The Lawrentian W Rn -J O CJ H > H O R* Volume 79— Number 15 Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis

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The Lawrentian W Rn -J O CJ H > H O R* Volume 79— Number 15 Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis K 00 2 (A > I— r*3 H O <7* « > H t/i H CO CO •d ro C HI > S* > "D a: H C*J •-* O' no jo c/> « CO 1/2 O « H ;*î -O M 30 O *-< The Lawrentian w rn -J O CJ H > H o r* Volume 79— Number 15 Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. Friday. January 22, 1960 ac CO o Daniels, Hansen, Wheelock Named Lawrentian Heads o S. P . C. D. A. Williams, Oelke, Meyer to Hold The Society for the Propa­ It's Later Than You Think gation of Cruelty to Dumb Animals will meet at 8:00 p. FINAL EXAMINATIONS for the first semester, 1959-60, m. Sunday night in the Ter­ Reins of Desk Editors; Hartwig begin on Tuesday, January 26, and end on Wednesday, Feb­ race Room of the Union. If ruary 3. Examinations in Art courses are given at the Art you are unable to attend, Center, in Music at the Music-Drama Center, and all others please contact Charlie Gobel To Assume Job of Office Manager at the Campus Gymnasium. Morning sessions begin at 8:30 or Tony Bok. and end at 11:30 and afternoon sessions begin at 1:30 and end at 4:30. illlllllllllUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlltllltlU Tuesday, January 26— a.m. Anthropology 13B, Economics 25, English 13, English 31, History 7B, History 29. Hopeful Lawrentians p.m. Anthropology 35, Biology 35, Chemistry 31, Econom­ ics 21, English 41, German 41, History 39, Mathe­ Look (or Completion matics 27, Sophomore Studies 15A, Music Education 33. Wednesday, January 27— Of Viking Room Soon a.m. Freshman Studies, all sections, The Viking Room may be p.m. Introduction to English Literature, all sections. ready for use at the beginning Thursday, January 28— of second semester, announce a.m. Art 27, Economics 41, English 15, English 63. Gov­ Helen Edelhofer and Bill Whit­ ernment 31, History 9, History 55, Psychology 11B, more, co-chairmen oi the Union Psychology 23, Religion 11B, Religion 25, Spanish Committee. 45, Music 3. Music 41, Music Education 21. The fireplace is already com­ p.m. Beginning French, all sections; Intermediate French, pleted; it is designed so that all sections; Music 35. students will be able to sit Friday, January 29— around its expansive ledge. a m. Anthropology 25, Economics 13, English 53. Begin­ Booths are in the process of ning German, all sections; Intermediate German, all being made and will be instal­ sections; Spanish 25, Music 1A. IB. 1C. p.m.—Government 41, History 61, History 63, Physics 23, led as soon as the room is Beginning Spanish, all sections; Intermediate Span­ ready. They will be of dark ish, all sections; Theatre and Drama 15. wood, and will be placed under the windows along the length Saturday, January 30— of the room. a m. Elements of Economics, all sections; Greek 3, Greek 23, History 47, Sophomore Studies 15B, 15C. The room will be paneled in p.m.—Anthropology 21, Art 37, Biology 23, Education 21, dark-tinted wood. A partition Geology 41, History 7A, Mathematics 11B, Psychol­ made of designed stretched bur­ ogy 11 A, Theatre and Drama 23, Music 13. Music lap will run between the poles, Education 23. dividing the room in half. In ­ Monday, February 1— direct lighting will provide a a.m. Biology 5, all sections; Chemistry 41. Economics 71, subdued atmosphere, and will, Mathematics 21, Religion 11 A. Musi ts Education 25. be extended from the ceiling p.m —Chemistry 1, Economics 33. EconoiXM* 61, English with different colored bulbs. A 51. French 51, Italian 1, Physics 11. planter is being placed near the entrance into the dancing area. Tuesday. February 2— a.m.—French 23. Geology 1, Government 11, Philosophy 35, Tables which will seat var­ Smiling— is it in anticipation or relief?— aftei being in­ Physics 41, Psychology 27, Theatre and Drama 11, ious numbers of people will be formed about their new appointments are Pat Daniels, Eric Music 31. placed about the room. Dark Hansen- and Dean Wheelock. p.m. Anthropology 13A, Chemistry 21, Economics 23, Geol­ burlap curtains will fit in with ogy 21, Government 21, Latin 1. Latin 11. Latin 21. the whole color scheme. Mathematics 25, Philosophy 23. Spanish 21. Music 33. A jukebox will be installed in Pat Daniels, Eric Hansen and Dean Wheelock were the center of the wall along the Wednesday, February 3— named as the new heads of the L A W R E N T IA N by the partition. Helen and Bill hope­ a.m. Anthropology 33. Art 1, Chemistry 11. Economics 31. fully say that it will be five LAWRENTIAN Board of Control Wednesday. Fat and Education 31 (in room 200, Science Hall»; English 17, cents a play, and records will Eric will serve as co-editors of the paper while Dean will French 43. History 43, History 45, Mathematics IB. be business manager. Philosophy 33, Religion 37, Russian 1, Theatre and be changed every two weeks. Drama 41, Music 21 A. 21B. A vending machine will pro­ In addition to these selections, Mundy will be the new copy edi­ p.m. Government 51, Mathematics 1A. Mathematics 11C. vide refreshments temporarily. Judith Williams, a sophomore, tors; both girls are freshmen. Philosophy 11A. 11B; Philosophy 13A, 13B; Religion Carol Oelke, a junior, and Sar­ John Greenspan will again be 33; Mathematics 11A. ah Meyrr, also a sophomore, head of photography, a position were appointed to positions of he has held for one semester. PIN N IN G S desk editor. Judith will In* in John is a sophomore. Linda Mayhew. Delta Gamma, charge of the news desk. Carol Another new position was cre­ to George Carey. Sigma Alpha will handle the features, and ated to suit tlie talents of Mac Epsilon. Sarah will control editorialised West, a freshman, and to sat­ materials. Chuck Collins. Beta Thcta Pi. isfy the needs of a more cul­ Fred llartwig, another soph­ to Kathy Markert, Mount Mary tured student body. Mac was omore. was given the newly- College. made Head of the* Reviewing created post of office manager, Boards which will be responsi­ Dick Pizza. Delta Tau Delta, lie will he in charge of the me­ to Barbara Schedin, Oak Lawn, ble for the coverage of concerts, chanics of the office's function­ plays, and lectures here. Illinois. ing as well as serreUiry to the Pat and Eric plan to maintain John Hageman, Eta Sigma I ditorial Hoard and assistant to the present policies of the LAW- Phi, to Jan Ott, University of the editors. 1(1. VI I AN', hut hope to set up Wisconsin. Rounding out Dean Wheel- the staff in such a way that an­ Dave Wenberg. Phi Mu Alpha ock's business staff are Dave noying mechanical errors can Sinphonia, to Brenda Bern- Fellman. a sophomore, who will be prevented. agger, Oshkosh State College. be assistant business manager, Becky Howell, Kappa Alpha and Sue Daugherty, also a soph­ The addition of the positions Theta. to Peter Smith, Phi omore. who will hold the |x>si- of offiee manager and review­ Gamma Delta alum. tion of circulation manager. ing hoard head are aimed at Char Bohannon, to Bob Be- Jeff Knox and A1 Saltzstein. promoting a smoothly-funetion- zucha. Phi Kappa Tau. both (4 whom are sophomores, ing, united staff effort, and a Ann DeLong, Delta Gamma, to will again serve as sports edi­ more complete, comprehensive Ashley Haase, Beta Theta Pi. tors. Sandr^ Guth and Marilynn coverage. Margot Ryan. Pi Beta Phi, to Steve Gilboy, Phi Delta Theta. Sandy Karlson, Delta Gamma pledge, to Chuck Bentley, Sigma Contradiction With Intent, Phi Epsilon. Nancy Lotz, Delta Gamma pledge, to Tom Freeling, Sigma Irony, Art Highlight Price Phi Epsilon. ENGAGEMENTS Shakespeare Lectures Here Jane Baker, Alpha Delta Pi, to Peter Negronida. Beta Theta By K A REN LACÏNA Pi alum. Dr Price, both Shakespearian scholar and former visiting pro­ Nancy Wissmiller, Kappa Al­ fessor of English at Lawrence, honored the college once again pha Theta, to Doug Moland, with his presence as he presented two illuminating lectures on Mon­ Delta Tau Delta. day. January 18 and Tuesday, January 19. concerning Shakespear­ Ann Petri. Pi Beta Phi, to Hal ian art and criticism Linfelt, Sigma Phi Epsilon. ond of the lectures dealt seri- Gail LiLlygrin, Kappa Delta, The first of the lectures ex­ posed certain ‘Present Prob­ f*usly with Shakespearian com­ to Jim Uram, U. S. Navy. edy an»l "The Taming of the Sue Blohm, Kappa Delta lems in Shakespearian scholar­ ship " Dr. Price is well quali­ Shrew.” pledge, to Karlo Waataja, U.S. Throughout Monday's lecture, Army. fied to present these problems since he is a Shakespearian the- stately and humore»us pro­ A Napoleonic Jon Pearl seems to be defending himself from Betty Davidson to Nathan fessor confronted the ‘disinte- Pusey. Phi Delta Theta alum scholar himself and is. at pres­ Mary Hamilton in a scene from ‘Man of Destiny,” by ent, doing extensive research grationist” view towards George Bernard Shaw. on "Titus Andronicus." The sec­ «Continued on Page 2, Col. 5> Page 2 Œftf lam tf n t i a n Friday, January 22, 1960 SHAKESPEARE LECTURES Encampment Atmosphere Encourages (Continued from Page 1) Shakespearian scholarship w’hich fragments all aspects of Shakes­ Discussion, Fun; Anything Goes!! pearian art in order to consider By PAT DANIELS them individually. Dr. Price deemed two rules necessary: See professors clad in their oldest clothes and sporting they are the prim ary consider­ two-day-old beards; find the beauties of nature (among ations of the function of each other things ) while walking along the rushing Rock River aspect of the art, and its rela­ and through the woods; see fellow students in an entirely tionship to the whole world.
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