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Woodbridge Girl Appears In Haze In Chicken Shed Township Organizes To Aid Needy; Recital At Beaver College Tom Noonan Service Put Out By Firemen Ralph Mundy Killed Miss Miriam A. Erb, of Fifth ave- Fire was discovered at noon lns£. John £. Breckenridge Is Chairmannue, who is in attendance at Beaver At Carteret Nov. 29 Friday in a chicken shed on the \iiop- College for Women, Jenkinstown, rty of Stephen Boos in Oak street. Celebrated Head Of China- An alarm was sounded and the de- By Brother's Shotgun General Committee- Will Handle Direct Relief and Emergency Pennsylvania, recently appeared in a partment responded, making a rec- Unemployment Relief — Other Organizations Signify In- recital given by tha Conservatory of town Rescue Society Will Be ord run on account of the danger Carrol Street Youth Died Instantly Yesterday In Iselin Wood* tention To Help — Chairman Taking Measures To Prevent Music at the College, Miss Erb, a Accompanied By Trumpet- from the hljrh wind that was blow- When Gun Is Accidentally Discharged — Load Of Shot Duplication Of Effort — Long list Of Unemployed With violinist, as 'a member of the Beaver ing at the time. The bla»e was put Entered Back, Tearing Lung and Probably Entering Heart ers and Japanese Tenor. out in a few minutes, The damage Many Dependents In Township. College Trio, gave a selection entltl- Amounted to" only a few dollar*. —Accident Happened During Excitement Of Shooting dp'." 2fBy Cade. How the fire started has not been de- Squirrels— Brother Held Oit Technical Charge—Tragedy Orsranization of the Woodbridge much aid to the needy during the termined. Happened In Presence Of Father Of Youths. Township Citizens' Committee for winter. Various organizations are planning ways and means to assist the relief of the unemployed and in the Work. One of the saddest tragedies in According to the facts gathered needy was effected Tuesday night at The Welfare Committee ofl the Woman's Club In the annals of Woodbridge occurred •j the police and others, the three a meeting; held in the committee yesterday in Iselin when Ralph Mun- had been gunning in that section and* Woman's Club has conceived a meth- Hit-And-Run Driver dy, aged 17, wag accidentally shot had fired several shots. Howard ran room in the Town Hall. John E. otl-^-kdp. described, tn.. another col- The lift of unemployed as al- Wt aMrnimmerrwr*' ealted"to Mr Brecken.idge was selected a» general Howard, Jr., aged 23, while the twobrother. t# lend him some shejls. chairman tend director of relief for ready registered is enormous. There Injures Aged Woman brothers with their father, Howard, Ralph supplied the shells and was the township. Mrs. Asher FiU Ran-ara many instances of men who have Mrs. E. H. Boynton Describes Sr., were hunting in.Huber's woods. turning away as Howard placed a dolph, wda named secretary. boen out of work for several months; Mrs. Margaret Soule Of Chain shell in the breech of his gun. As some for ft year or more, and many Plan Of Welfare Committee The Mundy family consisted of the Under the guidance of Mr. Breck- O'Hills Road Has Many in- fnther and the two sons and they he closed the breech the gun went enridge the committee is preparing of these have a large number of de- To Procure Help. ' wore devoted to each other. They off and the charge of shot struck to attack the tremendous task of pro-pendents. juries — Taken To Hospital. reside in Carrfrl street. Ralph in the left side'Bf the back. viding relief for hundreds of fami- An effective method of helping the The shot penetrated to the left lies that are in distress. Evefy ef- needy in a practical manner is being Mr?. Margaret Soule, 5!!, of Chain lung and probably some of the pel- fort will be made to prevent the put into practise by the welfare com- Hills road, was the victim of a leU struck the ' heart. Ralph fell, slightest duplication of work. To ac-Green Street Woman mittee of,the Woodbridge Woman's hil-iinil-nin driver lftst night at 6:15Sewaren Man Gets and died almost instantly. , complish this a careful nystom of Club. The plan was outlined yes- ni'nr her home. She was badly in- An alarm was spread and police checking up on those who. have re- teTday in an announcement by Mrs. jured nnd was taken to the Rahway and persons living In the neighbor- ceived help will be carried out. IsJfitByCar K. H. Boynton, chairman of the wel- Memorial Hospital. The driver of 30 Days; Threw Rock hood responded.. There was no need The municipal building will he the fare committee. the car that injured the woman did of a physician. Officers Andrew 81- headquarters of the committee and Elizabeth Man Injures Woman The plan in brief is as follows: A not even slow up, and the only de- Sewaren Family Aroused In monsen and Celeste Romond investi- then; will be frequent meetings there lnnge basket or box is to be placed in si ription of the car the woman could gated the case for the police depart- as the work goes on. The next meet- In Accident Last Night; the A. & P. store in Main street. It givo was that It- was a small, dark Middle Of Night When ment. Headquarters notified Coro- ing will be on Monday night. Un- Girl's Ribs Broken In Sewar- will be placed in a promiment posi- roadster. . Stone Crashes Through ner Eugene J. Mullen and the latter, employed may register at the muni- tion and above if will be a placard The accident happened in Chain after learning the facts, gave per- cipal garage and at Fords firehouse. en Crash. bearing \he appeal — "Please Help Window. mission to have the body removed to Those residing in Woodbridge proper, The Needy." • Greiner's Funeral Home in Green Sewaren, .Port Rending, Avenel, Isec Laurence Krupp, aged 2'J years, of Shoppers at the A. & P. store are William Petro, 51 years, of Oldstreet. lin and Colonia are asked to register street. f>24 Fulton street, Elizabeth, was dri- requested to donate packages of food right rear fender of Mrs. Peterson's Road, Sewaren, was given thirty Both the father and nuwHoward«u, , Jr.„„. at the municipal garage, while the ving a car owned by Anton Kovacs, of a practical kind by, purchasing Tom Noon»n, car was damaged by the car that days in the workhouse Tuesday n.ght w?re prostrated with ~ef. Howard residents of Fords, Hopelawn and o*>if. iFrenc inii-ihi .TH^CI,street,, Neiicnw uiUIJ.TWH-IVBrunswick,, ouini them and placing? them in the bas- siori fame, will be in the neighboring strnck Mrs. Soule. at a hearing in police court. Petro wa9 he]d on a technfcai charge of Keasbey are to register at the Fords thhe super-highwahh y at 6.05 o'cloc'kk ket. Staples of a high standard oi town of Carteret on Sunday night,' When Mrs. Soule was examined was arrested on complaint of John mangiaughter and paroied un«l Firehouse. Mrs. Ben -Jensen will be l.lasi t nigh•••t whe1 n th•« e car struc• k•"** Mrs- , nourishmentl but. no••«•t hig• h pricek d_ are November 29th. The "Bishop of at the hospital it was found that she Miller, of Plewant avenue, Sewaren, T in charge at Fords. Uegday Catherine SzilasiSzilasi , 2222 yearrs ololdd , o| the kind sought by the committee. Chinatown," will be accompanied by has a deep ctit on the left leg, a bad- who charged Petro with disorderly In a detailed statement of the ac- The members of the general com upper Green street. Mrs. Szilasi Macaroni, beans, and foods of that the trumpeters, the Japanese tenor, j ly bruised right leg, bruises on theconduct. 'eident the father said that he and mittee are: Mayor William A. Ryan, was treated by Dr. Joseph Mark for type will be the most helpful. the trio nnd other favorites'who have arms and face. Jl ^ brought out at the hearing hysons wer^ hunting in the woodi John Love, Walter H. Warr, Michafl' a badly bruised hip. ' Krupp report- The committee has evolved a plan been heard many times over the air that) Miller and tig wife were In be3 ^ .au^i, J. Coll, Hampton Cutter, Herbert B. jed the accident to the police. that will eliminate the danger of du-during the Rescue Society's Sunday near Iselin and three Rankin, Stephen Hriwka.,.., John J. Miss Victoria' Obertz, aged 21 plication in order that the greatest broadcast. about midnight Sunday whin ttiey Etarted running and dunning Breckenbridge, Mrs. Asher F. Ran-' years, of 650 Penn street, Perth Am- possible number may be benefitted. Mr. Noonan will'appear with his Woman's Club Hears were startled by a crash somewhere tr8M< HowRrd ahot one and thefa . dclph, Nathan Duff, Mrs. E. H. Boyn- boy,.Was injured in a traffic accident The food collected in the container musical aids in the Carteret High) igaten thd e housnd e Thd e huafiand irfvesti- thewayr .gho Howart anotherd the. n thaskee third {od r^ traore a. ton, Mrs. A. L. Huber, Russell Dun- Sunday at 12.30 A. M., when a carwill be taken to Mrs. Boynton's home school auditorium under-the auspi- beegatend hurleandd founthrougd thah at windowa roclc. haHde way9f^u. anHoward Radl hthe n askehimd som{o e Ag been hurled through a window He ^ ham, Harold Johnson, Mrs. Ben Jen- in which she was riding was in colaij- d Mrs. A. L. Huber will have the ces of a committee organized to aid Interesting Address also saw a man in shirt sleeves, he pUced one • th it dia_ sen, Mrs. P. J. Donato, Mrs. W. B. lision with another machine in West disposal of it. When Mrs. Huber the Mayor's emergency relief fund. hurrying away. ThThee police v»-"charged • ^ •. Kru'g nnd Mrs. F. A. Pattison. avenue, Sewaren. She was taken ttoo finds a family in need of food she The service will open at 8 P. M. called and arrested Petro. Mrs E. H. Boynton was made; the Perth Amboy General Hospital will supply the family from the col- Tickets for the evening may be ob- International Day Is Observed It was stated that there has been chairman of the administrative and where it was found that two of herlection, and the name of the family tained at BO cents each in Carteret Speaker Discusses Causes Of ill feeling between Petro and Miller [ committee. She wtll select ribs were, broken. so aided will be forwarded immedi- drug stores and some other business for some time. p Unemployment; Advocates Push Plans For her own committee to aid her. Wal- Miss Obertz was riding with An- ately to Mr. Majoney at the Munici- places. ter, H. Warr, John Love and Hamp- drew Seaman, of 225 First street, pal Relief Station in the township Cooperation Of Nations, t(-n (.'utter will form the nucleus of South Amboy, and Andrew Seaman, garage. • In thiB way the municipal Edison Parkway the financial committee to which oth- Jr. The other car in the crash was relief workers will be in possession Three Men Held er members will be added. driven bj*William Buchan, of 261of the names of those who have, been Many Expected At With 153 members present the In addition to the relief work to | Silzef avenue, New Brunswick. The aided ' by the Woman's Club and Woodbridge Woman's Club held an Three Major Improvements In- be done directly by the committee accident occurred in West avenue, there will be no occasion for duplica- interesting meeting yesterday. There was a short business meeting after ForGrand Jury cluded In Program To Cost there are indications that other agen- j Sewaren. >n. Big Charity Ball $15,000,000. cie.s about the township will render | This precaution against duplica- which a program was carried out inAdmissions Obtained,By Police tion of effort is in line with the re- observation of Tnternational Day. quest of John E. Breekenridge, chair- Second Annual K. of C. Dance The speaker was Mrs. Frederic In Regard To Five Robber- The plans for honoring the mem- man of the general relief committee To Be Held In St. James' Beggs, Third District chairnikn on ory of Thomas A. Edison are now Fords Boy Wins Nress Reported In who has ask^d that duplication be International Relations. nearing completion. These plans con- avoided, Wednesday Night. i There were vocal solog byMr s jsist of three things: One, Edison Avenel Milk Drive iFenchinsky, who sang Ukrainian CARTERETiKl&Kti— Mtmonal Bridge across Raritan Ri- Distinction As Scout The second annual chanty ball' songs. She was accompanied by Mrs. William Cook who has been Uv-vel .f one mjie west of victory Bridge- Woman,'* Club Hear* Pleasing which will be held Wednesday eve- c: L. Wiswall. A play, "Mother ing in Whitman street, this borough, two, 250 acre park in Menlo Park, John Gardner Awarded Eagle' ning in St. James' auditorium on;™•--"Earth- an-jd He"---r Children,"'-:IJ—"" was pre-and Court street, Newark; Michael takinsr in Mine Gully extending from Report Of Work Thai State Theatre PaPssapinik, of 4 Somerset street, the western boundary line of Wood- Amboy avenue, uidet, the, auspices sented by a cast including Mrs. H. Scout Badge At Court Of Been Done In Campaign. of Middlesex Council, No, 857, of the A. Breisch in the title, role, Mrs. J.and Michael Molnick, of MeKinley bridge Township at Mutton Hollow Honor Session. Knights of Columbus, is expected to M. McCreerj, Mrs. Leon Campbell, avenue, were held without bail for Road to Eternal Light, one-half mile Changes Ownership be one of the most outstanding so- Mrs. M. G. Bell, Mra. J. Fleming, the action of the grand jury Tuesday to the West' three, Edison Parkway, AVENEL—The report of the suc- cial successes in the township this if the Court (if Honor aes- cess, of the drive for the milk fund is. C. L. Wiswall, Mrs. J. E. Grow; night at a hearing in police court which will begin at a near New Manager, A. J. Sabo, Is fall. Alt final arrangements -for the | rs. M. G. Cooper was coach.' before Recorder N. A, Jacoby on irOI<|s park an,i relieve traffic from sion ufjtnritan Council, Hoy Scouts which 1ms been conducted through- affair were completed at a special of America, held in the Presbyterjan out the community during the past One Of The New Owners At the business meeting it wascharges of burglary. the Outerbridge, Victory Bridge and meeting of all the committees in oted to donate $10 to the Red Cross Passapanik and Molnick have only Edison Memorial Bridge through Church last Friday evening, John few weeks wan one of the outstand- charge, Tuesday night at the Colum- Gardner, of Fordo, was awarded an ing features of the Woman's Club And Has Had Much Exper- ampaign. The Welfare Committee one charge against them but Cook Woodbridge Township to Menlo bian club. ported a plan "for obtaining food hahas confessed to three committed in p k and northward to State High- Eagle Scout Badge, the highest hon-1 meeting as they met at the home of lence. ar g Jules Jaflfee and his Pennsylvania or the needy. CtCarteret t andd, , two in RahwaRahwayy . HHee ^y Rout e 2299 , att thth e poini t wherh e or that can be conferred upon a Mrs. Edward Groile on' Wednesday d i t dit th Route 29, at the point where A scout. Gardner is a member of Troop evening. The chairman, Mrs. R. A. The State Theatre has changed ans will provide music for dancing Mr*. Beggs, the speaker of the af- seemed anxious to admit the crimes Watohunh g ReservatioRti n meetts tthah t 61, nnd is the son of Mr. and Mrs,, Lance, reported that more than one from 9 until 1. An elaborate scheme ernoon, discussed the depression and declared that the aonfessions ob- highway. The distance betweew hands. New ownership and newof decorations and a well planned md unemployment. She said that the tnined by Chief of Police Henry J- Watchung Reservation and Fordfl A. L. Gardner, of Fords. | hundred dollars was already avail- evening of entertainment promises Harrington' were given voluntarily fc j t il management will, according to open- ;ieat problem ,is to find the under- g g y js ten miles. John II. Love presided and was as-;able with which to begin supplying ln to make the affair a decidedly enjoy- siftedd in thhe CourCtt of HonoH r by ^ thosh e in needd; many pledgeld s woulldd | £ announcement, bring changes ing cause of the trouble. She-said alffd thah t he was nott forcefd d iin anyy Three very prominent firms of aarr- able one. «!> . "hat she believed the nations are notway V treated with violence b y thh e ehitectitt s are drawindi g planl s fof rth thiis 'Harold Hayden, director of the camp mature throughout the winter and a hat will b*e welcomed by the patrons, Lecturer John A, Turk, WTio is police. committee, of Raritan Council: Fred-1number of. streets were still to be nd that will win many new patrons, lommunity conscious and that there parkway which will be patterned af- chairman in ciharge of the ball, said 5 no individual responsibility. Mxs. The Rahway authorities are aware ter Roosevelt Boulevard, in Philadel- •rick Deik, a member of the execu- cimvasspd,' Shi' also stated that an 'he new managing director, A. J. Sa-this murniiig, that thpough the press, of tho burglarise committed by Cook phia, and the parkways in Westchui- the hoard; Harry Sechrist, skipper outtof-town dairy, the Woodbrook ke, is one of the owners. He is a ieggs drew upon her extensive triv- he wanted to urge the hearty support ls for illustrations of her points. in Rahway and will file retainers ter County. The State Highway Com- of the Sea Scouts, and Herbert Lunn, |Farm Dairy, would supply the milk man with a valuable background of of all who could possibly, attend. he gave as her solution for depres- with the county officials at New mission has also completed a survey scout executive. The secretary was |a t wholesale prices, as the local"dair- experience in the motion picture bu- "There are many needy families in Brunswick in order to hold him af- nlong this route. The estimated coat District Scout Commissioner, Kent,i(. did not handle certified or pas- ions a better spirit of cooperation a iness, having been connected with the towhship who will be cared for imong nations. termite- has satisfied the courts of cf the three projects i» $15,000,000. Pease, teurized milk which would be requir- he industry and art for the past this winter, with the proceeds of the Middlesex. most of which will be spent in Wood- The fulluwing awards were made: d in most of the cases. ourteen years. Two new members were admitted ie dance," be said. "Careful and justi- the club, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Cook admitted to the following bridge Township It will mean no Second class merit badges, Troop j J(r8. p, j, Donato, a member of the In those years he'has come-In fied distribution of food and clothes jobs: Burglary of the-Township Grill additional tax on residents of Wood- 31, James Reid, letter-craft, Remson Committee of Unemployment Relief contact with every phase of the mo-will be made. An enjoyable.evening 'urner.Jjoth of Sewaren. conducted in Roosevelt avenue by bridge as the cost of the project will Webb, carpentry; Troop 50, Anthony f,,r the second year, gave a report Civic chairman, Mra. Spencer, re- Howard Burns: burglary of Os- be paid out of the $100,000,000 bond tion picture business. He was for-can be had at the ball and those who lOrted a visit to the home for the Colonbetti, ntemannhip, personal |of tne beginning of the committee's merly owner of the Ditmas Theatre can do so, will give a little and "help boine's garage and welding plant in issue which in turn is being paid for health, John Kovaes, carpentry and . operations. She also asked the club iged. She reported conditions good Washington avenue; burlary of Me- by the gasoline tax. p i Perth Amboy; the Clinton Square a little, by attending." ind the inmates contented. They thfinding, . ., .- • ..... [f[far.a , A.doflatLtttt.... to the.. RRed Cross, Theatre iof Newark, the Flora thea- ikttte Uid accessory•store Eii Ek pathfinding. s |pfar., tsked for books, • l --u«^....gafage jyuL accessory• slore t „ Edjaan Pickway ComniiMijQfl, May- First class badges, Troop 31, Louis |p i ii subscribed. tre and,others, He was with Warner in Emerson street, all m Carteret; . R j Mayer Dorsey ^are co- WeygandFit l; Troop 33, Henry Stephan; ivMise dos Evara awa Buttes r was the winner leed and rose bushes. ol yan atu Brothers. While with Fabian he It was announced that a club chor- attempt Ito force safe in the office operating to hasten the completion of Troop 51, Herraaif Morrison; Troop of the silk comfortable awarded at served as manager at the opening of of James McCollum in Irving street, xhis project. 66, Anthony Kluj and Andrew Sup- the annual bazaar which was success- Red Cross Groups 1 will be formed • after Christmas, all new houses, carrying all the big 'resident Mrs. Randolph, presided. Rahway; a theft of a valuable watch | ko. fully conducted last Friday under the productions of United Artists, Met- from the jewelry istore of F. W. Fii>t class merit badges, Troop 31, direction of the president, Mrs. Wil-ro Paramount, Fox, Pipt National Huggans at 16 Cherry street, Rah- Andrew Gadek, woodcarving, first liam Perna. and the other great producers. Are Active Here way,, aid and cooking, Francis Nelson, sch- The"bpening announcement, of the Passapanik and Molnick helped Cabaret Dance By olarship, handicraft and reading, Ed- State theatre under the new owner- Woodbridge Chapter Began Burglars Raid 10k on the McCollum job in Rah- ward Reisman, art and reptile study, Three Are Held ship indicates that a careful study Annual Roll Call Last Week way and the Osborne job'here, ac- Juliu* ReUman, athletics, pioneering of the wishes of the public will be cording to try>ir own admissions. De Molay Friday and cooking, Louis Weygand, swim- made and that every endeavor will —The Workers. Store In Fords They said that Cook submitted the ming; Donald Venobia, woodwork; For Robbing Safe bo made to satisfy those wishes. —b 1—* proposal to them and th^t they ac-Elaborate Entertainment Ar- Troop 32, Winfleld Bjornsen, read- Courtesy, cheerfulness and comfort The Woodbridge Chapter of TheElectric Fan, Clock, Automatic cepted. ranged — Affair To Be Held ing; Robert Christie, personal health, Woodbridge Trio, Absent Sev- are promised to the public. American Red Cross began its annua From the statements obtained by first aid, woodcarving, cycling and And the "Kiddies" will be pleased; roll call Wednesday. Mr3. A. F. Ran- Pistol and Other Property the police and from statements made In. Craftsmen's Club. athletics; Robert Haug, firemanship; eral Weeks, Promptly Lock the new management announces that dolph, president of the chapter, ia Taken. by Chief of ' Police Harrington dnd William Kocsis, life saving and first admission for the little folks will be roll call chairman. Arrangements others, it appears that Cook had had Americus Chapter, Order of De- ed Up Upon Return Here — were made for a house-to-house can- aid; Stephen Mazar, metal work; Al- 10 cents at all times. . A burglary ths(t took place on the plaiv-for thev McCollum robbery Molay, will hold its cabaret dance at bert Patrick, athletics, and Stephen Confessions Made, Police vass. The workers who are carrying Sunday night was reported to the in mind for some time. - rite told the the Craftsmen's Club on Green Rusku, reading. . on the campaign are: , police on Monday by Hans Knudsen, chief that he went to the office of a street, Woodbridge, next Friday Troop 51, John Gardner, bird Say. Wvodbridge: Mis. William Mes of Ling street, Fords. He said th»ft physician, and pretended to be ill. night sick, Mrs. William H. PraU,' Mis: study and handicraft; Troop 56, his place was entered by means of a He watched his rfiance and stole the havAle lbee arrangementn s for the dance Joseph Hullovick, public health, first Three young men of Woodbridge, Keasbey Youth Dorothy Prall, Mrs* Leland Reynolds, roar window and that the burglars,, Dhysician's stethoscope. completed, Victor Sher- aid. first aid to animals, carpentry, who had been spending some weeks Mrs. John McCreery, Mrs. John took loot: valued at about $100. He said he used the instrument is man, chairman in charge said today, bird study and pathflnding; Louis n Charlotte, So^th Carolina, return- Camp, Mrs. John Kreger, Mrs. Fred Among the articles listed aa miss- trying to detect the clicks in the Harry Brown and his Laurence Har- Konie, safety, first aid, public healthy ed yesterday morning and were Shot In kgerick Bromann, Mrs. E. J. Flanagan, ing'are; An electric fan, an electric combination of the lock. He could kor Casino orchestra will play for p*ra«nal health, bird study and path- prVmptly arrested bv CaJJTSin Walsh Miss Hejeii Ensign, .Mrs. D. W. Bar-clock, a Colts automatic revolver, a hear two of them but the third elud- dancing from-ft until 1. Al Tisch, of finding; Anthony Kluj, personal and Sergeant Keating of the local harle* Farr Of Highland tholomew, Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs vending machine containing consid- ed him. Fiilimr with the stetho- New York, wijll act as master of health' Andrew Orosz, carpentry, police! department on charges of Avenue Taken To Hospital Irving J. Reimera, Mrs, Harry Sher- erable money and a quantity of ci-scope Cook resorted to acetylene ceremonies and will conduct the en- pathflnding, first aid, and Andrew burglai-y. The three are charged with man, Miss Myrtle Howard, Mrs torches. He had taken McCollum's tertainment. Thlere will be a number Whitney Leeson, Mrsi Henry E gars and cigarettes. Supko, personal health. robbing the safe of the Sun Oil Com- For Treatment, The thieves are believed to have car according to the police, and dri- of specialty dances including a waltz Star scouts, Troop 31, ^Andrew pany in September last. They are al- Hrennan and ' Miss Winifred Bren ven to Carteret, secured the aid of and stumble-down for which awards leged to have made confessions. had a car into which they loaded thePassapinik and Molnick and broke in-, will be made, Gadek, Francis Nelson and Pulius Charles Farr, 21 years old, of High- n. stolen property. Police are working Passapinik and Molnck a b Reisman; Troop 32, Winfield Bjorn- The' office of the oil company was The oirtiying district chairme d i h Ann elaboratelabora e entertainment pro- and avenue, Keasbey, was shot in on a clue. •to Osborne's garage an d repair shop eram nov 1 •en, Albert Patrick,*Stephen Ruska, broken into on the night of Septem- the leg Friday last while, shunting. are; Avenel, Mra. p. J. Donato; Ise in Washington avenue' > « decorations and the Louis Skelly; Troop 66, Louis Rome. ber 27 after it W#B closed at 11 p. m. The shot fired from a sh >%) Ha Lid he worked on the safe ac- Bernstein, Otto Jensen, Rich- The shooting took plane on pqop- tional Mission Board. 0r n bia. Jardo, 18, of SecMd street, and Ed police, H, W. Murphy. "X? ^the Solice ,Utem^: usi ™d flhoMl and Robert Hi.ler. Tick, ward .Bonalsky, 22, of Linden ave-eity of the Navicoal Corporation, the ta firm that employs Hartree as a ing the acetylene torch. He placed « ™f be obtained from any mem- n«e. The three disappeared immed- a pan of wSer on the floor to receive bar of the Americus Chapter or at Miss Jojhanna Magyar, of iately after the robbery of the oilwatchman. Farr was accompanied lne a001 ten sveniie, a student of Pembrdke company's nh nin sunipln' wtif white notlc- urifinnlly | An Aiistrnlinn niiihrnpnliv The name "Mi snyg hnd nn beauts of Imrdivi except tlis in'," pnld ride Khon, "In do fnck dat Dance In New ! Joan Reveals Music's <1IP mwilolne ^f the mind— tl In (he mn i v I ii I lie iiplL-lilmr that HIP world Is mi nparij Iliiinn, wlilfh ciirrlpil light Init'ls, nnrt H'hnh ])olillcs din de plontlfullejit, Logon, hnnd of farlhiui t!ml pnrt of the tlmt there nri> only fl row nmnll »ren» the rlojr. which rmild he iiwii to drng roh'n lirfiul nm ll'lilo ti>r bp nka'sn." - continent Or^t kn tn the Itnnmn." of the cnrth whero rifltivpu hnvev never Ramon Novarro Film Diving Prowess —* ' a> ' Wpfllilnctnn Sffir. jLshnrlne to bo brief, I become ob- Cnrthac nun.1. •"0 TV C. soer u niiilo man. But It Took A L»ng While to Cafe Swimming Pool Scone scure—Hnr.TP. Find the Hindu Who Could High Spot of "Thit Modern fn extreme can never long *n- Make Them Dd It. Age." flnrf.—Hprrtrk.

is rarer than a day in l)o you. know how to dive without In ji«ture there nofMng melan- l1a-hiriK water In Bomeone's soup? •clioiy.—Conerldge. rn - Goldwyn -*4iayer's casting Thi= isn't the easiest thing in the answers the oft-quoted world to do, under certain circum- y of th* poet by saying, "a J h"ld every man • debtor to hl« ptann-s as Joan Crawford can testi- profession,—BQCOD. THE WOMANS' SHOP (ke-charmer in Hollywood." fy, but the star doe? it succespfuH/ * genuine Hindu jnake-charm<>r m "This Modern Age," her new Me- as needed to pve atmosphere to ! tro-Ooldwyn-Mayer starring vehicle No greater shame to man than In- RITZ THEATRE BUILDING Pon Novarro's new sUrrinc vp» humanity,—Spenser. hicie, "Son of India," which will which will open November 22 at the open November 26 at the State Thea- J State Theatre for two days. tre. j The circumstances referred to Art hath an enemy called Ignorant*. Washington Avenue, Carteret, N. J. When an ad wa^ inserted iiu a I cover a sequence in the story, the —Ben Johnson. trade paper thousands of snaiols I locale of which is a famous cafe in were offered by dozens of different ; Paris.urtiere patrons can swim in a Our soul is foil of • thousand In- owners, and a pood <• core of Hindu i large pool, between the soup and ternal contraritles.—Plato. Where QUALITY AND STYLE Are Paramount. inaka-chamten prevented thcmwlvc? fiph, if they BO desire. to the proper authorities. ; Extras Were Nerroui What youth deemed crystal, aft But there must be something in • Some of the players who occupied the Hollywood air that is not condu- "rftlfr?ide," or poolside tables, rather. finds out was dew.—Browning. cive jto snake-charming. ilooked a bit nervAUS.when {he film Holiday Specials In Millinery And Dresses '"'" Snake-charmer after snake-charm- j beauty mounted to the diving pfat- - TOwt to clear ts wise, fluf wTiat It er tried his luck, but one hy one they i ffrm, but fhe cut through the air not clear Is not wise,—Eorlpldes. turned away, shaking their heads Land into the water without creating 1 arid saying, "Snakes mihil in India, more than the' minimum hydraulic" Never doe* nature deceive -at; It In but not in Hollywood!" : | disturbance. w» wbo deceive nature,—Rousseau, Sncceu at Last ; ! The "pool"' scen^ is one of several However, finally a man wks found SPECIAL GROUP betokening hectic night life in Paris., Many men of genius must arise be- to whom Hollywood was ng jinx. The The story is a highly modern one of OF DRESSES TO SELECT FROM snake*, till then dormant, capered a girl, her very modern "whoopee" fore a particular man of genius can briskly .when he bejjan his incanta- mother, and what happens when-mo- appeal.—Disraeli. BETWEEN 200 AND 300 DRESSES MADE TO SELL AT tions .... and "Son of India" pro- ther'? "whoopee" tendencies threat- 'Ceeded. en to upset daughter's love idyll. The The story of this new Ramnn No- stoi-y, known as "Girls Together," PICKUPS varro vehicle, BE directed by Jacques was a best-selling novel by Mildred $7.95 and $9.95 Feyder, is an exceeding:^ melodra- Cram. It was adapted for the screen New ck>tbe« have a delectable This is a very special offer. The Dresses are all fresh, new matic one. It deals with tne son of a by Sylvia Thalberg and Frank But- htoom like that ,on ripe fmlt merchandise in the latest colors and styles. Included are jeweler who escapes death by being ler, Nicholas Grinde directed. buried alive when his father is kill- gay SUNDAY NIGHT DRESSES and DRESSES for SPORT ed in a bandit raid. The son it" An excellent supporting cast in- Philosophy is what makes M all and STREET wear. The Materials are taffeta, heavy satin*, plunged into beffgardom, then rise* cludes Pauline Frederick, Neil Ham- fwt that we're "not so much." to wealth, again through a series of ilton. Monroe Owsley, Hbbart Bos- flat crepe, prints and combinations. Street Dresses in flat spectacular circumstances. worth, Emma Dunn, Albert Conti A great deal of money Is made out crepe and »olid colors. The prints all the newest light and and others. The supporting cast includes Con- of the -fact that there are to many dark shades. rad Nagel, Marjorie Rambeau, {polish people. Madge Evans, New York stage star TRIFLES OF TRUTH THIS ENTIRE LOT WAS BOUGHT SPECIALLY who makes her talkie debut in this TO SELL AT film, C. Aubrey Smith, Mitchell Lew- No one cares how awkward you look is, John Miljan and Nigel de Brulier. To be popular and not deserve it reaching at table If you are reaching The story was adapted to the la a secret some men have to ponder. for the check. screen by Ernest Vajda, author of the stage hit, "Fata Morgana." Under tempta

Tomorrow Thursday and Saturday STATE THEATRE Friday November 21 TELEPHONE November MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE 8-1212 WOODBRIDGE 26 and 27 Two Big Features Tuesday - Wednesday , Nov. 24, 25 (THANKSGIVING DAY — CONTINUOUS 2 TO 11 P. M.) ELISSA LANDI His greatest starring role-the TWO EXTRAORDINARY FEATURES man men remembered and HAIL! HAIL! THE GANG'S ALL HERE! ALWAYS Booth Tarkington's Immortal Classic! GOODBYE women cbuldn't forget. with WILLIAM LEWIS STONE TWO GREAT STARS IN THEIR BEST PRODUCTION POWELL Associate Feature THE ROAD TO

Richard Talmadge SINGAPORE With LEON JANNEY - JUNIOR COGHLAN IN THE AMUSING THRILLER MATT MOORE ZASU PITTS - DOROTHY PETERSON And a Score of HollywoodY Riotou* Rascal* "Dancing Dynamite" with Give your family a treat. Here's a picture that shows you the happiest time SIXTH EPISODE of your li^»! There are tea^s in it, too—but what a gale of laufhter to drty them! Re-live your bif moments of yeateryear! Laugh »t yo«r youthfnl MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON "DANGER ISLAND" 1 DORIS KENYON - - MARION MARSH jfranlu! Cry over your brokc«-hearte Sunday - Monday Nov. 22, 23 State Comedy "Dangerous Trails" COMES NOW IN A DRAMA OF TODAY, MORE POWERFUL Associate Feature THAN "PAID," MORE GLAMOROUS THAN "DANCE, FOOLS, "Mountains Of Copper" DANCE!" A ROMANCE OF ROMANCE'S! AGAINST A BACKGROUND OF GAY SOPHISTICATED PARIS, FULL OF EXCITING SCENES — BREATHLESS BEAUTY THIS STORY OF TWO LOVES WILL THRILL YOU TO THE CORE! Tuesday Evening THE GREAT LOVER Ramon Navarro Philrose IN HIS GREATEST ROLE Food Show "SON OF INDIA" WITH THIS NOTABLE CAST Wilh . CONRAD NAGEL — MARJOR1E RAMBEAU Pauline Frederick - Neil Hamilton - Hobart Bo«worth DON'T MADGE EVANS And C. AUDREY SMITH ADDED ATTRACTION STAN LAUREL - OLIVER HARDY _Al.o — OUR GANG COMEDY f The Funniest Comedian* In MISS '"ANCTIHERTINE HCMM "LITTLE DADDY" FOX NEW* REEL OSWALD CARTOON IT! SOME SHOW! WOODBRIDGTB FRIDAY, NOVfiMSBff 26, 1981 . ?AQE THRBT NOTICE OF TAX SALE—TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE SECTION 39 Notice in horeby, given that the untlerfltjpi^d, Collector of Taxes of the Township of Woo " 180 C Lot 12 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realt~ " y C" o 13.02 15.38 " 180 C Lot 13 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 Missing Man's Body * " 180 C Lot 14 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 Found Inside Shark THE PERTH AMBOY SAVINGS INSTITUTION •' 180 C Lot IB ' Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty "Co. 7.96 10.17 " 180 C Lot 16 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 Honolulu.—-The body of Sadao 210 SMITH STREET, Corner MAPLE STREET " 180 C Lot 17 Inland Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 32.73 3,5.58 Nakatu, Honolulu merchant, " 180 D Lot 1 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 7.94 10.15 wus found Inside the body of a " 180 D Lot 2 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.16 huge shark by fishermen who " 180 D Lot 3 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.95 10.16 cut o£>en their catch. The oldest Bank in Perth Amboy. Lot 4 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 1"1 180 D Gordon Ave. Convinced thaC Mlnoru Kan- 180 D Lot 5 Gordon Ave. -« 25x100 W Realty Co. 7.56 , 10.17 agwa, fellow merchant, had met The only Savings Bank in Perth Amboy. 25x100 Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 " 180 D Lot 6 Gordon ,Ave. Wilk the same fate, the ghark fishers " 180 D Lot 7 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 In addition to its regular 4% interest this Bank will " « 180 D Lot 8 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 lay In wait oft Barber's Point for " 180 D Lot 9 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 more deep-sea killers. The mer- add an extra dividend for the quarter ending November " 180 D Lot 10 , Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.9fi 10.17 chants hud been mlssln? since » 180 p Lot 11 Gordon Ave. 25x100 " Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 aetting out In g skiff to flsh sev- 30 at the rate of 1% per annum. " 180 D Lot 12 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 7.95 10.16 eral days before. " 180 D Lot 13 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 12.88 15.21 The shark was 18 feet long " 18QD Lot 14 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9.90 12.15 Irregular 12.16 and weighed 750 pounds. Iden- " 180 D Lot 15 Summit Ave. Wilk Realty Co. 9.91 tification of Nakatu's body was » 180 D Lot 16 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9.91 12.16 " 180 D Lot 17 Summit, Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9.91 12.16 made through dental work. THE PERTH AMBOY SAVINGS INSTITUTION " 180 D Lot 18 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9.91 12.16 " 180 D Lot 19 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 8.70 10.93 " 180 D Lot 20 'Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 17.38 ' 19.83 WEDS MAN WHQ SHOT " 180 D Lot 21 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.80 12.05 " 180 D Lot 22 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Cg. 9.82 12.07 HER 13 YEARS AGO " 180 D 1-ot 23 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 12.07 " 180 D Lot 24 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 12.07 THE DOLLAR MEDICAL CLINIC 11 180 D Lot 25 Dtinbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.81 12.06 Young Woman Still Bears The high purpose of this moderately priced clinic developed aecord- 11 180 D Lot 26 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9,82,. 12,06 ng- to the ideas of that great phifanthvopist, Dr. Julius Rosenwald, of Chi- " 180 E Lot 1 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 18.50 20.98 Marks of Attack. ;ago, is to give the public medical advice, examination, treatment and ". 180 E Lot 2 Summit Ave* 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.81 12.06 medicines at moderate prices to combat the existing conditions. All who " 180 E Lot 3 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 12.07 Manlstlque. Mich.—Loye letters, Jo- suffer from any disease will he treated by an able and competent doctor 11 180 E Lot 4 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 . 12.07 seph Feerlck has learned, are more who has been trained in the treatment of the sick for 25 years. " 180 E Lot 5 Summit Aye. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 12.07 The Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Sinus and Tonsil Department is in charge Irregular 12.06 •ffectlve than gunpowder In winning " 1H0E •L6t 6 Summit Ave. Wilk Realty Co. 9.81 a woman. He has just led to the al- f a specialist in those branches and each and every patient will have hiB XJOI 7 Irregular Wilk Realty Oo. 10.16 " 1H0 E Gordon Ave. 7.95 tar a girl who still bears on her cheek >ersonal attention and have their eyes examined for any diseased condi- " 180 E Lot 8 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.94 10.15 ,ions of the eyes aa well as a careful examination for their eye sight, also " ISO E Lot 9 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.95 10.16 the blue marks of gunpowder, where ipecial examinations for their nose, throat and ears and those conditions '• 180 E Lot 10. Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 Feerlck shot her thirteen years ago. arefully treated and glasses furnished for their eyes if necessary. The " 180 E T.ot 11 Gordon Ave. 25xl60 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 B'eerlck killed a policeman who tried linic will be open daily, all other ailments will also be treated including " 180 E Lot 12 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 to defend her and spent the ensuing :idney, bladder and sk,in troubles. Electrical treatments given for rheu- " ISO E Lot 13 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 years In prison. But he continued his natic conditions, neuritis and neuralgias. Charge per visit is $1.00. Elec- " • 180 E Lot 14 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 TVooIcg through the malls and won ;rical treatments, $1.00. All x-rays the clinic will charge just one half 11 1K0E Lot 15 1 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 ;he price in any other institution. 25x100 1.0.17 out. The couple married as soon as " 180 E Lot 16 Gordon Ave. Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 Feerlck completed his prison term. Clinic Houri V " 180 E Lot 17 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. . 7.96 10.17 Mornings—8 - 10:30 A. M Tues.', Thurs. and Saturdays 11 180 E Lot 18 Gordon Ave, Inregular Wilk Realty. Co., 7.96 10.17 Feerlck came from Australia to Iveninss—7- 9:30 P.M. 2 - 5:30 P. M. 180 E Lot 19 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. . 15.88 18.29 work In a sawmill at Maulstlque. His And by appointment. " 180 E Lot 20 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co, 9.80 12.05 eye was taken by Miss inn Forrest Charges for glasses in the clinic includes: (a) examination of eyes " 180 E' Lot 21 Dunban-JLva-. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co" . 9.82 12.07 He courted her persistently, viciously. and, eye sight; (b) glasses; (t) frames; (d) case and wipe cloth; (e) ad- 11 1R0E Lot 22 Qunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 12.07 justment of the glasses. 25x150 12.07 Ann spurned his love. " 180 E Lot 23 Dunbar Ave. WUk Realty Co. 1.... 9.82 Teerlck swore he would kill her and Children's glasses up to 14' years ofage $6-$7 no higher charge, lowest " 180 E Lot 24 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9.06 11.30 Irregular 10.15 himself If she refused to be his wife. iquivalent price found elsewhere $10 - $12, . . , " 180 F Lot 1 * Gordon Ave. Wilk Realty Co 7.94 Glasses for adults, $8 - $9 no higher charge, lowest equivalent price 180 F Lot 2 Gordon Ave. 25x100 JKilk Realty Co 7.93 10.14 Still she refused and asked the police " 180 F Lot 3 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 6.93 9.11 for protection. 'ound elsewhere $12 - $16. ... , " 180 F Lot 4 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 6.93 9.11 Night Patrolman Arnesen escorted Bifocals, two pair of glasses in one piece ground in for people past " 180 F Lot 5 Gordon Ave. ' 25x100 Wilk Realty-Co 6.94 9.12 the girl home one night and left her 4Q years of age $10 - $11 no higher charge, lowest equivalent price found " W F Lot 6 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 6.94 9.12 at the door. The policeman heard her elsewhere $16 - ?22 - $30. - GeKtoir Aver — "wmt Realty Co." ".:;.":.;:. "9781 scream, and ran' buckl The police- All lenses and frames are first class. Guaranteed made for you to your » I18 MY0 F Lot 8 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co '. 7.60 9.80 measure after you are carefully examined: You hav« ijuite • a selection ol] 9.81 man closed with the man, but reeled sample frames to choose -from: White gold filled frames, flesh color gold " 180 F Lot 9 Gordon Aye. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.61 back with a mortal wound. 11 180 F Lot 10 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.6,1 9.81 filled frames or any other latest designs and style frames, The clinic posi- " 180 F Lot 13 Woodland Ave. Irregular Alfred & Marie Drenes ,.. 21.11 23.69 Feerlck then shot the girl through, tively has no higher charges than it is stated in this advertisement. " 180 F Lot 14 • Woodland Ave. 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drenes 13.38 . 15.73 the let: cheek and ran. The officer The clinic will insure your glasses that we made for you against " 180 F Lot IB Woodland Ave. 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drenes 13.37- 15.72 staggered out Into the street to call breakage for an extra sma)l charge. » 180 F Lot 16 Woodland' Ave. 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drenes 13.38 15.73 for help and fell dead. 193 MARKET STREET, PERTH AMBOY, N. J. f Lot 17 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drenes 15.73 180 F Woodland Ave. 13.38 15.74 Peerlek went to Manlstlque whea be Telephone 4255 "• 180 F Lot 18 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 13.39 was freed. Chief of Police John A. Irregular 12.15 180 F Lot 19 Woodland Ave. Wilk Realty Co. 9.90 16.91 Peterson accompanied him to the " 180 F Lot 20 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty C' o • 14.53 Forrest home and helped the penitent 11 180 ¥ Lot 21 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.83 12.08 •' 180 F Lot 22 Summit A*e. . 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.84 12.09 man to get the parental consent to " 180 F Lot 23 .Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.84 12.09 their tteughter's marriage. 25x150 12.09 She already hud consented by mall 180 F Lot 24 Summit Ave. Wilk Realty Co. 9.84 12.09 180 F Lot 25 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 9.84 An Old Electric Cleaner » 180 F Lot 26 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 9.84 i 12.09 CAUSTIC COMMENT " 180 G Lot 4 Woodland Ave. * 26x150 Wilk Realty Co. 17.17 1 19.62 180 G Lot 5 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 17.17 19.62 » 180 B Lot 6L Woodland Ave, 25x150 Wilk Realty Co. 17.16 19.61 With all the dirt on the stage i Helps to Pay " 180 G Lot 7! Woodland Ave. Irregular WSlk Realty Co 17.16 19.61 play called "Sweepings" ought to gi 11 181 A Lot 23 Jansen Ave. Irregular .Wilk Realty Co. 21,90 24.48 over big. "'" 181 B Lot 9 Jensen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.09 17,48 for a New Hoover " 181 B Lot 10 ! Jnnsen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.09 17.48 Formerly, an actor who photo- " 181 B Lot 11 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.09 I 17.48 graphed fairly well could get:a part In 181 B Lot 12 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co, 15,09 17.48 the movies, jiut now they liJslst on a Trade in your old electric cleaner to us. We'll " 181B Lot 15 ' Jansen Ave. 25xlpO Wilk Realty Co. 15.15 17.54 speaking likeness. " 181 B Lot-18 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Charles Simkin 15.10 17.49 make a liberal allowance for it on the price of " 181 B Lot. 19 Jansen AVe. 25x100 Charles Simkin 15.10 . 17.49 the Hoover. You will like the way the " 181 B Lot 22 Jansen Ave. 26x100 Morris Greenfield- 15.0,9 17.48 A young woman sued for brpaeh of r » 181 B Lot 23 Jensen' Ajve. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.09 17.4S promise and showed that he carried Hoover cleans. It beats and sweeps " 181 B Lot 24 Janaen Ave, 25x100 Wilk Realty ~Co. 15.09 17.48 her picture In his watch. Which wasn't » 181 B Lot 25 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.09 17.48 much of a easel and suction cleans at the same time. " 181 B Lot 26 Jansen Ave.' 25x100 Wilk Realty Co, 15.09 17.48 It cleans ri^gs thoroughly" and quickly, " 181 B Lot 27 Jansen Ave, 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.09 17.48 The young husband who sued his " 181 B Lot 31 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.10 17.49 Wlf^for divorce because"she spent $25 making them look fresh and bright r " 181 B Lot 32 Janaen Ave.. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.10 17.49 " 181 B Lot 33 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.10 17.49 on a Bummer ount niuautlilnk that all again. " 181 B Lot 34 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 19.57 22.08 rk we expect 'jit to earn more than " 181B Lot 58 Gordon Ave. 36x100 Perth Realty Co. 14,-88 17.27 we do. . *• 11 181 B tot 59 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Perth Realty Co. 14^88 17.27 $5 down " 181B LOt 60 Gordon Ave. Perjh Realty Co, 9.60 . 11.76 Emily Post lavs that Americans 11 181 B Lot 61 Gordon AY6I 26x100 Maria. Kospador 9.49 ' 11.74 have the bad habit of changing their 11 and $5 a month 181C Lota 14 to 18 Gordon Ave. 25xlQfleach Wilk Realty Co, 78.70 79.67 forks from left tor" right hand before " 181 C Lot 35 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co': 14.68 "17.07 lifting lielr food. Oh, well, they're »' 181C Lot 86 Gordon Avs. 30x100 Wilk Realty Co : 19.56 22,07 accustomed to forking overt - 181C Lot 4ft A Liberty St. 12ixl00 Jena.P. Jensen 4.76 6.87 » 181 C Lot 42 B Liberty St. 12ixl00 Wilk Realty Co 4.75 6.87 •i 181C Lot 48 Liberty St. „ 25*100 Jenson P. Jensen 187.67 194,67 A rieWspaper advertising a new fea- » 181C Lots 51 and 62 Liberty St. 25x^00 each John V. Pederaon and ture; "Socially Damned Before She House Aaigusta Schmidt 22.82 26.41 Opened Her Mouth, Do you know " 181C Lota 58 to 66 , Liberty St, 25x100 each "ilk Realty Co 45.64 48.82 why?" If she had ypened her mouth » 181D Lot 27 Liberty St. 26x100 ilk Realty Co 11.39 13,69 we would have guessed halitosis. " 181D Lot 28 . Liberty S* Irregular ilk Realty Co 11.39 13-69 " 188 A Ifitl Fowler Ave. Irregular arry Brower & Max Gibian 8.51 5.60 , Fowler Ave. arry Brpwer & Max Gibian 3.51 r Told " 188 A Lot 2 ••*••:' Irregular 5.60 " 188 A Lot 8 •*' Powlfr Ava. Irregular _ any- Brower & Max Gibian 3.61 1 6.60 Borrow* gather ar«und great souls 11 183 A Lot « - ' Fowler Ave. Irregular Harry Brower Ik Max Gibian 3.51 • 5.60 as storms do around mountains, hut, " 188 A Ut t Fowler Ay** Irregular , Harry Brower & Max Gibian 3.51 5.60 like them, they break tfe nfonii, a,nd •' 18S A Lot 6 Cowle* Avg. Irregular Harry Brgwer & Mj»x Grbiaj) 3.51 (Continued Utirtfy th« air of th« plain them. •.,. „•, . ,ir ^irr:;;~_?n—T'^ 2* f FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, PAGE FOUR SHERIFFS SALE bridge Turnpike; thence atomr Mie Cenlmutd fr frtfeding page ' " July l, !*>' ttlS""f> - Alph.b.t. IN CHANCERY OK NEW JERSEY «nme north seventeen dwdwrreer * east, 3.50 5.59 hainn and fourteen linka to the Harry Brower & Max Gibian .. 5.59 The pr<»5Pnt Hebrew nlptinhpt Is not _ Retweon UNITED BUILDING 183 A irregular 3.50 corner to a lot of lands be- Lot 7 Arc. Irregular Harry Brower & Max (iibian 5.5!> the oriElnnl "no, which wns prolinbly & LOAN ASSOCIATION of the 183 A Lot 8 AvtV .Harry Brower & Mnx Gibian .. 3.fid [lerlvpd from the I'hoenlclan, but Is City of Nownrk, a corporation of longing to Jotham Coddington; 183 A Irregular 3.D7 5.15 thpnee running along his line south Lot 0 \vc Irregular •tlarry Brower & Max' Gihian. . 5.15 believed to be the one derived from New Jersey, Complainant, and 1»3 A Lot 10 Avr. Harry Brower & Max Gibiart . 3.07 GRACE (Grsxia) Limoli, el als., ixty-eight degrees one-half to a | 183 A Lot 11 \v,\ Irregular 3.07. f>.15 the (indent Arnmalc. small creek; thence along the same I Irregular Hurry Brower & Mnx Gibian .. 5.14 Defendants. Fi Fa for snip of 183 A Lot 12 Wf Harry Hrower ft Max Gibian . H.Ofi mortjrajted premises dated October a? it runs the several course* thereof 1K3 A Lot,13 Irregular ' 3.05 6.13 to the place of beginning. W Harry Hrojvrr & Max Gibian .. 5.13 SHERIFF'S SALE 28, 1931. 183 A Ut 14 AM-. Irregular 3.05 Bounded westerly by naid turn- Irregiilnr Harry Brower & Max Gihinn .. 5.U By virtue of the above stated writ 183 A Ut 15 AM- Harry Brower & Max Gibian .. 3.05 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY i me directed and delivered, I will pike; northerly by the land o"f said 183 A Lot 1« f Irregular 0.12 7.25 — Between Jersey Mortgage and 'Jotham Coddingtoti and Raid small 183 A Irregular Harry Brower & Mn* Otbian .. 02.39 expose tt) sale at public vendue on Ut 17 ? AM. Harry Brower & Max Giftian .. 88.11 Title Guaranty Company, a corpora- WEDNESDAY, THE 16TH DAY OF creek; easterly bf the Mill Pond 1H3 B Lota 1 to IT 25x100 each 83.51 87.71 183 H Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian .. 86.15 tiun, Complainant, and Olive T. Van DECEMBER, A. D. 1031 Creek and southerly by the land of Lots 18 to S4 Harry Brower & Max Gibian ., 82.03 Idersiine, ,et. vlr., Defendants. Fi John Barron. 183 C «J::; .\\t. Irregular ' 581.24 at two o clock standard time in the Lot? 1 to 16 Charles L. Steuerwatd Inc. 5S5.08 Fa for sale of mortgaged premises flftefnoon of^ the said day at the Decree amounting to approximate- - 201 11.98 acres O\-. K.-MIJ :o NVw Bruns. 11.9K acres 72.37 75.99 luted October1 2, 1931. 206 Irregular Suburban Realty Co 404.23 Sheriff* OfQbe in the City of New ly $1,990.00, Lot 2 K.r.f Oivrfre"? Road Woodbridge Realty Co. 392.39 'By virtue of the above stated writ 244 LoTs 17 to 24 S;, Jjiis Ave, • 40x120 each 48.09 52.22 Brunswick, N. J. • Together with all and singular the 244 40x120 Woodbridg* Realty Co 7.63 to me directed and delivered, I will All the following tract or parcel rights, privileges, hereditaments and Lot 26 St. .UTTU-J Ave. Perth Amboy Realty Co 5.49 expose to sale at public vendue on 253 B Lot' 5 r.iiui Ave. Irregular 5.51 of lnnd and premises ' hereinafter appurftennncea thereunto belonging 253 B Perth Amboy Realty Co WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF particularly described, situate, lying or in anywise appertaining. Lot 6 KiUt'r Ave Irregular • 4.41 6.52 NOVEMBER, A. D. 1931 253 B Lot 7 Kitter Ave. Irregular Perth Amboy Jienlty Co 6.53 aiid being in the Township of Wood- BERNARD M. GANNON, 253 B Perth Amboy Realty Co 4.42 at two o'clock standard time in the bridge, in the County of Middlesex Sheriff. Lot 8 Ritttr Ave. Irregular 5.46 7.60 nfternoon of said day at the Sheriff'? 253 B Irregular Perth Amboy Realty Co 7.62 and State of New Jersey. LEO . 2*3 B Lot 9 Ritter Ave. Perth Amboy Renlty Co 5.48 Office in the City of New Brunswick Solicitor. Lot 10 Ritter Ave. Irregular 22.10 • 24.6 BEGINNING at a point on the $22.68. 253 B Lot 11 Convery' Boulevard 25x100 Perth Amboy Ronlty Co '24.67 N. J. westerly side of Correja avenue dis- W. I. 11-20, 27; 12-4, 11. 253 B Perth Amboy Renlty Co 22,10 All the 'following tract or parcel Lot 12 (>»nvery Boulevard 25x100 22.10 24.67 tant three hundred ninety-nine feet SHERIFF'S SALE 2S3 B Lot 13 25x100 Perth Amboy Realty Co of land nnd premises hereinafter 253 B Convery Boulevard Perth Amhoy Realty Co-.',, 22.10 24.6 and eighty-seven one-hundredths of IN CHANCERY OK NEW JERSEY Ut 14 ConVery Boulevard 25x100 24.67 particularly described, situate, lying a foot northerly from the intersec 253 B Perth .-\mboy Realty Go 22,10 and being in Sewaren, Township of — Between ANDREW SMITH, 253 B/ Lot 15 Conterj Boulevard 25x100 22.10 24.67 tion of the northerly line of Oak Complainant «nd MARY E. HAN- Lot 16 Convery Boulevard • Perth Amboy Realty Co. .,, 24.67 Woodbr-idgp, in the County of Mid Tree Road and the westerly Hnaof 253 B ^ Lot 17 Perth Amboy Realty Co. 22.10 lesex and State of New Jersey. SEN, et ah., Defendants, Fi. Fa. 253 B Convery Boulevard 25x100 . .1.70 9.90 CorrejA avenue; thence (1) running for sole of mortgaged premise? Ut 21 Spa1 Spring Road Irregular Pwth Amboy Realty Co 7.66 BEGINNING at a stake- in the westerly and at right angles to Gj*r- 253 B Lot 22 • Iiregulat Perth Amboy Realty Co., 5.52 ewsterly jid*t of Old Road, distant dated October 28, 1931. 253 B Spa Spring- Road 6.fi4 • 8.8T reja avenue one hundred feet; By virtue of the above stated writ, Lot 23 Irregular. Perth Amhoy Realty Co south 13 degrees 15 minutes west thence (2) northerly parallel to Cor- Lot 24 Spa Sprang Road Perth Amboy Realty Co. !.. 4.4U 6.59 to me directed and delivered, I will 253 B Spa Spring; Road Irregular 88.41 92.70 200.35 feet from the intersection of reja avenue sixiy feet; thence (3) 25xiqp each Perth Amboy Realty Co. the said eastedly side of Old Road easterly parallel to' the first course expose to sale at-public vendue on 253 C Lots 18 to 21 Convery, Boulevard Perth Amboy Realty Co. 5.18 7.31 WEDNESDAY, THE SIXTEENTH 253 C Ut H Maloney Ave. 25x100 5.20 7.33 with the easterly side of We3t Ave- one hundred feet to the -westerly side 25x100 Perth Amboy Realty Co nue (the said intersection of the of Correja avenue, thence (I) south- DAY OF DECEMBER, NINETEFnN 253 C Ut 23 Maloney Ave. — Perth AnTboy Realty Co 5,20 7.33 HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE ,253 C Lot 24 Maloney Ave. . 25x100 5.20 7.33 said easterly side of Old Road with erly and along Correja avenue sixty 253 C "SSxlOO Perth Amboy Realty Co the said easterly side of West Ave- feet to the point and place of BE- a't two o'clock Standard Time in the Utfl5 Maloney Ave. Perth Amboy Realty Co 5.20 - 7.33 afternoon of the said day at the 253 C Lot 26 Maloney Ave. 25*100 5.20 7.33 nue, being distant south 24 degrees GINNING. Ut 27 , Perth Amboy Realty Co west 533.16 feet from the intersec- Sheriff's Office in the City of New 253 C Maloney Ave. 'Perth Amboy Realty Co 5.20', •• 7.33 The above premises are to be sold Brunswick, N. J. 253 C Lot 28 Maloney Ave. 7.33 tion 6i6t saidsaid , easterly side of WWest Perth Amboy Realty Co " 5.20' Avenue wit•*Ttrh ' th" e southerly side of' subject to such .state of facts as an All the following tract or parcel of 253 C Lot 29 Maloney Ave. 25f property of John Taylor John- Maloney Ave. ' Perth Amboy Realty Co 171.04 177.53 253 D Lot* 9 to 16 Convery Boulevard Irregular 52.23 thence north 66 degrees west par- npnurteniinces thereunto belonging Lion, Rewarcn, New Jertey. 261 Lot 13 Columbus Ave. 40x120 Woodbridge Realty Co 49.00 allel with the first course 151.24 feet or in anywise appertaining. BEGINNING at the intersection Woodbridge Ttealty Co 49.00 52;23 BERNARD M. GANNON, 261 Lot 14 Columbus Ave. 40x120 52.22 i*.*jpoint in said easterly side of of the westerly side of Cliff Road 261 Lot 15 Columbus Ave. 40x120 Woodbridge Realty Co 48,99 Old Road; thence along said east- Sheriff. id of Holton Gokaik Bealty Co 152.37 158.02 STEIN, 263 E. Ut 29 Amboy Ave. Irregular 158.02 erly side of Old Road, north 1-3 de-. 98SS 263 E Lot 30 Amboy Ave. Irregular Gokark Realty Co. 152.37 grees, fiftPPTi minutes east 61.07 $23.!»4 Gokark Realty Co 152.37 158.0 W. I. H-2fl, 27; 12-4, II. lencc (I) northerly alorig said 263 E Lot 31 , Amboy Ave. V» Irregular 89.58 feet to the point or place of BEG1N- westerly side of Cliff Road, one hun- 263 E Lot 32 Irregular Gokark Realty Co 85.54 „„.„„ , NING. •* ^' Amboy Ave. Gokark Realty Co 160.83 160.6F lred and -nixty-one and two-tenths 263 E Ut-33 Amboy Ave. Irregular 14 59 • The foTegoinforegoing descriptiodescrpt n is taken .SHERIFF'S SALE 161.2 > feet to a point in the divi- 266 A Lot 41 Irregular Woodbridge Realty Co. 12.28 14'.58"fro m a map o'f a" surve- y••-«"** made bhyv IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Bergen Street Woodbridge Realty Co 12.27 ion line between lots numbered one 266 A Lot 42 Bergen Street Irregular 14.58 Larson & Fox, Civil Engineers, •Between El.IHU Z. LAMBERT- 1) and two (2) on block numbered 266 A Lot 43 Bergen Street Irregular Woodbridge Realty Co 12.27 Perth Amhoy, New Jersey, October, SO.W Complainant, and BERTA- Lot 44 Woodbridge Realty Co • 12.26 14.57 en (If)) as shown on sftid map; 266 A Bergen Street Irregular 14.57 192323. LAN TAKACS, et als., Defend- -hcn. Realty Co. ...„ 13.69 16.04 " 279 E Lot 5 Lyman Ave. 25x100 16.03 HOTEL Lot 6 Lyjnan Avej... 25x100 Green St. Realty Co , 13.68 " 279 E Green St. .Realty Co 13.69 46.04 " 279 E Ut 7 Lyman Ave. 25x100 ; 16.03 11 Ut 8 u Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 279 E Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 " 279 E Lot 9 ' I Lyman Ave. 25x100 16.03 Lot 10 Lyman Ave, 25x100. Green St. Realty Co 13.68 " 279 E Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 " 279 E Lot 11 Lyman Ave. 25x100 16.04 Ut 12 Stephens Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 WCCDECW ' " 279 E 16.05 Lot 13 Stephens Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.70 " 279 E Green St. Realty Co 13.68 - 16.03 •" 279 E Utl 14 Stephens Place 33x100 16.04 " 279 F Lot 1 Lyman Ave. 25xT00 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 '16.03 11 276 F Lot 2 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.04 " 27D F Ut 3 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.03 11 279 F Lot 4 Lyman Av'e. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.0 WILSON " 279 F Ut 5 Lyman Ave. 25x183 Green St. Realty Co 18.69 16.0 " 279 F Lot 6 Lyman Ave. 25x183 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.04 i " 279 F Ut 7 Lyrasfl Ave. 25x183 G*«*a St,..B«alt£.'.Co 13.69 16.0 " 279 F Lot 8 , Lyman Ave. 25x183 Green St, Realty Co 13.68 13.77 " 279 F Ut 9 Lyman Ave. Irregular Grefen St Realty Co 11,48 16.04 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. " 279 F i*ot 10 Kirkland Place 25x100 Grepn St. Realty Co 13.69 16.05 » 279 F lot ll Kirkland Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co. 13.70 16.05 " 279 F Lot 12 Kirkland Place \ 25x100 GreWi St. Realty Co. .'. _ 1B.68 52.6' " 815 B Uts 82 to 84 John Street ' ' , Irregular Moses Kaufman 50.38 17.2i " 315 D Ut 104 Remmey Street] , 75x150 Moses aufman 14,87 17.2' " 315 D Lot 106 Remraey Street: 75x150 Hoses aufman 14.87 17.2 " 315 D Lot 106 K. Remmey StreetJ 76x150 Moses aufman 14.87 17.2 " 315 D Lot 107 Remmey Street 75x150 Moses •Caufman 14.87 17.2 Remmey Street 75x150 Moses Kaufman 14.86 CONNIE ATKINSON » 315 D Lot 108 17.2 ' • i " 315 D Lot 109 Remmey Street 75x160 Moses Kaufman 14.85 17.2 1 " 315 D Lot 110 , Remmey Street ; 75x150 Moses Kaufman 14.85 15.8 11 373 B Lot 5 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.51 15.85 " 873 B Lot 6 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. Nielson 18.61 15.85 87.3 B Lot 7 Berkley Boulevard. Irregular . Ella C. Nielson 13.51 15.86 And His Orchestra " 373 B. Lot 8 Berkley Boulevard ', Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.51 15.85 v " 873 B Lot 9 i Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. Nielson ,....-....„ 13.51 "_ Irregular 13.51 15.85 " 373 B, Lot 1Q Berkley Boulevard EHa'C: Nielson ...... : 15.85 <* • » ' _____ " . 373.B Lot 11 Berkley Boulevard .'. Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.61 15.85 " 373 B Lot 12 .. Berkley Bodftvard Irregular Ella C. NieUon ..:. , 13.51 15.85 " 373 B- Lot 13 Rorkley Boultivard" '.'. « IrreeuUr .. , 13.51 15.85 '" 373 B Lot i4 Berkley Boulevard Irregufir Ella C. NieWon 13.51, 15.83 DINNER $ER\ED FROM - ! '\ 373 B Lot 15 Berkley Boulevard \\ Irregular Ella C. Nielson : 13.49 15.83 " 373 B Ut 16 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. .Nielson 13.49 15.83 373 B Lot 17 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. Nielson » 13.49 15.82 " 373 B Lot 18 Berkley Boulevard ' Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.48 134,78 " 873 B Lot 50 Cooper Ave. Irregular Citizens Building Loan Assn. 129.25 12,60 " 373B Lot 51 Cooper Ave. Irregular Citizens Building Loan Assn. 10.35 277.73 " 873 E Ut 19 Ridueley Ave. " ' §0x135 Anders S. Nielson .; 268.67 ' 10.23 530 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. " 873 E Lot 20 Ridl A " 20x136 Aiders S. NieUon 8,02 240.79 " 373 E Lots 68 and 08 Cooper Ave. ' 26x135 each Wm. A. Spencer 282.62- 538.03 ^•« •• • 1 - • " 373 G Lot 33 • Berkley Boulevard " 26x125 Nels Peter Jensen 521.08 " 873 H So. 55 ft. at 42 to 47 Indiana Ave. Irregular Anders S. Njelaon 121.99 127.31 " 373 M .Lot 28 r Benjamin Ave. * 20x125 Nel» Peter Jensen 41.85 45.02 .50 " 378 M Lot 31 Benjamin Ave. 20x125 •NehT Peter Jensen 41.85 45;02 " 873 N tot 9 Green Street 20x125 Anders S. Nielson 19.10 21.59 " 878 N Lot 67 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Andere S. Nielson 12.98 15.30 " 373N Lots 58 to 68 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ira R. Crouae and Ingfred T. Madsen 77.98 83.88 373 Lot 66 Benjamin Ave. 20x126 David Lund 10.35 12.60 373 Lot «V Benjamin Ave. 20x125 David Lund 10.35 12.00 •* No Convert Charge/ 37.8 Lota 76 «nd 77 Benjamin Ave. House 20x125 each Lloyd P. Johnson 72.36 76.37 876 Lots 9 aa4 10 Juliet Street Irregular New Brunswick Hoklipg Co. 81.22 85.16 S75 Lota 13 to 18 -Juliet Street Irregular Ntw Brunswick Holding Co. 26.5.75 274,20 Johnson Street xlGP Charles Thomas' _..". 8.02 8.18 Minimum Table Charge $1.00 Per Person Huber Ave. A, Jackson ::.::::''....£„ - 8.2T Brown Ave. *10° "t Perth Amboy Realty Loan Co. 4.07 Si**' C. A- LARSON. Collector-


INDUSTRY SEES Your Home and Yew WHO'S WHO IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY HOPEFUL SIGNS, By fetor CaBhtar By Jeanne Vftil Storms . • BANKERS TOLD Exclusive Staff Sprcinl Frature Writer KITCHEN HELPS Leading Automobile Unit E*> Introducing to You the Live, Progressive Firms of Middlesex County and People Who Make pacts to Employ More Men LMOST every kltrhen no matter ThU Winter Than La»t A how carefully ' equipped total Up Its Business Interests lome one or two utenitlls or tooli of • really worth wblt« sort. MOTOR SUPPLY IN HANDS It may bo • Urge ahnnlnuia or OF PUBLIC FALLING OFF afftte kettle—that may b« nsed for RESPONSIBLE PERSON KNOWN FAR AND WIDE MY FAIR LADY A CHAMPION FIRM miking largo quantity of coffee for parties "and picnic*, for maktaf clua What is aonceded to be one of the Oliver "Goldsmith, in describing From the beginning of history WO Where is one of the best places Who's Who Twelve Million Year* Lait Transporta- neatest, best arranged Hardware' "Sweet Auburn, loveliest village of hear the many songs praising her in Middlesex County to buy your chowder or for simmering fralt for Stores here in Woodbrid|?e is the tion In Nition'i Car InTtWory Than Jams or conserve*. the plain," stressed the fact that beauty. We are told of the beauti- :oal? How about the Port Reading Woodbridge Hardware Co., at.Main, Roll Of Honor Contiuainess in Woodbridge for the past has a smiling countenance, ever Emerson, has lived in Sewaren for Mrs. Zettlemoyer R. Braithwaite "We are In the habit of looking '•>' Cohen at Woodbridge 8-0096 and twenty years. Gunning and all out- ready to fcive the latest and best in L«wi» Frankel A. J. Tillesik upon an automobile not merely ai an frigerator that you stand most In need the past fifteen years. while Mr. Minnie Frankel M. I. Demarest of, or yon may b« tarylng to get along ask—What has built his success? door sports are hobbies. He and the beauty secrets. There is no-thing Black has been located automobile but as trasaporation," he Who's Who editor both enjoyed him in Wood- Qren Gerns J. H. T- Martin with one graded measuring cup when about the beauty culture profession •ridge and vicinity since 1916. Mr. Val Brown, said. "We figure each automobile A FISH STORY recount the story of his first dollar. J. S. Mark, M. D. produced aa six years of transporta- two or three would be most useful to In Hungary, where he was bom, he which Mrs. Bjornson does not thor- Black is fond of all outdoor sports. | George Lucas G. T\ Applegate hare In uae at tbe mm* time. * It has been a source of personal His first thin dime was earned as a A F Greiner Betty Habinak tion. Then by following up record! visited the market, where farm pro- oughly understand. She was grad- ol production yearly, we get a graph ((& 1111. MoCl«r> Ntwwww STBlJleKt.) satisfaction to us to write about duce and live stock were brought for uated this last summer from one of '•newsy" in New York, in fact, to|R. A. Hirner H. Tompkin„_...„s (WNUftWTIM.) the Town Fishery Market, Main sale. Little. Ignatz found, in a mud quote Mr. Black, he "did any sort of A. D. Oldenboom Kjelder Peterson which Indicates what ought to be street, Woodbridge. This market puddle, under a tiny pig's foot, his tne best schools of beauty culture. work" he could find to do in. his first Arthur Lee A. L. Galup normal, Inventory of transportation In has grown so fast in popularity since first dollar. And it's interesting to Telephone Woodbridge 8-1548 and attempts at "high finance." Mrs. Wm. Campbell C. Albert Larson the hands ot the American people, and Coal »nd Diamondi it wa? established that every person nqte that he was such a tiny fellow ask—What sp'ecial system of beauty Emerson spent a number of ytaro W N. L. Taylor Eli*. Galaida whether there ar« m"or« or let* mll«s Coal Is Impure carbOB."*if(lIl(ni81lll"* should be proud of it. Fresh fish IB when he found it, that the dollar culture is used and In what services a law office in the big city. Motor-1 Ed. L. Hardiman F. G. Baldwin than might be expected. According Is pure carbon, crystallized. That Hy good food. Meat, day after day, ispurchased a whole new suit for him, ing is her hobby. Outside of the, John R. Baumann George From the diamond ha* Its carbon atoms ar-' too .heavy for most persons, yet a does Mrs. Bjornson specialize? to our -figures, there are. about twelve However, to return to I. Lustgarten, Port Reading„ Coal &" Suppl--^pyt Co--•. o—f E". K" . Bauman" n Wm"' . T~. •Ames million years less transportation ii ranged in a definite form and rigidly meal without meat or a substitute , A. H. Baumann Wm, L. Harned Axed In that position. your cured passage during the past year, fies. Maple Hill Dairy, Metuchen WHO'S WHO SPOTLIGHT MAY „.LaRein. e Carfoot R. L. Sattler purchasing power in this country, It which bring happiness'la their growth. avenue, Woodbridge, sees to it that Wm. A. Ryan table. You can always Serve the best and what is an essential to becoming BE TURNED ON YOU NEXT I =ldney Jo* Is quite evident that on the first np- —W. S. Boylston. sea foods the ocean offers—or, every drop of milk is prepared in a Joseph L. Gilt turn °f business there will be a rush a notary public 7 , ..":.' Jos. Andrasclk fresh water variety if you prefer— sanitary way. Their milk tastes so Mary Andrascik G. L. Moore to replace that Inventory. In develop- if the Inventor./, nine percent more T:-B-. Mortay G. Trautwein for at this place they handle almost APPRECIATED SHOP surprisingly good that we felt in ing this graph, it has come out very msoline wa£ used up to August 1, /'evenythinsr that swims." The own- duty bound to make it public. It is W. L. Harned Louis Toke ers here, Messrs. John Moreno and Everything for your car! From an honor to be in "Who's Who1' andLast Week's Spotlight S. B. Brewster Joseph Galaida strongly that every third year is a 931, than was used In 1930. With John Ammirato, always look around the radiator cap to th« rear bumper, one must do everything above the C. A. Campbell John F. Ryan big automobile year. The biggest Fewer automobiles', the people .rauat for the, best, as they are very partic- from the smallest gasket to the new average before he may be consid J. H., Concannon automobile year waa 1929 when 4,100,- lave been running them faster and ular nlmuk everything they dispense, ered. Maple Hill Dairy has won an JReveals That — 000 cars were produced tor American longer to consume the additional gaso- Thi'ir "Gulden Rule" principles have tires that carry you over the roads! line. This means that we have some These are the things which may al- honorable reputation in this vicinity Gustav Blaum's grocery, Main consumption. This year the industry won them popularity as well as the owing to their ability, courtesy and street, Woodbridge, prefers S. & W.$200 In Prizes For will produce somewhere between 1,' 22,000,000 people working haTd to frienil.«vp and confidence of hunway- s be procured from William C. tact. Being keenly alive to their and Premier brands of canned goods, makfc a fine business tor our industry dreds oT customers and this is theMartyn, 570 St. George Ave., Wood- 800,000 and 1,900,000 cars, As 1932 Is responsibilities, they are filling them because of their standard high qual- three years after 1929, If economic con- when there Is an economic recovery. reason this firm will grow from the br*dge. To the driver of an auto- ity. * Who's Who Refers size of gold fish to that of a whale. with much satisfaction to their many ditions were normal we could be sure No False Optimism patrons. Solomon Feuchtbaum, the GRAND PRIZE—$25.00 John Moreno has been with us formobile this man is a boon, for there we would do a tremendous business, "I am not attempting to any the past twenty-five years, while is hardly a day that the "old bus" owner, and his son, Benjamin, have, FIRST PRIZE WEEKLY—$10-00 in consideration of their persever- SECOND PRIZE WEEKLY—$5.00 because the third year ia the time when false optimism—I am not speaking John Ammirato. his cousin, has only Morris Segal, fruit and vegetable 1 does not need some new furniture. ance, steadfastness and tireless in- THIRD PRIZE WEEKLY—$2.00 the bulk of the replacing takes place. without a statistical background. Us- located here recently from Brook- "Bill" Martyn has •an eye to please market, at Main and School streets, lyn. Both boys are striving to make dustry, won distinction for them- Woodbridge, motto is "If it grows Rul«f He added that there are factors at ing the b«Bt sense we can, we have the Town Fishery Market a worth all his custotners. He takes the trou- selves in Middlesex County's Who's and is in season we have it." Weekly there will appear different work that make It uncertain how big drawn conclusions from .the figures we have, and I am willing to make the while institution where dependable ble to supply his place of business Who. Mr. Feuehtbaum has been in brief paragraphs in this column the year will be, instancing that merchandise may be procured at allwith all the accessories for the auto- the. dairy business for thepast "money Is being hoarded from Jack statement that as far as the conduct time^. Coll Woodbridge 8-2 U0 and bringing out distinctive features of ist dl fti be able to get them. He istwenty-eighty years, and has been of confidence and this taHes away ot our business for the first halt of ask—What fish is being featured this DunhSfnv & Sabo, Inc., have prop- Middlesex County institutions. There 1932 Is concerned, we shall Bet tha always on the lookout for Borne new located in Woodbridge for twenty- erties for rent at $48i to $60 and is a question in erich article. Read some purchasing power that we would •week at the Town Fishery Market four years. He used to hunt for a Indices somewhat higher than the ac- at Woodbridge? device that will add to the pleasure listed for sale at $7,50(5 to $10,000 v s i L C otherwise have, while fatnify budgets hobby but- declares now that hisand »lsell firflwamie and casualt-ti ,-it,y, iJuriClinsurance..every. line of each story, for ques- tualities ot 1831. We are willing to ' of motoring. He keeps a sharp eye business keeps him fairly occupied. tions may be asked anywhere in the are being cut on account of changes CIVIC WORKER set our advertising budgets and our on all new improvements and theHe specializes in giving the best story, and there may be more than In Income conditions, which again selling expense on that kind of Indices. result is the autoist can obtain all quality possible from the Maple Hill means that purchasing power for the Many motorists are fast learning Hypatia Foundation Garment Fac- two questions askefd in some para- With economic conditions aa they .are, the value of having their cars thor- Dairy to his many satisfied custo- automobile, like a good many other and sjnee the obsolescence is so great articles for his comfort by just say- mers. Call Woodbridge 8-0790 and tory at Avenel, have from 12 to 15graphs. The person sending in most oughly overhauled at regular inter- ing the word. Mr. Martyn is one of things, will be knocked down." As a and we have sunk so 1 JW In this year's val*. \<>u lihould not wait until your—What is clarified and pasteur- main models of corsets from which dbrrect answers will be given prizes the most successful men in Wood- ized milk? numerous styles may be created. result, he said, It was necessary to sales, we figure that the first hall ot tar stops running before you put it in merchandise week!'. In case of ties measure what statistically would be into the shop. The more y_ou run it trldge because of his courteous and 1952 must necessarily be better than y_ ANY COLOR AT ALL a duplicate.award .will be given each a big year afcalng^ a praotlcal con was the first half of 1931." nfteftrr iitt hi to get blbalkyk , tthhe mmore square* dealings. From the smallest tying contestant. The judge's deci- harm you are doing it, and the more Steve Zanetou has $3,000 Invested sideration of thti curtailment of ex di i d h buyer to the biggest all are treated This little story' is about Endre sl0Ils wlU be hnal Kve one has an it will cost to have it put in condi- Nielsen, 145 Avenel street, Avenel, in new machinery and equipment to - 7 penditures which Is golnp on and de- Bankers Help tion again. Edward Bader, at 685alike and patrons are always satis- properly accommodate^ the patrons^'equal opportunity to win. Anyone the interior-and exterior painter. Mr. termine how big tilt year will B Seven banks of Kennebec County, St. George avenue, should have his fied when they leave this place. Nielsan will paint the vicinity red— of the N. Y. Custom Tailor. can answer. To {he person sending .under these clrcumstancea. \lalne, cooperated with the county, motto, "Fixing, Not Puking." where "Kind words," said Tennyson, "are or any other color you wish. His in the most answers during the con- •"From a long haul standpoint, re- everyone who passes may read it, grange, farm bureau, and local cream- more than coronets." Mr. Martyn charges will not make you blue, even test will he given a $25 grand prize gardless of how many automobiles ar Lecuu«e this is a garage where all in merchandise. Call in person or ery, lu financing the publication of a goes with Tennyson to the extent of though he is not green in his work, Gorton's Ice Cream Factory, Am- sold In 1932, we are storing up a bl kinds of troubles are taken care of In fact; he is going to grow gray at over .tire phone to get answers. Any booklet, entitled, "The Agricultural thinking that you can do more with boy avenue, will make any flavor of business for the future," Mr. Gran by expert mechanics. Mr. Bader has 0 fhe a tles 'Situation In Kemiebeu Qounty." It done his share in this community, kind words than with n whip. He is the business. He has been spreading it | ice cream that may be wanted They' ' P ? written must answer said. "There will be fewer automobiles serene. A, comjjetent .executiyc.'and on thick in Middlesex County for also make the chocolate coated co- ,fny 1"«^'?n Answers may be sent presents In a concise manner the farm from.the. aUodpflint tit time, w.urk ! st»Jd lu 1831 than will go to the scra staunch friend. Although a Scot by about fiftesn years.- And- he wilt al- coanut teci tfreani Jumtto"bar'Icyeast ^y- W brought to thisoffice with- 'resources and practices of""the"county,' nnd money, and is well known and in four days after story appears. lieap. With 12,000,000 car-years oul stands with the'highest'in the auto- birth, Mr. Martyn has spent most of ways do a good job, even if he has,mono cup and sherbert cups. ' with, suggestions for improvement. his life in the United States. Wood- to apply three coats of paint and an This knowledge competition is open mobile circles of Woodbridge. He to all except eniploees of this paper always hits the welfare of his custo- bridge has claimed him since 1907. extra pair of overalls. No feature y i For eight years hia auto garage and of the home is more important than and their families. Bemember, read- KEEP IN TO Homemade cakes and pies; sand-. ei Mr. Nielsen was born in Norway and •proves it by the quality of work he aku lining do you prefer educated and learned his trade in turns out. Cull Woodbridge 8-(feG0 our work? E. L. Bergeh proprietor Hiram's Germany, where his very first little Farm" Service Station, Boute 25, sells ask —Why ilo you specialize on boy dollar was earned. He has de- repair of no one particular make of ALWAYS REMEMBER ? Standard gasoline and oils, and skin- voted fifteen years of his life to his less frankfurters, prilled sandwiches cur,' and approximately how many trade and. has spent over seven years feet "I" luake lining do you have on Do you people of this vicinity and Chicagj jun)bo ice cream cones ealize thuti no job is too big, andin Avenel, giving his best to commu- are featured at his lunchroom. hand at the present time? nity folks. Business is his hobby, one too siiall for J. Kiugei''s Ma- which is clearly evidenced by every FRIENDS BY THE HUNDREDS hine Shop* ^>n Grove avenue, Wood- jcb turned out by him or his men. nidgtf? Here they are equipped Call Woodbridge 8-1482- and ask— Nils Kjaer, 262 Madison avenue, Right now, before you start your Perth Amboy, has about 25 different fires fur the evening meal, is the 1 What principle, which belongs: t6 ith machinery, tools, a'nd experj- Niolsen and His .men, has kept an; styles of haircuts. time to look after jfour tire insur- nee which enables them to do any of them froni bein^ effected b; ance policy. Arc your household ml all kinds of machine, repairing "depression?" goods insured and in what condition ,nd to specialize jn the repair of Jack's Radio & Battery Shop, 41 aie your polieije.s? This is an' im- THE FINEST MEALS Main street, Woodbridge, features portant ({uostlun. ' It may mean tne team, gas . and electric engines, utomobiles or any kind, of broken What a treat when you are invited the Crosley Radios which are priced difference between poverty and from $36.36 to $9!J.5O. •wealth. Many homes alid business machinery. Kruger's imputation is to lunch or dine at Deutsch's Res- careers have been wrecked because well established. Mr. Kruger can taurant, Green street, Woodbridge, they were not properly protected build from the foundation up. His You know you never tasted iftpre Humphreys & Ryan Hardware Co., with fire insurance," J. P. Gerity & in business ha*s been appre- wonderful food, nor had greater at- Inc., 76 Main street, Woodbridg-e, PROBAK- Co., 1)3 Main street, Woodbridge, iable and has been accomplished tention or courtesy paid lyou. No feature tJ. S. M. Deck paints, Pitts- about whom we are writing, sell in hrough steuijy application to buai-, one who has ever, eaten at IDeutsch's, burgh Plate Glass Co.'s flat wall col- . aurance. He is one of the promin for even a short period,, would think ors, and Sapolin speed enamel and •nt figures in the business -life of ness. He goes consistently and of saving: "Is thia fresh?" or "Isstains'. - Dhu community. Mr. Gerity does teadily and, while doing little talk- this really the best?" Mr, Morris barber-shoi ffi^ASCATTERY FAMILY licit dvftde his rebponsjb'ilities, but ng, does much producing. As a lai, Peutsch has nothing- in the establish ment but the best to be had of every- seeks them, and dfiea, his utmost to when bjg enough to handle toots, he frankel's Phajpnacy, 78 Main ass shovi'i said the Jady who was closing up her hofne, to the please Vvery perscm who. enters his received hi» education with a ham- thing. It must be especially fine be- fore- he will consider it. Indeed, treet, Woodbridge, hava. twfr regis- friead who came to say good-bye. ^"But wa keep in office. In every city there are some njcr, screw driver, chisel, tile and this particular selection that is given Ufttd pharmacists so as to assure you comfort persons who do their work and know wrench, and, up to thia morning, has of always having your prescriptions 1 everything found in Deutac'h's tends touch ... by telephone. It's almost like, being to- ''how." Mi . Gerity in one who "tun never stopped. Some' of th« biggest to make the place popular. You are put up aa the Doctor wants them. and "clues." During his business things we found About Mr. forager Certain to find food, as well an at home getber." «|Why not fceep YOUR fomily and, circle career he has come "in contact with s that he IB absolutely reliable, g'iv- the excellent service, real pleasure. I PROBAK Bt ADR of friends together the mtodern telephone way? thousands and friendships lmve been ,ng a perfectly aatitfuctory Morris has a pet aversion, and that Warr Coaj and Supply Co,,. St. made and strengthened, with the re- coupled with little" acts of thought- is the word "impoanible." There, is* Geoi'ge's avenue, sells Reading coal • 5 Out-of-town calls Wit little — IOO miles for 6o sult that he is well and most favor- fulness. He ig on the job personally no suuh word in his dictionary. Hebecause it is the best hea,tmg coal cents; other TQtes in proportion. ably known. J. P. Gerity lit one of and if a complaint should be mada,. is A recognized leading man in M4q)-mined, ' , our own Woodbridge men,, born and djesex County and he treta whatever "he will make it goo,d." That's quality of foodstuffs he wants and raised in the section known as John Kruger. Mr. Kruger has lived gives the public th« best- -He makes Snipe's Wulk. All sports, especially in Woodforidge for the past eighteen life happy and bright for othjsrs »n4i Putting smashed automobiles back ON THE AIR I football, are his hobbies. He recalls years. His machine (hop has gain«d as a result, we have named, him into gQoa «han« and the fitting of Sunday Evening*, S-1S o'clock that his jiist dollar was earned when a wide reputation during the past "One of the Happiness men of Mid-bearings ia the work that Frank he helped unload a load -of Imnhet dlesex County." Morris Deutsch has Lenche& likes best tu do at his Clover WABC-WCAU fourteen years no has had it. His Leaf Garage, on the Super Highway for Benjamin Vulentjne. Mr. Cierity first dollar was earned on a steam- been living in Woodbridge' Township " Music Along th« Wlr**" buun engaged in the real estaU since 1904. His restaurant on (jfesh at Avenel. boat hvNew York harbor.. An,out- street, where j^pod food is gerved at \ and insurance businessiness s"since' 1919 standing citizen, and an inventor, he "reasonable pprices, , had its inceptionp n Call Wooilbridife 8-0288 *nd*nd uk has une project in mind which ia a,t th Gll Wdbid Whit formf a of insuranci e arehhandle three years ago. Gull Woodbridge Kindness end Sym Co to hw heart. Gall pathy are the characteristic* that E Nl=W JEASEY BELL TiLIPHOHi by. J. F, (ierity * a j 8-0860 anil' a#k—Whs,t service is 1 ma»y casualty and Are ln I tpi *aki-Wh*t, featured at Deut A, PMUJ , ftt fuaaflfl director bowl Dj«« do you rt WOODBRIDGfe INDEPENDENT PAGE SIX FRTDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1931 The Silver Lining DI -OTHER EDITORS SAY- |

.AMERICANS RISE AND WALK [can be clone. Hut when a man casts J • Subscription $1.50 Per Year * Therc is «<> mucli (fond, practical f'ar from his mind, the world bc- common sense in the following arti-|comes hiii oyster. <',.-. Published Ertry tVlcSy by cleelf , publish™published! ;iin a London ppublics-c jj "TToo lose a bit of money is noth- tion and addressed to American in*, but to lose Hbpe tow nerve MIDDLESEX PRESS, 18-20 Green Street, Woodbridge ,iiS, um, w .".,v ....,.- . \ readers, that it i« not to be wonderedd d and ambition—thabitithtt is what make Telephon?, Woodbridge 8-1710, 8-1711 at that it is ht-inp republished in men cripples. American newspapers. "This silly depression has gone on MAXWELL L,OGAN - _.:'_ Publisher It was written by Herbert N. Cas-long enough. Get rid of it< It is JEROME J. RAFFERTV Bti«ines« Manager son, who has been a contributor to inside of you. Rise and walk!" American publications, and ia quirt CHARLES H. BYRNE _ .'.: Nitor The article is particularly helpful well known in this country. It is iwnce Americans may be ntandlng too THOMAS J. BREKNAN ..._ -.. Sports Editor headed, 'Rise and Walk," and is asnear their difficulties to find the follows: right perspective. The patient in a Entered at second-class matter March 13, 1919, at the Post- "You are depressed. You think hospital, who is seriously ill, is likely office at Woodbridg-e. N. J., under th« Art of March 3, 1879. you are crippled. You are afraid to thinnk he has more f the futme. You are full of tears. symptoms tfiffn nctually exists. National A 14. Hu'.v in his head, not in his leg?. He moves enable industry to adjust itself to torical knowledge, and a rare faculty for making friends. terwoven with the physical conditions under which we live, acutely It feels its pains and aches on when he thinks he will. modern conditions. "And when an American business This program is sound, > But Hoffman is not the type of politician who becomes a j with our subconscious reactions and habits now, while it ia passing ihrrmgl: the depression caused, by. the war man is depressed the slump is in his We can only hope that Dr. Butler iu-ail. There is nothing serious to millionaire after a few years in public life. He is comfortably j When the general public finds that out, and takes it to Just as fiulctly and easily Japan, 1 spoke with prescience in saying — well off but not wealthy. It would be difficult for any man not heart, there will be a general reduction in accidents—rand not prevent him from making money if "The year of 1932 will »ot be a China and Russia may be sliding into j h'? think? he will. a millionaire, preferably several times over, to keep up the pace very good year foi> pussyfooting." before. The entire problem, and particularly that of automo- anolher war. "When fear rules the will nothing —N. Y. World-Telegram. Let us pray, hope and believe that that has been set for those who go to Washington as senators bile accidents and accidents in homes, is largely up to the in- nobody will drag ua Into that te:n- ! Bad news from Sir Arthur Eddlng- To wh|)m „ May Concern. from New Jersey, especially the district represented by former dividuals peat, if it starts. But you can never i ton, who, with Jeans and EInste n, TAKf, N0TICEi that thg Senator Morrow. Senators Edge. Kean, Morrqw and others be sure. make up the cosmic lilsh-brow inn- fjgne(i by vjrtue of an "Act for the for some years past have been very wealthy men; It is quite ljy. of lflSl. ' better protection of garage keepers THE AMERICAN LEGION FIGHTS FIRE When you read "Toklo is sending Eddlngton says the universe is ex- and'automobile repair men," approv- likely that they spent thousands of dollars* of their own pri- heavy reserves to China because fif- Some time ago the California Branch of the American panding, and the atom is contracting. ed April 14, 1915, will sell at p\iblic vate fortunes in addition to the renumeration received for the teen Japanese have been killed in a You can have ten million atoms in auction— office. The old standards of American simplicity have passed. Legion adopted a resolution in support of fire prevention cam- Manchurian battle," and read of the corner of your eye without notlc- CHEVROLET SEDAN, 1928, en- Japanese and Chinese lighting "in the paigns, and determined to present it to the meeting of the Ing them, so a little more «ntractlnB ftme number 4596041 and Serial Still Harold Hoffman will not lose prestige. The faine he Russian zone," you may prepare tor ,„..„,,, .if. • number 8150, owned by BBward D. national Legion at Detroit. This Was done, with the result that big news. has attained is built upon a solid foundation of ability and ac- not worry us. ^^ Fort Jay> Govenor-S ,sland> the Legion, as a whole, has adopted fire prevention as one of The great Nebulae are receding N. Y. C. License 5L-175 N. Y., sub- complishment. Japan has b«en sending heavy gold from us at a speed that would worry ject to this sale at Clover Leaf Gar- As Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, as congressman, and its major activities. In it3~res©h]tion it pointed out that the shipments through San Francisco for you, if exact figures were supplied. age, Route 25, Avenel, in the Town- waste of both life and property by fire is largely preventable, deposit to her credit here. This puz- The unlverae. It seems, Is a ship of Woodbridge, State of New in, all other public places he has filled, Hoffman has made good, ile3 Finance, but should not. l6> Jersey, on November 21, 1931, at 11 and that it constitutes a menace to the community. hut, fortunately, It exploded some tril- and his list of friends has groTvn steadily. • For buying in America Julian must lions of years ago, so wa need not go o'clocCLOVEk in thRe LEAforenoonF GARAGE. . The resolution should produce good fruit—both in the have gold, and therefore Japanese gold through that again. We are living on GEORGE FOX,.Constable. ANOTHER PHASE OF THE GUN PROBLEM work that the Legionnaires will do, and in the example it af- is coming here. Japan will want many fragmentragmentss left after the explosionp . W. I. 11-13, 20. things it war starts on a bis scale, and You can study the Nebulae fairly Most of us are familiar with the usual argu-ments against fords. It is an example that should be followed by every other must use gold in this market. stringent anti-gun laws—that they have proven unenforceable organization of prominence and influence. In Europe the 1914 war was on its j M bula'e will have to double tlie aper ' whenever tried-, that they are a denial of constitutional rights, The time is coming when we will regard the person whose e way before the world realized it. The > „,,.), ,,r llIg telescope every rnie billion • and that they actually benefit the criminal, who makes a prac- carelessness causes a fire as being as much a danger to society new war 'n Asia, involving China, : three hundred million years, merely ', Johnny, did. you. tice of breaking laws. as the person whose recklessness on the highway results in the Japan and Russia, is on its way, and | ^ keep Up wltn tht" the HIGHER TXXES? f ot millions Invested there, and mak- imi/.Klc nf H inn ki'i. The haymiet hp- two things—the fact that, in civil life, many of them were fa- ing room for th^lr overflowing popu- 1 j "For the first time since the war," wrote Charles Merz in lation. i L!nit tlir typif/l v\ »•:.[! n of tlu Infuu miliar with firearms, and that our arms manufacturers, cooper- try. I:i lMi;, s> ,l> im M.'ure lutro- ating with the government, Have developed and perfected a| recently, "the American public faces the Gandhi, warning England that fiery ihlct'tl II hivulii't f::sli'iiPil to the niilji- type of'equipment that equals any in the world. 1 Possibility of higher (federal) taxes .... "It is clear that See- times are ahead, will take his loin ki! liy u SJI. li:u' cli|>. The triaiifiulnr cloth, shawl, goat, and sail for India haymiri (~i, I-;I.II-I| f;-nm tho cr'itw^ier- In the year 1776 drills were given to systematize loading jretai'y Mellon described the present situation accurately when on November 29. \ timi nf i;t lil:-i|i'i was uscl in •the U'rlt- |he 8aid that durin recei months w<"i|. lia.v'UH't. gamut from "Half-cock i'our fire locks!", "Shut your pans!", ever won its freedom without fighting. "I was just going to a*k not only without the usual surplus, but with a deficit approach- to "Potse your firelock!" and, after the eighteen preliminary While Hindus flght Mohammedan a, P.trififd Wood j her where she got those, and vice versa, neither Hindus nor h ing a billion dollars. Wood found In the petrified forest motions—"Fire! There were as many kinds of rifles as there Mohammedans fight the British. Why nice cookies. I'll bet it was 'Thus, at this tithe it is especially important, as President In Arizona la (if historic coniferous or were gunsmiths to make them. Soldiers, side by side in the •hould the British inalce concessions? at the Woodbridge Deli- 7 evergreen tree*. " °" •"•" ••" .r""!" iV ~'.* r " ~ ""Vv,~ i Hoover recently pointed out, that we refrain as far ab possible c*t«Men. ranks, according to an authority, could scartely use one anoth- i -IJ. 1 * j , 4.n£ u Germany has coined one hundred er's weapons a*d could not lead-with one another's bullets. fron? ™*™»} demands on the federal government Those who and twenty million marks In silver, recently, buying the metal here. What is a Bladder Physic? areseekin treasur rehef bo sea 8ub die sho ul them WOODB DGE It is to be hoped that the United States will not again have * y ' ™ ". "f " i J - Britain, off the gold basts, finds her \ awdklnr that »orkt m tbr bUddi* » need for military armament on a wholesale scale! But it may. ^Ives declare a moratorium if the public intjerest is to be serv- trade expanding, noemployment dl- <-m.<<» »u «• ihr bo»ru. Mm ml UBPHT- mlnlahing. ,ltlr* sad »»•• arldn thai nw liTllaU*a DELICA SSEN And to put our manufacturers out of business through dubious ed. Higher taxes will metn hat prosperity 'which must resul »hlrh rnalti In irttlni up nlfhls, fnq««Bt 102 M*m St. Woodbridf. and. unenforceable laws, is hardly the part of logic. | ™inly from industrial development and the influx of capital If the British would adopt a gold •I'-^rr, Imrnln., teg P«lM MM) bKkacfcc. and silver currency, with » talr value »«y«TS <» I'- T.bin.) u > PIMHBI into labor-«mploying, tax-paying, supply-purchasing organiza- l>u 1< r vU le ROADS AND HEARTHSTONES for silver, which is the money of Asia,, * ' " tions, will be delayed in returning they would monopolize Asia's trade. <.•>• • tu MI b«i rram >aw dniiibi. "A good road is needed over which to transport a load of Our Own business men. Who find After four dv« If not rrU>vrd ia bark aad wheat or cotton-or cattle," said C. E, Markham, Executive He's Providing a Lot for Posterity that China is not buying of us as she «<•• T«" "oner. Voo wtu f*«» i«x« aftw once did. need not wonder why. '.lbllhl*» «•»•"•"»• •>«» ton ut »«w »iular Secretary of the American Association of State Highway Of- nirep. ficials, recently. "The price the merchandise brings is not a Gold basis or none, Britain keeps Thompson-Drake Drug Co. measure of the need for the highway. The past years' exper- going ahead in the air. A flying boat, twice the stie ot the ience shows that an increased road program .... is the .base POX, la now under way, to carry pas- course for many a hearthstone. Every part of our governmental sengers and mail between England structure has its share of responsibility in meeting the issue. and Canada. It will be» able to fly 2,580 miles at 120 mile* an hour, with- Just Announced A New The State Highway Departments are equipped for an inCreas- out taking fuel. Its engines develop ed task. Those responsible for legislation must either furnish 60,000 horsepower. funds for food, or work." Tills la being done by the British ViVILMM I Al H Air Ministry. The British Govern- It is generally believed that roiad construction is one of the' ment takes tbe initiative, not leaving A VALUE IN GRANDFATHER CLOCK AND RADIO best possible ways for State and county governments, as well to private enterprise that which Is PERFECTION AS A PIECE OF FURNITURE. most Important to national safety. as the Federal, to flght unemployment, inasmuch as approxi- COMPLETE WITH TUBES. mately eighty per cent of the money spent gooajnta the pock- Two iliiiua thin country need? could ets'of labor. And nowadays, it does njot cost as much to build and should fave, wheat at a dollar a $84.50 bun lie 1 and silver at a dollar an ounce. weatherproof secondary roads as many of us think. Modern A dollar an ounce for sliver would be developments have produced bituminous materials which, a ratio *Df twenty-two to one, since., gold is "worth" twenty-two dollars an when laid over local bases, or combined^ 'with rock or gravel, ounce. " Majestic Midget $44.50 complete give a splendid highway* suitable for all but the heaviest traf- The existing ratio is abpve sixty to fic, at an exceedingly low cost. ." • one,- although gold production Is actu- ally iinly thirteen to one, as comparedrj It is better to give a worker ti job than to give him i-linr- with sllvfir. ! Majestic Cabinet $59.50 complete ity. Expedited programs can do much to dnset misery andj ' ' j Want. - ' , President Hoover, Mr. Mellon and SEETHE NEW MAJESTIC BEFORE YOU BUY, others that would like the Republican' lt. l il.H 11AI bit, nuttKl Auauluu urrliltts I, liuudluK a shllUug t» bl« party to remain ID power are Invited HEAR IT IN YOUR HOME. A CHALLENGE! D to In- ili-[M>»lied In the Hunk of EiiKluud to open what itpcebubly to consider tbe, "wheat tt a dollar, A. Low A. $5.qO Deliver. One Of Thete 1932 Model*. The recent congress of the National Safety Council was the world's luuat unusual hank Recount, tie deiwaited the shilling in trust Iu illrer aX a dollar" program. j a compound Inlervnt account to be ptjrable after 1,S(K) yeart by the Bank of if the President consults banke/s,; opened ivith a .written admonition from President Hoover that Rnyland to liln descendants, lie also leaves several thousand wtlliODB of even as Intelligent a financier as \ our 33,000 annual deaths dye to automobiles, "is a challenge pou/^s to tlie KUKIISL guv«miueut of that time with {he request that they Eugene Meyer, Junior, bt the Federal to the -efforts of the safety organizations and the cooperation buji "the Auitricau continent." Hie other b»jueaU Include l,000,(XW,(XM), Reserve, he will probably see shaking bcls to tbe educational Inrtltutlous; 1,000,000,000 pounds «b the Bauk of of heaVy heads. But not all banker*' CONC ANNQN'S of every motor vehicle operator," % for the «iu«nKes it may have Incurred by carrying the account to arc imablfi ID realise that cornering j It if gpo4.i%jjbtW ^at from,a high source. There is no J year of 3-181; and thu king; of England of that year shall receive • block gold by Frauce aud this country ,i» Music Store IU9 tod«^>ffr the needlew Ofjjold 8,000 feet Iu width aud length. responsible for industrial and com-: merctal 76 MAIN ST., WOODBRIDGE TEL, 4-Q?»9

D . Jackson , Parth Ambuu ttealtv I .nan * \-i WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT 'FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19S1 PACE SEVEH Faadly RaanloM * * THE WORLD OVER Many fntntly prjgnlEatloni are r«c- nUrly Incorporated hodlr*. Reunions •re held regularly and on appoint dates RABIN0W1TZ HARDWARE Golden B'ar Growlin' Tlioro nrp In the United StAtea abont :o'celebrate events connected with th« 105 men to ev«>r/t00 wn'mert. Among family history. Regular office)-* ar* •• ~—By HARDIN BURNLEY neftrnes thprc nre 100 fpmnleg to 99 "If It's Hardware, We Have It!" ppolnted and hnslnenK meetings held. SCHOOL ELEVENS ionic*. A genealogy of tie family may he com- Full Line of— piled and papers or pnmphlpts pr»> Won AH Garhes Tlip (llstnnce of a thunderstorm maj Bared on prominent members of tbt HARDWARE,PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES High Schooli—Claw A be determined hy ftliOTplng are iec- family or trenti of ipee4al Interest Asbury Park Collinjfcwooil onds bet^epn thr rimrh *r*«l the than- HOUSE FURNISHINGS with which they wer« connected. Tftt Dh-ktnson der for enoh mile's distance. 553-555 Roosevelt Avenue CARTERET, N. J. High Schooli—Cl«»i,.B family gatherings are also largely Hackettatown Oc^an City The hottest itnrs thine with Hn In social. Tel. Carteret 8-0312 and 8-1018 Riverside Tenafly Pr«p Schooli—Clan A tense white light, the leas hot ones Wenonah with n yellowish llghjt, while the cool- Old«t Royal Abode Prep Schools—Clan B est stnrs hnve a reddish glow. Prnbiihly Windsor castle is the ol4- (Nonfe) *«t rnyal residence. Windsor was a The five Nobel prlr.ea, nvernglni; residence of the Saxon kings before Undefeated but Tied nti'int $10,000 ench annually, are the Conquest, their pnMCe being at old TWENTY YEARS! High Schooli—Cl... A nwnnled from a fuird bequeathed by Windsor. William the Conqueror chow ,Roselle , . Nobel, n Swedish Inventor, to the per- the present site, built a castle there, SELLING NATIONALLY ADVERTISED \. rons who have mmle the grenlent con- which was taken down and'the present T High School.—Clan B MERCHANDISE AT LOW PRICES! Manasquan Westfield trlhutlmis to medicine, physics, chem- one built In the time of Edward H. South Amb»y HAUF0ACK istry, literature nnd pence. This has since been eltended and com- Reap The Benefit Prep Setiooli—Clan A pletely renovated. St. Benedict AMD Q»ie OF SOME STATISTICS OF THIS Pr.p Schools—Clalt B THE Newark Academy Pinery Until* Ebe« Pry America's "soft1' drink bill for "A man dot likes to hear hisself Scored On irat) nmoiinted 'to $2,848,000,000. talk," said Uncle Kbeh;"wwooldn' be M Great Sale . High Schools—CUit A bad 1( he i(isn' so unselfish ft trying (None) N'nnrhnlnht Americans smoked 115,- to share de pleasure with others."--- HERE IS WHAT YOU GET: High Schools—Clan B .179,107.000 uignrelles In 1030. Washington Star. I Westfield ALL - WOOL Prep Schools—Clan A .(Norie) Prep Schools—Class B Would you pay the Small Balance due ok a fine small size Ready to Wear SUITS Newark Academy Pihgry NATIONALLY KNOWNv TOP COATS Highest Scores- GRAND I IVM \ High Schools—Cla.s A The Credit Manager of GriAith Piano Company will tell tliii initrn- Roselle 58, Suihmit 0. menl for the imall balance due on leate. Lcrfnla 53, Cliffslde 0. V NO DOWN PAYMENT neceuary — ju.t continue imall month- Apbury Park 52, Central (Paterson) ly paymenU. ThU Grand it fully guaranteed and will be iold on ft •ix monthi' trial agreement — Offeri exceptional value for nmc $8.95 6: • i _ PROMPT ACTION e«ential —MUST BE MOVED within Collingswood 62, Bridgeton 0. one Columbia 52, Orange 0. BILL IWGRAM'S Telephone or write P. H. GAGLE, CREDIT MANAGER WE MATCH YOUR COAT Long Branch 52, Toms River 0. . (Mulberry 4-5880) EXTRA PANTS SALE Vineland 52, Haddon Heights .0. High Schools—Class B GRIFFITH PIANO CO., 60S Broad St., Newark, N. J. $1.29 $1.69 $1.95 $2.79 Hackettatown 72, St; Bernard 0. SAVE $10 TO $15 Prep Schools—Clus A • rpj^orrpw's Pacific Ofcatt Confer- came as the personal nominee Pennington, 107, Bordentown Mil. 0, ee''ctassic between lie iVstwhile Rockne, there remained an under- ' TAYLOR MADE Prep School*—Class B priants of that region promises to be rrent of dissatisfaction. PURE VIRGIN WOOL SUITS St. Peter, N. B. S}, Good Counsel 0, closer than it's been for three long But Ingram has fooled them all. Vocational Schools seasons—long indfed for California nthiu the course of half a season TO MEASURE Atlantic City 31, Tuckerton 7. at all events. The Golden Bear has managed to imbue his new team, Henry Frahme EXPERT FITTING ALL NEW PATTERNS wallowed in the ruck for so long he undergraduates, and the Bear's that, with the close of its disastrous rmy of outside followers with real TIED FOR TALL 1930 season, even the most hopeful onfidence and spirit. By holding St. of California's alumni wanted noth- V to a low Score early in the $20.00 This same Lindquist is t|ie with ens»n, and very nearly upsetting SURGICAL APPLIANCES Red Demarest, varsity end, and X better than a five-year plan, so 1 0-fi) the vaunted Trojans of Suuth- WE DOUBLE Moose Rosenthal, yearling wingniag. n designed as to ultimately bring it ISSUE back into the running for Confer- rn California, He has been credit- AND SUPPORTERS for thhe honoh r off beibi t thhe tallesll t with two grtat moral victories, RED por LE a football player in Rutgers. AH tthreh e ence honors. ngram ahvas had the personal char- of the men stop the pointer at six Bill Ingrain, who is succeeding cteristics which make for popular- foi't, three, inches. "Nibs" Price as head coach at Cal., ty, but the enthusiasm generated by Now In Our Own Building CUNNEEN had turned out good teams for many is splendid first year's record is yeaij for the U. S. Naval Academy. I THE MAK1NS vhat has really put him across in his [55SMITHSZiPERTHAMBOY^ GREEN - But the surprise which his appoint- ew surroundings. They haven't yet 20 West Scott PL. Elizabeth, N. J. STAMPS George Makin, one of the first ment occasioned on the Berkeley orgotten that 73-0 trimming.' South- ^L 8O3 ON string tackles on the Scarlet year campus and in the San Francisco rn Cal hung op them last year. Opposite City Hall SATURDAY lings, is a cousin of Joe Makin, in district generally was by no means Of course, Pop Warner's Indiana trumural football coach and inatruc unanimously pleasant. High hopes an never be reckoned with lightly. tor in physical education. They ar had been entertained that Cal would Stanford will make it a very trying makin' their name known in Rutgers import no less a figure than Knute afternoon for the reincarnated football circles. Koekng himself. And although "Navy Bears, with the brilliant Phil Moffatt NEW YORK'S INN OF HOSPITALITY and others: but the Blue and Gold of California—led by Captain Ed. Grif- In the midst of the city but away, from the noise fiths, a fighter if ever there was one —is conceded a good "outside 1,000 ROOMS WITH BATH—5 DINING ROOMS chance" to tie or win this year's en- gagement. Neai the Great Department Storei. Convenient to Churches, A Fine Old English Design . . • Theatre! and Transportation Lines. EASY TO TELL RATES It's no trouble to distinguish the Winika brothers, starting tackles on Single Twin Bedt the Jhitgers cubs, because one is withhth $2.50 to $4 with Bath $5 to $7 light and one is dark. But the Troya- no twins, ends,'are lik,e two peas in Double . ^ j.. Parlor, Bed- DINING ROOM SUITE a pod. The only noticeable difference with Bath $4.00 to $6 room and Bath to is the numbers of their backs. NO CfcjARQE FOR CRIB OR COT FOR THE LITTLE TOT Annapolis Gay City The nickname "*riie 1'arls of the Col- ... in Richly Carved Oak onies," was applied toAnnnpolis. From PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL a little settlement on the Severn la Fifth AvtnuTtnd 28th Sb««t 1604 It grew in size and Importance until It beraras tlie capital of Mary- Alburn M. Gottenon, Mgr, land. By 1750 It was' famed for Its Motoritts from gayety and luxury. tK« North South CHRISTIAN SCIENCE E«»t and Firtt Church of Christ, Scientist Sewaren , ._. W«t A Branch of The Mother Church, Find thii Hotel the Best The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bocton, Mass. AUTO ENTRANCES ON TWO STREETS EAST 28th and EAST 27th Sunday Service—11:00 A. M. Sunday School—9:wn Hk*ness" (p. 216). handsomely carved host chair Btore6-f-8ecured a purchase of this splendid has the new lo»se cushioned seat. FIRST CHURCrl OF CHRIST, dining room furniture from 6ne of the best A suite sized to,modern room re- SCIENTIST Sewaren quirements, A Branch of The Mother Church, GET YOUR COM Hi known makers—Lee Hagedorn—who specially The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. designed the pieces carefully reproducing the A Thanksgiving service will be,| held on Thursday, November 20th, NOW the originals in Pollard Oak. 00 at iO :00 a.m. ,

A suite of rich elegance and dignity at tess j "THANKSGIVINC"- wTtfbe the BEST READING COAL H45 ; subject of the Lessou-Sci itum in all CLEAf) COAL than naif you'd expect to pay for furniture of Churches of Christ, Scientist, on CAREFULLY SCREENED 10 Pieces Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1931. such high character. the Golden Text is: "In every Ihing give thanks: for this is the KOPPER'S SEABOARD COKE will of God in Cb,rist Jesua con pern- Ing you" (I Thessaloniana 5: \f>S SAND, GRAVEL AND CINDERS Among the citations which com- prise the Ltsson-Sermon is the fol- lowing frgm the Bible: "Let them PORT READING ihbut for joy, and be nl»d, Umt favour my righteous •ia'use: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord COAL be magnified, which hath pleasure RITZY hut cQUtr*p- IRECT SAVING in the prosperity of his servant" AND SUPPLY CO. tiom may be all rlfcht (Psalms 35: 27). for the fallow wbo FURNITURE CO. ^* The Lesson-Sermon also includes Successors to Theo. A. Leber, D the following passage from lUe don't (*re what bit Vf PHUIHATE THE RETAIL STORES OVERHEAD^ Christian Science textbook, "Sti- heat tuiU. Give PORT READING, N. J. NEXT * TO , erice and Health with Key to the coal for red economy Scriptures" by _Vary Baker Eddy: and coDitant wipter FOR YOUR WINTER C( St. GEORGE Aye., RAH WAX N.J. FRANKLIN SCHOOL "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with bless Phgne Woodbridge (Pref. vii). . WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1931

m= follow^ • • and said notes or bond* shall be pay- b«llr>flU artufllly lerMveit by inch 5HERJFF-5 SALE :ujt on land or real <'f.Uti' n'ilwith«Undin({ i T>.:« tha'I en-1 able on demand or i>hall mature in T>. TV cnAN'CERY OF NEW nr.!r»rt for ; not c xcie-dintj «ix yearn from the that thin munlcipalily xhnll have puM «rrrrm- I" *<• ' • . , ...... - . „• •.,,.--t. —B«:>f'r YTA 1. Zat. ti. Raiwsy Vsiify Tr-r.k ?»w f^r whi'h IJI «h»r<' 'if tin- ciifi of 'nn»iruction r ;. *'* » • • ,• \..r • •-» ,J;>.. 1-, •<• r*- irtu,,] w\-rt« bv »T^^ r ".ir*?T. •.*<•; 1h*"y have been i.««'i«l hit" b*en c»r- f KIII'I irri|iiov( general

j-" T- >. -"- .-.-- -,.,-. ;-.-., r. • {,. , hed oil and may be subject to earl- funrlx HI HI tln< K

'•••. ,r •• i • ••* V •:.'.•.• '-• Her- ier rail ff>r payment; 'hall b"ar in- "' Ortt- LhiTi-ftir ^tuill I'uvu liucn paid either •Says:—* itBpnjr cr in any*:** f.r? Rroi|rh cf Gar^d. Jurest at not exceeHinff «ix per cun- f^' in wFroW' HI Ifi purl. J- •"• if. 8 3- BERNARD X. GANNON -rnff. B-rrfj|t of Rojel'e Park. itjm <6'V) per annum and all other Boro-ph cf Kf»::w-irt*! j matters reliting to the in«winre urn) *"''•'•• ;•'«••-• ' JOHN "E. T owner of sny hind* •• • ' •• of of I2T.S0 T •jrtM&ip, ai, renewal of said note= Fhall be d<-t<-r- upon ivhli'h liny ii»«e*itment fttr naid W I 10-30; 11-?. 13. 20 7 f W mined by resolution or in nuch man- irnprovi'mrril. Hhiill hnvc hf«n nude fit-jit :o •*;*• « public vendie oc Township oi Spncgf.eid. ner as may be provided by resolu- run> juiy mirri u»tt-*tmt:nl» In Un WEDNESDAY. THE 25TH DAT OF tion. Said temporary notes or bonds 'PUBUC NOTICE Twn«h:p of Clark. .1 yi'iirly ln»t,almi-nt.« with l«tr*l NOVEMBER. A. D. ::-3: Tcwn«h;p cf shall be issued in ppursuance of an I'.il UJ'-M-'III at nucd tim« in etch the SUte of st tiro t'tirT'k rt*cd*rd ti^e in th*trc-ducedfj at' a tera'.z'f rr.i^'T.g rf thi t}»e form herein- act of Legislature of ^ _ an tlic flr«t Inntaimt-nt for toxe* r «et ftrth ami the Committee- N Jersey entitled "An act tti for Raid year nhajl b* payable, pro- T .- . - iiterc-ior. of *»»d d*T »1 tfc? ShefiiTt T"fWT5faip Conunitt^e of *. ";e i >wn- tb« ; -h-.t v f the Tonrcfhip of authorizi e andd regulatl e thp'issuance vided' l-hnt. any party a«*«Med shall J e !E t e C:tT cf ^ • tp of Woodbtidifc, t.f-M r. N:-vtni- -» :- •• ; s ' ?.-».••, fr!- and the Clerk thereof pf bonds and other obligations and have the privilege of pario? the 1 J." r-er ?. 1981. 4 • '«- • f-v-- i •:- - ~ !• s..* tv. if j-,»":njf tract cr Public notice is rerf-by f."-r. rf hereby aitbonied and directed I the incurring of indebtedness by whole of any aMeiumvnt or any '••I' AT. th* in exe-cirie ?aid ^onrrac:. all of which: county, city, borough, village, town, anc« of inKtalmtntH with accrued i-»- » ir'.t^ :« »jfr»»d f.r« the '*; • * y anc the intention of the gnvyrr.njj bc^Sy •> :n pursuance of an act of the Leg-i township, or any municipality gov- »t thwton at one time; in caae : :• t*r-.'*« t uw»fT:i par- t • ;••_•'• •*•! ;•%•' ' -=•--'- - - d: "An act to asthorire two ?ion." approved March 22, 1916, con- palrl for thirty days from and after " ' * 1n- . /-• •-. r ;• ' • '- -.-i':-y.ig*. :c tfce Connty of Mid- efl in the follo-a-inir<; ;o b* made, by entenne 4ht: the -jpyie- '•r more monKipatrtie^ oi thi« State I stituting Chapter 252 of the Pamph- the time when the warne shall become part ',f tfc* Kfrir* w.Tk M»r«.t«-. It :••> ;.«ntjy constract and maintalnllet Laws nf 1916 and the sets due and payable- the whole assess- ftfJiri to i-rf/H-t th« rw^a 4t":rif Jb* BEGINN.'NG ai a point in the fnental contrart ther*:n =-*. f rth :r->.«:i; :io* of Maze Street, said the municipaiilrf-? natisei. :-jt3et or trenk >tw(n." constituting! amendatory thereof and supple ment or balance thereon shall be- wlr»t«r. ID ST'G? jr»r>M !*;i§ pi»t ',f Sucli persons ai -r.ay object I'- -a:-iChapter 36 of the Laws of 1889. andjmentary thereto. come and be immediately due and THE r-?-r-, :.'7->.'-A:. B > •• K I;-- i-V._ :,e f i th» afts arKefirist'jfy thereof and sap-n Sec. 4. The cost of the trunk payaWe and shall draw inlere*i »t • •'. s •-.—>•-? ~ii'"'-ifirv at-i !:!"**• are reqaw.*d t . f*«- ; '! sewer and the disposal works to be the rate imposed upon the arrear- r>rrHi- xi -T"-- •• i ;-''*"J i "S .:-~ *«?:. easteriT from the m- Sec. 2. The snm of FIFTY ipaid by the municipality under the - • '- |-*-"-.«•.-.'.I <' th« eafterlx line of he <>ffice of the cltrk and f:!*: the ages of taxes in the municipality v THOUSAND it5O.O09.00l Dollars (said contract (together with interest Si. •. - ji •• •••, i — . t »"• --i ?••.'.'•')'. Frf**: asd :b» northerly i:ne w[th him »t or before the ei- and, shall be collected in the manner *•'''** '"'i-J Mam Street: running tience <1) liratmn of ten riays af*er the date 'A '? h*r*by appropriated to meet the tearing construction and si* months prescribed by law. r - r i-tn fo-r degreei, forty-three his notice, or to the governing body •: liability of this municipality under thereafter) shall be paid by special Sec. 7. All as«essmelnt« mx col- * this tr.unieipalitv at it? fry*, meet- "aid original and supplemental con- a==essment levied on the lands in the ilr:». th-rty f*cond« ««'' 43' 30" I tr rt ( r lected nhall be immediately placed in -I-J..-- i--;e hscdrtd flOOi feet; • heid after the "expiration"of said » f > the co«t of construction of vicinity of the improvement or an account known as "Local Im- ' ..••ri'.f •n "dav« namelv on November 23, ***& "ewer and disposal worlts as I served by said improvement as snalJ • « I-.-,- tr.eiit* '2j wrjth eighty-six de- provement Assessment Account." jj-t^., ,i{'| wat, t-n-enty-eijTht f28> '31 at 3 30 p m at the Memorial therein provided and said sum shalllbet specially henefitted as near as Fuch moneys shall be used only to (HjSHOLM t t'.'" • - t — • lu- T ft-?*.: tr.erc'e (3» north four degrees. Municipal Buildine. at'which -.imeifrom time to time be paid Jo'theJ maj bg in..prpBBrtipn to the peculiar pay inbedtedneM incurred fo.r tai<2 ? r • . t' * -r i:i :-':.r : f'/rty-thr" t£;niit«*; thirty seconds aid ordinance will be considered for Treasurer of the Joint Meeting as benefit, advantage, or increase in improvement whether by temporary '«» r»-« HKi ,. ; - I ---• ,t' .:•--•':: .-'I nal pa?=ag-e after public hearing. ;required by said supplemental ton value which the said respective lands ••4' 43' 30"l wet onefhundred and or permanent notes or bonds. east along the BOuth- Kahway Valley Trunk Sewer and erij side of James Street fifty-two PALITIES RELATING TO THE!*!™ off said sewer and disposap l workj s iar benefit, advantage or increase in value. Should the total of such as- Disposal Works and proridlnit for THOMA0 MEACHAM 15-2» feet: thence (5) §outh foor RAHWAY VALLEY TRUNK i *** months thereafter which the financing of the obligation) of Er. "7 degrees, forty-three minute*, thfrty SEWER AND DISPOSAL WORKS I shall accrue on note* or bonds 1s- Bessments not equal the cost of said *•] • • -> » ^ *^ u said contract and the levying of spe- r>»- f-rconds (4° 43' 30.") east two hun- AND PROVIDING FOR THE'« ed for the cost of construction and improvement then the balance of the srf!d cost over and above the cial assessments, finally adopted July ">: »*?* ?'/f dred f200) fe«t to tb« northerly FURTHER F1N*)CING OF SAID | for the payment of le^al and other

• '. - 23, 1&28. is hereby approved, rati- -- . . ••*. amount of raid ppecial •:it e:de of Main Street; thtnee (6) IMPROVEMENT! THE LEVYING expensep s properlppyy chargeablg e ass parp t • •** .r. ' •? r', shall be paid by the municipality. fied and confirmed. t, " south eigh*f-six d-egrees (Si") west, OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS of thth e costt off constructiottinn of saiidd r Sec. 9. The contract known a* •"-• r- -- •• '•h *. r **y ;-w twenty-four (24) feet to the point AND RATIFYING THE JOINT j improvement but not payable to the Sec,. 5. Whenever the benefits of r. *•?---- r A "Contract for Rahway Valley Trunk w • r ' • • •*. »r,•"•" \ . or place cf BEGINNING- C O N T R A C T HERETOFORE W Meeting. said improvement shall be extended to land and real e?tate in this munic- Sewer and Disposal Works, dated* lWm\m PUBUX ., ,, «7 The above premise* being twenty MADE FOR SAID IMPROVE- Sec. 3. For the purpose of rais- i:'.: '-? October 20, 11)28 by ' and between J - f MENT AND THE ORDINANCE I'ng moneys hherebb y appropriateitdd j ipality by the construction of any *' > : foor (24) feet fronting an Main the municipalise* named in Section BI.A T7. ,U.I ET Street by one hundred U00) feet AUTHORIZING SAID CON-'temporary n'otes or 'bond ids s oof thithis lateralaterall sewetev.err oor sewerssewers,, draidrain oor THEATRES deep and fifty-t-wo <62) feet front- TRACT. ™-,v-.. (municipality shall be issued in a prin- drains, such land or real estate, to 1 of this ordinance as the tame shall PERTH AMBOY Be it Ordained by the Township cipal amount not exceeding the I which the benefits shall be extended be amended and supplemented by Committee of the Township hereby appropriated and shall be assessed therefor to an the supplemental contract author- Woodhridge, in the County of Mid- ma- from time to time be renewed amount not exceeding the amount of ized by this ordinance U hereby ap^ proved, ratified ajid confirmed. Sec. 10. The form of supplement- al contract authorized by this ordi- SPECIALS FOR THE nance «shall be substantially as fol- lows: CONTRACT made as of tab day of ,1931, between ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING the City of Rahway, the Borough of DINING ROOM Garwood. the Borough of Rosella Park, the Borough of Kenilworth, THE DINING ROOM WILL BE AN IMPPORTANT PLACE FOR the Township of Cranford, the Town MONTHS TO COME. A NEW RUG OR DINING ROOM SUITE of Westfleld, the Township of WOULD SOON BRING ABOUT A COMPLETE AND MOST PLEAS- Springfield, the Townihip of Clark, ING CHANGE. THE SPECIALS PREPARED WITH CARE FOR the Township of Woodbndge, all be- THIS EVENT REPRESENT FINELY STYLED MERCHANDISE TURKEY NOW ing municipal corporations organized AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. under the laws of the State of New Don't delay I Order at once and be f , 19c March 2. lilDl," and filed in the of- nte of the Joint Meeting and in the Del Monl* UNEEDA BAKERS—ASSORTED ' <.flices of the clerks of the munici- i palities that are parties hereto. Un«»da Bak*f« English Style Biscuits Article III. The cost of construc- CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW! tion of the improvement tp be forth- Fruitcake SUNNYFIELD with constructed in excess of $1,- H lb '.<75,»OO (which is the aggregate of Holiday - OKtS Sliced Bacon SUGAR-CURED 2 pkgs. XD the maximum liabilities of the par- I An Invitation Fruit Cake H33« ties hereto under the original con- K>? DAINTY THINGS Uart) n|,nll Ut. paj,] by the parties You are all cordially invited to come view at your leisure, our ' FoiMy A If band « small hereto in accordance with th|. per-, Pumpkin 2^250 Lux Flakes . . J» pkgs. vantage of »cost sot after tht}r re- spective names in the following table Crulmant BAMITT5 )>ut no municipality shall be" liable Fall Flower Show Chocolates . for more than tf)e maximum llabil- Cleanser 3 co«lOc jty aet after its name Tn the follow- at our greenhouse* during the first two weeks of November. Thia is the (C4CI ing UiUy; M season! of Chrysanthemums. They are now at tnW bwt in a riot of Ginger /ue&& of STANDARD QUAUTY beautiful colors, shapes and' types. ' (ClC) - 'Del Monte Cc.«t «O «>„ N a m« of pniil hy e«.-h Ginger Me 1S 19« SUODOt HALVES TOAAATOES several years .we have specialized in the crossing and hybridizing PEACHES la* ce« 15c Municipality Liability of these wonderful flowers. We hope you will come and view the re- STRING BEANS City of SUCEO Rahway 19.860844% *178,74« sults of our Work. Move than 100,000 plants of the IDM| beautiful and Ginger Ale 3—25< PINEAPPLE OR CORN Borough of. unusual flowers you have ever seen. The members of your Garden AtPPw* Garwood .. 10.784569 97,041 torn KM 3 **

' 3D JttCliS.Hl ^" IP Perth Aiuboy Eealtv Loaa Co. 4.07 t^fiife*** CRACK BARRONS CRUSH UNION HE IN SPIRITED GAME, 26 • 0 SEVEN PLAYERS IN VARSITY DISPLAYS BARNA, GEREK, HUTTEMANN CROSS Woodbridge To Meet St. Mary's LAITANZIO STARS jhNAL GRID GAME At City Thanksgiving AS PIONEER GRID FOR WOODBRIDGE OLD FORM AGAINST ENEMY GOAL LINE AS UP-STATE Seven pUyeri will trot the col- TEAM WINS 22-12 on of Woodbridge high ichool on STRONURMYTEAM In Fifth Annual Football Tilt th« gridiron for the Utt lime TEAM FAILSJOJLOCK PASSES againtt 9t. Marjr't, Thankigiving, Gerity And Dooley Do Scoring Avenel Indians Scalped In »t the City iUdium, in Perth Am- Crack Barrons Favored To Win "Rubber" Game But H I* Pre As Runyonmen Spank Fort dieted That Competition Will Be Keener Than Ever — Hard Fought Game—Smith boy. Theie b»y», who will make GHOSTS SWITCH TO A1RJN SECOND PERIOD Sparkles For Losers — Ac- their exit from the high tchool Hancock 18 To 0, In Thril- Benkertmen Will Be Idle Until Game But Saints football picture in the annual cl««- A versatile Woodhridpe hiRli school football team smoth- Will Me«t Camden Catholic Tomorrow — Runyon tion Galore. •ic with the Sainti are: Captain ler. Has Fighting Team — The Records. John Aquila, Francii Pnrionl, ered Union Hill at Fletcher field, in Union City, Saturday after- SPECTACULAR PLAYS John Hacker, Clifford Handerhan, SMOOTH TEAM PLAY noon, 26 to 0. It was the sixth victory of the season for Heinie Insofar as comparative records nre concerned, Henry M. Francii ,NeUon, Ned Pomeroy and Franeii Barna. Benkert'a troops. Two touchdowns were scored by the intrepid Benkcrt's crack Woodbridge high, school eleven, will go into its Led by Frank Lattanzio and Gur- A seemingly rejuvenated Varsity . , saly, the hard-hittinir Pioneers scalp- Contiitent with a practice Club eleven smashed a powerful Fort which he began Ult fall, Coach Barna, one by the plunging Gerek and one by Huttemann. Jost game with Harold Runyon's St. Mary's Jjndders, Thanksgiving ed the Avenel Indians, 22 to 12 in a Hancock team at ttie City stadium in Henry B«nk*rt «aid thi« "tnorniag Fcrth Amboy, Sunday afternoon, IB Hnd Bnrna converted. «n extra point apiece. After Jimmy Ma- l)ay, favored to win, The rival school teanta will meet in their that he would give each of thete to 0, while some 1,500 fans gaped in nalio's boys thwarted the Woodbridge running attack in the fifth annual battle at the City stadium in Perth Amboy at 2:30 spYctacuiir pTayin* of" both elevens, boyi a chance to, play in the final .%• I PiPointt s afteft r touchdownshd , none. the Barrona were beaten, 87-0 «taM92? and 19-fJ in U)jJn, Und«r Bonnie Brae Farm at Clinton.i Hamilton at Nvptune. Bpeedy Shiyler, ace Newark forward Box »oorc of thrf varsity tilt; . Substitutions: Woodbrfdge—Hack- Coach Rice they pulled a big ufljet to wallop the Mechanic street tribe, Merchantville at Swedesboro. Linden at Millburn. , snowing tha way, the Shields ran up AVENEL A. C. (38) er for Blair, Nelson for Nahass, Wu- 18 to 0 In 1929. Last year, Heinie Benkert's champions evened up things Pitman at Glasaboro. Atlantic City at Cuiifden. a lead of nine points, the period end- | G P Jl. koveta fwr Jandrisevits, Huttemann Pemberton at Lambertville. Atlantic City Vocational at-Pleasant- ing with Avenel trailing, 13 to 4, oth, rt 1 (or Pomeroy, Baka for Gerek, Zeno-. with a 12 to 0 victory. This^year, what? ville. ' Freehold at Point Pleasant. Brennan and Cliff" Jaeger account- Poijueroy, r£ ;. 1 b^a for Parsons, Cunustiii for Aqmlu. Gloucester at Camden Vocational. Palmyra at Duiiington. ed for the only Avenel scorei in this Brennan, If 6 rrie for Lee. Handerhan for C ha than at Bernsmlsville. 1 Miss Victory, that coy little lady, beckons to both teams. She is covet- Newton at Franklin. period . Shivler, "who stars with the Wukoveti c 0, kovets, Boehm for Nelson, Klein for ed by both, Or»a may liav'e hex. Grrrrr. TOMORROW Cranford at Westfteld. Newark "Y" could not be' stopped Jost, McNulty for Huttt-munn, Arfty Cape May at" W\}dwood. and increased his team's lead to Handerhtm, rg 1- 11 for Markovs, Handerhan for 1'LAINFIELD AT NEW BKUNJ- Lyndhui'ut at Duviir. eleven points ae Uiu half closed. Jaeger, lg 4 WICK. Gregus for Hacker. Union Hill No doubt the classic will be as colorful as ever. The snappy Wood- Leonia at Rutherford'. Aided by, timely paaswork and , 1* VI SB Dewdrop for Fiesuli'r, Wibwm for H>t~| bridge band, nattily attired, will be on hand to oompah, oompah for Ben- CAMDEN CATHOLIC AT ST. LkLakewood d att M /^u RED SHIELDS (42) MARY'S (P. A.) tightening 'defensive play, Avene' ohihsky, Piessler for Ihwdiop, Bu kert'is boys. Incidentally, this band, under the direction of Theodore (Hoops, Boonton at Madison. cut the lead of the Newarkers tc G F Tl chirodcy for Fazio, liattone for Kch • PERTH AMBOY AT CARTERET. SOUTH RIVER AT MBTUCHEN. Manning, rf ?..:...: 4 0 has given a real college background t» the Mj^oodbildge frame? this year. Central vs. East Side at Newark eight points in the third stanza, out lenker, OUcski for Luonu, Winflo fo Millville at Collingswood. scoring the Reds, 13 to 10. Th Shivler, If ' 1 V 17 Picardi, Shoenfelder for Noce, Zu SchoqU* Stadium. Bordentown at Mt. Holly. Weat Side at aterson Central. townshippers smashed the Newar: Rhoe, c * 4 0 8 cher for Popatka, May for Buchjn After the Long Branch game, during which the band played, several Alumni at Pingry. lead to smithereens in a fast fourtl Trupln, c 0 2 2 sky. Dickinson at Irvington. Ramsey at Weatwood. quarter but could not cage the tw numbers and did some fancy drilling a Long Branch player offered some Glen Ridge at' Montclslr. Grube, rg \ 2 1 5 Officials: Heferet', Bates of N-l Rockaway at Roxbury. baskets necessary to knot the score Lavac, \g 1...:.'....: 0 t i consolation in "Well, the band played a darned good game." Belleville at Orange. Hackettatown at Bast Rutherford. "Rusty" Beennan, with six double Umpire, Burke of Holy Cross. .] St. Peter's (N. B.I at Holy Spirit. Garfleld at Wqpdrow Wilson. deckers and five fouls, and Shivle 17 8 42 linesmun, Purvere of Spring Trenton at Princeton. While on the subject, Long "Branch waa erased from the championship Blair Academy at Peddiu. witn seven and three, tied for hig Score Hy ijuarteis: LiiU'smen:: Montague for Y Ridgeneld Park at St. Cecilia's. Madison at Summit. score honors with seventeen poin picture by Aabury Park, Saturday. Several of the boys from "town were Rahway at North Pluinfield. Avenel A. C -, ,. 4 10' 18 11—3Kbridge; C. Chappie fepr Union;! ' THANKSGIVING apiece. Both players were the mail Ued ShifiWs „..,• 13 12 10 a— 42 down tc the .,»e aW ^id Bill Flvn^ Uam iid.a good Job of It, Msbb* "f hi t& ' ' Time of quartos, M . the L. B. band played a darned pood game too. West N.ew York at Asbury Park. R. K. 0. RAHWAY THEATRE NEWS 2 BIG FEATURES 2




*-J-T: FV.---LV*-: ti; trrtu;.:

'.r-«ifi»j>r:'j Director* or UEMTCCTCW


barber-shogo I' it !vU:^ JU Tit Aj comfort with CLIVE BROOK at heme K.ay Franci* Miriam Hopkini Tootney Real Economy For Your Coal Supply See ANNOCSCEMENT qsetU for uuutatl btf doable i'< el f'jii'jtrty '^/jtitlt »/f two farlon , . . . Quality «nd .-.'. ••• i'.K'j I'-h'.thy '.' ••'••_• .'j'.l 'cl- 'j'yj^il- ?(-&',;.' JOHN RYMSHA, Manager Of feature programs tie** viU be Eleanor f-'^w Pn'^-. Wliw i/ur< fidling M*;ntt, Pcmltry or Vege- <'•'="• '•»•••' '•' .'i«-idir«s ->y preten ted f or t* c '.' ^.i r. - '•/',•.!. " BOARDMAN •-'•'•. J- ,f;r. ' v.••'.'. J^'i-.'i- ' jt,tr tefJn (J'jititiy th'yuld tvrne firtt , . . • At Wagnvr M»rU«rt» STATE COAL & SUPPLY CORP. 22, 23-, imte#d of tte MtuaE one • Charles Bickford and a •/ '/-< Oi, Only The Highest Grade Of Lehigh & Wyoming Region •iay Sunday booking. dozen more itart! it uJwsyi ii<^t .... and at constant litxrra! »*vin^» to you, Coal Obtainable Handled. in th«; wf,f,U \\tr>ni%\ujui the «rntire year. We Al»o Sell Coke, Soft Coal, Fire Place Log*, Kindling Wood and Ice. ' i..t . v. '.-. af; nidiiAiiTi':'': 'if. Jf.'llf Will Gladly Call At Your Home On Request. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY — NOV. 24 - 25 CHOICE QUAIJTY ,M,ZI if.-J » y.-Jt *•/; i-virry iivdy aV TELEPHONE PERTH AMBOY 2332 TOP /r ' - ri'J /,/ aJ'^f '> jj. ff,. 991 SUte Street Perth Amboy, N. J. Old Coal Yard At Maurer v •,' • '.r,i' KK'J )4ihvi!>y 'J;'-i»tr<- wjjl /•/TEC

u, *J SUITS and DRESSES $ U*-\t* t*fut \ \evor, High in Food Vatuc with ', •/ ''.•rt',','- of.'/W J'v; 1*1, J's/*xi,', vf.'.'n (i;aj(ia "24 LADIES' COATS "'.•' ' v.,'i. ' :.-,<• l'>i>j',V, Kay Fiafi- James Dunn Genuine Lamb lie lb. ' , M.i.arr, H',;,^;f,~ af,/j JiJrSTiJi Tv/-, ." ' .. rir.'i M, ' -rtif.i- ^/o^fa.'n, Wa/- i;i-i J'.a'ii-i !/, '•'J'rn- h'j'Jawffian," CLEANED and PRESSED WhJ H lf '•••'», J.J;,I- \'i-J(-z a(!ai,^-ij livin !|JIJ,. Linda Watkins 'T! >ai (j Jlf,.',. AU>«(r Mjrr-f-tl! f^f tilt QUALITY OF WORK NOT LOWERED BUT PRICE Pork Loins * <* * 15c lb. LOWERED TO MEET COMPETITION ij-:r;.s, HUMPS f/f The newspaper girl who got NEW YORK CUSTOM TAILOR hit goat and won his heart Boneless Veal 19c lb. lif" .-a/iki-yjviii/ J;ay, Thursday 73 MAIN STREET WOODBR1DGE jy,' Sij-.-i-rnbt-r Z>j, 21, l f iHfJ^urtl anandd Work Called For And Delivered )yJii, l,h<-jr first nijf ftaturt Large Fancy Oregon 1/, jij'-t.ju-, "J'a|j>J',n L'»," just Prompt Service Tel. Wood bridge 8-0167 1 (wj» la.jjft, ffjin hta/t to firiinh, THURSDAY - FRIDAY — NOV. 26 - 27 head on tin: -Mint- iiKiKrmn, John fJar- Cauliflower 19c ',M- in •"! h<- Mad f/

Fancy Emperor Grapes, .'•in'-jiiJay, .'v,-.i-mbi/r 2h, "Guilty 2-BIG FEATURES-2," witb Jjonirl JJarryi/iuri:, Kay 2 lbs. Ki-ii/i'-is, Mad/i: Kvan^, William One In a Thousand 19c|l a,nl ('oily M'/ran. Oil the -••;IIII':J |»M>ifiatn will bi; found Zani- White Onions, 3 lbs. 14c '.n-y'v nyinan'i-, "Riik-r'n of, UM: iJu/- EXTRA l»l<- Saif'-," with fjf<;(({': O'fcritn. SPECIAL Troul ia Abundant:* it I» .-oUiniiii-iJ ||Jfc vV, |to,.ky flJ,,IJn. JOHN tuli.n lud'-u iin.l mreuuia of <;in.i«-r Na- We're Ready to Talk Turkey' ll'./ial piirk .-onijilr, (/,. ».-»t trout BARRYMORE l'Ojo»»» "«h « wiAort »«li large .election of carefully graded and se- tin- honor «|I|I> in^Mii^ I'lilni-*.- ,-n,,J ||, MAD U •A* OrffllMl and Uniqu* S«rvk« bw lected birds and a* uiual too, wh«n it liniil n|wny» »|i» Ihi-nr faring ilitf com«» to QUALITY at LOW PRICES •oillli WAGNER MARKETS everywhere are «l- Carolina Cretft GENIUS way» r

•oS'L. ... n • ' Lot 58 P«th Arabuy Healty Loan Co. 4.U7 «.17 ' ftbej- 8, mU v C. A. LAKSON, %7?, WOODBKIDGTB INDEPENDElNT* FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1981 PAGE ELEVEN

((' from page 8) MOTWl Cranford Spur R.79 the construction of the remainder of the Joint Meeting on April 18, Joint Trunk Stetiqn 3 NOTjCB I* BBBRnV IHVEN tlml lh» Garwood Main. Spur 6.79 tho disposal pfcnt to be constructed 1931, and tinder the provisions of Central Av Walnut Av. iP. R. W. 2322 ft. 60'fli. 42 Tinrnnhlp Copmtttee will liohl a mw^tlnr nt Article. IV. N. Garwood Spur 3.47 in the fnture in accordance with tke Section 2 of Chapter IP, P! L. 1903, P. R. W. Central Av. Lincoln Av. 1271 ft* 60 in. 43 the M*m»r1«! Municipal RnlMtnr. Woort- Snrtion 1 nf Article IV of the 42 hrlil(r*», N. J.. "n NdVftitbT eard, HS1. at South Oarwod Spur 2.32 percentage »of said cost set after and Section 7 (n) of Article XXI of Lincoln Blvd. P. R. W. Glorrs St. 801 ft. 80 ir^. 3:8(1 iO'rtork In thQ ftflr-rivootl. 10 conal'W original cunt rart, is hereby amended Garwood's contribution to the their respective names in the follow- Chapter 152, P. L. 1917, that while Gloria St.- tn(» final p»«««lte of ih« ffflowlnn ortlln- tn ri'iul an follows: North (Jammed Spur and the ing table. the additional work heroin provided Park Prop. Lincoln Blvd. Rahway Luw*~-— 878 ft. 60 in. *nc+. ftt whfeh llmft »nil pl»r*ff objection* I. The rosl of maintaining, and South Garwood Spur shall be Pt f ant for shall be done under the super- In Rahway: thereto mar h« pre»"Nt»'l hy »"y taxpayer lip nfllrt by oni nf the Townnnlp. npi-witing th» improvement (includ- made at such points as not to vision of the Joint Mri'ting as nowPark Drive, & • n j, DUNiriAV. ing us purl, of snid cost current, re- exceed the. capacity of the im- Municipality organized, nevertheless the salaries River St. Rahway Line Church St. 3690 ft. 80 in. 42 Tfnvnuhly Olprk. pnirs and cleaning) for any calendar provMient when added to of Municipality: of Hit' Secretary and Treasurer of Joint Trunk Section 2 AN ORMNAN(,R TO l-ttol'MlK ME THB year slmll be p«ld by the municipali- Westfii'ld's right of contribu- City of Rahway 18.892281 the* Joint Meeting atoll be at the Park Dr. & ANCK OF "ofrsgRAI. IMPWlVEMltJrrr ties in proportion to the , average tion to said spur. Borough of Garwood ..'... 10.258606 rate of J2.000.00 and S 1,500.00, re- River St. Church St. Linden. Av. 2711ft. 66 in. 55 BON 1)8 AND MAKINC ADDITION*!. luimbor of gallons per day discharg- Cranford:- Borough of Roselle Park.. 3.719176 spectively, per year; tho salary of Linden Av. Pack Prop. Grand St. 456 ft. 66 in. 55 APPHOPBIATIONS TIIBBKFOBP. AND the Permanent Chairman shall be at CONFIRMING ACTS IIBRWOFOBf! «ii into the entire improvement by Joint Trunk Section 1 ....11.35 Bor«ugn of Kenilworth .. 6.257898 Grand St. Linden Av. Penn Av. 720 ft. 72 in. 55 IMtNK <:ON«'KHN|NC. THF. HA MR. the municipalities respectively then 2....11.35 Township of Cranford .... 19.084858 the rate of $2,500.00 per year, in penn Grand St. Essex St 223 ft. 72 in. 56 J3P It On!flln». Towmhlp or WondbrMre, in uVtormined by flow measurements Oranford Sub Trunk 10.25 Township of Springfield .. 8.623748 the. <*minty nf Mlil<1lenex: rate, of $1,000.00 per year as a spe Washington St. Essex St. Lawrence Av. 450 ft. 172 in. 55 1. That It I" nfOMwary to ralM |1»I,- taken within two months before the Also Cranfowl hag the right Township of Clark '..... 3.817950 dally designated representative of Lawrence St. Washington Milton 781ft 72 in. 55 100.00 for Ino following purpnncs: estimate for the next calendar year to contribute to the various Township of Woodbridge 4.877000 the Municipality; that the salaries of pHitton Av. .LaWrsnce Lennington St. 2166 ft. Win. 55 P'or paying ctin Townnhlp's iihare ia mnilo and certified. Such meas- spurs and sub-trunks within its If space be sold in the improve- all officers, incl **nT the roit of «tr»et pavInK '- ''uding the specially iennington St. Milton Av. River Crossing 474 ft 7»in. 55 loral Improvpimpnta heretofore urements ahnll be taken Bimulti limits for a total contribution rrfent prior to the completion of the designated representsentativea s from the I R,Rivever CrnssinoCrossing- Lennington St. P. R. W. 217 ft. 8-42-rn. 55 authorized. aanesameTita for ouflly and shall show substantially at a rate not to exceed 10.2,5 entire plant the agreement under Municipalities, shall cease from and Joint Trunk Section 1 V whlrh havn b*en duly con- continuous graphs of the flow for a M.G.D. but such contribution under which the sale is made shall after February 29. 1932, and that[p „ firmed and th« Townihlp'a River Crossing Wbdg. Line H\O ft. 72 in. 55 nhafe ilBtermlned u follow*. $l»,40S.»» period of one month. Provided, how- shall be made at such points as provide for a Tevlsioh of the per-when the Joint Meeting shall re-or- . • w For paying the Township's ahara ever, thnt the Township of Wood- ..not to exceed the capacity of centage of co3t to be paid by the par- gahize for maintenance after the '* Wood Rahway Line Treatment Plant 585 ft. 72 in. 55 nf th« oo*t of a«w*r local 1m- bridfte Khali be under no obligation the Improvement when added ties to the contract and the Joint completion of the improvement there provrm«nu htratoforo author- We.tfi.ld Spur IVeil. aaAeMnmetltfl for whloh to pay any part of such cost unless to the rights of contribution, to^ Meeting shall use such revised per- shall be no salaried officials other In CUrk Towrfihipi I have heen duly confirmed and Its use of the improvement shall such spurp s and sub-trunks of centages when additional units afe than a Superintendent. i the Townahlp'a «har« deterr P. R. W. Rahway Av. Central Av. 3022 ft 36 in. 14 then flxceed B00t000 (jallona per day WtfildCWeatfield,:. d KiKenill- constructed, Artt.l. IX. Central AV. 12 lit. 8 mlned ax follnwn ' •,. 11,14* and in dcti>rmin(t the proportionate worth, Springfield and Roselle Article VII. Westnald Line P. R. W. 207 ft Tor paying the To*n»hln'f" ih«r« th Si Section 1 of Article II of the orig- Central Ave, P. R. W. , Walnut Av. b I of ths co«t of wat^r local im- use of the improvement by'the mu- Park, provided however that Unusual RepairKepau s and Rebuilding inal contract is hereby amended to Trunk .5245 ft 38 in. 14 provemontn heretnfbra author- nicipalities for the purpose of this Cranford shall have no right Section 1 of A: read as follows: Ueil; BMeaatnenta for which section there shall first.b$ deducted to contribute to the Garwood rtlcle V of the orig- South G«rwt>od Spur have hffln duly confirmed and inal contract in/hereby amended to 1, Th« Township Of Woodbridge In Garwoodi and not included in the computation Spurs and shall have, no right read as follows:/ in consideration of the special M follow- i6,m.«f the use of said improvement by the to contribute In excess of 1.5 Myrtle Av. Westfield Line Centre St. 2405 ft ,15 in. 2.5 The cost of unusual repairs and rights accorded to it under this con* Myrtle Av. Centre St, East St. ' 770 ft 5.5 For pnylhg the Township's share.. said Township of woodbridge to the M. G. D. to the Roselle Park rebuilding Of the trunk sewer with tract hereby confirms the consent of the Crist of constructing extent of but not exceeding 500,000 Spur. Myrtle Av. East St. New St 1509 *t 24 in. 7.0 •ifiewnlki u local 'improve' the exception of the Woodbridge heretofore given by it and hereby Willow Av. 285 ft 24 in. 7:0 m*nta h*r*tof»re authorised, gallons per day. Clark Township:— New St Myrtle Av. > spur shall be paid by the municipali- consents that such a disposal works Willow Av. New St. P. R, W. 603 ft 24 in. 7.0 fts*«»f.m«nt*' for . which have Xoint Trunk Section 1....2.&1 ties in accordance with the table of as the Joint Meeting may consider 7.0. . been duly confirmed tnd th« If any municipalities, but not all, 1 2....2.01 P. R. W. Willow South Av. 240 ft 24 in. Township'! nh«re determine.! shall use- th« improvement before percentages shown in Article III of necessary and proper, together with South Av. P. R. W. Elise St. 304 ft. 24 in. ft* follows , n,JJ».0» the completion of the whole improve- " " " 3....2.01 this supplemental contract. , suciTadditiorts and alterations there- For Pitying the Township's share Also Clark Township has the In Cranford: 1° of vtroet openings TS9.I8 ment to be presently constructed, • The coat of unusual repairs and to within the area acquired or to be 'Elite St. South Av. P. R. W. 289 ft. 24 in. . right to contribute to the vari- rebuilding of the Woodbridge spur acquired therefor ae may hereafter 7.0 For paying the Township's nhara such cost shall be borne by the mu- ous spurs and sub-trunks with- P. R. W. Elise Lincoln Av. joining of the coat of departmental nicipalities so using the improve- shall be paid by the municipalities as be made shall be located within its . Garwood Main equipment .,,,,,,.,, 4.74B.00 in iU limits for a total contri- followi; boundaries. For pejlns~ tn« cost of the In- ment, and shall be determined by bution at a Tate not to exceed , • Spur 542 ft 24 in. 7.0 flU!l*;]nn or IlfrrVfa .. IB.OOO.Oir flow measurements taken as herein- ' Woodbridge . , 62% Article X. North Garwood Spur For paying the cost of zoning • above provided during the period of 2.01 M. G. D. but such contri- percent, of the total cost and the In case any part or clause of this For imylng tho Township'nTshar* bution shall be made at such contract should be illegal, such il- In Garwood t of the cost of construction of such lisp as often as may be neces- remaining 37% per cent, to be ap- Fourth Av. Westfield Line a. dock on Woodbridge Cre«k 11.768.43 sary to "determine -the amount of ppoint s ass & to exceed the portioned among the municipalities legality shall not affect the other Union St. capacitity of the improvement Fourth Av. Westfield Line Union St. For paying for part of the cost auch use. as above provided for the trunk parts of this contract. Walnut St. of Woodbrldje Park 60,000-00 when added to the rights of In witness whereof the said mu- Fourth Av. Union Av. For paying for part of the coat Article V. sewer. Fourth Third Av. of Fords Farfc ..# i2.000.ft0 contribution to such spurs and Unusual repairs and rebuilding of nicipal corporations, parties hereto, Walnut St Section 1 of Article VI of the orig- sub-trunks of Westfield, Gar- Third Av.' Walnut No. Oak St For paying for the coat of Ave- • inal contract is hereby amended to the first unit of the disposal plant have hereunto caused their respec- Third Av. nel Wading Pool 10,000,00 wood, Kenilworth, Springfield, made prior to the construction of a tive names to be signed hereto by N. Oak St. North Av. For paying for the coat of liiu read as follows: Division St. Ing the bond* Roselle Park and Cranford. second unit shall be paid,by the mu-their respective municipal officers Third Av. ' N. Oak St. 1.700.56 ' 1. The municipalities respectively Rahway:— Division St. Third Av. North Av. shall have the right to use the im- nicipalities in accordance with the thereunto duly authorized and their Lincoln Av. Division & North Cranford Line 299 ft. 14 in. (193,000.00 Joint Trunk Section l....ll.?6 table of percentages of cost shown respective- corporate seals to bo 2. That In case any of the amounts set provement by contributing sewage Woodbridge Spur 1.98 M. G. D. n Connection with forth In wet ion i hereof exceed th« to the various parts thereof at the in Article III of this supplemental hereto affixed on the day and year l . ,™ A rxmfnrrf T ln« 24 in. 7.0 d mountB heretofore appropriated .for said . Also Rahway has the right contract. / Lfncoln Av south lateral 644 ft Improvements or tn case no appropriation* rates of flow designated in this sec- to contribute to Joint Trunk first above written in eleven original - Cranford Line tion and expressed in million gallons Unusual repairs and rebuilding of counterparts. Main Spur have been mado the entire amount abov* Section 2—11.76 M. G. D. less the disposal plant mad© after the In Cranford: set forth or the excess previously mado "b* per day (M.G.D.). . total amount contributed by TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE, Con. S. Lateral Trunk Sewer and the s&me ts hereby appropriated. Plate "A" attached hereto and original section has been added to, Lincoln Av. 3. That any and all nets done by tha it to Woodbridge Spur. shall be paid in accordance with the By: Committee-ab-Large. M. H. 2273.6 ft. 30 in. 13.0 Chairman of the Township Committee, tha hereby made a part hereof shows the Also Rahway has the right table of percentages of cost shown Attest: Township Clerk. Roselle Park Spur Township ClerK *nd the Township Treas- she of tlju pipe, the estimated to contribute to Juint Trunk in Article VI of this supplemental SCHEDULE X. In RoselU Park ••<• Cranford: urer and of this Committee in and about 2.3 the Issuance of the nates or bonds herftln capacity and divides the entire im- Section, 3 but such contribu- contract. Description of Rajiway Valley Trunk Colfax Av. Faitoute Av. Beachwood Av. 1026 ft 15in authorised, though done piMor to th« tak- provement into parts for purpose of tion shall be limited to an Article VIII. Sewer and DUpotal Work*. Main Beachwod Av. Colfax Av. Grand St. 568 ft 24 in. ing effect of this ordinance, be and the dencription. The parts of the im- amount which will not exceed In order to induce certain of the Trunk Aa CoiutrueUfl Grand St. Beachwood Av. P. R, W. at HR me are hereby confirmed, provement referred to in the fol- the capacity of the improve- .P. R. W. indicates Prifate Right North Av. 1762 ft 24 in. 5.5- 4. That there be tatfu«d for the purpose Municipalities that are parties to this of Way. Capacities in million gal- of raising such sum bondu In the corporatfl lowing table are the parts ol the im- ment when added to the rights agreement to join in it and to appro- North & Grand St. Fifth St. 3310 ft 24 in. 5.5' name of .the Townahfci of Woodbridge In provement as shown on said Plate A. • of contribution of Westfield, Ions per day. The parts of the im- P; R- W. P. R. W. Meeker Av. 117 ft. 24 in. 5.5 the amount of One Hundred Ninety-three priate the, additional funds which provement as referred to herein cor-'Fifth St. 24 in. 5.5 Thousand (f IS 3.000.00) Dollars, or auch Rate of Flow Garwood, Kenilworth, Spring- they hereby undertake to raise and respond to the parts referred to in Vfeeker Av. Fifth St. Winans Av. 141 ft. It'fiffer amount na upon the sale thereof in millions field, Roselle Park, Cranforil pay; it is agreed in confirmation of the same words in Plate A hereto Winans shall produce said amount, which bonds Parts nf the af gallons and Clark Township. the resolution that waa adopted by attached. Lehigh Ave. Meeker Av. • P. R'. W, 3389 ft. 24 in. 5.5 shall be n>ilgnateri aEN&RAL IMPROVE- P R. W. N. Lehigh Av, Walnut Av. & . MENT BONDS, and tha.ll be In such de- Improvement cl»y Woodbridge:— Springfield Spur nomination and form and payable, prin- WunlflpnlUlcn: Present Woodbridge spur 3.32 Trunk Sewer 1867 ft. 24 in. 5.5 cipal . and Interest, In such medium and An additional spur shall be On From To Len(th Size Cap. at s\lch timen and place, and shall bear We.stfield :— In Kenilworth: M.G.D. Woodbridge Spur Intercut ftt such rate or rates as may b* 1.... 15.42 constructed for the - use of Springfield Washington St. 1277 ft. 36 in. 14 n Rahway (excftpt a »m*H ptec*); provided by resolution o£ this Township Joint Trunk Section Woodbridge (as shown by PRW (Third St. Committee. 2....15.42 Produced) Line P. R. W. Woodbridge Line Inman Av. 3112 ft 30 in. 5.3 3 15.42 Schedule X) without cost to Fifth 500 ft. 36 in. 14 Inman Av. P. R. W>. Leesville Rd. 653 ft 30 in. 5.3 6. Paid bondi jihall be ligned by the Woodbridge and may be used Washington St. PRW Hazelwood Ay. 3004 ft. 5.3 rhalrnmn of the Township CommitUa and . We.etfield Spur 11.11 Fifth St. Washington Cranford Line 1700 ft. 36 in. 14 Leesville Rd. Inman Av. • 30 in. by the Township Treasurer and attested Cranford Sub Trunk 4.31 by Woodbridge at a maximum Hazelwood Av. Leesville Rd. Withersp'n St. 2975 ft. .30 in. 5.3 tiy the* TnwnBhlp Clerk, under the seat of rate of flow not to exceed 3.32 In Cranford: the Township, and If coupons-for* the pay- Cranford Spur 4.31 Fifth St. Cranford Line Venitia Av. 568 ft. 36 in. 14 Witherspoon Hazelwood P. R. W. 469 ft 30 in. 5.3 Garwood Main Spur 4.31 M. G. D. P. R. W, ' Witherspoon St. Junction M. H. 916 ft. 30 in. 5.3 ment of (nterent be attached they shall Woodbridge shall have the Venitia & Ext. Fifth St. Elmora 668 ft. 36 in. 14 bt_- executed by the facsimile signature of S. Garwood Spur 1.72 Elmora & Ext. Venitia Av. Dunham 1044 ft. 36 in. 14 P R. W. Junction M. H. Treatment Pit. 11-86 ft. 27 in. 3.5 the Township Treasurer. N\ Garwood Spur 2.59 right to use the disposal plant Hanley Av. 255 ft. 36 in. 14 Ditpoial Worka of 6 inches of gravel and 6 inches of 6. The Township Committee of the to DP presently constru Dunham Av. Elmora Av, Townnlilp of Woodhrtdgp, in tlie County of Springfield:— Hanley Av. Dunham Riverside Av. 788 ft 36 in. 14 The plant is to be 'located in sand together with necessary appur- Middlesex, hereby determines and declares: the extent of 700,000 f Hens 36 in. 14 tenances will be constructed. (a) That the a veinge protmblp un ex- ' Joint Trunk Section 1....3.7 per day (instead of 500,000 per Riverside Av. Hanley Av. ' Normandy Av. 889 ft. Woodbridge Townahjp on the south 2....3.7 Riverside Av. Nftrmandy Av. Orange Av. 897 ft. 36 in. 15 (d) N<'c«!»8ary building with equip- pired period of usefulncMi uf the Improve- day as in the original con- 36 in. 16 bank of the Rahway River between ment to house pumps, chlorinating in^ntB meiUioneil In Sect Inn I hereof, com- " 3 ...3.7 tract) ; and shall have the right Riverside Av. Ovange Av. Casino Av. 461 ft. puted In accordance wiu» the provisions of Cranford Sub Trunk 3.7 Riverside Av. Casino Av. Union Av. 967 ft. 39 in. 19 the City of Rahway and the Borough apparatus and facilities for the oper- C'liupter I'fi2 of the U*s of 1916, as amendr to use the completed disposal Union Av, Riverside Av. Forest ' 151 ft. 39 in. 19 of Carteret on property acquired by ating ^mfjloyees. ed, Is thlrty-threo yearn. Cranford Spur _ 3.7 plant to the extent of its total (b) That the a-vern^e asuessed valua- Sprimrfield Spur ..; 3.7 Forest'A v. Union Av. P. R. W. 796 ft. 39 in. 10 the Joint Meeting by purchase and (e) Machinery and apparatus ne- i of the Uixuble rpfll property lnclud* maximum flow through the cessary for chlorination. Kenilworth:— P. R. W. Forest Av. . North Av. 516 ft. 39 in. 19 condemnation. nK lmprDV.jmer.ti5 of n&lil Townslitp com- Woodbridge spur. Centennial Av. North Av. •South Av. 575 ft. 39 in. 21 The plant is to be of the type (f) Macadam- roadways around puted upon the npxt preceiltng three valua- Joint Trunk Section 1....2.62 The rate of flow herein stated is •nH thereof, In thfl manner provided In 1 P. R. W. South Av. Lincoln Av. 1923 ft. 39 in. 21 known as sedimentation and disinfec- plant with the necessary concrete " " " 2....2.62 the maximum rate of flow permit- 39 in. 21 tion with aludge digestion and dry. Section 12 nf th<* Bnkl iif.t la 118,2.19,369,00. " " " 3....2.62 ted, and no municipality shall have Lincoln Av. P. R. W. School ^ 561ft gutters. (c) 'Tne net del>t of the'said Township CranFord Spur i ing. . around niputiMl In the manner provided in s&ld Cranford Sub Trunk 2.62 the right to exceed such rate for prant(g), witPipinh appurtenanceg and 'drains sthereto. U'lhu. 12 la tl,247,J«2.3S (6.84%). Cranford SpTir 2.00 School Prop. The portion of the plant to be (ill That tlm* minui\l and aupplemental any period of time however brief. presently constructed consists of: (h) Seventy-two inch pipe dis- Roselle Park Spur 0.62 The rate of flow herein stated for & P. R. W. Lincoln Av. Walnut 1340 ft. 54 in. 29 lebt sutementu required by Bald section Springfield Spur 2.00 Walnut Av. School Prop. 210 ft. 15 in. 3 (a) A battery of eight concrete charge from plant into Rahway Riv- hnve been made and filed fla therftln any part of the improvement means P. R. W. settling tanks each approximately er. eq'Jlfed. Roselle Purk:—' the total rate of. the municipality at Walnut St. P. R. W^ Jupction M. H. 847 ft. 54 in. 29 7. That, there shall be levied In each Cranford Sub-Trunk ,110 feet long, 32 feet wide and 11 (i) Other work necessary and in-year while any of said bonds shall be oi*t- Joint Tfunk Section 1....1.85 such part including not only the con- feet depth of water, or of equivalent cidental to the above. Blamlitiff, m the- same manner and at the ' 2.1.85 tribution made to or at such part Walnut & same time as other taxes, a. tax. upon all Lexington Junction M. H. Old Rari'n Rd. 3920 ft. 32 capacity, mechanically equipped for Tlie portion of the plant for fu- 3....1.85 but also the contribution made to the continuous removal of floating ture construction — Items (a), (b) the taxable real property of said Township Crafiford*Sub Trunk 1.85 any upper parts Which must pass In Clark Townthip: and (c) will be duplicated. sufficient to produce the amount of prin- through such part. Old Raritan Rd. Lexington Av. Broadway 362 ft. 54 in. 32 and settlesble solids, cipal Htid l*4ereBt to become due In the Rosellu Park Spur 1.85 32 (b) Covered sludge digestion Section 12, This ordinance shall succeeding year. Article VI. Broadway Old Raritan Rd. Riverview Rd. 1216 ft. 54 in. S. This ordinance nhall take effect upon Garwood:— 32 tanks, devices to collect the gas take effect at the expiration of ten Joint Trunk Section 1....5.79 Section 4 of Article III of the Riverview Rd. Broadway Park Rd. 543 ft 54 in. lt« publlcatJnn an Druvldtd by Section \Z Park Rd. Hiverview . V. R. W. 1432 ft 54 in. 32 evolved from digestion will be. pro-days from the date of its publication or Chaoter ZkZ or the Uwa of 1916 aa 2.:..5.79 original contract is hereby amended after final passage as provided by amended together with, ^the statement re- P. R. W. Park Rd. Walnut Av. 81ft. 54 in. 32 vided. 3....S.79 to read as follows: 32 (lulretl by rniiii section, and the Township Walnut Av. P. R. W. Central Av. 941ft •54 in. (c) Sludge drying area consisting law. Clerk shall havt the power to select the Cranford Sub Trunk 5.79 The municipalities shall pay for newxptiper In which It shall be published and in apeiMfy the' dute after which the bonds shall be i»sueU and delivered.

KHEKIKF'S HAI.E LEGEND IN CHANCERY OP NEW JERSEY—Be- . iW.egll. i;itltcn9 Bdikllng and Loan Asso- ciation, a corporation of New Jersey, Com- * . of Pipe in Inches., plalnant, and Max Wolff, el HIH., Defend> anta Fl Fa. fur stile of mortgaged prem- ju. (luted Qvtubcr 20, 1931, , Computed Capacity in By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and del|vtrtul, -1 will expuse to Million Gollons par Day Bftle at putilic vendue on \VKDNEaj>AY, THB 9TH DAY OP DECEMBER. A. 1>. 1V3L at two o'cUifk Btanilard thuo in the after- noon uf thu H»ld day at l\w .SUeiiff'a Off let? All the fotluwlnx trm't or parcel nf lanci uml premiHoa herelnuHer [mrtlenlarly de- vrrUieil, ' Mitunte, lyivB imd IH'IIIR In tha or WaodUriilEe. in the County of and Statf nf Stny-'Jernyy. Relng known anil tifsignatPrt iw Lot No, iH or ii limp entitled '-.Man nf (liven Hillw, situate in Funla, ^VAMAIIH-MUU Townahln, New Jersey," surveyeil ^y Mutton. & SiultU, Civil Kngln^ent, I'tith ,-Vrnljoy, Xi*w Jt-i- y; atul fllcii for reti«rii'In the Clerk's OI- L'f of .MUl'lltfuex r.iumy, JNlNti aL a point hi thu northerly t' nf KviTHrcen uvtmie dlisuinl i-nsteFly - tiuntlretl i LOU 1 fet-l fnmi tin- northeuat •rmi'J by the inu0> f»et; tlionur Hdutherly and pa rail el with the first eourae one hundred and fifty fuet to th»> tmrtberly tine of Ever- " iiVenue; theiu'f 14 weatt-rly Uloug the northerly line of Evergreen avenitf, l&Oj. (cut t"J the point or pl*ce of Hfc- ^ .,..JILV(J. • 'j Bounded on Lha north by l^t NTo. »<; on the east by lot So, B6| OB the went by lot No. S^ und on the suutti by Kvej Kiewu uve- nun, an laid down on fefdil mup. Being the bame pretnlaea couveyed i$ the Hald Mux Wolff by deed from William Duuhiiin, et. ala.h dated M&rrh 31, \it0r und recorded fa the Office of tha Clerk [ the CoLfnty of MlildleK«x In U>ok «<>3 of un page ^547, etc. rea amountlntf to

with all And" singular the privileges, hereditaments uml ftp- urtemuixoB thereunto belonging or In any- 1«e iippertulnlng. HEHNAliU M. (JANNON, Sheriff, 8TANLHY P. ___. wvrn , tolioitor. Wr. 1. 11-13, 20, -27; U-i

Labor's Great Reward To labor rightly and earnestly . . . Is to wm9 Into sympathy with th<>' great Btntogle of humanity td ieetloo.—¥. Q. Holland.

ClaisUUd Adv. Will Soil It —


NEW YORK "CANDY KITCHEN Manufacturers and Dealers in Strictly Pur* CANDIES AND ICE CREAM 66 Main St. Woodbridg* Tel. 80041 GUSTAV BLAUM Groceries and Provision* 78 M.ln St • J T4L PLATE A INDEPENDENT SOCIAL AND PERSONALACTIVITIES OFTHETOWNSH1P B!u« Fea$t At On Vi»it To Tr*mUm Groop ,Ti i"—^ Parr* At AJBHI Ban Dana kWEL "^'^JtT^^L fife™

i-9- i - Truv 7 tit* T«,BeJdd At F«nls T-tvt'-:nf Oarel'* w p Of Fir*t Ov.T*"',-f t>Mtt ^-ttr Mn. Bow HM- •} -i - f the "IriT. kai tar Btf So- A r At «».ir OB v -' terma Cliaxk. £»* tit ! p 3**: rjr a»d I. *-i L" * .-'it T T Mr*. MaT$* F. '-A •' 7t*a ~-*V y--. r r^i *•=. W-.-x- TI- L. 7-

'>' Wo

V T- - E f:- .3f rf La !*;'. i-' Mr! ABB* Hj- *»r.t and M rja.iT *i: Orvw. L»t a;* "i" r.irt«-. -i.-. E-.A--s.rt- '- •: j ti: X 1.' &••>- fZ Wifht Are •v... i-j.r. ,.t at Stfcal Cop'i AatomobGe vk-^^ -«i f :-ir at: i. At AnniTeraary OlebratM - -j iii • - -. T r •' v-- -«-? ^~ :*• strtp tt, Thrtnr Key. At Hi- -'. ^ • "' ^ -^ r»«-.« - i/-". .••-•- i. ¥.- T; «-U* A ' . *&z2. 'TA *v T"—.r>^**:i '•"it^, f •:• •*- ^ X-». *: •-*."'*. Tv :'i- — -•- • »T,i Mn, .'ait*- . •--. >'.-.. A-T. " '*.:• "M 'h I '-*--. V.-: .f '.rs.rA' i' » party r '£-*-.--,-_ -^ ;-JJ- •-••*•;. 1_ Sl*2>»r Ki- -" --i-TVT • , ' "~"^_A T-^ ¥•_ ;-* j-j.i'1 i* L M: »• "-? *-*»•: ....,..„ -,._ . .t 7...., ?Vsj ois(a> i.t.-, K—-. r:-r ^ -•- w V- — Oasrmis. ?• l--^-t t---. y -. ' t • _ - - - - . - v - c;:»4er T.--.--- •••- '* ••*• ' r- r W«ArifeeGiri o ^aj i* fKibr-: -~ ITT -- rJ^*- «PM»y *• r •-. £T-VI r-;.;; »•.- •+* :JH t;a- ~~~; .^ .v^ ;-^i.-.A * ;* ^:--j* t^* -^t* Affair .j-n Hall Ca- •»• t Oi Ctltfe I".^I- j '-"I.." Til f'^.JrT "?•» Sl~ t* 1 T-itl. ••»« »*»£ ?*;.')• B»r..v.i'>nsew. Rita r ..£ • Of Al- :••* tt«i Tt> Ji» *:: ;&: :itr-T :*." VV: :---.-.«.:--, Oir-r-as JTX-.-ary arr: : M-.r.M-.i Kji: ate Ar.r, Ectam. I- • Ha* Swea C»rtl P«rty *•-««•! bi"«" Ai'^iW -f bert Street. Setoor At ^. J. ^j-« -;-i- •_.,» niij^i-f TI'S ^-Jf *,a a=Vtr •.«• -T- >«-.^». U* . aur.Jiary Marked At H*rj2T E2AMV Mr- -T-, ^!! aii :T Mr» J I.. rajMrviwr. wiH be y - > zr :-*r r • trt ef tfcf : :t -' V - ; -~ fct k S2SK •T M" Wr Bake'/ ™ ^"^ . »*** ^ ^ ""^ -/." "J^J/1 ^»^ y-j ... JI. nr_. Mio ,py^. prompt!)- a: 2 :•!>•} '- ct«t. 'L^CTT Xr- X J*T ar; a«ksc w s-ric? a K.-» K Bi- Mr' t for tilt Thar.k<«"ir:ii^; KiTT ar.d M.-*. Bre- :.fT »-.;i also I." T. •" ' ••.i." M*rj ErKTr «• v- - Fir?- is: Mr- ca'rMr-. > T»J: Xr tr- £, * rr*r«_.-, :.*E: -r.i. " M:.'wr.». Mr.'. J-.-r^'. 1 1 r:*.:"! .6;—t. E-i.-ti I'.:.'..i:i »••:•;: i .?"'— ^J Ci-ii:r»r. -iiij-irr.'..r.ttK.frr.t of th* tr.irt: Eatertain* Hi. trc .r_. rf Friends At Her H«*c r ;* M •: H--*-? j Hi—it li* t---L-i -r frm-z- Xr i K-? «• r- .._, Jjfirr.btr 15. with Mr?. A. G. 'rr.- »ai Xr. £T,: • E.,-.:i-: r.-^ ari(j >}rt J ramp, a- leadtr'. $5,000 X*- .1] : 'h> "" (bi "S^arf ! IN CASH PRIZES I.'ance." D e ? • e r *^a ireautifu!.. Thank-frivi»e story written for th«- See Your Druggist. X.. 7-..rT.- Z.. SIAT^ARY <. cation and rtad by Mr.-. Ernest j .:-. K'- AWiott. The sH-vice clot-ed with the j X: 1 X-'. • Al"!*r: (•-•*. •T ROSS FARQCHAR !-:ntfinj? of "The Doxolog^'' and - j \,< ri'-dit-tion. -'•:• K- Kr- •>*, r/Jt:^-:- VI-.-TMTT £1IZ- ^ < : Thanksg-iving- erettin^s w«e re- tr-.ik:—. ?«- zi .= :.-~ '...~:^;-! from Mr-. L. V. Buschman, of n.?r: £.>;.•. -± .: -—,-• It* Thi- • Buffalo, and Mr?. Adrian LyonL . of _-.. .. j.-.. _, q !'ir;h Amboy. and an inspiring let- T? X-'.t-:t Xr-. * _;' "'* .•"''.,. „„ ''•'• fr'jm the" pastor. Rev. E. S. Ab- " COMPETmON KEN -.-.: --: -.-.- Forty persons were present and a -r:-; :- .rrr. n-.*- ' -o'.-:al hour with refreshments fol- ... _ ..;.,___ r-..I..-*-e?l the meeting. , i. ^—— ^-^-.^^—^^^— Y *il —T^.* NUTTY NATU.AL | PASSING ATTACK W CFVK CIRCUIT HISTORY .'''; Fisli Need Protection • IT HVSH ••110* J WWSFORUNDYS ' '^.\ Elecaust of the f;ict that tiirj- fish fcr"; rar.iK.t r,rr-ttct tlictnselves a^aiust Yoonf Men's Club Of Perti t ,j _,j, tiieir natural ei«Niii'-3. fish culturista Aches and T-E fO'.ZLED -r;t have found that pluming 100.0U0 C-inch Ambor Spanked 4»-34 — ^ •• er tiid ir,jut, raised in rearing pomls. gives First Half End. In 22-22Tie- ^ r.j-.^inf rt-sults tqual tu planting 1,000,000 ? 5 r 11 f PAINS/ '. . ,^ ,. ,/; i. "V j ' -' O dirwtly ID streoms. FLEAS I?*..-.*;. H:.r-*, Fr.iaj "fiysi. TE* C CLASSIFIED ADS •.--;-.^ T-.-iLjr M*i'? Ca. cf Ptr.i H. Clasiihed advertisements oply on* : r e jl*r :"': '-'^ .... ,...... ''r-'/ l*^. .^ ' f , l.fBrt a word; minimum charge 25c. .. .^ . 157 •-. » .-V TJ "I > " w:' > EXPERIENCED colored woman CHILDREN -, .^ t ,.,.rT""- wants general house work, or •ry -is tr* ti.t. Ts* iriibit its pas? AVEMEL S. C" ".''* '.'if - ---"-'-. -•••- : hoir.e laundry. Good r«fer«^nces. ln- -».-*: i^"~r-tS.T fc^.*-1"-'-^--'" !•» Mo'nteque avenue, Clifford , CRY FOR IT— trie* £«!<; lit Aabcr faardi ^eirii- ;

!Ti* u^ etc*; •»-.--£. lit Mort is*!- Jtegtr ._.." :»5. -^-. v: ~-p ,'. rrj. r.trc r: tt; -:.«. r.t , 11-l^jA)^. , V/^a rulr bl;. fv(SJ. ciuW j^.^ ^ "*%?Z H*"*.."* .- • .... ttciirai ^lTti"r --'—~ 25: H2 r.: •••:-«•_*•: *'-«rr^-trTT »r;u i*- ot'ifoflK WANTED—A youcg girl' Uste of C*it' Tns pun vesetabie ' '4iV^*K^Jt-^^f'^?rf"-« foirptteW™ TH'"20i""ife*" itt""^^:^ "^t^Si «" ti*ir.^^it^T^ric:'"'C*i! *wd"1'?rn*™1™ * J«w •» fxamnimm r ESS just a> barmioc as the •T* -JT. ^•2i«.t:r-n. . L-sivse »-ii « itiiJFat itor- • . „ r.c>:** :.i:*r stwr* t.V#r ir»i n-.-r,^ is' >" •- .->;.» ' jutl as bliad EES iiat a» hanaio* a* tl>e / : f - ^W) ^-' k •- '*-* ' '/- .''^P^^ M*y«-,^*ss _ F.r»t frfea; AreBti l! C.*T5 pias! ' =^ '.^- -* "JM-J *:•*! :.atv ITT PC••; iSSf — S rMm?; all irtprove-', V,\a Bi^y's cry warantmi ootf cobc. a

r r"_ '{" ".•jhz.r- »-:»i vathi. N'ifer . _7__ litO lal iiii MLtoay—pi _- ^- «..-* t: -J** bost ." : »sjt*p agaiu m « jiffy, Notiiu^ more »^ ' T&e Uchcy A. A. K.-I plij lifc .S'.tss*E ..„_ . lifli- ls-C I'O;^"^5 nc-ri r.z %i wairfSeiit f«&Bj *;• * ! 2 3-20*. ' valinblvaluable n11 diarrk**diarrkta. 'Whe'Wh«Bi coated 1 /- J ]V>':,MhT,i?d ax,: ir^ i,-,~ a?t va b--» g;ttt '. •-. ' ; — Uxmt >..r:>r i*ibid farcntbbreath tfteHU of fonsr«iit4fi*tK)lk. 0EWARE OF IMITAT1OHS F'JJL BENT — 6*rooai «-Lti 4 ii? f.r i.; r,,^C r, - •" s*-.1--1 "'r ** **c ,.,i. .v i-, ,---._.. -««-» «B* it» Ststlf aid totJeaM* and rtfulatc 151 lfc0 lit-* [Ji.t7 tx*.--t ^ !^5- & d«}' a&£ *-itt3- 'lit -**"Ji*th.; a- QxprCnretEtE^wfir , frkraj*, , . ^ ; s UKDY A. AJ («) i ^_ :,--j-i M-d .• tnda' viiirc*«j-'t" jr»v "«»-'• jark; !£•& per ffi'jEtJs. 435 • "^^ «'»«»• In rokb of etiMrec'i G P Ti »7& 64T ii"'Anc how x./,:t i: iLt* it mad* . £S>. 6ae*i*b, ib&aid ux it to keep £CHWENZEfl A._C (2) ^^stij^. "y.y.'I. «-2r* ti* ryuta froci clo^gaj fc ^^^ 'MIJ«. f ' -. - .'"-.- * 5 1 11 A3 tittonitt .,. 173 20-5 221 Cutoni is »oid LC fvery druf ttotr; C. S rvomi aid boatit" A>" *^* geciaM a!*,)-* bears er't signature. :* t.^. ii.---L= c-.;-;~_lf •.'.. i: s Lorch .. „... .. 146 1T& !«S K-at tw: tt* way :: ia.f5*it«i st »t= 1"^ t IUU J. 2 0 i Stkaken 36 i/rad OBK f. i* t ^- j j,14 ^ ' ' CASTORIA * 3 r; 3 E- Sia<>iLS«. , 170 Hi j"? Li«- vt P»'Z:L ~IH- '.ai|n -j ;r. Sc-t- ' ____^_ . f ".. . 0 1 • 1 ' P>-Scb*en2tT , 174 1?»; 20(>, '-it sa»t iix* a* tity dt tt-rt Fa.tet- 'jYjg '4LE—1<<3'( ^ar'fi • 1 1 2 A- 1*TI '• --.. 20a 227 li,7 i Tt_i.d«T—pa n-ai ju.*i rted.LF it M^v-rcf-le "7* " v' -t

....~ 4 1 > 5- Najiw 162 | 172;-J.*WA*t paper ib^-ji Mu*£t'j>fcf fcric(.jt-t,a4.Xl'0B. " fvict 'vtr^ rt - -. •• v ' <* v i .-• •**• -Jiry c-a ii} .or i« ta>. «na- i Irqair? Woodbr»dsrt 'iuflt-'.rtidfiit Of-! "•••!• 1 1. wB^nuo). «/! wi^tirt?«^r^^a^r:^ii^L2: ' 13 , t J4 f Eiahorc .t 212 1S» 170 Juur or tl=t mti,Dj ut gtu. that ;ast , FOE SALE-^vt fcoas* witfc .v.-ort bv 'qoarMn: Me«ck 166 15S 20€ ! wifet tier* tint u I'D. j bath awl a!! m Row- TJU.VTLEPS FROM EVERYWHERE 1.-E5;- A. A. . . 10 12 10 !7 it OAcTBt lSft> If* 21C ; . . . :~ un-ag Mtc'i Clob b !3 g t—34 B 1710. : Br«lt«t. Timw: V\'G0tK3Jfi^ |FOK SALE—nZTy girdm HOTEL ; JILI&S.. BGied \an«.'e4-. J2. EMPIRE WBOC nu co. 0; ii>j'per duztE lttf,^rt«r UNUSUAL INFORMATION P , 172 J«J.! w\ »*.. J*.Ou per larg-t bait J OF A«j£3fcRN C It JANSA. XirESEKT ; w. :. ii-ia, 2&.'27 12-4' -; 6- i-quore : LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR How to train BABY'S r tit* Xiii)*t at M FULL Lw »f Enrpuu LAV* t>t*L diii-yierefl b> tzy'un Treti ard FToff er»,»', alall local NEW YORKj H. D«ter T J E. JA-SSJSA Nuriery Se C. X. J. (Star ^hooL) BOWELS tlit cJiilL rf a !«•• floor luck Q Babko, l*>Uit-ft-J cr breisl4ed, with BtDUCED BATES be- u»«ii. Uif ttt ffciitniJ 'jian vi Siuffctadu ?• •-^ Ttut is I'De sure way tu Irak tin bti»rl» to drjiby regularity. To avoid \ uoutiai. crying, fmilure m at Priiieetca nut -A 4*ik. uyi tatlkuaxwMdOawy , C. con»Up>tcd u,n tunlet aed *%i • yiti iwdiil Mate •*» wwy now aarwiiere with A-l q^p 5CHWEXZER A. •eat;

tbe idea Uiu dt»