WEEKLY Candle-lighting/Shabbos ends Friday, August 21: 7:27/8:29

Kew Gardens Hills • Kew Gardens • Forest Hills • Hillcrest • Briarwood • Jamaica Estates Holliswood • Fresh Meadows • Great Neck • Rego Park • West Hempstead • New Hyde Park Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) August 20, 2015 • 5 Elul 5775 Free : 100th Anniversary A Hidden Gem In Of Leo Frank’s Lynching Commemorated In Glendale


Shabbos Inbox Blue And White Op-Ed Hooked On Healing Rabbi’s Musings A Pashuter What You Can It Really Be Heartsick Under Yid Don’t Know About And It Hurts Construction

Simplicity is the ultimate so- About Iran Human Rights? So Good phistication. By Rabbi Dani Staum -- Leonardo da Vinci By Shmuel Sackett By Jacques Rothschild By Caroline Schumsky once had the opportunity to By Eytan Kobre hear a former governor of hile everybody is con- n the very recent past, just o your designer glass feels INew Jersey speak at a din- gratulating Senator before the announcement half empty, huh? ner. He quoted Ben Franklin, hiker stopped at the bank WChuck Schumer’s deci- Iof the deal with Iran, and al- S Feeling forlorn, gloomy, who referred to New Jersey as “a of a raging river. Spotting sion to vote against the Iran deal, most forgotten by now, Israelis and glum? People around you valley of humility between the Aa simple fellow on the I want to make it very clear that were hit on two extremely sensi- say, “Quitcher fussin.” Or they haughty hills of and CONTINUED ON P. 11 CONTINUED ON P. 32 CONTINUED ON P. 19 CONTINUED ON P. 21 CONTINUED ON P. 34

SEE PAGE 7 2 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 3 4 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 5 Stories Of Greatness R’ Dovid Hoffman A Message From Heaven

hazal tell us of the great importance whatever reason. Since its inception, his was to be sent the next day to a local uni- Chesed Shel Emes volunteers were im- of burying a meis mitzvah– a de- organization has seen amazing hashgachah versity where it would be used for medical mediately dispatched to that address and Cceased and unclaimed body without pratis. research. asked the neighbors if they remembered an family or friends to provide a proper Jewish Rabbi Rosenberg once received a phone The woman had passed away in N.Y. elderly lady by the name of Mrs. Schwartz. burial. If a person is en route to doing a call from a man who said he had been con- Methodist Hospital and her body was sent Although some remembered her, they did mitzvah, such as korban Pesach, or bris mi- tacted by the Medical Exam- to the Medical Examiner’s Offi ce. Rabbi not know her fi rst name or much about lah, and he comes across a meis mitzvah, iner in reference to the body of a woman Rosenberg contacted the hospital and was her. One neighbor said he thought her he is obligated to take care of the neglected husband’s name was Avraham Mordechai corpse fi rst. Even the Kohen Gadol is obli- and that he had been buried in the Sigeter gated to occupy himself with this mitzvah. At night, the husband of that elderly couple chelka (cemetery plot) in New Jersey some One can only imagine how great the heav- appeared to his wife in a dream twenty years earlier. However, when the enly reward for this mitzvah is. Sigeter chelka administrators were con- Rabbi Mendel Rosenberg, founder of the tacted, they had no record of a man by this world-renowned organization “Chesed Shel by the name of Mrs. Schwartz. The med- told that the woman had been brought name. Emes,” is a person who looks out for every ical examiner said that the body was at there from a nursing home. The nursing On Tuesday morning, the day after Rab- single Yiddishe neshama (Jewish soul), and his offi ce and this man’s name was listed home said that she had been a resident for bi Rosenberg had arranged for the release especially those who don’t have anyone to as a contact since he had been a neighbor ten years and her original address was 85 of the body, which was being prepared for deal with the details of his or her burial, for of Mrs. Schwartz. He added that the body Taylor Street in Williamsburg. burial in a Chesed Shel Emes chelka, he re- ceived another phone call from a man who related the following: His mother-in-law used to visit an elderly childless couple at 85 Taylor Street in Williamsburg. Occasion- ally, when she couldn’t go, his wife would go instead. Sometimes she took some of their children along on these visits. Last night, the husband of that elderly couple appeared to his wife in a dream and said, “My name is Moshe Zev and I am bur- ied in the Sigeter chelka in the third row behind the fence.” The woman did not pay much attention to her dream. However, that same day, her son from Lakewood, who remembered the Schwartz couple from when he was a child, called and told his mother about a dream he had the previ- ous night, where he saw Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz told him, “My name is Moshe Zev and I am buried in the Sigeter chelka in the third row behind the fence.” This was really strange and it prompt- ed the woman’s husband to go back to 85 Taylor Street to see if perhaps the wife of Moshe Zev was still alive to talk to her. When he inquired, neighbors informed him that she had passed away recently but that an organization called Chesed Shel Emes had been there the day before trying to obtain information about her. So through clear divine intervention, he called the offi ce of Chesed Shel Emes. Rab- bi Rosenberg quickly contacted the people in charge of the Sigeter chelka. Of course, the gravesite of Mr. Moshe Zev Schwartz was immediately located, along with the information that an adjacent plot had al- ready been purchased for his wife. On a bright morning, three months after she passed away, and after miracu- lously being saved from the medical uni- versity’s research labs through the help of Chesed Shel Emes, Mrs. Schwartz was interned in her fi nal resting place in the Sigeter chelka.

Rabbi Dovid Hoffman is the author of the popular “Torah Tavlin” book series, fi lled with stories, wit and hundreds of divrei Torah, including the brand new “Torah Tavlin Yamim Noraim” in stores everywhere. You’ll love this popular series. Also look for his book, “Heroes of Spirit,” containing one hundred fascinating sto- ries on the Holocaust. They are fantastic gifts, available in all Judaica bookstores and online at http://israelbookshoppubli- cations.com. To receive Rabbi Hoffman’s weekly “Torah Tavlin” sheet on the parsha, e-mail [email protected]

6 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 7 Regular Features As I see it – Cynthia Zalisky ...... 20 Beauty briefs – Rissele Naimark ...... 43 Blue and white – Shmuel Sackett ...... 1 Classifieds ...... 37 Community calendar – Rebecca Wittert ...... 30 Community corner – Susie Garber ...... 24-30 Dating today – Goldy Krantz ...... 33 Financially forward – Gerald Harris ...... 22 Frontlines – Dr. Joseph Frager ...... 35 The Fun side – QJL Staff ...... 48/49 Hooked on healing – Caroline Schumsky ...... 1 House and home – Sarah Newcomb ...... 36 Rabbis musings & amusings – R’ Dani Stam ...... 1 A Shabbat thought – R’ David Algaze ...... 14 Shabbos inbox – Eytan Kobre ...... 1 The Shmuz – R’ Ben Tzion Shafier ...... 16 Snippets of strange – QJL Staff ...... 17/18 Stories of greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman ...... 6 Style myths debunked – Meira E. Schneider-Atik ...... 47 Weekly Tefilah Focus ...... 41 Special Articles Kissena Park: A Hidden Gem In Queens – Susie Garber ...... 25 100th Anniversary Of Leo Frank’s Lynching Commemorated In Glendale – Nadia Chait ...... 29 Can It Really Be About Human Rights?– Jacques Rothschild ...... 1


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CONTINUED FROM P. 1 ure it all out. It means not seeking to work the system or overthink or outmaneuver ev- opposite bank, the hiker yelled out, “Hey ery aspect of life (see Pele Yo’etz, “Temimus”). there! How do I get to the other side?” It is well known that Shlomo HaMelech The simpleton scratched his head. He spoke all languages, even those of animals. looked at the river. Then at the hiker. Then A man once asked Shlomo to teach him bird back at the river. “You’re already on the other language. Although Shlomo refused at fi rst, side!” the man persisted until Shlomo caved and Being simple gets a bum rap in today’s agreed. society. To the uninitiated, simplicity be- Shortly after, the man heard a bird say, speaks naiveté or even backwardness, as in “This man’s sheep will die next week.” So the simple son about which the Pesach Hag- the man quickly sold his sheep and, lo and gada speaks (see also Yerushalmi, Pesachim behold, they all died a week later. 10:4). Then the man heard a bird say, “This But simple-mindedness in the Torah man’s house will burn down.” So the man sense means so much more. quickly sold his house and, lo and behold, Indeed, the Torah itself is described as his house burned down a week later. simple (Tehillim 19:8). “Simplicity is beau- Then the man heard a bird say to anoth- tiful before G-d…just as He is simple…and er, “This man will die next week.” His Torah is simple” (Medrash Tehilim 119). When the terrifi ed man rushed to seek Simplicity is “a lofty virtue: no other virtue his help, Shlomo reminded him of his warn- compares to it” (Mishnas Chachamim 219). ing. “You see, you deserved to be punished One who is simple is in G-d’s good graces for your sins. G-d wanted to take your sheep (Sifri, Devarim 18:13; see Tehillim 15:1-2), and and your house as punishment, but you is destined for greatness (Nedarim 32a and tried to outmaneuver Him” (Tuv’cha Yabi’u, Ran ad loc.). Devarim 18:13). In the end, the man was So the Torah has high regard for simplici- hung by his own petard. ty. But what is this laudable simplicity? Simple wholeheartedness is ingrained in It is diffi cult to articulate in English, per- our collective DNA. Avraham excelled in his haps because the notion itself is foreign to pure simple faith in G-d, who told him to Western culture. Naiveté or simple-minded- “Walk before me, and be simple” (Bereishis ness come close but evoke a negative infl ec- 17:1 and Ramban ad loc.)—and he did just tion. that in simply obeying G-d’s command to The directive to “be simple with G-d” slaughter Yitzchak, no questions asked. No- means to be wholehearted and complete, to ach was a “tzaddik tamim” (Bereishis 6:9— “trust in what He has in store for you and building the Ark for a year took righteous- not delve into the future…whatever comes ness, but persisting in the face of a world of upon you accept with wholeheartedness doubters for the next 119 years—when no and then you will be with Him and His por- fl ood was forthcoming—took simple, un- tion” (Devarim 18:13 and Rashi and Onkelos wavering faith. And Yaakov is described as a ad loc.). “simple man” (Bereishis 25:27). To “be simple with G-d” is, according to In times bygone, everything was done some, a positive commandment, comprised with unquestioning sincerity. When he of two parts: acknowledging G-d as omni- was still a young boy living in the town of scient and omnipotent, and seeking our Chaslavitch, a predominantly Chabad town, needs only from Him (Ramban, Command- Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik attended a ments Omitted by Rambam, No. 8; see also cheder in a room rented from the carpenter. Sha’arei Teshuva 3:17). Practically, it means Rabbi Soloveitchik recalled fondly how this we may not attempt to fi gure out the future carpenter was the consummate “pashuter by looking to the stars or casting lots (Pesa- yid”—reciting Tehillim as he worked, with chim 113a; Tosfos, Shabbos 156b). the faith ordinarily attributed to the saint- In a broader sense, however, it means to ly. Similarly, in the times of the Vilna Gaon, do G-d’s will without attempting to know there was a simple shoemaker in Vilna who or manage all the implications or conse- is not even a footnote in the annals of his- quences (Nesivos Olam, Nesiv HaTemimus; tory; he wasn’t a genius and he wasn’t able Michtav m’Eliyahu, Vol. 5, pg. 110). It means to learn Torah for 22 hours per day. But the to accept what G-d gives us, and to recognize shoemaker spent his days mending shoes and appreciate that we can’t manipulate it or even anticipate it. It means we can’t fi g- CONTINUED ON P. 22

Eytan Kobre is a lecturer, writer, and attorney, residing in Kew Gardens Hills with his wife and children. He can be contacted at [email protected].

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 11 12 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 13 A Shabbat Thought R’ David Algaze Neither Right Nor Left

“According to the teaching that they will man who relies on the advice of the see- ple and having differing interpretations of witnesses could not have witnessed what teach you and according to the judgment ing companion, or the sick man who gets the Torah in general. they claimed to have seen, because they that they will say to you, shall you do; you healed by listening to the doctor who pre- The Vilna Gaon corrects the version in were with the second set at a different shall not deviate from the word that they scribes a course of action and cure. Similar- Nahmanides to: “Even when they seem to place at the time the crime was allegedly will tell you, right or left.” ly, the people should defer to the opinions you that the right is left...” In other words, committed. Thus, the fi rst set of witnesses (Devarim 17:11) of the teachers who understand the truest our minds may mislead us into thinking er- is punished by giving them the same pun- here is a law in the Torah that appears meaning of the Torah. roneously that we know better and that the ishment that the alleged perpetrator would somewhat strange: Trust in the Rabbis This trust in the Rabbis extends to a very Rabbis are wrong. Nonetheless you shall have received. “You shall do unto him as T(emunat hahamim). Since the Torah great measure, namely that we must accept not deviate from their teachings, because he conspired to do to his fellow” (Devarim is itself a body of laws, why would the Torah their opinion “even when they say to you they are the ultimate repository of the 19:19). The Rabbis understand this to mean prescribe the additional burden of obeying that we mete out the punishment to the the Rabbis’ legislation in the future? How- witnesses so long as the accused man was ever, this is expressly what the Torah com- Since the Torah is itself a body of laws, not executed yet. However, if the man was mands, not to depart from the word of the why would the Torah prescribe the additional burden of obeying already killed, we do not kill the witnesses. Rabbis. Maimonides rules that this applies Nahmanides explains this law as follows: to the decisions of the High Court in Jerusa- the Rabbis’ legislation in the future? The reason the second set of witnesses lem. The Sheiltot brings a midrash that says, came to save the accused man was that he “Moses asked G-d: ‘Since the Torah says, You was truly innocent. G-d sends the second shall go up [to Jerusalem], this implies that that the right is left and the left is right” truth, and the Torah itself guides them to set in order to save him. However, if he the obligation exists only when the Temple (Rashi, based on Sifrei 154). From the text reach the correct decision. Thus, no error was already executed, it means that he was is in existence. When the Temple is no more, of Rashi, it would appear that he regard- would ever intrude in their teachings. This not innocent after all, and that is why G-d who will judge Israel?’ G-d said to him, ‘The ed the possibility that the Rabbis might alludes to a Divine intervention when the did not spare his life. “This is the great as- teachers of Torah.’” This led the Natziv to err and that nevertheless we must follow Rabbis make a judgment. This is evident set of the judges of Israel, that G-d ensures conclude that the obligation to rely on the their teachings. The Chinuch explains this in the law of the “lying witnesses” (edim that their decisions are true and He guides Rabbis applies at all times with the Rabbis by pointing out that people’s opinions vary zomemim). them in the right direction.” of each generation (Ha’amek She’elah 58:37). and that, if each person would interpret The lying witnesses are people who The Midrash says that when G-d was The Sefer HaChinuch writes, “In every gen- the Torah in a different way, dissension testify at a criminal trial that they saw a about to create Man, the Angel of Truth de- eration we must listen to the Rabbis of that and machloket would multiply in Israel man kill someone in a certain place at a murred, saying that Man will be full of lies time who received the traditions and who regarding the observance of mitzvot. Thus certain time. Afterwards, other witnesses labored in their studies in order to under- we would end up with schisms and many come forward declaring that the fi rst set of CONTINUED ON P. 16 stand the deeper meaning. By doing this Torot. Consequently, the Torah advises us we will reach the true understanding of the to listen to the Rabbis even when they may Rabbi David Algaze is the founder and Rav of Havurat Yisrael, Forest Hills. He is a noted Torah.” be wrong, for it is better to tolerate one er- public speaker and author and is the President of the international Committee for the Land Maimonides compares this to a blind ror rather than having divisions in the peo- of Israel.

14 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 15 The Shmuz On The Parshah R’ Ben Tzion Shafier “If I Were A Rich Man”

“Place upon yourself a king…He shall not He isn’t allowed to use titles of honor for Why would it be so diffi cult for him not a great man, and he might be able to keep greatly increase silver and gold for himself.” anyone else. If he commands a person to to be conceited if he acquired wealth? The his sense of balance despite many tempta- — D’varim 17:16-20 leave the room and that man refuses, the answer to this question is based on a deep- tions, but wealth will almost certainly lead king has the right to have him killed. er understanding of the human personality. to arrogance, and it is something that even he Torah commands us to appoint a At the same time, a king is expected to a man as great as a king in Israel will not be king to rule over the Jewish people. remain humble. The Torah isn’t afraid that The Antidote to Honor able to resist. THowever, there are various warnings the great honor accorded to him will bring Honor is a diffi cult life test. When a per- given to the king. He should not acquire him to arrogance. He is capable of main- son is given status and accord, it is natural In Our World too many horses, he should not take too This concept has great relevance to us. many wives, and he should not amass too Whether we are wealthy as compared to much gold and silver. We are obligated to treat a king others or not, the reality is that we enjoy The Daas Z’keinim explains that each with great respect great brachah living in the 21st century. To- of these excesses is singled out to protect day, we all enjoy material possessions, lux- the king from a particular danger. The dan- uries, and opportunities that were unheard ger of amassing too much wealth is that it taining his sense of balance by understand- for him to feel different, apart, and above of in previous generations. leads to arrogance. ing that honor isn’t due to him, but rather the rest of the human race. Power, too, is One of the great dangers of living in his position. He is still a mortal human. As a grave test. When a person feels that he these times is the sense of independence. We are obligated a servant of Hashem, he plays his role as can control the destiny of other people, he “I am young, strong, and healthy. I can to treat a king with great respect everyone else does. runs the risk of feeling self-important, sig- forge my own way. I don’t need anyone; This Daas Z’keinim is diffi cult to under- nifi cant, and mighty. However, these are I can make it on my own. I am indepen- stand because, as the Rambam explains, we Why is money more dangerous situations that a person can deal with. dent.” are obligated to treat a king with great hon- than honor and power? The antidote to honor is to remember While, on one level, this sense is central or; it is vital for his effectiveness as a ruler. The question then becomes obvious. where I came from and where I am going. to being an effective human being, it is also As a result, any individual, even the great- If the king is capable of maintaining his I must understand that today I am being fraught with danger. A person must remain est talmid chacham or navi, who walks into humility despite the extraordinary hon- given great honor, but it will pass quickly. clear-headed in his understanding of Who the chambers of a king must bow down full or accorded to him, why is the Torah so Very quickly. Today they sing my praises; is really in charge here. I am not the Master face to the ground. No person is allowed to fearful that he will become arrogant if tomorrow they will forget my name. That of the universe, nor even the master of my sit down in his presence. Additionally, the he amasses wealth? It’s as if the Torah is is the way of the world. destiny. I am dependent. I depend on my king himself must guard his kavod. He isn’t saying, “Honor he can handle, but wealth? Power is also something that a person Creator for my daily bread, my health, my allowed to stand up for any man in public. Impossible!” can learn to deal with. As I stand here success, and my existence. With this un- now, I control the destiny of others. But derstanding, a man can enjoy great brachah do I? Do I really have power? I can’t even and still remain humble. control whether I will be alive tomorrow When a person is humble, the rest of or not. When I lay my head on the pillow his character traits naturally fall into place. this evening, it is not in my control to will But when a person is arrogant, the rest of myself alive tomorrow. When my time is his midos are out of balance as well. An up, it’ll be over, and there is nothing that arrogant person becomes angry easily. A I can do to change that. The big, powerful, humble man doesn’t. An arrogant individ- mighty “I” can’t even control whether I ex- ual doesn’t feel the pain of others, but a ist or not. humble man does. The pivot point of all In that sense, honor and power are po- good midos is humility. tentially dangerous, but a person can be Just as humility is the center of a per- humble despite them. son’s character development, so too is it the cornerstone of his avodas Hashem. The The Danger of Wealth Chovos HaL’vavos explains that just as a Great wealth is different. Wealth brings master needs a servant, a servant needs a a person to a much more dangerous sense master. One cannot exist without the oth- of himself – a sense of independence. “I er. Any sense of arrogance is a denial of my am rich! I don’t need anyone! I don’t need dependence upon Hashem. It revokes my my wife. I don’t need my children. I don’t status of a servant of my Master. even need Hashem! I can buy and sell the This sense of dependence upon my Cre- whole world!” ator brings a person balance and internal This seems to be the answer to the happiness because he is in synch with his Daas Z’keinim. Because this sense of in- himself. He doesn’t need to self-infl ate and dependence is almost a natural outgrowth create illusions about his worth. Ultimate- of wealth, the Torah warns a king of Isra- ly, it leads a person to success in this world el not amass too much of it. He may be and the World to Come.

Born and bred in Kew Gardens Hills, R’ Ben Tzion Shafier joined the Choftez Chaim Yeshiva after high school. Shortly thereafter he got married and moved with his new family to Rochester, where he remained in for 12 years. R’ Shafi er then moved to Monsey, NY, where he was a Rebbe in the new Chofetz Chaim branch there for three years. Upon the Rosh Yeshiva’s request, he stopped teaching to devote his time to running Tiferes Bnei Torah. R” Shafi er, a happily married father of six children, currently resides in Monsey. Neither Right Nor Left CONTINUED FROM P. 14 know how to distill the truth from among confl icting and confusing opinions. and that he should therefore not be creat- This is the gift that G-d gave the Jewish ed. G-d throws Truth to the ground and people: that they will have among them creates Man anyway. The Vilna Gaon ex- teachers and rabbis who will know how plains that the truth fl oats among many to guide them in the right path all the differing opinions and doubts, and that it time. Following their guidance and coun- is impossible for Man to reach the truth sel will make people happier and more by himself. G-d “throws the Truth to the successful. This will be the reward for ob- ground” means that He gave the Truth to serving this diffi cult mitzvah that is, sadly, the teachers of Torah and that they will so neglected today.

16 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Snippets Of Strange

Russians See Putin’s Face Opera Performer Sings In Flock Of New York Birds Through His Own Brain Surgery

would cost the family “greater than any principle you are trying to prove.” She said the HOA ignored a petition while he was on vacation last week by signed by more than a dozen neighbors say- opening the sliding glass door, which he ing they were not bothered by the equip- had left cracked open with a piece of wood ment. blocking the doorjamb. Stout said her family has hired an attor- Harder said the intruder did very little ney and will continue to fi ght. damage to his property, but the animal def- video showing the “strange behav- Slovenian opera singer shared video ecated on the carpet and raided the domi- ior” of birds in New York is going of himself singing Schubert while cile for food including fl our, brownie mix, Aviral after a Russian news station Aundergoing brain surgery in the College Student and Pepsi. spotted the shape of Vladimir Putin’s face Netherlands. The homeowner said he went to investi- in the fl ock. Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne posted a video to Lives In 96-Square-Foot gate a racket at his door last Thursday and The video, posted to YouTube, purports YouTube showing him performing the fi rst was shocked to see a bear attempting to to show the “strange behavior of birds” fl y- and last couplets of Schubert’s “Gute Nacht” Solar-Powered House squeeze through his cat door. He said the ing in a fl ock near the Brooklyn Bridge. while undergoing surgery for a brain tumor animal was far too large to fi t more than its The video went viral in Russia after a so doctors could monitor his ability to sing head through the door. news station aired the footage and report- and recognize the key change. “It came to the cat door Thursday night, ers said a shape seen in a close-up of the Bajec-Lapajne trails off about the 2:40 trying again and again to get through, which birds appears to be the face of President mark, when he said, “things start to get very is when I took the photo,” Harder said. “My Vladimir Putin. interesting.” cat is in the photo on Friday, showing the The station, owned by the Russian De- “I’m just a singer and tenor at that,” width of the sliding glass door the bear fense Ministry, cautioned the video could Bajec-Lapajne cautioned in a comment at- squeezed through. It came back yesterday have been faked, but the videographer in- tempting to explain his temporary silence, trying to get through the cat door again.” sists the footage was real and shot from a but “I believe he rewired my brain for a tour bus during a recent visit to New York. while and that was the result. I could not “Saw it several days ago during a trip and control my tongue anymore and could not Zoo Bans ‘Wizard’ that’s amazing! Can you see the face? Who stop phonating. It was a very weird feeling.” is it?” she tweeted. Doctors can be heard praising Ba- For Upsetting Gorillas jec-Lapajne’s singing and he is soon able to start again from the beginning. Man Replaces Brake Pads Bajec-Lapajne said the surgery was more than a year ago and he is “doing fi ne, con- With iPhones tinuing my professional singing career.” A patient at a hospital in Brazil starred in a similar viral video earlier this year fea- turing him playing guitar and singing songs including the Beatles’ “Yesterday” while having a tumor removed. New Zealand man who describes himself as a “wizard” has been Family Threatened Abanned by a zoo for chanting and beating his chest at gorillas. With Jail For Putting Up Andrew Wright, a self-proclaimed wiz- college student in Vermont is living ard and energy healer, has been banned n Apple product vlogger replaced Purple Playground in a 96-square-foot house he built to from the zoo after back-to-back visits last a 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera’s brake Missouri family said their home- Areduce his carbon footprint — and week left the park’s three gorillas agitated. Apads with iPhones to determine owners association is threatening save money. The zoo’s marketing manager said staff whether the devices were strong enough to Athem with jail time after they re- Senior Rob Dunn has been living in the members asked Wright to stop chanting, stop the car. fused to take down their purple playground two-story home since August 2014. beating his chest and mimicking the pri- EverythingApplePro vlogger Daniel said equipment. The home is powered by two 100-watt mates, but his behavior persisted. he replaced some of the hardware in the Marla Stout said her family put up a solar panels. A rocket mass heater built Wright said offi cials misunderstood the Carrera with the larger versions from a playset for their young daughters about from a cast-iron stove insulated with a mix- gorillas’ reaction to his presence. 911 Turbo to accommodate the size of the two years ago and she painted the equip- ture of clay, sand and straw allows for cook- “They weren’t agitated at all -- they phones. ment purple to comply with requirements ing and heating. seemed to be enjoying the singing,” he said. The front brakes were replaced with a of the Neighborhood Homeowner’s Associ- The home cost Dunn about $3,000 to Wright said one of the gorillas came up quartet of iPhone 5S handsets, while the ation. build, and the landowner is letting him live to the glass to give him a high fi ve, but of- rear brakes were replaced with four iPhone “There’s nothing in the rules about col- rent-free. He says that will help with the fi cials said the gesture was misunderstood 4S devices. or,” Stout said. “What it says is it has to be high cost of college. by the visitor. Daniel then tested the stopping power harmonious with the community and with Dunn says living in the home is the “Their perception is ‘it’s great, the gorilla of the iBrakes at 20 mph, 40 mph and 60 nature and there is nothing that dictates “most raw experience that I’ve ever had.” high-fi ved me’ [when it slaps] the glass,” a mph. The 20 mph stop was “spongy” and the color of the swing set.” gorilla keeper said. “[Or] ‘the gorilla played caused some grinding, while the 40 mph Stout said she considered the purple col- tag with me’ which was a shoulder-charge stop caused a front tire to catch fi re. or to be “harmonious” because it matches Bear Burglar Tries To Enter to the glass. It’s an uneducated view on The 60 mph stop required the use of the the color of the trees in the fall, but the what actually happened.” emergency brake, which Daniel had left un- homeowner’s association disagreed. Condo Through Cat Door altered. Stout said she received a notice from the n Idaho man snapped pictures of The vlogger then removed the iPhones HOA last year saying they were being fi ned a bear attempting to get into his 26-Year-Old Cat from the car to assess the damage and was for not having the playground equipment Ahome through a cat door but only surprised to discover one of the iPhone 4S and its color pre-approved, but they suc- managing to fi t its head through the open- Dubbed World’s Oldest units still “works.” The device was damaged cessfully appealed and had the fi ne thrown ing. n Oregon cat that turned 26-years- beyond its ability to function normally, but out. Doug Harder said bears have become a old Aug. 1 has reclaimed the title of Daniel was able to turn it on and identify However, the HOA sent further letters frequent nuisance at his condo this year Athe world’s oldest living cat, Guin- the battery logo on a surviving portion of demanding the purple playground’s remov- and he fi rst snapped photos of the animals ness World Records confi rmed. screen. al. when a mother and two cubs climbed onto The record-keeping organization said “The 4S truly was a tank,” Daniel said. “[The letters said] that if we didn’t re- his second fl oor deck to eat birdseed in late Corduroy, owned by Ashley Reed Okura, A previous experiment by EverythingAp- move the swing set from the subdivision in May. held the title of the world’s oldest living plePro determined it took six iPhones to a couple of weeks, we go to jail,” Stout said. He said bear sightings continued in the stop an AK-74 bullet. Another letter pledged the HOA’s lawsuit area and a yearling broke into his condo CONTINUED ON P. 18

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 17 Snippets Of Strange

She is seeking $25,000 to pay for her pennies said his coins were rejected. medical bills and legal fees. The lawsuit Justin Greene said he was irked when said Lambert’s Cafe should know about the he received a $25 ticket on his work truck dangers caused by throwing rolls. for parking on the wrong side of a street Jerry Johnson, the general manager of for about 10 minutes, so he brought a pay- the restaurant, said the employees never ment of 2,500 pennies to a borough offi ce mean to injure anyone when they throw counter. rolls. He said people have tried to sue the “I just feel the amount was ridiculous,” restaurant in the past, and in some cases, Greene said. “I work too hard for my mon- CONTINUED FROM P. 17 the company’s insurance has paid the cost ey and thought it would be fun to get back Finance Director said. of medical bills. at someone, inconvenience them like they He said the borough would accept quar- cat in 2014, but surrendered the title when inconvenienced me.” ters and dimes as payment. a cat named Tiffany Two was found to be However, offi cials told him they would Greene said he is still weighing other op- older. not accept the payment, citing a federal tions for paying the fee. Tiffany Two died recently at the age of regulation. “I haven’t paid it yet,” he said. “I’ve 27 years, 2 months and 20 days, giving the “Federal law specifi es pennies and nick- been busy and I still have time. I’m trying title back to Corduroy. els as small change and not legal tender for to think of an alternative way to inconve- Corduroy has been with Okura since he debts in excess of 25 cents,” the Borough nience them.” was a kitten. “We are thrilled! I bought Corduroy a mouse to celebrate ... it is wonderful to share him with the world,” Okura said. The oldest-ever cat, Crème Puff, died in 2005 at the age of 38 years and 3 days old.

Woman Sues Restaurant It’s unclear if Tucker has a case for her allegations of “carelessness and negligence” Known For Throwing Rolls against Lambert’s Cafe. There are multiple signs inside and outside the restaurant call- After She Gets Hit By Bread ing it “Home of Throwed Rolls.” diner fi led a lawsuit last Monday against a Missouri restaurant fa- Amous for its “throwed rolls” after a Passive-Aggressive Parking piece of bread hit her and caused an injury. Troy Tucker sued Lambert’s Cafe in Mis- Ticket Penny Payment souri after she said she was hit by a roll and “sustained a lacerated cornea with a vitre- Rejected ous detachment and all head, neck, eyes Pennsylvania man who attempted and vision were severely damaged” in Sep- to “inconvenience” offi cials by pay- tember 2014. Aing his parking ticket with 2,500

18 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Op-Ed Can It Really Be About Human Rights?

CONTINUED FROM P. 1 his goal is the realization of the so-called fi rst European country to recognize the governments looking to do all they can “right of return,” which would grant Israe- virtual “State of Palestine.” This decla- to appease their large domestic Muslim tive nerves: soccer and cell phones. li citizenship and the subsequent inevita- ration caused a major diplomatic crisis populations. In other words, their for- Jibril Rajoub, the corrupt Palestinian Au- ble privilege to come back to Israel, to the between Israel and Sweden when Israel eign policy suits their domestic and eco- thority offi cial in charge of the Palestinian actual and alleged millions of offspring of retaliated by refusing to host Swedish nomic interests only. Clearly, they only Football Association, has invested major the Arab refugees of the 1948 War of In- Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom in preach about human rights when it does energy to disqualify Israel as a member of dependence. The “right of return” would her offi cial capacity. By contrast, the Ar- not negatively impact their economic in- FIFA, but was in the end unsuccessful. Is- thus turn pre-1967 Israel into a bi-nation- abs rejoiced over Sweden’s recognition of terest. rael developed a fever as a result, and had al state with an Arab majority. The West Palestine and invited her to speak to the This could be excellent news for Israel. many offi cials, all the way up to Prime Bank, by contrast, the Palestinians insist, Arab League in the spring of 2015. The Israel’s very large gas discoveries in the Minister Netanyahu, breaking a sweat in will become Jude-rein. Arab League asked Wallstrom for a draft Mediterranean may soon transform it to an effort to outmaneuver Rajoub’s mo- Barghouti cleverly plays on the “con- of her speech in advance of her participa- a large and dependable exporter of natu- tion at FIFA. sciousness” of the human rights sensitive, tion. She complied with the request, and ral gas. This, according to Carr’s theory Then, from Cairo, came the speech liberal, and leftist pacifi sts, who are, it is a fi restorm erupted. Wallstrom dared to and the current conduct of the “human of Stéphane Richard, the CEO of French important to accentuate, mostly obsessed include in her speech the fact that human rights”-loving Western governments, telecom giant Orange, who declared that with implementing the two-state solu- rights must also be respected in the Arab should prompt a different and much he “would dump Israel tomorrow.” Rich- more fair treatment of Israel. Only time ard made clear in Cairo that his company will tell. wants to “be one of the trustful partners While boycott is boycott and is inexcusable, In the same vein, one of the reasons of all Arab countries.” The location and there is a distinction between such initiatives sanctions against Iran will be lifted content of his speech resembled one giv- whether or not the U.S. Congress votes en by the leader of the free world sever- when coming from the Arab world, to pull the USA out of the nuclear deal is al years ago. His announcements came or when coming from Europe that the other signatories (Russia, China, on the heels of an aggressive campaign and the EU) have economic interests in orchestrated by French and Palestinian lifting those sanctions. These economic NGOs. In May 2015, a 51-page report en- tion, and by nothing else, period. The BDS world. Saudi Arabia vetoed the speech interests include natural gas. titled “Orange’s Dangerous Liaisons in movement wins the peaceniks’ sympathy and she was no longer welcome to the China is planning on building a nat- the Occupied Palestinian Territories” was and cooperation by vilifying Israel as an conference because she offended Islam. ural-gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan. collectively published by “Association abuser of civil rights. In essence, Bargh- Other Arab countries capitalized on the Previously, the U.S. had threatened Pa- France-Palestine Solidarité,” by “Ligue des outi is marketing them “moral goods” opportunity to take punitive measures kistan with sanctions if it went ahead Droits de l’Homme (LDH),” and some oth- which they can’t refuse, and which he against Sweden by recalling their ambas- with this project. The new nuclear deal er “Human Rights” organizations. In this then uses as a tool to try to strangle Israel. sadors and freezing the granting of busi- with Iran makes these threats irrelevant case as well, there was wide condemna- As depressing, distracting, and scary as ness visas to Swedes. – regardless of how Congress votes and tion by Israeli businessmen and legal ex- this trend is, I see a bright light at the end What the above episode clearly shows whether or not the U.S. remains a party perts, reaching a peak when this became of the tunnel. is that the Palestinians are so successful to the agreement or not. an item on the weekly agenda of the gov- In order to better understand the Eu- in promoting their jihad as a struggle for While it is curious why Russia would ernment. It resulted in an apology and ropean attitude towards Israel, one must human rights, to the point that this was allow Iran to re-enter the natural-gas mar- even in a visit by Orange’s CEO Stéphane fi rst refer to the realism in foreign poli- the main reason Sweden recognized a ket, as they will be fi erce competitors, Richard to the Prime Minister. cy as advocated by the British historian Palestinian state. The Swedish govern- Russia is thinking two steps ahead. Putin While boycott is boycott and is inex- Edward Carr, a noted theoretician in the ment couldn’t grasp why speaking about is probably contemplating the creation of cusable, there is a distinction between study of international relations. Carr de- human rights would offend Islam! a cartel once Iran is back in the game. It such initiatives when coming from the fi nes realism, or realpolitik, as a foreign Of course, Sweden apologized and em- will artifi cially infl ate the price of natural Arab world, or the PLO, or when com- policy to which there is no moral dimen- phasized that it had no intention of in- gas, further boosting the resources upon ing from Europe. The Arab boycott and sion. While Carr was mistaken many sulting Islam and that it is in their best which Russia’s economy is very depen- divestment initiatives emanate from an times at how he looked at unfolding re- interest to maintain good relations with dent. incurable hatred towards Israel and Zion- alities, he was right about one thing: gov- the Arab League and its members. Currently, the EU’s natural-gas im- ism. This phenomenon is not new and ernments are motivated by interests and In the same vein, the reason so many ports depend largely on Russia. As a despite it, the Israeli economy has grown only evoke morality when it suits their Western governments are unabatedly ha- result, the EU has very limited leverage and outpaced the per capita income of foreign policy. rassing the State of Israel has nothing to on Russia and on Putin’s territorial appe- the citizens of each of its neighboring European and the current U.S.’s diplo- do with human rights. Sadly, it does not tite. The deal with Iran, however, will countries for decades. These boycotts macy demonstrate this. They are letting matter how much Israel tries to make the allow the EU to expand and diversify its are unpleasant, but not a strategic threat. Saudi Arabia get away with torturing co- case that it is the only democracy in the imports of natural gas by also buying Moreover, Israel’s imports and exports, medians, bloggers, and journalists and Middle East, that it is the only country in from Iran. Israel should take advantage academic research ventures, and cultural with carrying out public beheadings be- the region that cares about equal and hu- of the new landscape and become a reli- and sport exchanges with the Arab world cause its oil is indispensable. They have man rights for all, and that its army is the able and competitive supplier to the EU. are de minimis. been mute on China’s occupation of Tibet most moral and compassionate armed This will not only give the Israeli econo- On the other hand, the European- and because they need China as a creditor and force on the planet. It makes and will my a signifi cant boost, but perhaps also American-generated boycott and divest- it is also a world power. Russia took over make no difference whatsoever. This is geo-political leverage and more overall ment enterprise is more lethal. It is also Crimea and can occupy Georgia because because most Western governments have credibility. But fi rst, Israel has to prove so much more painful since it mostly not one single country is going to gam- a blemished history of violating human that it can transition from an energy emanates from the “Boycott, Divest- ble a nuclear war for the independence rights (WWI and II, colonialism, slavery, importer and discoverer to an energy ment and Sanctions” (BDS) movement’s of former Soviet republics. Turkey has etc…) so they will never admire the mo- exporter. As the lifting of sanctions on exploitation of the democratic values of occupied Cyprus for decades and is de- rality of a country they consider to be an Iran are looming, the least Israel should freedom embedded in the Western, albeit nying the Kurds their independence, and “outlier” and a constant reminder of their do to mitigate the unknown reality that extremely naïve, societies, with which the the world is silent because Turkey is a past. will certainly unfold from this major State of Israel identifi es and tries to fi nd worthy trade partner with unpredictable The deal with Iran unmistakably deal, is to be ready and exploit it to its a common thread. The BDS movement leaders. Iran has one of the world’s worst shows this phenomenon as well. Iran’s best economic interest. Energy inves- was co-founded in 2005 by Qatari-born records on human rights, yet a major bail- deplorable treatment of gays, opposition tors will rush to make the best available Omar Barghouti, now living in the Pales- out package was gifted to the Mullahs. fi gures, and the continued incarceration deals and drop Israel if its government tinian-controlled areas of the West Bank European and U.S. leaders and diplo- of American hostages did not hold back proves incapable of establishing a clear (Judea and Samaria) and educated at Tel mats want us to believe that their foreign the P5+1 to sign a major revivifi cation deal government policy and honor its com- Aviv University. The objective of the boy- policy is based on the tenets of human with them, also topped with a windfall of mitments. It must provide its full sup- cott that Barghouti moralizes to his cam- rights and self-determination, but it is cash. If human rights were not a reason port and a program of incentives for the pus and NGO audiences across the globe clear that they do not have the courage to continue to isolate Iran, it is also not gas leaseholders and licensees to fully has nothing to do with attaining the “all to criticize the bully-nations that deny the reason, though it is the excuse, why develop the offshore gas fi elds. Middle East problem-solving two-state the self-determination of other people, certain forces in the West are trying to In the meantime, Israel has every right solution,” also so terribly chased by the whose commerce and trade they need. isolate and boycott Israel. to speak up about dangers of a road map current U.S. administration and the EU. An interesting exchange occurred In the end, it all boils down to the geo- to nuclear weapons for Iran. As Barghouti clarifi ed several weeks lately that highlights this hypocrisy. In political advantage of the Arab world, and May Israel soon be a land of milk, hon- ago in an interview with +972 Magazine, the fall of 2014, Sweden became the also, to a certain extent, with European ey, and gas.

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 19 As I See It Cynthia Zalisky Ferguson, Missouri: Déjà Vu All Over Again

amed New York Yankees catcher the scapegoats for all the violence that is Yogi Berra was defi nitely a philoso- happening in the major cities all over the Fpher when he coined the expres- country. sion, “déjà vu all over again.” Here we are, This dubious fi rst anniversary of a year after the fatal tragedy that befell Brown’s death brought with it a day of civ- Ferguson, Missouri, with the killing of Mi- il disobedience that saw several arrests in chael Brown by police offi cer Darren Wil- Ferguson with some protesters throwing son; protests and shootings have begun rocks and bottles at the police. Accord- again as if a year has not passed since last ing to the St. Louis County Police, “Safe- summer. What is absolutely amazing is ty, our top priority, is now compromised. the attitude of the protesters: They seem This is no longer a peaceful protest. Par- to wish to convey a fi ction and disregard ticipants are now unlawfully assembled.” the inconvenient truth that the grand jury About 22 arrests were made last Monday did not indict Offi cer Wilson for fi ring his and early Tuesday, police said. A top St. gun at the teenager. Two separate investi- Louis County offi cial declared a state of gations proved that Brown lunged at the emergency, saying violence has marred police offi cer, putting him in danger. Wil- demonstrations marking the anniversa- son fi red in self-defense. ry of Brown’s death. “The recent acts of Now there is an attempt to revise his- violence will not be tolerated in a com- tory and pretend that the offi cial results Now there is an attempt to revise history and pretend munity that has worked so tirelessly of the investigations never happened. over the last year to rebuild and become Even the pro-black Justice Department that the official results of the investigations stronger,” St. Louis County Executive couldn’t fi nd any fault with the cop’s be- never happened Steve Stenger said in a statement. At the havior, but that isn’t stopping the militant Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis, blacks from keeping the charade going for protesters hung a banner from two bal- their own agenda. One year after Brown’s for anyone wishing to protest the police. robbed a convenience store and then at- loons that read, “Racism still lives here # death, despite a Department of Justice in- Deeply troubling since last year has been tacked a police offi cer going after his gun, fi ghtback.” Police arrested 56 people at vestigation that the Ferguson “Hands up, the response of the administration. The thereby almost exonerating this punk of the courthouse demonstration. Several don’t shoot” theme was totally fallacious, White House sent representatives to the any wrongdoing. All one now needed to of them were prominent activists from it enabled the lie to become the rally cry funeral of a thug high on marijuana, who hear is President Obama saying that this the old days who wish to dredge up old violence is wrong and ill-advised; but he complaints about police brutality, in- is too busy playing golf to bother to com- cluding Professor Cornel West. It is no ment and help restore peace. wonder that our youth is so misguided What then has been accomplished with teachers like him. One woman ac- during these twelve months? Ron Husko, tivist, who has been the mainstay of the president of the Law Enforcement Legal demonstrations, Johnetta Elzie, tweeted Defense Fund and former assistant direc- minutes before her arrest: “If I’m arrested tor of the FBI, commented that “Sadly, the today, please know that I’m not suicidal. anniversary of this watershed moment in I have plenty to live for. I did not resist. policing fi nds a much degraded image of I’m just black.” Monday’s acts of disobe- law enforcement in America, increasingly dience came after a night of violence that polarized views on crime and policing, and left Ferguson on edge. The scheduled concerning increases in homicide in cities peaceful marches were thrown into cha- across the country. While clear-headed os and shattered when gunfi re broke out, opportunities for positive change have sending protesters and police seeking been ever present, confl ict and negativity cover. The accused gunman, an eighteen- have ruled the discussion.” year-old Tyrone Harris, is hospitalized in Fueled by negative liberal media reports critical condition and in police custody. and an administration’s obvious political Prosecutors charged this kid with four agenda, it is now all too fashionable to counts of fi rst-degree assault on law en- vilify police and often without the benefi t forcement offi cers and other crimes. of facts. As the trend continues, we will At the Fraternal Order of Police’s nation- lose good men and women already doing al conference in Pittsburgh on Monday, thankless work to keep our communities Attorney General Loretta Lynch “strongly safe, who will opt out of the profession, condemned the violence against the com- which will result in rising crime rates, as munity including police offi cers in Fer- beleaguered cops retreat from pro-active guson.” “As we have seen over the recent policing. Some of us remember all too months and years, not only does violence well what things were like here in New obscure any message of peaceful protest, York City before Rudy Giuliani became it places the community, as well as the mayor, and must be concerned now about offi cers who seek to protect it, in harm’s the ramifi cations of this anti-police tide. way,” Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III Many potential candidates for the police and Ferguson City Council said in a joint force mention the lack of public support statement. “This kind of behavior from as a main factor for reconsidering law en- those who want to cause disruption and forcement work. destroy the progress from the past year A year later, are we better off having will not be tolerated.” our law enforcement offi cers emasculated It is time for a reality check. Brown’s and handicapped? Are we any safer now death was a tragedy for his family, but he than we were before the Ferguson fi as- does not deserve to be a martyr illustrat- co? The answer is a defi nite no. We’ve ing police brutality. It is time to restore had a year of the police being used as po- respect for our law enforcement offi cers litical punching bags, without any discus- who risk their lives to keep us safe. That sion that most blacks are killed by other would have been a much better memorial blacks. One thing that has evolved is that, to Michael Brown than the disturbances regardless of the facts, the police will be in Ferguson in his memory.

Cynthia Zalisky is the Executive Director of the Queens Jewish Community. She can be contacted at [email protected]

20 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Hooked On Healing Caroline Schumsky, LCSW, MS

Heartsick And It Hurts So Good

CONTINUED FROM P. 1 a bit, and you may be accused of focusing the source is self-acceptance. And that in- only on yourself. It’s all right. You have cludes embracing the doldrums too. Re- tell you that your self-pity train has just de- my go-ahead. Sometimes we simply need member, negative thoughts are not railed at the corner of “Move on and Get to take a mini-vacation from always being the same as negative the heck over it”? the life of the party. emotions. Do you secretly love to feel miserable? Remember, sadness is not the most so- Fess up. You’re indulging the blues again. cially acceptable state. When asked “How C’mon. Admit it. There is something so re- are you?” we are programmed to reply, permanent visit. lieving about having a good, long, cry, while “Fine, thank you” – even if we are dying Cheers to the blahs and the listening to the saddest tune you know… inside. bummers too. Sometimes our curled up under the blanket with those Visit – but do not get stuck on – the self- temporary misery is warranted. mournful, melancholy thoughts. How pity dial, my friends. If you stay too long, And let’s be honest. Validation cathartic – ahh, what a sweet, sad release. you are less likely to receive sympathy tastes oh so good. It’s been said: Negative emotions just get no respect. from others, because your unmet needs “You have fi ve minutes to wallow In a funk and don’t know why? It’s okay. often produce off-putting behaviors that in the delicious misery; enjoy it, Maybe you sank into a black hole because repel, rather than attract, compassion. embrace it, discard it…and pro- some ill-natured vending machine refused When we are done breaking out the ceed.” to give you that stuck chocolate bar, which tissues; it’s time (as always) to work. Be mindful, sweet friends, that happens to be the last one. Now what?! We don’t want to get lost in that sea at times, the fastest way out of emo- The elevator stopped on every single fl oor of sadness, so we need to learn “emo- tional pain is through it. The biggest till you got to yours. Sheesh. Perhaps your tional regulation.” We learn to pro- mistake you can make in this-here life freshly microwaved kugel still has a slight- cess our emotions by doing things is to be constantly worrying that you ly cold center. Good grief. that prompt self-refl ection and con- will make one. The sun will come out Don’t deny it or try to talk yourself out templation. Sometimes just listen- tomorrow. of it just because someone barked, “Cheer ing to a sad song can help us do just that. When you’re ready, turn that frown up!” at you. May I suggest just the oppo- So what should you do when you see The feelings upside down and come back to the land site? Spend some time alone, feeling and someone you care about visibly upset and will come and they will of the living. experiencing what the sadness feels like. withdrawn? Please refrain from blurting go if we do not invite them in for a We’ll be right here. Mope and dope around for a short while if out, “Cheer up!” or “Get over it!” you feel the need to. Then take a few min- First off, try to comfort. Even if he Caroline is a licensed psychotherapist, Crisis Counselor, writer, and dance instructor. She utes and refl ect upon your sadness. chooses not to interact, knowing that you has worked extensively with Jewish outreach and is an individual psychotherapist. She Not particularly upset about anything care about his well-being will ease his can be reached at 917-717-1775, [email protected], or facebook.com/pages/Safe- you can put your fi nger on? Hey, perhaps burden, even if he doesn’t show it. Show Haven-Healing. you are just over-tired, stressed out, or genuine regard and devotion. Know this, cranky. You may just want to take a while sweet friends: Kindness is always the fi tting and let the gloomies wash over you. response to a person in pain. You could very well be emotionally and So she’s lying in bed all morning and physically fatigued without even know- seems to be welcoming or even relishing ing it. At times we feel as though we are the bad mood? Sometimes there’s one thing missing something. We are desperately even worse than wallowing in that awful longing to have it back. Our life can even feeling, and that is: not wallowing in it. feel empty without it by comparison. And Sadness is that feeling inside of you that oftentimes, we don’t even know what “it” reveals how much you value what you’ve is. It could be you indulged a bit of nostal- lost, what you miss, and what is gone. gia, but when you remembered Grandpa on Through sadness, you can realize how the fi shing boat, thinking about that happy much you appreciate and honor life. memory made you, at the same time, sad By purposely choosing to let yourself to know that it and he are gone. There are feel the blues when they come a callin’, many moments and memories of apprecia- you’re embracing your humanity in addi- tion or joy mixed with heartbreak that can- tion to all those parts of yourself that were not be easily separated. dismissed before. You can even say to your- Ponder this: Where might my sadness be self, “I’m feeling sad right now.” Feelings coming from? Hmmm? Has there been a are harmless as long as we do not act on change in my life, a loss of some kind? them. Wallowing in your gloom (for a spell) Happiness is not something you can or- or checking out and taking some time for der online. It has a source. Like a stunning yourself may block everyone else out for fl ower with the roots hidden underground,

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 21 Financially Forward Gerald Harris Elon Musk’s Better Mousetrap ne would imagine that Elon Musk works in ways we can’t imagine and, by ex- is already involved in so many pro- tension, reshape the way we do business.” Ojects that he couldn’t possibly take on any more. After all, the head of Tesla First Things First Motors is trying to develop electric cars But fi rst there are a number of issues for the mass market, working on less ex- that will have to be resolved, and one of pensive ways to explore space, and build- these is building a test track. The test track ing a state-of-the-art battery factory. But will have just one tube (instead of the two Musk has even bigger ambitions, and one planned for the commercial version) and of these is developing Hyperloop, a revolu- bathroom, but on such a quick trip that with other modes of transportation, in- would be built just off of the ground to tionary form of transportation that, when would not be a problem for most people. cluding air, rail, auto, and shipping. For ex- hold costs down. completed, will be faster than a commer- The entire system would be self-sus- ample, even calculating its speed at a more Other issues would be to create a cap- cial plane, more powerful than a locomo- tainable, drawing power from solar panels. modest 550 MPH, it travels at approximate- sule that will be both comfortable and safe tive, and able to perform using relatively This means that not only would the sys- ly the speed of an airplane, two and a half and to design a station that could accom- low power. modate the stream of pods that would be When Musk fi rst discussed his ideas coming and going. about Hyperloop in 2013, they seemed The idea of traveling such a long distance in just a few minutes The most recent reports indicate that more like science fi ction than fact. But must seem like a fantasy, but it’s rapidly becoming a reality the test track will be built in Texas, al- a week ago he released more details and though this is by no means certain. Many these have certainly captured observers’ other essential pieces of information attention. tem be environmentally friendly, but that times the speed of a train, nine times as about Hyperloop also remain uncertain, Musk recently described Hyperloop “as it will discourage commuters from driving, fast as a car, and almost 20 times as fast such as when work on the test track will a cross between a Concord, a rail gun, and again benefi tting the environment. as a ship. begin, when it will be concluded, and even an air hockey table.” While the initial plan is to build infra- And each hour, it will transport nearly the company (or cpmpanies) that will ac- Essentially, “It’s just a couple of tubes structure between Los Angeles and San three times the number of passengers that tually build it. In fact, it has not yet been and a vacuum pump,” says Dirk Ahlborn, Francisco, over the longer term the system an airplane can and almost 400 times more determined which state will be home for CEO of JumpStartFund, a California-based would be expanded to include additional passengers than a car can. the fi rst system or even if that system will start-up that will develop and build the Hy- cities. Given these advantages, and with an es- be built in the US. perloop. The idea of traveling such a long dis- timated $20 for a one-way fare, Hyperloop Two years ago, when Musk publicized While this technology may sound rou- tance in just a few minutes must seem could become very popular with the pub- the idea of Hyperloop, very few people tine, there’s nothing ordinary about it. like a fantasy to the millions of commut- lic. This suggests serious competition to believed it would ever get off the ground. When the system is completed, specially ers who drive an hour just to travel a few airlines, railways, and buses. Now the idea not only looks practical but designed capsules will be placed into those miles on some of California’s incredibly In theory, Hyperloop could revolution- is gaining momentum and generating ex- tubes (sometimes called pods) and be capa- congested highways. But it’s rapidly be- ize the way many people travel; it also may citement. ble of traveling at an amazing 800 MPH – coming a reality. usher in dramatic social changes. “Sudden- Commuters in California and elsewhere much faster than a jet. At this speed, a trip A Hyperloop transportation system ly, people who live in different cities will should be very happy. Their prayers, at between Los Angeles and San Francisco could be completed in less than a decade eat lunch in the same restaurant,” observes last, are being answered. would take just 35 minutes. at a cost of less than $7.5 billion (estimates Forbes. “They’ll share cabs. They may go Each Hyperloop capsule is being de- vary). Although this is very expensive, it’s to the same gym. In this way, Hyperloop Sources: abcnews.go.com; signed to carry 28 passengers and might just 9% of the estimated cost of California’s will radically extend our interpersonal net- businessinsider.com; forbes.com even be able to transport three vehicles. proposed High Speed Rail System, which Passengers would be able to take only two has already been approved. Gerald Harris is a fi nancial and feature writer. Gerald can be reached at geraldhrs@ pieces of luggage and there wouldn’t be a Hyperloop compares very favorably yahoo.com

The simple shepherd boy was no ex- survival and to further his studies. Not only A Pashuter Yid ception. He did not know how to read; he did he not value money, he did not even CONTINUED FROM P. 11 us to obey before understanding (Shabbos barely knew the alef-bais. But as the inten- know the value of money. 88a-b). sity in the shul mounted, he knew he had Before one Pesach, the owner of a lo- while saying Tehillim with the simplest of We need only act with this simple to do something. So he opened a siddur to cal mill asked him to supervise the mill intentions. wholeheartedness. G-d handles the rest. the fi rst page and began to recite. “Alef, bais, cleaning in preparation for Pesach. R’ Me- Only nowadays is there a need to “un- The Baal Shem Tov was praying together vais, gimmel…” shulam’s wife had no doubt he would do derstand” fi rst and then obey, which is the with his students in a small Polish village After Yom Kippur, the village folk asked a bang-up job overseeing the work; it was antithesis of Torah ideology (Bais Halevi, one Yom Kippur, when he perceived that a the Baal Shem Tov whether the evil decree the salary negotiation that concerned her. Bereishis 17:1). To those who might mock us harsh heavenly judgment had been decreed had been avoided. “Yes,” the Baal Shem Tov “Demand ten rubles and not a kopek less!” as an overhasty nation for agreeing to ac- against the Jewish people. On the Baal answered, “but not because of your prayers. she cautioned. cept the Torah before knowing what it con- Shem Tov’s orders, everyone in the village It was the prayer of the shepherd boy. R’ Meshulam ensured the mill was im- tained, we respond that it is precisely our was in the shul praying fervently for the Though he knew only the alef-bais, he re- maculate, and, upon completion, the mill ability to be simple-minded that enables evil decree to be averted. cited it with such simplistic purity that G-d owner presented him with a crisp 100-ruble rearranged the letters to compose the most bill. R’ Meshulam had never seen such a beautiful, heartfelt prayer. That prayer is bill. He turned it over several times, pulled what saved us.” it from side to side, and felt it between his Now, like most traits, simplicity has its fi ngers. But he still seemed unsure. limits. Indeed, Yaakov was described not as The mill owner didn’t understand his “tam” (simple) but as “ish tam”—“a simple hesitation. “Are you afraid it is counterfeit?” man” (Bereishis 25:27). He was simple, but The holy but innocent rabbi sighed. “To he also understood when to dispense with tell you the truth, my wife instructed me to the simplicity and be “a man,” i.e., when accept nothing less than ten rubles for my dealing with Lavan. efforts…” Indeed, the Chofetz Chaim explained, only half in jest, that, according to the To- * * * * rah, “You should be simple with G-d”—i.e., Rebbe Nachman of Breslov predicted “a when you are “with G-d” (engaged in spir- time when a simple good man will be as re- itual pursuits), you can be simple; other- markable as the Baal Shem Tov was in his wise, when engaged in worldly pursuits, day” (Chayei Moharan 454). Nowadays, such you must protect yourself. a man may be yet rarer. The entire existence of R’ Meshulam Yis- Indeed, the more we refl ect on the qui- sachar Ashkenazi was supremely simplis- et greatness found in simplicity, the more tic—he had no interest in the world around we realize that being a pashuter yid isn’t all him other than what was necessary for his that pashut.

22 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 23 Community Corner • Recent Happenings Queens Weighs In With Its Bike4Chai Riders

Yehuda Serle, Binyamen Saperstien, and Moshe Raider at the start of Bike4Chai Far Rockaway riders included (L to R) Along Goldberger, Simcha Dunn, Michoel Barnett, As- semblyman Phil Goldfeder, and Eli Shapiro, amongst many others By Susie Garber most diffi cult part of the bike ride this year shared that he trained only four-to-six Canada participated. Queens participants were the hills, he stated. The fi rst day, they weeks before the event. It was special to included Eli Rowe, Charles Gros, New t’s a win-win!” Eli Rowe of Kew biked 105 miles from Stamford, Connecti- him that his business clients and vendors York State Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder, Gardens Hills described gliding cut, to Vernon, New Jersey. The next day, shared in this charity and were sponsors Menashe Weiss, Shlomo Boehm, and Ari “Iacross a fi nish line after bicycling Mr. Serle noted, it was a bit hard to mount for Chai Lifeline’s amazing work. The Bike- Galster. We are so proud of our local par- 180 miles in two days and being greeted by the bike again, but once you got started it 4Chai ride earned over $5 million for the ticipants, and we thank New York State As- an ebullient crowd of ill children at Camp was fi ne. The fi nal leg was about 65 miles organization. Mr. Rowe imparted that it’s a semblyman Goldfeder for his participation Simcha. Participants in Bike4Chai experi- from Vernon up to Camp Simcha. Mr. Serle wonderful way to participate in a healthful as well. enced this exhilarating feeling on Thurs- began training in April, rising at 5:30 a.m. activity and to raise money for such an im- The idea for Bike4Chai began in 2009, day, August 6, as they completed a grueling on many days to bike for several hours. He portant cause. when Dovid Egert, a Chai Lifeline volun- bicycle route that started in Connecticut credits his wife for caring for their small Mr. Serle spoke about the greatest fi nish teer, raised $10,000 in sponsorships for bik- and ended at Camp Simcha in Glen Spey, children all those mornings so he could ac- line in the world. There’s a huge celebra- ing from Lakewood, New Jersey, to Camp New York. Each valiant volunteer brought complish this goal. tion at the end of the bike ride. The kids Simcha. The money raised enabled serious- a minimum of $3,600 in donations and Mr. Rowe commented on how the event from Camp Simcha are really into the par- ly ill children to attend Camp Simcha. The rode at his own pace. The last rider, who was so beautifully orchestrated. There ty. There’s a DJ and a tent. The kids place following year, Egert was joined by 39 oth- rode a hand bike – as he has only one leg – were rest stations with bananas and pow- a medal around each participant’s neck. ers, and that is how Bike4Chai was born. In received uproarious applause as he pulled er bars, and Hatzalah and bike mechanics “You see these kids who are ill and they its sixth year, this 180-mile, fully-supported into the fi nish line. were on hand strategically throughout the thank you, but what you went through bike ride raises money for the deserving Yehuda Serle, a former Queens resident course. A banquet was enjoyed on the fi rst to train and then ride this grueling bike children of Chai Lifeline. Riders enjoy sce- who also participated in Bike4Chai in 2012, night, as well as on the second night and course is nothing compared to what they nic routes through mountains, and they noted that this year, the course had more the last night. There were people available go through.” fi nish at the world’s greatest fi nish line. challenging hills. The best part and the to give massages to the athletes. Mr. Rowe People from all over the country and Donations can be sent to chailifeline.org. Photographer Judah S. Harris Speaks In Queens About The Family Documentary Project

Other resources include early city directories that can be viewed online, Yizkor books for com- munities found in libraries, World War I draft cards, and published obituary notices, as well as birth, marriage, and death records. Visits can be made to The Center for Jewish History on 16th Street in NYC, which houses YIVO and the Leo Beck Insti- tute, and to the NYC Public Library’s Pan of older photos from Judah Harris Family Documentary Project speech Judah Harris holding map main branch on Fifth Avenue.

By Susie Garber audio, and even e-mails – and more records his own quest to fi nd out more about his search can be done in the town or city of are accessible. We must take an active role family history, and more specifi cally what origin in the “old country.” n Shabbos afternoon, August 8, Ju- in what historical message we wish to con- the family name was before it was changed Harris began with a visit to a Queens dah S. Harris, well-known photogra- vey to future generations. He advised peo- to Harris. He explained that each person cemetery where one of his great-grand- Opher, writer, visual artist, and speak- ple to think about creating videos to record is descended from four strains when con- fathers was buried, according to a burial er, shared his expertise on tracing family family stories so that these will not disap- sidering the grandparent level of the family record found online. He discovered that genealogy at the Young Israel of Kew Gar- pear. Harris himself offers a service to help tree. This means there is often a melding his great-grandparents were buried in the dens Hills as part of the YIKGH’s Summer people create family documentaries and of different geographic places. He knew section of the cemetery apportioned to the Shabbos Afternoon Lecture Series. A moti- oral histories via fi lmed interviews. Harris his family name had been changed to Har- Biezuner Chebra (a burial society connect- vated crowd gathered to hear about this en- stressed that we all grow up with stories ris, but the original name he didn’t know – ed to a town in Poland) and he made an ini- gaging topic and conveyed afterwards that we’ve heard. We also have objects in our until a few years ago. Once the original they were impressed by the talk. lives from our family – perhaps a book, a name is known, he explained, further re- CONTINUED ON P. 32 Harris explained that we want to think silver cup, an article of clothing, or a piece of what information and sentiments we of furniture. An interest in genealogy can Judah S. Harris can be contacted for more information about The Family Documentary will bequeath to our descendants. Today be planted in us early on. Project, and is available to speak to groups on the subject, at judahsharris.com/family- there is more media existent – fi lm, photos, In his afternoon talk, Harris revealed documentary-project or by calling 718-380-7945.

24 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 The fi rst nursery in Flushing, before Kissena Park, The Oldest House In Queens, Parsons Nursery, was the Prince Nursery, started in 1770 by William Prince. This was the leading nursery in New York and And A Quest For Religious Freedom probably the whole US for more than 100 years. Its catalogue states:” Celebrated By Susie Garber the Dutch West India Company who pres- Samuel Parsons, Jr. was also a pioneer fruits of Europe and Asia, but can also sured them to allow religious freedom. In in creating playgrounds. It is believed that boast the origin of many which rival he story of Kissena Park, a seques- 1694, founded the Flushing Parsons named the park Kissena, which those of the Old World.” Thousands of tered gem in walking distance to Quaker Meeting House, the oldest house means “cold” in the Chippewa Indian lan- trees were grown here. President George TKew Gardens Hills and downtown of worship in New York City, which like guage. Washington visited the nursery, and to Flushing, has a connection to the John the John Bowne House, still stands today. When the Parsons Nursery fi rm closed commemorate this, elms were planted in Bowne House, the oldest house in Queens, Samuel Parsons, who married Mary in 1906, the City of New York acquired the the middle of what is now Northern Bou- and the remarkable story of John Bowne’s Bowne, a descendent of John Bowne, property for parkland. Most of the land levard. George Washington wrote in his courageous quest for religious freedom founded the famous Parsons Nursery for the Kissena Park was purchased be- journal about this visit: “October 10, 1789. and human rights. The history of the John Grove in 1838. It was located near the John tween 1944 and 1948. Robert Moses, Parks I set off my barge from New York to visit Bowne House, located on Bowne Street Bowne House. This was the precursor to Commissioner from 1934 to 1960, devel- Mr. Prince’s fruit gardens and shrubberies in downtown Flushing, may help explain the nursery in Kissena Park. It is inspir- oped an emerald necklace connecting the in Flushing, Long Island.” the cultural diversity of Flushing today. ing to learn how Samuel Parsons, who three parks across Queens: Flushing Mead- In 1932, a bicentennial was celebrated In fact, Samuel Parsons, Jr., who designed lived before the Civil War, continued the ow, Cunningham, and Kissena Parks. with a dedication of George Washington Kissena Park, was a descendant of John family tradition of standing up for free- Drive in Kissena Park. Bowne. dom and human rights. Samuel Parsons CONTINUED ON P. 44 So as a preamble to the origins of Kisse- claimed that he moved more enslaved na Park, we will begin with the history of people to freedom than any other man the John Bowne House, which was built in Queens. They concealed the slaves in in 1660, and remained with the family and the covered wagons of the Parsons nurs- its descendants for 300 years. Touring ery and brought them to the waterfront. the simple house today, you can view the From there the escaped slaves were sent original wood furniture including a dining on boats to the north. Since the Parsons table and chairs and a grandfather clock, were Quakers they were active in promot- which though it no longer tells the correct ing civil rights, education, and also wom- time, has withstood all the vicissitudes of en’s suffrage. time. The kitchen has the Revolutionary In addition, two Parsons sisters were War period type of oven – a large brick involved in the Flushing Freedom School. oven fi replace. In addition, a large cistern Interestingly, the fi rst African-American for storing water, which dates from the man to receive a doctorate in America, Pat- origins of the house, stands in its original rick Healy, was educated in Flushing. position by the kitchen door. There’s an Samuel Parsons wanted a special nat- area in the kitchen that could have been ural place for his sons to play. This was a hideout for runaway slaves during the during the time of the Industrial Revolu- Civil War. tion, when cities were overtaking nature. The John Bowne House is the site of Parsons introduced all sorts of exotic spe- John Bowne’s quest for religious freedom. cies of trees. He imported 25,000 white He became a Quaker, and he and his wife mulberry trees, which were native to Asia, were conducting services in the woods be- because these trees provided food for the cause it was against the law at that time silkworm and there was a huge demand to practice any religion that differed from for silk at that time. He was one of the the Dutch Church. John Bowne began largest growers of magnolias. Chances are conducting Quaker services in his newly that any exotic tree you notice while walk- built house in September 1662. ing around Flushing today probably came At this time, Governor Peter Stuyve- from his grove. sant, who had enacted the law that re- Many street names in Flushing are tree quired everyone to worship in the Dutch names refl ective of the Parsons Nursery. Church, heard about this and he ordered Flushing has a proud history of its trees: John Bowne arrested and convicted. John Ash, Cherry, Elder, Holly, Mulberry, Oak, Bowne refused to plead guilty or to pay Poplar, Quince, Rose, Juniper, and Kalmia the fi ne, so he was sent back to Holland to (Mountain Laurel). face trial there. John Bowne was the great-great-great- In April 1663, The Dutch West India grandfather to Samuel Parsons, Jr., who Company ruled that Bowne could return was the son of Samuel Bowne Parsons. to Flushing with a clean slate as long as Samuel Parsons, Jr. (1844-1923) was a land- he promised adherence to the law; Bowne scape designer, and he used plantings eventually returned in 1664, and his house from the Parsons Nursery when he helped continued to serve as a meeting place for Vaux and Olmstead design Central Park local Quakers. It is interesting to note and other famous parks, like Morningside that there were Jewish stockholders in Park, as well as Kissena Park in Queens.

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 25 Community Corner • Recent Happenings In Small Weekly Groups, Emet Discusses All Topics By Sergey Kadinsky bones was a communal responsibility and it was fulfi lled.” here is a desire to learn and there are Binyaminov became involved at Emet plenty of topics to cover. For partici- two years ago through Rabbi Tabi, a for- Tpants in the Emet Outreach Commu- mer student at her college who now runs nity Fellowship Program, ten Monday eve- Emet programs on campus. Her fi rst Shab- nings this summer provide friendship and baton was at Rabbi David Delman’s home free-fl owing open discussions that grasp in Kew Gardens Hills. “Every person here at the motivation and inspiration behind has a unique story and you feel that you religious observance. “I’m becoming more are not alone; you feel that you are in a knowledgeable about my religion,” said place where they know what you are going Jonathan Shimonov. A recent participant through,” said Binyaminov. in Emet programs, this summer semester In total, 65 students learned in six-per- of classes is dedicated in memory of his son groups at Beth Gavriel Community brother Robert, a program participant who Center last Monday evening. Their inter- was killed last April in a car accident. ests range from computer programming to Shimonov learned the laws of kashrus, pharmaceutical studies, and they are in dif- realizing that they go far beyond the sepa- to come,” said Basiratmand. does one tell the parents about going to a ferent stages of their studies. ration of meat and dairy products. “We do Rabbi Michael Fuzailov knows the feel- Shabbaton? “There are certain decisions Each week’s program begins with a de- not eat animals that consume meat. Those ing. “How do I fi gure out this dilemma? Do that you make, but in a way that does not licious dinner, followed by powerful and animals kill,” said Shimonov. I go to the Shabbaton or stay home with my hurt your parents’ feelings.” inspirational messages from Emet Cam- The fellowship is led by Emet Program parents?” As many of his students can re- At Rabbi Josh Tabi’s table, Daniella Bin- pus Director Rabbi Reuven Kigel and other Coordinator Sara Basiratmand, a Queens late, secular parents often look at religious yaminov, a student at Long Island Univer- Emet rabbis, as well as Emet alumni. The resident who has been part of Emet for 11 observance as something that estranges sity, asked whether one is held responsi- program then segues into the highlight of years, starting as a student at Queensbor- their children from families. “They view ble for not fulfi lling mitzvos and if partial the program: the small group learning and ough Community College. While encour- the Judaism of their kids as poison, while observance counts at all. “If people grew discussion sessions. aging participants to attend a Shabbaton viewing the Judaism of their grandparents up not knowing, they are not held respon- Since the founding of the Emet Fellow- in Passaic with Rabbi Reuven Kigel, she as a great thing. It was a different time, sible. Some mitzvos are all or nothing, such ship nine years ago, over 1000 students conceded that Shabbos observance takes they would argue,” said Rabbi Fuzailov. as wearing t’fi lin, but others are recognized have completed a semester or more of time to accept. “My fi rst Shabbaton was “When asked to choose between religious based on effort,” said Rabbi Tabi. “Did learning. In addition to the Forest Hills- nine and a half years ago, but now I can say or non-religious life for their children, I Moshe Rabbeinu fulfi ll the promise of tak- Beth Gavriel fellowship, Emet runs its fel- that I’ve been to more than 100. They are think that they would prefer religious, even ing Yosef’s bones out of Egypt? He did not lowship program on four college campuses beautiful and I highly encourage students after fi ghting it tooth-and-nail.” So how make it to Eretz Yisrael, but taking Yosef’s throughout New York City.

How Laughter Gets You Through Tough Times

as well as an additional three years in the us. Being able to make another person es arise and many can be diffi cult. How- Liverpool Kollel. laugh during tough times is a powerful and ever, an attitude that allows you to laugh With an air of confi dence and a shining great deed that should be smiled upon. at those unexpected things can really help smile, Rabbi Rubinstein opened his speech Throughout life, unexpected occurrenc- you get through the tough times in life. with a fundamental question: What makes a person laugh? There are many ways to make someone laugh, but the most common and effective method is the use of “surprise” or “the un- expected.” The most hilarious portion of a joke is the punch line – the part that makes one think, I didn’t see that coming! Rabbi Rubinstein then told a story from R’ YY Rubinstein speaking for CHAZAQ the Gemara: A rabbi met Eliyahu HaNavi in the marketplace and asked him, “Who By Natan Alper in this marketplace is going to Heaven?” Eliyahu HaNavi pointed and responded, n Sunday night, August 9, Chazaq “Those two men are going to Heaven since was privileged to host a very promi- they are comedians. They don’t just crack Onent and well-known speaker, Rabbi jokes, but they look for people who are spe- Y.Y. Rubinstein. cifi cally depressed or upset, and make them Rabbi Rubinstein was born in Glasgow, laugh!” Scotland, and moved to England when he We see how important laughter is and was twenty. He studied in the world-re- should acknowledge that it’s one of the nowned Gateshead Yeshiva for seven years, greatest gifts G-d could have ever given to

26 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 27 Community Corner • Recent Happenings Merkaz Hachama Rides Camp Naomi The Rails With Its Campers Invites Grandparents! his past week, Camp Naomi celebrat- their real grandparents to camp for a spe- ed grandparents! In line with our cial event. Michael Tzvi Dear the Great per- Tsummer theme of “Oh, The Places formed amazing magic tricks to everyone’s You’ll Go,” the children “went” to Bubby delight. The event was a wonderful op- and Zeidy’s house for a visit. On Thursday, portunity for the children to spend special special guests arrived. The children invited time with their grandparents.

erkaz Hachama Day Camp is go- riding on the tracks, and the display of ing strong in its third summer trains was mesmerizing! We got to expe- Mseason! There is much excite- rience the different speeds that the trains ment in the air, and every week has a dif- used to travel; some of the trains were able ferent theme! to go as fast as 50 scaled miles per hour. This past week’s theme was Travel- The campers loved the steam engine ing. One of our highlights of the week the most. The original model of this train was boarding Conductor Dennis Shore’s was built in the 1930s, and the engine rep- “Shoreline Express.” All of the campers resented the pinnacle of speed locomo- were able to see and experience the ex- tives at that time. Aside from all of the tensive collection of trains that Mr. Shore genuine train noises and the speed of the has on tracks. Mr. Shore has studied and train, the campers loved seeing the steam worked with trains for many years. come out of the train! The whole room Every camper received a boarding pass started smelling like a real train station. punched by an original ticket punch from After learning and seeing how each almost 100 years ago for admission to the train runs, every child received a delicious exciting train show. The campers were piece of “train cake” baked by our dedicat- fascinated by the different trains that were ed counselors!

28 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 100th Anniversary Of Leo Frank’s Lynching Commemorated By Council Members Lancman & Crowley, The Anti-Defamation League & The Queens Jewish Community Council

LENDALE - Council Members the lynching, Frank’s body was trans- tisemitism. This historic case serves as he was Jewish, must be remembered so Rory I. Lancman and Elizabeth ported to the Mount Carmel Cemetery, a stark reminder of the dangers we still that such a tragedy may never be repeat- GCrowley, the Anti-Defamation where he lies in rest today. Frank was face if we do not confront hatred and ed. It is unfortunate that even a century League and the Queens Jewish Commu- posthumously pardoned by the Georgia stand united for justice,” said Dr. Dan later and 70 years after the Holocaust nity Council held a memorial in honor State Board of Pardons and Paroles in Leshem, the Executive Director of the that we are still experiencing anti-Semi- of Leo Frank, who was lynched 100 years 1986. Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center tism and hate right here in Queens,” said ago today following a false murder con- Frank’s lynching was an unconsciona- & Archives. Assembly Member David I. Weprin. viction from a trial that was marked by ble act of anti-semitism that followed a “On the 100th anniversary of Leo rampant antisemitism. trial that made a mockery of our justice Frank’s murder by lynching I am proud Nadia Chait “Leo Frank’s murder trial and lynch- system. to join in memorializing his passing. Communications Director ing shows some of the worst and most “It is critically important to remem- Such a murder, committed only because Council Member Rory Lancman hateful aspects of American history,” ber the past and understand the prog- said Council Member Lancman. “We ress we have made. Much work remains stand together today to acknowledge in the realm of combating bigotry, hate this horrible history and to maintain our and anti-Semitism. The lessons of what commitment toward creating a society transpired 100 years ago with regard to that is fair and just for people of all reli- Leo Frank are still relevant today,” said gions and races.” Evan Bernstein, the New York Regional “It is important to remember the life Director of the Anti-Defamation League. of Leo Frank and the horrifi c injustice he “As a child of Holocaust survivors who suffered – his story is one that must be came to the ‘Golden Land’ of America to shared to help combat this type of hate,” escape antisemitism and persecution, it said Council Member Crowley. “While is disheartening to know that this form our country has come far since that day of hate and discrimination actually hap- in 1915, we still have much more work to pened to Leo Frank albeit 100 years ago. do. We must continue to educate others We must be vigilant and educate the on the value of people’s differences, and community about this ugly and tragic emphasize they exist so we can learn episode in American history to ensure from one another. Thank you to Coun- that it never happens again.” said Cyn- cil Member Lancman for organizing this thia Zalisky, the Executive Director of memorial and recognizing Leo Frank’s Queens Jewish Community Council. mark on our community.” “The tragic story of Leo Frank high- Leo Frank was a Jewish-American fac- lights the need and the importance of tory superintendent who was abduct- organizations such as the Anti-Defama- ed from jail and lynched in Georgia, tion League,” said Public Advocate Le- following his false murder conviction titia James. “While we have made great at a trial marked by rampant antisemi- progress over the past century, we must tism. Frank’s case gained national notice continue on the road to tolerance and during the appeals process, as it became equality. I am disturbed and saddened increasingly apparent that his trial was by the recent uptick in acts of bigotry poisoned by religious hate and prejudice and antisemitism, but remain unde- against Northerners. Although his ap- terred. Together, we must stand fi rm in peals were unsuccessful, Supreme Court our tireless fi ght to end hate.” Justices Oliver Wendell Holmes and “Leo Frank’s story is one of antisemi- Charles Evans Hughes acknowledged the tism and justice denied, stories that ring atmosphere of public hostility in which true even to this day around the globe,” the trial took place, writing in their dis- said Queens Borough President Melin- sent that “mob law does not become due da Katz. “His story is one that must not process of law by securing the assent of be forgotten, and memorials like this re- a terrorized jury.” mind us of how far we’ve come and how Questions about Frank’s guilt and much further we must go. Thank you to the fairness of his trial plagued Georgia Councilmembers Lancman and Crowley, Governor John Slaton, who commut- as well as the ADL and QJCC for putting ed Frank’s sentence to life in prison as together this important memorial, the one of his fi nal acts in offi ce. Just two lessons of which still apply to this day.” months later, Frank was kidnapped from “As we continue to strive for racial the state prison farm in Milledgeville by equality, it is imperative that we remem- a group of 25 armed men and driven 170 ber Leo Frank, his life, trial and subse- miles to Marietta, Georgia where he was quent lynching in the larger contexts of brutally beaten and hanged. Following American racial violence and global an-

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 29 Community Corner • Recent Happenings Margaret Tietz Declared Defi ciency Free By Brian Chernigoff

ince 1971, when it fi rst opened its doors with its mission of providing Scare for elderly Jews, especially Holo- caust survivors, the Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has been known for its exemplary care for all of its patients. Whether physical, social, or spiritual needs, Margaret Tietz has provided it all, and be- cause of its excellence it has recently re- ceived a perfect inspection report. Margaret Tietz offers all types of care to its patients, including short-term rehab, long-term care, and hospice care. Short- term rehabilitation exists to assist people who have undergone a knee transplant or suffered through a stroke and need a brief period of recovery. Long-term care usual- ly includes people who can no longer take care of themselves and need help with es- Photo by Caroll Alvarado sential life activities such as eating, dress- Margaret Tietz staffers, including new Executive Director Yoel Lichstein (fourth from r.), gather with northeast Queens elected officials from the ing, and bathing. Hospice care includes city and state levels at a legislative meet-and-greet Tuesday. care for those nearing the end of their lives. Margaret Tietz also meets the social and Music therapists work with residents to hoods in Queens, including Kew Gardens health and rehabilitation fi eld. emotional needs of its residents by provid- prescribe a list of songs for each individual Hills, Briarwood, Hillcrest/Fresh Meadows, “We are very pleased with the results of ing warm, caring staff members who take to listen to, which will help alleviate pain and Jamaica Estates/Holliswood. the survey” said Yoel Lipstein, executive care of the needs of every individual per- and stress, and aid in the overall recovery. At the end of this July, the NYS Depart- director of Margaret Tietz. “They are a val- son. The staff at Margaret Tietz is sure to In addition to these great benefi ts, Mar- ment of Health conducted its annual in- idation of the terrifi c team work at Marga- work with each patient to ensure not only garet Tietz provides the religious needs of spection of Margaret Tietz. It examined ev- ret Tietz and the dedication of every staff the quantity of his or her life but also the its patients, including daily and Shabbos ery aspect of Margaret Tietz, ranging from member to the recovery of every patient quality of it. Focused on residents’ emo- minyanim, fully catered glatt kosher and its administration of medication, care for here at Margaret Tietz.” tional recovery, Margaret Tietz embraces a chalav Yisrael meals, and services on the patients, and physical environment, which Strengthened by the perfect report, the treatment known as music therapy, which holidays. Additionally, for family members includes the lighting, heating, and cleanli- staff members at Margaret Tietz look to con- aids people with neurological disorders and friends who wish to visit their loved ness of the facility. It was determined that tinue providing an excellent rehab experi- such as stroke, brain injury, Alzheimer’s dis- ones on Shabbos, Margaret Tietz has an Margaret Tietz had a perfect report and is ence to their patients and help make their ease, and other dementias and depressions. eruv connecting them to many neighbor- offi cially “defi ciency free,” a rarity in the recovery as swift and painless as possible.


At 8:00 p.m., Chazaq will present a live c[dji m_bb X[ i[hl[Z$  Ik]][ij[Z :edW- Chazaq will hold its AUGUST lecture by Rabbi Paysach Krohn at the tion: $10. For more information, please e- J^_hZ 7ddkWb :_d- Oekd]?ihW[be\@WcW_YW;ijWj[i.)#'&'..th mail `Wo$i^ekbied6l[h_ped$d[j$ ner. Details to fol- At 5:15 p.m., the Ijh[[j"@WcW_YW;ijWj[i $C[dWdZmec[d low. Oekd]?ihW[be\A[m welcome. For more information, please Chazaq will present the Queens Avinu Gardens Hills will call Esther at 718-578-7623 or at 718-285-9132, Malkeinu Event, featuring guest speakers 9 hold the next talk in or e-mail _d\e6Y^WpWg$eh]$ Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein and Mr. Char- Wednesday _ji Ikcc[h I^WX- b_[ >WhWho$  7j j^[ Oekd] ?ihW[b e\ A[m th Shabbos 22 bos Afternoon Lec- Motza’ei Shabbos Gardens Hills (150-05 70 Road, Kew Gar- jkh[ I[h_[i$  Meir 29-Sunday 30 Z[di>_bbi $7bbfheY[[Zim_bbX[d[ÓjHWX- Deutsch of Regavim, “Relations with the EdIWjkhZWod_]^j X_MWbb[hij[_dÊiE^hDWWlWMec[dÊiJehW^ NOVEMBER Bedouin and Issues of Land in Israel.”?d (from 9:30 p.m. to Center. Details to follow. the Beis Midrash. '0&& W$c$  WdZ Ikd- I^[lWY^ >_]^ Shabbos 29 day (from 11:00 IY^eeb -+#&/ CW_d From 10:30 a.m. to a.m. to 11:00 p.m.), Ijh[[j"A[m=WhZ[di noon, UJA-Federa- Chazaq will hold a suit and tie sale in the SEPTEMBER Hills) will hold an tion of New York O[i^_lWe\9[djhWbGk[[di]oc'*-#)--&th open house. Details will hold a back- Road, Kew Gardens Hills). All suits $150. At 8:30 p.m., Chazaq Sunday 15 to follow. pack assembly ses- For more information, please call 718-285- and Hidabroot will Sunday 23 sion for its second 9132 or contact _d\e6Y^WpWg$eh]$ present an English WddkWb Ikffb_[i \eh language lecture by IkYY[ii Fhe`[Yj" m^_Y^ fhel_Z[i iY^eeb At 7:00 p.m., Congre- Rabbi Yitzchak supplies for disadvantaged children in ye- ]Wj_edIedie\?ihW[b Tuesday 1 Fanger and Rabbi i^_leiWdZZWoiY^eebi$7jj^[Oekd]?ihW- (33-21 Crescent Yosef Mizrachi at el of Jamaica Estates (83-10 188thIjh[[j"@W- Ijh[[j" Bed] ?ibWdZ j^[Oekd]?ihW[be\A[m=WhZ[di>_bbi'+&# maica Estates). For more information or City) will show the 05 70th Road, Kew Gardens Hills). Free of to sign up to help, please contact Adrienne Sunday 30 movie “HIDING & charge. For more information, please call Rubin-Prince at 212-836-1674 or rubinprin- SEEKING,” a story Chazaq at 917-617-3636 or e-mail [h[p6^jl$ Y[W6k`W\[Zdo$eh]$ of remembrance and tolerance. Refresh- Ye$_b$

30 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 31 Blue And White Shmuel Sackett What You Don’t Know About Iran

CONTINUED FROM P. 1 Bibi has correctly pointed out on several his victory, the fi rst foreign dignitaries in- Arafat died, the leader of the Al-Aqsa Bri- occasions that these terror groups are fund- vited to Iran – to celebrate with him – were gade, Zakaria Zubeidi, supported Abbas to this vote – even if the deal is rejected – will ed, armed, and trained by Iran. Therefore, Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas (who is take over and pledged him his full loyalty. not solve Israel’s “Iranian problem.” Sena- he says, this Iran deal will strengthen not today the president of “Palestine”). As a gift In short, the connection runs very deep. tor Schumer will vote against the deal be- only Iran, but also the ones they support, to Arafat and Abbas, for training and arming I could go on and on and list more cause it is bad for America, which is exactly meaning Hamas and Hezbollah. This is a his fi ghters, Khomeini gave them a beauti- names and events that connect these dots, the way he should think and act. scary thought, and therefore all lovers of Is- ful offi ce to use as PLO/Fatah headquarters: but the conclusion is simple and extreme- Let’s be honest for a minute and put rael oppose the deal and are trying to stop the former Israeli embassy in Tehran! ly disturbing: Today’s “Palestinian Authori- our emotions aside: The job of a US sen- it. This is well known and well document- What does all this have to do with to- ty” is a direct proxy of Iran and they are far ator is to do what’s good for his state and ed; so where is the information I promised day? Simple. That deep relationship be- more dangerous than Hamas and Hezbollah his country – and not necessarily what is that “you won’t read anywhere else”? tween Iran and PLO/Fatah continues to since they sit in the middle of Israel! The good for Israel. Yes, many times what is Here it is: Not only are Hamas and Hez- this very day. Abbas calls himself President obvious question is why are they being of- good for Israel is also good for America, fered a state by the same leaders who warn but many times that is also not the case. against Iran? On one hand, Bibi runs and I am very comfortable with the fact that a Let’s be honest for a minute and put our emotions aside: delivers a strong speech in the US Congress US politician – from congressman to sen- against the Iranian deal, while on the other ator to mayor to governor to Commander The job of a US senator is to do what’s good hand he is 100% in support of a Palestinian in Chief – must fi rst do what is good for for his state and his country – State in the middle of Israel that will bring America and not worry about Israel. He/ Iran within a few miles of Jerusalem, Ne- she is paid by Americans, was elected by and not necessarily what is good for Israel. tanya, and Ben Gurion Airport! Does that the American people, and must therefore make any sense to you??? fi rst and foremost do what is good for the Don’t be fooled for even one second; people he/she represents! This deal is bad bollah proxies of Iran, but the Palestinian of Palestine and maintains deep ties with when Israel sends a team to negotiate with for America! It gives Iran money, power, Authority is one as well! The leaders of the current Iranian regime. That regime the “Palestinians,” they are really negotiat- and freedom, which they will use for evil. the so called “Palestinians” are called by a is led by two men: Ali Khamenei (the Su- ing with Iran… the same Iran that Bibi says Very soon this evil will fi nd its way to the very politically correct name: “Palestinian preme Leader of Iran) and Hassan Rouhani we must not negotiate with! Crazy is not shores of New York and other American Authority”; but their real name – to this (the President of Iran). Both of these men the word, and this is yet another example cities, similar to the way that Arab terror very day – is the PLO/Fatah. The founder are students and followers of the Ayatollah, of why the present Israeli leadership must and suicide bombers started in Israel but of PLO/Fatah is Yasser Arafat. Back in the and Ali Khamenei was recently quoted as be replaced by those who will state the wound up in downtown Manhattan. This ‘70s, and long before Persian Jews lived in saying that “Israel has no cure but must be truth, lead by authentic Torah values, and is why Schumer will vote against it, and Great Neck and Los Angeles, life was very annihilated.” turn Israel into a strong and proud Jewish he is right in his thinking. The question good for Jews in Iran. The ruler was the Over the years, many media outlets re- state. Finally, this strong leadership must that remains, however, is simple: Where Shah and he treated the Jews with tremen- ported that the terror bombings across Is- punish today’s Iranian regime with the does that leave Israel? As written above, dous respect and dignity. All of this came rael, including the Sbarro pizza bombing same punishment given to Haman, the last this deal – even if totally rejected – will to an end with the Iranian Revolution led were supported by Iran via a division of troublemaker we had from Persia! not make Iran melt away. The Iranians are by Ayatollah Khomeini. He spearheaded a PLO/Fatah called “The Al-Aqsa Brigade.” As For more information on the connec- obsessed with wiping Israel off the map violent and deadly revolution, which drove an example, the Sunday Telegraph of Octo- tion between Iran and PLO/Fatah, please and will stop at nothing until they either the Shah out of power and killed and ex- ber 14, 2004, reported that “Much of the Fa- visit the website of Historical and Investi- achieve that goal (G-d forbid) or are wiped iled many Jews. Did you ever ask yourself tah’s Al-Aqsa Brigade has come under Iran’s gative Research, edited by Dr. Francisco Gil- off the map fi rst (G-d willing). from where Khomeini received his weap- sway, especially in the West Bank.” When White: www.hirhome.com. Allow me to make matters even worse ons? How about who trained his guerrilla by giving you information you probably fi ghters? To answer that question, allow Shmuel Sackett is a 100% product of Queens. He was born in Middle Village and moved won’t read anywhere else: Prime Minister me to quote from The New York Times (Feb- to KGH shortly before his bar-mitzvah. He graduated from YCQ (1975) and YHSQ (1979). He Bibi Netanyahu has been running around ruary 19, 1979): “Mr. Arafat’s group sent arms was Havurat Yisrael’s fi rst Youth Director (4 years) and started the fi rst 2 NCSY chapters the world telling everyone that Israel’s two to the revolutionary forces and trained Ira- in Queens. Shmuel made aliyah in 1990 and co-founded Manhigut Yehudit, together with biggest enemies – Hamas in Gaza and Hez- nian guerillas since the early 1970s.” As a Moshe Feiglin. His website is www.JewishIsrael.org Sackett is married with 6 children and bollah in Lebanon – are “proxies of Iran.” matter of fact, when Khomeini celebrated 4 grandchildren. He lives in Herziliya Pituach.

ing and that they were located, during Photographer Judah S. Harris Speaks In Queens About The Family Documentary Project certain years, in the Asch Building on Washington Place in Manhattan, the lo- CONTINUED FROM P. 24 of the emigration from the port of Ham- arrived in the country, as will passport cation of the famous Triangle Shirt Fac- burg. As he searched the entries for the applications from certain years. tory fi re that took place in 1911 (the Tri- tial trip to fi nd their graves. He discovered ship passengers, he found the couple, It is important to understand that angle Shirtwaist Factory owner was also many tombstones marked with the Harris Hersh and Rebecca, his great-great-grand- there are a lot of variations in terms of named Harris, but no relation). The sig- name. He photographed the tombstones parents on the Harris side. Their last spellings of fi rst and last names, and also nifi cant event of that Saturday afternoon and continued his research to identify name was listed there, too (and they were names of towns. Once you know the changed state labor laws, and Harris the other people. Were they all relatives? traveling with a female child that turned town of origin, this can help you locate family lore tells how the brothers, obser- He discovered that his great-grandfather out to be a sister to the brothers). birth, marriage, and death records. A vant Jews, walked downtown from Har- had additional brothers that he, Judah Harris explained to the audience that very essential website for Jewish genea- lem, where they were living, when they Harris, had not known existed. This today you can fi nd access to many Polish logical research is jewishgen.com. Harris heard of the huge fi re; they were espe- eventually led him to meeting or commu- records, or those of other countries, and explained the idea of a Soundex, which cially concerned, as one descendent told nicating with descendants of the broth- immigration records. Not everything is categorizes names by their sound. The Judah Harris, because the clothing com- ers, including a man about 90 years old available, but there is much to review. Re- basic concept of how it works is that pany’s insurance had ended that Friday. – a grandson of one of the brothers – who cords today can even help people whose most vowels are removed, to leave the There’s no proof to that fact, aside from was living in Teaneck, New Jersey. families perished in the Holocaust, as base letters. When you do a search using a story that’s been passed along for 100 One of the brothers he identifi ed government records have been preserved. a Soundex algorithm, you will get a list years, and Harris also wonders – based during this search was named Pincus. There are Family History Library centers that allows you to look for names that on calculations considering when the Harris found the names of Pincus’ par- run by the Mormon Church, and the US could be otherwise missed if you were fi re began, at around 4:30 p.m., and when ents on a New York City marriage certifi - government offers census information looking for only one variant of a name. Shabbos ended on that March date – why cate. Their last names were listed as Har- and other documents that can be seen Of course another valuable resource is they didn’t wait and take transportation, ris, which was understandable (a maiden for free online or at locations around offl ine – speaking with people in your instead of walking the six miles for well name was also listed for the wife), but the country, including New York, or with own family who know things, or can be over an hour and half. the important information was their fi rst a paid subscription to a genealogy site. prompted when presented with new in- Harris commented, “When you solve names, which represented new informa- Some documents provide ages and the formation you’ve discovered. some mysteries, other questions come tion. Harris conducted a search online dates of when people came to America, Harris knew from his early childhood up.” Ask yourself “Why,” he suggests, and with specifi c dates based on the marriage even places of birth. The naturalization that his great-grandfather and his broth- then go fi nd the answer, or at least take information and was able to fi nd records papers, for instance, may list when they ers were manufacturers of men’s cloth- an educated guess.

32 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Dating Today Goldy Krantz You Are Enough!

uring my last visit to my sister in let you know. If you are important to him the person who makes you prove that he left “casual” voicemails for this guy and tex- Baltimore, I was sitting outside an in any way, he will let you know. It may be should need you in his life? ted him. She received nothing in return Dice cream store with my nephew hard to hear and even to accept, but there This beautiful, intelligent, and popular except for an empty promise of him call- taking in the nice weather. Two married comes a time when you have to move on girl, whose sister and sister’s friend were ing her back “soon,” which he didn’t follow frum women were sitting on a bench through with. This young woman should across from us, eating ice cream and speak- be looking for someone who wants to be ing about one of their single sisters. From If someone truly likes you, he will let you (and others) know it. with her. She should focus all of her ener- what I was able to gather, the single girl gies on someone new, and drop this other they were speaking of was beautiful, well- You won’t need to question yourself one who in essence dumped her a year ago educated, with a very good position in the about his intentions or feelings and then seems not to care about the havoc company she worked for, popular… Yet she he is causing her emotionally. Why would “is still chasing after the boy she went out anyone want to be with someone like that? with a year ago that sort of dumped her.” I and fi nd someone who will prove to all, talking about her, sounds like she was hang- Let’s review the sentence that the mar- couldn’t help it; I started to listen intently. without ever being asked to do so, that he ing around this fellow trying to get noticed. ried sister said: “She thinks that he doesn’t One woman told her friend how the wants to spend time with you and he gen- True, the fellow started things up again by know what he wants, and if she is around, fellow her sister was dating told her that uinely likes you. Don’t you want to fi nd texting “Hi.” That simple word has led to he needed a break about a year ago, but that person and stop hanging around with this girl jumping through hoops. This girl CONTINUED ON P. 35 never contacted her again. It took the girl weeks to get over that. Suddenly, one day a month or so ago, he texted the sister with “Hi.” A simple word. Now the sister is won- dering what is going on. She called, leaving voicemails and texts for this fellow. He an- swered one phone call with “I’m on my way to dinner with friends. I’ll call you soon.” He never called. The single girl “is going crazy” because he established communica- tion again – the fellow said he would call her “soon.” But that was it, nothing else followed. The married sister and the friend felt sorry for the single girl, because “she has so much to offer, but she is hung up on this guy who is just stringing her along.” Then I heard a sentence that I had an issue with: “She thinks he doesn’t know what he wants and if she is around, then he will re- alize he wants her.” Oyyyyyyy. Unfortunately, I have heard stories sim- ilar to this one several times: from friends and people who have sent me e-mails. But I don’t understand why this happens. Maybe I am lucky that I always had a good sense of self and self-confi dence and al- ways knew that someone was out there who would like me for me. I’ve written in past articles about changing yourself for someone whom you like, but you won’t be true to yourself if the changes are solely made in the hopes that someone will like the new you because they didn’t like the old you. Why put yourself through that? If someone truly likes you, he will let you (and others) know it. You won’t need to question yourself about his intentions or feelings. If someone likes you, he will do all he can to spend time with you, mak- ing plans to go out after a long day at work/ school; maybe he would cancel plans with friends just to spend time with you, send cute texts to you, etc. Intentions are clear. But to hear someone tell you, “I’ll call you soon” and the person never calls you, and you still text or try to contact that person, ask yourself “Why?” That particular person has really sent a clear message by not doing anything at all. The message: I’m just not that into you (to borrow the title of a book and movie). Why should anyone have to prove to someone why she should be in his life? Why should you fi ght for space and time in someone’s schedule? If he wants to spend any kind of time with you, he will

Goldy Krantz is an LMSW and a life- long Queens resident, guest lecturer, and author of the shidduch dating book, The Best of My Worst. She can be contacted at [email protected].

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 33 Rabbi’s Musings & Amusings Rabbi Dani Staum

Under Construction

CONTINUED FROM P. 1 ing and one burly fellow munching on a sandwich. Every time I have that expe- Philadelphia” (talk about a complex). rience (as I did again last week), I won- There are certainrtain thingsthings that makemake der if New JJerseyersey resideresidents realize that you aware that you are in New Jer-Jer- ththeireir tax money is beingbei used to keep sey. For example,ple, you are made wworkersorkers busy by pputtingu out cones to feel that youu are no longerlonger aandnd re-core-collectingllectin them a few competent to pump yoyourur hours latelater.r. own gas. Also,o, in NewNew TThehe gregreata Hillel would Jersey there seemsems to say (AAvosvo 1:14), “If I am be signs for the Gar-Gar- not fforo myself, then den State Park-k- wwhoh will be for way and the mme?” Every New Jersey person is put Turnpike on in this world just about ev- wwith certain ery corner. Thereere tthingshin that only he is a certain lookk and ccanan aaccomplish.c If a feel to New Jerseyey com- ppersonerson ddoes not utilize munities as well.ll. his abilitieabilities and capabili- I have noticediced another tties,ies, those aaccomplishmentsc phenomenon inn New Jersey on wwillill never come to fruition. a bunch of differenterent ooccasions.ccasions. AAtt TheThe roadsroads of lifelife are full of New times I will be driving on one of the Jersey construction sites. si There are New Jersey highways when signs ap- areas that have been set aside for specif- pear indicating a merge ahead because ic growth and accomplishments, but the of roadwork. Sure enough, cones appear workers never show up. As another mish- and along with the rest of the traffi c, we nah in Avos teaches, “The day is short, the all begin to merge right. A half mile later, work is long, the wages are great, the work-

I have noticed another phenomenon in New Jersey on a bunch of different occasions

more cones appear, and again we merge, ers are lazy, and the Master is demanding.” Solution to this issue’s puzzles this time all the way to the right. Then we There’s a classic caption that says, “I drive for about three miles in single fi le, was put on this earth to accomplish cer- at a much-reduced speed, passing tens of tain things. Right now I’m so far behind cones all neatly lined in formation. The I’ll never die!” Unfortunately, the reality only catch is that there is nothing going is not that way. We only have a limited on behind those cones; the road is closed amount of time – hopefully healthy and for construction but there is no construc- plentiful time. But if we do not accom- tion going on. plish what was set aside for us to accom- There have been times when I have plish, the cones are re-collected and traf- gotten to the end of the construction fi c quickly fi lls its space, and the work area only to fi nd three guys schmooz- zone is soon forgotten.

Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, is the Rabbi of Kehillat New Hempstead, as well as guidance counselor and fi fth-grade rebbe in ASHAR, and Principal at Mesivta Ohr Naf- toli of New Windsor. He can be reached at [email protected]. His website is www.stamtorah.info

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34 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Frontlines Joseph M. Frager

Senator Gillibrand: Remember Raoul Wallenberg

n July 9, 2014, I met Senator Kirsten saved 1,200 Jews. Senator Gillibrand inti- power to destroy it. The majority of New science just as Senator Schumer did. I re- Gillibrand at the Congressional Gold mated to me that if given the opportunity, Yorkers and the majority of Americans op- member well Senator Gillibrand’s remarks OMedal Ceremony honoring Raoul she would act just as Wallenberg did. Wal- pose Obama’s Iranian Deal. Only at most about Prime Minister Netanyahu when he Wallenberg, which was spearheaded by lenberg was her hero. one in three Americans support it. The visited New York several years ago. Senator Gillibrand. She was the lead spon- When I heard that she would not op- American people know more than many You, Senator Gillibrand, professed only sor of the gathering. Raoul Wallenberg’s pose the catastrophic Iran Deal, I lost my give them credit. the greatest respect and admiration for the sister, Nina Lagergren, and extended family respect for Senator Gillibrand. She should Senator Chuck Schumer made the de- Prime Minister. How is it that people you fl ew in from Sweden. have asked herself the simple question: cision of his lifetime and came out on the respect and admire so much like Senator I was impressed that the Senator partici- What would Raoul Wallenberg do in this right side of history. He deserves our praise Schumer and Prime Minister Netanyahu pated in such an event. It was an incredible situation? The answer is, he would have for analyzing the Iran Deal and acting on can be wrong on this deal? I am hopeful outpouring of support for Wallenberg, who tried to save as many lives as possible. The his conscience to do the right thing. I was that, with further refl ection, you will re- saved over 100,000 Jews from the Nazis by most evil regime in the world today is Iran. shocked that Senator Gillibrand broke consider your support of this fatally fl awed superhuman efforts the likes of which have Wallenberg knew evil better than anyone ranks with Senator Schumer. Senator Gilli- deal that the American people don’t want never been recorded in the annals of histo- and would have done everything in his brand should look deep into her own con- and are opposed to. ry. To give some added dimension to how great Raoul Wallenberg was, Oskar Schin- dler – who, because of Steven Spielberg, is better known by the world at large – only

Joseph M. Frager is a physician and lifelong activist.

You Are Enough! CONTINUED FROM P. 33

he will realize he wants her.” I hate to say it, but most of the time people know what they want. If calls and texts aren’t being returned, you can surmise that what that person wants is not you. I’m very sorry to say that, but it’s true. But if it’s not true, and this person – or any per- son – doesn’t know what he wants and you spend weeks if not months trying to convince this person that he wants you, is that the feeling that you want at the end of the day? Do you want to say to your friends, “I wore him/her down so that he/she knew I was what he/she wanted”? That wouldn’t make me feel like a prize, a fi rst place winner. I would feel like I received the participation medal or at the very least the attendance medal because I showed up every day. Why would anyone want to be with someone who needs convincing that he wants to be with you? Everyone is good enough and smart enough… to be with someone. You don’t have to change for anyone or chase any- one! You are enough!! I think people may forget that, or may not have ever realized that. I am here to tell you all: “You are enough! Go fi nd that person who will value you for you, and will let everyone know how truly special you are to him.” I didn’t enjoy writing this article. After listening to the two women talk, I realized I had to write it. I try to be truthful with others, but there is a fi ne line between being truthful and painful- ly blunt with them. Please remember, if someone wants to be with you, you shouldn’t have to fi ght so hard for his attention, because he will readily give it to you. This person may not be your bashert. Instead of hanging around and “waiting for this person to realize how great you are,” try to fi nd the person who will know how great you are and will want to be with you from the start. I know it’s not easy in the shidduch world. That is why I wish hatzlachah to you all!!

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 35 House & Home Rabbi Gedaliah and Sarah Newcomb Some very humble and very genuine rabbis give so much of their time and effort to help others. Some people will say they will do all kinds of things and not deliver. Others will “say little and do Hidden Acts Of Kindness much” – I learned that from true servants of Hashem and always try to follow that “mission statement.” I would much rath- During Real Estate Transactions er promise less, be honest about a proper- ty’s value and/or expectations, and deliver more. Even if people are not lucky enough to have these traits and habits naturally, it is always something that can be acquired. Willingness and effort can accomplish miracles. I see this daily. I took notice of tiny leaves bursting through my front brick steps and I found it remarkable that it occurred and even more remarkable that I noticed it and took the message to heart. Never give up. Ever. An article titled “Take the lead” by Sar- ah Yagudaev appeared in Chazaq Maga- zine with some very important messages. The author writes: “The real truth about leadership is that it can be frightening to think that we can matter that much to other people. To be a leader (a real leader = humble), you don’t need money, power, or the title. You just need to be you and give over what you know with strength and confi dence. You just need to not be afraid to make that difference in someone hroughout day-to-day life spent on the sale, noticed that a couple of bricks in hold goods to those in need. The things I else’s life as well as in your own life.” My real estate endeavors amongst aver- the front steps came loose, and although mention here have to do specifi cally with summary: Indeed we can and do make a Tage daily events and family time, I not required to do anything about it at this real estate, housing, or relocation needs, difference. I noticed this message on an have been quite fortunate to bear witness point, she felt that she should, in order to as we all know there are abundant chasa- advertisement on the side of a bus going to many “random acts of kindness – chasa- be kind to the purchaser. This she would dim going on daily with all sorts of other down Union Turnpike last week: “The dif- dim.” While I know that many of the peo- do without even mentioning it, perhaps, needs. ference is wanting to make a difference.” ple who perform these kindnesses prefer and without any fanfare. I recently took notice of a transaction Cherish the opportunities. to remain anonymous, I cannot not help A buyer who is eager to close on a con- where the buyer knew of personal deroga- Two sets of “words of wisdom” from a but notice, appreciate, and hopefully learn tracted purchase has empathy for a seller tory information about a seller and re- daily inspirational reader: from these observations. I do try in life struggling to complete the removal of all fused to relay it or speak about it at all to “If I don’t know how to respond to a to aim to learn from everything, both the the items in the house, and quietly okays a anyone. They had personal strong integri- situation today, why not try responding good and the bad, which I witness out on delay, even though it affects her “mortgage ty and work on judging people favorably with kindness? Be’emes. Needs no further the streets every day. rate lock.” Another buyer okays a delay in constantly. They also have excellent role explanation. The next one: While showing a rental property this a similar situation for a similar reason, models both in their parents/family and “Today I’m going to pay close attention week, I noticed that on the refrigerator of where it not only affects her rate lock but in their shuls! They are indeed fortunate. to what I will tell myself. If necessary, I’ll the current tenant was a note from a neigh- also her own plans in beginning to pre- This gave them the ability to detach from stop mid-thought, start over, and replace bor whom I know (and who shall remain pare the property for her own family’s use the issue at hand and extent kindness and negative illusions with positive truths.” anonymous), welcoming the students to and eventual move-in. the ability to “forego” rather than spread Practicing these kinds of “life skills” can the area, offering her contact information I have known anonymous realtors who slander or engage in machlokes. People only enhance our daily lives, our interac- and invitations for Shabbos or anything will straighten up clients’ homes in their like this bring us closer to true celebration tions with family, friends, and neighbors else they may need. It did not surprise absence and never make mention of it. and Mashiach. – and certainly real estate transactions. me, knowing this wonderful woman who Many people go above and beyond the call does a lot of chesed quietly, but I thought of duty and perform chesed matter-of-fact- Rabbi Gedaliah and Sarah Newcomb are NY State licensed realtors for over 13 years. While it heartwarming that the tenants decided ly. Some of us will reduce fees to those in specializing in Kew Gardens Hills, where they are long-time community members, they serve all to leave it up on their refrigerator for so need. Some of us have worked pro-bono areas in the fi ve boroughs and Long Island. They hold several specialty certifi cations and are long; perhaps the gesture meant as much when faced with a family in crisis. Many members of the Long Island Board of Realtors and the Multiple Listing Service of Queens and or more to them as it did to me noticing it. of us give a lot of our personal time to Long Island. Rabbi Newcomb is a beloved rebbe at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe. Sarah Newcomb has Another observation this week was that those who need extra support. won multiple awards from RE/MAX NY and RE/MAX International. They make their home in a seller who has really been through a hard I have seen families get fi nancial help and are proud members of the Kew Gardens Hills community, along with their family. Contact time and is justifi ably overwhelmed, pre- from community members anonymously. information: Direct cell: 917-459-7549 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website: paring and emptying her house for closing I have seen all kinds of donations of house- QueensRealtorTeam.com

36 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Classifieds

REAL ESTATE Salaried Sales Position - Electronic Payments Selling renovated semi-detached Fidelity Payment, a nationwide electronic pay- home in KGHS. New bathroom, kitchen, ment technology co. is hiring limited number basement and central A/C. Asking $780,000. of regional account execs with sales exper. Contact [email protected] Base salary (up to $1000 weekly) + lifetime residuals. Fidelity provides businesses with; Lovely Jerusalem Apt for Rent by Owners. credit card processing, online payments, Two Bedroom Two Bathroom check services, POS systems, invoicing, Strictly Kosher Kitchen. Short walk to Kotel accounting integration, Gift programs, ATM and Emek Rafaim and Great Synagogue etc. machines Etc. Full training + support. Apply @ Located in Pinsker building in Talbiah, near to www.fidelitypayment.com/salescareer Inbal Hotel. Air condioned, wireless internet, Part time/Full time job available. cable television, Washer Dryer, Parking, Easy Jonathan 718-593-7613 Access, Two Shabbat elevators on 12th floor. Shul in building. Fantastic views – 2 Porches. Yosefa Glazer Daycare for two-year-olds is $900 per week plus electric and cleaning looking for a recent seminary graduate for a depending on time frame and #of people. full-time assistant position (Sep-June) , or Call Owners 917-519-6185 possibly afternoons only. Candidate should be energetic, creative, and have a passion for EMPLOYMENT nurturing young children. Hamaspik is looking for Please e-mail [email protected] Community Habilitation workers to work with or call/text (917)721-3982. special needs individuals in the evening in Far Rockaway, Five towns, and Flushing. SERVICES Please call 718-408-5401 Young man with car available for courier work and light deliveries. Yeshiva Ketana of Queens is seeking a Contact Elliott at 718-427-0180. 5th grade English and Social Studies teacher. Monday -Thursday 2-5 pm. Warm supportive PLUMBING SERVICES staff. Good pay. 917-742-8909 Elite Plumbing. Commercial or email to:[email protected]” and Residential. 646-764-1014 LOCKSMITH Part time driver wanted for dry cleaning route. Safehouse Locksmith. 24/7 Part time mornings and evenings Locks , doors and garage doors. Call Marc 917-612-2300 718-380-6097

TEACHERS General Studies Degreed/Experienced/PM/Small Classes Grades 1-8 Hillcrest Queens Yeshiva T: 718-217-4700 FX:718-217-8739 [email protected]

TEACHERS LK Morah AM • Experienced/Grades 1-8/Small Classes • Kiruv Yeshiva for ZISSA YIDDISHA KINDERLACH • Hillcrest Queens • T: 718-217-4700 • FX:718-217-8739 [email protected]

Teacher Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe in Kew Gardens, NY is seeking a junior high science teacher Mon-Thur 2-5 PM. Excellent opportunity for a dynamic edu- cator in a wonderful environment. Beginning September, 2015. Send resume to [email protected] or fax 718-441-3962

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 37 38 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 39 40 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 Weekly Tefilah Focus Ashrei 11

K’vod malchus’cha yomeiru, ug’vurose- rence, and event to Hashem. This is in fact what the Ramban says dia), we should accept upon ourselves to cha y’dabeiru. This pasuk picks up where the last one in his last piece at the end of Parshas Bo. teach this to our children and to others Of the glory of Your kingdom they will left off, discussing the chasidim. They Hashem does not perform open miracles around us [Y’sod v’Shoresh HaAvodah]. speak, and of Your power they will tell. will speak (yomeiru) about k’vod mal- in every generation. We therefore need We can do this by attributing ALL of our L’hodia livnei ha’adam g’vurosav, uch’vod chus’cha, which represents Hashem’s con- to learn from Y’tzias Mitzrayim and other successes – “natural,” mundane, extraor- hadar malchuso. trol over nature and all that happens that open miracles that all that appears to be dinary – to Hashem, in the presence of To inform human beings of His mighty appears to us as ordinary. Ug’vurosecha natural and mundane is controlled com- others. deeds, and the glorious splendor of His y’dabeiru means that they will speak to pletely by Hashem. The Ramban goes as Rabbeinu Yonah writes [Shaarei T’shu- kingdom. vah 4:4-5] that the aveirah of chilul Hash- em is so severe that it has no tradition- Most people, even those who are Torah Most people do not contemplate the hand of Hashem al atonement available as do other sins. observant, often do not recognize (or do in all that happens in our personal lives However, if Hashem will assist the person not recognize enough) – and certainly do to sanctify Hashem’s Torah to others and not contemplate – the hand of Hashem in l’hodia livnei ha’adam g’vuros [Hashem] nature and in all that happens in our per- others about Hashem’s actions that are far as to say that one who does not be- uch’vod hadar malchus [Hashem], that sonal lives. We become accustomed to extraordinary. These include miracles lieve this does not have a share in the will remove his sin. So what we have dis- nature and to “natural events” that occur and outstanding unnatural events. They Torah. Without realizing that everything cussed in this last pasuk is actually an in- constantly and, unless something occurs will tell others about these extraordinary is created by Hashem, for the service of tegral part of the formula for atonement that is out of the ordinary, we do not real- events, l’hodia livnei ha’adam g’vurosav, Hashem, a person will not feel the re- of the most severe of sins, which has no ly feel Hashem directing the “ordinary” in to make known to others Hashem’s pow- sponsibility to study and understand the traditional methods of atonement. May our lives and in the world. er through recognizing these miraculous Torah – the “instruction manual” for life we be zocheh to sanctify Hashem’s Name The chasidim like David HaMelech, and unnatural events brought about by (i.e., successful living) on this earth. and receive atonement for all of our and those he spoke about at the end of Hashem. uch’vod hadar malchuso – Rec- When we say this second pasuk (L’ho- transgressions. the previous pasuk, see all of nature and ognizing Hashem through His power everything that happens in the world and in causing miracles and extraordinary in their personal lives as coming directly events, the people who are not on the from Hashem. They ask Hashem for help level of chasidim will now understand before looking for a parking spot and that the natural events and all that hap- thank Him when they receive one. They pens constantly is from Hashem as well attribute every breath, moment, occur- [Meshech Chochmah]. Ashrei 12

Malchus’cha malchus kol olamim, u’mem- em, though to us that is hidden and it ap- shalt’cha b’chol dor va’dor. pears as if we and others are the cause of Your kingdom is a kingdom spanning all events. Too often, we are caught up in the eternities, and your dominion is through- minutiae of “analysts,” “experts,” and news out every generation. reporters. We want to know the minute details of how something happened, why What is the difference between mal- it happened, who was the hero, etc. We chus’cha and memshalt’cha, and why does get so enwrapped that we actually start to David HaMelech say kol olamim for mal- believe that it was the brilliance or might chus’cha and b’chol dor va’dor for mem- of a country or certain individuals that shalt’cha? The Siach Yitzchak, in the name were the cause of some great success (or of the Vilna Gaon, explains that “malchus” failure). Certainly we should give credit refers to a kingship that is desired by the and thank people for their efforts. They people, while “memshalah” refers to one may have made the choice to sacrifi ce who rules even against the desire of the their money, time, and even lives for oth- people. We, the Jewish people, accept and ers. Needless to say, their efforts warrant desire Hashem as King, so we refer to Him our thanks, praise, and admiration. How- as Melech. An example of this is “U’mal- ever, we must remember at all times that chuso v’ratzon kiblu aleihem” (“And His the results are controlled and directed by Kingship they accepted upon themselves”), Hashem exclusively. Getting too absorbed which we say in Maariv. On the other hand, in the nitty-gritty may refl ect a lack of at the end of Az Yashir we say “Ki laShem this all-important understanding. We can ha’m’luchah u’mosheil ba’goyim” (For the bring k’dushah into every mundane event sovereignty is Hashem’s and He rules over when we bring Hashem into the equation nations) [T’hilim 22:29]. This difference of by clearly understanding that the result of Melech vs. Mosheil will cease in the future that event was completely brought about when all the world will recognize Hashem by Hashem and not by His messengers. as King willingly, as we say at the end of When we take the time to think about this both Az Yashir and Aleinu: “V’hayah Hash- and avoid getting too caught up in how the em l’Melech al kol ha’aretz” [Zecharyah messengers succeeded, we will be increas- 14:9]. We can now understand why David ing k’vod Shamayim in the world. HaMelech says kol olamim when referring We thank Hashem in the brachah of to malchus’cha, since both in the present She’ha’kol nihyeh bid’varo (“through whose (for us) and in the future (for all), Hash- word everything came to be”) for creating em is The King who is willingly accepted everything and renewing daily, through His and desired. Conversely, right now until word. Perhaps after making this brachah Mashiach, Hashem is a “ruler-not-desired” would be an opportune time for some dai- over the nations. Since this is a tempo- ly contemplation that not only did Hashem rary state, David HaMelech says b’chol dor create the world but He also controls and va’dor, which refers to the generations until watches over every aspect as well. Mashiach comes. May we all merit to continuously in- Everything that happens in the world crease recognition of Hashem’s Honor in only happens through the will of Hash- the world around us.

You can direct any questions or comments to Eliezer Szrolovits at 917-551-0150.

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 41 42 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 The Informed Woman • Beauty Briefs Risselle Naimark Aging Facefully

he key to looking good at any age is adapting your make-up to the chang- Ting face in the mirror. Designer Coco Chanel once said, “Nature gives you the face you have at 20, life shapes the face you have at 30, but at 50 you get the face you deserve.” Although beauty changes from decade to decade, we can strive to put our best face forward at any age. Makeup Tips for Young Skin Curling lashes will open the eye and Most young faces like a clean look that create a more lifted appearance. requires minimal time and effort. Crème- to-Powder foundations in oil-free formulas to makeup. Know what works for you and Neutral eye shadows look best. and pressed or loose powder foundations what doesn’t. If wrinkles around your eyes are best for oilier and blemish-prone skin. are sore spots, then enhance lashes and Light lipsticks and glosses with shimmer brows, which can actually give your face a are perfect for this age group. Since young lift. Eye makeup should be applied softly eyes are wrinkle free, you can have fun, ex- and you can use crème blush to add a fl at- periment, and be creative with iridescent tering glow to cheeks. Wear a hydrating neutrals. For cheeks, use a light application foundation and be sure the color is fl atter- of blush. ing so that it doesn’t wash you out. Medi- um, matte eye shadows look best on the 20s: Anything Goes eyes. To give defi nition to the mouth, use From fun, trendy or barely-there looks, lip-liners in similar shades to lipsticks. The the 20s are made for experimenting. Your worst thing you can do is try to look 20, makeup should fi t your different moods, since you simply can’t compete. You will from soft and bold to au natural. Since therefore wind up looking older. beauty is wasted on the youth, enjoy the best beauty years. 60s Plus: Less is More You don’t need a lot of makeup in this 30s: Smart and Savvy age group. If you over- apply, wrinkles will Make sunscreen part of your daily You’re becoming more self-confi dent only appear more noticeable. Skin should routine. It’s the cheapest and best and sophisticated and your makeup be moisturized heavily, followed by a hy- anti-aging product and is highly Brow pencils should be used to fill in should refl ect that. Although your life drating primer and anti-aging foundation. recommended by dermatologists. eyebrows and give a lift to the face. may become more complicated, your at- Concentrate on adding color to your lips titude towards appearance is more clear- and cheeks. Make sure to fi ll in bald or cut. Between motherhood and working, sparse brows, as it will give your face an in- beauty is only one part of who you are and stant lift. Avoid iridescent or frosted prod- therefore less critical to your self-esteem. ucts, since they draw attention to crepi- Makeup and skincare at this age becomes ness. Use light coats of mascara, or add more of a routine and the result of how some individual lashes. It is also important much time and effort you want to put into to line lips, in order to prevent color from it. Try to minimize and make things more going into the creases around the lips. Use practical. Go for sure things. Cultivate medium to bright lip colors in shades of a quick routine that works best for you. reds, pinks and corals. Very light or frosted This should consist of a good concealer lipsticks will tend to wash you out, while to make your face look fresh and awake, browns and other dark colors will make and a rosy blush to liven any complexion. you look drab. Neutral-colored shadows and mascara are quick eye enhancers, while tinted mois- Here are a few more tips turizers or BB creams add color and mois- for staying young: ture simultaneously, thus saving you some 1. Curling lashes – This will open the eye time. Using a lip liner with lipstick will and create a more lifted appearance. help defi ne your lips and keep lipstick on 2. Avoid ash tones – Ash-toned hair color longer. makes the complexion look fl atter and old- er. Select more golden tones. 40s: Classic Colors 3. Good skincare – Properly cleansing It’s time to go for matte colors since and moisturizing your skin with age-appro- shimmer showcases lines and wrinkles. priate, quality products will help keep the Neutral eye shadows look best. When lin- lines at bay. ing upper and lower eyelids, smudge to 4. Apply sunscreen daily – Make sun- soften the look. Go for warmer foundation screen part of your daily routine. It’s the tones to liven up a fading complexion and cheapest and best anti-aging product and use rosier shades of blush to brighten skin. is highly recommended by dermatologists. Brow pencils should be used to fi ll in eye- Time does not stand still for anyone, but brows and give a lift to the face. Also use turning back the clock does not require the lip liners to make lips appear fuller and go hand of a plastic surgeon. Living a healthy for moist, non-bleeding lipsticks topped lifestyle and making the right adjustments with some gloss. in your skincare and makeup routine to ac- commodate the changes due to aging will 50s: Go Softer prevent you from getting stuck in a rut. This doesn’t have to be the fearful fi f- Armed with the right products and a bit of ties, because fi fty is the new thirty. Start knowledge, women can look beautiful at thinking sheerer and lighter when it comes any decade.

Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 43 Kissena Park, The Oldest House In Queens, And A Quest For Religious Freedom partment of Environmental Conservation removed 300 pounds of bass, sunfi sh, cat- CONTINUED FROM P. 25 press, Golden Larch, and ry, there was a strong belief that wetlands fi sh, and eel, and then released them back from Belgium. should be drained and fi lled for useful into the lake after the dredging. Many of the exotic species of trees in By 1960, the city had established the things. Nearly all of Queens’ wetlands The present Lake Kissena is the loca- the garden at the John Bowne House are Kissena Park boundaries. In the northern were drained and fi lled. tion of the original nursery grove. Today, also planted in Kissena Park. These in- part of the park there is a historic grove In 1942, Kissena Lake was transformed Kissena Lake contains snapping turtles, clude species like an exquisite Japanese that is left over from the Parsons Nursery. into a “bathtub lake.” The Works Progress herons, and gallinules. In case you are tree – with a heart-shaped leaf that turns Today, Kissena Park boasts a shimmer- Administration drained the lake and then wondering what a gallinule is, it is a type bright yellow in the fall – and Japanese ing lake. Originally, Kissena Lake was built a stone retaining wall around it and of dark bird with a white fl ank stripe, a Maples. There are Oaks standing in the part of a sprawling system of wetlands. refi lled it. The lake has remained a pro- red bill, and forehead, and it swims on yard that stood there since the house was When the city bought Kissena Park, there ductive ecosystem. It had to be drained the surface of the water like a duck. Its built. Some other species include Bottle was a public outcry over large sums spent again in 1983 because of overgrowth of al- bill is triangular like a chicken, not fl at Beck Buckeye, Saucer Magnolia Bald Cy- on swampland. In the 19th and 20th Centu- gae. When it was drained in 1983, the De- like a duck. The baby is brownish-gray with a drab maroon bill and no frontal shield. Between the southwest shore of the lake and the bed of the old Creedmoor branch of the Long Island Railroad, there is an extensive freshwater marsh. It’s sur- rounded by brambles and overhanging trees. The vernal ponds, which are large puddles that appear in spring, attract mi- grating shorebirds like solitary sandpip- ers, killdeer, and snipe – also, sometimes, a mallard waddles in, or a green heron will squat there. Today, over 200 varieties of trees are growing in Kissena Park. Some of the rar- est include Wisteria and English Ivy. It also includes Persian Parrotia from Iran; Castor Aralia from Japan, Hina, and Sibe- ria; and Bald Cypress trees. Katsura of Asia is a tree that appears to be one tree with many stems shooting from the ground. In fact it is a lot of trees that were planted in a row and fused into one tree. There is a horseshoe-shaped slope on three sides of the historic grove in the park. It boasts a mature forest like the ones that once covered Brooklyn and Queens. The birdsongs here include Black Bohemian warblers and Cape May warblers, Black Throated Blue Warblers, and many more. There is a memorial knoll of evergreens that were planted in 1921 in memory of the World War I dead. It includes Japa- nese, Black Austrian, Scotch White Pines, Douglas Alpine Firs, and Norway Spruce. If you amble along the winding path around Kissena Lake through Kissena Park, you’ll enjoy a refreshing escape from the loud noises and bustle of the city. As you stroll along, you can think about the person who designed Kissena Park, Samu- el Parsons, Jr. You can recall that he was descended from a family that stood up for religious freedom and human rights, and that his father, Samuel Bowne Parsons, created the famous Parsons Nursery with its exotic tree species as a play area for his children during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Kissena Park attracts people of ev- ery age group and every culture, which mirrors the diversity in Flushing. You’ll see people fi shing, and groups of people participating in tai chi classes and all sorts of fascinating slow-motion exercises and games. The trees are beautiful. Breathe deeply and inhale the scent of Juniper and Spruce. Listen and you’ll hear the soft splash of a heron diving for food, or the plunk of a snapping turtle. Listen again and you’ll hear birdsongs of warblers and even the squawk of a ring-necked pheas- ant. It truly is a lovely park, located at Rose Avenue & Oak Avenue in Flushing. In addition, the John Bowne House is an interesting place to tour, at 37-01 Bowne Street. You can call 718-359-0528 to set up a tour. References for this article: The John Bowne House tour Archives at the Queens Library, Jamaica Branch Queens Memory Project, NYC Parks Dept. websites

44 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 45 46 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 The Informed Woman • Style Myths Debunked Meira E. Schneider-Atik

Hair: The Finer Details

Myth: Hair is hair. Truth: Everyone has a unique hair type that requires different care.

’m not a hairdresser, although of movement. And each hair type many people think I should must be cared for properly so Ibe one. But I have learned that it looks its best at all times. about hair and haircare over the Even if you’re married and you years, so I have some things to cover it, you still see your hair say about it. and so does your husband. I have two friends who both In order to care for your hair have very straight hair. One has properly, you have to know ex- have a slight wave when the strands. If you’re still unsure, ask women make is not knowing very fi ne hair that routinely be- actly what type of hair you have. hair is cut in layers and the hair your hairdresser (while they may how to care for their own unique came greasy so she had to wash There’s a lot of vocabulary in- bounces a bit. Straight hair can make mistakes with the vocabu- hair type. This is especially it often. She was once having her volved but I’ll take you through be fi ne or coarse, thick or thin. lary, they do know the differenc- true if the woman changes her hair done in an updo for a friend’s it. Wavy hair is usually a bit fi ner es). The thickness of the hair is hair movement. For example, a wedding and the hairdresser had The fi rst part of knowing your than straight. Curly and kinky referred to as texture. Type 3 curly type might routine- to use products, a curling iron, a hair type is knowing the amount types are almost always fi ne. Thin vs. thick refers to the ly straighten her hair and then lot of hairpins, and a ton of hair- of natural movement your hair Here’s where we get confu- quantity of hair on your head. think that she has to care for it spray to get the updo and make has. There are four basic hair sion: a lot of people, even hair- That is, the amount of hairs on as straight. All that does is dry it stay. The other friend has very types: dressers, use the terms fi ne/thin your head per square inch. One out her natural curls and leave coarse hair that she wore in a pix- her feeling that straightening her ie style. For her wedding, her veil hair is the only way for it to look stayed in place until the dancing A lot of people, even hairdressers, good. started when it began to slip out The truth is that wearing your a lot because her hair wouldn’t use the terms fine/thin and coarse/thick interchangeably, own hair in its natural state is the hold it. but the words do mean different things best way to go for you and your Then there’s me and my curls. hair. Once you know how to take I wore an updo for my friend’s care of your hair type, your hair wedding and all it took was a Type 1: Straight – no curl or and coarse/thick interchange- celebrity hairdresser refers to will look wonderful with min- bunch of hairpins, but I was still wave, very shiny. ably, but the words do mean dif- this as density, which can be imum time and effort. Then, if afraid that it would fall, so I went Type 2: Wavy – some wave but ferent things. light or heavy. you want to look a little differ- a little nuts with the hairspray. no real curl – the hair falls in very Fine vs. coarse refers to the It’s not unusual for people ent every now and then, you can Years later, I knew better, and loose S shapes. thickness of the individual hairs. to mistake their own hair den- change it a bit and then bring it when I put my hair up under my Type 3: Curly – tighter S When looked at in cross-sec- sity and texture. One woman back. covering for my sister’s wedding, shapes, easier to see. tion, a fi ne hair is smaller than might think that she has thick I didn’t learn how to take prop- I used fi ve (yes, you read correct- Type 4: Kinky – very tight S a coarse hair. Of course, most of hair when in fact her hair is thin er care of my curls until I was 27, ly) hairpins. My natural curls shapes or Z shapes. us are not going to look at our (light density) but coarse (thick but now they’re easy and beauti- held and nothing slipped. What if you’ve been changing hair under a microscope, so the texture). Another woman might ful. You can have the same even if Hair is not a one-size-fi ts-all your hair’s movement and you best way to tell what you have have the opposite problem. your hair is not like mine. thing, especially when it comes don’t know what it does natural- is to use your hands and feel the The most common mistake To be continued... to the right care. ly? Just look at the underside of From me, you get the truth. your hair, near your roots. You Meira E. Schneider-Atik is a wardrobe organizer and personal shopper. She helps women weed out their Every hair type is different. need at least one inch of new wardrobes, shop smartly, put together outfi ts, and save time, effort, and money, all within tz’nius. Her writing on Every person has a different hair. fashion and style within tz’nius has been published both in print and online. She is also a jewelry designer and amount of hair, different amount Within these types, there are co-founder of RenaMei Jewelry – Designed Just for You. Her pieces can be seen on www.etsy.com (just look up Re- of texture, and different amount variations. Some straight types naMei). She can be reached at 718-644-6135 or at [email protected].

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 47 Side-Splitting Stand-Up

A new study claims that first grade students are getting three times more homework than they should be doing. This is coming from the lead researcher, “Timmy.” - Conan O’Brien

Things might be slow- perfect gift for the nephew ing down a bit for Donald you hate. “Happy Birthday! Trump. He recently dropped Here’s a picture book about nine points in some of the a woman in her 60s.” latest polls. When he heard - Jimmy Fallon that, Trump said, “Oh no. Was it everything I said?” Despite all of his sexist - Jimmy Fallon comments, 20 percent of Republican women still sup- Bernie Sanders has now port Donald Trump. When passed Hillary Clinton in the asked why, the women said, New Hampshire polls. It’s “Because he’s paying us ali- the fi rst time anyone’s ever mony.” been passed by a guy in a - Conan O’Brien Prius. - Seth Meyers Yesterday was Nation- al Middle Child Day. It’s a North Korea has declared holiday that doesn’t matter its own time zone that much — just like a middle they are calling “Pyongyang child. Time,” and set their clocks - Conan O’Brien back half an hour. So if it’s say, 11:40 here now in New If you didn’t notice Na- York, in North Korea it’s still tional Middle Child Day, you 1925. celebrated it correctly, by – Jimmy Fallon the way. - Conan O’Brien According to a new report, the word that Donald Trump Donald Trump gave a said most often in last week’s speech yesterday where he debate was “I’m.” The word accused Jeb Bush and Hillary he says the least: “Sorry.” Clinton of being under the - Jimmy Fallon control of lobbyists, special interests, and deep-pock- Rand Paul recently told eted donors. Trump says we reporters that his campaign should vote for him because is going to focus on taking he’s not under control at all. down Donald Trump. Then – Seth Meyers Trump said, “I’ve tried it my- self. It doesn’t work.” The CEO of the dating app - Jimmy Fallon Tinder is leaving after just fi ve months with the com- Writer Jonah Winter is pany. Though fi ve months writing a children’s book pic- is still Tinder’s longest rela- ture book about Hillary Clin- tionship. ton’s life. They say it’s the - Seth Meyers

48 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 By [email protected] Across See solution in this issue on page 34 “That’s How You Know” Level of Difficulty: Medium 1 Perform in a Purimspiel, often 28 Taylor Mays position for the 2 Office shape Rahm Emanuel used Minnesota Vikings to visit often 29 Follower of Elijah 3 Cassin who won the 1968 Nobel 30 Benjamin of philosophy Peace Prize 32 Philip Roth’s “The Conversion of 4 “Come on, give the herring a taste!” the Jews” is a short one 5 Richard Stallman’s free-software 33 Oskar Schindler was one, at first project that shares a name with a 38 Rank for Confederate officer kosher animal Raphael Moses: Abbr. 6 Alley-___ (move in Kent Alterman’s 40 Chavrutas sports comedy “Semi-Pro”) 43 Gingis are suposed to have fiery 7 Units in one of Joseph’s dreams ones 8 Conductor Gil 44 Vessels for hand washers 9 For followers of 46 Primo Levi’s two Rabbi Abraham Twerski, 47 Rapper who is Canadian, black, and it involves admitting one’s Jewish powerlessness 50 Be a moser 10 ADL target 55 A mahatma’s melech 11 Freud’s ego 56 Way to leave the door for Elijah at a 12 Noshed seder 17 Genesis 57 “Praise Him with the ___ and harp” 18 Star Wars character whose armor is (Psalms 150:3) said to have Hebrew writing on it 59 Purim, e.g. 22 “Shall the ___ boast over the one 60 Tae ___ Do (Krav Maga alternative) who hews with it?” (Isaiah 10:15) 61 Things for Egyptian slaves to fear 23 Orthodox weddings only use one 62 You won’t find Israel on an Arab one 25 “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do” 63 Its most recent Jewish president crooner was Dr. Jeremy Lazarus 26 Evoking a bit of Lazarus 64 Ark covering 27 Common kibbutz housing choice 65 Kupat Holim, essentially

Down 25 Dead Sea destination James Franco and Seth Rogen 28 Do piecework on the Lower 49 Bismarck’s answer, part 1 1 Canadian-born Jewish humorist East Side, e.g. 51 German fighter Fritz Beckhardt Sahl 31 Question from Kaiser Wilhelm in World War I, for example 5 “Dinosaur ___ to Israel” (2012 to Otto von Bismarck, part 2 52 “Babi ___” (Yevtushenko children’s book) 34 Poisson __ juive (fish dish) poem) 9 Actor who appears in 2015’s 35 Abraham’s was open 53 All rabbis, until 1935 “Charlie Countryman” film in “le 36 “The ___” (2008 Holocaust 54 New York’s Prime Rib might buff” movie) do it to prime rib 13 “World ___” (1970s and 1980s 37 Darren Aronofsky’s first one 56 Month in the title of a Simon & magazine for Jewish children) was “Pi” Garfunkel song 14 According to a song, “he built him, 39 Question from Kaiser Wilhelm 58 “The Trial” author he built him an arky arky” to Otto von Bismarck, part 3 62 Bismarck’s answer, part 2 15 What a chutzpadik person lacks 41 Brent Spiner “Star Trek” robot 66 Jerusalem’s Sephardi Chief 16 Question from Kaiser Wilhelm to role Rabbi Shlomo Otto von Bismarck, part 1 42 Joan Rivers left behind a $150 67 Study for the Bagrut, perhaps 19 Calvin or Naomi million one 68 Over a dreidel? 20 Six-pointed star, for one 45 Star Paul of the 2015 69 Numbers for Amy Alcott 21 Hated ruler whose name comes superhero movie “Ant-Man” 70 Bar Kochba, famously from “Caesar” 48 North Korean leader 71 They’re fleishig even though 24 Brouhaha lampooned in a movie by they don’t produce milk SEE SOLUTION IN THIS ISSUE ON PAGE 34 CAN YOU SPOT THE 10 DIFFERENCES?

5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 49 50 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015 5 Elul 5775 • Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 51 52 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] Vol. IV No. 30 (#125) • August 20, 2015