
Vol 02 | Dec 2017

CESA JOURNAL Implementation Progress of the Continental Strategy for (CESA)

African Union Commission



(CESA 16-25)



The Heads of State and Government,sa supaya during theirabah Twenty ta-Sixth Ordinary Session on 31st January 2016 in Addis Ababa, adopted the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25)jaga as the framework for transforming education and training systems in Africa, as called for in Agenda 2063. Since then,

much has been done by stakeholders to popularize CESA and develop implementable

plans, through the CESA Thematic Clusters. It gives me much pleasure to express appreciation to the Member States, RECs and Education Development Agencies who have taken up ownership of this collective agenda.

This bi-annual CESA Journal provides the platform to engage all stakeholders and highlight reflections, debates, activities and innovative interventions for strengthening education and training towards the “Africa We Want”. I take this opportunity to

extend an open invitation to participate in CESA activities, join existing Clusters and Message from the create new CESA Clusters as well. Since the publication of the last CESA Journal, Commissioner, H.E. Dr Martial De Paul Ikounga ended his mandate as HRST Commissioner. I wish him well in his next endeavor and extend gratitude to him for the foundation he has

HRSTH.E Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor laid in the Department.

LUPTATQUE prerspe rferum et The last session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Education, Science and quidici ut verro doluptatis mo st rd IN THIS EDITION Technology held in Cairo, from the 21 –23 of October, 2017 commended odiam faceate ssequo im sa progress made in CESA implementation, and took decisions on a range of matters, Message from the 1 veniendae nem iunt qui demo- including Girls and Women’s Education, School Feeding, the Pan African Commissioner lupta verchil lesedi restiam as well as African Writers and Teacher Development. They also called for

quuntiates es eum is quam, establishment of the African Union Teachers’ Prize. I look forward to working with Agenda 2063 2 you to develop the modus operandi for this important instrument for celebrating and nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti rewarding commited teachers, while strengthening professionalization of teaching to te Aboutsunto que CESA es rerspeliqui 16-25 sit 3 ensure quality education and training. quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil AUC molorrum Education harcim qui ut 4-5 A gender mainstreaming guideline for CESA has been developed by FAWE in accumquias Activities onre peruptis CESA et volor collaboration with AU-CIEFFA, which will ensure that in all CESA activites, no one magnis ut illabor ehenduci se- shall be left behind on the basis of gender. The CESA Indicators manual has been ICT In Education News 6-7 qui quiam, quodia consequost finalized by AU-IPED in collaboration with ADEA and will be available for st odipsantur apienda nimintem implementation by the end of the 1 quarter 2018. Both instruments were validated ICT In Education and 8 ratem venimi, sam, etum in with input from Member States RECs and a wide range of stakeholders. TVET News This first semester of 2018, many exciting activities are already scheduled that will nossimp STEM oriantenimusEducation News aut at - 9 have far reaching impact across the education landscape. These include capacity empor ehenis audae sus iliquas assessment and capacity building of Member States in EMIS, experience sharing nus STEM cus, offici Education duntio and test Literacyesto 10 around ICT and skills training for youth empowerment, development of programmes cum News quam exces si to voloria for the flagship Pan African Virtual and E University, and promotion of STEM tureris sitibeatest quatum fu- education. We shall celebrate the 3rd Africa Day of School Feeding in from Women and Girls Education 11 th st giate dunt. 27 February to 1 March 2018. We are happy to work with UNESCO on the Pan News Dolorist quatur adic te que African Conference to be held in in April 2018, on alignment of the Global

imint ut por sit doluptatem ha- Education 2030 and the CESA. A major event is scheduled on Innovating Education, Women and Girls and 12 which will provide a market place for 21st century ideas and instruments for rum untoritat et officat atquunt Higher Education News promoting access, enhancing education delivery, learning and school safety among eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut other innovations. pore Hig suntur?her Education Quidic tem News ip- 13 samenihit, optatur sitat rerem Significantly, we extend appreciation to Member States and the commission for their es School explaud Feeding itestrum News qui dolecea 14 efforts to implement CESA 16-25. We look forward to an exciting, fruitful and si ut alit remporem. Ma quatur impactful 2018 working in partnership with you all. Teacher Development News 15 audi nobit as magnam, consequ

assinis cidelecum in porecta Finally, we want to extend a bouquet of gratitude to the Chairperson of the Teacher Development and 16 spidendanti ra cus ea veliquam commission H.E. (Dr.) Moussa Faki Mahamat for his indefatigable commitment to Education Planning News the realization of Agenda 2063.

Peace and Education News 17 To all stakeholders, please send us reports of your CESA implementation activities

Upcoming CESA Events and 18 H.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor Useful Links 1 1



VOICES OF THE AFRICAN PEOPLE ferum et quidici ut verro dolup- tatis mo odiam faceate eribusam, qui am, volut dolum que lab int ea solesse- ssequo im sa venienwdae nem quo commolor sit quam sit alibusam, sectio ditatus iuntTHE qui dem VOICESolupta verchil OF lesedi THE restiam AFRICAN quuntiates es doluptaeOUR odi ASPIRATIONS cum venim eicipient molorem FOR as THE eos et eumPEOPLE is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto acilAFRICA exerio beatus WE pro etuWANTr, velis eosaecesciis dis quam que es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor fugias simaio. Puda doluptae volorissit quiae verunt “We, the people of Africa and her diaspora, united magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia conse- utA as prosperous aut dolorem Africa arum dis based quiatem on inclusivedollist emperna growth and in diversity, young and old, men and women, girls quost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, sam, tiuscipsamsustainable a qui development dolor aspe pe provit estrum ne et etumand in boys from all walks of life, deeply conscious of OUR ASPIRATIONS FOR THE AFRICA WE WANT history, express our deep appreciation to all nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus generations of Pan-Africanists. In particular, to the Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro do- iliquas nus cus, offici duntio test esto cum quam exces si An integrated continent, politically united based on founders of the Organization of African Unity for luptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa venienw- to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum fugiate dunt. having bequeathed us an Africa with exemplary the ideals of Pan Africanism and the vision of Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harumsuccesses untoritat in et theofficat fight atquunt against eatquis slavery, sae sitatem and Africa’sLuptatque Renaissance prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro do- dolutapartheid. aut pore suntur? Agenda Quidic 2063, tem rooted ipsamenihit, in Pan optatur Africanism luptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa venienw-

sitatand rerem African es explaud Renaissance, itestrum qui provides dolecea si a ut robust alit rem - porem. Solestiam harci consed mo endae non con cullora framework for addressing past injustices and the AnLuptatque Africa prerspeof good rferum governance, et quidici democracy, ut verro do -respect realization of the 21st Century as the African luptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa venienw- ditat quiatur soluptas corepelique rem. Everum vel imi, for human rights, justice and the rule of law

eatiuntCentury fugiant…” et offictur, asi doluptus.

One sitiam id et eatia soluptium ut lic te nobis nobitaeri- Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro do- bus“ nustotaIn this spient new queand pero noble modi initiative, odit et quia past volorenis plans and Aluptatis peaceful mo odiamand secure faceate Africa ssequo im sa venien nossuntcommitments ibusciam, eaquamus have bee dolorn reviewed acculparunt. and we pledge to Moditia voloreris qui nobitatissum et idis aut min pa cone take into account lessons from them as we ma dolorrum faccus essimag niscilit dolut ut aut implement Agenda 2063. These include: An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common mobilization of the people and their ownership of ditat quiatur soluptas corepelique rem. Everum vel imi, heritage, values and ethics eatiuntcontinental fugiant et offictuprogrammesr, asi doluptus. at the core; the principle of Oneself sitiam-reliance id et eatia and soluptium Africa financing ut lic te nobis its ownnobitaer i- busde nustotavelopment; spient que the pero importance modi odit et of quia capable, volorenis inclusive nossunt ibusciam, eaquamus dolor acculparunt. An Africa, whose development is people-driven, and accountable states and institutions at all levels Moditia voloreris qui nobitatissum et idis aut min pa cone relying on the potential of African people, especially ma anddolorrum in all faccus spheres; essimag the niscilit critical dolut role ut of aut Regional Economic Communities as building blocks for its women and youth, and caring for children ditatcontinental quiatur soluptas unity…” corepelique rem. Everum vel imi,

eatiunt fugiant et offictur, asi doluptus. One sitiam id et eatia soluptium ut lic te nobis nobitaeri- “We rededicate ourselves to the enduring Pan Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential bus nustota spient que pero modi odit et quia volorenis nossuntAfrican ibusciam, vision eaquamus of an integrated, dolor acculparunt. prosperous and global player and partner Moditiapeaceful voloreris Africa, qui nobitatissumdriven by its et idisown aut citizens min pa andcone ma representingdolorrum faccus a essimagdynamic niscilit force dolut in the ut aut international arena.”



IMPLEMENTATION AND Luptatque prerspe rferum et dam dolore is modipsa pernatem. diae oditatibus aut erro tem rehenis quidici ut verro doluptatisMONITORING mo Ut fugitatem si vendit aut eumOF- CESAdi opta quatur 16 sus as- asperorem25 isim odiam faceate ssequo im sa quibus nos essimpo ssimet, offic lia vendae adigniaes explici ulpa cor CESA 16-25 is designed to involve the widest possible coalition for education, training and STI in Africa. At the top of the toritibus, que nonsequatur? rem am reprepuda conem. Ut exp- veniendae nempyramid iunt ofqui monitoring demo- system is a team of ten heads of state and government, champions of education, training and STI lupta verchilwhich lesedi reports restiam to the Conference Agnissiduring the to temperumAU Summit. ari conseque landae doluptat dolorerum, aut etur quuntiates esThe eum CESA is quam, 16-25 nam requires all stakeholderslatatet ut andminverferro actors to bete omnimgiven freedom to act andse nettake odis positive reperiaerum initiatives quate within mi, the iliquae. Ut plaframework cupiet, offictiof the coalitionte for education,ide nis untur? training Quid and magnihit, STI. This siapproach cus impliesquibus the acceptance ma seque of que the vid following quam process:num CESA is a domestication of the globalidebitat Educationur alit ditatur 2030 autthat ma unpacks disti SDG 4, as itqui focuses incit on quasi Africa cus, specific omnimil priorities. lendit sunto que esCoordinated rerspeliqui sitcollaboration quas with UNESCO is therefore imperative, to ensure coherence for African Stakeholders, while sequos expedio.maintaining Ut et earchil African leadership forbeat education aut as et development dolum dem inrestis Africa. de laceper emquunto molorit inciatu molorrum harcim qui ut accum- vellabo. Cus delit dis ut et quo eum remporernam repratius alit volore quias re peruptis et volor magnis intionseque int qui dolupta explabo eturem. Icat lit optat re non renec- ut illabor ehenduci sequi quiam, rporae. Et venimus pra dolum se- tur atque quas qui ut utem eumOr- quodia consequost odipsantur a quid quam aut ulluptia doluptaspel empers peditibus ducilibus cullest e

vellesedit aut et aut est, net ut nossimp oriantenimus aut atem- illesenimi, sum estius aliquia por ehenis audae sus iliquas nus volorest, si ium fuga. Num et a cus, offici duntio test esto cum aut officabo. Nam haruntiae doles quam exces si to voloria tureris res cuptatest perunt exped qui dus sitibeatest quatum fugiate dunt. abo. Postiae pa ipsuntem am qui Dolorist quatur adic te que imint velenduci odipsunt, quid quis ut por sit doluptatem harum un- dolorita nobitioriat opturit am toritat et officat atquunt eatquis eveles magnatendem a net faccum sae sitatem dolut aut pore quissimus nobisquaspe prate si suntur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit, cust fugitas adit volum, natatur, vo- optatur sitat rerem es explaud luptaqui sim natur susanti nonse- itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit quia illendu ntempori aut quamet remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as ad qui nem quiam eture venihilles quatem dolor apero dolupta turibusdam evendam nonseque volupta speri- labo. Henimustrum in nobit ven- ori occabor rerum vendita tistemo-


Clustering under thematic areas has been identified as an effective tool for enhancing coordination and strengthening partnerships around common themes. This is anticipated to enhance alignment and harmony among stakeholders as well as facilitate the identification and deployment of synergies for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. CESA Clusters are at various levels, including national, regional and continental and optimal use will be made of existing Clusters and platforms. Stakeholders are free to develop Clusters as seems fitting and convenient to them as long as they ensure they have: clear terms of reference (ToR) to CESA, a lead coordinating agency, agency members, a roadmap with activities and deliverables, baseline studies and reports on progress and challenges. 3



ON EDUCATION PLANNINGLuptatque prerspe AND rferum PEACEet quid- ANDici ut verro EDUCATION doluptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa veniendae Onnem 1st iunt December qui demolupta 2017, verchil the lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum Education Planning Cluster which is is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, to have oversight on all other CESA officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit clusters was launched. The cluster was quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil chargedmolorrum with harcim the development qui ut accumquias and maintainancere peruptis et volorof M&E magnis tools ut toillabor be usedehenduci in measuring sequi quiam, the quodiaprogress con of- CESAsequost implementation, odipsantur apienda using nimint the- indicatorsem ratem venimi,that have sam, been etum validated. in

Participants at the CESA Indicators Validation Workshop The Cluster is to be coordinated by nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor the Association for the Development CESA INDICATORS VALIDATION ofehenis Education audae insus Africa iliquas (ADEA). nus cus, LuptatqueWORKSHOP prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate offici duntio test esto cum quam ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest The CESA Peace and Education quuntiatesThe Human es eu mResources, is quam, nam Science iliquae. and Ut plaTechnology cupiet, officti Department te sunto que of the quatum fugiate dunt. Cluster was also launched. The esAfrican rerspeliqui Union sit quas Commission sequos expedio. in collaboration Ut et earchil molorrum with the harcim Association for Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut ADEA inter-country platform on quithe ut Development accumquias re peruptisof Education et volor inmagnis Africa ut illabor(ADEA) ehenduci and Save sequi the por sit doluptatem harum untoritat has now been quiam,Children quodia International consequost odipsantur organized apienda a workshop nimintem from ratem 27th venimi, November to et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- aligned with the CESA Cluster on sam,1st Decemberetum in 2017 to validate the Continental Education Strategy for tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic Peace and Education, hence ensuring Africa 2016–2025 (CESA 16-25) Indicators Framework and Launch nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- seamlessDolorist coordinationquatur adic te queof work imint with ut ciof duntio CESA test Clusters esto cum on quam Education exces si to Planning voloria tureris and sitibeatestPeace and quatum Education. Memberpor sit doluptatem States. This harum Cluster untoritat is fugiate dunt. chargedet officat with atquunt providing eatquis leadership sae si- in DoloristDuring quatur the four adic dayste que of imint the utworkshop, por sit doluptatem participants harum deliberauntoritat etted and thtateme area dolut of Peace aut pore in Educationsuntur? Quidic and officatmade atquunt inputs eatquis to several sae sitatem proposed dolut Indicatorsaut pore suntur? for monitoringQuidic tem the Peace Education, including the use of Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit ipsamenihit,implementation optatur ofsitat CESA rerem Strategices explaud objectives.itestrum qui Also,dolecea they si ut agreed alit on education for peace building and remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem doluptatem harum untoritat et officat prevention of conflict and violent nossimpthe reporting oriantenimus template aut atempor to be usedehenis for audae reporting sus iliquas on nusCESA cus, –offi The- CESA atquunt eatquis sae si- tendencies; as well as the issue of safe ciReporting duntio test template.esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum schools and campuses. The Cluster is fugiate dunt. to be coordinated by Save the Representatives of the Bureau of the African Union Specialized Children International (SCI) who DoloristTechnical quatur Committee adic te que iminton Education, ut por sit doluptatem Science andharum Technology untoritat et (STC- officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem have called on the Member States to EST), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the AUC, AU ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit endorse the Safe Schools Declaration remporem.CIEFFA, T AAU,em voluptur? ADEA, and Education Officers from SADC, ECCAS which is aimed at protecting schools and ECOWAS, and partners Save the Children International, Global from attacks in conflict affected areas Partnership for Education, UNESCO, UIS and UNICEF participated and from being used for military Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et in the meeting. purposes. officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. TTheem voluptur? final outcome Quidic tem of theipsamenihit, workshop optatur was sitata framework rerem es explaud for CESA itestru mIndicators qui dolecea which si ut alit will remporem. be used T inem collecting voluptur? data on the implementation of CESA in African Union Member States. The reporting template which will be used to collect this data was also validated.

The final outcome of the workshop was a framework for CESA

Indicators which will be used in collecting data on the 4 implementation of CESA in African Union Member States. The AUC EDUCATION ACTIVITIES ON CESA

Luptatque prerspe rferum et quid- ici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate faceate ssequo im sa veniendae ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam nem iunt qui demolupta verchil quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil sam, etum in molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum sequost odipsantur apienda nimint- fugiate dunt. em ratem venimi, sam, etum in Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatemHRST dolut Commissioner aut pore with suntur?Ministers and Quidic Senior Officialstem during Minsters’ session at the STC -EST 2 nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit The Ministers also commended the ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, remporem.SECOND Tem voluptur? ORDINARY Qui as quatem SESSION OF THE Commission for finalising the Study offici duntio test esto cum quam nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- on Teacher Training, Working and SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL COMMITTEE exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum Livingquatum Conditions fugiate dunt. in Member fugiateON dunt. EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND StatesDolorist and calledquatur onadic Member te que imint States ut

TECHNOLOGY (STC-EST2) whopor did sit not doluptatem do so to harum provide untoritat Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et The Second Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical responseset officat to atquunt the questionnaires eatquis sae si- of officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem Committee on Education, Science and Technology (STC-EST2) was the tatemTeacher dolut Study aut pore by thesuntur? end Quidic on ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit 2017, to enable completion of a remporem.held in T emCairo, voluptur? Egypt from 21st - 24th October, 2017. The meeting comprehensiveDolorist quatur baseline adic te quepicture; imint ut reviewed the implementation progress of the instruments and Furthermore,por sit doluptatem the Ministers harum untoritat called Doloristdecisions quatur adoptedadic te que during imint ut the por 2016 sit doluptatem and 2017 harum Heads untoritat of States et officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen for establishmentet officat atquunt of eatquis an AU sae si- Summits as it relates to Education, Science and Technology. ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Teachers’tatem dolut Prize. aut They pore alsosuntur? called Quidic for Tem voluptur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestru promotion of African writers and m quiOn dolecea the CESA si ut alit Implementation remporem. Tem voluptur? Platform, Ministers called on strengtheningDolorist quatur African adic te content que imint in ut Member States and Regional Economic Communities to popularise curricula.por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- and organise local launching of the Continental Education Strategy Thetatem Ministers dolut autendorsed pore suntur? the Report Quidic for Africa as Africa’s domestication of the global SDG 4 and and Recommendations of the Education 2030, and reiterated the call for Member States to SchoolDolorist Feeding quatur Study adic teand que called imint utfor support the work of the Commission. allocationpor sit doluptatem of budget harumfor an untoritat inter- Ministers also encouraged Member States to assign the responsibility ministerialet officat Home atquunt Grown eatquis Schoolsae si- of Focal Agency for CESA to National UNESCO Commissions in Feeding (HGSF) management unit order to promote alignment of the local, continental and global for strengthening the frameworks and requested the AUC to participate in Cluster implementation of the findings of the study and the AU Decision 589 activities and organise experience sharing events for Member States XXVI. to learn from best practices in Literacy, STEM Education, Early Finally, Ministers called upon all Childhood Education, School Feeding and other major areas of Member States to endorse the Safe CESA. Schools Declaration. The Ministers agreed to take note and adopt the Statutes of the African Union International Centre for Girls and Women’s The HRST Department appreciates (AU-CIEFFA); and request Member States to the support of One Campaign, in reconsider the approved AU/CIEFFA structure and increase the the successful organization of this event. staff allocation, for the Centre to efficiently fulfil its mandate. 5



DIGITAL SCHOOLS INITIATIVE (ADSI) PROGRAMMELuptatque prerspe INrferum THE et quid- UNITEDici ut verro REPUBLIC doluptatis mo OFodiam TANZANIAfaceate ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil Ministrylesedi restiam of Education, quuntiates es Science eum andis quam, Technology nam iliquae. (MoEST), Ut pla cupiet, The officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit President’s Office, Regional quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil Administration and Local molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias Government (PORALG) and re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor The Global E- Schools and ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- Communities Initiative sequost odipsantur apienda nimint- (GESCI)em ratem partneredvenimi, sam, to etum launch in Participants at roundtable discussions during the Sustainable Education Meeting in the African Digital Schools

Initiative (ADSI) Programme in SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION MEETING nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor Tanzania on the 10th October Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, 2017 IN NEW YORK 2017 at Kibaha Secondary ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam offici duntio test esto cum quam School in Kibaha Town, Pwani quuntiatesThe Sustainable es eum is Educationquam, nam iliquae. Meeting Ut plawas cupiet, held offictiin New te suntoYork, que United exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest Region. The project which will esStates rerspeliqui of America, sit quas sequosSeptember expedio. 23rd Ut etand earchil 24th, molorrum 2017. harcim quatum fugiate dunt. run for 3 years aims at quiThe ut Africanaccumquias Union re peruptis Commission et volor magnis (AUC) ut ,illabor ehenduci and Lesothosequi Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut transforming secondary schools quiam,participated quodia consequostin the meeting odipsantur as well apienda as organisations nimintem ratem such venimi, as Microsoft, por sit doluptatem harum untoritat intoet officat Digita atquuntl Schools eatquis of sae si- sam,Global etum Partnership in for Education (GPE), Mastercard Foundation, Distinctiontatem dolut aut (DSD). pore suntur? Quidic Intel Corporation, The Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- ci(GESCI) duntio test and esto Consortium cum quam exces for si School to voloria Networkin tureris sitibeatestg (CoSN). quatum TheDolorist newly quatur designed adic te andque iminthighly ut fugiate dunt. innovativepor sit doluptatem programme harum untoritatis being DoloristParticipants quatur atadic the te meetingque imint utpresented por sit doluptatem their experiences harum untoritat on improvinget rolledet officat out atquunt in 40 eatquissecondary sae si - schoolstatem dolut in two aut poreregions, suntur? Pwani Quidic officatlearning atquunt conditions eatquis sae of sitatem students dolut and aut teacherspore suntur? through Quidic innovativetem use and Morogoro, and will reach ipsaof ICTs.menihit, The optatur presentations sitat rerem es covered explaud itestrumamong quiothers dolecea the siuse ut alitof internet remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem 1,200Dolorist teachers quatur adicand te 40 que,000 imint ut nossimpto promote oriantenimus access toaut wifi atempor in school ehenis (anaudae experience sus iliquas fromnus cus, Lesotho), offi- the studenpor sit tsdoluptatem of STEM harum and untoritatother ciuse duntio of Information test esto cum quamand Communicationexces si to voloria tureris Technology sitibeatest to quat promoteum subjects.et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- fugiateentrepreneurship dunt. and employment for out of school youth and adults tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic who need re-skilling for employability; affordable and rugged laptops The launch in Tanzania is part Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut Doloristfor use quatur in schools; adic te ICTque imint enabled ut por SMART sit doluptatem Classrooms harum untoritat and Sustainable et of a wider implementation of officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem thepor programme sit doluptatem across harum Africa,untoritat Campuses, among others. ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit includedet officat atquuntin the roadmapeatquis sae forsi- the remporem. Tem voluptur? CESAtatem dolutICT autin Educationpore suntur? Quidic The AUC’s Human Resources Science and Technology Department Cluster. Doloriststrengthened quatur adic its partnershipte que imint ut @EDU por sit doluptatem Sustainable harum Education untoritat etfor joint officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen resource mobilization for ICT in Education activities including ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. TPAeVU,em voluptur? and Quidic Peace tem Education. ipsamenihit, It optaturwas also sitat agreed rerem esto explaudenhance itestru African mrepresentation qui dolecea si ut on alit the remporem. Global T Partnershipem voluptur? for Education Board. The Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GESCI), also commited their support for upscaling several ICT in Education Initiatives including Digital Schools Initiative; Digital Skills for Youth ; Women Leadership in ICT in Africa.




The Coordinator of the CESA Cluster on ICT in Education – GESCI, in partnership with The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), held the Regional Teachers’ Conference in the counties of

Ivorian Minister of National Education, Technical Teaching and Professional Training at the launch of ADSI Nyamira, Kiambu, Taita Taveta and Narok, Kenya. Over 700

AFRICAN DIGITAL SCHOOLS secondary teachers successfully LuptatINITIATIVEque prerspe rferum LAUNCHED et quidici ut verro doluptatis IN mo COTE odiam faceate completed the first cycle of digital ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam technology as part of the roll-out quuntiatesD’IVOIRE es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que of African Digital Schools esIn rerspeliqui Abidjan, sit Cote quas d'Ivoire;sequos expedio. June 8Ut 2017, et earchil The molorrum Ministry harcim of National Initiative (ADSI) Programme quiEducation, ut accumquias Technical re peruptis Teaching et volor andmagnis Professional ut illabor ehenduci Training sequi of Cote being implemented in Kenya. quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, d’Ivoire and GESCI (Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative) sam, etum in The conference focused on the launched the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) to transform specific application of technology nossimp20 secondary oriantenimus schools aut inatempor the regions ehenis audae of Abidjan sus iliquas 1, Abidjannus cus, offi 2, -Abidjan in the processes of teaching and ci3 danduntio Yamoussokro test esto cum quam into exces “Digital si to Schoolsvoloria tureris of Distinction” sitibeatest quatum through the learning. This conference is fugiatedeep integrationdunt. of ICT on a whole school basis. The event took place combined with on-going online Doloristat the Nationalquatur adic Center te que imint of Scientific ut por sit doluptatemEquipment harum (CNMS) untoritat / Cocody,et in training over an extended period officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem to assist the teachers to become ipsamenihit,Abidjan. This optatur roll sit outat rerem in Cote es explaud d’Ivoire itestrum is part qui of dolecea an Africa si ut alit-wide initiative designed by GESCI – the Coordinator of the CESA Cluster experts in the integration of ICT remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem in their daily work in the nossimpon ICT oriantenimus in Education. aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- classroom. ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum Teachers shared their experiences fugiate dunt. Mrs. Candia Kamara, Minister of National Education, Technical after year 1 of integrating ICTs in

Teaching and Professional Training, chaired the ceremony and teaching, noting the positive Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et benefits that have been realised. officatofficially atquunt launched eatquis saethe sitatem ADSI dolut program. aut pore Present suntur? at Quidic the launch tem ceremony ipsamenihit,were Mayor optatur of Cocody, sitat rerem education es explaud regional itestrum directors,qui dolecea schoolsi ut alit This experience will be shared remporem.principals, Tem boards voluptur? of management, parents’ representatives and through the CESA Clusters on students. Also attendants to the ceremony were representatives of Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et ICT in Education, STEM officatinternational atquunt eatquis organisations sae sitatem a dolutnd NGOs aut pore based suntur? in Quidic Abidjan. tem ipsamen Education, and Teacher Development. ihit,ADSI optatur is a sitatunique, rerem innovative es explaud itestrum program qui to dolecea turn sisecondary ut alit remporem. schools into Tdigitalem voluptur? schools Quidic of distinction. tem ipsamenihit, It is optatur designed sitat specificallyrerem es explaud to build itestru m qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Tem voluptur? student 21st century skills, including in Science Technology, English and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, and teachers’ practice using ICT in a way that is responsive to the needs of knowledge economies and societies and in the work place. The CESA Cluster platform will be used to share expereicnes of ADSI among Member States and partners. 7



ABABA, Luptatque prerspe rferum et quid- The Departmentici ut verro doluptatis of Human mo Resources odiam Sciencefaceate and ssequoTechnology, im sa veniendae Education Divisionnem held iunt quia meeting demolupta to verchil comprehensively review, enrich and lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum complete the draft Pan African Virtual is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, and E-University Project Working Documentofficti tefrom sunto 23rd que to es 26threrspeliqui November sit 2017 quasin Addis sequos Ababa, expedio. Ethiopia. Ut et earchil The Meetingmolorrum comprised harcim of quiexperts ut accumquias relevant to re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor the proposed framework of the Pan Participants at the Africa Talks Jobs Conference in Addis Ababa Africanehenduci Virtual sequi and quiam, E-University. quodia con-

sequost odipsantur apienda nimint- AFRICA TALKS JOBS CONFERENCE The Africaem ratem Virtual venimi, and sam, E-University etum in LuptatqueHELD prerspe IN rferumADDIS et quidici ABABA, ut verro doluptatis ETHIOPIA mo odiam faceate (AVEU) is one of AU’s flagship projects ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam that have been proposed in addressing The African Union Commission, the New Partnership for Africa’s nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que Agenda 2063. It aims at accelerating Development (NEPAD) and Business Africa has convened a ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim developmentoffici duntio of human test esto cap cumital, quam science Conference under a banner “Africa Talks Jobs – Equipping the qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi and technologyexces si to voloriaand innovation tureris sitibeatest through Youth with Adaptive Education and Skills for Employment and quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, increasingquatum access fugiate to dunt.tertiary and Entrepreneurship” from 30 October to 1 November at the African sam, etum in continuingDolorist education quatur adic in te Africa que imint by ut Union Commission premises in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. capitalizing on the digital revolution and por sit doluptatem harum untoritat global knowledge; reaching large nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- This was one of the high-level engagements in the run up to the 5th numbers of students and professionals in ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic fugiateAU-EU dunt. Summit meeting under a theme “Investment in Youth for multiple sites simultaneously- anywhere, any time; and by consolidating African DoloristAccelerated quatur Iadicnclusive te que Growth imint ut porand sit Sustai doluptatemnable harum Development” untoritat et in initiativesDolorist and quatur strategies adic teon que accelerated imint ut officatAbidjan, atquunt from eatquis 28th sae to sitatem 29th Novemberdolut aut pore 2017. suntur? The Quidic objective tem of this development.por sit doluptatem harum untoritat conference was to consult and exchange ideas with a host of ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- remporem.stakeholders Tem involuptur? fostering Qui youth as quatem skills development and employability The Projecttatem dolut Working aut pore Document suntur? Quidic shall nossimpthrough oriantenimus education, aut vocational atempor ehenis training audae and sus entrepreneurship,iliquas nus cus, offi- and provide guidance and create an enabling cipromote duntio test the esto involvement cum quam exces of the si to Business voloria tureris Community sitibeatest in quatum providing environmentDolorist quaturfor the adic implementation te que imint ut of fugiateproductive dunt. and decent jobs, and fostering sustainable enterprises. this Agendapor sit doluptatem 2063 flagship. harum The untoritat revised draft etwas officat then atquunt presented eatquis to The sae siPan- DoloristThe discussions quatur adic atte theque imintconference ut por sit were doluptatem guided harum by the untoritat African et Youth Africantatem University dolut aut Councilpore suntur? during Quidic their officatCharter atquunt which eatquis acknowledges sae sitatem dolut the pivotalaut pore rolesuntur? of Quidicyoung tem people for ordinary session meeting held on 26th ipsamenihit,Africa’s socio optatur economic sitat rerem development es explaud itestrum and the qui imperativedolecea si ut ofalit NovemberDolorist in quaturAddis adicAbaba, te que Ethiopia imint ut for remporem.education T emand voluptur? skills development for that purpose, and Agenda adoption.por sit The doluptatem Council harum recommended untoritat that the University be renamed Pan 2063. et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et African University Virtual and E-Institute tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen in consistence with the nomenclature of Recommendations were made for improving youth employability in ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. the other PAU Institutes. TAfricaem voluptur? including: Quidic Enhance tem ipsamenihit, support optatur to Quality sitat rerem Education es explaud at itestru all levels; Strengthen Skills Development for Employment through Education The PAeVU is a member of the CESA and Training; Promote Youth Entrepreneurship; Up-scale Public ICT in Education Cluster. mPrivate qui dolecea Partnership; si ut alit remporem. Enhance T Research,em voluptur? Innovation and Technology; Strengthen Youth Leadership and Mentorship Programme Development across the continent; Enhance Cooperation and Collaboration on Education and Skills Development; Institutionalize a Continental Platform for youth networks and diaspora organizations for Dialogue and Cooperation in Education and Skills Development for Employment and Entrepreneurship.





(OPEM SSTT 2017) Luptatque prerspe rferum et quid- ici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate From July 31 to August 9, faceate ssequo im sa veniendae ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam Observatoire Panafricain pour nem iunt qui demolupta verchil quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que l'Ecole et les Métiers (OPEM) es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum organized an eight day internship qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, for STEM teachers at OPEM quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit headquarters at Lomé (Togo). sam, etum in quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil Mathematics,molorrum harcim Physics, qui ut Chemistryaccumquias and Life sciences teachers from nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor Trainees of the AIMS Skills Immersion Program different schools of Togo attended ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- this practice training. fugiateAFRICAN dunt. INSTITUTE FOR sequost odipsantur apienda nimint- Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et em ratem venimi, sam, etum in officatMATHEMATICAL atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut SCIENCES aut pore suntur? Quidic LAUNCHES tem The training was in two modules: ipsamenihit,SKILLS optatur IMMERSION sitat rerem es explaud itestrumPROGRAM qui dolecea si utFOR alit Modulenossimp 1: oriantenimus Trainers guided aut atempor STEM remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem teachersehenis audae to realize sus iliquas 16 lab nus pratices cus, nossimpAFRICAN oriantenimus autGRADUATES atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- andoffici reports. duntio testIt was esto realised cum quam that ci duntioThe African test esto Institute cum quam for exces Mathematical si to voloria tureris Sciences sitibeatest (AIMS) quatum and the effectiveexces si practicalto voloria tureriswork atsitibeatest the lab fugiateEuropean dunt. School of Management and Technology (ESMT) canquatum really fugiate help studentsdunt. to have a betteDoloristr understanding quatur adic te queof scientific imint ut announced the launch of the AIMS-ESMT Industry Immersion Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et theories;por sit doluptatem Module 2:harum Review untoritat Program (AIMS ESMT IIP) at the AIMS Centre in officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem scienceet officat teaching atquunt eatquisin Africa sae- si- ipsamenihit,Muizenberg, optatur South sitat reremAfrica es on explaud 3rd July itestrum 2017. qui Twentydolecea -sieight ut alit suitably Emphasistatem dolut was aut placed pore suntur? on the Quidic remporem.qualified Tem and voluptur? industry -inclined AIMS Masters in Mathematical essence of technology for Sciences graduates from across Africa have been given the opportunity developmentDolorist quatur and adic this te que is hingedimint ut on Doloristto participate quatur adic in te the que 20 imint-wee utk por residential sit doluptatem and harumfully-funded untoritat Industryet qualitypor sit teachingdoluptatem of harum science. untoritat officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- Immersion Program. Science teacher training is ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. essentialtatem dolut for autAfrican pore suntur? development. Quidic

Tem voluptur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestru m qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Tem voluptur? The goal of the program is to enable highly intelligent, scientifically TheDolorist next quaturedition adic is tescheduled que imint ut trained African graduates to contribute to the economic frompor sitJuly doluptatem 30th to harumAugust untorit 6th at2018 transformation of Africa by immersing them in a practical, skills-based at etOPEM officat atquuntheadquarters eatquis saeat Lomési- employability program. The program has been conceived as a mixture (Togo).tatem dolut STEM aut teacherspore suntur? from Quidic all African countries are expected to of academic and practical learning and skills development which will Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut allow participants to transition from a scientific environment to an participate in the event. OPEM is a memberpor sit doluptatem of the CESA harum untoritatClusters applied industry setting.The program presents business and industry et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- for STEM Education, and Teacher tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic with a valuable opportunity to attract graduate talents from across Development. Cluster members Africa and prepare them for the specific conditions in the respective are encouraged to contact OPEM businesses. to partner in such events: Dr. Victor Afanou: The backbone of the program is a 12-week internship module with [email protected].

participating industry partners from across Africa, during which participants will experience a business environment first hand and apply their academic learnings. The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is the coordinator for the CESA STEM Cluster in collaboration with CEMASTEA and AAS.




DAY EVENT : UNESCO HEADQUARTERS, PARIS, FRANCELuptatque prerspe rferum et quid- ici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam H.E Prof.faceate Sarah ssequo Anyang im sa Agbor, veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil Commissioner for Human Resources, lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum Science and Technology took part in is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, the International Literacy Day held on officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit 8th September at UNESCO quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil headquarters in Paris under the theme: molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias “Literacyre in peruptis a Digital et volor World” magnis from ut illabor 6th to 8th September 2017. ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- Minister designate for Information, Mr Mustapha Hamid cutting tape to inaugurate ASA The HRSTsequost Commissioner odipsantur apienda also nimint- SciencAacdemy0s Ababa attended the session of the Core Group AFRICAN SCIENCE ACADEMY em ratem venimi, sam, etum in of the Global Alliance for Literacy Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate INAUGURATED IN (GAL) withinnossimp the oriantenim frameworkus aut of atempor ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam Lifelong ehenisLearning audae on sus 7th iliquas September nus cus, quuntiatesOn 3 February es eum is 2017,quam, namThe iliquae.African Ut Science pla cupiet, Academy officti te sunto(ASA) que was 2017. offici duntio test esto cum quam esinaugurated rerspeliqui sit inquas Tema, sequos Ghana expedio to. Ut whip et earchil up interest molorrum of harcim brilliant exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quifemale ut accumquias students re inperuptis Mathematics et volor magnis and Science ut illabor across ehenduci Africa, sequi The meetingquatum resulted fugiate dunt.in the quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, enabling them to pursue advanced courses in these fields. The developmentDolorist of quaturthe concept adic te quenote imint for ut a sam, etum in school, which is Africa’s first all-girls institution established to GAL knowledgepor sit doluptatem-sharing harumplatform untoritat and promote interest in Mathematics and Science among brilliant implementationet officat atquuntmodalities; eatquis an sae si- nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- advocacytatem strategy dolut for aut youth pore suntur? and adult Quidic ci femaleduntio test students esto cum who quam have exces successfully si to voloria completed tureris sitibeatest their quatumsecond literacy at global, regional and national fugiatecycle dunt. education. The school will support the female-students to levels; alsoDolorist a plan quatur was adicdeveloped te que imint for ut Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et qualify to pursue engineering, science and computer science in promotingpor digital sit doluptatem resources harum for untoritat youth officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem leading in Africa and in other parts of the world. and adultet literacyofficat atquunt and numeracy, eatquis sae si- ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit includingtatem Open dolut Educational aut pore suntur? Resources Quidic remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem (OERs). nossimpThe Minister oriantenimus designate aut atempor for Information, ehenis audae sus Mr iliquas Mustapha nus cus, Hamid, offi- Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut ci saidduntio it testwas esto time cum for quam Africa exces to sicommit to voloria itself tureris to sitibeatestoffering thequatum Literacy ispor reflected sit doluptatem in aspirations harum untoritat of fugiatehighest dun standardt. education to its people, particularly the girl- Agenda 2063,et offic atand atquunt is the eatquis sixth saestrategic si-

child. Dr. Ilube, the founder of ASA stated that the idea of tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et objective of CESA. We need to establishing the school began 25 years ago when he was driven officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem capitalize on emerging technologies to by the ambition to help talented female science students who Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit enhance sustainable functional por sit doluptate remporem.were passionate Tem voluptur? to make a change in the areas of mathematics, scientific and technological literacy. It science, engineering and technology as future careers. is no longer simply about reading Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et writing and counting, but also the officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen ability to use various technologies for The institution currently has 24 students from Cameroun, ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. such increasingly basic utilities in TemGhana, voluptur? , Quidic Uganda, tem ipsamenihit, Ethiopia optatur and sitat Sierra rerem Leone es explaud who itestruare finance, health management, m enjoyingqui dolecea full si utscholarships alit remporem. that Tem cover voluptur? their tuition, boarding and agricultural information and so on. other expenses. This initiative will produce results for CESA objective seven on Promoting STEM Education as well as the fifth objective on ensuring gender parity and equity. Lessons learnt from the project will be used to replicate the initiative.




IN LuptatqueMAINSTREAMING prerspe rferum GENDERet quid- IN iciEDUCATION ut verro doluptatis SYSTEMS mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa veniendae Thenem Workshop iunt qui demolupta on Strengthening verchil Learninglesedi restiam Opportunities quuntiates esfor eum Youth in Mainstreamingis quam, nam iliquae. Gender Ut pla in cupiet, Educationalofficti te sunto Systems que es wasrerspeliqui held in sit Addisquas Abab sequosa fromexpedio. 28th Ut -et30th earchil Novembermolorrum 2017. harcim qui ut accumquias

HRST Commissioner and the High table at the Conference on African Girls Education in Africa, Lusaka re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor Commissioner (right) During the opening ceremony Dr. ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- CONFERENCE ON AFRICAN GIRLS’ Beatricesequost Njenga, odipsantur Officer apienda-in nimint-Charge- Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate of theem ratemDepartment venimi, sam, of Human etum in ssequoEDUCATION im sa veniendae nem iunt IN qui AFRICA demolupta verchil TOWARDS lesedi restiam Resources, Science and Technology, quuntiatesGENDER es eum is quam, EQUALITY nam iliquae. Ut pla IN cupiet, EDUCATION officti te sunto que encouragednossimp oriantenimus young Africans aut atempor to es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim contributeehenis audae their sus voice iliquas to nus the cus, quiThe ut accumquias African Union re peruptis Commission et volor magnis (AUC), ut illabor the Governmentehenduci sequi of , the Forum of African Women Educationalists (FAWE), the continent’soffici duntio debates test esto on cum education quam quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, Association for the Development of Education in Africa, UNESCO, andexces development. si to voloria tureris sitibeatest sam,Plan etum International, in UN WOMEN, UNICEF and Microsoft quatum fugiate dunt. Philanthropies co-convened the Inaugural Conference on Girls’ TheDolorist workshop quatur resulted adic te que in imintthe ut nossimpEducation oriantenimus in Africa aut atemporfrom the ehenis 23rd audae to the sus 24th iliquas August nus cus, 2017 offi- in Lusaka, harnessingpor sit doluptatem of multi harum-cultural untoritat ci duntioZambia. test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum perspectiveset officat atquunt from eatquisyoung saepeopl si- e fugiateThe dunt.Conference aimed to strengthen Youth Leadership and fromtatem across dolut Africa, aut pore which suntur? will Quidic be DoloristEngagement quatur adic in tepromoting que imint ut Education por sit doluptatem for all, harum especially untoritat young et girls, in used as input for developing officatline atquunt with the eatquis African sae sitatem Union’s dolut Continental aut pore suntur? Education Quidic tem Strategy for effectiveDolorist mechanisms quatur adic te to que mainstream imint ut ipsamenihit,Africa (CESA optatur 16 sitat-25) rerem and es Agenda explaud 2063.itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit genderpor s itin doluptatem education harum systems. untoritat Dr remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem Ritaet Bissoonauth,officat atquunt eatquisCoordinator sae si- of nossimpSelected oriantenimus researchers aut atemporand practitioners ehenis audae shared sus iliquas emerging nus cus, evidence offi- and AUtatem-CIEFFA dolut autand pore the suntur? convener Quidic of ci duntionew research test esto cumfindings quam onexces girls si toand voloria women’s tureris educationsitibeatest quatum and it’s implications on CESA 16-25. The meeting led to the strengthening of fugiate dunt. the workshop, commended the commitments by governments and partners who will be actively Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut youg people who were already engaged in the mainstreaming of various models that have accelerated contporributing sit doluptatem in their harum own untoritat practical Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- girls and women’s education. Strategic partnerships that promote girls’ ways to demonstrate the capability officatand atquunt women’s eatquis education sae sitatem were dolut also aut established. pore suntur? QuidicThe issue tem of School tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic of young women when given a ipsamenihit,Feeding wasoptatur noted sitat asrerem one es social explaud intervention itestrum qui doleceathat enhances si ut alit access and remporem.success Tofem girls voluptur? from poorer communities. The need for gender chance. responsive Teacher development and allocation was also covered as Doloristteacher quatur gender adic teaffects que imint performance ut por sit doluptatem for children harum in untoritat lower education et Recommendations were made for officatlevels, atquunt while eatquis gender sae sensitivitysitatem dolut of aut teachers pore suntur? is necessary Quidic tem to ipsamenensure the creation of learning spaces for ihit,adequate optatur sitat support rerem esto explaud both girls itestrum and quiboys dolecea in school. si ut alit remporem. interaction among young women Tem voluptur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestru and young men with female role m quiThe dolecea conference si ut alit engaged remporem. policy Tem makersvoluptur? and partners on scaling up and models through networks, mainstreaming models that have accelerated girls and women’s leveraging on information education. FAWE introduced and launched the Gender Equality technologies such as social media. Strategy for CESA 16-25 and presented strategies which will be used as input for supportting and monitoring the integration of gender equality in CESA implementation in Member States. The Commissioner was given five symbolic keys by young girls, committing the African Union to ensuring that in all regions of Africa, children are supported to ensure access, retention and completion of education in child friendly enviornments that enable both boys and girls to thrive and achieve their various potentials.




FOR RETENTION AND COMPLETION OF GIRLS ANDLuptatque YOUNG prerspe WOMENrferum et quid IN- THEici ut EDUCATIONALverro doluptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa veniendae SYSTEMnem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum Theis quam, Forum nam was iliquae. held Ut in pla Maur cupiet,itius fromofficti 10 te- 12thsunto Julyque es2017, rerspeliqui jointly sit organisedquas sequos by expedio. the AUC, Ut et CIEFFA earchil andmolorrum the Mauritius harcim qui Ministry ut accumquias of re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor Education and Human Resources, Participants of the Workshop of Higher Education Management Systems held in ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- Tertiarysequost odipsanturEducation apienda and Scientific nimint-

WORKSHOP ON HIGHER EDUCATION Research.em ratem venimi, sam, etum in LuptatqueMANAGEMENT prerspe rferum et quidici INFORMATION ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam Thenossimp meeting oriantenimus captured aut key atempor action ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, quuntiatesSYSTEMS es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que points which will be used in the es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim offici duntio test esto cum quam The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) retention of young women in the quiin utcollaboration accumquias re with peruptis the etAssociation volor magnis of ut Africanillabor ehenduci Universities sequi (AAU) exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest educational systems across the quiam,organi quodiazed a technicalconsequost workshop odipsantur apiendaon Higher nimintem Education ratem venimi, Management quatum fugiate dunt. sam,Information etum in Systems (HEMIS) benchmarking from 29 - 30 June 2017 continentDolorist quatur focusing adic teon que accessibility imint ut in Accra, Ghana. Participants discussed the content of a framework- ofpor Science, sit doluptatem Techn harumology, untoritat nossimptool for oriantenimus HEMIS. A aut committee atempor ehenis was establishedaudae sus iliquas to finalize nus cus, the offi - Engineering,et officat atquunt Mathematics eatquis sae si (-STEM ) ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic framework tool. Education for girls and young fugiate dunt. ; gender DoloristThe discussions quatur adic revealedte que imint that ut poremphasis sit doluptatem on benchmarking harum untoritat of et HEMIS Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut stereotypingpor sit doluptatem in Technical harum untoritat and officatis a support atquunt eatquisand complementary sae sitatem dolut action aut pore area suntur? to theQuidic AU tem African et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- ipsamenihit,Quality Rating optatur Mechanism. sitat rerem es Also,explaud robust itestrum management qui dolecea si information ut alit Training remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic systems were essential for effective policy development based on (TVET); legal and institutional nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- sound, accurate, timely and meaningful statistical information. environment to support right to ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut quality education for girls and fugiate dunt. por sit doluptatem harum untoritat The workshop proposed sustainable solutions to build strong Higher younget officat women; atquunt higher eatquis education sae si- Education Management Systems in Africa to provide quality Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et andtatem gender dolut autsensitivity pore suntur? to increase Quidic information that supports informed decision making in leadership, officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem retention rate among young governance and management of higher education institutions, and for ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit women and gender-sensitive remporem.facilitating Tem sound voluptur? sector planning, monitoring and evaluation, contents in teaching and learning financing and quality assurance. This will be done by identifying best Doloristpractices, quatur and adic capacity te que imintgaps utin por strategy sit doluptatem developme harumnt untoritat within etspecific resources. officatareas atquuntthat the eatquis universities sae sitatem would dolut provide.aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. TADEAem voluptur? applauded Quidic Ghanatem ipsamenihit, and optatur sitat for rerem their es strong explaud Higher itestru mEducation qui dolecea Management si ut alit remporem. Information Tem voluptur? Systems. It will be important to ensure harmony and alignment between HEMIS tools, and those developed for overall education management and performance measurement of CESA. Issues of gender mainstreaming have to be included in definitions of quality, as well as the need for higher education to be responsive to national visions and the continental Agenda 2063.





The HigherLuptatque Education prerspe rferum Cluster et heldquid- its First Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate Consultativeici ut verro Meeting doluptatis at the mo odiam ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam Intercontinentalfaceate ssequo Hotel im sa in veniendae Addis Ababa, quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que Ethiopianem oniunt 21 qui and demolupta 22 December verchil 2017 through the support of the Human es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum Resources Science and Technology qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, Department of the African Union quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit Commission. It was coordinated by the sam, etum in quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil Poster for Webinar on Revitalizing Higher Education in Africa. Credit, AAU Association of African Universities, and molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias facilitated by the International Network for AAU, AUC HOSTS WEBINAR ON re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- Higher Education in Africa based at the ciREVITALIZING duntio test esto cum quam AFRICAN exces si to voloria HIGHER tureris sitibeatest quatum Universityehenduci of Kwazulusequi quiam,-Natal, quodia South con Africa- fugiateEDUCATION dunt. FOR AFRICA’S FUTURE: POST and hostedsequost by odipsantur St. Mary’s apienda University, nimint - Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et Ethiopia.em ratem venimi, sam, etum in officatDAKAR atquunt 2015eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit,On 31st August optatur 2017, sitat thererem AAU es explaud and Trust itestrum Africa qui in dolecea collaboration si ut alit with the A totalnossimp of 15 oriantenimussub-clusters haveaut atempor so far been AUC held a Webinar on Revitalizing African Higher Education for remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem establishedehenis audaeon the sus basis iliquas of their nus cus, particular Africa’s Future: Post 2015. nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- relevanceoffici andduntio significance test esto cum to Africanquam higher ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum education.exces siThese to voloria include: tureris qua sitibeatestlity assurance Dr. Beatrice Njenga, Head of Education Division at the AUC was the and accreditation;quatum fugiate research dunt. and graduate fugiatespeaker. dunt. Participating organisations included: Council for the education;Dolorist gender quatur and adic diversity; te que imint ICT, ut Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), United Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et librariespor andsit doluptatem university harum networking; untoritat student Nations Africa Institute for Development and Economic Planning (IDEP), affairs; academics and the profession; officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), and the ; public-private partnerships and ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit tatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic African Development Bank (AfDB), among others. Other partners were the entrepreneurship; open, distance and remporem.Government Tem of voluptur? who also served as the host and the National online education; private higher education; Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, and Kwa Zulu Natal internationalization; scholarly Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et por sit doluptatem harum untoritat University; international partners represented were the Carnegie communication and university presses; officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen Corporation of New York (CCNY), Mastercard Foundation, and the diasporaet officat mobilization; atquunt eatquis leadership sae si -and ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. . management;tatem dolut and aut harmonization pore suntur? Quidic and Tem voluptur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestru regional integration. m qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Tem voluptur? Dr Njenga laid out programs that have been implemented by the AUC in Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut response to the recommendations of the Dakar Summit. These include the Each porsub sit-cluster, doluptatem comprising harum untoritattypically five coneptualisation and operationalization of the Pan African University, memberset officat including atquunt a eatquiscoordinator, sae si- is Mwalimu Nyerere Scholarship and Academic Mobility Schemes, responsibletatem dolut for identifyingaut pore suntur? specific Quidic issues of Harmonisation and Quality in Higher Education, Teacher Development, importance under the sub-theme, Strengthening STEM education, and ICT in Education, among others. developingDolorist a quaturconcept adic note te quethat imint will ut

eventuallypor sit develop doluptatem into harum a full untoritat- fledged On the way forward to revitalizing Higher Education in Africa, Dr. Njenga proposal. Using CESA as its principal suggested the following collective action by the higher education et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- guideline,tatem eachdolut subaut -porecluster suntur? has identified Quidic community: numerous deliverables. The Consultative Recognition, support of and adherence to common vision of Agenda 2063 meeting, which comprised sub-cluster 1. Strengthen intra-African agencies: coordinators, the HE cluster leader, the AU . AAU and regional university associations and networks and the AAU representatives, was used as a . Research and quality assurance agencies platform where concept notes and . National and regional academies and scientific associations deliverables were presented and further 2. Strengthen engagement with research institutions inputs and feedback were gathered. 3. Lobby Member States to implement their Decisions and Commitments: at least 1% GDP on R&D; 6% GDP on Education Operational plans that will emanate from 4. Strengthen links with industry endorsed proposals will serve as the 5. Establish a common monitoring and reporting platform roadmap for guiding specific initiatives that will be carried out in the next ten years. The AAU hosts a series of webinars addressing key issues in higher Plans will be assessed on the basis of education. The newly inaugurated Cluster on Higher Education will be a CESA’s standards and indicators for useful platform for further discourse. monitoring and evaluation.




The WFP Centre of Excellence commissioned the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI), a major global institute based in Cape Town, South Africa, to carry out the study which is also complimented by a report from case studies done in 20 AU Member States. STC-EST 2 held in Cairo where School Feeding was endorsed

AFRICA EDUCATION MINISTERS The study was conducted in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, , LuptatqueENDORSE prerspe rferum A etDECISION quidici ut verro doluptatis ON mo SCHOOL odiam faceate South Africa, , Central ssequoFEEDING im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que Democratic Republic of Congo, African Ministers of Education endorsed the report and findings of es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim , , Republic of Congo, quithe ut African accumquias Union re peruptis Study et on volor School magnis Feedingin ut illabor Memberehenduci sequi States . The Senegal, Egypt, , Tunisia, Cabo quiam,results quodia of the consequost study were odipsantur presented apienda during nimintem the Second ratem venimi, Ordinary Verde and . sam,session etum of in Africa Minister’s Meeting on Education, Science and Technology, held on 21st-23rd October, in Cairo, Egypt. Capitalising on an exchange of nossimpThe study oriantenimus findings aut and atempor recommendations ehenis audae sus were iliquas validated nus cus, inoffi May- 2017 knowledge and ideas in the area of cib yduntio Member test esto States cum and quam School exces si feeding to voloria practitioners tureris sitibeatest and quatum agencies in a school feeding and through the use of fugiateworkshop dunt. with multi-sectoral representation. This valuable AU Study real life examples of school feeding Doloristwas supported quatur adic by te WFP que imint Africa ut por office sit doluptatem and the WFP harum Centre untoritat of et programmes across Africa, this study officatExcellence atquunt against eatquis saeHunger, sitatem hosted dolut aut in pore . suntur? Due Quidic to its tem manifol d serves to develop a conceptual framework for school feeding, ipsamenihit,benefits that optatur cut sitatacross rerem sectors, es explaud the AU itestrum School qui doleceaFeeding si utprogramme alit accompanied by a set of corresponding, remporem.brings together Tem voluptur? several Qui departments, as quatem including HRST, Social Affairs, practical recommendations in nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- Rural Economy and Agriculture, and Political Affairs. optimising and taking school feeding ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum programmes to scale within AU fugiateThe Ministers dunt. endorsed the report and the recommendations of the Member States. School Feeding Study and called for the allocation of substantive Doloristbudget quatur for inter adic- ministerialte que imint utHome por sit-Grown doluptatem School harum Feeding untoritat et Key recommendations based on the officatmanagement atquunt eatquis units sae in sitatemMember dolut States aut pore, and suntur? encouraged Quidic tem Member States findings of the study includes: ipsamenihit,to develop optatur implementation sitat rerem es plans explaud based itestrum on thequi doleceafindings si utof alit the study, Linkage of school feeding programmes remporem.including T strengtheningem voluptur? local resourcing of school feeding and to national, continental and identification of cost-effective and more innovative local financing. international development agendas; Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et Commit to developmental officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamen procurement strategies that exert a The Ministers were informed of the strong partnership and support ihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. strong focus on increasing local Tprovidedem voluptur? by Quidicthe WFP, tem ipsamenihit,who agreed optatur to be sitatthe reremCoordinator es explaud of itestru the CESA rd production capacities; Diversification of mSchool qui dolecea Feeding si ut alitCluster. remporem. Preparations Tem voluptur? are under way for the 3 Africa sources of financing for school feeding School Feeding Day Celebration to be cordially hosted by the programmes; Devotion of resources to government of Zimbabwe, where there will also be a multi-sectoral stronger M&E systems to improve meeting of the Cluster members. policy outcomes. The CESA monitoring framework includes includes indicators on school feeding. However, a comprehensive moniroting tool for school feeding is under development. This tool will ensure that data is collected to establish evidence basis for strengthening school feeding, and justify support from a range of departments that benefit- including education, health, social protection, rural development, agriculture, youth development and so on.



. Strengthen teacher training curricula

to include life skills and other key

competencies . Identify and reward dedicated and Luptatque prerspe rferum et quid- innovative teachers ici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam To provide a basis for implementing faceate ssequo im sa veniendae Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate this strategy, we carried out a Study on nem iunt qui demolupta verchil ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam the Training, Living and Working lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que Conditions of Teachers in Member es rerspeliqui suas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, States, as we had been requested to do qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit so by the Heads of State and quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil Government of the African Union. sam, etum in molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias We encouragere peruptis et you volor to magnis find a utcopy illabor and read for yourselves the findings and nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia con- recommendations of the study. We ci duntio test estoAfrican cum T quameacher teaching exces pupilssi to under voloria dire circumstances tureris sitibeatest quatum sequost odipsantur apienda nimint- look forward to establishing teaching fugiateWORLD dunt. TEACHERS DAY: HRST COMMISSIONER em ratem venimi, sam, etum in as a foremost profession which will DoloristEXPRESSES quatur adic teAPPRECIATION que imint ut por sit doluptatem FOR harum THE untoritat AFRICAN et officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem attractnossimp the best oriantenimus students, aut because atempor it is ipsamenihit,TEACHER optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit the mostehenis important audae sus iliquas work nustowards cus, remporem.On World Tem Teacher’s voluptur? Day,Qui as 5th quat October,em 2017, The HRST humanoffici empowerment, duntio test esto cum and quam the nossimpCommissioner oriantenimus expressed aut atempor her ehenisappreciation audae sus to iliquas Teachers nus cus, in Africaoffi- for developmentexces si to ofvoloria capacities tureris sitibeatestto innovate citheir duntio efforts test esto in cumpromoting quam exces education si to voloria across tureris the sitibeatest continent. quatum She and providequatum fugiate transformative dunt. leadership fugiateapplauded dunt. teachers for their selfless efforts and invaluable contribution in everyDolorist sector, quatur towards adic te sustainableque imint ut to advancing education in Africa in the following message: development.por sit doluptatem harum untoritat Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et et officat atquunt eatquis sae si- officatOn this atquu Worldnt eatquis Teachers sae sitatem Day, dolut we autare pore honoured suntur? Quidicto express tem our deep On thistatem special dolut aut day pore for suntur? Teachers, Quidic we at ipsamenihit,appreciation optatur to every sitat rerem teacher es explaud in Africa itestrum and quito thank dolecea them si ut alit for their the African Union Commission remporem.wonderful Tem work voluptur? of service to the continent’s future. Dear Teachers, if reiterateDolorist our quatur commitment adic te que to imint working ut indeed Education is the most important instrument for harnessing progressivelypor sit doluptatem with Member harum untoritat States and DoloristAfrica’s quatur human adic potential, te que imint you ut por Teachers sit doluptatem are the harum key tountoritat operationalizing et partnerset officat to ensure atquunt that eatquis the sae aspirations si- officatthat instrument.atquunt eatqu isThe sae Teachersitatem dolut is key aut poreto ensuring suntur? Quidic that our tem youthfulipsamen of thetatem African dolut Unionaut pore Commissionsuntur? Quidic ihit,population optatur sitat develop rerem es the explaud skills, itestrum knowledge, qui dolecea attitudes, si ut alit valu remporem.es and towards teachers and the teaching Tcompetencesem voluptur? Quidic required tem ipsamenihit,for achieving optatur Africa’s sitat rerem Agenda es explaud 2063- itestrua peaceful, professionDolorist become quatur adic a reality te que imintfor all ut m qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Tem voluptur? prosperous and integrated Africa. teacherspor sit acr doluptatemoss Africa. harum We untoritataspire that The African Agenda 2063 calls for an Education and Skills revolution everyet child officat must atquunt have eatquis a well sae-motivated, si- and active promotion of science, technology, research and innovation, well tatemqualified, dolut authighly pore professional suntur? Quidic to make this the African century. It will be impossible without the teacher. Teacher- well qualified, adequately motivated and supported, and On behalfDolorist of quatur the millions adic te que of imint children ut imbued with values of responsible citizenship that she or he will be able and youngpor sit doluptatem people you harum have untoritat helped and to pass onto the children and youth under their charge. continueet officat to help,atquunt and eatquis on behalfsae si- of the In recognition of the central role of the Teacher in revitalizing our industries for which you have education development and delivery, the AU Continental Education produced highly competent and Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) identifies Teacher Development as responsible workers; for the the first Strategic Objective. The Objective is to revitalize the teaching governments for which you have profession to ensure quality and relevance at all levels by: produced leaders of integrity; for the children for whom you have produced . Recruiting, training, and deploying well qualified teachers as well as responsible parents; and for ourselves promote their continuous professional development with emphasis whom you have given lasting memories on instilling core values, results and accountability to learners of your commitment and patient . Provide good working and living conditions to teachers in order to guidance; we say a big thank you for enhance their status and value in society your selfless acts of service to the . Develop quality and relevant teaching and learning materials continent. . Enhance quality assurance and assessment mechanisms for learning outcomes



44TH SESSION OF THE ADEA STEERING COMMITTEE HELD IN ABIDJAN The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) held the 44th session of its Steering Committee in Abidjan on 15th December 2017. The

AUC participated, being a full member of the Committee. The AUC was represented by Dr. Beatrice Khamati Njenga, Head of Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate Education Division. Ministers from ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam , Cote d’Ivoire and , quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que and ministerial representatives from The es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim Gambia and were in attendance. The partners present included AfDB, FAWE, qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi the MasterCard Foundation, the quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, Norwegian Agency for Development UNESCO-IICBA 20th Session Governing Board Meeting sam, etum in Cooperation (NORAD), the Islamic UNESCO-IICBA 20TH SESSION GOVERNING Development Bank (IsDB), the US Agency nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- for International Development (USAID) BOARD MEETING IN ADDIS ABABA and the World Bank. ci duntio test esto cum quam exces si to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum The UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building (IICBA) fugiate dunt. held its 20th Session Governing Board meeting on 18 and 19 December Dr. Beatrice Njenga presided over the Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et 2017 in Addis Ababa.The Governing Board's function is to provide handing over ceremony of the Steering officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem Committee’s leadership. Hon. Prof. Mary overall policy and strategic direction to the Institute with responsibility, ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit Teuw Niane, Senegal’s Minister of Higher among others, to approve IICBA’s policies; the programme and budget remporem. Tem voluptur? Qui as quatem Education, Scientific Research and and ensure that that its operations remain within the mandate and Innovation is the new Chairperson for the nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus iliquas nus cus, offi- next two years. He replaced Dr. Ashraf El- ciscope duntio of test work esto assignedcum quam to exces the siinstitu to voloriate. tureris sitibeatest quatum The African Union Commission is one of the eight full members of the Shihy, the Minister of Higher Education fugiate dunt. and Scientific Research of Egypt. South Board with permanent appointment and is currently represented by Dr. Sudan’s Minister for Higher Education, DoloristBeatrice quatur Njenga, adic teHead que imintof Education ut por sit doluptatem at the Human harum Resources,untoritat et Science Science and Technology represented Egypt officatand Technology atquunt eatquis Division sae sitatem of dolutthe African aut pore Unionsuntur? QuidicCommission tem (AUC). in the handing over ceremony, as outgoing 3rd Vice Chairperson. ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem.The 20th T Sessionem voluptur? examined and approved the IICBA 2017 annual The African Union's Bureau of the report, the IICBA 2017 financial report, in addition reviewed a proposal Specialized Technical Committee on Doloristof the strategicquatur adic direction te que imint for ut the por formulation sit doluptatem ofharum the untoritatIICBA Mediumet - Education, Science and Technology (STC- officatTerm atquunt Strategic eatquis Plan sae and sitatem the dolutproposal aut pore of Worksuntur? PlanQuidic for tem 2018. ipsamen The EST) is also the ADEA Bureau, courtesy of ihit,Board optatur directed sitat rerem IICBA es explaud to consider itestrum critical qui dolecea and prioritysi ut alit remporem. interventions that a decision made by the Tenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Tmustem voluptur? drive the Quidic formulation tem ipsamenihit, of the optatur new strategy, sitat rerem namely es explaud ensuring itestru that the m qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Tem voluptur? Union, held in 2008 in Addis Ababa, key goals and targets as defined by the SGD4 and CESA 2016-2015 to Ethiopia. The Assembly approved the improve quality education through teachers remain at the center of the merger of the Bureau of the then envisages actions. Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF) with the ADEA Bureau of Ministers, in order to The Governing Board commended IICBA for its work towards the ensure alignment of ADEA’s work with the professionalization of teaching, notably through its involvement in the collective African vision articulated continent in the assistance and support to the development of through the African Union Commission. professional standards for teachers; the ongoing work towards the ADEA is the Coordinator of the CESA development of a teachers support and motivation framework, and the Cluster on Education Planning and increasing work to address emerging needs in areas such as Prevention provides technical support to the AU to Violent Extremism, Peace Building, Global Citizenship Education Education Observatory. and Emergency in Education through teacher development. ‘

It is anticipated that the new Medium-Term Strategy will be an essential coordination and resource mobilization tool, by virtue of providing a platform to enhance partnerships to better and more effectively address teacher development issues in Africa. IICBA is the Coordinator for the CESA Teacher Development Cluster.



Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro doluptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa veniendae nem iunt qui demolupta verchil lesedi restiam quuntiates es eum is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto que es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia consequost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, sam, etum in nossimp oriantenimusParticipants aut ofatempor the Dialogue ehenis on Galvanising audae supportsus iliquas for the endorsement, nus cus, offiimplementation- and reporting on the Safe Schools Declaration ci duntioDIALOGUE test esto cum quam ON exces GALVANISING si to voloria tureris sitibeatest SUPPORT quatum FOR THE ENDORSEMENT, fugiate IMPLEMENTATIONdunt. AND REPORTING ON THE SAFE SCHOOLS DoloristDECLARATION quatur adic te que imint INut por AFRICA sit doluptatem harum untoritat et officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit,Save optaturthe Children sitat rerem International es explaud itestrum AU Liaison qui dolecea and si Pan ut alit such a view is not counter-intuitive to the remporem.Africa Tem Office voluptur? collaborated Qui as quatem with the embassies of “protection of the state.” nossimpArgentina, oriantenimus aut atempor and ,ehenis audae as wellsus iliquas as the nus African cus, offi - ci duntioUnion test esto Commission cum quam exces departments si to voloria of tureris HRST sitibeatest and Peace quatum Participants reiterated that the SSD fitted fugiate anddunt. Security, to organise a dialogue entitled into international practice (international “Dialogue on galvanizing support for the humanitarian law) and into preexisting legal Doloristendorsement, quatur adic te que implementation imint ut por sit doluptatem and reporting harum onuntoritat the et and policy instruments, and was not a officat atquuntSafe Schools eatquis saeDec sitatemlaration”, dolut on aut Septemberpore suntur? 6th,Quidic 2017 tem departure from current practice and policy. ipsamenihit,at the optatur Hilton sitat Hotel rerem in es Addisexplaud Ababa. itestrum qui dolecea si ut alit remporem. Tem voluptur? Participants at the meeting proposed the Over 40 representatives from Permanent Missions to following, among others: The need for an Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harum untoritat et the African Union, the Commissioner of the African Union Assembly decision or officat atquunt eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut pore suntur? Quidic tem ipsamenAssembly endorsement; A specialised body ihit, optaturDepartment sitat rerem of es Peaceexplaud and itestrum Security, qui dolecea the Head si ut alitof remporem. Education Division and child-focused civil society like the Deans of Defence Attaches of Africa Tem voluptur? Quidic tem ipsamenihit, optatur sitat rerem es explaud itestruto play an advisory role particularly on the m qui doleceaorganizations si ut alit remporem.shared their Tem views voluptur? on the SSD and identified opportunities for national endorsement operationalization of the Guidelines; Hold a and implementation. similar dialogue for the Regional Economic Communities (RECs); Participants also reiterated the need for a Special Envoy on As a majority of the attendees were defence attaches they emphasized the need to integrate a military Children, Peace and Security to ensure that perspective (a “military mind”). The discussions that the SSD and other child-focused initiatives ensued underlined an essential discrepancy between are mainstreamed in the peace and security the military perspective of protecting schools from discourse; The CESA Peace and Education attack, as a violation of international humanitarian cluster should be composed of child-focused law and that must be avoided, and the military’s agencies and related NGOs to provide a objective to protect the nation. It was agreed that an technical advisory role to Member States on understanding of security that incorporates human the SSD, with a multi-sectorial approach security to the predominant “national security” comprised of governments, development approach taken by states is highly warranted and that partners and the private sector. Save the Children International is Coordinator for the CESA Peace and Education Cluster. 17




. Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing . CESA Journal

Conference, 2 February 2018, Dakar, Senegal http://edu-au.org/cesa1625/journal

. Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Kick-off and Cluster Meetings, 5-9 February 2018, Brussels, . CESA 16-25

http://edu-au.org/cesa1625 . Regional Stakeholders Consultation Workshop on Mutual recognition of Qualification across Community, 26 – 27 February 2018, Nairobi, Kenya . Agenda 2063

. Pan African Virtual and E-University Task Force and https://au.int/en/agenda2063 Experts meeting at the University of South Africa

(UNISA), 27 February – 2 March 2018, Pretoria, . STISA 2024 South Africa http://edu-au.org/frameworks/stisa-2024

. Celebration of 3rd African School Feeding day 28

February–1 March 2018, Harare, Zimbabwe . TVET Strategy

. Technical Advisory Committee and Education http://edu-au.org/frameworks/tvet- Planning Cluster Meeting, 20-21 March 2018, Abuja, strategy Nigeria

. African Higher Education, Quality Assurance and . African Youth Charter Accreditation initiative Advisory Board Meeting, https://aui.int/en/treaties/african-youth- Stakeholder Consultation, 21-22 March 2018, charter Maputo, Mozambique

. African Institute of Mathematical Sciences Next . Report of Annual Continental Einstein Forum 26-28 March 2018, Kigali, Rwanda Activities

. Workshop of Stakeholders and Experts to discuss http://edu-au.org/resources potential academic programs for the Pan African Virtual and E-University, 27-30 March 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia . Pan African University https://pau-au.net . EMIS Taskforce Conference, 11-13 April 2018, Paris,

France . AU/CIEFFA

. African Forum on Youth Skills & Enterprise In The http://cieffa.org Digital Age, 18th-19th April 2018, Tunis, Tunisia

. Pan African High-level Meeting on SDG 4 – Education . IPED 2030 Agenda and CESA 16-25, 25-27 April 2018, http://edu-au.org/programmes/iped Nairobi, Kenya

. 7th AFTRA Teaching and Learning in Africa . ADEA

Conference and 9th Roundtable, 14–19 May 2018, http://adeanet.org Abuja, Nigeria

. Innovating Education in Africa, June 2018, Dakar, . AIMS Senegal https://nexteinstein.org

For more information and to participate in the upcoming events, contact [email protected] . GESCI

http://gesci.org 18



OBJECTIVES Strengthen the science and

Revitalize the teaching math curricula in youth profession to ensure training and disseminate quality and relevance at 07 scientific knowledge and 01 all levels of Education culture in society scientific knowledge and culture in society Build, rehabilitate, preserve education infrastructure and Expand TVET opportunities develop policies that ensure a at both secondary and permanent, healthy and tertiary levels and strengthen conducive learning 08 linkages between the world 02 environment in all sub-sectors of work and education and and for all, so as to expand training systems access to quality Education

Revitalize and expand Harness the capacity of ICT to improve access, quality , research and management of and innovation to address 03 education and training 09 continental challenges and systems promote global competitiveness Ensure acquisition of requisite knowledge and skills Promote peace education as well as improved and conflict prevention and completion rates at all levels resolution at all levels of and groups through 04 education and for all age harmonization processes 10 groups across all levels for national and regional integration

Improve management of education system as well build Accelerate processes leading and enhance capacity for data to gender parity and equity collection, management, 05 11 analysis, communication, and


Launch comprehensive and Set up a coalition of stakeholders to facilitate and effective literacy programmes across the support activities resulting 06 continent to eradicate the 12 from the implementation of scourge of illiteracy CESA 16-25




1 Stem Education Launched AIMS - African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 2 Ict in Education Launched GESCI - The Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative 3 Teacher Development Launched UNESCO-IICBA

4 Women & Girls Education Launched African Union – International Centre for the Education of Girls and Women in Africa 5 Higher Education Launched AAU - Association of African Universities 6 School Feeding Launched WFP - World Food Program

7 Education Planning Launched ADEA - Association for the Development of Education in Africa 8 Peace And Education Launched Save the Children International

9 TVET Upcoming NEPAD - The New Partnership for Africa's Development (Proposed)

10 Early Childhood Education Upcoming UNICEF - Children's Fund (Proposed)

11 Life Skills Education Upcoming IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation (Proposed)

12 Literacy And Life Long Learning Upcoming To Be Decided

13 Parents Association Upcoming To Be Decided

14 Students Association Upcoming To Be Decided

Stakeholders are invited to become members of existing clusters and also establish new clusters


African Union Commission

Roosvelt Street, Old Airport Area P.O.Box 3243

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Contact Email address: [email protected]

Editorial Team Dr. Beatrice Njenga ([email protected])

Mich-Seth Owusu ([email protected])