you have visited the ‘old’ site before, the old pages may be stored in your cache so if, when you visit the site, it still looks like the old site, try this link instead: Helping the vulnerable and those who are self-isolating Cllr Sue Coleman is coordinating a group of volunteers willing to help the vulnerable should they be quarantined without friends or family to help them. Please see Sue’s message on page 5 in the magazine. We’d also like to reach those who don’t receive the magazine. Please pass on to any neighbours that are self-isolating or are social distancing that help is available if they need it: they should call Sue Coleman in the first instance on 01892 870435 or email her: [email protected] Sue will then put them in touch with one of the volunteers. Chris Bell, meanwhile, is putting together a list of those who might appreciate a friendly telephone call either daily or every other day. She is also after volunteers for this so please contact Chris (01732 866222 or [email protected]) if you are able to help or if you know of anyone who would appreciate a telephone call. I should also draw your attention to a SCAM which Kent Police have warned against. The warning reads as follows: “It has been brought to our attention that Kent Police have had reports of a SCAM regarding contact from the council to assist with home shopping. People have had house calls from people with fake council ID's telling them that there is an outbreak of the disease in their area and that the council will assist them with any shopping they may need to get. They are then asked for a list of items required and the cash to pay for it. They are then running off with the money. Cont/...


Kent Police have stated that if an individual offers you this service from the council, you are to not use them and call the police immediately on 999.” This is a difficult and challenging time for everyone. We need to remain vigilant and direct people to Sue in the first instance, reminding them not to accept offers from the door from people that are not known to them. Staying in touch by email If you would like to be added to the email circulation list for news from the Chiddingstone Churches, please email Louise: [email protected] or Bill 01892 870442 email: [email protected] if we can help.

TODDLER SERVICE Because of the ongoing status of the virus, sadly there will be no Toddlers until further notice. Please stay safe and well. With love for a very Happy and Peaceful Easter from Carol, Helen and Sally. Carol Tel: 01892 870483/07776 188079 SEDER SUPPER I am so sorry but we have had to cancel the Seder Supper for this year. I hope you all keep safe and well. Carol

NEXT EDITION All contributions for the May edition of the magazine by 12 noon on WEDNESDAY 22nd April. Please put the date in your diaries immediately so that I don't have to chase people! Copy can be left in Chiddingstone Village Shop, posted to me at 6a High Street, Cowden, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7JB or: [email protected]

View forthcoming events on-line at To have an event listed please contact Stuart Notholt. Email: [email protected]; Voicemail: 01892 871662



If you are unable to, or are worried about going out, a group of local volunteers has been set up to get shopping for you or to run emergency errands. This is what you need to do: 1. Make a shopping list. 2. It would be best if you can email your shopping list to: [email protected] Try to minimise items. If not, please phone me, Sue Coleman, on 01892 870435 (ideally between 9am and midday) with your address, telephone number and shopping list. If I am not there, please leave your name and number and I will call you back. I will source a volunteer, who will then contact you directly, so that you know that a named individual, not a stranger, will be helping, and they will give you a delivery time.

3. Please make sure that you have enough cash, or a cheque available, to pay the volunteer when your shopping is delivered.

To support local businesses and minimise travel, for such time as it remains possible, please buy items from the village stores if you can.

Sue Coleman

5 SCHOOL NEWS This term, the orchestra has started up again in preparation for the school’s Easter service on 1st April. We are fortunate at Chiddingstone to have such enthusiastic and talented musicians that include a mix of guitars, violins, flutes, cellos, percussion and trumpet! We will be doing two pieces for the service, ‘Morning’ by Grieg and ‘Edelweiss’ from The Sound of Music. We have unfortunately had to cancel our annual school Easter Service and Easter Bonnet parade. In Year 3 the topic is Urban Pioneers and they are working on personification. The children have written some wonderful poems, here are two written by Clara and Lola: Last night I saw the Eye, Cartwheeling around and around, It was cycling fast, very fast, The London Eye beaming in the night sky like it was peeping over.

Last night I saw the boats, Swimming faster than ever across the River Thames, Boats started splashing around because they were getting bored.

Last night I saw the flags waving to one side to another in the wind, Flags started dancing in the wind, As they whispered to the children underneath them. (Clara Year 3)

Last night I saw the city crying, Homeless people trying to find shelter, The clouds bullying the Shard. Last night I saw the city rushing, An army of people fighting to cross the road, Cars whizzing around. (Lola Year 3)

This year's netball team had big feet to fill following last year's successes, but they've had an amazing season so far. They have retained the EDSA league title, winning all of their 8 matches against other local primary schools and they were runners up in the Weald of Kent tournament at the beginning of the month (in the pouring rain). This month they would have been competing in the EDSA Hi5 Tournament, which would have been played in Chiddingstone again this year. Cont/… 6 We've also had a number of friendly matches throughout the season which of course may not continue into the summer terms. Congratulations to all the players involved. For World Book Day this year, Chiddingstone School decided to do something a bit different. Instead of our usual ‘dress up as a character from your favourite book day’, we spent the day doing activities based on The Lorax by Dr Seuss. With absolutely no instructions at all, we set off constructing masks to make us look like The Lorax. It took some time, and some effort, but eventually we came out with the funniest looking mustard-yellow moustaches (we were supplied with lots of skeins of wool) and hilarious green and red glasses made of card. And to round it off, we watched The Lorax film. Yet another episode in this exciting day consisted of meeting a man who had come down from West End in Schools to do workshops with us. With his help, we acted out different scenes from The Lorax through movement and miming and, at the end, put them together to create a kind of play. It actually turned out to be pretty good. I think I can safely assume that almost everyone benefitted from this as it gave us good practice for the summer production and - since we weren’t allowed to make any noise - taught us to put lots of expression into our actions. I really enjoyed World Book Day this year and I am looking forward to hearing all about next year’s. I am not sure I quite prefer this new method to dressing up, but it certainly was a lot of fun. (Sophie Year 6)

CHIDDINGSTONE PARISH COUNCIL 1. Coronavirus: please find the note elsewhere in the magazine regarding the group of local volunteers who are ready to help you if you are self isolating and need some assistance. If you need help, or are willing to help, please ring Sue Coleman on 01892 870435 or email her at cllr.coleman@ Any queries please call me or Sue. 2. Parish Council: the Parish Council cancelled its meeting due to be held on 17th March after the advice from the Government was to have no non-essential contact with others. However, the Parish Council will continue its duties and functions and you can still contact me or any of the Parish Councillors by phone or email. 3. The Annual Parish Meeting arranged for Tuesday 28th April at 7.30pm in Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall is still in the diary and we hope to go ahead. Keep an eye on noticeboards, website and Facebook for more information. Cont/…..

7 4. Kent Police: Community policing and crime prevention will receive a significant boost under budget plans being put forward by Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Scott. Kent will have 3,813 police officers by March 2021, with 181 more being recruited thanks to funding from the Home Office. That compares to 3,787 in March 2010 or 3,181 when Mr Scott took office in 2016. Matthew Scott is also looking to raise money through local council tax to fund dozens more Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and civilian staff too. 5. Fly tipping: Kent County Council has committed a further £250,000 to help fight rogue traders fly tipping in the county. The funding will continue to build on the close work with district and borough councils, Kent Police and other partners through the Kent Resource Partnership. Part of the funding is being used for ‘Business Waste: Your Duty of Care’, a course designed to help people whose business requires them to dispose of waste to understand their legal obligations. Courses will run in Sevenoaks later this year. See for more information. 6. Next Parish Council Meeting – possibly Tuesday 21st April at 7.30pm in Chiddingstone Village Hall, but time will tell! Find more information nearer the time on noticeboards, website and Facebook. These are extraordinary times and we wish to assure you that the Parish Council is here to help in any way it can. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Louise Kleinschmidt, Parish Clerk Salehurst Barn, Oak Lane, Blackham, Kent. TN3 9UB. Tel: 01892 740753. Email: [email protected]

CHIDDINGSTONE SPORTS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL QUIZ I am afraid that the Annual Quiz has been postponed until Saturday 10th October. Mark Streatfeild Tel: 01892 870851

CHIDDINGSTONE FETE AND DANCE It is with regret that the village fete and dance will not be going ahead this year, despite our best efforts. I would like to thank the WI, School and PTA, Church and Badgers for their help and encouragement. Stay safe and well everybody. Lorna Galbraith

CHIDDINGSTONE YOUTH CLUB Youth Club has been suspended for now due to the Corona virus. [email protected] [email protected]

8 THE CHIDDINGSTONE OVER 60’s Very sadly it has been decided that the Over 60’s will not have their monthly meetings until further notice. We have decided that the best thing to do is to follow the government guidelines to avoid social contact, especially for our vulnerable age group. I hope this will not last too long. If you need any help at all, please contact: Alice Tel: 01892 870503 or Margaret Tel: 01892 871140

And now for something positive! ST LUKE’S CHURCHYARD On Saturday morning the 7th March, a 21 strong army of volunteers from the church and the community of the Causeway descended on St Luke’s churchyard to do battle with leaves, twigs, small branches and other “detritus” in a spring clean. Organised by Rebecca with help from her husband Mike Pegrum, who provided numerous rakes, wheelbarrows and sacks, the church yard was transformed. At half past eleven, as arms and legs started to tire, the church bell tolled calling our willing team to the Parish Room for welcome refreshments of cakes, flapjacks and tea and coffee. It was a great example of community spirit and pride in the village environment, the church and churchyard being an important part. A big thank you to all the team. Paul Allen

CHIDDINGSTONE CAUSEWAY WI NO MEETING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE In line with government advice, we have cancelled our monthly meetings until further notice. In the meantime, keep in touch and if you are in need of anything let someone know. Somebody is sure to be able to help. On a more cheerful note, a recap of our last meeting which was our Annual Birthday Party 43 this year. We were joined by our local WI’s to celebrate it with a supper of homemade soup and desserts, all very delicious and a big thank you to all who made them, and of course our guests for joining us. And an even bigger thank you goes to our entertainers for giving up their time and entertaining us for the evening. Peter Croft and Mick Howard, joined by Vicky and Mario entertained us handsomely, with tunes played on harmoniums accompanied by violin along with some marvellous ditties from Mick. Great entertainment, laughter all round and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Hopefully it won’t be too many months before we can get together again. In the meantime, look after yourselves and I hope you and your families stay well. Diane


CHIDDINGSTONE WI How lucky we are to have such an excellent speaker as a member of our WI! For our March meeting, Janie Ramsay gave a fascinating illustrated talk "Queen by right". In the history of our monarchy there have been five Queens regnant (they inherited the throne, rather than being the wives of kings): Mary Tudor, Elizabeth I, Ann, Victoria, and HM Queen Elizabeth II. Janie highlighted some of the many achievements of each of these Queens: bringing stability, morality, culture, and innovation and inspiration in times of war. Our present Queen is the world's longest reigning monarch and has seen the Commonwealth grow from 8 to 53 countries since she came to the throne in 1952. Thank you, Janie for your informative talk. By coincidence, later that week a few of our members attended the WI Annual Meeting in Tunbridge Wells, where we heard a superb talk by Robert Hardman, journalist and author, who has just written a book "Queen of the World" about our Queen's reign. He described her as the "quintessence of soft power" and that she takes the long view of events both nationally and in her own family. With her sense of humour, she quite likes it when plans go slightly awry, such as when attending the Centenary of the WI at the Albert Hall when she had difficulty in cutting the ceremonial cake - she had to be helped by other royal guests! (I am sure you know that she is the most famous of the WI's members!) *********************************************** Sadly, we will not be able to hold our monthly meetings in April or May and our Crafternoons are also cancelled until further notice. We send everyone our good wishes at this difficult time. ********************************************** When our lives get back to normal, our WI would like to hold a Village Afternoon Tea Party later in the summer and hope to see you there. Meanwhile we will help as much as we can, so phone our Joint Presidents: Brenda Bishop 01892 870810; Alison Savage 01732 700536.

STONEWALL PARK CRICKET CLUB All activities postponed

10 THE TULIP TREE We are keeping the shop shelves stocked for you and continue to have fresh bread delivered daily. If there's anything we don't have, we'll do what we can to get it. We have a limited range of fruit and vegetables (as they've never sold particularly well). However, we can get practically any fruit or vegetables delivered to the shop on the next working day, so why not call and ask us to order in for the following day? It can be as little or as much as you like. We are extremely lucky to have incredible staff working at The Tulip Tree who have kindly offered to do home deliveries. So, if you can't get to us, PLEASE call, do an order and payment over the phone and someone will come to you on their way home from work to drop it outside your door. If you can drive over, all the better. You can still do the shop over the phone, agree a collection time, call when you get to the village and we'll pop it in the boot of your car. You could even organise a takeaway coffee and cake without stepping foot out of your car! Do you need to send a Birthday card or gift? We can help with all of that, just give us a call. We are going to try to get items on line for you to view over the coming weeks. The Tea Room is now only open for take aways. We have plenty of space outside so people can keep their distances. We will obviously follow guidelines. We are using antibacterial spray to wash everything down and we are encouraging payment by card rather than cash to reduce cross contamination. Staff will also wear disposable gloves where they feel necessary. We are offering takeaway cake, lunch and even afternoon teas and you get to keep the china plates! We are a small business with members of staff who now rely on the income from The Tulip Tree as many of their other sources of income stop. I would like to do everything possible to support these members of staff who go out of their way to support me, by remaining open, but can only do that with your support. We will come through it together best by supporting one another and would love to help you avoid the supermarket queues! Nicoletta Shop 01892 870326 Tea Room 01892 871504 [email protected] T: @TheTulipTreeTea I:@thetuliptreetea


THE CAUSEWAY HALL We hope you are all keeping well during these difficult times. With the ongoing advice from the Government, The Causeway Hall will be closed until further notice. All events and activities will be rearranged and advised as soon as we have further information. For all hirers who have booked events, you are welcome to re-book until later in the year on our website. Further updates will be on our facebook page and website, or for any questions regarding bookings, please contact [email protected] or phone 07597 271974 We look forward to resuming a full calendar of events and classes at your local village hall as soon as is possible. For all of our classes please contact our groups for details of their classes going forward. Table Tennis for all - Contact Gary Longley on 01892 871285 or email [email protected] Colliewobbles Dog Training - Dog and Puppy Training - Please contact Sandra on 01732 351178 for further information. Zumba Fitness – Contact Kim Fowler at [email protected] Karate Classes – Contact Adel at [email protected] Still Yoga – [email protected]

Bingo – Cancelled Forthcoming music events will be decided on future Government advice. Age UK - Pop in Coffee morning and Health and Wellbeing Classes - a message from Sue Larkin, Health and Wellbeing Coordinator I am sorry to inform you that we are going to suspend the running of our Pop Up Pop Ins. We have looked at all of the advice available to us and agree that suspension would be the best course of action to protect our clients and volunteers from unknown or unnecessary risk of infection from the coronavirus. We do hope that this suspension of services is temporary and that we can resume in May. We will keep you informed as soon as we know. Please do take care and don't worry unnecessarily. This is a precautionary measure to ensure we are upholding public service advice. If you need any support or help, please call Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge on 01732 454108 or Sue Larken on 07867 648667. 12 CHIDDINGSTONE CAUSEWAY 100 CLUB DRAW March £20 Dorothy Faircloth £10 Joyce Pullen


Cleaning Brasses Flowers Ready for Sunday: 5th April Louise Biddle Joanna Allwood LENT Liz North 12th April Louise Biddle Claire and Robert EASTER Liz North Hunt 19th April Christine Grainger Claire and Robert EASTER Hunt 26th April Christine Grainger Penny Beare EASTER 3rd May Helen Barnes Penny Beare Fiona Leathers Gill Batchelor

ST MARY'S FLOWER ROTA FOR APRIL Ready for Sunday: 5th April LENT NO FLOWERS 12th April EASTER SUNDAY Sue Hook and helpers 19th April Tidy up from Easter 26th April Wedding – Saturday 25th 3rd May Tidy up from Wedding

ST MARY'S POLISHING ROTA FOR APRIL Ready for Sunday: 5th April Hilary Lambert Lambeth and Karah Templeton Polishing 12th April Debbie Keeler and June Glover Brasses 19th April Rita Ibbotson and Linda Gilbert Polishing 26th April Barbara Hale Polishing 3rd May Sally Carroll and Christine Bell Brasses



Given the current circumstances, things may change


With great sadness we announce that this year’s Chiddingstone Castle Literary Festival (7th

– 10th May 2020) is cancelled.

The Japanese Room has been updated for our Year of Japan. In one of the antique cases we have recreated the look of Denys Eyre Bower’s displays – a fascinating jumble of unique Japanese objects in the style of a ‘cabinet of curiosities’. Denys focused on collecting objects that he found visually interesting and crowded them into cases with few labels. He believed that if an expert visited they would know about the objects anyway and other visitors could just appreciate their beauty. There are also new information panels which explain the story of Denys’ Japanese collection and the history behind the objects. Visit the Japanese Room to discover new treasures from the collection which have been in storage for many years ??

Year of Japan Activities (check website for current details) Sunday 5th April - Drop-in demonstration of the Japanese art of Ikebana (flower arranging). Postponed Wednesday 8th April - Two Japanese Room tours, each half an hour long aimed at a family audience. Free with admission to the castle. First tour at 11.30am and repeated at 2.30pm. Postponed Sunday 26th April - Two Japanese Room tours, each half an hour long aimed at an adult audience. Postponed Sunday 3rd May - Drop-in Koinobori making workshop (a traditional carp flag) for the Japanese festival 'Children's Day' 11am - 4pm ??

Exhibition of local history | Accredited Museum collections | Tudor origins Victorian rooms | 35 beautiful acres & fishing lake | Tea Room | Gift & Antique Shop

Year round availability for weddings, parties, corporate events, groups & school visits

Open 29th March to 28th October, Sundays to Wednesdays and Bank Holidays (excluding Good Friday) 11am – 5pm, last entry 4.15pm For more information about our forthcoming events please visit our website Chiddingstone, Kent TN8 7AD - 01892 870347 - [email protected]


Sue Larken Health and Well Being Coordinator Hi Everyone! I’m emailing you the information I have so far for anyone needing help such as shopping or medications picked up from different villages. Everyone has been great and started their own networks of help groups for those needing it in their villages. Contacts given to me so far are: Fordcombe Mike Gilbert 01892 740371 Chiddingstone / Chiddingstone Causeway Sue Coleman (Cllr) 01892 870435 Penshurst Robert Rees 01892 870823 Cowden January Wynne 01342 850749/ [email protected] 07943 259621 Of course remember, that if there is anyone alone and isolated, they may need a call to have a conversation. So, see if they are ok and if you need me to do this, I can add them to my list and I will be happy to call them. Please pass this on and share with whoever you feel may need it. Best wishes, Sue Larken Health and Well Being Coordinator

NURSERY NEWS We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters. The Nursery children also shared their favourite stories when the older children from big school came to read to the children. Mother’s Day has kept us busy. We have decorated flower necklaces and made footprint butterfly cards with the inscription ‘Mum You Make My Heart Flutter’. This has been the last craft activity for this term. The children have been learning about hygiene and keeping clean, singing ‘Happy Birthday to You’, twice when we wash our hands. Following government guidelines, the Nursery will be closed until further notice. We thank all our parent/carers for their support, consideration and understanding. Mrs J McCoy, Chiddingstone Nursery Tel: 01892 871315

15 CHIDDINGSTONE VILLAGE HALL Chiddingstone Village Hall is run for the benefit of the local community. It is used by a variety of local groups and organisations, including Chiddingstone School, and is available for hire for various events, family celebrations, etc. We have a new website at There is an Annual General Meeting coming up on Thursday 30th April at 7.30pm at the hall, to which all are welcome. This is an opportunity to meet the management committee and put forward any comments and ideas. The arrangements will be kept under review due to government guidance on the coronavirus, and anyone planning to attend should check with me at [email protected] before coming along. After three years as Secretary, I have to step down at this AGM or soon afterwards – if there is anyone who might be interested in taking on this role, please do get in touch with me to find out more. Nigel Turner, Secretary, Chiddingstone Village Hall Management Committee (registered charity number 1057864) email: [email protected]

Saturday 4th April 9.30am – 12.30pm Penshurst Place Visitor Car Park As our Penshurst market takes place out in the open rather than in a confined space, we think it is a better environment to shop for food than many others. It is our intention to keep trading for our April market if at all possible and hopefully into the future, and we intend to remain open until the Government advises us that we have to close. However, if you live locally and are over 70, have an underlying health condition or are pregnant, or if you have any symptoms of coronavirus then we suggest you do not come to the market. In the meantime, we will be making some changes. Our refreshment stall and market chef stalls will be closed, and we will spread all other stalls out as much as possible. The aim is to reduce queues and give customers space between each other. We also suggest you pre-order by contacting stallholders directly ahead of the market. Check for contact details at This is a challenging time for all of us and particularly for small businesses such as our producers. Let’s support them and each other. To find out the latest situation before visiting the market, check our Facebook and Instagram pages. Parking is free and close by. Families and dogs welcome Find us on Facebook Find us on Twitter and Instagram

16 BLACKHAM VILLAGE MARKET Suspended until further notice, I am afraid

HILDENBOROUGH FARMERS’ MARKET is held EVERY Tuesday 9am-11am at St John’s Church Centre Info. Janet Richardson, Manager 01732 838903 or Email: [email protected] STILL RUNNING AT PRESENT!

SUE’S COLUMN After missing last month’s magazine because I was away on holiday, I must be the only person in the country who hasn’t said something about Coronavirus yet! You can relax, it won’t be more health guidance from me (what do I know!?), but I do want to highlight some practical community actions I’ve initiated. At the time of writing it seems highly probable that by the time you read this, elderly people will have been told to self-isolate, perhaps for an extended period. For those of you with relatives living nearby who can shop and run errands for you, that may not be a great concern, but not everyone is so fortunate. As a back up to the work already being done by our Pastoral Assistants and other community groups, I have set up a database of local volunteers who can help do these things for you; if you have to self- isolate and need practical support please call me on 01892 870435 and I will put you in touch with a volunteer. Of course, if you would like to offer your voluntary help then please email me with your contact details at [email protected] We are all in this together and I have stressed in previous articles how important I believe community spirit is to our wellbeing; this is time to make that ethereal concept real, please help! I will do my bit…………will you? Still on coronavirus, I want to reassure residents that SDC are implementing their Viral Pandemic Plan (thankfully prepared well before the outbreak) to ensure key services, such as refuse collection, are maintained by creating smaller work teams operating independently of each other to reduce infection risk and by inter-disciplinary working to cover likely staff absences. More gloomy news I’m afraid. As I predicted in February, the Planning Inspector has rejected SDC’s Local Area Plan on technical grounds, which the Council believes deliberately obscures her real reason - that we will only deliver 10,000 new homes by 2035 against a government target of 11,312 and our plan would set an unwelcome precedent if approved. SDC is taking legal advice on a potential judicial appeal rather than spend another 3 years in further consultations to reach the same conclusion: with 93% Green Belt we can’t build anymore! Cont/… 17 Ending on a happier note, in my People and Places role, I was involved in deciding SDC’s 2019 Community Grant awards. Local groups, including Age UK and Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services (DAVSS) about which I have written before, are amongst the 22 organisations to have benefitted from grants. Additionally, across the district, Citizens Advice Bureaux have been supported with grants of almost £100,000 – a great result. I’m going to wash my hands now I’ve been doing all this typing! Sue Coleman Tel: 01892 870435

A NOTE FROM YOUR MP Over the past few weeks Storms Ciara, Dennis and Jorge, along with days of heavy rainfall have led to issues right across our towns and villages. Here in Chiddingstone, we have not been immune. Clintons Lane especially has been flooded many times and we have seen considerable issues arising from this, not least traffic between Edenbridge and Tonbridge looking to our country lanes for other routes through. As we look forward to Spring and Summer, and hopefully some drier weather, I took the opportunity to thank some of those who have made such a difference in our community, from local councillors to flood wardens. These are the people who are the first port of call for many of us when flooding occurs. The enlargement of the Leigh Flood Storage Area will make a huge difference to flood risk in Tonbridge and all villages downstream. It’s why I am working with the Government to amend the (Flood Relief) Act 1976 to make this happen. I am pleased that they have been so supportive, not just with additional funds being available to do the work, but also with the principle of developing this. Of course, it has its risks to those of us upstream too. Holding more water back will increasing flooding in Leigh and Penshurst. I’m working closely with the Environment Agency to make sure the modelling is right. Making Ensfield Road in Leigh and Rogues Hill in Penshurst unpassable will increase rat running through Chiddingstone. With the roads in a state of disrepair, this is something we can’t afford. (Written before self isolation matters came into force) Matt Boughton Office of Tom Tugendhat, Member of Parliament for Tonbridge and Malling 130 Vale Road Tonbridge Kent TN9 1SP 01732 441563/07795 192042

18 UPDATE FROM FRAN AND RICH AT THE GREYHOUND, CHARCOTT We are currently wishing everyone well at this overwhelming time, full of uncertainty and sadness. How quickly life is changing from what we all know. We thought it would be appropriate to share our position right now, here at The Greyhound, Charcott. We are of course following the government guidelines and sadly our pub doors are now closed for people to be able to come in and spend time here. We are unsure how long this will continue but we will not be reopening until such time as it is permitted. We are of course going to keep cooking! We are offering a take away menu service and take away beer and wine too. Full details of our take away menu can be found on our website as well as on our Instagram page (thegreyhoundcharcott) Twitter @TGHCharcott and Facebook The Greyhound Charcott and of course you can always pick up the phone and call us Tel: 01892 870275 to place an order or just simply have a chat as we will be here! We have some basic supplies too of milk, butter, sausages, some meat joints, vegetables, salad, pasta and can assist if you are struggling to get things from your usual places - please just ask us. If you are local and need us to bring you a meal, we will do all we can to do this. Rich is also delivering logs and if you need some, please contact us. Who knows how long this may go on? As a community hub within Charcott, it is very sad that we can't all come together physically at this time, but we definitely can virtually and in spirit, and by pulling together we can only make our community stronger. Remember, our door is (virtually) always open so call us to chat on 01892 870275. We sincerely thank everyone too for all your kind thoughts and well wishes to us here. The kindness has been overwhelming and we are so glad to be part of such a special community. With best wishes to you all to keep well and safe. Fran and Rich x

FALCONHURST FARM SHOP, MARKBEECH Opening hours: 10am – 5pm Monday to Saturday A quick sum up of what we have in stock: Fresh bread – quickly becoming famous! Fresh veg, the best cheese counter around!! Milk from Northiam Dairy, sausages, bacon and other fresh meat from Larratts in Westerham, beer, cider, wine and spirits, organic tea and coffee, quality frozen meals, chutneys, jams, sauces plus loads more! Treats galore – chocolates, biscuits, crisps, gifts, cards and wrapping paper.

19 My Rock Your Rock Our Rock Dear All, A sincere thank you to the fit and well for your overwhelming generosity and support looking after the wider community. Our shared sadness for the unprecedented world crisis we are all experiencing is only superseded by our determination to get through it together safely. THE ROCK is open as a life line for the rural Hoath Corner, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7BS Telephone: community offering a safe environment within 01892 870296 Insta- therockhoathcorner daily changing government guidelines. We will endeavour to continue serving and supporting Rock Take Away you as you have supported us over the last 3 Enjoy your favourite Rock Grub in the comfort of your own home on your own plate. years and the past 500 of the pub’s history. We are mindful of the plastic crisis and would love for you to enjoy Sending all Our Love, our grub well presented so bring us your plate or pots and we will fill Jim, Emma, Tashy & them with your choice of the following: all the Rockets X

GRUB £ On ordering please inform us of any allergies or dietary STAYSAFE & STAY IN X TOUCH TWEED EGG 5 requirements. We will collect your plate/container from CAULIFLOWER SOUP & 2 ROLLS 5 your car if you prefer rather than coming in and can take payment over the phone 01892 870296 HEARTY BEEF STEW & DUMPLINGS 10 ROOT VEGETABLE CASSEROLE 9 We hold a 5 Rating on Food Safety and are working closely CHICKEN & HAM PLATE PIE 10 with Sevenoaks Environmental Health to ensure our WHOLE TAIL SCAMPI & CHIPS (8) 9 services are inline with both Government legislation and the current crises to bring you the safest meals. ROCK BREAKFAST BAGS £5 X 6 FREE RANGE EGGS LARKINS TRADITIONAL 4 PINT CONTAINERS £12 X 2 BREAD ROLLS X 1 WHOLE MILK 1 LTR X 2 PORRIDGE 40G Join our NHS Cake Bake drop off by 1pm every Tuesday and we will X 2 PIECES OF FRESH FRUIT get it to the Angels tirelessly keeping our Country Safe. COWDEN FILM CLUB In Cowden Memorial Hall CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

FOR SALE Antique solid pine kitchen table. 167 cm long x 69 cm wide x 77 cm high. Seats 6 comfortably, 8 if your chairs are not too wide. £75. Tel: 01892 870851 or e-mail [email protected] for a photograph.

TO RENT Self-contained accommodation for one person in quiet location with off road parking, based in Chiddingstone Hoath. Available now. Please call 07855 342285 or email for details [email protected]

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 2nd May Memorial Service in St Mary’s Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th May Chiddingstone Castle Literary Festival now cancelled see page 14 Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st May Pig’s Ear Folk Ale at the Kentish Horse? Friday 26th to Monday 29th June Run Wild Fest at Penshurst Place Sunday 5th July Festival of Endurance at Hever Castle Vintage Fair at Chiddingstone Castle Sunday 12th July Chiddingstone Causeway Fete Sunday 16th August Japan Festival Day at Chiddingstone Castle Sunday 13th September Country Fair at Chiddingstone Castle Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September Hever Castle Triathlon Saturday 10th October New date for Chiddingstone Sports Association Quiz see page 8


If any organisation has any further dates to add to this diary, please contact the editor. Hopefully, by publishing and keeping an ongoing list of planned events, we can avoid a clash of interests! A10

Greek Island Traditional Kefalonia Mole, Rabbit, Mice and Spacious two bedroom villa Squirrel Catcher large pool sea and (No poisons used) mountain views 5 mins drive Traditional methods only Avithos beach Local tavernas 10 mins Argostoli PETER KING 01892 871188 07432 813614 [email protected] [email protected]

A11 Lorna Galbraith Hairdressing

All aspects of hairdressing carried out in the comfort of your own home. L’Oreal and Vidal Sassoon trained, with over 27 years experience. 07989 587931 01732 700397

Edenbridge Osteopaths 127 High Street Edenbridge TN8 5AX 01732 865444

ROBERT J. McCOY MSc, Bsc (Hons), D.O.

A12 A13 [email protected]

A14 A15 A16 Your Advert Here

To advertise in the Village Magazine please contact Stuart Notholt [email protected]

A17 Professional Foot Care Julie Jones-Ellis MCFHP MAFHP Member of The British Chiropody & Podiatry Association Ingrown nails, Nail cutting, Nail thinning, Corn removal, Hard skin removal. Home Visits Chiddingstone Causeway 01892 870931

BEAUTIFUL ANDALUCIAN VILLA Secluded position. Sleeps 6, 3 beds, 3 baths, private pool. Ideal walkers, golfers, bird watching etc. 10 mins drive to coast of Mojacar beach with it’s café’s, bars and restaurants. For more information visit: or contact [email protected]

A3 G. R. WOOD Oil aga & boiler maintenance No call-out charge, no VAT Routine servicing/breakdown Over 40 years experience Oftec reg C7069 tel: 01959 524818 mob: 0781 8086431





[email protected] 07903 299 608

A4 Physiotherapy & Pilates Daren Wood Emma Roper BSc PgDip MCSP HPC Experienced Chartered Physiotherapist Sports injuries, neck and back pain, Chimney ante/ postnatal, arthritis and mobility problems, post-op rehab Sweep Pilates classes, small groups and 1-2-1 4 Pipers Green Road, Brasted Chart Westerham, Kent TN16 1ND 07771 925346 Telephone: 01959 564263 [email protected] Mobile: 07885 059023 A member of the Independent Affiliation of Chimney Sweeps

Accountancy Service Local, Professional and Friendly Company Accounts Self Assessment tax returns Payroll/PAYE VAT

No matter how big or small, with over 20 years experience, I can provide you with a local service tailored to your needs.

Please call 01892 871139

or 07926 379522 E-mail: [email protected]

David James 9 Dukes Meadow, Chiddingstone Causeway, Tonbridge, TN11 8LW
