Why Can'tjoe College Write?
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5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN Dlt=GO THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1986 VOLUME 58, #18 / Why can'tJoe College write? By WENDY STERN, Staff Writer ERE'S THE situation: It is Sunday night, and you poli sci term paper is due in precisely 14 hours. You sit, H Walkman on one side of you and sunflower seeds on the other. You read the question. You read the question again , and the blank page on your typewriter stares back at you. "Well, what were the theories?" you ask yourself, beginning to flip frantically through your poli sci books for some shred of information that will help you to begin. Suddenly, you here a voice from inside, reminding you of something you had forgotten temporarily. "You are taking the class P/ NP, dope," the voice says. "Why worry about the theories? You only have to get a C- to pass." So on goes the Walkman, out come the sunflower seeds and just like that, you're in business. This situation should not come as a surprise; many students don't seem willing to put in the work required to produce an A paper. To stay up all night is for most, a common occurence, but a whole quaner's wonh of work can't often be done in one night The surprise usually comes when the paper comes back. The entire night was spent slaving over a C+ paper; to some this brings joy and to others, sorrow or anger. Either way, it makes no difference whether you are a poli sci major or a student taking the class P/NP for a GE requirement. The ,/ standards of writing are definitely not "A" material these days. Please tum to page 5 • Golf team in the rough -Til then A silent pun and ten strokes keep You're 47, have three Pat Weishan and the Triton kids and a Ford - golfers from a national what will UCSD be to championship. you then? spare. Page 6 Page 4 2 Thul'oday , May 29, 1986 Thursday, May 29, 1986 3 NEWS NEWS Besides allocating fund s to Presidem of Adininstration. organ Izations, Rubenstcln will Hom's other duties include Offices monitor the cvents and meetings chairing AS Council meetings of student orgam za tions and and a ting as council manager in Vice presidents take office AS meeting ontinued from page 2 makc recommendations as Lhargc of oversecing the orga nizations Ihis year. The necessary a tivitics of other budgel is used to cover some of Greg Hom councilmcmbcrs. By JOHN SHAW, ,<OWn", turns violent Ihc COS ts that stUdent As chairperson of AS Council increase the universIty's organlz,1 ti ons encounter for The appOintment of an AS meetings. H9m wants to ensure office space, supplies, flIers and Eric Weiss "presence in the community Guardian NtwS Writers parliamcntarian and the that time IS used wisely and the through the Lobby Annex events. Rubenstein hopcs to Cut recommendation of mcmbers 10 council is run in accordancc lmprovcd community rclations ncwsletter, letter campaigns and A costs by investigat ing the use and an emphasis on issues that Last night's AS council meeting turned violent when Muir Senator approximatel}' 150 separate wllh propcr procedure. "The AS lobbying. Weiss is attempting of offke supplIes and eliminating Ira Rubensrein, vice presl(:ienr,jinance. commissions are of ImmedIate bottom line IS order and th e Greg Hom , VlCe presiIJeru. adminiStration. effect students directly is tOp Greg MacCrone apparently struck Montgomery Reed Kroopkin, a waste of materials. priority for Eric Weiss as to convey the message to thc onccrn to Greg Hom . Vice effiCIent use of time ." Hom said. communi ty that the needs of member of the new indicator collective. Vice President of External Affairs. According to wimesses at the meeting, Kroopkin WclS standing UC D's pOtential votcrs and direcdy behind MacCrone, in the North Conference Room, when Accordmg to Wels , the AS consumers hould be mct. Weiss is working on the confrontation broke out. MacCrone allegedly punched nceds to "gCt involved with Kroopkin under the armpit after Kroopkin compared MacCrone to EPSON EQUITY I i sucs that affcct students instigating. a student consumer affaIrs bureau at UCSD. trash and garbage. Kroopkin was not seriously injured. directly" such as financIal aid, According to Kmopkin, he halldeQ Macwone an empty coke STARTER SYSTEM The home of the affirmative action, and student CIa and told him that "it suits you." fces. Weiss endorscs a bill that Ira Rubenstein "He raised his fISt, I dodged, and he hit me on my side,h would shift the burden of I(lOgpkin said. EQUITY I financial aid funding from Increased interaction and Eric Weiss, vice president, external affairs. communication with student the cwo alegtdly shoved one another, they feU to the Boor, With 2· Drive, Green I~\ 39¢ hamburger students' fees to othcr sources. IIIIl!dcinK over a planter. organization marks the direction J The safety of students, 'I'As which students are required to in which newly eleCted Vice K\..I'OIiIe choR nOl to comment on the incident, sayin& It Wlsa Monitor, 256K, DOS and professors in university work by lobbying on behalf of President of Financc Ira situadoD." and' chat he ",.,lIed to -a\lOkl runhcr """"r 7 J 40 Miranlar Rd. San Diego laboratories is also of major students for proposals authored Rubenstein intends to guide his EPSON concern to Weiss. Currently, by Senator Nicholas Pettis. office. ~ ~~~~~~~~------------~ALLAMERICANMEAL---_ students are exempt from safety Weiss said he intends to Rubenstein is in charge of Homewriter labor codes in labs. Weiss plays "develop community relations at allocating $60.000 to ~ Quarter Pounder 8 with Cheese or Big M~c ®, ~ an active role in remedying the a municipal, Slate, federal and approximately 70 student Printer & Cable II large Fry, Medium Size Soft Drink L."h " I", I 10 .,1 I .tno II dangerous conditions under university leve1." He plans to Please tum to page 3 1COi.. .. .tie AS when fa. .. AS lIN, who wicnesIedllIJt ........ II L 'Imlt . one coupon per . " . .. 99 11 rvw ¥ItDr, I J $1 teen him aadci. amabel'S or the tn. COMPLETE II cus[Omer, per visit. Please \ . US t • II BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed want hinl 10 be my <l*dia Board) repraemative ... ~----------~~ 00 II present coupon when . (r[u~ tall) II 1IIc(:IOI1e had &een appointed by kiley as AS representame to v=.T-"''''='' J'''~ $1525 II ordering. Not valid with any II .+I)r &tJ(l_1TE W1~ Media Board, which determines the amount of AS funding ~ -~--= other offer. Only at: OF /C.fIIf ANIl K05E5 &Wen to the alternative media, including the new indicator. II il·h' Miramar RJ. II M~1IIfEI{7 Kroopkin alleges that MacCrone was pan of the campaign to cut 5tf1l. 1HE'(1 Good thru San Djq~l~ 6iIT \ back the progressive media bud2et. U•• VE.S.TY .aU.STD.I 7f(11t . Riley, who later withdrew his appointment of MacCrone, o 452-4291 ~ JU~2~1986___ ~ o contends that incident was initiated by Kroopkin and then there COMPUiEll CENTER o ~ were "pushes and shoves, and everything went to heU." UCSD police dectectives wiU be doing a follow.up investigauon. -------------------- according to police sergeant Doug O'Dell. This was the first meeting of the new AS Council. iii SUMMER HOUSING fOCUS: ~ ___-,Jlu'f.L. L/CS'D t;'uau·..Itui'· iIL---_---t 1986 Edilor in Chid" AdvertiSing Manager -MARTIAL ARTS Phd Willon Jan Hansen WARREN COLLEGE An Evening of Performance If Participation The:- lJC,1.) vUolrJIJn IS published Mo.>nd.tys <And ThursrJ.lYS dunn, ItU.' ,I ... "'<l ...·lnh. )· ... Jr hy l!.nd Illr Ih~'" ul.knt)o ",I UCSO IkpruJu~ , ivn or usc t, lth lS IlI,:wspJpcr wtltWUI pt'rmlSSlon b Slrll'!ly prIJllIbncd . II l~tlb ..1 1I fights rC:M:fwJ \Vc J,fl' nut n.·spun~lbk lUI" unsoht.lll-J tnJnu.Sl..npts I,)t ,.1(1 APARTMENTS Vk"WS l'XI)ri.:>)l'tJ tIll n\ll n:prc~' 11I the UPIOIOIU vi Ill\' Umn:r.. ,ty I.)! L.thtd1TII.tut dw ·h:.\k. I. It~'J :,rUJ"'I1L'i..,t UCSO Th l' w.mJI.tn s \·Ju\Jn.t.!s .trc c.k'(crlllllll"!.I by IIw I.Jlh11 IIll:hll.· !. M..m.tgmg LJHlIl , ..... I Jlton. .mJ tlw OptRllln:. LuuOf' The UCSD Guardian , B·016 La Jolla, CA 92093 WHO is ELIGIBLE:· Edilorial: (619) 452-6'80 Business: (6 19) "51-3466 Sat., May 31 7-9 pm· Main Gym (free) The GuaHh.m IS locJu,·d next lu Ihe Ch\" Calc All single undergraduate students, who have lived in a UCSD nousing facility for one quarter ws. IT JII:ff my K Cover by Tom Plonka during the 1985-86 acodemicyeor, are eligible. 11Itfr 11fE ~ OF TIE w.~ 51fX1(_ 9/T1f(£ fi(gltfll(lp ~ Performance: Exhibitions by: MtUJ( ~IIfOOV TEPM OF CONTRACT: !fEN WIlH .:¥" "'-UIIWT Here's some advice that will last a lifetime. Friday, June 20 through Friday, August 29, ....... : / ANt'f10 .F . .-- If you're planning a family, the - A88OCiation for Retarded Citizens ESTIMATED COST: AOINAGI KARATE • TAEKWONDO wants to help you ha\e happy, healthy children. Call or write the $600 for a DOUBLE, $700 for a SINGLE, $60 TANG SOO DO • NINPO TAUUTSU ARC. deposit required with first payment. (Singles on a Our advice can last a lifetime. space available basis only.) • SHAOUN KUNG fU • AIKIDO APPLICATIONS AND INFORN\ATION: SHOTO~' KARATE Help bUIld the arc Association for Retarded CitiZens Available at ALL Resident Dean's Offices beginning Tuesday, May 20, 1986, $1.00 FOR FIRST MONTH* TURN IN APPLICATIONS: Free Drawing following event JUNE 1 - JUNE 30, 1986 At the Warren Resident Dean's Office during Private Storage Spaces For Rent By The Month regular office hours and from 7-11 pmweekday evenings and pm, pm on weekends.