Art Handbook
OFFICIAL HANDBOOK of ARCHITECTURE and SCULPTURE and ART CATALOGUE TO THE Pan-American Exposition With Maps and Illustrations by permission of C. D. ARNOLD, Official Photographer BUFFALO, NEW YORK, U. S. A., MAY FIRST TO NOVEMBER FIRST, M. CM. & I. Published by DAVID GRAY, BUFFALO, N. Y. Entered according to Act of Congress In the year 1901, by DAVID GRAY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. THE PURPOSES OF THE EXPOSITION By JOHN G. MILBURN, President THE act of Congress providing for a was the spirit of the corn-mission to the federal building and exhibit at the Pan- men intrusted with its creation in all of American Exposition states that it is its departments. They were left free to desirable to encourage the holding of the produce the best results, and it is under Exposition “ to fittingly illustrate the such conditions that they have produced marvelous development of the western them. They have received from the hemisphere during the nineteenth century management the fullest sympathy and by a display of the arts, industries, support at every turn. As a consequence manufactures, and products of the soil, there has been thorough cooperation and mines, and sea.” The joint resolution of harmony in the elaboration and execution Congress previously adopted declared of the scheme of the Exposition - a that this development was to be scheme of impressive originality, beauty, illustrated by a “demonstration of the and completeness, probably unexcelled reciprocal relations existing between the in the history of expositions. American Republics and Colonies.” In So much could not have been ac- these declarations the real object of the complished but for the association of the Exposition was comprehensively ex- Exposition with a grand idea - the pressed at the outset, and it has been kept bringing closer together of the peoples of steadily in view.
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