Introduction to Reconfiguration Naomi Nishimura David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo

Introduction  / „ What do these have in common?

Can you change the word Can you slide the tiles to put DOG into the word CAT? the numbers in order?

1 2 3 4 DOG 5 6 7 8 HOG 9 10 11 12 HAG 13 15 14 HAT CAT

Introduction ‚ / „ Reconfiguration

The is defined in terms of: reconfiguration framework a classical problem , P an instance of , I P a definition of of solutions to , and feasibility I a definition of of feasible solutions. adjacency To make the problem interesting/tractable: Adjacency is polynomially testable. Feasibility is restricted.

Reconfiguration framework ƒ / „ Graph representation

A is defined as reconfiguration graph vertices that represent feasible solutions and edges that represent adjacency.



Viewed as a graph Viewed as a process Vertex Solution Edge Reconfiguration step Path Reconfiguration sequence

Reconfiguration framework „ / „ Common types of reconfiguration problems

Intertwined structural and algorithmic problems: Is there a reconfiguration sequence between the Reachability two input solutions? Is the reconfiguration graph connected? Connectivity What is the diameter of the reconfiguration graph? Diameter What is the shortest reconfiguration Shortest transformation sequence between the two input solutions?

Reconfiguration framework / „ Examples revisited

Word reconfiguration Solution: -letter word in English k Step: Change one letter

Can you change the word DOG into the Reachability example: word CAT?  puzzle reconfiguration Solution: Arrangement of tiles Step: Slide one tile

: Are all arrangements reachable from each Connectivity example other?

Reconfiguration framework † / „ Warnings and apologies

Goals: Whirlwind tour Slides on my website to read at leisure Too little: Omissions of definitions Omissions of references Omissions of related work Too much: Too many slides Too many words per slide

Reconfiguration framework ‡ / „ Sliding block puzzles

: Studied in great detail for many years. Key idea Generalize to moving tokens or pebbles on a graph: no for  -puzzle [Johnson and Story ˆ‡‰]; Connectivity yes except if the puzzle graph is a on „ n ≥ vertices, is bipartite and not a cycle, or an exceptional graph on vertices [Wilson ‰‡„] cubic [Kornhauser, Miller, Spirakis ‰ˆ„] Diameter NP-hard [Goldreich ‰ˆ„]; Shortest transformation P when all tokens are the same; NP-hard when at least one token is special [van den Heuvel and Trakultriapruk ‚€„] Related work on robot motion planning [Papadimitriou, Raghavan, Sudan, Tamaki ‰‰„] multi-colour pebbles [Goraly and Hassin ‚€€ˆ], many others

Reconfiguration framework ˆ / „ An incomplete history of reconfiguration

Before ‚€ Lots of work not called reconfiguration ‚€ Reconfiguration framework [Ito, Demaine, Harvey, Papadimitriou, Sideri, Uehara, Uno ‚€] Reachability PSPACE-hardness results for some NP-hard classical problems and machinery (NCL) Polynomial-time algorithms for some polynomially-solvable classical problems Conjecture that reachability is not in P for all classical problems in P Since ‚€ Lots of work called reconfiguration (and also lots of work not called configuration)

History ‰ / „ Applications and related frameworks

Example applications Maintaining a firewall in a changing network Assigning frequencies in a changing mobile network Planning motion, including ƒD printing and robot movement Glauber dynamics Markov chain from statistical physics

Related frameworks : Given a solution to an instance, find a better Local search solution that is “close” to the input solution. : Given an instance, an optimal solution, and Reoptimization changes to the instance, find an optimal solution to the changed instance. : Given a yes-instance, a witness that it Incremental problems is a yes-instance and changes to the instance, determine if the changed instance is a yes-instance.

History € / „ Related problems

String, graph, and editing Transformation of one entity into another using a fixed set of editing operations Tree rotation Transformation of a tree into another tree by rotations Morphing graph drawings Continuous transformation of one shape into another Linkage reconfiguration Continuous transformation of a simple planar polygon to make it convex - Carpenter’s Rule Theorem [Connelly, Demaine, Rote ‚€€ƒ] Unfolding polyhedra Cutting and flattening polyhedra Countless others

History  / „ Outline of the talk

Coverage of: Progress on individual problems Progress on general properties of the framework Structured as: Reachability Connectivity Case study: Dominating set Case study: Colouring Diameter Case study: Colouring Parameterizing by length of sequence Case study: Vertex cover Shortest transformation Case study: Flip distance Case study: Satisfiability Other research directions

History ‚ / „ Relating classical and reachability complexity

General pattern Classical problem NP-hard ⇒ reachability PSPACE-hard Classical problem in P ⇒ reachability in P

PSPACE-completeness of Independent Set, Clique, Vertex Cover, Set Cover,Dominating Set, Integer Programming, Vertex Colouring, List Edge-Colouring, Satisfiability, Steiner Tree Polynomial-time algorithms for Minimum Spanning Tree and Matching

Conjecture [Ito et al. ‚€] Not all classical problems in P give rise to polynomially-solvable reconfiguration problems.

Reachability ƒ / „ Common types of reconfiguration steps

Solutions are sets of vertices, viewed as marked Graph problems by tokens. (TJ) (all solutions are the same size) Token Jumping (TS) (all solutions are the same size) Token Sliding (TAR) Token Addition and Removal (a bound on size is usually required to avoid triviality)



Solutions are truth assignments. Satisfiability Change one variable from true to false or from false to true.

Reachability „ / „ Common types of reconfiguration steps

Solutions are sets of vertices, viewed as marked Graph problems by tokens. (TJ) (all solutions are the same size) Token Jumping (TS) (all solutions are the same size) Token Sliding (TAR) Token Addition and Removal (a bound on size is usually required to avoid triviality)



Solutions are truth assignments. Satisfiability Change one variable from true to false or from false to true.

Reachability „ / „ Resolving the conjecture

Conjecture [Ito et al. ‚€] Not all classical problems in P give rise to polynomially-solvable reconfiguration problems.

Theorem There exist:

I a classical problem in P that gives rise to a PSPACE-hard reachability problem (shortest paths [Bonsma ‚€‚]), and

I an NP-hard classical problem that gives rise to a polynomially-solvable reachability problem (ƒ-Colouring [Johnson et al. ‚€„]).

Open question What properties of problems result in the pattern holding or not?

Reachability  / „ In search of algorithm paradigms

Contracted solution graph method: Shortest path on planar graphs [Bonsma ‚€‚] List-colouring on caterpillars [Hatanaka, Ito, Zhou ‚€„] Colouring on ‚ -connected chordal graphs (k − ) [Bonsma and Paulusma ‚€ ] Idea: Find a way of compacting the information about the reconfiguration graph Apply dynamic programming Use tree decompositions

Conjecture Reachability problems are tractable when restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth.

Reachability † / „ H-word reconfiguration

Given an alphabet and a binary between symbols, an is a word in which each pair of consecutive symbols is H-word in the relation. -word reconfiguration [Wrochna ‚€„] H Solution: -word H Step: Change one symbol

PSPACE-completeness based on the classic proof of undecidability for general Thue systems. [Post ‰„‡]

Reachability ‡ / „ Resolving the treewidth conjecture

For graphs of bounded bandwidth (and hence treewidth), the following reconfiguration problems are PSPACE-complete:

shortest path odd cycle transversal colouring induced forest list colouring independent set induced bipartite subgraph vertex cover feedback vertex set dominating set

[Wrochna ‚€„] [Mouawad, Nishimura, Raman, Wrochna ‚€„] [Haddadan, Ito, Mouawad, Nishimura, Ono, Suzuki, Tebbal ‚€ ] A graph of bandwidth has pathwidth and treewidth at most . b b [Schiex ‰‰‰]

Reachability ˆ / „ Dominating set intractability/tractability boundary

: Lots of work to be done on individual problems. Key idea [Haddadan, Ito, Mouawad, Nishimura, Ono, Suzuki, Tebbal ‚€ ]

Open question What are the boundaries between tractability and intractability for specific problems, and why?

Reachability ‰ / „ Connectivity case study: Dominating set

is the , the minimum cardinality of a γ(G) domination number dominating set of G Gamma graphs [Subramanian and Sridharan ‚€€ˆ] Solution: Minimum dominating set (γ-set) Step: Token jumping

Gamma graphs [Fricke et al. ‚€] Solution: Minimum dominating set (γ-set) Step: Token sliding

-dominating graph [Haas and Seyffarth ‚€„] k Solution: Dominating set of size at most k Step: Token addition and removal

Connectivity ‚€ / „ Results on the -dominating graph k is the , the maximum cardinality Γ(G) upper domination number of a minimal dominating set of G The -dominating graph (a.k.a. reconfiguration graph) is k connected when: min  [Haas and Seyffarth ‚€„] k ≥ {|V(G)| − ,Γ(G) + γ(G)} bipartite and chordal, when  [HS„] k ≥ Γ(G) +  and there is a matching of cardinality at least two k = n − [HS„] and there is a matching of cardinality at least k = n − µ µ +  [Suzuki, Mouawad, Nishimura ‚€„]  for certain classes of well-covered graphs k = Γ(G) + [Haas and Seyffarth ‡]  for graphs that are both perfect and k = Γ(G) + irredundant perfect [HS‡] But, it can be disconnected for , even for planar, k = Γ(G) + bounded tree-width, or -partite for ƒ [SMN„] b b ≥ Connectivity ‚ / „ Other results on dominating graphs

: There are many other structural problems worth Key idea exploring. Q: Which graphs are dominating graphs? [Haas and Seyffarth ‚€„]

A: Only and among cycles [Alikhani, Fatehi, Klavžar ‚€†] C† Cˆ

Q: Which graphs have the dominating graph isomorphic to the graph itself? [Haas and Seyffarth ‚€„]

A: ‚ and is a star [Alikhani, Fatehi, Klavžar ‚€†] k = G

There is an infinite family of graphs with exponential diameter for . [Suzuki, Mouawad, Nishimura ‚€„] γ(G) +

Connectivity ‚‚ / „ Connectivity case study: Colouring

Vertex colouring reconfiguration Solution:A -colouring k Step: Change the colour of one vertex

Mixing A graph is if its reconfiguration graph for colours is k-mixing k connected. is the maximum degree of any vertex in . ∆(G) G Every graph is ‚ -mixing. [Jerrum ‰‰ ] (∆(G) + ) Every graph is  -mixing for the Grundy (χg(G) + ) χg(G) number of , the highest possible number of colours using G by a greedy colouring of ( ). G χg(G) ≤ ∆(G) + [Bonamy and Bousquet ‚€ƒ] Every graph is ‚ -mixing for the treewidth of (tw(G) + ) tw(G) . [Bonamy and Bousquet ‚€ƒ] G

Connectivity ‚ƒ / „ Diameter case study: Colouring

Property Diameter bound Result ƒ for any [Cereceda, van den k = O(n‚) Heuvel, Johnson ‚€]

‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ [Bonamy and k ≥ tw(G) + (n + ) Bousquet ‚€ƒ]

 „χ ( ) [Bonamy and k ≥ χg(G) + g G n Bousquet ‚€ƒ]

, ƒ ‚ component k = ∆ + ∆ ≥ O(n ) [Feghali, Johnson, (plus isolated Paulusma ‚€ ] vertices)

Various classes of graphs for which reachability is PSPACE-complete have examples with superpolynomial diameter. [Bonsma and Cereceda ‚€€‡]

Diameter ‚„ / „ More on colouring

Reconfiguration using (exchanging of the Kempe changes colours and in a maximal connected subgraph in which all a b vertices are coloured either or ). [Feghali, Johnson, Paulusma a b ‚€ ] Used to find clash-free timetables. [Mühlenthaler and Wanka ‚€ ] Homomorphism reconfiguration is a generalization of colouring. [Wrochna ‚€„]

Upcoming CanaDAM talk Benjamin Moore “Some observations on circular colouring mixing for -colourings when „” (p,q) p/q < Today at ƒ: € in this room

Upcoming CanaDAM talk Karen Seyffarth “Reconfiguring Vertex Colourings of ‚-trees” Today at „:‚€ in this room

Diameter ‚ / „ Working with the diameter

Frequent pattern Diameter is exponential ⇒ reachability PSPACE-hard Diameter is polynomial ⇒ reachability in P

Dealing with diameter “Neutralize” the effect of diameter by considering the complexity in terms of the length of the reconfiguration sequence.

The of an algorithm is viewed as a parameterized complexity function of the input and a parameter. A problem is (in ) if the running fixed-parameter tractable FPT time is polynomial in the size of the input and a computable function of the parameter. [Downey and Fellows ‰‰‡]

Diameter ‚† / „ Parameterized complexity

Idea: “Push” the non-polynomial part of the complexity onto the parameter(s). Complexity hierarchy: FPT ⊆ W[] ⊆ W[‚] ⊆ ··· ⊆ W[P] ⊆ XP

Classical complexity Parameterized complexity P FPT NP-hard W[]-hard (or worse)

Possible parameters: Length of reconfiguration sequence (`) Bound on a feasible solution (usually size ) k Properties of the input (e.g. treewidth ) t

Diameter ‚‡ / „ Relating classical and reconfiguration problems

The is the problem subset problem for hereditary property π of finding a subset 0 such that 0 . V ⊆ V G[V ] ∈ π Hereditary property subset reconfiguration Solution: A set of vertices of size at most such that U k G[U] has property π Step: Add or delete a vertex

Hereditary property deletion reconfiguration Solution: A set of vertices of size at most such that U k has property G[V(G)\U] π Step: Add or delete a vertex

Example: Independent set as subset, Vertex cover as deletion

Diameter ‚ˆ / „ General results on parameterized problems

Lemma [Mouawad, Nishimura, Raman, Simjour, Suzuki ‚€ƒ] For hereditary property π that satisfies certain conditions, the following are at least as hard as the classical subset problem: subset reconfiguration reachability parameterized by , I k + ` and

I deletion reconfiguration reachability parameterized by `.

Corollary The following are both  -hard: W[ ] independent set reachability parameterized by , and I k + ` I vertex cover reachability parameterized by `.

Diameter ‚‰ / „ Parameterized complexity case study: Vertex Cover

tree bounded planar bounded bipartite general cactus degree treewidth k

￿ + t P FPT W [1]-hard ￿

[Ito, Demaine, Harvey, Papadimitriou, Sideri, Uehara, Uno ‚€] [Mouawad, Nishimura, Raman, Simjour, Suzuki ‚€„] [Mouawad, Nishimura, Raman ‚€„] [Mouawad, Nishimura, Raman, Wrochna ‚€„]

Diameter ƒ€ / „ Shortest transformation case study: Flip distance

Flip distance Solution: Triangulation of a set of points in the plane Step: Flip a diagonal of a quadrilateral

, and solved Reachability connectivity diameter (always connected, quadratic) [Lawson ‰‡‚] NP-complete [Lubiw and Pathak ‚€‚] Shortest transformation Diameter and shortest transformation Polynomial diameter 6⇒ shortest transformation in P

Shortest transformation ƒ / „ Subsequent work on flip distance

Original problem: APX-hard [Pilz ‚€„], and Shortest transformation fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the flip distance [Kanj and Xia ‚€ ]

Extended to labelled flips: and results Connectivity shortest transformation [Lubiw, Masárová, Wagner ‚€‡]

Upcoming CanaDAM talk Anna Lubiw “Flipping Edge-Labelled Triangulations” Thursday at :‚€ in ENG € Mini-symposium on Topological and Geometric Algorithms, Part II (CM‚‚).

Shortest transformation ƒ‚ / „ Case study: Satisfiability

Satisfiability reconfiguration Solution: Satisfying truth assignment Step: Change one variable from true to false or from false to true

Dichotomy: in P for formulas built from Classical problem , otherwise NP-complete Schaefer relations [Schaefer ‰‡ˆ] and Dichotomy: in P for formulas built Reachability connectivity for (a superset of Schaefer tight relations relations), otherwise PSPACE-complete [Gopalan et al. ‚€€‰], [Schwerdtfeger ‚€ƒ] Dichotomy: linear if reachability is in P, otherwise Diameter exponential

Shortest transformation ƒƒ / „ Shortest transformation case study: Satisfiability

Trichotomy: [Mouawad, Nishimura, Pathak, Raman ‚€„] P for (a subset of tight relations), navigable NP-complete for tight but not navigable, and otherwise PSPACE-complete Generalized to “quantum version” [Gharibian and Sikora ‚€„] Generalized to constraint satisfaction [Wrochna ‚€ ]

Shortest transformation ƒ„ / „ Other research directions: Other problem domains

Upcoming CanaDAM talk Moritz Mühlenthaler “Reconfiguration of Common Independent Sets of Partition Matroids” Today at „: € in this room

Past CanaDAM talk Anna Lubiw “Reconfiguring Ordered Bases of a Matroid” This morning

Other research directions ƒ / „ Examining adjacency

Problems are if an instance is solvable using one equivalent type of reconfiguration step if and only if it is solvable using another type of reconfiguration step. Independent Set: TJ and TAR are equivalent [Kamiński et al. ‚€‚] Clique: TJ, TS, and TAR are equivalent [Ito et al. ‚€ ] New definitions of adjacency [deBerg, Jansen, Mukherjee ‚€†] (MTJ) Multiple Token Jumping TAR Reconfiguration Threshold

Other research directions ƒ† / „ Machinery for PSPACE-completeness results

A is an Nondeterministic Constraint Logic (NCL) machine undirected graph with integer weights on vertices and edges. [Hearn and Demaine ‚€€ ] NCL reconfiguration Solution: An orientation of the edges such that the weight of each vertex is no greater than the sum of the weights of incoming edges Step: Change the direction of one edge

1 1 2 2 2 2

2 2


PSPACE-complete by a reduction from Quantified Boolean Formula [Garey and Johnson ‰‰€]

Other research directions ƒ‡ / „ Toolkit for proving hardness results

Main tools: Mimic hierarchy of reductions for classical problems Use NCL directly or indirectly Use H-word reconfiguration directly or indirectly NCL remains PSPACE-complete for graphs of bounded bandwidth [van der Zanden ‚€ ]

Generalization [Osawa, Suzuki, Ito, Zhou ‚€‡]: Generalized to include neutral, undirected edges Introduce new link gadget Completes classification of complexity of list edge-colouring, P for ƒ and PSPACE-complete k ≤ otherwise

Other research directions ƒˆ / „ New approaches to reconfiguration

What is the optimal solution reachable from a Optimization given solution? Related work on colouring, going from an improper to a proper colouring [Felsner et al. ‚€€‰] [Garnero et al. ‚€†] How can the be Isolated vertices frozen configurations characterized? What is known about the girth of Measuring girth reconfiguration graphs?

Upcoming CanaDAM talk Beth Novick “Structural Properties of Shortest Path Graphs” Today at :‚€ in this room

Other research directions ƒ‰ / „ Open questions

Patterns to explore: Relation between classical complexity and reconfiguration complexity (exceptions known) Relation between diameter and complexity (flip distance is an exception) Relation between symmetric difference and shortest transformation (SAT is an exception)

Open question What properties of problems result in the pattern holding or not?

Are there classes of graphs for which reconfiguration is generally tractable? What algorithm paradigms suit reconfiguration problems?

Open questions „€ / „ Where to learn more about reconfiguration

More talks this session and tomorrow “The Complexity of Change” [van den Heuvel ‚€ƒ] Report on Banff International Research Station workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration, ‚€‡ Reconfiguration mailing list Reconfiguration web portal

Where to learn more about reconfiguration „ / „