The Story of Johnstown
m HBBH ^H HT I m Mmm tflSJS *m»xff>. Class "Fl_sig_ -<3~7 Rook N^l v>. Copyright N° COPffilGHT DEPOSfT. The Story of Johnstown. ; "/ could a tale unfold, whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul; freeze thy young bicod Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres. ' —Shakespeare. K<V*>> The Story of Johnstown ITS EARLY SETTLEMENT, RISE AND PROGRESS, INDUSTRIAL GROWTH, AND APPALLING FLOOD ON MAY 3 1ST, 11 By J. J. McLAURIN Editor Harrisburg Telegram Prefatory Note by REV. JOHN R. PAXTON, D. D., of New York Illustrated by Baron de Grimm, George Spiel, Coultaus, A. Heuche, Victor Perard, G. E. Burr and August Bruno, from Original Designs, Sketches and Photographs harrisburg, pa. James M. Place, Publisher 1890 Copyrighted, JAMES M. PLACE, 1889. INTRODUCTION A book on such a subject, written to give a plain statement of facts and do something for a good cause, could have no intro- duction better than this letter from one of the eminent divines of the age : 57 West Forty-Sixth Street, New York, Nov. 4, 18S9. Esq., Harrisburg, Pa. J. J. McLaurin, My Dear Sir ; I see by Governor Beaver's letter to the publisher that you propose to write a book on the Johnstown Flood. It should be done at once, while the scenes and incidents of those dreadful days are fresh and unfaded in our minds. Let the story of the awful calamity be put into enduring type for future gene- rations. It ranks among the great calamities of the world and deserves a place in History.
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