Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1938-07-07
Not So Warm Baer Challenged lOW A - Partly cloudy to cloudy Tony Galento Offers to Meet and not ao wvm today, preceded Max In RIq by showers In aouth and exireme See Story pare 3 e ail» OlWU eut; generally fair tomorrow. , 0 UI a C I Y , • M 0 , i , N, • III P P I • " " • • • FIVE CENTS The Alaoelaled Pre.. IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1938 The AIIoeIa&ed Pre.. VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER -328 \ • • • Nippon After Mexico to Sell I W here Cardozo Lies III Former Harlan French Occupy Thil Strikers Ask Year Furthers Oil to Company County Deputy Liberation Of Sino Conquest In New York Shot to Death Union Official Renew De lruction 10 Million Dollars Police Hold Suspect Unanimous1y Reject At Shanghai; Marks Worth of Black Gold For Killing Defendant Governor Kraschel's Grisly Anniversary Mentioned in Contract In Anti-union Trial Peace Compromise SHANGHAI, July 7 (Thurs LONDON, Ky., July 6 (AP) • MEXICO CITY, July 6 (AP) FRANK HUGHES day) (AP) - Exploding bombs Frank Whlte, 36, former Harlan By The Mexican government has NEWTON, Ia., July 6 (AP)- and assassins' bullets today ush contracted to sell $10,000,000 county sheriff's deputy on tratl ParacleI ..landa oa tile IDAp John Carey of New York City, na- ~ed in the fu'st anniversary of worth of oil to DaviS and com with other ex-deputies, Harlan China's armed resistance to Japa coal operators and mining com This map shows the strategic sit- tional president of the C.I.O. Unit pany of New York in a deal de uation of the Paracel islands, oc- ed Radio, Electrical and Machine nese invaders and threw the In scribed tonight as a broad step panies on an anti-union conspir ternational Settlement into tur acy indictm~t, was shot to death cupied by France.
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