ii'ii-" 656 30632 12/15/> / 2 0 0 2 - -SMI s r I S l i S S E : ,J1M PARKE . - 2627 E YANDELL TX 7 9 9 0 3 E L PA S O

M n e i J 2 _ y . ^ : ay; November, 21. 2C2 0 0 2 50 cents ' •..Ji^i- :"j' '. jiGbQD MQB ijM

• W EAljiiERt ^ H ANI> T E s A R 5 v :M 3aSroHigh l '• s Twin Fall}Is teen-age3 m o m h a s k n o w n h eeartache be) e f o r e

'isiAGifc'VAtL:^LEY>|H l/2>year*oId Isi:Isiah Bohne and 8- thle eh house. gadon is made, Unhwiwiilewte* V month-old MicIichael Cruz Kelly Twin Tw Falls Police Departmenent Meanwhile, friendends and family - *:------ShelL were killcUled i^ien the fami- Dete a j ^ o m e - etective Scott Smith said sa were rallying arounound Daniels to TW IN F A l i S - A t th et tradert ly’s apartmentt cau^ta fire. Daniels WedWednesday the fire was stillst help her through he notAriolated. 1 her grief, said age of IB. MicheUe Daniel has was treated foror smoke inhalation underjder investigation, and arson1 hasI: Janyce Tucker, WheiVheeler’s fiance p i « b c i H H 4aean ( n'o're than her shaSare of at Magic Valleyey R egbnol Medical iwtDt beenb ruled o ut as the cause,se. A and th c m other off Daniels’D:; fiance. Bn Center and releeleased Wednesday stateate fire marshal is expectcd^d to ^-yearold Levi Dahl>ahl. **^^K^onally,* we believere she’s morning, b eins in Twin Falls today to help wiwith The two boys affectionatelyaff : M o ney- - 'ia*KedaUH/w««kM ' b«be e n t h r o u g m ore in the'Lj'last 24 The three wejvere asleep in their tbele investigation.Ii referred to Tuckerer tond Wheeler hours than most teen-agegers go bedroom in thefie atdc at 260 Blue Autopsies Au were performed ' • .itir^.^som e'ste S i ^ o t ^ MctafdWlMnnwal«'e«B)Maxii 9 c a : ^ d on as “mammaw” andand “pappaw.” through' In their whole lives,”li Lakes Blvd. wh;30 a.m .. sa id B ill Smitln ith said the prelim inary camlUses th e boys a n d w!re ere looking for- Pl«eE4 frnddWldNldM »to«e.11l«^ii«tto ththe£am lly. Wood, who liveives with his wife, of' deathde have been determinened, wardtol>eingpartofT of th c family. btttMircmpaMtaottMrBMr.'THckar I'uesday dealt Danielels thc Desiri, aod theheir five children. butJt thet infonnation will nott 1be •aid. worstw< of blows. Her childid ren , 2 ages 2 to 16, on3n the main floor of madeade public imtil further inves'esti- Pleasesee see FIRE. Page A3 ■ dimxx)Rs Ailrport J Robbeeries » a walitchers I follow'f federal ! bankhheist " — ■ Pat S«p« is• Sy Julle Pence :ners assume g p — the director>r IIn Tlme>fv Mayw i Shordy before 55 ppjn.. j a robber screenm w rtfr______^ H—t ty: H u n te rs *"“ f ------f - Kallay airpororts hit the Bank of AmeAmerica branch - f / for the newV on Eleventh Avenuenue East and lg of gam e QUtieSF A L L S -T h e new feds C\ ^----- f 1 TraniportatkItlon ' Sht>sh9 ni;. ------a te r iwn, and their arrival K Then ; S p o r t s " " 7 . Security ___ B yR otertM■higher seotrity at the H b e t w e e n P e ^ E l sand Hailey airports. Uon- 11 p ,m , s new security Isn’t in Federal an d m id- ''' TW IN FAof no-nonsense, gun-tot- are " » e h t . H l t f are in towiry men In fatigues. ® j C T ^ - n o w etafflng-,p______arm ed n30-_ promises-biscreeners ore with the b e rs h e ld Tvfin FaUsnation a Security security up P ap a But this■ r M Administradon) checkpoints the fonni0 yof providing equal at an of the Pizza on ' inAmilitaryiV . J ' p o r t i o n s !' * agcA 2 aiewiimixiggamet on and Strict^f the drlines and pri- Road. detense^fftr a change. I b e airpoiipanies. The federal ■‘L a s t '------nation’s 429is in response to the night wos a very busybus n ight. It to h a v e Ittacks, fa< an event which was a busy day all aroiaround," Twin Bvericks responsibili[ally blamed on lack- • Falls Police DeDepartment r i^PlNlQN on their domain oftlirline security. Detective Chris FulFullmer said vate compt' at JosUn Field, Magic Wednesday. I ^^fryfracai:conag** mysteries this vre*7 W ith Con Movies lets 2that causes cervical cancer,F i shrinlik West’s Comics ... . 0 3 Nadon "*•A Res(^ TVnew study ^ o w s. An estlmatiated s a p t ' Community .01 Obltuarlo 5,5 million people become infected with a strain of HPV Cbnuinidad ,.D2 Oplr^,. deal aachI year In the United State1 waterr - study ’Ciroaswofd. ;D4 Outdoorais C7 targi tJearAbby ..0 4 Sports.1,A2«AC4 Efficacy rata of vaccina andnd TTw Aasoctetad Prei>rns______HoiviKope M W ither placabo cer I LOS ANGELESE)S - Global wanning; will havelave LM. Boyd . .04 West. .C HPV-16 vaccine cerv a devastating effeffcct on the availability ol i ^ H H H Mfl0c\Uley .Cl MxkJ »ra .J .El-3 Group el2a ' '-,7768( water in th'e Westest, according to a new studjudy i could be wluch, despite i bts dismalc outlook, was billedd aa; s •rtoney....:E4 Injection o le in five years thc rosiest of a sericries of climate forecasts, w canc .Placebo Even as a best-ist-case scenario, it forecastsQsts mmmrneidU. .023,6-7 Iffpecta Qro3roup sUe •'' jq suppliesfall^farfar shon of future dem ands foi ,jm,c5.8 Vaccine ( w ater by d d e s, fa•arms r and wUdlife. “You’d like B i ^ ^ H ELPHIA - Scientists infection ‘r 141 there to be somene good news in there some 3ped a vaccine against where, but unforrM tunately th ere is not.” said>aid g f f l t w W available NOTE: Tho study InducM 1.533 laplUoma virus, a big - ^ 3 Tim Barnett, a re;research marine physidstt atal women w«h an av#raoo ogo ol20. d curbing the world’s M. theScrippslnsdtuitution of Oceanography, S!Sf C s n b t o j h ^ ’ Overall prccipiiipitation levels are likely to ion nansmit*' . ~ I to ri AP remain constant, PH IL A Dand E l protect women ^SOURCES: T M N m E n c ^ Journal It. b ut w arm er tem peratures 1 ^ of C w ttn tor iS m b ConM^ mean what would S 7 S S F have develop*nff ryT- •ndi•ndPtvnnltan Lild have fallen as snow willLviii s ^ a k e m i m b ^ instead com e dovmwrnasrain. M I U a type of pap ste p tow ardiccine c lives up to its ' desljlesigned to stop cancer Ijy cutiutting Currently, the snisnowpack acts a natural reser- M lill- mon commont%”IrcouIdTijeiiathft ------off-lff'to.idood supply has'siupriirlsed ' voir, storing watere r through the w inter only to ' ted disease aniramcadon of cervic^' ' 0 xpertaxp< by showing a tunu m o r m elt and r d e a s e! itIt during the spring and sum-Lun- from its worstr4t wnhiiatly IcHIa nt-wwir ■ nhrtthw nt«o> sd for mer when demandnd spikes. If thot predpitadon vicalcancer.ericin i|vomeri land 'a. drdrug'so early in its develelop- falls os winter rain,In, however, it will OT riverss aat t If tha vacc>rldw ide. A v a c c in e . mjem en . a dme of year whenlen dem and is low. ~ ~ “ ------earlyiHBmlsftf'thefede^Fbodand , r-tn t n th e f im hum an trials, iiwi^ Amons th= findndings for the next 25 to SO evonmal eraaolbtradon could be on ihg;ig 23 people with terminalI ccan years: On the CoUolumbla River system, there A canal lie* empty In Klanamath Falls, Ore., wbere the fedefederal govern- . cancer, Wfaicfa: h iI a b o u t fiva y e a rs , , cer,er, the tumprs of one-quarteiter of ** water in theth e sum m er and fall to gener- 4.000 Amerisaid. I ' ■ \ • ate electricity, or- in the spring and summer for nggM »d to dwide wtiettiittier fanners or fish woultl receiwceive the limit- I 2SO.OOO, w.odlie,'-a newdrug' t;-’ . ';'./p|e^^CANC£R,PageigeAS sabnon r u n s - b ut t notn both. M im ow tt of watar In thebe Klamath flivef. , " . ■ ' ■ ■ th e market k researcfatetni M eanwhile n l . . M TlBMN«w».TwfaFiliFrti,htalw Dyndiy.NevMte:«r 21.2002 TT

i sm m m i m H T M ty: UnsoayonaSly3bly mild woathor (or today wllf wllh moslly T a H a t F H ( t y r - sunny cKios a n d Iighl;)hl w inds HiQhs In tho u p p oor f 50s.i day Tonight

TonlgW: Mostly dearoar a n d cool. Lows In tho towG

Tomorrow: Becomingning a fow degroos coolor wilhilh IncroQSing ' '^W p| windsondclouds^lato in tho doy Highs in iho lovlower 5Qs. ^BH ' IS’ P i Adazzlinzzlino MDMIyctovandyi ' BfMxywWi Moalyctoufi*!? '• MU ThUf»d»■•d^ cod . oooi -.■'•...•and Ttoday: UncoasonnBIvit:Iy mild lomporalures. mosllyIly sunrty eklos * nnd dry Highs inihoIho middio 50s. « High s ea______Low 31 ' ,s 3 / a a • ' 4 9 j2 T . ■■ :-4a / Tonight: Moslly cloaroar skies and lows will bo noor3or 30:

T om orrow : Mild wilhilh increasingi w inds a n d cloud ■i' .. • .uastat'ointho ^ T e mmperature f # p »recipltatlon HuHunildlty ^ ;My HiQtir. m iho midmiddio 50s Sunrtsii ahd Sw ■ ik '. ::u : < n i ^ : Lov 39 MonaitoCM SB"... H iS S S j ' m m m im m 40 m:: ■'7jmoma P i''ij> iniiia!inf I W SainllM HMarVlawKrtoOat* 0*4- Tbd^^FOB r r iiiiTi SU N^ VVALLEY, SURROUNDtNtING Mre. ■ 2s 3 S £ - r : . ..■.'mMmMtM iaap llB ’ilhllHiilli II Todfly/ willWll remnin dry or>d mc«t>y doar t> tur* ft PTMlpaaaen VMM iTveugri Opm y« BSM SaiiiM iiil ahowors,ors. clouds and coolor tomp«roturoi ywtwday ,. moving IrInlo Iho region Fcklay. Snow ohofthoworaoro _ ^Moon Phases ■ Mocnris4•m ■ K !j^- ■ndex ^ s= pouiUoWo 1t>irough Saturday wtth S u n dTf ^ Iturning dry. ^ ' ( •v and Mobniin s e t ■:______Toditoday High* M la n iUmtrun to O V,.. . 3 © p H t ' Inc -•'• / ^ S ^ L b) oO i I S E P'cturo porloct wodmertor yet again Nov, 37 Dw.4 D DM.11 0M.19 today txjt w« win aooi to»om« small i J t o t r . NMfWooA N— m to ir. m«Hoon S S f a i i w ^ E - - a s s a ^ changos in Iho forocoalu t for Ffklay ■ S T 9 9 7 S n ] And Saturday. Friday’ onond Saiurday IAUS m w will bo n Itltio cooJor, parpartly lo mostly r B S S Today Tomorrow Stfmlayf, ,3oa*f, .yomen»or«w :T#*W>'TWi H ^ ^ t o c l o u d y but still mostly' dr'<'y city HI H Lo W HI Lo W HI Lo W Low Clt»/ .MT.Lb M hi TedeyHlgbyLBweMiaI I O t i / « t o «0 a sM M B 37 pa>*M ao w pl IWI I 40 33 me 4S 38 ah 41 21 me NORTHEFERNUTAH w a w M?, H a . P0 a M M. aarr.':(iBSS»aaa& |M ’ Warm, do* oneand broozy lor Ousla « ^ me •^y .M g .’ ■■<4a today and FridFriday. Saturday CdwrffAlMi* S and Sundayy wwill bo coolor Ea»-arJK a ne.'^ 2 2 iu-itts=»i-|S Su"«:»a McCall HouMan 80 47 lu ~»3 37 i Mneuta.ifT 4S « 32 po M-2B .MI aft i a OK Pocalallo 51Hau S02SpC4S33*h -2 0 -1 50 60 7^09^00 mrWnd.OR Ute 43 pe. 87 41 p r-.a r^ a a v .iow£mlFi=Bi8r».£l«!5t& Huparl M33au 55 30pc47»mc= ^ »u 87 4S . fliiaurB 43 tB au- 4a 3 a w e a r i x . a u n«y^ Ststa Exttwr COalLiMnton Low; lOilOaSlank^ ,_■*? aim.<»a»:-»-a8-»e.-; t r ai l w«ath«r kov: tu eunny.nny. pc-pailly clouijy. rrc motHy ck>u»n-40 omana «8 28 mo 48 33 p

Every Thursdt9day In Tha Times-News ■ « Call Today ^ Tod^r Tomonow City HI Lo W> Hi La W w J 733-0931 ^ M a»M araria'.-. aaM aM *' 4C a:pe::s:waK.a Cranbrooh 3S 2« c 42 M *n 1 TOfOne 48 34 pe 48 37 a Velhl to s pjn. todayey n aeafotaen ’4s a a ’iw 4 B :a a :pr-.vMeaoMB r- M w z r . n ' w a C ^ mlunidad^ 677-4042 IKMOMsa &7 32 PC » 34 •«I vioorta 58 48 an 53 44■ fl * ' Yaattrday-a HMonalriKzMntM; br u m d g * ss a«-au . - n . a i:.-wBmee' - acJaiHEi.-.-wiwaK v a Memos at 8anu Ana.«.CaH. C Ragina 4a 31 pe 43 23 pe Low. S al SNflay Ba«nl4«n.Wyo.

Screener:r s ______^ cCan I take H? era la a Ost or rtoma antfntf wtwthtr Uwy’K altowad for alrtiavalwatodl RJobberies o _ Continued from Al that the alaburrdant training - tak* In cany«n or chec*tcfcad baOM e, accoHBnf to th a ' tion - just celebratingring it.s one- som e 44 hchours worth - makes ______ha Transportation cortittwlirtiwtfnmAl yciir anniversary - iss nowni under them eminlinently qualified to ------“Itt is not typical for us to have □ p u b lic 's sa fe ty .— 7------" lartrad ..rnduiUat*______Ihe U.S.- Departit]rtm e n t —o f -----ensure thep . -tttm i------C«Ty«_CI»*e■ yes Goll clubs — JJ*--- this mamany'bmik robberies within ^ Transportation. "W ith theiie training, the dn-the- qCigorcultw*'H, yes ye* -tlxkey sticks ~ this sheshort of a time span in Twin J TSA has grown expo(ponentially ^bikghd thehcT'classroom training, Cor>(Kiew9 O yet yes Lacrosse sticks ~ Falls,"s,” 1he said. S from just 13 emplop lo y e e s in betn-VfiiVCJTJCTlct.” Wakefield Cuticle £) cuttsrs y«S j«* • Pool cu«s; nn ! ! , T hlough o u Smith said he is not 4. January to more thanan 44,000 iri sakJ-.^’f.bcaS&K*tty be intense for fcEyelash cullers yes ‘ . ^ to say what amounts of S November. a good nve v Knlttticsnd ■ yes Upo2rsutM _ cy have been stolen from the Despite the thousand3nds of posi- Intereslinlin^y, Sepe was hired Ci0Che!f(»«lI« ■ yQt ^ “ .■ F SSI•-* public: llthat his four years in Safety sc rotors yes ' * ***-. CompcfssMsijiBtf «. : »•: hovei bi AtnotiR the requiremeim enis are: ihe U.S. Air 1Force and in Scls30i8 m. - pissiie or flrearm *. . no i > 4 . samee t\two people, though policee this man?n? lot saying that for sure. • Higli school diplomama or GED. 'I"-’ r industry qualified him metal St wllh blunt (Ips yei . 'R are^ini i». j . are not I Scissors - melal with y ,, GunHjhlof* ino(. ■ np At: 11 11:16 p.m ., tw o w hite m enn • Who: The suspect Inn aa bbonk roi> ■ • 1 O-year criminal bacbocksTcnci I. c t just someone who is pointed Ups no GunpcBrtkf j. a J o ' :'T\a w earinring black ski masks andd txsry Tuesday in Twfn FellsFills. . I check. Toy Transformer yes P8it»orgimi;r- ■ fresh out of school and has no J ■ • wieldinding knives entered Papa“ • Pfiyalcal traKs: Oesctltx«tibed asd -' • fingerprint check. rotwts yes ; aodrtreamt. ii» - -yt* J o h nl’s ’s Pizza, a police press experience,”e," he said. "My bad<- « 9 Pellet gun* i ® wtillo man. 45 to 55 yearsrtjars old, end • fluency in English. Toy weapons (rwt re ye* releaseise said. They challenged the I. ground wasIS ssc ru tin ize d , a n d I w as realistic ^ replleas) yes Z I t : Realistic replicB* J about 6 feet tall, ond coulicould have ■ up againstt olhero people for this Ur cle rkk, , cdemanding money, and • U.S, citizenship. Tweeters yes j),» ■ ornnsmit ■ fled on foot. .been weartng a vrfille wig. "here was considerable Wi « y” then fla "You pretty much rulinilL' out the position. The Umbrellas yes ]ye, ' Sorter pistols r len at 11:50 p.m. at thee • C tothm c W as wearingInga a hooded' had guys w hen you talkIkalwiitfin- a study done; 01on a ll o f us.” walking canes yes "0 if« T hen berly Road 7-EIeven store,!, sweatshirt, a stocking ;capandcap .. g e r p r in ts a n d bacl >•» wearing excellent leam. I’liI’m very think - Cattlaprod* r mer said. One man stood 1 -caseahouWxaJi.thejTVfin J -weak-lfnkT------m arko% -imim i p ro v e d 'fro m 'w h a rlt------*Oiabetes-ielatM] -y e s------Crti«*8n------r WinFcUcJrv------impressedrThere's-nn-we w atchh aat the door with a knife,!, Police Departmeni a t 735-7 3 5 - 5 7 2 0 ^ The nearly 20 screeneeners to till was. Corbe•berry said. “ A lo t o f — iUponej y come from things haveve happened, and to Nitxogfycenne • pills or Oniia r the slots in Twin Falls co lerk brandishing a knife andi 733-5720 or tho SouthemhemldaflSB hIs, bnng back: ccconfidence in the sys- sprsy lot medical use yes y . Sow* .. ™ r " • th e clerl a variety of backgrounds. Prosthetic device.iools mding money from the cash1 Regional Commurtcetionstons C e n ^ Curtis Vialpando was mp^nant goal.” yes Screwdrtven r vas m a n a g - end appliances • ye* y ^ Wrenches and pller* r S ter. at 735-1911. ing the Twin Falls retailail store TJ While its’s 1his responsibility to a e man with the knife wass ' at nothing dangerous . ' ' Maxx before he spdttedted the job ensure that ■ E)eetrenlcdovkM ilxiM .raw l. 1., wearinging tan or gray baggy khaki le e m p lo y . m a k e s its wway onto airplanes. [f “Knives.are incredibljiibly doR ^- on Monster.cotn, the t Camcorders yes ye* y Blattin(csps n r ^ pants> anand a blue or bladcdght-fit- Sepe said the ihi public can play a , ous - more so than mosmost ^]}le m ent-related Web site. Laptop comcoters yes yes y . Dyntmlte n« « ^ 8 swesweatshirt. The man at the j believe,” McAtee said.d. “ “If r m o n . “ I thiiiiglii ii WDiild be a great role. too. Mobile phonos yes yes y flrewofk* nno no door wa;was w earing blue Jeans and the ground .‘^‘■‘■Parei:e for Talteotf," a fed- SPajors yes y the street as a police;e oofficers a career opportunity on tht Flares In any fomt no n !gy blue or black sweatshirt, : awarene.« campaign, Personal oi data no ' “ *“ 8gy I person can cover 21 feet:eet a n d s a b fioor of a new segmenien t of o u r a; yes Hand grenades nno no men were described as governmeni," said Via/ia lp a n d o . ‘s m ean t to0 inform i travelers of assistants y«s y Plastic etplosh«s n ; athletically built and rough- m e b e fo re I c a n g e t mly y gxmgi o u t i f now in his third week: as federal recent1 s.security changes at ■! set tall. m y h o lste r.” ■ Sharp oblocts screener. a irp o rts. Boj yes ■nemmaMellam* “We eh haven’t m ade the assimip- “If somebody hasi a weapc>^,’ , always give them the i Heather Wakefield,1, wv ho was ; ° a p r o g r a m t h a t is Box ice cutters no yc» y< Aerosol (except tion the:they are the same two men he r a o n e ^ ” Ice axes/lce picks no y< McAte<* a d v i s i . working in the p uurchasing re at rememoving as much has- ye> for personal care) no tv no becauseuse we don’t have any evi- ;iblc for the traveling Knives t**' no )•» yi Fuels n e right now to say thfit,". . F r o m - J a n u a r y t i h r o u g h departm ent of a highrtuniiy for commoinon-sense recommen- UjWer fluid no n no th e sameune night done in the same Capt. Bob Hodge said.1. FtFour h ^ e Swords no yi been cleared by am sts. Ihe Twin Falls area,” sbe;hesaid. dations.suchch as arriving at least Strlkfrenywt>ero style witlwith knives.” matches n O verall, includingig ““stroik* Regardless of their•ir varied minutess Ibefore departure. ■ g,. Spirting ci>eps d 1 out of their carrying caslack- TtmcsWcuw urriter „ . McAte sa id . do not rcicivc your p.ipcr \ ibed as looking like steak c r by . - e ts[id . ta k e off o u ter coats o r ja< con be nxtdicd at 71 describe The dty police usually i ciitl ilic niimlicT for your•iirci.: ;ir< M ailinfonTum atio n ts. Ar 735-32^orva lo d v es. iH He also said it would b e a patrol dunng ni^ttim e Ilurlcy-Hiipcri- tms o-mail at rm ke for people to consider The Tlmes-Ncw»;ws (UP.S 6.ii.imoj .s pub- foumAny indppropriate itCijm y rmat/crfmasic m istake such places as p n a rest J'iiulOiiklcy ...... (.77.4042( |i,hed dailj SI I.'*: vallcyxom. !S as non-threatening Twin I-’iilN l.'JI Third Sl, W.. Twin •und, such as tiny S w is s A n k n iv e s and convenience stores, FalU. by I.ccPuhl'uhlicaliuns Ing,, a sub- 1— ms. and oilier iirctis ...... ' V weapons. said. ...733.OT31 odiMyofCeeHnlerrlerprises. r i ^ Periodicals paidlid Bl Twin Falls by The iB H M ii.n.iw m iari n Newfonn ofUflife Is sought I------.Subscription rates1 Times-News, Off..Ifficial clly and couniy WASHINGTON)N (A P ) - — f l m l lo Seciion 6C-IDK of 14 Twin Falls 200!D2 bank robberies I Ikiiio delivery: d.iily jiul SumSuiidj>.W..1.S new'paper puf'uini 3 Scientists intendid to announce JHT ucck; .SimiJ.iy unly. $2..'(I..•'II per week Thur»Ujy is hereby dcsijt- 14 71 23 2« 44 PBf; 3 today th a t they wi ■. a - Tm« robberies wnnln 15 minuus of. afulMBeee

' ' J ' *k a t ft ’■'i;uv. ■, 7- i . ■

jr ltea*r,itoiliwe1iir a .2 T O TUMI Hi m■.TWhFgfcliWw. A4 ^

N a t io nj : ...... — '“ FcoBiIRJIL II ' “ WB9EST Bushi urges aiUi^. at INATO Studd5^:Bigiisi(pending WetreibeLarce•rctstWaUrp • W«rCh«tawUiiwUbOTM-90 ^ LocatkmTkraatliaa^KwllbetJ.S. to sta]■ r i d firm^againstt Sadda)m ^ smostjuixdgerace . -jt ' " WASHINGlGTONXAP)-Tensof Carlton Cs Jr., presijlent of NOW Thrhrough PRAGUiiCajchR - . ' M j B j n im Ods of Idlaiii are being spent American Ax Bar Association. - President Stub,i«b, re c a llin g ' to elect stateIte court Judges, with McCain,1 R-Arir, prediaed .1st. Europe^ gdm U stqirn y c< l ‘^excusing , imtch of thee nmoney conung from nen ne fight over campaign tin aggression,'* chaUeiw skeptical groups and^^Individuals affected Jaws Ja> would be over state ft N NATO allies Weilne^i ^ d ^ to stand s Wtan* by those JudgeIges’ decisions. elections. ele McCain said the fitin against Saddainam Hussein as - e first • The situatiatlon threatens the step ste should b e for outside gngroups MENS13MWZ/!WZ/936DEN the algyioe y tptodsidsinsize.and r independencetee of th e courts. Sen.' to< ni^U tb'cotofitttetnvi to disdose their donors. Cowboy CutCut Jeans John McCain)in and other critics JamesJ Bopp Jr., gaieral ccoun- Rigid Blueje IOenIm 6bouId tbe Iraqim II d e r d e n r ^ s^W ednesdesday.- sel next month thatbeibe ^sfeflses sel for th e Ja m e s Madison Ce-en ter ’^nieBreortarmn Center for Jusdcc for for Free Speech, said he trutr sts wdipom pl mass desfa^structfon,^ ' atNewYdriclk U niversity School of jue his final '' ‘ judges not to bc swayed byV cam-< Xaw, vdilch wsupports overhauling p pai ai^ contribudons. m tp p ftlg n finnttuutce laws, released a ‘ "And d e ^ d o i i thithis time will “Frankly, I respect judgesi moren report thatt fo'und 1 0 interest than Ihe apparently they do,” saidi not be tolerated. Dek)elay and defi. groups ran issueiss ads mentioning Bo] ance vfill invite tfae 9BVI Bopp, ^ 0 has argued tiut curbsa sBverestofom- ' 11 candidateses for state supreme on on cam paign contributions vio seounces,'" he dedareared. • courts in 2 0020 2 - double th e num- free fre speech protections. “Jue ' -.Even os Bush spokeoke, Pre^dent ' berofgroupsds that ran ads in 200 0 . ' take tak their oaths seriouslyy a n d ' Jacques C3iirac of ^ a n n r e n e w ^ The study’ alsoal found that Judi- enc bis posidon that the>.United Ui States . endeavor to jiidge cases baset d a l candidatestes with llie most tele- the the law and the facts bcf cannot determine o its e f o r e vision adverthrtlsements. Including them." the whether to wage warr (Uagainst Inu] those fundedd 1by oul.side groups. In I: 2000, candidates for .si —..... — The UJ^. SecuritytyCouncU-is « -p.. won in 10 of 11 races. sup tbe only bo<^ establishlished to p ut in supreme courts raised $45.66 mil- “This spenc;nding brings q u c s - lion,lior up 61 percent from $28J nibtian action of a miljinilitaiy nature, French Prw>TMM«f)t^J«cques Chlrae speaks■ »tWtth PfMltfent Bush WednMdt 3 mil- I dey during tions of a cantindidate’s allegiance lion lior two years eariler, accordirding totake'die responsibilibility, to com- a (flnner to honor outfoinf Czech'Prasldeittlent Vtclav H m l s t Prague CastHtle. and, with reir e s p e c t tl> J u d g e s , to J nit dieiittematitnialll acommunity,” to Ju-stlce at Stake, a coaliriot w hether or notlot they can b e impar- groups gro irying to .change the \ ChiiKsaid. honest oneU]d speedy consideradon S4 seven fonner communistt rnations tial on th e bench,” bei said Alfred judidal jud campaigris are funded.id. 8h 9 B b | ^ ^ | Cxech P re sid e n t VaVaclav Havel to its engajgagement as an aDiance." into it the fold - Bulgaria. Estonia,E said iie would preferr tijatth Iraq dis- he sold. Latvia,L Lithuania, Rorom an ia, aim without force. “Ii“If, howeter, On thee eeve of a two^liiy NATO Slovakia S and Slovenia. A he Ann Landercars memorabilia goes the need to use fbrcc» ddoes arise, I summit dominateddoi by talk of war, renewed n his call for greater2r expan- on sale - ai } 9 5 bdiev e th at NATO shoisliould give on»or

Ccotimied from A l “A t tiiis po point, we’re still conduct- ddetector b attery h ad been i tr I OnicMI T ucker said w h en1 hiher son and ing an inveivestigation. We’re inves- nnected, C lark said. — n«(»i>w ol Daniels met four monlonths ago, it tigating theth e scene and looking for Clark recommends chc was love at first sight.ht. A nd w hen anything( suspidousst or out of the tl l ^ s R the t^ t buttons on smoke; Dahl reached herr bedsideb< at • ordinoiy." once a month and changirJing bat- K W 2003 / V r Friendly SSor ervice I Magic ValJey Regionajnal, Daniels’ Twin FallsFt Fire Chief Ron teries te at least once a year. ^ Great Selectlection vital signs inmediatelyeiy improved, Clark saidid thei point of origin had “A properly installed ant : A Everyday Lowow PrlcMP J she said. i dm ^ ifled, but not th e igni- ating ai smoke detector can “He’s h ef backbkbone, her Don source,•ce. ‘ ■ bl be the-most Inexpensiv ^ Al Pololine a n d Blue L akes in ' strength and her loveove,” T u ck er W ood toi told 77ic Timcs-Ncws on in insurance purchase you wt.ill ever Tho Shops at Magicgic Valloy' Mall i said. Tuesday■ tlthat he heard a crack- m m ake,” he said. And Daniels, Tuckerker said, was ling soundid like aluminum foil in Damage to the main floorfli 7 3 3 - 4 2 4 5 j th e wallsi beforeb« he realized a fire . the th hou.se was minimal, ai the I »aio3oo. “Slfe loved themn hboth very was underer way. He ruled out an Woods W might be able to> rei tu rn , much,” Tucker said. “S“She read to electrical.3l heater as a possible before b< the end of thu wee)ick. The \iS55Sv! ; them . Isiah w as v ery'inquisiuve- ini cause, asIS ia gas furnace In the Sawtooth Sc B ranch of th e Am ‘ an intelligent youngQg ^ild. He basementnt heats the house. A Red R< Cross of Greater Idi ab-cadykiiw his AB&BCs. M ichael sm olderingtng cigarette is another providing pr them with food,d, cloth- . was a laughi^ pudgy^littleguy- 1 'unlikely/ cause,i Wood said, ing in and shelter. vest.com \ ; a happy omiper.” because cv

yV C H fis titi 5»*yOMI‘ W Kole t Family., w n as C\i|t fo» F acictory D iree c t ^ i m mmi f l i l lI I in o S l Feati4>*iKg... “T h e UIWIn Billiards" a ie I^ • aialion SlolcTop ; E m P Friday,,Nov. N 22nd, 10 ^ - y • RaplJ Hcsponscit R o ll S y ’-stcm Ultim ate in - 8 pm N1 • fland Ckflct} , Saturday,jy, Nov. 23rd, i f i i a m - 8 pm 1I • LIfcllmc Woi'arranly y Sunday, Nov.] 24tli, Noon - 5 pm J "iiljnToffesSoHReeei y SlATETABUw/A^All Accessories l m

fSlNSTAlUO , i; ; " Save on digiigital, acoustic, ^ ! »U0W.*169! •I I ' grands and1 iuprights, ■' ' -new and usesed at -i ■ .clearance-sa ' g r p pricing. Jusf CONNSLLBY CANMCH B ' A CUSTOM DININGOF J in tim e for t:H ™ ------Q------1 TOMAUiBLES ■ holidays. ANY OF OUR TABi S £ale Held At:^ Formmer "Golf USA' Across thetb ParkiBg L«t4 from : l l i ■ ' Winenco andl^smartrtP\ L i iT I ' r ^ r : Qmke3s ^ ivm •s Blvd., N ..* Twin FiFails On Blue Laktkes.Boulevard, T \ rwinFalls % K POCQL & SPA INC. 8/734-8103 I 9 6 0 Blue Lakes I ( ■ Pianos hb n §>, HOMBCOMFQ}JHT SPECIALISTS 00/688-7727 B . Bllliard_^bles^ ^ au n as Tcx>l 2 0 8 / ^ a h a , K M on.-F r i. * 1 0 - 5 Si«T.a -ssJs L »; Kawai, Ya?i OR 801 MaKm a y •rpoolandspa.coirm , ,------"v: Haldw^.Bploston, V ^ HOURS: 9-6 M V f T e c h a i c s ^ KM o r e l U f r • n a k a r l v a r m f r c s i a c a i *Ws Mak „ T & ^ k e J t . j Oh'Site financing,ig, major c ^ it cards,deliIclivc^ available^:' EXfi ks I t : •'V ^ 4 iM T1wuNMw.Twhl 7tan«iy,NowiMrMr 2X. 2003 ______• ' " ■ .1 -_'y^'•'-■'.•I V - " ' . -______TlMtid»r.l< w i|tir 21. 20(« W o r l d) aasssaBaBaasnBaHBBa • N a t i o n ':

Oilsppill pronniptscall Us for irf ; : p3%;er- < iStudyftAsteroid impact less likely Oiijspills and Wilrildllfe 'S S S o S ritl TTwe/wivawtmothaoaomlmProstigiH/gaautik. carrying 77.000 tonswoffueloa. > . flRoCkKtM v^o rg rifflter.. ______over Rusi., causmg an explosion ptit»mo9i«cohgtoatykr^>ortfo r^a to n g the Spanlah coastf t ■ ■ m ^ f n ui S ^ S r ^ l i ' ' OF;'ll < .u « that flattened hundreds of square crack(downo) n a ^ g ^ m f i p K & n o V .m o w . f ■[■ **>e ,765 Medlum-aiie asteroids that miles of forest in Siberia. The [freightcers 3 . I'.IU a’C lH Q C IlC y • SfasOar.drtigiiLave proved dl> • ^ i? couJd flotten a city the size of . blast was estimated to be thc O tf ci ttl l M k ' yvilnei^ ^ .• appollltiiVrP^Pt^iwdra- becrae Infected wiih HPy-16, New York strike Earth less frc- equivalent of about 10 mewtori BRUSSELS, BelBelgium (AB) - |'|r B Subset9ea*motintaln* ■ W 8tersabo\ibovobank . ‘ , '. I They’re derided as '"environmen- • V partloulaHyfWdohinrutn^.. JWapcIm =3* ' DETfctih’fApV-A brbun wly ■ ! -, «vd«>ed pre-- : quently than previoiisly believed, of TNT-or 10 million tons. ■ HorrMt ?S^5?5’ ' T rellS S flea^i'cM eS th o ‘ests. 5dentiat« #ay the latest - In a stu^ publlA^ todav In. can»w^afattanna^ possibly only about once a miUen- In the new study, published ) t j ] tim e b o m b s’'’ aia n d “ flo atin g appnsifcTUknaMyBenih ■AraausMtaidMV Rarbage dumps.” V ndahdejnk, j nn a ■ fesultl, pTCMnted WgdnoKfay«t a the England Journal of Total effectivoiess in early««- nium, according to a study aided today in thc journal Nature, satel- ’ Y et m ore lhan sp ed ea,ia, 11 ehark '' ^NNv^ itw^ ■ • .t half the world's 10,0 ^n^Mseta ■ Medidn?, Jansen and hereof Ute dita taken over the past eight 0.000 oil tankers e p ed eea - ' aru thc old-style, singiiiglc-huIJed vari- I ..-X : tort^dudng vehides that are »vive flagging eathuslasm fdr the togue^ four ^yrttles rew vae^aeatorswereauprised. ^tero ld s are rocky space years suggest that an intermedi- cty despite oincriesis ^a te r every dis- >0 m f.37Wllilii*'^ ^ S S ) |B " kfndtttoSd? creation, and we ' ^vM i^e not o^y prevented “I always expected it would debris created by collisions inihe ate-size asteroid like the one Uiat astrous spill, fromI theth 1989 Exxon win towe** faithful to buvdiem. . Four of human papilloma HPV-16 from c a t» ^ irecancer- work, but I have to be honest." asteroid belt between Mars and struck Siberia occur an average Valdez in pristinec fiAlaska to this t viTOarefiellavrf^catttBvlmial- : ous cervical c d ld i^ ^ it com- Jansen.sald. "We were taking beCs Jupfter or chunks that break of only oncc every 1,000 y e a r s - week’s sinking of thithc Prestige off rxCTrwl3 5 3 «fiteflaTaHetv'of Ple^prevei^ the virus from - on how wellit would work, and away from cotnets. not every couplc of ccnturies as the verdant coast of□f.Spain. S ^ewisbi'and ChdstlaiLCafiahUa- , i°ent«l'inoculation works against > entering and Infecting any cells. we all lost our bets. None of us ' !n 1908, a meteor estimated to previously believed, said Peter A U.N. tre a ty banning bai single- itkn«fflrtw iihe*ecu5w ^liro' only one.tyne -H PV type'16, • ^ vaaine ■: three diets over gliessed It would be 100 perccnt be.up to 50 yards wide nearly liii Brown, a University of Western hulled tanket^ enterItered inco force jj^fficini ar Ford Motor Co., linked.^half of cenrkalcancers- ' sl* months--was .given to 768 rfectlve." „ the ground before it burned up Ontario astrophysicist. . this year - but the^ plphase-in period stretches to 2015. Undl then, Europci>pcim Union offi- cials say their effor to impose strirter inspe^ons a:are being sub- verted by shipowne ^ Pre-Holiday' d e a r of EU harborsrs oro avuid drop- ping anchor w hen1 tlthey refuel or _ _ _ _ pick up .applies. Yetk'ei oil they spill look, generated ^y tne depart-r. t—a H can wasli ashore anyiny\vay - as the A vrttrbiailtn f< This week's special _ £ | f ^ 1 m W ^ m . cleanup crews seoo:oopiiig sludge bird bl Pontavtd ■ ^ I m p t^ o^ oil and oil products will from Spanisli beadic;:lies Wednesday !. ^ Spibi, W ednttd ifl tim e fo r th c can attest. tOlOOpBlTB "These vesselsIs now avoid rt t m plucked 0 j H P Thankseivine Table November 16 - November 27 European ports becausebe they oil lilcfc from Un laoie $150.00 Anage Jackets-20% ofn know it's risky foror them,'': said P m tlfe oil Unh Giles Gantelet, spoke;)kesnian fnr EU ^ ^ ■ { 9 Uft,ttwUnker ; i'i!* LARMStlKIWNOF ' Gifts and Jewelry - 20% offi Transport Commissi'issioner Loyola broken In two b« de Palado. rnational Maritime "shi‘ships avoiding particular ponjns,” But he said inq>eb tlnUnfirttothe. Authorities in Rot thc , a U X agency >riiose saidaid spokesman Lee AdanuonUI in ried out i i n ^ the qu f ta bik io th ^ f -Nedjerlands, whichI hasha the world's 0c4mXnJio9e flag tl Imsiest port, say thtthey have the Europeorjon countries,” hc said, no informadon about haj?]lajTpening," he added. ing An estimated 1.6 million ^ L A C E . ^ C . % •' Tribal- 1 0 % o f f ! s;mie impression. “‘It’s It’: quiie obvi- "R egulatilations are tougher here of i fuel and oil have been ous that older v«»sselssels, those \Wth than somene other parts of the worH into i the Atlantic Ocean, th U t W n C very bad maintenai ■ H Now Reduced A 1 I New Holiday Ouffits-up .O 40% Otn nance, do not (so) if youDU have a vessel whi^ is ing i rich fishing grounds. ifted ' ae P M |i|B ' ^a^e'cherish Go^Tcreffii. LyOWKeQUCeaj^ ^ C! A T I?t enter the port ofjf :Rotterdam not up toto the standards, then it’s According to the Ami^ AwricA0 i because the risks arejire too big for better to3 guntrics in eastern Europe, done c in May in Dubai, I , a dialogue with the Interfaith • ^ / / i%,5r , ^ ^ Blouses • Suits • Lingerie * Blazers ; be fined or even “chaij hained up for a Asia or on thc Arabian peninsula, Arabi Emirates. Its last nkir.dc gS£wwi !elM |a|.V ,i .'ilCUm^V ai^ Energy Campaign’s tantttStlC PnCCS tO / fJ MorC! . w n w !t)ng lime,” he Siiid. hesaid. Linspecdon - done In drytr d lite e n The num ber of docilockings - and The I're*rcstigc was loaded in St. China ,C - was in May 200] repair work - done by Duidi ship- ^ PetersburgjTg, Russia, and Latvia and Stewart £ Wade, vice presid The Interni ^ .. .. ■■ ■ mk M ^mBlack Rnck builders lias dedined^d overo the past was en rou•oute to Singapore vrfien it the t Houston-ba^ agency.m Atlantic Organization, a few years, said Ruudjd Schouien! of rupturedd iin storhiy weather last “At the time of this indder- mono is "safer .''i.' moting hybrid and fuel-cell vehi- Monday thru Siiturday: lOain to Gpm the Netherlands ShipbuildingSh week. It s t split in two and sank Prestige I was fully in compm g^Io™ iij/! cJes, as well as other fuel-saving \1111 i 'to!9R|H 918 Main Street. BUHL Industry Awodadon. 1. Tuesday,y, i aboul 150 m iles from with v all of our requiremeni spilled “It's the same in oi th e r w est Spain. f e ' . H B W il ’‘DcslgnnrorthcDlscrtmlnatlnKalArrordahlcPncvs’' S:said. threaten- ||||||H I|||m 733-eiB' r i i m erican lich vaU- ness, the ction was . H b A l l E m curgencies r i f P u t t i n g f a r e h o u s e dock in d o CALL■911 . ^ R ^e * m n a n t S aadent of - o r F Fire Oepartment ...... M3-5664 J dent,thc ••••■: on purchase of>f $?0 ormslr^ s Police...... , 0«xxl only on rcHuUrliUrlyprl ■ ...... 543-4200 « r 100 carpet remnpliance i •••'•'' ■ ...... 543-5650 . / yj ^ in sstock h to choose froi ...... 5434^22 ' a c k R o c k Is - Berbers - Ptushes - Set s iiiers : 543.2500 taythra Saturday; lOam lo 6pm M agi c '' isncciH 018 Main SirM. BUHL KXAMKIS rSB 7' Balhroom ...... itartlngol BuhLCalvarary. Chapcl i n ti i e 206 Broadw;dway. B uhl 12' Bedroom...... Swingd fc' A re you prepari r e d 5 4 3 - 55 { 8 8 9 t ^ 12’ X: 1818' living Room.....si«tinBd^l f o rr a long» heird w lntct e r ? J Black RockJc Clothier n I e ! / ^ \ v Cct ready for th cJ seseason by winterizing y our j y i 8 .ff]jC I I Gall Us For All Your Electrical Needs 9 1 8 M ainlin. , B uhl ______MI l Slow Only *>0 Dep Swiw to Cell n n a n ts F I E L D S 66 < SEBVICE IS^ 5 1 ' 5 4 3 - 22 5 5 0 0 I H W " ^ ® BuhreOnlyFuFull Scrvice Station W ta - V - r I t I C A L L 9 1 1 ; E L E C T R I C oml ! B le Comt 5ec Um forddFoMhlontdStnle*/ Ol. H Q Fields 6 6S iServicc-----C B fe MM?, j —^y'226'BrtaSway Avenue’SiFSoiith » Buh». ldeho « 543-C V a l l e y . 326 BroadwaIway Avc. S ;cuipiur« 5 4 3 - 44 3 3 9 6 r — * "Vieija-Xaoert " " " " " " ...... _ J j _ i J ------^ ------• • • ■ ■■■■■• • • ■ - S S M 'J J 1 E L E C T R I C EXPRESS $ 8 RH express WENDELL • (20S) S36-6411 P ioneer* IFloors To r e s e r v e a ptlace la on this page 9 1 7 Mlain ain St. f o r y o ut r r b\ u s in e s s 5 4 3 - 88 8 8 4 8 C a ll B illie H e nislee si at 735-3208 H fbr rates & deadlines Sav-M or►r D ru g * ___ 1 6 8 ^ urday • Novcmtier 233 • 10:00aro-7:00pm - 1 1 0 9 Mla ai. in S t. Uvondcr »UHnrfinr cnokln■ • l.avender letnonado 5 4 3 - 43 3 t 3 4 7 K c i H DruwinR for lavelavondor dried noml curanRsmcn ^ T h e Hnimes-Nev JL _i t^vontter linencn WBlcrt up lo 32 o t (n.Y.ai».) Valley ViewV le ^ 'View^Jlatiunender 'Warn, 4297 C aner Rack RoadI • CBuhl • 543-4203 Lavendertr Farm __ ml«r^arni.r«rn 4297 CarterT EP ack R d. pRiviNO irm m c n o m i nounaul«30wmiulli>lil. '* _ _ _ ■ I - V a^ui^^wanUaeau^Coon^^ l I «ml looli for purpk mall b«L ' 5 4 3 - 4i 2 2 8 3 C a l v a r y C t ■ M iii '7 v Pastor: Broi3renl Hueihor ^ "'W here the sheheep like to eat” Sur Sunday Worship: 1 0 a.m. ■ SundaySi Night Sorvico: 7 p ______lV///i 2 /-/iitm .\yn'/rr. irr rtrr-riltt’fiys m 'uiliihlf! ------Women's Fellowship:i: HomeH of Julle McCray. ^^crjscncie$ ^4 Call 643-9059) fo r in fo rm atio n , Wednesday: Worship ancand Biblo Study. 7:00 p.m. S a t u r , rat - Diw - AcroMM* Iftom Smun-t la, Cnvn Storm O ur H eate^’R I B i e c ^ c E x p r e s s Eany up Oinnep OrdBPs Tbroogb Oar Ea>y Orlve-TtiPDl G ir t: ■ . H7ta Game Ifl CertlClM tM f l , Ffrtvate i Restaurant Menu With New llcms ^ S S S^mtayChamfi^ ' .' 540-6411 I - 11^, , E 2 M o u r S € m te 've got your niAss »ooir'’i GIFTIDEA^ • Cow Porode Cow» - . I F a r m l l b i u e R e s ' t a u h i n t I ______& Country store • Fenlen Glajsware |||||||^ | .i^^|||||||^^P|g||||||||||||||||^|||||J|P|||g I 195^^^^ I ------^ ^ ^ ^ ______• Droomsiclo* ' P-- .‘:r7A ir67 ' Assorled Quarry Critters Bit tif It ' Soji City Candles 5 5 im m Counter • Groceries ’ Camille Beckman ■ J M S i i . . C t u• ' Pop • Beer • Ice ^ . Gift Ite i^ • ScSouvenirs • Movie Rentals ' Radio Shock Electronics Toy Sporting Co for Boys and Girls loods • Sonie H ar^aie eJOinner^pi j “ ' "*------~— Lots oF Stuffed Animols: Horses, Been, and Morel THE COlRNER iilE 0O»i fc MailM fc SAV-MOI>R DRUG S 1 ^ 1 Ful S«rvk« P harm acy A ^ K s Solvrdoy 6:30an>-6:00piK>pm • OoM d Sundoy 1109 M ain (n Bullk»hl • 943-4^7 ______^

with groot ctotall at a n . affordable price. ' 1 dozen pock ■ ■ •. ./J' , .< ■ ■ ■ ":V

' .,L'.■ ■: \ .

H i O pm uON S a g e A - 6 Thurscsday, November 21,1 , 2 0 0 2 ,

f c p iT O RUAL I B lix igj n o r e ^a s i n o ik i n g g i p a ir b()ooth talkks should ans Blix, th e 74-y<-ycarcld ' ^ Swedish diploma:jo tw h o ' • J f i l heads th e U nited N ations’ |aim fo])r win-wiiin results ■ team of weaponsctors, inspect is h e TWinin FallsI County concern the central act Inec-ringdr- a th ree ;rns are alsp ^alid. The cusH that will d e d d o w heticther f ■ . « Fair Boan:>ard’s e fforts to s c o u ts 1 s need assurance that tliere will b e ano th er woim rin lra q " H rcnegotiaitiate a conces- they’ll c 1 continue to bc allowed ' soon. But it’s beginmitg{to ti look H sion cont[>ntract with a to workrk outside evenis, rather' like BUx beUeves th o t hi:lis mission local scoLcout troop has ‘ than turuming the booth over to i.s not to discover Saddan • turned into ii frencench-fried fra- other conces-sionairescoi w ho w ant Hu.s.sein’s hidden arsenallal b u t to c a s . B u t b e f o r es tlthi.s burger tooperatrate it on their own. produce a d iplom atit figigleaf ■ bn)uhal)u fiets anyny hotter,I cach The sen th e IxKith • F itts anid d the board to revisit A BUx report that says IiIraq has The phrase‘’“accepting “i uncon. frocedures,” m eaning th e I99J>98 on 700 sites througughouclraq. j for a special event.It. When^ that contracts!tsfrom time to time. rno w eapons of m ass destrurucuon didonally” camame orally from 2icconls^ signed by UJ<. These are sites that-hat were inspect-' hapijcns, the fair boardboi cannot And at would m ake it diplom aticacally dif- Iraq ’s envoy to thi e U nited lecretary-General Kofi Aruianin c d betweiim 1992!ond oni 1998. Could at the same time, the '• rtth Iraqi Deputy Prime provide a concessionilonaire at the fair and I fafairground events are a ficuli ^ for the Americans to take Nations, MohanlammedDouri, he not im agine tiuhatthelraqis t 1 iinister Tarik Am. m ight have devclopc Ijooth, because thee scouts•; own cherished2d tradition of our com- J:miUtary action against Sadiddam. whose weightt wwithin die Iraqi ^ loped other i The accords created what anare sites? W ouldn’t it be • the equipm ent. SoSc the fair munity. F»i On the other hand, no amolount of • system is no momore than th a t of a ' tbetporepm- ; Fair goers expect com- ^ nown in dlploomtic drdes asIS -^ c n t to assum e thhat at thei whole of loses a rev en u e oppportunity. o r m unity grcgroups to provide mudi French and Russian chicananery messenger boy. Jush had dismissed . black tie" or “white gloves"' Iraq could bc a weapreapons site? Now the fair boarcard wants to of the eniiniertainment and fo(xl. could\ save Saddam if BUxX report-r President Bus ; of the Iraqi parUar[lament's rejection ispecUons. T he reference toI V ^ a t h e h as notot ciconsidered is , diange that, with a ppn>posal to Communit ed that Iruii. had w eapons 0 nity involvement keeps Jj ! hiding p t IM l as imimiimportant, saying established procedures” wealiak- . th e w ay S addam wodcsj’Saddam’woi buy the equipmentt fromh TVoop civic p rid e mas.s destruction and was h ide in the fair alive and jjthem. h e would w aitt forf( S addam to n9*1441, w hichivps presentedid as will give him onesflatttivatd Ha 67. Troop 67 would1 kikeep a one- well. docimicht superseding a li.^>r©-, . tim e; enough to keejceephim bu^^ Tliere already are indlcaia tio n s 1‘J‘eaposilloi..in. Y et Saddam has year contract, allo'Mowing the We urge•ge the fair board and . ious resolutions andmemoranon- changing tires buti t m ^ t ^ o u ^ tci that we may w itness th e sh;-hinino not tak?n a posiosition; his propa- wou scouts to work th e bam. Blix already h u said he e(juipment. th e bo o thth, , while meeting the p Df even g re;a a tet r concem are i - BUx to prove Umwn provides for “ tough and ag{issrcs- som e of BlU’s m ill not interview Iraqi-weepcmins..-..'., .. — ...... ' ' ■ I ''..I. Such a proposalI stseems rea- fair boardsxi^s service and revenue sive” si w eapons inspections i 5 m ore recen t pro- ' nouncem ents. Ir ientists abroad. • Amir Tahai is thee■Jieauthorof .. sonable. It’s only fairfair that the needs, IraqIr - without doser scruiir . In a n avalanche ‘•r'y- of interview s an “I think it is wiser," he said,', ■77jeCouWron;7^eWteMiddleEast ! board be able to earram revenue Solvinglg th is s p a t s h o u ld n ’t Iraq’s response does not c and confidences, « .' t con- gjjjj h as said ththree r things th at o “interview the Iraqfs Insidei Behind the Hcadlina.hes."- • from the booth durinring off-sea- take too0 imany cooks, if all sotiiairgrounds eventsnts. involved1 willw just turn down At the same time,;, Tnmp1 67’s the heat. — L e t t eIRS f ------i H Healthy remedies deserSrve do wonders becaicause they cannot stateu e of the (ranching) industryfis i: vationist with 30 yearrears of agency I approval by ttie FDA b e patented a nid d would ' pose a prett:etty much a disaster." service says, “Th e levelMlew tan- j m ajor threat to3 thetl drug compa- Sustainable Sus industry? Federalal agement requireditoz«ltcMandi to i r r ii? ] I have iK-en a Ufdong sufftfferer nies. Doctors usuiisuallydon’tpre- rangengdands produce less than 3 Times->Nevvs I malntdnh^tlgtecoaecoqr#t^in j Stephtephen Hartgen ...... PublliN of chronic heartburn and indidiges- . scribe what naturture has given us percercent of America’s beef, - ?lion, and althougli a n ta d d s h (arid western) envirot'iroomentsis Clark Walworth...... ManManaslnCMlltof Mike Smit ...... /Wvflftlslng dlreetof pJ: 5 have because they ireare not taught to do R ondinching contributes tb less thaiian n o t edindodcaQjr feasireasible.- ' I provided some relief, I knew:w that so in medical sch< chool. The major ll pen)ercent of the Jobs and incomele TheTbnaftewsnotinotes die btiyr > Themembenoflheedi they can actually h am per digliges- medical schools a ! editorial board and writers ofI editorialsed are Stephen Is and related cur- ^ in westernwe; states. The federal out program woulddcok'tazpayers co uon. I wanted somethiiig to>aid a riculum arefund< Hartgen, Clark Walworthorth, Steve Crump, David Coopeniar and Shelley Ridenour. I tided by R nandal graziriring program costs taxpayersrs $33i;^dnItiailstoiitoiziatiQn.t^ the digestion p rw ess, not we;ifcaken interests siurountunding die drug • upwai — I it. ward of $500 million every program would stivevetaxpwers t: . it. 1 then c;ime across some infor-ir companies. Sinccice some of the year,ar. m; between 5S.7 biDionm aancl $9.9 bil- m ation about enzymes and h(how board m em berss of o the FDA m ay H^ ie National Public L a ^ ■ th( lion. they can help digestion. I stai;arted also bc represenaintatives of some ':.C'razhazing Campaign, w h o » Aeier* ------tal 'TTicTTmcp^ewssayssays restoring' . e t t e r taking an all natural supplem:ment major dnijs comp:apanies, the FDA -''iogco5 comminee ihdudes Western L - thi n - public lands tQ th eir ir naturaln statP - that contains the enzymes pnjro- ismoreconcetnecaed about th e W ateiitersheds Project, wants to «tO] tease,te: amylase, ceUulose and top will make range fimnHdtanmoa*'^ e id fm anceaofthieseise drug companies thebli5 bleeding and heal the envi- place. Sdentific irtui^( i ^ ^ A o w U ^ blaiTIG businesses< havehi tim e off the I'PUpase. These enzymes help bi Manager is not to bl; break than with our owniwn health. roomcunent. The campaign proposescs stock grazing eliminatiinates tfae cool; sa m e a s o thh e er employees. do'down protein, carbohydrates,is. The drug compt for Corey Hood's actiictions Thi.so,r,vi Qpanies’influence diatCIt Congress adopt a voluhtaiy;y forest underetoiy thathat prevents wash m aniijjer has fiber and fats respectively. I isfd tev eiy w h et«ere. Every time buyou(vut program to compensate W'c.-iiliigrcc-thill theielt)ssofii It beeninihep haven't exiierienced any hear dense thickets viWchch fuelled-;.:f e paper for working in lan- you watdi the natlational news, you publicblic lands ranchers who relin-I- fires. lined line is one of iJa*.•worst w e.xtrtmecold bu m wliat-SDcvcr since dien, i jld when she would not t, and arc hit bv adve^nisements for quishish th eir grazing leasias. • “A n aw ful lo t of dci lhiii(;s iliiii wc cmild :o tlthroug}]. a s k h e r e in p li my digestion has been greatlj ■ dem ands •*; iployeestodoso. hiis f"y tiy drugs, dnigs andd more G drugs. Tien c 7Ymej-yVcu« th e idea have been put on curl II is iilso iitukTstiHJcl liiiiitiiit it is b e e n c onim ei improved. I wiis astonished! ourlpubUc ■■• nended for her honesty JJ^I ' Wherever drugss are a involved, be “harelu^brained." Cal Worthington,n , lands; grazm g m ighth t bb e t h e xvoiM.- when ii i.s tragic, Ix-th us pul itl retiiniinH r Cooking destroys enzymes thihat itonthestreetqrl iH m oney to people or in the doctor's a publublic lands rancher who builtt biggest,” saysQ fonniennietipubUc sdiiiL' l';icis inti) play here.ere. who hiive ove)verpiiid.and has naturally w cu r in fruits andIveg- v office,monoyi3I beingb< made at an automobileaut business in ciable.s, so it niitkes sense to ti lands rancher in Idabito m w ho When Corey Hood wasv as co n v ict- d o n a te d h e;r r timt e iind money lo >take the expense of otheroth people. CallfbiIfbmia with more than horse eti of rape, it was stacutor iin enzyme supplem ent after 5 wants to remain anbrt Itory rape. school fund-nJra ise rs w henever r Thereisnodiffereerence. If the sense,se, calls it “a good way and aI “I t’s tim e w a gave the:tnBselands'ii Ik- was Iwo years olderTilumthe tl asked. Check:ck wilh the Soulh meals. Why can’t doctors pre­e- members of theI medicalm commu- fairwt way" to compensate gratingi some consid^tloh.’*n ." • 'M victim, Wlien a personI apapplies for Idaho Presss oo n llia l. scribe enzymes for heartbumTl? i nity cannot presonscribfe recom- permitm ittees. il jul). ihilt persop does no M aybe it’s Iwcause enzymes d Cash-stiBppU ranchinchcrs should:' •; not have It isdiffieuicult. to say the least, ; don’t mend or even recoecogi^ a healthy The'he Thncs-Ncws believes Uve> , get some coitsideiation III siiy why h e is ii felon, u come from a dnig m anufactur d c n .w . n.onlyihiii when dealinging with teen-iigers, ‘ " urer aU-natural way toto remedyi a prob- stock*dc grazing “has left public The federal buyout j • iu- is. The se.'< of ii person and cost 70 bucks a bottle. O)nly n lem as simple ashl lut program is? ion does bm maybeI a a little patience and ‘ sheanbum,what lands!ds m better sh a ^ than they'. a voluntary safety nelTleli It would *1 ncit have lo be on th e app nature can crciiie enzymes. ipplication. keeping thele linesi of communi- hope is t h m for.rus? u • wouldlid have been oiherwisa’’'Iljele help ranchers r^pitjflp i ^ i n v e ^ ^ Sl-.x offeiulers are registei N ature can prevent and eveven DAVmCUNEIE stered wiiJi cation openn willv help to.keep uual cn Environmental ' ipents otherwise strancr a n W i n ^ , the local police departmmem. e this kind off thingtl from happen- cure ‘ many diseu.ses' Imown to0 Bliss Qualit:lUty reports “Improvident m;in,' and even though some ol ingpermits. . I Anyone ciin request thislis iinfornia- ins to others,rs. Just food for of ^ grazinftin g h as bedi the mo«t these cures have i>een fbund, 1 R anchers win. Consti lion at any time. It onlyy lata k e s a ih o u g lu . ijih c y Grazing Industrjitry has po tenent t desertification fo rc e in ‘ win. Taxpayers win. ( phone ciill. A business isIS rnot Our laws ah iire not .sliared with the pubUc United'States.” Eighty per- - ! ' ' always need review. 'I'jJj,I'he Food and Drug punlslied public AU of us should be«sj>har» si) . ' iillowed lo give otil any/ ininfornui- but to drag ,soi lie lands 2^,'^t of aH streams ancTriparian .someone through the Administration does not apprc brained . -7 lion on its employee.s becj>ecause it mud to m a ketter is ^ >rove ' Consider th e Dpmionopi of The eoosystsystems in the W ^ are serl‘ KErraRAEIHER sfall na tural treatments for dis-dl ITmetA'«xw"Thef is against the constitutionional not the way' to d ian g e luw.s. W e gaja le fact is that pub- oiislydly degraded by livestock graz-.C-.JM atsoula,M ont 1 riKhts. While ii person LsLsnot n are all sorry fc lase. Only patentable Q n th edStic lic'lands grazing...:... is an im portant ing. i for your loss, but let chei:hemicals that have b e « tesu (Editor’s note: KeithihHaethcris^ R • working or off hours, it isiis not the her rest in pea n e d and sustainableindustry inc {Oct.’ , TTie’le HmefAintis] believes th^ . s thedireaorofpublieinfi Tcace. exd:;xdusively on lab nnimnU conin be 4) . ' ' tnfiyrntation responsibilily of ilie manaiinager to BARBARAlA COTTOM ap p Bureaueau of Lw d Management fi3T the Western WatershersfudsPrt^ect - biiby-sji siiid person. Man; ipproved. Natural products ararew i n s i d e r the opiiipinlcm of lo n ^ “d oes ess a good job** mflnaglng gniz- Jinagersof Rupert reje•ejected for approi^ even if tl z- and the National Public.Wie Lands : they time rancher Randindy Kieser "The ing.AIA former BLM range c o n ^^ Grazing Campaign.) .

- J-,. \ ^oonesbury By GarryTrudeauIU. Mallard Fllli . - 'if'-' ' lllmore t f . ' J f n s i M ..

W.iWff. ywKfXM/HOM 1 HVAS6ONi9T0>>U7SPeM0 Z iH£OiU£f!is0e/rr ■ CF>WC.BUr7»SNBU5HfUUux*/ MJUSreie- Mmyrr I T»eySMy7HAT push ,, I■ NON^fVRceoNe.'OMX > 0 | e n H l . y £ ■ Z Aen/THATfVPPyVtXI UP. , , \ 7mcvrsKeNxrTHArs\ ITM«SACL0VEf^,rU.7SU, I -■ ■ yCUTHOT' 1 r i ' - ' ' J ' 1 $ 1 ^ 1 " ? * m . . . I • T 3 _ ■ '

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& } r ^ fap^bi^ndMiiai for Fayed plctumrw - i ^ M j

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S HH V 0 « ■' '>w 3ffiN^5ri£n n . , jKirypar dCDtfitarX r K ..mbreM fM rft^ dutbe;wrniiiiu than from ih ^b abibleiSt', j ^Bxuiu lOMiiI vifl d p w d i "‘Jf V W oppo . “the prerentioaoaoiZimlito/.-.i.W I . tnhu ^ C b il iv il c«use by ths

\[bION CUS ;tonrl e r a i p p > r e d i a t i oD n Ho\»w in pn'dgi’ess lO N c aind p e rr k : 0 . . . ■ : # x trr a ■ % o ^•ff I V , i;- 1 5 ‘ e^ ' v e n ne g u lai I r p r i c:e

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, y ' ■ ’■■ ; ; . ; />v ^ Tfcwllm.Twta i^ai.30QI . i ^ B i : ------P o»lice: ll H unter kill N a t i o n illi! horse \yith >««■I K ! MINIINNEAP0U8 (AP) - An 89-^-.'UniiseyDalfleldim isridiogber . f ' UTMOSl . yearolcold deer hunter was charged>d borse, Princess. - . Aoocibg a vAite bene le: .Theslughaifpidy.ii fle a d 'O na c r a s h ' a bdn g ridden by a 12year> • ^ oldjrirL jblaim ssis ^tanHwlbmtoldButhatltiests . TraveiM Cbun^ 81iBh*riffpdn * s te r s lo u ^ fa d iu d aeeica deer, Montonye — Hunbui itfaoritieff said he fired thele rible about die Nov. 9 io n w a y tto c visit 'itSSigun slug from Us,property,t, .'‘Hfr's takiog i t rtaeal bi^r* \ ' U KG : p p a apoutJt 200 yards from where rj S K MILE, Ala.».(AP)-Twosi9- U w ere killed wbenwii th d r veW- ^ e s collided headnad-on on a rural . ^ £ ig h w t» as they trotraveled to visit —M ;each other, authorit3ridessaid. . 7 ^ 1 Authorities saidaid the women • __'1h V b H m H ^ u were driving Jeepi:eps in opposite ...IWin :directions Sundayay when one of W M 1 ■ ■ :the vehicles crossessed the center F rid ay ,»N ov. 2 2 • 7 :0 0 p.mf f i l ; j. . ;line, colliding withth tthe other. O p i M Saturdajr, • Trooper Cpl. Star>tan Lemon said JfHlijUl 81 y,N «>V .23*7:00p.i)w m * • investigators wei vere trying to • H D ^ H ' I Sunday, N ov. 2414 * 9 :0 0 a .m . & 10:''p U S ^ n i . determ ine whichI car ca was on the ' i l wrong side of the: ro;road and why. F irst Chunu^pf'A e Kusarm i Sheila Wentworth)rth, 45, and her otv-.'4-. ■ ■■ : sister, Doris Jeann Hall,H 51, were ■ B m ; 001135119 l23IW uhlQgt[ton'S t N ( K f o n fni* ' killed, along withith H a ll’s hus- W S a band, Billy Joe Hal]iall Jr..-45. Two 7,641 I W Ilnl%n^lD:8330l n children - one ridriding in cach ■ ■' 208-73l3-«6lp 2 V vehicle - were injunjured: the Halls’ • 8 -year-old grandda ^daughter, and C h ttd c a n p mtyM9^_through ri Klni^rga W e n tw o rth ’s 1 2 -y ear-o ld __ ■■■“ ,98a H 'iS o r ttn _ , ■ ■ ■ nephew. H H H V H H _ ' ■ ; •■■': . 'f t \ !. ' ;

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m MakesiMtlMdaelSi t pM K Sl : iMcatlan. 4 l i i p K M il I m i ' l Trua S^ni^E m * — Jlf^ve Got--'t ’EmJ.-. * i r o9RDIS50CI i CRilCAB4lI X f S : ^ S 3 • A uutottiailclrranimisflon t o • lioWer .J L o c kks s • rbw «r Scats • Cruis ■ -fSBJ i u i ^ C R i W ^ 14 *a lit^ 4 9 9ili": ia l »aP0RonMui ^.'ICBaW CHB"4Xsf’^ r w

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1 0 ; r «! RLS Inc.. A Hartx CorpoMKMdon UOWWM. eaooo HMtt Corpe■rporaoon. w w w .h ertzo fn 636 P bibleliri^l^oad,d, TWIh trailsi i » 7 3 3 - ^ 6 iii - ;f e

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l i n g F i l d a y iNISIDE S l NBA, NHL ...... B2 .''': •■'"ijf- w A liifcatthitt»hlgh tchaatM ate Soxesendstid s ts ts ; . . . .83 ■ ‘ ■.:. foottwll.chama m p lg n s h lp s . V/ ; YourSportss ...... B4 s f t■OKw Sports Eiiitor>/: Kam HaU, 73S3239 (Himom:2.Ilpjk)

iT he Tinics-P^iI'fe.ws '.' . T h u rjday, ^ N ovem ber 21,1, 2 0 0 2 Scction B ' I " '. : . l y . i I.i.,i

jpoKisQuanEIE ..' ' p s ses 2 0 0) 2 h o n il e seas($ o n t h i $s w e e k( i e n d execute offen^vely:y anda they try to play us Golciden Eagles hos)st Arctic Circl:le Invitational man-to-man, we’U1 trtry to pound the boU. UtVLanmialAictlreUcCIrcir” There’# no secret theih ere." When youIgrowup; g B y lMt n a l l M ‘ a n d D ivision IIH Snead State Conuounit:lity Beach said theParsons Par like to push it in I n v t t a t k MM uial N aw iw ittf______. CoUege (S6). the open coun withhGoodloe. G j; inOhio,itisl’skindof CSI opens wiiwith the Snead State Parsonao n s “They like to ruin n tup and down the floor ...... HI 21 FALLS - Two of the teamIS s hihaven’t tonight. Two yeyears ago at the toumamentent, and they reaUy hitlit the1 offensive boords I inyourbl(W o o d . 1 a gam e. O ne team m alu^ itsts 9second the Eagles mtsanhandled the Alabamima hard,” he said. “Theyhey're going to b e o hard ; • Oreen Over CC vs. Westctiesi:hest9rCoaege, ranee ia three seasons. school, 1 0 9 « 6, .ffor Its 11th consecutive loss,>ss. matchup for us,, b but we’ll be a hard . 6 p m • ., • . 1 host No. 19 CoUege of Souilouthern This year’ss 1version isn’t as bad. Thirhe - matchup for them.” •CStva. Snead State CC. 8 p.m.p.i triien th e P arsons have wwon th re e gam es w ith Sfootoot- ■ E s p e c ia lly C SI’s I d a h owQl n a look to im prove to &0 vrtu I’s triple threat of 6-7 ■FMdiy'eaMM : • •; -foriHirfnerBudsye - l l t b anuuiual j Arctic Circle Twinin Falls 11 Chad Goodiidloe and 6-7 Tavanis Swaii-oin . Y akhouba D iaw ara0(21.4 (2 ppg, 8.0 rpg), 6-10 Itional .takes off today- thrthrough leading the wa>ay. Swain is the tallest memem- Sani Ibrahim (18.4 PPppg, 13,0 rpg. 27 blocks) • Snead State vs. Westctrestef,Stef. 6 pjn. ' SadaoterCMs • CS< vs. Green River. 8 p.m.Tl- lay a t th e CSI Gymnasium. , .ber o f th e team , som ething CSI h ead coaclach ond 6-5 D ante Sawy«wyer (15.6 ppg, 6.2 rpg, ■ 8 e l e * y e O « w onAeMidagm'rm-(MoSta:e T h e Golden G< Eagles (5-0) welcorcome in < Guy Beach woulKild lika to exploit. ' 5.2 apg). ; River Community Collegege ■-(O-O), “They’re veryly smnll." Beach said. “ Andid :I Diawara soid thehe team is ready to go • (JreenRhw vs. Snead State,ate, 6 pjn. ; • rivalrj,o\ • CSI vs. Westchester. 8 p.m,.m, la, N.Y.’s Westchester Collegeege ((M)) don’t think the>ey can guard us inside. If w

T t o ' I A laveiricksidoiiit witlth‘D suspeninsion iQuEsnoN: ; las a d ^ defense , - s g a ™ s , W IIH ^many s t a ^ have b ee ■ forstejeroids !fld at (he lak fouri?C?BArSc to alvIways-potent offe )Q rde basketball totournaments, By Tim Dahlberg ;not coundog Idaho? Aflsoclated P reia> writerwri ______m 11-1 -game win streaitak ; . ~xa\suxrbdow LAS V E G A>S S - Fernando ■ ' B yM nMiMcFartand Vargas went bcfon;fore Nevada lx)x- AmocMItedw Prw a wTltef______. ing authorities WcWednesday pro- jXODAY’S SCHHEDULE ------pared to take hisis punishmp ent for . .. DALLALAS - Scoring never has beenm tthe prob- using steroids.:. H e ju s t d id n ’t ;Men’s college basISSketbflll lem forr thetl DaUas Mavericks. They*iey*ve been expect so m uch ofofit. il , \ Arctic Circle Twin T Foils doing thaihat for the post few years withith M ichael Despite puttingng ihimself at the !lnritatioaal.atCSI[ . Finley, DirkDi Nowitzki and Steve Nosh.ish. mercy of the Nevi^evada Athletic . J. Green River vs..Westchester, W Jtwasp5 poor defense that kept the! MsMavs from Commission, ViirVargas was sus- < 16 p m g e ttin gg past I their rivals in thee V W e ste rn pended for ninene months and 1 ; CSI vs. SncAd State,Ite, 8 pjn. Coaferentence. fined 5100.000 foror t(testing positive ’ :Wofnen’s collegeB basketballt season is much differen T h e for steroids fol- ^ cks are .11-0, and defense is a rea- lowing his Sept. I « Lady Thunderbird i l r d ^ H u l 5, ^ Theyey held die Lakerkerstojust 14 knockout AJ !lznritatio»al. at C a ^ 31 percenient in Tuesday night's 98-72: vievictory. I0S.S to Oscar Dc H ; CSI vs, Sheridan, 4 1 re feeling p retty good about thith e defen- Lu Hoya. H > High school giris ba id-right now," coach Don Neli'lelson said Though the H . BDtfatTFCA,Spji sday. . ■ ■ suspension was H \ Murtaugh at No&or',h Gem. '" 'g Sling into Thursday’s gameae .against retroactive to H .7 3 0 p jn . in - whose 1993-94 team shash a re s th e the De La Hoya : -C am as C o u n ty aat t Richfield, gSl’recoicord for best start at 15-00 w ith th e fight, it means ;7 3 0 p jn . „ , 194M 9W> W ashington Capitols - T he1 MiMavericks Vargas cannot [jJ ^ .G le n n s F e rry i Declo, ^ ntth[th in scoring defense (87.5 popoints per fight until June u ;7 3 0 p jn . third in rebounds (45.7) and fifth 15 and will miss Fe « Valley a t Gooding,-7 Fernando Varcas U). a proposed ! W endeU ot Filer, 7d ■ “Guyss aren’ta playing with cheir hanclands down April comeback fight figl that was to ‘f M inJcoatJerorae, 7; 5,7:30 pjn. by theirJ aaides,” backup point guard A very 1 ^ 1 be televised un net>sletwork TV, ly sicalo n d “ W e lik e .M r.. VV: argas h u t wc [ving hard fouls.” feel like this is the right thing to ' ' ‘ TpiliaEF ~ ' It’s a remarkableret turnaround fromn Inlast year, V do.” commi.ssion;ion Chairman he Mavs oUowed a league-wo m •worst Luther M ack said,d, iValley adjuststsboys I gome. They led th e league in scoring H H Vargas spent rwiiwo Ihours in front on 57 games, then wotch< th e C H of the commission,on. telling them jlioops scheduluie ento K ii^ score at wiU and1 eleliminate H H he would take respicsponsiliility for ; HAZELTON - VoVolley High 1 “in the second round of the plaplayoffs. the positive test,st, but that he ^School has changedI some so upcom- iavericks w orked hard on d ^^ense e i dur- n e v e r know inglyy uused steroids •ing gam es this seasonin ini boys bas- ^ preseason. P*’ They didn’t ru n an;any offen- . ■ ■ w hile p rep arin g: to m eet De La •k etball The D ec 20»game ga against sive ploy:ays in the first week of cam K l Hoya for the 154-poti•pound titles, ;Wood River will be played.at defensiveve drills. They stressed reboi:bounding, V.V 'i live and diee in that ring. I r ^yoUey. The game origiiiginpHy sched- steol^ andnd drawing offensive fouls. AncAnd defen- ■ j J don’t want peoplele tot ever feel I 'tiled for Jon. 14 Kas be Iwlieve the'steroid>id iuse was inad- *"*“ v e rte n t, h ut stillilt \v o ted -t-1 to iwest Virginia shshocks defense. , The Laken' Rieilek Fox tries to get arounil thehe defense of the Mavericks' ShawnSh: Bradley Tuesday In Oallai big three are the most improviroved, and '***• penalize Vargns ami send a mes- ;No. 13 VirginiajTech 1 u.a“?5'„h?ihy our team is better,” Harrarris said. re b o u n d s, oni>ne season a fte r settin g ___ Sii^e that steroidsIs \won'tm he loler- ; BLACKSBURG, Va. V« - West “-nieyhavilave seen to it that they do eveeverything career lows wiwith 4.1 points, 3.3 points Mavs continue to>roii r ated. It was believiiieved 10 be the ‘ Virginia’s Brian Kinglg interceptedi chat thoyly can( to play better defense, andi it’s and 14.3 miniJiutes a gome. He’s hus- Sl ' first time a boxerer hhas been sus- iBtym RandalTs poss inin thetl end xnc woridng.” tling ond stayi Tho Oatlos Mnvortcks moiniainin inihoi' loar inrougt) tho W pended for sten>ici)ici iuse, altliDogh lyi^g out of foul trouble, NBA. wirviif>g itioir fifst 11 oamusmus to Sinn tho aoasoo. Jwith 12 scconds leileft ^ Ihc -WeVee alli taidng pride,” said Finlcinley, who virith no poututing when a coll goes » Francois Botha wa;was stripped of jMouniaineers defeat< ith-Bradley has the longest tenuretei in ogoinst him. B usting o u t of th e slartinrting goto y Ids IBF heaN-ywelBliiight title in 1995 ;V6BiniaTech2M8Wedn. n d rem em bers the 16- and 19-v19-win sea- “H e’s prett:tty much the difference B«9t sians In NBA history. for testing positiveI’c inii Germany, • Tech coach Frank Bc h e not-too-distant p a s t “As one of th e ' fof “ s being scso successful right now,” Win# T»«m Year Yl R»c<^ Vargas said he hadI hired a :iy will bc ouc^oncd ab d. “ He’s been dom inating 15 Woahlnglon Coptlals 1348-49 1! 38-22 nutritionist in thefie wv eeks before ^two straight paSsos int □f this team , w hen th ey see m e taidng Nowitzki said, 's.€r^ to d.cm os in tho middle.e. If he continues to play. Houslon Rockota 1993-04 1! 58-24* 1030 the figltt to help hinhim lose weiglit ;ibne when tne Holcickiesalready sly it kind of funnels down co l like that, I thihink we’ll be a factor in 14 Boston Colliea 1!1957-50 49-23 (2) a n d m ake th e 154-;54-pound limii. ■were well in range forford.egan.c- 12 CTilcooo Bulls 1996-97 1! G9-13' and took a numberber of different ;tyingfiddg^ he defensive possibilities havlove been Soattlo SuporSonics t!1962-03 48-34 nutritional supplemiem ents and vita- : Before that, the MoiWountalneeris intriguingig 1ta Nelson, Imown as a bitt of 0 m ad , Th® Mayeri( 11 Atlnnia Hawks 1!1997-90 50-32 ^huge producoction from Bradley, just mins given to himm v without (jues- j { ^ 5-1 Big East) stopp• thing aboutout it,” Nelson sold. "Every gangame he's Despite thele defensive focus, the II 5'.' steroid stanozolol,I, ththe sjime dnig : Events include a 1 Ni I No. 8. three b riiS in g somethingso to the table, whetllether it’s Mavencks ho\.aven’t suddenly turned that cost sprinter2r Ben1! Johnson ;for $15, and a N a 6 , thre M i ■ § I I 1 ior SIO. . S l b Sing S or scoring. He mokes our zones into th e grind-id-in)ut N ew York Knicks FQ% 3-PT% FDi -Off. -O Del. Tol. PPO0 his gold medal andnd 'world record of th e eitfly 19 u l definitelyy veryV good defensively.” 1990s. They’re second in Reb.R4 Reb, Reb, in the 100 meters-rrs at th e 1988 jBeneflt rope-and-KHUn Bradleyly is averaging 10.1 pointss anda 8.6 ’ PPlease see MAVS, Page B2 jSOURCES 0« SpofltontDti'Mu I » Olympics. ' iWIII take place Si L. TWIN P A L L S -A rop U v m i wHl b e held to b e Expe)os will call 1Puerto RicCO home, 222 times Ii[nsider piceads guilty Mine rodeo support'srter, Baro ty OTtterson, in her recoi A’s. Mailariners will open "reveal the Expos’ plarmed ' (breast cancdr. The ovei roU. MLB news ||] th^d on Sunday ot the ( I eSK' MLBsejseason in Japan ^ As basebaU owners endeded their . * ___d ______n Breederrs’ Cup sc;cam I S w th e m Idabo Eldon E' meeting Wednesday, commimission- hoped-for schediedule was revealed I ;Center starting at 9'ajn. er Bud Selig also formed a ie Associated Presa______m anipulate bets durii I - < An American West^ 4 A -D b a rre l Th>At»ocl«tM « l l > n u " a com* b y s e v e ra l baseball ba: officials' The A luring races, mittee to determine the >«ce will be held at 11 a.m. • . e long- spoke who onn thet condition of In pleading guiltyilty to fnuui and j^ o ra l prizes will bebe awarded, IRVING,S, Texas - The M ontreol term fate o f th e Expos, who[10 were anonymity. WHITEWl PLAINS, N.Y. - A cm:om- m oney lau n d erinlg g conspiracies,c in d u d in g a Cowboy CUu3assic bai^ Expos willill play 22 of their 81 purchased ftnm Jeffri^ Lori)riaear- Subject to negotiationsne with puteliter programmer admittedd in ' Ham said he used^d oone co-defcn- jM id d le a n d tWo separaarate roping homa gamenes in Fuerta Rico next lier Ue this year^ and formed1 a mar- ~ the players’ association,a the cour>urt W e d n e sd a y h e w as the tl dant’s Off Track BerBetting account ^>ckpots of$ 2Q0 w illbiModded. e ( year, andI thetl Oakland Athletics keting ke ta ^ force to examlniIne how Expos would1 playi a 10-game insid^de man for a series of bettii;ting to place o Pick Sixxlw Iw t on the Oct. • To eater, or fbr. moreoreinfoima- and Seattle:tle Mariners wiU start basebaU bo attracts fans. Heiie also homestand in SanSs Juan in April, scamtuns on liorses that citlminotiQtcd 26 B reeders’ Cup “ and-lateran mod- doo, call Lima Poricer•at(208)536. at the seasoiso n w ith th e m a jo r said sai h e wiU p resen t ideas to own- vriih gam es agair^linst the New York with ith o^$3 m illion w in from llihe ified it so il w ouldl witwin,” I |2772. leagues’ ssecond opening in ers er in January on the Allai-Star Mets (April 11-1^1-14), A danta (April B■eeders’ reo C up last m onth. T he w ager - etsIx costing a I ; Ccoifiidfron.ttaffindindirtommts Japan. ; gogame, ^vhich ended in a tiedi last 15-17) and Cindn d n n a ti (A pril 18- He H e also impUcated his two) CO-c total of $1,152 - irimmediately ______Expos Fpftsident « Tony Tavares July Ju when the leams ran1 0out of 20). defei:fendant^ who were his frntiuer- drew the scrutinyy of authorities said thatjwt iw ith th e g u a ra n te e d pitchers. pit The second homestandhe would nityty brothersI in college. because of its unusnusual nature, n u v M A n s w e r : . Incomefroirom the games in San . ]BasebaU announced thaiat the include the Woriorid Series champi- Chris Ch Horn, 29. of Newar3rk , The S3 milUon w as nnot paid, and ^10: ' Alabama. • California,Ca Juan, his: teteam will noc hove to Expos Ex ^ould play three homes-he onAnali^A ngels.^ 1 (June 3-5) and cl.,dc Itold a federal judge he ustised investigation wns/as Ilauncht'd. M n ^ a n d , MleUie U ^ N e w - conduct 8 “ sale” of players ' tntunds at Hiram Bithom Statadium 6-8), and the last j,iss jobj« at Autotote, which ha a P ick Six wa;wager; bettors |B d co , New York, 01Oluohoma, such as Via^adlmir Guerrero aiid {h {h S aa J u a n w ith o u t id e nItUying ti . would have. Hoil.jrida (Sept. 5-7) and des ies most of the notion’s rncncc- **7 to select the winnerswii in six il. • - ...... ,-Bartolo Coli3olon.'Still, he did not specific sp opponents, butUt th e Please»eseeMlB.P^fa2 trackack and off-track betting. to1 Please secec SSCAM, Page B2

V i f , , .

; ■'■.-'I M.nwwwB.Ti*nii r m , m e Ttandtr.Nma*m * « 21.2002 ______- Sp o r t s

Blue JJackets$ piill outit victor•y over IBlues J n d N i ^I p i ; : . CO L U M B U S, OiOhio (AP) - 35 seconronds and another wheii Despite Jon Hniina’s twotv goals, Islanders eanamed a 3-3 tie witb ■ ^ D avid Vyb(ybomy scored they hadad a lead with Just ovcu* a Pittsburgh feQ to 0 ^2 -22 during1 a the ‘FloridaIda Panthers on’ T while fallinIling to the ice minutei left.le t seven-game winless strealiak. Wednesdayaijaig h t. I , ' f i p i i s i t ^ ■ w ith 47.7 s«seconds left as Yanic Perreault and1 IRichard Claude Lapjipointe and'Alexei ' th e C olun Ilef»3, Penguins 2, OT Zednik scored 38 secondnds apart Yashin ' alsoso scored (or the- DENVEK. i fAP) - MilMope with a victory overnrToronto.' 1 Jackets be in the sccond period1 toi gjye Islanders, whivho are tinbeatra to scared sco 2 1 pointy indttdfan 1 In Jermalne.O'Ne'Neal added;2ft: •dnesday night. PITTSTSBURGH - Andrei : 16 Louis Blues 3-2 Wcdni M ontreal a 2-1 lead. ^ theirbstfivete trip s to (34)- the the lecond bal^ Utah hand-hi pomes for the PacerMers. •Ray Whitney setct upi the goal. Markovv scoreds the winning goal ede d Denver its fira stndflbt loaon.' Voshon'Lenardrd hu!22t potnti^ stealing a pass from fr< Martin os the MontrealMi Canadiens beat Islanders 3, Panthersr« 3 Viktor Itadod o v s a m d hia lOOth ' Malone • added 1 0 reboundsIs and and Alvin Willianliams 21 (or R udnsky near the bitblue Une. th e P ittsl:tsburgh Penguins in over* » « five 'assists as U tah poiMated. shorVhanded Rapttaptors, idio h ^ ' The late victoryry wos> a turn- time for the sec 6 nd tiilic in SUNRISE, Fla. -. Kenny cireer goal1 (or( the Panthers.' V . rrell and Niklas P r 4 . its th ird ^ t r a J ^ t w m0 and. ., lost three straightht • ' . . . ^ around for the Bluele JJackets, who t h r e e nights, n winning 3-2 •Jonsson scored midwayy ithrough Peter Worn , 41 climbed vrlthm one gi have lost th ree gamesnes in the final Wednesdisday. th e'th ird period os tb e NcNewYork ‘HagmaneachaJl scored for Florid^ L t C] o ( .500 a t 6*7^ M Ptstons79,)1aa1leat'88 ' ^ Harpring added W pal AUBURN HUlS John Stockton had LLS, Bflch. - B ai W allace h a d 19 rerebounds, t a sea^ points and 11 assists, i son4)est 12 pointsIS andai tied a RivalsIs put miluch on tithe line ini big gs;ames ^Andrei Kirilenko came o{(« chis« U gh w ith 110 0 1blocks to le«r-' > > berbendi to scdre 16 (br the Ja s. Juwan Howard led the N w D etroit over MlamLimL ^ Hie triple^oubleuble was the a*on< ' By Rkhard RoMnUatt yards and six TDs, indududing the with'17 points and 13 rebotmd A w clated P m > wrHai ~ College picks !game-winning grab againsta • No. 10 Kajftansas State (minus , . a n d o ( W allace’s’s acareer, and 1 Purdue two weeks ago. 15) at Missouri matched the teaaearn record for'' Spi Two of co lleg c foefootball's top or natiotional championship,” Michigan counters withw an Wildcats scoringsci 46.4 points 5pur»95,Lak«fs88 blocks, which he shared with rivalries will have n«more at stake Washingington State coach Mike «ever-improving offensele le d by p e r gam e ... IWKANSAS STATE, 44-. SAN S ANTONIO - Steplphen Edgar Jooes. than just trophies5 aiand braggin’ Pricc saidlid. •'We’re playing for the 6 yards; and 24 TDs for a a5 t No. 1 Miami (Tht^sday)y) No. 15 Penn StoS tate ogeopening p e r i ^ But Jackson ca Fiesta Bowl on Jan.1. 3 w ith a win team oveiveraging 34.3 points per 'Cones rise to occasasion ... Lions* RB JohnsonJc needs 264 iff the l^ c h and made tfare«S ? Timberwolves 103103, Hawks 93;; over the Wolverinesnes (9-2, 6-1), game, MIAMI, 35-17 yards to hitit 2,000 ... PENN POiJjointers late in the quartet to rt San Antonio’s comeback. A T L A N T A -• Troy Ti H udsi^ who have a habit ofjf s;spoiling per- The Hu:Huskies arc pretty strong STATE, 35-177 . , . s t ^ s c o re d 2 0 jio inints ts a n d fcci ^;ciiw)ns for Ohio10 SSlate. in tin; scorcoring caiegiiry, too. Cody • No. 12 Michigan (plulus 4) at Jackson went 8-for-lO behi he arc, iiKduding seven hi a roS i"® Jackson added 18 as« M itm esot» ' U th f B uckeyesloslose, they not I’ickctt,, with w 3,818 yards and 25 No.t 2 Ohio State • No. 18 Morloryland (minus 9.5) , survived an off nignight by Kevtoi' Kobe Bryant led the I«ki only «|iiandcr a chanilance for their TDs, direcrects an offense averaging Buckeyes comfy at homehc ... at Virginia K Gamett and beattAUahta. a3 vith 24 M ints, but scored' oi first national title sinconce 1968, but 31.4 pointsnts per game. (OHIO STATE, 27-21 Terps tumiining terrific after Gamett was hddidd to 15 pointf: Iowa (IM , 8-0) woufould win the At ColColumbus, morc than slow start ...MA dne in the second half. InJui MARYLAND. 31-21 enter Shaquille O’Neal said on 5-for.l9 shootiiloting fro m tHti.*! confercncc and qualualify for the 100,000 fansfai will turn o ut to sec if • Washington (plus 8 ) atoi No. 3 cent 'a game-high 1 2 " ilans to make his season delUJ,,.. floor, but had a gt R o se B ow l, a n d po:possibly the the Buckc:keycs can avoid having AW ashington S tate • New Mcjdodcc (plus 16) at No. If .hi rebounds for the0 TiTimberwolve*,-" Fiesta. their titlele hopes dashed again by Cougs QB' Gesser mokes i 20 Colorado Sta ‘riday night at home against i State J.™^ c a g o * who beat the Hawksvrks f u - th e sixth Even though thele sseason has the WolveIverines. In 1995 and *96, H I eism an pitch ... WASHININGTON R a m s lo o)king k i for perfect straight time. Gametm ett was coming comc down to onee ggame, Ohio Ohio Statilate came into the game STATE, S 34-31 Mountain Wos'o st reco rd ... C O L -. . . off a 34-pohit. 22-re:2-rebotmd effort State coach Jim TrtTressel said, with a perfectpe record and left ORADO STATETE, 33-13 C;emcfl e f 96, Nets 79 in Mhmesom's 110>1:10-106 overthnfri “The whole season ha:has fell like a with a loss.5SS, • No. 24 T exas Tech (pluilus 13) at BOSTONB( - Tony Delk aand victory ‘ over M M« em p h is orCi playoff.” p h io State Sti star running back No. ^ 4 Oklahoma • Mississippipt ((plus 10) a t No. 21 Shailhanunond W illiams each s a»»ed a Tuesday, The Cougars (9-1.1, ( 6-0 Pac-10) M a u ric:e e Clarett missed last Winner advances lo Bigg 12j title LSU 2:l 1 1 points to lead the Bostston Glenn Robinsonison scorcd 33~ would clinch at leastasi a share of week's overtimeo\ win against g a m e ... OKLAHOMA, 35-2>21 LSU not ass bbad as last week's CeltCeltics to a 96-79 victory overr thei points and Shareef« f /Abdur-Rahijia:> the league title withrith an Apple Illinois withwi a shoulder injury, loss to ’B am a...... LSU ] , 27-21 Newfew Jersey Nets on Wednesd3day had 23 points andnd :11 rebound^.'; C up win over the Huslluskies (6-5, 3- a n d h is statusst is likely a game • No. 7 USC (m inus 4) aat-No.25 f ight in a rematch of last seasoson’s * for Atlanta. Thee HawksH never 4). WSU closes at UClJCLA on Dec. day dedsirision. Clarett, despite just IUCLA • No. 22 TCU: u (m inus 9) a t E ast ' Eastlastem Conference finals. ' recovered from a1 terribletei second,-- 7. To Ket to th e nat:la iio n a l title 91 yardss inir Ohio State’s last four B ruins lak e Viciory BelJell, en d CUirolina DefltD< went 6-for-7 from 3-po^int quarter in whichich they wer^; game, (hougli, Washirihington S late game.s, slill slii has 1,071 yards and Trojans’ T Piic-10 tide chalan ce ... H om ed Frogs>gs on course to win rangange, and Boston m ade 14-of'of-25 outscored 33-12. still needs eith er Miaj>liami o r Ohio 13 TDs. UCLA. 31-21 C-USA ...T C UJ..i 28-17 fnJttnJm th e a rc to snap a two-gai^ e State to lose so it couiould move up If hc can’tcat play, the Buckeyes losir) s ^ streak. P au l Pierce had> d i8 76ers95,Grizziled ie * 8 8 from tliird in the BCS^ standings.s will rely’ onor defen.w and the deci- • Rutgers (plus 28.5) at No. 8 • No. ^ Boise o in ts o n d 13 re b o u n d s , ai lise S tate (minus 19), p o ir MEMPHIS, Tenre n n . - A11m ‘. Ohio State closes:s iits regular sion-makinUng of quanerback Craig N ^ otre Dame at Nevada jitoine WaUcer added 16 poini _A ntc Iv e rs o n sc o re dI 33 points as season Saturday. Nliamiami has three Kreruel. Irish warm up for USC oion Nov. First stay in A Jason Kidd scored 19 poit a A P poU 0 pleasant Ja P hfladelphia k eppt t MN em phis th e^ games left - homele to No. 17 The def.lefense allows just }2'S 30... 3 NOTRE DAME, 42-1010 o n e ... BOISE ST nd Dikembe Mutombo had STATE, 49-24 and ° NBA’s only winlesssss teamI w ith UsV; Pittsburgh on Thursijrsday night. points perer gam] e, second national- ubounds for the Nets. relw 12th s t r a i ^ t loss. then ilt Synicusc on1 Nov.N 30 and ly, a n d Krenzel Kr has thrown for • Auburn (plus 10.5) at No. 9 Lost week: It : 12-4 (straight up); T he 76crs won for only> th e s ^ : hmnu i<> No. 13 Vitfynfyniii Tech on 1,864 yardirds and 12 touchdow ns. A labam a 10-6 (against the the spread) P'acersa t 97, Raptors 95 ond time in six roadroad gam es thfiii: Dec. 7. H is favoriorite target is Michael No Iron Bowl surprise - ’E’Bama’s S eason: 173-£ 3-58 (SU); 116-104 TORONTO .pj - Al Harringti}ton season and got: a imeasure "We’re not playinglg ffor the DCS Jen k in s with wi 53 catches for 980 plain p b e tte r... ALABAMA,;^3014 (ATS) scon» re d 16 o f his 2 2 ^Inb in1 thet revenge ngninst Men^^emphis, which secoiicond h ^ as Indiana Imptov s w e p t la s t seasoon’s n ’: tw o -g araa- CSI _____ to> 99-1 - a n d m atched its b est stistart series. Continued from 61 before jeitciting to Coeur d’Alene aian d Sawyer (15.6) is eighthth in th e No such lu dk: c ILast year’s Arctic ^ r a m after having ju.st onee gamg; e in the to w rap up up 2 002 at an im proved leleague. Jaison WilUams is; 14th1 in Cirde had an1 unexpectedu twist ^ last 12 days. North Idahiaho CoUege. . . th tl e league at 13.4. when Califor fornia's Foothill ontinwdfnNn B i tng system, “Everybody is readcady for this BeachI saids the Eagles will B oard room: Ibrahim leads Ici in CoUege canccUensccutive races, but they usujual- “We have o great:eat sport thaCiC weekend,” he know wherlere they stand after the rtrebounding w ith his 13.0 a game tournament aftelfter the men's has- 5"^ sa id . “ I th in k e v e r choose different combinatioions threatened by wnwrongdoing,^ v ery b o d y is next 2.5 weeks.we wwith Diawara third at 8 .< .0 and ketbaU pro^airam was suspended J “ focused.” ‘•We pla; I increase their chances of wiwin- NTRA commissionerjner Tim Smith' )lay a lot of games in a SiSaw yer seventh w ith 6.2. due to possiblelie recruiting viola- ^ The two mysiery teaiteams are the short timene and then we take the ;ng. The suspidous bet pickiJced said. Other stats: Ibrahim is fouburth in tio n s . C S l o:assistant Brian ,t,.“ Green River Gatorss ofo A uburn, show on1 Ihe ll road,” he said. “ th le same combination six timtnes, Harn said hee p placed ant)^ th e league in shooting percc•centage Hancock actedId swiftly with the Wash., and Westcheste:ster Wesicos. Sait Lake,ke is very good and 'i\'i t a healthy 62.3 percent Jecting the winners in the firstfii manipulated similarliar b ets on tw»'- ncjvith news, calling in the Seattle Stars fthe earUer races to win more than Both bring sophom<>more-laden North IdahJaho is much improved, DD iaw ara ninth a t 56.9 perci u r races a nd every horse In' d rc e n t.... as a last-nunutere ireplacement. $ 1 0 0,000 for th e othio ther co-defdn-'^; teams with Westchest'ester coming as well. r1 think1 we’re going to RRoommates Williams and sttw o. id R yan Security concew em s: Don’t expect y in dant and found a wiw ay to dupli-*'- in wich 13 second*yearar ]players. Of end up playingpla a good Ceam (In DDavis are tied for fifth i Because of a routine delay I in the • any changes inin 1home security or_ _repoi Jton----- cate-and-cash“winn those, 6-11 Jam ess S m lrh 7 G^9 'SentIle).’W."W ^e flying up-lhere ------lcague-in-assists-at-5:4-a-|e iporting-betstothe-Ariingtt finning rickefa^------a-gom e----- {Towd’confr61"3l"despite the near- rgceiicetrack near Chicago, Hailarn wonh tens of thousanistinds of dolliiff^' Anthony Lalor and 6-86 -£ fonvards so we shottiouldnt be exhausted. vvwith Sawyer riglii behind L I in .sev- fight w ith Soutluthwest Tennessee ^asas able to change the wagiiger ' that had gone! tetemporarily" Wayne Holt and Leonon Fuller are And Treaeasure Valley lost to eren th at 5.2.... WiUiams ls ols also sec- co d o se o ut thle e K1 & T Steel tour- ofterter the first four races to m ^ unclaim ed a t tracksks ilin New Y o ^ , the leam ’s tallest playuilyers. U ta h V’alley al by only three orond in steals at 2.4 a game, ».... CSI nam ent Nov. 9.). CCSI athletic direc- sureire ith e b e t had th e four winniining New Jersey and Penn'ennsylvania. And Green River’s (^ guard Tre points. is second in ihe league in s< scoring tor Jeff Dugganan said school secu- hors GariieldG; has "But thi;his weekend’s up first averaging a, 97.2 points aI fgame. rity officers have already inked with the sve been instructed shotslOts. T h a t guaran teed w innitlin g No m endon wass mim ade in coOA'. he University and it’s goirloing to be a lough test.” oOnly North Idaho is ahelead at to be on or near «)f Wasliington next ,seaser c ^ e s a prison termrm - high school hoopsp s fa c to ry H I(Through Nov. 166) uliani had been hired to revieiew Epsilon frat brotherhers at Drexel''' Garfield. e industry’s electronic wageger- University hi Philadeladelphio. '- "(Simmons) is a googood player, Men buc it's hard to say Ibccausemc they Player G FQ FQA Pet. 3FQQ 3FGA Pet. ' FT FTAV IP e t R/Q A/Q Sti Bill haven't played a gaig a m e y e t,” Diawara 5 41 72 ,569 0 2 ,000 25 40 ..625 8.0 1.2 6 7 3 ? ^'5 M^ a v s ______Beach said. “Who knowkn s w ho Ibrahim 5 3S 61 .623 0 1 ,000 16 24 . .667 13.0 0.4 4 27 27 16 18.4 w e’ll see." Sawyor 5 26 48 .542 9 16 .562 17 19 ..895 6.2 5.2 8 2 2 10 ' 15.6 Contk•rttoMdftomBl being signed in th ee offseason.off i W estchester cameme a g a m e Jai. William!ims 5-21 SI .412 14 1 33 .424 11 16 ..733 4.2 5.4 12 1 1 9 13.4 the e league 1 at 103 points pcper .The Rockets arere ^g d to tal$9': | away from going to HHii utchinson, Davis 5 12 27 .444 5 11 .455 9 20 ..450 2.8 5.4 6 1 1 12 7.6 gamme, e vrith Nowitzki avera^nling their shot at endingling the Mays' •_ J Kan., for the NJCAA\A n a tio n a l Elting 5 6 17 ,353 3 10 ,300 9 11 ..618 1.2 4.2 5 1 1 7 4.8 21.8.8 poI in ts, F in ley scoring 19,i9A streak. tournament last year. ! ir. For som e Doas 5 9 11 ,818 0 0 .000 3 6 ,,500 4.2 0,2 2 1 1 5 4.2 andNd N a s h g e t ^ 18.1. “It’s th e type of gaogameyoureal-' ' perspective, lihowever. Ebon 5 6 1 7 .353 6 15 .400 3 4 . .750 0.6 0,4 2 0 0 5 4.2 MoMost amazing about th e , ly look fbrvrard to,"I," HoustonE fo^ , , W estchester lost to Di Dixie State Yango 5 6 1 0 .600 0 0 .0 0 0 6 11 ..727 2.2 0.2 4 0 0 2 4,0 Waveavericks* unbeaten streak( Iis ward Maurice Tayloiylor said. “Wfr.': i College 87-60 last seasi s fact th a t theyV e p u t it togetleth< w e re k in d o f h o p ii sason a t th e Oont* 4 5 8 .625 1 2 .500 0 0 . .000 0.2 0 .8 2 00 6 2 .8 th e fa oping for th'C- I RelK'ls’ New Y ear's holiholiday cour- Black 5 3 9 .333 1 4 .250 0 0 . .000 0.8 0.4 2 1 without several key playerers: Lakers to lose so when\^e we can^ | nam ent. J. WilliamsIS '4 0 4 .000 0 2 ,000 0 0 . .000 1.0 0 .2 2 1 arting center Raef LaFreninu in there, it wouldlid mi ean tha'V ■ i s missed nine games with This weekend will1 bebt the last - b , Claudiadino 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 ..000 0.0 0 .0 0 !.0 ' o" h a much more. We wantant to break fC 96 .406 101 150 ' . .673 45.0 23.8 '54 38 cup We didn’t want the,Lakersthe to ' ' int guard Nick Van Exel ho Ja n . 3-4. The A rctic CiiCircle keys opp 5 136 342 .398 49 I 133 .368 45 64 . has break it” .703 35.6 16.0 49 14 14 101 73.2 twUm off a siring of nine gaigames over -.inoilgibloiounlilJanuary i ssed five gomes after tearining The Mavs aren’ttoo too worried, ."i:: k th e next 17 days t h;it a t i will show rtilage in his ri^ t knee; anm d “W e know th aC t thethi streak.is^ [ W o m e n c a rtil the character and proveove. 01 Icasl bounding and tiefensive span Juan was the host for itsit a permanent soludoridon fo r 20(>4cr “ 9-9 34 .265 1 9 .111 5 |10 .1 8 s .500 3.0 1.8 0 find itself in Edmonds,s. Wash:,V for rt regular^season game in 20010 1 . and probably wiD holt a Uddingv' i :y S h o otout C h ^ u m 9 4 23 .174 0 1 .000 1 u J l 9 .579 .! 2.8 0.0 . 3 1 the three-day Turkey i ] 2.4 I season opener between Texaxas process. ' Charlottlotte, N.C., est teams of Fairbanks 9 9 20 ,450 0 0 .000 1 4 .250 .; 2.0 0.1 1 1 against some of the best 1 * '■2.1 andT1 Toronto. i Portland, O ri., andd WMl aaUngtoq;!! j* Halaufia 7 3 15 .200 0 0 .000 1 4 .250 .: 1.9 0.0 0 2 th e NWAACC. 2 3 1.0 'Puerto ■ up„ Rico wlllitelp.aiiolo t . D .C , a re am ong tbe«poesible.c^' p< " SWAC reg- BuccI 2 0 2 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 .( 0 0 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 CSI then open.s the SV muse you are, collecting U.&1.8. te n d e rs. Bob DuPuy,'uy, baseDafl^' S ular soason on tlie roacoad at Salt Total S 1B9 632 .365 . 43 131 .328 133 21S .< 0 0 . 0 0 ■ be

V ’- 'V ’ '■ MBb«21.a002 TlM»llMa,Ti * 9 \

S p o r t s

' •’ f .'- • 'V . -.'• ^ —S p o r iT S L E T TPER— ! FOgTBALL Intantlonai walkt were) ly walk him . Wrhen het they did pitch (veMoore, ' .; WSKAT’S .0 ^ T . v . heroi long befofe BondtJ to him , tfae b ^Is w were low aod rm forry, but I am Still laujlugh- off^F^te-Aoduidvrfimlwdid A Basketball ing at Marjorie Dubois* lettei:er in get a overthe the plate, he hit •: r a;: 1 ^ 1 W. the thi Sunday morning neWspa]«per. them so far thatitNASAisstiU N, AAVlAAArt! ) •Euro Tpir. AslanAsJ Open,'first round. >N8A,R ' *' .'i' i £ / w0 ' ' ’. stiip,»ec(ndn!wid.- ^ H o c k a y game ^ for yean? Babe Rulh w » M m . ' ' ,v C T u < t i ■'• ‘'-OiOTplontt w as S d o sd a (miuiagerIger of tb e Angels). ! s a .. onceon intentionally walked wii«ith would you pitchhtoBanyBonds to § . y iI i is n f Y •NHUShaSiiaAjstRjOT.Eipm. ^die bates loadedi I don’t thin:ink. with runners onn flrst & and second that Major League Baseballlis i leading by tworuns?IknowI run F o O t l M l i - S:30pj '► » . going soi to make it illegal Just wouldn’t, espedallcially if he liad a because of Bariy Bonds. law n chair and coocooler next to / \ ' 7 \ --Cofltip. Pittal 8tMW(Ra.).BHI, . h And as for baseball being{ ti the him. To n , only sport that permits this, v ■ ■ . —-... a 2 X &MpjL ,what Andhowdareyte you aay the US m about hockey where there anire Angels didn't deseleserve to win the * : S i' tss ------• memore fights than goals scoreded? World SeriesI Trhe he' Giants were ’ !w >n What about football where plplay- eight outs awaytrfrornwinningthe fro I m M o3N THE RAADIO a ers S have their ankles or legssbro- I title w hen the,An®Angels (with a lit- -■■-asa. ! !ss ------ken, ke, or even worse - paralyzeled? tie help from thele rally n monkey a - ! j s a CoOsgebatiietliailjair Wbat Wl about basketball wherer e and a B an y Bondsnds bobble) came •CSI vs. Snead Siae.m iiA im m Shaquiilc O'Neal muscles hisis way back from nfive-rue-run d efid t to II! to th e basket w henever h e gegets ’ win and force aI GameGa 7. Come • I s! iw m AftarwlnnUilin g t tw c h a m p lo ra h ip , thhaWlcfcad a oBM n» ...... — ■ I the ball? These are all part of thc on, Marjorie, giveive thet Angels ! ! 3> S« m w « c gnme. A nd I have yet to sec a ttch's tanur* m h a a d c o aich c h avmu^SSanrs** A m :any- . some respect likek c thct Angels did ■ T IW: rrW M ' I one get fined for looking cro&oss- to Barry Bonds. raaclM M a tra g ic a n d . WooMn’iCCol«C» c Batkftbtu BST” i !iS1 Sw m ’ ■ eyed at each other. Now If yoi;ou So in closing,, let’s let’ get out those ■ i=r SISi i15 s s . ■ U P ' 0 M.,taM*»l,CA««M.N look at an offidal c ross-cy^,d. T hunder Stix andnd bangb them B 7< B 0 MMHbirMllUtei f n r r i that’s another story. together and congr)ngratulatc the ^ U n W hat your letter sounds Ukik e to A ngels on winninging the World ■ I ' tn.M«»«MiiiMn ssissFKlgainShaiuiMt. ■ II W « 0 TtMWl ItlH lSwS H S ”^ J m e is ju st another case of soui)ur SeriesI Oh. by tlich e way,v did I men- S w I i l grapes by a San Francisco GiDiiant tion th at 1 w.is }ombom in southern SMm TA B III ■ E ? T—awwtvnioS1U,HAWMU JS lfS S n S S iM.nu i i Om* r 1 T 2 «iH4^iii«f»n7Mi7Mt7,IMMt4»0t ^ N , - * 2 s akarl4HS.HMR*M I I * g D—MMI.IW:iillM» FCIaiMllailLMlkl- « ^ 5 j| r = - ^ . 1 ’ils s Dickau underwentATcnt arthroscop. ' J .S S OM»I.OI»4).«Mr>lW Shaq expects to play ; i I' I * 2 * AewweH.ofcwrKTeaf e aVi, s I I ic surgery Wedne;Inesday which iii £ Friday against Bulls team physiciann Dr.D Michael a s f f l : s s ■ ! ! s s s s s • i ! 5 i g S i g ~ ; S •■ u is n ; I 1 mOmII/:'I'T* w w tf r ^ SAN ANTONIO - Shaqiquille Bemot termed succciccessful. i f U . «S Ml M44I yt % 1 i . ;s » TSiSSSinSttSi■oid*-74tl(ll,4«Sl t#—a-u, Trill*lit pit*I O'Neal ( plans to make hisis sea- Dickau had comcomplained of SSbin u to m « ftautafM {taau. ai in WlI «5 Ii. L mJ "• ® » sruiiN.LAi.u ilIM M ' son debut for the Los An(ngelcs pain in thc back: of Ihis knee foi- ssfsi - s s s ; 2 Lakers on Friday nifiht a t homeh lowing the team'sn's recenti road m « , f S! !?!!r - , 1 . ■ a » B taM«T?ii'L>TMMI4il-4I«.l»M»«-l1Mt, tJS! against th c Chicago Bulls. trip to the Westt coast.co. He had « M * i Uuno W S “ 5 S M S Thc All-Star center, whono-had an MRI on Tuescicsday, which Ta*BmU m n i u mn ( ---- MI1M9 s m . ta wa i* Tiri* c««r.Ka m i7.hs a s s ' sicc « • on t s surgerys on liis arthritic righght big .revealed thc tear,r. NMU. HI4.l01l,B((»iioiil4 SJ* S A W«0T S2 ^ • Y I t OM ■ ' g g 3 __: ______I toe t in early Septembeiicr. is In six games, the nx>kie from S A . I, iiiliaB>»ii»«n.(«i: SS ■ J 2 S52 *-iii38it»,ix .scheduled for another cheta« sr s s !s S : I : SS E = srSs.’s.'ssr r i by t team doctors on Thursdaday. and 0.8 rebounds,s. B M M IM S S lOiOIS3.PENOtnKSXOT ^ At the time of the injuiury. it H i l l lm : 0 J aw CMAOtf was expected the All-Star ■r ircen- LPGA cWef says,lys Augusta si Ml (UMi-iataMftato. t t 0 H ter t would bc sidelined si Lt7 r«rrM,OMU»i,Ki>i»ni»ilNiMa»-Nm I HVl ).P«>wV>.IMt«iam>i<. MiivlOLte/MmiU om; ' S ' SI33twtf» ! ^ J— ^PlO f eight C weeks. should Invite wonivomen i- 1-i IIi 1 2 2 5 ^ pr^aOpUK0p4M U311>0^ »A Pww. Ifcn W ithout him, the Lakers;; hove1 WEST PALM BEACH. BE; Fla. - , ‘Man?ti^il.7i7|iuanpfflK S. ~„.»rsr ■K.klaVMLlVWinjtKUV struggled S to a 3-8 record coroming LPGA Tour comminmissioner Ty s % s a s ! _ HMtlCMrT4I» ES Im iAZZ9e.MMSW M Cnn uaaivMQ.iMMa U7vl«*a’(V4mM.li>nrLl<» into >1 Wednesday night’s g:gam e. Votaw urged Augitsta;iLSta Naiional to Ij' s » K T S■M.U>i|c)n»«i«»n9i S 4H ttn\ Onr Tuesday, th e team wass irout- admit a female menTiember, Siiying ^ ' s 5 S ■ rMr'i>7-ll]l.CHa^> IWU&ra}7 SlSitcnT***'” *’ cd e by undefeated Dallas1 98-729 its obligation to golfolf ooutwciglis its , - * ¥ “ % £ " ’ ** ‘ B a sk e t bBALL a J^?Sfl!^^% -ft— S i S f S S s a a s S tltn fall to 1<5 on the road. rights as a private•dub. du « SJSB in if ' ------N«tfawtB«k»ii c a a ’ CnmOLBWiecU n Uj'»Min7.i?».it Pecv^frifr The LFGA To:T o u r IS n ot CanOl.flnwMV SSS* SSS S: krnocm^ oa M5JJl^!»»«hH14W I , !tO>V(II.M| r s - !SifSSf«w-.M i • sssasr^ l^ m k m sa a :^ BLACKSBURG, V a .-V ir(irginia represent not justiSt women,v hut W!f iiii! !4i.» 2 2 ? “ U M t4-n jKmMMr Tech tailback Lec Suggs .se.set an th e gam e.” a a s » I3UHDO(DERS3.PAKTHEia3.0T NCAA N Division I rececord “Augusta's exdusiJusionary prac- u> ro 22? ^ I KffSSSiS.SS S-S” “ “ tt—:,: i4Sa^in.DvM>ll IcvaADMifll 1 I 0 M Wednesday '' night by scoriiring a ticcs with respectect to women ISSSi. i! S ia s s s r j s K S J g e C.I.KTk, IMni]nt«DM<(>Sca. touchdown, t< in his 24th con.sn.secu- s p e a k s v o lu m ees.” s .” he said : s i - - P D.rtexWimilMtfram ,: w « bsLwi'iJss~ s n,ll47].nail>.>4m*<]JUra< tive game, breaking a rececord Wednesday at thehe s season end- Ss~ 1 1 1I 1 ; • ! s s « J aiVtM^AanNnihMnsi IICO thai t] had stood for 32 years. ing ADT Champion)ionship. "The U«H» » »t 7« 41 PwraOMptndOla Wtttflttirteen'WonTMunracii ilKVjaMQ M a t t «i 111 73 n MZZUCStS hwni«M.CMrM Suggs ran 28 yards f .H i; ts u a « « 7KMM.QMZ: ro»«i lul'jrVTTi m j, AKWlJOIWI!wi touchdow n with 4:57 left in the cannot be part of thattl face of , i £ _ " i - i W Ji,** Oi>*-ll?J4|t‘J4wi first fl half of thc 13th-ranin k e d golf. /Vnd th at’s wronvrong." u TD Or^ ■■a. s >1 SS& fr,S; I.UtfMl.FMIVn^l tXNt u mnri t>mi24]-21Co S ?2 2 2 ..i^S S2 lwxL^ >iiir<]mt>nr>.a1 game against WWest He sjiid the club’sjh ’s decision in 5 5 a s« » "“iSjSEr^ • MMftUrflMMft-• J 2 J S 'i* 2 Ta ’ icop«»Kn(»m. aiCM rm lc£ ftU/q uvm- V £SB“ S S '£ S ;i TuriUaM)UO) 1l7toniin>l'a9^ IIC7 Virginia. , It was his 50th totouch- treat race differcntl;L'ntly from gon- * K rw w J— -!,«««.------down-during.ihe-siring.-wld which— der-is-" perpetual[ualing-golf-*.------sjy;;;— s-s-s-s-i-i— K™— !-' — ssal'o-,.,., m I [y * , J s S S S l H oOCKEY___ . ?.Mi»i«\nii>«»kf>jj'o^'''*** started S' Sept. 2, 2000, agac;ainst exclusionary pastst aiand lhc per- i s ! strsisissi r« Pir;r< ^ f is eliiisi and a « a l u l^oyU ajuc ■■ Akron. ception th at golf is vmw.so K n m » 0 gin* •1 ! !«s>‘**-rs* Suggs came into the ggi am e i:xclu.sionary.” MiOMiCk a ^ a? « ' I^CliMna *® "■* > 5 ? ^ TVI90ma<«'7.l«(al. rb CASIDfK tied with Bill Burnett,. who' Club spokesmi'sman Glenn _ ; TT 'T T r.O F W >uru>nOaox««.7.l(»ra»77 scored S( in 23 consecutive g;game Greenspan disagreiHreed. He saiil TO^Cr Ra M hi j—» J■ •s "1 ■ t S S S I L. f u « iic i> IS I 0 I M ] BmemWWttWMn^cC.(lUcOtfcaimUMttli NnJmi II 9 0 0 n 4) S A-KU4II9CIWIlOWi for I( Arkansas from Oct. 5,, 11968 sin g le -g e n d e r grtgroups like Mtin 10 0 10 0 ; S 11 ' U(S»BH) ■— Wi.Wwi^utM ISOmvtIL HT. Ri*flri I 10 X niKi*ju Bm oiojtn 11 1 s I : lta*-M«]Mtl. PB»i0l 7 1S ] ] ie U M ImranJbr^t,Sucn«>Su(f«MPTn9it through " Oct. 31.1970. Augusta NationalI andan< the Ll’GA 3 x a sii! • » • -|!|w*inS"wE££:*jcu»ZiKilj HTiiiww « n Burnett scored 47 toiouch- are “legally and montloritlly projxrr." s H ^ ;I ao: u Coast Hockey L«asu« downsHi during his strebk. f f T ; I ^ W » > '» W 190.PB OF U J S a^iei.tJiSi4 * " TuMdty’tI jtetoNBABoxM N S-“ V J Tyson will fightIt EEtienne 0 c ^ KmQtlil,BU.BU1S96 Sm I « i ! ! 3 I I ^ Wells' V trainer Man on Feb. 22 In MeiMemphis ^!ll! ‘6!^{?ll.Om«at4»'it4MJ.0.n,J4M4, BAU 3 11 U\lt I SSIS- ! ! ! • : I m g . ta» egg-white Cj omelet before puilunch- Tyson will ight figh Clifford SB. ■' si:s s OM* ■ ■a a IMI DM It i ingin Wells at a M anhattan dirliner. Etienne on Feb.:b. 22 at the MMK MtHt Ms II in n M a a a >Mn s tiu ii i in Memphis. V«a«»M tmtMt U II I J 0 71 2 » Trainer Scott Ycckincvevich Pyramid arena in !l NBABu mJ* ^ «I^M !tolI^l’jiIaii«i. ,ewis Slopped 4^ canctM,NmIWT» Oii-.l4.SM^M.Jo»«iS JS r S []_I ! 4 II X M testifiedIC that after he an d WWells Tenn., where Lewi NFCIndMMUadtn ordered omelets and waffiffles, him in the eighthI roundroi of iheir **• ^ l ^ S A C m O N S — iTr T T ? ! ! ? T rat thc defendant made a profofani- heavyw eight title:figlil. fifi M Cb 1» TDI S S H s S . J BAM£TBAU ^ r. Sljelly Fiiikcl. in 111 I4H 1 ! ! g S S „ J ty-laced tau n t about th e pipitch- T)«)n’s manager, Sl r-: ISsSSili»oafeiMti4 mMci£a.$UPOB said a pnss confcrcntrence would l)e rM.oa >c ni IMO 1 i^ 7 eettaycwiiaTr p™ o« c « g ™ - ! 1 I! 5 a loncwtoiwo er’s girth, saying "Why d< fSSi. s sss 'I4HMIMM SSS(|^i??l.l«M»4iai< you;; o rder a ... cheeseburger:.^5" held next Tuesday/ inin Memphis: to ^ id two fonnally announceitherifrfii. the a s . s ! s s f* f etttlllftrlSieMtijftisri?; & £T4 ^«‘? s^ «Ti '?■ n M a DufrwoouSS15- « r«nd The 39-yearK)ld Wells had 7 I M tX —MO(>K>i*n»>Ui3 S^rDUarwOwtinS Rocco Graziosa, a 27-year ' t f l s *ur»»>aa>M>9 bartender b{ from Yonkers, j,jYN biggest sportingng event in a .sssK'iiiirssift&sft DOTS^OmsaCWMiUcrtc* is on trial for cliarges of mi;ni^e^ Memphis history. m iiif w : : _ SJS«Cirro«( meanor assault, menacingG andi likely fiavehavt more suc- SSK, s s a s ISiss:^.!;i.!SSl ^ w gafS ne(24-M).who M 0M*mM*aaai»>»4 ' ' Gnudosa could spend upp i IQ 3 List f i ^ t agaiivst Fnui'■nincois Botha. b.«u. : s 19 ContlMnt^BM CAflCWMUWK ! I sssas-^jfT- i.«pa year in jail if convicted of SSK s s AMOdttiO S £ S the charges. stroke claims OlympicOiy Hwxa B n ',*?.: u B • . PMfBit.|miLll«MMK7KtliM ».|| MWitiouwm-«U>-S9en*,M> ^ BMCM H m «J M . fsra.«. Graziosa, who is 5 foot-7'o i n d runner Kim Gailagllagher s i ' SSS' w r | ] | ILSwnt tOnCNTOUWUIMUWS-SmfMIOMMlSt ISO pounds, said hc h it thi § s r 3 ’£"S (mi,BLUE>a COUIOE fobt-4, fo 24S-pound pstchct“ in PHILADELPHIAHIA - Kim (UMr.M fl in 11T m eared Gallagher, a middl.ddle-disiance • __ fcfcliTfl .. « . a44. lw i-y Mu»i>.BKKat)>jiiratiniMniiiMi nocks .sufferedred the first of ; r ' «a?salrA 's»« will bc sidelined for 4-6 wo< ^ ' ■'5 iis R f e i ■ wiwith a cartilage tear in hiss leftI strokes in Augustgust. Mcaa* ...... -^...... knee. kn ' CvmiBdttU ton wfe« reports • J m s 'S a ss f . ^r 'i Cct»*«M—**IOW : —K f " " ’ — ’— S S S S - * - T

04 TkwMlw.T*laFhFak.w» IM q.NMbw a; 21,2002

... 1'

Y(OUF OR]rs, Y o u n ^ ^ D sseSECOND A im iA L -----OMI’ lL SkateboardD Contest—— .... M . 1Valley bot PMMeeatMTilMT«fMHeUCX ■ M ’• 'v- n 1i n m i x ^ ddoubles toio i in i ^ - '^ yM M Wlmtnbitb^ This past weekend, 35 ti tid p a t- 1 n m m a l l l l WItwtera In tti« a j i 11-14 a c t group. from the Magic Valley KVamkmdtrac* In a Mixed Doubles toi ■ war*:AiRt)r ment at the Bowladrome. L e t ’s G o - w f e . ^ CTQup.fromNftto ■ 8 b*pp«d.ffrtt -The Sillies" were Roi p owling HI rijht. Andrew ■ place; Joah BaB arker and Fay K night, captp tured VB 'fm EvMt, flnt piKi; ■ Damien. tK orid firet fir place with 1353 total;il pins. T M a l U v ^ Alec JonM, MCond ■ placaandNick Barker, with his 137. aver ' f r rolled a h igh 216 gam e, whic ^ J place and D*vJn ■ Ponoefc.tUr)l 2 tic h h e I said was his sccond 2 0 0 game ■ ■ ■ Black, third place.. ■ place. ^ A nother d a te» t< to remember is season. _ Dec. 7-8 for thehe iannual Men^ . The "No Clue" team of Tr 5*^ Doubles touns u m a m e n t a t ; : ; Uf . Hoflman He and Dean Dorland,ttoot Bowbi)n)me.Tm.\vo m en p e r team I. second se' at 1,423. “Chad/Je;lean, an entryf fe fe e o f $ 2 ff p e r ■h were we Chad Main and jean J team. Format isIs fourfc g am es and ■ BoBowman, who claimed thirJrd at based on 90 penpercent of a 2 2 0 ; ; : 1,416. Fourth was ^the handicap. t f 'A..',-’ li ■ . “S V I “Spoofnics" Jerry and BradB Tfeep ta mindid thtl a t :the 10-piii ■ ' G reen,r at 1.400. rule will be In effect.eff Averages H -«kU(^ I' was told this was thes tirst1 for the to^tmamoun o u a re based on HI . ' ' tou toumament these two haveB «ever - final averag for the 2001^2002 ■ bowled. ben Ihey did well. season, however, ifi you a re cur* 1The “Pin Droppers" weree Don: rendy carrying an mrerage of.l0 B l and anc Edie Barkley and they/ ttook pins higher th ^n ycyour teanmuO^' M fifth fift at 1344. “Mb and Pa" 1Torn you must use your’our current aver- * and anc Imaeeno Morgan took sixths: age. place w ith th e ir 1, ^ 1. Get those entryItry forms in and J . “ Just a reminder that Deilec, 1 Lefs Go Bowling.S|______, ^ J neanears. Why? You ask. That ISis th e ------'' i ;^i^'T w L The winnert In the ^ deadline to enter the Idjd a h o Th^ma's^umn'vnn oppcars regu- Women's Bowling Associatation tarfy Winner* In the I p a£a 20-and«ver in YourSports.rts. Contact her at ■■ H 1&-19 a£e group I annual toumament in Onta.tario, ^33-4357. biiii e-mail at (3k I aga grottp were: OreOre., and W eiser In April t g j M were: Hanoi P I ond ctuckai9magiclink.iink.com or fax^at Shawn Black, flrtt Ma:May, 2003. (208) 733^J97. McNabb, flrtt I b JC ^ place; Ivan y Q place, Pete I L Marclnko, aacond McMullln, aecond ' I I place and Joey ------Welc.COMEBACK — place and Travia E 1 Pacheco, third Bohltohljonktr Brandi * Tucker, third place I ■.place. Hoenk>efflan recehree a H H | H m 0m ttt fron Jerome's ■ fc g fl I Vanea n e tM W est dur* ^Fs ^I Inga]g a trlbote th e I JenMtnwM bMkatbaU I taam»am held bi honor M ofHoIHotmMbefore J Buhl«hl played Jerome oflTdn T u e * ^ lilg h t I Hqtnqunan Is recoveh L I ■ inMdMd Ifljtttfet ahd I fractiB cturei to her Jaw, I I . rfbeaIn and conarbone # I thele •:suffered In an I I autoflitoffloblle accident >i \|i||£ A *'Phnrnn . In June.Jun Hotman, ^ Ivan Marclnko won I I alongone wtth Bohl I ;. B | fei the award for the I l ^ ^ w n r t f a ptareiaret* Sherry King, U H I bett trJck. I r i f f r G R i r t f ^ '' Abel*Miee Esparza and H .J I n « , I»^r- |ff JWrt I cM tume.' ' Danlud Kippes,t were en I • rooteute to Jerome to play fn a sunmener league basketbill genre befobefora colliding ' I ' . wtthth a trac k haoltng a trailer on th«the Clear Lakes Grade. Hoeman’san’s father. HH||^V.\; I . Brent,en t. Is pictured In th e backgrounund.

Y(fOURSCQ])RESAND) S T A T S W ^A^wM IO, ►WNenoiaa 1? ( ) \ \ ' | . 1N(; noiaa 390. Curtin 744 AncMrvn nOS.fti ChantMrKjtmarO?. Alailt 31 Tony Drata »4, QcO WaU MS, C > li’vyxMCti«HJ0aJS7l, PalS ,T»«nUarcon» 113, Martno# SE i,OHKayl* O M Beu lM to * ------LADIES QAUtS IM'OFlar' 0 WalHTIB, Jtm Zoman OLKMMr* MNI0y5rt?J?MfuiES: Riiy T>*p« 003.03. eS7.LonnMSaugg*«49.0MM»UtM'638. T*«n RaeM U«l4/WH.n=<.*^737’ mV r 700, K*n Noakoa 704. |ui OOOGALLS ^r»ij Tti* S37, Don Vm PcIMn S03. Ray•y T*yTurpm«3l,Wi»yOo«humei8 9-3 r?4 ClKtCoarf^J.r.unr,,inr,°McK«l,.'J?7l, * (>«ckmonlB7 ' Is” F Kor] 403, Cal Ptianoi MO. GAMES: P>i QrM 778. Jnmy Ui Lai^>la«.?tS.S'a«jAa4m SCniES::Tu«MOTrXI Tit SE IMc«* 11-4 MAQic' DOW_ TVflH FAltS' ""^* *Umi 713. Jorrv TUESDAY UUNCH'l< SI3, Uar^u^ n Hcc’i 4HS, GlaneaMacnam ^fn u i i “iK c3'f^ l j j r i;t*Kl.v*' Tcr>yCWMa3M.CanKiV*2SS.RayRay0>r«>348. Oaiatfi MI.N-, SCtllCS J.rry M.u-;< I //.ii, rn?ii Ka'ia SEUiES Sftawnl’alail>al»r»cn5S3, naryjy 483. PtB*n1W,U^niMv«I1M.Pt *" Kara SO>« 340. WlayCWvn 344.1l«.QIPt*nw M«>co<4Uo(xryS03 Uof GAMES Ttt SENIOR LADIES SCRICS: J«i Thomodi^ 34S. Deo Want 344, LcnrMSenjooi EM.IEno>r>*«rtAIVSlor>giUor»0» . tV ?]C! BCNiOnUEWSSCIIiES^ Iu.nIg Cla.l S7». GAMES llanO, An«,An«»on337.DoiMc«fy 308, Slaey►:vH^l*91®j' ^udeMBo'"'*” 477. M O«rion 410, noaamary UMon 3SS. HanJC««i7y JM i’l Ula.nalloMMJ.JOaiM.S^..S.»ri MO. Houaf 701. iKawn l>alar«on■fionlOl, ClASSIC.il:iR io s, Foun-QAUE oeries H*l*nh» Jtoiaon 344. Oamart larwn 383, Qraola 477, De» DnlltKIw'. TUCSDAYNITEUIXEMIXED SERIES: OaOanaSmimg79.SncinOr>aU< SEMOn 6£ WOlES GAME* J*n TKornoelir VOLLEYBALIL L ThaOaacca W|fK>r!»UE;i (llK.-IviIriPM c,fim] , 5, SENIOnMENSGAUESI IoIom Clau 744. SEniES Co'OonVartVan 44S.J.m K,n„n W7, B77. CM 0«iO«toainOOO.O.adHolrne9l. leS, IS VI Oanaon I4S, RsMmvy LMon 1*0. fHa.'w «o«» 703. (’«ary Tr»ey S33, Moni.o GAMES; Oa Halan Jaduon 131, OMwa Laraon 103. C»«dCL*« n j.r~ Ctu«»m7i4 Hui-nf]tuir,iuI"’u7l? Eauonlav S77. TaraaraP««onS78 P EnkO^ai -SUON. MISFITS ^ TWIN FALLS - Tvki F A Parkaland an Ttm S jaan McGu.ra GAMES J.m K>«nMn:i'*ao3l7. GorOon Vnn?l3 TUESDAY.Y I. MIXED DOYS 00 SERIES: Jam»t fUH 340, T*nrw^ RKrwum ratrr«al i*mu« aian*nonot McKay Conurucson sn.n«y Kuniman Gary Tiaey 711. Ci«l'Cwil Tracy 301. Moni, SERIES. DoDoe,not»4'<', Kat«iK »»anG*»W 101. Tara KaihUy^jS a ’m K.VMI.--., T..„.,„vy.;.:vi v o .McCji atio. lIlB SEIIIES Jau«a[kxM[kxXrihofor oti'i Tu-iy DaM UUch : SSwi 90, j K'pM^Se"' '” ■ ^'**** MalTtTilaandSlon* li M l “-.,I.%VVW'»V7' hc^l'rr, tlwDAYVAjX-y''^“°' IC*« 610. CM Tracy Ml. nywalar KKK.Kr.SrSi.”'’IM s on »« Cotvw. HOVSSEIIIi;!. ll««,Cn»lt.n»l«ial 073 Stian. DanlS™! ^o*** CURLS SERIES AngMa Oun** 360, MagM>9*r> Harv«yi/D*vtn 1] s s s . s s s runK . S-7 lADitsr.AWQ;. loTCi.l>.ii.%.’j i'j Co 97. Jm Zaman t'l?. Jay TUESDAY T M ow mv*UWI*on Dt)«« SIS. Caiay' EiT-am. Sa». KanoJnOuiOWySTa.Lonn* SERIES Jutim Jul siuda< SO. U4fl> SluUar 49«. ^£S53"3^j»^l55:'^ K K S T " ! n 8-7 ■ .'vV'Kfi’r' "•Scru»« 643 RyM>3«ftabub43a.K*OMWwr4U,0«»ianv 0«ny Rental 7-8 "|0^ (lOYS GAMES lk*by Cniiwni^eoal 777 Shar^ CMA^E^^^UMS^‘S Dan«c4SS.Ae,Aman(JtStudar3»4. ^ s r - Pr*c»ien HaairPrMcen(I 4-tl Hac»Ma>n7tK CaM»yUcEl«>EKA 103. Ty SEfliES. Mill Wants?iTt 87#, Sharon N-iwn • GAMES: Jut’mJut SlucMf 704, MtfliStudar 104 janndw Utf •ling l{S, L«row*«m sl MOU MFiHii :;c)iic;; iiui.noiiotiK>..77tt, >tC |7n,Ual74, K»M ^ _ K M . . . ,T Doy* and Ont CW> J.-J- llort (,xi. IVj H Lf.i r,10. U.IIHI FreemanFt( CinLS^;,CnrES Jo.™ FuOai sto! lirua Hailuni^.ra ’V.’.S'JIS’ te is.AmohdaStutlar t ISO. Dgr/sERIES ffi Jo«iOw>M>c>ut819, OM**» . JUAAuet»rvr4S«a*0IMTlM ^10 ft. ■ CrarrwrPumpSMvioa ol* uJ^«^4U. c»vttil J2J’ Snn.ca^auon4»S. Carol,nbiman FACULTYaCAOUE Ll SS B*n U««cin* Shopp* 3-3-13 WiftO P^»w 0.T3 ••( Nion wLNsr.Awi s iHvi». SERIES W«yPn0a403.JayE4.r.4M.Wa 390, CataB PiSSsSa** C ..,tm w^r.am. ?:\T. J.x k HoriI?37, > uiiar 100. Noxa GAMES M.HWalliSIM 315, Carorvn r.irnan Darral HaK« OOVS GAMES: Join cV^t»l*S^^^^T149, AnvinOaOwn 104, Shirloy Moniaom* m-w 437. Anr>*R« EKn 9H. Ba^ S n ? l ' , T » r . ^ Hjr^nWy...aniaiO, MaiYFr»r«»tC4iakot 100.im OaMIArCora 140, Anon M SIOII LAOirs'sC(lin'” DS"v«nn Ho ^ HuiN»"‘^‘"'" 0 197, Sru.onN«l«nU Henon 134. CMO PMrMn •■.•■ ll.inwiM Smilti Ml. Kjllt>» llo«» iO .343 I’alrcl. U~la M»«funh«.tha. IIBO, KmPaiarton • GAMES: Wa»yWal Pr«>* 19S, Jay E*a.t 173, m FOlOAV WIC MIXED,r^ RceOonWlKIlton ISO, Annan* E4*>t 190, OJRLS OJR SERIES: T*rM SCNiWuV)it:!''c?MCS KS'v^n^ . » am 103, Ma/yFmrwtCottko* Uomaon Mor 403. Kim Counltyman :i< fu>tw,,iim^t.?no. Ii.inn/lw'V, 10 CAWEjfcnanatlVonc-' l30.Pair<»Ein%«it3{ SCfllES (kCWan.M111049, Gary Tracy SOO, 140. 30e. RactM Novtk 303, Uot> Waoaman S07.3, TaTart Poi-ton S4I, D.»r WED. MIXEC iHUfIS JUNIORS Sanvtun/ah M3. (Vyan P>MS 301, Aarwy FtnbanU (lO»Vi:!cnV^ j'iS«'5m.n 70(1. Uy l»i gS£Er,J“'“~ - Oon Acii« 100, Garr Tn s^Ssfaasr"'’ TUES. ™ RIOT SOUAD • CniLSSEIIlCS Dan.«ilaAi»fAianasn. n.mr^ Waoeman IS? /yTr^ylBS.Oonn., Con^na^wJ,';M,j^».Fo-4.f30tn* ^ ican 703. Kala SAT. UOKNING JUMC M UNions iS S Jo ff^ ffisjfss.rsr licC4rcln» 3M Auwr CU-4-0. 3M'" DSiH*7M*^'’' SERIES Jay Want SM E«mon 430. cnnt HalM*r 0iI00. tVinny 430. Oan»l Manljomacisss'srs; sjisrytonHnacftOM, RutJyHolmaa?, 40t! Kacknam lU. Aiyua Duncan>Mn 170. Kala ,493. 5n«iia l>»l».Mn 4J »mll43,Ei«i[Kw«i*f6$l, • JS,“SSS."SiSU, OOY rSSS Vawwc H « s r ' S S -ipM - Si'srs; . ffi U«acluinOOcinneoeiia(»ar 103, TmTry Pdartcn IB?. JaanFky ssrsisis,--, Get ms ni££ DISH Networic cflg TxillDITMlOO CnocMr IU, AMi Ooryvf’ IU,IU NeicP»r»or\a "j!*r a23E?oi2 «7v y »fci»^4at. r,*MES MM„r,(lU>C« 174. K,i» S-.il,III IB7IS IM, CniK l''««ca IU pr.'srii'^ a Mtetllte TV lyitem (MSRP i^49)19) and a I.»iyC»iior 114]« ' aiKLSSEIIIES Kai*ny Smui 909. Dmivi Rkm* (MSRP $199). Thjl'j 8 value r.AMCS :iru«nFloih» 13D AjrunWnrVW.WV OinLSOAUED TonyaLaa• 173.<7, K»n- WJaon ,A, i™ SNAKEWVTODOWl.1 LOONEYKIOSm.BOntEV SeTlfak'SS9itMh4N. Carai >ikAJ*«47S, >7. Ka»c*nny IM. ()«(C» Wiiwm 137.13?. 140. T»yiUo».. I^6. Mala/Mian-AH.«}ISI, SCniES Freaf««^tK i*«nnflitfar>* IM, JaanSmCh second receivcf for only (49,9999. lust Kan Vmarl4} iwKoattt I7S, Kn««>t 400, ' uibscribe to Amefc*'t Top 50 padackagefor fAuc‘Hl"°'r ------I’lkaiei. UCniES Uaitfw.7h.aS Ifll.S 3^nnc4F(*W30l, JEnOUBBOtKWUJCKM jssrs^ssr-*. ^ “ HI.SaraNulKft lAan l4g,Sl«v*Foa>«, MOfSBCRIE only S22.99 p « mooth. |) s s s s i s n s ' - aAMEii Uarm*w Thrai eo Sa sssrss:;;;: esKZ,S'S^"KSSL3“rfSl, Si Ilceo* Ja Evafti 73. Cr>nt 'iina i S r " ™ ’ k k S s R^WCS|Ci.nV^.i« IM, Cto,ion Wiium * '’3 p*m«re40, K J » S 0 1nrtii r t N ^ S i 1??? UW)CVAll£YL«*STTW\ n 970.^D>j»n^ Scftan* nobon*033,la.iMxiBM^esi.tkj^aeoa i.i. luMMte: SCniES Kay P«co.l M4, Ad4 K TKt Cancon NMnotli, DlKewtry Owinalm l OwkM U*>n/lii US. 0«'ry Smi U£aOu(Uy8ocia3W.Ray Pnd DCMLAOnOlilC. TMN FAJXD :>lona S70. AM Sn«nw MB. Ti J*nvSbraKin34e.aaP*knw OIRL MCMSUCIIiCb tw vuau,M 7. Ilodloo Sio. iUrti»j»Sm»nM7, DowonWtyMoooUs. LW>£S CLAfl34C TfBO; ‘S II Cochran 347, ChMKUoMid 406,1 loaJ» 6111. TlKVrpwci 074 UancDan*a Ta^a Paanon S44. linos 40.nonL*nc•nea*4w34S.V*mJorw«an JsSissssrmM “ CoalM Ml. Jvr, Zanm AM, Tom Umm« m QAJilES rawnaOwM JSfl.O.0,OanySnvth L^M^5il*TZih*Jtiv(2 43.RayV»o)tnHolM33e. OutfVAMiTwr* Mm »4i.KotryK»l».Mcr>*l 7». JukaiSftal1#r?l5, Sni My< '>K»Clu«etB.U4tvO*t«*yBM. 1•* l.OMThontMcntlO.1.1 1791790 K im berty Rd > 7 3 M 9 1 0 Laa/aCiS ton SmiV> 7M. Maury M>MlU ^. S»M^ 707.EUUayJo.9.ntc.> l«MS**M7. Tammy CailMSM, JMilcal^MgCMrlOI. M 1 - >i‘j. Dairal Coalat 74fl. lUayna T lwmown w ' Oars Snwh S«7,W. HtiKRiaiMrBSO.PaJllu* Jmak ^ 0 {',0 .k K 74!, P>MOn7aA. J«rfyUa>urtw>a;3a<734 RAMCHDCMl.aOOOMa CiMuia« Go04*fl u s, CMy O*nuino*f Aimsaisr~"-“~" sKSi Ja''v Zahrn 7.VI Cjrr iS.tnnai 7Ji SAOEIinufiH -»*.»on33#.a.r»I Sma Scruoo* M 330 TmA Uanma'XRt33l.Ua/anda C y ^fttn t ^ KiSr™™- 3S« cneS:nP>kn«7lt,K«ri =£*=S=si.v§sas5gr^5<^ HI. Za- f t * » C 8 J V f e^ i C 2 % \LL .EY M^^talley/ldahclaho . . . . 0 3 G tyEmtonQadBakiam, t 733-Oi3-0931. Exf. ^ 4

' Thursdalay, NoVetriber 2 1 ,2(2 0 0 2 .' Sectiong C A rouUNO T g T H E ^UXEY P w i n lByisi% h o o) l o f f i (I c i a l s h1 i t w j tt, th e fed- a fte r a n earlyrly four-hour goal-set- a one nd see how m uch you couldId do that every studentmt eventuaUy< is ard wajBcs away eral government is dentmanding tlngmeetinglg and anc then it’s,like trying to dod( it going to have to she ^ 1 t r e e 11^ ' show proficien- more with its Nd Chihlld Left “The demamands on schools is with wit your hands tied behihind cy, whatever thatat is.L That level ipty handed after BehlnilA ct. - increasing olnalmost exponentiaUy/ your yot back,” said Boaoard has yet to be set,t, anotherai road- i^e^W llitN From the west, tbibe state ' but the suppciport of th e publU: to Chairwoman Ch. Vera Redmin a n . > block in setting joals.goal d e m a n d in g m o r e wi '^ivfmTALlS-TbraeOaiegeof gOd-setting "’ session with its meet those! demandsd Is lessen- “W "W e a re doing so m uch on solo Ut- O ver th e summer,ner, some of Its QoCthem Idaho 8 tv< accountabiUty and osscisessment ing.” soidd Superintendent tie tie: right now.” im plications w eree sprungsr on two Student Senate plan, featu rin g m o re sti ^ hold tb e f i m ofaf Vw hat it h e m 8 y Rob*ib irtM iyw standard- TerreU Donidlicht. “Som ething h as Information Ii from the-l,4(.400- of tiie dlstria’s hhl^ i^ ie r peirform- ■ bed tests than ever. Will be many Chrlta hWews wrHsf______to give.” pagpage No Child Left BehindI /A ct ing schools w henI theythe landed on . Istmas lighting TknwNi Add to that, a state ed f^valtoQ Friday. education In stead , the th< board agreed to continues con to slowly tricklee in. th e F ed’s “failing; schools” sd list, budget that is at best; gs o in g to m e e t a couplelie of hours earlier at WUey WU Dobbs, director of ope . 'C itio lln b food v«n^ «nd hay TWH«N FALLS - For Twin , pera- To avoid the punitiveput sanc- ' rem ain flat, d w p ite t he e increas- : the Dec. 9I boardb meeting to tions, tioi said it could take w^■^1 «Jdy P r e s id e n t byOdaTbomMRtai* hto i''• rights of 0 Jero m e5 mannu forced to Ijick Homburg saysrs hli e b as b e e n Tim— Ns i take a blood alcohoohol test wore to get I of the campus’ ' ' ' . ’ not violated, Idahoaho’s C o u rt of mfuy trees decor:rorated with JERO:IOM E - Two Jerom e H igh Appeals ru led on WWednesday, e dteitonas lights. S d io oll l* seniors attend d a ss every Scott Worthingtonton wanted the CSI student senatorstoTB have been t a physical therapy dinic. ^ 9 blood test - whichich led to his decoratina trees nearir ti FaUs anfi Katieie Thibault and Sarah Lott drunk driving conconviction in North CoUege entranauces as weU a s SO > ™hem count their repetidons' where his vehide hachad run out of frotn ohe side of theicunpmtoth. oe lachines. help elderly H fuel. o S io’. nts walk hallways- and The officer saidd W Worthington event Is free. . o b servve e physical, therapisu at a p p e a r e d to b e drunkd but work. ’j \ • refused to submitt to any sobri- 1 girls are interns at ety tests, indudingg tctests to mea- ip;w m 'tparticlpa p a t B b i I . Soutfaennem Idaho Therapy Services sure the alcohol contentcon of his | •-----«------*■— . Benedicts Family Medical pfDpOMg fiSatingigchaflges breath or blood. r in Jerome, and are stu- Worthington was,s arrestedar and | • TWINFALLS-Idahc«ho Power Co. dents In In Linda Arrossa’s work- taken to the Goodingiing Memorial s8]^ for now It won't.*t JJoin in on a * basedles I leam big class. |H Hospital, where thtthree police { proposed two-year trii trial run that There,re, students can choose H officers and two nursearses held him would change the we way utilities from anm arrayi of Job sites ciuring H dovm while a laboraiijratory techni- hAhdle housdiolds uunable » to pay ’ their senlenior year - from equine d o n drew th e blood.d. winter power Ulls. ' traininglg schools to chambers of I H The court deciiecided that r The Idaho Publiclie Utilities .commercerce, from newspapers to . I H because Worthington.ton was physi- J Itt , !i^..scfaool14t^icts, 4t from medical .1 H caUy resisting th e bloss communication, work I and other topics. I H abuse," wrote: Lansing, the.program on incomme e ellglbaity. el^nin “Worthington refusciused any less The existing program1 d(does n ot b u t T b e students sn then spend one I I day for the rest of the I H intrusive testing metmethod, such requires that householbolds dedar- ■ as a breath test. WcVe agreei with ing an inabUity to pay.ay have chU- er as Interns, Arrossa sai± I smaxm said working in a I the district court's's cconclusion d rm undei*. 18, p e o ^I. e fti and KaUe TbitUbault apply elsctrlcal stimulatilatlon elsctrodes to a knee atit SouthomSi Idaho Therapy 10 drug and alcoholI testestins- with Idaho Power, coll allMOMBS. -^ ggot to know many Ssrvkts S In J s ^ e . The Jeroirn C hief Ju d g e Darrellrell Perry anti ^ 5161. >mo High School stuitonts particllctpated In the work-basetl leanearning program detlghed to give PlePlease see $CH00L,Pe£eC7 ser of Burley was one of .. said. ga “We want to get ma


...... ______Ji r n ■. : M TlwilNiw.TwliftI ir21.20d2

\ M a g i c V/ a / l l e y

‘ I f . ------^ 0 ]►BITUARIES - M - i ' - POfO» oUbwy «d liiMHdMi,I, oM a l T S M m , E x t a n , M mM M 2 M > - M i ■ M L M M ttV9 tnmtmntmtn. niiili i itIt 4 m l for M tM v NMkatt ______'n » x w r t H d * < i f c r o wntowdcwteplwdliwttg|M ».«»wy«liy. ------■ P ai I lecamo ihe Chief Finaaclalal tain manager for seven yei/eara and al He was bor)orn on January 19, Cherherokee, Oklahoma, a sister MMcsllie 'W aB ac e Jewioliy* In RRupwt.'Jater to i; T win EFALL5 Ofllcor/,3r/Admlni$trator for Elmore0 tho hospital unill hor rellijtlroment In 1933, in Minnetnesota. He moved to (MelKelvin) Mix of Woodwiward, be known as 'Wally's M o d ic:al a l Cenior In 1984 until hisfs 1982. Sho was an activeI nmember of Idaho in his youlhyo with his parents OktalIklahom a • He somehow (oundnd tirna lo vw k rotlrerrwrrwnl in 2000, % the Firsi Assembly of Qo3od Church and siblings,s. He marrlea Helen Al80.sury|vina-are Alj hbr grandiidchll- (usually.the graveyard/ard shift) atuTl. eniure was a big part ol Jim's's a n d th e * K e e n a o e fs ‘ flrigroup. She Darlene McCui"ullough In 1962 a n d dren; re n Victor W er, Lorie ‘(Rutusty) Simplots-and Ord-ldaJ a FFoods, a r ^ stiil I H life b e)causo c a ho enjoyed atoolhoedd loved to travel, onjoyod raraising and were later, divoIvorced, but rennained Lancancaster, LaVem rTammle) KlKiser, lound time lo serve locallyloa In tf ti CM i lotcanoo -fishing on Idaho'ss coring for her flowors andid spending good friends.. HeHi was a hard worker Gunrunnsr Kiser, Teela Nash and Droud to s e e m any , HoH was a lieulonani in thee timo with h er family, and wes atwaya}ya thero to su p p o rt his (RoCxtot>ert) M ercer all of Je ro m e. GGreat- r of the cadets Ao on\ to careersfriitfie Civil Airlir Pairol F and spent six yoars asis S h e will b e ' g rea tly m ississed by all family. He owi}wned and operated grancrandchildren surviving are Jereirem y. United S la te s Air ForcoWCO ■ 1 . a S o airch rc l and Rescue Observer,r, who knew and lovod hor.ir. 'W o love V a lle y S o w esr r Sorvice (or many Jasoiison Christopher Kiser, Joshuala and Oad onjoyod. searchirching and w iv Ht Strappinping on leathers to rido hiss you Mom. 4 Grandmar y e ars. Kelotslob Lancaster. Sheena Nash,h.and piling records o} his> familyfar history I'or ft ' B - m o to r ccycle y as a member of thee SunHvors include her two children, He Is surviveIved by two brothers: Westi'estlelgh M ercer all of Jero m e. futura oaneraiions. bei m Motorcycio club, Jim found a Allan Shalfor of Twin Falls,I, IIdaho and Burt (Geraldine)ne) H aken, C.H. -Slim* Lola Lol w a s p re c e d e d In d e a th by3y h ar p ro u d o f hiB In d iau?h^laM n h ?^Ie ■ V ..jiH freedomim ho had noi known except')f W anda (Kurt) Johnson ool Logan. Haken. two sissisters; Flossie Bruce husbjs ^ d Terry.'a son Jerry, a daLaugh- was something he nevewvertfr^otW d when laking his Hying le sso n s long Uiah, Also surviving arer e h e r five a n d Tlllle (B ob))b) Murray, his ex-wlfe r terpnda Dudley, a brother Malarvin looking back we Wornvender how Oad e n o u g}h h to solo in Iwo types of grandchildren, nine great-(t-grandchii- Helen Haken.n,-three sons; John WllscIlson, two sister Frances Le\,ewl8, found time todo It'allll'nil Hewas aiiery P '^h e s Sdron and her broiher,r, Donald (Carol) Haken.I, LL eo (M iranda) B inge, Oiga lga Swafford and her parents. spiritual man and hefthefd many pbsl- . Jim was surrounded by the love of>f Secresi of Colorado Springs. Buddy (Donna)ia) Scott, two daugh- She §hi will be dearly missedd b u l lions In T he C h u rc hh of, of Jesus Christ his w ife.le. daughier. sisiers, nieces.I. ' Colorado. lors Venlta Fordird and Barbara (MIko) neverjver forgotten. The family wouldId like of Latter-day Saintsints. He {jla^y Hir / nephewsws. and many friends duringg Her parents, two brotheriers, Harold Arrington. 8) { grandsons and 2 to lhankihe all the nurses and friend,Ids at shared hla testimonyny ofa the gospel. W ^ .- • ■ ■ his life3 aand illness. He shared hiss and . Wayno, two sisters; MiMargie and granddaJghters,jrs. ST.r. Benedict's B LTCU for tho wonc>nder- He especlallS^ enjoyed B'*.' inlocfious}us laughier wiih all of us and:) Opal, < and hor beloved hhusband. He was prece(c e d e d in d e a lh by h is tuiI care c a they have given to our Icrloved high priests, a calling [ 7 ______I w e wiliI al'always bo grateful for having3 ‘Willio' ‘ p re c e d e d h er In doaoalh. parenis. 2 sisterters, 1 brother, his son oneId LL o la .. for nearly 34 y e ars, , had himTl iiin our lives. A s wo look ba ckk Funeral Services for Dai)arle n e will M ark a n d d a uighter g h Debbie Sue. Funeral Fur Services will be condiiduct- His love of family wasw as evfd^t to|iU Varn L. TaylorJr upon hislis Ilifo, wo know Ihal all that h e9 be I held Thursday. Neverembor 21. Funeral servicwees, under the direc- edI aiat 9:30 a.m. Friday in Ihe HoveHi whc know Wally, andId cone thing mat f. Vorn L. Taylor, 5454, ol Twin Falls, did wass inif th o spirit ol lovo. -Always a3 2002, ; at 12 p.m. at titho First tion of Farmerr FiFuneral Chapel. Buhl Robe>berison Funeral Chapel withh Ihe ho stressed was toI getge tbgether^is ^ died Tuesday. Novoijvombof 19. 2002. loving husbandhu; and lather, Jim wos5 Assembly> of God Churchc h in Twin will b e hold MMonday, or November 25, Rev.3v. Gene Kissinger officlatiiIting. often as possible andnd havet a family i-j* al his fiomo. the inspiripiration of the extended fami-- Falls, I Idaho. O lfidaling willllboPasior I 2002. at 11 a.m,m, at the LOS Church,' Burlejrlal will follow al the Jerorome reunion every year. ThisThi way everV- T Vorn was born OcOcioDer ?7. igdS. iy. H e constantly co showered praise3 D I an D uncan. Interm eni willvill bo hold 1st W ard, on MaMain Sl. In Buhl. T here ’ Cemjm etery.e one could unite andid stays ctosQilo at Fort Wofth, Texas.cas. to Vernon and and enccncouragement on all ol his5 followingf Iho services alII Ihe Twin will b o a viewinging at the church Irom Friends Frii may call st ihe HcH o v e o n e another, ■ I Margaret Slmpsor>n TTaylor Ho grow nieces andan nephews, and especially1 Fallsf Cemetery, Twin FallsIlls. Idaho. 10 a.m. lo 10.M:Xi a.m . Inlerm ont will R obeiibenson Funeral C ^pel Thurscrsday Wally Is survivedd b y . h is to y in g up in Fort Woftfi a nnd d was very proud on his daidaughter Tonny Visiiailon > for Darlono willIII bo hold tie field at tfio10 Kuna Cemelery in evenlrenlng (rom 6 p.m. until a p.m. wife. Jean Wilcox olI RuRupert; his chil- of b e c o m in g th eI ycyoungosi Eagle Jim is survived£ by his loving wifo,, Wodnosday, \ November 220. 2002. Kuna. Idaho. dren. Mark (Karen)en) Wilcox' bf Scout in Fori Worthh a t Ihe a g o ol 14 D o n n a:: sisierss and brother-in-law.. Irom f 6-B p.m. al Ihe Parkek e 's M agic R u p e rt Olympia, Washington,0 heldh a r 1?;'6o Di.'K)ih)',Iii:s Ifl Aflingington, Texas He Lisa, Dan>anny. T om m y. K alhy. Kirk, Lloyd Eugeneie (Gene) Ruiherlord, W m a.m. Saturday, f^ema m p p er 23, Z ff2 . I ! cjriiOuat'x)liCSrniihing irom gjics school Mark, Rc Rod. Patty. Barbara andI B urley 88 ol Buhl. IdahIaho passed away ai ■ al -the Rupert Third and Tenth ^ d I I • in Denver.ado inColorado 1981, ano Wendy;; grandniocesg and grand- M agic Valley/ FRegional Medical Chapel of The Churelurch of Jesos 1 I workefl as a gunsmil;mith/machinisi in nephewsws: Sarah, Man. Jody. i Center on. Tuesc3Sday, November 19, H Christ Of L atter-day Salni»alnis, $26 S ^ : A rlin g io n . T e xcas. a s Olympia. Samanlhiilha, Laura. Gini. Johnny,- I 2 0 0 2 . ■ F Street, vtrith Bishop Gts W ashington, and ai ] at Idaho Meiai Ashley, Edward. Jessica. I Qene was bcborn December 3. ■ Officiating. Military riteles’wrn'be s A u ^er ; Fabrications m Burtojrtey. Idaho. Vern Chnstophi pher. Alexandra, and Bailee, I 1913. at Cairo.3. iMissouri. After his ■ the direction ol the localfoe veterans. graduated irom CSCSI in 1998. He Jo. mother's death.1. he I moved to Idaho In term e n t will followV at a t Farmington loved his |Ob m sure jurgory al Magic Jim wasvas preceded in dealh by his In -192 4 10 liv e wilh t his Aunt and ■ City Cemelery, FarmlngtiIngton; U tah. <9 ; Valloy R egional Mcdtccdical Center, ihe daughier2r Tenny1 In 1998 a n d his par- B p < - j M Uncle Crood anj:}nfi a tte n d e d sc h o o ls H l^riends may call at Rasmussen people he worked)d >with, and Iho ents. Jarr ames Irwin and Tessie D, in Filer. ■ Funeral Homo, 1350350 East 16th ; palienis ho helped Algor, R ainey Alg ..JH He farmed aniand raised callie all ■ Street, Burley, on Fridarlday, (rom 6:00 Vern'5 ho b b ie s aand n d sports includ- Memori;onal may be made in Jim's his life. Afler retiretiring from farming, until 8:00 p'm ,. a n d aat t theth church .on ; ccl building and HyingIlyn radio con- namo to5 thetr Blue Thunder Marching • ■ Saturday, (rom 10:00I untilunt. 10:45 he wrorked at CDoorsck lor a number of ; iroliocJ airplanes andanc hunting. He Band Schcchoiarship Fund, Boise Stale bby was gardening. • loved f.iiimg by IheI liropiace lif( with his Universit'sity. Ihrough Wells Fargo years. His hobb where he look; manym honors at iho i ihrce dogs, Kaiio.e. Ooogie. and Bank. J T w in FauA l l s v .; % Pickies Twin Falls Couiounty Fair, In later V orn IS su rv iv e d years, his producluce was given to all Jo.innii; Taylor ol Twin"ia^'L ^on: W h i tTE e R ock, C anada who wantod it. Ulll r.iyidf Ol Boise. Idalio Id; a broiher. Dfl«oi»lo Gone married)d Kathleen Walpole i Alan (Laura) Tayloror iul Fon Worth. DOVBny4y Jean in Buhl. Idaho0 onc November t9. Toxas. his molhet. MarMargarel Taylor ol ClfiVtOIIan Thompson 1939. He is sun/iirvived by his wife of Granbury, Texas, arand his kidney o„'„ , 63 years, two.daulaughters, Carol (Jay) |H B aonor, Araoie Hansen;en who gave him August 31, 2002, 1929, in * Cox and Beulaflah Young, both ol PwH ier. Idaho, to her lovmg par- Ihe last ? t/2 years ol hist lilo Ho w as “ “. " ' ' f S ' ' Had Brovwn Boise: one sor:on, Rogor (Mary) |I|CJ [iroceded in deathm tb, nis lamer. Earl^irl Alexander Claylon and Hedwig 'Had* Brown, 033 ;year old Rutherford ol EucEugene, Oregon, live W .fl ’ Mae (Piper) Clayion, She p, Vornori Burley resident passed awayay peac^ grandsons. Brad.id. Nick. Hick, Randy A C oiebralion ol Lile will bo held al aacofully in hor sleep on lully Friday. N ovom bor 15. 2002 in & Mark. Five gre;treat grandsons, and 7 p rn FficJay eveninc). N ovem ber 17. 2002. in ih e Ij.V ancouver, W ashington, folkjllowlno a 'o“' groal-oranddddaughlers. V fl he shared wilh her much J '^002. al Reynolds Fi brief battle with cancer. His parents. 9 brothers1: and 2 sis- ^ B ; with Ri.-v Dalo M otzge jsband. Charlie Thompson I. 1919. in lo fs p re c e d e d hin-nim in d e a lh . ^ lOlher. Dorothy Claylon. Twin p She was born January 3. Vorc's roquosl more w Pueblo. Colorado, the dau{lughier ol Gene was lovioved by his lamiiy, nd hor brother, flay Claylon . inq a n d creinalion is ui John and Francos Rebol. HeHor family a n d they will trulyJly m iss him. wile Betly, Shoshone sur- ^ tion o( Reynolds Funer; moved to Rock Springs. Wj/Vyoming Memorial Serviirv lc e s lor G e n e wiil r . S h e leaves behind h er lov- Tfio laiTiiiy su g g e stsSIS lhai donations L ,h , ' whero sho received her ediducation. be Held Saturdaday. November 23, m Vern's memory bo givon lo Iho Iren. Chene Thomas. Cynihia ^ Brown on 2002. at 4 p.m. alat the Parke's Magic t ;/Cox (Randy). Deanie S ,, h e m a rrie d H o w ard G . Bri Twin Falls Animat Sheller. Sr Magic L ^ w e I July 7. 1940. in Rock Sprfnrings. He Valley Funerai HoiH=[je^|55,K,mber„ 3ll (Sieve), Debbie Follors i ) Valloy Regional MeiVied.cal Comer preceded her in dealh on Jarlanuary 9. Road. Twin Falls. I illaca ■Wally' Wilcox a n d Clini C onner (Liz). She F o u n d a tio n , or lo) IhoIt American 1999. Following iheir marriaiiage ihey The family woulould like to 'th a n k Dr. WWallace alli J o h n a th o n W ilcox w£ leeply missed by her twelve '* «lebra8ka,4lTe ol flowers.s. the I family requests dona- J} daughter ol E. Henryry ande Benda ^ lions be madema lo ihe Cancer society, Smembers ' of the St. Theros.3sa Little 84158-0249. Theslese may be sent or problen)lem s. Flowor Catholic Church. Hac Matilda Holm, She moved>ved 10 Tribune, Hospice, oraor charily ol Iheir choice. , ‘ iad lovod given lo luneral hohome staff, Dad|ad grew up in Salt Lake City, an 10 play bridge, cook and helfelp oul at a lteinded n d East High School. “aii A Kansas and spent 19 yearsy thefe .Memorial;t ses rv ic e s will b o held al a ° belore moving to Coloro lo ra d o wrT&?e Jin RichlieW. Idaho. tho oioctions and America ugh his youlh ho lovod the ou Cross blood dnvo. She was“ i "m S ' -.J ercR O M E . J Srs: !fishing, hunling. skiing, mouri;,' she resided frdm 194646 - 1980. S h e bor of the Ins Belter Homeme s a n d ------1 tain dclimbing ir and as our father, h Ihon retired a n d n>oved3d tott Twin Falls T w i n F a l l s aGarden Club, acling as preslcsldeni for ; . .’xnii 'o v ed tc(0 tako us and show us all ih in 1981. Leola was manTiarried to Erin IV ^ IhrIhree years. She dearly loved3d all her wonderiders of the ouldoors as much e Becker on November 23, 1941.:Ertn wcwondorlui Inonds Ihero andd mi issed . c:ould. o u Most df our Saturday passed away in Februaiiruary of 197.9. thithorn when sho mov€ved to ■ . .j#?iSig?i w ere) spsponl learning and enjoying ,Zth ! Loola Ihen m arried H.. BuButton Hili on N ovem ber 28. 1994. Buti l a l W;Washington. Had movtv e d to V ' a n ofif rereeling In ihat big o n e , or (Inall Button pas^^ K J \ _ Vancouver, Washington, toI b e near learningling how to parallel ski! away in May ol 1999.,!19.,She was'.a 'II housewife and also wc B jpB0Cr ' n. ' . V heher children in August ol 2001 Wallyally was ari accomplished artii I w o rk e d a& a supervisor in the kitche Survivors include two dauilu g h ie rs, onoom could usually find at.lea: Chen a t Qocid K=Kay Rickner of Aurora. Cotorairad o ^ B ( of his oil paintings al any ol 'rv—Sam th aritarrRetlremanrContenh— anr ------' Loveland, Colorado. SheShi currenily I '1 mMary j (Tom) Taylor of C a m a s , wings around Ihe Mlnl-C^ssi f '“ volunioored at the Twin/in FallsF Sonfor Washington; a son. Howe a re aI. . Howover. ovon with his bus " 7 Center. Leola onjoyod}d c crocheting, Brown. Jr. of Porlland, Orego idule ho always found timo lo s ' playing pinochle andid bingo.t: She grandchildren; and Ihree g r e a t- dovmn withwl us kids, each with our owi ’w" loved trips lo Jackpo-bla w a s b o rnT o n N o v em b er 11. s prec Q d e i),ip in Twin Falls, Idaho,in Iho Qnn ni PaSSOd aW3’w ay N ovem ber 15. 2002, al od as Chaplain onboard shiplip. death by her parents,. hhe e r tw o hue- Faiher Enriquez Torriquez. co-cole-cc at Hazeitolion. Kansas, ttie Dad ea Jam es Irwin and Tessi ; Care Center alior a short Pa' earnod several ribbons antnd bands. 3 sisters and 3 broi 'ssio D t o n o y ^ Pleasant daughter of Grovtaver C, and Vernla awards brothers, „ th baitiG with pancreatic brant. bra Burial will b e in th e Pli ds of sen/ice during his enlist1st- S o r v ic o s w ill b o h e i Algcjr Two oldor sisterscrs. Norma and le-family Faucelt Wilson. She Sf married Terry held Frid^, VieView C em etery in Burley, The : end was honorably dlschargoclod November 22. at 11 a.m. Beverly laughi hitle brolt'rolhor Jim many mado to LaVorn Kiser on Ja n u ary . 8. 1938 in i.m. a t the'(W r e was born October 10, suggests sug lhat memorials be m igusi of 1945. To tha end. Daclad Savior Lutheran Churcl le sso n s in survival whicthicn served him .q'?!"® "! ' -athollc Chorokoo. Oklahomoma. They moved 10 ^ a a X i urch al 1708 Red Cloud. Nebraska, lo St. St, Therosa Liltle'Flowor Ce always patrlollc lo his country, H eyburn A ve. W. in "Twin v/oll in sc h o o l Jirn grai lenls aro l<^aho in 1955 from>m Anthony. Kansas Atmr 'w in Fells MHh E?n“ ' l S uLula i Johnson Secrost! She Church Chi in Burley. Arrangemer or the war, Wally married Jearlan Pastor Dan Rioke 'of Twtn Falls High SOiool i idell. before moving 'Officiating, ;econd ol six childron. She undor unc tho direction of■ fPavne ''ve^ i'i Wende isen of Mendon, Utah (his long itien attondod Idaho SlaloSla Uni.orsily 10 Je ro m o in 1959■59. Lola w o rk e d at ig- Services are under thete direclk«'b(d ' ier schooling in R ed Cloud M Moi ortuary In Burley. ^ sweetheart), on September 10 ,wnc‘re he receivedI a bacnelo,-s M arshall’s In Jerom i 10, P arko’s M agic Valley Fune•uneral Home. Lorrin Carl Shaller, Thoy Dme and al Ihe ASP , They Ihen moved from Logan degree m I9G9 polalo processing p an. T he family w ould like:e 10to tha n k P r. ried on October 24. 1936, g plant In Burley. u w h . lo to Rupert in 1951. and fell Ir Jim marfiod Donnala K.I D anlol ol B u h l Sun/ivors IncludeIde her son: LaVern 'J? In B a r b a r a J o n s o n a n dj ’the th staff-,Q( Oud, and he passed away wilh the area. Subsequently Gooding, Idaho, m 1962* 2 andlosoin- (Patty) Kiser andj a d a u g h te r In law ly. Magic Valley Regional>nal MedlCy^l Of ttiey lived m Fairli 5, 1999, To this union w ere i _ were blessed wilh (our beauiKuiful C e n te r (or th o ir c a r e ancand concern irllold. Boiso. John Arthur Haken Vickis Kiser bothh ofc Jerome, threo -hiUon :hiidren, Allen and Wanda. **” ren and one stillborn phlld lha'^a^ during Leola's recent hc SealllG, a n d finally m MountainMoi Home '"i" of Buhl brothers; Gerald1 (Tonl)(1 Wilson and nart It hospllallz^- whore the raised ihci e worked ai Rogers John J Arthur Haken, 69, of. is finally getting lo se e , lion. At Leola's request381 mi em ori^ died peacefully in his ho'home on Harold Wilson bothbc il-M ulvane, Tonny Alter working lorto r'sS Blue Cross, o ss' Bromorsle.Seed Co. as a floorwalker die id apprenticed In the art oiol may be mado lo thee T Tw ln. FjsTls Monday. November IB. 2002.3 Kansas and Rayr ars. at Newberry's as foun- Moi lymond W ilson of watcjfirch repair ln;U i^,.and openece d Senior C e n te r In her naim m e . ,

U.S. military expxpands role i' — T A L — — e a t h to help rebuild AfMghanistan. M nH - Hospn — D i N O T IC E S5 '— ^ - See pageeC < 4 . MAGIC VALLEY RE4 MEDICAL CEM a rirbara t J. Tipton Judith Hale - Some luunes are onom itted TW W IN FALLS - Barbara1 J. BURLEY - Judithth'Bale. I 44yof 1 at the patient’s req* q u e s t ?tori, 73, of Twin Falls ditlied Burley died Wednesda»d«v* Nov/!20, , Oil spdl spurs cdbforCO A dm itted !dnesday, Nov. 20, 2002, at bh e r 2002, at her home. ; orodcdown on old f Wamla Ehrbard of Twin FaFaUs h mne. e . Arrangements •wUl-'i4»e -i c D ls n ia e di AU-rangements rr will be an- a announc^ by Psnmele &Moitiutry in Seepage^1 5 ° ^ H I Jim U e of Twin Falls.-R-Rolph-Towne of------nouncm eed by Paxice's M a ^ Vall«lU^ Burley. ^ I Di;IHetrich and M ax W alton ofifMurtauflh t, Funerneral Home of Twin Falls. ------iy ' - r ^ M ‘.f - r ...... > a m m o u mNlNr2S,aOQ2 T taH lM i,TM if

/ " ^MacGIC V a l l e y /I[I d a h o

i I t J______• . ------S- V e r v i c e s I JR obert‘B«lBob’ Conley Uw is of. Tvdnwin FeUs; interineot will folioUow memorial service with.vith m ilitary rriee a ril ajo; today at; SODsetSo Memoiial' Poric; priva:rate rites a t 11 a jn . Saturdurday at the red homees i?rasbthou&e Assembly of fai^ifflfljr viewing from 1130 a jnLto . i Hansen Mortuaryry R u p e rt I . God, 25 E. 10)100 S., Jerome: inum- 1230 Thursday a t Reynolcolds C hapel, 710 Sixth S tt. i P - * iAdminiiitrator/Tr.avis on c the dty Web site and p.m. Friday at the • o w lw t ’ Rothweiler.said ell an existing et d weekly., ' metery; military rites •' Paul Steven Westeistermao of > SSSjiSSLiSSSSSS can,Legion Poit 19 J«j -I. . structuree cat n .b e.ro p l^ d with a. .. . , ,*^PeopIe in Boise pay J « a n e tte jprancea iyeUoD'veare ou t... aren!ta necessarily purel vvid maiuifectuiwbai S&J5C .i 'a-?*..:.- C hbapel; ai burial will follow t «6id mamittc- Rothwdireiler pointed out that if O C ur s h d te r is fu ll of Labi { at viewing from 9:30 a.m.um. tm til the ^United to iBohPfr,«6u i*Noiiiia Pflt'flusboeft of Rupert, Sunsim set M an o rial Poric. time of the service; bi » wide is'ever- replaced dally c in the fall," Schmidt r, burial will . . hired home p n t t in the ci9 of a single v be M d 11 ojn. today be in th e Sandy Cityf CemCc etery. •'Jertme. . .witha.dotdouble Wide/ihe owner '• Parking fine - The comdlo otttoIHnitJJty^jiitheran Church in . Tony To Ray HcClimans o c f :il passed an can’t go0 backb and replace the h V' The City Council heard the second reading■8 of “ > ,, R uiw btiriiiiiol will follow ac the •HonsBosen, MTvice e t 11 b jo . Fridaday Clarence Elwoodd CiCot Jr. of • 'i^kdinance Tuesday puputting those ■ doublew ide w ith a n o th e r s in g le .. o ordinance that would ainSse« o Rupen Cememetery: viewing one at W hite Mortuaty: burial wiwill Jerome, service a at t 11 a.m . tlffscfcdooa Into effectw.Before,siD- wide. One>nce th e d o u b le ,w id e is $ 2 0 fine for parking ticketstl hour beforet tbe th sei^ce Thursday foQmDow a t M agic V a ll^ Memorurial Saturday at the FrF re e W ill iifle^de homes weretre allowed in i^talledd thet grandfather rights . which v must be paid wiifithin a A the churchch (Hansen Mortuary VeteBterans Cemetery in Hansesen Baptist Church in JercJerome with' , '•11 zones of the d tyy eexcept reai-' cease,. w eek. • R u p m 'C h app d ). w ith1th m ilitary rites by Magig ic m ilitary rites by the Na'Navy. < dendalRlanes. O th e r ibusiness this week I£ a person wants to prctrotest a .Valleiljey Veterans and Auxiliaryiry; 1 . -Wth'thenewocdinaHnanm, numu- Induded:1 titicket, another police officero . Elwood K.*C.«*Duke” W U teheod frielends n may call from 4-8 p.n,m. J.C. H endrix of Bulil,ulil, memori- i ''factured placeoced anywhere • • Fee increases-Thein coundl would w review the tickert: i Idaho schoolss beaat U.S. aveie r a g e j V endosed perimeter,er, aod must ’ businessa hours,h and after-busi- could c appeal to ^agls I have a pitdied roof ata t ]least 3 feet ness hoursiirs, th e fe e will go from c o o u rt . BOISE(AP)-,I-A new report card inhd8htfore8chl2fe<: feet in width. $22.50 tb$o$50. '• BuUdIng activity„ -y- on the state’ss eeducation system F r o m t hhe i ‘report card' schools are perform- , I Mobile homes buUt?t beforeI July city Oei demonstrate how much buuilding ?howsIdahosdi Most of tiM data In (hc ncw Idano 3erk Kothy Cone said it d c national average, ) for new information atx>utx>ut dropout ; -',1976 and remodeledle d in acco r- w as th e fii activity there is in the ‘" 8 above the n school ‘report card* has already first, time the dty has a with nearly everycv grade level ' rales, eraduation ratessond om teachcr •. > widt Idaho coded e are coosid- raided thos Rothweiler said that Idst appeared in The Times-New^. qualifications for souin-cci lose fees since 1993. R beating nationalnai scores for read- n-ccnlral Idaho I ; e ^ to 'te m&nufactuiaured homes, a $5 fee during October the bui Vstch the twwtpaper this weekend fee for adopting an ani- d “ inea„dm«lh. nd school districts. ' Any mobile home notlot remodeled nml fromn thd e anim al s h d te r w ill dep tl' artm en t issued nine b u will only be allowed ii T h c n u m b crs n were released on ‘ d in a mobile also be imposed.im Schmidt -said p P e rm its , fo r $2,871 in pipermit Wednesday fc homeparlc. <' - by the Idaho ------• ■ _ the $5 willin help o ffset th e cost of fees fc and $306,070 in estirtmated Department off EEducadon. FcKleral ' Resident Ross ^ teIteman i asl^ the parvo*¥0 shots all dogs get p pi ro je c t values. T his y e a r 224^ r- Jan, requires st I about pyitring. single w: states ro produce 5 w i d « m th e w h en theyley are brought to the mits m were issued in Octictober. reports on siude I \city and was told thai idents' pcrfonmancc ;hat they are animal shelhelter. talcing ta in $15,048 in permiml fees reading andd math,r Rraduaiioii j ; eftmdfathered in at theirthi cuiTcnt Sd»midtdt suggested that a list- and ai $2,408,089 in estimateited pro- rales and leadiei I .'IbcatiQns. hers’ qualifications, infT M ^vaivailable dogs be placed je jc c t values. The repon carcard offers a record of im provem ent:nt for Idaho’s finan- O ver 4 0DO ( " ^ I cially strugglinging schools, though Middle; East exp th e W estern •aste«pcft. > world, the Middle Easi has been a commentator ono n ^ ; »? :nt. And though ders declined one { been shrouded in mysto : FIno Arts AucJIIoflum, programs p j as ABC WorldI ^N#.w^ e le v cn th -g rad ei reading and math j But given (he birrer of Soumprn IcJarw. .. CBS Reports, Crossfire, CoTd( Tent state of ' A,u scores, for the‘ Iowalc Basic Skills ^ A, C h ili is £05 0 K 1 1 - ■ intemational affairs, thethi need for • 7 p.fn. ' today. Morning M, America, NewsHoui Bch: Free. Jii Te.„ they still1 hbeat the national L; ! knowledge of the r^«ionandthe o •Hownwd Jim Lehrer, Nightline, O’FKemy average score of J 3f 50 pcrcent. !k. 5 on 15 eiven: n - ; imcaning behind iu conflictscoi has • HectadJby; by Snaho Rtvcr- Factor Fa and TTie Today Show. Fourth gradersUTS - the only gnide a n ro 05 a. :devdop^ greater urgergency. Symposiumlum. While Iraq takes centerr s ta g e , ^e national average * Renowned M iddlei EiEast expert I------^------;— I the thi rest of the Middle East cc m ath score a t: 49 4i percent - still Charityty Anywhere iDanid Pipes, w ho spea:leaks lonight Becausce theti Middle East grows ues ue rdatively unobservedI mij increased scores;s iin fcwth math and ;at the Collcge of Southiithem Idaho, increasingngly relevant in public’s PU radar, he said. reading aitegorieries by two percent- Foundatio'on 6th Annual- I |aiffis to demystify thatat [part of the Americans’is’ lives, 1 students in C Srs The problem is that Iraq is age points each, • .worid as well as explainoin the origin honor progn>gram chose Pipes as the lively liv well-understcxxl. T herrest n of Less than 2 pepercent of ldaho'.s M I I o f the recent spate of :(ci terrorist vio- k e y n o te speaker sf of the 2 0 0 2 die tin vast Islamic world serves'es as a teachers are teaieaching outside of I lence. S n ^ Riverk'd-Symposium. sourcc soi of confusion, muchI Itoj the their area of exprxpertise, according C e l e by r a t i oo n ; : “We’re engaged inin a war, 1 • “The synlymposium provides a detriment de of American socociety, to the report.. Two1 percent of I icould argue, th at has $ ixbeen under unique opppp o rtu n ity fo r o u r stu- Pipes Pii said. leachers are worworking wilh emer- f t h e , I >vay for 2 0 years, andid vwe’ve ju s t dents andI theth communiiy at large “I ' think this i^ in some: »sense, gency credentiatials issued when of : jbegun to fight," Pi;Pipes said ^to leam ibout-importantabo issues,” the thi most puzzling and ceilentral school administraitraiors cannot find i Tuesday in a phonee interviewi: ^?'Jani!eSe Sheder, ccMrclinator of issue iss of the public debate,te,” h e a leacher with thithe correct creden- thelwnorsp: f I from Philadelphia. s program. soi± sai tials to fill a positi'sidon. N a tt i v i t y I I ^astlefonrd Jud^Ige orders rn e v i e w o f sischool buili l d i n g s FREE ALOMISSION Boys and G3irls C lub - CSISI (AP) - After last and am experts for both sides> wv hen to be paid by t hie e state. : I board obj>jects •□ring on the safety of there the is a tool available to cut The judge dinlirectcd Hummel _ T w in f-alls, c Idaho -- schools inn Ithe Lawpai School costs cos and focus on the mostst seri- to begin lookirking at the 351 I I I D is tr ic t, 4i4th District Judge ous ou< problems first,” Bail sai>aid in schools identific[fied in the 1993 N o v e m b ei r 2 9 • 6 - 9 p m L t l D eborah BaiBail on T uesday issued* her hei order. Needs-Assessmeinent Report com- i to football 10 • 10 am - 9 pm1 att^rder approvingai a special The1 court appointed Chaharles pleted for the LtLegislature, and November 30 consultantut who will indepcn- H Hu um m el to act as th e its “sp«jpecial to focus on those3se with the most D e c e m b e; r 1 • 1 2 - 6 p m I ]()roposal dently assessess every problem remedial rer master" in the case,c • serious problems,ns. school buildiJding in th e state. which wh has dragged on sisince “If a situationm is gravely dan- Public: is invited ; ByMlckeyBfown “I f is not3t 1reasonable to spend • 1990. 19S gerous to studentsnts, it is going to aent another declecade and millions of The1 cost of his serviceces is. be immediatelyrly a d d re sse d by Sponsisored by: doDars on lalawyers for both sides expected ex( to be about $40p,ip,000, th e court,” BailI wrote.wj . G r e e n AiAcre's Diental ■;'/€a s t l e f o r d - Aa 'iproposal ______' for realigning eight-manaan football d id not receive supportin byI school I t i t ^ members on Tuestlesday. > ; ■ The proposal suggests:sts dividing I the state’s eight-manan I dassification into two c • : acrarding to school enroliroUment in • — j—y n ler tu deal w ith the”di:! dissolution i I .of Class lA 11-man footl>otball after / I ' tins season. I . “In talking to somem e DUniquee j boards. Pm hearing thatfuit some of ; the northern Idaho schoolssch are Buy One, Try A • extremely financiallyy stras p p e d ! ai^d very concerned iboutabo trons- .h | | | | | | | | | | I ^Ortation issues," soi K elly Free Sample Murphey, Castleford superinten-sup dtsnt. . ‘ lhrui..i*i '-;:i ■ '•“A nd th a t's p u ttin gg tlthem out • on the road more,” saiisaid board ' I member Rob Blick. “Tl“T h ere are I ju st all kinds of things: th at a ren ’t ^ ; anygood about this." t The Carey footballII c co ach is Support Brarnden & Karlaa's I pushing the plan, whidlich would |H | / f t divide the schools accoi:cording to IS TO FIGHiT enrollnfent. Those haviiiving m ore ^ 0 HOUR m- ‘I Por•your you -than 1 0 0 students playi a ' C •cli.ioe. .different division thanan schools mUNGEK ON MIX 1C03 y wef.i.ijgr-,1 nlqu# Happy , vdth fewer than lOO studeudents. l l l i i g with Teamn Con Paulos TWi)w n f f l / f e I Andy Wiseman, CasCastleford ^^1^3 rtume Spray, ; .prindpal, explained thoIO proposali oj.,i0 bO, ot ' was first being review by W Advsnccd I District IV schools beforiore being Buy 1 Clinique producl, »• ip Sign*, o r .35 00 I presented to the Idahotio Schools choose 1 sample FREE I ;A ^edc Association, j As a district, theyly tht o u g h t uy 2 Clinique products. :> I 'llfiey needed to be un '^ ise m a n said. .. loose 2 samples FREt Another proposal befbefore the iy3 Clinique producls, board didu’cceive^upiu p p o rt. A ' fetiiictaUe A m erica ttSg[Idg. d o n a t i o ^ oose 3 samples FREE < ed by Farmers fjationamalBankT^ - - will be installed in thele school’st v r ' gymnasium. rii* "T he bank h as m ades tiithis offer . to two other area schoch o o ls a n d s, 'l'i\> rtl be able, to share thh e costs of Maximum o f 3 uamplai n ptr customar. > Installation," M urphey salsaid. It will bo the only cost» s t to th e c,r£du»], Murphey said. 90b^aT-70da •ti ' The next re ^ a r boan>ard meet* : in« vdll b e held a t 7 p jnm.Dec. .: X7-— - in^the school library: ; 24^ 3900- B i ....

' ■ ' I! ' '■

/ • C5-.2 r-r r 2 ...... J It- C4■ TlwMI^TWtoF biir2].300a . J.. • ' . ••.! ;■ ‘

■ ■' N a t io n BSBSSSa^^B^BSSBi^KB I Militaiiryexpaniids role to[)rebi]ildi]ingAfghaanistan Daschle I blai '^'3 each will monove to such populi- £ !' Bush adminiinistration ■ ■ tidn centerss «as Mazar-e-Sharif in fortfur^ts^ policy takess ia turn H H D orthem AfglJghanistan and Herat WASHINGTON ' (AP) - SeS ittate I'ltro l ' o f ] the in western Afghanistan,A: setting M Mi ajori^ Leader Tcm Dasdilflilesays I Senate* 8< blamed , TT>e W ihlngton Po«t» t______upbase^firmjositvrfilcfa a id projects' thiducats have inoeaiKd agains)sstliim I th ti e tiroblism oo I can b e launchiched. H ie e x a a nuffl- and an his family and b l^ e s 9S talk A WASHINGTONM - In a major bers of tmops p: involved a n d the shtnhnwhfmf tiandaU I divide dj , re s tru c tu rin g of U.U.S. forces locations ofScam & ps have'yet to of the Rush limbeugh wannanabes” Ip o U d c s I .'a n d ; Afghanistan, the PerPentagon plans bc finalised,id, defense officials for an increaslnsly negative« tone I e to disperse team s of com bat sol- said. But mostost l i k ^ , they ^ d , a ininpoUtics. i . I iLinbeutgh, < dicTS, d v il affairs spis-pecialists and small ntunbeiber of camps will be ^Wbat happens when R9 ush I dl his itdio 4 Afghan troops aroun)und the nation established initiallyini as test cases. lim lit bau^ attacks those ofr tt u i n JL b BBH I showsll • Wed* n , to help sccure thele countrysidei “Frankly,, ItI don’t think tfae num- piIiM blie life is tfaat p e c ^ aren*i nesdav, coiled ■ 2 iind b(^t rcconstrucTuction efforts, ber is the relevantrei thing," one ^isSed Jusrco listen,” Daschli Daschle’ss oom* - defense officials saidaidihisweck. senior offidalia l said. “!t's m aking (S.XSJ>., told reporters WedhMM c a y . . ni m ents ■"« well* The initiativee marks an sure the conancept is well thought '■ *T"They1 want to act becausee ithey thoughc-out strategy stra .bynthe get emotionally invested. Am ex panded U.S. militiilitary commit- through and1 works.w If you start in Set ind so, Democrats to cotmtercou tbe influ* yop know, th e th reats to thoa ment to assisting in the rebuild- a few places;s iand it works well, Vo^ lose of . ence of this progratigram." . thenyou cane:lejcpandlt” us in public life go u p dramailatlcal- .’It’s not just againstaga me but ifs ; ing of Afghanistan, liIt also reprts ly, DQ our families an d on us, I sents a tacit admissiiission th at con- - U.^. forceses have increasingly ts, in a against you folks,ks. thet entire dudi* *■' way that’s very disconcerting." .ence," Umbavtgn cems obout security continue to ta k e n b n humanitarian hti and ^ Ign saidK^ycm all : reconstructii Daschle.was the target ofo: an now ore. being: dxaracteriteddu as ; inhibit reconstruction efforts and :tion tasks such'.as-: flnthrnT^yn'^nmtt'afKlz letter i sdiool buildiiijling and well digging X sent unsophisticatedd barbarians.;b« You '* ; ‘ will require the UnirInited States to to Ca^tol HiO lost year, althchw ^ don’t kn^ i^^diflcdiffereMe between " > do more apart frorrom trying to . in Afghardstarcan In recent months. 5° The decisiorion to deploy U.S. he did not mention that indt t hunt down remnainants of the i f c ii Wednesday. He did d te an i a ind- “This is th e con'tinuadon-iofcozi a ! Taliban and al-Qaida.da. tfMt forccs to regioirfonal centers to boost ^ .... the rcconstniiruction effort effec* ' dent last year when Republiiilicans pattern. Eveiy dmeimetbeOenoaats 3 For an administristration that AnA^hanian boy «tand* (n front of a froupip o\of M ldlm, m«nb«n of tt us. m s Z M f o r mlalizes a l this largely labeled him an obstrucdonisLL lose, either electioictions or'a major * came into office deriiending the use Airtwme Di Daschle, who will be stepi a DhrUloft, during an oparatlon of)f Marchinfu coaipoands in Ahad,id, Paktla unheralded changechi in policy. ^ pping . issue, they Uameae me,d they of U.S. militaryy fo rc e s fo r orovlnce t down as m ajority lead er now », south of Kabul, Afehanlstan, Nov.Nov 13. ' P e n ta g o nI authorities ai expect p . , m that talk radio and tfaey tfae blame ypu," _! “nation-building,”?,” the new Republicans have won backk con*< limbeugh said. . : I • ■■•I ^ em p h a sis on reconsjnstruction in that the initititiative will require Af^anistan constituiitutes a signifi- who wereere armed by the United was i being contemplatec vely modest increase cant sliift. S tates duiJuring th e Afghan w ar but Richard 1 Myers, the chair S. troop level in For months U.S. mmilitary offi- are resistiisting the authority of the th t e Joint Chiefs of Staff, Si . with about 200 dvil cials have resisted a fpolicing role U.S.-back«eked centnd government. s i p e ^ earlier this month alists due to join the v for U.S. forces inI Afghanistan, Al Anothc!her possible security may i be time for the mili can troops t h w . I placing their hopesies in.<;ffad on option - expanding the “flip" ‘ its priorities from < g to Pentagon esti* f d e v e lo p m e n t o f a national Intcmatio:tional Security Assistance operationsc to "the reconststruction }°to 90 p e r c e n t Qf ■ Afglianistan is isuffidently free of H e r e Af^lian army. But the pnKess of Force bejl)eyond Kabul - has run piece[ in A fghanistan.” T o d ca y i Ivity to pemixit more rccruiting and traininning the army. into diffioficulty over th e reluctance Under the plan, which1 i-is being it is proceeding slowlywly, w ith ju s t’ of o th er ccountries to contribute welcomed v by Afghan andd U n i l ^ sbuildin^ of roads, over 1,000 soldierss oiorganized so more trooioops, U.S. officials said. Nations ^ authorides wHom for more arsenal againstagi “agents of a for- one oi captures every keysy stro k e Ginsberg, a lawyw yer in Alexandria, tlian a year. Rummagtlaged through eign poweiYer.” The Bush adminis- typed t> on a target's compiputer - Va., who has representedre three luggage. Eavesdropptpped o n tele- tracion histhi: week won an impor* and a: the specialized agent;tits%ho people under• surveillance,si “fm phone conversation.";.s. ta n t courtirt victory affirming its use ui them are among the(le ■best su re ' th e y woulould sit outside a It's the FBI, opcratin,Iting with per- plans to expand cx these tactics to available. a> hodse for a weekwe before they mission from a secrtxretive U.S. more cases,«s. These tools and the lailow a r e m ade sure they:y couldc go in.” m ( ' court in a high-stakesces effort pit-.. Besidess break-ins,1 agents have “designed “t to target intellij[ligence The FBI watchedwa Therese ting the nation's prtpremier law pried intoIto safe depositijoxes. officers of and people trainined by Marie Squillaclacote, a Defense enforcement agencyy againsta the watched1 fromfi afar with video intelligence in officers.”” s a id D epartm ent Jaw;awyer, and her hus- world’s spies and terrorrrorists. camerass andz binoculars and Michael M Woods, a formerr seniors band for 18 momonths. Over that Most Americans nevnever sec this interceptsIted e-mails. They have FBI Fl lawyer who coordirinated time, they broke)ke into th eir home side of theKBI. plan ted microphones, mi computer m m any investigations. three times and}id.iplanted a micro* “The average citiziitizen has n o bugs a nd d othero high-tech track* Nearly all those known to have phone in theirr bedroomb to moni- idea wlietiier informal mation about ing devices.:es. b b( e e n ta rg e te d d id n o t detect di tor their convers9 ^sation.s according ' , • them might be caught r il ;;hf up in one “The whtvhole thing is very, very what wl was happening unttitil FBI to court recordirds. S h e w as sen* ■■■•■ ' 1 of these invcstigatioI tio n s ," said mysterious us and quiet,” said Plato agents ag flashed guns and badJdges. tenced in 1999) totc nearly 2 2 years H i - F l y i ni* ’ Kids Bicycle David Sobcl of th e Wt Washington- Cacheris,, thetl: Washington lawyer The bureau is cautiouis. AgentsA for attemptingig to spy for East based Electronicic P riv a c y w ho repre*resented spies Aldrich never ne broke into H anssen's’shome 1 Germany andi RussiaF wi^h her N e w t i r e sI. . D r e a m M a c h i n e Information Center, an expen on Ames andnd Robert Hanssen. in in the Washington subiburbs husband. ______$ 7 5 . C l a ii m t f -m m

The Times-I-News Classifieds R e p o r t : jA ssailant mi e a n t ______www.mimagicvoIley.com o n ly t o ininjure aborrtion doc .. ^ i AMHERST. N.Y.'. (- ( A P ) - A n injuries lhaih at killed the doctor. MEWZ0B3 ? ERMAN " anti-abortion extremistnist awaiting “The bulllullet took a crazy rico- ® ESTATE trial on charges of murnurdering an chet, andI that’stt what killed him. E AUCTJON i abortion doctor admitinitted carry- One of myly goalsj was to keep Dr. Saturday, Nolovember 23, 2002B2 ; ■ ;1 ing out the sniper attactack but said Slepian alivJive,” Kopp said, “and I he m eant only to wouncund the man. failed at chattha goal.” A .i n Falls C oun^rLl^^t }) Uler, Id^ho * ; I and “the bullet took; a cr;uy( rico- Kopp bee.Kjcame one of the FBTs M S f f l F H14S199 S a J tl chet.” m ost-w anteIted fugitives and was K [•Thw ; 11:00 Ml ______ImtBhm*■ w w n m u r :[ “The truth is not thattha I regret capttircdin in France in 2001. . K shooting Dr. Slepian.an. I regret He pleadc p p l t a r i M s ided innocent to a state V jS s a k cnmore automatic clothfj w2 Sher and dryer • Quasar mlcrowav■wave-RCA 19' — that he died,” Jam es; Kiipp.Ko a mil- charge of■ second-degreesc murder ^ >lor .TV and stand - W estlnghoilOUse apt' size electric stove - oldol Hotpoliit I itant known as “Atomiiimic Dog" in and a federaeral count of interfering | aright freezer - Bcndlx Ironrlnrlte * White cablriet sewingivln^ m achine. anti-abortion circles,-*s, said in a vrith the rigl-ight to an abortion and i A n U q u M»• • Coll*otlbl«a Jailhouse intcrvit•view ' in is scheduledled to go on trial on the iiiO O S ak 3 drawer chest of draw en > 3\ 0old wooden rockers {probablyly 100U yrs olti) • ^ '| B l ^ W j drcM r w llh round bifveledI mirrorn - old footed floor lamp •* 2 cam el bock . , W ed n esd ay ’s Buffalo Io News. “I state chargc■ge in February. ~ “ trunk:jn k j - 2 Hat steam er trunks ■ Daze aim ed at his shoulder." izev butter chum • crock bow fr*3 . 3 oldi wooden - / • ______• clulcslairs * copper boiler tu b • old wooixxJcn drop leaf table • drop leafraf chromcl e table Kopp. 47. said hele a d /s old hats ■ 1950’s lady's dttsstsses • Hull, McCoy and USA potlottiety-cam tei fval • Barnett Slepian withh ;i on m piecc • lots of costum e jewelryry • Germ an berry bowl set - oWa k lp c attem cata* Oct. 23. 199H, bccau.se;e ofc his out- C.IS5 - old quilts • sllouctte pictures • enam< el and granite ware • oldtd CzechCj records a nid d bbooks - old fur coat - Rgurtnes■i * knlck knacks * pink candy dislidisl: • oodles of rage over alwrtions. TlieTin 52-year- scwln;ivlng Items w d m aterial* au o n eded linens, dolllci, lable cloths arid bed spreads old obstetrician, was h e a tin g - mnany an craft Items • old cooking uteiitenslls - old m aaadnes • toys ^i manyn u assorted > soup at his home in thi Buffalo dolliills of all shapes a n d sizes •‘ childrens< book • 3 doll heaN^I else th e tamlly finds beforeSjrctl»e t auctton- our owners. H you rccojj us ownUNEHlI— tMMTIm w ffium iuEiim iii please tell our hum ans v we are; we want to go h< f m t C d i s r llaUkOkkDfiliS*'.-. a : Support Dr. RolK-rts' ur Hall's efforts In reaise in' IflsttnA K lleaSe ^ ! for th e llulld the .Shelter .*7710 Business!S lhal Service Built" iU' Call 7:V.\-SM0. i i i l : AUCTIONEERS CLEflkRK I TWIN FALU ANIMAL smSHEL1IR .ytoHwMra OifyOabonit irlovaM nd 139 6th Avenue WeW est %B M .m a OoodkiQ.ldtt» pwudiho ■ - ■: !0e)54»52Z7 ( 2 0 6 ) » 4 ^ (206)63W ni <9»).43(l).430-oes3 ; 736-2299 JlneMrtMwon«RupM.k.kiBho*S3M12or43t-4t23 , . ^rtvmllnr — -T------MoeBtPtV«W-73T.WB • 531 P(» tl.r« IIM, Iwin Mit H3J 539-5350-i-53WJinT«i;7a5^^------“----- h " — FUrtgUM P h m 20M31-73&9 *FAX- or »34-eS77 • wmABMn«lettiacxdoacocn , • • • ; j

■ • t' .. ''.ii"'' .•'.'iv- -'' "-V •' " ... - - ; f jr.-mvtliiir2t30M n m U a m , ' !---- • ' ■ • ' . T W o R L D • . ." ..r" ■■ • ' .> i ... .

t e i ^ a n s ' 4'i c o in e K ■: ^ alwa/^mks€ s an adventure..e... I' ^-- 'baini •■ ■•! always a dod o lla r! I m B EB R O N , West'Bank^(a^)’- est ■ ■ ■ ( ^^nrX eora. R odrig h eUeld her daiQfa^ . H H r •iiii.-4o h e r ' a rm s i nnd d welcomed a .' g aflB ULAa .West Bank (AP) I lii/Kgroup of Aiiierierican visitors aleatinJan offldals on. vjTuesdayiaM iherter new hoiA^ a ? y welcomed a callibS' , ,nl:«teel shipping coBUBtaiiler, settp at ' - ^isn^’s nmsw opposition Irader tcr^4 > .riUnriie s ite w heiie 112 2 membiin of restart peacia ce talks, b u t Held r' -h>. b ra e li security forobrces w ere3dlled o u tig b le nindorsement d - apipar^-,. 1 >l 'i chances in Jan u iry ^ ^ •IImw »1 w ijM hereI vriwas something t JfUMdrelniBMdlchtchen for me to . alestinians are eagerJv~ iinoffec you," Jhe 23>year-oldi y Israeli E S n S S ^ S s | '^^^^ovBval of- Prim ^'V iriis^'^ said. She swung opeopen die contain- rpfr - ;A ri0) S h areiron, who -lu rin g 2 0 ‘ '-'li ttr^stoterior, furtdshedbed with a mat- .^olestinicmh ssecurity forci^'waged ih. tress’forhenelftodUld her husband, an intense! crackdovmcr -a^^st mil- .’•>'a ir ic k e r s e tte e9 andBl a crib for |B rfti» itant group:ips and'Sent.irpops to iio':ti»eir5.Si»«lth-o!d(lid daughter. S2 S £ S reoccupy aniand impose curfews on ll.'*-..' H a d r ig 's is 6ineofn three . m o st P a l- Jewish settler fe estinian citc itie s - families who AnisnMM M tfisr tendi to te r baby in a mpkMkmm Israaii M ttieaent e i :;>]• q u id d y m oved toojetupatoto « “ 1“^ in-the WW ' ing Likudnd m ^ b er of Parliament, of those slain.” Inside,i, a rabbi cs in Tulkarcarem, where fighting Assorted ^ .| ^ •j The setders in HebHebron are coih. • Hebroiron is home to about gave a lesson to a grgroup of the day beflefore claimed five \ sidered oinong thee nmost radJc^^ 130,0000 i^estinians,I and thou- women. Palestinian livlives.

j Photogra]aphers ij C a c ^ l r i aI l lfor ^ i; F a y e d p iictures c Beanie Bearir •I P A R IS (A P )-Ak. FFrench i judge HM j H has ordered three:ee photogra- 0 Down K •I phers to stand trialial forI pictures ;) th e y s n a p p e d o f tbthe 1997 car H r * 0 Interest K : crash that IdUed PriiE»rincess Dions H o V i d 0 Payment and her boyfriend,1, DodiI Fayed, ■ ij^Sl.OO0 3 judicial officiac ia ls s a id

Thebraer followsIWS a criminal I— complaint for invasi(asion o f priva- I cy ^ by Dodi FayFayed’s .father, CG et yours bUlionaire ■ ^ A;m Shammerr ; id, the offidals ' H ttoday! . said , spcCakfAg o nxconditlbnof cc R g ; anonymi^. Toothpast - Dianfl, Dod^ Fayed,’ed, a nd chsuf- •teor w K .. Jeu r Henri Paul diedlied in a high- ;> ^ ;sp e e d car. crash in a IP aris traffic , Deodorannt ----- tunnel oir Aug; 31,19, 1997, as their . ■—I !; Mercedes was pupursued by - a sso rted ii ' 'paparaadonmotorbi] ! '' iue not plaintiffs in'tli1'tte Icas*^ the [ fl ; officials said. OFF OUR ■ $ 1 . 0 0 ^ ; >> InhisderisibnTuesuesday, Judge K I ; ;<'Bruno Peries dismisseissed th e case ALREADY‘ W ’ ‘j .bgainst fiv^ o th er phophotographers H LOW | PRICED V I -^.Mwho took picturesi.at at the crash . H ■ said. ■ I I T h e judge* id e nntified ti only ■ RANGES 1 ; »’'*Jacques Langevinvin of the • H FFreeTurkey Syge^Corbis. agency,icy, Cliristian ■ [_ p:’ Trilliumm Martinez, of the AngeDgelis agency ■ and Cc^lancer. EriecChasseryas C .H I Denturee : /. having thade photo:itos deemed ' ■ - $ 5 0 o t '..unacceptaUe. iBdMoir I I Cleanerir OURMHUYIOWPR>nca) I MYPosiuKKDUMJIY ■ I 90 tab letsts I SPOT..'. ■ EXTRA DISHWASHI . Free Turke ”^ S E t B OFF OUR ■“U S ig $ 1 . 0 0 ALREADY | $ o n o o ' U ) W P R IC E D w U E X n u^ i p 3 M t OURHRE«)YLOWmflKD QmHIXTJWtool I unrwooo ■ .EANERS A . RfflyfiBuroRs I Is doggone’good ax raw9novinr t p ^ . ' T V n B V I B n M HMBVT DIWG1MM ^S E T ^ Brifts tual) the “old frkfl. h iiin g ' FreeTurkey iik s « iE - otg lo TOOT dox caiffl - FreeTu h < :;STORR E H O U R S : FreeflirkeyOn.n Any. Purchase iOf $200+ ttf'ru No 9 - 9 M o n - Sat 1 0-6 Sun

V ' J J L * L * j t ^ f L i r r r i f 9 ^ THROUCJGHOUT IDAHO w m m m lllllllgw andid locally in: , BA BBEl BSURUEY l " ' CLEA NERS'- E M i l 3 -4 2 E aast ; Sth N orth 228 ShoshoneleSt.E. S — ;i------TwJn-FqIterldQhcHm e 3 3 0 \— TWII'IN F A k t : S ------

■i 7^3-225*!58 M I P "i."- -...... y , ' 0 « TbMMIt^Talnl Tfcwdar.wawHit*w21 2003 V ' ■j'" V.*'-■ li i I d a h o A^W e s t N o i ^ I E x p e rrt t m F i f M f / ■ ■ ' 'Wm I t e s t i f i e s i n ■ JaMMBottMW ctetswKlilUy ^1^1-.' yf ■ U t a h t l r i a l E 9 M «ttonMy,.FrtdQon SALT LAKE CIT:iTY (AP) - An < alrcadj/ blecdin;ling Patricia ttM tran HMr wbtrt V ■ Bottarini could haveave been tossed off a cliff at Zion NaiNational Park, q tolwrdMtlila blood spaitcr expertert said. , IM T ovttlda f l a * •Sw' Testifying in Jam«imes Bottarini’s Spi1n al investigatortor in connection w ith - N.J., on M ay 7,1997...... K^nl;ni. was "vaulted out” over her death. James said hihe relied the death. ieHe cotild spend life in j ;e. Interstate^ c4i The couple rentcilied a c;,r »..,l '"f,;;?'-, on photographs, policee reports federal prison«n if he convicted TlTfiecftrei of the stains, positively ^drove to the nationilonnl park Iwo and interviews with Bottararini. of the domestitStic violence charge. ' . ' ' •days later and bcgar ied by DNA as belonging 'Observation Point 1 •icia Bottarini. shows she rises 2.148 feet. eeding before her fir.st ., . , impact,[. ffound by marks made The indictment sai< said .he couplc 5,,^ ihe hit the rough terrain m ade it about 75 perpcrccM upthc Englert .said, trail iK’fore sloppingI R t 10 re s t. x h c o Ronly l person with Palricia Prosecutors allegeCSC lliat after Bottarinini on Observation Point they turned aroundid to dcsccnd.. Trail wasas Ih er husband, James Bottarini puslushed his 36- Stu irtrt James told jurors - year-old wife off a SOOSOO-fool c liff so T u esd ayy fhe “could draw no con- he could colk'ct moreore than Sl.25 elusionsi wwith any degree of scien- niillioti ill lift- iiisnraiirance and an ijfjf cert.Ttainty" about where MIV M M /NkV I I m m i investmciu inheriianci"KC. PatriciaI BBottarini was when she U.S. District JudgeIge David Sam m ade thele Ibloodstains, allowed James to testiestify Tuesday ‘T m dis

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VlAGic V a l l eey e s t V | p | | . AV

I ® fey hlurii wiill see 1budgett s h o i ^p r ; M ayor C2eo '^'Atan^iitllitUer meeting, tbe c o u n -\> - Total electric fund exjxpendi- Marla Vik, arepresenw rep dve from ‘s s s s s a g s S ’: ' P9d lo a e a s e s far.lnifti>^'.:f£c limit liir the num ber of 'tdmativtt amenfidiwj y d lity .d e p o s ^ ^ llK M < >vV ajv ith an fncreafw Of $1$Y»wl accesses on theIw frontage fl road if it s > sp e d a l m a e t ^ n ^ ftitw todiSSBpaprictlM ■kng'^ - ^ y^ap^ty were createdto to k 1 eep traffic flow- I- , pu^beninginjV ni the ^ t h water talMakes to reads the caatnoi t/M fiin ihg on that route.ute. nomtop for 60 hours in anD ‘ a n d ra ts in c r e a s e diatit w fflS K - - irrigationsanivster rafiM.aitf o 9 4»> ; . Tbestudyisros roughly 90 percent ciQr-wena,nldwe] t'.to coUac t tuc)cejQ to feed d o n i upftrsQmef sa 4 u ^ f ^ m l i l i M •; ^ " ^ ^ e in a few weeks.s. p^tm .yei^'con-*- ing electric ratea to'icocompenaite th e rarate a p r o p j t ^ .p i V ^ : IOQ.M a Completinglg tfaecl stu d y is rhe ;'tm ^^& iead Itions frotd Sla^c Valleyr for lower revemtei in th id U M ^ d p r o teettlon, tt Gannon ’ reaideulents have fed more than cransportatOm-si^. t ^ o m - first s t ^ in retxieceiving a ny m oney i ment. Hw lower rerau i ^ t ratei^ m a y d b itU e - pp le te d 'b y X e l l ^ idtottes from Idaho) T 1 ra n s p o r to tio n ,. W d S t t d ™ y, dflBdSdalswiHw^. i;20ftfir.faioiUes that would have9 . die JJt Simplot C a« o'm ifli rip £ gotui tn ■processing' ■ from $3.500 mt $7 and dty utility ^from Pocatello. Department,, M u lle n sa id . H e rig 'proglvms to : hungry oa Thahksgiving,« plato ba n n in g tfae fiiii .depodtsmomay rise from. $ 1 0 0 to ^ educa ta. tli»'.conii V t ] The study has looked atDt three encouraged thebe council< m apply mmunity aboiit^ sUd a press release from Uixt fts idmt£wDimd an es u d ti>.Udtoa* : $ 2 0 0 fo r rtiresidents who receive si acies to .preirent * . .103.: spedfic issues, induding; ai new In January forr m mi oney for a trans- tioil betwera : the"(•city and .electridtyly from the dty along fifrontage road between^n 21st portation projec)jea. Projects that Simpdot,.which meantnt Simplot • with otherr services,st a nd from $50 sStreet and Interstate 8 4< , th c are approvedi now ru w on’t b egin lyCHyCouncU. cancel! win pay lessfor dectiidiidty. to $ 1 0 0 foor r those who receive irintersection of J Street ontind U.S. construction1 forfoi five to seven ’XirtihuiiiC eirii^ Alter Wednesday’s today-iy'»spbcialme(BtIng ' 's meeting, electridtyf fromft outside the dty HHighway 30 and th e inters \'f - -err;- ject to9fceep.imgfttlaowatertei|]i fc I . . struct a Leathers In[nc; play- names andid laI te r s e le c t a n ew parking pe is allowed in that ' ^ carryinj »t area • Gift certificificates - Council , once the name. betw een 7 a.m. an d 4 p jn . lo ite r faaaid>Bt>'‘' tarn s imfrc n nearmhOHflFiasrwW,;? members Ufjrecireed to give city ^ BURLSX-.-Aw '!‘ .'and mate-. Other coun}undl business indud* Cassia County Sheriff ttbeBuile^lbfiihidpa^jG ol| CoC^M^:;Saake^ if Jim employees gift■t certificatesci as a •/. HiHigens told chc mayor anda icoun- holiday gift thislis year,y instead of vrfll now fli-for th e'. y * fio p atkbeking to n e " T h e coun-dld l be concuired.that some ; K ^ u t a a t s t& tf «nN e park- a turkey or liamm asa has been thu o ? ^ U t, by;: .didhM edcJ City A ttorney R andy ing inj restrictions in th a t p a rt c Tlow into the Snake]IceRheTw '/;l;takesin,in>r?tiiff awfcSr;- t of th e d ty ’s practice inin pastp years. water Ittxardard ts h o t • sarxing.\igiatx mues soum er BtirafK >;' BiuVteiat..thei ggbl£ :coCin£ sa^d ^ » Katiiral ResoOrc«-' lim i^ Modified Conserv»vatipn Servic Engineer Senate C yoffonricier intem i]m e n t c a mi ] p s i t e Bne pood to serve! a diial( p u rp o se .. A n iie WiWetzstein. * - . A new dam and seriessei of mpes Partt ofo the drain s y s ^ goes ThaTbne»Mnnand hailed th e BoiBoinbridge Island mea- lan la d in g o n th e ir w ay co intern- In 33,000-acre campimp, which housed between the tee:e boxI and the throug^ tfaftgolf course. The rest- Tbe Aaseciated Press ______sure,, which1 tlthey callcd on impor- ment mi camps. They were thehe first nearly 10,000 internees, inte was des- *gre.en'on bole threethi wiU not flows behindbe the caboose at the • tant remindeider of an often-over- of of nearly 120,000 Americacans of ignated as the tl Minidoka diange the way. golfi(olfers play, said Oregonin 'Trail . WASHINGTON - A hibin eatllng lookedepisodsode in U.S. history. Japanese Ja descent imprisonened for Internment Naticational Monumeni B urley golf cours IMstrict Mdents at'East' / B*'Bear” .C ard ^ assodate 4 and WestMhrico'inimiddle fch saw the paraildss bbetween the 'The programpr provides copies Yet, pending the L e^dsUtur^’s ified paraproirofessionals such as thc school must expand itss com-i tra continues to o p e ra te by i&e two “machines'*, duduring assem-- of a magtaganfle titled “Listes)" to dedsion, the district wuilil have to reetiing spccieciaiists, thc district p pui u te r capability. volunteer effortsrts of the orchtls- blies Wedneaday. HieywHn erealso schoolss tott use forWiicitfton.each do so with the sameI 1le v e l' a t .. m ust p ay thoslose individuals more, “We're “ tying up our compnputer . tra teacher, treated to a demonaonstration of month.I. Tbe1 magadite^CltiVcfS' " ' funding. A task that alltil agre^ ' ^ n i(te 8a ia £ ’ labs lah way too much just to test,”ti It is unlikelyly thatt the 20IJ3 . motorcycle wheellieUes by Ryan articles:s abouti not using drugs appeared to be impossiblble. Moreover,:r, the districi may Donicht Do said. Legislature - giveriven the pwir eoo- -The Captain” Hearcard and had a and othexher podtive Ufesme choic- Thus, the district is feforced to have to offeifer bonuses to hire A/ supplemental levy is ahilmost nomic climatei - will increase chance to sign aI plpledge to be es, suchh eas not being a bullv and place extra emphasis onn remedi- hard-to-findd specialistss such as ccrtain ccr in the future to siolimply funding needed;d tot make theie drug-free Until thethey graduate keepingslg anger under contni • al training, such as afteiter-school spedal educatcation teachers. meet m e the newly impcposed unprecedented:d d e m a n d s, haj>- schooL Empov>owerment will come in tutoring a nd siu n m er sch±ooL two B ecau se the th( Idaho Standards dem det ands, h e said. pen. So further• budgetbu cuts may It’s olr part of a three-stepthz pro- th e formm iof a discount card to be- programs that the distritrict tries Achievement:nt Test requires all That’s 1 not even indudinggrein- i not bc far off. kram ,run by C o m m u n ity used a t locallo businesses, given to to fund w hen m oney is avavailable. students gradtades 3-10 to mkc the stating sta popular activities's'like “Maybe the; sjsystem has |o ' C ruvde Against Dru}ru8 A buse, a n th o s e who wh sign, and:keep, the Those two are no lot)g«ger luxu- test on com;imputer, for three thc .tlic elemwtary school orchelestra, break down hefoiefore we can fjx ?r^ t ^(rtpora- drug-freeree pledge,-Caitich said. > ries. ! weeks compuiputer labs are used one one of several victims of builudget it," Donicht said,d, J

i j p i ^ W _ BiiWt ’ ______Camkntdttm^ T h e foufoundation is governed by funds today and I thinkk ii t ’s only Cbntinuad fromn CC l ties. de* S tudents can pray in sclschool “Thc districi; hasha been frugpl that enables indiviHviduals and a voluntcnteer board of directors a beginning,” H eim esseyry said. _ are rigoroussor oi not.) but but teachers and staff may>y not in spending andnd ' will continue organiiations to aclachieve their , represenenting the foundation’s Hennessey said greatat things • States ar and districts must lead leai th e praying. that style," he said>aid, I chjffltable funds withrithhi the foun- northern,m, eastern and southwest- can begin w ith a sim ple ic :s arc Hill remindedid tl tb e group ihAi ions. d e sig n a te stuiitudents’ test results • • Sex education classes ^ tio n . H ie funds area re pooled fix- erh reg io r “Some of the la rg ^ fundsfi we as b a s ic ,> proficicnt and more mo prescriptive, includtid in g this is a good timme e to build a new inm effident ahd1 acost-effective • TTie foundation fou had $47.5 mil- have, staned with; a golf)U course advanced. teachingtea the health benefitfits af school becauseL* of low inleresi lavestment nain ahagem enT > lio n in totaltoi .assets at the end of ' conversadon,” she said- ;_____ • All studen ienis are expected to abstinence. abs rates. Steps will have l« he Htt^Sfysaid ; 2 0 0 1 antimd its^endowment was . achieve the !st same high levels of “ Two w o rd s’ th a t a r e govi)vern- taken in the immm m ed iaie fiiuirL- ‘^WHmyou q u thaimanage money $37.6 mill to Jjtero- TTmejWeus writer Sand 1 said. regarding the midcliddle school roof Dvided by.titofoun^tton. < 12 years. ing >ng us: c h a is e testing,” H ill s ifcavewreAr ture provi . can be readied at 735-3264 llic district has taken stepcps to and handicap acce:cccssibilitv. “X hhave . over 300 in tiiy id ^ ^ ., ' rnaffi at smiller<9magicvalk "Eachdisirstrict must conduct a .T needs assessRi^^Son-S3,000 Sagebrush E q u th V M Center (or ttw Kandlcsppec)((j- * Districtsts must develop in y (yp, p e of diplom a a hom<>school-*2,'500 S t Luka's Wood RhittrFer Foundation - $30,000 plans to achieilievc ann u al measur- Hill also said thc district is sol- achieve successfu;sful lest perfur- 'firet Churdf of CtiristSd.Sdefltist-$SOO Sun valley Center for< thithe Arts and Humenltles - $1,99997 able progress. ven/ent. “ Wc m ay be one of thc few; mances. Hill said,(I, I Habitat tor Kumanity oft)of the Magic Va»^ - $1,000 Wood River Land Trustist CCompany-$5,250 • If a distrstrict has an open distlistricts in the area that didd not “Euhl has qualijality education IlnterfalthvdlunteefCarBjaregNers-$1,500 a Cesala Countr forum, it mustlist allow Boy Scouts havilave to lay off teachers dueuc to and it's gettingg bbelter all the ; Magic ValM Arts CounctiffWlI -.$ 1,000 . ■ .AWonAmertcanLegkJn.fon Auxiliary Unit-$ 4 5 0 and similar groupsgn to use fadli- h the c state c utting back funds. tim e,” said Hill. lMi«lcV8llc^ Sara Kidsl8CoalltIoriv’5i.500 0 - Burtey PDbllcUbmy-$- $2 .0 0 0 i i Maglci Valley Symphonyny OrchesliB$2,0000 . Oeclojurtlor High Schooihool-'K260 I.:-*' . ’, f«tMmbulence-$2,CK.05|4- Itor High School-$2,000 SchooOl ConUmMdfrORiC: )d«y/people for ^Pets t $500 Gleftfts Feny’Public UbrsJ b W - $1,000 »C1 atIt a a job location, students leamle about time involve)lved as much as TwfaFilifcwjc'Ubrafyfiryfbiinlatlort--$P,0(» Mountain Home RreOo(Oopoftment-$1,000 p aU e n ts b y their th first names," abolbout deadlines and fulfillilling it is about the projproject,” Arrossa • Mountain Homo Youthth CCenter - $5,000 Hiibault said1 obliib lig atio n s first-h an d . ... MiMany said, J-or their coicommuniiy sor- Admcates. Hailey-$4,014,000'' I ■ South Fn1( River Assoclj«claUon Pine end i=eatheivllle Sertienior S tu d e n ts in the work-based stucitudents discover che valueue of .vice project, Lottoil and Thibauli AntrulStMlterofttwVAxWood RNarVaUey-$3,000 ' CWiefl^ Center-$1,511,500 dass tell Arr(rrossa what career acaticademics a fte r spending iimimc as .. convinced their hi(:high school has- Blaine County Historicala l KMuseum-$ 1,000 ‘ □ Ooe*«CeiBty: vthey want to pursue, and she Intentems. H ie carpentry internn dis- . 'Icctball team to visvisil the kids ni fiiuis » place fl eialne C6unty Re^matton[ton Oistrlct-$ 5 ,0 0 0 Olstilct 111 4H Camp-S;- $1,000 6 for tbem to intern. covirovers the value of mathI andt thc Shriners' Child)lildren’s Hospital Btalne County SeniorsI CoCouncil - $8,000' '< Hagennan Gem ProACTKCHONS committee - $1,200 She currentlytiy hps SO students geoileomeoy, for example.” in S airL ak c City,y- Blaine Mar)drl$ ’ I, George Shahannon originally ofsttf students who w ere h ired riright departments inn tl the school to Collage of Sauthem kiahoIaho Blalrte County Extension - $$6,8 ,0 0 0 QUeeolrtCoMr. ■ • ' s ta rte d ^ tfae} cclass at Jerome out<>ut o f high school by th e empliploy- bring communitylity representa- Coinpany <)r,F6(ils-K0(4.000 Shoshone J^nt Schoold District-i‘j{5.006D ' ^ about six yea'ears ago, Arrossa ersirs for w hich th ey interned. tives into classroisrooms to lalk Crisis Hot Une-$ 2 3 00 0 0 - ■ ' . ■ . .'V, . ,□ MMdoka CeoRty: ' - said. StudentsSt are graded on ththeir about their profesifessions or husi- Hailey Public Ubrajy-$4.$4,000 Vl, v.i • ^Some studeidents have no idea succuccess in thc workplace, ottItten- nesses with the stucstudents, A lftQ what they warn Hailey Rotaiy au b >$25(1 . Wni<:essudM^ti^It^Jjerserr $15,000 ant to do with their damlonce, a portfolio and a conunmu- Arrossa also takestak classes to ------Hallfly Skate P a A -$10,£ :------“ ^ftenalssance-AitsContsrntBr=-$2,O0O------lives;-oihetsJiLiuvfc-weU'defined ----- nity.ity-service-project——------job-sitot-w hcrc-stuistudcntt-can-teo------fci.’.i.A , i; I goals,” Anvssasa said. “By working T Tl he community project is *'not different professionsions at work. *

. <, ,,T,- . ' •. . I W o r l d Dot ‘ f t M I • LONE YOUR SPE .’doctor c I p u U lc a i ; o 1

p e n a ltie . F rafes b egan tt j of n payj ple a r

B e l/ a / ^ < REia a y g l ^ >"i / I V / . ’ I m i : ■ ' F arr L

Pop attr MIchMl Jtckti ■ aa unldantifM child,I, aaldta to ba Ofw of hia ton*, ovar ■ foortlwtb^toor balcony a t a hotal IniBarllnToMdsy. B* Jackaon waa enttftaltdnliningll a throne m ' ol fana below wtMn ththii ii Imaf* waa IIPm m i m caught on televiilon. _ \ii P o p le g; ( e n d We Have Winnter Travel!Solutions! SPllCiRl PLmCHRSS[! I d a n g l e s s o n Studdod Winter TiresTi • Aff-So.r>oo r i T i r o s Chnins • B .ittcrii ■. n il sfAsafiJ SAOiai:IT. ■ f r o m hlo o te l M icro Sipirv) • Ernorcjfuincy Tf.jv<'l K its WHIII ItKY inn ;;i' Kicm; Uu;i!tl B r.iki' Sorvic(? • Alicjiinu n t S c r v t c c Si::i.s(iN liri:i::; Aim: A llll Ml NlNKIMIS New York Pally Newa»______V A l lii A imIII |{:ii:ki:il Hy III BERLIN - SingeIger Michael DC) I [ KlCWi f ?\ l i : ; s i :IIIIWAH WAIIIIArANIY> Jackson apologized WeWednesday for [RAKE SERVVICE - I I r c o M i ’ i lit' dangling his.babyy tboy from a H(»/71>//» SStrRltS B fj.O O O iM fourth-floor hotel babalcony here after fans on the grotinimnd and others . -I,.. I N i l m . M l r.' .. .|. . si/f P(!ii:[:[ SIZE PRICE Sl/£ around the Mt>rld watclatching on te le -'^ vision denounced whathat themaw. 1 ble mistake,” “I made a terrible .■•.> f, -.tl.,. i.> ij.rl J Jackson said. “I gotIt caughta up in I.- .. >» ..t tlw • .y t - t n ’ Hydi.K.I.ml.< 1 oni|M.ii.'iit-. piin.i the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionionally endan- nif ll o<.f »•! fImiiHi im m i.il dnvJfuiiici ger the lives of my chilchildren.” So , you <.,111 ic Iy nilI U-..I II ,« ..l .1.,.. .1.1 V fRtt On Tuesday, Jacksorcson was video- I.ihc lo for l«-sss ththitn COMl’L rtt \ I'H OI I !hSlONAL IIHAKI v \ tMiarra» w Nianow taped clutching his squisquirm ing bato' VSTCM SC R V IC r. At L<-s S c.hw;ili, h w w«' won't l.iki- '.IkkIiI. .if. with V--I ...... r 1 aoaaaazuB ^ ( a, i i ' o ( ) M , -. SUV ?(> SI \«th one hand whilee sisnugwng to J lU IV M adjust a white towelvel hiding th e ' COMPLETE FRONTNT COMPI>LETE REAR M/» Ii-mci si/r baby’s face wilh the othother hand. At DISC BRAKE SERVICnCE DRUM BRRAKE SERVICE t . RoHlARit W ilh rem n n u M ciii)Biiireit I. HItth uu.illtlltV iK.lhD SfllIRS one point, Jackson appappeared to be nr nibulld front cflllnsrsI 2 . tlBSurt^ii;i)I) ilriKiit > iiuniiw losing his grip whilelile the baby HlHh OiMlllv (liiVL- unds n . All n o w lioilotil-iiowii rnliifii VW i banged his bare feetlet j against the .I. nesiirlAce rnlors siirin u s iiiMHH b. RonAr.h w heal lianrinqs It. All itn w whwhttnl cvlinilnrs balcony’s metal railirliling. H e also lo x r.n p l FWOI S. AlliiiSI U.itl. N«w from soMls isxeupi FMFWni fi. Illnrtli A Atlntlliisl nrtlirn svsiniii appeared to be bughinihing. ft Bhtttd A niliuil aniur %vtter tta m 7. Fttin rnnl• .'iV'-iV.-; II ,'h.ilr Prince M ichael 2nd. .111^11’, :• ■]: Ir-. Hriin ■! . Wearing a mask oveover his surgi- Iltri, , :iir niili! iiiir!’hv cally remade face, JacksonJa was mERIES greeted by about 200100 screaming ■ ^R T I fans upon arriving at the: deluxe 0, MONTH 60 MONTH\ XHD IME POWER V Adlon Hotel. • ASH-.,'.Sll POWEJER PAK psj% When Jackson gotIt totc the presi- I, Tl.M!.M! iS dential suite, h e shed^d thetJ surgical .'.Nil WAKII.'.HI! mask he had been wtwearing and - fM>r*iywi ad The HiimiKiliir ilnxiumul slinl Hull: / Inr fRH ri;iliii:i:tl milsi! crowd erupted in applaiplause. toitnov Ilmiiiiiirri lur nil uriiuiiil lr.ii:ti f35 ■ A fter handing the! bluebli jumper- ;iilvi!i %r i:iimliltmir clad tot to a maid, JaiJackson trot- .. J u l' ted out an older childid - head also ?»“ 55® 7B 113^^ covered with a towel - to to the fans. He later tlirelirew a pillow out th e window for fai to fight WE'VEE G O T Y O LU C O V E R EE O < H over, then gleefully str them ///. /.// > '■< / / u \ rf .: l l t i < t < \ ; . With a yellow w ater gur ) H ^ H O C K SS i ' JEt S T iRUTS irii'cni.itc IH .SOI"' •.tiix-k'-■ S -.•Mit*- f .lll li 's u l l in t III • I r>’ 'I tX .lkllK) I'l-I flMIV.li H O N O R E D AJ T OVER 350 LES SCh: h w a b t i r f c e n t e f . . ‘ 1 11111)1.'iii'n tH It V.>1I ,||>- r iMrtm) ■ OIU c.ON:1N - N ■, ,-.i II • WASHIN.-TOI ON • Nl v/nOA • MOS IANAjA '• V, Soldi)ier m •s.' •.vniptonc '.io}) 111 toil.I'.l.iy W i-'ll <-lu-i k rt .U ll I Ul I ' ‘ Mountitain PUSSlHtUH m I i mcKS 6 spimiiiiw iiri/im is ! M 55 fli! comm m Rancch IKACII K nufrtii:; i!in;:iitiN :;i(iiI h HAH'ill Country Club & \ 28^^ 3Bi^ — i - t " B Thanksgivingig 1 F e a s t ?■ 77 n o a o Q v o E R MTNRVDCnit 7 » ^ .|l MrrNnvDimcAS t Turkey & Hamm B u ffe t Om Un',f r'inu1,v OuiKOui MiiM I'opiihi Spurt iriility .1 P(us\iiri: Nilinaiiii li^i-; .inO 11.II...'tiiii| I'uluii TuLKriolniiy ' >' fRft I Shock with ,1 lilrlime W.iii;intr cnmtiinc lo cre.ilc lin- l.r.lrstt n(i-si'iin'lifiij shiir.k .-.rt Moanw« New Year’s Eveive P a rty ROTATIONS December 31, 2(2 0 0 2 c»iLi0BT00« rmci’' lo. PHOftSSICNAl iAMf OnOAT IKSV.I LATlOM' j BOAOMIUD 8 PM • 1 AM RAT m u roM'yTOUl • Music & Dandrn d n g MOK» . i- Overnight LodglnIglng In . nv,V J Private Cabisbins i f I 2 b c d rrm . 2 bathiathrm s, on't Forgijet Your (Chains! ^ASH a:r u n c h I""' Flrcplace & KltdUtchen S T 'S e a s y TO T BUY A t^/xV ASSENGER CH;^iAIN RETURN VPROGRAM HOUDAY PARI'lRTIES L E S s eCHWAB! t I r>a SN O W M O BILE GRGROUPS ‘ you considering Snow Chains, but not sure if you'l! really needdthom? ( Wc'CANHELPI TO I COMPANY RETRt r e a t s >t buy your chains now * Then iff yoiyou don't use them, you c.in roUL’turn them in the spring MOUNTAIN GET/eTa w a y r ' 5 . ' Fairfield. !dah'. • ■ ■' ■■■■ :• • »•..• ^JSIDEE ■ A m c a o n S l ^ k i f c i ^ ' ‘ i i a p Comics...... 03 pcoe^ojipatunh)! Momir«break' ...... JM P ^ D 4 l O h LINT TY • ■' Commuw n i^ Ediior. PatManmUom'Affiio-735-3288

N ew s!\ ■ Thursdday» N ovem ber 2 1, ,2 2 0 0 2 Scction D

^YSTOKICa^ IE HABIT._____ — L bETTERS OFFTHANKS - I i^B tokM hiichitb^ y has tpecW - i^ch wiQ bytaedfor thehu^bgry Dog Association wouwould like to In cu r area, and-tfa^ test w h dip p , thankthe Twin Falls'alls Gun d u b , anxkcMsqiipatt . > Iplacelnatlik hletes’ hearts feed the hungry and Griance sdsdf- Blue Lakes Sportingin g Goods, I W e would like to ih&nkikonihe, (Mbehalfoflof the Buhl Indian , ^^^gram helj s throughout B Scanw Meats, KelljCdlyOil and I :p w ^ T te support the WlW ^ . ifebante»m.v3,wewanttothaijk wor West End Veterinarytiary Clime fer awmnmity R^Croee bl«looddri- TOcgmmunityity for its support this JACKIEJj HANDY their tlonatiofis andnd makingr our ■ ves. < 'ynu-.Ourwondnderfultboihallsea- . Public P relatiotis . Turicey Shoot a succtuccess. Jib e Red Cross has belddfotir 1 . staicainetoanon end on Nov. 1 w ith CROP C Walk Ccmimhtoe Ourdubrai^mct more than $9(X) drives in WendeU eachyearea tije Preston Ind[ndians. We lost that Rupert R that will go low ard•d costsa for our I farseveralyears.Weappnpredate gam^ however,rer, most importantly, spring National Shoohoot to Retrieve th e si^poct We get firom tbecooh|b - wecpholdouintr heads high in the Art m^nrity, tm tii>TY4i lirUiritls foundatkm aquatlitJC Association TrialW a l dies and ibnwledgethattutduririgtKesea- . , ROBERT BOHUNUNC WendeU OshScbooL Our: jnrlast . jte in b o tiithlie e j gam es wie won and ;IassfuHins need In area' SIPDApresklemt« ■ ^ [Wood driva, O c t 17, Vfu bddatb( .^ganjcswekellaRaCloMriM«flcal IVesliVterian and LDS chui lurches. ' aunts and fiiencuidswefeantidpat- -grarrant to Tanya Spinner and the* Behunin); Walter’ss RtReady Mix; «M fit»1o«tK JD . GOULD ’ Al Bauschen Jack GieGiese; piSsssb afforf ta a a c o ii^ p « ^ t«t*'«rtt>inoUf«.U«ia' I D espespedally for the class, so it ful-^ MaxAVilma Clark;; RoiRonStockham; m en RUSSELL WIWIERSMA filisi !9«ilply.8«bp^ D f ^ M o o i (iarae,(iat la pietnr^ witb the .• ills a.necd in our entire area. Fc Darwin High; Jim/Cla:'Clairrthin Reed; WendeQ- . CHRIS WOLFiLF thos. lose needing low-impact water^ Walter Pratt; John/Mei/Mert Glide; «itet i^M Nr«.W mtt«biKb^MmKeytMm.:. . . • . Buhl • deer xerdse, the class meets 9 to 10. Jerry Young; Camasas 440/8458; mrnKArnt.mm*;et; Sar« Platt of Paul DMnaotaBtaiy,Mcoftd;andMartUnda |f i n e s s e s score thaidnks ajnjn. . at the City Pool on Mondayj ;|»ntofBigVaO«y^hc American Legion No. 19 i ichoo), tlM .TlM ywonprlcn^fron Pioject ifor TFHS team supportrt Palfent expreiresses gratitude . wedWednesdays and Fridays. New Horseshoe Qub; Sonsions of .;t«>epi»MCoinpthjr.JCJC P«vwy> Tba Book Store, KinKlflca, Ace Hardware, Doe'a ' eople can join in anytime! n ic Tivfa Falls High Sdtthod foMVRMCststaff American Legion, AmAmerican ;tbza.B«cer'iEtc.MdMd Ptna Hut Tbara alM waft tl MAYA IIATA LEMMON etfereawlnnerBCteMiiat football ( team, parents anddccoch- c Asarecentsuisurgerypatientat Pince Ci nxunbty Legion Auxiliary Post>ostl9; Stewart’s M arket Ba.slBa.sket; Dsile g^hKboollnttedlitrihtrlct usly Center, I f d t conrbmpelled to write Miles; Fred Greely; BrBrian donatea to our program durfuri^ this letter upoDcomy retum home at [)on,^nations help Scouts Behunin; Laru» Strouirout; Kewn the 2002 season. The studcrent ath- the end of OctobBber and express ■■ Wear, RoUie Bennett;ett; R.D. (Bud)/Ellcn Warbi.s•S Lee/Helen1> 1 f-.' - i ' Y0U'S.\1'S.MOKI* G ' I ” ^ ^ s n letes i appredate the commununity my gratitude totto the nurses on the ttend upcoming camps SDpp6t t tl^ d floor for thtthe wonderful care We Wi would Uke to thank the Tw Edwards; Mike Renfninfrow; Lynn . Stevenson; Joe McCoj:Coy; Leroy ! i i'v YOU cma io io : L: P ^ -C o la Bottling Co.,.M W ^c and kindness sheshown me. The ther- Fallsalls Lamb Weston facility for its Valley Man, Wendy's Old- apisisQswellgavjave-me many recerKent donation of potato produa Trader, Debbit^ Justinistin and Matt Fadiioned Hamburgers, WL McCoy; Camas Countjunty Weed qioAK t , J VinCo words of encourauragement They all toI PocateUoPo Scout Troop 34Z g j . IFoods Inc., Costco WholcsaI<»Ie, made my stay (R(Room 313-A) one I Through Th tiiis generous a a , the Sprayer. i L IFred Meyer, Twin Falls G«>rocery shall long remememlxsr. Tlianks Scou:outs have lx.‘en able to e;irn Thanks also to everiveryone who cOutlet, /Ub^.son’s Food antmd again to peoplee vwho care, because enou,lough funds via a rund rai.scr to supported o ur fund-nid-raisers and Dnig, Royal Order of the Mop 342 19 TwinFaOs The first partX oof October, two PotPocatello Fairiieid red metal chairsrs were1 taken from ^ H H I H nKkntatlgW ieolM ounimey myiOTpetw.liclechairstairimy patnrtronago makes M.V. S tsts Church harvest dinnerdin ' lAM dead parents’naituunes stamped in ^ IfIs a hft, tlianks to donoiloro . the metal. The chairsch w ere keep- WJUIDuncll events possible Is considered a suesuccess H ie Kimberly High Sdjooool sakes from the! past.pa I put an ad in Th;Thank you to everyone who Valley O iristian ChurchClii. would Baseball/Softball Program’s’s :200 2 the lost and fountimd for seven days, madeade the recent M a^c Valley like to extend ils hearti-■artfelt ihanks i^UGHT BEING CK3(X)D ^annual golf toumament wasa s a ' On Nov. 6, 1 receiceived o tdephone Arts•ts Council’s( Ninth Annual A nf ' and great appreciationtion to 77ic I I:' huge success. The followingigbusi- I call from on hone«est lady.-nie Afterter Hours and All That Jazz a1 Timcs-Ncu-s; Stwper' AdAd.s; South ■■' - ’j =? nesses and individuals who0 cdonat- chairs were leftt in ir her yartl They wondjnderful success. Idaho Press; North SidtSide News; l l ed c< funds or merchandise toooiu- c arenowbackwhtvhere they belong. ThiThank you lo this year’s spon- Buhl Herald; KXTF-Fo;^Fox 35; flfundraiser helped make ittpossi- p ThankytJu, Joafoanne, and TYmcs- sors,rs, indudingi First Federal KMVT-TV; KART; KTfKTH; KEZJ. blble. O ur thanks go to: Ncwi Savinvings Bank and the Barbara FM; KCIR ChristianI Rj)Radio; KIKX; McDonald InsurServ (tourum a- IRENE F. LEGEGGETT Marslarshall family. Thank you os KSAW; KTFT; Barryy Steen;St Twn ' m ent sponsor), Pepsi-Ccio, TwinFalls w elltidl to all of the talented Magic FaU-S, Filer, Bulil, IGmbimberly. -American Car Care Centers,rs, VaUeiJley artists who shared tHeu- Jerom e and Eden seninenior dtizen ShopKo, Clear Lake Country“7 , ■ ManypeoplehI have hand 'wrkirk in tiie event’s annual silentIt centers; many churdiesdies of the CluD, WinCo Foods, Indeperi : auction. Magic Valley and localK al hasines.sos M eat Co., H&M Distribuong,2'*“’' In CROP Walk:Ik success “ "wWe T would also like to extend a for displaying our postcosiers and for A lbertson’s, Maxie’s Piara &:&Pasa TIieCROPWal/alk Comminee thankink you to the Sun Valley Swinjing all th e help in m akingngour c Oct. 26 (Kimberly), Ed Bryant, Shawiwn would like to tioafllank the foDowing ' *n*JaJ a2 n Jambiortje organizers for Harvest Dinner Festivaitival a great Crowley, Max Humphries, for hdping to mainake the walk a ensuri 2 success. ' suring that eoch year we have rb o * l r n ■ ) M S »GlanbiaFoods, Gl Kimberly Yoifouth success: on cxcexdting and tmtertaining jazz2 A big thanks to allII wlwho attcnd- E & . . L L i m S ^ i Assodadon, Ai Magic Valley Gayle Pete andnd Amanda bondnd availablei at our event. ed the diiuier and purcllurchascd Distributing; Zone lindley,, SSarah DeVries, w otercacarriers; Mary Anc\nci, as always, w e thank all items from our coiintr>'itr>- store, as Johnson, Scan and Janice Young and Leslielie Kelley, follow- th oise se' who attended and whose well as tickets for ourlu- "American•' Yardley, John and Tenny Ga;Jam er, up vcHicle; Dr. JoeJo« and Ashley continitinued patronage makes Star" quilt (the drawinjwing will ()e Mike and Pat BrierJey, Bnlcecean d Peterson for cookiokinftthe hot dogs evcnu:nts such as t i i t ^ ptissiblc. held Dec. 15). LLoric Stradley, Rhonda and Bj a^ to perfection; D«i>ennis Peterson for STi^n-ACY MADSEN W cfyeaily appreciatd a t e all who BeBoUwinlde, Ernie and Angieie Silva,I contributing free;e e -sen-etl FalFalls H igh School Pageant wmil l be Pets can haveB theirt photo varietyety of areas. at 5:30 p.m. Saturday wiiwith the pr<>- h eie ld a t 7 p.m. Tuesday at j r more information, call GBCC gram following at 7 p.mp.m. The pn>- Ro]Roper Axiditorium at the ! taken with Saniinta Saturday stJdJem e n Central at (775) 7.53-2304.I. gram will consist ofiif s songs and schischool I h e cost is $4 if purchi±ased TWIN FALLS,S - The Magic skit.s. ''' in advance or $5 at the didoor. Valley Girl Scot:outs will offer Juiliorlor Club sells tickets A freewill offering; willwil l)e taken ‘ . TicTickets «an be purchase-Inch6 -in photo taken 13thI annual ar Holiday Home Tour" Rocl< Creek Commumunity hhelp e i members in Busirlin e ss with Santa, from1 1-7M p.m. Dcc. 8 . The tour will PrxjProfessionals of America attmend Proceeds go towardstov the Girl featureLU^ six Magic Valley homes, “ Church holds fall festivalfes ththeir d state and tudonal leaderership Scouts and Peoeople for Pets Tickcckets are S6 and include thele TWIN FALLS - RocRock Creek con:conference and compeddon.. /Also, Humane Sodety.. All A pets m ust be tour,, en er ten ain m en t and refre.sh-I- Community Church•ch a t 131 donations from the proceedsis will on a leash o r in the th owner’s con- ments.ts. Grandview Drive inn T'Twin Falls be given to Special Olympnpics, troL Tickeckets are available from anyy will hold its annual1 fal fall fe.stival AmiAjnmcan Red Cross and Hacobi tat Ju n ioor r iClub member and variousIS starting at noon Sunday,iay. for]for Humanity. ^■=:,QBC b e ^ n s lejglstratJon g l Jocatio.tions throughout the Mogicc Activities includele a freew ill ey. Those who purchase ritJt-t- o fferin g d in n e r, c raftafl sale and HolXollday dinner Is servedj gi t fo r sp rin g 2 013 0 3 semester )y Nov. 30 will win a chancee silent auction, Hitrsach mission In Rupe ELKO, N e v .-RRegistration . for to traveavd the tour in a limousinee Itli^B I^B iil' out spring 2003 cour;urses for Great provide•ided by Hertz Cor Soles.of Jerome Recreationin DistrictC ,'m RRUPERT ~ ThaiJtsgivingg di in - Basin CoUcM has> begun.b( Magicic Valley. \ Proceeds will bene- }< k lM n « tli0lwtt StuartIrt JuniorJ Mm in Twli FaHa aalMilaetStadentaoftbe ^ler will be served Sunday atBt tho Studentsmtcrcstiaiia«ap(i 8 tmer»9n, Amra ' cent«nt a play at 3 pjn. with dinliimer may go to the admi:m i^ o n s office in F Irst t Baptist B Church of For more information,ion, call 324- iP»v)e.AlaxSanelMX.OaiOanleOe 1 ^ and Edhta'KoMii mmedlateltyfoUowinft Bens Hall on th es GGBC Elko cam- ____ 3389_or_regisier at.the •ajnovle; front: S l ^ - me sponsors festival^— ihe disirici. "~:gg®7^UiirYii6i5SI DaDavid NMtorC Not p l c ^ w«am Qrayaon Stone a n d '. ^ T be Cerent is free oTdiai^gc.i,

• : 4 1 '•. : ■',,:' ' ' #• I •» ■ V l • ■ m m m m

I • ... .w s ,^J.^ i i i f : . For and atabout

the L atino1 0 ; f , c o n u n u n iity t j iumid aid _ c ______OmmmtniadeitonPtAManm, Page D-2 Thurersday, N qvcinbcr 21,! 1 ,Z 0 0 2 C - T u n e s " S ^ ...... -1 I : ifiiTI schoolIHispanilie clubss educatte ,h a i^ By Coreen Hart Tltne»-Wwir» corretpc

Hispanic clubs ata Burley and Minico high schoolsxils arc bridging cultures. That’s one thinging in common. Another is that the;th(^ are student ru n , b ut also a rcc individual i as can bc. Ma.x A lie n G ary M ittelsteadt arerc advisers of Minico’s Hispanicc C “ Basically. Mr. AliAllen and I.just kick back and JetIct'Paty do Mittelsteadt said. I Palricia Juarez is president for the second year. "Last year, I wawasn't sure of w hat w as going on,">n,” Juarez said. “This year I knoww r m ore w hat to do.” cemNunurr/iteTteMta» Last year’s activiiivities included Above, , PiPatricia iu a ru , president of MiniMlnlco’s Hispanic Club, bpys « s(soda and . the Gift of Green,c n , w h e re th e candy fn>from teacher Max Allen. The clublub maintains a stocked reftfganaratorin club adopted fa m ilie s fo r Allan’sI clclassn>offl, and all ttw proceedsIds go| toward club activities, Chrfscmas. Membe p ro v id e d Right, the officers of Builey High School' Kift c e r tif ic a te s s loot's LOOK club tilk ovar theirrnaxtactW- n entire families gotgot'nJwslu'es! ey Include president Ruby Contrenireras, vice president ElizabethI DDenlz, sec- along with a d e c o r a te d rotary tieitiessurer Brenda Oaerrero and hIstorUnhlsi Jennifer BenavldeL Christmas tree andid gifts.g y e t,” she said. “T hey fe e l com* LOOK presidentI ■Ruby suckers witlith white fabric and ” The club aJsp will/ill be planning fortableble joining an activity Contreras said her favoi'orite club put eyes onn themt like ghosts. A Want to Johi? . a 2003 summer chaihapcroned trip where: tlthey know what’s going goal is to increase vovolunteer message read: “Happy to Mexico. It has5 282i members, on.” work by m em bers. HalloweenI f:from LOOKI Come New ' iMcnben are always welciilcome. if room 206; PtiylUs sHe Hendrtckson, courv and holds social evei!vents on a reg- It’s also als a place to polish up “We need more involvilvement,” join us for ourouj nex t m eeting." you are a tilgh sctiool studentitw i t» selor; Sarah Pelayo,lyo. I aid; or Veronica ular basis. Dues arcre $5! p e r year. your Spaipanish if you're ju s t leam - she said. “I w ant to get: everyonee Sapien said sa the Hispanic wants to leam moro about theM Goniales, educationUon assistant Juarez made ann aall-out effort ing. Non-3n-Hispanics with an inter- involved, especially inn reading Service Awarnird is another Inceh^ Hispanic coltufo or Just want totomeot Matoo M|^ tctoot: ( to recruit new menlembers when est in theth« culture can have ftin, programs. We can reacad to the tive to join.1. Craigi Carr, a busi* new people, contact tno foltoMrMng: Mtttelstesdt. roomm 3( 304. or Max Mien, school began this yeayear. too, memembers say. children at the Nevewcomer nessmon, haslas donated fluids for Buriey ‘ School: Yolanda SeSapien. roiDmSOl. ^ “ I m a d e le tte rrs s :and posted ^ At BurIurley.High School, there Center and help them leamIe the scholarshipsps for Hispanic stu- — them all over the s c school.” she are fourjr advi.sers for the Latino language more qUickl;Icly. A n d , d e n ts. E ach;h year, ; one student S Sp p an ish o n d E n g lish , a BuBurley that panicipatipate in the Sur said. “I told all myy friendsfr about Organizaization of Knowledge or we're bringing the parerents and receives thee CarrC Award, a four- high hi( school student and a resi- Valley Hispo LOOK, wl spanic YoiHl , which has about 30 mcm* the kids together. This5 iis somer year renewabrable contract award. dent dei of Idaho. SymposiutQ, whichwh promote: "O ur m ain purpose•ose is to get as bers. ^s As at Minico, everyone is thing they con do to as tflsffamily.” The recipientint can reapply each Aj t th e h e a rt o f bolh clubsbsisa* education. Mttelttelsteadt sold ^ many Hispanics invoivolved as pos- invited1 toK join. Teacher/adviser T he m e m b e rs also plan pl fun year as longg as: he or she meets d de e s ire feu: s tu d e n ts to get e t the took 1 0 stu d em n ts to la s t yeal^^s sible,” Allen said.. “1“Kveryone is Yolandala Sapien said she hopes activities, including a CincoC de tho generairal requirements. best be; education available. ULOOK e v e n t, and sixc seiseniors retum ^ welcome who has an interest in at leastt everye Hispanic student Mayo celebration. Among thei rrequirements: the ad adviser and counselor Ph;'hyllis with scht^larships. I Hispanic culture andnd language.” 'vill givee LOOKI a try. "Wc had dancing ancnd a lun- student mustjst have a minimum Hendrickson lie said sometime!ies it’s :------I Juarez said the Hi;Hispanic Club “We reallyre hppe the students cheon for the staff thatt iour stu- 2.5 grade-poiroirit average, plan to necessary ne to walk a stucu d e n t Ttrne«-yVci0«s '< corresponde'ni gives Spanish-speakiiaking students will takekc the leadership,” she dents prepared,” Sapiennsaid.: attend a posiost-secondary Idaho through thr the college applicacatio n Coreen Hard can:an be reached ai a place to hang out.t. said . “T l ‘They’re doing a pretty Members recruit wwas j just institution full-timefu and be of process. pre 436-1186 o r fry; erremai7 a t ;im nn9ej "S o m e d o n ’t sppeak e i English good job.’lb.” ■ before Halloween. They«/covered Hispanic oriirigin, bilingual in Both1 clubs also have studid e n ts me9safdink.net At urgi^ing of maayor,Mexidco City ttakes bad;kpark N > ational piirogramho lonor&i By Kevin Sullivan andmd Mary Jordan ■ Tho Washington Potti»t______B u r l e y H i ggh School sfeniofs MEXICO CITY - 1The buUdoz- ers camc at noonI to the lovely BURLEY£ - Josh Melin.ine, a their academicc aiachievementrS chateau at theic e d g e seniorser at Burley High Sch:hool, group of 3,400 stuistu d en ts has b e ^ Chapultepec Park,rk, smashing has b een reco g n lied as a schcholar recognized a s aI sscholar d o r honoiif hard into a wall buil by one ChapuKepec f»ari( in |? the National Hispepanic able mention finafinalist MeliM/li Mexico’s richest menien. The phar- Recognition Program. lathesubjecta . among tbat grot7 oup which hai The program, estab-r- b e e n recc-ecognised as A c*npalgnto Hs| mrmagnate had lished in 1983, is a L scholar in th t e r e c o g itit^ • j C l ’-.••••• . ‘-*n reclaim part of tlw ColCollege Board program ^ IvograsL k e e p popular parit ththat a provides national ■ lames of an sc l^ park's masses encroached on by recognition of the excep* ___ I ___ . Hieiiamifin alists a re listl- off his “Gone tional academic achieve> H I p»p.rt,o™™, ars and' .'thefin National WiW ith th e ments of Hispanic high: 1 o d in lie t t Recognition Wi W ind”-style schischool seniors, a n d identi* ^ H is p a nm ic publication,' lavm - fie;fies them for post*sec> rf RcportcdeMexlco P ro g ra mia< b e e n releaaiffl ondsndqjy institiitions. W w hich hages«1 and univerS hhe e didn’t StudentsSl enter the pro- ■ ' ly own. to coUegesncdurage them*io g?ram ra by taking the * It these students He had simply apprppropriated ties to e n o ^ PPreliminary r 5 « k 0 Mntiol j l candidates from Chapultepec Fi chcr- s3AT/National a : Merit ished here like Centi mn m m . as potentii[ssion; • ^ SchScholarship Qualifying Test foradmissic1900. th e C o U ( £ New York - w here m ore than 2 higlligh school ju n io rs and by id million people a wee »t as Foimded in 190(rofitmembersM veek com e to -vVe donJon’t owe anything to any ppoliticians and business mt Ifying themselves as Hispanli picnic, paddle in the moguls. Now the mayoiyor is building walk- iden- Board is a nonprofischools,- c o l l e » ' he lake, visit special interestinn group - not busi- Among those being inve From more than .200,000 i the anthropology and ivcstigat* ways in th at areaar and opening it , olc. assodation ot :atidnBlschi organiin md art muse- ncssmen,•n, n o t jo u r n a lis ts , n o t c ed are a sister of fonner den:Ients nationwide, approdniai um.s «ir th e w ander the er presi- to the public. ) stu- ahd other educatie«sion to prepar^ the zoo. b a n k es, rs , not politicians - dent d Jose Lope* Portillo a 1,500 h ig h e s t sco rin g stu d e Other milliontiir ' and the In a countryry where 54 million lately tions with a missioinect students ter H i r e s - h a v e ------nobody,"-.""Lbper Obrador said. SSaba family, w hich Forl>es vere initially identifii as se encroached on the j es maga- of i^s 100 milliillion people live in wer Ie n ts . in sp ire a n d :conne excellence aiur ty’s cnisadmg boots. /eWe ju st have to d eliver to SS l billion. extremely pop;opular sport. Lopez BtBased on further evidence populist may«>r, Andrtices to: ^vinFalls.Idaho83303 C Bfl TV aca(idemies diIiscuss feajisibility off Latin ElImmys | Pat Marcantonio, ouiOr call: 735-3288 or H C om unldad ed ito r at: 677 PilMaicntorii»i By Brian Lowry lur Burley office, st T T T clem u nido, d t about sharing fhe d

• .ByScott/tMams ' . '.'Bkml* By Dean Youngjung 4 sta n Drake : " ” " " " I IIIHADTOGO ^ n I ITwwrsooT^ ■ » eEPOiU'.WE-fis-fW xTHE "':.-'^i XJWKSTIkRSTO J , UJHY DO PEOPLE I STEPPED I'M A OPHOtXW S m HEETING.Zfit W O U L D T I^IN K THEXK. cmctcourA r i > rr,uuABCHO(> o » 's s c > ^ EX PLA IN HOUO U J I IPROBLEr« AAE FRICK I I I I r aaEATK? I K TUANE01MT(* T O A INTERESTING TO^ ■ g l - SHEEP, j OTHER PEOPLE? ^) . SHEEP

s s - I T O ^ ByJohnn;nny Hart P iddM ______BBy Brian Crane • ------N |u \ u a t i f e . r ~ / "TT u a 5 ~ ^ 1 MAREPLAM- 1/ ITOCHC-r T ^ K o U - 1 B M T ~ )\ T J o r T T • T*^ N^,7ri/W»3S.ITPn A«PU. MIKtQA'^tl . © . p e r g ^ U wetei^oF \ I I tePTD-me. laiisritTOSEeHDUi TMfe U ?2EA aV . U«T»7?CY' , P6^^TERS, fljffrPSHE iNpi^e-en ' CPPlLM ORA»JPC«> m m c t c t iMM/HOgfi&S.l ** . /ICC ONnu WNCH. uio^^ 'isjr- VJ Goe& A WeeAirBter | K c 9 e ^ - 9ooeMToME rw itT H lM E y y w c H ■ . W K » T C > r ^ ______(.^-"-X— ^ I I “ 57 CAB0066?« ?] ftjRWrt

______By Jim I D«vtetheMe(u«nac« ByHanhlank Ketcham The Familyr CC k tin By Bil Keane : ■ fcT-i^RIF-:------=—1 &' O ^ & o V ^

I A I ' f ^ p d / ^ M J m - i ^ Z Z Z Z ^ ^ s i c z ^^M2/ I / rM an d U to By Chance Bre I ' HAve A u y r V « «JJ2g.RAPIO au>4<5«? f OPCDUflSfiCaAfi') Ifni P ¥A fZ L O C lU ^e: .OPTH 1HG& \ - a ■a? TV, O V E H « •© M JC R >‘ opt.»5pReFCf2 / MOU #f6 ».Liy STc?Ke ,CHA«c3CPffJ V PW© IWMSS "” h\y «?ii.ep. •>©Uff UFB,MP. WAWteeAMPPBM -|0*CfMArjsNAtB«.« ., [-rHEOLPVVAV/ J e.wAX.,vVAi-Ly’, name'53? They won’t take myn y ^ p iz z a ^j 'WhereSAKE^ THE OATS w m m wrI)AD n 5AYS oorder unless i know itr SseCi2Z]? ____ iJ THAT you«J 6A,T iike a horse." TfaW hn^oflj By Brant Parker 4 JohnnylyHart I Ao m J>R om ByB Pal BracJy •I I J U -l' n lr\~ 7U J T ;-• ^ y o v A ^ a ^— I I f^W tKRMs m m / j GHwcsiPSia> s R m P W i T l M m W ; r ~ / \ V 7 1 WWWr. ANP)\NPArmiAi9, . V (PB

i« e N 0 P UK 6 aO « K w r f o ^ ______j s s t e t i U B i B ® w m w oy p f ff i T O » Y r ijjapitteHorrfeta By Chris Brovrowne ZHi By Jim Borgman and Jeny Scon .

■ i KTVRNuiAr ^ r * r ^ 1 Y tiS.iS't&SZH e t'to u s H \ 7>ttee zMoiVT?/ apvxuet ^ f p m g i r r A ■ c i P i m , ^ f vwws r , MNorro fAANPOlAtii LsyaSfeimi^r K £ A n ^ c 9 WSMAN!SN! r u - - - ^ , ------fCFSMflu. y

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B M tltB dtoy By Mort Walhalker L ta m ByCBy Gree Evans

IW 5 6TA«WNe/ I / 5 O Y 0U A T E ) ,^<7:4, ^ r r WASN'T TOO BAXA P UtANN, >U4. I hHMJ£> from vou is "WHV I -M 50CCV TO SAV THIS. 0EA8. BlBUTIII I l-M ATBAID vou-/O u v e) 1 I 'M ON A VE(9ETARIAN \ ^ V F E R N / ) f W e l ® WITH RANCH P R E 5 5SIK© I ooesN-revCBvofvoNE-rceATMeBeTTEB’ - voivouve B£coM£ A soF-ABSocee6£D fc V TUBNEOIWK T O j/ P I E T ____ _ BUTHOWOOVCXvou -rilMt OTH£BS» vou 6 IEI.IR WHO £xfCCT5 Th€ wOBUO» TO1 (. 7/----- 7— *^----- SeCM TO W 04< 55VW?AtHV 0 0 CONCEBN BeBC wees BOT GIVES wW • V / LfrxKs 1 oS£gi woN£ KTUPM ---- r r ^ c : : y- J f

n 1 i l i i i i i S i ^ a i l E b M t ByBotiThaw n * ' ' • I straneeflniw By Johnn D

OP,.5TOCK,^ '•’^UFI i F T r l S ' i ~ ~ I '^vuemjoiti LtFeW^5)^^UCH^'0(^e ^ THf btlwpLe FOP. COR PK K N r^r S t i T T 'B B T |" ' W P C W KK,CRl^VeiiKl5»l'«i», , 2 r M ._ ;.... ;...WPtofV<£js£JSd^5 FW U M C v HL^U.TH£>

: I ACROSS 1 Sllr-fry ve«sola I . ' 5 Louvsrs I Great Americaa n S m o kbeoilt i off(ge r s i ^ s h ^ [; 10 Rhtnewlne .. - :r -i 14 Sandu9k/a loks _ DEARABBY:Iloso st m y spouse For more informatio:ioaibflUt thinfttodo.Thj.Ibaabftbtiiidir' ■- the love of xny lif 15 Reador'B d«cJ( life - to lung 1 1 ^ 9 D e a r boiv.tD get iavDlMd in tt -WQNDINDBRINGlNSDUm ^ lOTrackahApo m cancer. Ic is u n b ^ eevnble v w har a ‘ American Smokeput andIQ ^ le c A 17 Ptiilanihropist ■ person has to enduiure with this - A b b y abput tobacco cetsatlbrd n :straUK' i ■ ■ .. i '; ; 10 S llp :^ »Upp«f _ disease. The biopsysy, diagnosis, - H jj^H .20 In s is t bwn ' gk$, call (SOO) 227-2345^ or:.yiiltr';.^;.,nB^^WONO N1 p E B I^ Wedding ;; rounds of chem o, X- 21 CHsinlormatioo X-rays, scai^, ; ■ E H■ < 9 . '-w»n».canc*r.«M^- .' . after,your,di(be{ - 22 PofjonaJ - needles, poking ancnd prodding. InstobilJtv ^ ^ : V M u n n _ The prognosis is usuallyus poor ' 01^.ABBY: My twMyfriend ,!^ t^ fc IS ,, 24 (nmolos unless it is caught es - ■ . 2S Uakos 0 early enough knd I h am been t o g ^ ■ “ to be surgically treatcItcd. annual Greak American;' '■ now & haiqpj'beW ii docia/on years. We baye d i^ c dIto o e i^ : !.u;OaiK^ioM.'vrlii^vrllo.fej;|ttpt weddfaS 26 Goorgo ol _ When I see peoplelie smoking, I SmokeoutlUt For those who do not •Olamoli*' ■ ugh:stnig- CanwSo.Sodety*s Great American Jt rm not give gifts. Horntowover, rela tiw s and . • paronia sure how to go about - gling CO breathe - evene\ on oxy- SmokeoutlUt is th e d ay th a t amok*. It it.. Are . close Mends,VIU.wfllprobably.tnmt : 33 Kicka announcements OK, or i 34 Molor flOd-on-’ _ gen. Being dependerenc on some- ers can chchallenge tbemselTes to rdothty • topresemtMwicha^teken^.gift ^t 35 Gstantially from 28 per- 47 Aalronnul D u«12 l3*RovoiuUonaol fTT el r heavy price? There ara re plenty of cent to 355 [ percent.) 50 Mary'a littio pol■ol Iho Viaducts* T h ; s ; other things-chac canin make you .This ytyear approximately 51 Aor. aonion painior H r ill or kill you. Pleasese don’t add 169,400 neinew cases of lu n g cancer 54 Howaiinn foloI .I S Donial-cafo 55 Mafchino bandId producl ^ “ I cigarettes - somethining you Can will be dl(diagnosed in the U.S., loaders 23 Ulmosl dotjroo i * | i £J I control. dnd 154,(X),0 0 0 wiU d ie o f tl^e dis- 58 Ptay oponino 24 Lomon. ofanQO. M * Cl 1 Toss the smokes!I oil2o rn lo a1 61 Ruaalnn vaio 26 Mor# You may think you hhave plenty cancers, iniinduding cancer of the 02 Hamoaaod liHo10 compolont " of time, but the lovee of my life mouth, pha>harynx, larynx, esopha- 27 Common tnaoct was only 49. Do this fifor yourself gus, pancricreas, uterine cervix, 63 Fill-ln workor 26 French nver 41 SmHhnith ol 49 Oo oul vnlh and for those who lovi)ve and care kidney andnd bladder. 29 Hall and _ (oott«sttwll 50 SkuU( «tx>ut DOWN ■ 30 W. Homiaprxiro . 43 WUiat'UiimTeirs StFithlmm about you. So, D e:ar a t Readers, if you’re 1 Afnchnid trnpaa proioetion sysi. canlorWon Dover? -K.O. INK[MISSOURI hooked onon tobacco and hiAre 2 Oliick-nnd- 31 Tiuiii 44 ooain>aiructad, lmfr all tb e s tu d ^ ts from1 onone classroom . H o r q s c o p k that indudeide yellow and gold. It is i likfly was clodle;e; yyour father was LIBRA (Sept. 2 3 ^ct. t 22): You both love anand lust! "from the Magic V^ey o r HiUlnl-Cassia area. Grades 1stjst tlthm ^ only. | jin original thinkerleer, romantic and ' Sydney Omarr may be seeing througlIgh rose-col- AQUARH UUS Uan. 20-Feb. 18): Please P send entry forms to:5:' Inside Sales stubborn. You po.«W.SSCSS in tcU cctu al I______ored glasses. Don’t be dccome coim m p plicated. ra ry; you yc will beat the odds andJ fide or confess. Relariationship rity, sale or]:ir purchase of property. i 1J A d d ress______A R I E S ( M u r.. 2;21-Apr. 19): In win the intensifies. Capricorn in\nvolved. Emphasizee hhumor; laugh at your I -j the game. Broken love rela- {Town______S u t e ______iinswer j{) your (juejuestion: Yes, this tionshiph ip c a n b e m e n d e d i L d ^ r e dI . SAGITTARIUS (Novov. 22-Dcc. own foibles,es. Your value will be , }, is the time for fresTcsJi Sian in new l EO:0 Uulyi 23-Aug. 22): You win^ 21): Lie low,- play waiciiting game. acknowledgeIged; if you desire love, | j* Hom e P hone______Work P hone____ :•______I direction.. IliRliiightght original think- friendsids; your influence is awe- Check legal rights, perermissions. you have! iiit tonight in abun- II Any QlQuestions call 735-3210 ing. G<» in to b u sinness e s for yourself. some. Read,I write and publish.i You receive proposDsals that dance. ; ■ T A U R U S ( A.pr. p r . 20-May 20): Flirtati;ation gets hot and heavy; include partnership,, nmarriage, Lunar positionI hihighlights pay- don’t breakbt hean - the hean you Within 24 hours the w orld will ments. collectionsm s a n d p o te n tia l b re ak coc( u ld b e y o u r ow n. seem different to you. f c o v e r e d c o n - . . 0:20 eis \- tainur.s. That’s whyvhy your classic D«>u^t 7:15-0:30 ■ ■ i German beer stein 10-0:50 ne L- ™h»„,hu.b. s '- S flm aQ m ^ ^ ^ ‘i*rfw.7-»rL.n>-0:20-0:45 ■ : ' i fli|jpable iid. ;ht them back. And England - W t A i T Thc whiskerss o n y o u r c h i n , larizcd them around the ■V- I grow twice as fast a y o u r le g s. Sir. iw in Cleveland, Ohio, won't \ You know thiit cncrown-of laurel >u get married there in a BAQQCL^lSlCa (10 7:30-0-0:40 \ Punch Drunk 1/nro ,.. t i« I ' leaves the old Roma ig s u ii. 15-0:20 £MlC IKJ 7 00 - t):30 heads of notables? ! Law of 80-20 holds with Bed Prnggnim 7:00- 00:30:: word. A synonym hunters, too - 80 percent of atlg«.StltB IK) 7:30 - 0:40:40^ ______berry. "Baccalaureate a te ." Jwned ducks are shot by 20 English officersL‘rs in colonial BU tlMnt lo f th e h u n te rs . ^ In d ia p la y e d p o lo], , titook showers, H EH yw I then smoked cig cigars. These C ||U < Santa C lnii^ Zir . 7,0 0- . 0:10s c u rio s itie s - p o lo , shishowers, cigafs O .U ll2alltliM flB iM ilM il HnrrvPmtcf 2 ik i 7:3C:30 - w e re n ’t co m m o nnly ly known else- L&m 113) 7 :IS -0:3010 where. But the Enginglish officers nshihe State ^0-7:00-9:^0

Congratatulations! You've lillionaire \loiney! C lip onlonly the bill from this ad ean found today's Milt prizes like a car, boat, restaurant and groc ich more! -imcoiiflliPTiS];; and save it to bid on great pr rocery certificates, and much T h eii ^SkPoArf.fi< y Make me a High >p— rf Intm, Mmnrlem ■ J I

Hlialareijouiiiallgfigr? • f a s U a s m4 inslallation • W n t H esssagiiigandrlclicooltDM s !Dl Included ’ i k Collllll-208-733-Bi6230 •Pricesstar!ift;a5lo!iiK$39.95apiillontli i andai mahe llie silchhiilaiiMl f i l lm i g p

iir* Sponsored by: 0 CM M MrM MMM »M onir w MrvknMcIM (BCTM Cd* ONC cMWnn. Mm H(M Igr mivCiM ow m u n n PricM'Ewes’* 5Edu2N •‘£ 1^ Ao*MAo n Mk OHCMt Mgh teM4 IMKM S«t ( S«vw » M ««aMM BVM lw> e( abb nattadm (rm CIM 0 « ! ^ rtRrtobn rayt wiy. m - • rnimolionon endse Nov. 30,2002. No pun:h.wc i £>4ry, send handwritten SASE lo ------Mllilon.ilfo-AuciAuclionsThcTIf^^ j^da^jsofgubliwtionofnwTO i»c nccMMry. For Millionaire monty, u JxWajTwmFall^^

, 4 iN SID[DE ...... £46 O rn m M ...... E7-16 i i ^ i i ' ~ . .(hOifyorsE/i'jHUmDaaJCooprr- 733-0.i-0931.Ext.i46 . ■ r-The.Tittii's-Ne' ■ Thursda!ay;iNovember21f2(2002 - V, \S c c tio n E m l ; r s f i r s t 0 p l h ^ i d i i i jI x e d ]b a g caf birrds . , A^^llsjw r.nip:Mpaeemtobe T*Wn/ having «:gre«t steeleelhead run. .J-/iY ’ . ■ s ' Repo Ita { ra n Lewi»tcliftoi^ Orofino V - ui41U < ^ loHlcate - - k‘ " ^ S £ ' 3s|s^especicies ; ' • ■ !^V^ '■ : HKMeofuswhobtve m agnificent fish kno' toiigigitlbBbmeb) strength end. p o m dutfaat th e steel- jy- head exhibits whens n h o o k e d is B y fMIBrewn B i unlike any otlte^ fresheshwater fish. TImeiNw Tbe dteer.b^uty of thithe steelhead ' • ■ | h h is e n o u g h 4 6 ta k e yoyoiirbrefith ' LEWlfrl&rON - U p l^ game birdsIsw w e re a aWby, but onc^ hod:lodked, they littl? hailarder to find this year,-perperhaps* . beooiDe.a d y ie d b eastm of fury tiy* . h»ntttw'e of c drtMght^nodltions. Field:d d s and tng frt »h«wt^c*t iselv^ vdiicb roads mdanc bird coyer were extremel:aely dry to^^SSjSEH leavM th e 'a n g l^ toI awetn of both and dU!^ H igher on tiie hills n o t useused fo r . th eir an d tnidindyln^willto' feriningc g chul^hiave dianged theirirh h a U ts . / .• '''"S k • continM eS^ 7 0 0 -milm ile ..swim to d ue to ladelac of water. D ri^ up sprinjrings ho rfi«»{r ^q^^^lwl^r>ggpytnt^i^« ids. • longersu]suppottxhukars or buns in pre-previous ■' I • h a n ta tsoson : sitfroundidg bills, . C learwrwater area ring-hedcs requiiq u ire a T A tEt ^ A N D leal of hUl c lim ^ g to gett w;w ithin g range. M ost.tf nestied inin b brush choked cacanyons fianlcM o n e ith e r sidesid b y ' Doue)oug Brown • ga^ fieldelds. I h m is a great deal of'habitat ha ' . ■ dliplilliplajrs a nlca a ffo rd eed d by sumac, scrub timbericr hanclarveit of chufcar Wiwal. hMVy grajrasj tiiat choke canyons tpoX) ssteep ______anrf treacbacberousforcultivatioa ' psrtrllartrldge.from ------’---- Everyrc ,r rooster we harvest Is examina ■, .r .. r th#ha •ateap hills . The y ean Was 1990'w)vdiehl-was leglen^jths; Surely spending a lifetimtim e.on ear Uwltton. first r^troduced toto isteelhead these stee]e e p slopes req u ire myons and fence rows,.growinwing so ! tow n w as a -b u s w ithI ththe coming thick manan and dog a re unable to p enetn e tra te i of steelhead seasoiison, so I their thorromy sanctuary. Tossing rocks < approached one of.thethe sporting the thicketkets will dislodge singles occas^casion*' .. g o ^ dealers to ask himlim how they ally. fished for steeUes in the Lewiston Hungarijarian partridge seem to be on th e ’ area. What ho told mee ratherr sur- upswing; nearm the river. Land owners are prised me because he saisaid the ea«- cooperativitive about h u n d n g on their pla< lest way to catch theseese fish was asked. VeWe have developed a relation:ionship with a bobber and a jig.g- with seveveral by rewarding them v “A*bobber and a jig?”jig I shot Alaska salrmlmon for th e privilege of hunlunting bade. *'1 use th a n to catcatch crappie* on their■ farms.fa This has been welcor and bluegiHs.” Me assureured me that and works•ks very well while several h av e A is was slight^ differeni■ent and th at .m entioneded how m u ^ they enjoy th etfish. fis H im ^ H ' i^I would follow his instructionsins Huntingng in a particular canyon wwit ith a and fish diligently, I wowould catch small streaream and vertical bank this y ear £idL He«bovM me allII thti e equip- w ith o u r■ blackbl lab conjured up memam ories “W s.lt -J-: - .pf afw yoyear$pasM vhen bfO chased a jjijju a il ~ ' ijLs h a iostnictied m e,I, youyi slide a ,•' aro u n d ia bushh onfy to find no footing on thread bobber stop ontojit<^^line'.: thefar.sidck p ile s a n d d ry w eed patclItch es riv e r w ith chest wvfj aders to fish the shallow . leader, g e n e rj abouttt 2 pounds takes its tolltoi on a dog Used to A la ^■Ji rtun- water. Some dedidicated anglers fish all[ ■ ' Paulul BlBrown holds lighter-than your, mainin line. To; dra'countrjItry.' Feet get tender and arClearwateriivs si o m e t h ^ lik e **Kaa-Kaa-Ka-Ka" W e use a boat in aa boxI and a sm all 4 horse- • -dow-inoyiaB VQters,. w h ic h is w ith th e emisnphasis on th e flrst two partsirts o f pow er engine tiiatIt con< be tak en out of the really.thA back watersI ofol Lower the sound. b6 x, assem bled, infnflated and be seaworthy Grai^te-Dam. I had been•en casting The Clealet^ater River is the condinduit inaiialfhour.ByaCTossing to th e Idaho side .and Vnitcfaing.my b o b be ^ r dt rift for through tldslis area near Lewiston for cancarry- w here th ere are no10 roads th e hunting pres- ■bout an hoitf when suddiddenly my ing stedbeacead s o u t this tim e of th e year;a r to su re is practically’ non-existentn fyr chukars, bobber . disappippeared. their'spawniivning beds in small tributariaries huns and white tailail and m uley,deer w ith Instinctivdy. I set the hehook and that emptyy intoli the Oearwater. The numnui -. .an existing Idaholicense.: Ii( \ theriver suddenly e»plodlo d ed w itb a 12*pound;steelhead ji time arid again tty i^ to d himself from ine as fasiS S M oire i valley r^identsI $ g o to baii t t l e ~ p alintball i baattles, tha t i s could. As line'screameded off my ' re el, I realised th at mom a y b e 8 t - j . red paint balls. Fluyc•r^yers tend to pound rest line was notot ienough '' i: ^ Sport gainsIS in popularity in Magic Valley be well covered in huibattle: they for th«s«fiah aoA mades a m ental .‘'i?"/-!.' wear heavy swcaisliit By Kbrgo W entlnoIno W arrioriors of all ages compctc shirts, long * nOte-to;<^'ange to at'le:‘le a s t 1 2 p a n ts , e v e n h oods« ;irand hats, poimd that night .. ^ :'‘V ^ Tlme»W ecau se I sport may be unknknown to some hall, folks, but in trutluth, it has been Paintlintball Inc. in K im berly is witii a paintball is compiim parable to hMked foiir'more that m orning • getting snapped withI a vtowel. It's and only landed onie, whiclnidi was a around for a goodd >while. one )fofo only two paintball fields in The game invovolves on or^a- the statestat of Idaho. In operation a real adrenaline rueb waged on Bureau of Land .Man;.lanagenient ^ U V e d in teM R o ri for twitw o and k ' sport. Battles are-e 'waged in con- picesi of of a referee. .^V.d trolled and safee cconditions; no Partirticipants are placed on lands, and land userss ofioften com- halt yean aad cau^t 44ate«l-'44 plained. Currently. BLIVJLM regula- ' bead. Mo^t of them. I caughj^ tU s in g one is allowed on>n itiie field with- teamsis accordinga to tlieir ability HpB out goggles and a 1helmet. A ref- levels. T J tions in the Magic VallcjlUcy regard- this ^.wdoldd d h ^ s. T here Is a rookie o r novice ftll ereejnoniton eaiAnA battle, w hich __level anand on amateur level TheI ing the gam e a re very/ restrictive.rci , J m ^------The-Sho%hone-Djslrlc(rid allow!) .■‘.‘..J lasts approximaSIje l ^ 10 to i s rain-" propriet ndrtirtff fry tfadr lu d k ^rdtU.won- d t rietcir, JaciT P ruett, is famil- ^ utes. ith most players and placesj paintballers as long asIts therell arc . Playing fields arean replete with themI accordingly.ac Players can^ no more than 15 partiiirticipants. Olaid olt.li^ttuaf’waiy, no^io ^ n 4 tte r H H barriers, bunkers,s, pseudoi groves m ove up and they are weU awayly fromfi peo- ■ fi^^.you catch;them, stecte e lh e a d ! up a level b ut never down, of trees, hay bales,es, even dereHct Playersirs can rent equipment, aj pie. Paintballing gunss aan nd equip- fiMts ar» pretty (asty offr thetil grin. autos that partidF ^ ment can'be purchasedised at any ^ hot frying pan< dpants can use gun,gogjoggles and helm et, and 100 ■ ■ for protection as w*well ns strategy. roundsis ofi “ammo” for the price, num ber of local stores,s, scso private ■ Teams fight to captiipture theflogof of thee entrye fee. Paintballs are dtizens can paintballI In unregu- outdoors" ClMMekoyiaailaod/Ubla Snoddy,oattai«tt,iei I, join two otlwr tMmmatM In *a the opposing arm’tny and return , water-bsr-based, harm less and cxim- lated areas. IVueit is discdiscouraged .bMUeiiragad^I «t a Miibtrly ptM M LfM d. • with it to theirIr home base. - pletelyty w\ ashable. P ru en sells noI Please sec PAlNTSALiML Page E3

■ e ■ ^

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' ' » TtowMm. T TMa«T.N»*HprMb«21.20(a

OUTEX300RS BntfoBBaaaiM BiM iiBi iterfowllammoomtistlbe app Question: I[ qtquit duck hunting H n pellets ore still signj(nificantly tally accecceptable level of lead in. • w hen I CouldI ncno longer use lead H dense than lead aodd requireI a dif- huntingS si^ o t is a trace amotmt or shoi in m y oldd dduck giui. I refuse A s k t h e ^ f e r e n t thotight procecess for select- less than an one percent. 'Any shot ■ to use steel foror Ifetu* of'dam aging , ing the proper pelletlet sise for the manufactacturecT crcak. I have pur- LT? ___ approved shot types.s. T in shoihot (99.9% tin with less chased a newV gigun and I noticed to sh ndi- Th* following type)es of shot are thAn 1% tresidual lead) vras legal . several new typtypes of shot adver- dateshow the nontpxic shot candi' approved for 2002-21■2003 mignito- for the 2000-200120 hundng seasoo tiscd as watcrf

I \ Club nows Address your storyItory to ‘Oiitdoon' iWiftenfflfs-tfeinwelci.i/K««-. * Editor.* Ttien mallnail IItto Plo. Box m announcements and S0 548. Twin Falls.i. ID 83301; o r e ^ l m news from outdoor dUi it lo twinews^micnmicron.net;'Or bring it The inoon' Address your nows to 'Outiutdoors loourSudeyorTwlrTwin Falls offlco. risM Editor.* Then mall IttoP.C>.0. Box overthe 548. Twin Falls. ID 83301 mall tt to twfnewsOmlcren. s h o t M stem bring it lo our Burloy or TwTwin Falls • » y«r ba*i ( a big buck this * Sierra office. Bosureto^includeJeo con- I lirear?D ldyoilyour^lnow^ Nev«la tact namo and p ^ n e numimber. per? irjfMihaveauaI snapshot. The I meuntalnt i tu r e Tlme^Nows woulduld likeli to publish it above Share your adventi o you hava a penonanalstocyof as port of our newew 'Trophies** foa- Isabella on outdoor acivenlure're? If so. turo. We welcomene readers’rt photos of . I Lake. Thff nmes-Norts woulculd like to hunting, fishing ororo olhcr outdoor print It os port of our nowt ‘Calls'"i scenes. From Tho Wild' series. A d d rm yourr photopho to 'Outdoors Wo welcome readers' trueB storiesi Editor.’ Then mallall It to P.O. Box 548. obout hunting, fishing andfl otherc out- Twin Falls, ID 833033301;orer.ber. Gbm Caltf., im un Monday. A page for yoou and your nelielghbors. CrosiSS Couniltry Ida!iho offerrs free s Pajige b l today. The 17th annualLial Cross Country “ Elk wHti wasting diiliSGSSO W ind C ave h D Idaho fret- .ski ever;vent wiil be held ( I no»if emboundar; on Saturday. Jan.m. 4. 2003. Cross ------O utdoors In brief - turn up in nationalI Pa«p Chrorvc « coumry skiing in all of Idaho’s will dr i- HOT SPRINGS, S J).- Offidals the same 1 9 9>2 2 n e sta 1 9 '46c Ford,ird, ScJf-Coniiuned state parks and PaiPark N' Ski areas ence drawwi an everyday expcri-i- say lab tests have confiiifirmed that spongiform will 1)0 free that day.da; ing. whichY is transferred lo ski-fl a S-ycar-old elk in W:Wind Cave mad cow d increaSYour i new insight can1- National Park had chrcironic wast- been lied tc O n l Certified instrucructor offers ing. iisase n your enjoyment of ski-t- ing disease, th e secondj confirmed( disease in 1 [| m ay even help you ski bet- case'of the contagious,, fatalf brain sa y thcire i: ciass on sidinglg piiysics| ■Lite" T k railerV p S disease in a wild onima]lal in Soutli chronic, was 1 9 9 9 T a h o e 2 1 ’ "L Pierce Milliman,an. aPSIA cmi- TilOre’! Dakota. M transmitted fied level 3 ski instiistructor who has . . '0% ^ stiil tim e ieft Staff at the park reciccn^y saw stock, but st taught skiing forr 1:15 years al tch tO D 3g ;oo m the elk showing symptptoms, said is needed. ag a holiday gobbler O n ly * 9 , 5 Sun V alle y Ski School, Sc will be BOIS 1 Linda L Stoll, Wind Ca3ave super- The diseas offering a course oon ski physics, huntersUSE - Wesiern Idaho bird c J intendent. The animalI vwas killed wild deer ai S8 B eaver 3 4 ’ DitD iesel Pusher Uec. 4 and Dec. II 11 iai Wood River turkeyers f still have time to bag a s k i i n g and brain tissue sampiples were Wyoming, N 1 9 8 ; High School. Thchc course is S25 Idaht:y for Thanksgiving dinner. s analyzed at Coloredado State South Dakot and runs from 7 to 9S p.m. turkey]ho Fish and Game has iins. M ex ico . Ie t National 1 Park’s south- ^ U niversity in F ort Collin . , * 4 9 , 9 > 9 5 Milliman will insiinstruct students trolled;y lags: left over from con-r A doer shot' by a huiunter near fanned elklaiy. ii ■ a on how to use Haileaning a n d bai- region‘d iihunts in the Clearwater Oral, SD., last year tesested posi- Montana, :N< wasting disease is in H ance on th e slopes,pes. As you ski, Residn in units 8 , 8A and lO A . ! tive. State game officiicials have and South eDa family os bovine ^ :oackmsn‘Tutiiia” 25' w K griiviiy pulls andid snow pushes leftoversidents can purchase thc continued testing d eer aianddk. -Compied!m encephalopathy, or g ad Bed. tik e New ’ disease, which has H . your skis. Yourr actionsac can be S2S. ^erTh tags at any vendor fori Last summer an elkk in a pri------a c ------Island I to Creuufeldt-Jakob ■ seen and fell as youyo edge, twisi S74.50.The nonresident price is vate herd near Fairbunim died of G u n • and pressure youriir skis.s But you There0. I chronic wasting disease, n humans. Scientiits “ J is no evidence that 1 (lance with invisitisible partners- the areaire are so many turkeys in tive elk herds, including V a n ! snow.forces and gra'jraviiy. sider rcathe th at som e residents con- rasting disease can be the Black Hills ar^u.^c a m e P a u:d l ’ to humans and live- Siuilenis needi nno knowledge Thedithem a nuisance. infected beginning in 19< : stress more research of physics or math.th. Instead, they 15 to iDe- dates for th e him t arc Nov. O ne of those herds wavasnexTiD 1234 0aldi Dec. 10. 208-678-1 sase has been foimd in " and elk in Colorado, » , Nebraska, Wisconsin, Icota, K ansas a n d New It has been found in k in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma F lan; C o n g;ratuIations! r a Y ou've M illionaire M oney ve found today's M i Dakota. nily C lip) onlyor the bill from this ad a a t p riz e s lik e a car, b o at, ed Dam staff, wira n p o itt S h a re d d a n d sa v e it to b id o n g re a t p re sta u ra n t a n d gre lu ch m ore! NBnutes

' I S B n S i l ll m Prim. Be^dmrnirSmkftmiuitrim J Bflfl wgmtS^bdkrni^niammAcemeii Sponsored by: '■p r v ’^ o i ■ ^ I aBHHflajO r ^ n ' s J . S . C e l l i ^ w n e H H • In d u d es 20a A ^ C C H a rd w . J T H 0 R 12 IJI ^ • y e n? n m a r t [netreeepcrt* ^ Burley and Rupei I S H •VnlimitedNk jivncim wwwjriic«aii6llutiRcoin ' 73A4S40-117 N. I’romolion'lion cnd» Nov. 30,2iXf2. No purchasi ney, send hand written SASE to A d d u p t o 2 m a I Million.'in;Aic Auctiim». The Hmra-Ncw*. POluse Do nca-sury. For Millionaire money, M anti itM M M«d B M ary Mife*llH.f«|lMll*raHMl fl ^x5«jTW inFaI^^ I ari In M r t M MM MIfc:ilcawc*Bi»Wwfca<8MiM»IW.Carwima$tmrnviamiv.m.- - ■ ■ -. •

^ ^ 3 BmiPik

A U T Valey Hafl • 73< r S p P M M «K M WM ____ cMW» iiflr*rti FUM H<| ■■ ■ • V-j"« '=‘ ' 7

I l i S i l i i l i THwiy.lto>lMia*ar21.'lOtt TfiilHw.1W^ I M a ^ l M a U

______I______J : OunrpooRs g ^ ^ d s gj i v e u n i q u il K c V a f j ly i A n g l e r le p e r s p ejc c liv e i ■ tEWISTON)N ( A F )- In d ie E ast fatiiburners lurking in trees. Ifieyeyare . “A big vdiitetaUitall buck, he can Malad RNw theyatecomiimmon. Hunters dt in e»ejm edally helpful to bow hunm ters ' b ear your *hmtghf<[hts a t 1 0 0 yards," .thraalldayly long w aiting for U g ' wwho b have to draw their bowsbi Sherman says, ^||*'BigWpodRiver . . «4dtetaO buckicks to stron w itU n in wwithout it being spotted oncece an Like huntersI onor the ground, anilanimal is withm range. 0 :'LmtoWoodRtver b u t to a g re a te r extextent, treestand *^utln theW> West, where hunters BBut there are. some disad\dvan* hunters havee to1 , exercise prefer to roa ''^ '‘'silwCrtok'. ; oam, they are little tagtages, according to Shermman. patfence. used. Sot)Sound can cany farther wheien it That can be toughtouj w hen noth­ l(P '^c'ResetvoIr A few Westestem hunters, howev- cooawn es from a n elevated positdtion, ing is happeninging. It requires ' e r , p a rtic uilarly la : bow hunters, hehe says, because there isI 1less more than justist patience. A ' 0 : big Lost River h a v e b een usingusi treestands for brubrush a nd trees to absorb it.. TIhat hunter has to haveave clothing that years. canaw^ u ^ whitetail hunting c 0 Warm Springs/Trail Crs< even will keep him orr h hi e ^ w a n n with- r ™l' :Tlieysayth different things.** 9 . BII[lr«sJ^Cr8ek , Jim Sherrarman of Arrow rt iea n ot uncommon Wl fiipttt to Ibr tto week of TlMM■Siar, N w . t t . U pd^ co^tiorisKtt Iare Dated for 15 locations that« S S S S t a inctudeitmtarMyftfy ftsMng «H8ten snd major ftvenI mIn th a M ^ Valley ragkm. Rapocta i to r Dtros to tanland on him while he eta are mada courtesy of Skooter^ is sitting in a . QvtflrwofSUywCrMSrNH Outmtsrs tn K etdun. and} ODuga C b ^ of Blue lakaf SpottngQngQoodalnTWinFUis. I a treestand or for --.JgW m U m sq u irre ls to scampersc across his "iui«^m .Lo«iLowsrmdeorpod*>. t b i t t i s»peicant'orflormal(b^' ^ i UMUMa Wiaad Raaa«w«R MM. Pounund body, MMtartMtnducedieda«Bw0X)dflsh. Ma6»(ay|tejRase(Volr}.4MhfOraraeton tha banks vflth Psnther MiMtlns snand ' * ir you reall:ally ei^oy n atu re ies TiylatsiMbBctDrrMnpi(fnph».Phee«art' thaw tartfir that get long pertods of. •- QoklZonke^ Qd p retty cool because eo you get-to see Wti«8tD#12>.5«iAnjuanwcrma dlractaunliiinngnt. VifiancoodlOonaper-: OaRB— a WaaawBlB PAW. Suspendedad t h i n u y o u dodon’t normally see ^f[l »10i.hMta«»«0«a9 a a n d ^ mn,beatta' efil II currant^ l i nmofnorrpaf.Earf^ o rit/Mmtfrtaci.rAm. LENT. len Bl6nda ducktaUs, KaUowew,in h u n te rs a n dI hhunting partners. wintsrcondWonahaMavatreutrocuud Msi^llaaaitaanek: PAIR. You can catch iaachea. iaac and trolling straamer pettettems S h e n a a n utsed se to hunt with ‘T, '' onnyn^.Ttyusln(infihiaiinympn* pacchonnliinlimcTawlenandmlnnowa. .. and Rapalaa have worked nicely. friends from thithe East During one ' • (tla 16^ ) such Mlaiabramkiiat, n MMOamMm PPOR. Try J1ggtr« night- ' CtoeMaar lake: PAIR. Use a Clear Lakeika particular huntmt, when thev were copper iohnt, snd phMsheaaartt tails. If crawtart andradrubberworma.am SpecW, Spe Jumbo mMge pupae, andd having poor lucluck getting shots at thtpuittinyoudefflaiinandadryfly SplnnartMJlbaits vmkat midday durtr« . -MacMack aystal buggers. w hitet^ buckicks, o ne o l th e fel* .'>■ action, plan Ofl hlUngtingthertver paakflahaclactMty.- H■ irIn p lay Cieak: PAIR. Midge pujxupae, low s from back a d East suggested between 11 a J n -4I p.rp.m. ' OJ. tW MeRaaetvolRP»IR.JIalng R ' Baatts Baa and midge cluster with dryypat- t theytryatteesiestand. UtteWoodMMRMOanOiQeneiil cnartresear»and nuorsscant orange is tama tam flS a to t22s is recommendndcd. S hennan thoibought the idea was . rMnpftlUhmglshanltoiIto beat itght now. catchlngflsrfish. Also tiy some darV MseItaaWisad POOR. Watar terranv silly, b u t quickickly becam e a con* ; | H UMrCiMtoPAUtUppUpper Silver Craek leech patterttems. penperstura la 38 degrees. The rtverr lali v e rt w h en thhe e method proved wttendoMtheendoiId of ttils monttt. Hah CreekkRaaeivaln R PAIR. Fishing Is icing Icim up In u ^ portions and aiedack su c c e ssfu l. NoNow Sherman and 9 LoolifbripoUtnsttatget long periods sporadic.. MostM sr^lers have fished watiy«tar. But pean butted skunks anind H olm es use th G reg Shuihutte, originany from th e for foj his birthday and broiigl^fhS N«(D HCIPUJITHHC it fria s, m n be a good way:rayforplvym Ma^c Valialley, was one of Jack dau^ter, da A ys^ to Paintba] ; ; to acxuaQjrenaa d xses videovl games Pmett'sputpupiu and played for 1 0 for foi her flrst eocounter witl^5;^ aUICKBJ i O O K S * ? ■ w b o e playen dioot at!t movingn ta^ years a t ^^ fn thai] Inc PainttxtUing qwrt sp( &as now s iq e m tfie fa «• nai9vkifattaceDarios.Pe.ptimiieIHng - naldoffte^ Greg, wbo now works So, I if you're fobking fc at 737-0087 ■ uaban^dessadrenaUneUneni^diat' 'rorZndlaoC1 Creek Design, a compe* adrenaline ad msh, if firing a >ETU^^UPPOOT f[S ■ f t p ‘ fm i j ' " ■PSitftfSrS^ e r fm t r n U d T M lO M M O T KJ UKV homing, tu tu wtitrwiyt. IHOSTAlBUFAUCer’ * awa-fn.iitmnlintnlyaun eT304es-ai r/4(wnMMr*ntww«Mt- vtpoieniouliontinlttimitiiitiSS T " K u r mms £ »,'»SSS,SSi. ' AvcfW? ftw AindM r Mnar HtH wininly Solit Ofttt eontlrvc t-lAPUO mnv*a. V* lum y*im. OiwimpltMtoeabnaeenttnKtKnKn ftm poiaUm htnem. IMIumwt J0'nn>uen*3- P lOtymuinO Attmtpwufi. ytfnt.Allbitupep-up i Iti Where VK u r^ ^ H H 1995 ^ iCounttmp. Itv tna Ituctliucti ntt incliHMi 9 K vxm 1/HS iii fa r Yoi^ou H e e d i ^ ^ l i p t o o r Mimo . e ^ ■ Jggg IO/36ISO ______n t a >ttimi«a»rfipiii<. _

I S 5 S S j ^ S S M ^S3i

B A s e B t t M m Aa t e r ro /iC T SOBAUOHElBCnilCl v HOfon. flttkkntlilofcomm4irwrtO/ P B w r a i c B PEDESTAtlM ciwwH/ntm H«tvy gtvM s m tolid tltmi "> T- umnnmmnm.um4’it4’ctn» auilDunmiilfh^oiottffiiueniiti. tw9-e»*(»n S W ATC H H E A T B a WATERHEArea Ul ncewiy. Bngm wtuit tndZ iln l . F tX T UIBC B l utyttunHngtt. 12'tw t» n li. fus*gm___ 9 5 I s O f f " crfMfltMiv 4 r m lasBMLP 610415 72-ltnom

• * ' m m m tn m i l b m m m S m . ?C«EENufE'

i ■

U p u m B B ^ Hv' AM«>*iB9BI n P ;- ; PHoncn UUPS I Ul Wtn. Uonqutiny. ntJfy. No f f 10.000 tKurUnV I'l* >yPi*e>s60W______MS a u y 1/ruDT v*‘% WM*. (fixtum net incM*a> mw«. ffU um net ineiva*aiW KWrtpUcn75W ______7.Si K P u c B i m i S « ! U ! K S 2 w , ISA O O ^UTTJSB-WHT n x je a i a r* m 0 3I3232A-W»r Vtnootr 1l7.m 2eWnpltets90W 7.IS \ PMTS r t i m awnm = ^ 2 4 U604X-WHT 6Qi42i2l SSXaia a j 31363M.WHT 36’ thm>ti - I J StEMENS f / M f j i ; S i e M I ^ j SIEMENS i s r i ^ i f 5" ■rnmmui HUKFMI !S£!L« S S k ■ '*' < ,, weuSSSSSSttRn aA1 ? 3 S W ” I- ramActwtoMtm/MrMob m H u m t M o n d ty - M d tyf 8. J.•a^5;W • Sunday 9:00m - 4 : 3 0 j t S i w . “ 1 McMttf; tmlariMcomUmM t fig Somt n m s HiTiind tojnttHsifes. n t Ctruln itaim miy not beOe ruauy tvtlltble it til toatlons. ® » 0 J g p g SpKWoaitrtixInliKninehM gH^iy pftw. Prim eftKtttvvt ttifMgn Novimbef 27.2002. /• ...... I • > ■ ■ » I.-.7 :::';.- IS..,; ■ \

V ; '


r \ DN]EY Bttsoms\Ed^ ' P a g e M sday, N ovem ber 21,1 , 2 0 0 2 « ...... • \iti '

N o te s r ;v, [ c h a i n n ^ i i ^ BeggjINGfFORK WORK IOME\------:------■T MoBl. V oll.iimr ^ g e t e i Sales reresutts F *n at* county^tybycounty sales '• M results f « allI IndustriesInc for O a 1 Wfough O ct1 33 1 . Total sales - dPiwa"-■ ■ ' lr>cludc both Jotaxable and noota«ble. a to iind family,bas County Total S itet• a T n ^ S ^ So|n ended more thithan 60 years of OlAlrw S3a.779.332332 S24.343,004 ownership ofif thetl distinctive HCamos S170.330320 $147,967 Fearless FaitlsIs S8 tin k e r g—«HtM> Cossla S18.&61.68S683 $7,451,463 —Htfig 40 OUt- Goodine (8.033,482482 $2,134,389 Jeiome S26.276.430430 S11.O70.6(J2 • V lets to « kaigtifflctiffle ieatjdqjrMiand Lincoln S614.343343 $379,058 m - his business paraartner. . . The terms of dl « Mlnl(k*a $15,497,618S18 $4,571,287 'M K ' ; v f dBsaletoShiawn Iwn Fall* ,*77.on.673573 $42389.27.7 U Davis ahd Chsirlisirl^ Joines w ere' ^ TOTAL Sl64-M3maUonUon 192.490 mMod • not dlsdosed byb y tfw cfcOdxen of ■ 1 ^ fo tm d er F a n isIs IL ind. D av is h as TTtoM aicltid* soless byt}) some bust- worked forthehe ers.} A lsoeicliiicluded from coun- wearing bo jdnging glovea on the ty (otols ore sales by businessesb logo - in Twin Fa]FaUs in 1936. I b e ftcachjuartcfcd outsrde ;rdo of fdJho. c h a in no|T h aIS s outlets c across Sovrco: Idoho State Tan Commission so u th ern Idahoto tito Moscow and - Q ark sto n , Wash.,ish., to the north. Magic VaUey' lo(lo c a tfo n s a r e in. B r i eiF f L Y ■ H Twin Falls, JerJerome, Burley, I Rupert and H ^bv•ybum. V i Brothers Scott)tt tand Kent Lind I N M o) Ni E Y I and their sister,a-, JulieJ Johnson, and her husbandmd took over the . business fromD ththeir father in Agency m eetl; t i n g w l l l I v.f^, 1983. ^ T- “After yearsirs of working plan m oney sis t r a t e g y together, it can:ame to a point la* « oeutfo/n« •am - where it was timeIme to p u rsu e dif* TW IN FALLS - ThThe city’s cash- oul* Qofualaz helps out tom a f«llo<•llow studerrts at tha QEO math ^ ferent interests,"t," SKent Lind said. strapped Urban RcnIcnewal Agency th class they attend In a confenferaiKe room at tbe J.R. Simplot Ca. In Kaybom. Oonzaltx aiM plans a possibly lengtinglhy session this th e n are w orU nf toward th e ir hl£lhl£h school equlvalaiKles with1 ttha hope that tba carttfleataae s will help th e ai find m p h imrment m foKewIng tbe potato-pro- I week to review whereere its money has estlns plant’s cloture. been spent and to' planpl its money- Tax^pnrep . management strategjegy for the nexi ^ I year. I Thc meeting begiegins at 2 p.m. ^Simplot WOIDricers aim to obtain (GEDs bef(fore layoffss servicee seeks Friday in (he bascmciment conference room of the Twinn n F a lls A re a ByVlrgIIrginia s . H utchira C ham ber of Commerci Bedke said.' erce, a t 858 Blue Ttma^W♦-News w rtter______' About this seieries They met four■ rrKmore people In Gonzalez attends Bedke’s ^d volimteteers Lakes Blvd. N. Thele pf u b lic is wel- jallty^issuraocelab By th* tima potato process on Tuesdays aiid Thursdadays, ' come. h eEYBURN y - GED cfasses at ssor J.R, tech Maria Riververa; former spud Wm- The city’s financc : simplot Co. shuts down lls Heybum after his day shift ends. Theila li te i The Tbnw-Wewa cc director this [he SimplotSin spud plant arc pan ______, merlony afternoon sessions stretch i: month urged Urban Rt I plant In 2004. K will dlrecti I in to I Renewal to con- acadenlemic training, part support ^ S im p lo tw evening. sider using thc money i nate something lihe 650 jo TWIN FALLS-S - In te re ste d iii ey it docs have to group.p. p| art job-search network, As Gonzalez and his GEDGi easing tax-time tro prepay its higher-cosi Writer Virginia 5, Hutchinssond t pho- S T A JUr i i f J G J troubles fo r otlb Dst debt - l>cfore Aid nd they’re all about the T l classmates gathered one reo interest rates rise an ■ tographer LIso M. Collardlore o putting O V E R ecent ers? and eat up thc future.re. A future without J.R. : R mer g ^Thursday, h l they compata r e d AARP Tax-Alde,[de, a free, volun! cash. a human facc on Ihot iob> lossIc as I------1 employee- Simploi}Ioc Co. answers to algebra honiewiwork teer-run tax coucounseling and Earlier this year, they follow seven of tho dlsjlsploced or services clerk; BelindaBe f^ranjo: ond ^ ir, it looked as Forklrklift driver Louis Gonzalez problems, speaking sometinimes , preparation servio-vice, this year is though (hc agency tnig ; soon-to-be^isplaced workcikers through packoging operaicratof Candy Sanchez. f might have more surviveived the first round of cuis in English, sometimesi in . seeking peoplele >who want tp resources to help aloi I thc process of staning over^ r. Today, see Insideiideo GEO class where c " j ilong downtown. at the!e Heybum processing plant Spanish. Of the 10 peopleIe in work not onlyr as one*on*one improvement projecje c ts fo r w hich this fall.fall But he’s on notice that Gonzalez ond othersoth aro preparing ^ |0 for life after SImc■Implot. ■ , class that day, half had alres■eady c o u n se lo rs downtovm leaders arere sseeking U rban his jobDb will end with the plant’s The people lost their Simplot jobs. to low* a n d T " a Renewal money. April12004 2C closure or sooner. Hutchins and Collard In Aug Gonzalez explained to th e50th* c ; m i d d l e - ■ Pnrt of the tighte ugust intro- W h a t 'c itening in the So Gonzalez,G< like many of his duced reodcrs to Simplot;fo/klifidrl- fc W l i a i:'s 5 to come esrs rs the principle of raisining a income tax— agency’s finances is due to Dell coUcagi agues, is preparing for that ver Cindy Gierisch and to woste-treat-wi 7h« nm«»Mew> w lumber to the first power.:He payers, but ^ C o m p u te r C o rp .’ss accelerated final dayd: on the job. With his '•will check in with tho ment worker f/ory Loo Herbirbert. workers per)odlCf irgued about the conse^ueni•nces in program , ^ employment expansion[on in Tvrin Falls eye 3n on college entrance, auto- Slcally os they ponder " S ' f I R S J : Readers met forhlilt driverr LLouis their options ondind chart their futures' if ®a negative sign’s placementntin leadership ...... - and the agency’s neeileed to fulfill ii.^ body certificadonce: and a business Gonzalez in October. ovor Ihe cominglg monlhsr or years. m equation. positiottsas financial promises to' DellDe quickly. of hiss own,< Gonzalez needs a The 46-year-oId has CSI fonorms w e ll Until last fall, theI focusfoi of Urban GED first.fir tnd dass catalogues in barand, Volunteers of c cafeteria. Still in theieir work former co-wor of all ages and Renewal’s receni spending sp and Hostisted by Simplot, the rorkers, already laid :onteniplating college and thattl backgrounds aree wwdcome, said ‘ clothes, GED-sceking emmployees . off, rejoin thenlem at dass rime. attention was the southIth halfI of to w n - CoUegege of Southern Idaho oper* lew carcer. But the five GIGED Bob Wundole, TTax ax'A ide coordi^ particularly downtoiitown and Old ates GEDGE classes in a small con­ can study for the exomsIS without- “They’re go-getters,g( FU tell driving elsewhere. Somele of th eir y o u ,” G ED nator for Blagic VailVallOT, Towne. Historically,f, however,h the ferencece room beside the plant’s D t e a c h e r S u sa n Please SIMPLOT, Page the Wood R i« rr VtValley, Glenn? agency’s focus has be percentp< lower thim duringI diei re c e iv e fre e ' taIX x training ti and ng to a conve* evaluateates the possibility of a tax Kempthome said Wednesesday. the unemploynjyment insurance tax sun nierice store near you:ou: auio insur* increase ummerof200L become certifieded by the U.S. ISO to erase tlie state’s bud- He intends to deciicide by rate, savingg Idoho1 businesses "Our **< revenues are flattenii ancc bill-pay and si^-u[i-up. get defi< [tint Internal Revenuew e Service by; efidt, Idaho businesses are m onth’s end w hether h e2 will> pro- $147m illica gnprowth n is up. The dollar does 7-Eleven Inc. ann asn*t passing an IRS nnounced an bradngllg for a dramadc hike in the pose short-drcuiting part:t or< all of ' Another spespecial task force is 'buy)uy what it used to buj alliance wilh subsidsidiarics of a tax theyley pay to financc weekly uy,” Tax counadorshes h e lp .tsigpayers? the .tax hike so business;sses wili touring the ststate this month to Tra:rransportation Departmeaent at local slt« or ma Dallas-based insurancece 1holding com- unemploployment checks for laid-off know in advancc >yhat 1 may'voluhte^ t kind of assess ways ofof generating more spdipolcenvbman Mary D etm ar stdaid. for Internet counscinsetlng d u ti^ pany to offer auto policylicy sign-up and workers,;rs. bill they will have to0 pay in, cash for state i tc and local m^way Kempthome' Ki has not bei while those in leadeadership roles bill-pay services througjugh kiosks at 7- Withoihout legislative action this January. ■ constniction,\ iinduding another invonvolved in that process, and : Eleven stores. The retaetailer already winter,r, the tax businesses pay “You have to look at v 9 w manage activitiesS3 sisttdi as train-' whether increaseinzoa Ju arei Pa:Paz Ryan L a m » Laytonftqn The policies wili b watch for mor«ore Rupert names ■ ■ ^ 1 be offered y ~7 , • Wrtta lo the Idoho State Ta> Cristaljuarei .• Jodi LLe Gault • through Public Accessess Insurance fax a n d fo r o th e•X r .Lee and Instant Auto Agencjjicy, both sub- ( PB a re in Gloriad t L.Juare* Isabel Leon Juareiez sidiaries of Instant section. P.O. Bo* 36, Bolso. I T h e state’s I-L list for Rupert: He It Insurance '-Z-A.sr! R upen. 83722-0410. Hector M. Juarez Li Leon Ruiziz H oldings Inc. upert The Idaho irmslnc. JuanS.Juarei Jui , And they’ll be target)jeied.at high*... u I------>’“ 1* • Sand Mnall to Hoyd E. Idlee JulUon&Co. Jul ------1 S ta te T ax s.______Intcnnountoin risk customers with pooroor driving or Commissit los(BnafounclQtax.sioie.lcl.us. ainlnigadonlnc Edward Ed' A. JunioD ToddJ.aLee6e ssion is looking for those ______I_____ AftoncrVerlarlalsom KN credit records. foUcs, and KNAO NdlM.LewU • md hoping they’ll call to 1 funds, Guadalupe Itu.Ituzra Michael Mi( L. Kenner “This is alternativec distributiond claim thele property.j Jrefunds, stocks, mutual f R obcrtK L ohse N, dividends, security depi LydiaKiddLyc Jam eslioog for us," said Les Schlesiiesinger. presi. .posits, Ro„bertoJ«=ara Re, dent of Public Access. Tiff for w hich Idahq busi- eescrow accotmts, loan coUii Rema Kidd Rkhardfi. LooneyV ' • . Uat.^, Anlanjcrocn3> • Ruth Rui Kidd . It vnil allow the compai.pany te reach liave been unable to find ytworker’s compensadon betenefits, mnjcnra CedliaV.Lopaa. ihtful owners: payroll u GaiyW.KiferGai Gerardo Aitega Lope oul to 7-Eleven’s lypicai unpaid accounts payl y a b l o , E v fi^ V .J em m sm Jor -o p a , :Zi contents of safe d ^ s it rt Jorg and M im Kimperdlck Roberto Lopez base of 18- to 34-year-old i refunds, unredeem ed ^ t; certifi*c N atl^ Kennetneth-Jensen Kai security deposits, insur* cj KartKloepfer R ickR Loya incom es below SSO,OOC000,Chabri. cates, utility deposits, meilember* Jesse Paricerr .B ar Pon(ii oceeds, contents of sav*. . rf Barbara J. Knight • said. -- - ship fees, condemnadon ovawards, Oaif Jesse ...... Esc EstberKriopp— -- r - wniiamTLtuIcens':.- ■ checking accounts, tax r< compUod fnmi Staff andno~ i w1 ra repofts '"SS ch royalties or dividend reirsinvest* JoseA . Jimineanc2 Broowyn Bro Kostka JoseLuilLuna T w rsT ifr- i,-. mmm ■'J- ■. •.>■ • k ± l ± _ ^ S : iiiiatiiitaoM ' M M m M W 9 B i S t M o n e y ' k & i b m g < ] f f n e gg a t i Y ^ , H o u s i n g er nd:-seat stocks * have be e n thi 3 e.438.0e J«n.14.800CM>. lysts attributMited to b etter-th an - d®‘decline - which came after!r th e ended th e day uip p 148231- points at ------, e^q>ected thirhird-quarter. earnings, level 1 ^ of housing constructionn sbi o t 8,623.01. - r»s itiidal^ K cm- Nov.^.2002, -i«o. anddiegRmiiwing belief that eam - up V to a 16-year highh in I n W ed n esdl ay y ’s ’s re p o r t, con- V -drop^itt bousing ' I idgsandthebe economy will' be ?*rS eptem ber - the num ber of hous-h struction of new5W sin^e-fami ily K a m I n ^ t n l litteoneof.tbe , J -^<*00 stR«gerin20(2003. ^ing units for which'buildIders homes fell 7 perceitrcent in October '^9oeomy^moo8liigijst sectofs w u C M utual fuifund portfolio man- brobroke ground in October w as:ts stin to a r a te of 135 million-mil Woric on begfaa^ioffllw; cer. B w d ie mar* " ' - ’ •200 agersareankuiking WaU Street’s big considered to be in the heal!althy apartments, condondominiums and _ j M t ' r i k o v e r e dl'':;fivm. : early , Tq buyers ri^It t inow, because they tone. other muldfamilyJy )-housing plum- declines ^^D O Riredianmadeup I 1 .4 ta3 5 .AUQ SEP OCT NOV - i x » 0 d o n ’t w a nt t tto miss out on a Builders " began work onI 1.601 m eted by 31.4 perccerccnt to a rate of ^IbrainrviouttMiKl fourth-quahiiher rally, analysts million housing units, at a sea:iason- 221.000 last m onth,Ith. • AnalyttiwyW* w i S i * ^ S n s . ■ H*ep««oraewha( im m uneme:to bad news , . • __ , I has gained netnearly 14 percent, the senting a 11.4 percent decUnche in strucdon in Octobeiober, the housing * r i | ^ DOW becausele investors*^il ^ Nasdaq has8 climbedd 21 percent October from the previ Dow closed'up 148^, or positive. And. peopleI aare con- and the S&Pa> has risen 12 per- aonth, the Commeilerce Stoked by low mortgagemoi rates, ‘.tndiilonelly beenSl ithe strongest 1.8 percercent, at 8,623.01, more .cemed abut getdng leftit behind cent Department reponirted home sales are expeaedexp to post time ofyear fbr diebe 1maricet thanwipfiping out its previous' two- right.now,” said Briaran Bush, “They are•e p] u trin g m oney to Wednesday. records this year, ' ; “ W e a r e in thle e iseason when day lossssofl0431. < , . , • director of equity reselearch at work becausese they have to. They W , hile October’s housing acticdvi- The average ■aterate on a 30-year ;»^^^better. T11 he November- T h e i I broader market also . iare beginninfiIng to feel the pres* *yy “level was weaker than analjUysts fixed-rate mortgagigage d ro p p ed to ry period is typi- advancticed. The Nasdaq rose The Commerce Depapartment sure of perforaonnance on ihls quar- were expecting, economists: ppre- 5.94 percent last wwei eek, th e lowest celly ;he on?*w1wh e n p e b ^ e 443 4 , or 33 percent, to M 19J5. reported new housing aconstruc- ter.” Barker•salA sa licted September’s red-hot pacepi level sincc morllortgage giant 'becom e more optli ptimisdc about The Stantandard & Poor’s 500 index tion fell by 11.4 percrcent in On Wedneslesday, the market rould n ot b e sustained. Hous:using Freddie Mac seganbeg tracking the coming yeaiear and they gainedi 117.41, o r 2.9| percen t, to October, the biggest drorop since was strong aenicross sectors. :onstrucrion jumped by 11 per-p these rates in 1971.71. become more aggregr^ve in buy- 914.15.' 1994 and a weaker numbQber than Qow industiistrial Intemadonal :ent in September to a ratete of . It marked ihe seventhsevt tim e ihis log stocks,’! saidId Bill] Barker. ^ e a! iare in a b it of a grace peri- analysts expeaed. Paper rose 54 cems to $35.76 oh ?-®J1.81 m illio n u n its, th e highi;hest year that rates onon this bench- tgjr consultant at o d rig;ht h t now. Qearly, the psy- The report followedI ca profit an tipgrades fromfi CIBC World evei since D ecem ber 1986. mark mongage hitlit a new low. RBC Dain RauKfaerlerinDaUa^ chologySy of the marketplace is w arniii^uesday fromm Home Markets. The 11.4 percent drop in hofious- Low m o n g ag; e rates ra this year inng g construction in Octobober have feedingng aj refinancing marinarked the biggest decline sironce boom. The extraa monthlym cash anuary 1994. The 1.60 milllllion that consumersre are .wving by refi- ate of housing units under wayw nandng their mong;ingages at lower Delta iOglghts competitition by imviveiling new,, low-budgelet airline ^as th e lowest level since AprilriL interest rates is helpinghei to sup- i ATLANTA,(AP).P) - Delta Air York, Orlandoi aifd- Fort “The good news is that t:the . port consumer speripending, which such as AirTran AiiJrways, traveled Floridrida leisure market. leve!vel of housing acdvity is st Lines announcedd Wednesday\ Lauderdirdale initially. Other JetBlue Airways and Sou still has been the mainin forcefi keeping juthwest "We have! previouslyp noted veryery strong, but the bad newsvs is the economy goinglg thistli year, that it will createte a new low- cities will w be added, later, A irlines. Costs a t all thre<'ee carri- that low-faree carriersc represent hous f a re a iriin e in a blid id to lu re bud- C o m p an ; Qusing construcdon is probatably Those factors havehav helped to ' my officials said most ers < are far below th(hose at a real threatsat,” said Leo F. maxilaxed out in term s of how m u get-minded traveleelers from its , one-vrayly faresi will be between such offset some ncgaigaiive forces, Atlanta-based Delta, wtwhich is Mullin, Delta’ta’s chairmon and it : w:will contribute to econon>mic in c lu d in g th e curb • lower30 554352 3 62 . 04 h-ci. 555 -41 AHWiM ^ 7J* *Ji DM■M* “S » « isssf « LUMM 3S4740 1 24 ..04 S«r>emKTf 78346 26.70 .1.65 Oodoat 474102 1074 . 37 *eiP-. " " f s * " I.M SEo«fip»«p 17.7tll.is jootcCoWcCpt ..flM.IO-ltO a AMO 346520 < 53 -.03 Notxobon 21450 37.60 .1 85 JOS Uniph444779Uni| _30« .31 *^^^2 ■ . » UmmM 30e . 10 B!.. S!3S=. “I IH:fSg 5". * * < - ilM I,n indoen _ iTt -, ^ MU.irc 5«VJ«< l» 05 •'t40.101 CfWCcrr. lOSl - .iciinj M .-.»9 .M .. a tt ..to ShrfTt i.4t« JW1 .07 ^CU«tt8(StMMM} CUQAMERStBoMim) ' 1 - MJ7.IJI CAnn _ 1«J0 ., !SS‘-:'S^ srS. N»m» L»n Cho %ChQ H«Bii tm> L i t Chfl %Cha Ntmt:------c»9^»>g 28 » .3* tipmM* 4J« 71tt.i D«lWf* 5.15 .1.03 • •28.0 A03H g ,’ I'J:!! ^ i.E'S ss: " “»- 5 WHBhCf 4,77 . 62 .14.9 Emcof.y* 310 .97 .455 *?“»" inict t n ^ ' jj jg . sa u .,11 J0» to t .05 LjUSHRtpJ 2.85 ..53 .22.8 Cyttt(ttttBtnn 3.86 •36 .10.3 AipacIDcICm 3.10 . 93 .42.9 "I” ; “ I S 11 "’ Vu UM . t? ' “ -2J *•2 MM • » A'Avtyi 2.S5 ^.48 .203 B29I !9ln« 2.37 .22 .102 WllMraLJnsLm 6 10.482 >41.9 aSST :s SK '!s; ^ : „ £ ; 2 - Jt*4**.ii T«TttaOrn 14.91 .2.26 .17.9 Punt«n 2.70 .29 .10.2 run 3 44 .85 .32.8 5 -'s's-ilj ;2S. ii";;: ■f14Mwn ... IJt . 10 ^ s s - r §S2bw:*“ *:« r!* L»f* i»: ’-g WK»n _ i« 07 Enodto E» 3 50 ..52 .17.4 EmtrntnonR 3.71 ..34 .101 C«ni«« 5 10 .107 .262 , , IJ40 .1} 1041 57« . %Ud tu 2.60 - 40 -12.5 PotyfllII . 3 07 .102 .20 9 *eo*oOi i l l i aoo -tJ S(»™fON JO t»« .4t « • . «63.1« *1lo7 930t -A (pcnlKS _ 4J] .J ) UALpffl 4.33 -.57 -11.6 KFXITCiftC 2.27 -.21 -8 5 TfnS/A^A 735 -t.60 .17.9 I S L . ISSw 'IS *S *1*^'' g.O .« s««p. .4, 2OM&P 4.00 -.50 -11.0 Vntfiare 4.05 -.31 -7.1 Hutino*no* 444 - 68,.166 S m a* _ ItJt l.Tt ” tM .. - *’0 ♦Jl f'-J™ fE I” * (SiSi ** ’jt? ’!” s,w (aa* IM i4M «u UMon tt » It * J MPm j j a74^1Jl J*Uoflaoa 14,73--1J6 -9.6 BwilFfllPurtO 2.15 -.15 -85 0f/mpS8PSD 3 02 -.53 .149 Arfta ... 4J1 ..?» fvtCM 7t» •V ...... It SrWr W*teol 4 25 -.44 -9 4 HSN -TuiMt.t.tt .M MX ..O UajMt 1.12 4&g04^ ..ot <■» 3334 .U Wl SMuT 2.12 -.13 -58 EnOoci#Ot 271 -47 .148 3» >‘.U .i- asiiS ^ fctt • « SUnKHg M a70 .J t ft 7a .« ommw 4.11 .: >W> UU .11 ^ f i ^ - s ^ • Duby .. OWIY OUHY r n e t - » Oiniillcr __ tu o .tj. t j t oSuST _ Mt ..It Otna ... latt .J .J l 0«V«<, 1J.« .41 W•i.« - o n k . m; Anmr M 44Jt t.l3 OM2*^ ^ 'u *J? mST^ ' Aavine*d 2,282 Advtrvi««J • 487 AovtnoodxtO 2.208 JJSLki ■ » M UM ^ a. UOU „ “i.i«[ S i:;sri s0«lft«d 1.003 Oocfa' '•<1 I,MO A>«ia■■ 'Ji :,s a s j. ■ SS-” nCMm M tl.1 H lin a S - J7 tSnSi i« s s - s i sUnentftjod 158 Unct«ct«ng.ttii 14» ..u .IM (••ii.Te }.7t .Jl ,S2.WMk 1 % YTD • 82.W1C • K*. ,S'.SS ;S SS' : » “ ♦»“ TMirtwW ... tM .J J H>oti Low N«mt Cho . : !|iji S „ X:\ r*l« Ito .50 iA>tlMiSinl.70 l B 2140 •.tl EncrM l s s S ; r . . ^ 10,672.89 7,197,48 OcwJorwtlnduttiJttnals &623.0I .148 23) h .1.75 -1395 -12 32 • M nSST jo .» »«<>«''>Mci< tM .35 4U1.141 T ttM JS* 740 .33 3,03040 2.008J1 OmJonMTrinttntpofUlon 2281.37 .11.555 .51 -1358 -822 ® 5S3. «SS-;i‘ ss.nO» i t x n *X UocraM .jt tJ 31325 182,52 DowJonMIWUei«o» • 198.42 .ipS r " s s l i i i ”-. , £2:! VMM IJI Sl.lt' •JO Ncncp Mt 1 .,53 •-32.50 -30 74 - W ^ “ 3C>r y> '9 . J’ s s .. 610.H 416.85 ^rS£C ..1.53 -1787 ;16 41 c n iM n - n* 1.1T8.97 768,63 84P500 914,15 .17,41 . i.c-n » » . :s ^ * ' h nituS I .194 --20.38 -19 60 ii; S iss il! _ *m*r . 1MI.4.1I NwtlMc .. I7.& ' • 523,79 324,S0 RutM*2000 368.56 .6 02! .2J8 . -20.45 -14 09 C « i ^ .. . Jt PorSn .. J t l i t '* o)n»l ~ i 14 . 44 v u tjr* Sm ^ roM U 2 “ TtwmoO ... Itu ..» *0.!10.95364 7.273.40, IMtMrvSOOO 8,619.42 .16121: 41 4 91 -1950 -17.71 ' ' *]? : l ItM ..It WC« >4«|»7I.1J| ns ,iai-a g« JJO■:l PSr u m ^ •' ,.. 15? 1JS .77i'H urr..0n.>^•On> 35 10 .02 s s s JIZm ■ 3 !2 ■ » . ^4W .10 ,1« Wt 4W . II YTD VTO • • If, ssr*" 4ts,ij? Mm w ' Ohr pg* L««^ Ctw titt OySew i" 7ltt.i:i< ______^ N-2 ■fl->o>a Nwtt Otv Pe Pe Lail Cho Whfl o J fjg iJ t Rfyico ... t t t .«4 raj 2E-iiSP ! 2 ♦*' ... -30.4 kItCCKp la s 10 10 2321 ..13 -428 g ;? " 'r 40t7.1n [»W(n.-i : ’iJ0*15-JO RtABM .. i t t .44 UtMEgy 2]00 5 14^42 .,07 ^ ^ .,a MW -ti «S M4t.}0f 07 -625 W*i1t«J ...... 1»4 .15 .128 S S f * *t? nwM 'iM*"* „. ls.il £L's t l I ’l lg £ ‘ii! i r s : : , : jU k tnlTi „. 22 56.41 -.0909 .13.5 K*yeorp 120 20 20 25.75 .1 20 . 58 S S " 18 W . 71 ^ IA 10.43 -.27 NcmM* M.14 «.M THCcrfl IJt* 1409 . J t Affltr*mtrf:*i .., • 7 1171 -,0S06 -493 lAoEnl ,68 18 18 3326. *.04 -8 6 CMCB I itM^Jin ^ 2 S ^ ■■ I m v»eo>fwiC*U1 .. 10 tt ..»4 a ,:na,:3s SiS, s jJ s H, • « T.WW .05 tl40 -.18 AonC^ C o rp «)ffl 16 18,64 •,0686 -475 LongvF ,«(... 7iS .,26 -36.1 OBttff . ugn .. t7 t .t4 ^ r?? T*»on .It tu i ..13 AWirnSmrAi 1,70 17 23.40 •.1818 -11.0 MlcronT ...... 14,59 . 86 .52,9 °MnM Z ITtO rS? JOUm - IIJt.1,1]M* ■■ :V, a fsssa sss ,».siPJI •« UAL - lit .J3 Bkof3ko(Am 2£6I t3 6690 *12828 .10.4 RockTw .321 13 13 12 64 .04 .122 £ ^ 9 . » I2 . I t JOtUntM _ lo t Ol itflO .e t UCl - itts • J t Dcit*WttC .60 . ,„ 24.14 *J5J5 -290 S«nP» 1J7f,.. 22 57 -.08 .67 “ ua .50 *»<«■ - 7J* 00 W * ? VMtW 1 ^ 14 31.65 ..55S5 -53 .581 15 15 25 40 - 45 .22.1 ComcM .,.... a»4-IU KLATne .. 3tA.103 ■MN .11 Mji«ijt rwlAgra .M. 16 , 24.06 * U34 .3.6 SkyWttl .00 12 12 1425 -.66 -44 0 C<>r«»P :otleo ... 21 32.00 .04>4 -27.9 Ttrtfl/n ...... , 14 91 .2.26 -50 5 g ? ? * - . ^ Ki^>« - ’iW 09 ^ ”1 2 :1 ^ » ... 4S» .OS •'«•»« 1»«0 -44I m l52?nttco 5? 1779 I m *"««>«lOnJ „ 14* .TJ )ltMd ,66 25 38.10 *.M» -58 TuB» Zz ’i« tn g “ ,; “ usB««p .rt JiJt •Jt LaEtfwtrtt .64 55 34.75 .^S7 7 -21,3 VtM ... 24 991 .26 -22 0 Concern K Si,' 'i IS 3 S l an •Jt uetimi jo uu .a WOW>CP 3J2I 23 42.00 --27;7 .162 W tiun JQ 31 31 5440 .1,48 -55 Coft««4 • J4 31 Corp 5*3 .Ot w*M4»n' M u 1.62 15 34.68 ..29 : 3tiM IS 14^ WrfTttfi J t ta4s.,ijs Hjjra 9 -167 WunFtd .921 II 11 2427 . 49 .36 ^ - s IHrt«P J2 ... 1665 *30K) -18.0 WtOiFrgo 1.12 16 16 47,00 . 67 .8 1 •■ ” s lio iisr " t'S oo•JO BwOM -U14J1.10I WhoMf«•f« . g50U.104 f » ‘M2 'M » « '* J 7 tamtOp .201 16 24.70 -21(1 -818 ZlonOep M 13 13 39 70 .1.44 -24 5 " ■t* sJoSJr* ■■ If! ■<»Lin .. t i t . i u P l l i i a oiTt .J4 .. a n . m mmm - M4.t.a LrartM _ UtM 07 1.74 . a unocat .10 aO» .83 j j ^ m ,1> i2Jt «4l PMinij _ *at4 *S l55«° SIq oi >I . «1U -JO N u352,“ ■“ ’[ ” 4i.4t 2 ^4? “ **' as-is « s5 iSSSS !S«.ig5S H 9 B H ^ ..- C. ^ ... 5M .44 I r 's s sa « s vmat JO tZM ,S7 3 ... It 00 .134 C g * « a w NtmI 1« MtB tJS PMto IM STja . It? SSSST “ '^t?‘!'oi cn M 39 70.' 44 flJ l ^ r * 'too I m a » ,ffi :s (a“ "s i;g a i n |t tm m ,77 Son*J » 4*«.I34 I 1504 . 13 is il S " '“ is'is 'S - H i i s - 10 iMfcnUb _ M Jt.lJt Zwo a s ' S5'!S 2S iu!9 i " t\*o V)wi«» .45------( » t5 Its S f f " S sJ . 4 ' ^ W()«(n. tto 4«J4 .J7 07 iSn7.IOTBn59«t4tl *47 5« 5195 .t7 ^ .a .01 snwc oMtiax.140 w t ... 45 .03 n 1317*13 TiMBPhiB ^47 *M ®«?o5v»!i 375*'“ NiftOrt tl i3 » .M _ SMIOOoda* MSO 0*3- “ .11 . 0 £ ;j;ss':i: m m m m m »T oa.. 1 H .01 5 T t i *«■ .. u * .JO in ..M SSjraf^s* IIU Its .. J4 . 01 i ; S l i l f c i J » * |« :Y«i*d.. .. m o _ .» . - ,11-41 OrMcnJS* ut4 .tt ■ ; s j - ■ y : . ■ ■ ■.. ■MhiMB iMniM Ma;rnii,m a - ' .

iliiiiM iliB ililii' l''' ) a x « 4 IJ 343.79 MI.9 24U *1 .■ . .'. V .- ..• ■ • . . ' C l o s i n g Ff i U T U R ^ SS irs ^ " '&Hta'7S4,TiM!7BM*S43" * U - 0 - 0 - - *B1121311 Tu«.«e ir iiA3 fi W 2 S S 2 S 3 C . , ; ^ , S i L ivestoca c . ■ aS-'SB’SS! Uv B4>ounman(eM|rM|r ytt . . 't D»e Cu>o m ttt 70.0040,9a M0yiHafn>*n(Ofi(y(IB8y(MW}. „onunendadosa ^indudiBj Mv US OdUr 104.70 tO«!i!ss ,’ss :.s s“““.3;a7?8^*9*^w!?*^678.79 ’ *3 Ok C«nMU|»M> MI7 ,«l.TO m - .00^ IZ CM •utfB a I .OM 1 m attcMr H*ar* M.0(iS.T,.SE. !KUV.^Sil . t U*r C*n«UaoBv UW »T. noMMn fMdW MB'* 99.80-70.90; M* Dm COUEXaoM Iie.7 317 5 . 121 S "siS .4**^ s a s p ESSiSSSSS i r, tlum six yeOT.I. Tttitii f^tcri ir:S f3 5 .“!iSS£¥IX FM) couExooa m r sig H ie Legldaturc^ fw^tto COD-' ^tbe stats.tO;fataitii . Ok COM£XS«>w 4 u s 4.K S 9 ‘i S :^ 3 l 330044 90; h*MlMa*rh*Mr» n.OO5 S 1 S K . aitiwfroo^fW ^ M«r COU£XS^ «M0 49! ta B3U S3S 92U .3.9 ■Mdat h«tw« 74.0041 JO-^MtW ha* ' a c tiv e and^moderate hfacdoos t , m l aa ym m idin u t tot m ataafai Dk Tt«4t.E)ond Iirt3ii0~. IT 911.9 907 91039 .39 ■ F o»SSIL s FUELS ; tbinefitFSi^ ,1Iw?S ionii I :1-S I i•*91,409 pig* iWb; iMdar Mmea iVK namttkK 8h oil *h* ti Imdflet cueuts and uneuniiayinentosi •ninj09,S«4.i«2^9 > auor^g, 1-3 nvw . aMciwAavdW caa*: ‘ 4’ t ^ u^BoS^ iwlsion 10*. ; t e triiy^tnldaitBOKMiiiin Fjiouldre i^ B m- ; M«> Uuni Oond WO# 100'; .4vw«a»«ife.g erl *w Bm« Vark ~ ' i . S £ 3 ^ S Ok CoflM B0OO ar clil H .;!! p fl I g s ^ s w ; aUntfaatMuneWeek. • Uju CcHm 73.30 71.C !.*0 33,97 t3M 23.34 ..06 sssssi»K r*'"'~ ;' The aevere ecoziomic illlUde of ’ beouab tfae loanswswoiSy^^ ' Dm Coco* 1700 171 Ul t2M 22.39 33J3 - OO m bb o «. u a H T H m a u Uu Coro* I74« 171 '.90 J2M 23.14 22,21 -.10 ^ the p w 18 iQoaths threw 4lu5 4 7 ^ .'#0 ^ 03 23.19 31M 31,03 -09 s s s TZS l . “ * MJO -18.9a .*49 Mir Conm Sl.M 4SX Dm _.. ______74 .«■ •.19 89.40 fa.O» *40 . tfands of people out of v KUr Coflon W.N S2.« :S l{.^ :S? F*0 77.73 79.00 T7J7 n.M T7 r*b 30J8 28J99J9 29.34 .. 1848 .4 8 < . « viiicfa n o i^ doubled d cs^ SdtffacQ ^ttri Ok Li»« c»t!H 74.2J S 73i4 5 o tI m »Msrjta^ » »» w«' *05 . Apt 77.03 T7,10 7960 77 &7D 38.00 m M *43 . ,beneflu h from ,the iobletsistrust (Msoaeuaawrau v o in g roeni w itb ‘ F»0 Liv»c4tli» 7S.OO ^ 77J |S 77J* . 33 tI2’'I52?H *jft 70.70 70J3 7 a « ZS 70 :;1! ! £ g-i? S840 3 8441. s u e *.48 , Ac' Uvccaffl* 77,13 7S1 - Aug 9<.»9 9V.07 6 FMOttcMM U.M ta aa.T n n.n * - Oct 70.10 7010 70.09 7a09 70 *.19 Jun >4.70 24.94444 3B.90 . S444 *43 : . i gl Mn f**a»*cjint »B7 B3J EaL Ml*t l9.3S4.Tu*.'B a*l*a 18.374 4.78 84.49 . 84.79 *40 'rtahflity.-,r^".. ^ ittt aqjr tax hlloeoe ftfiv ttotfacr year U(> F»totictat Koo k eijI k s : 7.001^00 19^ 167.90 ..90 a a s |g447 ! 1440 2447 *47 . While the balance' inin th e . V w U le d ie endxere (axt stru ctn fo is Ok ljy«nogi 4a.is 44 44.7 70 «a.Q3 . 40 J*'' 166 40 441 24.12 2441 *48 *1 FK L««riog* MOS S3 M.7 70 6360 M ’Me.30t8#:00 A 1S7J0 16M0 . ’ico Obi 3«.n 2439439 34.11 94.28 .44 Unemploym ■ eitf S im rtm ceBitust 1 re«Msed.'Itwisifisl^evahiai^ . \. Afi' L x h M saw 9M1B7.ro 193.90 197.10 .1.30 Mor a3.7?"«?5) 93.70 93.73 S3 „ No* 33.71 3«.tlB.II 23.71 44.11 *43 F f t t i’MMlIv C3 97 SiS 7V.S ss; .vs 57 ISSl^|016a.M 1MJ0 19JJ0 »IJO Jan 93.40 9307 9 3 ^ «393.77 .JO 8*0 3X80 33.881.88 33.9t; a&BB .41 . Fund Is dropping predpitoitouslv* in 1969. 1 Uu PontwDr 63 so n.K 7B.9 •3 00 *J9 Jg-M Uat 9130 93.00 9IJ0 919I.S9 *.99 23,91 2187147 218t 2347 OB the.1 U Idaho Asiociation *Vei»i^pU.p Ucy_wl>aw w i j ^ Dk Wh.«i 3WJ701/ Afr 60.79 91,49 9079 61.91.37 *.77 Pae 23.44 2177177 2344' 83,77 .5} C Mv Wh«*i M1370 1/ Lm'msO IM60 IMiS uirr 6t.OO 91.90 91.00 6t.91.87 ..93 Uar Commerce and Induativ^-the - andeeelsstHla-l^a lagiti^oate' strate* Jtn Soy1>—o 577 1AS73rai3 1/ irSiS -.'s M34.794 Aug 8339 9399 *138 9393183 *.43 Aot _ . . =_ “ SE 3 state’s st la rg e st b u s ln e u fobobby- gy.-shesakl • Uar So«Mn . S73 1/3 ^ajSMfTW t» .31-4 Ti*.aop*i«n«13«,4«t 93.90 *43 iS r . . Dm Ccn 34BJ49 IA Oct 9300 9339 KlOO 9123 93 * ^ J U«f C otherc lessons.' QjommtnmmnetatlcMrAOs. e.SOaBgBMn^eOMBOBTtUhBl jAug 9Bi09 90.39 U.'o9 SOM Ssi: l:!o DM' " I goals, but the fim hurdlei go 93.10 93.99 93.10 93.98 « J *.19 0*0 32M 82.99 les are Gonsalei’s grogroup spent one. 91.97 Dae .-.- ” “ 5 1 “ s . th§ ; e same. class p ^ o d ffflinilling out applies- i ______B e aN n S; w SS tS5In s i <*» buBM !uai »peil’40.22 Oae 22.78 22.94 2t70 23.84 J.14 Et). *ata« 11.333.Tu*.'B *«*B 9,499 Tua.-a*BtB*«ej7944 So theyYe motivated lear tions for WorkforIcforce Investment ^ vu«r [>•*'<> ^ .^ 4 4 ^ , *910. uor ' anand. they beg for homew Act money to pay I Pnc** ara n«l lo pfewtrt, 100 pou B e d k e ^ C h e e s e 40.000> te;e*rMp*r». B f ^ • ■ Bedke has dis^ls s i s s s '• Fao ...... _ . 931.397 .3 00 S f ” ^ 5 - V W.88 7I.T8 74.91 *244 Bedke, a White 1 tueiKI lo cr\ane* vKhcwi noiiCf. Pi ------S3.S0 .3.M Jan 7SJ0 74,40 Pine lion on Idaho10 H1 o u s in g a n d ^ mor» fK»nl pne» v*n OKty tn Jul ...... _ 93.1gig- il-g K JiS ??1S.19 98.44 7087 *1.43 day, dS Initially got phone calls 1 OlKft KStno 0««n cnc«* Mft O ^ . Aug ...... ra; I s f r r a S h e to ld h e r GE]GED class about ' Martal N«wt. U S 0*c«nm*m ol t Eat taiaa9M.Tua.’i t*l*B 723 - ts, Sft tfSSS S.H SSi? r i f l hher e GE0 students for helpP *'ltb' clerical a n d a idle e JiJob o p n iings ih "onr'.mi IIO J18-130. P«<1««!'iie$TB“"iIl« lie 2 d ? ‘ ^ Tua '• OMn mt 2,007.up 37 Jun 89.40 99.40 homework. Now the calls liajlw p .^ LIU Ud LM 130 Ouowa ^ 99W *!g h o Is » e Cassia County's”*8 sschool d istri^ Vb 99.W -94:17 *.« m eore personal - to announce P o t a t o e s METALS/CURRt iceu» . offered CO serveire aas a reference, I I " 89 8749 ‘ 9?i?7 i S ' arrival of a long-awaited ( and proffered h rwv 99.10 99.1010 98.10 97.97 *.79 bOi d help with Job ______G r a iI nN: S CAHO FALLSL9(AP)-Wii>w*a^«pouupnc«a 0 88ai*Oad urond gold prtcai. WaMtdty. 99 9740 99.07 *.73 book, S ? {or ex a a fie , o r to ininvite • applfcations: She8hi advises tbe — Mano a uppwK i'<3t>a>ai^U.a.3im,ochaninoOaf(M L.Londsn mornmg fmng-931# 00 Ofl IO Nw FaO 99.40 99.4040 88.40 97.92 *4) '] workers to applyply fpr posldottB >10)118 3KM«>,o^»oeu(at«My. lLondon< aftamoon 9319 99en90.B9 19 97,18 99.83 ..99 . The ' learners, she said,, haveh they don’t.thl^dc tith ev can lan d ^ Man* p*f rxM'M Pnc*t •! «a wimnj ira>ar.g. RuMal BurMn* U B. 1' ULondon lala: 9319 90 OH 91.00. ! ? ”S ‘ ...... 9943 *43 become b e like family. "A n *««Ul(>OI<« WK« mnmum Balao 910-pound ma*n PPanaBhamoon fiung: 9317.99 « 83.93.I. kHiy 94.80 94.9050 94.S0 9382 *48 jjg] nice, jiijt for the inteiatervlew experi- __ Son «4 63(4».po»»id6«*a):I « t«.« ,v«——»A40p*>e«nlB-ouno«m«nwn6.B0la> ZZuncn MB alMmaon; 13t6 90 pfl 91 JO. tightknlt group." ______o«i. U 00. eotfi. W 43113 pa-crnijctfllrno^lural Pr«M eipanonaua*.caatOriaBy lowar MlaoS tO^oundfiim- HNr Mtnf, 9 HvmM: 93t6 99c(l 90.99. • A40p«re*f< 9-eunoa m>n«m>n9.C0l«w NHY HtrOf 9 H*man (asneatad: SMB J9 c ------The1 workers help each Ttheroi «we‘re aU rooirooting-for each ' J?5^^»na»i raporta Iha *® ******euor'4>ytow«r.MI*0 10S.paundma*n KNY Cng*i.art. 9330 04 on 90.99. % - - CU u p v/hen th<«« r*A40g»iT«««freuroiTwmume.90kw N'NV EngalMrd litmeatad: 9336 04 on 90.91 TII 88,70 7148 .1.13 f ip * othtfaaid.aid. . NY Mwc. M Boot mom Waft *317.40« o S j i j o ' -Sr? S o o H 90.00 7030 *14* GED '* * ^ s s . They keep tradick o f — !______Oaii*r. li 30 (tool Miiva'y m Txn i <>ur^iTW>mjmST»4 00«ecJ«!aBk ffNY K 8 0 C ^ U9A 4 p m. WBO- 8JI7.79■.79ofl90»S. F*0 99.40 70J010 9840 7072 *141) one Olll another’s Job-sea com: 13 7S (T«« Fail on^l PncM ■-•r. FAv^mna eanona: 40a r.CO-r.96 M*r 7049 7 I » s a rc h Timts-Ntuts BusintuBu Editor ™ 'i K , ° £ S r ” lQ»rar.B^T004C0me«gy7J0oco*iion • Nl OUtatlne Bu .«. 70a io«^, « M*W.» Ma ».; ^ O p B n Hicn M• a * S ' erous- rmefud a t 733-093.0931, Ext. 242, or O'ain nxxxi lo> lal^?«00!nM^*1m 01 M 79.79 79.78^ 7L08 Ii:08 ly. POCAT6LIO - WM. .naai 3 M6»(i«3).on»n*/»»*i«*r |u S l l ; ^rtwwt)umr00.r.90lawk>.«f.u.8.j "I 1ClOOMraL:do9Bnpw«eirn, 79:79 • 74.39 .1.01 at virginia9magioK^ioKdUyxom. ^ 4 39 looon S). 14 c*nstm tcnngg4 4 49,o^6,;S.rw4 r Sj^flPune* iTwumum 3 90-4 00 «e*»on. N*» M ...... 317,41 Dk 31B0O3t9.ro 317.90 3179< I OOOEN - WT'ila anaai 3 S3 (ilfaay J*n 330.90330.90 31910 319.1(!!S iii! I = E l i i i s \ 4 41 jO ^ B). 14 ptfMni acmng 4 i P)-U8DA-M*t0rpaUWmwU)BF0a F*F*0 318.9033a70 319.40 319.7C170 -t.10 ' I UTuaadr ftwaa— U J..I BO*«*nar< AtApr 330.40 331.90 31930 JIflX 938 ' Volunteers. ’ POm&NO - WMa »«»a> 4 43MuC3>tp«^»v,. (uo ^ ^ 2 2 2 1Biar0oouni»W:lO9eeunt6XM9O: ^ JuJun 331.70331.70 319M 3I9.7Ci.S :IS JSHSraH'""" ". 1 A^ 3310033100 330.10 330.IC ■BromMi Cont ta •’'aal c»1 « 17 {uo ^ * ^ ’ 70,* 0*e 333.10333.10 331.TO 321.1CMO -tJO Jtn 4JKO 4.M03: JiiS tfsi .:’ i T t 9.004.90: WMCoSflBurul^^ ^ ...... 33I.9C .5 tax filing season. Mileteage the AARP Tax-Alc-Alde natioaal lOOoounLMon Ap* ...... 323.4C POnTLAND. 0-a lAP).0«*a1ii3Xp-nPDT 13; lOCeeunn**®,. Jun . ., . ... ., . 333-te1:S :l:IS KS J1S !S!t 4:iM 0 4 7 -:9 reeimburvement ifl is paid for■ ppro- office toll-free at 1-886-^ARF- WaOnaaOay 'or ainvad ai Port **rS2Sml4.ee t2i a ai'.;* 39,879 • ' ’*® “ Ocl 3«17 3933 3 Classes will be conductedBd a t vices, W underle saidsaid. ; 199304 noundr«UU9.1'9.1 Kta A30 e tacw Wiaomanmoatly TuaTl a opan Inl 109.993.0113,109 N« 4.070 4JJ70 6 004 SO, Uma*maaou UU.VSA 1 J:SS iSS fh.he College of Southem Idsdaho “More complexe x tta x p ro b le A i ’t 13 pel prota-^.lOO-SOr o^proli.’'. J 04. rargirvg *J 00-; 1U8 1 uaASO«a*cluWacon*inmoU. U9.000 My oz.: C M p*r irey et M Uto tito0 - 4440 ' 4 j S I9 rom 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eae a c h a n d r e tu r n s a reI re ffe rre d to p ro- ' Dk 4S3 0 49ii;9 413 9 4MS39 - i J Mv 3939 X ..i;: •• we«/eekday through Jan. 17, fessional tax prepreparers, and 43 - I J Apr 3.708 3.7101 i S J . IS W^underlesaid. u r some of our volunlunteers are, In S u g a r sLui 487.0 439 0 48is6 Jm39# -t.o May 3899 3M9S 39831^2 .9 TK Ij S ------Ma 3.994 The craining Includes i US 2 Darla,, ko.1 iftA, ano J>aT)a*. f May 439 0 439 0 437.3 4S7.37.3 -.9 Jun 3.990 39900 34S9 3497 .9 c tax fact, tax professionsionals w ho; cod- h US 3 w-'ir 0«i™.-K10 -'■ana araaa Jul 490 0 490 0 4S93 499.3 3499 *11 lam w and ori^tatien in filing3 itax tribute uelr timeime and e»er- | ua? »a‘io«co»' 5»fl 1i4-S #S 1'4 fr*'”” JS'S'J'S; I:?S 4 ^ 0 483 0 490 0 ::::: i S n IS nettuiis i u elenronlcally for the OM* 010. mI nose tise as a publiclc s e r v ic e ,’’ h e 'ho want to work wich compiput- said. s s s S s J Z : | SI ; i f I : . ;:::: iS S IS r ? ® 44 -1 ij Dm '.Z '.Z ' rs. Prospective volunteers mayn AARP Tax-Aideide said it opei;- ^ Mar 7 31 Dk 170 0 470 0 496 0 469ioS.o -.7 Jan 4.100 4.100 Jul ...... «73i) -7 p*e ...... ’ *■’“ is" ^ ign up o r le a m m ore aboutt ttbe ates under auspiceitices of the non- ifiBl Ua, 6 70 « 7.9 -.7 Mar .... Jul . 493i3 rogram by calling Wundivlele at profit AARP Foimdim d ad o n in coop- Dk ...... 499 0 Ma, 397 1’’ 55* 343 J J i'j K iis iol? si ssi 'ii ^ JO -.7 37-9178 .(or e-maililing . eration with tbe IRS.IRS. ; 310 73 317 313 J31*^73 -3 May .... Tua'auiat 10.933 Jun ...... = 1 I ^ Tua’•opanml99.396. up 931 S n 310 330 317 3 ssif s ii S9t r.M m ^ 3 Ok 330 9 130 5 337 Aug .1. Tlm NEW YOnK (API - Hanoy 9 ^{iman aitvar«rW*On**aay I Sap 39.003.'503.t;i,'a aaiat 36.909 * " ' ” *4.SSSon(0 Ml 039 J ^ OP«" '"I»e63» Tu* 'tooaniM1 30:303.3B3.UO 3.900 Htl Ocl ...... 933 Is S o o wrthlngm t lw lntf? •U0AR14 H9H laoncalad 9S 394 on to 039...... 784 . -3 S.OCO 6u mnmum; Mn* par eijahd Th* tnortw>g MAon piica lor I4vai in LonoorOon»4.S4Son Dm Dk ;47?3 no 34339 10X03. J4n 4.043 4.043 e ofe s M t» eiMtoiriM Mir 10 010 FaO ... — ^ i 3 V 390^^ 3473r ^I.V! F"irs"i3301 3300 2 00 -03 £1.5EnB*nard>4 9S9. on 30 019 Mar ... W Itst report*. If you'ivMRestistKl : naeieceflRwnenaJon^ EnOBBMrd taonealao 13 394 on 10 017. Tw*.'* aaM^mMI hin. a stock, mutual ftmd, ercommcmo«-:0 0 3 1 , lxL3e2i iM) you «:i3 33:.o !fo':S g?NTMare uvat apo< monin WaOnaxMy 84.1;1.333.0(1 . Tua.’iopv.mi3e«.l49,t4U,i«6.73S , (yl I £ i Z i ; i g32.18 3319. 3.13 .... 90013. 10( ty m«t's not m our re p ^ ju ^ cal:anus 'S ons. ,.:

Haoy . SHI On TaJO-OnJSH7S69 -BO Occxr 79 36 . 44 TEHyit■«Ap 1409 -01 KaufmAp 3M .09 Wine AAtUuluMA v»12w~n”3339 v .34 Caftan a M*ar«: Tacm, sa.,K ;s ssi.?s:s 01 HrCorpin81l.il ' 6 13 ..13 Rj|,»Tt 4384 .11 TnntnpK .iUrS S?S*’ !S:i; ■naAi.1 SE 1037 .0> Purnn 19B9.I85 SSSTiJ!,, s f ? s ^ . . 4 . i S £ ;ii aSSEKCaSlS ? 5SUp,IiS;S} 1 B31 .0 5 K o8 ^ ? fi? ? s"?SJ; 'S i? ii?! J r “"!l3 E " l i is 6 3 7 . IJ Spaa ILM •JB OaapVUSvup^M WW**'* !??? ' 0? f f S a - S3!f' ifs :,s S J m S'"s:nSm i uS Z j 473 -01 Ca«**MF«a.09 HYhh03 UdR 'SiaS-%^.49 saRSf - !UNCcnn 1303 *.» S l ’’”-” ^ iii341 E«yAp 747.13 CUMCCn^ l 9 M . H N O M 10.BB -fli UgBC " gsuj'isi..,. sg y ,ts3 Ili SffiS S £ S > 1 in .43 PfurianMMBZ8fe IM w LBKbea 1489 *J0 .71 ..t3 OAOp 1148 *.13 QB*« . 1 s r" s s ;^ sg:s. ffiisjM \ LBBVen 1143 *49 S 'S !”” "' a - 3i;i i;ji .33 FiincAp BB3 toi Orvcfls"cflp ]431 .43 TBRlSde 1063 - 04 UgdQ 44} FbBKV *97 . 03 0«nOD■'Op 1177.31 SnrvA 7.U.03 a ‘*3i ■ s s £ r K * 4 , IS^ A S i S « iITOorpn 888 ^08 ES"™.":;! Jy7b: . ob HmdAp «*3 .ca MrajopOOp B»4 .03 uaOvU 7.BB >01 UgM^ l i s i ” B »i!:2S .71 *,19 l*«ioOrl194B .40 .r^ 1033 . 10 UUF0A 801 . « MgtK !rar?i, JSS! S ;S S! a lS?"IIS:i! S !s:s ss;"ss:s M tiWfrn 1087 .^1 S £ ■ . ' i■iii s i » » !S i” S Bef VOB «lSrt!'i"'%x .33 u S ! ^ i a & !'I!S-S ^',,5S:S ttif e : : I KmCa-anH39 ‘ s SSo 'Sy ; .. Eisr*® WABnlMt ..01 VbM 3144 *41 | s?';s:j! SSS" s s leBVSn 1844 *41 TannNa*! •1 •,H ' i s J iw^" 3?0? '« f«'' kpggi_, , » ® J h S e a " i o 7 7 " o 3! S t i i i l i S£B"iai.-s S SrnC«Sn«1?0S -3J tJ4J S s j s . - " ' 's a - “ E . , ! oSCSiIo**-?! SSSSMM4S3P103B -01 UuMrcn 1324 -M gra HriS“i " i S K ! a s ^ ...... s K ' s ; : e s s ,- s s a i S i! ! o»i*p 513e .IB I14S .01 WYVanC 30 97 . » 0.9KPi i t S S i S ’ ^IK, Si!;S £JE."li3 :: linllifSw.l' . OMM loaa.-oi i D4) CaprBAp 41 39 £p }<39 . 43 Mineot 6B7.01 TaOB: n»» 2844 *48 . mea* .1348 *41n s?g?„“ | |S7!:3 Mil I n SrCVAp 39 33 I 4J 0*«iC? raOBSSpllOI .os TsMWn:403 . 43 , PinkA< MaCMB 3018 *46 DChoA p94i.w CasviSXp«.t1 [BBJW 10 93 -64 nwAmarFdaA: ' K 10S .- HaVMAp 1148 *.18' o m CnartAp 9 89.14 6>*«A9 »18 « ! ’bS I'm iom I m t(W^ aa 10&3 -04 BMp 7S9 -04 B8 C k a t a 14.13*47 nwMMDtAptl.18-.0) NYTiAp 949 .-• SS!?S!\ m .• \ Conup 17M .4} W".»p 3333aiS I ” smcvnI"3940*^44 cp 1031 .11 HtiA 70S .09 l*«9*I*3M IM rir«lAmarF«)8: 51 .44*.IB 9iM«Z 1746 *47 li I jp -04 Cp 381 .09 nSmCS 1406 -OS UlSKIJiSKOd 193 maBi 7ia -04 A IU8 *42 OTCAp 930 *.17 Q T 1 o&Xe®t}7iI?o o-»"Ap 19” >4P BB .06 KauliT«p 338 .09 FWa«) 1BJ0 -41 TaUAp 873 _ '''tOw IJ73 -Bl 10 14 ' a r " s r ; b , ' H L : - : s : ; ; s s ’ 97 .77 lAiOacOI <063 - 03 PIMh S S ? 3 r : S S MCp 11,13-.03 VoyAp 1X43 .47 J S f I ».^ .«.i, ;;i;Ij? '.ll ri“M *;a iM ^>rlaaav: a * PAMuOp 11 89 • 01 EaOrSsssrsi'u ia;s i 30 .43 BnnPrAn 1307 *.11 nanMCriOl 3I4« .41 '««VrrtiM IB44 S " ' ! 5 i ; S . SS! (K^oOi BC4.H SmCftAp 1769 LZ;‘” S ,!ii is S ‘ ^TA?*i79..13 !K ! a t ! :3S ™ ^ p K : | 'S Cr^^DI »S1 .U '233 ll( « T * ^ ^ \'l9 &0«l%3443 ftO M 3348 *4B l>UW*>Wl r; s s : s I K ' : s ; s H ... H .43 OanMM 1944 *49 _FaW _ II !«?r* tS f 0 7 14.40 *,19 B dl 1143 ..10 FedarHadC; EOkT HiiMp toj0 ^ eoM e n 1848 *44 ? ! ■ ” ssffl *” %*MI lioS *44 *SSne**^ (M n n 2148 *41 AaMu But OrMirai IBBBBB6 ■2} SoOCa 33 70 .43 VnOn4>S SS '!a:S s J J i SSLbOBpT 3331 .43 TBtfiLMdllJt ..44 ' 11 .A g!isry'-^?t<' bSt s '^ «44"*Itl 0*nr»p 884 *41 4 23 . 09 DrarOM: I m ^ aaii'wnA: CMcC 1B44 .33 MU M ^ p B97 .09 FtM/T*npPfi*A) .S i t s . - : W h r spi-fl S tia - 5 ^s2~ks..> S !is4 04 .37 AerK 33 99 .17 BaUrMA 7 33 . 07 Cm 330 M4 IMCn1 & E a ' 371 .M BanOn 1163 4.18 &Tn(l«oA »1!3:S ss;; ' 483 .97 BacStPr 1907 .37 A(riW dtmyf imden Caaiitp 12.10 ..03 JAI 310.10 oSeS: i«4j r S m S s i . t S L ' ^ * : 's ^ S s s F»Mnl1 34 .04 ClTffA^p ^72J ; a -41 Tnoia 847 -.1} Bte**rrwM sSSS* 3 97 ! q? Ajv k ^ ^ ?4^.41 ! ' »sf I” 9 >.01 NMBnaHi WVkBt I C c . a a S 3 Ml%49 ... l O n l u FF»X " OTC^ 943 *.19 PWW r Td m " ' w ^ jUj««Fur>a»p: iVeawFiF*^*' ss» , iSS ris IBOjn 1941 :!i .99 “ S, 1339luS:|9 *.*.^ M0UB9 848 .. PWsa^MK !•;;» SW SS:S S ’ SES,'!S:S ES iis iis S iis i s . ; w : s s ^ ' S " .';; Sc 3 • s r iiS s iii i5iL,'“ =' SSr-js2.'^” csraSMtSi _ m AUanMCapA- BaKMQMInvk'JL. Wannrn t j j t -.01 Cortad ^ frm * S 0 .44 OnSilp 244B i S I n 1747 *44 n8emOpS047 *49 A tm AffO'ire 9 90 - 01 UP9M 13BSIM ^3B >*F>e • *40 OMtntrtigiMBii 5 ! !^ '' 2Z CkMAp r3S .03 BannFvntfa:*“ Hmijitn 3S.B« ..7J 9 t ^ OKtan I0J9 *Ji JSf?* *!■*' ,.S£;S 'B w rrj..... o a Or'lVAp ; u .C9 **•*< 3341III . u ^T4>rni33J . Q3 ItcaWwF TiA.2rtnl649 .- .fJ* •• E j i i i i . PClUp 1491 .33 OrMffi » (3» . I u S^'VP <<.M *01 vunaannr i S i ” S 8 .41 Sm W n t l I S 9»*«*"I •943 -41 Ma*BaM*8t Q«i>«Bi racnAs..4iJt>i.u Bar^oraup:—;.“ Orar(i«Prwi«r FPAPiM 8 *11 8 M 9407 .39 J g * " {• oSXn**iL?^i4 h r— ; r ■Cor»»M“I4.ir'-.0l HaK SE^rn 'sM I.M (mS i^A 33.74 S J f " ' * ’ ■■ 5S*’ 'S i : ^ laW.ViM.aA: Par*. . m ' 99 09 .31 USOovAp B.B4 .i)1 I FMMMni 1241 *49 lEJIS," ,« ' s r - a r s , w8cr> 1647 .J l UUAp 7.»t I :|.IP 5S .-S ar.i i£ ;s Si.-Sf''• “ a s r ' S ^ ' i s ; s Sma 1037 ' ..19 Fi*nkrf«vPn*C: ■ POit«p 1373.30 i"Ou> <3 07 . I 7J3 .c* CtfrvF 13 40'..33 OaBOl■aa 941 ..17 CwOrC 903 .-14 ^ I ." S g i i j ! " ■ ' i l l S TacfOI 31 09.1 90 I>-Mu 14 16. »A tto -01 aWF / B.10 .03 CMqnn IBM k33 I n ^ C 1J9 .01 I l i i . MMnaaCasC; 1403 I 19*3 ..14 i*«C(C B« -Ol OMnn 17M ..» ft*iWTBa»IM**K I ^ i r S T i . i B SJS aA 1148 .33 OMIixi 11.41 -Ol- {XQCir<00ina D.34 *39 OkA 1930 ^ 1 ( ^ " ^ i i E , i iBvnf 4043 *43 awMA IBJ9 *07 ( inixu *48 SaMoeiMai SSbS i ssa»,% :ts Ormeci 364 .OS ^ eSSJaV 4« r'i sss»*" ^ a : S . EJ.-?"Mn 19.19 *39 Frw*nkn»T«mA: ( Mn 33.19 ..43 DA9Mp UO -01 if - l i l ’ilLf S a i S"if S : « a?S*p ' U a^nluS^ ttK ” atl1*^ l" 1740 *.48 S S S " 1b:4B I48 BMO. £!^!rina « • * » OMBiCrp S.74 .0* M «A MWn 1049 los ffSytp lS TS ( 1 SCon J74I*IJ)9 M ^ p 1319 SCnn*''^«:M ( ^ F0Bia». 1U9 *.1 s2s;'iis:s ' I I I S i s ■ f 2 F T s : s n •** CMvtp 14.44.31 Ooftvkpl ^NMAIn 1013 >01 Ciln n Fiiriit:^ KYBOAp U4 .04 OUffM I onn 1323 . 3S Onmip 336060 > ira^As 1094 ..13 OISIAi/iaiil a iiliji E f i . e a’ ^ 4 ' i ® OrOoVUn 1933 .13 CiBMft0>Mp; .97 1 . ' a S a , 1748 *41 m « n Si Harnaoain 83* . 17 lump l?M . i l l a l s TMnnni 90.'*7 *J1 VMM tt08 I^ *41 m / b .om * J 3 TMMR II. mcOrO" 3326 .43 TiFU 1074 r i a . i l ^ i i l i“ SlOan 7J7 -xa T ab 1101 -.01 VVarun 3244 *J9 IhnMtiMili MYMp 9.18 *4a Vauan- 18j i S f l i s t s S £ S t S wOroin S94 ... CWaantrundK ‘ A piau -M Owg™ JJ9 - la^>•Pr 3S37 .39 Tn«* 80.73 *.79 VVMMn 3339 *,1t 8*C4p2^JO *J Sawcin 39B8 .49 ClCOM 139» . g * . 0 ^ * 1 ^ MWTrwBfc...... AJMBM>8*rtBBi 8TM 9449 I*J S a s s ' S 5 ;a « B ?n iE tw t**48 •WWf. 2331 *48 PwiAU 1X98 •. SOo>n 999 >03 CaCOSi 1S67 . ' tiS i S w m iSSI m p S H s i a I J L " : a T;3aun »593 >3» OCOrSl <093s . i i A 14*3-06 ncTn l o s t . n hS m I t f f M w p ain «J4 a S S ip ''a! OKtnM S'" aS lii wc« ion aASgOrlTuSe^ HIWO l i sr t *421 : t m -ia_ oSSp 8u s s : ; ' S l OM V -V ll. ii*iM l»;ltiahde7

i S i i l l M l i e MMI k : S iT M«&*TWCTCOiiRT B b H E f V m JUDICIAL NOTICC Of 9 0 DAV PR E ^eC W O N A L ENIMviRONwoiTAL ' RICT OF THE STATE ^ 0nFabntory29.8003,al0wh• h g u ( ^ « ) o'ctodt p.m. DAHO, M ANO FOR 1 F IM kt M C oiafr M iM n F«k a ^ I n c . I 8 3 ^ m Avenue USDA FO R C arS Ca R v « E >tE COUNTY OF . . rfe»B Sr^i! ,RtESC.JUST,E8a„.AI. SAWTOOTH NATKJNALU.FOREST .TWitlFAUS TW sSs& si^x'.sss HSS Tiuatoe. «M tell 4a piM o BALUON-CHALUSKATKM>KAL FOREST . MAGIST)IISTRATE DIVISION brcash; MtoafultnoMyof CUSTER COUffTfTY C ase No,No. SP-02-05 ssSiA ^^SSSSi.iiia ttte O m a f lla M tf ia ’ fbl- Sairteoth Nattonal Hecreirej^Araa ORDER.ER. NOTICE. ANQ; r.abtotodVitteOoi^of __ Yankee Fork RangarrO t totrlct SUMMONilO fe FOR HEARING K s-w E Jsss:' ^sss^rsss:s-Ji Ftoar Optic C aM PermittA i ppU catton tn ite Intoimarestof: U l laTetock B fii^'A O DS5snr'srK m r:- DAKOTA>TA FOLSOM, ri plat therael raeoidad In On Novemter 21. 2002 Sawtocoolh National Forest d o.b. 12/28/9412/5 : ■ SftSSS^ffi ordiotTtMnFafcCounty. ^ upenrlaor Ruth Monahan and Sahrihnon-Chaffla National SAPPHIRl'HIRE FOLSOM, O w ^ .. JdMv. mconM I Lo(flMatoC«(98orTWINFAU'AUjSTOWN8ITE.T«ilnFMa S m a t George Matejlto are reieoslf *•1" County; id«KM Mad In n a o ta o aing a pro-dedSionai d o,b. 1SAXJ9612A1 ' 9wofllM4(ffwCoun g l ^b a tn a d a!w ltiio u l p p v a n a n t o r want to tte poi*arot aaie legment ol lino travel- Health1 and am Wellare. The Ha. poaaaaalon of ancumbranoaa oaaaaaton cr artoumbranoaa oo » executed ^ Stwen A. ^.,1*;s;csr,§ ?t,5 '":t“jsM includes 3 miles ol m onisolthollhopDtillon willbe euradbyandpurunttotte m , M orrlaaM l*aaiy MerrtaI husbandhi and ivife, as uto from Joe-a Gulch to Stankiy matlat woukl teporm ltlfld examinedw d ini on ovkJontlary • ' I te da ad of Buat axecutod by QrQ r a M ) « t|h HouashofeJ Ftoano M kh^ Tetophono. Tte proposi ■ J : 3 S S : 0 M ^ H M A K M AND TAWN moaCo(poraoonin.astte S.S?! »sal wouM also oHo)v heanng3 on January 2.2003 . WILUAM 4 TAVLORIRANOCAROLVN^AYkO^ i B e n a O ^ . w ^ l t e Daad ofI TmstTr recontod Febma/y ilmon Rivor Eioctrtc to construct apppproximatolyioofeei ot-930) a,m,a,n in tho Mogis- • g r a n m . to FIRST AMERICAN IS». 1999 aa toatfumant Na<19( underground powor line noar Slatitato Creek to support iroto's Co «! :.,an Idate Cerporatton, as t « 1999-003714. reoorda ol ^ Court. Twin Falls TITLE CO W JW Y ^ F * Twto FaBa County. Idate. and rewre-r orded on November > flter optic lino. T te total iongth> 0of tte project teing Counly/ Courlhouso.Co Twin alyzod Is a te u t 42 mitos and crossi ^ OA«*ELE^bwc”R ^ 5.2001 a a inatrument No. 2001-0:1-020204. u o a te th privato and Foils. Idahodote, sSIK attS m ^ v b t e m b ! TiiTHE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE I blic lands. T te projod would beginin 1In April 2003 (w ten Thofonc r ^ ^ j S S » MC.. (Mlaty as nemlna*) ferftt Undar, wtd Lacidar'a W) IE NAMED TO COMPLY following Indlvkluals WTTH SECTION 45-1506MHa).‘.IDAHO ID, CODE NO REP- S?*™nditions acy dry enough to supportrt nt) and conilnuo unill constructiiction Is com plete or iho tearing Of January $1, sooi; aa^ln«(njilnimanlNo. a001001SS$, nc ^T THEY ARE.-OR ARE "X?*!. MOT^RgSENTLY RESPOfONSIBLE FOR THIS nter conditions provont construciliciton octivlllos Irom SAMANTHiJItS a K. TARRANT, O M A R E NAMED TO COMPLY currlng. Certoln aroos will have t® ? 8 o v & q r a ^ ^ 0 timing rosuictions Moihorr ol above-nomed ■ WITH SEC TION 45-150 Tte defauii for which thla sale Signed lo avoid salmon spowning s< S WITH SECTION 45-1506{4)( «io Is to t e mado is t t e S}*®" 1 seaaor». Conslruc- childron1 ■ REPRESENTATION 18’M M W {a5SSI:SS )(4)ViM. IDAHO CODE. NO foBaBura to pay tte amount dua und n actMUos would bo llmltod 10 d olylighl ^ te u rs (W te u r j . r . fo lS C « REPRESENTATION IS MADE%DE THAT THEY ARE. OR » undor tte cortain Promte- )LSOM. ARE NOT. PRESENTUVfLV. RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS wry Noto and Deed of Tmat, In ttet am ounts called for sr sunrfoo to W te u r boloro sunsotwt). Mondoy IhrouQh F a th e r ol ; RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS tte ' ol a bovo-nom od ; OeUQATlON. hereunder aa foOows; Monthly paymontspay of *940.38 duo doy. Ttere woukl be no constnjctiction on tho Monday children1 . I ■ Tte detautt for wNch^ thisu aala ia to te mada fa tte toror tte m ontte of February 2002 m 1/or Friday of a major holiday wooktjkend. The a te ' s Tte default for which thisla msale ta tt te mada Is Ite tte ? through ond induding to a te v o nomod Indi- I • talura to W W te n «to».a, uunder Deed ol Trust Note, tte t e dato ol saie. together vrIth laielale chorgos ond mohthly Wdtiicnai Information ond copios of tte pru-dodsional vtduals are lurthor nottliod *rtndpal. Intarest « id Impounds o( ldar D e« i of Trust Noto, t t e »wyments accruing. Tte sum owingow on tho obllgaOon iCJPr.,,aro available by conlncting Scottt LLoos. Spodoi'Usos tnat'thoyly oroor entitled lo t» $540.31, d u e p w m o nft n tto o ^ n w y ia ef Juna 5 ssCpK!fi!r»^Si»a3:pal. Intaraat and Impouvto of mlnlstrator. Sovrtoolh Naiional Re< f $447.00 wtth « change to $SS8 laeured by aaid Deed of Tnist Is> $85,470,06$8 aa prindpal. lecreeUon Area: HC r o p r o sBonieo o n by legol . Ssptam ber. 2002 arM a l • 558.15 (eff. O ^A sT d u e p ar S* u • aenrtce chargee, atbvnay^ fe Box 8201; Koichum. ID 83340;■; ((208) 727-5015 or counsel, II1 iy through Sapton«ar. 20W ^ I toes, costa of Sis Jore. I, II Ihey are llnon.- dMcfBaleorrstaMMTW toaura, any and all funds axpenc•ndod by BanefWary to 1'®°?:iOO-260-5970. Tho EA Is a lso0 avalloblo on tno ciaily unablnablo lo roiain an ’ i hccfuinoBtS2i.0i.Hneeai ? a fto e O ^ nta^ u n ^ l t e d M of sato or m wtooth National Forost Intei s e HSS ^g ratnatatament, wtth a monthly ra to d tte ir aecurlty fritorest, « tdId interoetil accruing at tt e ‘ le r n e t w ob p o g o altomoy.f. thoytht may opply 10 ; »w«mownottsa.44.wnwith IntasHt accnSng at 6% poT Dly toto charge accruing at Sato a o t 13.212% from Januanr 1, z w.f8.fod.u3fl4/sowiooihA tho Court, pi ^ $19.lO,uncoaaetadlatochafgMrgeaamdualnjteamountof ona , 2002, together with do- Irt. prior to tho hoar- annum, and cominubigbato accnia frem May 1,2002. T te n g ja n t taxaa plus p e n ^ andTd iIntwosi to Ite dato of .^m m onts rocoivod on this prpjoclxa. induding nomos mg. lofr apappoinlmoni ol * $57.30.«rthtolaraa(acau!nga>ig at 7.25% per annum, and I addfossos of ite so who comment.It. will t e considojod counsel. ^ continuing to accfwa from June M ime 1. 2002. T te prtndpal ^ T te Benellciary elects to sed or ca I ol tho public rocoid ond will t e1 aovailablo lor public Sold lo loll lh o r IS lurilior ^ balanca owing aa of thla dato onon I Ite obligation aecured by to b r causo the. trust property . Inglnia^ooatiandattvadvancaa. A l daOriquenl amounts ) t e sold to satisfy said obligaOon. section. notilied Ihol Ipursuani lo tC- ar» novf dut. logMter utm » aald Dead otTruat la $S5,22JI.M>.08. plua aobruing Interest. Oslad n thts 18th day of October. 2i r te flosponsiblo OWdals lor thisJ iproposoi nro Rulh i s i s o l t h c > ooaaandadvaneaa.Agdallnque t th e Idaho Codu I tvMtunpaUandaecnilngi quentamounto are now due. mi^ p au la Peteraon nahan, Sowiooth Forost Supervirylsor ond Goorgo ihol he mo'may rogistor his ■ t o « ^ with accruing lato chanihaigaa and iMervst; unpaid 4IBS. aM om */a (am , andId anyai «n M n ts advanoad to pro- tfaB W ^ftar lor Chartoa C. Just. Es o)ko. Salmon-Challls Forost Superlorvlsor. In ordor lo dolm a s lotlather ot a child .tact tte aocurtjr. asaoclMM d wBh-thia fotvdosura and th^t issmants, Irustaa’a faes. ■ ^ ■ 53Jsoiidato commonts al ono iocaUon.n. pleaso sond thorn born outIt otol wedlock with tte banMdaiyaiactatoaalaaN or cauaa tte tnisl property to« a tto n ^ fees, and any amountiunta advanced to protoct tte putUBUSH; O«obor^.>iovomborj jovwooih Notional R oaoatton /^roa;'a;_Ann:Scon Loos; tho Dopartrr “ a a e u ^ a aa o d ata d WKh thta_fcla_f{>ractoaure a n d tte t the- _ (ic suction,n. toti Ite higtest bidder. T.S.N d Onltelllti'dayofUwe lareN 2003, at Ite hour o( 10:15 vandSMitoyAnn r cash. In lawful money of tte Unlu'nited Stotes, oil payable Doc ID < nlzed local time), in tte OMc« of W TEE^SA LE tte Ume of aaie. tte following describeddot real propotty. Tide Or I . On Mareh 8.-2003. a t tt e hourourol11« lo ’clocl(a.m.of ^ i i ty ol iW i FaHa, State of M ate, parcel ef land located In< IheIh 8E1/4SW 1/4 of 5 SALE 10 so rogtstoi n ra l Amwican TJtte Comp* said day. in tte lobby otnvtA1 Amedcan r TItIo Company. SJH mpany of Idate, Inc., an tdate3 2 « n ;h k d Avenue North. TwinI FalFans, W ate. CHARLES C ; 2 ?»ctton ? 10, Tow nehlp 11 South..Range20EaaLBoise Rl Tte fc , Corpofaiton. aa auccataotiso r truslaa, will sail a t public erldlan, Twin Falls County,ty, Idaho, and more auction 1 auctton. to tt e higtest bidda : JUST, ESQ., Attorney at Law,'.aaSuooeaaor a s Trustee, wHl dder. for cash or cashierv cheek rat tho Unll Twin Fail* Title & osinbiish po (caansqulvalanq. In lawful i « aM At pubMo auction to ite hNghaat U tatodar, for cash, in rful money of tte United States,. iaw U money of it e Unitod Statesaaa. aipayabtoatttetlme ^ OMMENCINQ al th rV o Kwest s corner ef ssid Escrow ^ aOpoyabitBtttetlfneofaaliaala In oompUanoa wtih Sactkm wtton 10, frem which tte Southuth orM quarter (SI/4) Matei 8 s i l i ■ S S . 45-1606{9) Idaho Coda,I. thtr a followlno described real1 : lara North OO'OO'OO’ East, 2622628.44 7 ^ : T h e n c e local Hit preparty. a h ik a d In t t e CoCounty of T»* Fans. State otf fbOowstoVft:; luth 90*00*00* Eaat along t tle e South{ beundaiy of Doodd ‘™Tru®sl'?o%orS^d®05°/Vl7^^^^o\ SSS f idWto.anddaacrltedasfoUofoUows, to-wtt: a 8 ¥ n /4 of Section 10 for a distaistance e fi 828.44 Aet; Numborbor 2001-008199, ond oxoculod by PARCEL I: T te l pan dt Lot 2. C 0 0 IC 8 SUBOIVISKM.SUI r*k\ Falls by BYRON H GOE Counly, Idaho, according to0 ththe official plat Iheroof •no* North OO'SIW Weat for.or a dlatance of 30.00 JR, os ( Gronlor(s). In lovor ol COUNTIITRYWIDE HOME Dalo Ociobor3ber 17. 2002 TownaMp 11 South. Range 1 1 ^ . jels^st.BolaaMertdlan.JwlnI recordedI in Book 5 of Plats. pagep« 27, records of Twin uSTJMto. a point on t t e North right-crit-ef-way boundary of LOANS,NS. INC., 03 Bonofidary. to STEMEWART TITLE OF /S/Howard1 SmysorSm PaHa County, id ate phw ay U.S. 30 a n d te in g TNE>!£ TRUE POINT OF BOISE.2E, IINC.. Ite Curroni Trusloo of rooocord. covoring Iho Magistrate0 fac tio n 1: A parcat olland loc lasfoOows: 'SaK llocatsdlniteEl/ZSEi/4NWlMI I lha North line of Lot 2 of w .!:roiNNlNG; Thence contrnulniling N orth OO'SI'OO' followingving roal property locotod In Tw.rwtn Fails Counly. loibedastoOows: i , COOICS SUSOIVtSION. wtwrere tltte North Un* mtsrsecto •et for a dIaUnce of 125.01I feet;fi Thence North SlaloI oloil Idaho. • PUBUSH:: NovomborNo' 7. |.i lorth ona quarter com er ol saJd i 00-00* Eaat for a dlatance ofrf s3 s a o o feet; Thence TOWNSINSHIP 10 SOUTH. RANGE 16 E Ite W est line of Pierce Street; EASTOF'BOISE ond 21, 2002002 THENCE South along tte West « th 03'43-42* W eat for a diatoma n c e of 125.27 feet to UERIOUlOIAN, TWIN FALLS COUNTY. ID/ 1 .T tenca Sooth O O'16'O rEa*East along the East boundary ol loInt on the North rlght-of-< __ _ INTHEOISTfISTRICTCOURT 85.48t feet to t t e South Bno of Lot if-w a y b o u n d a ry o f SECTIOinON 24: THE SOUTH 150 FEET C o f t h e RFT J W NW1/4 of Sactlon 1 for a jhw ay U.S. 30; Thence North 90' RFTH JUDICIAL oradtetancoof1323.l0feetto THENCE 1 W eat alortg tte Southth Ilrline of said Lot. 125 feet: 90*OOW W aat along 600 FEEfEET OF THE EAST 300 FEET OOF THE SOUTH- DISTRICTr OF THE STATE f* tK iN o rtK te t com ar of tte E THENCE North 85.48 toet to tt e ^ » North right-of-way bounderlary of U.S. 30 lor a EASTr QUARTERQ OF THE SOUTHEAiA ST QUARTER. OF IDAHO. II I -1 artd b a in i tte TRUE POINI teNorthUnaoraaklLot; y?*, IO. IN AND FOR THENCE East 1 3 toet to Ite pPaNTOFBEQINNING. a 4E TRUE POINT OF 8UBJEIJECT TO TWIN FALLS COUNINTY HIGHWAY .THE COUCOUNTY OF J te n o a contfnulfta South 00' ’^ k in q ! 00‘iex>r€astaiong tte East EXCEPTe tte Eaat 20 feet themot. RIGHTOIT OF WAY. TWINFflN FALLS . boundary of tte E1/2SE1/4: l/4NWl/4 of Sactlon 1 for a CEPTINQ THEREFROM: T te0 TruslooI has no itnowlodgo of a dlstanca ot 1324.78 faa( to t T te T n atee haa no Tcnowledge d ^ of a more particular SP-02-114.J ) to tte-Southaast oomer of tte descripOonot c t t e above referencemeed real property, but for ^w^M di|dOoe-Half(1/2) interswreat In a n d to ail of doscrlpUcIpUon ol Ite ot»vo roloroncod roal DF HEARING / E1/2SE1MNW1/4 a Saction purposaa of compliance with 8 1, aa aet forth In tte purposoISO (ol compllonco with Idate Codo.0. Section GO-113, m tho Motlor 0 T te n c* Sooth 88*48-38* W ai ih Section 60-113 Idaho S i 2 lot ol tho Polifton . iVeat’along tte South boundary Code,I tte Trustee te a been Infomformed tte address of 479 ed to Fred F. Foea recordedId J> u n e IB , 1952, a a the Trustirusloo has boon Inlormod lhat.tho.siJool sl oddrossol. ol; MIKE• COVINGTONCC ol t t e E1/2SE1/4NW1/4 of SactlonI I for a distflnco ot F ^ m e n t No. 419290, reco rd s ofo f Twin Falla County, 3717 NORTH NC 2700 EAST. TWIN FALLLLS. ID 83301 is and DANA CC S64.62 faat to tha Sou P ierce Street. Twin Fane, Id ateite 1is aomotlmea assodai- ^ COVINGTON. lou thw est corner of the ed e with Ite aaid real preperty. somolimt ■oporty. h u sb a n d an El/2SE1«NW1/4ol Sactlon'Ion 1; 1 and wife, and Said sale wB t e mado withoutwut covenant or warranty I t e T n sta e has no krxtwlodge0 ofo o' moro particular BIddortd ^ m ] ^ “?roparod*^^^ the irusloo tno tull DANIELLEE MtMARIE Ttenca North 00’1?t»« WaaM a t aiong ite Weat boundary n ra g g in g Ude, poeaaasion or encufncumbrancettoaoiisfytte loiptlon of tte above roloroncodd roaln property, bul (or amouninl col mo bid ai iho salo in itio Ionorrn ol MSh, or a COVINGTON,ON. : of t t e E1/2SE1/4NW1/4 of Sactlont 1 for a distance of .otingatlon o aecured by and pur«jar poees of compllanco wtth Soctlonon 60-113( Idaho Codo, coshlor'sOf’s chocit drawn on a stoio or folodoraliy insured Poiilionors, 1324.86 feat to Ih9 Noi luant to tte power ol sale lots, Norlhwestcornerof lha cortferred e In tt e Dood of Trust exaiexecuted by RolUeAatter Trustoe has boon InlonTwd thatIt IfIho siroot addross of sovlngsigs Insillutlon, Sold salo will bb3b mado withoui 10 change tho 1 , E1/2SE1/4NW1M of Sectiono n i ; s 120 Highway 30, M urtough. IdolIdaho 83344 Is somo- covenantlont or warranty. OKproso or Impliedod, regarding lillo, -DANIELLE M^ I Thanca North eO'40'OQ* East I ato hu sb a n d a n d wife a s est ^ o n g tte North bounc^ary of G a Mortgage Corporation, a » assodated wtth ihls rool propon3orty possosoli(Sslon or oncumbrancos to sallst)sly Iho obllgaiion McCASUN ;tte E1/2SE1/4NW1/4 off SeciionSc 1-for a distance ot c Uiid aaie win bo made withoui covenant co or wafranly socurod[>d Cby and pursuani 10 iho powor ol>1 ssale conlorroa m a Mmor. ’ • 663.10 faat to tte TRUE POIf snefidary, under tte Deed r. •OINTOFBEQINNING: of o Trust recorded Juna 10,1991998 aa Instrument No. srdlng tIUo. posseasion or oncumbimtKonco lo satisfy tte that cortaiDrtainDood ol Trust, A p o l i ttion i c by Mikp ; SUBJECT TO: A 2S.0 footI wkwide access easem ent for tte 1990010813, 1' records of Twin Fall ooHon secured by and pursuantIt totc Iho powor ot salo T te dofauildof. for which inis saio Is to t eimadols: n Faiiuio Covinnion ; ptpoaaof Ingreaa w d agfai Falls County. Idate. and ?3L . on nnd D.ina Qresa and public utUltkra, sold ro-recordad rt on June 30,1998998 aa Inslrumont No. ienvd In t t e deed of trust oxocujcutod by THA VIS 0 . Io pay’ Ihoiho morMhiy paymont Quo 04«1/2soguonlI iiInstallments cJuo wilo. and Dor : party, aa Granlor. lo FIRSTr AAMERICAN TITLE Ihorooftoaftor; plus lalo charges, with InKniorost currently McCasiin now iKDsljalSCTTOSoiS;>l6o(aaa8fnentforlteresaand tl< UfUNCE CO,. BS Trusteo. onda tcto HOLGER UHL. 0 acoulngng al1 7.375^» por onnum; logolhorlor wilh all Bubso- Twin Foils,, lOflho,lOo pro^!i- ■STMSSm'Sre. Snbor of tte Id ate Stalo Bor. a s i ilongtteNorthboun(&ryof,tte 1990015S77 1( and re-recorded on 8 a suceoasor Trusioo, quont suesum s advanced by bonoliclory' ppursuant to tho (ng o chnnrjoig o '0 ' tte tenant and eecurtty ol METWTWEST MORTGAGE lorms andam condlllons'ol sold Dood ol.'il.Trusi, ond ony Doniolio Mant . TOaETHERWTH: Instnm nt No. 199M1$277. Ttes.-w attT tS K aald Qaad of Trust was subsequenMantlyiMlgnedttManu- WICES, INC., A WASHINGTONON CORPORATION, supplomomental . modlllcations Ihorolo0 . Tho principal 10 Dnnioiio Mr PARCEL NO. II; A s a o tootMt iwido .aocaaa'ainameM tor facturara fa 8> Trader* Tnist Compvi Jenofidary. recorded March 18,1,1998, 1i OS Inslrumont balanceco (owing as ot Ihls dalo on saltaid obilgotion is ton. hos boon • ptffpoM ol Ingreta arxt c x t a d m and publlo utliitlas. Buffalo, a NY 14203-239e.TruataeelasSZlrttoSoISkS fn 1998004605. Mortgaso'racoircords of Twin Falls $105,265.»5.39. plus Intorost. costs ond oxtixponsos actually above-ontitioc ^ a aterny t being oantaradtredonttefoOov^deacrtbad 199M » ,Aflf^mant datod 9^1-08.. nty. Idate. and to THE BANK OFOf NEW YORK. AS Incurred)d IrIn onforcing the obiigallons ihoinoroundor ond in reason tor tUc 2002 a s Inatrument No. 2002022C IBTEE, aa a u ceeaaor Boneflciaiclary by Assignm ent trils salo,llo, ^logelter 1 with ony unpaid ond/o1/or accruing real nomo boing tn - .COkMErictNQ at a (^ntonLon tte East boundary ot tte u uded SepteM bar 24, 2002.. aaai ihstrumont No. proporty 1 otiornoys' loos, wishes lo t e kn NE1/4 ol aaid Section ^ ^lald point balng locatad South * ^ e 5 ^ V E GRANTORS AREIE fNAMED TO COMPLY 1019889. rwxirda of Twin Falls County,Co idate. - TrustoosBOS' foe’s o n d costs,*^nnd o'ny*ty othor amouni namo ho^ ul :oo’l1-48'Eaat 1319.80 faatHjrom jrt tte Nortteast comer of w le default for which this solo Is to t e mode Is; Falluro odvoncodMd 10 protoCl saM socurtty, os ououltionzod in the nam e lor ovc fa c tio n 1 and being tte point IDAHO CODE. NO REP- Jlntcrfcoflvnoncomantofaald Rl ^T THEY ARE. OR ARE lalui prindpal and Intofool poymoim ents on t t e original promissorysory nolo secured by iho oloromonontionod Dood ol yoors nnd the rast eccnilng on Iho ARE NOTIOT, PRESENTLY RESPONSIBIBLE FO R jrHIS- s ir t TOjbcironi- — / s a ^ i W W m b a rnad"ia'da without covenant or ctoaure. Sc any a n d ail funda expendi lid priteipat a t an annual rato of19i6%. OJ _ OBUGATlATION.— ------co u n 0 goodrona ronson ngnlnsi oaaesslo^ or^ancumbranoea prt «.flbos!9.Qrantorajr8Jiamed'totto -con-^w fltrlfloho DATED:); NiNovombor 0, 2002 10 ot namn by and pursuant to tte . t f l I § 45-1606(4}(a). No representantatlon Is modo thai Nomo ondind Addross ol tho Curront Trusloo This eih any of - 'pewarofaaieoonlerradlnitej 155SI?jImde$iquII?ti Iteifaadottnwt executed by t tu ^ plus penalties and ioterast tottedatoefaaieto t are. or are not. presently resfasp o n sib lo for this Slowart1 TttTltlo ol Bolso. inc. Novomlxjr 20022002. T te B m fic la jy elects to aafl orrcauae cai tte truat property S J fanen. g 0106 W.I. ErEmoroW Sl.. Sto 100 PARKER LAW^ OFFICES,_____ .5ix^?S proffls.“Sio* to .,1 t e sold to a a t l ^ aaid obligation. ED this 8th day ol Nbvomter. 200!002. Bolso. 1010 83704e P.L.L.C. >mn Idaho CorporaUon. a s am succeasor truslae, for the Dated c thla 28th of o S b e r ;2 0 loerUhl Phono; (80(600) 281-82tStor>nlonnalion By: PonoiopoX) ParkerPi • tonani and a « < ^ of Uagleiglo Valley Bank, aa tena- Mm >au(a Petoraon W River Street,Sulto 110 Stew artt TilT lte of Bolae, Inc. Successor Tnrrustoe , Anornoy lor Poll ficlary, racordad July 21,11 ,1999, aa Inslrumant No. Trust Tn Offlcar tor Chadea C. Just. EscEaq. ), Idate 83702 By; Bov’ PoPoloroon, Sr. TruBI OHiCor 19^38M , snd a a « ^ toto) WASHMOTON MUTUAL PUBLISH Nov ■ANK. PA, a u e e a a a o r b y im r mafBar with Waaltlnoton pUBUSH: PU November 14.21,28 andDecemterS.g002and JSH; N ovem ter 1 4.21.28 and1 DD« ecem ter 5.2002 PUBLISH;!H; lNovem ter 21. 28, OocomDor 5Sond 1 12,2002 21. 28 nndI Doc^r^bor's’Do* M utual H e a w LoMta. lr>X;au.iaueoMaor In In te rl by V5Sfe. S S S S * r oorda ol Twin Falla County, > / ' i § THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARIARE NAMED TO COMPLY '* Q n o lf H a.IN AND FOR (4 |(^, IDAHO CODE. NO THE COUN'5UNTY OF tf)E THAT THEY ARE, OR TWINI FALLSFAI ^RENO^RESENTLY RE6RESPONSIBLE FOR +HIS MAGISTRATEVTE DIVISION ,C asoN o SP=*02-01130-M 02' T te dateun for wliich thlaa sale« Is to t e m ^ la the ., . NOTICE TO'CI^EOITOnS Cl^i (aiura to p a y w te n dua. underder Deed of Tmal Note, tte - .'r-. In tho Mnitorr o( tho Esinto nwttilypynantafofPrtndpal.iMl, IniareatandlriipM H ^ot ‘‘ J 'rV OtiDORISLOREORENE •000.19. dua par nwnth for tte montha ot M f ihrough ; G r if f it h . Saptambar. 2002 andBB aubaa; ’•! Po|)-'“ ?t"R'” r‘’" ■Tba - ptiholpal b tla n c a owingIng M of this data on tte tamod ostalo «bNoatlon aecw vd by aald DeedaedoiTnistla$l16.401.52. 1 r having claims plua aeorulRQlniaraal.coaBoala a n d a d v a n c a a . All said docoasod daBncMMm amounta a n now ctoa.dut together wtth accruing , p S S S Ittaxnaroaa and Intaraai. unpiinpaM and Mcming laxea. i th o ir c la im s wl \ yV.'r’.V trwnms atlor thIho o date « ol iho trSw a^w odtied wl5f Ilrst publicolioolion ol Ihis banefldaiyalacls ttaalor ’ I ' notico or soldlid c. claim s will :o b e so ld to aatlafy a a ld i ’ ■■■ j K Cootin«,dond o n , - . t ^ ’ 'DM Novwn6ar5.20b2 . r Nom«n»rlto«.yDui FIRST AMBMCAN TITLE COMP)fctPANY Of ’iDAHO, INC, A The Times.s - N e w s . S ' . S S T ” iWMonlte Cola, T n n t OfTlear- i g ' ' .PUBU^: f^3va|[nbar'21,28.0e.Deoambw5and.l2,.2002.{ ______7 3 3 - 0 9 3I 1 e1 x t 2 nd sorvi«« lo ------y ■ i . « . T w in Ft — . T H U H l^

TA.NoV«a>1t1»77 'MOaOOQM . TM*S£*R2??5*S!S Ordar No: 0201 Pw M l Mo. R PB341«I105901S0A ' • N o nCeoF c e < TRUSTEED 8A1£ ' Tha (oOcpwipo dMO•s a lb a d proparty WU ba a d d a■t.pUKc t p b e fefavar bW rid. CtaJnu auction to tha highMt>a«t IMclar. payobla h lawful momoneyof must bapfaaantad to B tha Untied Statat.1. In^tttaIn Mto TWTW« « Amatta F^tly, cto Banditi 1 Falla. Atoan(W .'»4n»^HlorHior> Idatto 83301. on03/l jgntzod a Butter. LLP.,-penonaonal local tlm ^ lor tho> purposapi of foraclofln0 ltl|rt,-baroattain' H apreaontaltva of Ihiha a. Oood ol Trugl racotico rd ad lOAM/ZOOOlBC^rnatrvnivment aatata at 12»8aconda n d Number 2000>0184.18487. and axaotitatf by WILCILCIAM A v a n u a N o rth . P O Box UPTRAP ANO RE8fE8 ECCA U PrJtA f. OS drantoris;Iris). In 3 0 6 . Tw in F a lla , IdahQ lavor of MORTGAGE(GE ELECTRONIC REOtSTfU^AliON 6330M 366. and fUed wtth ll— ^^■■1 SYSTEMS, INC... SOLEYSl AS NOMINCe FORn TTHE (ho » u r t. LENDER, o s 8ono>lnoflclary. to STEWART TITLEL E O P DATED this t it h dayy oof f wa BOISE, tho Curronijnl Tfustaa ol rocord. coveringn g th o -(jovembor, 2002. m y located In TWin Fan* County.>. SiState* /«ra. Aapotto Petty • — PersorWflepresantativo - LOT-IS. BLOCK 59.«. EASTMNSE RRST AOOmON3N TO '■ •'5f!S2S*rsL£ ■■■ '- BUHU TWIN FALLS.S COUNTY.C IDAHO F lL m iN BOBOOK PUBLISH: N ovem ber 14, '*** M itaM . rnmwrmm' '■ 40FPLATS11. 21. 28 and DecemberrS 5. . **■ MtfThatt'. ' a ss-,h » » .» . ;'" S.2IZSI52."'.59Hp p i p i ■Tho Trustoo has no10 Itnowledoelu of a more parthsilarlardo- i 2002 ______aw-OMMft* schpiion ol Iho aboveove ralerenced reel property, bot uoKiim '-■■■■. purpose ol compuoncanco with Maho Coda. Swaton 60-1 S B S s a ^ ^ S m nw m rM , ■•rnrmMtmiam-:- ■ : « r ^ tho TrustM has boonw informedir that the stroet addross O F THE FIFTH JUDICIALAL im Btrna e04 a tti AVENUE NORTH, NO BUHL, 10 83316 Is son DISTRTCT OF THE STATETE Nnci OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR ymgBSSBBi • aMd A M m ' an . ofta ' I timos associated with!th saids reol property. *** AoO m aMawiMi "4M arfrraiww«iou«i»a ' w S S S T '., ' amouni ol tho bid otBt Ihoit sale in the form ol cash, oi - .uv- cashfor-# chock drawn M A O eraA T E DIVISION awn on a slote or ledorally Insursureo CosoNo. SP-ee-1116 ' - lit M M r n S a S S m i sovings fnstftuKon.1. SaidS solo will be mado wlihc I h ^ t NOTICE TO CREOrrOHS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I covenant or worronly,ty, expresso or impllod. rogordlna W iniMBBai possossion or oncuint In tho Matter of tho Estotos » i ( t a l b a ' ,aar 0toAHiyiiM«'Ma mbb umbroncos lo sotisly the obllgaiii ol: MARTtN H. UERMAN socurod by ond pursuon>uant to Iho power ol salo cor\ferrod ' 'm *'S lhal cortoinOoodolTrtJ a n d ANNIE UERMAN, li«>ki'iiia!5-SasaL Trust. *aby(i^Mdl«U4wMcaad CtXWtMrM. MtlOtMMHiHM: ?srr*-':sHsr** asssin'^^2 Tho deloutt lor whlchlIch Ihls solo is to bo made ts; Fallu lY snvtankrMiMnWKllao^ lo pay tho monthly poynwymoni duo 06/D1/2001 of prindftS'iH? NOTICE is HEREBY iiWl'Mp«* »i. n t taMftemdOMi a . ' Intorost and impoundsd s andi subsequent installments di GIVEN that Iho under- » ^ stoned havo boon oppoint- MUdcBMdlSwwteM pbm n. ' tM tirn»nnw>’ Itioroaltor; plus Itito0 charges,d with Inlerosi currontoniiy j,{j P ersonal Roprosonta- s s a accruing at 10.750%. porpoi annum; tooethor vrith all sub» a- quon) sums advanced» d by bonoliciary pursuant to1 tl- tivos ol Iho abovo-namodxJ terms and condlllonsrts oft said Dood ol Trust, and or d e c o d o n ts . All p e rs o nla a •' supplomentol modifie - 1^1'^ ogainst Iho10 , lificailons iheroto. Tho princlpir'PfJ docodonta or iheir estates balance owing as ofol IhlsI dale on sold obligation I IS V S49,867.32. plus Intero! -are roquirod lo proseni orosl. costs and expenses octuali‘“ “Y ttwlr cloims within lour (4) incurred in onforclr>g} Iho Ihi obligations thereunder ond i Ihis snio. togoihor with1th anyi unpaid ond/or accruing rei months altor tho date ol Iho property taxes, and/or row iirst publlcailon ol thfa '/or ossossmonls. attorneys' fee!005. ootico or said Claims Witl bo , Trustees' loos andd costs,ci and any othor amoun odvnncod lo protoct soiisakl security, a s aulhohzod In ih,hl torovor borrod-Cloimss I promissory noto securedired by aforomonllonod Deed' c must bo proaeniod lo tho I Trust. “ flrni ol Coleman. RitcWo &a. • Tboretore. lHo Bonoficiefidflfy elects to coll. or causo sak Robertson. Atlornoys ol trust proporty lo bo sold.:>k]. to satisfy sokJ obligaiion. Law. PO Box 525. Twin NOTICE IS HEREBYJY GIVENI THAT THIS FIRM l< Ealli. Idaho 83303-052S. ATTEM PTING TO CO LLECT A D EBT AND ANH' ond Iilod wtth Ihe Court, • INFORMATION OBTAIN DATED this 13ih day ol I j j j A AINED WILL BE USED FOR THAI > I* PURPOSE. AND THATiT THET DEBT MAY BE DISPUTED THE ABOVE GRANTOR r.ORS ARE NAMED TO COMPX^ F : •'‘H j ------WITH SECTION 45-15•1506(4)(A) IDAHO CODE. NO -l296th^Btr«it------REPRESENTATION IS IMADE THAT THEY ARE. IJO OR Filer. ID 83328 ARE NOT. PRESENTL'ITLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THISOg (208)326-4765 0BUGAT10N. Personal Reproseniatlvo , DATED: Novombor 6. 20C2002 /srtSolon M. Uonnon 22248 E 3700 N Nnmo ond Addross of itioIho Current Tnjatoo is; Slowort T.1I0 ol Boiso. IncInc, Filer, ID 83328 I 93 96 W, -emorald St.. SloSle 100 (208) 326-5269 Boiso, ID 83704 Phono: (800) 20 1-62 199 forfoi inlomialion . Stew art TItJa o f Bolaa,». InInc. Successor m sloo PUBLISH: November 21. By; Dionn L. Ayrosr TrustJSt (Ollicor 28 and Docombor 5.2002

PUBUSH: Novombor 21.28.21. December 5 and 12. a to52 2 OF THE FIFTH JUDICUL DISTRICT OF THE STATE — OF IDAHO. IN AND FOR B T.S. No: 02-12085 ' THE COUNTY OF TWIN Q ENTEKFCX Ooc ID *00083788552005005N FALLS MAGISTRATE Q Tllla O rder No: 02019368368 DIVISION n 7 0 W I Porcol No. flPT134100100I1001AA ' SUMMONS R NOTICE OFF TTRUSTEE’S SALE . . Tho (ollowing doscribodxw property will bo sold ot public CASE NO CV 02-3866 Ifi I P M a-MII-.i auction lo itio highest bldd< "C T IN A M A R I E B U R T . K >iddor. payable In lawful monoy ool ' Plolniilf, ^ Iho United Stoles, In thlia a offlc* of Twin Falls Title a Escrow. 005 Shoshona>na Siraat North. Twin Falla, Idaho 83301. on 03/10^1/2003 at 11:30 AM, (recognized1 MICHAEL LE^BURT. B local timo) for tho purpospose ol foreclosing lhal certain Delondant. R Dood ol Trust rocordodlod 02/00/2000 as Instrument Numbor 2000«00ia68.16. and oxoculod by BRYAN']] N O T IC E ; Y O U H A V E Uf NEWBERRY AND CHRCHRISTY F. N EW B ER RY , aN s B E E N S U E D 8 Y T H E ' « [ Qranlor(s), In lavor ol11 FiFREMONT INVESTMENT ‘®A ABOVE-NAMED PLAINTI- R I . LOAN, ITS SUCCESSOISORS AND/OR ASSIGNS, os* F F . T H E C O U R T MAY Un Bonolidttry'. to STEW ART'RTTITUSOF BOISE, INC.. the» ENTER JUDGEMENT Current Trusloo of record.ord. covering the following real'• AGAINST YOU WITHOUT 5? . • proporty localod In Twinn FiFalls County. Stale of Idaho. FURTHERNOTICE 'i THE EAST 50 FEET OfOF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 1 OF_ UNLESS YOU RESPOND ''y DAVIDSON'S SECONDJ 81 SUBDIVISION, TWIN FALLSI WITH IN 20 DAYS. READ ‘Ci COUNTY. IDAHO. ACCOR[ORDINO TO THE PLATTHERE-? THE INFORMATION H OF, RECORDED IN BOOK BELOW,. £^ n i n G I S I DBtDUm, , ,750 A lOK 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 10, IN araasa)W .-:.-'w 7^J OEBOSQM THE OFFICE OF THE COU50UNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 3 TO: MICHAEL LEE BURT O B ttlG K a , Tho'Trustoo h as no knowledge knoi ol a more particular '. . description ol the above roloroncodrole rool pnsperty. but for; YOU ARE HERBY NOTI- i l ' purpose ol compllonco wllhrllh IIdaho Codo, Section 60-113, FIEO that In order tb ■ Iho Trusloo has boon Inlorm.:rmod Ihat Iho stfool address ol.• defend Ihls lawsuit, an ■■lEiSsSiBSS: 167 HEYBURN AVENUE,IE. TWIN FALLS. ID 63301 is■ appropriolo! written ■ J a m somelim es nasociaied wlihilh solds real property, ‘ I rosponso must be filed with R E Bidders must bo preparedrod to lender Iho trustee Ihe full, tho , above designated court ^ 7 S l omount ol Ihe bid at tho' solsolo In tho lom) of cosh, or a r ,wilh 20 days after sen/lco 1 ^ coshior's chock drown on}n i 0 stole or ledorally Insured ollhisSummonsonyou. II U savings inslllulion. Saidid sat le will b e m odo w llhout ]you lall 10 so respond Ihe H W covonani or warranty, expretpress or Implied.- regarding ttlle.‘ court may enter judgement ■ possession or oncumbranciances lo sotisly Iho obligation {against you os demanded H secured by and pursuant to10 tlithe power ol sale conforrod,In' by\ tho Ploihtlflln tho H i mat certain Deed of Trust. Complaint. n H The dolauli lor which thisis salesi is lo bo mode Is; Folluro i, A copy ol the Complaint | 9 to pay the monthly payment < Is served with this Summo- I H ml duo 08rt)l/a002 ol principal. ns, ^ II you wish to soe the interest and Impounds ondId sisubsequent instollmonis duo ^ thoroollor; plus Iqto chorgtirgos. wllh Intorost currently adviso . or ropresontaton by occmlngoi 11.240% por onminnum; logothor with all subse- on “ ottomoy In this.mattor. quoni sums advanced byy bi bonoflcTory pursuant to the you I should do so pnMiptiy * tm lorm s onfl condlllons ol salisold Deed ol Trusi, and any so ?. that your w riiton ^^■G&BIKfOUHT .....<1495 A supplomentol modilicoiionIions'lhoroto. The principal rosponso. jji 11 any. may be ^Harawnwn..: ..... w j C ■ r - p - w j bolonco owing as ol Ihlss doted on said obligation io fllod in time and othor looal N ---'2 0 0 0 rights protected. S $26,690.85. plus iniorosi. co; W i ' J f Incurred In enlorcing Ihe obligations obli thereunder and In An oppropriaie written Ihis sale, together wiih onyly unpoWu and/or accruing reol response requires compli- 5 W properly toxos. and/or ossoissossments, aiiornoyj' lees. once with Rulo 10 (a)(1) ftW Trusioos' toes and cosls.slf^ahd-any^Konjfnauni and olhor Idaho Rules of l i BflvarKed'to'protocl said security,soc os auihonied In ihe „civil P rocedure and shall H H promissory nolo socurod byly IhIho oloromeniionod Deed ol also Include: Trusi. 1. Tho tiUo and numbar Thoroloro, Iho Benelldaryry electso to son, or cause sold of this caso. ' Irusi oroporty lo bo soW, to' satisfysot said obligation, . 2. If you r o m n s e Is an NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEIVEN THAT THIS FIRM IS „Answer to the Complaint. II must contain admissions n f ll ATTEMPTING TO COLLE.LECTA DEBT ANO ANY- Z INFORMATION OBTAINEDD W IU BE USED FOR THAT ond denials ol tho separate H SB PURPOSE. ANDTHATTHEEDEBTMAYBEDISPUTED. D oliogaiionsol 2' the complaint THE ABOVE GRANTORS! AREAF NAMED TO COMPLY and othor dofonses you H sH WITH SECTION 46-1506(4;6(4)(A).lDAHO CODE. NO may claim. I w H REPRESENTATION IS MADIADE THAT THEY ARE. OR 3. Your signature, mall- | 2 3 | Z-:.- ing address and lelephorw f w M ARE NOT. PRESENTLY RERESPONSIBLE FOR THIS „ * ML. ____ 0BUGAT10N. number.' or Iho Signaluro. ISSU ------NQ»5T».a*.aaa— ...... mailingmt address and telo- ||q H jji'- ■^wiitia’s a a ia« - WQ4I0T ATOHAW DATED: Ociobor 26, 2002 . ------^ Namo and Address ol Iho Curnlurrent Trustee is: phono number ol your ■ m IM* NQ.WOT AWin «l^ Slowart Tillo ol Boiso. Inc, ottomoy. H V ! ------■ M • 9196 W, EmornkJ Sl,, Slo 100 4. Proof of mailing or do- y H i ------NfMTI, W iW aii Boiso. 10 83704 “ livery ol a copy of you ro- ««« I NfMn.M^-11, Phono: (BOO) 281-8219 for Infornformalion sponse to Plaintiff's altor- Stavnirt Tltla of Bolaa. Inc.. SuccessorSi> Tnjstoo ney. as designated above. ■ ■ By:Bov Peterson, Sr._ Trusi OHIc To determine wholher ak---- Hft-m.HIIHjIH you m ust pay o Illing foe PUBLISH; Novombor 2 t. 28.I. Dg* H H

u m u o u s ^ J M E W 2 m H iB83iin|i /2U0SM . HHH d h vt iiwiuziilii

4 ijwo«tr o w B lB S m S B x.^. '"s',' B 9 I I

m f t u o / i b *72'r e r Dac 5 7 .0 A C - ' 3 | H i >aoler ntoini,^ rabatai,-Art forbi lllutirefien eni/,' uiW lrf il L_ to ipr.ida...... - • ------Nrtrwoomlbtefe> tof lypM . Ifwefc* m oy n b tW b ■ —' , . , - • '>

' - 5 V ’ :S _____ I I : ■'-■:j.;jTliM rii^..liowniher:f « ,a Q o a ,T i w i » w»w».TwWirwrtR1la,l

f i s i p B is : s W s b s e ? a a s B i i i a^ s s m ' : i -''<( " ' S B f i S w n w i B C' 1 N onceoPiKurars3 T 8 8 A U llngla family morigaga OnM) Tua#day. tha 11th day of Mtfch.arch. 2003. a t 0ia hour avanua bonda In ona or of 11;> 1 a m of said day. In »hi Falla towuad^wlthln.thraayaara u t M ollanoo a2; That portion of thi HfgrMrMr.DMrtct ottlc* a t thara rtha8W 1/48W l/4 wraaftar.Thaprocaadaof 4a*cno lM aa baglhnfog at a p o MIt 82!82S feat aouth from 1234 Highland Avanua auctiUCt) bonda w lflte usad to ttw NN c orthwoat o o m ar o< th a a a w SWSW1/48W1/4: rovUa Hnanelng lo quail- Tbatxnca Eaat 300 faat paralM wttht) thith a north iM wndary ad purchaapra or singla of tfwWaaUSeiMSWtiV; imffyhomaaiocatadlntha TiMnenea South 100 teat; & i: 'jS S S ^ W ii!^ ^ ^ IVrkiPalBHtahwMaMrtci 8taitala on.daho. which Thanenea Waat MO faat; ^KarmDMon^SacMaiy pttrcturchaMrQ'maat varloua Tfiancnea North 100 faat on thaI WWi aat Upa of aald . ' ■ .. • •• own} xm ftpBim aV- PUBLISH: Novam bar 2 t , DmHaTtKauoos. • e x cC e PTl th a w aat 30 feel for a Road«Mdway. I0.23.2^29^ 30.2002 interattod Inte peraona wf»h- Thoho Trusteo has no knowlodoo ol 1a more particular ■■• o u fS ?^ ' I ,p n » q y ^ y vm pro . :— 0 to axprava thalr views desert}; ' CowmuflWy. P »^ ldpih>nt pt »lptlon of tho obove referencedI roalroa proporty. but lor ■ ■■ PUBUCHEAMNa n tha lasuanca of ituch pwpoaoae# of eompiianco wtth SocUonn 60-11360 Idaho Code, ; ■ ;;:'^^':;V" : i 3nda or on tho rtaturo or thb Trurrustae has boon infoonod that the street address of NOTICE 18 H6REBY J^cation fi ol the focitmes to 708 BiuaBJi Lakaa Bh^. South, Twtn Fana,Fan klahoed30 lls I PUBLISH; Thuradava; a I! t l ^ P.M. •tlHi>Twin ) financed will bo givan aomotb ' .Nov«nbar2ian(t20.'26tt? p, Q3IVEN t\ Ihal tha Idaho " atlmos assodated with th b roalipnjperty pnM Falla Hiahway Dlatrlct Hottoualng.and FInanca ■"1 ®fopportunity to do ao. Saidlid sale will be mado without covowvonont or warranty • ' • ‘" ' ■;;...... •■•’■■.■•■; *- 'ofl ..• ^V MSWin>iio|>b|>My. omni(Alatl234M0h- ala^atTof*.^ riHFA*). on rding title, possession or encumbfOJnbronce to sottsfy tho .ii taaMVIUauAMiilii on.DMwntMfio. 2o02.* . -lailand AvantM Ean.>Twln oac ibmi«od?o John cSl^atton socurod by and punuutnt to 6 ^ Jua«d«y. at m« hour ef )acam bar1B,2002. a« "“S" : to tho power ol sato « Bunflwqilvof^ 0:00 a.m. Ii> tha fourth 2 *8®sger. Vico Prealdartf. confenerred In tho dood oi Irust exocixo c u ted by DAVID gS£,"°T^^"‘ ^ 7:00o'efa».:P.M..In0« • a a su ra r, tHFA a lP o a i UATHl:HIS a n d KARI 4 . MATHIS, huabai lia' CityHaH Council Chtm- Ti loor confaranc*. room at i',?,** «t>and and wife, as —T A«omptol*d»i«l(pdonlt' N 6t 1 M 6 f M A M U b io to r a tify th il p r e p o a a d it*aI'a oftloaa at SSS Wasi Iflce Box 78S9. Bolaa. Qrantottor to ALLIANCE TITLE ANO ESCIESCROW CORP,, as I , ' ocblVa wmi tfw T M n T M£ i b«r«, looK^d «t32'1 MrrlttanagrMmaM.at Its Mm ' m i S S S S m *yrtla8traat.Bolttind«ho. aho 83707-1 eoe or at TaiateeM , and 10 HOLGER UHL. a memnem ber ol the Idaho 1* Sm MA vmuo E tti. TWin p h o p b h t t • ntltn'ntlnBBohadttiadfor wUh IS W ool Myrllo S lra a t. StotoI eBar. as succossor Trustee, lor TOfjSwnsssncvSjjtoTof Fallt. lOaho, to h«ar a rtOholdapuMehaarlnaaa . lor the twnefll and T h tqulrad toy Iha-lntetnal “®**:)h9. Idaho 83702. (208) secuntynty of OLD KENT MORTOAQE3E COMPANY^C dba ;g ,irsa!sg ^ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE .20 tovanuaCodaoltoaedh^ J-4728. Focslmiia;{206) Kovalta-na Rnanclal, o s Bonofidary. rocoirocordod A uguai z g .,. th a t th a Twiri F ana H lgn^TP.j P.M. atth* offlca ot the ^:oda^withraapocttorn® l-4«04.unimho time eot 2001,, a s Insinjmont No, 200t0 ts5 2 44. . Mortgagoh records r s a id public h e a rin g , of Twinrin Falls County. Idaho, ond toI BANKERSBA TRUST irsondoslrlngtospoakat COMP/IPANY OF CAUFORNIA, N.A.,.A., A8 TRUSTEE tha» hooclngha moy do so in UNDEFER THE POOLING ANO SERVIRVICINQ AGREE- rsonorbylolophoneond MENTIT D A TED N O V E M B E R 1 ,. 220 0 0 1 F O R C D C , m u« r ist noUfy IHFA In wriling HORTGrGAQE CAPITAL TRUST 2001-HE1-HE1,09 succossor a l the abovo addrasa or Benollcficlary by Aoslgnmont rocordodlod S! a p te m b e r 30. ocopy number. Atten- 2002, a:a s Instnjmont No. 2002020260.60. rocords1 of Twin r«: John H. S ager, Vico Foils CoCounty. Idaho, iBldoni. T roaaurar. a l Tho dotoulldi for which Ihis solo is to> bo modo1 ts Failure st 24 hours prk>r lo ttia to makoko prindpal and inierost payirwnislonls on the o»igmol irlng, ons. and $190,25 escrow impoumound crodit, with ho obowo m o ntlonod Intorostt accnjlnga on tho unpaid prirwpalial at on annual role irooa by tolophono a t ol 0,875^ 10) 3 3 1 - 4 7 2 0 o r b y Tho aabovo t GroniofS 010 nomod lo compl/con wilh Idaho ail at JohnS2 ^ U C E O F R U L E ----- or Uhl KINO OFTHE IDAHO ” 9 ’ I Rivor Strool. Suito 110 J8JNO ANO FINANCE ®0'“ - Idaho. 83702 IQ THE BOARD OF PUBLISH>H: Novombor 14, 2I. 28 ond Docoi)ocombor 5, 2002 :OMUISSIONERS POUCY MANUAL ------

OTICE IS HEREBY T.S.No-C1; 02-00715 EN that tho Idaho OoclDM«00082604a32005N 8lng and FInonco TWoOrd*Tiar No: 02010261 sc latlo n C IH F A ') Is Porcoi NoJo. RPT32SlOO1O0t0A idoring com m onts to NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALESAL mondmoni ("Amond* Tho folkallowing doscrlbod proporty willI bo sow 01 public *) lo tho policios (Iho auction to Iho highest bidder, poyabio Inm inwfulim monoy ol SOS') coniolnod In tho tho Uniiod od Slatos. In tho otTlco of Twinwin Falls Title a d ot Commlsslonora Eacrowfi i005 S h o s h o n e S tre e t N orth,rth. Twin Falls. cy Monuol. which Idaho 6333301. on 02«6«0C3 at 11:30I AM,AM (rocognijod wmoni provide* lor a locol timoISO) for the purposo ol forocloslnc)slng Ihal coilain / M ID tno oloctloo ol Deed oI n Trust rocordod 04/26/20011 asa: Instrumonl ochoirm anand Numbor:r 2001-00721S. and oxocuioculodbyTODL. atary-Treasuror ond HUMBER:RQER, as Granlor(s). in lavor3Vor ol -M E R S- espect lo tno position m o r t qQAGE/ ELECTRONIC REGI!GISTRATION ' lalrmon and rolatod SYSTEMSits. INC. SOLELY AS NOMINEE:E FORF( LENDER. rs, Tho sold Amond- as Bonollclldary. to STEWART TITLE OF)F BOISE.I INC., Is boing adopted In jho Curron:onl Trusloo ot rocord. covoring Ihd lollowing root ’^^K f5T3:^>ijM r SUI F i n rdanco with Soctlon nrooortv h ^ ^ o a o c a u B ...... -iim ^ ..... Idc^lod in Twin Fails County. StatoStai ol Idaho OEDcaiwr : .. 'i83t 106 (q). Idaho Codo. LOT 1 IN-N-BhWK 1 OF RRST AMENDENDED PLAT OF Kindod, MAGIC VAv a l ley MOBILE HOME SUBDIViIDIVISION. TWIN los ol tho sold Amond- FALLS OCOUNTY. IDAHO FILED INM BOOK Bl 13 OF 10 tho Policies moy PLATS, PfPAGE 17. m M Blainod lrom tho Tho Trurustoe hos no knowlodgo ol n1 moromc pariicuijir 2 0 M 7 ^ 2 9 doni and Exoculivo -oosaiaiion toattS2Rtsisirto«2 ttsaaw j^ ,.,|g 30 ol the abovo roforoncod rooiI propony,pro bul lor orollHFAatsesw. p „ ;^ ool l compliance wtm Idaho Codo,, SociionSo< 60-113, 0 Street. PO Bo* tiwTrustoo00 hos boon inlormod mat tho siroosiroot addross ol. Botso. Idaho 83707- 1202 «N VILLA LOOP. TWIN FALLS.LS. ID 83301 IS .(200) 331-4730, wmotlm^>s ossodalod wnh said cool propone proparod 10 tondor tho10 trus,IOOtri Iho luii es may bo submitiod amount ol)l I Iho bid 01 tho solo in ihe lormrm otc 'cosh, or q P r o ^ n l ond Exoc- cashier's cichock drawn on n slalo or fodorodorally insured Jiroctor ol Iho ooovo aovlngo in:insillutlon. S aid saio will bo> mode me wilhoul ^ E a co^Jinntoror worronly. oxpross or implied,3, rogardirtgrO' iiiiu, ibor20.2002. possessionon or oncumbroncos 10 oatisly'y Ihoih' obligolion ly ond pursuani 10 ino powor ol sato conlorrod in ISH; Novombor 21. tnaicoflolniin Deed of Trust ______Tho dolououll lor which ihis saio is lo bo madomad' is. Failure B U C NOTICE ) monthly paymoni duo 06/01/2002F002 ol prir>opal, 1 plannod and taken' Jn'o'oct nndnd Impounds and subsoquont inslatlmonisinsla duo ir govornmont aro •'’ofoo'tof:r; plus lala chargos. with Iniotoilofost curronlly )I 10,875% por onnum: logoihorjr Wlihwii ali subso- ^■anosptK r-.'—>t7nr B B B S I m S ' . .''!' '‘• l e S lod In public nollces, v;.- GramccDUMT...... w s * ^ ^ re part 01 your right 71S odvoncad by bonoticiory pursuanipurs 10 Iho »and to bo Informed a ‘conditions of soid Dood ol Trust, Tru: ond any : your govornmont is supplcmononlal modHicolions Ihoroto., ThoTh principal ..... As self-govommont O"swing os ol this dolo on saidId obligationol is W ^ 3 1 3 5 8 ^ ' * K i s oil cIlTzona to bo M2.100.0S.iS. plus intorost. costs and oxpon;ponsos aciuaii/ w. Ihls nomp.po, JE."™ ,?';'1 onforcing tho obligoiions IhorouiDroundor ond in rvory Ollron 10 rood logolhor with any unpoid ond/oror accruingoi roal Jdy thooo noticos, Pfoporty tox:oxos. and/or assossmonls. ollorillornoys' loos ^Iso thoso citizens Trustooa.■ Iloos and cosls, and ony olhoroihi omouni V a -/ ~ ok furihor inlorma- “ “ '"•ncod lo10 proioct said socurtty, o s aulhoiulhorlzod in ttio oxorciso Ihoir right Pfoniissory1 nnolo socurod by Iho atoronwnlionnlionod Oood ol ISS publlo rocords . )Ilc mooUnas Thoroforo,•o, tho Bonoliciory elects lo soil,II, or causo said . irty lo be sold, to stiiisfy sold obligajligalion IPORTANT S S V l c r iIS ^ HERESY GIVEN THAT THI!THIS FIRM IS O ddress alt logoi TING TO COLLECT A DEBT - I. BT AND ANY t ^ n u p n n c M f t INFORIiATItTION OBTAINED VlTILL BE USED►EO FOR1 THAT ° PURPOSE,/; AND THAT THE DEBT MAY BE OISPUTEO.C .8SSii:::«t t h e ABOVEVE GRANTORS AHE NAMED) TOTG COMPLY CTION 46-160S(4)(A) IDAHO C inm,IDIJ3MM5M raPB E S^ 10 CODE. NQ NTATION IS MADE THAT THEYHEY ARE. OR 10 for logoi ads: 3 a rf n o t , ePRESENTLY RESPONSIBLELE FORI THIS lor 10 publicalion. SSuGATlbJON. S5£S£5Sa=W !^ D W edneaday lor OATGD- Octo:tober 28, 2002 r«onoo Thursdoy Nam lnn^SAddross ol Iho Curroni TruslooI ir. o w . noon on hri- stow nn Tmo0 ol( Bolso. Inc. SETSSBHffii toaA 2 norold St.. Sto 100 hoarlfH 3704 le silly 0) 281-8219 tor Inlormation Indlcoi le of BolM , inc. Succossor Trustoustoo numboi, c ° " s r r ,. Ayres, Trust Olticor Ilmo■tk>nsc«irnubyol ol publish; n„ Ouosik 'Jovombor 2). 28, Docombor S and 12. 2002 H m | S f h o o r l TOHOfB

ol*tho*i H^lfFTOVKSi - eddroo 20B3 o-malla .pH H |H pfl|H PUBUS ; Mi BMHMM ^ N O I 6 B B K w W h'iiL V “'i^B M - l40d4904tfM r ; *^:mdnlft»O^0^AjpR«;tfi'Tn im oBiii pr^ tfc^fW Ud£uo>dwl«rco[r^ considor on ofnof ^,.; V -.^ ■-.' mom*) lc •PolWos' ‘•’^I; i f il'-, •' Boord cl P o lic y 1 t Amondm L L L ^ ■ ■’■■^ ■ : ■ ^A i'-.\‘.. . ■ » i Secrotar wilh resp 3l Chain TlOlIOfS. • Tioni Is I jccordor isom onc Coptosc nont 10 I IO OblQ

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ctkKia pit ^ your 0 mtalnodi w y o re ; whol yot >lng. A3 1 lorgos ol lormod. 1

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9080 Odl w>rt(slr>o £QALA

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Wodnosdoy, day for Thur on Tuesday Saturday, h Unes may va ^ l^ w a tlo r

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■ j ElOTIm— Hw»« .1. TWm F«ns, Idaho T h u rday, ^ ftoVM ib«r». 2002

TANo:0^0S2S3 ' TANotoillSOO ; > Doct&*000SJ77O*Kasax M N Doe DM oeoiaaaBnoosiK 0 N " - i'- '• ■ ■ ,20ie!Oiao»i - TNtaORtar No: 03010213n # . ' * • PftfCOlNo. RPB78210<210060070 P t J ^ No.- RPOK20100A0CJA003A • . NOTICEC OF0 TRUSTEE'S SALE . NOTIceOF'tlI* tW tTlF»aA lE . r Ao.- e a s le r ;'■ The (oUowino d urscrUxtd c rl property wUI. bo sold at pobDcpu -Tholonowlftedttscfftwliwd proporty wB Oe iold I t pobUc 5 , ' ' p 5 auction to the N ohostest Wddor,I puyabM In lawlut mon«i•ocyol auction tb ttw N ^ w st biddcMder. jwyaM o in lawful monoy d eir^forma nc^. tho UnllAd SU tM i tn tfw om e * o f Twin F a ttt TIUinu* • tho umtad sutM . m ttwt^ oflCa< of T«nn Ftfa TIM a : E»crow,-M5 Shoth> tlio n * S trM t N orth. Tw in F«lls, F«l Eaofow. a09 Bhoatiah* k l ^ 83W1. on 02/70/270003 11;30 AM. (recognl: a i f c l y ' - . ■■r': ■ tocal time) lor the pui poM'Of'torvdoaltta that csrtain l!UllNKIT)3^ I7/3U0U I s m slrumjment i Deed of Trust recordedled OCm/2000i «alnttn/m tnl .tme 'IJumber aooo^w03027, and executed by CMIMILY Numboi%3000-00a748,, andan oKocutad tnr MATHEW-L p to w CARTER, OS-dranXinlorfo). In lavor ol MORTGAtlA O e ELLIS, as Qrantorfs). in (ovor(I of NORTH AMemCAN |ailK ifiec|-:s ELECTRONIC REQIEQ 1STRA TI0N SY STEM S. INC.. IN' MORTQAOE COMPMY,IY, asI Bonanciary. to SICWARTr- '-.'O ' c o: ir i i n s i s t » n t , . SOLELY AS N o ibWEE lE FOR LENDER, aa Bonofici*Rdaiy. TrTl£ OF BOtSE, m c. tfw» Currarv Trustoo of rooofd.I. ^ s y 'mn t l e s t a l u a ^ l i a t : : lo STEWART TITLE LEOF BOI8E^C^thoXur« •covoftfUphe fbDowingrealplai propofty '.locatod In Twin Falla /a 'iia b llitv -fai>r - \ clajday lharil iiinsi ------Trusloo ol rocord. cmcovorlno m orrdnowg real propooperty County, Stat* of Idaha : located In TWin Falls!s County.O State of Idaho. LOTS, 3AND4JNBLCILOCK A OF CARfeR MINII gltl:! . a d v e r t i sserS',-' AfAttwihat.Ume LOT 7 IN BLOCK B COF TRANQUIL AOO(TK>N. TWINTW RANCHES SUBDtVISIOriIION. TWIN FALLS COUNTY, . . . JHie b e UdiW rNaws FALLS COUNTY, lOAlDAHO, ACCORDINO TO THE PLATPL IDAHO, ACCGRDINQQ TTO THB PLAT THERKO^ a r i■»<3 < r e a d e r s THEREOF RECOROEIIDED IN BOOK 6 OF PLATS. PAIPAGE R ^ R O e S C N BOOK IOC10 OF PLATS. PAQB1X M THE; ^ 1t o W n o t b e , . , ; ; 41, IN THE OFFICEE OFTHE01 COUNTY RECORDER'ROF • OFFICE OF THE COUNIUNTY RECORDER OP SAIDi ^ 'rerauoiialM s i efar ' . SAID COUNTY. COUNTY, .■..f'ana n y m S W ^ , \ Tho Trustoo h a sI no knowiocigo of a moro particuticular - Tho Trustoo has no knowlodgokno of a mors particular description of tho obowbovo roloroncod roai proporty. butju tlo r description of tho abovo roforoncedrok real properly, btji for / ’■ ' ' I ' ' . ' ' purposa ol compliancerwo with Idaho Codo, Section 60-1>•113. ^ purpose olcompOancowltHirftH IdahoI Codo. Sacoon 00-113. ■ ' . r ' tho Trusloo has boon>n InlomiddIr Ihat the stroot oddrossISS of. Ihe Trustoo has boon Informomwd that the street addreaa of. 825 14TH AVENUEI No proparoporod lo tender the Iruotoo Iho’to Ifull Biddofs m ust bo preparedtrod to tender Iha tnjstoo tha hjllI iM*. SouttiolNmbsriy. amount ol the bid olBl thet^ sale in the' lorm ol cash,, 0(or a amount oTtho -bid al the9 salesa in tho form of caati, or a ’ ^ < !f 5 5 B r « » <«ai.-g i y and puruiorluant to Iho powor ol solo conferredredin socurod by anil pursuant to thott powor ol sale conferred En 7 3 3 - 0 & 3 1 ' k )* w La^ u neutur*d.mai*. that cortoin Dood ol Trust.Tru . Ihat certain Good ol Trust,1. • ■ uii^haa cellar. 324- i Tho dolaoinfor whichIch 1this salo Is to'bo mado Is: Falluolluro Tho dofaull lor which this)is salea la to be mado Is: Faituro t : / ? ?32idant»fyto.tiaim.* a to pay Iho monthly payr»ym ont duo 05/D1a002 of prlndpjcipal. to poy tho mowhly payment«nl duei 04Xn/S002 of principal, ' FOUND intorosl orvj Impoundsd s artdi subsequent Instalimonist didue. Intorost and Impounds andnd subsociuents installrrwnts duo V k f w w -m r r agtcvalle^s V - < = o m therooltorr plus lato:o c h arg es, with Intorosl currontently thorooltor; plus lato charglorgos, with iniorost currontly w i. no .collar. Found occruirvg jklO .125%. peper annum; togoihor w:th all subajbso- accruing at 8.500% por annionnum; together with all s ubse- ...... I S un dayind ^ ttw Spartcsmi- quont surrffc odvancodsod by bonolicJary pursuant to3 tltho quont sums advanced bytsy bonoliciaryb pursuant to Iho ~ ~ NOTICe OFTRtffiTEIp ^ S A L E , ■way neighborhood* torniB and bondllionsns olt said Oood ol Trust, andI orany terms and conditions olI saidsa Deed of Trust, and any NOnCEWTRUfft»TE£*88ALE iTkcvatiilowerdla- ; supplemental modlllcJlllcatlons thereto, Tho princlpcipal supplemental modlflcatloiitlono thereto. The principal FA<148«4881 ICAi th* 12if| d n or IHi^fK soo: the hov0(10:18 'mondr ‘ ' bslonco owing as otof thist doto on said obligaiionan ia balance owing as ol IhlsIls datoc on said obligation is On tho 11th day Of March.1.2003. 2 at tfw hour of 1(M 0 A.M.. A.M of B itfday, (racoomzed local . . ' . S50,a21.e0; plus intoro:loresl. costs ar>d oxponsos actuallually $122,153.70. plus interest,St. costso artd oxponsaa actually .A.M.. df aaid day. (recognizeddlocaltknol.mthoOfSeeof Ic FirM Fin A n w tlcan^ ComoMy, at a*aeaB420-as06‘ incurrod In/onlorcingg Ihe Ih obligations Ihoroundor andnd < in incurrod lo enfordng IhoI obligations obi ttwroundur and In FIfVt I Am artcan Tree Com panymy, 280 M Avanua North, TWM TM Faaa,'ln tfw O p u U y V t ^ thia sale, togoihor w.ih«ih any . unpaid and/or accruir^gI roreal Ihis sale, togetttof with anyiny unpaidi ond/or accaHriB real ‘Twin FaUa, In the Counly ofI iWT> Falls, etato of Idaho. Rrst Rra American TlOo Company of 1 TBS^mSMSTwRE oroporty toxos, and/orI/or a sso ssm o n ts. attorneys' looiloos, proporty laios, and/or osscsssessmonts. attomoya' fees. IFirst American T)|le Companyny of Idaho,' Inc.', an Idaho Corporation, Cor as successor trustsita a . win a a ji.ti publlo,' Trusioos' loos andd cosis. c and any olhor amoursuni Truatoes' fees and eosla>a(s,.and 'any othar a m o u n t (Corporation, aa suecaaaor trLtruaioa. will tall al publlo auosuction, to the highest Mdder. fty■etahor a em im rch^ -. S IX advoncod to protect said sar socurity. a s authorizod in1 ththo advanced lo protoct sak)I socurity,so< a s authorized Ip tho auction, i to the Ughosl bktdor,', lorfo caah or cashiors Omck (cai(cash ec}ulvalentr. Vt lawful money»y of ttw Unaed Staieai 'K JS S promissory noto socuroojrod by tho aloromonlionod Dood}d ol< promissory nolo socurod by thetl aloremontloned O0« i ol ((cash equtvalentr In lawful mbnnorwy of the Umied Staloa, aUpaU payable at tfw Ume of sale In corWTtoaanoo wfth Soctton Trust. Trust. all payable at the Ume of saleI In compllaneo wllh Section 45*45-1^(91 i Idaho Code, th* (oltollowing described reat tbST Ft ; Thoroloro, Iho Bonolicicliciary olocts to sell, or causo salsold Thoroloro, ttw Borwfidaiyaiy elects< to soli, or cause aaid *45-1606(S) Idaho Code, thee followlnaf( deseriboo sold.Old. to satisfy said obligotion, trust proporty to bo aoW. to s i Rroporty, situated In tho Courit)tfity ol Tvffr' Falls. State of kidaha ttf and described a s loDows,'to^to-wIt: . lonoar,lur,anawara to NOTICE IS HEREBYBY GIVEN THAT THIS FIRMM I: IS NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVI3IVEN THAT THIS FIRM IS Idaho, k and described aa follows.ws. to-wtt: LotLot 1 4 ln B to c i(6 4 o f TWINFAU.LLS TOVVNSrrc, Twin Loxi. P*oik S t, R ew ard ATTEMPTING TOI C County, C Idaho, accordlrtg to theh« plat t h o ^ . recorded in TThe Titistee-has no knowledgeJO ol a more particular C55TTsT Lab. choclolBte w/ PURPOSE, AND THAT!HT THE DEBT MAY BB DCSPUTECrED. PURPOSE.ANDTKATTHEIHEDEBTMAYBEDtSPUTeO. Book E 6 ot Plata, Page 14, Inn thetl office bf the Coimty ,deacloscriptlon of-ttw above refarwict n THE ABOVE QRANTOl coMar. on 11/10 (rom TORS ARE NAMED TO COMPL'PLY THE ABOVE GRANTORSS AARE NAAKD'TO COMPLY Bocorder F of aaid County. for J thvtaw Subdvlskxi in WITH SECTION 4 6S-1606(4)(A) -K IDAHO CODE.- N(NO WITH SECTION 46-1606(^D6(4}(A) IDAHO CODE. NO TTw Tntftaa haa no knowloddodge of a more panicuiar .Codi REPRESENTATION.ISI IS MADE THAT THEY ARE. OlOR REPRESENTATION IS MAC |B«ian.,nesia%Bad8 KADE THAT THEY ARE.'OR ddesciiptlon of the above reforeorenced real property, but thehe Countyi Aasessora omo*. the owner 7 nursing ARE NOT. PRESENTL•ITLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIIHIS ARE NOT. PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLE Rl FOR THIS fl M ft t for purpoeoa of corfipllance \vttlWtth Section M-'fia Avaikv*hu» North, Twin Faa*. Idaho,9, iIS tonw dm es asso d - pteaneedhertoecme- OBUGATTON. OBUQATION. CCode, the TnMoe has boon lnk}rm«dInk that aeeordlno te atedIted with sakl roal pibporty. DATED: Octobor 28.2002002 DATED; Octobor 28. 2002 is: Cali 837-e327 or ! ttttw County Assosaors office, tha addresa of 17S3 Borah Sald aala will be made wlwithout covenant or S3M•6129wAnyinfo.* 12 Nome and Addross olI thotht Current Trustee is: Nonw dnd Addross ol tho .CurrentCur Trustoo is: 4Avenue TM n FaUa. Idaho>ho.lsaoroetimeaaSCAR HERNANDEZ AND OAfAHILHERNAND^ ^ . 12th at LDS C h i ^ Pnono: (800) 281-821919 Iclor information Phorw: (800) 281 -8219 lorr informaUonink Klo satisfy thoobligaUon'aoeuredredbyandpursuamtothe huatuaband and wire, as grantors, totoRRSTAMERCAN Westland Dr. N(o(l Fals Stew art Tlllo ot Boiso,10, Inc.li Succossor Trustoo Stew art TIU* of Bolao, Inc.c. SuccessorS Trustee - • Ppower of sale conforrod In thoI deedd« o | tnist executed by TITLTTLE COMPANY OF IDAHO. INC.,C, aff. klaho Con»r». .). Last L mamories of By: Diana L. Ayres, Trustrust Offtcor By: Diana L. Ayres. Tnjst.Ofnc3inc«r TTODD N. HYDE, a n unm arrMrrie d m a n e n d JALYNN Oon,on, a s succ e ssor triBteo. (or ttw bibenefit and aecurtty of .J jr aihdma n d i on vidao. RRAMOS, an u n m a n l^ «»oma(fw f, as grantora. to FIRST MOIlORTQAOB ELECTRONICSREOISTRATION I ward. Piaaae call I PUBLISH: Novombor 21. 28. Docombor-5 ond 12. 200202 PUBLISH: Novembor 21. 238.Docomber5and 8 .1 12.2002 AAMERICAN TITLE COMPAN'iINY OF IDAHO. INC.. an- STS'lYBTEMS, INO, (*oW y a* nontbitin ea lo r L ander, a n d 734-2931’2830 or 308-4804’ Idaho Corporation, as successor«or tniatee. lor the boneflt Lone«ndor'a aucceaaora and oaalgiIgne), a s beneffclary. L M TrThureday.l Thi female j and security of Republic M ota rtu a a * C o r ^ aa bonenda- *reoo<»oorded Ju iw 1, 2000, as'Instriimcmoni No. 2000008364, Rothmlliwoller, 1 malo Choc* ry. rocordod JulySO, tSBB188, a a In a tru m o n t N o. Mort(tortgago Records ol TWin FaDs Cotjkxffity. klaho. olstoLal> Lab. Lost in E 23rd 1908013846, and 'osalgnodI lo MORTQAOE ELEC- THEHeTbOVE ORANTORS ARE WNAMED TO COMPLY . A v.-area. o .m Call 678-1649 TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTrSTEMS, m c ^ ( a o l ^ a a WITI;iTH SECTION 4S-1506(4)(/y.I. 1 IDAHO CODE. N O or 677-4;77-4218*______[m il nominee (or Lender, and L^c*nd*r*a auccaaaora artd REPilEPRESENTATION IS MADE m•HAT THEY ARE. OR' f " * ' ' aaalgna), aa beneficiary, by}y i o sslg n m en t re c o rd e d ARERE NOT, PRESENTLY RESPOIONSIBLE^FOR THIS November 2, .2000, os Inatrurrrument No. 200001704», OBUiBUGATION. . . ^1111111111111 Mortgage Rocorda of Twin FallsIts County,C kiaho. . The TTi default for w hk^ tftls sa le> isU to be'mada'ia tfte I j L a l THE ABOVE GRANTORS'ARERE NAfrfEO TO COMPLY tailunJIure to pay wfton duo. undor OoeughSeptsmber. 20i» Hia Name ChrlaSan OBUQATION. ; , andrtd all( aubsequont paym ents untilItil the dato of salo or Dwatiip. Thurs. 7pra N m e r c u r y M The default for. which this sale sali la.ta-bo mode is tho relnsiilnstatement, with a monthly latoto charge accrulng.at. 60WfrY3aFDsr failure to pay when due, under'Cir'D o ^ o( Trust Note, ttw S20.620.82 Wtth a Chang* to $22.55 (elf.If. 7/1/02), uncollectBd 3”^«8^(n32e~423^ :” ” monthly payments for Principal.I. InterestIn and Impounds ot lateto charges( ar* due in the amouijurtof *124.92. wilh L . J mmSSm $689.60 due por month for tfwe nmonttts of Ju n e throuoh intofotorest accniing kt 9.75% per annur Septombor, 2002 and ell aubsaqiaquent paym ents unSI the accrux ru e hom May 1].2002. Tho pdn date ol salo or rolnstalomont, witrwtth a moMhly tale charge a aI ol tfils dato on tho obllgaUon secucured by said Dood of jjnm accruing at $27.59, UnooiloOodid blato-chatgaaaredueln Trust■ust Is «5e,737.39, plus accniingig inierest, costs ond C tho amouni ol $100.86, wlttr lntoritonist ocdulng’st 7% per advarivancos. All delinquem am ounts anare now duo, loQotftor r orvium, artd conUnuing to AocruejolromWay.1.2002. I The withIth accruingi lato c harges a n d IniIntero^t, unpaid and FSX~ 'A Car Sel prirtdpal balance owing aa of this dat* on the obllgatkin accnixnilng taxoe.'asaessments. truatattoe^ feea, aoomo/s X //* socurod by sold Deed ot Trusi'ust la S7e,684;74. plus fees,OS. apd any amounta advanced ttt t pretect ttw socurity T ^ accruing Intorost, costa and advadvoncos. All delinquent associsodatod M^ttt this foreclosure anddAtttw I beneficiary *rOUR ^ 4rr)ounts a re tfoW ^ »Ote.'3t.20C3, • m m The Trustee haa no |cnew1od«MO of.ia mora panicul v ttw' CowityCo Assessors ofnoe, (he addrc wi** must call ttw . lescriptk^n o rth * BboVe r a l ^ c . ^le L Loop, TWtn Fao*. klaho. is som UnitadW ty c n M M n r a u c W 'P3M IH2R ^ . ) by 1^ . 28. fc,. ■SA<50a2>.«VtoSl 4,99ft ■ i said real proporty. Sard sale will be mad* withthout covenantor ceiaraquestan iaddr^or.d>w % a? warran regarding tftla,:poss*ssk>n>n or encumbrances ... '•W p**■cattonTAomles IsI sometlmosM associated to satli the obligation socurod by-andpureuanttottw ai be a nonproflt 80t dm aaid real proporty. '. salo confenwd In tfw deedI ofot tm st executed by . (c)3HEALlEALTH ft HUMAN, Said salo will ba madoI withoutw covenant or I VID A A R O N .T H O R N TINO O N ANFRANCES e ' eenrlceivice organizatldn . l-ai^ 'arranty rogardlng.tltlo, possosslisslon.or encumbrances THORt ORNTON, huaband a n d wtte,• gr«ntori,toRR8T a s ( whichm»imeetattwUnitod , isaUsfy tho obligaiion aacurodd b80. ,1«9i as instmment' aSW%APn PfiwliMt .....i l ' ^ H s fTL&COMPANY OF IDAHO, INCINC.. ^ W ahaCixpDr»- N o. 1( . 1808001809, and assigneddtoMORTQAOe I k i— aOesiffOeeFwdtiP ‘ ----- 3n. a s s u a m s o r trustoo, lor tha■abenettandeecurttyof b etec i ECTRONIC REGISTRATIONI SYSTEMS, 8 INC.. VWSSOHIHiw ieaw wffgff ■RSTHORSpN HOfMElM NrorofMMATION, nia FT (eolatil*ly aa nomln** for L*nd*r, T r a c c r W a g o n ncorz-i.AfCofwic sr, and Lender'* FRfETEE7E9TEAhnys |[i|n«KatrMortaBga auooaHpoeaaora and aaslgna), ass ^I n e f l c l a r y , b y Con«d*ni »UHa.10i«wJ:...... M*ntisl.734-74TC . ^ ^ ‘^ V E 5 0 % »rdod May 29, I s Sb. aa assignriignment recorded Fetoruwy 2 7 ,20i2M 1, osinstmnwht a th f i n d c r rii2i lo-t, m, ' >rtgago R e o x d a of Twin No. 2001003281, 20 Mbi:tgaoo Recorords of Twin Falls . *. .. Im s t s ^ SAVE50% ior alls County, Idaho. County, ______l i k A d t i c v a 4 D o o r HE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE• NNAMED TO COMPLY THEAIfABOVE GRANTORS ARg v-r.Ci>7^ LnicMvrsiOnJiOc«ns ...... ■...matajm sav e50% m riTH SECTION 45-1506(4]CA).ly. IDAHO CODE. NO, WITHrH SECTION! 45.1S06(4)(A i; JO- EPRESENTATION IS MADE ■THAT 'TH THEY AHE. O R -REPRE“RESENTATKJN IS M A D fe^THT TMEV AR6, P R . I . '97 Ford Taurusr u s G L'/S aX 0-2,>Ua>TUKV<£nM zipWi HE NOT. PRESENTLY RESPOPONSIBLE FOR THI^ 'ARE N I W Ooo LiOa, ftm>«lWrf»lBI*QUMCC«W Wr ------E NOT, PRESENTLY RESPONa t m s t u a ■ SAVE 35% iMV. BUGATION. OBUG>jg a t j6 n . E f l ’00 Ford Taurus Tho default lor whk^h thia saleJo IsI to bo m ado Is tfw 'he The default lor whkih Oils sale iaitobem t> adels'ttw K H IQXM. Fascry Wanrtffif ...... K Uure to pay when <>uo, under DeiDeed of Tn«t Note, tfw fatturei miaW$M SAVE 20% n» r * 1 3 , 6 0 5 S ire to pay when du*. under 0** d iof Tm st Note, ttw B X R l ■ g a '01 Lincoln Tofwow n C ar Executive Series fs onthly payments for Prlncfpal. intointerest and Impounds of monthlytth v paym ents for M n d fw t lnt**«ai• s tM d impounds of ConipiKM laSn. Fncrv Wtnrty.yicirtd Ica ...... m montha of May Ihrough SIMSl e ^j d u * per montti lor the montlnthaolMay«n>ugh- Chap(*r7t IHo dun ra raoi Tn. TM vd D nteniber, 21^ artd all « ^ s e qluant u « paym ents until the Septemtenttw. 2002 and aa subsaquanttpowtmtsunuitfw p JffStofcaroii*rat7it54S5* I# 01 ias» Or!Mt«(«»at*rt;f>noenoollected lato charoea dat*> of of sal* or reinstatement,'«rtth a mi ar«• d ( u e In th ^ v tfe6 n ref« 7 0 ‘j4(r«vltwtth Intaraat accning at accnjlonjino Bt *43,84, wtth Interest a n n m n w n r — 0.SV5% por annum, and continuing,LtoaccrxM'fromAprt to 1. annum,' Kubou uactor iim,'and oondnuing to aocnw fromnA / prtll: 2002. fil* 4ysrd«jmptnicl(.ft 102. Tho principal balance o «ngnollhiadataonttw ^ I ptlndpadpal balanoe owkig « a of ttiis dale■to on the obileaoon r^^D oW hatev ranteeltr SS■ligation aecurod by aaid Dood: of Truat’Is t38,S2S.fi1, aocurecured by,said Deed ol Trust Is SI to .work (or you. accruing Intotest. costa andd advanoaa.■ All delin- aocmlnjIling mtaratL costs and advanoei «nt amounts are now du*. tooaihlathar wllh aocnilne lat* amount W ‘■INCO yj junta a ra now d u s, toflother wll I and mtaraat, unpaid an ^ aoca o c n t e taxes, aaaese- ,Ch«rpMo*s andldtorsst 4if«ofd andttsnaSSaSSiS: r-roSn u s trusteed fees, Bflomay^ laa*.laa a n d any am oiM a .'menfi^lfi^tnM*e

' ' ' a i.a o c H T inwB WWW. Tw m i

if iiil'iai-' ■ VI.-MBCe ^ t t ...... ■‘''fs^iSB B SSSS LffNoMd^lwfvnly PT.iwMtWng trwcics avee. N ltT*TAUIUliT 4 luMIMM drtvera loanaa MaarUar iM iM an OpMiiian ■Tiiass'ssar I r?^ 1 1 p i n . 79t>0W4 NigMigM atim : eooks and IMlrftWWteBT ^ Kvara. Taam ptavera U f WAl f '. ' ISO^ 5 c 5 l 5 ^ ^ 5 E ~ ~ ~ " 1 - 5 5

« 5 o « t T j lttlifcfcnnAya.e. . .rn y a n H jn a n ip ia i,,' . ln>aoriawlng«ofB ^ i> iona i. ^ )obfc AW onCala Banquet ^nmta^au^srr nbomJ « « ' : N ..S5S£SSSa- ;fDom.8ai^..S 1-Spm., A mm a m ------ikaafl;8hkiglaa.2-iyra :formdrtlnfocal6Mrtey. jarlance. Work is_ lo ____ B: js w aarawar-v- «2tr nS i I/hr. DOE. If kitareetad IB S a i L 1 l200>786-2S4r 5 o t e : 7 r ~ l ^ ontact Dava734-t090* « » 2 « B - Preotdeekiiph>-7wTi I r~ " evi^Midrilght ' ^ 2 S 7 o b r b vfONi m TUNE i n s b ‘ VOVJirniEENEEW0FTIIMV7 R4«n»pB7»sB834.*.: > ;tt^v!dnSn$SfM r s tta tw M * »t4«tM 4 a stofM 7 , :tha mamnnaixM.naid.r R P V -ToMU^naW . ■'(, "*:' '■'•— :'5 ' Contact QiendaBrmm [W^ O O O C T ^^ . MajHVy, r«U u4 I and marina irainlnaavaRvaC- PaWHRVuctiatraMr. 9*tirlfig Ag of Amariiian 'AMMpanta'av^^ iu „ O.O .N.of ^ I leourraf^hk^tha M l ' aMaforlha'iloMindvfeiuUuaL. CW ia0frg8»^480» Fala li aaeMng snd «ea» rConA^BMftnMalta. Paul ^ Crook. AdminisMDr " M i*8 t 2 Z ^ M b y . *■’ •. ' bmviti'' < '' , “ rianoed, nxXh/atad indl- PUB Mnatta. 401K plan. •B u ^ Cara Cantab y e Offer: IT^IwtmeiLAva. - * OftOTtanaportaikn vktuaitoryMrrewtdfami Mut«nca.Ple«eeaB • Great advancement oppopportunities. ' ?^-^S2SS5^g ■««£=■:. •wvteaa, Ooodki»,ldaha-X- . wortC K nnw tad»;ol fann . a O M «Oar. . . on11/D1«2. E « n u p lo ment center, must be able AppUcants must lo run groups, positive haveprevkxa to^ aiverieMihtorielw Potato processing C ’OKNCflAlL ' WIOJL .-..JTl Mrsonallty e a must, call I S a . n^S.M amSL^ BIO or Pam a t 078-3913* • experience. ^ iour to start OoodinalD. A O P « hO L B B s n x R i s s — ------' Send resum e or apply ^ • w w (mm.hra.r«» raq.) , i— oreaa93»445Ta«t422* Purety Suprome Foods, - 5 ----- COWPUTEft “ ■ - *COLDrfverB.A&B UtW hava experience ftr Peta^ ™ !3fl// today fo Compuiar 8up i» rt IManaiAM. bfOVER 8 N 300 W est C a or stop by scheduleduia an Interview WQanemt^bor ^irtdaniaJfMd.Acoount- y< Burtey. ID 63318 ({;>«•. a r wMi aap a iia nc a In^ th Long hHji drtvara needed.L ■. if ManufacUrtng inc.^ looking"fora*^ «, e Clean driving racord, 2 * Fork Uft “ Kennel Worker. Skllla Orftgto208-e7B.208y " I ! 'wMaohMeOpattera mg a m u st Must bo a . . ^Ind. experience w/knima< 7 3 2 - 5 21 , S 9 -'^ frM tnformatlon abo ■nOFESSIONAl '' «voMMg«mploynwnt« rlancawl^W ^400. b L * Concrata FM ateta ' taamwortwanda handUng and caro. Oood. ’S O to ^ able to provkiad auppeiport liwveRa- * , . • wConatructlon- - peoplepetson. P«poople akllls. resume AforttJwAJlsaWed. Req. 8A J ' viM Acanw, wm* to t or BS In Sodal Sdencas. « IWHWCP . .1.' F#(j«f*l T ra d t Commi” n 5? I* * . 2 ^ ^ least 1 JT. Bring resum e lo; ™rec^tfrad. W eekand woric. lUno. OTR axp. needed. Opw* Slartlng pay SVSO/hr Special Ed. eic. Banelii ;. tion,. W M hingtan. D.( . IM O E. Main S pkg. .Send resume to .^ .2 0 5 8 0 . or c tfttw N oiS a o i^ . Cafl mSrtay at 834-4431433 ata ( n i l W astam « t | ^ 1. * IMachantoAVekler DOE. Apply m person et m o m a AT Exc: benam* * bcnuiaa.u - * HVAC Barvlea Tech the TF-Anfmal SJieller, J®"Attn: WOB. Inc. P.O.Box , « . • atftaudMormttlonC* I >a T W in Fq » s - If. i^eoo^Toea*I,. , monigomaOalm>o.oip1*. . Th#nhoma»varyB-lo’ PERSONNEL 139 eth Ave. W.‘ W1892.TV(tr^Fall8lD8330r *’* “— ^srmictiON ' — Cuny Concrate ia htrtnol PtUS .■• . A tm tT u a i y . - S 8 5 D B ------r ------Noapfi^etntfM. . ■... P u > liim O P M ^ . MuM«l6a i Needing w tfaatttnT t «amuMr*onneUne.ooffl ftdel. laboraralmmedlataiyliJ, ' Com e |oln our team . Enloy ' v«n profMtional am) ( ^ benefita such es; home 111 r ts r Ave. 783-7300 Looking' for -_ llclant, wllh s tc r e tatartal rt .CaD only between 7 pm r extra mone . a n d eom puttr sicHI*. A| »>wBpm.Caa784-1«. ey DIS'C r v E ] 1 p i m i iraiM aiao b» ab ' NO EXPERIENCE i bMndla.muitlplotasItMka. lOeUVCRY - S S S S ^ ' BV ’ Team, Solo or Reual. ^ . NECC88ARY . for ■ the hoi>liday'$? R E S E A • SMOfTTAQE OeUVERY Direct Care ARCH C R O U P DRIVBI New equip. 688-4O0-S765 . between Sam-^xn* trtostaii , PAID TRAINING . Tha Timea Nawa lafa 5 R 7 E H ------:------. ,ns J* 8 T tu c k ln g .ln e . Drtv- • ■ Flsxlblashma IDiscovery RResearch is l(looking for y > r iofte> accepting appUcaOons Great benefits ' l a a T n i C X ^ B. staa »M« lor a Bhortage dartveryir y era needed ImmedUdsly. Aaalst persona with s s — drtver. S a t and SundayIw Syr. over the road e)9 . , I' ASKMQQU88TKNM (W.Vork tp -iS hoursrs per weeli.) js t needed. Norm weat . to acMeva greater ' rJi)» Conduct public opinio£ t , ’2 5 « r ^ia states. Celt731.MM‘ ' poBa over Sw tsiophon mdependenca. good drMng record, &* DRtVERS . Apply In peraon at ABSOLUTEtyNiN p - work watt %»rlth olhera. W e offer thhe following "S'7 ■ JBALESI Slricfly rw a afd I . W. M ller Is hiring expe- tndosion South, Inc. lg: M uathava./0llabie>• rtsncedRvestock drtvera . 450 Fans Ave. f to i *' •-(T.OOtoMMpartieu'“ i;!: vehicle. Appllcatlone Caaual wortcaovironmai ne artdownarAeeraiors. TNwIn Fans. W • C om petitivee W a g e s . • E x c e i l e;nt r W ork Enviroi avaBabieat: • Excedempay&beAeflts. 208-738-7117.* • o n m e n t . .- Flaxibla avaa. daya,. TheTtmaa-Wawe •- wtotd. houra. 16^ hn Ca«eoo.^177r - 132 3rd SL Waat jUUUTORIAL SERVICE * Paid Traininj • F l e x i b l e .-"2!* Twtn M la , ID .'m o iI DfltVERS ~ nT ha C ity o f K im berly Is n g - . ? Scheduling Forr [ P a r e n t s . ! : EK r£snrtov. 25. 2002. ■ e«3 Blue u Em Blvd. N.* Tha - city of Kimborty la an ■ 5 S 9 B S ------«equal opportunity ■ Needed tor manure haul. emptoyer.* • L . (208)8) 735-6601. ■ Seasonal & yearly " posm ona-CalieM 6083.* B w r a s ------R atbed and reefer drtvera 1■M. p needed. 2 yrs.Uxp., dean drtvlrfg reconl. 11 weslam % m eCOMPUTE fUZUKI U l states .28c per mile after m e fi mon!hs.'CsJl Oecy Bllck Trucking s37.«7sr n ^ ' ^ DRlVEra M FT/reiief needed OTR. ^ 1 1 i m n i i E S>T ] FOR fO M o mr i i # i r « Reefers. Western States, Canada. SSOO eign en bonua. Fuel & ssfsty bonus possible. Home frequently. 8S0.8a^76OO* [ — m o o t B t a i i n iO N a u 2 09 0 2 M 0 P EE I l f J i B fflv o a— ^------e t i ^ Long haul trwA drtvera waited. PayacaleDOE. Reefer, vans. wafUng ftoora. Also looking for I J AERiqS reUef'drtvera. Cali 7U -W 2 betw een Sam^pm.* k \ f - ' ' 3BHE: ■ g p m v '-M IflWilj'V-*.'-, .. ,. J J3C05 1 1 W A B S i BB , . o a a _ 4fcJ@b > S 1 3 . 99 9 4 0^19£19 B H QAPETY' RATINOI *JS5SJU! I .. — f , B A , WAM ••17.4M . Nl p s W MiW iW — nM 3& MCMMBGHI J The Times» s-N e w s wmmmmm . If acccptiiig appli R o u te s I n I W in F a lls . B ■ .! . These positions ai tgdellveiyposltiona -P >•- and £ari be a sotsource o/addiSon^^or» m e w h d e y o u g e t ^ 3 WAssai.ai<«l«a. MC3W , ______M i^m g i a ^ : • ptf d for yot^ moinoming walk. | y ^ i s . S IISBoB®a”7! HRUORHIHIRHUOWniS* w; , StopbyTheTlmesnes-New8at'l323niStWeV e s t in T W in F a lls o r ^ SttllVt.OaOCA5HDa£H Down os IRADI ,-caU 73^0931, e)rtrt30Z 3 • ■

. ■: In Buriey, go to ThThe TlmeS'News office atitl263 1 0veriand,or ■ K t£iB r7|71^^ caU 677-4042.

2003AERI0Stm u mi ■ S f e i . ♦ •M 'OnJbaniigeCOeRM■AvWindaws ^‘1 8 . 9 8 8 vUOtfnHnmrc . • Q uae *RM«r Lodo t e » ★A- Q A P K T Y R A T 1 IM O • 7Vto^-10aOQOMtatmfinntisMerrHtse q I

RiaSMSIMKnp w m w s oae iaa» ai TMM w A a * i B ,e 8 B, H m o r^ S 4 £ HIIM0FeaS4««MS—nu» H ______•»•Ox APR eo monthi;i.»% APfi TS2 memonihs OAC. 7.9% for 64 monOit. Oaalvr raisins a iItKiarylnoM^iivm. tM wcH*iMecuKeewleewnaaTiuoi

H O M E O l THE 5‘a“v'A :J3n^W 3H ■■■ LL i O W P R I C EED CARS I 3 1 0 P OOLELINE I ROAD • 1 ; ; ; w n w S TWIN FAILS, IDAhAHO ' I 7 3 2 -•0045 0 • TOLL FREIEE 877>655-00455 ------, . .-'i., -w ,; . B v)»'

j , - '«i-TMn FalB . MWw Thw M la

i.e*Le» J. .. ' aeROMBSkKkraitMth ;;Outsid»M lM r*p. i j o j a :: lection ogancy looWn ^ attached 2 ear garage,e. ^ockcreek araa, (2) 90 ^ I large backyard. Near■r ^ a c r c lH ^ ln o aO M -D ry ‘r a pro<*«icnal satesUee rop. ' '1^1 i ili|. i'»lipi • i(l|«n i ''i ■ ( I ’ ^"1 K t g ^ nwUvatod..proven pri _ •- .I K h t ^ « at .greuncf. SSo.ooo/Bach. -■ 4 )--wo»wigyi«^iiiiriar i lM I m T ' real BS4-«ia2*-' ■ -e Hourl/^««ag». S7. ' eso’.pf rtver front, pres- 1 IP. : QSBODSSTBSmTTESC . [joftfulcin> .■ '* - K bonusss. This Is a fur^^fun BothC^aStW uti .suritedMID water, gTu)> ,t9a8«pt.„«t37Sfar-.. lost pacod onvlronminrnent. needed r- > 'SMS5S5J- covbnaf^ 678-0744^V . houae. C « i 53»«0O6:* WBST"’ , ’ ^ late TWM F A U S trsontit M y^ljv,inthese aroi„„ iJBRQMe nice clean 6‘ J nawar 2 bdrm. "““ j a a s " ” «'« BeautmUpatlohonte acT**wW>,wat*f, 7 E . o f • • A typical deal la A jvbbe uttona ' and would like to b e . to. .339MonroeWM,ne&r E m ploynw nt Solutto Jertim e. R eady to buUd. <23Montana. 79M322I.; DyspBpticii Club;9 ee8 aali roiir:.,.f> 72 , 1201 F sna Av*. E. StoSto24* carrlec CSI. 3 bdrms, 2 baths, playera involved la an aoi PleMecofOKtthe g a s h ^ central oir; egaa iiiiviwtfiibdmi. minuted « . Q ^ 4 3 S S f t V s 7 SALES With g a ra g e, U 7SA no.if fpost-iDortatt Ilace the. dilllttrtbut-., Out BusJnoBS Is Orow vauttod oeUing, nice lo^.of blame is almost as OUTS Wo nood Sslsspso . landscaping. 2 car S400dep.Noamok-, ii . garage. $1^,000 Ing/pet*.Alao trailer tl a Ijo wont lo bo roworwardod ------t«nt the points woa o t : ■ po^b^lyaafytlon. houee, 2 bdrm, $380'and theboaitl^.;-.,'", tl .indapprodatod. WoeVe offer J «300cie^C683.* ■ irninUig, suppofi, bon«xtnolits TWINFALLS “ t , : Tod»'s hand offeredjn - . and Mvoncomont. Start'aSta NEWTOWNHOHCS- ^ [ portunfty t tr criUdsm. A now caroor or conlltinlinuo 73t-C O M or731-O W r ' - ■ your ca/oor In profoasiosslon- one, West lad tbe spade kll al saws. WlMtn otherse rs ore TW ik^Lld •'Tired r continued the suit. Southab 1rumag S o S ' VoliierablrNdthis lth te laylr>g oll. wo oro hirlrtf . atock*?' Check return ^vef*.*^M ' m !^/D tbetUidrouad U ' TTtsro's ■ rsM on.on^ CURRENT In o u r effort- to onnew4plex. ■ TWIN FALLS Can Chuck 733-82P7* hookup. No smoMno. 8m . .■- South how'pbkyed a dUIlamond ' c a ll today 733.9683«83* MTALKINO ROUTES-ES m a k e o u r ■Motlvatod Sellorl 'pet ok. $890.117-4444* toward U dummy aad Onenessed,- AVAILABLE TWIN FALLS M obile 3 SALES REPRESENTAT1 classified sectionn 3 bdrm. H* bam. 2500* 3DFM tt’2bdrm.TBiffi: West W conltibuUng the seveiren.Tbe tetitii ..West 1! N oodod. Exc. bonollt■wiibL t w i n F A L L S .. sq. n.. ranch style homo hom e artd RV Park. Con * I > North EM fre e o f a n y e rro rs , 1 car garage. 68 A older. finesse Qj lost to East, who reiretunted J*-: y| S50,000 + /yoof h on 1 oao. Shod, dog 734-1482 or 42(M72a* 324-3733or731-3733.'' , - .'-iftwr '-PaM ' please check kennel, lortced yard, a club to dummy's king. De[)eclarer' S2 4 F to a Pax ro3umo.'-20a*344-4:4-43S1 RT.822 3B$5BT353mOTSr 1 or 0 -mail: dbourWondOtnd® 100-500 3rd Ave.E. your ad the first groat neighborhood. I .mobite home. No pets. ^DOW played a h e ^ to faiss tqueen; 4T AllpawW,',. fTxJood U5a.nett • 100K)600 4m Avo. e . Owner win holp wtth I when West scored Ills king, ------RT;824 -• d a y It ru n s . A fterr closing costs. I ^ $500 Longterm lease. g , ^ t h opentog lead: apart |^ 2 H 9 324-8903 or 64Wt342 .wasooeoa p a rta U n g 200-500 sm Avo, E. th a t tim e T h e *160,900 733-0507. South couid only gn ^ 217 ^^^OO-CmAvo.E., T im e s -N e w s wi|lI 3615 Mount Olympus* $1,200,000. 4,31 acres off J ^ K 6 m ^ #125. i7 7 li mo.' nimble ' ’ 3 bdrm. 2 bath, appls. 2 ababout bis bad hick (*Ttvo finesseslli BiDwrrHTH l ^ A C E B . ^ «not b e re sp o n sib le N Blue U k o s Blvd. Zoned . __ 100-400 bik. Robbins 3 O n f a l l s “ commerdol. City sorvkws c j ar gorogo. 2 acres with wrong WI out of hvo, paitner"), b u t la GOVERNMENT JO B S ' horso bam. r ., ', it-ii-B 200-400 bik. Elaine for a n y m is ta k e s . $102,000 Nice spacious avail. For moro details ' fact both he andlbe defe;f e n d e r s Govemmonfnow hiringIrjg for r t ^ |i4^VVVVVVWV homo for growing lamiiy, visit Tho Hoss Tooracom EELWOODAEVANS bad tu missed tbe real point 1 .. wlldUf«)MStalpo«ttlor“ton*- 800 bik. Eastwind 4 bdnn. 3 both horrte. Ro- or call Walt H ess 737- 7 3 4 - i4 o r ^ It of the Sotith h214-250SeiLS3l538. 400-700 Wk. Ridgeway ■ Lg living room, workshop. 'oy ^fl||gM I|||l port, fenced yard. $565 -f the dlamood Idng was ofl^liside, he ♦ K S s 4 PUBUC SERVICE•E ----- 500-800 Ibk. Wondoll ■ p e lle l sto v o . p a rk Hko should bave realized thatat East .*10'109ff7 MESSAGE RT.887 PUBUC SERVICE - , bock yord. oioctric forced coukl oot bdkl the heatt kins Fodoral omploymo;m o n t 1000-200 PorkMoodows>WS MESSAGE air hool with AC. som e G E M J N o r i b Eaat ifOO, 1000-1200Twin Pojksks Selling proporty? Dont poy hartfnootf ftoonj. cfeso to STATE REALTY, INC. ®aESSSieToSmTgesTgr did dU have It. fic would have f*1 * P aaa Romombor, no ono c( any foes uniil ii's sold. Fory everything. Coil Vonco 734-0400 ■ 2rage. nice. weU Inslda^. points po: and certainly wouldId have pan Ixji 2 400 E, F St. 324-2834* 2 ♦ P aaa piomiso you n IikJojoniI jojob I’ orio ol Iroo information about W atkor420-0364. - re^tooded to the openUig blibid. Ac- ? For Iroo Inlormotlon aboutobo those oroas and wouldJia avoiding tlmosharo and'' #102454 i JEROME 3bdrm, 2 bath, coicordingly, declarer shouldId have* , , . todoral jobs, call Coroiaroor liko to tje a carrier rool estate scom s. write fenced yard, great loca- nin I Amonca Connoctlon.I P iM se c o n tac t the' 10 th* Fodoral Trodo Uon. 519 E. 10th, $850 playedto ^ drop the heart klWng in ANSWER: Bidd tlthree, spades; •47a-757-3000’ ■ Dlstrtct U anaosr Commission. Washing­ Call 731-6928* West’s band. ------'733-0931, eart. 347« KIMBERLY 3 5 Reetwood , . Your.paftner hasas sbowat real ex­ SALES ton. D,C.. 20S80. 1.4* 881(1. 2 b d rm . Q a s . JM 5 * rome Clean ig., 3 . ‘In turn, the defenders c ^ or call Ihe National Froud ^GEMSTATE REALTY. INC. I ‘ Wufd tras and a two-suitsuiter. la the coa- TRAVEL USA bdrm, 2 balh. garage. have made lif& much more 734-0400 text of having pass«ssed,youhavea Our nollonai pubHcottons:k)ns Inlormatton Center. St^ooo^^. ^k3m * $828. 9> No pets. s f f MOL’ CUlcult for declarer. Wbeo dec sal03 CO. oppronticns.I. U5USI ^ 1-800-876-7060.* 1TWINFALLS superb fit for botboth suits and a RUPERT Fleetwood '84 JEROME ^ Country home, tOOtook tbe diamond finesse, WWests maximum hand, 80 can now place 18-23 * $139,500. Newly llslod ^ wArtew 1 bdrm,, finished ecli I, 80 let piutner in snorp onlhusJastIc I shown froe on , large home on huge 1.05 14x86. 3 bdrm. 2 -balh, echo In diamonds V |^ onlhosec«l,too. Cail 431-4113* ‘bamt " toealofftee/stiidto, suaded aie East to duck Now d< -0. ■ • Indlviduais who our Iroe www.udlnow.com* ocro kM. Wondorlully sur- J petwAJep,HorseOK$500 IT to travel tho ontiro US.i l ” rounded by mwuro trooa. TWJN T FALLS'Muat B* ? 1st. last, d m Refs, req, er has a far tougher laskS k ; he Wo oltor 2 wooks all ■6 bdrms. 3 baths, tostolul- MovedI I '78 68lt. single 423-6318 4^ or rt1-8018* might well have relaxed, tataking oxponsoo pakJ training, ly remodeled and com- wido. i 2 bdrm,. IH bath. ~ the heart finesse tiow and rej w/lransportaiion and S§i.lod£ HOUIESAViULABlH. FAX fortably appealing. Row 733-2B51 or 736-8382* igMBEmYNIC2l»lml ® repeal bath, stove A refrig. pro- u>gIng the dizuDond fincsso late IrH} fumished. rolumfn In the Buriey area kllchon carpel, baths, otc. fwiN y FALLS, Totally vW guaronlood. If you aro 11 Beautlluily decorated. A , vided, W/D hook-up, $500 rc e ^^ s tin jt lo a most unj)leaiasM t • RL402 rsfurbtahed. 14x70Every- 4.dep. Call 423-9222 or shoi plus ond con start todS) OR MUST SEEI Call LoxI Ihing new, Muat see to 411 cnniMMma.Uaat4FMfaiFMtotSiedtoltlar.' coll 1-877-637-0308*18* W21sL-W16th 734-8753 or 737-3916: 404-1009* ------Burton Avs.-PBrtc* Ave. apprecialo. $18,900 ^ MIS# 103527 *Financing available. 'V"ifflroERCTwlSgnbSr: ------734-4101 after Spm* hood 3 bdrm/sunroom. Wo aro currontly • EMAIL ■IHbam. garag*.pasture, t MFALLS TWINFN’FALL82bdrm accopting applications8 Your Ad To No smoking. $900/mo ^6C 9EUaMth2b«)room dupl*xlex appliances.1 W/D for Indopondent comers G E M I - CM 42:^6734* ath.$500«‘dapo*IL hookkup u p country atmo- STATE REALTY. INC. I IK chack A Isas* r e a aph*r*.>r*. no1 amoldngi^Mts. Stop b ^ ^ Burtey THE■nVE&^OVS _ 734^5400 ■ 4000 sq. lt.*S5’50/mo! uMLifl.4tami. 2t»m. n S^-6803 a or 880-2782* $52S«d*t^ le p . 733-5097* pVn EHURST GARDEN at f.? " 1263 Overtand'A ve. CLASSIFIED TWIN T FALLS Beoutilui Sunsol Memorial Park. 2 S350 S 0op(!.ILR«o.ena» N FALLS 2bdrm.1 ****************** ■ homo in terrific neighbor- . - requfrod.CaIt436. nor pets. 82S Shoup 8*cur*lira 2: bdrm . 1 bath. 2 bdrm. mo- >diTaapt*.avallat)tenow. AvSw bdrm..4bothw/ovorsiied — b llo h om e, largo sh o p . d«-< iW. 736-0029* . $4101 perp« ma-»S200 dep. ^ent based on Income. = = s i r : CU RR ENT 2 cor gorogo. Formal llv- f S50(Wna or eell. 733-1350 ~| Twin Fails Ing i room, dining room, m Calt643-«839. TWIN^FALLS 3bdrnrT SSLd* WALKINQ ROUTES 208-734>5538 'J' kitchen, panlry. eating ■ IHOBHONE 4 m llea N. Equcrimal Housing Opportunily.* £«>'!!h $525 4 $300 dep. CredttAA check required. - AVAILABLE newer3bdrm.2bath'.ga- BnSj 11 2 Falla Proparty c Zi08-733-22ia ^ oroo in kitchon. family " ------S i i»0*cn*nt ; 732-0136* ****** room w/go^iroploco. W«We'll buy or leese your '"5roge. 5 acres. $750 ,You pay power. ------1-! ►★»*★»»»**** G O O D IN G Burley ilaundry, powdor room. house, h< rto risk to you. Can deposit Can ee6-oe74.- 5220-120 4-$200 dep. No pots, t w i n■ fFALLS ■ TWW M l RT. SOS 208-677-4543 ‘ond don/bdrm. All on 208-644-9222.* 21 fww B tN FALLS 3 bdrm, 302 KaKathyatS!424^ *Cr Garden Apta.* jusi r*m(r*mod*lM. 2 bdmi tOO-COO 14m Ave W I mc[:ltn Cm»g>cviey,corTi* 'main floor w/hardwood JocksonJo t St. $850«'dap. SriFB tow leasing d ean , ;duplex,IX, appia. a m d., W/D 1300-2200 Calilornia floorsf S bdrms. w/largo ^ 733-0658or731-2345* )EN (2) 2 bdrms. S300 >0. $K>0 dep. NO pets. rdable housing units hookup.up. Carport,1 storaga. RT.502 RLER 5 yr, okJ. 4 bdrm.. mastor J & 2 baths upstairs. B WIN FALLS #129. $450 Y?ii mo.(801)920-1200’‘ ROUTES AVABJ^BLE 700-800 CoJilomla s both on 2,5 ocros wAvotar, Bosemonl ‘ w/fomiiy room ■ mo.2bdmtjppls,garaoe. then afltoday^^7i05. twST a coo-eoo Nevada In the Rupert area FALLS buplsx 3 Hardwood lloors. pollot 2* bdrm. 1 bath, large f* u.wooDaevAf^ stovo. horso bam^josturo. ® HEYBU^^ieeiwood . 2 bath, water, sew- JEROME waflAowing room. 4 stor- Hi ash pd., gas heal. RT. 518 RL 419 Pric* reduced! 326-661 r ago ® room. Hugo deck ond •95. ’ 14x66. 2 bdrm., 1 . 734-1401/ HE^e R Large 1 bdrm. In 4- I TWIN I F St.-K SI. b(^th.$i3.500.SetupA T9Q dyd.Nopets/tenok- 200-400 Slh Avo, E HOME tNSPECTlbN'§~ lorgo " backyord. Brick & ^ inM FALLS 2 bdrm. W/D lex Pl«* $365. Includes wa- 100-700 eihAvo, E 8mSL-11thSl, vinyl aiding. Central vac- roody'' lo rrtovo In ot the - hM’xx*up306HN.Elmdep. «or.gir. g a r b m . lawn care A Hua RL 424 200 0 -f Sinco 1993. -c W ayside Partt, 3 2 4 8 no-i RT. 519 , Bin Boktjr, 326-5115,* ■cum r & trash com pactor. V lo-pets $460.420H3125.* carptarport, Ertra nice with f 11 S IS S S i? '* 100-600 3rd Avo. E lOOW-Ploasnntway Current appraisal of Hwy I* 24 #61. Receive 1 WM'^ L L S . new * * !palm A carpet. No Laurwndry.Stt^A HSZ-" 100-700 4th Avo, E Foln/lew Ave.-eth St. 7 e r o m e 2 bdrm,. 1 baih. $ S 2 1 6 , O O O a a k l n g monm h froe space renL • iJ l 5 sts, refs., call 3 2 6 -5 8 8 r G a JUST REMODELEDIt S Home can be moved IS.PalnttruahSbdmi. RT. S24 $198, 000. Realtors >- >6d i»^Q Low Income “ 7BliBkMiikee^.N. bdrm... appls..an w ^ Wo are curronlly Big living room, gas hoot. w for addiUonai o o st Call ^: bam. 2 cor garage, large QOOC 200-400 is l Avo.W welcome. Call 734-8823 f< mrd. $ i000/mo. subslntrsl air, 2 c ar paridng 215 029-6554 or 404-994S B 2l50lvlain& i, paM. NN« ear school A park. center,bur. business center, 100-500 SmAvo. W CO. Franchise avoilablo 6 7 7 :4 0 4 2 Kiroge, storage, dty utils.. • VnU go fast a t $73.900* ™TW N FALLS I 934-8141034 TOD ELWCVOOOAEVaS ^ f r *eytdeolSxary, ; ~ II you llvo noar ono Ol Coll 20B-678-0331 or lown care paid. $750/ I Ihoso areas and wouldI 208-431-0330* FARMS Burley 100^77-3828 EHO* ______734*1401*7 ondosfl TH^lllESNEV^n $249,000. 80 ocros, 0.-f doposit. Thie Is - / liko lo t>0 a carrior xgeoua can today. CaJI ~ e r o m ClABStfled D epartm ent , quality soil. 1512 sq.ft.. w w lOME NEWI 3 bdrm, SaratoeaDr. P lsas* contact tbe TTTTTTTTT wn Realty 734-6a».*. inbte S S a Dlstrtct Mansger HSES pKI m h I o p e n s s t 8:00 am **3 bdrm. 2 both, homo -1 ib^,ap«tment8ll20 221;'^ 7S8-1600* , Mon thru Frt. S' LER 1 large bdrm. 900 JWIMl 3 tidrm, 2 bath, ga- ' , •' 733-0931. exL 348‘ h o s frosh point, h e a t FILE iTf'^ALUbeauO^ new "Q ig.flats.906-fe2a* Je rS S a *600 mo. $180 Baa.B44.J21g orae Toveral Propane -324-^13ext.l06* To t e a a a a a S " i *21120 shared TFCC wa- f— CU RR ENT . . lor. 3 bdrm. I.S bath BERLY Large 2 bdrm. 1-2,3 Bdi |__www.vrcampco,com I K irtmenL Call 423-4377 80™ DVk WALKINQ ROUTES home, large shop. Farm ss;s™?5s2r- ! HoUday Motal AVAILABLE ground avalloblo for ^ wwmanagemenL 2003 season. Priced to (■ 2 bJdrm. d n 1 birth. R oom for Jets. 734-6600* - ■ — r hor«(drm A partnw nta ___ 324- 600-1100 Cypress LOOKING I for a 2 yoar TWINFALLS S3: » ■ • • ■ ) * • • • Very both. 2128 aq.fl. home " IffW a i Urgsntll 9 ryOuletBvIng -TWINPALLB 2450-2600 sm Avo E loan, up lo S65.000, will • 3 bdrms, A 2.5 bolhs B( iO U A I.H O U » H M . ^ WN8R00KAPTS. Appllaniinoee. A/C, W/O mirmwaveiveA t refrtgeralbr RT.743 poy up to 10*,;. secured wilh heat pump. AC, ■ U rm. 7 bath, acreage. •Custom lile A hardwood sun bo porch, garage, uv^miVNiiv 0 ■ $1300WO or sell. TSS-taW ^“^ 2ivenlently ^ located In hookupiIpa. extra storage. lj>eraont12 1700-1800 Moplowood byodood,Co»731-4229,‘ Doora wl lecanterofnrALU ’ Ovageigeaorcarports, C&«iilllMal 4S0-S00 Sophorrwro i shop, moiure troos. Mn 10EU. 1 Wrm house CAi •Approx. 1933 sq, li. pastures. su Premium soil, S J ' CALLF0RTHI8 Non RT. 746 I •Q os flroplaco w/custom , sh rtiolly fu rn ish e d , all WEEifEEK'SBPECWLII s W S - ieS 0-l950 4If)Av0. E. I mantle gotod p e pipo, TFCC utllltlfllities. Included. $450 r4ow>4ow leasing 1, 2, ~ '.'iTa 400-600 Madrona I wotor. Additionol ocro- -ww 1._* $150 dep. Call • Candlortdge neighbor- ogo g i avail. MLS#101937 0'«c » • • • • • • • • • TWM FALaLirfarm..oM f W W Fn A t lr m i e T e i 1900-2100 Laura Circle PUB LtC SCRVICE O ther Fanne a n d g ” MESSAOe • Sawtoom School og> lDgLL3bdrm.iw ■ ____ 1900-2100 Shorry bam. family room. M 7 F i Big profits usually moan . WiaeonsiOor trado or CI*a>,2bdrm.'^ .w«n3b..a a(H2tH|0mbfr* tf you llvo noar one of 1-800-87&T7060.' O eP A R T M E N T itap«.-No.*moklng. .»bath,th, « 6 2 6 4- d *poall _ I f LERgreatvlew, 14 acres. iutllr.lncl.'420-9&* .:m du& thoso oreos and woukl tLooking i tor oitra vacaiion toiSi d*aai4n)is: a'!vv/D tw i n f a l I like to bo a carrier. ie9.90a. More Infoi:- ig?;a.;n,iy.urp,<..J 7 3 ^ «77-4643 H i PB HM, F M yOurlTMs- .1A attuato^tove; refrig. OW A N.&$3B0-»« o«i^tradee737.9ie9* ’hMB'SC a r a g (B U R L E V ) *ng. ( xiay CM 7330831. t W/D. N o>pets..732^5.* p CU9|34------— - > poe» fOORLXIiwihMntino dog. Order ^jijjjjjjjiim ~ ~ O rM t with M di A o ^ r fWBMtSSSSSSmS- wyt^OKiraMiai* •>» - - ^ u n iL: Pr i c e e p o u r er£R ^*B m ”craM.^3 COMM.liMtmtTYNEAT mo. old; OaH 436-4656 I f l Phaser.93 remove all ga- E*arerawy3yri5fi5o: * v n in g r ' . ■ • ■ B M ragese9 saJe signs after ioCliaaonTha«iar.2 kay FlFlillBQ ulnaa P)0a. 2 1353 : : r ' ' yoorstr sale Is over, ll -twarda, 1 ociavafoot ' matmalaa. 6 ma ekl Caim. piano ur responsibilily I P ^ C a » 3 ^ ^ . « 2^!AavairlhkigkKludsdrCai 735-^JOBoriR)SO* I i^mdiJlropboiii n u t . «6»«366or431.0212* V X m eep jn e commu- I .flnja^;sop#pi^up. i- dean; let's work r ..load. «120* cord. You C *bS5hw!SwwA^5 FHDKEEKaal^rplayhiiicit- ^ uoe.crab.^.nM ppaabuttona. $1400. tanaiana tagoMhomaa. Cal AoOithara'ig/am ail. . iohettnither and shov¥. •736-^orS*3W6* W-1409Cf42M411.* 206-71>-7e8.267e’ * pridojn9, In our town. :I M | | ttg A e d ^ Shepherd VZRJt ie b *B6 o r naw ar TTiankjrikyoufor your conaoia. pecan nnkh. al^ X,K, lamata,li apayad. 2 yra. sooccICC liquid long track cooperation ccc 'niw8yi«Mn'Drfor$20gM. agantdetaUaSSOO/offar 'old.Md. houaabroka. vary anowi caU.73M902* fi^ FALXS Sal. 0- " ^ JKf; -2 HALFPRtCE. , L*: . 1 rHOMBONEYamaJia. ^ w/caaa,'uaad s iim aa : _ 1 „ can 643^000* 3f aala avarything o k : 'ViaowimpMnp.<800.Cait Rta A oarage muat ; :■■ <360. C tf 886-4068*. . F B^ilti I! to a good homo. 6 BZiifiITED C am p er Shall m am . a^.'0tldti%.^18-i;Hindm to W »CM 4* : i no. old SiSnaae kitten. ^ b}v sld. exarcisa equip. - . stfficordataft. Burtey . ~ rnmPETYamiJawfcaaa M ^ 4 3 8 4 5 2 2 .* »hort boa •& Dodgo. S r a r3t t ClChriatmaa docor, m t i » e cail 886-2043* d lS h e a .c paf.C.3pLhacA.WarSd- ai&CaR077(4t82lv. . S3B0. Snare drvm w/ la. c h in a. Mke now ’V, atand. practice pad A ilM champion. STMTiTEO doconl redlrtor, h ardbackjack booka, wom- r-oSsSSSTiffSfiwadoliar 'WhJta'.46*'alact. rang«, 7~FAX I iyaaroklmafe.naa£to roati ; : ^ v S I m s M m AOHA S S ' doUilaovtn. • illylow pricefor en’a elothlngcfotl from al2o ,643^253*. :•• >inaly 111 mother. Call 4 .1 4 aomeaom new all dry- !K: YOUR C ■0621.* cleaned,Kt electrico blankets, ^..'KSiSuSmitM! W d 1pU6TM Maaaey Faigu. cabkieta, 33* refng. .' '.> fordivcm .:«iyni0dk nta.. eon 245. ci0an well tEO Ouck & Gooso J iraSSBSTOTz^iSS banda. Will pay $10 m n ane’„ „ aulta from ■ fWd.af*acvl6«o|M ri0e « 4 ‘ ^ makitalnad. e apd^dlaaat ' fam ala. ahota. vei- ijSJ?*, »ra. TV. ontortoln- Exo«»«nt tOMt agm 1760,0. BuftayTraetor1 blue, to; •dreaaer. mtrror.' AD I»Ptra>ormadkimto'lg.‘ IJ* . bed w7mattraaa. night- VMES-NEWS butbualnaaa, Minoita 01 350 hacked, dowcfawad. S^fkJ » n to r. coKoo labto. f ^ « v « W ) t e . ^ . Balvage.CaB4&<420 - i gardon tooia, bor- ’ Contact SruM M K nus fill/, oalfn& wanta t( .CLASSIFIED w/llnl8her. atapler. thraa S t mt$ llo W antcoengine for 460i hole punch, atand w/print- HBHX TEO for ChrlBlmas bocuow/aw/ acco89ork». gift - tt877.a073* »m interrtatlonai.gaaor ; PEPAmMENT ^ 0 Tykoa Twin sizo baskols.9la. and antique ' ' CHAIR ANbdTfdiZSNT or controllor. Uaed onty puppuppioa blockAan, dew- TWHiTTCCffoTnee" air diaaal 654*262r ^ 208-734<^538 aix moa., was $8000 wlU clawilawod. dockod tan. ahots. Storybook coitago. tmnk. 734-7377 734 •nopa/warahouaa,aa.3 644-16e80r410-7336* brand new from Caln'a, im caatio. Vkaorlan or 646ICanyooPark* Cat S585. 3 wroughi iron OR aoll for $6300. 423-4396 P aaroma re undor 8lba. 2 g y jy -y *«.* -* HdUe.TRAMtNA tampa.$10.420-S347.' or731.7248,' mntoiUitoa. $15000.543-4330* ?!!!“/ S ALLS Saturday 8 2 R o p te, Staar wraatfing.g . £ 208-677-4543 ^ ' g l S S a S ? " " ( B u n i ^ * C T ^k^lANS CataAlltona rrn s s 4ovlng6atol . ProiaaalonabCoinmorcijan:t«l _ r a la ra o M Ca> ■EO Highost prtcoa Criba. furnliurnllure. clotrilng. ‘rwparkar 20MM4772* 50 each with papera. In ’'''* ” 7 ^ ' • apKaloriaaaa: 7 T A U l 16 milea northWaal a eat good condltton $300 nR ? O T .T ijtl'e ala p a 2M yr. ^ win Falla. CaD 734-0283 5r ‘oU rnlimuy modals. desk. toys.oya. miacoUflnoous 1016 Adcttaon Ave. EaalE aat SAftbLB Silly fco o migs d " Polalo ground for rant _ CTS»35>4>6a0« oid. o $6000 new ($700 r cell 704-3203.* P®“^wa,badgoa, photos. 666I CCa< anto Court fBqX $550. PlaaaaoallB11 One yr. oul of hay. willI 0DAYBEO Cherry, from worth w of extraa met.) iwk- i BEAOasAKC. f i latatiSS: ? S n aouvonlfs, (Eaatt oon n )' havenewplvot- • *aaudo BrownV and oil Ing Ir $3000. CaH 655-4250 chv TTEK r IE B T IS C U E (lold,kJ and ftlgw goar. - * ____i 65^4250 or 4aW 7r 3hyalcal..wormed, daw- haaaa aovoral1 nice dogs. Paul N TW n i>ALU Warahousous« WAHTtb horaaanoalng.— CaHM0.l8S7* . tha bedding for S325. Oak ya 4^97^ Sai:lawed. $300. (2) Cocka- » ]» < 1 Nutling 733-1691* K 2 - cfficaapac«: Naad prepr«»- horaa training, and day i and mauve gilder rodter.- JC] M faw/caM .occaaaorlaa. wwwr ED living Bcnpturea ! StSO. Can 736-«94l.‘ ^ uaad twtoa. aaking $ 175^ (125.Ptoaaocail $ 1 caOa111324-0990 L « O K r Stedatoiysot (iw 'W ? Can8taw«t73a-ssa.* 136-9339 436 or 670-1116* J J D g yd'^ibreglsmeoai Lif t CHA,HAfR u so d (icrio. MiAalaAiDiia.w>4d^! CSS i f l M 'l i W s 20.5.25 5 SCSI > ■ Wa'va oottham. Cal IHB; ' m odem atyte. SiOO Call 1: 3ST0N TERRIER Woif/foif/Malamuta Samoyod WAIOEO now cond.Dnd. $650. Pride 78 6 ^ 1 } .* . 17.6.25 (200 par aot. puppJpplaa. purebred. $350. mtxodixodpuppiea. 212-7175 • a atatwn same. Laaacvy ai elect ecooter, '• .,'.j D : Uiue inventory Salel <67&-4331* Loadar Ll chalna 20.5.25 4 me ■ ,.4280rctttrdOr..do^ ^ malea. Cajl487-216Z* fiHilTT > P ' ^ 5 S 3' le a s thanlan : 50 mis., oxc. FULiTwiEBBomiatiraaa/ $ « 2 0 0 ^ t Can 726-3203* go3(E3XER RESCUE ADOPT $100,S^'lem a£!si5^’*' ^206-666-0274.* cond. 8*J* Ilf lift soot 52800. rr; !***? •box aprtriga. mapta toot & 7 G 1 Boxer, Southem klaho Catie:01677-4626* . WANTECEO uaad auto davo 423-406383 o or 734-J521 ■ flOP9.dap«KlafatainltV’ headboard. $150. Uton .Yoi'ou drive a white Chevy Lixitoxar Reacue. www.weK contactct atI 733-3368 days . — — ™ > »8500.420.1183 or $10D.Twlnbad’»?00. atova/mlerowava. < $75. Blazer si wASarIr lop. I gavo comome.toVaibr.'423-5788.* ^ K99 m. 543-2768 msg.* L . ^ B Por 324-7401* Green & crame colorad Nice ' c o u c h S125. Oood you yo my bualness cart at b u IT EO Vintago Baroio ^ ' rant! Vartoua tiz a s avaU SS atov«S375.Wlckar chair oond. < 43»3e08* Ma^-’a fur»eral. I am put- JLLOOO Engliah AKC. J ■ (1 (M y «76W ) 826-aS1& WXRTEB«a?w5K155 •mak* 12 wka. great dog. k^M lilH ittlll doBaancind ckMhtng. 1050 - S 3 £ . c iu ita In good condition.^ $50- 4 2 0 4 0 4 r R img together a momonto TooTsfwor------1 9 7 9 .tr tooo. Call 73»9980* JETFo. . iniereatod In os- h o n o a vXRiOo'good r 'i ^ J2^^g3*-6e97* _ w/blue mattraaa, $160. book ^ for Jado.W oukl you l l - SSOO. totes anda n collecttona. Call ' . 6000 aq. ft. wltti uppai TV 2 T OE. worka groat andyourboya plaaao call CATFiTFO O P r idlllon, S4S0, Call 423-4555* ' 733-132:3gg|y733^Maa, “ S t326-4588' atoraga and offloa m o a . ok)aruaad-.^& ^.*?- 1' S150.Calt948-012S‘ Kaotat404-0371.' TRI-Fll-PRO.20 LBS.,$8.95 . Locatadati»20HlgRiihd i irthweat Feed 733-1373. S*W(VS S acroli, b a n d . Jig. WAMTEO Z z - tonor2toodumptrueka.la. 8 ¥ w i N a .M A C H I N E UUVINO Room eot couch ^l A t f f t ^ . king, W/bOKS- llo aow. 36* iatho . drill weapon:“ S i T o 'S . '00 CR250, too ■ M lnorproblam aok.k. Singer Troodle, 1021- loveaent li & chair, blue pring. PQ charryw ood head- COC>>CKER SPANIEL pup. js a . & m o re . M ostly PWols, oxtrno lo Uol i»?" Wantad older hydrauHollo ' 1023 S erial 0 9 3 5 1 4 6 1 w/multl M color htghilghta. beard, graat cond. Wost- H Wke. Current ahota 5 ^«r. 732-6301 , dpm^pm.* hoWen£ i i ? S t r k K : S3S00AiKortnor call 734-3878' - : 734-1BO6Of30g-aB80.* 200. CaB 326-6604* J Z L i Jv dum p iM da to m i ton or SlOOO/oifor, Toy Farm $600feffer.Call73»65a9» S ern aaddla, prlmatlvo _5i*2 9ors. aworda. etc. HONOA '0'00 0 xnso. oxc, ■ 2tontrucka. Needid Set (Garden Mark Cue. ci h l t o h a o c u p b o a r d , COCKICKER SPANIEL pup- -600-674-9419 condilion.3n. $12S0/olfof.! Q tranamlaalonPTO, Daaert Roaa francican plea,lea, 1 malo. 2 fomalo. 3, 'lom) #651 Modal 754 ^taien ^ aS. S^.*$2w! wa 15 or 423-4566' ■ hydraulk) pump unlta, andId $100. Call 5 4 3 ^ 0 r 9 ware. 12 aottinga with $350}50aach.Ca!l934-497t 7r57y.;.«„ooyc^ .^^-^S or m ; amaii or hydrauUc C ^ 6 7 8 ^ 4 - . axtfBa. Call 734-1865* or 35 q*yt. ciiclatMlod. tus your HONDA '02 XR 400 only ■ u Nm v 8 p «U In n 'ibiloa a - ‘.holat wMma to-fu dump Ftoraate.'wiil aaki » M y ichicr)«dul«. Put da»»i- riddon AI limos,tim Ilko now OFOOO orwhc 7aU . ’I r u o k a . W a n te d o ld e r pilk9wlopw/g^r^'silit MlI i SC e S a HEOU s I d o o * wholo. Homo grown !•«■* umumj-iavino »t*cioR0, 50 LBS-. $11.95 comn tod.to Coll 423-5274 or o* oood-5274* »W lofyyoulocHY. y $1,500.280-280-2231 msg- ■ ^RfiaZEH Q i^n 31 cu- m danca*a«AiU filnglars i orVickiaatwork r ‘655-42S0or42O477r .. S7S75. (3) chromo upholst- - (208)587-8464Jn, work. ■ ■ doubiaapac«a-8vaB.Fra« od bar atooia $100. it, • m a ranL Catnao Mobltalue taOwttaato/^WS'.MBln^ (206)5B=oror more Info 734-4861 * Custom Cu Toxiuros »-ompioiiptotoiProfoaslonal drywoll ropair. bath, paatura avail. $ l’so WBfTanty.Caii 730-4805- « whoi you cant ^ Atj^ALFA Kay 85 ton le t , 80t*35.Micnjwava$l5. Ki§5 731-0788 (TF) Ctoonlng Sorvlco. 7a^i& ai mo + SIOO dap Upowor, Pk>naocoll308-5311.* olocloot, rango $125. 20 ok] 67G }fvlna all ol Magk; ny-734-3322 Noamotang. 324-S470‘3. ' & 2nd cutting. 2 atring, no — rain $60. call 735« & . * I tA B LE. Ouncan Fife w/B borrom toga la-xa-aq. $500, ' Insuroiurod - Froo Eatimaios I iloy. Froo Eatlmatea. |— U A a ii oTOuaei liraplacQ w/t>ipo — ■ an(20e) 308-0675.* H A N l S )UVio6tonagn>M4riaiia : choira $500. Credenza Can n s oO F F I N G I wantad. $250 ir S ^ ^ - J$300. Oak eoffaa (ablo 150, Call 034-5428* WORK ROOFIlOFING : mix & lat. ^ a 3rd .COUSJICAL I f = ^ r CRAFT SHOW Nov. 23 0-3 $75. SD Marble top table S?8CBCELLANOUS Royal » 1 ^ cutttngaaHatfa-SSOAoa & DRYWALL CL Tw!iS?'Lgwiy*Si-»• Small baia«>420i1ie3 Of Chriatmaa craTta & beauty ^$125. Call 734.2825* Vacacuum upright w/hand * ' ll homo repairs. Roosonablinablo rnios' • room 2 batti apartmantf. 324-7401* _ • , control mokoovofa, TABLES i , , Oak cotfeo tat>lo, old duat devil, oxc, SPSPECIALIST S'S E R V I C E ■ inioAsrior/oxtonor. Froo ostit. Fn Finoncmg ?S260'f Huiiritlea. Call r OoodieavrtUbeaorvodl ^ }nd.,now SSOO soiling plumWi H a y 1st cut graaahaym lx; $65.0akendlabios.$eS. t - 6 6 5 5 ■ MeW/D. g a ra g o . S325. All iezor. tools, trucks, all Froooclimatos P> ke your day oaslor. — = uttla.lnd. 781-6771.* HSV Yat. 2nd and 3rd.. L 8 1 2 J h I B 1 ! B S D e new. 644-9197 ovos.* ' L a r ^ V I C E Sm . baiea only. W e doUv- • .ance LeBaron r a i ' Q H I r R b l6 AcM v- 732-62-6904 or 308-1699 I ----- HANI e r wfih a fWrlevof. Approx. : BUIUXN6 S— — — W iVbitagabflca-Schwlnn. , Sharpening 4.S ton por kMJd. prompt HEATER Wall mount------• r V ERVICE «rvlce ' ' aervloo. Cail 886-7670.’ SI 200 wtu son for $500 Bariirble pink w/banano Ai IPLOVMENT ; W R D U C T I loo ..I_— , I Comploto) Stiarponmg.Stic “■ Call 543-5524* . »»««.a t SlOO/oa. Mink wrap, ng, o l^ rtco l, Cnibtdo 4 5ic MAY 2 atrtno dairy fiay. 40 framed buiklingwtten you Si O.Ooodcond.736-OOOe* Cl i E R V I C E S i stool sows CONNECT I ton. 226 and ISO ton VOOD COOK STOVE CLEANING drywall.II. Ipainting, otc. 141 Bracko.ickon St, S. ISO* RFV. 352-4374.' . ALL STEEL BUILOtNO Monarch Malloablo. old PINE .. .. Tomporiporary-Pormoflont „ Y 4-4050 WITH atova In g6od ahopo^ oil Quao•o n aUe waterbed. 7 8 AAir Quality Lookingkinfl tor omployoos y a a . CUSTOMERS m ey 200 tonbalaa ird atacompeUUvoprico? mo Jlok Park Avo.. am. • cutting wtth RFV 1 9 4 j: . Qaragoa, ahopa. p sto' a^ ara there, lat $500 ?.ul‘ Services . Of tookfna><» for work 735-1721 I T R E E Ss eE r v I c e ] WHO Caa 423-6636.* . haycanopios. oart ^ . call S36-6936.* bale.le .h ay $G0-$85/r. Lv. AircJrOucta Fumocoo CALL ^------iaaageS3»6724.' NEED HT ^ ’in d 4 ^ rd c u b in g;. . dalryr]raa«ati bama, yor Venb Ciilmnoys PERSCISONNELPLUS [ u ^ P g P 3L TABLE Brunswick insi V4>araonoaunceom M UHbbiE ARENA I AtJlm .T,«rree Sorvico YOUfl good hay, arnttl.baJca, ' minHrtorage compleKaa, nsulobon Romovai' www^aa Topping. sh(Shoping, ro alrptana hangara, even _ i'x3H‘ playing aiwlaco, 732-6788 .733-7307300or67B-4040 SERVICE any am ount 733-4>T4« ’ : ______I Drossogogo Lossons movo),shrubsrubs a stumps .' staaHrarnadhomasI ’ e la te , a ii a c c o s a . 1-61-60l>627-9t81 = = = ronillzor, lawn FlAV 3 cuttlrm .good q u ir ZDdlae C ontractora. Inc. 00/oftor call 034-8032* *' ng Lossons Spraying lonii AdvertlBo In rty; doao to T«vlrL Sell any lig TlbNANbSALE *0<» . r FARMING v?Sm( & tnatctimg. Model railroad. Many now Q C Img Carrtago “ the am ount GaU 733-2S20* S UTO PARTS I SI rty Facility I or 431-3253 | St0^i^)30M202* ^care and butWfitos. Satur- tJIJSiEHEHBER- rAui S M A L L " S hftV 320 Ig. bDiao. iat. I birthday ad you placed Service STEEL POSTS hl-tonaii day,Novombor& ^ .Oam- 2nd. 3rd. A 4lh crop qual. auctton 5 pm. *®"onw time a rc In TTie 'ho Tho Bost Prk:o on ' AA C C R E A G E t u IsrFriral.rF I t r e e sS e E i R V I C E I piractoiy Ity hay. 1/4 mile from f i w EstmH 4 Inch poat i s n $22 ^ nas-Now9? ^ is tho Chja«ijatlly Brand Portsl • 734-6768 oach. Call 623-4700* 921 ^ E aat Ava H .Jeronw J™ , Wng. Rototllllng. ^^***^ 733-0931 e x t 2 w ay and acale. Cali I Cali 208-644-1201 for “"JMe ^ r o n w pk:k u ^ u r Wagic M a Valley C ecirslI's Tree 678-2015' I aaafflM Dopt todayl * 9 Auto Parts SiS S liv irvlce 4 HAVAtfatfa3.6o6iT.balaa ! ______^ ^ ^ T,oo,^:s';ing rorrwvni, SnuiilS'lSSVllTSitt ■ Indiana Jonaa’a s a BSI • lat. 2nd. 3rd. a 4th cut- c BCgiact^ian.o(nber1999at cail733K»12.* < ~~ r-734-1379 I - watar buckata. »900 oa. i new, biue. $45. STR OU ^ b« -» LUPIPHER * 0 ^ -7 Z '• KAVAi&ria.Ar8icrop.^5 J Chrtatla'a auction g i^oEESpTEngiSFraiyB BU3USINESS I r= = jC aU K an 436-88S2* ' ER Kolcroft, like new. E h o u a a in URNACE I pPAINTlTING, INC. -j-ppp^Qpi . Retattve Fo«d Value. «9S Tfoida up. $25. 324-7613.* . < ad. 2.16*. M 5 ’. Very SERVICE S I .Romodoling, TREE SES E Rt V I C E I • p er on In atach. Ix ca tad ■ UxKloolorS43.000. g^od3d condilion. $175 ThabunwWpla t X , Hcj1 E A T I N G "t 2 1 ! Kng A Drywall » haK an bour aouthwaat of I U> h or a^S W . 733-0612* - jy y Fraeeg * Y am aha 4-wtwol«r, 3 too< Blackfoot. ■ rWIN FALLS « . . ! Green Magriagic Inc. grain tank, ataam daan- ’LAN ROOM SAU C«D68<«S00.* r iger Treadle. 1921 - AVm>OTH ,208m ar.'^alf pana. atraw, t obs lo bid for oil e C e B pining & removal, I ‘HAVIf^eeder and aoma 1923>3 Serial 09361461 „constructkw. lE E T M E T A L (206) m - . dairy. Itonbaiaaonly.N o j7~CHECKTHE I = = LOOKINTVIE.' S100I)00/offar. Toy Farm biu# e/ACRefrigar«Uon , ___I shn^b pruningmg &6 shaping (Garden MarkCua- 7^ 0 pruning amaii lota. Minimum 1 SERVICE ^QtC VALLEY SECTION S e t << RAINGI 'aendk>ad.CaU43l-3429* OF THE TIMES-NEWS ■ lom0 ) #851 Model 754 SUTTERS I - • r DtRECTORY MAQti^ R INFORMATION ON «100.0. CaH.543-6891' L— 7yy-fff46* CtMinlOQgASarvlca 934-574-5747 t^ aw lry . »O-«0W» * DAILY . OF , oatfwySeOpwioaCIean • AUCTION ADS. ffR IS1 Roaelgnoi I droaa CAR and find ttwae who can XRPENTRY , 5 ^ ' etraw$l.7'5perbate:call CHECK OUT THE countrnlrymen'a9Hftworn- ■ ir now you tpend you G &R Gutter< TREE SEF;e r v i c e I 733-0693 tv. mag.* help you with thoao A t X ^ N CALENDAR ^16H. ^ w/boola & poles. o -o a clasUtl«0 ritt your C lfileaoing • dutloe you aro lo buay .J*'ON SUNDAYS, . ua ad W.^rm«l„™il: KnoduW.. Put d ir t. id'3 llmoa. Sl60/aoi rw i^f,I, foncos. wIrKlowa. |uWUUl4x24h.giaaa. ITREESER^ERVICES I l a t 2nd. a ; 3rd. ; 2 atring C733-W1„e)Ct,2* Auc ipiata. S3500. Call CARIRPENTRY Claw-A ■ Renuxodeling 1001b bate'jiCKna gran %L ■ »»»»«” SS8^ or 420^777* Consinstruction SpecBClaliat' TREES ANO10 S'STUMPS hay. wtn aeQ am. amounta. ■ i7iMi77*T*ilk* WI5HIflER ANO DRYER M AQI dential framing DoaionJ ai ^ ^ k l OF MAOICIC V,VALLEY 324-5062 or 42(M)87t ■ kQIC TOUCH (tlmotos $200 Cn,rAIIYoOrHome All x l flat work. 2 2 vt8 oxi..pcirloneo ■Bil»TW!.AtlClioi5“ Call C. 824-6479* )LE BARNS ^ m E s=sttmatoa l Abtx:kbbott aking aucflona into the >r 420-0771 ilTdT'd'Ve. 6 i a z e n oJOB j « TO SMALL 1-. lany-7M^l I 733^20 ~aak(orUikeM 40 ton 4th cutting. RVF AMD-Ma 'g te : oory DVD, OOR 256 MB mam- ^ r404 o r 280-1661 r S T T T ^ 195. All in 1 to n b a la a . m ~”C KAUftft6>i— T tm.4Z423-4559* Aak Aal for Lou H A N DDV ) MAN & ROOn : Oallvary avallabl».'Oatl tory. e 40QB HO. U N . S6K wmmM WEDDINH N G & I modem. 8 4 5 a 42».ea4i* — ? r DSTOVfc aiaza~klng. '------^ ' C LLEANUP E PAIN - 312-0073 or-«6-a8«6* « Log table a ehalra R FM NTING BRIDESMSMAID mVTABW74W Ha^ Atib A >00 Mkz; windowa 1 1. 5.placa aectlonal ■MEMBER ^ , duly. S90.,3SO-740Sor 9S8E, 4 256 Ram, 82x CO wwN4i :traa $ 300, cam por Thatbkthdi irmSolutlon* .ucnir-nrANROOF WEDDINGS ^w ^orw yiar • Rom24x10x40cdbumer. nj (new), nta aman PU. aome nmo 1 IG SHOP *S p•AINT1NGS Wodding Dmsatesaos: 2-46 4 gig hard drtve, 1 5 'mo. L 4 H H H H H I **^0'CaB62»-6016* NtwgJNcn niter, 56k modam. LAN, x r s s * b a. romodoling, Prfcostolityit your budget Diosaos-io ^ontRont Of Buyl ' C76 733-6^4 73»646y Lt'3M»r, w inn w t on r*ttt‘fhwl' eomepiehu oval of deb ris. 24 yoara.. oexporionco, Invttattons-napklnipklrts-shoos >8eLECT)Oi420%OFF ItwI l»nndZxcopam l bar- Siopt>yihaffwCuaiorwr W odoltalIt all plua moro. Call BBill a t Anntvorsaryiry invitesir S oihwaarF*ad733-iS73. s e iaw>yd«y- SarytooDepDeptlodayl R u b• e n n 7' > * - 6 ^ I 21M 166 Of0f 733-9676 733-6836-210MOS, 5 Main I . -MOOMaf:-7^l366.*" North#

. . . . 1 l-f- ^ • n ' r-... <1 ..r.'-t, ■•••» •• I e u T b m ^ jl^iirf.-|WnP«ll«.ldahoT>iw«Br«cl«y;H<»jwmi>»ai.a002 J)..;!;' ■ V’')v'X

' • I ■ HONDA *01 400;EX D( M TMUMaiMOr^ Mlnl.|>OLARiaJ/ IoTIIMQTW^SWIT^DIL SftSB Tp r f — lfs*4|^/y^vatidaiMew6wi« .:( ContactJuMnw

V >1 '«7K odteliS318 .^.'■ J 'OaTraxlwXLwuimi$7008 motoft»em«. 480 cl Fd now t6 4 M w /3 untaaT ri'Tooftmm T o v S rT fiwl m iKtlon. 08K mUe X. S&500. c m 431-142 ' ,’S l?£ iaS wwnmty. 0 paym 00/o«*r. tool df. rew guMn bt ' oraog-MOrwy ;• ’ . 0 In w m t for 1 TT«.yr. Ontn 4000 0*ntr«to'■SS: I ‘97ATK3S0dirtbJb in^ j f35Mnow«a* TIoimSmaiFSr S b w" ’®** of • ’rtra L ^ kT «*•«» » 5 .6 0 0 * n « ■'”S i S M ^ 7 r i. Only • XTRBUe a» 73^0533 or 420-«e30.'r ’' BxaawMtTSOOnpw ■ crfTW.a^-ca/JS 5 -" -••IMfMSVnoM. ^ ., HffrsoM Ttrissn « WOTOWopfflpI*!*^ !=s5iiir <2ssia;“ ? *M AW U6bili Aoe«« 400.4x4. EBS. 25C I.nst E3fl0.4f3vaw«v«nlrtv m m . cirrpct, tlr««.,m A VOrtM 144-CAMOPAS1t8T ^ (Cff-CflTT » w/cover&aocesM,2 X ’- •"o o W & S tloo n c lc i $280. SLP Trt-kM $5400fen#r, 8fl®-2 8itnUI*‘03PofMA>ub w7.* -••UIBxlOwlirraiflp. SSKSRTooTaS>iaz9r2x2 8(inUI*‘03wast7.< rsj: Vamaha -99 M ouftiairnn •lOOO.Ctf 734.J4iy . tiiclorycond.,. s$5 a e o s . . nowlMM«854 " ’'’O' Cfiavftavy Max TOO. 760 mUM. Uta ■ - 420-1183or324-741-7401- Onty«XmeMe«x/iJrt »« 380, «KC. cond. »700C'000. S4300«(far. Pl*a« I -CTiwwflitwrasrwg: I Va MAHa ‘87 6lgi VWhofl^ offf-Mszs-eeTeffTS* 83&.4354or543-«20l.*)1 • CaD 788-6402* ■ t u t , p l i p b . a c .' a t . ^ I l i i 200. oioci. Stan,an. exc. QtiA^TTY WKDBHg I bflY VAMSU): -M . . w/ah«li;'geed«ond... '■ ■ HANOSn (Por««l«) • 8370abllar. 423.8744* i(^ftW E ;ty4»«.nm trana/ : S! H Ja ro m a A irport flOxSO. '• eHgW»*IAAT,axt.cab. •.WOW.'SwhHle; ^ 12500 "OP-opaon.^m toluoff5 ■ Kaat, offloa. W-fold door.s ■, cam par ahall, AT, AC. j . ‘ ; « P ^ M TC 73O-4e«)Of63«2120* S8000A>f(er. ’SSpuOty.': I P W .^ « 4 5 0 a 8304832* C _ 48Xl0axlirbWk>e ' 114- llkVn»wVord l-*2 Jt. HANQER C m tar bay of 33 h e l^ aprtno-^r. PSM tW Pabkgood e»«r«|oj)te.SBOAT;AC.; e S S - I s l S s I ?)■’ bfeyhanoaratButgair^( t Qood tirta and brakaa. oondltl«rt. 78K mi*. T 1 o w p ) ( B .« ^ 844-1898*: VK B I B s e i n a s r ^ • fU 110.000. Cau 64^0067* WOOObfTir. ' S5800AKIar. 3 2 4 ^ 1 * p 6 a w w wflBgao; ; ;*£ ia n oondMoa’ n M M » ;§ M3-844edra08.844«* ■PgR I g -'aB' f la n f la r.n a a ^ ' '• 48K mla.. axt cab. «xo.. S ng ULTRA UOKT MW TTA4E oond.tti,ooojsr.«2a4v ..^ - F7EE b A B tK g ^ h < I ’sSiHi?'" 80hrs..6yr».oki.aN»ay« el. In. hangar. 40 HP. roux. s ry *4860 Can 878-8235* " F A X I 'STOP'S 4 d r„ tola n w , m c o n d ! '<' vwydaanlnlaftor Saxt*- ’ Iottd«d.-738>t0fti«or . 866-4280 or 4a0-0777*. jrior. trim pa ek a a* , A Ci 4aa-77o TIMES CLASStPteb 7P ditlon. $800. lifinV rack Mlft’fCO'Toctnow eHIVV ^ ‘•Vaxt-oab, LB D9B g i g | g d * . O eP A R T M B N T 4X4. HO «T.o«m p*r -QlM01Ud.8OK,8W B.-thall,‘ 3D 8400, camp«r theil (or. ■;ontho,^day.tt 'i long bed 358-0520*r ■ihal.e«pa#ka.AT.>W. ‘ sSS2i!ooa^5«M884.«M runs, a s the Tlm e^ PS. lowpln.^Uvaraclo. -or9'orsoe^aw diyr ” TIRES (4) P215/70 R 144 . 208-7a4-SM« ritaattafeg;[ 484 vortax m mjroMS1200. 30«K» V aludded anow tlraa.I. O R , Newa io w t respon- r BBBOrmSnrvSyTow . ). Mounttd on 8 hola QM fniU ag*. Hxe«if«n( ^ 209-077-4843 sible for ffTors after [ .Qond«on.'eqft4a»Kfei* BEE S i M a l rims. Uke naw. $2 for $100 cnano*. a«rvk»d trgna. JSI rj; O f4 (0 f8 te o . e28»S023* . nar. 539-2429* Jfi£ I CONNECT I WITH ▲ 'J? l a i ^ p • CUSTOMERS I sllS W HO s w SP«Tl90,RM,B 0ng.l NEED IWA I' YOUR s r " ’ ^S E R V IC E ’’es^jasoK or^gooS 1 H o m er o f m e M a l n t o l i i 55.- ' 3 • 8 8 0 5 O r Advertise In i the ? Service' I on AUNNew Ford Vel ' ■ 'M‘l « M "iEH'IgS"" B Directory H Includes free oil chai:hanges, sparfc plugs, shock ibsers, clutch s f c g B ! H disc, engine bdts 577* mllos oono>otof sm I 733-0931 ext 2 i & hoses, brake pads'& ltning,.i{,-vyiper blades. , . SEASWIHL -aa. ir. o S t ! iidUyoutc^hlbwffSaSn, g 24M o.-26,i by MlUng tho Itamt you ho 6,000 Miles • Bacjc k ri by Fbr^ Mto b i to r'fa longer itMd wtm ■ Iwt-aet- - VofydoonsM. 731-5211' >na dew aad ed. . F R E E R A A W m b wr oe f th*O ary^ Wmstiandd IFemflY of O^ahnhlps, EXEXIT 182 OFF INHRSTAnn 84 TWIN FAUS ______1-800-826-533336 2ndRV Owfr^Jb th«) Idl«ft • Tlpptro^ Rood S S M f B M i m '■ ■ O I ftowrr WIndoMi And MImximxi* Cruite OMrol • CDPLiyer • S-Si 2001 500 Sportss 4 x 4 I H H I I S ^ S h ID -N0W .$5,595 #2PVV I 4-1 2002 500 Sports s O em o 4 x 4 ^ 5 JM i y S : J NOW $5.995 n p vV ‘49 ______ssi-::! 2002 Yamaha Ra|□ ptor 6 6 0 H H A R l NOW $5:699 #2PV:V29-1 ______S s SNOWMHOBOES $ 2002 Polaris 700D Sportsman ' 2 0 0 2 0 R 2 CruIjcConiroJ • ft w WVlndoM lrK a i^ l o c b • S^Speed AuloiunuticTrammlttlon S 12003 MODELS 1 0 0 INOW $6,800 #3PV1 ______2001 Polaris Spot>rtsman 400 iiM a iiW i O v er r Factory I n v o i c e 2( |v - T M n ir , NOW $5.588 #IPV2i/26-l______^MS^MORSfRa ( p l u s s e t u p?) ) i»*m n -3.S85 M D iicourcount 1 9 9 8 S kKl i D o o Low, low miT i i l e s l ..J,S00 'Cu«ome« NOW $ 2 , 9?95 9 #26506-1 ______m . a 1 9 9 7 P oitARISXLTVMyCle l I ------— N 0 V r $ 3 ,2 9 1995A^i^^i'Oo) o o 5 S ^ 5 ? ^ ?9 5 — i>1PV54-1______p i J i . ------WASS25.

'99 Ford Ranger 4X4 KC4^(C449Q1B . W m ~JlM r'l«t77 B TH1ffilg*i ' m I I b/jBMsarjuJJ. 'O0.^WInd&.HD.Ml M S h 9 . f A M r/^RBT^T^Tjr^SP W«i *22.995___ - _____.__ n r . ctrowiA

^ ... ^W FordlimkrUfta l*fbrdSl50Cf»w4X4 P282l * MOUNTAINEI4EER PACKAGE W a iW ^ S - ...______...... ■■-««.'HW7 w”18*30.995-..:..______! MVTJcclcel,, FlFI m o Unar, MVT Bibi Usi; $480 (Exitxtmded SIzn Extra) - ^ 3 5 0 E Photos for IlluiU*tutdon purposes only. Some custom*mtrs m ty not q u t ^ for so n b M r>wwytVnBDrt^>ml

•' ■ ■;' I V /■ S ' I

U p I t t Grand Pifx.- ; '' BaajM beit.*. ■■ :ifm SEfSJSaK?- ^vs: t o atdan, toaoeff, iight ______731-2540* , ' 324-456S ^l5Sy?SS£iSt***' s s i TIAC •00 FWWfd T. 8U«Ami‘m T w T o y S “ . ,Mn0|;Cil«7S«29r >?: 44 I. appfoxlmately 14K Sspdi sad., njna good. a a w w H S a i i s s ; ; t ; « . Bank Repo. TaUng newUiv•rbrBs. a ala . $800 a. Coniact Juatin CalC a l S32-47I4’ > a i ^ ^ s 'ti rreUfllSNI '00 Galant ______f o J oj TY Sa -91 C o r o n a : 'V »T24dr. aadan.'Oovar MNT?iT?AC '01 Grand Am white.a. 4 dr., 114,000 3•tMpaart.kwdad.io«tti. S 4dr. aai p ^ r. Low miles. mtoe.$1li.$190a 737H654/ ^ ' : I f tr. aunroof, aporiar, loaded ; ^ ^W tbrt.-gV' ::ij n a ad a worti; b'jgh'mHat! piremium ra r whaeia, new ssssB f O Y OT Am W C a m y aB24or2S047iiif^.*. «7DOIon^Crt%Ul74.* cn araa.ra*. H’s aweatl $14,000/ , | ^ owner.r»r. good< cond., AT. I IBtt$rW *E5rDrS Aer. C a l 324.6466* .THHETIUeSNEWS E ^S2K.$». $ ^ . 733-3078- ' S S S S s S ’Sspd, 4 door, run* bood, S&99A £ N *97 Altlma. only “ “JMMadOeparlmafn J TOrOTAf /r *‘ e 8 Av8lon S g ; 44K4K mllee. while, exc. ] p a n a a t8 :0 0 a n t^ ' fvdfyk)adr. , '- .I V iH n -W W r-S - '' mmooTinssssi m ond. I owner. $8400bfl- “ M day th ru Friday a r whdowidowa, seals, todw. ;’V. ,!20tj-73»B53# ' ,V9. 2 dr. wonr ahlll to gocgood ooind; naada paimA ar.r. 324-0410*3 SttMiln a u n r ooof. o f CD piayor, o»artW>«$S00:543-S489* . moi ) In to aaa ua or call cruise.e . T o x a s car-one. .DS'97 88L8, loaded todaylay an d w a win M p condUon.Uon. Pleaso contact ndb o c '99 dolt Vlata oW pk*Sf^fu^ 8l ^ >dudlng phone, $6995. ywnwMrtth all your M k a at7 3 ^(toylhalHniii?. 'AWO. ■* c^raatahapa.' axe Bt 736-7643.* IK.' i 24^7or308-5139* adwtfvartlaing needa. TOYOTA *J I !* .aafra470or«44T«288r ,:_AftBrihattlme aXoallant i commuiar. ' W fa" *98 Avoton XLS! )NTIAC '82 6000UE, tw i, >3200 C a l 720-4296.* . HSU wtn FaUa Office cond.. now tiros, TheTlmetf-NBws ^ rulsa, urt. AM/FMAm s s ., or. Coll 436-0334 f raSSffiaH SfT l' ana oWnar. alonilnuni M -733^1 ext 2 ■ wBtnotM' ^ «rhaala. axe. condlllon. jne good. seoo/oHer. 1323rdSLW toavomesm ossago". wml^^llaMjunlSteM ^ a l 2 i 2-oae2 lv. meg.* • ligS& W & iff. ; iBspontlMfo'r .p>proM car. 9400. rtaaas ~a^P 7 0 0 . C a l 423^547.* VW 'OO) JoJoi lla. 36K miloo. “ ■ c » y 5 f l w 4 ■ TOS •NTIAC *90 Grand Prix o r BurtayOfnca I loAdodod. excollont 'l!SS!235Sr . W o n w s . ,: " tL -i TSOBirmmSStSoS5 Bwaalai'..Uhdar.Kitfi[ r a :laan. graat 2nd car! "SEE. l'' V-6. AT. toaded. now 1293t3 Overtand Ava. conditioItion. $14,400. , , M0.500^ffer.73»6316* a a ,$2500 678-4033* '• L - - 1 -l-2Q»<77.4042 2 I 736-0026026of731-0305* S& torass ii ?: 'Iffi'SSSSSaS ; fioa>ti460.32fr«6Sr flSROfiDA ’02 Accord 8 £ . was^sTfSKarxvs: jiack. loadod. w ^llar. I4K. $18,500. Plaaaa can OKMUKOIOWM front wtiasi, fuly. loadad, sssygsasi. ItlUOitoriar satfiiTS* J 2t'35.13040C404-6603* ■: •“ .Ron»iwii.,»iepoADrf«t! Amwican vahldaa.'- ^ . J., C it «37-aXM*’.;:; 3 rs i’sr.'ssr roHoATooSoHmrs? ■ td chaaar a ilgnad bill Dl w re n ty . PW. PL. cnjlae, M i c ' - ‘* ‘*£352— ?’ ^ r ' ' a a ia afiowlng th a foi- ■ E ------r^-imfiilnh aarvlca M racorda $2,295/ >T. 26K saeoo. 734-e9Sfl‘ * mr •XO. cond.'. i^*w up-jp-. ShtC.'sa ditrra. haavy>y lowtng: Ful d a a o l ^ CaNtoimtor on0ftor.Cal536-27er OKP ia«r drtyyTon.4»4. AT.toww of ttw vahlda. vahlda raattmalaa* FoiORD ’M Taurua aUUon !)?1*law tires a ^ wheala! II, ° oar.' ph0.4 a o o a aeo-1178^ Wantncattona numbar. b wagon. 3rd back aaat. 0wsontop.3O6-144S* O B . vclH natlt loro**'tial«. ->MCi!gbL/«*98eomingi5i: I & — ^7>s.^eaw 23i/ • p^. Exc. cond. $s»oo,0 afDandaddraModha fad.4dr.,dean.axoilirn n |«>vai..graat«i«pal$2900: van•ry nlca. S8900/offar.' i=DRI> m FtSO XLT'4iM.S r ' 3 2 » « l0 o r 3 ( » 8 6 1 0 * .nw»purcftaa>r.ThaMI .■g&a^aagr ;£ ^Pla«aa.caB 352-1089.* Calf.W324-4852* , o l! mS^SFSSESSSi.------OWB’l is ia y o u fam ily ?g5Lw >97 Continang ^ raady lor W InlarrGat ladad wfth ieather; aun- ■ ■ *'^SSSSS£^^P^ aady-wlth tfjla Eirpadl- nf, S aha CO cfTangar. ' H ^ Q j H km.toiaidmtpe.AC, IK, baautifuicar. m ! s a e > * sutKjrtmn. 1500'0 tact your'local a a ^ zuiaa. 4x4. CO*har>gof. 14,000. < C a l 3S2.193S.’ g s l e ; a a a ta s, front r aor'a o m « . . . ■ / )paaaangara8abn0,cap- tiInCmiiHV ‘se SaUaPfe: - -J S ', air. grill guards lowing CHBVY ‘•4'Cofvana. J"aktaenafa,M arhaat/A C , very*>ry clean, low mOas. exc. I';;!. I -M (M6Q « S .'S r< raat) tirea cnAtoywheaL trorttimaportaMon. 078-5656.* • i > ^ r ♦. 4»4.’ BSK r rO t. ■XMBtrt 1 ooovartW I a. rad. A T j. ••: oondMon.f»»patd. AO,. axcalantoond.-Sie.BOO y?* !hdU»ty'98 Sabla. *■ : CC. good tlr««. <9050/ oaD7i»a>>i*. *i< }od condition. $8400. ' • r oqw. oaaap^sor , • Ulovea 934-5160.* ) < W y V - **0 CompUfnani. “ « ■“ ^^^<^^*SoondL : s 7 M o . c « s 3 ^ i 5 r _ 4X4.'V.#AT. loadad. L ^ ^ r V f i n j k . V J*ono *94 Rangar. ma-a*. VMca tJMt oher. 32&^13T » I roon. 113IC good>»nd.’ ±. m Sm^ukoc. loadad.- daan. AC. AM/nSbteta.. C h e v r o lee i t B-:; W20QW>rcwgytHioaa** . ; CC. PW, PL. snow tlraa K roR D ’»a F260 Powar • . S3900bnar. 326-4SDS’ ' r - stroka, S tpd, art. cab. (IP AC. tssKfflia^tr.ooo.. : B 5 B < S F W V a i m o o iV. W I whita', 33.500 mlla«;< " ^ a i m zZG c »•; 431-6286 or,43»M70* ♦ »10.600teffar.424<0a4.* ;.,^fORD'97.F-16buwlat.au-u- ;iU^^W aoonaar337' t6ttb^W1 indt5r^ . f . .'»*(cab.l6Mtod,«WRMno-n» ' V aai 050. Cal 734.6097/). M • loaded, oraat coodttion, > OuaTd.MKTmla.. loadad. gy»^W IOS»vaa* S4000/oTtar. Ptymeuth 6 . 4 t . AT. e r u li a . AC. laathar. P8(4O/S0). tow !* 3 6 0 V-8. $1200 ■'• ' , S3S£'?™“S'4r- i P'W.tWplaiaa.kaytes#.. . Cafl67»^33l* , } ' *i I . nardTonnaau.atetaowA JnrcTSTOiTrEJr:! ( CD. » tg .o o g 7s3-as76».* J T O ' t o vVfangtor------ssraixssis: t ^ t o 5spend . .TORO •87 F150. 4X4. AT.t: 153Kmnaa.$190a - > - PW . PL, AC. 67K mllaa, Caa 737-S654.* M i any way yoio u w a n t - j u s t i n timm ie fo r • : axoaUant cond. S14.600. 737-066atf30S-21W ®: - *wA*LttJn5eS?^^^ f _ funl«73pO.-C1731-3563* NavloaHon ayVtVml J£iU>'97 6 rand6 )erokM c ^ / f y 2 1 K, axcatlont UmNad.-M- iaaiher. sun- cohd.S2B.000.734.3330 '/ axealtnicoodMon. > /'Chri,'^stmas TK T i J r 'h >li) > . 'iM la all 736.7161* M i a : ? : EHQH 4 o i fyumNBIIlWSILVERdMDOHOh WHO! cOMAMYM^EW TAHOOEHOHOHO! ^ 1979qLK;CUSJSTOM CRUISER WAI e t c M iekiM mB:—-___ 9 5 ^ ^ 8 9 ^ 200OCHEVROLELETMEmO -1 m u AMIYM EWiCHEVRiJO L E T UN ST O C: ik ! itmnimiKmtaHlm ' .y I 1992 FORO EXPI[PLOBERXLT ftm ia m tm o R ...... »t«‘7,995 % C E i- ? u 5 ,9 8 8 ® 2 0 0 3 I 1999 0AEW0()NINtiBIRASEDAN >< MttHMmKmmimsiiB»uns..JKitt‘7,995 ««w5,988 . CCHEVRO)L E T m I 1995 NISSAN P4 ------!l BU ^ iS w iyni: MAUE #3025 |i WTtmmipEpaiMsr , ■ '■ f )255 s Mmssm'siMmMujii«K- 5*««'tS995 %.u % 9 8 8 ...... $2o; MSRP - fli Discount... l1500 i VOOUR LOW, L(.OW PRICE I: ZOOZKIASPEEniTRAI.S Rondy H ansen -iitwMrai— — ____ 1 0 0 0 ^ ---- ^

ziiin HONDA cnnMCLX ■ ' ■ ' I ■ '■ ' .■ ' £ T O S P E N D £' •»fKiK,mafSmmixs:«s_»WI4,988 *12,988 y ^ '. I W lA NbROV| WWAYr ■ > ^ 8 8 iIk j minaum [ 2000I|IISSANXTCTERRA SE C amMimiois&Kff^aA^usii.^r3|«

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