Ralph Mundy Killed by Brother's Shotgun
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Four Page Colored 16 Pages Today Comic Section Two Sections VOL. XIII, No. 37 WOODKRIIKJK, N. J., FKIDAY, NnVKMHKK 20, PRICE THREE CENTS Woodbridge Girl Appears In Haze In Chicken Shed Township Organizes To Aid Needy; Recital At Beaver College Tom Noonan Service Put Out By Firemen Ralph Mundy Killed Miss Miriam A. Erb, of Fifth ave- Fire was discovered at noon lns£. John £. Breckenridge Is Chairmannue, who is in attendance at Beaver At Carteret Nov. 29 Friday in a chicken shed on the \iiop- College for Women, Jenkinstown, rty of Stephen Boos in Oak street. Celebrated Head Of China- An alarm was sounded and the de- By Brother's Shotgun General Committee- Will Handle Direct Relief and Emergency Pennsylvania, recently appeared in a partment responded, making a rec- Unemployment Relief — Other Organizations Signify In- recital given by tha Conservatory of town Rescue Society Will Be ord run on account of the danger Carrol Street Youth Died Instantly Yesterday In Iselin Wood* tention To Help — Chairman Taking Measures To Prevent Music at the College, Miss Erb, a Accompanied By Trumpet- from the hljrh wind that was blow- When Gun Is Accidentally Discharged — Load Of Shot Duplication Of Effort — Long list Of Unemployed With violinist, as 'a member of the Beaver ing at the time. The bla»e was put Entered Back, Tearing Lung and Probably Entering Heart ers and Japanese Tenor. out in a few minutes, The damage Many Dependents In Township. College Trio, gave a selection entltl- Amounted to" only a few dollar*. —Accident Happened During Excitement Of Shooting dp'." 2fBy Cade. How the fire started has not been de- Squirrels— Brother Held Oit Technical Charge—Tragedy Orsranization of the Woodbridge much aid to the needy during the termined. Happened In Presence Of Father Of Youths. Township Citizens' Committee for winter. Various organizations are planning ways and means to assist the relief of the unemployed and in the Work. One of the saddest tragedies in According to the facts gathered needy was effected Tuesday night at The Welfare Committee ofl the Woman's Club In the annals of Woodbridge occurred •j the police and others, the three a meeting; held in the committee yesterday in Iselin when Ralph Mun- had been gunning in that section and* Woman's Club has conceived a meth- Hit-And-Run Driver dy, aged 17, wag accidentally shot had fired several shots. Howard ran room in the Town Hall. John E. otl-^-kdp. described, tn.. another col- The lift of unemployed as al- Wt aMrnimmerrwr*' ealted"to Mr Brecken.idge was selected a» general Howard, Jr., aged 23, while the twobrother. t# lend him some shejls. chairman tend director of relief for ready registered is enormous. There Injures Aged Woman brothers with their father, Howard, Ralph supplied the shells and was the township. Mrs. Asher FiU Ran-ara many instances of men who have Mrs. E. H. Boynton Describes Sr., were hunting in.Huber's woods. turning away as Howard placed a dolph, wda named secretary. boen out of work for several months; Mrs. Margaret Soule Of Chain shell in the breech of his gun. As some for ft year or more, and many Plan Of Welfare Committee The Mundy family consisted of the Under the guidance of Mr. Breck- O'Hills Road Has Many in- fnther and the two sons and they he closed the breech the gun went enridge the committee is preparing of these have a large number of de- To Procure Help. ' wore devoted to each other. They off and the charge of shot struck to attack the tremendous task of pro-pendents. juries — Taken To Hospital. reside in Carrfrl street. Ralph in the left side'Bf the back. viding relief for hundreds of fami- An effective method of helping the The shot penetrated to the left lies that are in distress. Evefy ef- needy in a practical manner is being Mr?. Margaret Soule, 5!!, of Chain lung and probably some of the pel- fort will be made to prevent the put into practise by the welfare com- Hills road, was the victim of a leU struck the ' heart. Ralph fell, slightest duplication of work. To ac-Green Street Woman mittee of,the Woodbridge Woman's hil-iinil-nin driver lftst night at 6:15Sewaren Man Gets and died almost instantly. , complish this a careful nystom of Club. The plan was outlined yes- ni'nr her home. She was badly in- An alarm was spread and police checking up on those who. have re- teTday in an announcement by Mrs. jured nnd was taken to the Rahway and persons living In the neighbor- ceived help will be carried out. IsJfitByCar K. H. Boynton, chairman of the wel- Memorial Hospital. The driver of 30 Days; Threw Rock hood responded.. There was no need The municipal building will he the fare committee. the car that injured the woman did of a physician. Officers Andrew 81- headquarters of the committee and Elizabeth Man Injures Woman The plan in brief is as follows: A not even slow up, and the only de- Sewaren Family Aroused In monsen and Celeste Romond investi- then; will be frequent meetings there lnnge basket or box is to be placed in si ription of the car the woman could gated the case for the police depart- as the work goes on. The next meet- In Accident Last Night; the A. & P. store in Main street. It givo was that It- was a small, dark Middle Of Night When ment. Headquarters notified Coro- ing will be on Monday night. Un- Girl's Ribs Broken In Sewar- will be placed in a promiment posi- roadster. Stone Crashes Through ner Eugene J. Mullen and the latter, employed may register at the muni- tion and above if will be a placard The accident happened in Chain after learning the facts, gave per- cipal garage and at Fords firehouse. en Crash. bearing \he appeal — "Please Help Window. mission to have the body removed to Those residing in Woodbridge proper, The Needy." • Greiner's Funeral Home in Green Sewaren, .Port Rending, Avenel, Isec Laurence Krupp, aged 2'J years, of Shoppers at the A. & P. store are William Petro, 51 years, of Oldstreet. lin and Colonia are asked to register street. f>24 Fulton street, Elizabeth, was dri- requested to donate packages of food right rear fender of Mrs. Peterson's Road, Sewaren, was given thirty Both the father and nuwHoward«u, , Jr.„„. at the municipal garage, while the ving a car owned by Anton Kovacs, of a practical kind by, purchasing Tom Noon»n, car was damaged by the car that days in the workhouse Tuesday n.ght w?re prostrated with ~ef. Howard residents of Fords, Hopelawn and o*>if. Frenci inii-ihi street.TH^CI,,, Neiicnw BrunswickuiUIJ.TWH-IV,, ouini them and placing? them in the bas- siori fame, will be in the neighboring strnck Mrs. Soule. at a hearing in police court. Petro wa9 he]d on a technfcai charge of Keasbey are to register at the Fords thhe super-highwahh y at 6.05 o'cloc'kk ket. Staples of a high standard oi town of Carteret on Sunday night,' When Mrs. Soule was examined was arrested on complaint of John mangiaughter and paroied un«l Firehouse. Mrs. Ben -Jensen will be lasl.i t nigh•••t whe1 n th•« e car struc• k•"** Mrs- , nourishmentl P.mt but. no••«•t hig• h pricek d_ are November 29th. The "Bishop of at the hospital it was found that she Miller, of Plewant avenue, Sewaren, T in charge at Fords. Uegday Catherine SzilasSzilasii , 2222 yearrs oldold , o| the kind sought by the committee. Chinatown," will be accompanied by has a deep ctit on the left leg, a bad- who charged Petro with disorderly In a detailed statement of the ac- The members of the general com upper Green street. Mrs. Szilasi Macaroni, beans, and foods of that the trumpeters, the Japanese tenor, j ly bruised right leg, bruises on theconduct. 'eident the father said that he and mittee are: Mayor William A. Ryan, was treated by Dr. Joseph Mark for type will be the most helpful. the trio nnd other favorites'who have arms and face. Jl ^ brought out at the hearing hysons wer^ hunting in the woodi John Love, Walter H. Warr, Michafl' a badly bruised hip. ' Krupp report- The committee has evolved a plan been heard many times over the air that) Miller and tig wife were In be3 ^ .au^i, J. Coll, Hampton Cutter, Herbert B. jed the accident to the police. that will eliminate the danger of du-during the Rescue Society's Sunday near Iselin and three Rankin, Stephen Hriwka.,.., John J. Miss Victoria' Obertz, aged 21 plication in order that the greatest broadcast. about midnight Sunday whin ttiey Etarted running and dunning Breckenbridge, Mrs. Asher F. Ran-' years, of 650 Penn street, Perth Am- possible number may be benefitted. Mr. Noonan will'appear with his Woman's Club Hears were startled by a crash somewhere tr8M< HowRrd ahot one and thefa . dclph, Nathan Duff, Mrs. E. H. Boyn- boy,.Was injured in a traffic accident The food collected in the container musical aids in the Carteret High) igaten thd e housnd e Thd e huafiand irfvesti- thewayr .gho Howart anotherd the. n thaskee third {od r^ traore a. ton, Mrs. A. L. Huber, Russell Dun- Sunday at 12.30 A. M., when a carwill be taken to Mrs. Boynton's home school auditorium under-the auspi- beegatend hurleandd founthrougd thah at windowa roclc. haHde way9f^u.