Patrick O'Brian | 320 pages | 04 Dec 1996 | WW Norton & Co | 9780393315387 | English | New York, United States The Unknown Shore PDF Book

Archived from the original on 7 January Afterglow - Unknown. I really am. Original Title. Because while I was stranded in San Diego, Toby and Jack were shipwrecked off the coast of , starving to death amongst very unfriendly natives. The marooned officers make their way to a Spanish settlement with the help of the native people. But even so, real men went through it and lived to tell the story; and now Patrick O'Brian tells the story again, with all his well-known flair for making history breathe, grip, shine, and sing. This is a fun appetizer and a good window into a wonderful author's development. Set in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars, O'Brian's twenty-volume series centers on the enduring friendship between naval officer Jack Aubrey and physician and spy Stephen Maturin. Granted, I'd heard Master and Commander was his masterpiece, so I wasn't expecting anything like, masterful Well. Also, he made Byron a poet. Hows life? Westlake Post date. Political correctness may frown on the brusqueness of O'Brian's judgment of the unconverted savages of the Patagonian coastline, to say nothing of the national peccadilloes of the Spanish, French, and Dutch, on land or at sea. There is absolutely no naval combat in this book and that's a first for me with O'Brian. This article needs additional citations for verification. There is a remarkable and unbelievable ability for the characters to become fluent first in Indian, then in Spanish, and last in French — not just in pidgin, but in at a level of subtle comprehension. Ghosts - M. Golden Ocean 2 books. However, this perfectly fits the 18th century colonialist tone of the novel, so it wasn't as offensive as it could have been. Pathways - Helen Steiner Rice. Do I have to read the first novel, Golden Ocean, to understand this one? The end of the book seemed rushed and not as rich in detail and attention as one expects from O'Brian. Mere Reflection - M. But at least things started to happen. But alas, they did. Friend Reviews. At certain points, the only thing naval about the adventure is the discipline that keeps the dwindling group of survivors going, even when they are reduced to portaging pieces of a disassembled canoe across miles of boggy forest. It is a grimly powerful story, salted and peppered with wit and warmth. The Unknown Shore Writer

No conflict. That in itself is not a bad thing as I found constant dictionary referrals a must, but it did kind of break up the reading rhythm somewhat. My poor, poor boys. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. The positives: -Yeah. The story skips all over the place without really focusing on anything. The charm with which the book ends, however, is subdued by the shadow of the horror through which its characters have passed. That he lived to be both an Admiral and the grandfather of Lord Byron is an encouraging thing to keep in mind during the scene in which he nearly gives up. Sandra's Poem. I've started this one because I went to the library and they had all the Dunnett books but the first one, so I'm just waiting until it's back. How very squeeworthy. To view it, click here. I have really enjoyed more than twice now the ride 'O'er the unknown sea to the unknown shore. Memories And Peace - Gloria Matthew. A good bit of the middle portions of the book feel like the plot is merely treading water literally and figuratively, now that I think about it , but the nautical scenes and amusing conclusion more than make up for that. You can literally read the last pages without missing anything. Some will find this old-fashionedly charming and some will find it weak. He also reads a mile-a-minute at some parts, running dialogue together and ending chapters and starting the next one in the same breath. This could have worked but failed because I did not buy in to any of them, let alone the main characters. A decent book, however, it was just chock full of archaic British colloquialisms, 19th century nautical terms, and words I seldom come across. I was right. Literally nothing was happening and there was no clear enemy or really anything that seemed wrong. I Know My Love - Unknown. I much prefer Patrick Tull when it comes to O'Brian audiobooks. Granted, I'd heard Master and Commander was his masterpiece, so I wasn't expecting anything like, masterful. At least, everyone except Toby apparently did; even Midshipman figures in the actual history of the Wager Mutiny and its aftermath. The Parting Glass - Irish Traditional. O'Brain broke the fourth wall a number of times, drawing undue attention to himself, which kept the story distant. But it was the perfect book for being stranded in San Diego for two days trying to make my way back to Northern California. Through purple shadows That darkly trail o'er the ebbing tide And the Unknown Sea, And a ripple of waters' to tell the tale Of a lonely voyager sailing away To mystic isles Where at anchor lay The craft of those who had sailed before O'er the Unknown Sea To the Unknown Shore A few who watched me sail away Will miss my craft from the busy bay Some friendly barques were anchored near Some loving souls my heart held dear In silent sorrow will drop a tear But I shall have peacefully furled my sail In mooring sheltered from the storm and gale And greeted friends who had sailed before O'er the Unknown Sea To the Unknown Shore. The Unknown Shore Reviews

Mar 21, Galaxial rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Those persons who wish to inflict psychological pain on themselves. This aspect I found odd, and it was often very jarring. The only reason he exists is for the author to go "Look! Child Born Dead - Elizabeth Jennings. The narrative was choppy and at times very confusing. Desperation leads to deadly violence and rebellion among the crew. The characters were lifeless. I am pleased to report that I was not disappointed. In spite of the unevenness, The Unknown Shore is well worth reading, even if you are not acquainted with the grown-up O'Brian — it is quite superior to many of the books in the genre, including most of the Hornblower novels. The Good Funeral - Unknown. After many months of privation, a handful of men made their way northward under the guidance of a band of Indians, at last finding safety in Valparaiso. Want to Read saving…. To Daffodils - Robert Herrick. The Recall - Rabindranath Tagore. Share it with your friends:. The Golden Ocean and Master and Commander are by far superior in every way. Then there were the villains who weren't very villainous. It took pages for anything to happen. I loved seeing the similarities, but also the things he modified for the two later characters. If you're not funny, there's nothing wrong with that. Last Curtain - Rabindranath Tagore. No Way!! Very fun Days And Moments - Unknown.

The Unknown Shore Read Online

Because while I was stranded in San Diego, Toby and Jack were shipwrecked off the coast of Chile, starving to death amongst very unfriendly natives. Grandad - Dick Underwood. Here we experience the painful difficulty of surviving in one of the harshest inhabited areas on earth: the extreme southern end of the west coast of South America, and the islands off it. The Unknown Shore - Elizabeth Clark Hardy Sometime at Eve when the tide is low I shall slip my moorings and sail away With no response to a friendly hail In the silent hush of the twilight pale When the night stoops down to embrace the day And the voices call in the water's flow Sometime at Eve When the water is low I shall slip my moorings and sail away. I just wanted to cradle Toby and stroke his hair and let him sleep like that. I'm ok with the whole trope of ship mutiny. Let Me Go - Unknown. Sometimes he has Tobias sound like a breathless teenager, and at other times sound like a much older man. I Have a Place in Heaven - Unknown. Wise Men Say - Alan Pemberton. Desperation leads to deadly violence and rebellion among the crew. His comic timing and use of dialect is spot on, and the ridiculous situations in which the protagonists find themselves continue to compound until the reader realizes that this is indeed a tragedy though "it don't end unhappy," as Jack Aubrey would say. About Patrick O'Brian. That was painful. Lists with This Book. Each Day - Graham Allaway. England - A. The story skips all over the place without really focusing on anything. But this story doesn't put any spin on it, or even pretend it's trying to. Lack of food changes everything, all things, brings out savage dark A decent book, however, it was just chock full of archaic British colloquialisms, 19th century nautical terms, and words I seldom come across. Dirge - Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Survival after a shipwreck near . The rest of the time it was very, very jarring. Grandmother - Unknown. Remember Me - Unknown. Close Your Eyes - Judy Burnette. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Norton USA. You almost think it might have been kinder if they had perished, rather than live through all that.