

WGA Registered #1552312

[email protected] (212) 365-4234 FADE IN “It’s not a question of if Cumbre Vieja collapses, it’s simply a question of when.” Dr. Simon Day, Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre, Department of Geological Sciences, University College, London, UK. FADE TO:

EXT. OFF THE COAST OF CANDELARIA - MORNING SUPER: Candelaria Spain. Descending from the clouds and towards the seaside coast of Candelaria.

EXT. BASILICA OF OUR LADY CANDELARIA - DAY Cheering spectators line a road leading to the basilica. A Papal motorcade stops at the entrance as steps in front of a CAMERA MAN who points at Anderson. CAMERA MAN Three, two and... you’re live! POPE CALLIXTUS, 59, steps from the Pope-mobile and makes the sign of the cross SECURITY TEAM MEMBERS and CARDINAL JONATHAN, 45, follow the Pope. ANDERSON COOPER The popular Spanish Pope has just arrived here at the Patron Saint of the Canary Islands for what has been dubbed the seaside salvation of souls. Suddenly an earthquake shakes the scene and the basilica crumbles to the ground. Cardinal Jonathan pushes the Pope towards the Pope-mobile.


The William Herschel Telescope trembles and collapses in on itself. A parked Single Engine Airplane trembles on a short blacktop runway.

INT. A RESEARCH ROOM - SAME A group of researchers and DR. TISH HARRIET, a sexy yet hardened 50-something, struggles for balance. An alarm beeps and a red EARTHQUAKE light flashes upon a wall. PROFESSOR CHRIS GROSSMAN, a scholarly man, late forties, enters the room and glances at Tish. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN Notify GDACS and locate Professor May, immediately! Tish picks up a phone and dials a number. TISH This is the Palisades Hydrophone Station at Cumbre Vieja Volcano. We are at this moment experiencing a quake!

EXT. ICELAND GEOLOGICAL BASE CAMP - MORNING SUPER: Grimsvotn Volcano, Iceland An American Geologist, WILL SQUIRE, late forties, stares into the ground where a monitoring device lies half buried. A Jeep Wrangler quickly approaches from Grimsvotn Volcano erupting in the distance. An Englishman, DR. SAMUEL MAY, a happy go lucky 50 something, pulls the Jeep to a stop beside Will. Sam jumps from the Jeep and chuckles while pointing back at the volcano. SAM (English accent) She’s all action and no talk, I tell you! Day six of moaning and groaning! 3.

WILL That’s what you get when ya mess with girls. SAM Huh? What’s that? WILL Never mind, Professor! Women are women, even when they’re volcanos! SAM Oh, Yes! You have learned a thing or two. A United Nations helicopter swoops out of the sky and lands in a swirl of dust. SAM (CONT’D) What the hell is this? Haven’t you told them to stay out of our testing area? LARRY MAGLEY, 30-something, leaps from the aircraft, hits the ground and hurries to Sam. LARRY MAGLEY Professor May? I’m Larry Magley with the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System over at - SAM - The United Nations, yeah, yeah. How are things back at GDACS? LARRY MAGLEY Madam Under-Secretary General requests your presence, sir! SAM Karin Soma sent you to pull my chain, did she? What is it, then? What’s biting her rump? LARRY MAGLEY It’s Cumbre Vieja, Professor. WILL The Old Summit? 4.

LARRY MAGLEY (to Will) The orientation of vents and feeder dykes within the volcano have shifted during a quake. WILL It’s a lateral collapse. SAM Son of a gun! They hurry beneath the spinning blades and jump into the chopper just before it lifts into the sky.

INT. U.N. HELICOPTER - SAME Will and Sam sit in the back of the chopper beside Larry Magley who’s busy speaking into a satellite phone. WILL Tish is still in La Palma, isn’t she? SAM I’m afraid so. WILL Sam, are you all right? SAM I’ll be fine. Sometimes I wonder why we do this, working in two separate parts of the world, each not knowing what’s going on with the other. WILL It’s gotta be rough. SAM Are you getting it on with a lassie of your own? WILL No, of course not! I don’t get it on! Well, not seriously. SAM What then, you’re not a twink are you? 5.

WILL Of course not! What would make you think that? SAM I simply inquired if you were getting it on with a lass and you went dramatically GLEE on me. What should I think, then? WILL (dramatically) I’m not acting dramatic! SAM It’s called show business for a reason, right? WILL I’m not a twink and I don’t sing. SAM It doesn’t really matter, does it, in the grand scope of our impending disaster?

EXT. ICELAND - KEFLAVÍK AIRPORT - DAY SUPER: Keflavík International Airport, Iceland. Larry Magley stands on the top air-stair by a jet bearing the seal of the United Nations. At the bottom stair Sam speaks to Will. SAM You have to lay it out again to the Prime Minister, Will. Show him the data and our scenario. He must close the Underground. WILL I’ll get it done, Sam. SAM I’ll have the United Nations and GDACS deal with the American President and the French. WILL Good luck with that! What about Allen Edward? Is he going to be there? 6.

SAM Snob. I’m sure his Royal Highness of Her Majesty’s Navy can’t wait to see me. WILL Who’s the snob? Allen Edward, the United States or the French? SAM Must I choose? Sam hurries up the air-stairs, then turns back to Will. SAM (CONT’D) Oh, Will? By the way, when does GLEE come on the telly? WILL Tuesday nights, eight o’clock. SAM See what I mean?

EXT. UNITED NATIONS BUILDING - DAY SUPER: United Nations, New York The flags of the United Nations wave in the wind as people rush along the sidewalk.

INT. UNITED NATIONS - HALLWAY - SAME Military men briskly lead a group of officials along a corridor bustling with activity. Sam emerges holding a cellphone to his ear while staring at an iPad 2. SAM (into phone) Tish, how long before you’ve finished in the field?

EXT. CUBRE VIEJA VOLCANO - IN THE WOODS - DAY Tish speaks into a satellite phone. Behind her Professor Grossman leads a team of Six Researchers who carry shovels. 7.

TISH (into phone) Sam, we’re making our way to the transmitting pole. We have to get a manual reading because the quake knocked out the station’s AFM monitors. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN Tish! Tish peers at Professor Grossman. Professor Grossman points towards a huge hydrothermal vent opening right before their eyes. TISH (into phone) Sam? Sam! It’s happening!

INT. UNITED NATIONS - HALLWAY - SAME Sam stops beside a door with the seal of the United Nations on it. SAM (into phone) Well, get your rumps off that rock! He presses the end button and hurries through the door.

INT. UNITED NATIONS - CONFERENCE ROOM C - SAME A horseshoe dais is occupied by REPRESENTATIVES of the United States, Britain, Morocco, Portugal, France, Ireland, the Bahamas, Cuba and Venezuela. DR. JACK ROBBINS, 60, speaks excitedly to a Stately African American Woman, KARIN SOMA, mid-fifties. Jack POINTS a laser at a huge video screen displaying a satellite image of the Canary Islands. DR. JACK ROBBINS (British accent) That is why University College London has committed such time, energy, and, let me remind this body, the money to run such research - Karin cuts him off. 8.

KARIN SOMA - yes, yes, of course! But what of the real catastrophic issue of the day? Be our hero, Dr. Robbins, will the volcano collapse or won’t it? The conference room door bursts open and Sam appears holding the iPad 2 over his head. SAM It’s not a question of if Cumbre Vieja collapses, it’s simply a question of when! The Representatives gasp as Sam hurries down the isle and stands beside Jack. DR. JACK ROBBINS Oh, Samuel, thank heavens you have arrived! KARIN SOMA Dr. May, please come forward and let us hear directly from the horse’s mouth, as it were. Sam grabs the laser from Jack and lights up the smallest of the Canary Islands on the screen. SAM Madam Under-Secretary, we await the birth of a disaster like modern man has never imagined! KARIN SOMA Let it be known for the record, then? SAM We predict the failure of Cumbre Vieja’s western flank on the Isla de La Palma. Loud protests erupt from the Representatives.

EXT. PORT OF SANTA CRUZ DE LA PALMA - DAY SUPER: Santa Cruz, Canary Islands. The port is smoldering and lies in ruins. A tall ship sinks and crew members are leaping from her bow into the water. 9.

A tugboat pulls along side the tall ship. A SAILOR tosses life-preservers to the crew members in the water. SAILOR (Spanish) Swim! Swim! Grab the life preservers! A fog horn blows and the Sailor peers toward it. A huge cruise ship with VALENCIA painted along its side moves through the port.

INT. VALENCIA - CAPTAINS BRIDGE - SAME A bald Hawaiian man, CAPTAIN MAKA, late-fifties, peers into binoculars. Tugboat Sailors pull people out of the water and onto their deck. Captain Maka lowers the binoculars and glances at a SWEDISH man, CHIEF MATE FERN NOORD, pushing buttons on a control panel. CAPTAIN MAKA (to Chief Mate Noord) Set a course, Fern. Get us to Tenerife! CHIEF MATE NOORD (Swedish accent) Aye, aye, Captain, setting the course!

EXT. VALENCIA - MAIN DECK - DAY Hundreds of ship passengers on deck stare at the shoreline. Buildings are ablaze and chaos is everywhere. A fog horn blows twice.

EXT. TENERIFE NORTH AIRPORT - DAY The terminal lies in ruins. The air traffic tower has collapsed. The runway has huge sink-holes in it. 10.

Earthquake survivors are wandering injured and seemingly in shock. A line of Sport Utility Vehicles speed across the tarmac and stop beside an Italian Navy Agusta Bell SH-3D helicopter. Security Team Members exit the vehicles and quickly escort the Pope and his entourage aboard the helicopter.

INT. ITALIAN NAVY HELICOPTER - SAME The helicopter’s packed with Cardinals and Security Team Members. Pope Callixtus sits beside Cardinal Jonathan. POPE CALLIXTUS (spanish accent) Jonathan, how many have we lost to this tragedy? CARDINAL JONATHAN (italian accent) The numbers are said to be great, Most Holy Father. POPE CALLIXTUS I feel as though I must do something, say something. CARDINAL JONATHAN And so you shall. POPE CALLIXTUS (spanish) Unacceptable. All eyes are on the Pope who peers out the window. The Santa Cruz coast lies below until blood explodes onto the exterior of the window. The Pope flinches at the sounds of thumping outside the helicopter. CARDINAL JONATHAN (staring at the window) Holy shit! POPE CALLIXTUS Cardinal Jonathan! 11.

EXT. ITALIAN NAVY HELICOPTER - DAY Thousands of birds crash into the helicopter. The jet-intake pulls the birds into its WHINING engine and the helicopter’s flight becomes erratic.

INT. ITALIAN NAVY HELICOPTER - COCKPIT - SAME A beeping alarm gains the attention of the HELICOPTER PILOT as the CO-PILOT busily presses buttons. The Helicopter Pilot picks up the radio handset. HELICOPTER PILOT (into radio handset) Papal Flight 92, we have a Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard. Mayday, Mayday! A VOICE (V.O.) (static reply) Roger, Papal 92, we have you on radar. HELICOPTER PILOT I need a landing zone, now! A VOICE (V.O.) (static reply) Papal 92, there’s an Italian cruise ship with a helo deck at your ten o’clock. HELICOPTER PILOT Roger that, we’re going in. He glances out his window.

EXT. ITALIAN NAVY HELICOPTER - DAY The helicopter trails smoke as it descends towards the outline of a cruise ship.

INT. ITALIAN NAVY HELICOPTER - SAME The Pope GRIPS rosery beads as the Cardinals whisper prayers. The cockpit door opens and the helicopter Co-Pilot emerges. 12.

POPE CALLIXTUS What is happening? HELICOPTER CO-PILOT We have experienced avian strikes and are about to land on an Italian flagged cruise ship. POPE CALLIXTUS A cruise ship? HELICOPTER CO-PILOT Yes, Holy Father, it’s the safest place right now. POPE CALLIXTUS Goodness gracious!

INT. VALENCIA BRIDGE - SAME A RADIO OPERATOR removes headphones from his head, hurries through the bridge and taps Chief Mate Noord on the shoulder. RADIO OPERATOR Sir, we have a helo coming in hard on the helipad and you’re not going to believe who’s on board. CHIEF MATE NOORD Try me. RADIO OPERATOR Shepard One. CHIEF MATE NOORD Shepard who? RADIO OPERATOR The Pope. CHIEF MATE NOORD Jesus, Mary and Joseph! RADIO OPERATOR No, just the pope. CHIEF MATE NOORD Cute, good timing. 13.

EXT. VALENCIA - MAIN DECK - DAY MICHAEL, a sweet 12 year old boy, sits in the whirlpool slurping coke through a straw and staring into the sky. MICHAEL That’s cool! Beside him, his mother, JULIE, 33, tosses back a drink and waves to an ASIAN WAITER. JULIE Yoo hoo! Hello! Margarita, double! Beside Julie, her flirtatious husband, TONY, 35, holds a beer and checks out women in a nearby pool. Neither Julie nor Tony are paying any attention to Michael. MICHAEL (pointing into sky) Chopper! JULIE What’s that, honey? TONY (winking at girls) Leave your mother alone, Mike, she’s on vacation. Julie notices her husband winking and slaps him in the head. JULIE What the hell are you doing, huh? Don’t pull that Brooklyn street crap on me! TONY What? This is Spain and we’re on the biggest cruise ship in the world! JULIE What’s that got to do with it? TONY It’s a little wink, that’s all I’m saying. JULIE Are you effing kidding me right now? Anthony, a little wink? That makes it okay? 14.

The Asian Waiter approaches with Julie’s Margarita. TONY (to the waiter) It’s just a wink, right? ASIAN WAITER Hey, I’m neutral. He smiles politely, hands over the drink and walks away rolling his eyes. TONY (to Julie) Drink your Margarita, will ya? MICHAEL (pointing into sky) Dad! Mom! Look! Tony and Julie stare with disbelief into the sky. TONY This wasn’t in the brochure. Michael grabs an i-Phone from the whirlpool ledge and snaps a picture of the helicopter. Ship Passengers scream om fright. JULIE (to Tony) We need to go towards the front of the ship, away from the landing area. TONY What do you know about landing areas? JULIE I saw it on the History Channel. They sprint through the crowd. The helicopter hovers erratically above the packed deck. Its engine spews flames and smoke.

INT. CAPTAINS BRIDGE - SAME Captain Maka and a deck officers peer through the bridge window. 15.

The helicopter crashes onto the helipad in a ball of flames.

EXT. VALENCIA HELICOPTER PAD - DAY The helicopter lies in flames on the helipad as its rotor blades whine to a stop. Deckhands smother the flames with foam.

INT. VALENCIA - OBSERVATION DECK - SAME Tony and Julie stare through the windows of the observation deck surrounded by MORE ship passengers. Michael takes a photo of the smoldering helicopter. TONY Ya see that, Mike? Even the Pope has problems! JULIE You’re going straight to hell! You know that, right, Anthony? TONY For what? JULIE Talking about the saints like that. TONY Whose talking about the saints? That’s the Pope, and he’s a man, not a saint. MICHAEL Dad, you ain’t going to hell, are you? TONY Nah, don’t listen to your mother. JULIE The Pope is a saint. MICHAEL (to Tony) You promise you’re not going to hell? 16.

TONY (looking at Julie) See what you did here?

INT. UNITED NATIONS - CONFERENCE ROOM C - LATER Sam presents his evidence to the Representatives while tapping on the screen of the iPad 2. As he does so images of Cumbre Vieja Volcano appear on the big screen behind him. SAM Hydrothermal explosions are what we believe are occurring within the stratovolcano. KARIN SOMA (to Sam) And this will cause a failure in the flank? A CGI video plays on the screen, displaying the volcano before an explosion. SAM (to Karin Soma) Like none we have ever witnessed. The CGI changes to the volcano exploding and sliding towards the ocean. Everyone in the room stares in shock at the screen. SAM (CONT’D) Hydrothermal explosions occur where shallow interconnected reservoirs of water, reaching temperatures as high as 250° Celsius, underlie thermal fields. KARIN SOMA Sam, please, in plain English. SAM Right, right. In layman’s terms, the western flank of the volcano will explode causing a landslide which will slide into the ocean and cause a mega-tsunami. It’s all quite simple really, heat plus water equals steam. 17.

Sam points at the Bahamian Representative holding a can of Coke. SAM (CONT’D) May I have the coke can, please? He hands over the can. SAM (CONT’D) Imagine this is our volcano and the liquid inside is super heated water surrounded by land. Sam shakes the can. SAM (CONT’D) It is undergoing an earthquake right now. Should we pop the pin the liquid would flow out of the top of the can, right? Sam pulls a key from his pocket, pierces the side of the can and coke spews out of it. SAM (CONT’D) But because our can has a failure in its side, it is exploding laterally instead of vertically. KARIN SOMA What is the relevance, Sam? SAM Well, just like this can, our volcano has a failure in its side. It just sucks for us that the volcano’s western flank is going to fall into the ocean. Sam returns the empty can to the Bahamian. SAM (CONT’D) Sorry. KARIN SOMA But what of the warning systems? How long do we have from the first indications? SAM My team already received their warning. (MORE) 18. SAM (CONT'D) An acoustic-flow monitor, or A.F.M., has sent a thirty minute reading and I just learned a displacement of land mass has occurred on the island. Karin glances at U.S. Navy Admiral, LEWIS BRANCOR and a BRITISH Admiral, SIR ALLEN EDWARD, who sit beside her. SIR ALLEN EDWARD (to Sam) What are we considering here, then? Some sort of rogue wave heading towards England? SAM Admiral, the United Kingdom is facing severe flooding and the London Underground should be closed immediately. Sam points to the Representatives as he mentions their country. SAM (CONT’D) However, the larger picture is the severe threat to western Morocco, Portugal, France and Ireland. The Bahamas and Cuba will both cease to exist as we know them. CUBAN MILITARY OFFICER (spanish accent) What shall you have us do, sail off to Miami? Absolutely not. SAM Miami won’t exists eight hours after the collapse. SIR ALLEN EDWARD (to Sam) Surely you cannot be serious? All this from an earthquake in the Canaries? This is a load of tosh, professor! VENEZUELA REPRESENTATIVE We must consider this more carefully, I think. Admiral Brancor clears his throat, nods agreement and taps a pencil on the table. 19.

ADMIRAL BRANCOR (pointing to Sam) Professor, you do have some kind of bottom line - (pointing to dais) - for us, don’t you? SAM A bottom line? ADMIRAL BRANCOR A time-line, a call of action, a plan we should undertake? SAM Capitol Hill met with East Coast, Gulf Coast and Caribbean officials in June 2011 to discuss tsunami warning capabilities and the need for better preparedness. An AIDE distributes folders to the Representatives. SAM (CONT’D) In those folders you will find the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s recommendations for the situation we now find ourselves in. SIR ALLEN EDWARD (reading from a folder) The likelihood of an east coast tsunami would cause a doomsday scenario - (pointing at Sam) - this is bonkers! What’s this nonsense? SAM I assure you this is not nonsense. The U.S. National Weather Service organized the conference. Sam taps on the iPad 2 and another CGI scenario of the volcano slides into the ocean causing a splash a thousand feet high. The resulting tsunami wave then speeds into the ocean. 20.

SAM (CONT’D) When this volcano’s flank fails, the initial wave will attain an amplitude of six hundred metres high and will inundate the African coast at a thousand kilometers per hour. England will have three and a half hours until floods inundate her shores and drown the Underground. KARIN SOMA That’s a wave over a mile high! ADMIRAL BRANCOR And more than six hundred miles per hour! SAM The speed of a jet aircraft. ADMIRAL BRANCOR What can be done to stop it? SAM Get your fleets out of the Atlantic, gentlemen. There’s a monster heading our way. PORTUGAL REPRSENTATIVE (to Karin Soma) We shall do what is needed to protect our people, but we must leave now to prepare. KARIN SOMA (to Portugal Rep) Certainly. (to the dais members) And to those of you who need to leave, please do so at your leisure, we’ll have no protocol today. The Portugal Representative hurries from the room. SIR ALLEN EDWARD Preposterous predictions! FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE Thankfully you do not speak for the French, sir. The French Representative walks from the room. 21.

IRELAND REPRESENTATIVE I will notify the Prime Minister of Ireland. He will, as best he can, start evacuations. The Irish Representative walks from the room. SIR ALLEN EDWARD (loudly to Sam) You’re causing a panic, sir! This is an atrocity of misjudgment! KARIN SOMA (to Sir Allen Edward) With all due respect, Dr. May is here at GDACS’ invitation precisely due to his expertise in these hazards. SIR ALLEN EDWARD (to Sam) You’re a disgrace to England! KARIN SOMA Or a hero, depending on the outcome. BAHAMIAN REPRESENTATIVE (to Sam) Is there anything I can tell my people? Any way for us to survive? SAM I’m sorry, but the scale of catastrophe is too great. KARIN SOMA (to the Bahamian) We will immediately send evacuation planes to Nassau. BAHAMIAN REPRESENTATIVE But what of the other islands, Madam Secretary? KARIN SOMA I’m sorry. You must get the people to Nassau. ADMIRAL BRANCOR (to Sam) And the United States? What’s our bottom line? 22.

SAM There will be waves up to sixty metres. A hundred and ninety seven feet high, with surges several metres high. They will wipe out the eastern seaboard and drown everything sixteen miles inland. KARIN SOMA Oh, my God! My father lives in Palm Beach. ADMIRAL BRANCOR Hundreds of thousands will die! SAM Tens of millions. ADMIRAL BRANCOR That’s one hell of a bottom line. SAM Rock bottom. The room erupts with frantic conversations between the Representatives. Admiral Brancor pulls a cellphone from his pocket, dials a number and places it to his ear. ADMIRAL BRANCOR Get me the President. The door to the conference room bursts open and a PAIGE hurries in. PAIGE Madam Soma, the Vatican requests you on the phone at once! KARIN SOMA What is it? PAIGE The Pope’s helicopter has crash landed on a cruise ship off the island of La Palma! Admiral Brancor hands Sam the cellphone. SAM What’s this? 23.

ADMIRAL BRANCOR The President of the United States.

INT. CNN NEWS STUDIO - DAY The studio bustles with activity as TJ HOLMES stares into a camera. TJ HOLMES Good afternoon from New York. This is continuing news coverage of the earthquake in the Canary Islands. A large screen displays the image of Anderson Cooper standing in front of the Basilica of Our Lady Candelaria. TJ HOLMES (CONT’D) For that report and startling information regarding the Pope, we take you live to Tenerife and CNN International Correspondent, Anderson Cooper. TJ turns to the large screen. TJ HOLMES (CONT’D) Anderson, what’s going on over there?

EXT. BASILICA OF OUR LADY CANDELARIA - DAY Anderson Cooper stands in front of the sink hole containing the pope-mobile. ANDERSON COOPER TJ, the situation here on the ground is shaky. It was supposed to be a day of worship and joy, but for thousands of faithful Catholics awaiting the blessing of their Pope, the earth shook beneath their feet. A film clip replaces the live report.

EXT. BASILICA OF OUR LADY CANDELARIA - MORNING The Pope steps from the pope-mobile and glances towards a flock of birds. 24.

ANDERSON COOPER (V.O.) As Pope Callixtus was about to greet his flock and attend the annual Festivity of Our Lady of Candelaria’s Ascension of the Virgin, the faithful ran for something more sure. The pope-mobile falls into a sinkhole.

INT. CNN NEWS STUDIO - SAME TJ Holmes stares at the screen containing the image of Anderson Cooper. ANDERSON COOPER That celebration has been postponed due to the quake as the Holy Father was evacuated from the island. TJ HOLMES Anderson, we’ll check in with you a little later. Now to our Foreign Correspondent, Dan Rivers, who is in Vatican City. The image on the screen changes to CNN reporter DAN RIVERS standing in Saint Peters Square. TJ HOLMES (CONT’D) Dan, I imagine things are pretty tense there in Rome.

EXT. ST. PETERS SQUARE - DAY Catholic crowds encircle Dan Rivers staring into a camera. DAN RIVERS Yes, TJ, that’s a good assessment here in Vatican City where crowds are gathering in a vigil for their Pope who at this hour is stranded at sea. A film clip replaces the live report.

EXT. VALENCIA - MAIN DECK - DAY A JUMPY scene of the fiery Italian Navy helicopter as it hovers over screaming passengers on the main deck. 25.

DAN RIVERS(V.O.) It didn’t take long for a teenage passenger to post this video on U- Tube of the Pope’s helicopter making a crash-landing on the cruise ship Valencia. The Helicopter crashes in a ball of flames on the helipad. DAN RIVERS (V.O.) Late this afternoon a Vatican spokesperson confirmed that this chopper did in fact have the Pope on board, but that he was not injured and is stranded at sea. The clip ends.

INT. CNN NEWS STUDIO - SAME TJ Holmes stares at the screen containing the image of Dan Rivers in St. Peters Square. TJ HOLMES Has there been any word from the governing body of the Vatican? DAN RIVERS Yes, TJ. Dan Rivers points towards Saint Peter's Basilica. DAN RIVERS (CONT’D) I spoke with the Cardinal Secretary’s office a few minutes ago and learned a meeting is underway.

INT. SAINT PETERS BASILICA - AN OFFICE - SAME CARDINAL MANNING, 70, hangs up a telephone, pushes aside curtains and peers at the crowds in the square. FRANCISCAN MONK (V.O.) (Italian accent) What is it, your Eminence? Cardinal Manning turns and faces a room of CARDINALS, PRIESTS and MONKS. 26.

CARDINAL MANNING (Italian accent) Notify The College of Cardinals. A FRANCISCAN MONK steps forward. FRANCISCAN MONK Cardinal Secretary, what shall be the message? CARDINAL MANNING Tell them to prepare themselves. FRANCISCAN MONK Yes, Cardinal Secretary?

Cardinal Manning turns back to the window and stares at the crowd below. CARDINAL MANNING And to pray for a miracle.

EXT. CUBRE VIEJA VOLCANO - IN THE WOODS - DAY Tish and Professor Grossman hurriedly lead the research team through the woods. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN We have to get out of here! TISH It shouldn’t be happening like this! PROFESSOR GROSSMAN But, it is. TISH That hydrothermal vent we just saw, it’s just like - PROFESSOR GROSSMAN - the 1949 eruption at San Juan, Hoyo Negro and Duraznero. TISH But, lava erupted in 1949! PROFESSOR GROSSMAN It’s coming, Tish! At any moment now! Just like the epicenter near Jedy! 27.

TISH Damn it! Suddenly the ground quakes and the trees begin to fall behind them. The earth collapses and swallows five of the researchers, their screams fill the air. Steam explodes from the hole. TISH (CONT’D) Ruuuuuuuun! Tish, Professor Grossman and the last remaining Researcher run for their lives. A boulder shoots from the vent and lands atop the researcher, crushing him. Professor Grossman peers at the dead Researcher’s mangled bloody arm protruding from beneath the boulder. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN Nooooooooo! TISH (V.O.) Professor! MORE hydrothermal vents open before their eyes. TISH (V.O.) Professor! Tish slaps Professor Grossman. TISH Snap out of it!

EXT. ROQUE DE LOS MUCHACHOS OBSERVATORY - DAY Tish and Professor Grossman sprint from the treeline and along the blacktop runway. They jump into the Single Engine Airplane. The telescope falls into a sinkhole.

INT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - SAME The cockpit shakes as Tish pushes the ignition button. 28.

Nothing happens. TISH Come on, damn it! PROFESSOR GROSSMAN Oh, my God, its not going to start! Tish frantically pounds the start button.

EXT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - DAY The propeller blades spin a few times and stop. In the background, the volcano rumbles and steam vents spew fiery ash into to air.

INT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - SAME Tish flips switches and presses the start button. The sound of the engine turns over, catches, then fails. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN Come on, Tish, come on! TISH Start, you son of a bitch! She punches the start button again, the engine turns over, catches and roars to life. Tish slams the throttle forward. TISH (CONT’D) Move your ass!

EXT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - DAY The ash covered-plane leaps down the runway just as the volcano EXPLODES in a mass of fiery lava.

INT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - SAME Professor Grossman, in a panic, points through the ash covered windshield. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN It’s headed straight for us! 29.

The fiery lava-flow speeds towards the blacktop runway, threatening to cut off their path. TISH No, we’re gonna make it! She yanks back on the trembling yoke, the airframe shakes and rumbles.

EXT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - DAY Lava floods the runway and POPS the tires just as the plane lifts from the blacktop. In the background the lava drowns everything and bursts into flames.

INT. VALENCIA BRIDGE - DAY Captain Maka shakes hands with the Pope and Cardinal Jonathan. CAPTAIN MAKA (to the Pope) Well, this is a surprise. CARDINAL JONATHAN I would have said thanks for dropping in. Everyone laughs. POPE CALLIXTUS Yes, you would have. The Pope and Captain walk away from the others. The Single Engine Airplane can be seen flying over the bow. The Radio Operator removes a pair of headphones and urgently calls to the Captain. RADIO OPERATOR Captain, you need to hear this! CAPTAIN MAKA Let’s hear it. The Radio Operator flips a switch. 30.

TISH (V.O.) (VHF radio transmission) Mayday, MV Valencia, this is USGS U59838. Break. Position 29.43832 North 18.27026 West.

INT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - DAY Tish peers out her window at the Valencia sailing in the open ocean.

INT. VALENCIA BRIDGE - DAY The Radio Operator presses a transmit button. RADIO OPERATOR U59838, this is MV Valencia, what is your emergency?

INT. SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE - DAY Tish continues to stare out the window at the Valencia. TISH This is Dr. Harriet with the Hazard Research Center. We were just forced to flee La Palma due to the catastrophic eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano.

INT. VALENCIA BRIDGE - DAY Captain Maka peers into binoculars. The Single Engine aircraft waves its wings against the blue sky. RADIO OPERATOR (O.S.) U59838, how may we assist you? TISH (V.O.) (VHF radio transmission) Your vessel is in imminent danger! The volcano is about to collapse into the sea causing a mega- tsunami. Captain Maka lowers the binoculars and hands them to First Mate Noord. 31.

He snaps his fingers to get everyone’s attention. CAPTAIN MAKA All hands! Ready the ship for an emergency! TISH (V.O.) (VHF radio transmission) You must navigate to the east coast of Tenerife! Do you copy? The East side of the island is your only hope! CAPTAIN MAKA (to Chief Mate Noord) What’s our ETA? CHIEF MATE We’re making our way past Roque de Anaga off our starboard Captain, twenty minutes, tops. CAPTAIN MAKA Get us there in ten, full speed ahead! Just in case this is right. Captain Maka leans over the Radio Operator and presses the transmit button. CAPTAIN MAKA (CONT’D) This is Captain Maka on board MV Valencia, please validate your identity. Only heavy static answers him. CAPTAIN MAKA (CONT’D) USGS U59838, this is MV Valencia, please respond! Nothing. Captain Maka walks to First Mate Noord, grabs the binoculars and peers into them. The airplane’s no longer visible, the sky is empty. CAPTAIN MAKA (V.O.) Let’s go, people! Initiate the General Emergency Signal and send out our GPS distress coordinates. I want everyone at their muster stations with life-vests on their backs! 32.

INT. VALENCIA - SHOW LOUNGE - SAME MORE ship passengers sit in a large show lounge as a COMIC paces back and forth on the stage. COMIC I mean, has there ever been anything remotely funny about Ronald McDonald? Seriously, is anyone actually buying the whole yellow shoed, I’m your red headed buddy shtick? The audience roars with LAUGHTER. COMIC (CONT’D) I took my kids to mickey-dees for the millionth time last week and on the counter I see that little box for Ronald McDonald house. A VOICE (O.S.) Sucker! The Comic stops pacing and stares into the audience. COMIC Oh, they got you too, huh? The audience claps their approval. COMIC (CONT’D) Donations for Ronald McDonald house? Really? What are they building, a fucking mansion? The donation box has been on that counter since I was five years old. The General Emergency Signal sounds drowning out the Comic. CRUISE DIRECTOR (V.O.) (over the loudspeaker) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is your cruise director.

INT. VALENCIA - BUFFET LINE - SAME A long line of passengers are waiting for burgers to come off the grill. 33.

CRUISE DIRECTOR (V.O.) (through PA system) As you have heard, the Captain has initiated the General Emergency Signal. Please return immediately to your cabins, retrieve your life jackets and report to your muster stations. A FILIPINO COOK stops turning burgers and tries to close the window separating him from the passengers. PASSENGER #1 What the heck is going on here? FILIPINO COOK (in broken English) No more food. You must report to your emergency station. PASSENGER #2 I want my burger!

EXT. OFF THE COAST OF LA PALMA - DAY An AFRICAN MAN standing on a fishing boat watches a group of people fishing from the stern. A loud rumble in the distance causes him to glance at the island. The volcano EXPLODES sending rocks and trees hurling into the ocean like missiles. The volcano collapses and slides into the Atlantic Ocean sending a dome of water hundreds of feet into the air. A wave demolishes the boat.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - DAY A STEWARDESS walks among airline passengers in the cabin. A FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Miss, oh, Miss, it smells like sulfur in here! The Stewardess turns to an OLDER WOMAN seated next to a coughing FAT MAN. 34.

OLDER WOMAN (to stewardess) I said, it smells like matches in here. FAT MAN I have asthma, who’s smoking on this plane? STEWARDESS I’ll go check the bathroom, I’m sure it’s someone sneaking in a puff or two. BALD MAN (pointing out his window) The engine is on fire! STEWARDESS I’m sure it’s no! BALD MAN (pointing out window) Don’t tell me its not on fucking fire! Look out the damn window! The Stewardess peers through the window. The wing and engine are glowing creating a St. Elmo’s Fire effect. STEWARDESS Oh Lord! The Stewardess rushes down the isle ignoring excited calls of the passengers. Turbulence shakes the cabin.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - COCKPIT - SAME A JET PILOT and JET CO-PILOT are working the controls when the Stewardess pushes through the cockpit door. STEWARDESS We have a fire in the number two engine. The Jet Co-Pilot turns in his seat. JET PILOT It’s not a fire. We flew through ash from an erupting volcano. 35.

An alarm beeps on the control panel and the Jet Co-Pilot looks to it. JET CO-PILOT We just lost number two. JET PILOT (to stewardess) Strap yourself into the jump seat. The Stewardess straps herself in.

EXT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - DAY The jet engine stops spinning on the right wing. The plane shudders and whines.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - COCKPIT - SAME The Jet Pilot, Jet Co-Pilot and Stewardess are bouncing in their seats from turbulence. STEWARDESS What volcano erupts this high? JET CO-PILOT All of them. The last major air traffic disruption was in April 2010. JET PILOT Four thousand flights were cancelled from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Suddenly, another alarm beeps. JET CO-PILOT Engine failure! JET PILOT Get us on the ground. What’s the nearest tarmac? JET CO-PILOT Spain, Tenerife North. JET PILOT Let’s do it. 36.

JET CO-PILOT (flipping a switch) Tenerife North tower, this is Global Air 2291, we have lost engines and request an emergency landing pattern. No Response. JET CO-PILOT (CONT’D) Global 2291 to Tenerife tower, we request immediate landing. No response. JET PILOT How far out are we? JET CO-PILOT One hundred miles. JET PILOT Let’s take her down and let them worry about the radio outage later. JET CO-PILOT Roger that.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - SAME The Jet Passengers shake violently in their seats and the over-head compartments dump their contents upon them. The Jet Passengers scream.

EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY A tsunami rolls on the ocean towards a distant island.

EXT. PUERTO SANTIAGO BEACH - SPAIN - DAY SUPER: Tenerife, Spain. It’s Summer and the natural rock-pool of the Barcelo Santiago Hotel are packed with bathers. A model-like SPANISH WOMAN steps from the rock-pool, climbs the stairs leading from the beach to the hotel. A VOICE (O.S.) Ruuuuuuuuuun! 37.

The Spanish Woman glances over her shoulder. Everyone points towards the tsunami speeding towards the shore. The Spanish Woman runs up the concrete stairs.

EXT. BARCELO SANTIAGO HOTEL - POOL AREA - DAY The Spanish Woman and dozens of hotel guests sprint through the pool area in a panic.

EXT. HONURA STREET - DAY Hundreds of spanish tourists dash past a “Volcano Evacuation” sign as the Spanish Woman emerges from the crowd. A spanish man falls to the pavement and is trampled. A WAITER points towards the ocean. WAITER (spanish) Oh my god! It's a tsunami! The wave crashes into the beach and over the hotels. Honura Street lies under water and everything floats on the surge. The Spanish Woman struggles to stay afloat as she’s swept down the street. Flapping her arms wildly, she bobs on the water’s surface drowning. SPANISH WOMAN (spanish) Help me, help! She slips beneath the surface.

INT. BENEATH THE WATER SURFACE - DAY The Spanish Woman’s lifeless body sinks into the abyss amongst many other bodies. 38.

INT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY Hundreds of species of fish are swimming frantically beneath the hull of a huge ship. Rising through the water we break through the surface.

EXT. ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Valencia sails on smooth seas, in the distance lies the north section of the island of Tenerife. Hundreds of Ship Passengers wearing life vests stand on the decks.

EXT. VALENCIA - DECK SIX - DAY First Mate Noord escorts the Pope and his entourage through a crowd of Ship Passengers. In the background the CRUISE DIRECTOR moves along the deck speaking into a megaphone. CRUISE DIRECTOR Please, ladies and gentlemen, welcome his Holy Father on board the Valencia. The Ship Passengers clap and wave as the Pope and his entourage move into a muster station line with Tony, Michael and Julie. MICHAEL I guess you’re not going to hell after all, dad! TONY There is no hell, son. JULIE Just hush, for once! The Pope stares at Tony, then glances down at Michael. Michael snaps a picture of the Pope with his i-Phone. JULIE (CONT’D) (to Michael) Michael, that’s rude, don’t take people’s pictures without their permission. 39.

POPE CALLIXTUS It’s not a problem. What is your name, young fellow? MICHAEL (pointing to himself) I’m Michael. (pointing to Tony) That’s my dad. (grabbing Julie’s hand) And this is my mom. POPE CALLIXTUS (nodding to Julie) Bless you. (to Tony in spanish) You are in my prayers. TONY (Italian to Julie) He just said something about me? JULIE He said you’re an idiot. TONY Really? He can do that? POPE CALLIXTUS (to Tony) I said you are in my prayers. TONY Oh. POPE CALLIXTUS (pointing to himself) I speak eight languages. (pointing into the sky) But he speaks more. (smiling at Julie) Perhaps it is you I should be praying for. Julie giggles. JULIE I need all the prayers I can get, father. 40.

CRUISE DIRECTOR (O.S.) (distant bullhorn) There is going to be a wave surge and we expect the ship to rock back and forth, so listen closely for safety instructions. POPE CALLIXTUS (to Michael) Young Michael, you are named after one of the greatest of angels. MICHAEL I know, my mom talks about him. POPE CALLIXTUS (to Julie) Good. (to Michael) Which angel is your favorite? MICHAEL I like Gabriel the best. POPE CALLIXTUS The Archangel of dreams. Why Gabriel? MICHAEL I have, like, lots of dreams. The Pope bends over and kisses Michael on the head. POPE CALLIXTUS (Italian) Bless this child and his dreams A female safety instructor demonstrates how to inflate a life vest by blowing into a tube connected to the vest. CRUISE DIRECTOR (into megaphone) You can inflate your life vest by blowing into the tube. (pointing at instructor) Just like our beautiful Safety Instructor. In the distance a Boeing 777 Airplane approaches at very low altitude. The Ship Passengers point towards it. 41.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - COCKPIT - DAY The Jet Pilot and Jet Co-Pilot stare at their instruments. JET PILOT Two thousand feet, lower the nose. JET CO-PILOT (pushing the yoke forward) Roger, lowering the nose.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - CABIN - SAME The cabin continues to shake with turbulence. Oxygen masks fall from their compartments above the heads of the frightened Jet Passengers. JET PILOT (V.O.) This is your captain. I know the ride is rough, but we will be on the ground within minutes. The Jet Passengers are visibly relieved.

INT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - COCKPIT - SAME The Jet Pilot has control of the yoke while the Jet Co-pilot presses buttons and flips switches. JET CO-PILOT One thousand feet and descending, manual landing. Emergency power, we’re now at 500 feet. The Jet Pilot peers out the cockpit window, his face fills with panic. JET PILOT (pulling back yoke) Ah, shiiiit! JET CO-PILOT (glancing through window) Pull it up! The runway, potted with huge sink-holes lies just below them. 42.

EXT. BOEING 777 AIRPLANE - DAY The Boeing 777 hits the runway, the landing gear collapses with a thundering crunch. The airplane skids sideways on its belly along the runway throwing up sparks. The plane crashes into a huge sinkhole, flips over and rips away its wings, EXPLODING in a ball of fire.

EXT. VALENCIA - MAIN DECK - DAY A cruise ship employee lights a cigarette surrounded by a dozen passengers. A MALE SAFETY OFFICER points at the cruise ship employee. MALE SAFETY OFFICER Put that out. The cruise ship employee flicks the butt over the rail. It falls towards the ocean but blows back to the deck below.

EXT. VALENCIA DECK SIX - DAY The cigarette butt hits the Cruise Director’s sleeve. He picks up the butt. CRUISE DIRECTOR That, ladies and gentlemen, is why we ask people not to throw smoking materials overboard. A loud explosion rumbles in the distance. The Ship Passengers point to a large black plume of smoke rising over the island.

INT. CAPTAINS BRIDGE - SAME Captain Maka glances at the Radio Operator seated at his console. CAPTAIN MAKA Get on the radio and find out what that smoke is. 43.

RADIO OPERATOR Aye, aye, Captain. The Captain picks up the binoculars and looks into them. The huge black plume of smoke billows into the sky over the island.

EXT. THE WHITE HOUSE - DAY A black sedan enters the North Gate of the White House and moves past two US Park Police Officers. U.S. MARINE #1, standing beside the West Wing entrance watches the sedan as it comes to a stop. He salutes as Admiral Brancor emerges followed by Sam. MARINE #1 Sir! ADMIRAL BRANCOR At ease, son. The West Wing door swings outward, revealing U.S. MARINE #2, who snaps to attention, salutes and holds the door open. SAM (to Admiral Brancor) They do that all the time? ADMIRAL BRANCOR (to Sam) You bet your ass, they do.

INT. THE WHITE HOUSE - WEST WING FOYER - SAME Admiral Brancor and Sam enter the West Wing foyer. Chief of Staff, ROBERT LASLOW, 44, approaches and motions for them to follow. ROBERT LASLOW (to Sam) I’m Robert Laslow, the White House Chief of Staff. (to Admiral Brancor) Admiral, we’re all set up in the situation room and awaiting the President. 44.

ADMIRAL BRANCOR This is Dr. Samuel May from the Hazard Research Centre. ROBERT LASLOW Sure, sure. Mildred has given us a heads up on everything. SAM Mildred Wilson? ROBERT LASLOW You know her? SAM My wife, Dr. Tish Harriet and Mildred go way back, college roommates. ROBERT LASLOW Dr. Harriet is well known around here. SAM She reminds us at the Research Centre just how true that statement is. Robert Laslow leads them through the reception area, down a flight of stairs and along a corridor. ADMIRAL BRANCOR (to Robert) Are the satellites in position for a pass-over? ROBERT LASLOW Central Command has the uplink. Everything is green-lighted on our end. They pass through a door informing they have arrived at the ‘White House Situation Room’.

INT. THE WHITE HOUSE - SITUATION ROOM - SAME Robert Laslow leads Admiral Brancor and Sam into the situation room. A group of officials sit around a conference table. On the table, in front of each person sits a laptop and a binder with ‘Project Doomsday’ printed on it. 45.

In the middle of the table lies a TV remote control. Large screen TV monitors display news stories from around the world. ADMIRAL BRANCOR Good afternoon, everybody. This is Sam and he’s the President’s Science Chief on this. Admiral Brancor glances at the largest of the screens which has a satellite image of Lisbon, Portugal on it. ROBERT LASLOW We’re waiting on the first major wave impact in Lisbon. Secretary of State, MILDRED WILSON, 50 something, moves to Sam and hugs him. MILDRED WILSON Sam, good to see you. We’re just waiting on President Harris, Vice Pres. Mike Logan and the National Security Advisor, Steven Richards. SAM Good to see you too, Mildred. MILDRED WILSON Any word of Tish or the team on La Palma? SAM Nothing yet, Mildred. MILDRED WILSON She’ll turn up, Sam. Tish always turns up. RONALD CLARK, late sixties, walks into the room and places a briefcase on the table. RONALD CLARK (to Mildred) Is he on the way? MILDRED WILSON (pointing to Sam) This is our - SAM - Secretary of Defense, Clark. Sure, I recognize him. 46.

MILDRED WILSON (whispering to Sam) Glad I’m not in his shoes. RONALD CLARK (to Mildred) Mildred, I’m not deaf, you know. I can hear you. MILDRED WILSON Oh, come on, Ronnie, you know I’m just playing with you. And, yes, the President is- PRESIDENT RIVER HARRIS, 50, walks through the door. PRESIDENT HARRIS (O.S.) - Here! Vice President MIKE LOGAN, 55, and National Security Advisor STEVEN RICHARDS, late forties, enter the room. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) Let’s get this rodeo going. President Harris sits at the head of the table and flips through the binder pages. He points to the screens upon the walls. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) Mike and I were watching the network coverage upstairs in the oval office. Things aren’t looking good. (to Sam) Tell me I’m not going to have to evacuate the east coast. SAM I couldn’t possibly advise you of such, Mr. President. PRESIDENT HARRIS What’s our best shot here, Sam? If you were sitting in this seat, what would you tell me? SAM What I have to say won’t make me any friends in this room. 47.

PRESIDENT HARRIS Sam, I have five thousand friends on facebook. Another twenty two million people like my public page and I don’t know any of them. Trust me, friends are overrated. STEVEN RICHARDS What the President needs to know is which cities we must focus on evacuating in order to save the most lives. MILDRED WILSON Tell them, Sam. You’re the only wake up call they have. SAM Every city from Miami to Maine is facing catastrophic destruction. PRESIDENT HARRIS God damn it, Sam! I knew you’d say that. (nodding to Admiral) Lew, bring up project doomsday. Admiral Brancor types on a laptop and the big screen blinks to life.

INT. VALENCIA BRIDGE - DAY A computer screen displays a satellite image of the Canary Islands and what appears to be an anomaly in the water. A navigator punches a few keys on his keyboard and then stares at the computer screen. The image shows a wave heading straight towards the outline of a ship. A VOICE (O.S.) Rogue wave, starboard side! The navigator glances up from the screen to see a dozen deck officers staring through the bridge window. A gigantic wave barrels towards them. 48.

EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY We are directly behind the wave as it bears down on the starboard side of the MV Valencia.

EXT. VALENCIA DECK SIX - SAME The passengers scream, push and run as the wave crashes into the starboard side of the ship. The ship lists to its port side. Pope Callixtus grabs hold of a railing. Cardinal Jonathan grabs hold of the Pope’s cassock and reaches out grabbing Michaels wrist. Tony, Julie and the Pope’s entourage are all carried away by the water.

INT. VALENCIA BRIDGE - SAME Captain Maka and his crew are hanging from a railing. The helicopter crashes through the bridge window. The blades of the helicopter break free from the rotor and whip around in the water heading directly for the Captain.

EXT. VALENCIA DECK SIX - DAY The ship lies on her port side. Pope Callixtus grips the handrails on the side of the ship’s deck. Below the Pope, Cardinal Jonathan hangs from the Pope’s cassock. Michael’s arms are wrapped around Cardinal Jonathan’s waist. The Pope’s cassock begins to rip. CARDINAL JONATHAN Pull yourself up, boy! Climb! MICHAEL I can’t hold on, I can’t! Michael glances down. 49.

Thousands of Ship Passengers scream in the water. CARDINAL JONATHAN Do it, climb, climb! Michael climbs up Cardinal Jonathan’s back and grabs the Pope around his waist. Cardinal Jonathan loses his grip and falls ten stories into the sea.

INT. THE WHITE HOUSE - SITUATION ROOM - LATER Admiral Brancor types on his laptop. A satellite image appears of the U.S. East coast on the big screen. ADMIRAL BRANCOR (pointing to monitor) Project doomsday was designed to focus our resources and that of FEMA on the evacuation of cities along the east coast after Hurricane Earl threatened in 2010. PRESIDENT HARRIS Of course Earl missed us. But those plans to evacuate the entire coastline are still viable. Admiral Brancor punches a few more keys and a red line appears along the east coast from Miami to Maine. ADMIRAL BRANCOR As you can see, we were prepared to evacuate everyone within five miles of the shoreline. SAM Mr. President, with all due respect. Those plans are poppycock for an event such as this. ADMIRAL BRANCOR How so, Sam? Sam leans over Admiral Brancor, hits a few keys, then walks over to the big screen. A red line runs through the middle of Florida and up the East coast to the middle of Maine. 50.

SAM Everything twenty five miles east of that line will be under water in seven hours. A cellphone RINGS. Vice President Logan digs into his jacket, pulls out a cellphone and places it to his ear. VICE PRESIDENT LOGAN (into phone) Yes, thank you. He presses the end button, picks up the remote control puts on a news report showing the tsunami barreling towards the Lisbon coast. FEMALE REPORTER (V.O.) The scene you are watching is a tsunami the likes of which none of us have ever seen and it is baring down on the coast of Lisbon, Portugal.

INT. 10 DOWNING STREET - PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE - DAY The PRIME MINISTER and Will stare at the TV image of the tsunami hitting the shore of Lisbon. PRIME MINISTER (to Will) This is quite scabby, isn’t it? A knock at the door jolts the Prime Minister’s attention and he glances across the room. A BRITISH MAN peeks his head through the door about to speak, when Tish rushes into the office. TISH Will! Will rushes over to Tish and hugs her. WILL Oh, thank God you’re okay. Sam and I have been worried sick about you. Where’s Grossman? 51.

TISH Back at the Hazard Centre, he wanted to look at the ERS satellite readings. How is Sam? WILL He’s with President Harris now. (to the P.M.) Prime Minister, you know Tish. PRIME MINISTER Of course! We met at the Research Center in 2010 when we closed Heathrow, Gatwick and London City due to the Icelandic volcano ash, remember? TISH Yes, Tony Blair introduced us. PRIME MINISTER And now, it is I who must face a similar pickle. The Prime Minister leads them back to the television. PRIME MINISTER (CONT’D) Have a go at it, then. (pointing at TV) What have you got to say about this? On the screen a live news report shows the tsunami crashing into Lisbon’s Torre de belém. TISH Prime Minister, you must evacuate the city of London at once! PRIME MINISTER London is not on the coast and the Thames River has barrier gates. WILL It won’t hold this, Prime Minister, the underground will flood! There will be a massive surge which surely will inundate the barrier gates. They stare into the television where the wave smashes into Lisbon’s Statue of Christ leaving only its upper half piercing from the water. 52.

INT. THE WHITE HOUSE - PRESS ROOM - DAY A screen displays the drowning of Cristo Rei. As we pull back a technician holds an i-Pad 2. President Harris walks to the podium and faces White House reporters seated in their chairs. Filing in behind the President are Vice President Logan, Sam, Robert Laslow, Mildred Wilson, Ronald Clark and Steven Richards. PRESIDENT HARRIS This morning we were alerted to what was believed to be an earthquake on the island of La Palma in the country of Spain. The President points to Sam standing behind him. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) Dr. Samuel May and the UCL Hazard Centre has for many years warned that such an earthquake could at some point cause the Volcano Cumbre Vieja to collapse and fall into the Atlantic Ocean causing a mid- Atlantic tsunami. The Preseident glances around the room. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) The United States and our allies scoffed at the notion. No one believed his research and in fact many of us turned up our noses at the very thought of such a catastrophe. The President glances down at the podium and then back into the camera. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) Today, it is apparent that we were wrong to dismiss such warnings.

EXT. NEW YORK CITY - TIMES SQUARE - DAY Hundreds of pedestrians stare at the Jumbotron displaying President Harris’ news conference. 53.

PRESIDENT HARRIS (on Jumbotron) In Spain, the La Palma ash eruption caused tragic crashes of multiple commercial aircraft. The video on the Jumbotron changes to that of the Tenerife North Airport littered with demolished aircraft. The pedestrians gasp in shock. The image of the President replaces the carnage of the Tenerife airport. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) And within the last hour, we have watched as the city of Lisbon has been destroyed by waves the size of sky scrapers. The video on the Jumbotron changes to that of Lisbon, Portugal. Buildings along the coast lie in ruins. The video fades to the image of President Harris staring somberly into the camera. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) My fellow Americans. This is the greatest natural disaster to ever face our nation. I have ordered a temporary martial law under article H.R. 5122, also known as the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act. This allows the office of the President to take charge of National Guard troops without state governor authorization. I have ordered the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Brancor, to put into effect mandatory evacuations along the eastern seaboard of our country.

EXT. MIAMI BEACH - DAY SUPER : Miami, Florida It’s a beautiful day as we approach the shore from the open ocean. People litter the beach. 54.

A half dozen Coast Guard Helicopters loudly fly over them.

INT. COAST GUARD HELICOPTER - DAY A COAST GUARDSMAN sits with his legs dangling out of the jump port holding a bullhorn to his mouth. COAST GUARDSMAN Attention, attention, this is the United States Coast Guard. By order of the President all citizens are to immediately evacuate Miami Beach. The beach gives way to Ocean Drive bustling with activity. Roller bladers move amongst cars which clog the street. Diners fill restaurant tables along the sidewalk.

EXT. MIAMI - MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY - DAY A military motorcade speeds by a National Guard blockade and moves over the causeway.

EXT. NORFOLK NAVAL STATION - DAY SUPER: Naval Station, Norfolk Virginia The base is busy with evacuations. Harrier jets leap into the air from the decks of aircraft carriers moored along the docks. A line of submarines head out to sea disappearing under the water. Hundreds of servicemen climb aboard dozens of helicopters of every type which lift into the air. A motorcade of Jeeps and trucks move out of the base.

EXT. BOSTON HARBOR - DAY SUPER: Boston, Massachusetts The Boston Lighthouse lies below as we approach and then pass over it. Boston Harbor’s crowded with pleasure boats. 55.

In the distance lies the skyline of Boston.

EXT. BOSTON PUBLIC GARDEN - DAY Thousands of National Guardsmen busily set up a staging area around the George Washington Statue. Boston Police carry assault rifles and march along the blacktop road leading from the park.

EXT. THE WHITE HOUSE - SOUTH LAWN - DAY President Harris, Admiral Brancor and Sam exit the White House and hurry towards Marine One. Following close behind are Chief of Staff Laslow, Secretary of State Wilson, Secretary of Defense Clark and National Security Advisor Steven Richards. Beside Marine One U.S. MARINE # 3 stands saluting. The engine whines to life as reporters shout questions in the background. REPORTERS (O.S.) (numerous) Mr. President! Mr. President! PRESIDENT HARRIS (to Admiral Brancor) What’s the status of the evacuations? ADMIRAL BRANCOR It’s underway, Mr. President. Florida to Maine. PRESIDENT HARRIS God help us, Lew. I don’t think we have enough time. ADMIRAL BRANCOR We’ll do our best, Mr. President. President Harris leads his entourage up the stairs of Marine One. U.S. Marine # 3 closes the door and the helicopter lifts into the sky. 56.

EXT. WASHINGTON D.C. - DAY Marine One and the two identical helicopters fly above Washington D.C. The National Mall and Capitol building lie in the distance.

INT. MARINE ONE - SAME President Harris sits staring out the window. The Jefferson Memorial lies below and in the distance Military Vehicles move over the 14th Street Bridge. A cellphone rings and the President glances at Sam who reaches into his pocket and retrieves a cellphone. An image of Tish lies on the cellphone screen. SAM Mr. President, it’s my wife. Would you mind if I take it? PRESIDENT HARRIS Go ahead, Sam. Sam presses the accept button and places the phone to his ear. SAM Tish, thank heavens you’re alive!

EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET - DAY TISH (V.O.) Come on, Sam! I have nine lives. Zoom past Big Ben and into 10 Downing Street.

INT. 10 DOWNING STREET - A HALLWAY - SAME Tish holds a cellphone to her ear as she walks beside Will. SAM (V.O.) I know. TISH Sam? Only Grossman and I made it off the rock. I love you, Sam. 57.

SAMUEL MAY (V.O.) I love you more. Has Will spoken to the Prime Minister about the Underground? TISH Yes, darling, the Prime Minister has assured him the Underground would be cleared. WILL (elbowing Tish) Darling? Awe, you guys are such love birds. Tish rolls her eyes at Will and then laughs at something Sam has told her on the phone. WILL (CONT’D) What’s so funny? TISH (pressing the end button) Sam said to ask about your singing lessons? WILL Damn bugger!

EXT. FRANCE - PHARE DU CHREAC'H - DAY SUPER: Ouessant, France A french man rides a bicycle along a blacktop driveway towards the lighthouse. The sound of crashing waves gains his attention and he glances over his shoulder. The tsunami wave rolls past the English Channel and the surge inundates its rocky banks.

ANGLE ON FRENCH MAN He leaps from the bicycle, dashes towards the lighthouse and up to the door. He pulls a key ring from his pocket, fumbles with them and glances over his shoulder. The surge crashes over the huge rocks and heads directly for him. 58.

FRENCH MAN (french) Open damn it! He pushes the door inward and disappears through it.

INT. KREAC'H LIGHTHOUSE - STAIRWAY - SAME The French Man runs up the circular stairs two at a time, panting for air. Reaching the top stair he bursts through the door and onto a lookout deck.

EXT. KREAC'H LIGHTHOUSE - LOOKOUT DECK - DAY The French Man gasps in disbelief and peers into the distance. The surge inundates the banks of the English Channel and pushes houses free of their foundations. They float atop the surge and crash into one another.

EXT. LONDON BRIDGE - DAY British police cars weave in and out of traffic across the bridge, their sirens blaring, lights flashing.

EXT. A LONDON STREET - CONTINUOUS The police cars speed along a London street.

EXT. LONDON’S WATERLOO STATION - CONTINUOUS British Police jump from police cars and sprint into the station.

INT. LONDON’S WATERLOO STATION - CONTINUOUS The British Police dash around commuters and continue through the station.

FURTHER ALONG The British Police swarm a ticket office ordering commuters away from the window. 59.

BRITISH OFFICER (V.O.) Out of the way! One of the British Officers leans into the window. BRITISH OFFICER (to clerk) Close the Underground by orders of the Prime Minister! CLERK But, that is quite impossible! The station is full. BRITISH OFFICER I have plenty of room in the lockup, should you wish! The clerk quickly picks up a phone and dials a number. CLERK (into phone) Suspend all train departures at once! A loudspeaker erupts over the station’s PA system. A VOICE FROM PA SYSTEM (V.O.) (British accent) Attention passengers! We apologize for this inconvenience, but all trains are cancelled from Waterloo Station. Please proceed to the nearest exits. (french) Attention, les passagers, nous sommes désolés pour ce désagrément, mais tous les trains sont annulés à partir de la gare de Waterloo. S'il vous plaît procéder à la plus proche des sorties. The British Officer glances around the station. Crowds of commuters frantically move toward the exits. BRITISH OFFICER (to clerk) That’s a good boy. I trust you don’t fancy the Queens prison fare? CLERK There are still trains at the stations. 60.

BRITISH OFFICER (to his men) Get into the tubes and evacuate all trains!

INT. LONDON’S WATERLOO STATION - PLATFORM 7 - SAME A train pulls away from the platform just as the British Officer and a few of his men sprint onto the platform.

EXT. ST. PETERS SQUARE - DAY Fifty thousand faithful Catholics pack the square, many of whom hold pictures of Pope Callixtus.

INT. ST. PETERS BASILICA - AN OFFICE - SAME Cardinal Manning stares through the curtains at large crowds below in St. Peters Square. A knock at the door gains his attention and he looks to it. CARDINAL MANNING Come! The Franciscan Monk steps through the door. A hopeful smile on his face. FRANCISCAN MONK Cardinal Secretary, there has been word from the Gendarmerie Corps. CARDINAL MANNING And, what are the words from the Swiss? FRANCISCAN MONK They have received what they believe to be a signal from the Holy Father. CARDINAL MANNING A signal? FRANCISCAN MONK A tweet, Cardinal Secretary. CARDINAL MANNING From the His Eminence? Impossible. 61.

The Franciscan Monk reaches into his cassock, retrieves a message and hands it over. CARDINAL MANNING (CONT’D) (reading message) “Dear friend, the lord has saved few but taken many. I am adrift off the coast of Tenerife.” The Cardinal drops the message onto his desk. CARDINAL MANNING (CONT’D) His Holy Father sending a tweet, imagine that! (picking up the phone) Send word to the nations. A personal message from me. FRANCISCAN MONK What is the message? CARDINAL MANNING The Holy Father’s life depends on their immediate rescue of Callixtus from the waters of Spain.

CLOSE OF MESSAGE ON DESK The Twitter message lies on the desk, it shows the photo of Pope Callixtus in a lifeboat.

EXT. OFF THE COAST OF TENERIFE - DAY Cruise Ship Survivors aboard a dozen Valencia lifeboats row through thousands of bodies floating on the water for as far as the eye can see. In the distance the Valencia sinks.

CLOSE IN ON ONE OF THE BOATS Pope Callixtus sits in one of the lifeboats surrounded by Survivors. Beside the Pope, Michael taps on his i-Phone screen. POPE CALLIXTUS (pointing to the iPhone) Do you think they received our message? 62.

MICHAEL I don’t know if the ship’s WIFI network was still working or not. Do you think they will come for us if they do get it? POPE CALLIXTUS As sure as the sun shall rise. The Pope wraps an arm around Michael. MICHAEL My mom and dad are dead, aren’t they? POPE CALLIXTUS Only God knows, Michael. You know, when I was a young boy I lost both my parents. MICHAEL Really? POPE CALLIXTUS I was about your age, maybe a year or so older. MICHAEL How did they die? POPE CALLIXTUS In November 1967 they were aboard an Iberia Airliner that was flying to London's Heathrow airport when it crashed into the southern slopes of Blackdown Hill, not far from Fernhurst village. All 37 people on board were killed. MICHAEL Do you remember them? POPE CALLIXTUS As if it were only yesterday. In many respects, losing them changed the way I looked at things, altered my path in life. MICHAEL Do you think my mom and dad are with your parents in Heaven? POPE CALLIXTUS What does your heart tell you? 63.

MICHAEL I know my mom is. POPE CALLIXTUS And your dad? MICHAEL I don’t think my father believed in God. POPE CALLIXTUS Sometimes, reality is much deeper than what we might think. MICHAEL I hope so. The Pope ruffles Michael’s hair then points into the distance. Spanish Air Force helicopters approach from the horizon. POPE CALLIXTUS That is the response to your message, young Michael! The Survivors aboard the lifeboats begin waving their arms and shouting.

EXT. LONDON - QUEEN ELIZABETH II BRIDGE - DAY SUPER: Thames River, England. People jump from their cars and peer over the bridge railings. Suddenly, the surge sweeps around the river bend and gushes forcefully beneath the bridge.

EXT. THAMES BARRIER GATES - DAY The Thames Barrier flood gates break the surface and lock into place. The surge barrels through the river and crashes into and then over the barrier. A British Police Boat flees but the surge topples it. 64.

INT. LONDON’S WATERLOO STATION - DAY A train pulls into the station and passengers emerge from it. The British Officer and his men quickly usher them along the platform and up the stairs. BRITISH OFFICER Let’s go! Move along! Quickly now! Water gushes through the tube and into the passengers, drowning everyone.

EXT. LONDON - OXFORD STREET - DAY Pedestrians line the sidewalks as traffic moves along the street. Water wells up out of the underground and the force of it sweeps the pedestrians down the street.

EXT. LONDON’S CENTER POINT OFFICE BUILDING - DAY A London Taxi stuck in traffic beeps its horn.

INT. LONDON TAXI - SAME Will and Tish sit laughing at something. WILL You think that’s funny, do you? TISH Oh, come on, William! Don’t you see the irony in it all? We spend our entire lives researching volcanoes to prevent this exact situation - WILL - and they don’t take us seriously when it occurs! Yeah, I get it. TISH It’s sad, almost, if it weren’t so tragic. Tish glances at her feet. Water fills the floorboard of the taxi. WILL We have to get out of here! 65.

Will grabs Tish’s hand and drags her from the taxi.

EXT. OXFORD STREET - DAY It’s PANDEMONIUM along the street. MORE pedestrians struggle through waist deep water. The London taxi and other vehicles float down the street on the surge. The Taxi crashes into an electrical pole which cracks and falls atop a bus. Bus passengers leap from the windows into the water. The electrical pole’s transformer shoots sparks just inches from the water’s surface. WILL We have to get out of the water! Tish points in the distance. TISH Over there! The Centre Point office building lies ahead and they struggle to wade through the water. Screams fill the scene as pedestrians are washed away on the current.

EXT. CAMP DAVID - DAY We approach and pass the Camp David sign outside the Presidential retreat. Television reporters pack the road standing beside satellite trucks. The camera snakes its way through dense woods until Laurel Lodge comes into view. SECRET SERVICE MEN are everywhere.

INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE - SAME President Harris and his staff stare at a wall of TV screens displaying various news reports. 66.

In the middle of the room, junior staffers surround a desk working half dozen phones. On the table sits a RED PHONE. Upon one of the TV screens a report shows a clip of people leaving an apartment building.


EXT. BOSTON STREET - DAY BOSTON POLICE OFFICERS dressed in riot gear are leading residents and teenagers from an apartment building. SHEPARD SMITH (V.O.) The riot started when Boston Police attempted to remove residents from this complex. Fox News witnessed the evacuation which suddenly took a violent turn when a rookie Boston Police officer made a poor choice of physically slamming a teenager to the ground. The teenagers begin yelling at the police. A Boston Cop shoves one of the teenagers and a street riot breaks out.

INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE - DAY President Harris and his staff watch SHEPARD SMITH on Fox News. SHEPARD SMITH (on TV) - and the violence has not been confined to this neighborhood. Just moments ago we heard that a National Guardsman was shot on the streets of South Boston when his unit entered a low income housing project. Sam pulls a wallet from his pants, opens it and glances at a photo. FLASHBACK 67.

EXT. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON - AFTERNOON It’s Springtime, the birds are chirping, students are laughing. Sam, 20-something, and Tish, 20-something, are carrying books strolling amongst UNIVERSITY STUDENTS in front of the Wilkins Building. In their arms they carry books. Beside them stands Chris Grossman, 20-something. CHRIS GROSSMAN Look at you two, sickly in love! SAM We’re not sickly. (to Tish) Are we? TISH Kind of, I suppose. Sam and Tish drop their books and kiss. Chris Grossman pulls a camera out of his backpack snaps a picture. CHRIS GROSSMAN Ah, yes, young love in Spring!


INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE -DAY Mildred approaches Sam and glances over his shoulder at the photo. MILDRED WILSON Sam? Sam doesn’t respond. MILDRED WILSON (CONT’D) Sam, are you okay? SAM Not really. I’m worried sick, Mildred. On the TV screen sits at NBC Nighty News. 68.

BRIAN WILLIAMS (on a TV screen) Good evening from New York, where evacuations are in full swing for what the President is calling “the greatest natural disaster to ever face our nation.” PRESIDENT HARRIS I said that? ROBERT LASLOW You did. BRIAN WILLIAMS (on TV) From Key West to Maine, looting, robbery and violent clashes have erupted between citizens and police. All this, mind you, as a game changing tsunami bears down on our shores. We have correspondents all over this story and we start in Charleston, South Carolina, where Richard Engel is witnessing citizens looting. PRESIDENT HARRIS (to Admiral Brancor) Look at that, Lew. I thought we had this contained?

EXT. CHARLESTON, S.C. - KING STREET - DAY Richard Engel points down the street at a police car on fire, another is being rocked to and fro by masked people. RICHARD ENGEL That’s right, Brian. Here in Charleston, along the well heeled and heavily shopped King Street, opportunistic looters are having their go at merchandise inside closed businesses. For much of the past hour we have watched as the National Guard and Charleston Police have battled to take back the streets of this embattled city. CHARLESTON POLICE OFFICERS march down the street holding shields. 69.

Masked people throw Molotov cocktails, which explode at the cops feet. Looters scurry away with stolen goods in their arms. RICHARD ENGEL (CONT’D) The south is under attack tonight, Brian, reminiscent of the Miami Riots of 1980 and the situation is growing more grave by the hour. A man throws a cinder block into a plate glass window of an electronics store. It shatters and crashes to the ground. MORE looters jump into the window and then dash out with electronics. The Charleston Police Officers shoot teargas at the scattering looters. RICHARD ENGEL (CONT’D) And, as tragic as the situation is here, the looting has overtaken much of the east coast’s major cities. There are reports from Georgia, the Carolinas and, closer to you, Brian, right there in Manhattan.

INT. NBC NEWS STUDIO - SAME Brian Williams stares at a wall monitor behind his anchor desk where a live shot of LESTER HOLT appears. BRIAN WILLIAMS We now join Lester Holt who is down on the street, however briefly, right here in Manhattan. Lester?

EXT. MANHATTAN - FIFTH AVENUE - DAY Lester Holt walks down the middle of Fifth Avenue. It’s bumper to bumper with traffic. Horns blare over the scene. 70.

LESTER HOLT That’s right, Brian. We are in the middle of chaos on Fifth Avenue as people attempt to flee the city in expectation of the worst disaster since nine eleven.

INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE - DAY President Harris and his staff stare at the NBC News coverage on the TV. LESTER HOLT (on TV) This is a much different scene than we saw just an hour ago, Brian, as thieves grabbed anything they could get their hands on. The image of Lester Holt fades and is replaced by a video of an NYPD Police Car speeding along Fifth Avenue.

EXT. MANHATTAN - FIFTH AVENUE - EARLIER A NYPD Police car weaves in and out of traffic. LESTER HOLT (V.O.) Manhattan was under attack from the criminal element as NBC cameras rolled earlier today. These are scenes of disgrace in what can only be described as mayhem here in the city which never sleeps. And we want to warn our viewers what you are about to see is quite violent. The police car screeches to a halt in front of the Gucci store. Two cops leap from the car and are immediately approached and shot dead by a HOODLUM who exits the Gucci store. The Hoodlum steps over them, gets into the police car and speeds down Fifth Avenue. MORE looters scurry in and out of the shops along Fifth Avenue.


INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE - SAME The President and his staff stare at TV news coverage from various cities. PRESIDENT HARRIS Jesus, what a mess! RONALD CLARK It won’t last much longer, Mr. President. That’s the satellite feed of the wave. PRESIDENT HARRIS How long before landfall? SAM Twenty minutes. PRESIDENT HARRIS Where? SAM Boston, New York and then south.

EXT. ATLANTIS PARADISE ISLAND RESORT - DAY SUPER: Nassau, Bahamas The resort lay below. The pool and beach are absent any trace of life. Passenger buses, vans and limousines speed from the entrance of the hotel.

EXT. NASSAU AIRPORT - DAY The buses, vans and limousines drop off hundreds of passengers in front of the terminal. They are showing one another to get into the terminal. On the tarmac, a line of commercial, private and military C- 130 airplanes take off one after another.

EXT. HAVANA PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - DAY SUPER: Havana, Cuba Thousands of CUBAN CITIZENS angrily chant and shake their fists at CUBAN POLICE who stand guard at the palace gates. 72.

CUBAN CITIZENS (Spanish) Fidel! Save us from the flood.

INT. HAVANA PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - AN OFFICE - SAME FIDEL and RAUL CASTRO stare through a window at the Cuban Citizens chanting below. A hail of rocks crash into the window and shatter it. CUBAN CITIZENS (chanting) Fidel, save us from the flood! CUBAN PRESIDENTIAL GUARDS pull Raul and Fidel away from the window. The Cuban Military Officer who spoke at the United Nations steps forward. CUBAN MILITARY OFFICER (in spanish) Come, quickly, Mr. President! We must evacuate the palace at once!

EXT. HAVANA PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - DAY MORE cuban citizens climb over the gates, invade the palace grounds and fight the cuban police.

INT. HAVANA PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - HALLWAY - SAME The Cuban Military Officer and the Three Cuban Presidential Guards escort Fidel and Raul through a plush hallway. CUBAN MILITARY OFFICER Hurry! Hurry!

INT. HAVANA PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - FOYER - SAME The front door bursts from it’s hinges and hundreds of ANGRY cuban citizens charge through the foyer. CUBAN CITIZEN #1 (spanish) Down with the pigs! 73.

CUBAN CITIZEN #2 (spanish) Kill Fidel! CUBAN CITIZEN #3 (spanish) Down with the regime! They dash up the stairs.

EXT. HAVANA PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - ROOF - DAY The Cuban Military Officer helps Fidel and Raul Castro climb into a helicopter. He pulls his gun and shoots the Guards in the head. MORE cuban citizens charge across the rooftop yelling at the helicopter. CUBAN CITIZEN #4 (spanish) Traitor! CUBAN CITIZEN #5 (spanish) Infidels! Cuban Citizen #4 grabs the helicopter landing rails just as it lifts off. He dangles from the helicopter as it flies through the sky. Below, thousands of Cuban Citizens storm the palace grounds.

INT. CUBAN MILITARY HELICOPTER - DAY Fidel stares out the window. The Statue of Neptune, Malecon, lies below on the Havana Bay surrounded with MORE Cubans pointing into the sky. FIDEL CASTRO (to Raul) Even now they cheer us. RAUL CASTRO Sheep to slaughter, my dear brother! They laugh at the sight below. 74.

EXT. STATUE OF NEPTUNE, MALECON - DAY An ALBINO MAN pulls a grenade launcher from a duffle bag and aims it at the helicopter. ALBINO MAN (spanish) For the people of Cuba, Mr. President! He fires the launcher and a grenade streams towards the helicopter.

INT. CUBAN MILITARY HELICOPTER - DAY Fidel peers at the grenade heading straight for him. FIDEL CASTRO Oh, Dios mío!

EXT. STATUE OF NEPTUNE, MALECON - DAY The helicopter explodes in a ball of flames and crashes into the river. MORE cuban citizens celebrate with fists raised. They are free!

INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE - LATER President Harris and his staff stare at the TV screen. The Red Phone RINGS. President Harris answers the Red Phone. PRESIDENT HARRIS (into phone) This is the President. He smiles. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) (into phone) Son of a bitch, how sure are we? MILDRED WILSON What is it, Mr. President? 75.

PRESIDENT HARRIS (into the phone) Who has the story, Mike? He hangs up the Red. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) (to Mildred) Put on CNN. Mildred changes the TV to a CNN report showing . BROOKE BALDWIN (on TV) The chopper went down and we are being told that both Fidel and Raul Castro were killed when a rocket propelled grenade shot down their helicopter as they attempted to flee the island in expectation of the catastrophic disaster heading for the Eastern Atlantic. MILDRED WILSON The bastard finally got what he had coming! ROBERT LASLOW Glad I’m not your enemy. MILDRED WILSON You’re not my enemy, yet, Robert. But since you are the Chief of Staff, you’ll have your chance. PRESIDENT HARRIS Down, girl, down.

INT. A LARGE RESEARCH ROOM - DAY SUPER: Hazard Research Centre - London Professor Grossman and a group of SCIENTISTS look at a satellite feed on a large display. A wall of water moves towards the east coast of the United States. 76.

PROFESSOR GROSSMAN (pointing at the display) These are images of the wave from the European Space Agency ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites. The data indicates something much different than we anticipated. A YOUNG MAN tears a printout from a machine and hurries across the room. YOUNG MAN (looking at printout) This is not possible. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN What is it? YOUNG MAN The wave height is much greater in the Eastern Atlantic. Professor Grossman grabs the printout. PROFESSOR GROSSMAN Good Lord, these numbers indicate total destruction of the U.S. Coastline.

EXT. BOSTON HARBOUR LIGHTHOUSE - DAY A caretaker cleans the glass of the lighthouse when he hears a loud wave crashing. He glances over his shoulder. Pleasure Boats tumble into one another as the tsunami demolishes the lighthouse and continues towards Boston Harbour.

EXT. BOSTON HARBOUR WATERFRONT - DAY Bostonians run for their lives but are overtaken by the tsunami.

EXT. ATOP THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING - DAY Tourists scream and point at the STATUE OF LIBERTY as the tsunami crashes over her. They rush across the rooftop and stare into the distance. 77.

The surge moves through Central Park and then into Central Park West snaking through every building. Manhattan lies under water.

INT. LAUREL LODGE - DAY The President and his staff stare at the TV images of Manhattan skyscrapers protruding from the water. PRESIDENT HARRIS Sam, how much longer is this going to last? SAMUEL MAY It’s only a mater of minutes before it hits Miami.

INT. CHINOOK HELICOPTER - DAY SUPER: Miami, Florida Evacuees fill jump seats on either side of the isle, their faces drawn with uncertainty. A U.S. SOLDIER makes his way down the isle glancing at the evacuees. A BABY CRIES and the U.S. Soldier glances at a HISPANIC WOMAN rocking the baby in her arms. Beside her sit an ELDERLY COUPLE. U.S. SOLDIER (to woman) What’s his name? HISPANIC WOMAN Enrico. U.S. SOLDIER It’ll be fine, miss. We’ll be landing at Camp Exodus Six in just a moment. HISPANIC WOMAN What is that? U.S. SOLDIER A safe haven on the grounds of Billie Swamp Safari in the Everglades. 78.

ELDERLY MAN Will we be safe there, sir? The U.S. Soldier nods and continues down the isle disappearing through a door.

INT. CHINOOK COCKPIT - SAME The U.S. Soldier stands behind the CHINOOK PILOT and his CHINOOK CO-PILOT. CHINOOK PILOT How are the civvies holding up back there? U.S. SOLDIER They’re doing all right. CHINOOK CO PILOT We’ll be down on the ground in minutes.

EXT. ALLIGATOR ALLEY (I-75) - DAY The Chinook helicopter flies above Alligator Alley. People abandon their vehicles and flee down the road.

FURTHER ALONG The Chinook banks away from Alligator Alley and descends towards a camp.

EXT. BILLIE SWAMP SAFARI - DAY SUPER: Billie Swamp Safari, Florida Everglades The Chinook lands in a lot crowded with U.S Army trucks, civilian buses and cars. The U.S. Soldier exits the Chinook and helps the evacuees from the chopper. FLORIDA NATIONAL GUARDSMEN distribute bottles of water. An AIR FORCE OFFICER speaks through a bullhorn. 79.

AIR FORCE OFFICER Please move along. We have food and water for everyone. Please remain calm. The ELDERLY COUPLE make their way through the busy camp and enter the amphitheater.

INT. AMPHITHEATER - SAME The Elderly Couple appear through the entrance with MORE evacuees. On the wall, a theater screen displays a helicopter shot of Miami Beach. WSVN REPORTER (V.O.) (in mid report) We now join Ralph Rayburn in Sky Force Seven. Ralph, I understand the MacArthur Causeway is still not clear. What’s going on?

EXT. WSVN 7 SKY FORCE HELICOPTER - DAY A Bell 407 ENG helicopter with WSVN 7 painted along its side hovers over Ocean Drive on Miami Beach.

INT. WSVN 7 SKY FORCE HELICOPTER - SAME RALPH RAYBURN sits beside the WSVN CHOPPER PILOT pointing a news camera out the window. RALPH RAYBURN That’s right, thousands are still trying to flee Miami Beach, but traffic is backed up along the bridge which - The reporter’s face twists in a grimace of shock. RALPH RAYBURN (CONT’D) - Jesus Christ! Ralph Rayburn places his eye to the viewfinder and points the news camera at something. Barreling down on the shores of Miami Beach is a wave fifteen stories high. 80.

TSUNAMI WAVE POV The shoreline of Miami Beach lies in the distance. Military Helicopters of every type are lifting into the sky. The WSVN Sky Force 7 helicopter hovers above the beach.

INT. WSVN SKY FORCE 7 HELICOPTER - SAME Ralph Rayburn points the news camera at something below. People pack the rooftops and Pedestrians frantically dash along the street. The tsunami plunges into the hotels, submerges them and washes away everything.

EXT. MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY - DAY In the distance lies the skyscrapers of Miami. The Port of Miami lies below us. Huge gantry cranes and thousands of stacked shipping containers sit in the port.

FURTHER ALONG Two passenger cruise ships are moored to the docks. Traffic packs the causeway along the westbound lanes. Thousands of motorists step from their vehicles and point east. The tsunami races across the Miami Bay.

ANGLE ON PEOPLE They scramble in panic along the causeway as Army Black Hawk helicopters swoop out of the sky and hover over them.

INT. BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER - DAY Two CREW CHIEFS are huddled in the chopper. CREW CHIEF #1 attaches a hoisting hook to a rope ladder and throws it out the jump port. 81.

CREW CHIEF #2 leans out of the jump port and peers at dozens of people climbing the rope ladder. Others are pushing and fighting to grasp the bottom rung. The surge crashes into the vehicles and tumbles them in its wave heading for the fleeing People. Crew Chief #2 twirls his finger in the air. CREW CHIEF #2 (to Crew Chief #1) Pull it up! Pull it up!

INT. WSVN 7 HELICOPTER - DAY Ralph Rayburn points the camera through the door of the helicopter. The Black Hawks lift into the sky with their rope ladders crowded with people. The surge drowns those left behind and pushes the vehicles, shipping containers and cruise ships towards downtown Miami. The shipping containers and one of the cruise ships EXPLODES into Bayside Marketplace.

EXT. METRO RAIL PARAMOUNT STATION - DAY SUPER: Downtown Miami. A Metro Mover Car suspended 25 feet above seventh street on concrete tracks whines to a stop.

INT. METRO MOVER CAR - SAME A BLACK MAN, CUBAN MAN, WHITE MAN and CUBAN WOMAN are SCREAMING and pointing out the window. The second cruise ship, riding atop the surge, demolishes the roof of the American Airlines Arena and breaks in two. The stern continues on the surge and destroys the Freedom Tower. CUBAN WOMAN It’s coming straight at us! CUBAN MAN Everybody hold on! 82.

WHITE MAN We gotta get out of here! The Cuban Woman tries to push the doors open. CUBAN WOMAN Come on, guys! Come on! Get the doors open. They struggle to open the doors, but they hold. CUBAN WOMAN (CONT’D) Oh my God! The Metro Mover car suddenly jolts back and forth and the riders are tossed from side to side. Everyone screams.

EXT. METRO MOVER CAR - DAY The Metro Mover car dangles over the ledge of the concrete support about to fall.

INT. METRO MOVER CAR - SAME The riders creep towards the back of the car and it tilts level with their weight. CUBAN WOMAN Oh, thank God! BLACK MAN Nobody move or we will tumble into the water! WHITE MAN We’re not going to make it anyway if the water rises any higher. BLACK MAN Just shut up, man! You’re scaring the lady. CUBAN MAN (to cuban woman) It’s all right. We’re going to get out of this, ya hear me? (to everyone) We are going to make it! 83.

A helicopter gains their attention and they peer out the window.

EXT. ABOVE THE METRO MOVER - DAY The WSVN Helicopter hovers over the Metro Mover car on its tracks just above the waterline. RALPH RAYBURN (V.O.) Holy cow! Will you look at that Metro Mover! Its a miracle it hasn’t fallen into the surge!

VARIOUS SHOTS Miami lies under 30 feet of water in every direction. American Airlines Arena surrounded by water has the bow of a cruise ship protruding from its roof. The skyscrapers have water levels reaching three floors. Miami Beach is gone.

INT. CAMP DAVID - LAUREL LODGE - LATER CAMP DAVID PERSONNEL are looking over the shoulders of the President and his staff. On the TV are various images showing Miami, New York, Boston and Washington D.C., all flooded by water. A phone rings. A VOICE (O.S.) Mr. President, it’s the dedicated line! President Harris approaches and picks up the Red Phone. PRESIDENT HARRIS (into phone) This is President River Harris. The President glances toward Sam. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) Sam? SAM Yes, Mr. President? 84.

President Harris replaces the phone in its cradle and presses a button. PRESIDENT HARRIS It’s for you. The President presses the button again. PRESIDENT HARRIS (CONT’D) This is the President, Sam can hear you. TISH (V.O.) (over the speakerphone) Sam? Sam? SAM Tish, oh my God! Oh my God! The President leads everyone from the room. PRESIDENT HARRIS We have lots of work to do.

EXT. SPAIN - PORT OF CADIZ - DUSK SUPER: Cadiz, Spain. The Valencia life boats are tied up along the pier where EMERGENCY PERSONNEL attend to Survivors. TELEVISION REPORTERS, SPANISH SPECTATORS and SPANISH POLICE crowd the scene. Pope Callixtus leads Michael through the chaos surrounded by SWISS GUARDS. POPE CALLIXTUS Come on, son, let’s get out of here. Reporters push forward yelling questions at the Pope. Suddenly, Julie emerges from the crowd and calls out to Michael in the distance. JULIE Michael! Michael! MICHAEL Mom! 85.

POPE CALLIXTUS Michael, go to your mother! Michael and Julie dash to one another and fall to the ground in an embrace. Slowly zoom out from scene. FADE TO Show a recent day photo of Dr. Simon Day. SUPER: Dr. Simon Day of the Benfield Greg Hazard Research Centre continues to warn of a future collapse of Cumbre Vieja Volcano. SUPER: The United States National Weather Service continues to prepare for a possible East Coast mega-tsunami. FADE OUT.