A Ail Wal Rport J Itchers I “Tis S
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ii'ii-" 656 30632 12/15/> / 2 0 0 2 - -SMI s r I S l i S S E : ,J1M PARKE . - 2627 E YANDELL TX 7 9 9 0 3 E L PA S O M n e i J 2 _ y . ^ : ay; November, 21. 2C2 0 0 2 50 cents ' •..Ji^i- :"j' '. jiGbQD MQB ijM • W EAljiiERt ^ H ANI> T E s A R 5 v :M 3aSroHigh l '• s Twin Fall}Is teen-age3 m o m h a s k n o w n h eeartache be) e f o r e 'isiAGifc'VAtL:^LEY>|H l/2>year*oId Isi:Isiah Bohne and 8- thle eh house. gadon is made, Unhwiwiilewte* V month-old MicIichael Cruz Kelly TwinTw Falls Police Departmenent Meanwhile, friendends and family - *:--------- ShelL were killcUled i^ien the fami- Dete a j ^ o m e - etective Scott Smith saidsa were rallying arounound Daniels to TW IN F A l i S - A t th et ttrader ly’s apartmentt acau^t fire. Daniels WedWednesday the fire was stillst help her through he notAriolated. 1 her grief, said age of IB. MicheUe Daniel has was treated foror smoke inhalation underjder investigation, and arson1 hasI: Janyce Tucker, iVheeler’sWhe fiance p i « b c i H H 4aean ( n'o're than her shaSare of at Magic Valleyey R egbnol Medical iwtDt beenb ruled o ut as the cause,se. A and th c m other off Daniels’D:; fiance. Bn Center and releeleased Wednesday stateate fire marshal is expectcd^d to ^-yearold Levi Dahl>ahl. **^^K^onally,* we believere she’s morning, b eins in Twin Falls today to help withwi The two boys affectionatelyaff : M o ney- - 'ia*KedaUH/w««kM ' b«be e n t h r o u g m ore in the'Lj'last 24 The three wejvere asleep in their tbele investigation.Ii referred to Tuckerer tond Wheeler hours than most teen-agegers go bedroom in thefie atdc at 260 Blue AutopsiesAu were performed ' • .itir^.^som e'ste S i ^ o t ^ MctafdWlMnnwal«'e«B)Maxii 9 c a : ^ d on as “mammaw” andand “pappaw.” through' In their whole lives,”li Lakes Blvd. wh<vhen the fire broke thele bodiesb of both boys in Boi;oise- Tucker said. They of t t o tfte tow of bar t w o - S y often baby-sat vnttklera need GEDsb f£ ir s L Tvekaraftw said R ichard W heeler, a fri<riend of o u t a b o u t 10:3)>;30 a.m .. sa id B ill Smitln ith said the prelim inary camlUses th e boys a n d w!re ere looking for- Pl«eE4 frnddWldNldM »to«e.11l«^ii«tto the£amth lly. Wood, who liveives with his wife, of' deathde have been determinened, wardtol>eingpartofT of th c family. btttMircmpaMtaottMrBMr.'THckar I'uesday dealt Danielels thc Desiri, aod theheir five children. butJt thet infonnation will nott be1 •aid. worstw< of blows. Her childid ren , 2 ages 2 to 16, on3n the main floor of madeade public imtil further inves'esti- Pleasesee see FIRE. Page A3 ■ dimxx)Rs Ailrport J Robbeeries » a walitchers I follow'f federal ! bankhheist " — ■ Pat S«p« is• Sy Julle Pence :ners assume g p — the director>r IIn Tlme>f<ews wtfter Nfftheniblidliouitr. ^ I charja of b«big- y - W . ,0. TWIN FALLS -- CCrime rode ^ find a mixed bag < . / g a » scraao- New;S f in area 2 through town onI a irapid wave . birds in the Qearwate Tuesday night. r e ^ 6>v Mayw i Shordy before 55 ppjn.. j a robber screenm w rtfr_____________ ^ H—t ty: H u n te rs *"“ f ----------- f - Kallay airpororts hit the Bank of AmeAmerica branch - f / for the newV on Eleventh Avenuenue East and lg of gam e QUtieSF A L L S -T h e new feds C\ ^----- f 1 TraniportatkItlon ' Sht>sh9 ni;. ------------- ; S p o r t s a te r iwn, and their arrival K Then B yR otertM■higher seotrity at the H " " 7 . Security b e t w e e n ___ P e ^ E l sand Hailey airports. Uon- 11 p ,m , s new security Isn’t in Federal an d m id- ''' TW IN FAof no-nonsense, gun-tot- are " » e h t . H l t f are in towiry men In fatigues. ® j C T ^ - n o w etafflng-,p______arm ed n30-_ promises-biscreeners ore with the b e rs h e ld Tvfin FaUsnation a Security security up P ap a But this■ r M Administradon) checkpoints the fonni0 yof providing equal at an of the Pizza on ' inAmilitaryiV . J ' p o r t i o n s !' * <tL:. nation’s com- ra e « e scr-A 2 friendly ’cus-• ,IH | ^^^^^^H^^rnercisl Lakes T ra n s p o rta lomet-stf^tiee-r* - Boulevard < ^ sedirity measures.' ports' N orth and Q q y g you'hnow C a n yports ^ a re just two of tfae 29 commercial airports E re v el' thislls man? federalized security S to re on aif'O’inlMWiWc dlides, previously the' Kimberly Seepage>agcA 2 aiewiimixiggamet on and Strict^f the drlines and pri- Road. detense^fftr a change. I b e airpoiipanies. The federal ■‘L a s t '-------------- nation’s 429is in response to the night wos a very busbusy n ight. It to h a v e Ittacks,fa< an event which was a busy day all aroiaround," Twin Bvericks responsibili[ally blamed on lack- • Falls Police DeDepartment r i^PlNlQN on their domain oftlirline security. Detective Chris FulFullmer said vate compt' at JosUn Field, Magic Wednesday. I ^^fryfracai:con<PaM Rl takeover gioi^is Airport in T \^ Both the TFPD andnd tht e FBI are Sept. 11 arts: Friedman Memorial investigating the banlbank robbery, ' woth negotiations can Detective Scon Smithnith said. Thc by t o boanj and i was partial;Hailey isledby Fanis ■rfnWral iitrl'e, the TSA deputy fed- FBI is involved becaecause banks troop, todays editorial are federally insuresured, which Securitylty,director_who.brings ai __ -----------draw!ph^ederai-3gi-3Kcnc5-into----------- oncessiqn Vallpy Regien 30 years of airline invesnRaiJons. a n b e s e t- icperienceJ to his job. in Bellevue, Sepe Tuesday’s robberyry oof the Bank of America is Twinn F;Falls’ fourth J dme equally between ; C o m in g ui bank robbery of the year. An po rts. image of the suspect|)ect wos cap- } Whodunit? more thanangress’s • approval of tured on surveillanceice <cam era. So indiutiyexp<land Security Act, the ^ Buhl% W »t End llieati for no suspects have.•e bbeen arrest- • TT-k L iv in g fallin under that new ed in connection wilh■ith ony of this ; Company will conjureJ P \ divides hisnt, d: pending the presi- y e a r’s b a n k ro b bseries, e ri Smith pair of interactive, “brc the two airpolatnre. The administra- said. t>ag** mysteries this vre*7 W ith Con<I see SCREENERS, PageA2 ' th e Homelan Please.seo ROBBERSERIES, Page A2 RWayIn jater TSA will fa TTw TlmefrNewire u p a d ep artm en t, brown- dent's signanlearch ]HPV vaccine foun^ Warnming will w ee k e n d . Please se Anew vacdne can prated agair .* i9.».- — I n d e x Type 16 ot the human paplllon vJrua, a 8exua,Dy transmitted vlr “ t i s ' .qaMled .E7-16 > Movies lets 2that causes cervical cancer,F i shrinlik West’s Comics ... 0 3 Nadon "*•A Res(^ TVnew study ^ o w s. An estlmatiated s a p t ' Community .01 Obltuarlo 5,5 million people become infected with a strain of HPV Cbnuinidad ,.D2 Oplr^,. deal aachI year In the United State1 waterr - study ’Ciroaswofd. ;D4 Outdoorais C7 targi tJearAbby ..0 4 Sports.1,A2«AC4 Efficacy rata of vaccina andnd TTw Aasoctetad Prei>rns_______________________ HoiviKope M W ither placabo cer I LOS ANGELESE)S - Global wanning; will havelave LM. Boyd . .04 West. .C HPV-16 vaccine cerv a devastating effeffcct on the availability ol i ^ H H H Mfl0c\Uley .Cl MxkJ »ra.J .El-3 Group el2a ' '-,7768( water in th'e Westest, according to a new studjudy i could be wluch, despite i bts dismalc outlook, was billedd aa; s •rtoney....:E4 Injection o le in five years thc rosiest of a sericries of climate forecasts, w canc .Placebo Even as a best-ist-case scenario, it forecastsQsts mmmrneidU. .023,6-7 Iffpecta Qro3roup sUe •'' jq suppliesfall^farfar shon of future dem ands foi ,jm,c5.8 Vaccine ( w ater by d d e s, fa•arms r and wUdlife. “You’d like B i ^ ^ H ELPHIA - Scientists infection‘r 141 there to be somene good news in there some 3ped a vaccine against where, but unforrM tunately th ere is not.” said>aid g f f l t w W available NOTE: Tho study InducM 1.533 laplUoma virus, a big - ^ 3 Tim Barnett, a re;research marine physidstt alat women w«h an av#raoo ogo ol20. d curbing the world’s M. theScrippslnsdtuitution of Oceanography, S!Sf C s n b t o j h ^ ’ Overall prccipiiipitation levels are likely to ion nansmit*' . ~ I to ri AP remain constant, PH IL A Dand E l protect women ^SOURCES: T M N m E n c ^ Journal It. b ut w arm er tem peratures 1 ^ of C w ttn tor iS m b ConM^ mean what would S 7 S S F have develop*nff ryT- •ndi•ndPtvnnltan Lild have fallen as snow willLviii s ^ a k e m i m b ^ instead com e dovmwrnasrain.