Vol 02 | Dec 2017 CESA JOURNAL Implementation Progress of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) African Union Commission CONTINENTAL EDUCATION STRATEGY FOR AFRICA 2016-2025 (CESA 16-25) AFRICAN DIGITAL SCHOOLS 02 VALIDATION OF CESA 05 04 INDICATORS FRAMEWORK 06 INITIATIVE LAUNCHED IN TANZANIA MESSAGE FROM THE COMMISSIONER The African Union Heads of State and Government,sa supaya during theirabah Twenty ta-Sixth Ordinary Session on 31st January 2016 in Addis Ababa, adopted the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25)jaga as the framework for transforming education and training systems in Africa, as called for in Agenda 2063. Since then, much has been done by stakeholders to popularize CESA and develop implementable plans, through the CESA Thematic Clusters. It gives me much pleasure to express appreciation to the Member States, RECs and Education Development Agencies who have taken up ownership of this collective agenda. This bi-annual CESA Journal provides the platform to engage all stakeholders and highlight reflections, debates, activities and innovative interventions for strengthening education and training towards the “Africa We Want”. I take this opportunity to extend an open invitation to participate in CESA activities, join existing Clusters and Message from the create new CESA Clusters as well. Since the publication of the last CESA Journal, Commissioner, H.E. Dr Martial De Paul Ikounga ended his mandate as HRST Commissioner. I wish him well in his next endeavor and extend gratitude to him for the foundation he has HRSTH.E Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor laid in the Department. LUPTATQUE prerspe rferum et The last session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Education, Science and quidici ut verro doluptatis mo st rd IN THIS EDITION Technology held in Cairo, Egypt from the 21 –23 of October, 2017 commended odiam faceate ssequo im sa progress made in CESA implementation, and took decisions on a range of matters, Message from the 1 veniendae nem iunt qui demo- including Girls and Women’s Education, School Feeding, the Pan African University Commissioner lupta verchil lesedi restiam as well as African Writers and Teacher Development. They also called for quuntiates es eum is quam, establishment of the African Union Teachers’ Prize. I look forward to working with Agenda 2063 2 you to develop the modus operandi for this important instrument for celebrating and nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti rewarding commited teachers, while strengthening professionalization of teaching to te Aboutsunto que CESA es rerspeliqui 16-25 sit 3 ensure quality education and training. quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil AUC molorrum Education harcim qui ut 4-5 A gender mainstreaming guideline for CESA has been developed by FAWE in accumquias Activities onre peruptis CESA et volor collaboration with AU-CIEFFA, which will ensure that in all CESA activites, no one magnis ut illabor ehenduci se- shall be left behind on the basis of gender. The CESA Indicators manual has been ICT In Education News 6-7 qui quiam, quodia consequost finalized by AU-IPED in collaboration with ADEA and will be available for st odipsantur apienda nimintem implementation by the end of the 1 quarter 2018. Both instruments were validated ICT In Education and 8 ratem venimi, sam, etum in with input from Member States RECs and a wide range of stakeholders. TVET News This first semester of 2018, many exciting activities are already scheduled that will nossimp STEM oriantenimusEducation News aut at - 9 have far reaching impact across the education landscape. These include capacity empor ehenis audae sus iliquas assessment and capacity building of Member States in EMIS, experience sharing nus STEM cus, offici Education duntio and test Literacyesto 10 around ICT and skills training for youth empowerment, development of programmes cum News quam exces si to voloria for the flagship Pan African Virtual and E University, and promotion of STEM tureris sitibeatest quatum fu- education. We shall celebrate the 3rd Africa Day of School Feeding in Zimbabwe from Women and Girls Education 11 th st giate dunt. 27 February to 1 March 2018. We are happy to work with UNESCO on the Pan News Dolorist quatur adic te que African Conference to be held in Kenya in April 2018, on alignment of the Global imint ut por sit doluptatem ha- Education 2030 and the CESA. A major event is scheduled on Innovating Education, Women and Girls and 12 which will provide a market place for 21st century ideas and instruments for rum untoritat et officat atquunt Higher Education News promoting access, enhancing education delivery, learning and school safety among eatquis sae sitatem dolut aut other innovations. pore Hig suntur?her Education Quidic tem News ip- 13 samenihit, optatur sitat rerem Significantly, we extend appreciation to Member States and the commission for their es School explaud Feeding itestrum News qui dolecea 14 efforts to implement CESA 16-25. We look forward to an exciting, fruitful and si ut alit remporem. Ma quatur impactful 2018 working in partnership with you all. Teacher Development News 15 audi nobit as magnam, consequ assinis cidelecum in porecta Finally, we want to extend a bouquet of gratitude to the Chairperson of the Teacher Development and 16 spidendanti ra cus ea veliquam commission H.E. (Dr.) Moussa Faki Mahamat for his indefatigable commitment to Education Planning News the realization of Agenda 2063. Peace and Education News 17 To all stakeholders, please send us reports of your CESA implementation activities Upcoming CESA Events and 18 H.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor Useful Links 1 1 AGENDA 2063 EXCERPTS FROM AGENDA 2063 VOICES OF THE AFRICAN PEOPLE ferum et quidici ut verro dolup- tatis mo odiam faceate eribusam, qui am, volut dolum que lab int ea solesse- ssequo im sa venienwdae nem quo commolor sit quam sit alibusam, sectio ditatus iuntTHE qui dem VOICESolupta verchil OF lesedi THE restiam AFRICAN quuntiates es doluptaeOUR odi ASPIRATIONS cum venim eicipient molorem FOR as THE eos et eumPEOPLE is quam, nam iliquae. Ut pla cupiet, officti te sunto acilAFRICA exerio beatus WE pro etuWANTr, velis eosaecesciis dis quam que es rerspeliqui sit quas sequos expedio. Ut et earchil molorrum harcim qui ut accumquias re peruptis et volor fugias simaio. Puda doluptae volorissit quiae verunt “We, the people of Africa and her diaspora, united magnis ut illabor ehenduci sequi quiam, quodia conse- utA as prosperous aut dolorem Africa arum dis based quiatem on inclusivedollist emperna growth and in diversity, young and old, men and women, girls quost odipsantur apienda nimintem ratem venimi, sam, tiuscipsamsustainable a qui development dolor aspe pe provit estrum ne et etumand in boys from all walks of life, deeply conscious of OUR ASPIRATIONS FOR THE AFRICA WE WANT history, express our deep appreciation to all nossimp oriantenimus aut atempor ehenis audae sus generations of Pan-Africanists. In particular, to the Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro do- iliquas nus cus, offici duntio test esto cum quam exces si An integrated continent, politically united based on founders of the Organization of African Unity for luptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa venienw- to voloria tureris sitibeatest quatum fugiate dunt. having bequeathed us an Africa with exemplary the ideals of Pan Africanism and the vision of Dolorist quatur adic te que imint ut por sit doluptatem harumsuccesses untoritat in et theofficat fight atquunt against eatquis slavery, sae sitatem colonialism and Africa’sLuptatque Renaissance prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro do- dolutapartheid. aut pore suntur? Agenda Quidic 2063, tem rooted ipsamenihit, in Pan optatur Africanism luptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa venienw- sitatand rerem African es explaud Renaissance, itestrum qui provides dolecea si a ut robust alit rem - porem. Solestiam harci consed mo endae non con cullora framework for addressing past injustices and the AnLuptatque Africa prerspeof good rferum governance, et quidici democracy, ut verro do -respect realization of the 21st Century as the African luptatis mo odiam faceate ssequo im sa venienw- ditat quiatur soluptas corepelique rem. Everum vel imi, for human rights, justice and the rule of law eatiuntCentury fugiant…” et offictur, asi doluptus. One sitiam id et eatia soluptium ut lic te nobis nobitaeri- Luptatque prerspe rferum et quidici ut verro do- bus“ nustotaIn this spient new queand pero noble modi initiative, odit et quia past volorenis plans and Aluptatis peaceful mo odiamand secure faceate Africa ssequo im sa venien nossuntcommitments ibusciam, eaquamus have bee dolorn reviewed acculparunt. and we pledge to Moditia voloreris qui nobitatissum et idis aut min pa cone take into account lessons from them as we ma dolorrum faccus essimag niscilit dolut ut aut implement Agenda 2063. These include: An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common mobilization of the people and their ownership of ditat quiatur soluptas corepelique rem. Everum vel imi, heritage, values and ethics eatiuntcontinental fugiant et offictuprogrammesr, asi doluptus. at the core; the principle of Oneself sitiam-reliance id et eatia and soluptium Africa financing ut lic te nobis its ownnobitaer i- busde nustotavelopment; spient que the pero importance modi odit et of quia capable, volorenis inclusive nossunt ibusciam, eaquamus dolor acculparunt. An Africa, whose development is people-driven, and accountable states and institutions at all levels Moditia voloreris qui nobitatissum et idis aut min pa cone relying on the potential of African people, especially ma anddolorrum in all faccus spheres; essimag the niscilit critical dolut role ut of aut Regional Economic Communities as building blocks for its women and youth, and caring for children ditatcontinental quiatur soluptas unity…” corepelique rem. Everum vel imi, eatiunt fugiant et offictur, asi doluptus. One sitiam id et eatia soluptium ut lic te nobis nobitaeri- “We rededicate ourselves to the enduring Pan Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential bus nustota spient que pero modi odit et quia volorenis nossuntAfrican ibusciam, vision eaquamus of an integrated, dolor acculparunt.
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