Peddie School Buys Walter C. Black Farm
V O L U M E X C I HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1939 NUMBER 27 Seven Negroes G. T, ATCHLEY NAMED THANKSGIVING SERVICES DEPUTY SURROGATE Mrs. J. M. Maxwell IN BAPTIST CHURCH Peddie School Buys Ask $197,000 in George T. Atchley, 27-year-old Penn Dies at Manasquan The annual union Thanksgiving ser ington Borough clerk and treasurer of vice of Protestant churches will be held the Mercer County Young Republican Walter C. Black Farm Assault Suits Club,_ was sworn in as deputy surro In Her 100th Year Thursday morning at 10 o'clock in the gate immediately following his appoint First Baptist Church. The Rev.- Stan Start Damage Actions Against Nine Widow of Presbyterian Minister—Bom Men in Federal Court at Newark— ment by .Surrogate Albert H. Rees. ley K. Ganibell, pa'stor of the First 4 4 A C R E S Mercer Common Pleas Judge Turp At-W yckoff’s Mills — Organized Presbyterian Church, will conduct the Defendeuits Are oii Probation. Wyckoff Association of New Jersey. administered the oath,'assisted by Coun service. The Baptist choir will furnish ty Clerk Charles P. Hutchinson. The seven Negro potato pickers, one Mrs. Gertrude Appleget Wyckoff. Part of Plan For Development of “Peddie Atchley was recommended for ap the music. of them a woman, who were stripped widow of the Rev. James McClusky and beaten on the Dey farm near Cran- pointment to the $4,500 a year job by of Tomorrow.” - Eventually Will Be the executive committee of the Mercer Maxwell, D.
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